#uncle medic is so proud of his niece
arts-of-gjb · 5 months
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Ágatha is a very proud member of the RED team, she will warn the mercs about ever single threat!
(please ask me about her please ask me about her pleas-)
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spooky-bunnys · 5 months
will there be part 5 of baby haitani? I need it!!
Title: Haitani Baby Brother FINAL
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Pairing: Sanzu x Haitani Younger Brother
Warnings: Fluff!
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When (Name) opened his eyes, he was blinded by a bright light. He tried looking around vut his head and body felt like he'd been hit with a truck. As he carefully looked around he noticed he was in the medical ward in the Bonten's headquarters.
He smelled the air trying to find certain sents but couldn't smell anything over the scent of bleach and cleaner. So he did the next best thing he could do. He called out hoping anyone would hear him. What he wasn't expecting was your the door for the room to literally break off the hinges.
Startling the poor Omega. Realising who it was (Name) started crying. "Alpha!" Sanzu quickly wrapped his arms around his Omega. Tears in both their eyes. "I-I thought I had lost you! When you went down a-and the pups-" (Name) pushed him away shaking. "P-Pups. Where's the pups? Are they okay? Did something go wrong?!"
Sanzu pulled (Name) close and kissed him deeply. As he pulled away Sanzu smiled. "The girls are just fine (Name)." (Name) smiled brightly. "Girls? I had twin girls?" Sanzu nodded. "Yep two female Alpha's that look just like you. But with my eyes. I'm so proud of you Omega." Sanzu scented the very happy Omega.
A knock on the door interrupted the couples reunion. Takeomi and Mikey stood there. Each holding a wrapped pup. Mikey made his way over with a slight smile. "You did good (Name). Your brothers are getting you clothes and some food. They left just before you woke up."
(Name) nodded his eyes not leaving the blanket in his arms. Mikey chuckled and carefully handed (Name) the wrapped blanket. Takeomi followed, after grumbling for a few moments. The Omega started crying again staring at the pups he's been carrying for what felt like such a long time ago. "Hi my little angels." Sanzu carefully scooted (Name) forward a bit so he could sit behind him.
"That one on the right is the oldest. She has the Haitani's blonde hair and my eyes. We named her Akira. The one on the left has my eyes but I think she has a mixture of our hair. Her name is Akiko." (Name) nodded slowly. He still couldn't believe this was happening.
The door opened and the rest of Bonten came in. (Name)'s brothers coming in last with two bags. They all surrounded the bed watching the scene. "Their beautiful Haruchiyo." Sanzu smiled softly and kissed his temple. "Its all thanks to you my beautiful Omega. You've made me so happy. Thank you for giving me this family."
(Name) hummed. Purring silently and snuggled against Sanzu's chest. Ran placed the bag of food on the table by the bed. "Look at that. We're Uncles Rindou!" Rindou placed the duffle bag he was holding by the bathroom. "We sure are Aniki. Just think we could have more nieces and nephews in the future."
Takeomi nodded. "I hope we do. I'd love being an Uncle." Sanzu glared at him. "I've accepted the idiots as my pups Uncles but you haven't earned shit yet!" (Name) elbowed Sanzu. "Chiyo! Watch what you say around the pups!" Sanzu instantly apologized to (Name) and lightly scented him again. Ignoring the flabbergasted Takeomi.
(Name) waddled down the hallway. As he made it into the kitchen he sighed. "Girls! Come on! You're gonna be late!" Akira and Akiko came rancing into the kitchen. The now 8 year olds sat at the kitchen table. "But Momma we don't want to go to Uncle Omi's! Why can't we go to Uncle Mikey's!?"
(Name) sighed with a smile. "You're both definitely your sires daughters. He hates your Uncle Omi too. But Uncle Mikey is busy this afternoon with business with his company. Unless you'd like to join your father and I to our baby appointment?" Bpth girls groaned. "What about Uncles Ran and Rin?" (Name) sighed. "They're out of the country on business."
"But what-", (Name) placed two Bento's in front of the girls. "Everyone else is busy. Even your Uncles Kakucho and Kokonoi. Uncle Omi was a last resort. Trust me your sire was upset about it too." The girls pouted and huffed. (Name) smiled and kissed their heads. "If you behave for Uncle Omi, I'm sure your father wouldn't mind a cuddle pile later tonight."
The girls perked up. While their mother was their favorite parent, that hadn't seen their father in a while. "Promise Momma?" (Name) smiled softly. "Oh I promise. I'll make sure he's here at home by the time you two come back." The girls cheered and hugged their dam before grabbing their bags and bento's before going outside.
Takeomi had been ready to knock when the door opened. He opened his arms to hug the girls but they ignored him and instead got into his car. Takeomi sighed and pouted. "Hopefully this one likes me. If not I'm never gonna be the favorite Uncle!" (Name) snorted. "Even if this baby doesn't hate you, you wouldn't be the favorite Uncle Takeomi. Not with my brothers around."
Takeomi grumbled and waved bye before getting into his car. (Name) waved good-bye and went back inside. When he finally sat on the couch (Name) finally relaxed. Sinking into the couch. He checked the time. The appointment wasn't for a few more hours. He looked down at his bump and smiled. "You wouldn't mind a nap would you my Prince?" There was a small kick and (Name) smiled. "Didn't think so."
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blue-bujo · 9 months
Bowled Over (Roy Kent x Reader): Chapter Seven
You work at a bowling alley and a young girl named Phoebe has a birthday party there. You catch her uncle's eye.
Roy Kent x female reader
Will try to update roughly every two weeks
Chapter Seven: Deserving Something Good
(2.4k words)
Warnings: Roy Kent-level language (you know what you're in for), periods, past medical trauma, injury, mentions of addiction, fluff
Summary: Roy considers the results of his disastrous night out. He tells Phoebe about them, with your support.
Due to the throbbing in his very-swollen knee, Roy hardly slept. He could have taken the prescription he’d been given in hospital, but he refused because he didn’t want to get addicted; he’d seen a few rivals fall to it during his career, and he wasn’t going to let that happen to him. Plus, a small, niggling part of him felt he didn’t deserve the relief, since he knew he had felt warning signs that his knee was going to give out on him but had ignored them and kept bowling. So he spent most of the night awake and in pain.
It hadn’t been a completely horrible night, though. He’d found the fucking courage to talk to Splits, he kept thinking smugly. They were official now. And she’d said that she didn’t think he was old, which was a sweet lie. Hopefully he didn’t fuck it up with her and would be able to keep her around for a while.
Roy did manage to sleep for a few hours, which was honestly more than he expected. He naturally woke up around 3:30, when he would have gotten ready for a run with Jamie, and texted the young superstar that he wasn’t feeling up to it this morning, and to go without him. After receiving an emoji in reply, Roy battled his way up and into the downstairs bathroom for a shower. Thankfully he’d kept the shower chair from last time he’d fucked his knee.
He hit a slight snag after the shower: he hadn’t thought to ask Splits to grab him fresh clothes for this morning, so he had to put his pajamas back on. He always tried not to wear them when Phoebe stayed with him, as he wasn’t sure how appropriate it was for an 11-year-old to see her uncle in boxers. Couldn’t be helped now, though.
He hadn’t thought to replenish his supply of contacts down here, either. Roy had started wearing dailies during the pundit gig at Sky Sports, when he’d realized that he couldn’t read the prompters, but it was something he kept hidden. Not even his family knew that his vision was shit now, but that would have to change today.
Later in the morning, Roy was in the kitchen. He’d dragged a barstool in front of the stove and stress baked a loaf of quick rise bread. While it had risen, he’d dug through his junk drawer, which was the hiding place for the pair of glasses he’d bought in case he’d hated the contacts. They were simple black plastic frames, and they’d never been worn before today.
Roy was sipping coffee and reading with his back to the house while the bread finished cooling when Phoebe came out of her room. He didn’t look up, or turn his stool, when he heard her enter.
“Morning, Phoebe,” he droned. “Sleep well?”
The man heard a thunk. He swiveled the barstool and saw his niece’s head on the counter. “So that’s a ‘no,’ then?” he asked.
When Phoebe spoke, it was in a growl that would have made Roy proud under different circumstances. “I feel like shit,” she said. “Being an adult sucks.”
Roy hadn’t forgotten about her new ailment. He had a mug of coffee, which he’d never allowed Phoebe before, that he plunked down on the counter in front of her. When she raised her head, she first double-taked at it, and then at her uncle’s face.
“Since when do you wear glasses, Uncle Roy?”
“Since I got old, Pheebs. It’s been a couple of years. Now drink up; Keeley always said caffeine helped when she was on her period. I’ve got all the fancy creamers and shi- crap in the fridge.”
Phoebe hopped down from her barstool, took the mug, and lumbered to the refrigerator. As she poured out an unholy amount of vanilla creamer, Roy said one more thing that made her give him a glare.
“Erase the tab. You used a bad word. That was our deal.”
Although she glared, Phoebe knew better than to argue with Uncle Roy about the tab. Their one rule about it was that, if she got caught swearing before the end of the month, that month’s debt was reset, and he didn’t have to pay her for any of his language before the reset point, only everything after.
That didn’t stop her from going to her room, bringing back her notebook, and making a great show of ripping out, crumpling, and throwing away the page where she’d been tallying his language. It was so exaggerated that Roy couldn’t help but laugh.
“Do you want some French toast? As a peace offering? I made the bread this morning.”
Phoebe nodded and tried her vanilla creamer. Roy reached for a pan in one of the cabinets, but it was just out of reach from his barstool, and he only managed to knock it onto the floor with a metallic clatter. He and Phoebe both flinched at the noise, Roy more so. He hoped he hadn’t woken up his girlfriend upstairs.
His girlfriend. Upstairs. Fuck, Phoebe didn’t know that he’d finally gotten the balls to ask Splits out officially, or that she had spent the night in his bed. Granted, he hadn’t also been in his bed, but still. He typically tried to set a good example for Phoebe.
The noise had woken her up, it turned out. Footsteps thumped across the ceiling, and he could hear the shower running. About 20 minutes later, Splits came downstairs. Her hair was wet, and when she sat down at the bar to say good morning, Roy could smell all of his soap, shampoo, and deodorant on her.
“I hope you don’t mind I used your shower,” she said. “And your product.”
He didn’t mind, although he was embarrassed that he couldn’t remember the last time he’d cleaned the shower. But seeing her there in his stolen tee shirt and joggers, smelling like him… it felt right. His house didn’t feel empty with her and Phoebe in it. For once, it had people in it; people he was making breakfast for, surprisingly feeling like he deserved this slice of a quiet existence. Like he could smile without trying to hide it.
Phoebe was watching him with her hand over her mouth, like she was hiding her own smile. He stared at her until she looked away, and then turned his attention back to the stove, and his girls’ breakfasts. French toast was easy to make, and he quickly had three plates ready for eating.
“Right, come take yours,” grunted Roy. “I can’t carry it for you.” He looked to the woman wearing his extra pajamas, and as soon as he was close enough, pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Good morning, babe.”
“Good morning,” she returned with a peck on the forehead. “Nice glasses. Very studious.”
“Thanks, I fucking hate them. Can you grab my plate for me? I can’t manage it and the barstool and the crutches.”
She happily obliged, and even grabbed his coffee before he realized he’d need help with it. She was an angel. After Roy dragged his knee and his stool back to the bar, he sat down close enough that his arm was brushing hers. Phoebe was watching them both intently.
“You weren’t this touchy last night,” the girl observed, “and it looks like Miss Splits slept here.”
With a grunt, Roy said, “That’s because she did. It was too late for her to walk home, and I obviously couldn’t drive her.”
“Did she sleep in your room, Uncle Roy?”
Fuckin’ hell, this child. How was he going to explain this to Phoebe? Or, he realized, to his sister? He wasn’t just corrupting his niece; he was corrupting Sofia’s daughter. She would make his life a living hell if he didn’t get this right. Roy tried to think of what he could possibly say to explain this, but a gentle hand laid on his arm caused him to momentarily forget the English language.
“Yes Phoebe, I slept upstairs in your Uncle Roy’s room, but that’s only because he was a gentleman and slept downstairs on the couch,” explained Splits.
“And because I can’t drag my ass up those stairs,” Roy growled.
Phoebe marked the first tally on a new sheet in her notebook. “Okay, so she slept here. And borrowed pajamas.” Her subtext was clear; she was hinting that she knew something had happened between the two adults the previous night, but she didn’t know exactly what.
“We didn’t do anything naughty, Phoebe,” said Splits. She shot a side-eyed glance at Roy as if to ask are you going to tell her, or am I?
The man grunted to clear his throat, trying to find the words. “Okay,” he ground out, “last night, after you went to bed, I talked to Splits and asked her to be my girlfriend.”
Leaning forward eagerly, Phoebe asked, “And?”
Roy felt his face go all relaxed as the tension left it. He was aware that his smile was threatening to take over, but he didn’t seem to be able to fight it. “And we’re going out.” God, that sounded so dorky! He was definitely getting old.
Phoebe was thrilled. She hopped off of her seat and squeezed herself between the couple to hug them. “That’s wonderful! She’s amazing, Uncle Roy. She helped me a lot last night.”
“Thank goodness for that. I didn’t know what to do. Speaking of, there are napkins in the cabinet by the shower in your bathroom. Do you need anything else?”
“No, I’m okay. I don’t feel as nauseous today. I should get ready for school, though, so I’ll put some in my bookbag.”
Phoebe gave the couple one last squeeze and then left the room, leaving them alone. Splits linked her arm through Roy’s and sighed happily as she looked up at him.
“You have stuff here?”
“What?” he shrugged. “I have a little sister, and have been around women before. I may not look it, but I do have some sympathy in me.”
She laughed. “You don’t project it often. It makes you more human when you do.”
“Hmm. That, and my shit knee. Work is going to be interesting. A gaffer who can’t walk? The press are going to have a fucking field day.”
Roy was trying to make light of it, but he was worried about the logistics of the next few weeks. He couldn’t drive like this, or do hours of standing at training and matches. Some of the tension must have returned to his face, because his girlfriend started rubbing small circles on his arm.
“Do you need a driver?” she asked. “I’m not scheduled today, so I can help out if you need me.”
Yep, she was an angel. He wasn’t one to ask for help – it was uncomfortably vulnerable – so she’d asked for him.
“That would be fuckin’ great. Thanks, babe.”
They spent the next few minutes plotting out the day. Roy made a quick list of everything he’d need from upstairs for the day, which Splits was happy to fetch for him. He wasn’t ready for the team to know about her, so she’d drop him off late, after dropping Phoebe at school and stopping at her flat so she could change into clean clothes. Those delays would hopefully mean that the team would be in the weight room by the time he limped into Nelson Road, and nobody would know about Splits. He knew it was only a matter of time before they found out, but he’d protect her anonymity as long as he could.
A few hours later, the plan had gone perfectly. Splits pulled up to the doors of the Earl Greyhound Training Facility, where there wasn’t another soul around to notice her behind the wheel of Roy’s monstrous vehicle, or see how he almost fell out of it as he tried to maneuver the crutches. After he caught himself, he just stood there looking at Splits.
“What is it?” she asked.
“Just- Thank you for everything the past 12 hours. Couldn’t have done it without you handling all this girlfriend-level shit.”
“I’m glad to do it,” she smiled, and Roy almost felt guilty, like he didn’t deserve someone this great. She continued, “When do you need to be picked up?”
Tilting his head, Roy thought aloud. “You don’t have to pick me up. Jamie lives close, and he owes me for the extra training, so I can probably guilt the prick into driving.”
Splits wilted a bit, like she’d wanted to drive him. Now that he thought about it, he realized that she’d enjoyed getting to drive. And he knew she didn’t have wheels of her own.
“Do you want to borrow the car for a bit?” he blurted out.
His question surprised her. He’d surprised himself, to be honest. “Are you sure, Roy?”
“It’s not like I can fucking use it. You’d be doing me a favor, really; the battery’ll die if nobody drives it, and then I’ll have to call somebody to change it.”
“Roy, I can’t take your car. It’s…” Splits struggled to find an argument, which amused him. “I do like driving it,” she conceded.
