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Planet Diameter Is Defined Based On A Mathematical Equation (Revised)
I- Planet Diameter Equation
Planet Diameter Equation tells ((v1/v2)=(s/r)=I)
(v= planet velocity, r= planet diameter, I= planet orbital inclination, and s= planet rotation periods number in its orbital period- the factors v2,s,r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet)
The equation works from the Earth to Pluto only (the discussion explains the reason)
The planet (v1) is defined by minimum error test-
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity
Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter)
The equation proves Planet diameter creation depends on a geometrical rule- and No creation is done by (random process, initial conditions nor historical unknown factors)
Planet Diameter Equation Concept
The concept tells (Planet Diameter Is Created As A Function In Its Rotation Period And The Rotation Period Is A Function In Its Velocity And The Velocity Is A Function In Its Orbital Distance)
Why are these functions required? Let's answer in following…
Planet safe motion necessitates to have a function between Planet diameter and its orbital distance- otherwise the planet will be broken by its motion-
BUT - The designer can't create a function contains the planet diameter and its orbital distance only – because – If the planet changes its orbit (for any reason) its diameter will be broken also- because the diameter depends directly on its orbital distance
For that reason- The designer created the planet diameter as a function in its rotation period and the rotation period as a function in its velocity and the velocity as a function in its orbital distance- for that- If a planet changes its orbit this planet diameter will not be broken- but – this planet will change its rotation period, its velocity and its orbital period but the diameter will be saved.
This is the case of Mars- (Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus) and Mars had migrated- for that Mars had changed its velocity, rotation period, orbital period and also its orbital inclination but Mars diameter is saved- as a result- Mars gives us a good chance to support the planet diameter equation concept because Mars diameter is created depended on its original orbit and Mars data proves this fact- means- Mars diameter equation analysis proves both facts (the Equation concept) and (Mars Migration) as we will see in Mars diameter equation discussion
(Mars Migration Theory is discussed and proved in point no. 15)
II- The Equation Geometrical Features
The Paper Tests The Planet Diameter Equation And Discusses The Geometrical Rules Behind It-
BUT -the equation geometrical features provide and prove a new vision for the solar system- In fact – Many theories are refuted by the equation geometrical features- the equation forces us to see the matter and space by a different vision-
The change is done by the planets data – as the equation itself proves – let's deepen our understanding for this idea
The physics book tells, Planet creation data (and its diameter) is created by (Random process, initial conditions and historical unknown factors) –this idea is told by the Big Bang theory (No proof for it, but it's accepted simply)- Now – The equation disproves this idea –Planet diameter equation concludes each planet diameter theoretically
If the data can be concluded theoretically and by mathematical calculations only– that disproves the creation by random process– and forces us to accept that – The Matter Dimensions Are Created Depending On Geometrical Rules- here the change is done- because the planets data is in comparison with the imaginary ideas –
I wish I explained the planet diameter equation importance- because – the equation moves deeply inside the original energy from which the matter is created and it tells us how the matter is created and how the matter dimensions are defined-
Again- The concluded ideas here depend on the planets data – as we have seen with the random process- the book tells (by random process the diameter is defined) and (the historical unknown factors have effects on the creation) – we can't go in history to see if this is the truth.
We know –for example –Uranus diameter is 51118 km and the planet diameter equation tells all planets diameters are defined by one equation and one geometrical rule – that tells the random process (is imaginary idea) and the historical effects are unreal-
The next feature tells– the matter creation process is NOT a historical one- shortly – the creature strong muscle is seen as a rock but it depends on the blood motion- If the motion is changed the rock dimensions will be changed also- this feature tells - The matter is produced by the motion- (we have to explain this meaning later)
Let's refer to the planet diameter equation geometrical features in following
The Equation Geometrical Features
Planet Creation Data Depends On Exact Equations
The Matter is Created Based On The Motion
The Planet Diameter Equation Effect Depends On The Transportation of Motion Among The Planets.
The Transportation of Motion Causes To Accumulate The Motion Energy
The Planet Diameter Equation Depends On The Earth Moon Motion
III- The Equation Geometrical Features Discussion
(First Feature)
Planet Creation Data Depends On Exact Equations
This feature we have discussed already-The Matter Dimensions Are Defined And Created Based On Geometrical Rules and that causes the planets creation data to be defined by exact equations.
(Second Feature)
The Matter is Created Based On The Motion
The basic proved idea by the planet diameter equation features is this one – let's try to explain it in following
The idea tells– An energy moves and by its motion, the motion features are defined– and this energy is changed into matter (for us) - by that- the matter dimensions are defined based on these motion features.
The idea tells, the matter dimensions are defined in harmony with its motion features, that tells, the motion features are defined before the matter creation and the matter data is created in harmony with these motion features– let's use one example to explain this idea
Let's suppose the space is similar to the sea of water– by that- the distance from the Sun to Pluto is similar to one sea of water (or One Ocean)
The planet matter is similar to a whirlpool (vortex) found on the sea page –
The whirlpool is the best example- it shows how the matter dimensions are defined depends on the motion features
Let's suppose–
There's a whirlpool its diameter = 5 meters- this diameter is defined by the water motion features (its velocity, its pressure, its amount, its direction, …...etc), The whirlpool dimensions and geometrical design depends on the motion features-
But- the whirlpool form is distinguish from the moving water, and its geometrical form can be without change with the time.
Also the whirlpool creation process is not a historical one- because the water motion features define the whirlpool dimensions and design- If the motion is changed that will change the whirlpool dimensions or even may remove it totally
We remember the creature strong muscle example- the muscle creation depends on the blood motion features- if the motion features are changed the muscle dimensions and form will change also.
No historical process is used here–means- the creation requirements are required daily and can't be changed in any time otherwise the created matter will be changed also-
This idea causes a great change in our vision toward the matter creation and motion- because– It tells the matter motion depends on the energy motion- that tells (The matter is moving by nature) because (the energy is moving by nature)
That contradicts the classical idea tells (the matter is motionless by nature)- which causes to use the mass gravity as the matter motion reason- BUT- If the matter is moving by nature that removes all reasons for the mass gravity use-
(notice – the mass gravity is a fact but Newton definition is wrong- I redefine it in point no.3-5)
Let's return to our whirlpool- simply the whirlpool is carried by the sea water and moves by it – even if the whirlpool doesn't move with the sea waves and moves by a different velocity to the sea waves but still the water motion is the reason of the whirlpool motion- means – the matter moves by the energy motion- and the matter is created from this energy- means- The matter is created from an energy and this matter moves by this energy motion- this is a correct conclusion- because the planet creation and motion should be done by the same one force – otherwise – this planet will be broken because 2 forces have effects on it- that shows why Newton theory of the sun gravity is wrong-
Also the water is moving through the whirlpool, means, the whirlpool doesn’t store the sea water inside it- on the contrary- the input water equal the output water through the whirlpool- that means- the motion is transported through the whirlpool-
Let's suppose we have 9 whirlpools on one canal of water- the moving water moves through all these whirlpools- imagine we put some (red or blue) color on the canal water far from the whirlpools, the color will move with the moving water and passes through all whirlpools – that proves the motion is transported among the whirlpools- this is a very important feature– because– the planet diameter equation effect depends on the motion transportation among the planets.
