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I’m bored and I really enjoy your opinions on Disney, so I thought you might have something interesting to say to get my brain ticking. I came across a post on Frozen and I was like, “Ah, a perfect starting place for dropping you an ask.” I’ve never really been that bothered by Frozen and I don’t know what it is that I’m just not fond about. Maybe it’s that I dislike the characters? Maybe it’s that they didn’t really have any established rules for the way magic worked in that universe and thus had anything they wanted happening? Maybe it’s the twist villain? I don’t know, it’s probably just the characters that they tried to make so cool and girlboss!
Elsa is made out to be this awesome protagonist that is never in the wrong and that grates me. She has flaws, but the film doesn’t act like they’re flaws. She runs away out of fear and shame for not being able to control her powers, but then two seconds later she’s singing “Let It Go” and making giant ice castles and bringing snowmen to life?! And “Let It Go” is super annoying for the fact that Elsa starts off worried and upset (fair enough, she’s just ran away from her home, her kingdom, her sister whom she hasn’t seen in years, she lost control of her powers) but then immediately turns round and is like, “Actually, it’s not my fault and I’m fine as I am and I don’t need any of those responsibilities!” Which would be fine, but she also finishes the film with the same attitude!
Anna, too! Naive and optimistic and perhaps a little too trusting, she never realises that even if Han hadn’t turned out evil, Elsa had every right to be worried over their marriage. She never realises that it’s partly her fault for revealing Elsa’s powers (and she definitely doesn’t apologise). There’s a lot she doesn’t realise, and the only lesson she takes away from it all is that Christoff loves her instead of Han.
Oh my days, I’ve just realised how ridiculously long this has gotten, super sorry! Have a lovely day!
Let’s do this! For fun!
1. They don't need to establish exhaustive rules for how magic works in their world.
Red Riding Hood doesn't explain how the Big Bad Wolf can talk-it just explains that he can. Cinderella doesn't explain how Fairy Godmothers work, or why the spell should only last until midnight—it just explains that she casts one, and it does only last until midnight. Beauty & the Beast does not explain how, after The Beast has died, the "breaking of the curse" could bring him back to life. After Belle confesses her love, he should just go from dead beast to dead human, for all the explanation they give.
Beauty & the Beast also famously refuses to explain (explicitly) why all of the household were cursed, along with the castle and the Prince. But what it does explain is, "there's a curse, it was put in place because of a defect in the Prince's character, and there's a time limit on it's ability to be removed, which can only happen if the defect in his character is overcome."

The whole point of having magic in the story is just as a tool...to create a plot. You don't have to explain everything; you just have to explain what will affect the characters. So, Frozen says, very plainly in the beginning: "you can either be born with magical powers or cursed with them in this world, and trolls are the experts on how magical powers work. The way Elsa's specific magical powers work is, they're beautiful, but powerful, and they're tied to her emotions. Therefore, if her negative emotions control her, her negative emotions control those powers. Also, if you're struck with magical powers in the head, the effects can be removed with memory alteration. If you're struck with magical powers in the heart, the effects can only be removed by an act of True Love.
Also, here's an explanation of what counts as 'True Love." They actually do way more explaining than the average fairy tale. And they set you up really nicely to receive that explanation by having the opening scene be a song that describes Ice Magic as “beautiful/powerful/dangerous/cold/ice has a magic can't be controlled.” Etc.

If you were wondering what limits there are on Elsa's powers, and whether or not she can just make anything out of ice, and how it's possible for her to bring inanimate snow to life
—well, you're focusing on the wrong things for this kind of story.
It's not that important for a fairy tale like this one. In a superhero story, limitations on powers would be important. Because the point of a superhero story is, "how am I going to take selfless responsibility for what I'm able to do?" And if you don't know the boundaries on "what I'm able to do," then you can't communicate that point clearly. That's why we need to know that Superman can see through just about everything, but not lead. That's why you need to know that Elastigirl can't stretch in the cold. You can't know how to take responsibility for your abilities if you don't know what they are and are not.
But Elsa? The point of Elsa having powers is not as a metaphor for her unique skills. That's what it would be in a superhero movie.
Like, in superhero movies, Spidey's ability to stick to walls is supposed to be a reference to like, your ability to...l don't know, draw really well. How is Spidey going to use his ability to stick to walls for the good of others = how are you going to use your ability to draw for the good of others, because it's something special and unique to you, you have something to offer, are you going to use it selflessly, etc.
But for Elsa, that's not what it's about. Her powers are just a metaphor for how what's going on inside of her effects everyone around her, relationally. And it's still relatable. But not in a "skills" way. Just like all of us non-superpowered people: "if you let fear control you, you'll hurt everyone around you. But if you let love cast out fear, you'll love and be loved."
That's what's so good about this movie. When you look at it like that, you realize the powers aren’t the point.
Elsa isolates because she thinks that'll keep her from hurting everyone (fear controls her) but actually, by isolating, she's still hurting everyone-nobody in the kingdom gets to see their beloved ruler, and her sister is hurt, relationally, and feels unloved and shut-out, enough to trust the first scoundrel she meets-etc. See how the powers just make the story interesting, but they're not the point of the story? If Elsa's powers were replaced by "frantic outbursts of human temper" the story could be told in a lot of the same ways. But that's a post for another time.
