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tf2occontest · 2 months ago
Ágatha, the Nurse VS Scurple (Purple Scout)
(Full matchup list here)
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Alright team, here's a recap: This is a contest to determine who amongst you will take the top of the leaderboards and be hired at TFI! Simply put, whoever gets the most votes gets to move on, and whoever doesn't... Well. They'll be put down swiftly and cleanly. :}
So, mann your stations, because here are your next contestants! Vote for your favorite mercenary who you want to win the TF2 OC Contest! - P
We highly encourage you to take a peek to make your decision!
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Ágatha, the Nurse
Image credit: @/arts-of-gjb
Ágatha is a young brazilian girl from Salvador, Bahia (Brazil). She is very friendly and energetic, but also have a deep taste for medical experiments and doesn't mind seing blood for the most of the time, traces that were noticed and encouraged by her uncle, Medic. He started to bring her once she made 10 so he could teach her all he know. Inside the battlefields, Ágatha asumes The Nurse title, The nurse class in unable to capture control points, move payloads, grab inteligences or even cause directly cause damadge to others players, because her only objectives as part of the team are:
To assist, by curing her team. different of Medic, the nurse does not have a medigun to that, so she fulfills this task by being able to grab the medikits (or other healing iten disponible on the ground) and then give them to your teamates
To anoy, by shooting small injections on the rivals. as said before, they wont make any damadge, however, they will "stop" the player for a few secconds (the same way that when you're hit by a christmas glove from heavy, but it should make a pain animation than a laught one, and would work if hit in any body part).
Once her hp reaches 0, the nurse would enter in a "sleeping mode", where you get unable to do anything. If no one does anything with you when youre like this for a couple of seconds, then you wake up with half of your total hp, but if someone from the opposite team pick you up and leave you to a specifc location, then you are teleported to your respaw base, where you get unable to go out for a minute (be grounded time >:I )
A vote for Ágatha is a vote for Red team, Medic, Brasil and nepotism!!!!!!!
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Scurple (Purple Scout)
Image credit: @/cyantt-does-stuff
Scurple is an alien who's taken control over the Blu Scout's body. His aim is to steal the technology of the respawn machine. His goal, immortality.
I made this character after watching a few Freak Fortress videos. I thought about a unique take on one of the Scouts, and, since Blu is mostly correlated with horror, I decided to go for them. Since aliens are a big part of TF2, I thought "why not have an alien takeover" sort of deal. Thus, Scurple was born.
He's looks exactly like the Blue Scout (with a bit of my own personal hcs, like Blu having freckels/and scars). How his shirt turned purple is a mystery, however I have this idea that somehow he turned it purple through bloodshed.
He's completely different from either Scout. In fact, he really isn't truly a Scout. He's just using the Scout's body as a means to an end.
I think he'd like participating in a fight to the death, since that's what his character must do to achieve his mission. Maybe his winning could get him one step closer to gaining the immortality he so desires.
He exists in the main TF2 universe, and also coexists in the Freak Fortress universe.
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trlv · 2 months ago
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Ágatha Luísa
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ask-little-agatha · 3 months ago
Who are each of your favorite team members?
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Ágatha: "Medic, my uncle! Meu tio! He is always showing me some cool experiment or teaching me about how to fight or do surgerys or everthing! I wanna be like him when i grow up!... Heavy also let's me touch Sasha! He says that I remember him of his sisters, I want to meet them one day. Demoman helps me to do explosive pranks! And when he is not drunk he is the one who best helps me doing my hair - don't let Medic know that -. Me and Pyro have the best tea partys ever! he has a huuuge colection of unicorn toys!"
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Makoto: "Spy is super intelligent and sophisticated! He said once that i have future as a spy! (...and that i needed to stop screaming when i am running away from someone with the invisible coat). Sniper and I talk about the types of guns he uses, some are the same as my mom have, he says that i am a good kiddo."
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Haru: "Our paths crossed upon many years ago, we would work together in many ocasions... Me and Spy were, and still are, very good friends. I only meet Scout after I came to work on BLU, I do enjoy his young energy! It reminds me of my younger cousings."
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Lilian: "Even trought i stay in office doing papework less than my other colleagues, i do haaaate doing it. So Rusty is like a little angel taking me to outside were we can really have fun!" [Rusty was made by @friendlyengie ]
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Cordelia did had her favorites, but this was a long time ago... [Left to right we have Chaya, before transition, by @queensqueercourt, Classic Medic, Brutus by @sicc-nasti and Ben by @mickmundane ]
[Anon i assumed you were asking for everyone, hope you enjoy! :D Remember specify wich characters yall are asking to!]
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arts-of-gjb · 11 months ago
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Ágatha is a very proud member of the RED team, she will warn the mercs about ever single threat!
(please ask me about her please ask me about her pleas-)
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foxalone · 2 years ago
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Ágata!Skeleton: Why did you put a stiker to Junior?
Lyu!Papyrus: Because it looks nice, don't worry, it comes out with water
Underblood belongs to me
Undertale by Toby Fox
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sorems-art · 2 days ago
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Ágata and Catherine going to the nightclub.
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arsphotographica · 7 months ago
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boomgers · 9 months ago
Dos bebés, dos padres, una madre, un embarazo… “Mentiras Desesperadas”
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Liana, una mujer que anhela ser madre, enfrenta una serie de situaciones dramáticas que afectan su matrimonio con Tomás.