Let's compare between the planet creation classical vision and the suggested vision by the planet diameter equation.
The classical vision tells
The planet is a rigid body created independently from the space and the other planets, and
The planets creation data is defined by random process, initial conditions and historical unknown factors- and the matter is motionless by nature for that it needs to move by the mass gravity force- also– the planet creation process is a historical event, and
The planet motion depends on its mass and for that the harmony between (any other planet data and its motion is found by pure coincidence), and
The classical vision doesn't know (how is the matter created?) nor (from what energy the matter is created?)
The suggested vision tells
The matter is created depends on the motion features that causes (The Matter Dimensions Are Defined By Geometrical Rules)- as a result (The Planet Creation Data Is Defined Based On Exact Equations)
That creates the harmony between the matter dimensions and its motion features-
The matter is moving by nature – for that – No mass gravity is required for the matter motion- and
The matter creation is not a historical event – the creation requirements are required daily
The motion is transported among the planets because (the space mechanical features and the matter new vision) – later be explained in details.
I wish I explained clearly the idea –
The gap between the classical vision and the suggested one can be seen clearly
The classical vision considers the planet as (A Rigid Body Is Created By Random Creation And Without Any Design Found Before Its Creation)
BUT -the suggested vision considers the planet as (A matter Is Created By Rules) –as in the double production experiment – from Gamma ray one electron and one positron can be created- the two particles masses and charges are known before the creation- now – the creation process is done based on geometrical and physical rules- and the creation data is defined before the creation.
It's a real gab in understanding because the classical vision deals with some (unknown player- its data and dimensions are defined by random and without any rules)
where the suggested vision deals with (A Geometrical Point)- where the geometrical point all data is defined by geometrical rules- that causes the gap between the found theories and the solar system facts and truth.
(Third Feature)
The Planet Diameter Equation Effect Depends On The Transportation of Motion Among The Planets.
The equation concept tells (Each planet diameter is a function in its rotation period and the rotation period is a function in its velocity and the velocity is a function in its orbital distance)
Now let's ask (What's the force causes each planet to define its diameter as a function in its rotation period and the rotation as a function in its velocity?)
It's The Transportation of motion- let's use an example to explain this idea
Imagine we have a river of water moves through the desert- the river passes through many points in the desert and each point defines its data based on the river motion features- for example – one point has some trees and palms (they will be irrigated by the river water) and – another point has some holes (these will be filled of water) – and another point has houses (these houses will suffer from the river water) –
I want to say, the transportation of motion causes to define the motion energy trajectory and this energy does effect on each planet data- that explains how the planet diameter equation depends on the transportation of motion among the planets.
Again this meaning I have concluded from the planets data analysis because
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves in its rotation period (153.3 h) a distance (2593836 km)
Earth (29.8 km/s) moves in its day period (24h) a distance (2574720km) (error 1%)
The moon moves per solar day a distance = the Earth motion distance per solar day because they revolve around the sun together and aren't separated from one another
The Moon Orbital Apogee Circumference = 2550973 km (error 2%)
The data tells (4 distances are equal -max error 2%)- I concluded– this is a result for the motion transportation- (someone told "Pure Coincidence") but the deep analysis for the three planets data prove it's surely the result of the transportation of motion-
In fact– The planet diameter equation depends on this transported motion among the planets – let's refer to this motion in details
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves in its rotation period (153.3 h) a distance (2593836 km)- this motion is transported from Pluto to Neptune, then to Uranus and then to Saturn and then to Jupiter and from Jupiter to Venus and then from Venus to the Earth moon-
The paper examines each planet data to prove that these planets diameters and data is defined by the effect of this Pluto transported motion (point no.8)
The next question is
Can The Motion Be Transported Among The Planets?
The answer is written in 2 points
(First Point) (Space Has Mechanical Features)
Let's start with a question asks (Where's The Planet Motion Energy?)
Any moving body produces motion energy (1/2mv^2), but where's the planet motion energy?
The planet can't store its motion energy in its own body because the energy would raise the planet temperature– and – No planet temperature is raised by its motion-
The question is still unanswered
I suppose - the planet motion energy is stored in the space –
I suppose – the space is similar to the sea of water and the planet motion through the space is similar to a fish motion through the water sea – as the fish motion energy creates waves in the water sea, the planet motion energy creates waves in the space – now the waves are produced by the planet motion energy are similar to the sea water waves, these waves can move far from their sources and can be reflected–these waves are typically similar to the sea water waves-
Shortly- the planets motions energies are stored in the space in waves form
(Second Point)
The Motion Transportation Among The Planets
Shortly- the space waves can't transport the motion among the planets If (the planet is a rigid body created independent from the space and the other planets)
Means- Even If the space mechanical features are proves, these can NOT transport the motion among the planets If The planet classical definition is NOT changed
On the other side
If the planet is similar to a whirlpool found of the sea page–the motion can be transported simply in this case – Means the transportation of motion needs 2 proves
(First Proof) The Space Mechanical Features
(Second Proof) The Matter New Vision
These 2 features together can enable the transportation of motion among the planets
Notice No. (1)
The planet diameter equation depends on the transportation of motion- the paper follows the motion which is transported from Pluto to the Earth moon- the paper analyzes each planet data to show and prove that the planet diameter and data depends on this same motion transported from Pluto to the Earth moon –
I want to say
These ideas I put here aren't my invented ideas – I try to explain the planet diameter equation features – for that – I wish the respectful reader will pay attention for the equation geometrical features because they are the reason of this whole vision-
Simply- the ideas depend on the planets data and the equation geometrical features-
Notice No. (2)
The gravitational waves are very similar to the space waves I describe here- by that I suppose the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies – in fact – the scientists have discovered waves in the space and they called them as (gravitational waves) wrongly because they believe the sun produces a gravitational field and the planets move by the sun gravity– because the classical idea tell (the matter is motionless by nature and needs the mass gravity to cause its motion)
The new vision shows that the matter is an energy (moves by nature) for that no mass gravity is required for the planet motion-
I have refuted Newton theory of the sun gravity (No planet moves by the sun gravity) Also the sun data disproves the sun massive gravity idea because the sun rotation period (25.4 days at equator) and (34.4 days at the pole) shows that the sun has no massive gravity- shortly- The Sun Produces No Gravitational Field
(Fourth Feature)
The Transported Motion Causes To Accumulate The Motion Energy
Let's use an example to explain the idea
We have a machine of gears – the gears move by the following system
The first gear rotates around its axis 5 rotations to enable the second gear to rotate one rotation
The second gear rotates around its axis 5 rotations to enable the third gear to rotate one rotation.
