#«【 ralph 】»
tenten18282 · 7 months
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"Timeskip" Design for Ralph + Doodles
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crownedinmarigolds · 28 days
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Stakebait Coterie has taken over the summer Renaissance Festival - ready to make the Elysium night-time pleasure faire theirs in a Thinblood Bacchanalia! Ralph came as a satyr, Khloe arrived in classic tavern wench chic, Kyle is dressed as Dionysus, and Christian showed up just for the booze. They also came to celebrate my birthday month - and I invite you all to do the same! Like the previous collaborations of Malkavian and Nosferatu, I'd love for people to draw their Thinbloods (or heck, invite a few Fullblood besties if you'd like) next to mine for a fun-filled time of going medieval! Like the other collaborations, I will take all submissions at the end and smush them all into one final collab piece - the deadline will be JULY 1st!! (My birthday is later in the month but that's fine with me I count the whole month as mine.) I tried to answer how to submit here in case you were curious! (For reference, Ralph is 6'5 - Khloe is 5'5 - Kyle is 5'10 - Christian is 6') IF YOU WANT TO DRAW AND FEEL LIKE YOU CANNOT DRAW DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT VOICE THAT IS THE DEVIL DECEIVING YOU! Please draw your OC next to them if you want to I would cry and love to see it!
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king-crawler · 7 months
The scene where Ralph meets King Candy for the first time is one of the most interesting ones on a rewatch because you already know who King Candy is pretending Not to be. The way Ralph behaves is interesting too. (I’m studying these little 1kb game characters under a microscope)
Below the cut is a LONG scene/character analysis (~6min read?)
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First off. King Candy’s mere Entrance in this scene already characterizes him a ton and he hasn’t even said anything yet. He speeds obnoxiously around Ralph in his little go-kart BLARING HIS HORN. This immediately gives off the impression of: Very in your face. Very full of himself. And Very Annoying About It. (sir.. your Turbo is showing)
(Ralph Face Reveal While Screaming)
“Milk my duds! it’s Wreck-it Ralph??”
“Yeah...? And who are you, the guy who makes the donuts?”
“Hoohoo, please- No! I’m King Candy!”
I love this interaction because King Candy INSTANTLY knows who Ralph is. And from Ralph’s perspective that’s… weird.
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Ralph is probably a little confused. Given how he answers “yeah?” He doesn’t just straight up ask “How do you know who I am” because he’s currently being interrogated (Probably Not a Good Time) Also that recognition is something he rarely receives in the first place, so why from this guy…? So instead he asks: Well who are you supposed to be?
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WELL FIRST OF ALL. HE KNOWS WHO RALPH IS BECAUSE TURBO’S GAME CABINET SAT NEXT TO HIS FOR YEARS. Which is why King Candy is so surprised - he’s probably seeing him for the first time in decades.
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“Hoohoo, please- No! I’m King Candy!”
I also love how he nervously laughs at first before responding with “No!” In that particular way- simply laughing it off before being Rather Quick to reject Ralph’s proposal that he could possibly be someone else. Interesting .
But it’s the way he says “I’m King Candy!” That carries so much implication. His pose and smile, the perfect inflection in his voice- it’s theatrical, it’s like he’s rehearsed it. It’s almost like he’s trying to convince Ralph that he’s really who he says he is with the best performance possible. He’s been doing that for years and by this point he’s totally mastered it. Nobody suspects a thing. (For now……)
—————————— Skipping forward a little, Ralph explains that he got a medal from Hero's Duty.
"Your medal? (giggles) Bad guys don't win medals!"
"Well, this one did. I earned it over in... Hero's Duty"
"You game-jumped?? Ralph... You're not going Turbo, are you?"
"What? No no no no no..."
"Because i-if you think you can come in here- (laughs nervously) to MY kingdom, and take over MY GAME, YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!"
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First off we'll focus on Ralph. The way he admits it... He knows it sounds bad. He breaks eye contact and hesitates before saying "Hero's Duty." Probably because he knows what King Candy is gonna retort with. But he still says "I earned it" not only because he doesn't want to incriminate himself, but because he believes it. He did earn it... right? And then Ralph tries to brush off the suggestion that he's going Turbo before being interrupted by King candy's rampant tantrum. (WHICH I WILL GET TO.)