“Then take it, babe. Use it to pick me up on the days you’re not working, and I’ll guilt Jamie into doing the rest.”
“I’ll have to meet Jamie properly, since we’ll be sharing custody of you.” Her eyes sparkled at her joke, but Roy could only roll his.
“I’m not letting you anywhere near each other,” he growled. “I’ll never have any peace.”
“Yeah, but you’ll be surrounded by people who care for you, which can’t be all bad.”
Hope blossomed in Roy’s chest as he thought about having people. He didn’t want to believe it, so he waved a dismissive hand at Splits.
“Hmm. You don’t know Tartt. Fucking annoying little prick. I should get in there, make sure he isn’t getting out of hand.”
Splits nodded, a fond smile on her face. “Okay, boyfriend. Have a good day, and let me know if you need anything.”
“You have a good day, too. Have fun driving the Beast.”
“I will!”
Roy closed the passenger door and gave a wave. She waved back and tapped the horn twice before driving away, leaving Roy to gather his courage, summon his sternest coach face, and hobble into training.
If anybody questioned the crutches, they were going to fucking get it.
Tag list: @preciousbabypeter @harry-bowie-mercury @amieinghigh @onceuponaoneshot @chewymoustachio @my-neurodivergent-world
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kartywarty · 8 months
"The Crazy Uncle."
(written by @karter.marker on tiktok)
(TW: descriptive death)
now that you may have seen my angst in 19 pictures filled with text, i decided to type it all down in pure words!! + its fully edited and proofread so you can basically count this as a revamp
also yes this is inspired by chr0macide's nonverbal pete hc in both of the break in 1 and break in 2 fanfics so props to that!!
listen to "dark is the night" (Tjomnaja noch') by mark bernes for a really cool experience while reading this (same audio i used for my tiktok slideshow abt the fic)
theres also facts about the angst in the end incase you missed small details ;D
Growing up, Peter seemed to be like a sore thumb sticking out of all of his siblings. However, Mintie, his sister, found Peter to be a unique person.
Peter wasn't very verbal, especially when he thought so differently in his perspective in comparison to his siblings.
Due to this, everyone called him "Crazy Pete", and so did his brother who had the audacity to become a Protector even though he made fun of Peter. But Mintie didn't allow this and stood up for Peter herself.
Mintie would always spoil Peter in many ways. Mintie had always baked him pie and helped him when he was in the tightest of situations when he didn't understand. As the siblings grew up, Peter was greatly inspired and motivated by Mintie. He even brought a house for himself and Mintie in the town of Robloxia.
As for the brother, he got married to a skilled Medic and had 4 children that made both Peter and Mintie the uncle and aunt's of his family. One child is skillful in stealth, one child is a glutton, one child seems to be very energetic, and one seems to be athletic.
Peter felt somewhat proud for himself becoming an uncle, even his nephews and nieces called him "Uncle Pete". He himself even became the favorite family member out of the Protector's family.
Everything went well for Pete and Mintie until it was 2018.
They had announced yet again that a purge happened, Pete and Mintie knew what they had to do in order to stay safe. But while Mintie was out getting food, Pete had heard Minties' frightened scream. As Pete rushed in to help Mintie, it seemed that he was far too late.
The air was thick, it smelled like iron. Pete's eyes widened in shock as the blood of his sister seeped through his blue socks. He inspected the scene as the window near the kitchen sink was broken, shattered glass shards scattered all over, the canned food was already taken away by what he assumed to be one of the henchman who murdered Mintie in cold blood. Pete approached Mintie as he got on his knees, Pete held Mintie close as he mourned.
Mintie was taking her last breaths as her whole rib-cage was fractured by the crowbar sticking out of her chest, her internal organs were damaged, drying up. Minty spoke to Pete as she tried to calm him down, putting her hand on Pete's cheek.
"This... This isn't your fault, Peter." Mintie said her last words as she kept on hyperventilating, she smiled as she caressed his brother's cheek.
"Take care of your brother for me, won't you?"
Those words were the last words Pete ever heard of Mintie. He sobbed quietly as he broke down in tears, clutching Minty close once she went limp and lifeless. Her blood was everywhere on Pete, he didn't want to let go.
Second thoughts twirled around his head; "Why didn't I come with her?" "Why is this happening to me?" "This isn't real."
He wished that it wasn't real, Pete didn't expect Mintie to die in such a cruel way. He started to think that it was his own fault instead.
A few days after what seemed like hell for Pete, the Protector thought it was Pete's fault too. Everyone in his family called him "Crazy Uncle Pete". He seemed to be deeply hurt, especially when Mintie wasn't there to comfort him in any sort of way. So he had to mask his depression so that he couldn't make anyone concerned for him. He had to comfort his self. It was quite hard for Pete since he lived alone except for his pet mouse, Louie. He at least felt comfort every time he saw his pet. He had also given away the pie recipe to his brother since he knew that he missed her company too.
However one year later, the Protector, his younger brother, had to move into Pete's town due to how tired they got of their previous neighborhood. His family couldn't find better neighbors to reside with. It was awkward for both of them as the Protector found Pete to be annoying. Pete tried to warn him about the purge days, the Protector didn't believe him. Once they moved in, he felt happy yet worried for his family.
Pete knew he cared for the Protector and his family, yet they didn't stop calling him The Crazy Uncle.
Mintie is an actual character not an oc, her name is actually ONLY mentioned in the pie recipe sheet pinned to the fridge.
The colored and bolded words reference the f2p roles the players pick (blue= the protector, orange= the medic normal color/bolded= the stealthy, yellow= the hungry, pink= the hyper, and red= the sporty)
if you didnt notice, the date (november 9, 2019) was the day that break in was released
bradley would be the narrator in this story!!
if your concerned about what happened after the end, the protector would feel sorry for pete after not listening, pete forgives him and they all stop calling him crazy (as proven in break in 2)
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emi-loves-jones · 1 year
More Jones Family HCs!
TW: Mentions of Abuse, Death, and Suicide.
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Young Marilyn with a teeny tiny Jones!
She’s about 24 here, and little David would be about 3 months!
Case 60 | The Conspiracy spoilers!
The siblings’ reunion after the explosion!
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Denise and Darcie were terrified that they had lost David for real, especially because they just had a suicide scare..
Upon noticing that their brother was alive and well, they engulfed him into a giant hug! (Admittedly, not so much aware of his injuries and pain, but even David’s far too relieved to care.)
(( Think of the scene in Encanto, with Pepa and Julieta engulfing Bruno in a big hug! That’s how I picture the Jones siblings! (FYI) ))
Toby Jacob Quentin and Orla Zara Quentin
- Denise’s children / David and Darcie’s niece and nephew / Marilyn and Rueben’s grandchildren.
- Twins, 8 yo. (In The Conspiracy)
- British-American
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- Toby has autism.
- Orla is an asthmatic.
- They both have wild fascinations and imaginations, specifically when it comes to mythological creatures.
- Toby likes outer space and history, he’s hoping to maybe become an astronaut someday.
- Orla really loves the ocean and pretty much animals in general, she wishes to become a scuba diver.
- They both have different goals, but they’re actually pretty similar mentally and personality-wise.
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With their mom! They both have a lot of physical and mental similarities with Denise.
Proud Uncle!
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David was always trusted to watch over the twins whenever any of the other family members were out of the picture.
Back when Toby and Orla were younger, David would even bring them into work sometimes. (Since he had no other choice.) The other GPD members really grew to like the twins, they’d often help David care for them too.
The twins call him “Uncle David!”
They also call their aunt “Auntie Darcie!”
Extra // Background Info
- Denise is an asthmatic. (Just like her daughter)
- Darcie is diabetic, and is also considered a hypochondriac. She has to take medication for her anxieties.
- David was named after his step-grandfather. David Jeremiah Jefferson was the only parental figure Marilyn truly had in her youth. He was very understanding towards Marilyn and always tried to include her. Sadly, he was killed by cops after entering the wrong place at the wrong time, traumatizing Marilyn. Blaming her for their stepfather’s death, Marilyn’s siblings never forgave her for the incident.
- Marilyn Willow Burton was the youngest out of 9 children. She wasn’t planned, quickly becoming known as the “Black sheep” of the family.
- The Jones siblings’ father, Rueben Archibald Jones, came from a small yet well supported family. He grew up in England with his mother, grandmother, and uncle. They ended up moving to Grimsborough, and that’s where Rueben met and fell in love with Marilyn.
- After falling pregnant with Rueben’s child. Marilyn was disgraced and kicked out by her family. Rueben’s family took her in though, and they all decided to move back to England together. Rueben and Marilyn married the same year before eventually having their eldest, Denise Joanne.
- The couple lived in peace for the next two years, eventually having David Jeremiah. However, soon after, Marilyn found herself trapped into her biological family’s clutches again. The Burtons threatened her with taking away her children if she doesn’t take them back, leaving her no choice.
- The couple had no choice, but even then, they still vowed to maintain as positive parental figures for their children the best they could. They were determined to give them the best lives they could.
- After five years, Rueben and Marilyn welcomes Darcie Joy into the world. Eventually, they’d go on to move back to Grimsborough after another few years, attempting to start a new life for the kids. However, even then they couldn’t escape the Burtons..
- Despite the Burtons’ strict rules and beliefs, Marilyn and Rueben weren’t giving up on their three children. Even as the Jones siblings grew older, their parents were positive to keep them happy and safe.
Case 52 | The Conspiracy Spoilers!
- When the rest of the Jones family got word about David’s suicide attempt, they were in shambles. Denise and Darcie sobbed into each other, and Marilyn and Rueben had to be held back by hospital staff. They were threatening the doctors for refusing to let them see their son..
- As the Jones’ suffered, the surviving Burtons just laughed at the news. Blaming David for his mental health, the Burtons went on to claim that he’d be “better off dead for not contributing to the family.”
- That was the last straw for Marilyn. She could handle her bio family throwing those kinds of insults at her. But her only son? Hell no! That’s when Marilyn finally snapped. Confronting the Burtons for the last time, Marilyn finally gained the courage she needed to cut them out of both her and her family’s lives once and for all. No more calls. No more texts. No more favors. Nothing. She was done with them forever. And much to her relief, it worked. The Jones family could finally live in peace now..
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(( Dear God- sorry it’s long. I got so carried away. I wanted to provide as much info and context as I could. <\3 ))
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troutfur · 2 years
The Fern and Ash partician AU: Ashfur seeing Leafkit and Squirrelkit as nieces and being a proud uncle of them. Sandstorm asking her little brother to watch over Squirrelpaw after Ferncloud reads the Fire and Tiger prophecy, and him finding Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw before they go, having followed Leafpaw as she brings herbs to them. Ashfur deciding to go with them to protect Squirrelpaw, and to help the group. "I'm a fully trained partician and Augur, so I'll go with this group incase you all need healing." (Mostly to keep his word to his big sis, as he doesn't want to let her down is really the reason he joins the prophecy cats.) Ashfur teaching both Crowpaw and Squirrelpaw during the journey, so they're fully prepared to get their warrior names and are fully trained particians and Augurs incase they need it. Ashfur vibing with Midnight when they find her, and being a bit sad to leave the badger. The Tribe rounding both him and Stormfur up because they can't decide which one is the silver cat destined to save them, both being weirded out by the Tribe.
OOOH! I like this idea! Ashfur and Ferncloud as Sandstorm's little siblings who took on the role. That's cute. When I envision the Sundrown Place quest in augur AU it's usually half-trained Crowpaw who takes on the role of team medic. But I suppose a fully trained Ashfur who gives Squirrel and Crow extra training is neat.
Wonder if in this timeline the conflict with Brambleclaw and Ashfur is more over the fact Ashfur develops some elder sibling protectiveness. Plus it IS kinda weird they are developing romantic feelings having met each other when she was so young...
Stonefur and Ashfur being both considered as prophecy options is interesting. Interesting, interesting, interesting.
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steele-soulmate · 5 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 596, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby, child intoxication, death of a minor character, injured baby, kidnapped child
WORDS: 1131
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“Hihi Uncle Pete, Hihi Mary Claire!” Ryley greeted us as he entered the exam room, her glasses teetering dangerously on the edge of her nose. “Hihi there now, Baby Teddy!” she cooed, frowning at the sight of the bloodied little man. “Oh no- is someone’s wittle baby nosie a bit broken again?”
The happy little man just let out a gleeful giggle from his spot on his father’s lap. His little t-shirt was soaked in gunky blood and I had gone through two boxes of Kleenex in trying to clot the thick flow of blood, but to no avail.
“I do think Peter and I should be made well versed in cauterizing Baby Teddy’s nose!” I joked. “For future incidents, I mean!”
“Well, it’s best if the procedure is done by a medical professional,” Ryley told me right before whisking herself out of the exam room. She came back in less than two minutes later, juggling a bag of blood, a syringe with a clearish green solution, and a few doctor’s instruments.
“Baby Teddy, Baby Teddy, little brave cutie pie,” I sand as the little man gurgled happily, being held in place by his father as his doctor niece got to work. “Baby Teddy, Baby Teddy, you’re a brave little man.”
“Yay!” Ryley sang out happily, having finished her task and was now playing with his little feet.
“Yay yay!” Baby Teddy grinned, ever the happy little clamlet.
“Alright now, little man- arms up now!” I told him, a fresh t-shirt in hand.
After redressing him in blood free clothes, we left the hospital with a medication to make his blood clottier, as an attempt to stop his bloody little baby nose phase.
“You were so brave!” Peter praised his son as we approached the Doom Buggy 3.0, unlocking the Nissan NV 3500 with a cheerful BEEP BEEP.
“You got him now, my love?” I frowned at him, turning and getting into the passenger seat and buckling on my seat belt.
“I got him, sweetheart,” he reassured me with a soft hum. “Never you worry any, I got everything taken care of.”
“I love you daddy,” I cooed, swooning at how sweet and loving he was being towards the proud result of our never ending love with one another.
“I know,” he answered me, sweeping his long hair from his face as he shut the back door before looping back around the get into the driver’s side. “But if you’ll permit me to let you in on a little secret, I love you too, my beloved blueberry of my heart.”
My heart exploded into trillions of tiny little fluttering butterflies, once again in utter awe of this strong, caring, kind hearted manly man, who had long since made unbreakable vows to love and protect me and our children until the end of our days together.
Peter pulled out of his parking spot smoothly, pausing to allow a dinged up sedan to take his spot before driving out from the hospital parking lot.
“What do you want for dinner tonight anyways?” I asked him as he pulled onto the freeway towards home once more.
“Your delicious KFC knock off chicken?” he begged me at once, turning his head to me and making sad puppy eyes.
“I don’t know, my love…” I teased him, barking out a laugh at the expression on his handsome bearded face.
“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?” he stretched out the word dramatically, making a playful huff escape from my lips.
“Fine.” He celebrated joyfully, turning onto our street and driving up to the house. “In exchange for your cock at some point tonight.”
“That sounds reasonable,” he shrugged, pausing to allow the garage door to open, leaning over to capture my lips in a quick little kiss as he pulled in and parked. “After all, I live to serve my wife’s pretty little pussy.”
My panties were automatically sopping wet with my womanly desire and a soft moan slipped out past my pink lips, clearly signaling what I wanted- no, what I needed- most in the whole wide world at that very point in time.
“AUNTIE MAWICWAE!” screeched Baby Noah, racing over to me and throwing his arms around my knees. “Hihi!”
“Hihi there yourself, sweet Baby Noah!” I chuckled, bending down to hoist up the giggly little man. “Did you and Baby Tommy both hold down the fort while your daddy, Baby Teddy and I were at the hospital?”
“Yes!” The back door opened to allow Katie to come in, face bright red from playing out in the sun. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!”
“Baby Noah wouldn’t stop crying while you and daddy were gone,” Katie tattled, going over to the refrigerator and opening it to take out a purple Gatorade.
“Poor Baby Noah!” I crooned, pressing a loving kiss to the center of his forehead. “Was your baby anxiety acting up?”
“Yeah yeah,” he grumbled, settling down in my arms as Peter stomped his way up the stairs with Baby Teddy tucked in tightly to his burly chest.
