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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
hey... so, guess who's back ?? i'm going to attempt to clean up gigi's blog + make a new promo that i'll post tomorrow, but !! 
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
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                           ❝ YOU’D HAVE A HARD TIME                                      BELIEVING ME                             YOU’D THINK I WAS LYING. ❞
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
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          ❝ —–It’s Todd now - Sweeney Todd. And he will have his revenge. ❞
“ well, alright, monsieur todd... though, if i may ask... why is it that you wish to exact, er... REVENGE ? " 
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
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  ❝   DISGUISES        ??   gigi, that sounds like a wonderful idea!!  i do believe my father has a few old capes, and in my mother’s closet, some particularly gaudy dresses that will be sure to distract!!  we’ll be just like SPIES.  ❞
“ EXACTLY ! add on some of aunt alicia's  ridiculously gaudy pearl strands, and a hat of grandmama's, and we'll be ready to go ! " 
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" no one from uptown will be able to recognize us, peggy. i'm SURE of it. "  
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
( @defiiniteallure· )
She pulls the pins out of her hair, dark locks tumbling down past her shoulders, as ballet shoes are taken off and put neatly into her bag, and her cardigan’s wrapped around her. She turns to Gigi, nudging her a little first to get her attention. “Hey! Are you free tonight? I was thinking maybe we could have a sleepover - your place or mine, I’m not picky.”
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gigi turns to face the other girl, sitting on the bench as she takes off her pointe shoes. it's been a difficult practice, no doubt... gigi's just glad that it's over, that it's now the weekend...
she NEEDED the rest. 
“ that would be WONDERFUL ! i have to ask my grandmama for permission... but, i'm sure she'll say yes, since it's a friday. "
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" would you like to come to my place ? we can bake cupcakes and watch movies ! " 
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
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I haven’t even had Kevin for a whole month, & I already hit my first milestone, & I want to thank each & every one of you for that!! So, here we go with a completely sappy bias list!!
Keep reading
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
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Nicholas responded, not with words, but with a single nod as he suddenly struggled to keep back his own tears. Still, he attempted to keep his voice light.
“The doctors say, it is tuberculosis,” he admitted. There is a very small chance that he will…that he will live, but–oh, Gigi!”
The young man finally shook his head, giving into his grief for just a moment. 
and, in the end, they didn't need words. gigi understood. she could see the tears prick at his eyes, how he swallowed hard in a futile attempt to hold them back... 
gigi broke down, right there and then.
she was never going to see him, ever again. 
" it is TUBERCULOSIS ? " it was a nasty, nasty disease... poor smike would never be able to get past it. he was far too weak to begin with.
how was he supposed to get better now ? 
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" please, nicholas... take care of him. make  sure that his last days are HAPPY. please. he deserves that much. " 
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
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❛ All alone in the dark, you’ll be TERRIFIED!! But, you will make it through, ‘cause I am liking you!! ❜
( @defiiniteallure : mama will provide // once on this island. )
“ i'm alright with the dark, actually... i do not believe that i will be TERRIFIED. but, do you really like me, monsieur kevin ? "
yeah, she couldn't help but feel a little PLEASED. 
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
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she feels a sudden pang of sadness for her SWEET friend, who deserves only the best, if justice be served, because good people deserve GOOD things, right ?? she wants to spend this night with gigi && just forget everything ELSE— there’s no use in thinking of it, anyway !!
“ i… i’m sorry, gigi. i truly am. you’re NOT a child && they should understand. but let’s spend this night watching both moves, alright ?? get your mind off things ?? ”
“ but, at the end of the day... i know that they're doing it all for my own GOOD. so that i can have  a good future, and marry a rich man who will take good care of me, and not have to be a burden... "
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and, gigi knew that all of this was for her own GOOD, that aunt alicia and grandmama just  wanted what was best for her. she didn't have the RIGHT to COMPLAIN...
she was so LUCKY. 
" you know, that's a very good idea ! let's do it. it's a double feature kind of night ! " 
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
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❝––– OH!! sorry. so, so sorry.❞  ( THIS CITY IS A LOT BIGGER THAN WHAT SHE’S USED TO. ) 
@defiiniteallure· ♥’d
“ oh, it's quite ALRIGHT ! nothing to worry about ! " 
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she settles back on her feet and gives the girl a wide smile and a nod, confirming that she's fine. in the city, it was practically impossible to not bump into people... this was practically a DAILY OCCURENCE. 
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
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“ look around, look around. the revolution’s happening in new york. ”
“ it TRULY is ! it is so amazing, isn’t it ? that so many wonderful things are happening ? it's... it's... it's REMARKABLE ! “ 
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
Just look at me, dressed up with somewhere to go.