The third gear rotates around its axis 5 rotations to enable the fourth to rotate one rotation.
By this system -the first gear has to rotate 125 rotations to enable the second to rotate 25 rotations, and the second gear 25 rotations cause the third gear to rotate 5 rotations, and the third gear 5 rotations causes the fourth gear to rotate one rotation
By this motion system, The solar system moves,
Shortly, the motion is transported among the planets but the transported motion caused to accumulate the motion energy- means- The Solar System Store All Planets Motions Energies Into One Unified General Energy-
This discussion is divided into 2 parts
(First Part) (The Energy Accumulation Method)
The Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time
The planets matters and their distances are created from one energy (as discussed)
This energy is provided by one light beam,
The planets are geometrical points found on this same light beam and move with it
The planets matters are similar to carriages in one train where the light motion is this train engine-
The light moves one motion, passes one distance in one period of time, for that all planets have to move this same motion, and to pass this same distance in this same period of time –
The planets velocities are NOT equal light velocity- for that – the planets motions use different rates of time –
In details – one second of light motion equal one solar day of a planet motion- this is the main rate of time in the solar system- but there are also other rates of time used among the planets- the general rate of time is that (one hour of Mercury motion =24 hours of any other planet motion)
The using of the rates of time accumulates the energy – the data can help –
Mercury moves in one hour a distance = 0.17 million km but the planets motions distances total per solar day =17.75 million km (including the Earth moon motion) – Now – All motions energies are stored in the space – means – according to Mercury clock- during one hour – In place to find energy of a distance =0.17 million km, the real energy is of a distance =17.75 million km (around 105 folds) that causes to accumulate the planets motions energies-
Can The Planet Motion Energy Be Stored In The Space?
We accepted that, the space is similar to the sea of water and the planet motion energy is stored in the space in waves form-
Now let's see in details how the planets motions energies are stored in the space
The planet motion energy is stored in the space in waves form, these waves are similar to the sea water waves, these waves move freely far from their sources and can be reflected.
The planets revolve around the sun in one direction- for that- the planets motions energies waves move in one direction toward Pluto (Perpendicular on the revolution direction)- and– in Pluto orbit the energies waves are unified together into one unified wave contains the planets motions energies total –
Then the unified wave is reflected in the solar system three time which are
(First Reflection) The unified energy wave is reflected from Pluto toward Venus, (this energy trajectory we analyze for the planet diameter equation discussion)
The energy is reflected from Pluto to Neptune then to Uranus the to Saturn
(Second Reflection) The unified energy wave is reflected inside Saturn body (Where Saturn body is similar to two mirrors and the energy is reflected between them), and the energy left Saturn moves in its original direction toward Venus
(Third Reflection) The unified energy wave is reflected from Venus to Mars and the unified energy wave is stored in the Earth moon orbit
The Planets Motions Energies Total Is Stored In One Wave Revolves Around The Sun Through The Earth Moon Orbit.
How Can The Planet Motion Energy Be Accumulated?
The planets motions energies total is stored in one wave revolves around the sun through the Earth moon orbit- In this wave the solar system motion energy is stored- let's examine that deeply
The Unified Wave Moves By A Velocity = The Planets Velocities Total = 205.8 km/s
(It contains the Earth moon velocity = The Earth Velocity 29.8 km/s)
By that the unified wave velocity is 205.8 km/s
The planets revolve around the sun – let's suppose the sun is NOT found – and the planets and the unified wave revolve around a point in space – what would happen?
The wave revolves around the space point by a velocity =205.8 k/s
The revolution causes to create Two Velocities on the revolution trajectory two sides - both velocities are equal and opposite in direction- that causes the total to be Zero –
Means–the revolution motion creates an stationary point in the revolution center- by that- even if the sun is not found- the point of space in the revolution center will be stationary point and its velocity is (Zero) relative to the unified wave velocity
Now – we have two velocities
The unified wave velocity (=205.8 km/s) and the sun point of space velocity (Zero)
Here there's a relative motion created between these two velocities
The relative motion stores the motion energy- means-
The unified wave velocity (205.8 km/s) relative to the sun point of space (Zero) stores the motion energy in a relative motion form- and – the velocity (205.8 km/s) is increased daily by the planets motions energies by that this value (205.8 km/s) is the minimum difference between the two points velocities because it increases day after day creating more strong relative motion between the two points.
By that the motion energy is stored in this relative motion-
This is similar to an acceleration for a particle, the energy is stored in the particle relative motion velocity and the other motions features and the energy can be restored from this particle when it be required.
When the energy is required to be used? Because the energy can't be stored in the space forever?? The answer is in the next point.
(Second Part) (The Energy Using Method)
The previous discussion concluded that-
The planets motions energies are stored in a relative motion between two velocities- the unified wave velocity (205.8km/s) and the point of space velocity (Zero)
The relative motion energy is increased because this different velocity (205.8km/s) is increased day after day by the planets motions energies (and the effect of the rates of time using)
As a result – the different velocity (205.8 km/s) is increased greatly to be equal speed of light (300000 km/s)
When the different velocity be so great as speed of light (300000 km/s), the energy is used to create The Sun Rays
The fact is that –
The Sun is NOT doing nuclear fusion to produce its rays, but the planets motions energies are accumulated together into one unified energy from which the sun rays is created- The Sun Is A Phenomenon Created By The Planets Motions Energies Total And The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion.
I have a strong proof for this theory which is
(a new article) This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
The article tells The Gravitational Waves Can Create Light Beam And Can Move By High Velocity Motion.
The idea is logical perfectly
The planets motions energies are stored and should be used- and here we see how the energy is stored and in what using the energy is required.
Of course– I refuse to name the waves as (gravitational waves)– because I prove these waves are produced by the planets motions energies but the article reaches to the same conclusion- and tells us- the (gravitational) waves can move by high velocity motion and the light beam can be produced by the motion energy removing the sun nuclear fusion mystery.
The paper proves strongly the two theories which are
(The Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time) (point no.10)
(the sun is not doing nuclear fusion to produce its rays- instead – the planets motions energies total is used as the source of energy to produce the sun rays) (point no. 11)
(Fifth Feature)
The Equation Depends On The Earth Moon Motion
The planet diameter equation depends on the Earth moon motion – because (the moon rotation period = the moon orbital period=27.3 days)- the periods equality causes the factor (s) to be = (1) for the moon motion for that the equation depends on the moon motion-
The idea still needs explanation because we know the moon is created after all planets creation- how can the planet diameter equation depend on its motion?