So I don't think you disliked it because of the powers not being "established." "Whatever they wanted to have happen" did not happen, in the story. They laid out the rules that were relevant—“if fear controls you, it'll lead to great danger/but an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart."—and then they followed those rules in an interesting and consistent way.
2. The "twist" villain worked perfectly for the story.
A good villain is supposed to be the opposite of whatever your story's message is. Frozen's is, "Self-Sacrificial Love Casts Out Fear." Elsa is afraid she'll hurt everyone around her, and afraid that makes her unloveable-so she's a control freak over her circumstances. Anna is also afraid she's unloveable-simply because she's shut out and unknown-so she's always trying to control who she keeps in her life. Hans is both "unknown" and "controlling." He's "unknown" in two ways—1, nobody sees him in the shadows of his brothers in his own kingdom, and 2, nobody in Arendelle "knows" his true nature, especially not Anna. But the difference is, where our heroes don't like being unknown, Hans does, and uses it to his advantage, because he's also "controlling." But unlike our heroes, who learn that "control" is not the way to love, Hans is willing to do anything to stay in control. Which is, always, rooted in fear, too. Hans is just afraid he'll never get a throne. So. You see that he foils the two main characters perfectly.
But the main point of Hans is that he's not self-sacrificial, he's self-serving, which is the opposite of what the story claims "True Love" is.
Why's the "twist" part important? Because he uses the main characters' fears as a weapon to serve himself, and he couldn't have done that, for these two particular characters, by being anything but a liar. Anna is afraid she won't ever be loved, so he pretends to love her to get something for himself. Elsa is afraid she'll hurt everyone, so Hans pretends to be protecting everyone from her. And honestly, that's another core of the movie-love that is self-sacrificial, true love, can't be separated from truth. Anna can't really "truly love" Elsa in a way that HELPS Elsa feel loved if she doesn't know Elsa's flaws. Elsa can't "truly love" Anna if she's refusing to know Anna by always shutting her out. And Hans comes along and doesn't let himself be "truly known." Perfect.
So, the movie says "Self-Sacrificial Love Casts Out Fear" and Hans, the villain, says, "Self-Service Uses Fear As a Weapon."
So I don't think you disliked the "twist" villain. Because it wasn't just an empty "shock-jock, look how edgy we are, to make the Prince the bad guy" move. It was the right move, for this story and these characters.
3. I think your definition of "so cool" and "girlboss" might be different from what l understand those terms to mean, because none of the characters fit those descriptions.
Anna (as we understand her throughout the story) is introduced like this:
And she's constantly dropping stuff and getting into awkward social situations-and she basically makes zero correct decisions, for the entire adventure. Tries to fight wolves like a girlboss-and instead accidentally knocks her guide out of the sleigh and has to be thrown to safety while she ruins his livelihood. Tries to climb a cliff with zero experience-looks ridiculous and falls. Tries to talk her sister into lifting a curse and insists that she knows best because her sister would never hurt her-gets crippled, because her sister absolutely does hurt her, and totally fails. Tries to marry a handsome prince-really bad judgement of character, totally duped, basically would've died without help from the weakest and most mentally-confused character in the movie, Olaf. The only "girlboss" moment you could argue she had was punching Hans in the face at the end of the movie, and I would argue that that one moment, in the face of all her failures and humiliation throughout the movie, and in the face of him as a vile villain? That moment is okay.
Also, the whole way they pace that moment is still in-character for Anna. It's still like she's not doing the "dignified" thing. She delivers her little one liner, "the only frozen heart around here is you," and then turns around to walk away with her nose in the air, like she's
"above it all." Which frames the moment where she turns around and punches him like a joke. It frames that moment like it's a satisfying, but still "not decorous, not dignified," thing to do. It would've been "cool" and poorly received if Anna, the character who's always jumping into doing the emotional, awkward thing, had suddenly become the bigger person and risen above her hurt in that moment.
So instead, she punches him. And whatever. He deserved it, blah blah blah. The point is, even that moment isn’t supposed to be strictly “cool” or “girlboss.” It’s just supposed to be “in-character funny.”
See, usually a "girlboss" character knows exactly what the best thing to do is in a situation, and does it well. Or, she gets knocked down, but consistently gets back up and hits harder. Anna does not do any of those things. She keeps trying when she fails, yeah-but it's not because of an inner strength, it's because of an inner weakness. She keeps pushing because she's desperate, and insecure, not because she's awesome and never-say-die. Eventually, after Elsa strikes her and Hans betrays her, Anna does give up. She tells the snowman "we won't (come back.)" after Elsa strikes her. She tells Olaf she doesn't know what love is. It's not until she learns that lesson that anything she tries to do works—and she gives herself up to do it. And that's finally a moment of strength from her, not weakness. As for "cool"-gimme a break.
There's nothing "cool" about Anna. Anna's not good at anything except, at the very end, self-sacrificially standing in front of a sword and getting one punch in on a villain who's already disarmed, defeated and probably slightly concussed anyway. She's not supposed to be "cool" or "girlboss." She's supposed to be "Desperate to Love and Be Loved." And that's what she is, perfectly. "Desperate" is not a characteristic that fits the definition "girlboss" or "cool."
