#ру́сский язы́к
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In Russian we don’t say “You’re annoying”, instead we have “ты меня бесишь (ty men'a besish)”, which literally means “You’re turning me into a demon” and this is just too #relatable.
Submitted by @karl-the-not-so-great
#russian#Russian language#russian langblr#ру́сский язы́к#language#langblr#languageblr#languageblog#langblog#language blog#language lover#polyglot#tongueblr#study languages#studyblr#studying#studyspo#study hard#study motivation#vocab#vocabulary#Russian vocabulary#language facts#language families#indo-european#slavic languages#submission#submit#submitted#inlanguagewedontsay
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Some Beautiful languages
The only languages ever mentioned in DA are French, Latin, and Greek. I personally think we need a little variety so here are some languages I find beautiful, feel free to add more. Also if anyone could recommend some poc artist, I’d appreciate it.
Portuguese (Português)
Spanish (Español)
Arabic (العربية)
Italian (Italiana)
Romanian (Română)
Thai (ไทย)
Danish (Dansk)
Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)
Nepali (नेपाली)
Norwegian (Norsk)
Swedish (Svensk)
Hindi (हिंदी)
Hungarian (Magyar)
Polish (Polskie)
Czech ( český jazyk)
Russian (ру́сский язы́к)
Bangla ( বাংলা)
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Russian is hard and I know no grammar 👍
Entries: 2 French: 1 (5 min) Russian: 1 (2 min) Sum: 2 (7 min)
Приве́т! Прия́тно познако́миться! Как де́лаете? Cего́дня пя́тница шестна́дцатое а́вгуста и это моё пе́рвое представле́ние по-ру́сский для вы́зов #SpeakingIn20.
Мне предста́виться. На Тамблер меня зову́т language-dragon. По-русский – драко́н языка́. Меня зовут Марина. Мне два́дцать четы́ре лет и я из Норве́гии. Я – студе́нтка в университе́те, и в университете я учу́сь информа́тика.
Я изуча́ю русский почти́ два года́. Я тоже изучаю францу́зский язы́к, япо́нский язык и англи́йский язык. Я учусь русский на дуолинго и слу́шая подкаста русский с Максом. Иногда́ я слу́шаю ру́сскую му́зыку.
Одно из моих хо́бби – чте́ние. Я люблю соба́к.
Почему я хочу вы́учить русский? Я ду́маю что русский очень краси́вый язык, и поэтому я хочу учи́ться его. Русский красивый язык, но я думаю что произноше́ние и грамма́тика очень трудно...
Так вот, это всё. Пока-пока!
Hello. Nice to meet you! How are you doing? Today is Friday August 16, and this is my first Russian introduction for the #SpeakingIn20 challenge. I introduce myself. On Tumblr, my name is language-dragon. In Russian, that’s drakon yazyka. My name is Marina. I am 24 years old and I am Norwegian. I am a student at a university, and I study computer science. I have studied Russian for nearly two years. I also study French, Japanese and English. I study Russian using Duolingo and by listening to the podcast Russian with Max. Sometimes I listen to Russian music. One of my hobbies is reading. I love dogs. Why do I want to learn Russian? I think Russian is a very beautiful language, and therefore I want to learn it. Russian is a beautiful language, but I think that the pronunciation and grammar is very hard. That’s all. K thx bye.
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so here’s the difference between all these words which supposedly all mean “to learn”!
изуча́ть + Accusative – to study something in depth. ex. Я изуча́ю ру́сский язы́к в университе́те or Он изуча́ет францу́зскую литерату́ру.
учи́ть + Accusative – to learn something, not necessarily in depth.
учи́ться + Prepositional – to study somewhere, to attend school/a place of learning. ex. Когда́ я была́ ма́ленькая, я учи́лась в шко́ле о́коло меня́ or Он у́чится в университе́те.