“Hey Katie, can you go ahead and take Baby Noah and Baby Teddy out back for me?” he requested of her, passing off the giggly little man. “Mommy and I both have some adult projects that we both need to tend to. If you need anything, you can go ahead and ask Isabelle to assist you.”
I knew what that was code for.
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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headcanons for gaon being the doctor in charge of helping elijah walk again ?
Oooo (please note I have no idea about physical therapy and how it works so if it's not medically accurate, I'm sorry. My field works with dead people, not living ones)
Kim Gaon is probably one of the best doctors when it comes to helping people walk again; he's the top of his field
When he's hired by Kang Yohan to get his niece to walk again, he's a little surprised but he's up for the challenge
He arrives at the mansion and Elijah doesn't want to meet with him but Gaon is a patient man and he just smiles when Elijah tells him to get out of her house
"Your uncle hired me...you really don't want to walk again?"
Elijah looked over at him and frowned
"I do but..."
"Then I will help you walk again"
Elijah's a little stunned but she decides to trust Gaon because he looks nice and she knows her uncle well enough that he won't let anyone not nice or kind around her
Gaon then walks over to her and sits before her, smiling, before he starts asking her about how her legs were injured. Elijah just frowns because didn't he read her file? He should know
Gaon does know but he wants to hear it from Elijah herself. Elijah shakes her head because it was too long ago and she was just a child, so she can't really remember. Gaon nods because he expected that before he smiles at her and assures her he's going to do his best to help her walk again
He then leaves elijah's room and heads to speak to Yohan, telling him about the equipment he's going to need for Elijah. Since she already had her legs fixed when she was little (like they put the pins in already to set it and make it better), he doesn't have to do surgery on her, since her injury isn't a spinal cord injury, which is good
Yohan orders the equipment and it comes rather quickly so Gaon gets to work. Every day he has Elijah doing a new exercise or puts her in a new machine, just to get her used to what they going to be doing to help her walk
Elijah hates the exercises, they make her ache and hurt and she doesn't see the point of doing it but Gaon just praises her and says that she's doing a good job and that he's proud of her
Gaon's praise does help a bit because she likes to hear that someone's proud of her as she's doing these painful exercises
Gaon also tries to get Yohan to help, as he's going to need to help Elijah practice and make sure she keeps doing her exercise whenever he can't be there
Yohan then declares that Gaon's going to be moving into the mansion to live with them to help with Elijah's exercises and both Elijah and Gaon are shocked because first of all, Gaon was not consulted about this and Elijah's actually pretty happy because she likes Gaon
Yohan and Gaon do get into a bit of an argument because what about my other patients, Yohan? I can't just abandon them, not when they need help too
Yohan just laughs and tells him that he can still go see his other patients, he's not going to stop him, but he wants Gaon to come home to them every night
Gaon blushes and agrees to live in the mansion, as long as Yohan's not lying about letting him see his other patients
So they continue to do physical therapy to help Elijah walk and she gets better and better over time. She's still a bit shaky but she can walk a little
Not very far because it hurts, but Gaon just smiles and assures her that's she's doing good and that while yes, she is learning to walk, if some days are too hard, there's nothing to be ashamed of if she goes back to using her wheelchair because there's nothing wrong with her using her wheelchair
Yohan doesn't particularly like that statement but then Gaon has to explain that there are some people who can walk who also use a wheelchair if days get too hard. Elijah shouldn't be ashamed if she can't walk certain days and Yohan shouldn't degrade her or make her feel bad for having to use it
Yohan doesn't like being scolded but he understands why Gaon does it and Elijah does seem happier with the young doctor and she's making progress so Yohan can't be too mad
One day Elijah actually is able to walk the length of her room with a walker and she bursts into tears because it's the longest and farthest she's walked and Gaon is crying because he's so proud of her and Yohan's crying because Elijah might have a chance of walking again. Sure she might need some aid, like a cane or a walker, but she's walking and all of them have never been happier
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archived-kin · 3 years
genshin modern au cheat sheet
i’m planning to do more pieces set in this au, so i’ve put together a quick list of the characters i'm planning to write about/include!
there are three main groups here - the zhao family, the ragnvindr family and friends, and the Miscellaneous Pals™
(the next volume in this au is going to be a xiao piece, and that should be up within the next two or so days!)
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1. the zhao family
zhongli, 36: history professor at the local uni who also plays the guzheng very well, tea-enjoyer, a very proud and supportive dad who loves his kids more than anything in the universe - probably unironically has so many pictures of them in his wallet
xiao, 23: taking a degree in psychology at the local uni, has a cool motorbike, bit of a control freak, doesn’t like surprises, will drop-kick you if you look at him or his sister funny, wants a cat but his dad’s allergic, never really grew out of his emo phase
yanfei, 19: baby of the family, prodigy lawyer-in-training, far smarter than many people give her credit for, likes building snowmen, has to protect her unsuspecting dad from Evil Salespeople looking to make some extra money
xiao and yanfei are biological siblings, and zhongli adopted them when xiao was 11 and yanfei was 7. the circumstances of this adoption is a mystery that none of the zhao family members seem willing to divulge…
the zhao siblings can have a little bit of tragic backstory. as a treat.
basically they were born into poverty and often went hungry for days on end. biological parents were distant and neglecting (though not actually physically/emotionally abusive - yet.)
when xiao was caught shoplifting bread and fruit from a local grocery store so that he and yanfei could actually eat, both parents went ballistic and kicked him out the house in the middle of one of the coldest winters the town had seen
poor kid was practically freezing to death out there, and yanfei raised such a fuss back in the house that mum slapped her square in the face to get her to shut up, which xiao saw through the window, and he promptly decided that he Was Not Putting Up With This Shit for any longer
immediately went to a neighbour’s house and told them what was going on, neighbours promptly called cps, and an investigation was launched
parents were deemed unsuitable for raising kids and (after a lot of back and forth) the two kids were taken into care
meanwhile zhongli was kind of sad because he had no friends or family in this town and all he really did was write articles, read books, and mark work
then one of his co-workers mentioned hearing about xiao and yanfei’s story and it hit zhongli so hard that he immediately rang up the adoption centre and ended up taking them in
and from then on both yanfei and xiao were very happy and healthy because zhongli was literally the best dad ever and put everything into taking care of them
2. the ragnvindr family (+ friends)
diluc, 29: budding businessman who still works at his dad’s cafe but is looking to open up his own company some time soon, still buys himself juice in those little cartons with the straws, still doesn’t know how raising bread works?? how does it get bigger???
diona, 7: diluc’s adopted daughter who has her father firmly under her thumb, bit of a spitfire but can also be the sweetest kid ever, enjoys making ‘potions’ out of grass and flowers and water (diluc can and will actually drink these potions because his love for his daughter knows no bounds)
kaeya, 25: diluc’s idiot little brother who’s changed majors at least five times and still doesn’t really know what he wants to do, practises fencing and horse riding in his spare time like a nerd, spoils his niece rotten
lisa, 26: the first of kaeya’s three roommates, has a degree in english and could easily have gone on to become a leading scholar but chose to instead open a bookshop that gets way more business than expected because she’s pretty and men and women alike are all simps
albedo, 23: the second of kaeya’s roommates, bit of a genius, has already started his chemistry phd, is almost concerningly pale and exhausted at all times, has not gone a day without breaking one of the cups for at least two years
venti, 21: the third of kaeya’s roommates, studying music, acts way older than he is sometimes but is mostly just a child, asks at least one of his roommates to marry him every day without fail, was and still is both a music and a theatre kid
lisa’s actually the one who owns the roommates’ residence because it’s on top of her bookshop
i was going to keep the whole ragnvindr family trauma thing but i decided that diluc deserved to be happy in at least one au so the brothers are still happy brothers :D
unfortunately that means that i’ve transferred a lot of the family trauma over to diona
essentially her mother died when she was a baby and her father, draff, turned to alcohol to get him through the stress of raising a child alone. unfortunately this led to him drunk driving one day, and he crashed the car into one of the wall’s of diluc’s dad’s cafe.
draff died on impact since he was in the front seat, but three-year-old diona managed to pull through despite her injuries. one thing led to another, diluc ended up taking care of her for a bit while the authorities sorted the whole thing out, but then he got too attached and decided to adopt her permanently
now diona has a dad, three uncles and an aunt who are all willing to shower her with all the love she deserves :’)))))
3. the Miscellaneous Pals™:
xiangling, xingqiu, chongyun, 17: local high school kids, they’re all kind of dating each other, low-key got adopted by xiao at one point, guoba is xiangling’s guinea pig and they all have joint custody over him
barbara, bennett, razor, 17: also local high school kids, also kind of all dating each other (but a lot more tentatively), regulars at diluc’s cafe, almost never seen apart
lumine, aether, ??: they keep showing up here and there around town to climb a tree and just sit there throwing leaves at people on the streets, then disappear. no one knows who the fuck they are
tartaglia, 23: nicknamed childe by his friends, also known as Mr Moneybags, is always just hanging around the local uni campus but doesn’t actually study anything there. his real name is ajax, but he thought that was lame so he gave himself a cool new one
eula, 24: new teacher at the local high school, her father used to be headmaster and was notoriously cruel to his students so everyone’s kind of wary of her, but she’s just really sweet and wants the best for her pupils :(((
amber, 21: number one eula defender, teaches the younger kids at the local primary, likes bunsen burners a little bit too much, still can’t remember how to spell the word necessary
hu tao, 25?: shady local mortician who may or may not practise illegal things, was kind of dating yanfei at some point but zhongli sent her packing as soon as he realised who she was, no one knows what her deal is
xiangling’s already a budding master chef and has received several offers from culinary schools, xingqiu is planning to study literature/language at uni but also might just go straight to trying to get a book published, chongyun is going to continue the family tradition of studying the supernatural with maybe a side job at xiangling’s future restaurant so that he doesn’t end up with no money if he doesn’t get any supernatural work
barbara is planning to go to medical school and also sings/dances in her spare time, bennett still doesn’t know what he wants to do but is considering carpentry among other things, and razor is dead-set on working at either a zoo or an animal shelter when he’s older
tartaglia never leaves the house without at least three pocket knives and a water pistol. he’s never had to use them yet, but you never know...
eula and amber live together and are probably dating but they’ll both just dodge the question if you ask them about it
they’re most definitely together though because on eula’s birthday amber brought her entire class of little kids to say happy birthday and bring her flowers
(incidentally amber is diona’s teacher)
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sweetbuckybarnes · 2 years
Apple Picking
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Pairings: Gilbert Blythe + Anne Shirley
Summary: Young Delphine goes apple picking with Uncle Gilby and Auntie Anne. Years later, Gilbert and Anne go apple picking with two of their children.
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By the time Delphine Lacroix was 4-years-old, it was obvious she could eventually rival the intelligence of her Uncle Gilby and Auntie Anne. By the time the young girl had learnt how to read, she had flown through the books that Elijah had read when he was young and whatever books that Auntie Constance and Auntie Jocelyn brought round from the Bog.
However, most of the books that Delphine read were ones that Gilbert and Anne got her (when Anne was able to visit every month from Redmond, and Gilbert often brings 3 or even 5 at a time when he visits from Toronto).
It was time for the summer harvest of the apples. Anne had promised Bash last week that she would come round to help Delphine with her spelling and handwriting (it was being obvious that the town wouldn't allow Dellie to get her education from school, and it made both Bash and Gilbert proud when Dellie would show off her achievements).
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There was a knock at the door, and then Anne's head poked around the side. She sees Dellie with her nose in a book, and Gilbert sat beside her listening to her read allowed.
At the knock, Delphine looks up and turns her head. "Auntie Anne!" She dropped the book on the kitchen table and ran into Anne's arms. From over the top of Dellie's head, Anne saw Gilbert smiling at her - now 21, he had graduated from Toronto with his bachelor's degree and would be going to medical school in September for his doctorate. Anne had been able to go see him graduate with honours, as Dellie had sat on her hip as they happily cheered him walking across that stage.
"Hello, sweetheart," Anne pressed a kiss to the top of the girl's head. Gilbert walked over at pressed a kiss to Anne's cheek. "Hi, Gil," Anne smiled at him.
"Anne-girl," Gilbert replied, pulling the two girls in his life into a hug. Delphine let out a squeak in surprise, in reply to this - Gilbert reached down and lifted her into his arms. "Dellie has nearly finished her book, then we were going to go apple picking,"
After Gilbert had said this, Dellie's head spun around to look at Anne. A very wide grin forming on the little girl's face. "Auntie Anne come too!" She looked between the pair as if she was begging without words that Auntie Anne come with them to go apple picking in the orchard she'd grown up in.
Anne exchanged a smile with Gilbert over the top of Delphine's head. "I would be honoured, sweetie," Anne told the little girl, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
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With the book Dellie had been reading, finished - Anne had made a small picnic for the trio when they got hungry during the picking.
When they were in the orchard, Gilbert had set his niece on his shoulders, so she could grab some of the apples from the trees. Anne smiled happily over at Gilbert and Delphine, as she held a crate for the apples to go in. She couldn't help but imagine a future with Gilbert when they could time away from the jobs that they would have and take their children to go apple picking in Gilbert's father's orchard. But that was a long way off yet. Gilbert hadn't even proposed!
Once the crate eventually got too heavy for Anne to hold, Gilbert lifted Dellie off his shoulders, gently setting her on the ground and took the crate from Anne's hands. Whilst he was separated from Anne currently, he had time to think about what he could see in his future with Anne - with a ring in one of his drawers in his bedroom, maybe if she would be okay to a long engagement while he was away at medical school?
He knew he could cope with waiting, but he had always told Bash that Anne was in control of how their relationship moved. He never wanted to push any of the boundaries with his darling Anne-girl, it would completely break his heart if he pushed her too far and she left him. There is nobody else for him but her.
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3 years after Gilbert had graduated from medical school, Jem and Walter stood at 2 and 1 respectively, with and being pregnant once more (Gilbert seemed to think that Anne was pregnant with twins, considering she was 'larger' than her previous 3 pregnancies).
Gilbert was able to take some time away from his practice to spend time with his family in Avonlea. They hadn't told Marilla or Bash (Anne knew Marilla's eyesight wasn't what it used to be, and she relied on the help of the LaCroix's and the Baynard's after Matthew passed) that they were coming to visit.
The four arrived at the train station, as many people clambered around Gilbert - happy to see the 'golden boy' back in the town. Anne rolled her eyes and moved the boys away from the crowd of people around their father.
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They arrived at Green Gables when Marilla poked her head around commonly used door and a smile brightened her face (Anne could see the curtain-twitching in the kitchen, which suggested that Rachel was watching them).
"Anne! Gilbert!" She smiled, rushing over as quickly as she could to greet her adoptive daughter, her son-in-law and her precious grandbabies. "Jem, Walter!" Marilla watched as Gilbert lifted the two little boys from the cart and they rushed over to their grandma.
Marilla wrapped her arms around her grandsons, as Gilbert and Anne walk over gently, Gilbert's arm was wrapped around her lower back. The older woman smiled at the married couple, she couldn't help but think Matthew, Anne's birth parents and Gilbert's parents were proud of the pair for finding each other in the end.
"Anne," Marilla smiled, reaching over and wrapped her arms around her little girl. Even though Anne was no longer living at Green Gables and had a family of her own - she would still the small 13-year-old who turned up on her doorstep by accident.
"Hi, Marilla," Anne smiles, her head nuzzling into Marilla's shoulder.
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The day after they arrived (after visiting Bash and Delphine), they went to help with the harvest in the orchard.
It was a similar scene to how it was when they took Dellie apple picking. Walter was cradled in Anne's arms, with Jem sat on Gilbert's shoulders - helping his father collect the apples.
Bash and Marilla were watching from the window of the house, with smiles on their faces.
"They got their happy ending after all," Bash says, his hand resting on Marilla's shoulder - they had known each other for so long (thanks to Anne and Gilbert) that this kind of touching was accepted by Marilla.
"Didn't they just," Marilla replied, they had a silent chuckle together, as a grown Delphine walked into the house, having just arrived back from town. She gave a wide smile (similar to the one when she was a baby, and a replica of Mary's), and looked where they were looking.