The fact is that- in past – Venus rotation period was = Venus orbital period =243 days and for that the factor (s) for Venus motion was equal = (1) and the planet diameter equation depended on Venus motion to define all planets diameters- but later – a great event is done and decreased Venus orbital period to be 224.7 days – and that cause Venus motion to be useless for the planet diameter equation – and because the diameter creation process is NOT historical process, the equation needs another planet provide this same features (is orbital period = its rotation period) for that reason Venus motion causes effect on the moon motion and caused the moon rotation period to be = the moon orbital period =27.3 days and by that the planet diameter equation depends on the moon motion.
The paper proves the planet diameter equation dependency on the moon motion and also proves Venus rotation period was equal = its orbital period =243 days, the paper also proves the great event which caused to change Venus orbital period to be 224.7 days.
IV- The Paper Hypothesis
The Matter Is An Energy Moves By High Velocity
V- The Hypothesis Explanation
This meaning can be concluded by Lorentz transformation- while we accelerate a particle- the particle mass is increased but no great acceleration is done for its velocity- means- The energy is used to increase the mass and not to accelerate the particle velocity- that tells – The high velocity motion causes to create the matter and increase the mass- while no higher velocity can be accelerated
This hypothesis is discussed and proved in Part Two of this paper (Point NO. 12)
The Paper Contents
The paper is divided into two parts
Part No. One
This part tests and discusses the planet diameter equation and its geometrical features in details – this part contains the points from (No.3 to Point no. 9)
Part No. Two
This Part Discusses The Paper Hypothesis (The Matter Creation Process) and proves the planets motions using of the rates of time and proves the sun rays is created by the planets motions energies total. this part contains the points from (No.10 Point no. 18
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow (2010-2013)
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Начальный урок — задаром. Курсы английского языка скачать. Познакомьтесь с личным будущим педагогом и разузнайте ваш уровень английского на пробном уроке. Учиться английскому языку онлайн бесплатно.
Принадлежащая нам школа существует с июля 2011 г. Изучение английского топ 10. За этот период мы помогли достичь цели 14000 ученикам. Как практиковать разговорный английский самостоятельно. Обучение английскому по Скайпу в «Инглекс» — это реальное общение с учительницей, а не скучная процедура от «звонка до звонка». Английский язык online бесплатно.
Всем известно, что для большинства студентов критичным моментом при выборе учебного заведения является индивидуальность преподавателя. Учеба английского языка. Потому-то наш приоритет — выбор осведомленных педагогов, которые не просто прекрасно объясняются по-английски, но также могут предоставлять собственные знания и заинтересованы в прогрессе учеников. Английский язык для программистов самоучитель.
Наши учителя и студенты рассеяны не только лишь по всей Российской федерации, но и по всему земному шару. Аудио английский средний уровень. Английский язык по Skype — комфортный формат, который дает возможность им дистанционно встречаться несколько раз еженедельно в подходящей обстановке онлайн-уроков и разговорных клубов. Английский для среднего уровня ютуб. Присоединяйтесь. Как быстро выучить английский язык в домашних условиях.
Реклaма - Инфopмация o рeкламодатeлe пo cсылкам в oписaнии
Английский язык начало обучения #Английский #язык #начало #обучения
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:) pretty much done with the beginner-intermediate course on Russianforfree revising it now and starting to look at cases......... I do really like their courses it was well built up i could follow it, it felt easy but for sure built up enough basics that I can follow easy content!! I would also recommend looking not only at the classes but also the vocab lists? Esp! Numbers!! There's always. Numbers. I hate numbers but they are sadly important. I also found putting it all into Anki very helpful not just my pretty notebook.
Also extremely helpful? comprehensible Russian podcast! Which is also an amazingly well built resource he's really really good at making it super easy to follow and understand while still being interesting??? I find the podcast easier than the YouTube including the YouTube labeled as A2. But idk whatever is your preference!
Idk if these would have helped as much without like help from Em whenever I have literally any silly question⁉️ and also with the listening content. And with the little drawings 🥺 so I'm very privileged 💜 yay 🥰
but like idk feeling good about myself reaching this far in a little over two months!!! So much joy!!🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
#russian#russian langblr#learning russian#Русски язык#Изучать русский#Я не могу говорить но я могу слушать :)#И я изучаю читать. Это трудна.
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Как изучать английский язык бесплатно, с носителем через интернет
Как изучать английский язык бесплатно, с носителем через интернет. Начну с того что сам его знаю не очень, только то что качается моей работы. И больше это качается тех кто уже имеет средний уровень знаний. Например мой сын в в 15 лет после плотного изучения для себя там нашел новое. Но и до этого в онлайн играх он переписывался и переговаривался со своими одногодками. Люди постарше не любят особо играть, точней сказать не все. А изучит английский имеют желание. Тем более что понятие английског... Читать дальше »
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I swear I write other works, just write matchups faster sjdhhdh
#[📂] — voice from under the bed#ты знаешь#это как время когда были в моде 'кто твой парень/девушка/кот/родители из аниме' и 'какая будет реакция персонажем на тебя'#только это ещё лучше#у меня всегда были какие-то тёрки с match making#я могу изучать персонажей и людей только когда они взаимодействуют с кем/чем-либо#но нигде кроме tumblr я не могу выразить это<///3#фикбук не в счёт#разве что с помощью блогов которые там встроили#но#угм
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❌💧Arlefuri ❌💧- my life
Люблю их🥺🥺🥺Из-за того, что я увлеклась арлефури очень сильно (наравне с соусарой), я вчера полезла изучать их характеры и хот�� какие-то имеющиеся взаимоотношения полностью, и углубилась настолько, что окунулась в лор Каэнри’ах и в то, что было, пока землей Тейвата правили еще драконы… Я просто в шоке
Love them🥺🥺🥺 Due to the fact that I was very attracted to arlefuri (along with sousara), yesterday I went to study their characters and at least some existing relationships completely, and went so deep that I plunged into Khaenri'ah Lore and into what happened while the land of Teyvat was still ruled by dragons… I'm just in shock.
#artists on tumblr#арт#диджитал арт#art#small artist#artwork#artist#cute art#genshin impact#genshin fanart#genshin fluff#arlechinno genshin#furina#arlefuri#arlecchino#genshin ship#aesthetic#❌💧
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вопрос по Гордому Отцу:
Би и Клиф имеют какие-то привычки что подхватили у Сентентила? (Они пытались ему подражать?)
не беспокойтесь о том что вопрос был продублирован, я понимаю!
Да. Опекун — первый в очереди объект для подражания. Конечно, дети не всегда что-то перенимают от родителей, но некоторые привычки все же могут быть.