занима́ться + Instrumental – to do something, take part in something. Kind of like the French construction “faire du...” for those who know French. ex. Я занима́юсь спо́ртом or even Я обы́чно занима́юсь до́ма (I tend to study at home)
Вы́учить – to learn completely. A common phrase is Вы́учить наизу́сть, which means to learn by heart, or to memorize. ex. Я вы́учила стихотворе́ние наизу́сть и я гото́ва к выступле́нию.
Научи́ть – this can be used like “to teach”. Мой профе́ссор научи́л (+ Accusative) меня́ (+ Dative) англи́йскому языку́.
Научить (кого?) (чему?)
Hope this helped!! Удачи!
#russian#russian language#langblr#learning russian#russian langblr#русский#русский язык#studyblr#helpful
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[الميزات الرئيسية]
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ShareMe بديهية وسهلة الاستخدام لديها واجهة ملفات نقل بسيطة ونظيفة وسهلة الاستخدام. يتم فرز جميع الملفات إلى فئات (مثل Music Apps Images) مما يسهل العثور عليها ومشاركتها. استئناف عمليات النقل التي تمت مقاطعتها لا تقلق إذا تمت مقاطعة عملية النقل بسبب خطأ مفاجئ. يمكنك استئنافها بنقرة بسيطة دون البدء من جديد. الأداة الوحيدة لنقل الملفات خالية من الإعلانات في السوق الأداة الوحيدة لنقل الملفات خالية من الإعلانات في السوق. ببساطة UI يجعلك تشعر بالراحة. أرسل ملفات كبيرة دون حصر - مشاركة صور وتطبيقات ملفات الفيديوهات الموسيقية وأي أنواع ملفات أخرى ذات حجم غير محدود للملف. اللغات المتعددة المدعومة: Bahasa Indonesia البنغالية الصينية الإنجليزية Español Português ру́сский язы́к українська мова Tiếng Việt
ShareMe MiDrop- نقل الملفات دون الإنترنت / ما هو الجديد في v1.28.10
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التحميل من هنا
source https://www.tetbekat.com/2019/11/shareme-midrop-transfer-files-without.html
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Ру́сский язы́к ([ˈruskʲɪi̯ jɪˈzɨk] слушать)[~ 3][⇨] — один из восточнославянских языков, национальный языкрусского народа. Является одним из наиболее распространённых языков мира — шестым среди всех языков мира по общей численности говорящих и восьмым по численности владеющих им как родным[9]. Русский является также самым распространённым славянским языком[10] и самым распространённым языком в Европе — географически и по числу носителей языка как родного[7].
Русский язык — государственный язык Российской Федерации, один из двух государственных языков Белоруссии, один из официальных языков Казахстана, Киргизии и некоторых других стран, основной язык международного общения в Центральной Евразии, в Восточной Европе, в странах бывшего Советского Союза, один из шести рабочих языков ООН, ЮНЕСКО и других международных организаций[11][12][13].[⇨]
Число владеющих русским языком в России составляет 137,5 млн человек (2010)[5]. Всего в мире на русском говорят около 260 млн человек (2014)[6].[⇨]
Фонологический строй русского языка характеризуется исторически усложнившейся системой консонантизма, включающей 37 согласных фонем, и сущест��енно менее сложной системой вокализма, в которую входят всего 5 или 6[~ 4] гласных фонем. При этом как в системе гласных, так и в системе согласных отмечается большое разнообразие позиционных видоизменений. В частности, гласные в безударной позицииослабляются и в ряде случаев не различаются. Ударение в русском языке — динамическое, разноместное и подвижное[14][15].[⇨]
По морфологическому строю русский язык преимущественно флективный, синтетический. Грамматическое значение лексем передаётся, как правило, с помощью флексий. Каждая флексия обычно выражает одновременно несколько значений. Наряду с синтетическими формами, в русском языке наблюдается также развитие элементов аналитизма[14].[⇨] Синтаксис русского языка характеризуется относительно свободным порядком слов, противопоставлением однокомпонентных и двухкомпонентных структур простых предложений, наличием трёх видов сложных предложений, активной ролью интонационных средств[16].[⇨]
Лексический состав русского языка в своей основе — исконно русский. Средства пополнения словарного фонда — образование слов по собственным моделям и заимствования. К ранним заимствованиям относят славянизмы, грецизмы и тюркизмы. C XVIII века преобладают голландские, немецкие и французские заимствования, с XX века — англицизмы[16].[⇨]
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Summer Daily 1-10: Day 14
This week’s theme is Slavic languages. Let’s start with the most widely spoken Slavic language, Russian.