"Aunt Anne and Uncle Gilbert are here?" She asks, despite being a grown lady, she will always calm them her 'aunt' and 'uncle'. A second look into the orchard showed that little Jem and Walter were with them
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Assuage: Chapter 17
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: None to note.
Author’s Note: Enjoy this calm chapter before the storm comes lol 
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A few days later, Yoongi was still at a total loss when it came to trying to figure out how to tell you the truth.
On one hand, he didn’t want to risk making you upset and ruining your relationship that had been going so well up to this point. Also, he didn’t know how you might end up reacting and he didn’t want to risk potentially being shunned from this pack too, especially after he had made himself at home and really began to feel welcomed.  
On the other hand though, Yoongi knew that you deserved to know and he knew that it would be best if you heard it from Yoongi’s own mouth. Plus, Yoongi knew that if the roles were reversed, he’d want to know if he had been sleeping next to someone who had associations with the person who murdered his parents. 
“Y/N-ah?” Yoongi called out, a soft smile coming on to his face when you stepped into your living room.
“Yeah?” You replied.
“Come here,” Yoongi said, holding his hand out towards you and you paced over to him, placing your hand in his and letting him pull you down so that you were sat on the couch next to him. “I have something that I need to tell you.”
“Ok,” you nodded. “Shoot.”
“It’s kind of hard for me to tell you this, but I know that I should tell you,” he began, pausing to take a deep breath in and out before continuing. “You have to understand though Y/N-ah, I didn’t know.”
“You didn’t know what?” You wondered. “Is everything ok?”
“Kind of, but this is just something that you need to know,” he responded. Just as he opened his mouth to continue, there was a loud knock on your front door. 
“Ignore that,” you said as you gave Yoongi your full attention. 
“Someone’s out there though,” Yoongi huffed. 
“It’s just Jungkook,” you shrugged after taking a quick sniff of the air. “It’s probably nothing important.” Right after those words left your mouth, Jungkook’s knocks became harder and more frantic sounding. 
“It could be important though,” Yoongi pointed out. “Go check.”
“You sure?” You asked as you stood up from the couch. “You sounded like you really had something to say there.”
“It’s nothing that can’t wait,” he assured you. “I’m good, go.” Even though you weren’t completely convinced, you walked away from the couch and over to the front door, reaching out and pulling it open to reveal a frazzled looking Jungkook.
“Hey Kook,” you smiled.
“Hyorin’s in labor,” he blurted out in lieu of a proper greeting and your eyes widened. 
“Right now?” You checked. 
“Right now,” Jungkook echoed. “Joon hyung, Hobi hyung, and I were going over security measures and Jimin ran to tell us that she had gone into labor while they were hanging out. Joon hyung ran home to be with her and sent me to come get you.”
“I’m on my way there now,” you nodded. “You better go tell Tae because he’ll be pissed if no one told him.”
“Don’t I know it?” Jungkook chuckled. “I’m going home after this and I’ll tell him once I get there.” After saying goodbye to each other, Jungkook ran off and you shut the front door before jogging down the hallway into your bedroom. 
“What’s going on?” Yoongi wondered.
“Hyo’s in labor,” you shouted back, and Yoongi could hear the sound of you throwing stuff around. 
“That’s exciting,” Yoongi smiled as you walked back into the living room, a large black bag in your hand. 
“Thank God I had the sense of mind to restock this medical bag the other day, so that I don’t have to waste time running to the infirmary,” you sighed before looking over at Yoongi. “You coming?”
“I’m invited?” He shot back with a laugh. 
“Tae’s gonna be there and he’ll need the company while he waits because he won’t leave until the baby is born, I know it,” you giggled. 
“I guess I’ve been convinced,” Yoongi replied with a smile. 
By the time that the two of you pulled on your shoes and jackets, left your cabin, and made it over to Namjoon and Hyorin’s cabin, Taehyung was already there pacing back and forth on their front porch.
“Y/N-ah!” Taehyung exclaimed when he saw you walking up the steps. “We’re about to be an aunt and uncle!”
“I know Tae, I am the one who’s about to deliver the baby,” you pointed out with a smile. Before Taehyung could reply though, the front door swung open and Namjoon stuck his head outside.
“Thank God you’re here,” Namjoon sighed heavily. “She’s in so much pain Y/N-ah.”
“Just calm down, calm down. Now, how far apart are her contractions?” You asked as you stepped inside of the house and Yoongi and Taehyung didn’t hear Namjoon’s answer because he shut the front door again as soon as you had stepped inside. 
“I really wish I could at least be in the house,” Taehyung huffed as he sat down on one of the chairs that was placed on the porch, and Yoongi took the liberty of sitting down in the chair right next to his as well. 
“Your brother would tear you apart if you got too close to his vulnerable mate,” Yoongi told him. 
“Stupid Alpha hormones,” Taehyung spat, making Yoongi laugh. 
“Yeah, they are pretty stupid sometimes,” Yoongi agreed. A few minutes of silence then passed over them before Taehyung spoke up again.
“You know, it’s times like this when I really wish our parents were still here,” Taehyung muttered. 
“That’s completely normal Taehyung,” Yoongi assured him. “It’s a big day.”
“I’ve gotten really good at compartmentalizing them over the years and not thinking about them but it’s days like today that make it hard to do that. Especially when I know that they should be here,” Taehyung added. 
“It’s definitely easier not to think about them if that helps you get through the day, but maybe getting it out can help too,” Yoongi suggested. “How do you think they would react if they were here?”
“Mom would’ve been absolutely over the moon,” Taehyung chuckled. “She probably would’ve been right in there with them, helping to keep Hyo calm. Our mom was really good at that, keeping people calm and reassuring them.”
“That sounds like you,” Yoongi replied and Taehyung just shook his head slightly. 
“I could only hope to be like her someday, and like our father,” Taehyung whispered. “Dad would’ve been so proud, because he always wanted to see the family line continue on.”
“I think all fathers are like that,” Yoongi laughed. “I know mines used to say ‘I want at least three grandchildren out of you, Min Yoongi’,”
“You know, I think our dad would’ve liked you,” Taehyung said, which made Yoongi freeze. “You’re a lot like him.”
“He was Prime, right?”
“Yeah, and it definitely had it’s good and bad sides,” Taehyung joked. “But even forgetting that, you have similar traits. I think that’s why Y/N-ah likes you, but don’t tell her I said that because she’ll do nothing but deny it.”
“Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me,” Yoongi muttered, and he couldn’t help but to start to feel even worse for not telling you the truth yet. Hearing what Taehyung said only made Yoongi worry more about how you were going to react when you finally learned the truth. All Yoongi knew was that he needed to tell you soon, because the last thing that he wanted to do was hurt you more than you were already going to be.
After an hour and a half of waiting, Taehyung and Yoongi were still sitting on the porch together.
“What the fuck is taking so long?” Taehyung groaned loudly.
“Taehyung, she’s having a baby,” Yoongi laughed. “They don’t just pop out.”
“Thank God I can’t have kids myself, I wouldn’t have the patience,” Taehyung huffed.
“Or be able to handle the pain,” Yoongi added.
“That too,” Taehyung nodded. 
“Do you ever think about it?” Yoongi wondered. “Having a pup?”
“Of course I do,” Taehyung admitted. “Thankfully though, there are always female omegas who are willing to help couples like me and Kook have pups. I want at least two, one that’ll be half of Kook and one that’ll be half of me.”
“That’s good,” Yoongi smiled. 
“What about you hyung?” Taehyung flipped the question. “Do you want pups?”
“Are you asking me if I want pups in general, or specifically with your sister?” Yoongi questioned. 
“Whichever you feel like answering,” Taehyung smirked knowingly. Just as Yoongi opened his mouth to reply, the front door opened and you stepped out onto the porch.
“Y/N-ah!” Taehyung exclaimed as he hurriedly stood up and rushed over to you. “How’d it go?! Is Hyo ok?! Is the baby ok?! Did Joon hyung faint?! I knew he probably would!” 
“Tae, calm down,” you giggled as you reached out and set your hands on his shoulders. “Hyo is just fine, she did beautifully and no, Joon didn’t faint which actually surprised me. And the babies are fine, both of them.”
“B-both of them?” Taehyung gasp.
“Come and meet your nieces,” you smiled giddily. 
“Ok, not to be biased or anything, but they are the cutest babies I’ve ever seen in my life,” Taehyung cooed as he held one of the girls in his arms. Hyorin and Namjoon were seated next to each other on their bed, Hyorin holding their other daughter in her arms. Yoongi hung back by the door in order not to get his scent too close to the babies since he wasn’t family, and you were shuffling around the room straightening things up from the delivery.
“You’re definitely biased, but you’re also not wrong,” Namjoon chuckled. “They’re gorgeous.”
“What are their names?” Yoongi asked. 
“The one that Tae is holding is the oldest and her name is Mi-ra, after their mom and the girls’ grandma,” Hyorin said as she looked over at Taehyung.
“And this little surprise,” Namjoon whispered as he reached over and let their daughter that Hyorin was holding grab onto his finger. “This is Sena, our youngest.”
“I can’t believe that you were having twins and didn’t tell anyone,” Taehyung huffed. 
“I didn’t know either,” Hyorin laughed. “I swear, I never felt more than one set of hands or feet moving around at a time throughout my pregnancy.”
“And I never saw more than one baby during the ultrasounds,” you spoke up. “The youngest one was hiding behind her sister the entire pregnancy.”
“Imagine how freaked out we were when Y/N delivered Mi-ra and then said that there was another baby,” Namjoon sighed.
“I was just pissed that I had to keep pushing,” Hyorin joked, making everyone laugh. 
“I guess we’re gonna have to get started on another crib for you guys then,” Yoongi smiled and Hyorin nodded thankfully at him. 
“If you could,” she grinned bashfully. 
“Hey Y/N-ah,” Namjoon called out to you, making you stop and look at him. “Did you bring the stuff to do the test?”
“What test?” Taehyung questioned. 
“Some Beta doctors in Seoul have been working on testing that would help predict someone’s subgender before they present,” you explained. “Kind of like how an ultrasound reveals their primary gender.”
“I didn’t even know that was a thing,” Yoongi said.
“It’s a new thing,” you smiled at him. “It’s only been developed within the last few years and it’s only been shown to be about 78%, 79% accurate.”
“Joon and I thought it might be fun just to see,” Hyorin shrugged. 
“I can still do it,” you told her. “I have the liquids here with me.” Namjoon and Hyorin looked at each other for a few seconds before they both turned and nodded their heads at you. Moving over to your bag, you took out a small bottle of liquid and a dropper before stepping over to where Taehyung was holding Mi-ra. 
“How does it work?” Taehyung wondered as you unscrewed the cap on the bottle and then stuck the dropper inside, sucking up some of the liquid before removing it.
“I just place a small amount on her scent gland and whatever color the liquid turns corresponds to what her subgender might be,” you said as you gently took a hold of Mi-ra’s hand, turning it over so that her little wrist was facing upwards before squeezing a tiny dot onto her skin. The clear liquid seemed to melt onto her skin before turning a dark brown color.
“Probably an Alpha,” you announced. “Typical of first borns in this family.”
“Wow,” Namjoon murmured excitedly. You then moved over to the bed where Hyorin had already pried Sena’s hand away from Namjoon’s and turned her wrist over for you. You followed the same steps, letting a small amount of the liquid drop onto her wrist and you were shocked when you saw the color turn white. 
“What?” Hyorin prompted you when she saw your reaction.
“She’s probably a Beta,” you chuckled in disbelief. 
“Seriously?” Taehyung gasped loudly. “That’s so fucking cool!”
“Tae, calm down,” Namjoon chastised him with a smile. “The test isn’t 100% accurate.”
“Joon’s right,” you nodded. “The test could be wrong and it also doesn’t tell us if one or the both of them are Prime or not, which is a good possibility given our family line. The only way we’ll know for sure is when they’re old enough to present.”
“But still, it’ll be so cool not being the only Beta anymore,” Taehyung squealed. 
“A hidden twin and will probably end up being the first Beta in the pack in years,” Yoongi summed up. “Seems like little Sena has a lot to live up to.”
“That she does,” Hyorin cooed as she looked down at Sena, who was yawning widely now. “Our extra little miracle.”
Suddenly, there was a loud clang that sounded like the front door and before you knew it, Hobi was poking his head into the bedroom.
“Hey, get out,” you moved over to shoo him away. “The babies are still too new for you to bring your scent around them.”
“Babies? As in more than one?” Hobi gasped before shaking his head and looking past you to Namjoon. “Regardless, it’s an emergency.” 
“Whatever it is can wait a day or two,” Namjoon told him. “My children were just born Seok-ah, so I’m sure Tae or Y/N can handle things in the meantime.”
“I do recognize that but I also hope that you realize that I wouldn’t have even come here if it weren’t vitally important,” Hobi pointed out. 
“Joon,” Hyorin spoke up, making him look over at her. “Go ahead.”
“But you and the babies.”
“We’re fine,” Hyorin said. “Y/N-ah is here for me just in case, I got Sena, and I doubt Tae is gonna let go of Mi-ra anytime soon.”
“Got that right,” Taehyung confirmed. 
“Go,” she repeated. After hesitating for a few more seconds, Namjoon got up off of the bed and walked over to the door where you, Hobi, and Yoongi were standing. 
“What’s going on?”
“Seo-hyun’s pack just breached our territory and they’re headed this way,” Hobi revealed, making yours, Namjoon’s, and Yoongi’s eyes widen. “Now.”
Tag List: @jikook-enthusiasts @veryuniquenamegoeshere @seolarsyj @littlrmills14-blog @preciouschimine @kt-rny @copenhagenspirit
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wakatvshi · 4 years
roman holiday | porco galliard x reiner’s sister!reader. pt1.
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warnings:  obviously season 4 anime spoilers
word count: 3316
gif credit: ackersoul
authors note: so this is the first part of my porco x reader fic! the reader is reiner’s sister and you can decide if you want to say they’re adopted/half-siblings/full siblings or not because I left that totally open for you! feedback is loved so if you like this let me know! also since we don’t know the exact timeline I’ve messed around with it but it’s still canonverse. 
summary: falling in love with porco galliard wasn’t a simple thing. keeping that love a secret wasn’t either. but telling your brother that you were in love with the man who did his best to make his life hell? even harder. 
Your hand was holding tightly onto your mothers arm as you stood at the gates. The soldiers had returned today, that meant your brother and cousin would be coming home. Should be coming home. In war anything could happen and where your mother assured everyone who would listen that Reiner was strong and would make Marley proud you couldn’t help but worry. The warriors' mission to Paradis proved that even titans could be taken down, it wasn’t something your mother ever accepted but you did. The idea that something could have happened to Reiner or Gabi and they wouldn’t come home wouldn’t leave you. 
As much as you wanted to believe, you knew your brother, you’d seen him wake up from nightmares and listened to him talk when he had a little too much to drink. No one but you seemed to actually notice that he wasn’t the same, he wasn’t as strong as your mother boasted. Not that you’d ever say anything to anyone, not even your mother. You’d tried to bring it up before, ask if she thought he was okay and she scolded you for doubting him when he was strong enough to be a warrior. Something she enjoyed reminding you, you weren’t. 
Those fears were erased when the gates opened and you watched Gabi walk in smiling. Relief filled you and you let yourself relax, even smile when she ran to your aunt and uncle. The other warriors filed in as well and your eyes locked onto a tall blonde but your mothers voice took your attention away from him. As Reiner walked towards you, you couldn’t miss how tired and worn out he looked. But still he smiled as he walked over to you, hugging you both. 
As soon as he let go of you, your mother was fawning over him. Walking towards your home you listened as she talked about the beard he was growing. He hummed and agreed quietly when she gave him time to speak. You were silently by your brothers side, the man still comforting to you. Reiner was the prize sibling and you knew that, he was the warrior, he was the reason you wore the red arm bands. You hadn’t wanted a titan, you’d never have voiced that to anyone but you were thankful you weren’t chosen and upset that he was. Upset that you’d lose your brother in two years now. 