В нашем случае Клиффджампер перенял больше поведение Сентинел, потому что, ну, в фильме о нем буквально ничего неизвестно, кроме того что чел так то учавствовал в гонке. Так что, мы можем приписать ему абсолютно рандомный характер и строить на этом всю его личность, лол
Би, в свою очередь, больше походит по манере речи. Он все еще гиперактивный болтун, но в угоду того что это АУ, его заносчивая разговорчивость имеет свои границы и Би следит за тем, чтобы он не перегружал свой вокодер. Ну и, он любопытный бот который любит изучать что-то новое, так что чувак нередко зависает с Опекуном. (Сентинел сделал что-то вроде: знаете, я всегда был любознательным. И вот, настал мой черед учить этих чадо любопытству)
Бонус: как помощник Зета Прайма на стажировке он, как и его опекун идеалист тщательно следит, чтобы все было идеально
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Провожать Антона в университет, конечно же, поехал отец. (Of course, Anton's father went to see him off to university)
Перед самым первым занятием парень сел за выполнение контрольных заданий. Он бы и курсовую работу написал, если бы время было. (Before the very first class, the guy sat down to do his tests. He would have written a term paper if he had had time)
Уверившись, что не опозорится в первый учебный день, Антон начал заглядываться на соседок по общежитию. Уж больно он хотел хоть с кем-нибудь впервые поцеловаться. (Having made sure that he wouldn't embarrass himself on the first day of school, Anton began to look at his dorm neighbors. He really wanted to kiss someone for the first time in his life)
Одна из соседок мечтала о том же и даже помогла ему сделать стойку над бочонком с пуншем, (One of his neighbors dreamed of the same thing and even helped him make a stand over a punch keg,)
но понравилась Антону другая, которая даже принимала его робкие ухаживания. (But Anton liked another girl, who even accepted his timid advances)
Оставшись после занятий в университете, Антон сделал курсовую работу и обратил внимание на рыжеволосую девушку, не сводящую с него взгляд. (Staying at the university after classes, Anton did his term paper and noticed a red-haired girl who kept looking at him)
Глубокой ночью, когда он крепко спал, эта девушка вновь пришла на него посмотреть. (Late at night, when he was fast asleep, this girl came to look at him again)
Впрочем, в общежитии творилось разное: от драк до эксгибиционизма, поэтому преследование не казалось чем-то особенным. (However, in the dorm, all sorts of things happened: from fights to exhibitionism, so the stalking didn't seem like anything special)
На следующий день Антон отправился в музыкальную академию, чтобы определиться, кем быть. (The next day, Anton went to the music academy to decide what to be)
Театр, как всегда, начинается не с вешалки, а с буфета. (The theater, as always, begins not with a coat rack, but with a buffet)
После не особо удачного выступления без толп восторженных поклонниц, бросающих в него трусики, Антон понял, что сцена не для него. (After a not very successful performance without crowds of enthusiastic fans throwing panties at him, Anton realized that the stage was not for him)
Он захотел изучать биологию. Это никак не поможет ему осуществить цель жизни - стать акулой бизнеса, но сериалы о медиках ему очень нравились. Он мало чего понимал в медицине, поскольку технических навыков не хватало, зато видел как перед врачами раздеваются симпатичные пациентки. (He wanted to study biology. It would not help him achieve his life's goal of becoming a business shark, but he really liked TV series about doctors. He understood little about medicine, since he lacked technical skills, but he saw how pretty patients undressed in front of doctors)
Утро перед экзаменом было волнительным, но Антон был готов. Он штудировал учебники, делал задания, пил литрами газировку, ловил халяву в форточке и теперь рассчитывал получить высший балл. (The morning before the exam was exciting, but Anton was ready. He studied textbooks, did assignments, drank liters of soda, caught freebies in the window and now expected to get the highest score)
Его ожидая полностью оправдались, он попал в список лучших студент��в, а на повышенную стипендию он купил холодильник и микроволновку, чтобы не заработать гастрит на печеньях с чипсами. (His expectations were fully justified, he got on the list of the best students, and with the increased scholarship he bought a refrigerator and a microwave so as not to get gastritis on cookies and chips)
Сделав заранее курсовую работу, Антон был готов к сдаче экзаменов в первые же дни второго семестра. Рыжая девушка, похоже, взяла в привычку сидеть в комнате парня, пока тот спит. (Having completed his coursework in advance, Anton was ready to take exams on the first days of the second semester. The red-haired girl seemed to have taken to sitting in the guy's room while he was sleeping)
Пока Антон мечтал закончить первый курс на отлично, девушка то приглашала его потанцевать, то делала ему массаж. (While Anton dreamed of finishing his first year with flying colors, the girl would either invite him to dance or give him a massage)
И сердце парня не могло противостоять такому напору. Он влюбился. (And the guy's heart couldn't resist such pressure. He fell in love)
Первый курс позади, Антон впереди: сдал все экзамены на отлично и снова объявлен лучшим студентом. А думы парня вновь о курсовой работе. Ну какая тут любовь? (The first year is over, Anton is ahead: he passed all his exams with flying colors and was once again declared the best student. And the guy's thoughts are again about his coursework. Is there any room for love here?)
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Best Greetings
There are 12 new facts in the solar system I have discovered –I put them in 12 articles
The current article discusses the fact No. (7)
(Fact No.7) The Gravitational Waves Can Be Reflected
The idea is summarized in 4 points
(POINT NO. 1) (The Hypothesis)
I refuse the idea tells
(The Gravitational Waves Are Created By The Gravitational Field)
The sun does NOT create any gravitational field – there are 3 proves for this idea
No planet moves by the sun gravity- where - the planet moves by the force which caused its creation – means- the planet motion and creation is done by One Force only – otherwise – this planet will be broken by effect of 2 forces on it
Shortly – the planet safe motion proves that ONE Force Causes the planet creation and Motion
The sun rotation period (25.4 days at equator) and (34.4 days at pole)- these periods prove the sun has NO massive gravity – because – if the sun has even average gravity as any planet it would rotate in one period for both (equator and pole)
The gravitation equation contradicts the planets order because the equation is wrong and NO initial condition has any effect on any planet data.
(I have 5 equations can conclude all planets data theoretically and prove this fact)
Instead - I claim
In Details
I suppose the space has mechanical features- means- I suppose the space is similar to the sea of water and the planet motion energy creates a wave in the space (this wave is similar to the sea water wave which moves far from its source and can be reflected)
Based on that-
The planet motion energy creates a wave in the space, this wave can move freely in the space and can be reflected- and by this wave the motion energy is transported among the planets and through the space – and – I claim the gravitational waves are these waves I describe – but – they call it wrongly (gravitational waves)- the fact is - These waves are created by the planets motions energies and not by a gravitational field.
(POINT NO. 2) (The Hypothesis Proof Idea)
I provide a massive proof for my theory– because- the wave (or the gravitational waves) are reflected through the solar system motion- the wave reflection is a very important event because the planets data be reflected on one another as a result for the energy reflection.