Russian (ру́сский язы́к):
1: оди́н (odín) /ɐˈdʲin/
2: два (dva) /dva/
3: три (tri) /trʲi/
4: четы́ре (četýre) /tɕɪ.’tɨ.rʲi/
5: пять (pjat) /pʲætʲ/
6: шесть (šest) /ʂɛsʲtʲ/
7: семь (sem) /sʲemʲ/
8: во́семь (vósem) /���vo.sʲɪmʲ/
9: де́вять (dévjat) /’dʲe.vʲɪtʲ/
10: де́сять (désjatʹ) /’dʲe.sʲɪtʲ/
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Fun with Russian: 9 Greetings, 16 Facts and 6 Proverbs
Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم… In the name of Allah (God), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Assalaamu 'alaikum السّلام عليكم… Peace be unto you
Hiya, Friends! :) Today, I have a special Russian treat in store for you all, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله (God willing). I hope that you guys enjoy our first fabulous tour of Russia on The Word Collector 2, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله. Happy exploring! ;) :)
First things first, let's briefly investigate the geography of Russia, and its principal language...
A political map of Russia
Russia is a country in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia (Eurasia). It extends from the Gulf of Finland to the Pacific Ocean, and it was part of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) from 1922 to 1991. It is the world's largest nation. It surrounds European and Asian countries as well as the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. The country shares its borders with fourteen neighbors: Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, North Korea, Norway, Poland, and Ukraine.
Russia is officially known as, the Russian Federation and it was formerly called, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR)—the official name for modern day Russia before the collapse of the Soviet Union (1917-1991). The capital and largest city in Russia, is Moscow. Russian is the only federally official language of the Russian Federation.
The Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed (Russian: Собор Василия Блаженного), commonly known as Saint Basil's Cathedral, is a church in Red Square in Moscow, Russia. (Wikipedia)
The Russian language is the most geographically-widespread language of Eurasia and the most widely spoken of the Slavic languages. It is also the largest native language in Europe. It is a Slavic language, in the Indo-European family. Its closest relatives are Ukrainian and Belarusian. It is predominantly spoken in Russia and the other countries that were once constituent republics of the USSR. Russian is the official language of Russia, and an official language of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. It is one of the six official languages of the UN (United Nations). Russian is written in the Cyrillic alphabet dating from around the ninth century AD.
As the Latin proverb goes, "Sī fuerīs Rōmae, Rōmānō vīvitō mōre; sī fuerīs alibī, vīvitō sīcut ibī" (If you should be in Rome, live in the Roman manner; if you should be elsewhere, live as they do there), likewise when you're in Russia, you should make use of Russian greetings like native Russians do! ;) Let's give these useful Russian greetings a go, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله.
Dobroye utro! Доброе утро (DOHB-ruh-eh OO-truh!) (Good morning!)
Dobryj dyen'! Добрый день (DOHB-rihy d'ehn'!) (Good afternoon!)
Dobryj vyechyer! Добрый вечер (DOHB–rihy V'EH-ch'ehr!) (Good evening!)
The phrase you use while leave-taking in the evening or just before bed is Spokojnoj Nochi Споко́йной но́чи (spah-kohy-nuhy noh-chee; Good night). The phrase works both for formal and informal situations. It literally means, "peaceful night" in Russian.
To greet a person you know well, say zdravstvuj Здравствуй (ZDRAH-stvooy) (hello) or privyet! Привет! (pree-V'EHT) (Hi!). To greet people you don't know well (or a group of people), say *zdravstvujtye Здравствуйте (ZDRAH-stvooy-t'eh) (hello).
