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language-dragon · 5 years ago
Russian is hard and I know no grammar 👍
Entries: 2 French: 1 (5 min) Russian: 1 (2 min) Sum: 2 (7 min)
Приве́т! Прия́тно познако́миться! Как де́лаете? Cего́дня пя́тница шестна́дцатое а́вгуста и это моё пе́рвое представле́ние по-ру́сский для вы́зов #SpeakingIn20.
Мне предста́виться. На Тамблер меня зову́т language-dragon. По-русский – драко́н языка́. Меня зовут Марина. Мне два́дцать четы́ре лет и я из Норве́гии. Я – студе́нтка в университе́те, и в университете я учу́сь информа́тика.
Я изуча́ю русский почти́ два года́. Я тоже изучаю францу́зский язы́к, япо́нский язык и англи́йский язык. Я учусь русский на дуолинго и слу́шая подкаста русский с Максом. Иногда́ я слу́шаю ру́сскую му́зыку.
Одно из моих хо́бби – чте́ние. Я люблю соба́к.
Почему я хочу вы́учить русский? Я ду́маю что русский очень краси́вый язык, и поэтому я хочу учи́ться его. Русский красивый язык, но я думаю что произноше́ние и грамма́тика очень трудно...
Так вот, это всё. Пока-пока!
Hello. Nice to meet you! How are you doing? Today is Friday August 16, and this is my first Russian introduction for the #SpeakingIn20 challenge. I introduce myself. On Tumblr, my name is language-dragon. In Russian, that’s drakon yazyka. My name is Marina. I am 24 years old and I am Norwegian. I am a student at a university, and I study computer science. I have studied Russian for nearly two years. I also study French, Japanese and English. I study Russian using Duolingo and by listening to the podcast Russian with Max. Sometimes I listen to Russian music. One of my hobbies is reading. I love dogs. Why do I want to learn Russian? I think Russian is a very beautiful language, and therefore I want to learn it. Russian is a beautiful language, but I think that the pronunciation and grammar is very hard. That’s all. K thx bye.
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mountaincryptid · 5 years ago
#SpeakingIn20 - Week 2 (19-25.08)
I didn’t do as much practice as I wanted, but the general impression of my progress this week is under the cut.
Week 2 - 15 minutes
Total - 40 minutes + ?
So this week I only did one recorded session of me speaking, in which I talked about my general plans regarding the rest of the year. It was actually useful, because when I was speaking I realised how much vocabulary regarding furniture or home accessories I forgot or didn’t know.
Other than that, I voiced my thoughts on the series I’m rewatching, but I didn’t record any of that, so I don’t know how long it took me. Generally, I didn’t struggle much with that, but I really need to go back to recording to later check for any mistakes I might have missed making.
Week 2 - 14 minutes
Total - 19 minutes
This week I focused on repeating phrases from videos or recordings from my textbooks to work on pronunciation and I feel like I’m getting slightly better? Maybe? Possibly?
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language-dragon · 5 years ago
August 20 2019: Russian (4.5 min)
French: 1 (5 min) Russian: 2 (6.5 min) Japanese: 1 (3 min)
Sum: 4 (14.5 min)
Привет! Сегодня вто́рник двадца́тое а́вгуста и сегодня я говорю́ об мой дом. Я живу с мой парень. Мы живём в кварти́ре его. В эта кварти́ре, три ко́мнаты. Эти комнаты—гости́ная, ва́нная и спа́льня. Дава́йте я покажу́ вам эта кварти́ру.
Сейчас я в наш гости́ная. Гости́ная совме́стный ко́мната. В эта комната и гости́ную и ку́хню. В гости́ная диван, и в диване две поду́шки и кра́сное одея́ло. Этот одеяло очень тёплое и мне очень нра́виться. У нас тоже есть телеви́зор и большо́е о́кна и шторы.
Я иду в ку́хню. Здесь у нас есть много посу́дный шкаф и в этой шкафе много посу́ды. Эти посуды—таре́лки, ча́шки, стака́ны, и так да́лее. У нас тоже есть столе́шница. В столешница чайник и плита. Я гото́влю еду на плите́. Под плита духо́вка. У нас нет обе́денный стола́ поэтому что наш квартира слишком ма́ленькая.
Сейчас я иду в ва́нной комнате. Здесь у нас есть кран, кран и это вода, и ра́ковина. У нас есть зе́ркало и душ и туале́т и мя́гкие полоте́нца. У нас тоже есть стира́льная маши́на. Стира́льная маши́на для оде́жда. Я думаю что эта машина очень удобно.