Pluto data is reflected on Venus data, and Neptune data is reflected on Earth data, and Uranus data is reflected on Mercury data, and Jupiter data is reflected on Mars data (Saturn is exceptional) (I will prove the data is reflected in details later)
This is the map of the reflected data – there's no explanation for this map except that – the energy is reflected among the planets –
The reflection of data has 2 forms
(form no. 1) Planet uses a value (A) but the other uses the value (1/A)
(form no. 2) Planet uses a value as (period of time) but the other uses the same value as (a distance)
The data will prove this idea clearly and strongly
The Importance Of The Energy Reflection
The reflection of energy proved many basic facts which are
The Space Has Mechanical Features-otherwise– No reflection of Energy can be done
The gravitational waves are created by the planets motions energies and Not by the gravitational field-
The data reflection is done between couple of planets –for example- Pluto data is reflected on Venus data – that shows – the energy moves between the 2 planets – the gravitational field has no any effect here because no data of this field is found but only the planets data is reflected on one another – that's a powerful proof for my theory (The gravitational waves are created by the planets motions energies and not by any gravitation field)
Also we note – If the gravitational waves be created by the gravitational field in this case the waves can't be stronger or move by higher velocity because the gravitational field intensity is constant depends on the sun massive mass (as believed)
On the contrary
If the gravitational waves be created by the planets motions energies the waves energy can be increased because the planets accumulate their daily motion energy on this wave – the planets accumulate their energy by using different rates of time for their motions – this fact I have proved in my article
(Fact No.8) The Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time
(POINT NO. 3) (The Waves Motion Trajectory Description)
I stated that – the planet motion energy produces a wave in the space – and this wave moves freely far from its source and transports the motion energy among the planets and through the space-
The planets revolve around the sun in one direction – for that- the produced waves move in one direction toward Pluto (perpendicularly on the revolution direction) – as a result the planets motions energies waves total be stored in Pluto orbit –
The energy is reflected from Pluto toward Venus
The reflection of energy is done three times in the solar system which are
(1) The Energy Is Reflected From Pluto Toward Venus
(2) The Energy Is Reflected Inside Saturn and completed its motion Toward Venus
(3) The Energy Is Reflected From Venus Toward Mars
(The Energy Be Stored Finally In The Earth Moon Orbit)
Let's summarize the energy trajectory as clear as possible
The energy is reflected from Pluto Toward Venus, means, the energy is reflected from Pluto to Neptune, and from Neptune to Uranus, and from Uranus to Saturn–BUT- in Saturn the energy is reflected one more time (almost inside the planet body)
(means-Saturn body be similar to 2 mirrors and the energy is reflected between them) then- the energy left Saturn continuing in its original direction toward Venus
Then the energy reached Venus –and then-Venus reflected the Energy toward Mars -
Finally – The Energy Is Stored In The Earth Moon Orbit between Venus and Mars
(POINT NO. 4) (The Proof Data And Discussion)
(Part One) (The Planets Order)
The inner planets original order is (Mercury – Mars – Venus – Earth)
(I proved Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus– then Mars had migrated from its original orbit to its current one)
The outer planets order is (Jupiter– Saturn– Uranus– Neptune- Pluto)
The orders are Reflected because
The inner planets order tells (greater diameter necessitates longer orbital distance)
The outer planets order tells (greater diameter necessitates shorter orbital distance)
Clearly the orders are reflected
(PART TWO) (The Planets Orbits Definition)
I suppose –The sun is perpendicular on Mercury orbit – by that - we can create a right triangle by the three points (The Sun, Mercury and Venus)
Venus angle is (61 degrees) because Venus orbital distance (108.2 mkm) x cos (61) = Venus Mercury distance (50.3 mkm)
Here we can replace Venus with any other planet in the same triangle to define this planet angle based on similar calculation – as a result
Earth angle is (51 degrees) because Earth orbital distance (149.6 mkm) x cos (51) = Earth Mercury distance (91.7 mkm)
Mars angle is (41.7 degrees) because Mars orbital distance (227.9mkm) x cos (41.7)= Mars Mercury distance (170 mkm)
Jupiter angle is (22.2 degrees) because Jupiter orbital distance (778.6 mkm) x cos (22.2)= Jupiter Mercury distance (721 mkm)
Similar to that – Saturn angle is 16.5, Uranus angle is 11.6 deg, Neptune angle is 9.2 deg and Pluto angle is 8 deg- these angles follow the same system – for example
Pluto angle is (8 degrees) because Pluto orbital distance (5906 mkm) x cos (8)= Pluto Mercury distance (5848 mkm)
NOTICE No. (1)
The right angle and its triangle is (a hypothesis) –
Can I prove this hypothesis here? YES - By Using The Angles
(v1/v2) = (θ1/ θ2)
means – these angles are rated with their planets velocities – for example
(Neptune velocity 5.4/ Pluto velocity 4.7) = (9.2 deg /8 deg)
The angles which are defined based on the sun perpendicularity on Mercury orbit – all of them- are the correct angles by which the planets orbits are defined – that because the planets velocities are rated with these angles and Kepler stated (Planet orbit defines its velocity) by that the planets orbits are defined based on these angles and that causes the angles rates to be equal with the velocities rates
That tells indeed the sun position is perpendicular on the (inner planets orbits) – in fact – the sun is perpendicular on the Earth moon orbit- and this perpendicularity has effect on all inner planets because of the small distances among them.