*zdravstvujtye Здравствуйте= be healthy (literal Russian translation)
Note that the first letter v in zdravstvujtye Здравствуйте is silent. Otherwise, it would be hard even for Russians to pronounce!
The informal way to say goodbye in Russian is "Пока" (pah-KA). This simply translates to "bye".
The formal way to say goodbye in Russian is “До свидания” (Dah svih-DA-nee-ye). This literally means "until meeting" and is used pretty much as one word.
The usual way to say goodbye in almost any situation is Do svidaniya! До свидания (duh svee-dah-nee-ye), which literally means "Till (the next) meeting". If you're on informal terms with somebody, you may also say Poka Пока (pah-kah; 'bye' or 'see you later').
The preceding information was taken from the following pages:
The following are 16 impressively fascinating facts on Russian and Russia:
- Russian is the official language in the Russian Federation, which has a population of more than 140 million people. Russian is also spoken in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other republics of the former USSR. Because of the legacy of the Iron Curtain, Russian speakers have a good chance of being understood anywhere from Riga to Belgrade.
- If you plan on being an astronaut, learning Russian is essential. Russian is considered to be the international language of space, and in the event of an emergency instructions are given to astronauts in Russian. Part of training to become an astronaut (really we should say cosmonaut) even includes doing a homestay in Moscow to learn local lingo.
- Russian is the most widespread language over Eurasia. Out of all European native languages it is the largest, and it is the most spoken out of all Slavic languages by a long shot. Overall, it is the 7th most spoken language in the world.
- Russian has proven to be a popular language of study both because of its international prominence and its famous literature works of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Gogol, Chekhov, and other famous writers.
- Russian has the reputation of being a very difficult language to learn, and it is indeed somewhat more difficult for native English speakers than the Western European languages. Nevertheless, Russian is still easier to learn than Chinese, Japanese, or Arabic.
- Russian has about 500 000 words, but only 2000-2500 of them are used frequently. 100 most frequently used words make up 20% of all written and oral speech. A high school graduate's vocabulary usually has 1500 to 4000 words. Those who have graduated from a higher educational institution normally have a richer vocabulary consisting of approximately 8000 words.
- Russian belongs to the group of Indo-European languages, and is therefore related to Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, as well as the modern Germanic, Romance, and Celtic languages, including English, French, and Gaelic. Written examples are extant (in existence) from the tenth century C.E. onwards.
- The vocabulary and literary style of Russian has been greatly influenced by Greek, Latin, French, German, and English.
- The Russian language allows a fascinating way of addressing people to whom you have just been introduced. The person's first name is combined with a modified form of his or her father's first name. If a man's first name is Ivan and his father's first name is also Ivan, you would call him Ivan Ivanovich (Ivan, son of Ivan), and if Ivan had a sister, she would be called Natasha Ivanovna, (Natasha, daughter of Ivan). The -ovich and -ovna suffixes are always appended (attached) to the father's first name and not to the mother's.
- Russia is the general name for the independent, federal republic in eastern Europe and western and northern Asia officially called the Russian Federation.
- In geographical extent Russia is the largest country in the world, spanning two continents and containing more than 100 nationalities.
- Following the fall of Constantinople in 1453, Moscow became the "third Rome" and its new rulers first began to style themselves "Tsar" (from Caesar).
- Russia has more time zones (11) than any other country.
- Russia is home to Europe's longest river, the Volga, at 3690 km (2293 miles). It has more than 200 tributaries that, if counted with the main river, would add up to 357 000 km (221 800 miles).
- Russia is home to the coldest inhabited place on the planet - Oymyakon. On February 6, 1933, a temperature of −67.7 °C was recorded at its weather station.
- The Ter Sami language of Northwestern Russia's Kola Peninsula is on the verge of extinction - just two people speak it. In 2004, there were approximately 100 ethnic Ter Sami of whom two elderly persons speak the language; the rest have shifted their language to Russian.