But maybe you just meant "Elsa is so cool and a girlboss." Okay, well, again, depends on what you mean by that. If you mean "having superpowers are cool" okay, well, are they? Is that what the movie is telling you? Because powers basically ruin all of Elsa's childhood and life until the last 3 minutes of the movie. You could be like "come on, she can make snow and ice monsters, glitter gowns, and an entire palace just by dancing. They totally tried to make her 'cool." That's like saying Simba's ability to eat bugs and belch and fight with Nala is "cool." She does all those things at her "Character in the WRONG" moment, in the story, just like Simba living in the Hakuna Matata jungle. Therefore the movie is not trying to tell you that Elsa is cool, it's trying to tell you that Elsa is wrong, but you can understand why she's wrong. You can understand why she feels triumphant for a moment-and then the movie shows you that triumph is misplaced.
I mean, she's taken out by her own falling chandelier. Every time she's confronted with a problem, she runs away. When she gets into "battles of wits," she says the wrong thing, or the shy, shut-down thing, not a girlboss one-liner that shuts the other person up. Elsa's not cool either. She doesn't have the answers, she doesn't save the day-she gets saved.
Both of these characters are desperate, open wounds-—they're needy and they're in the wrong, each in their own way, for the majority of the movie. They're weak, and they have to learn to find strength in love, for most of their story. There's nothing "girlboss" or "cool" about them.
I think maybe what some people make the mistake of is noticing the Frozen mania, and the fact that the two main characters are girls and one of them has superpowers and they other doesn't get with a Prince, and then they get the impression, from that, that the characters are "cool girlbosses." But like...that's like saying Dory from the first Finding Hemo movie is a girlboss. She's so totally not. She's a wreck. A funny, appealing, sometimes-relatable-human wreck. And a good character, but the hype doesn't change who she is, as a character. And who she is, like Anna and Elsa, is just a good character.
4. Elsa does not finish Let it Go with an "I'm Fine As I Am" attitude, and she doesn't finish the movie that way, either.
She finishes "Let it Go" with an "I'm fine up here, isolated from everyone," attitude. And then the movie very quickly proves her wrong by having Anna show up and reveal to her that no, actually, she is not fine up there, because the person she cares about most can still find her and be hurt by her, and the whole kingdom is still reeling from the problems she ran away from.
At the end of the movie the only thing I can guess you got the impression that she's "fine as she is" from was the fact that she's using her powers again.
But like. Elsa's whole problem was never her powers. She wasn't supposed to learn to stop using them. She was supposed to learn to stop living in fear. Instead, she was supposed to lean on love-love that sacrifices for her, flaws and dangerousness and all-and stop trying to control her image and what everyone knows about her.
Because in trying to control what everyone knows about her, she was controlling whether or not they loved her or treated her like a monster. And even running away and singing Let It Go was still an effort to control everything-by not being around people who could treat her like a monster or be hurt by her. Instead, accepting that she might hurt people because she can't always control everything, and trusting that they'll still love and forgive her, was her character arc.
She lives by faith in sacrificial love by the end, not by fear. That's the arc. She does that perfectly.
It was never, "I'm fine as I am." Because the point was never "there's* something wrong with me." It was, "I don't need to fear a lack of control, because true love covers what I can't control." That's all.
4. Anna does communicate to the audience that she's sorry and willing to understand the reasons behind Elsa's secrets.
The lesson Anna takes away from all of this is not "which guy loves me." It's "what is love?" And you know she's learned that because she demonstrates it. If Anna had died-frozen forever-or been cut down by Hans' sword, you realize that Elsa would never have been able to repay that gesture, right? But Anna still made that choice.
Even though it meant Elsa would never repay her. And the point is — excuse me, I know this is long enough, but I feel like you're missing out on something wonderful here—
Anna could have left Elsa to be killed and ridden off into the sunset with Kristoff.
They make it very clear that that is her goal when she stumbles onto the ice, free from the room Hans trapped her in. Elsa is no longer her motivation. She isn't looking for Elsa. She's not trying to get that love she's looked for, from Elsa, in that moment. She's trying to get it from Kristoff, not just for her emotional need-but for the "breaking of the curse" that's killing her in the moment. That whole scene where she realizes he loves her-truly loves her, because he fits the description Olaf gives-is in there to communicate to the audience that he could save her. He could give her what she needs.

And the reason that's important is that it proves that this is character development: when she chooses not to go to Kristoff, and to go to Elsa instead.
Because it's her, choosing to turn away from the person who could give her something (even if it is "love") and to turn toward the person who can't give her something (Elsa.) Who has repeatedly failed to give her something, for their entire lives.
Anna at the beginning of the movie would've run to Kristoff. That was the whole point of Hans, when it comes to Anna-he represents someone who can fulfill a need in Anna. But when Anna turns away from Kristoff and runs to save Elsa instead, Anna is demonstrating what she's learned —that love isn't about her own needs. It's putting someone else's needs before yours. She stands between Hans and Elsa, with the full expectation that she's not going to get anything out of it, not even a guarantee of E/sa's love in return. And her own needs will NOT get met if she puts Elsa's first.
And that's what she does. Whereas, at the beginning of the film, Anna would not have done that. Because that's not what she thinks love is. She hasn’t realized that yet.
