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francesca-jane · 5 days ago
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Wine cellar - large contemporary wine cellar idea
Henry Bjorklid
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serpentface · 3 months ago
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Couya's full name (properly 'Haidamane Couya') written formally and with common handwriting conventions.
The Wardi written language derives from earlier proto-language systems consisting exclusively of logograms without direct phonetic meaning or grammatical structure. These symbols gradually became simplified and abstracted to the point of many having little intrinsic clarity, and combined to communicate abstract concepts.
The development of a full written language did not occur independently (as very few written languages do), and its phonetic elements (namely its use of syllabograms) were largely derived the 'ancient' Burri writing system, gradually synthesized with native writing conventions, and in the contemporary forms a wholly distinct system. The language's Relatively universalized form is a very recent phenomena, developing within the past two centuries with the region's conquering/unification into a single entity.
The contemporary written language is a mixture of logograms and syllabograms. It is read from right to left and arranged in horizontal columns. The most formal variant of this system contains each character within a square outline, usually separated by a small space. This outline confers little phonetic or symbolic information beyond making distinction between syllables exceptionally clear, and can be (and often is) omitted in handwriting. The separation of words is conveyed through a narrow rectangle or line in formal contexts, and again often omitted in handwriting (instead indicated instead by a wider blank space).
The pure logograms that have been retained in this writing system tend to be those of very common words or specific concepts (most logogram characters for types of livestock, key crops, water, major body parts, etc are widely recognized and in common use). There has not yet been any attempts to fully 'formalize' the language and omit potentially unnecessary logograms, and they remain frequently used as shorthand while conveying the same semantic information.
Many of the syllabogram characters are directly derived from logograms that depicted monosyllabic words. For example, the spoken word 'gan' means 'cow', and the character for the syllable 'gan' is identical to the common logogram for 'cow'.
The name Gantoche (literally "cow-eye") could be written either fully with syllabograms as:
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or through logograms as:
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Both ultimately communicate the same meaning, but the former clarifies pronunciation (the words gan and atoche are contracted, it's gantoche and not gan-atoche).
It is a relatively easy written language to learn, as the pure syllabogram characters indicate their own pronunciation with little ambiguity and often have consistency to their construction (ie the character for the syllable 'man' contains most of the same elements as that for the syllable 'wan'- the dot placement in particular has indication of the vowel sounds).
The inclusion of logograms in general and many of the syllabic characters being directly imported From logograms complicates matters. These characters lack visual consistency, and can be confusing to the large swath of the public who know common logograms but not the full written language itself. Ie: the word 'ungande' meaning 'liver' will be composed of logogram-derived syllable characters for 'un' (which alone means 'hand') and 'gan' (which alone means 'cow'). Someone who is only semi-literate in common logograms may be confused at the meaning, especially since these same exact same characters may be used elsewhere on their own to indicate 'hand' or 'cow'.
One major exception to this tendency is that current religious doctrine requires established logogram characters describing God to be used in place of syllabic characters. The word for god is 'Od', and has its own unique character (as do each of the Faces, the capital F 'Face', and Its deified pronoun). The syllable 'od' [oʊd] is very common in the Wardi language, and a wholly separate character is used for the phonetic sound when it is not a reference to the deity (ie 'lion' (odo [oʊdoʊ]) does not contain the same character for God in spite of its first syllable having the exact same pronunciation). Names are a bit of a gray area (ie: the name 'Odabi' is very common and carries the meaning of 'gift/blessing from God'). Religious leadership is currently experiencing a mild schism on whether the written character for God is separated due to being wholly sacrosanct (and thus inappropriate to include in the written form of a personal name) or as more of a functional delineation of the sacred and mundane.
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castielyre · 1 year ago
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Art nouveau buildings in the old town of Riga, Latvia
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ipatranscriptionist · 2 months ago
pɪnd po͡ʊst
welcome to the IPA transcription gimmick blog!
of course, first and foremost, if I've transcribed your post and you want me to take it down, shoot me an ask or dm and it'll be gone as soon as possible 🫡
asks and submissions are openǃ send me stuff to transcribe or just pop in to have a chat :D
this account is mainly for broad transcription, so you won't see any hyperspecific transcriptions unless maybe it's a video.
what are those strange symbols?
ð <- original post tag (hold down d)
broken links should be fixed now!
