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foxalone · 1 year ago
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Nishiki!Skeleton: I gave everything for her!!
Raptor!Skeleton: Ahhhh!!! Someone help us!!! °panic°
Nishiki dealing with a breakup
Underblood belongs to me
Undertale by Toby fox
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eicreators-rp · 1 year ago
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Wanted to draw him
Nishiki belongs to @foxalone
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virgilsteve · 2 years ago
Yosa!Sans: ok Nishiki this is the plan, we're going to stay here until J-Jasar calms down
Nishiki: I don't understand why he's also after me if you were the one who made him angry
Yosa!Sans: You're guilty too, don't pretend you don't know anything!
Docrath: *standing behind them in the shadows* What are you "little" runs doing here?
*Puts a hand on Yosa's shoulder!* Nice tail Fox person.
Meanwhile: someone else is watching them in the trees!!
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lumi-procrastinate · 2 years ago
Interlaced Fate
Chapter 2/??? | Another Helory Story (Canon) | Helian's POV
I tried my best to learn romantic writing for this chapter but alas 'twas not my fate to be able to write romantic scenes on a whim, so I'm dragging my pal foxy @foxalone to co-write this one, enjoy! ^^ -Lumi
Mess. My mind was a complete and utter mess.
The strange encounter earlier filled my mind with doubt.
What I felt back there was indescribable. He was barely an acquaintance, and yet...
And yet...
My heart won't stop racing at the thought of him.
Taking a look at the place where the charming boy fell only made my thoughts more confusing.
For as long as I know, the possibility of making new friends would give me some sort of joy, but I don't think this is what I felt earlier.
'Maybe it's something... more?'
Realising what I just thought of embarrasses me. He was just a stranger, after all. Nothing more.
'Perhaps it's the shock. He fell on me and must have muddled me so much that I imagined things, yeah... That's what I must have felt'
The answer turning out to be as simple as that puts my mind at ease, the wind breezing gently around me helps too.
That is until a certain voice chimed in...
"Greetings again there, stranger."
My eyes widen as a warm feeling spreads across my chest, and my heart races yet again as I fidget around in my place.
"I'm here to apologize again, and you see... I seem to be a little lost, and I couldn't heal myself in my current state. Are you from around here, perhaps?" He said with the same tone from earlier with an idyllic smile.
The feeling from earlier crept back again; my body won't move, and I can't understand why I would feel so nervous.
"I... I.." I can't seem to mutter anything out.
The stranger tenderly looked at me, patiently waiting for my answer.
"Hey... yeah... I um... I-I..." I can't seem to talk clearly, much like a stuttering 5-year-old who's struggling to find the next word to say, "am I from... here?"
He giggled charmingly and hummed, "mm-hmm, that's what I asked."
It took me a few seconds before managing to say anything, "um... yeah, I'm from around here. You need help, right?"
My cheeks felt warmer as my fear from earlier seemingly dissipated, for some reason, talking to him felt... good.
'What's happening to me? Why am I feeling like this?'
"Indeed, I'm a little lost, and I think I need to heal myself. Could you perhaps help me out a little, stranger?" He added.
"I know someone who has healing powers... he could cure you I s-suppose..." I breathe in before encouraging myself to ask,"Hey... m-may I know what your... your name is?..."
"Oh my stars-" he giggled to himself, "-I'm so sorry for my impudence, I've completely forgotten to introduce myself, my name would be sans, but people usually call me memory, how about you?"
"I... you can call me Helian," My heart skipped a beat as he offered his hand to me.
"Well, nice to meet you then, Helian!" I managed to take his hand timidly.
The warm feeling imbued in my chest, yet again, it was indescribably similar to happiness.
"So.. shall we get going then?" He asked as he took away his hand.
"Huh? Oh! Of course!" I muttered as I started leading him in a somewhat clumsy way.
He giggled and followed me quietly throughout the journey.
After a while, we arrived in an area where I could usually find my acquaintance; he's known as Nishiki.
"Hey Nishiki..." I opened the conversation.
The skeleton was busy sketching the surrounding, he has fox-like ears and tails that twitched when he looked at us.
"Oh, hi again Helian, what's the occasion?" He responded nonchalantly.
"This is Memory, an acquaintance of mine -" I stepped aside to show Memory to him, "- he seems to be hurt, could you possibly cure him? Please..."