When you were in the warrior program you’d failed spectacularly at the physical tasks, but your mind was where you shined. That was why when you were pulled out of the warrior program you were sent to learn with medics and hopefully you’d become a doctor when they deemed you ready. Hopefully that would be soon, they were letting you work with people on your own recently, with you researching titans more you could be placed with the warrior’s yourself. You were proud of that and you tried to talk to your mother about it, if you did well you could get a red arm band on your own, but Reiner had already done it and that was what mattered to her. 
The dinner that she’d planned with your family ended up worse than you’d expected. You’d been hoping for a calm dinner, getting to talk to Reiner and Gabi after them being gone for so long but that hadn’t happened. You had to listen to your mother talk about how proud she was that Gabi would be the one to take the armor, that her niece would eat her son. Then your uncle asked about Reiner’s time on Paradis and it ended in your mother blowing up. You’d heard him slip up like that before, not often but enough that as soon as he was asked about it you knew it was going to end badly, just as it did. 
You’d silently helped your mother clean up, she wasn’t in a talking mood and Reiner had long retired to his room. As much as you wanted to talk to your mother the look on her face made it clear she didn’t want any conversation. However when your eyes lingered too long on your brothers door she spoke. “Leave him.” Quickly your eyes fell to the plates in front of you as you washed them. “He’s not thinking right. He needs to get used to being out of war.” 
You wanted to laugh, he’d not been thinking right for a long time but she didn’t care about that. Not until he effected her and their image. But it was always easier to agree with her and let it go. “Gabi was lucky. She got to know what it’s like before she has to take on a titan.” Reiner’s titan. You didn’t want to think about that, you couldn’t think about him being gone. 
Your mothers hands were still you could see the slight shake in her hands but she distracted herself by smoothing out her skirt and walking back towards the table to clean up. “I can finish this myself.” You’d said something wrong. You didn’t know what but it wasn’t often that you really did know what was bothering her. Oh If you tried to help you got pushed away, she was stubborn, just like Reiner and yourself. 
The thought of going to talk to Reiner did enter your mind but you decided against it. You’d talk to him tomorrow when you didn’t have your mother hovering over your shoulder. It was raining when you stepped outside, the mist blowing in your face as you stood under the awning, happy that you were able to get away.. You weren’t a fan of confrontation, especially when it came to your family. As much as you wanted to play peacemaker, there was only so much you could do to help when Reiner wouldn’t talk and your mother never listened. So many times it felt like you were banging your head against the wall and there wasn’t really any escape for that. You craved freedom, any kind of freedom. 
There was one thing that you had that made you feel free, something you were desperate to cling to but afraid to share with the world. Afraid that if you did it would be taken away from you. When you heard footsteps there was a second where you panicked before you realized you knew the walk. A light smile came to your face as you turned to see the personification of your freedom walking towards you. 
“You’re going to get soaked if you stay out in the rain Galliard.” You teased as he walked towards you. You’d missed him more than you could ever say. Not being able to go to him at the gate was harder than you thought it would be. Everything in you had wanted to launch yourself at him but you had to stop yourself. No one knew about the two of you and you weren’t ready for anyone to know. It was selfish, you knew that but you didn’t want anything to ruin what you had. 
He raised an eyebrow as he looked at you on the porch, “You’re not looking all that dry yourself Braun.” You could tell something was off in his voice and it was pretty obvious what it was. “You wanna take a walk?” Porco wasn’t usually one to beat around the bush, he was always a direct person no matter what the consequence might be. The fact that he wanted to get away from your house was a clear sign that what was on his mind was important. 
Glancing back at the door you considered saying no, putting off any anger he might have. But after so long being apart from him, you wanted to be around him no matter what. Not to mentioned that with a few well-placed kisses he went from angry to kitten in seconds. “Yeah, I don’t think my mom will even notice I’m gone.” It was just supposed to be a passive comment but you couldn’t hide the slight venom in your voice. 
The rain wasn’t heavy, it felt kind of nice as the two of you walked. There was also the added fact that not many people were outside right now. You’d say it was romantic if Porco wasn’t as distant as he was. Usually he’d have you close to him if you were alone, even outside in public like this he’d have you at his side. Right now you walked behind him though, you’d tried to walk next to him but he didn’t pay you any attention when you did. You couldn’t just let yourself stand there and be rejected so you fell in step behind him. 
You knew exactly where he was taking you. There was a park that the two of you used to go to, to get away from everyone. Mostly elderly people went there to relax but the gazebo always ended up empty enough for you and Porco to be alone without people bothering the two of you. You’d come out here once since he’d left, sat in the middle and let yourself pretend for a few moments that you weren’t alone then. But the reality made you too upset and you avoided it. Going back with him while he was angry wasn’t something you really wanted to do. 
Following him up the steps you shook some of the water off yourself as he went to stand against one of the pillars. You could feel his eyes on you as you ran your fingers through your damp hair but the second you looked to him he was looking away. Letting out a soft sigh you spoke, “I’ve not been here in a long time.” You didn’t want the storm you knew was in his mind to grow anymore. “It feels wrong to come here without you.” He let out a hum but other than that was quiet, it was quickly getting under your skin. “Porco.” 
“You know you could have at least said hi or something. I don’t think it’s that hard I mean I was able to talk to my parents and Pieck’s dad.” When he was in a bad mood he wanted everyone to be in a bad mood. It hurt but there was truth in his words. 
Stepping closer to him you put your hands against his chest. Taking a moment to appreciate that he really was back. Porco was solid and in front of you, not one of the dreams you’d been having the whole time he was gone. If he’d let you, you’d wrap your arms around him and hold him there. But when he was in this mood you were lucky he was even letting you touch him. It was only because he missed you as well you were sure. 
“You know my mom. If I had moved and not looked… perfect while we waited she’d have been pissed. She got mad I was fidgeting too much as it was.” Stand there, always look like the perfect family, proud in your red armbands. A nice mask that she loved you and Reiner to put on. There was a little ease on his face, he knew enough about your mother from your talks about her. He was the only person you’d complain about her to other than Reiner. “And then as soon as Reiner got there we had to show off her big warrior hero.” 
As soon as the words left your lips he was rolling his eyes and stepping away from you. “Big hero warrior?” He snorted. “Yeah that’s funny.” Narrowing your eyes at your boyfriend you waited for him to say something else. You’d hated this rivalry they had going ever since Reiner was chosen for the Armor over Porco. That was part of the reason you wanted to keep it a secret. “No I’m serious! Your family should be thanking me. I’m the only reason he’s even alive!”
Your eyes widened and he looked guilty for a second, “What do you mean? How bad was he hurt?” Reiner wouldn’t have told you he got hurt. That was just like him, he never wanted anyone to worry about him when that was impossible for you. 
“He just took some heavy hits that’s all. He’s alive and he’s fine now so all I’m saying is that he’s alive because of me. So you should at least give me some credit.” The annoyance slipped off his face for a second and you could see the sadness in his eyes. “You didn’t even look at me Y/N.” 
Everything in you wanted to protest that, you had looked at him but he was with his parents when you did. But who could blame him for being focused on them. They’d already lost one son, the idea that they could lose Porco was probably a greater fear for them than it was you. You’d been there when that Ymir woman was brought back and Porco was told that she’d taken Marcel’s jaw. You’d offered to go with him when his parents found out but he’d declined your offer. It made sense to you later, that he was too emotional and didn’t like anyone seeing him like that. 
“I’m sorry. I tried but…” You didn’t really have a good excuse other than your selfishness to keep your relationship with him a secret. “I should have said something, I know that. Not being able to go to you drove me crazy. I just knew that you’d come to find me tonight.” 
He stared at you again, trying to figure out what to say. You could see the emotions cross his face before he ran his hand through his hair slicking it back more. A nervous habit of his that you usually found endearing. “I don’t want to do this anymore. The hiding I mean. It was fun for a while. Sneaking around and the whole thrill of being caught but not anymore.” He was right, you couldn’t hide this forever and you didn’t want to. You loved him, you wanted to be with him. Porco reached out and took your hand. You’d never seen this look in his eyes before and it scared you. “I’ve got nine years left.” 
Shaking your head you tightened your grip on his hand, “We don’t need to talk about that.” You kept those thoughts out of your head as much as you could. Your brother, your best friend and your boyfriend. Reiner, Pieck and Porco were all going to die because of this curse and it wasn’t something you were good at facing. 
“Yes we do! It’s happening and I don’t want to spend all this time hiding from everyone.” You didn’t want to think about it but Porco was right. As soon as you accepted that you felt anything for him that the time you had together was limited. It was why you were hesitant to start anything, no matter how big your crush on him had been. 
Still, you were hesitant to open up to people about it. Being with a warrior was an honor to other Eldians, but there was always mention of the short time you had together. You knew for a while that would be all you heard. Any event would be ‘cherish it while it lasts’. It would be a constant reminder. Not to mention your family. Oh your mother would be happy, she’d brag about it, probably insinuate how you’d finally done something right. Being in a romantic relationship with a warrior was more impressive to her than your own actions. 
But what held you back was mostly Reiner. He wouldn’t actually be angry at you but the fact that you were dating his biggest rival was probably not something he would enjoy. You’d been there for the fights they’d have at HQ when you were all younger. Or more like you’d be there when Porco would beat the hell out of him.  Then you’d listened to both of them when Reiner was chosen for the Armored Titan over Porco. The fights they’d had over that would get bad enough but Porco’s reaction to finding out that Marcel had died to save Reiner was something else entirely. After four years you’d waited for your brothers to come home and only yours had. 
Reiner’s reaction wasn’t something you could predict but you didn’t think it would be too positive. Even if he pretended it was for your benefit you would be able to tell if it was fake. You didn’t want the chance that he’d be disappointed in you. But you knew you had to, you loved Reiner and he was your brother. You’d do anything for him. But Porco? When you thought of your future it was with Porco. You threw away all of your hesitations when it came to him, every caution you’d ever taken to not get close to anymore of the warriors was gone and for him. 
Easing your grip on his hand you laced your fingers together, “You’re right.” Porco looked surprised for a few seconds but recovered when you kept talking. “I know you’re right, I just liked being alone with you. With no one telling me to count the years I have with you. People always love to remind me of that with Reiner already. I hate hearing it and I just… if no one knew no one could remind me.” 
Porco’s hand cupped your cheek and you leaned into his touch, it had been so long since you’d been near him and felt his touch. “Who gives a shit what they say? Who cares about how much time we have when we’re better than them anyway.” You couldn’t help but laugh at his words, “It’s true! The people who say that are the idiots who have nothing better to do than pay too much attention to everything we do. They don’t matter. We do.” 
Taking his hand you pressed a kiss to his palm, causing him to scoff and look away from you, a light blush dusting his cheeks. “We can tell people. And make a few people jealous in the meantime.” Porco always liked when you bragged about him, he’d like the idea of people getting jealous of the two of you and you knew that. “But I get to tell Reiner.” 
Porco pulled his hand away from your face as he rolled his eyes, “Who cares who tells him as long as he finds out?”
“I do. Because you’ll be an asshole about it and you can’t even deny that.” Porco would take too much pleasure in telling your brother and probably find some way to make it about sex just to bother him. Which was the opposite of what you wanted. The stern look on your face faded when you had to voice the second reason it had to be you who told Reiner. “And I’ve always told him everything. When he finds out I didn’t tell him about this… I don’t know if he’ll be upset that I didn’t tell him about this.” 
There had been so many secrets between the two of you since he got back. You knew why, you knew he wasn’t allowed to talk about his time on Paradis. But even beyond that you’d gotten almost nothing out of him. It was getting to the point where Gabi was worried and to her Reiner was some unbreakable force and even at her age she was starting to see through that. You’d seen it on her face at dinner.
“Fine. Just make it soon okay?” Before you could give a response Porco grabbed your chin and kissed you. It was just a simple press of his lips but right then it felt like everything. “I hated not being able to kiss my girl when I got back.”
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orsuliya · 3 years
This part (4 of who knows how many) of my Awu/Xiao Qi married headcanons resembles nothing more that a dying whale full of confused feelings. Which is exactly what I would swiftly turn to left alone with this drama without @madeleineengland’s continuous friendship and support. What I actually want to say is: Happy Birthday, my dear! I am thankful to have met you. I hope you like this instalment, even if I couldn’t quite manage to fit in a kneeling Song Huaien. Sorry!
There are some things that no woman can choose for herself. Some things simply happen – or not – as they please with no regard to wishful thinking or social status. A princess or a gravedigger’s daughter, a young maiden or a stately matron, none can simply will themselves pregnant, no matter how many prayers have left their lips and how many offerings have graced the altars, set there by gentle hands yearning to hold a living, breathing child instead of a bowl of rice or a stick of precious incense.
And yet, no matter how many times she whispers this truth to herself in the middle of the night, Xiao Qi’s broad hand resting on her lower belly in a sincere attempt to soothe the twinges of pain that come every single month without fail, there are still moments when Awu cannot help feeling as if she’s failing in the worst of ways. Not failing her husband, for until the day she dies she will never forget the truth shining in his eyes, still fever-bright from Wang Qian’s vile mixture despite the self-inflicted blood loss. And not even the twelve generations of Wang Empresses. After all, hadn’t she courted their disapproval already by choosing to walk through life hand in hand with her husband instead of living torn in half until her very last breath? No, the person whom she fails is always herself.
And in her mind she fails a lot. There is a bitter taste on her tongue as she pushes Xiao Qi’s wise, warm hand off her abdomen and rises from their shared bed to stand at the window, throwing open the shutters and trying to breathe, even as the feeling of warm blood pooling between her thighs makes her remember her first and worst failure, committed right in the middle of the palace courtyard. There were pamphlets, she knows, vicious, cruel rumours of how she bled her baby out from sheer disgust of having been bred by a man born nobody knows of whom and where. Only after every wagging tongue had already been silenced with a cloak of red silk set around her shoulders, did she realize that half the court must have been tittering excitedly over the prospect of seeing the proud Wang daughter set aside and brought as low as she had once sat high. And they hadn’t been kind about it, going as far as to comment that her swift appearance at the scene of the coup must have been motivated by her eagerness to be rid of her spouse as the balance of power finally shifted. Fools, what blind, base-minded fools all those high-born courtiers – many of them her distant kin – have turned out to be!
Princess Shangyang wouldn’t have felt such dark, all-consuming anger. Princess Shangyang, as Awu has learned in all her years as Princess Yuzhang, had been something of a fool, a bird kept in a gilded cage, encouraged to sing and chirp happily regardless of how the bars of that cage withered her wings. It was only later that this caged songbird discovered that she was no songbird at all, but a bird of prey. And like a bird of prey Awu wishes she had known of every single salacious rumour – but only so that she could tear their originators to shreds for using her poor never-born first child for their own vicious purposes, for making a spectacle out of her – their – pain.
In her anger she barely notices how her fingers have curled tightly over the windowsill… at least until big, calloused hands descend onto hers and she finds herself cradled in Xiao Qi’s loose, yet strangely grounding embrace. For a moment she wishes to slip away, to escape and simply be angry, no matter how futile it may be after so many years… And had he tried to lead her back to bed, had he spoken a single word, she might have done just that, but there is only silence between them. Only slightly unreal, moonlight-washed silence and Awu feels the flames of her anger sputter and go out, leaving only bitter, choking ash of regret.
Yet there is one kernel of failure she can exorcise right here and now for both of their sakes, even if it can never be made right in this life. If I have children of my blood, she says, allowing herself to let go of the magical ‘when’ this one time, seeing them entered into the Xiao family book would bring me greater honour and joy than if they were feted as princes and princesses of the first rank. And maybe after a moment she feels the need to explain further, to say that she would have been honoured to act as a filial daughter-in-law to his parents, no matter their birth and status, but before she can get out a word, he manages to catch her off-guard. Not with a kiss to the side of her neck, that much she has come to expect always, but rather with his quiet, sleepily tender reply: Before we get to filling any pages, we need to have a book in the first place. Help me with that in the morning? And what can she do in response to that except hum in agreement and lean backwards?
Some things simply happen – or not – as they please. Which does not mean one should not help them along in any way that comes to mind. Or several minds, as it happens in this case.