At this point, Ralph is becoming less confident that he earned his medal because he's in denial about “going Turbo.” His confidence wavers here especially because he's in the presence of this apparent authority figure whose trying to guilt and incriminate him. (And this is a situation he's already all too familiar with- think of how Surge Protector always halts him when going into games just because he's a bad guy.)
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But there's still one major thing keeping this denial intact: He wants to hold onto the fact he deserves his medal so bad. Others have hurt him for so long, he thinks getting that medal alone means he'll finally be respected, praised, and loved.
"Is it Turbo to want a friend? Or a medal? Or a piece of pie every once in a while? Is it Turbo to want more out of life?"
(I know that’s literally the Conflict of the Movie. BUT ITS WORTH MENTIONING OKAY I LOVE RALPH’S CHARACTER LEAVE ME ALONE)
I think the fact you can gather all this info just from the way he's portrayed during this SINGLE INTERACTION- its amazing. Amazing character writing is when when nearly every action a character does reinforces their motivations or personality and you're able to SEE IT!!
Now to focus on King Candy again… this FUCKER‼️
First off, him mentioning Turbo Isn’t even that suspicious at this point in the film… well… at first glance at least.
At first it seems like everyone knows who Turbo is. Ralph is questioned at Bad-Anon, Q*bert tells Felix and the nicelanders freak out- everyone who’s been around for a while knows who this guy is. But if you think about it… isn’t Sugar Rush a newer game? Not as new as Hero’s Duty, but it’s still a little odd that King Candy would know who Turbo is ON TOP of knowing Ralph. Just a little.
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"You game-jumped?? Ralph... You're not going Turbo, are you?"
Ok but Seriously. That Part. The pure irony of King candy saying THAT a threat against Ralph in an attempt to incriminate him. The way he says it too... He breaks eye contact and glances to the floor like it’s something forbidden to even mention. His accompanied hand movements too (and King Candy speaks with his hands A Lot) they move like he’s describing a ghost story. He’s obviously trying to scare Ralph… trying to scare him into admitting something.
This is... a lot. Maybe even some level of self projecting...? Cuz MAN. that is too deep for me to even start getting into
But the fact that his OWN NAME (a SECRET IDENTITY MIND YOU) has become so infamous that now HE’S WEAPONIZING IT?!? IS INSANE??? Can you Imagine his thought process. Like how far gone into the deep end is he.
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THIS. this is so good. And the way King Candy eludes to “Turbo” as some kind of monster. Could that be offering him like. A Brief moment of catharsis. Or fuel some twisted sense of pride. What the FUCK is going on in this SICKO’S HEAD !!!!! I NEED TO KNOW!!!!
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"Because i-if you think you can come in here- (laughs nervously) to MY kingdom, and take over MY GAME, YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!"
SECOND!!!!!! King Candy gets SO defensive SO FAST. That man jumps to conclusions IMMEDIATELY!!! He essentially throws a tantrum while stepping closer to Ralph, stumbling over his words and giggling nervously. The mere thought of there being ANY threat of someone else taking over "his game" riles him up SO BAD.
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This is the same EXACT SAME TEMPER that made him storm into Roadblasters as Turbo years ago, because he saw Roadblasters as a direct threat to his own game's popularity - HIS popularity!!!! Because getting exposure- infamous or otherwise- is the ONLY thing that drives him. (Pun intended. Sorry.)
And the way he repeats “MY” kingdom “MY” game… mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine. Are you done with your tantrum old man.
Wow. Anyways I think that’s enough for now. And that was in response to only a minute of content. (Oh dear.)
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luliqwq · 1 month
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He has such a nice smile
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fyeaheddiemunson · 1 year
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clayspacestation · 4 days
Back in the Zelda hyperfix
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I love Ralph I need him to come back…
V Additional doodles!! V
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unsafescapewolf · 1 year
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Summer Kofi doodles part 5!
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keeryquinn · 1 month
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joesquinns · 8 months
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JOSEPH QUINN as RALPH in Timewasters
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kasumingo · 1 year
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The chosen one
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scopophilic1997 · 1 month
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_994 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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crownedinmarigolds · 1 month
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Ralph Khloe sketchies because I don't wanna sleep......... it's like this for real.
Def ref'd memes I found on Twitter that suited them...
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Look at these... top tier.
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moondustpugh · 2 months
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Kittens and Joe... what more could you ask for?