He looked at him quietly as he stood up and put his sketchbook down, "Hm... Depends. How much HP did you lose?"
Memory hesitated a little before manging to murmur something "0,5 ....out of 1."
Nishiki raises his eyebrow as he extends his arm. "Well... we need to link arms for the procedure, if you don't mind. "
"Oh, I don't mind at all," Memory responded instantly as he linked his arm with him.
My heart sunken for a s split second, but I tried my best to keep myself composed.
'This is required so he can feel all better... but why... Why do I feel so terrible looking at them.. together'
A translucent orange hologram manifested as Nishiki used his magic, interrupting my train of thoughts.
His HP was transferred to Memory instantly, and he fell to his knees because of it.
"Oh my goodness, are you alright?" Memory asked as he bent down, trying to help him out.
Nishiki just nodded as he took his offer and stood up.
"So... Is that all?" I managed to ask with my usual tone, trying my best not to appear cold.
"Indeed, the procedure is complete," he responded.
Memory smiles warmly and gives him a little bow. "Thank you so much, I really appreciate it."
"Oh, don't worry, it's no big deal," he smiled at him as he replied.
Before my heart could calm down from looking at them, Memory spoke again.
"I am so sorry but you see... I have healing magic as well but I can't apply it to myself, it takes my energy so it's not that efficient and I was wondering, how did you do all that? That was really fascinating."
Nishiki looked at him in a tender way, "It's this family heritage... in my family, only females could do that kind of magic"
"Woah! That's really interesting," Memory exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly.
He laughed happily at the sight. "Oh fox!... I didn't think I could be interesting."
"Why I think you are, tell me more, please!" Memory gleamed with curiosity.
He smiled in flustration before beginning to talk. "Oh well..."
They gleefully converse with one another. Meanwhile, I... just stood there looking at them.
As time passes by, they seem to get along even more.
My mind blanked out all of the noises as my feelings clouded my thoughts.
For whatever reason, anger planted deep inside my chest.
'What does he have that makes him so much more interesting than me? I've known him first, so why does he talk more to him?'
To make matters worse, Nishiki seems to be upset about something, and the first thing that Memory did was hug him, trying to calm him down.
My chest got heavier instantly as my mind became a puddle of mess.
'Wh-what... why... is this making me angry? Why is it that I don't like him being nice to him... does that make me selfish? Why... why have I never been this angry before? Why.. does it hurt so much?'
The surrounding began to be blurry, I was in the verge of tears as I can't seem to withdraw a conclusion to my own feelings.
All I can do is withdraw myself from the scene, I felt way too many emotions that I don't like together.
Without saying a word or bidding a farewell of any kind, I've paced away.
I tried my best to think rationally for why those feelings appeared when I was around him and yet I could only come to one conclusion.
It was just me.
The one that having a problem was I alone.
There was never a problem present to begin with.
It was simply me being the problem.
'I was being selfish and rude even, that's why he doesn't want to even talk to me, that's why nobody likes me, I'm... just a foolish numbskull'
My mind spiralled into an abbyss of self loath as I kept running.
But then... the same charming voice chimed in.
"H-hey, wait!," he said as he stopped me, he held my hand in a firm manner as he made me turn around to face him.
"Helian... wasn't it? Thanks again, I owe you one. " Hearing his voice makes my vision fuzzy again.
'A-am I crying? In front of him from all people? What if he thinks I'm weak because of this... I- I can't possibly bear with that, I need to hold it back....'
But alas, my own body betrayed me.
My legs have grown weak and I sat down in an instant, tears streamed down my cheeks in an instant.
It felt so unfair, I never once cried in front of a stranger and yet...
I can't seem to hold my feelings back with him, I was about to break down yet again, but then...
"There there" he whispered to me as he hugs me.
My soul felt like it was put in a fluffy sheats of cotton as he pats my back and wipes away my tears.
"I don't know what upset you, but you can tell me if you want, I'm here for you" he looked directly into my eyes as he smiles comfortingly.
My mind became clear in an instant.
"No... Memory.. It's alright... I'm fine" I managed to mutter.
"Really?" He asked as he kept on patting me tenderly.
I tried my best to muster up a smile, "yes, you don't have to worry."
Instead of letting go of me, he gave me another hug.
"I'm glad then," he whispered in my 'ears'.
My heart races as reality itself became brighter for me.
I hugged him back as I savour the moment.