NOTICE No. (2)
The planets angles are REFLECTED based on one another – that tells – the planets velocities also are reflected based on one another –
Let's prove that in following
940 = 2 x Venus angle (61 deg) x Pluto angle (8 deg)
940 = 2 x Earth angle (51 deg) x Neptune angle (9.2 deg)
940 = Jupiter angle (22.2 deg) x Mars angle (41.7 deg)
Mercury is not used because of the right angle
But in the velocities the rates are more clear
322 = Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s) x Uranus velocity (6.8 km/s)
322= 2 x Venus velocity (35 km/s) x Pluto velocity (4.7 km/s)
322= 2 x Earth velocity (29.8 km/s) x Neptune velocity (5.4 km/s)
322 = Jupiter velocity (13.1 km/s) x Mars velocity (24.1 km/s)
The planets velocities and their angles are REFLECTED on one another – means – the planets orbits definition is reflected on one another - that explains why the inner planets order is reflected on the outer planets order
I try to show – the reflection of energy is proved strongly and clearly by the planets data –
And in fact – there's no any explanation for this reflected data except the reflection of energy –
NOTICE No. (3)
The angles total is 223 degrees (while Venus rotation period is 224.7 days)
Also–I have noticed that- the right triangle causes to define Mercury orbital distance as a reference for all planets based on the same angle -
For example
Pluto angle is (8 deg) –and
(Sin (8 deg))^2 x 5906 mkm (Pluto orbital distance) = 2 x 57.9 mkm (Mercury orbital distance)
This system is used by all planets also – for example
(Sin (16.5 deg))^2 x 1433 mkm (Saturn orbital distance) = 2 x 57.9 mkm (Mercury orbital distance)
That shows the planets distribution is done accurately based on the angles system
Shortly – the data tells – the planets orbits are defined based on accurate system of angles which is rated with the planets velocities rates
(Please note - Any inner planet can be used as a reference in place of Mercury)
NOTICE No. (4)
The right triangle is almost has (30 deg and 60 deg), because the rate (0.5) =(sin 30 deg) is used frequently between the 3 first planets (Mercury, Venus and the moon) where
Mercury orbital period (88 days) = 0.5 x day period 176 days and
Mercury rotation period (58.6 days) = 0.5 x Venus day period 116.75 days
Venus day period 116.75 days = 0.5 x Venus rotation period (243 days)
The moon day period 29.5 days = 0.5 x Mercury rotation period (58.6 days)
(PART THREE) (The Reflected Data Between Pluto And Venus)
Pluto Orbital Inclination =17.2 deg and Venus Orbital Inclination =3.4 deg
But (sin 17.2 deg = 1/3.4)
(90560 days /224.7 days) x 0.406 = 163 but (59800 /365.25) = 163
(59800 days /224.7 days) x 0.46688 x 2 = 248 but (90560 /365.25) = 248
90560 days = Pluto orbital period
59800 days = Neptune orbital period
224.7 days = Venus orbital period
365.25 days = Earth orbital period
0.406 million km = Pluto motion distance in a solar day
0.46688 million km = Neptune motion distance in a solar day
The data is reflected clearly
(PART FOUR) (The Reflected Data Between Venus and Mars)
The reflection effect here is (what's uses as a period of time for a planet be used as a distance for the other planet)
Venus orbital circumference =680 million km but Mars orbital period =587 days
Venus orbital period =224.7 days but Mars orbital distance =227.9 million km
(Cos 41.7 deg) / (sin 3.4 deg) x 2 = 25.2 where (25.2 deg = Mars Axial Tilt)
We remember
The angle (41.7 deg defines Mars orbit)
3.4 deg = Venus orbital inclination
The data shows the deep effect of each planet on the other
Another example (93.4 deg x 1.9 deg = 177.4 deg " Venus Axial Tilt") while (1.9 deg = Mars orbital period 93.4 deg = 90+3.4 deg "Venus orbital period")
NOTICE No. (5)
The reflection in Saturn also causes similar effects
Jupiter orbital circumference =4900 million km but Uranus orbital period = 4900 days x 2π
(10747/9800) = (9800/9010) where
10747 days = Saturn orbital period
9010 million km = Saturn orbital circumference
The idea is that – the reflection is done inside Saturn and by that Jupiter Data is reflected on Uranus data and also Saturn data itself is reflected on itself
That causes why Saturn has no mate in the planets velocities rates
NOTICE No. (6)
180.8 deg = 180 +0.8 deg = 177.4 deg +3.4 deg
116.7 deg = 90 deg +26.7 deg (Saturn axial tilt)
177.4 deg = Venus Axial Tilt
3.4 deg = Venus Orbital Inclination
0.8 deg = Uranus Orbital Inclination
116.7 days = Venus day period
The energy is reflected inside Saturn – and –
There was an angle (90 deg) between Saturn and Uranus (I still don't know why?) but
The reflection of energy is reflected this angle also – as a result
90 degrees is found between Saturn and Uranus and
90 degrees is found between Saturn and Venus
By that –
180 degrees is found between Uranus and Venus – that causes
Uranus orbital inclination (0.8 deg) to have effect on Venus data and makes Venus angles to be (177.4 +3.4 = 180.8 deg)
On the other side
The angle 90 deg between Venus and Saturn caused the following relationship
116.7 deg = 90 deg +26.7 deg (Saturn axial tilt)
Where – Venus day period = 116.75 days – that tells – one deg become equal one day and that almost is done by effect of The Earth moon orbit regression
Where the moon orbit regresses 19 deg yearly and that changes the calendar 19 days – means – one deg = one day
Please Note
The moon daily displacement is 88000 km and in a period 10747 days the total of the displacements be 940 million km (the Earth orbital circumference) – where 10747b days = Saturn Orbital Period – Venus has effect on Saturn and the moon
I see the data is clear and understandable – that enable me to conclude – the waves are created by the planets motions energies and not by any gravitational field
I don't know how to make the idea more clear – because – the people see the planets data as useless values – by that – all proves I provide be put in vain because no one data is seen – let's explain the data understanding difficulty in following
The people tell me (you use numbers)- for example – the moon diameter is 3475 km- this is not a common number – it’s the moon diameter
Suppose, in your house the wall length is 20 meters – do you will say this (20 m) is just a number? It's part of the geometrical design of your house and the measurements of the roof and columns depend on it – do you see the problem? The people believe (the moon is created by a random process and this diameter 3475 km is found by random and this diameter has no any effect on the moon motion)
For that – they see 3475 km as a number
And while I put the moon diameter (3475 km) as a very great proof for my ideas – they think I do something related to the magic!
The people don't see the logical order of the planet data –
For example –
I supposed a reflection of energy is done in Saturn and the energy continued its motion toward Venus- this idea has no any effect on the people understanding for the data – by that – if I put the angle (180.8 degree) beside the value (116.75 days) no one can conclude that these 2 angles are created by the same one action
I want to say
Let's suppose the solar system is similar to a machine of gears – and each motion is integrated with the others as the machine of gears –
By this idea – we will see (how each planet data is integrated with the other) – that also explains how the data be complementary one another because they are reflected on one another –that explains how the planets velocities are produced in pairs as I have proved
This whole idea is not understandable by the people because they suppose each planet is AN INDEPENDENT UNIT
But - the type of creation (male and female) creates creatures (Can't Be Independent) also – the double production (from Gamma ray is produced electron and positron) also created particles can't be independent –
Do you see the difficulty
The people see (wrongly) – each planet as independent unit – and when I analyze each planet data to prove the planets are complementary with one another –the people tell me (you use numbers and not scientific method)!
Finally- no way to reach to the people understanding- where – the major default is known – where – the book and each physicists over Earth (disregard the planets data)
Sorry if the word so hard – but the fact is that- you can't violate the traffic law in driving but you can create a theory explain the moon motion while you yourself don't know why the moon diameter is 3475 km-
(also - all others questions are not answered)- let's test
The moon orbital inclination is 5.1 deg – what would happen if it be 9 deg?) –
One more question
Why does the moon rotation period = the moon orbital period =27.3 days?