Author's Note: I can't stop loving the new pics of Joe and the cat! Ugh, I had to make a small little fic. Enjoy this one! :)
Wordcount: 1.3K
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“You did not.” Joe stood in front of you, his hands on his hips and his brow raised at you.
“Oh, yes I did.” You giggled, amused at the current expression that was plastered all over Joe’s face. 
Joe just got home from a long day of filming and found you sitting on the sofa, watching TV. Not only were you sitting on the sofa, you were holding something on your lap. Not something. 
A cat.
A cat with grey fur and in fact, it wasn’t actually a cat. It was still a little kitten. It was tiny, and it had those blue eyes. Joe tilted his head towards it, brows all furrowed but at the same time, he looked a little fascinated by the tiny creature that was currently asleep on your lap. Your fingers softly stroked its fur as it purred and rubbed its head against the blanket that was underneath him.
“Where did you get it?” Joe asked, his voice almost a whisper. 
“At the shelter. One of the cats just gave birth about a month ago, and they were wondering if I wanted to take one of the kittens.” You shrugged. “I told them I’d take all five of them—”
“Five?!” Joe’s eyes widened, his body turning to look for some more kittens around the flat. 
“Oh, relax!” You laughed, rolling your eyes. “I only took this one.”
Joe sighed in relief, his shoulders slumping back down from the tension. It wasn’t like he didn’t like cats or kittens for that matter. He just didn’t expect to have a pet with all the messy and busy schedule he has and with yours too in the office. Who was going to take care of the little one when both of you weren’t home?
“Darling, I’m a little worried.” Joe scratched the back of his head. 
“Who’s going to take care of him or her?” Joe shook his head. “I travel a lot, and I know you have been busy at work too.”
You gave Joe a reassuring smile as you continued to pet the little kitten that was on your lap. 
“It’ll be fine, Joe. I’ve thought about this. Besides, don’t you just love him?”
You tilted your head towards the little kitten as it fluttered its eyes open and yawned. Joe couldn’t help but smile as he knelt down in front of you and his fingers stroked his grey fur. The panic expression on his face suddenly turned into a soft one. His eyes sparkling as he stared at the kitten.
“His name is Ralph.” An amused smile tugged on your lips as soon as you saw Joe gazed up at you with wide eyes.
“Ralph?” His brows raised. “Like…”
“Yes,” You replied to the question that he was currently asking in his head. “Ralph from Timewasters.” 
“Why?” Joe couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Because I love Ralph, and c’mon…” You pouted your lips, tilting your head at Ralph. “Doesn’t he look like a Ralph?”
Joe barked out a small laugh, shaking his head. Joe knew that his role as Ralph in Timewasters was one of your favorites. 
Of course, you would name him that.
You watched as Ralph stretched his legs on your lap before reaching a paw towards Joe. You couldn’t help but softly chuckle at the fondness of your new kitten towards Joe already. 
“Looks like he loves you already.”
Joe sat next to you, taking Ralph in his arms and softly scratched his head with his fingers, making Ralph purr happily. You let out an approving hum and got up from the sofa and walked towards the kitchen to pour some milk for your new kitten. When you walked back into the living room, you found Joe doing a little baby talk to Ralph, and you stood by the doorway entertained at the little show that was in front of you. 
“You know, I’m now worried.” You said, setting the milk down on the floor.
Immediately, Ralph jumped off Joe’s lap and went straight for the milk as Joe smiled, watching his new little baby getting fed by you. 
“What are you worried about?” Joe asked.
“That you have now attached yourself to Ralph when two minutes ago, you were debating about his presence in this household.”
“Aw, darling.” Joe got up from the sofa, pulling you into his arms. “Are you jealous of the attention I’m giving to him?”
“Maybe.” You teased, staring into his chocolate button eyes.
“Don’t worry.” He pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. “You’re always going to be my number one.”
You felt your cheeks flushed as you chuckled softly, wrapping your arms around his neck. Joe leaned in to kiss you on the lips softly, making you smile through the kiss and pulled him close to you. Suddenly, Ralph’s tiny head started rubbing against your ankle and then at Joe’s, making the both of you pull away from the kiss. 
“Okay, I hope he won’t be in any interruption when I’m kissing you.” Joe said, picking up Ralph and holding him in his hand. 
Ralph was so tiny that he could literally fit in Joe’s hand. It was the most adorable thing you have ever seen. 
“Who knows, he might be cuddling with you tonight.” You joked.