Oh how I wish we could be like this forever.
[End of chapter]
Helian!Sans, Nishiki!Skeleton, and Underblood belongs to @foxalone
Alternative version: [Memory's POV]
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8785533 · 2 years ago
*the door slammed open suddenly as a skeleton walked inside*
Memory!Sans: hoi >:D
°Everyone was playing Monopoly in the living room°
Nishiki: Give me back my 20 dollars you thieving rat
Gim!Sans: Never!
Yosa!Sans: If we're fair, The money is mine haha
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foxalone · 2 years ago
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Nishiki and underblood : @foxalone
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mia-japanese-korean · 3 years ago
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Picture of the Hell Courtesan’s Enlightment, Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, February 1890, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
seated woman wearing headdress with yellow bird and white kimono with pattern of figures on back, lined with red print; burning yellow and black lantern at left; grey ground with pale silhouettes of large and small skeletons Size: 14 5/8 × 9 7/8 in. (37.15 × 25.08 cm) (sheet, vertical ōban) Medium: Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper
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alinktoana · 3 years ago
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so i made this meme last december and im still really proud of it lmao
good grandpa kazama *does not fool me* show me the skeletons in your closet kazama
also laughcrying at nishiki, truly the tragedy of our time link to the original tweet if youre nasty: https://twitter.com/alinktoana/status/1474456413728616453
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maliwan012remade · 5 years ago
𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲’𝘀 𝗮𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰
bold whatever applies & tag people. add stuff & even change the format to your liking! repost, don’t reblog!
black and white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling. overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents. private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. ghosts. dark alleys. empty streets. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder. suspicion. paranoia. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the american south. the american northeast. england. analog cameras.
𝗰𝗿𝘆𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘂𝗿𝗯𝗮𝗻 𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀
aliens. blinding light. dark woods. driving at night. claw marks. bite marks. men in black. memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns. something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. hiking. backpacking.
gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains. castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances. tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western europe. eastern europe. bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums books.
malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise. static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air. wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at unseen things. iconoclasm. black ooze. old photographs. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls.
bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets. converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o-lantern. passing shadows. outdated television sets. nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones. improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. cut wires. character masks. scrunchies. wild curls. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms. empty rooms. killer in plain sight. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns. suspicion. paranoia. subdued terror. dimly lit parking lots. a noise in the distance.
tagged by: stole it from @whats-up-walk :> tagging: @endurcandsurvive ( mia ) , @fuckingvictus ( brock ), @gangofgeniuses ( daniel ) , @neverment ( nishiki ) , @ferocityflynt , @ everyone really who sees this :gun: ( but if you don’t want to do this, no worries <3 )
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the-bejeesus · 8 years ago
I love Kamii University
     Whenever you’re making a nerdy/continuous franchise, whether that be One Piece or Lord of the Rings or whatever, a developed world is vital for immersion. If the world is not exactly like our own, we want to know how it works, what’s going on in it outside of the main character’s tale, and little things like that. One Piece has chapter covers that show what’s going on in the One Piece world outside of Luffy’s life, and occassionally that thing will intersect with Luffy’s life later without Luffy realizing it. Lord of the Rings is riddled with documents, maps and pages and pages of explanation as to how Middle Earth functions. And it’s not just doing this that’s important; it has to integrate with continuity. If Frodo has to walk North to Modor, you can’t make a map where Modor is South of the Shire. If Ace loses to Blackbeard in a fight, you can’t see Ace and Blackbeard later unharmed. Kamii University is this developed thing that integrates into Tokyo Ghoul.
     When we first see Kaneki, we know he’s 18/19 and in college. We don’t really know his major though, but that doesn’t matter because he gets sucked into the world of ghouls before his major is even important. But I can guarantee Kaneki was going to be a doctor or a nurse or a neurosurgeon or something along those lines, because KU was developed that well.