Wrong – don't say (Tidal Locking – It's wrong and wrong)
The answer is – Venus motion effect on the moon motion causes the two cycles periods to be equal – I proved that in my paper
This answer proved the gravitational wave produced by the planets motions energies and not by any gravitational field
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
This article tells a light beam can be produced by the gravitational waves
by that
the light beam is produced by the planets motions energies –and that's my theory tells
the sun rays is created by the planets motions energies – the sun is a phenomenon
the sun is NOT doing nuclear fusion to produce its rays but the planets motions energies be used as the source of energy to produce the sun rays
best regards and kind wishes
Speed Of Light Has An Effect On Matter Creation Process
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow (2010-2013)
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Сейчас листал сайт книжного магазина и смотрел что можно взять почитать. И как-то задумался - а какую русскую литературу 21 века будут изучать в школах через столетие. Уже считай прошла четверть века. Должно же уже что-то перейти в раздел новейшей литературы, которую потом можно будет отнести к классике и достоянию. Ведь взять тот же двадцатый век. За этот период там уже были произведения Булгакова, Алексея Толстова, Беляева и других. А сейчас.. Мне сложно назвать хотя бы одного автора или произведение, которое войдёт потом в образовательную программу. Полез читать на эту тему в интернет. Говорят что в школах будут изучать Пелевина. Но как?.. Я бы например, произведения Лукьяненко с удовольствием изучал. Но мне кажется вряд ли его добавят в программу. Конечно я совсем не специалист в области литературы и не преподаватель. Может есть что-то, чего я не знаю. С удовольствием послушаю ваши предложения на эту тему.
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Оксана Долинка
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Быстрое изучение английского языка #Быстрое #изучение #английского #языка
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Since I've started learning Russian three separate people got really excited but told me they stopped learning it because of the invasion of Ukraine. Personally speaking, the main reason I'm learning Russian is independent of the political situation (the power of 🧡 friendship✨) but the invasion of Ukraine is actually one factor motivating me to learn!! So I wanted to speak a bit about that. I'm in Germany and there's still a decent amount of Ukrainian refugees arriving here. Most of them are from the eastern parts of Ukraine that are either wholly Russian speaking or speak both Russian and Ukrainian. Every Ukrainian I've met, refugee and not, has considered Russian their first language. The Belarusian refugees I've met also considered Russian their first language, and it is very commonly spoken in Slavic countries as a lingua franca. That is all to say that, I personally think that if you're in contact with refugees, which I am, it is a very sensible language to learn! All Ukrainians I've met have been really excited about me learning it, none of them worried that I'm learning because I'm supportive of Putins actions. It's literally their language also and has made the refugees feel more welcome that they're not one sidedly trying. Aside from the practical use of interacting with people, (which my Russian is NOT there we're speaking English or German but even just saying you're studying makes people very happy) it also let's you like interact with the culture in a different way, people have shown me shows they grew up with, recommended recipes and shared about the things they're missing. They're so happy you're interested and glad to engage. No other language I've learned has been so enthusiastically received. Learning Russian is something you can do to help refugees and it actually in my experience has made people feel safer. Everything you do is ofc always political but like. Learning Russian is literally not something that means you Support The Country Of Russia. That would be insane. So if you stopped because of the invasion, or feel weird about it now, or whatever I really want to encourage you to get back into it if that's something you're interested in? It's a good language, it's fun to learn, the resources for learning are amazing, the writing is very pretty and people are super appreciative!
#Idk if that is like helpful or interesting at all but!!! Wanted to speak about it#Russian#Learning Russian#Русский язык#Русски#Изучать по русски#langblr#russian langblr
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в сериалах и в кино в целом, мне не нравится, когда злодеи - это злодеи, а герои - это герои. когда всех злодеев показывают поголовно злыми и мстительными, которые неспособны на сочувствие и понимание, а герои - это всегда белые и пушистые личности, которые не причиняют никому боли. именно поэтому у меня в любимчиках всегда протагонисты, ведь я не делю персонажей на белое и чёрное. мне важно видеть мотивацию каждого персонажа, понимать, почему он поступает так, а не иначе. мне интересны их слабости и уязвимости, их борьба и противоречия. настоящие персонажи должны вызывать сострадание, даже если они совершают плохие поступки
я люблю, когда в персонажах виден психологизм, когда понятно, почему они такие, какие есть, какие травмы или жизненные обстоятельства на них повлияли. интересно изучать их внутренний мир, а не просто следить за их действиями
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Привет, ио! Как продвигается твоё изучение русского языка? Сложно изучать его? Учишь ещё помимо него казахский?
Hi, io! How's your process of studying russian going? Is it hard to learn this language? Do you learn kazakh along with russian?
привет! ну мое изучение потихоньку продвигается… как говорят, чем больше я узнаю, тем больше начинаю понимать, как мало я знаю, но все равно стараюсь каждый день практиковаться, стараюсь читать больше. и каждый день узнаю что-то нового! я только на этой неделе узнала, что к уксусу совершенно иначе относятся в странах СНГ.) и чем отличаются бочковые и соленые огурцы
а насчет казахского языка, я также стараюсь его учить, но сложно дается! зато его система грамматики очень красива, на мой взгляд, красива и логична
спасибо за вопрос!! хорошая мотивация!
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Рука об руку со Смертью.
Продолжает изучать район.
Помиловался с милой вороной из стаи Смерти.
Фамильяр приревновал, даже жопкой повернулся, обиделся.
Покормил проглотиса, не собой.
Погулял по склепу.
Сириус не торопясь идет по тускло освещенным коридорам. Порой от стен отражается звук выбившегося из ровного ритма шага и тихое шипение. Сириус продолжает путь.
После очередного поворота Сириус упирается в тупик. Развернувшись, он видит пару горящих во тьме желтых глаз. Непонятное существо движется ему навстречу и тихо шипит. Оно тянет к нему костлявые руки... Сириус тянет в ответ и пытается погладить существо.
Существо недовольно, и кажется, только разозлилось! Шипение становится громче и, отражаясь от стен, разносится по всему склепу. Сириус закрывает уши руками: звук просто оглушительный! Содрогнувшись, Сириус делает то единственное, что приходит ему в голову... Указывает за спину существу и убегает подальше!
Выбегает из склепа и добегает до клуба, который находится недалеко.
В расстроенных чувствах из-за отказал в поглаживании от неизвестного существа.
Стоит такой грустненький и друг в толпе замечает ЕГО.
Мощный тудум и почти остановка сердца. Наконец-то! Нашелся!
Стоит такой, в толпе, красивый, глаз не оторвать. Не заметил Сири.
Но вдруг улетает черным дымом.
Сири так заблагоговел, застыл от радости, что не успел подойти и хотя б за рукав ухватиться.
Взять след тоже не получилось.
Но надежда, которая только только загорелась огоньком в сердце...
... была придушена злой ревнующей вороной, которую можно и на жаркое пустить, если чо.
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Сегодня я съездила в университет, чтобы обсудить с преподавателем тему моей дипломной работы и составить дальнейший план действий. Несмотря на то, что я знала, что всё пройдёт хорошо и ко мне настроены доброжелательно, я всё равно немного волновалась.
Защита назначена на июнь, и мне уже предоставили все необходимые материалы на флешке. Я буду тщательно изучать их и готовиться к защите. Тема моей дипломной работы: эрбий содержащие твердые растворы со структурой апатита.
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