Наконе́ц—спальная комната. Здесь—коне́чно крова́ть. Кровать это где я сплю но́чью. В эта комнате у нас есть шкаф для оде́жды. У нас тоже есть стелла́ж с много книг. Мне очень нравиться читать и поэтому у нас есть много книг
Hi! Today is Tuesday August 20 and today I will talk about my home. I live with my boyfriend. We live in his apartment. There are three rooms in this apartment. These rooms are the living room, the bathroom and the bedroom. Ok, let me show you the apartment. 
Now I am in the living room. The living room is a combined room. This room is both the living room and the kitchen. In the living room there is a couch, and on the couch there are two pillows and a red blanket. The blanket is very varm and I like it a lot. We also have a TV and big windows and curtains. 
I go to the kitchen. Here we have a lot of cupboards and in the cupboards there are dishes. Dishes like plates, cups, glasses, and so on. We also have a worktop. On the worktop there is a water boiler and a stove. I cook food on the stove. Under the stove is the oven. We don’t have a dining table because the apartment is too small. 
Now I am going to the bathroom. Here, we have a tap-a tap and that is water-and the sink. We have a mirror, and a shower and a toilet, and soft towels. We also have a washing machine. A washing machine for clothes. I think this machine is very handy. 
Finally there is the bedroom. Here is the bed of course. The bed is where I sleep at night. In this room there is a wardrobe (for clothes). We also have shelves with many books in them. I really like to read, so therefore we have a lot of books.
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mountaincryptid · 5 years ago
#SpeakingIn20 - Day 1 (17.08)
I joined this challenge this week and I’m doing it in Spanish and in Russian. I don’t really feel comfortable posting audio of me speaking, but I’m recording all of it and maybe I’ll post a comparison by the end of the challenge if I see any improvement. Anyways, here’s a summary of the first day. 
I haven’t spoken Spanish properly since the beginning of April (when my classes ended), since then I’ve been mostly using Spanish to read or watch TV shows (so passive skills only) and I wanted to use this challenge to get back to speaking (which was never my strong suit anyway). I’d say my level of Spanish is B2? But not really when it comes to speaking. 
Day 1 - 10 minutes
I introduced myself, talked a bit about my history with Spanish, went on a short rant about the situation of education in my country (mainly, I talked a bit about the teachers’ strike because it was relevant to my timeline of when I stopped practicing speaking), and then I talked about my plans for this challenge for Spanish and Russian. 
I caught a few mistakes basically as soon as I said this out loud and I had a couple of instances where I wasn’t sure how to phrase what I wanted to say, but I usually succeeded in rephrasing it. There were a lot of ‘umm... yyyy....’ but at this point I feel like that’s just how I speak whenever I have to say something longer.  
I’m a beginner in Russian - I don’t have a wide range of vocabulary, I’m still learning grammar concepts and my pronunciation and accent are also far from perfect. I’m using this challenge to change all of this.
Day 1 - 2 minutes
I had to plan almost word for word what I was going to say today so that I could find all the vocabulary I needed (+some new words I didn’t ultimately used). I had to have a vocab list (about 11 words) in front of me when I was speaking. I was really hesitating when I was recording, especially when I was using new words, and partly because of that the final effect sounds horrible and cringy to my ears. Before I heard the recording, I was considering publishing it, but after that I changed my mind. 😂  
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mountaincryptid · 5 years ago
#SpeakingIn20 - Day 2 (18.08)
Today’s summary under the cut. It’s in Spanish for Spanish and in English for Russian.
Day 2 - 15 minutes
Total - 25 minutes
Hoy hablé de la televisión o, mas precisamente, de las series polacas que suelo ver en la tele con mi mamá cuando estoy en casa. (Personalmente, prefiero los servicios de streaming como Netflix y si viviera sola, incluso no tendría la tele. Sin embargo, cuando veo que mi madre está viendo una repetición de mi serie favorita de mi niñez, no puedo negarme el placer de verla también.) Al principio, quería describir el argumento de las dos series, pero al fin hablé mas de los aspectos que a mí más me gustan en estas series y cosas que los autores pudieron haber hecho mejor. 
Entonces, hablé un poquito de lo que pasó en el último episodio del Lugar Bueno, que es mi serie favorita, pero, para ser honesta, no me acordé de muchos detalles, así que esta parte de mi presentación era cortita.
Finalmente, comenté sobre la influencia de la televisión - su papel educativa y informativa. Hable un poco de la situación en Polonia en cuanto a las noticias en las cadenas de televisión publica.
Creo que hoy he cometido menos errores gramaticales, pero tuve que buscar un par de palabras para estar segura. Toda la presentación de hoy era totalmente espontánea, así que estoy bastante contenta con el resultado. 
Day 2 - 3 minutes
Total - 5 minutes
I’m still taking it slow, so today I only did some practice repetition of sentences spoken by a native speaker. I think that’s what I’m gonna do in the next few days as well, because I kind of want become more confident in my pronunciation first, and then move on to speaking my own sentences.  
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