Russian matryoshka dolls (aka Russian nesting dolls)—a popular traditional symbol of Russia
The above information was taken from the following pages:
Russian language proverbs are words of wisdom created in Slavic languages by Slavic peoples. The proverbs originated from oral history and ancient written texts dating as far back as the 12th century. The Russian language is replete with many hundreds of proverbs (пословица [pɐˈslovʲɪtsə]) and sayings (поговоркa [pəɡɐˈvorkə]). The proverbs express a universal concept, have a moral lesson and provide an insight into many aspects of history, culture, and national character of the people who created them. By the 17th century, the proverbs were collected and documented. They were studied in the 19th and 20th centuries. (Wikipedia)
The following are 6 superbly beautiful Russian proverbs and sayings.
"Slow and steady wins the race" in Russian.
Тише едешь, дальше будешь.
English pronunciation: Tishe yedesh, dalshe budesh.
Literal meaning: The more quietly you go, the further you'll get.
"Life is not a bed of roses" in Russian.
Жизнь прожить — не поле перейти.
English pronunciation: Zhizn prozhit — ne pole pereyti.
Literal meaning: Living (your) life is not like crossing a field.
"No pain, no gain" in Russian.
Без труда́ не вы́тащишь и ры́бку из пруда́.
English pronunciation: Bez truda, ne vitashish i ribku iz pruda.
Literal meaning: Without effort, you won't pull a fish out of a pond.
"Repetition is the mother of learning" in Russian.
Повторе́ние – мать уче́нья.
English pronunciation: Povtoreniya – mat' ucheniya.
Meaning: Repetition is the mother of learning.
"Time heals all wounds" in Russian.
Вре́мя – лу́чший до́ктор.
English pronunciation: Vremya – lutshiy doktor.
Literal meaning: Time is the best doctor.
"Adversity builds character" in Russian.
Без муки нет науки.
English pronunciation: Bez muki net nauki.
Literal meaning: Without torture no science.
The previous information was taken from the following pages:
Sources and Further Reading:
App: "Advanced English Dictionary"
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Okay readers, I hope that you had an amazingly awesome tour of Russia, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله! ;) Stay safe, Wassalaam 'alaikum والسّلام عليكم (and peace be unto you)! :) :-h
Sam Sami
Have a nice day!= Хорошего дня! / Horoshego dnja! (Russian)
#Russian#ру́сский язы́к#Languages#Slavic languages#Eastern Europe#Eurasia#Asia#Russia#Geography#History#Indo-European languages#Facts#USSR#Soviet Union#Art#Proverbs#Sayings#Greetings#Russian greetings#Expressions#Volga River#Во́лга#Moscow#Москва#Europe#Matryoshka dolls#матрёшка#Slavic name suffixes#Suffixes#Slavic countries
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In Russian, it’s grammatically impossible to say “I will win”, only “we will win” - “мы победим (my pobedim)”. This language knows what team spirit is.
Submitted by @karl-the-not-so-great
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Pу́сский язы́к (Russian Language)
You may have noticed that I have been updating posts of Soviet propaganda posters to include the Russian text in the Cyrillic alphabet. I found a wonderful resource online that lets you type in Russian. See Russian Keyboard Online (Русская Виртуальная Клавиатура.) Note that when you are using the page, your keyboard changes to a Russian format and is laid out as shown on the webpage.
I have also been using Google Translate to come up with translations. Often, I will adjust them based on what I perceive the theme to be in the poster. Note that I speak very little Russian, even though I know the alphabet and can usually pronounce the words. If you do read Russian and you find an error in my translations, please contact me with a corrected translation. Your help is much appreciated!