DON’T CRY FOR ME, ARGENTINA ! ( accepting. )
“ you are practically GLOWING, mademoiselle ella ! there is no doubt that you will be the mostbeautiful girl at the ball. "
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ella was a beautiful girl, of course... but, therewas something about tonight, and it wasn'tjust her clothes or her makeup... the GLOWcame from INSIDE. 
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
send one for a kind gesture;
send “ ! “ to reverse the roles! 
my muse = who sends it your muse = who receives it
♖ my muse comforting yours after a nightmare ♘ my muse kissing yours on the forehead ♣ my muse wipes away your muse’s tears ♝our muses holding hands ♡ my muse hugs your muse ♦ my muse picking up your muse ♤ my muse bathing your muse ♠ my muse taking care of your muse when they’re sick ♛ my muse giving yours a shoulder rubs ☮ my muse stroking/ruffling your muse’s hair ▽ my muse patting/rubbing your muse’s back ☽ my muse helping your muse to undress/dress  ☺ my muse helping your muse fall asleep ❮ my muse comforting your muse as they grieve ♋  my muse fixing your muse something to eat ✍ my muse  teaching your muse ∞ my muse reading to your muse  ♒ my muse giving yours a massage 
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
TAGGED BY: @likeloving !  TAGGING ( EIGHT PEOPLE ): @rhetoriical, @charismatiiic, @charliebrcwn, @xregisfilia, @xnjolras, @withoutsiin, @castouthomeless and @pcssibilities !! plus, anybody who wants to do it, of course !! 
ONE ( NAME / ALIAS ): bee !  TWO ( BIRTHDAY ): june 16th ! THREE ( ZODIAC SIGN ): gemini !  FOUR ( HEIGHT ): 5 ‘ 5 “ !  FIVE ( TIME ): it’s currently one-thirty-four in the afternoon as i write this ! i don’t know what time it will be when i post it, though.  SIX ( SLEEP ):  last night i got about seven hours of sleep ?? but, it’s never enough, man. i always need more sleep.  SEVEN ( FAVORITE BOOKS ): i’m really a book nerd. i have such a fondness for mitch albom ( noob ) and the classics - think pride and prejudice and wuthering heights and daddy long legs. and, of course, i love me some les miserables.  EIGHT ( FAVORITE ARTISTS ): does the hamilton obc count ?? they’re total rockstars in my mind. i’m an old soul, though, and i tend to like listening to classic stuff, like michael buble and frank sinatra and barbra streisand. basically, what my mom likes listening to, to be honest.  NINE ( LAST MOVIE WATCHED ): hamlet with benedict cumberbatch at my local movie theater ! it was so cool, dude. before that, i had seen curious incident ! national theater live is my everything, guys. if it’s in a theater near you, i would highly recommend going to see a show.  TEN ( COLLEGE ): we’re still working on that, guys...  ELEVEN ( DREAM JOB ): my ultimate dream is performing, but i’m also keen on going into general / company / stage management and maybe writing musicals ?? i’m absolutely terrible at composing music, but i can write some mean lyrics given well-written music. my goal is to one day write and star in a musical... if anybody can write music, we should collaborate !!  TWELVE ( THE MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL ): it’s from the title song of the musical, which is actually sung by gaston... but the line goes, ‘ she was remarkably mature and had a definite allure ‘. i think it really suits gigi ?? she really has a definite allure. 
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
“ but it something is predicted to happen, it should happen regardless of what you do to protect yourself——i mean, if you accept that predictions are accurate, that suggests that the future is at least partially immutable and defeats the whole purpose of trying to avoid your fate, right ??   because if you’re going to buy these charms regardless, and if they really work as advertised——the predictions should always look good, not bad, because they should be taking the good luck charms into account.
                                                       right ???? ”
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“ and. fine. let me rephrase this: i refuse to be  a sheep. i am not a sheep. ”
“ what you say makes sense, but... i suppose that what the charms do is prevent the bad luck, prevent the bad situations. if you have the charms on your person, you can prevent the bad things from happening. "
it didn't exactly make sense... but, to some, it gave them COMFORT, at least. 
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“ i don't think you get it, vivienne... you can't REFUSE to be a sheep. it doesn't work that way. whatever year you are born in, that's it. " 
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
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defiiniteallure-blog · 9 years ago
describe me in one word anonymously ! 
i do not deserve all of this love ?? i mean, i am anything but perfection ?? like, literally ?? but, i cry so hard at this, to be honest ?? what did i do to deserve this ?? i love you so much, nonnie !! 
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