Doctor Shen, however wise and famous, is far from the only – or even the best – available authority on the matters of female body, partially due to not being of female persuasion himself. Unlike, for example, his assistant and niece Shen Yunxin, an aspiring female doctor in her own right. Once that accomplished, if rather young lady managed to make herself heard, she swiftly rose in Xiao Qi’s regard, and would have done so for her gumption alone, even if her medical skills hadn’t been excellent in the first place. Shen Yunxin, skipping the dancing-around that most of her male colleagues invariably tended to degrade to in the presence of any person of power, rather daringly announced that perhaps instead of concentrating solely on curing Awu’s infertility – and thank you, the acupuncture treatments she herself administers every week are going just as planned – they should perhaps focus on the picture as a whole. That is, after all, what a doctor should look at first, right? Especially as there is no material proof of Xiao Qi’s high fertility. The ‘or is there now?’ part remained unspoken; even though Shen Yunxin came to like her primary patient a lot and had her own reasons to distrust men and their promises, she – this time and always – held to the standards of professional behaviour.
Awu, for her part, really enjoys seeing Xiao Qi drinking bitter herbal concoctions of his own. Even if she might not be all that convinced by Shen Yunxin’s words, it surely cannot hurt anything. And why should she be the only one to suffer under a tyrannical medical regime? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. And if in truth Xiao Qi doesn’t mind the taste at all, who would blame him for exaggerating a little for his wife’s amusement? Certainly not his wife, who has seen through his play-acting at once and swiftly decided that there is something to this mouth-to-mouth method of feeding particularly vile medicines to recalcitrant patients.
And yet Shen Yunxin isn’t the only fount of knowledge to be found in Ningshuo and, truth be told, has shown much interest in the secrets of folk medicine herself, especially as practiced by Alima’s kinswomen. Although some of those women, in particular Alima’s crone of a grandmother, have proven astonishingly… direct and rather shameless with their advice, to the tune of making a fully-fledged practitioner and an old married woman such as Awu, both of them hardly prone to prudishness, blush like girls not yet through their hair-pinning ceremonies. Or perhaps the advice was actually fine and tamer that one might expect. The enthusiastic appreciation that Alima’s kinswomen seem to hold for Xiao Qi, however, could probably fluster anybody, much less the man’s wife!
It is not entirely out of the realm of possibility that Awu decided to follow the kindly-meant advice of Alima’s grandmother. After all, the woman had successfully given birth to nine babies and gotten eight of them to adulthood, which would make anybody pay attention. Perhaps there is something to be said for the value of hard-won experience? And perhaps it was Shen Yunxin’s acupuncture skills that helped in the end, or even her insistence to look at the greater picture first. Or Doctor Shen’s bitter tinctures, or Xiao Qi’s unwavering, ah, helpfulness. Or possibly the fact that Awu finally decided that what will be will be and threw herself with doubled energy into the whirlpool of domestic concerns… which are truly never-ending, if one counts an entire province as one’s home.
Whatever the cause, Awu eventually achieved her goal… And yet she was among the last ones to actually suspect anything, the first being Xiao Qi and A-Yue, who had informed Doctor Shen and Shen Yunxin respectively, after having noticed some rather peculiar changes. A lady’s maid knows her mistress better than her own husband, although in this case, with the husband being an exceptionally affectionate one, that might not ring quite so true. Incidentally, the symptom that both of them had noticed was Awu’s sudden heightened sense of smell combined with a rather noticeably expressed aversion to her previously favourite perfume, which, you must admit, is a rather worrying sign.
As it turns out, both the uncle and niece had a good idea of Awu’s state, going by her last bleeding being more of a spotting than anything else – and you may bet Shen Yunxin monitors that closely – and yet they remained unable to fully ascertain their suspicions without any clear accompanying signs, nor were they willing to give any early hope, which may later be dashed. In fact, Doctor Shen would have preferred to avoid any agitation whatsoever for at least a week or two more, having had difficult experiences with this patient in particular, but one look at Prince Yuzhang’s face had him rethink that plan. Had Hu Guanglie been there – or alive in the first place – he would have immediately recognized that expression as Xiao Qi getting ready for battle, which he is quite sure he can win… but not entirely sure, with his doubt rising with every hour of there being no news of enemy movements. But even an amateur would be immediately wary of this sudden tension, for all that it might be hidden under an impressive facade of pretended calm. And Doctor Shen, after thirty years of practicing medicine among the upper echelons of Cheng nobility and staying alive – which is no mean feat – has learned to be quite sensitive to his powerful employers’ moods. As a survival tactic, if nothing else.
Another important skill, which Doctor Shen hasn’t yet imparted onto his niece, is judging when and where a doctor’s presence might be wanted... and when and where it is most certainly not needed. Pulling Shen Yunxin from the room by her sleeve might seem like a rather abrupt reaction, but it was by no means unjustified. Some things are simply not meant to be seen by outsiders. Prince and Princess Yuzhang facing each other and simply looking into each other’s eyes in perfect, tremulously joyful silence before the Princess lets out a hiccuping laugh and hides her suspiciously shining eyes against her husband’s collarbone is certainly one of those.
Xiao Qi’s first emotion after hearing the news is joy, then absolute panic – as far as that man ever panics, that is – and then steely determination most usually reserved for military planning. Having heard one word too many about miscarriage being a real possibility this early on makes him frantic and this in turn means that something really, really foolish is about to happen. Something like riding for the capital with only ten thousand troops. Something like going into Hulan alone. Something like dealing ungodly amounts of damage and letting his hair fly loose. Hu Guanglie would call this state a silence before mass decapitation. Were he there and alive, that is. Thankfully Hu Yao is both alive and there (deal with it, people!) and manages to redirect this thrumming energy into something actually constructive, which is probably the only thing that saves Awu and Xiao Qi from having an epic row over a series of very unreasonable ideas. Like, for example, shutting Awu in her rooms in the middle of Ningshuo Fortress and standing guard over her until the baby is born.
Meanwhile, Awu’s behaviour couldn’t be more different from that exhibited by her very own husband. Now that her years of continuous disappointment are over, she refuses to even consider that something might go wrong. At least not during waking hours, when she’s surrounded by a steady throng of people and children; and there is no way she would ever agree to being imprisoned in her rooms, although she agrees to retiring at the first sign of true fatigue and actually keeps her word, which causes her to share more than one nap in the middle of the day with little Song Guanglie. Which, in turn, makes for a pretty mellow Princess, especially right after she rises.
Which is exactly why this is the exact moment the brilliant tactician Hu Yao chooses to inform Awu that her fool of a husband (even if she doesn’t use exactly those words, she means exactly that) has evaporated with a troop of six into direction unknown, which may or may not be Hu Yao’s fault. Awu confirms that yes, Xiao Qi came in as she slept, woke her up briefly and said something about going on a short trip, promising to return as swiftly as possible. The look on Hu Yao’s face is rather telling and a tiny bit guilty.
That little overnight trip? Hu Yao is reasonably certain it is a hunt for something big and impressive. A local variety of wolf? A big feline of unfriendly persuasion? Probably not Hulan raiders, such as they are those days; she is rather insistent on that last point and for a good reason. That reason being that Xiao Qi had been making things strangely tense in the training yards, which are Hu Yao’s rightful domain, and so she decided to get rid of him by asking about preparations for the birth, no matter that the happy event may be six months away yet, and describing in great detail the extent of the prospective father’s involvement in those.
And seeing as it’s paramount – for future good fortune and the safety of both the mother and the baby – that no products of the birth are allowed to touch the ground, hence the need to provide a layer of ash, rushes or perhaps a cow’s skin as is the case in the wealthier families of Hu Yao’s acquitance, and taking into account that Xiao Qi has never done things by halves, his plan is rather obvious. Awu doesn’t know whether to feel strangely amused, immensely flattered and touched… or perhaps increasingly annoyed by losing her bedmate for such paltry a cause. For the moment she chooses option one, if only because amusement helps her forget about any apprehension the word ‘hunt’ might be causing her for rather obvious reasons. She will hold her judgement on options two and three until she sees the result of Xiao Qi’s bout of paternal madness.
The hero of the hour returns four days later, impossibly smug and with a bloody enormous salted pelt of a great brown mountain bear. Which he will then proceed to cure himself, because why wouldn’t he. Awu doesn’t have the words for what she’s feeling. Exasperation? Fond exasperation? A sudden onset of unexpected horniness? And I mean really unexpected, because bears smell and she’s still not over her olfactory oversensitivity. But mainly a burst of love and womanly pride. Sure, her man might be a fool, but he’s her fool and… I mean, it is a really big bear. Very, very impressive, if one was prone to being impressed by such things. Which Awu usually doesn’t find herself to be… Oh, who is she even trying to fool?
Xiao Qi has made something of a study of his wife’s body, which she had always been cognizant of to a certain degree. So it’s rather hard to say that it comes as a surprise that he’s able to tell when she begins to show even before she herself does – and she shows very early due to her general slimness. All the other things, however, are somewhat more out of the left field.
Like how he starts to send Awu’s maids out every time he catches one of them with a comb even before she confesses that somehow her scalp became really, really sensitive and in a rather peculiar way. Which he has apparently noticed and decided to take shameless advantage off, especially as the pleasure is mutual; Awu’s hair has become somehow both thicker and softer, a true delight to touch for a person as tactile as Xiao Qi.
Or how he suddenly stops going after Awu’s earlobes to her sincere confusion and irritation. She liked it, dammit, and what Awu wants, Awu gets, so the next time his mouth appears anywhere in the vicinity of her neck, Xiao Qi finds himself rather brusquely pointed at the desired target. The problem is, upon his acquiescence Awu finds it not as pleasurable as all that and really rather painful, her ears apparently having become rather sensitive practically overnight. By which point she has no other choice but to demand how had he guessed before she realized this about herself. His answer turns out to be rather disarming: You haven’t worn a single pair of dangly earrings for half a month.
The worst thing is, he is absolutely right. Every single time, which at the beginning causes no little exasperation, especially when Awu’s body starts rapidly changing and sometimes she feel like she hardly knows what she even looks like anymore. Is that pale, drawn face in the mirror actually hers? Why are her eyebrows suddenly so pale and whispy? And has she always had dark patches on the underside of her breasts? As time passes, all those other changes start looking less and less dire, having taken second fiddle to the most important thing of them all: a growing, living child nestled between her hipbones, which have lost all pretense of sharpness during those last few months. And so she starts asking questions. Not to fish for compliments – she truly cannot complain of a shortage of those – but out of true curiosity. What have you noticed that I haven’t? Show me.
And he does show her, claiming and re-claiming every inch of her skin as it changes and there is not a single moment in which she does not feel beautiful, or wanted, or loved, even when she’s absolutely miserable and sick, and bloated. Although she calls him a liar the one time he truly earns it by announcing her stitches on the newest piece in the increasingly elaborate layette to be the height of perfection despite them being crooked and all over the place due to her suddenly clumsy fingers. But just as he is her guide to her own body, she is his and there is little that she finds herself unable to complain of.
It’s their journey, their child, perhaps their only chance at this miracle and she absolutely refuses to hide, especially as her time comes near. Refuses to hide both literally and metaphorically, spending hours upon hours of increasingly warm, stuffy summer evenings laying naked on top of the covers and drawing nonsensical labyrinths upon her own skin with the tips of her fingers, every line closely followed by eager eyes, calloused hands or gentle lips; every single tap or movement from within met with genuine fascination and something not quite unlike worship.
There has hardly been a military campaign that involved more meticulous planning than the birth of this one tiny child, Ningshuo’s first princeling. Taught by Wanru’s premature experience with childbirth, both Awu and Xiao Qi remain rather wary of any fixed dates. The child will come when it will come, rather like the enemy, announces Xiao Qi, stopping the rather spirited discussion between the womenfolk about the necessity of early preparation and earning himself a fiery glare from Awu for using such inappropriate comparisons. By which I mean there is little to be done aside from observing the terrain and getting ready for an ambush, which may or may not come at any time, he explains, trying to mollify Awu and enclose her into his self-imposed bubble of confidence, usually reserved for use upon soldiers on the verge of panic, which is exactly what this discussion of premature birth has brought into their home.
And you know what, it actually helps, if only a little. Enough to take Awu’s mind off the possible complications and redirect her nervous energy into consulting with the astronomy charts and then choosing an appropriately situated side room, setting up curtains around the bed to serve as a birthing tent and getting that blasted bearskin out of storage. Which process they will ultimately go through four times, as the star charts – and thus best orientations – keep changing every month. And which neither of them will begrudge, as every single time they move the birthing tent Awu grows just a tiny bit more confident in the success of the upcoming labour and also more attuned to her own needs. At the very last milestone – during which she is comically enormous, but no less able to give out commands – she is an absolute nightmare, having everyone running around to and fro as well as throwing an absolute fit over the birthing rope, which she has agreed to previously.
Doctor Shen, being a great believer in getting his clients through labour alive and having a long-standing grudge against the usual way of birthing practiced in the Imperial Palace – which means supine, surrounded by a crowd of panicking women and with the doctor hardly able to see the patient in order to preserve their chastity – instills a certain regime, which is perfectly in accord with the traditional ways dictated by medical practitioners of old. By which he means peace, no more that two calm attendants at one time and letting gravity do part of the work; the last thing meaning that a length of rope or cloth should be suspended from the ceiling or perhaps stretched between two pillars at at appropriate height, so that the mother can support herself while kneeling or squatting.
In Awu’s case the arrangement changes from a hanging horse bridle – which while a show of status and a portent of good fortune proved to be not that comfortable after all – to a length of silk, to a rope stretched between two pillars. Which apparently doesn’t suit Awu any longer, not providing her with a steady enough support. While A-Yue and Alima keep tying and retying the rope to Awu’s continuous disapproval and even irritation, Xiao Qi doesn’t get involved. Yes, partially because in contrast to everybody else he doesn’t find his heavily pregnant wife a nightmare to deal with. Adorable, more like, the man is that hopeless. And partially because as long as Awu acts out on her irritation, she’s not getting apprehensive or despondent. So let her rage to her heart’s content. Now, the moment she goes silent and perhaps a little bit bashful over her previous outburst, he decides it’s high time for an intervention. Any intervention, even an absurd one. Which means that he disappears for a moment and brings back his spear, which he then secures in place of the rope to the growing disconcernment of everybody present. Awu finds it steady enough for her needs and it’s not like anything else matters.
Seeing as she goes into labour the very next day and finds herself properly appreciative of this improvised solution, Xiao Qi can’t find it in himself to really mind the rapidly growing slew of jokes and ditties starting to make rounds, although he makes a point of trouncing the most intrepid joker rather soundly. Or perhaps five of those, not that he’s in the right mindset to actually keep count once the entrance to the birthing room is barred to him. Before it is, there is still time to tell Awu– not for the last time, this isn’t going to be the last time! - of her bravery, of how only now does he start to truly appreciate what it means to send a loved one into battle and of how they’re going to carry this moment through their whole lives. You’re Princess Yuzhang, you will come back with a victory, hale and whole. You will always come back, he whispers into her hair, not sure who is he actually trying to convince as he hold his entire world in his arms, desperately trying to hide his fear. And failing miserably, which Awu cannot help but notice… once she gets through the current set of contractions. Don’t you dare to be a coward now, my Prince Yuzhang, she scolds, resting her sweaty forehead against his chin. Don’t you bloody dare. I have asked for this and I don’t take upon myself what I cannot carry. And now get out and let me fight my war. You know what I’m capable of.
And by all gods, he knows. And this steely determination in her voice scares him as little has ever scared him before. This time, unlike every other time when she’s risked her life this bravely, there will be nothing he can do to help her, no miraculous rescue, no last-minute shot, no hand ready to break her fall. Has he been too greedy, he ponders, only by a miracle avoiding skewering Tang Jing straight through the gut and then actually earning a light graze from Hu Yao’s blade. Useless, she pronounces, confiscating their weapons and hurrying both men off the training field. Absolutely useless. Go and do whatever it is that men actually busy themselves with while women do all the work.