Tras descubrir la infidelidad de su marido, tiene una relación no consensuada que causa una rareza científica: un embarazo de gemelos fraternos de padres distintos por superfecundación heteropaternal.
A pesar de que la situación le genera sentimientos encontrados, Liana decide ocultar la verdad, aunque se pregunta si querrá a sus dos hijos por igual y si podrá vivir su vida familiar como hasta ahora.
Estreno: 5 de julio de 2024 en Netflix.
Creada por Angela Chaves, la novela cuenta con las actuaciones de Juliana Paes, Vladimir Brichta, Felipe Abib, Palomma Duarte, Martha Nowill, Jussara Freire, João Vitti, Yohama Eshima, Vitor Valle, Rui Ricardo Diaz, José Beltrão, Pedro Manoel Nabuco y Ágatha Marinho.
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zsofiarosebud · 9 months ago
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A maneira na que Sito Miñanco (fariña!Sito Miñanco) podería ter sido un enorme detective noutra liña temporal
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tf2occontest · 29 days ago
Hacker VS Ágatha, the Nurse
(Full matchup list here)
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Alright team, here's a recap: This is a contest to determine who amongst you will take the top of the leaderboards and be hired at TFI! Simply put, whoever gets the most votes gets to move on, and whoever doesn't... Well. They'll be put down swiftly and cleanly. :}
So, mann your stations, because here are your next contestants! Vote for your favorite mercenary who you want to win the TF2 OC Contest! - P
We highly encourage you to take a peek to make your decision!
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Image credit: @/heavymedicshackerwife
Lisbeth Lovelace- "The Hacker"- was a genius codebreaker who worked on the Colossus computers and helped with breaking enigma in the 1940s. She was cryrogenically frozen in 1947 after accidentally committing regicide, and the Hacker was defrosted in 1969 to help MANN corp fight Grey Mann's robots. She's a whizz at computers, has an Oxford degree in maths, and ALWAYS stops at 4pm exactly for tea. Although she's about 22 years behind on everything, she's got a sharp wit, and can usually be seen being pocketed by Heavy or Medic whilst flying her drone at either the enemy team or Spy. She's the world's first cyber-criminal and proud of it!
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Ágatha, the Nurse
Image credit: @/arts-of-gjb
Ágatha is a young brazilian girl from Salvador, Bahia (Brazil). She is very friendly and energetic, but also have a deep taste for medical experiments and doesn't mind seing blood for the most of the time, traces that were noticed and encouraged by her uncle, Medic. He started to bring her once she made 10 so he could teach her all he know. Inside the battlefields, Ágatha asumes The Nurse title, The nurse class in unable to capture control points, move payloads, grab inteligences or even cause directly cause damadge to others players, because her only objectives as part of the team are:
To assist, by curing her team. different of Medic, the nurse does not have a medigun to that, so she fulfills this task by being able to grab the medikits (or other healing iten disponible on the ground) and then give them to your teamates
To anoy, by shooting small injections on the rivals. as said before, they wont make any damadge, however, they will "stop" the player for a few secconds (the same way that when you're hit by a christmas glove from heavy, but it should make a pain animation than a laught one, and would work if hit in any body part).
Once her hp reaches 0, the nurse would enter in a "sleeping mode", where you get unable to do anything. If no one does anything with you when youre like this for a couple of seconds, then you wake up with half of your total hp, but if someone from the opposite team pick you up and leave you to a specifc location, then you are teleported to your respaw base, where you get unable to go out for a minute (be grounded time >:I )
A vote for Ágatha is a vote for Red team, Medic, Brasil and nepotism!!!!!!!
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trlv · 2 months ago
Ágatha Luísa
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ask-little-agatha · 2 months ago
🚀 - You have to put them in any game other than TF2. what game do you put them in? ^^^ For the kids ^_^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll grab my most recent interest and trow them inside psychonauts! Their friendship is like phoebe and quentin npc's, i found they two super cute :3, and they have a lot of fun at the psychic camp! Not much in deep lore characterization bc i'm on the beggining of the first game yet but have these
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(Ágatha's design for psychonauts verse is based in one my fren @ottosbigtop did :D)
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arts-of-gjb · 7 months ago
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Posting the wip bc im very exited in finishing this soon!
The lil girl in the front is Ágatha! She is my tf2 oc. In the au i imagine her being half gem of. Welp. An agate! A red agate specifically
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foxalone · 2 years ago
Ok is raptor your name is is it something else sense it's your species
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Debi!Skeleton-Raptor, Ágatha! Skeleton-Raptor , Dast and Orus!Skeleton-Raptor and Raptor belongs to me
Undertale by Toby Fox
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arts-of-gjb · 1 month ago
Ágatha has been given the most important contract ever seen (5th grade homework)
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May I offer a collab during these trying times (waiting for votes)?
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Miss Kimiko just checking in! Totally for no reason! And definitely not because she can see the cameras! What exactly is going on anyway?
Feel free to add in something silly or serious on the other side!
Blank under the cut
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susie-dreemurr · 4 months ago
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Ok talvez esse seja o único jogador gringo que me faça aturar o dub inglês
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