She thinks love means closeness. And that does come with love. But that's not love. Love is, like Olaf says, putting someone else's needs before yours. But the whole movie, Anna is not working to put Elsa's needs before her own. She's working to change Elsa's mind, now that she knows the truth, so that she and Elsa can be "close again." She's climbing that mountain and arguing with Elsa, because she thinks that all that stood in their way before was this secret that's been uncovered. And sure, Anna has always been willing to “be there for” Elsa, but you have to see that Anna wanted that to come with Elsa being there for her, in return.
Which would be nice. But it's not true love. True love is being there for someone even when they refuse to be there for you. Because that's putting their needs before yours.
Thanks for the super long ask! That was fun! I hope you enjoyed reading as much as l enjoyed writing-I think sometimes we judge Frozen by the mania that followed, not the good quality that actually caused the mania, and deserved the mania, though. Anyway 😂
Guards! Take them away! Back to the theater with you! Watch the movie again!
#just kidding#this was fun#thanks for the ask#asked#answered#frozen#Elsa#Anna#Disney princesses#Kristoff#frozen 1#frozen 2013#meta#analysis#storytelling#writing#characters#character analysis#frozen mania#Queen Elsa#Queen Anna#Princess Elsa#Princess Anna#Olaf#Sven#Hans of the southern isles#Hans#trolls#Disney critique#frozen hate
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How do you think Jigsaw would react to meeting Sven (Nice Creator)?
I think he'd be taken aback, somewhat. Seeing a version of the Creator that is actually kind and caring, even towards being outside of his dimension.
Jigsaw would still be distrusting, I'm sure, and maybe try his theatrics as a means to protect himself. He'd be extremely apprehensive and doubt that a Creator could be this caring. Almost like it's some kind of trick, even with Sun and Moon assuring him that "no, he is like this, we can't believe it either"
Idk what's in store for Jigsaw after all of this, but I hope Sven just adopts him and takes him in; seeing a creation be so misused and abused and suffer so much hardships, I think it would break the old man's heart.
Jigsaw would also gain exposure to what a Creator is supposed to be, and might start to heal from his 50+ years of trauma, though I imagine it would take a good while.
#answered ask#tsams#sams#sun and moon show#the sun and moon show#tsams jigsaw#sams jigsaw#tsams sven#sams sven
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I'm not usually one for crossovers, but this combo was too cute to pass.
Luka gotta be my favorite oc and I have been playing lots of Princess Peach: Showtime! (and Cuphead Don't Deal with the Devil), and you know Luka would try and sell charms for Peach performances, and who knows, they might even be true lucky charms! Peach has a way of making shine the good inside those around her.
Also what's up with Luka constantly flirting with pink coded characters?
#Princess Peach Showtime#Princess Peach#Cuphead dont deal with the devil#cddwtd Luka Sven#crossover#ask box#anon#dream answers
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*slides in* haiiii-
How does Sven feel about the fact that Bjorn got experimented on-? :3c
Sorry- you have peeked my interest and I’m up to see if this is potential angst or not mwahahaha-
*skidaddles away*

Well here have your answer in skribbly ballpointpen doodles :3
(If something isnt readable let me know)
#doodle#thsc#the henry stickmin collection#thsc oc#oc#sven svensson#answer#toppat clan#bjørn svensson
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Hello! Really random but I was talking to a friend about the deal with the “evil altean” alternative universe that unfortunately exists and knew you had some thoughts on it!
I want to be able to explain it better but you have a better understanding than I do! I hope you don’t mind me asking your thoughts on it!
Hollow-dweller has explained it much better than i ever could here and here, and most of my reply is just giving out the same points they made. Anyway in my opinion Hole in the Sky is a shit ass episode and i deeply resent it.
To start with this episode is another example of Reverse Racism the vld writers love so much and one of the many many many many Many examples of the fact that vld is very much written by white writers for a white audience and focusing on a white UsAmerican narrative that pretends to be progressive and inclusive but is absolutely shallow in its ideals and is not at all sympathetic towards minorities, victims of oppression, and those who are not white american. Furthermore this episode is yet another example of this shows contant need to criticize and punish Allura for wanting to reconnect with her dead people and culture.
First of all lets look at the motivation of Empress Allura that led her into making a colonizing mind-washing empire out of her once peace loving diplomatic people. Apparently it is similar to main reality in that the Galran attack and Alfor was killed, however this time they went with Allura's plan in the first episode to bring voltron together which leads to the Galran empire's defeat and Altea becoming the colonizing force instead (i rewatched that stupid episode just to answer this ask, so yes this is literally what happened in that episode. While the evil alteans dont say that Empress Allura brought the voltron together, it was jds who mentioned in an interview that that's what happened)
Problem with that is we already know how Allura would react to such situation! In canon! And sure she was (rightfully) hurt and angry about it, but she never let go of her kindness because of it! She lost her father And her planet And everyone she ever loved and still remained a kind and giving person to her own detriment.
And inspite of what your average Allura-hating Keith/Lotor/Klance stan would have you believe, her hatred towards Galran was never this deep to the point of enacting unjust violence on them, let alone destroying the universe because of it. Yes she was distrusting of Ulaz except he also broke into her castle and beat up her teammates which most likely did colour her opinion. Yes she was cold towards Keith except it only involved side-eye and a cold comment for which she apologized in the very next episode without anyone else's prompting. And people bring up her actions against Lotor after his reveal and rage against good!Zarkon to say she's a bigot, and i am sorry i don't have to explain how that's just plain stupid, all i can say is that even after everything the stans still think that she didn't deserve to kick both their asses let alone genuinely consider she was in the wrong then i am sorry but there really is no hope for them.