It turns out that what men actually do in highly stressful situations is sharpen their swords as well as any other blade they may encounter. They are joined in this endeavour by Xiaohe, who will later be unilaterally – and wholly unfairly – blamed for each and every single skewed edge. Of which there will be quite a few. But then, what does an imperfect sword or ten actually matter, when after long hours of absolute hell, during which Xiao Qi has imagined at least five different worst scenarios ending in a pool of blood – just like that terrible day – and prayed to all the gods he has ever heard of, A-Yue finally comes, her wide smile speaking for itself.
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
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masterlist - ao3 - prologue - next chapter 
The auditorium clapped loudly and Elide could hear her friend’s cheers as she finished her valedictorian speech for the Fenharrow University School of International Relations. She smiled brightly, accepting the gold plaque that the dean held out to her and posing for the photographer. 
Elide waved as she walked off the stage. She didn’t have time to wait for the other announcements - Ress was already trying to hurry her up - but she managed to catch Asterin and Yrene’s eyes, blowing them both a kiss and waving. 
She made a note to ask Lysandra if she could fly them both out over the summer. Elide knew she’d be busy, with the title and the official resignation of her uncle, but hopefully she could sneak a weekend away before the ceremony, which they were both coming for anyway. 
“Miss Lochan, we really–” 
“Ress, I told you to call me Elide,” she reminded the young man, smirking at the way he blushed. He was Aelin’s favourite guard and her most trusted, which was probably why he’d been sent to collect her from university and whisk her back to Perranth. 
Ress cleared his throat, “Of course. Elide, we need to hurry. The plane is waiting.” 
She smiled and followed him through the back halls. Ress led her out to the street, where a black SUV was waiting. He opened the door for her and Elide smiled her thanks, sighing in relief once she was sitting. 
A bag was on the seat next to her. Elide rolled up the partition just as Ress started the car, pulling smoothly away from the curb to the airport. 
She changed into a pair of soft flannel pajama pants and a hoodie from her now alma mater. Then, she rolled down the partition again, leaning forward to rest her forearms against it and her chin on her wrists. “So,” Elide cackled when Ress jumped, spooked by her proximity, “how’s Terrasen?” 
“It’s very good,” he replied, slowing to a stop at a red light. Elide took the opportunity to crawl through to the passenger seat. “Miss Lochan- Elide, stop that! It’s not safe for you to be up here!” 
“Oh, come on! I know you have bulletproof windows and the windshield is too,” she argued, relenting by buckling her seatbelt. Elide continued, adding, “Plus, if someone does shoot at me, you’re closer to throw your body in front of mine to save me.” 
Ress rolled his eyes in jest and the light turned green. “Your logic is impeccable as always, milady.” 
Elide punched his shoulder for that, cursing when her ineffectual blow was met with solid muscle, “Fuck me, you couldn’t be a bit softer for when I punch you?” 
He just laughed and continued driving. 
The plane started to rumble beneath her and Elide gripped the armrest tightly, her long, black acrylics digging into the plush, cream-coloured leather. Despite being a regular flier, she never had gotten used to the sudden lurch in her stomach as the glorified tin can sped up and shot into the sky. 
Landing was easier, but only by a smidgen. 
Elide kept her eyes screwed shut until a soft ding sounded, indicating that they had reached cruising altitudes. She let out a long breath, opening her eyes to look out the window as they flew away from Bellhaven. 
The stewardess came by with tea and a sandwich for both Elide and Ress, who was sitting in the comfortable chair opposite hers. Elide thanked her and started on her tea while Ress practically inhaled his sandwich. 
Elide snorted and handed him hers. When he declined, she insisted, “C’mon. I’m not hungry, we went to the diner to see Sorscha anyway, just take it.” He conceded, obviously making an effort to eat it slower as Elide stirred her tea. 
She watched him curiously and sipped from her tea. 
“Stop staring at me like that,” Ress muttered, his cheeks pinking. 
“I’m not staring at you,” she replied loftily. Elide placed her cup to the side and rested her elbow on her armrest, propping her chin on her fist. “Are you still seeing that boy?” 
Ress choked on a bite of food and coughed. When he finally got his breath back, he shook his head, “Did Aelin say- is the sandwich a bribe?”
Elide gasped, “So there is a boy, I knew it!” 
“Don’t you have preparations to look over,” he shot back at her, eyeing the manila folder on the tray next to her. 
Elide sighed and gave him a dirty look up as she picked up the smooth packet, looking at the shiny seal, her family’s crest staring up at her. Ress took it as his exit and practically fled. Elide called after him, “This isn’t over, Ress!” 
“Oh, yes it is!” he yelled back, collapsing into a seat facing away from her and slinking down so she couldn’t even see his brown-haired head. 
Elide smoothed her hands over her white tweed jacket, fingering the button stamped with a double C. She turned to appraise the matching pants.
Her hair was curled, clipped back and resting over one shoulder. As usual her makeup was done to perfection - she had long since perfected the barely-there look - and Elide decided to finish the look off with a dark black lip that matched the piping of her suit. 
Someone knocked on the bathroom door, “Elide? Captain says we need to return to our seats.” 
“I’ll be right out,” she called back, testing her ankle. She had gotten the necessary surgeries two months after she turned eighteen and had control over her medical needs. Since the injury and subsequent abuse due to her uncle’s refusal for medical attention, it would never heal to what it once was, but Elide was diligent about her physio-therapy, so she could usually go without her brace unless she was exercising. 
Elide packed her bags up and walked out, stashing them on her carry-on before sliding into her seat and buckling her seatbelt. 
Ress smiled at her, tilting his head to the window, “Welcome home, Duchess of Perranth.” 
Ress half covered her from the press as she walked off the plane and across the tarmac. “Elide, I don’t want you being too open.” 
“I’ll just smile and wave,” she argued, flashing him a blinding smile as she stepped around him and waved, “What’s the point of looking this good if I can’t show off?” 
He grumbled something that sounded suspiciously like Aelin is rubbing off on you. Elide laughed and approached the fence, bending down to accept the bouquet from a little girl dressed to the nines in a tulle dress and a tiara. “Oh, thank you. I love peonies,” Elide said, “and your tiara, it’s beautiful.” 
The little girl beamed, flashing where she was missing her top front teeth, and then ran back to her mother, who shared a warm smile with Elide. 
Elide waved once more and dodged Remelle DuBois, one of the countless entertainment reporters who spent her days chasing down royals and their family members. She had always been too… friendly with Rowan. Remelle wasn’t one for subtlety and was a vocal critic of Aelin’s policies. 
Elide had always doubted it had anything with her cousin’s skills as a competent monarch. 
Ress ushered her away before Remelle could sink her claws into Elide and showed her into yet another SUV, its windows tinted black. 
Elide stayed glued to the window for the entire drive. She always returned to Perranth during her breaks, but that reading week back in February, she had been too busy with midterms and couldn’t find the time to fly out. 
She had missed her home more than she thought possible and drank in the sights as Ress drove through the city. The castle was a short ten minute drive from the city limits and Elide looked excitedly at the landmarks telling her she was getting closer and closer. 
They turned onto a nondescript road. After a minute of thick forest - strategically grown as a natural defence - the rolling green hills of the property came into view. Elide gasped happily at the sight of the soaring towers. 
When Ress parked in the roundabout driveway, Elide didn’t bother waiting for one of the footmen to open her door before she was hopping out. A familiar pair stood at the top of the limestone steps, next to Vernon, who looked at Elide with a slight sneer.
Aelin smiled and managed to contain herself as the majordomo announced, “Her Royal Grace, Elide Amara Lochan of Perranth.” 
There was a short trumpet fanfare played as Elide walked up the steps. She thanked Anneith that it was customary to address the queen and king consort before any other royal. Elide curtsied formally, bowing her head before Aelin and Rowan. 
Their arresting eyes were both filled with mild amusement at the formality of it all. “Welcome home, Elide,” Aelin said, leaning in to kiss both her cheeks and squeeze her hands. In a soft whisper, she said, “I’m so proud of you, my love.” 
Elide mouthed Thank you and turned to Rowan, breaking protocol to throw her arms around his shoulders. The silver-haired man laughed deeply and hugged her back, kissing the top of her head, “Hey, Ellie.” 
“Hi, Ro,” she croaked. They had grown even closer and it wouldn’t be remiss to call Rowan her best friend. Vernon cleared his throat obnoxiously and Rowan reluctantly put her down, never happy to relinquish his protective hold on her around her uncle. 
Elide patted his bicep, telling him she was fine. She dipped her head, internalising her smirk at the indignation on Vernon’s face when she hardly bowed. “Uncle, it’s lovely to see you again.” 
He gave her a slimy smile and Elide visibly stiffened when he grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles, his grip near crushing. “My sentiments exactly, niece.” 
Aelin’s personal assistant, Lysandra, appeared, smiling widely. “Elide, I thought I heard your name.” 
“Hi, Lyss,” she said, hugging the green eyed beauty warmly. “Oh, I missed you.” 
“I missed you,” Lysandra answered before drawing back. “Now that we’ve all said hello, why don’t we move this inside?” 
They all chuckled and followed her as she led them through the front doors, thanking the doormen with a dazzling grin. The moment the doors shut behind them, Aelin squealed and threw herself at Elide, “It’s been ages since I’ve seen you, it’s like it’d kill you to visit your poor cousin - you know how I loathe spending my days with stuffy old men.” 
Elide laughed, “You’re the one who insisted I finish my degree before assuming the title.” Tears pricked her eyes, “I missed you, Ace. You have to tell me what you’ve been up to.” 
Aelin pulled away, looping her arm through Elide’s, “It’s been a busy year. Most of my meetings are about you, you know. It takes a lot to prepare for your–” The blonde was interrupted by a derisive snort, poorly disguised by a cough. Slowly, she turned to face Vernon. “Have a cold, do you?” 
“No, no, I’m quite alright.” He cleared his throat, “I thought I might be more involved with the preparations, that’s all. If I may, how far along are the plans?” 
Elide glanced between her uncle and her cousin, feeling dread settle in the pit of her stomach. 
“...quite far. Why do you ask?” 
“Well, we wouldn’t want to get ahead of ourselves.” 
Elide tugged Aelin along before she could snap back a snarky response, “I think we can discuss this later. I’m rather tired and would like to get settled.” 
Aelin looked ready to fight, but softened after Elide’s pleading look, “Of course. I have a surprise for you, El.” 
The tension eased from her shoulders as their party moved swiftly, leaving Vernon in their wake. 
Aelin insisted on keeping Elide’s eyes closed as they moved through the halls. 
Elide was sure her cousin purposefully took her all over, so she had no idea where they had ended up. “Ae, come on, let me see!” 
“Ok, ok, ready?” 
“For the love of the gods, yes!” 
Aelin pulled her hands away and stepped away. Elide exhaled sharply, “This- it’s my parents rooms.” She looked in confusion at Aelin, not understanding what was happening. “Wh-what?” 
Aelin shrugged, “Since you’re about to be the duchess, I thought it might be more appropriate for you to live here instead of your old rooms.” 
Elide reached out, squeezing Aelin’s hand. She hadn’t spent much time in the rooms since her parents died - no one had. Vernon had once mentioned moving in, but after Elide objected by refusing to eat, he relented and they remained empty. “Thank you, love.” 
Aelin beamed, “The pleasure is all mine. Now,” she put a hand on the handle, turning it to the side, “shall we?” 
Nodding, Elide braced herself as Aelin opened the door and she walked in, taking in the entry hall. A flash of black, brown, and white fur shot towards her. 
She managed to keep on her feet as Bear crashed into her, the large pup’s body wiggling uncontrollably in excitement. Elide laughed and kicked off her precarious heels, crouching down to hug her dog. “Hi, Bear, oh, hi, lovie.” 
Bear barked excitedly, her fluffy tail whipping back and forth, coming close to toppling the hall stand and the vase placed there for Elide’s flowers. The house she had rented with Asterin, Sorscha, and Yrene hadn’t allowed pets, so Bear stayed in Orynth with Fleetfoot. 
The fluffy Bernese Mountain dog butted her big head into Elide’s hands, asking for pets. Elide laughed and scratched her floppy ears, “Were they treating you well in the castle? Yeah?” 
Bear growled playfully, nipping at Elide’s hand before moving past her to the door and sitting expectantly. Elide stood and dusted off her pants, chuckling at her eagerness, “Not now, Bear. I just got home!” 
“Speaking of,” Aelin said, patting Bear’s head, “let me show you what I’ve done!” 
Elide faked a groan and let herself be dragged over through the entry hall, noticing the new armchairs placed around the table. She waited excitedly as Aelin dramatically flung the double doors open to her bedroom, “Welcome!” 
Stepping in, Elide took in the opulence of her room. It was painted a pastel mint and cream. She smiled, looking at the large bed in the middle of the room, its wooden frame edged in gold with a diamond-tufted headboard. 
Pillows upon pillows practically overtook the bed, the sheets a neutral white. Aelin stood nervously by the bed, running her hand along the soft throw blanket, “I got the white just in case you wanted to change it, you can. And we can repaint this, too, of course. And–”
“Aelin, really, it’s amazing. I love it,” Elide said, turning to take in the floor-to-ceiling bookcase flanking the fireplace and large, flat screen television. There was a white armchair by the wall of windows, the middle two Elide knew were French doors that opened to the balcony that oversaw the courtyard and the gardens. 
The queen smiled softly and beckoned her over to the closet, “And this is a little birthday present, just from me to you, ok?” 
Elide bit her lip to contain her smile as Aelin opened the door with a flourish, “Ta-da!” 
She walked in, her mouth dropping as she took in the racks of clothes in the walk-in dressing room. There was a full length mirror that lit up when Elide touched it and she gasped, whirling to look at the clothes hanging. “Oh my gods, Aelin.” 
“Wait, wait, wait, let me show you this,” Aelin said, drawing her attention to the island in the middle of the room. She pressed a button and after a slick hiss, drawers popped open, sliding out to display accessories and beautiful jewellery. 
“Oh, Aelin, it’s beautiful,” Elide gushed, most excited about the wall of shoes and purses. She pulled Aelin into another hug, “Thank you for everything, Ace. I don’t know where I’d be without you.” 
Too overcome with emotion to say a word, Aelin just returned the embrace and they stayed there for a while, trapped in the moment. 
Elide sighed calmly as she sipped a glass of wine, holding a tattered paperback in the other hand.
She rested her feet on the opposite lip of the sunken bath, tapping her toes to the rhythm in her head. The bathroom door was nudged open and big paws padded against the marble tiles. Elide smiled, turning to look at Bear as she rested her head on edge of the tub and whined softly. 
Laughing, Elide put her glass and book down. “Have I not paid enough attention to you?” she asked, lovingly stroking her hand over Bear’s head. The dog huffed through her nose, making her eyes big and wide. 
Elide laughed again, leaning over to kiss the top of Bear’s head, “I missed you too, Bear.” She reclined further back as Bear slumped to the floor, her chin resting on her paws. It seemed for the first time in Elide’s life, the future was clear and nothing could ruin that for her.
an: i hope u liked her 🥺 next chapter is fun ! really really quite fun hehe
@mythicaitt​​ @tinywolfofeyllwe​​ @schmlip-scribble​​ @the-regal-warrior​​ @empire-of-wildfire​​ @ladyverena​​ @ttakeitbacknoww​​ @shyvioletcat​​ @alifletcher2012​​​ @tswaney17​​ @ourbooksuniverse​​ e @flora-and-fae​​ @thesirenwashere​​ @queenofxhearts​​ @maastrash​​ @mynewdreamwasyou​​ @cursebreaker29​​ @empress-ofbloodshed​​ @b00kworm​​ @hizqueen4life​​ @silversprings98​​ @amren-courtofdreams​​ @minaidss​​ @superspiritfestival​ @januarystears​ 
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scenariosofkonoha · 4 years
For the Country| Tobirama- Arranged Marriage AU
Part 2/15
Part 1| ... |Part 3| 
Word Count: 1.3k
Chapter Summary: Madara tells MC that she has been arranged to marry Tobirama. MC wants to fight back, but Madara makes it impossible for her to have any say in this. Last chapter before out two little arranged marriage love birds meet.
Kneeling before the leader of her clan, the young medical ninja spoke softly in an effort to hide her uncentainity. Raising her head, so that she could look her superior in the eye, she asked. “You summoned, Uncle?” 