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تحميل تطبيق مشاركة الملفات لهواتف الاندرويد ShareMe (MiDrop) Transfer files without internet 1.28.10.apk
لقد تم تغيير اسم Mi Drop إلى ShareMe.اسم جديد واتصال أسرع. ShareMe - أداة نقل ملفات P2P خالية من الإعلانات تعمل بدون الاتصال بالإنترنت أكثر من 200 مليون مستخدم يستخدمونها. فقط أسأل عنه. شاركني!! -دعم جميع أجهزة أندرويد -مشاركة الملفات دون استخدام الإنترنت أو بيانات الهاتف المحمول -إرسال واستقبال جميع أنواع الملفات -200 مرة أسرع من البلوتوث أعلى سرعة تصل إلى 50M / ثانية -مشاركة الملفات في 1 الصنبور دون خطوة معقدة سهلة الاستخدام والمستخدم واجهة المستخدم ودية.
[الميزات الرئيسية]
نقل ومشاركة جميع أنواع الملفات بسرعة مشاركة الصور وأشرطة الفيديو والتطبيقات والملفات الموسيقية بين الأجهزة المحمولة في أي وقت وفي أي مكان تريد. نقل جميع أنواع الملفات إلى أصدقائك في بضع ثوان. مشاركة الملفات بدون الإنترنت قم بنقل الملفات دون استخدام بيانات الجوال أو الاتصال بالشبكة على الإطلاق. خالية من اتصال الشبكة. خالية من الإنترنت. خالية من بيانات المحمول. يقوم ShareMe بسرعة البرق بنقل الملفات بسرعة 200 مرة أسرع من تقنية Bluetooth. نقل الملفات بين جميع أجهزة Android جميع أجهزة Android مدعومة! استخدم الإصدار المثبت مسبقًا من ShareMe على أجهزة Mi
ShareMe بديهية وسهلة الاستخدام لديها واجهة ملفات نقل بسيطة ونظيفة وسهلة الاستخدام. يتم فرز جميع الملفات إلى فئات (مثل Music Apps Images) مما يسهل العثور عليها ومشاركتها. استئناف عمليات النقل التي تمت مقاطعتها لا تقلق إذا تمت مقاطعة عملية النقل بسبب خطأ مفاجئ. يمكنك استئنافها بنقرة بسيطة دون البدء من جديد. الأداة الوحيدة لنقل الملفات خالية من الإعلانات في السوق الأداة الوحيدة لنقل الملفات خالية من الإعلانات في السوق. ببساطة UI يجعلك تشعر بالراحة. أرسل ملفات كبيرة دون حصر - مشاركة صور وتطبيقات ملفات الفيديوهات الموسيقية وأي أنواع ملفات أخرى ذات حجم غير محدود للملف. اللغات المتعددة المدعومة: Bahasa Indonesia البنغالية الصينية الإنجليزية Español Português ру́сский язы́к українська мова Tiếng Việt
ShareMe MiDrop- نقل الملفات دون الإنترنت / ما هو الجديد في v1.28.10
1. صفحة رئيسية جديدة تمامًا مع وظائف إضافية. ستحب هذه 2. إصلاح إصلاحات المشكلات ذات الصلة 3. تغيير الصفحة المقصودة لتحسين الاتصال من المعرض ومدير الملفات وشاشات مشاركة الملفات الأخرى
التحميل من هنا
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2JNjXrD via IFTTT
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In Russian we don’t say “I don’t care”, we tend to say “Мне по барабану (Mnye po barabanu)”, which literally means “For me, it is on the drum” and I think that’s quite philosophical. The meaning behind this seemingly senseless phrase that doesn’t translate well is the fact that drums are empty on the inside and the instrument’s emptiness serves as a symbol for a person’s indifference. If one is not concerned, one does not care, therefore the head is empty and left without a thought. Same meaning can be applied to a similar saying, which is “Мне до лампочки (Mnye do lampochki)”, meaning “For me, it is until the light bulb”, since the object is empty as well.
Submitted by @annaacat
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In Swedish we don’t say “Speak of the Devil and he shall appear”, we say “När man talar om trollen står de i farstun” which translates to “When you speak of the trolls, they stand in the hallway” and I think that’s kinda neat.
Submitted by @kennethhyvel
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