Also even if she had a damning corruption arc, do you really think Coran and the paladins of the old who very likely were alive to defeat the galran would have let her go that far? Do you really think she wouldn't have crumbled immediately if Alfor's Ai had come to know about this and looked at her with shock, pity, and disappointment?
Not to mention Alteans were established to be a peace loving diplomatic species. How did they end up being this colonizing brainwashing race? This was certainly not written to be a nuanced take on topics like "trauma and tragedy causing a massive shift in a culture causing continued cycle of violence" or "Oppression is relative in nature", because this was only one episode. One episode and the only thing we get is "All Alteans in this reality are evil" with no "it's not black or white" notion this series wants to preach but absolutely fails at.
This show does this thing a lot where it's much more critical of victims being angry at their treatment while coddling the perpetrators. Galra get the "They are not All Bad, they were just following Zarkon's orders who is also Not All Bad poor baby just got corrupted by bad quintessence and also if you are mean to them you are just as bad uwu 🥺🥺🥺". Meanwhile Alteans are just, "All Alteans in this reality are evil", and there's certainly no corrupting purple quintessence involved cause otherwise everything would be purple.
And yeah i knowww it's because it's one off episode vs entire series but it still could and should have been better. Have Sven be an Altean which actually makes sense given Guns of Gamara represent Blade of Marmora in this reality, or make it so it's not Allura who created this empire, or better yet! Just Don't Write that episode! One of the links i added above talks about an alternative dark!Allura which i found to be much more interesting and provided for a much more meaningful introspection and possible arc for Allura without turning into another "Oppressed can be as bad oppressors" shallow life lesson white people seems to think is height of nuanced truthful worldview. You could have had a Galra-won bad end timeline to establish multiple realities. There were just so many options.
And of course this episode is another example of putting down characters of colour to put fucking Keith on pedestal. All throughout the episode is Keith as this "logical, voice of reason who's always correct" white-coded man, While making Allura out to be "illogical dumbass who nearly handed clearly evil alteans an ore that would threaten all the realities all because she wanted the help from those Alteans 🙄🙄🙄" Black-coded woman. Maybe it was her trauma and wishful thinking talking but i feel like the moment she heard them call her Empress Allura while a Shiro looking hates Alteans, she should atleast some suspicions. But nope, Allura has to be an idiot specifically because she wants to get in touch with her culture while Keith is the extremely Specialist Boy who is always right. I fucking hate it here.
And of course the shit cherry on the top of this enormous shit pile of tone-deafness, you have this episode framing Alfor's decision to hide the lions be that if they had formed it.... It would result in evil altean reality. Not because the head of voltron is controlled by Zarkon, not because it's an extremely powerful weapon with very high chance of falling into wrong hands, not because they did not have enough paladins to pilot the whole thing, not because it was literally a losing battle. Nope! Apparently it was possible to win the war 10k years ago, but there was a possibility that living Alteans, including his own daughter would go on to take over the universe for asinine reasons so he pretty much hid the weapon so that the Galran can take over the universe and take over the universe and destroy multiple planets including his own. Yup this is totally a normal and logical thought process to have, nevermind that Alfor's ai literally says they should have gone with Allura's plan in the very first episode. Yup this a totally normal and logical thought process to have/s
Tldr- it's a shit ass episode
Honestly if you want to improve on it/keep it's elements here are my suggestions-
Make it a Lotor focused episode instead of Allura focused episode. Let other reality Lotor be the one who formed the empire instead of Allura. Especially if you want to redeem him. He's the one this obsessed with Alteans and this hateful towards Galran. He's the one who believes in sacrificing as many people as there needs to be in order to achieve peace. (In this episode it is implied he cause the death of many pilots while trying to get the Ore). Let him see this version of him who has achieved what he could only dream of, except he can stare in horror seeing a version of him has become just like their father
2) Make Sven and Slav be unreliable narrators being lied to by Guns of Gamara and the two Alteans we see as lying liars who lie. Make these two Alteans extremists lying to Allura because they truly believed that she would agree with their plans and wanted to impress her. There's no Altean empire just Altean planet ruled by one of Allura's descendant who's trying extremely hard to arrest this extremist almost cultish group. No they haven't captured entire planets but instead kidnapped few aliens and brain washed them and the descendant is trying their best to stop these idiots. Have Sven and Slav be ex-victims of brainwashing by the extremist Alteans only to be "saved" By Guns of Gamara, who is anti-Altean faction who lied to them that the Alteans have colonized the entire universe whereas the truth is Alteans are just.... Alteans. Nothing sinister going on.