Reaching his hand out to her, Madara nodded. “I have.” 
Taking his assistance, she kept her expression neutral. Meetings with Madara were always riddled with uncertainty, particularly since the two of them differed greatly in their stances of how a shinobi should act. He was harsh and unwavering; she was gentle and renewing.  It sometimes caused rifts, but at the end of the day, he was still the leader of the clan, and she was his niece, a right hand man and faithful servant when needed. “May I ask why?” she questioned. 
“I have a request of you.” Madara stated as he led her into a small meeting room. 
The phrasing caught her off guard. Madara was not one to request things. He demanded and assigned, and for something to be requested, it didn’t make sense. It was off putting, though she wasn’t going to explicitly state that to him. Keeping her hands clasped in front of her, she tilted her head. “A request?” 
He nodded. Part of him felt the slightest tinge of guilt sending her to what would most likely be a living hell, but the greater part of him was focused on the benefits that the clan would secure from this. The Uchiha would have one on the inside, one of their unsuspecting, but dangerously powerful shinobi in one of the highest ranking positions within the village. She would be able to see all the inner workings and potential threats to the clan all while being the new envisionment of what it meant to be an Uchiha in the eyes of the village. It was a near perfect opportunity, and he would be a fool not to take it. 
Motioning her to sit, Madara elaborated. “Beliefs aside, you are one of my top shinobi. The clan and the village have always held priority in your life. If I have a need, you will always attend to it, and there will always be success. You should be proud, few can say it.” he began.
Straightening her back, the Uchiha gave a nod of acknowledgement. “Yes?”
“The clan and the village cherish you. You are irreplaceable in their eyes.” Madara continued with the terms of endearment. 
The kunoichi narrowed her eyes, “I’m sorry, Uncle. What is all this leading to?” 
Narrowing his eyes as his tone became more serious, the reality of the meeting began to show. “Because of your history, your skill set, and your disposition, I need you to accept a position. It’s more than a mission. It’s a permanent position within the village, and you are the only one who will be able to fill it.” 
She frowned, offset by the vagueness of this request. “Can you please be more detailed? I’m not understanding.” 
“The village and the clan have agreed to an arranged marriage between you and Tobirama Senju.” Madara was blunt. 
The Uchiha was silent, desperately trying to process what her leader had just stated. In her mind, she was trying to connect the dots that others had apparently connected behind her back, though most of her efforts were in vain. If she had been in front of anyone besides Madara, her reaction would have been more extreme, but he was the head of the clan, and such displays were not appreciated. Blinking a few times, her voice remained soft as she inquired further. “I’m sorry, what?” 
Madara sighed, “Tobirama is going to become Hokage, but before he can assume the position, he needs a wife, and that is going to be you.” 
She shook her head, “I understand that, but why and how was it decided that it would be me? I met him once, and he wasn’t impressed.”
“If you weren’t an Uchiha, he would have been.” Madara tried to counter before diving into the discussions that took place without her. “I won’t lie to you about any of this. This is Hashirama’s poor attempt to fix the ties between us and them. He, along with all the Elders, think that you are the perfect candidate to become a Hokage’s wife, and I personally have to agree- it’s just unfortunate that it has to be Tobirama.”
She tried to collect her thoughts, give a calculated response to all this; though it didn’t come in time. 
“Y/n.” Madara called before any rebuttal could be found. “I know I said this was a request, but you are going to accept this proposition- his proposal. Everyone is expecting this of you, me included.” 
“What?” she snapped out, harsher than before. “I’m sorry, but I think this set up for failure?” she interjected. “Have you forgotten he despises us? This marriage is destined to fail.” 
The man shrugged. “Only if you allow it.”
A pang of irritation rang through her body at the remark. How little did he think of her and her service to the clan to force her to marry someone as cold and bitter as Tobirama Senju. Allowing calculated rebuttals to take their way, she tried to reason. “I do not understand how this would benefit us? If anything, you lose me as a medical ninja and a political force, and that would make us weaker.”
“It benefits us, because we gain you as the first step toward the reformation of our clan in the village’s eyes and as an inside source to the village itself. You by no means are going to become a mere object to him. You will have political power and can use it as you -or our clan- sees fit. If anything, you and the clan are gaining power in this marriage.” Madara tried to squash any will for defiance. 
Biting down, the girl quickly went through the different scenarios of what the outcome of her next phrase would be. And though none of them turned out well, she still tried. “And if I don’t accept?” 
“You don’t have the option.” 
Looking away from him, she tried to fight the overwhelming emotions that were running through her. She was angered that her future was being decided by those other than her. She was irritated that she was no more than a pawn. She was saddened because even though she knew she would never get a sense of normalcy in her life, now the fleeting idea of it was being stolen away from her. She couldn’t pin what was the predominant emotion running through her veins, but she was enraged by all this, and this must have been evident in her expression. 
“Stop it, y/n.” Madara snapped at her. “You’re taking this opportunity. You don’t have room to ascend within the clan. It’s a patriarchy; you’ve risen as high as you can. You will never be the head, or even a predominant leader. Becoming his wife is an opportunity for you to reap power. You have the potential to be great, you just need to sacrifice things; and the idea of a happy marriage is what it will cost.” Madara’s words were unforgiving.
Gazing down at her lap, she was silent, hating the harsh realities he was bringing into existence. It was nothing but the truth, but it was painful to hear.  
Standing, Madara shrugged at her. “It really is a shame. You’re Sharingan is one of the strongest we have, and a good majority of our men would be dead without you…” he muttered. “I do hope you accept it with a fake happiness and not make a fool of this clan trying to defy the inevitable.” he stated.
With a weight in her chest, and eyes no longer looking to match his, she nodded as the reality had set it. “I will…” 
“And you will remain faithful to this clan.”
“I will.” 
“Good. You have a meeting arranged with him this week.” 
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merakiaes · 5 years
His World - Geralt Of Rivia
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Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x reader
Requested: Yes
Prompts: None. 
Warnings/notes: This isn’t proofread so I apologize in advance for any possible mistakes. I’m gonna come back and edit it later! I hope you like it even though I was completely writer’s blocked when I wrote it xx
Wordcount: 2393
Summary: Just when you’ve given up on the neverending dream of ever finding your soulmate, fate brings you together. 
You lived in a world where you were born with words engraved into your skin; the words that would be the first spoken to you by your soulmate when you met them. If you ever met them, that is.
To some, said words were a curse, and to others, a blessing. Or well, up until the point where you actually met your soulmate, it was a curse for everyone, and not many were so lucky.
Whether you were just living in different parts of the world or if your other half was dead, you would never know. You could only sit by and stare as the words on your body faded away more and more for each passing year, until finally, only a faint, white scarring and a hole in your heart would be left behind.
The words on your arm were still very visible, although they had died down from a sharp black to a dark grey.
Like everyone else, you had once dreamt about the day when you would meet your soulmate, and woken up every day with a big smile on your lips, excited what the day would bring.
But as you grew up, you became much more aware of how dull and grey the world and the people living in it was, and you came to the realization of how truly rare it was to find your soulmate.
And you realized the chance of you doing so was even slimmer, as the words on your arm indicated that you would have to actually touch your soulmate to hear the destined words fall from his lips, and long story short, you were not a woman fond of social interaction and touching other people.
To put it simply, you didn’t think you’d ever find your soulmate. But then the day came, then that man came. That strange, peculiar man with the silvery-white hair and amber eyes, trotting into your village on the back of a big, proud stallion.
“Healer! We need a healer! Is there a healer here?”
You didn’t think you had ever heard the word ‘healer’ so many times in the same sentence before, and could only stare from your place at the outside fireplace where you were preparing the afternoon tea as the famous Witcher, drenched in blood and only God knows what, yelled at the top of his lungs after a healer with another man, much smaller in build, hanging limply under his arm.
Your uncle wasted no time in rushing over from his spot beside you, demanding to know what happened.
You left them to it briefly, missing the Witcher’s response as you put the chamomile tea back down on the table, taking your time before heading over to help in any way you could.
As you approached the trio, you noticed the rest of the villagers ogling at the Witcher from afar, keeping their distance. Your people had always been a scared one, and you guessed you should have been too, but you weren’t bothered with much these days.
You had heard the songs and tales about the mutant standing in your village. Why should you be amazed just from seeing him in the flesh when you already knew everything he had done and all he was capable of?
“I’ll take care of your friend and my niece will tend to your injuries meanwhile.” You heard your uncle tell the Witcher just as you reached him and you didn’t protest.
In fact, you said nothing as the Witcher’s amber eyes met your much duller ones, simply walking alongside him and your uncle as they carried the passed-out man to the infirmary hut.
Once in there, they placed the man down on a bed, and your uncle wasted no time in unbuttoning his shirt to get a better view of his wound.
“What’s his name?” Your uncle asked, turning to ready the herbs and bandages he would be needing for the healing process after a moment of inspecting the damage he would be working with.
“Jaskier.” The Witcher answered without missing a beat, his voice deep enough to send a rumble through your bones.
Your uncle nodded, looking up. “My niece will show you to the hut you will be staying in and help clean your wounds. I’ll make sure your friend heals alright, don’t worry.”
The Witcher, grumbled, and wordlessly, you turned on your heel and headed back out of the hut, expecting him to follow you. And he did, surprisingly without any protests, walking quietly behind you the entire time.
The only thing that could be heard was the clashing sounds of the hilt of his sword hitting his armor, his heavy footsteps and the whispers of your people as you passed them in the street.
In the corner of your eye you could see him watching them closely, but you couldn’t be bothered, your focus being solely on the obvious wound in his side that he had been clutching since he had let go of his friend, and the very reason he was currently limping his way forward.
What would have been able to damage a Witcher to the point where he could barely walk was a mystery to you, but whatever it was, it must have been big and dangerous.
After a minute of walking and taking a few left and right turns, you finally reached the hut next to yours - the one he would be staying in until his friend was ready to travel again - and walked inside.
As he let himself in and made himself comfortable in a chair in the middle of the small home, you wasted no time in going over to the shelf on which you stored the herbs and bandages, and gathered everything you would be needing for his injuries.
He groaned behind you, and by the sound of it, he was relieving himself of his weapons and clothes, getting himself ready to be tended to.
You quickly finished gathering everything you needed and turned around with the items in your hands and arms and for just a moment, you had to stop and stare at the magnificence of his muscles.
You had tended to many injured men in your life, but none of them had been half as strongly built as him, and at the end of the day, you were still simply a woman. A woman who could admit the beauty of the man in front of her.
Clearing your throat, you shook your head free of the distracted thoughts and set your feet into motion again, heading over to where he sat hunched over on the chair and putting the medical supplies down on a table beside him.
He must have been accustomed to the routine of getting taken care of by now because the second you came over to him he straightened himself up and put his wound on display for you, making it as easy for you to work as only possible.
He kept his hand on his knee for support, leaning slightly to the side to expose his bleeding side, and kept his eyes on the ground as you prepared the cleaning rag.
Once it was wet, you moved it to his side, but before you allowed the piece of fabric to make contact with the wound, you stopped yourself, glancing at him and hesitating.
“I’m sure you’re used to getting stitched up by now but if I hurt you, let me know and I’ll take it easy.” You told him softly, and the second the words left it was if he froze to ice in his seat.
You watched with confusion how his entire face turned cold, his eyes hard and his knuckles turned white where they were gripping his knee. But he said nothing, only staring into the ground and breathing heavily.
And you took the lack of protest as an okay to begin, simply letting your eyes leave his face to focus on the wound instead.
The rag made contact with his wound and he didn’t even flinch. On the contrary, he seemed to relax his entire body, and you couldn’t quite figure out how someone could relax at the feeling of a harsh rag brushing against their torn up skin.
But then again, no one had ever been able to figure out a Witcher, had they?
You took your time to clean his wound, making sure all of the dirt and dried blood disappeared with the rag before putting said rag down on the table.
The wound was now fully on display, and you couldn’t help but flinch at the sight of the depth of it, knowing you were the one who would have to stitch it up.
You prepared the needle and thread and got to work and the Witcher didn’t flinch a single time you pushed the needle through his skin. You seemed to be more uneasy than he was, despite having stitched countless wounds before.
“It will make a pretty impressive scar.” You spoke, your voice breaking through the eerily quiet air in an attempt to break the thick and awkward blanket of silence hanging over you.
But he only nodded, not saying a word.
Not so talkative, then, you thought, but still took what you could get, continuing to mend his broken skin. 
Once you were done with the stitches, you picked up a salve, taking some of the lotion on your fingers and rubbing it around in your hands before carefully tarting to rub it around his now fully stitched wound.
Surprising you, he hummed when your hands made contact with his skin, and in fright and concern, you hurriedly brought your hand away, taking a step back.
“I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” You asked quickly, but he only hummed again, his eyes shut and his body relaxed where he sat, not moving a muscle.
“Your hands… they’re soft.” He replied simply without opening his eyes, looking as if he was in some kind of trance.
And this time it’s your turn to freeze, your hand automatically flying to your arm on which your words were tattooed, your eyes widening as realization came over you.
Oh no.
You took another step back, your eyes widening even further and your breath getting caught in your throat. “What-“ You took a deep breath, feeling your entire body starting to shake. “What did you say?”
He didn’t answer with words, simply standing up from the chair and looking into your eyes while bringing his hands down to the hem of his pants, pushing them down slightly to reveal his own words tattooed into the skin of his hipbone.
I’m sure you’re used to getting stitched up by now but if I hurt you, let me know and I’ll take it easy.
You stared at the black letters, barely even noticing when he brought his pants back up over them again, only snapping out of your trance when his low voice cut through the air, his body now standing right in front of you.
“Are you scared?” He asked, looking down at you with amber eyes.
You held his gaze, your breathing still heavy and ragged with shock, your entire body shaking and forcing you to lean back onto the table behind you, your hands grabbing ahold of the edge of the wood in order to keep your body upright.
But you shook your head still, answering quietly. “Of course not.” You took a shaky breath. “Everyone knows one is physically unable to hurt their soulmate.”
He nodded, taking yet another step closer to you, and you could feel your heart thumbing violently inside your chest.
“Are you... disappointed?” He asked then, his eyes searching yours.
“I- …” You hesitated, but once again shook your head. “No. No, I’m not. I’m just… surprised. Confused.” You confessed.
Swallowing, you pushed yourself off the table with a shaky breath, finally regaining the strength in your legs after the shock.
Your eyes watched him closely. “I was under the impression that Witchers were incapable of feeling human emotions.” You said, and he said nothing as you slowly approached him again.
Testing the waters, you came to a stop right before him, your chests grazing each other’s, and raised a shaky hand up to his face. You flinched back briefly when the tips of your fingers made contact with his stubbly cheek, but you quickly composed yourself and pressed your entire palm against it.
You let out a short breath at the feeling, tears slowly starting to prickle your eyes. “I never thought I’d find you…” You admitted, letting your thumb caress the corner of his lip.
He leaned into your touch, his eyes never leaving yours. He was silent for a moment before his hand slowly came up to rest on top of yours, his eyes showing nothing but utmost honesty and sincerity as he spoke, “You’re my world now.”
He hesitated, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment before looking back into yours. “You always have been but now…” He shook his head slowly, bringing your hand down from his face and squeezing it. “I’ll never let you go.”
You breathed in shakily, your heart fluttering in your chest at the feeling of his warm hand swallowing yours. You had only just met him and still, you had never felt as safe and at home as you did at that moment.
You carefully brought your hand out to grab his other one, taking another step closer to him, making you as close as you possibly could be.
Looking up at him, your eyebrows knitted together in deep thought, your eyes flickered down for a moment before looking back up into his.
“I wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else than by your side.” You confessed, squeezing his hands.
His head fell down to yours, your foreheads pressing together, and you watched his eyes falling shut in contentment as you continued. “I’ve waited my entire life to meet you and now that I have, I wouldn’t have wished for anyone else.”
You shook your head, letting go of his hands and bringing yours up to grab a hold of his face, causing his eyes to open again. “You’re my world, too.” You admitted, and then pressed your lips to his without another word.
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