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quibblequibblol · 11 months ago
Auglur 🫐🏵
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ok I'm gonna make more
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thegoldenscheme · 7 months ago
the only reason læraðr doesn’t have more content is because no one wants to spell his name. and to that i say you all are cowards. if no one else will write the fics I WILL
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thingsdavidlikes · 3 months ago
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Sofa by glebpast
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random-jot · 1 year ago
John Gwynne sat down to write Shadow Of The Gods and said ‘you know what, I’m gonna really commit to using the letter “ð” in this one’
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cosmicourple · 3 months ago
,,,[ !hiya there tasty looking Mortals¡ (threat) ]
[ My Remade-Remade Intro ]
okay, first. General stuff ‘bout my Blog + lil’ bit about me:
.— I am a Tumblr Scrolling addict & regularly just admire other ppl’s things,,, [💥🪻💫]
.— lover of most things considered ‘geeky’, ‘weird’ & ‘childish’,,, [💥🪻💫]
.— posting schedule??? never heard of ‘em :b AKA my posting influxes rapidly depending on how I’m feeling / my motivation :’),,, [💥🪻💫]
.— cemented typing style????? also never heard of them :D,,, [💥🪻💫]
.— circling back ‘round to posting, whatever Fandom(s) I’m in, I’ll post slop about <]]✨ mostly weirdass A.U ideas, tho weirdass O.C’s, fanfic-relatedness, & especially ships + smut shite (see warnings down below) r also there 4 pondering about !,,, [💥🪻💫]
.— I am on the autistic spectrum, though 2 me, it doesn’t rlly matter when ur interacting w/ me :3, jst felt like mentioning ig,,, [💥🪻💫]
.— my confidence 4 writing is very low, still there but. Low. Confidence 4 drawing is six feet under, so all (current) stuff by me on here is text <D,,, [💥🪻💫]
.— if u wanna give me a name, either Drægy or Grey work just fine 🫶,,, [💥🪻💫]
.— I love getting Asks (horny / smut-related ones included-), even if they take a while to answer :’) (but srsly, pls make contact 👽💥),,, [💥🪻💫]
.— the suggestive / NSFW / NSFT! stuff is the usual ):3c (again, see more in warnings),,, [💥🪻💫]
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all right, with that bit outta the way, onto some important notes… :
.— I am a multishipper / crack / rare / selfcest / crosshipper w/ tons of unhinged thoughts on whatever pairings I like,,, [💥🪻💫]
.— Cringe is dead, so I will post whatever O.O.C, edgy, weird, stupid bullshit I like about my favs 😇😇😇,,, [💥🪻💫]
.— ‼️‼️I POST & REBLOG N.S.F.T / N.S.F.W / SUGGESTIVE CONTENT🔞💦🍋, SO IF YOU ARE A MINOR, (& therefore probably don’t want to be flashed by gay sex & / or booby art or casual talk of breeding a man & / or giant robot) OR ARE JUST UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THAT KIND OF THING, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS BLOG‼️‼️‼️ (but if u still choose to despite this warning? fine. I did warn you.),,, [💥🪻💫]
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haha and now…
D.N.F.I AKA Do Not Fucking Interact List (a bit complicated but still.) :
.— homophobes / transphobes / terfs + any other discriminators of any kind (ex racists, sexists, bigots, ppl who use religion to be harmful to others etc etc)
.— Internet Trolls & / or Keyboard Warriors
.— in general, ppl who make fun of other’s interests
.— anti rarepairs crackshipping, crosshipping, selfcest, multishipping
.— the said complicated one,,, proshippers 👏. Okay, let’s clear this up. If u r what wud be considered a proshipper in fandoms like Mythology, I probably won’t bat an eye at u. Mythology & incest are unfortunately tied together most of the time, especially in Ancient Greeces Myths (I could still be uncomfortable w/ underage x adult-related shipping tho :[). But if u are a proshipper in fandoms like B.N.H.A, F.N.A.F, Marvel / M.C.U, Pokémon etc, there is a 50/50 chance I’ll block you. Just don’t bring any Aizawa x Izuku or Gladion x Lilly type-stuff into my asks or blog in general or being blocked will be guaranteed.
apologies if this is a poor explanation of where I draw the line, I’ll probably update it in the future 😶
.— anti silly / none-harmful weird Fandom content
.— in general, arseholes who r just looking to start trouble & / or give opinions nobody asked for or even mentioned. Pack it up🚫🚫🚫
(Might be being a bit harsh but it is what it is.)
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aaaaaannd—- with THAT all outta the way: PLS ENJOY MY YAPPING🖤💜✨
[ The Multiverse’s are Waiting :) ]
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knightofleo · 2 years ago
Sigur Rós | Var​ú​ð
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marketingsentimental · 4 months ago
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denoriosbelt · 1 year ago
people really are actually mad in wayne's stream chat... lol
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noctumsolis · 10 months ago
Unfair how the fact that þ and ð long ago fell out of use in English, to be replaced by th, is making it harder for me to learn Arabic than it could've been because I keep mixing up ذ and ث!
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twiregret · 1 year ago
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Explorer inside Orda Cave, the biggest underwater gypsum cave in the world, Russia
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daybreaksys · 1 year ago
Hwat if I started writing like ðis, using þ, ð, ŋ and hw as a typiŋ quirk? Hwat ðen?
To be really honest, I find it annoying hwen I see it in ðe wild, but I sure a hell love doing it
our offline notes on paper already heavily use ðis, and it's cool ðere, ðen hwy isn't it cool online?
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gaasublarb · 1 year ago
Hobie's Accent Challenge/Practice
I tried to find a sentence with every english phoneme and this came up.
That quick beige fox jumped in the air over each thin dog. Look out, I shout, for he's foiled you again, creating chaos.
So here goes /)////(\ Wish I knew more IPA
ðat quick bæj fahx jəmpt in ðə ær ohver ɪch thin dahg. Look owt, aɪ showt, for hɪs fohɪld you əgin, crɪæding kæahss
Tha' quick bæj fox jəmpt en ðə eh ohvə ɪch thin dog. Look ow', ah show', foh 'ɪs foɪld yə əgen, crɪæ'en kayohss
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