#Empty answers#Empty salt#Anyway thank you for asking#The only good thing that comes from this au is Sven and Allura's hair down while wearing an armour look#Man this got long#Also great tragedy- i rewatched this ep specifically to answer this ask#i have watched this episode total of three times in my lifetime making it my most watched episode of vld#Everytime i watch it i find new things that piss me off#I hate this. I do not want to be the person who watched this episode multiple times but i have to#To analyze and shit on it more thoroughly and precise#While i was watching it today it pissed me off so much that i literally have to pause every five minutes and take a walk to calm down
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What I find interesting about Eclipse's dream is that he started off controlling Sun's body and didn't realize until it was pointed out, and when he was in the headspace, we could hear Sun talking to someone, it was the Henry model but was called Sven, and Sun just sounded confused the whole time, Sven insisted on looking in his systems and Sven was the one who wanted to delete what was there, Sun just sounded nervous and hesitant, saying how he felt something was "there" but not much else, and Eclipse was panicking of course because he couldn't be heard, but it's interesting how even in the dream, there's nothing malicious aimed towards Eclipse, they just don't know he's there, they can't hear him Yet of course when Eclipse wakes up and Puppet, EAPS Sun and Moon check on him he snaps at them, when that Sun checked on him he basically went "the only useful thing you can do is jump off a bridge" or something to that effect, and he wasn't nice to Moon or Puppet either, it was nice seeing them all check on him though despite how mean he was I wonder if Sven was in Solar's dimension and that was technically influenced by Solar's memories? Or maybe it's just a nightmare
It is very interesting..
Eclipse ofc is afraid of being stuck again unable to do anything and not being heard..
But that's odd what's you said about Henry and Sven..
Unless it is indeed like you said and there were a bits of Solar's memories in Eclipse's dream.. cause after all they had a splitted soul or something like that..
I think that Eclipse knows that what happened to him wasn't Sun's fault but like someone else said.. Eclipse probably doesn't want to admit that he was wrong and apologize to Sun..
Another thing is.. that's good that others tried to help Eclipse.. but he had to be mean.. but ouch QwQ what he told Sunshine was a little bit too much imo..
Like Eclipse, sweetie, Sunshine didn't do anything to you and same is for our Sun so maybe stop acting like a little bitch, please (눈‸눈)
Someone could say "but our Sun told Eclipse to kill himself".. yeah buuut.. Eclipse traumatised and abused Sun.. Sunshine didn't do anything to Eclipse..
Even if the way Sunshine acts triggers Eclipse's trauma it doesn't excuse him from being a jerk..
And like even Sun went a bit too far when he told Eclipse to kill himself.. even though he was grieving and Eclipse's presence and behaviour were triggering Sun.. especially the way Eclipse was speaking about Solar who Sun was mourning after..
It's obvious that Eclipse has to face his trauma.. but I think that more than anything he should apologize to Sun.. cause like when even in his dream Sun isn't malicious just like in reality then maybe it's Eclipse's conscience (or sub-conciousness or whatever) speaking to him..
I really really hope that this is what this arc is leading to.. to Eclipse apologizing to Sun.. and maybe even trying to help him a bit..
#anon#dear anon#anon ask#ask answered#sun and moon show#sams#sams sun#eaps#eaps eclipse#eaps puppet#eaps sun#eaps moon#eaps spoilers#eclipse and puppet show#sams solar#sams sven
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1 for Sven and 19 for Rabbit? 👀
Hi Nat, thank you for the ask 😊
What was the original thought that led to the creation of this character?
This is a convoluted one. So I watched a bunch of pulpy science fiction movies in one go, among them the fifth element, and made a very loopy space taxi driver in response. He was this very chill guy with ten thousand worries in the world who was taking none of them seriously. To flesh him out, I made him a son, who, just like his dad, was a speed devil, but in contrast, took everything very very seriously while pretending he doesn't. The boy has anxiety!
His dad ended up being a cool concept, but not very fun to write, so I ended up only porting Sven over to different writing projects and roleplays, and he just sort of endeared himself to me and stuck around.
19. What is your general favourite thing about the character? What is your least favourite?
I love that Rabbit is deeply, deeply amoral. And I don't mean that as in "evil", she just has no morals of her own beyond wanting to make whoever is important to her at that moment like her. It's the only thing that stands between her and cutting somebody open to see what's inside. And sometimes there is no someone.
My least favorite thing about her is that I can't figure out her design. :/ She has one, but it doesn't work with how I imagine her, especially not strength wise. She looks too frail.
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Henry: Our staff has a gift exchange every year
Sven: Here's your gift boss
Bryan: He isn't who you're getting a present for
Sven: Can't you just give a present to your boss
Merry Christmas everyone or whatever you celebrate hope you had a good one and apologies for disappearing again but I’m not gone
#thsc#the henry stickmin collection#henry stickmin#sven svensson#b. hampton#bryan hampton#stickmin space resort#merry christmas#christmas#I accidentally posted this as a normal post instead of posting it as an answer to the question
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do you have any thoughts on maniac and niklas together :3
I have mixed feelings about them together.
On stage, they're unhinged. They feed each other's madness and it creates beautiful chaos that I was lucky enough to partially witness years ago. [I was working the bar at a venue they played at]
But that chemistry has a bad side as they keep dragging each other in that madness and chaos when what they need is some stability.
Yet. I wouldn't have them apart at any cost. May they remain friends forever.

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im so so curious on your thoughts on TFF since i watched him a bit a while ago fksgks
Besides that, rate TSAMS characters?
I swear I answered this last night
I... the heck???
ANYWHO sorry for taking so long apparently!