     Our first dramatic clue is when Kaneki fights Ayato. He promises to half kill Ayato. He claims destroying half of his organs would not work because certain organs have different values to living. Cutting him in half doesn’t work either because certain segments of his body have different values to his being alive. But he concludes that most people can live if any one bone is broken, even a broken skull. But, no one can live if every bone is broken. So he breaks half of his bones. Now, this wouldn’t prove that Kaneki was going to be a doctor. That was common sense. The major clue is that for every bone he breaks, he gives the name of it to Ayato and occasionally what that bone does or where it is located. Knowing the names and locations of at least 103 bones is not common knowledge. I don’t know what Japanese high schools are like, but I took Advanced Science in high school and never had to memorize more than 50 bones the entire time. However, my older sister has been working in college to become a surgeon and she has had to memorize all 206 bones of the skeleton. There’s also a scene in which Sachi breaks Kaneki’s bones straight out of his arm and Kaneki pops them back in. I don’t know if that requires medical knowledge though; I don’t even know if it was possible.
     Our second clue lies in the light Novel, Tokyo Ghoul: Past. In chapter 5, the new couple Kimi and Nishiki are texting about their classes. Kimi says her major is in Medicine. Nishiki says his major is in pharma studies. Now with universities, or at least certain campuses of a university if that university has a wide curriculum, groups similar curriculums in the same place. If the building has a Java or coding class, you can expect to find a lot of computer-based majors in that place. If there’s a physics major, expect a lot of labs and lab-related classes at that place. You get the picture. So if Kimi and Nishiki both have medical majors, medical and presumably surgical classes is the curriculum Kamii University must be known for. We also saw in that same Light Novel that Kaneki had an interest in KU while he was still in high school, and Hide went there with him almost entirely just to tag along (he was more interested in learning English at that moment than what kind of job he wanted). We know Kamii isn’t the only college in Tokyo Ghoul’s Tokyo; there’s also Teihou University and Seinan Gakuin University. He must’ve been interested in KU because there was a major there that he wanted, perhaps surgery or doctoring.
     The last clue is in the post-Third Cochlea Raid arc of Tokyo Ghoul:re. Akira Mado is impaled and critically injured while also having a lot of RC cells from the kagune coursing through her veins. She can’t go to a hospital because she broke the Ghoul Countermeasures Law against helping a ghoul and will be immediately arrested if found at a hospital. Nico suggests that Kaneki should grab some RC Cell suppressants from CCG headquarters and to also seek help from the Great Wheel Act. The Great Wheel Act is a medical team willing to help and support ghouls despite being humans. They learned their medicinal skills from college, and about the ghoul body from books and ghouls themselves. What college did they get their medical knowledge from, you ask? Well of course, they were students of Kamii University.
     So, even though Kaneki never explicitly states that, “I went to Kamii University to learn about medicine and become some sort of doctor,” we know it because it is highly suggested throughout the series that that’s what Kamii University is most known for, and Kaneki would’ve chosen that college for no other reason. Not only is this a neat fact, but it is vital to Tokyo Ghoul. If Kamii University was not about medicine, Kaneki wouldn’t have known the best way to half-kill Ayato (or at least, not a dank-ass way where you teach Ayato a lesson while also literally giving him a lesson). And Akira Mado also would’ve likely died; if a university focused on medicine wasn’t as close to the :re cafe as Kamii University (unlike Kamii University, it is not confirmed which Ward :re is located in. However, considering it was made in memory of Anteiku, I’m assuming it’s in the 20th Ward, which is the same ward Kamii University is located in. Any other University is at least one ward away from :re), then the Great Wheel Act would be too far away to interect with the Goat conveniently, and Akira would not get the required medical attention in time.
     And it’s not really Kamii University that is the thing that makes the world of Tokyo Ghoul feel developed, this is just one of many that I enjoy. I could’ve made this about the kakuhou or how the timeline fits well or ghouls rank between each other or how the location of each ward makes sense in continuity or how each ward has a particular characteristic or how Germany is somehow significant to Dr. Kanou and the Tokyo Ghoul plot. But today I felt like Kamii University was the best one to talk about. Because in most anime and manga, school is just school. What High School Issei went to didn’t determine whether or not he made a good demon. Whether or not Midoriya took advanced science or regular science didn’t affect how well Midoriya knows how to handle All Might’s powers. The only time the school mattered that I can think of is in K On!, and the only significant thing was that it was based on a real school to add a weird sense of realism and setting. If Tokyo Ghoul was not written by Sui Ishida, do you think the author would’ve made a scene like the fight between Kaneki and Ayato and think to himself, “hm, what thing about the college Kaneki went to can improve upon this scene?”
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foxalone · 2 years ago
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Raptor: so cruel... :"v hahaha
Round 3
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Raptor trained for 2 years for this, but how long can you last in a fight against a target twice as big ans strong as you?