Joe let out a soft hum as he gazed down at Ralph. “You can’t, okay? You need to respect boundaries around here.”
“Joe!” You laughed, shaking your head. 
“It’s true.”
Walking away, shaking your head in disbelief, you made your way into the kitchen to start preparing for dinner. Hearing the bathroom door closed, you figured Joe started freshening up. Ralph’s tiny meows echoed as he entered the kitchen and started rubbing his head against your leg and walked around it, trying his best to get your attention while you cooked dinner. 
“Okay, hold on.” You chuckled softly when Ralph continued to walk around your legs. 
You set the food on the table as soon as you finished cooking it and right before you could pick him up, Joe had already beaten you to it as Ralph rubbed his head against Joe’s hand, while he held him in his arms.
“Who knew you being a cat dad is kinda… hot.” You smiled. 
Joe let out a soft approving hum, one arm wrapped around your waist. “Am I a cat dad now?”
“I think so.” You laughed softly.
You leaned in to give him a kiss only for Ralph to put a paw right on your chest. For a small little guy, you could feel the pressure that he was putting on you. 
“See, that’s a problem.” Joe laughed, setting Ralph down on the floor. 
“That’s fine. I guess I have to share.” You grinned happily. 
The rest of the night was spent eating dinner, Ralph sitting on your lap and then switching to Joe’s lap again. Then, as you both washed the dishes, Ralph was sitting on top of the kitchen counter happily as he watched the both of you. It was sort of funny to you to think how earlier this afternoon, Joe was hesitant about having Ralph but a few hours later, he was literally attached to the kitten. 
It wasn’t until you freshened up and entered your bedroom when you found Joe asleep on his side of the bed already. You could tell he had a long day at work but there was something so adorable and surreal as you stood by the doorway for a moment and stared at him. His chest going up and down steadily, his eyes closed and Ralph asleep on his stomach. Joe’s hand had one on top of Ralph, while the other was underneath his head. 
They both looked peaceful.
“Won’t be cuddling with him tonight, huh?” You murmured under your breath sarcastically.
Although, you couldn’t help but admire the little family that was now in this household. Sliding yourself next to Joe and underneath the covers, you leaned in to give him a soft kiss on his cheek and a kiss on top of Ralph’s tiny head. 
You certainly could get used to this. 
The End.
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @browneyes8288 @bylermaxmayfield @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf
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luliqwq · 1 month
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If he was king
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edyavtostopom · 3 months
Близкий контакт⁷
Заглянем в гости к нлошной семье.
Очень счастливая семейка. Особенно у Ральфа столкьо радости на лице XDD
Слева направо - Тома, Кенрик, Ральф, Арно.
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За время что мы их не видели, Тома, сын Кенрика, хорошо так повзрослел, с инфанта до подростка.
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Краткая предыстория.
Кенрик летел по своим нлошным делам, увидел кису, как зачарованный потянулся к ней из окна космолета и вывалился. Корабль в смятку, но кису поймал. Как гостя Симли его подселили к ученому Ральфу. Пообщались, подружились, влюбились.
Кенрик является представителем знатной Сиксимской семьи и родители хотели от него чистокровного наследника. Пару раз похитили Ральфа и рассмотрев его со всех сторон, родители решили, что так себе материал для продолжения рода. Стырили Кенрика, подсадили в него биоматериал Амо, другого пришельца, члена другой знатной семьи с которым Кенрик был помолвлен и с кем они должны были наплодить много нлошек. Но Амо тоже рухнул на Симлю, тоже влюбился в человека и оборвал все связи с семьей. И так появился Тома. Ральф тогда ситуацию принял, но немного офигел. Обходил ребенка по широкой дуге, но научное любопытство взяло верх, да и Тома был очень милым ребетенком.
В самом начале Кенрик летел в Стрендж, чтоб разобраться со странными растениями. Оказалось, что с материнским растением они давно знакомы, поэтому в шутку его победил и наказал сидеть и не вылезать, а то на салат точно порежут. (Тут история частично переплеталась с Калебом и Сэлом, которые до Кенрика прибыли разобраться с материнским растением).
Но Матери стало скучно в лаборатории, слепило из слюны, листьев и палок себе аватар по образу Кенрика и пошло его глазами на мир смотреть, взяло себе имя Арно.
Как-то так XDD Почитать про них можно тут с компа, в хронологичном порядке.
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mishkinis · 2 months
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By Zimforth this can't be happening
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