I have nothing against Bryan (the cc) --- he seems like a nice guy --- but I'm not fond of his fandom (to put it politely most of them are dumb kids and I have a silly little superiority complex, so we do not mix well) and I have very strong mixed feelings about his Fnaf series
As for TSAMS, I'll just rate the daycare models plus one or two more since I am not rating Blue
(These are subject to change depending on what happens each day btw)
Sun - 9/10, Sun is arguably the most interesting of the characters, and he's a sunshine character so if I could I'd write so much whump no comfort for him
Moon - 7/10, he's funny but also Moon is annoyingly similar to me so it frustrates me when he does the same dumb stuff I do lol
Nexus - 6/10, gives me Fnaf!Bryan vibes. So, so much potential tipped down the metaphorical drain
Lunar - 5/10, I just don't like him
Earth - 6/10, She's alright. Boring, but alright. She doesn't seem to have issues on the same scale as her brothers which is odd to me
Solar - 7/10, He's funny and currently one of the better ones to Sun. I love his relationship with Jack as well. Unfortunately, the interesting part of his arc ended so anticlimactically a while ago
Ruin - 8/10, I wish more was done with him but I like his character and stuff. Currently less boring than he was before but not on Dark Sun's level of interesting yet
Dark Sun - 9/10, Mysterious goober. I wanna eat him. I think his character could have been handled better, but he does have part of my heart
Eclipse - 6/10, Boring but he's getting a bit more interesting. I like his current arc, I think it's being handled pretty well, and I love his companionship with the ghost kids (I hesitate to call it familial just yet but it's getting there)
Jack and Dazzle - 5/10, Boring but cute and funny. I tend to skip their episodes and come back like a week later to watch it
Monty - 8/10, Funny as shit, but that's because I actually have a sense of humour (unlike some people). Boring right now though, and I will probably never watch mgafs because I just can't be bothered
Sven - 10/10, MY BELOVED!!! He's everything to me... I need to finish making my au for him dude
Creator - 4/10, Eh, cringe but free I guess? He's funny at times, I'll give him that, but overall if none of the characters I actually care about are in the video, I often just skim through the comments for info and leave
#tsams#the sun and moon show#sun and moon show#answered ask#thefamousfilms#tsams sun#tsams moon#laes lunar#laes earth#tsams solar#tsams dark sun#tsams ruin#tsams nexus#laes dazzle#tsams jack#tsams monty#tsams creator#tsams nice creator#tsams sven#tsams eclipse#eaps eclipse
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I made some Burt Burt screenshot edits!
Oh no anything but the bucket.
#questions and answers#flowerbarrel#the narrator speaks#these are so cute omg#i love how sparkly burt's eyes are#burt curtis#the henry stickmin collection#sven svennson#dave panpa
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Hey AnnaShad! Me again! I am so sorry for messing with your inbox too much (if it annoys you a lot) but this keeps in my mind for days... If you still remember that one ask I made to you about how Lay would feel about meeting Baojin for the first time, and I'm not sure if you're doing any writting requests but if you do then can you do a writting request of a scenario where Lay meets Baojin for the first time (to put things clear, Baojin is a biological child of Reginald and RHM, if you know what that means)
Again, I'm so sorry if I'm annoying you with this, but I can't hold it, my ADHD and Anxiety beating the crap out of me.
A little sister
BaoJin and Ronaldo Copperbottom -@lovelygirlnicole15 Amelia Copperbottom-@androidcharles Lay Copperbottom-me Cameron Calvin-@rarestdoge Brutus-@smoresthehalloweenqueen
Lay was walking around the airship as they just finished helping a new member of the Toppat member around the airship. They walk back to their room and sit down, bored out of their mind. Everyone is busy today, including all of their siblings. Amelia is on a mission with Sven and Carol today, and Cameron is having a small date with Brutus, so basically Lay is now alone. Lay look around their room and try to find something that will entertain them as they grab a piece of paper and draw.
Then, RHM and Reginald knock on Lay's door and walk in. "Hi, Dad! Hi father! Do you guys need anything?" Lay asked both Reginald and RHM. Reginald is pregnant, meaning the Toppat Clan has been as busy as ever. Reginald sits down next to Lay and smiles. "Well, since you are the only one that's not busy, we are just here to ask you if you want to spend some time with your dads." Lay's eyes start to spark and nod. "Of course!"
Lay, RHM, and Reginald have been spending time together ever since. Lay looks at Reginald since there's always a question in their mind. "Dad, why do you throw away the pregnancy test?" Reginald chuckles. "I don't even know myself, kid." 'Oh' is all Lay could say. After a while, there's a new member and Lay is already there to guide them around the airship. "And this is where you will work! If you have any other questions, feel free to come and ask me!" The new Toppat member thanks Lay as Lay walks away when Earrings run over to Lay in hurry.
"Lay! Come with me! Chief is about to give birth!" Lay take in the news and run to the medical. Cameron and Amelia were waiting outside the medical. "Where's Father?" Lay asks one of their siblings. Cameron looks at Lay while crossing his arms. "... Father is in there with dad..."