That's right, it's boxing, they fight boxing to earn their names
Underblood , Raptor!Skele-Raptor, Nishiki!Skeleton and Yosa!Sans belongs to me
Isabella!Sans by: @nova2cosmos and me
Undertale by Toby Fox
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eicreators-rp · 2 years ago
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[ Mi didn't want Nishiki to see what happens so tried to hide but didn't make it far] Nishiki belongs to @foxalone
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fishikiyama · 7 years ago
"You are, I thought you were treating me to dinner. Have you seen me? I need to eat." He laughed and shook his head back and forth. Of course he had no where to be but in Majima's arms enjoying the love he had been stripped from for all those months. "You're just a dirty person aren't ya Goro?"
"You sure about that? Think I could pull off a school girl outfit?" His tone of voice was cocky as he stared at the other. "You'd be surprised at how I'd look in that." Looking down at his legs he sighed, he looked like a skeleton. The place where his thighs once met was taken up by a gaping hole.
Gasping softly as he was lifted up he turned his blushing face away. Wondering more so to himself than anything if Majima would have been able to do this prior to this. As Majima shifted a bit and stopped, Nishiki reached out and grabbed two of the towels, his face scrunched up a bit. "You don't know how to do laundry or you just don't like buying new things, because these are dingy."
Nishiki had grown used to the feeling of the black locks falling down against his shoulders, he had no plans to cut it anytime soon. A soft smile spread across his lips as he leaned into the touch. “You keep playing with it like this then we’ll never get anything done will we?” At the backhanded sexual compliment Nishiki sneered. “You’ve gotta dirty mind, I missed it.”
Nishiki rolled his eyes, if there ever came a time of a zombie Apocalypse he’d have to keep the Mad Dog on a lease. He wasn’t about to share what was his with a zombie. “If pinks your color then what’s mine.” Staring into the Majima’s eye once he grabbed a hold of Nishiki’s hips he smirked.
“I’m sure I can, just you wait until I’m walking again. I’ll show you how these legs look like paired with some heels.” Leaning closer still Nishiki pressed his lips against Majima’s. How he had dreamed of this moment, just six months ago Nishikiyama himself seemed to far out of reach. “Let’s get out of here I’m starting to get cold.”
Scoffing, Majima loosened his grip. “Sorry, princess, didn’t realise you had other plans. Who’s the lucky man?” He certainly didn’t have anywhere better to be right now than up close and personal with Nishiki’s hair - or indeed any other part of Nishiki he fancied. “Ain’t just my mind that’s dirty…”
The thought of Nishiki in a dress was oddly compelling. “You can pull off whatever you want, an’ you know it.” It was as if the Tojo clan didn’t even exist, here in this moment, and for as long as he was here, Majima wished it didn’t have to.
“C’mere then.” Grabbing the backs of Nishiki’s thighs, Majima hoisted him up, wrapping the man’s thin legs around his waist and carrying him bodily out of the shower room. “Should be some towels on the side, grab ‘em, yeah?” He turned slightly to put Nishiki in reach of the scruffy pile of aforementioned once-white towels.
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artspiracies · 7 years ago
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Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Takiyasha the Witch and the Skeleton Spectre or Mitsukuni Defying the Skeleton Spectre Invoked by Princess Takiyasha 1843-47 - Color woodblock print Technique: Nishiki-e. The gif is by Kevin Hong.
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foxalone · 1 year ago
Raptor , Yosa and Vixen
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Vixen never liked playing with other girls, she always found playing with boys more fun
It was when she met Yosa and Raptor, they became best friends , they became friends despite social classes, for those who don't know, Nishiki comes from a wealthy family and the upper class
Underblood belongs to me
Undertale by Toby Fox
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8785533 · 2 years ago
Nishiki: AHHH!!! °Intense fox screams°
Yosa!Sans: AHHHHH!!!
Yosa and Nishiki fainted from the fright
Yosa!Sans: ok Nishiki this is the plan, we're going to stay here until J-Jasar calms down
Nishiki: I don't understand why he's also after me if you were the one who made him angry
Yosa!Sans: You're guilty too, don't pretend you don't know anything!
Docrath: *standing behind them in the shadows* What are you "little" runs doing here?
*Puts a hand on Yosa's shoulder!* Nice tail Fox person.
Meanwhile: someone else is watching them in the trees!!
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