The Copperbottom siblings just now waiting outside the medical, all three of them looking pretty nervous. "I can't touch Dad's belly anymore..." Amelia whines as both Lay and Cameron look at her. "Is this really what you are about?!" Cameron asks/yells. "Guys..." Lay try to stop them before it gets heated. "What? I'm just saying! Don't you want to touch dad's belly?" Amelia ask back. "Why the F-"
"GUYS!!! Right now is not the right time to argue!" Cameron and Amelia look at Lay and sigh, staying quiet for the rest of the waiting. Lay noticed someone in the corner of their eyes and saw Ronaldo Copperbottom. "I'm gonna use the bathroom. You two better not start a fight when I'm gone..."
Cameron rolled his eyes. "No promises..." Lay walks over to Ronaldo and makes sure no one is near them. "Hi, Uncle Ronaldo... How are you doing?" Ronaldo smile. "I see you three are worried about your dad." Lay makes a nervous chuckle.
"Yeah... They have been in there a while now... Will they be ok?" Lay asks Ronaldo. Ronaldo smiles and pats their head. "Don't worry, kiddo. I know my twin brother and he will survive. You don't have to worry, ok?" Lay smiles and nods before walking back and waving goodbye to Ronaldo.
Lay walks back to Cameron and Amelia and just as they expected, they start to argue again... Lay sigh, those two are going to be the death of them. After a little more waiting, a nurse came out with a note. "Excuse me, are you three the Copperbottom siblings?" The three of them all nod. "Great! Please follow me to meet your little sister." The Copperbottom siblings follow the nurse into a room, saw RHM right next to Reginald while Reginald holding a baby.
Amelia is the first one to run over and check her out. Cameron then runs to Reginald's side to look at the baby. Lay slowly walks over, having some bad thoughts. 'What if she doesn't like me?... Will I be a bad sibling? I don't want to hurt her...' RHM walks over and picks Lay up. "Ya don't 'ave to be worry, kiddo." Lay stares at RHM as he brings Lay to Reginald. Cameron moves a bit to let Lay meet their little sister for the first time.
Lay look at the baby. "H-hi little sister..." The baby groans a bit and looks at Lay. Lay nervously smiles and waves. "Would you like to hold her?" Reginald asks Lay. Lay slowly nods as Reginald hands the baby to Lay. Lay gently holds the baby as the baby looks up at Lay and giggles. "Aww, she likes you."
"What are you guys going to name her?" Amelia ask. Reginald and RHM look at each other and smile. "We decided to name her 'BaoJin'."
"Bao what now? Ba Ji?" Cameron tried to pronounce the name completely wrong. "What does that even mean?"
"It means 'precious gold' in Chinese..." Lay answers Cameron's question and holds BaoJin close to them, smiling. "Welcome to the world, XiaoBao..."
"And what does that mean?"
"It means 'Little Precious', idiot."
"Hey! If you don't have Google Translate in you, you wouldn't even know the meaning!"
Cameron and Amelia start to fight again. The rest of them sigh and smile. Lay looks at the asleep BaoJin and smiles again. 'I will protect you no matter what happens, I promise.'
Thanks for reading! And as for your question, no you are not bothering me. My ask is always open and I don't mind doing some writing request. I'm actually happy to answer some asks! I hold you enjoy reading this and hope you have a nice day or night!
#the henry stickmin collection#thsc oc#thsc#henry stickmim collection#lay copperbottom#henry stickman fanart#a short story#cameron calvin#burt curtis#sven svensson#brutus dan gerbreaker#thsc rhm#thsc reginald copperbottom#earrings#thsc lay copperbottom#thsc earrings#annashadowstar answer a question
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Good 🤝
#cddwtd#cuphead dont deal with the devil#cuphead ddwtd#cddwtd luka sven#ask box#dream answers#anon#tbh who doesnt loves a charismatic man that will sell your soul for the devil#my art#cddwtd pride
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Excuse me, Richard?? When were you ever gonna tell us!?!? Also...Rüde!?
#They got married and didn't bother to tell us??#paulchard is cannon..I found this in a real german phone book#ok jokes aside though...#please don't try and find this person's number and harass them though#I just thought it was kinda cute that there is a legit person with this name#paulchard#now I am just wondering if Richard decided to rename himself from Sven to Richard simply because his bestie Paul was Paul Landers#and he saw someone else being named Richard Landers and thought...well... my guitar bestie is kinda cute so..#I am joking! I am joking!......unless?#I am of course tempted to try and call this person but I doubt it's actually RZK answering on the other end so I won't make the call...#And again: neither should anyone of you!!#I just thought that it was cute how the 'guitar husbands' trope is even cannon when it comes to their names
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"would any of the main thsc cast have fursonas" submitted by anon
#this confession took me back to a week ago#those wonderful furry confessions#started by that shark fursona anon#honestly I don't know if grigori or sven count as “main thsc characters” but I know for a fact henry is one so!! YEA#so to answer your question anon--they probably do indeed have fursonas🙏#mod dave#thsc#thsc confession#thsc confessions#henry stickmin#sven svensson#grigori olyat#the og furry trio#/j#anon
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Is it a little weird there's been no follow-up with Sven so far about what the Creator did to Sun? Or is that just me?
It's not weird and it's not only you, dear anon..
I don't want to strat saying that Sun is sidelined once again in Sun and Moon show.. but maybe Moon forgot 😅
Nah that sounds so hacking dumb 🫤
At this rate whatever Creator put in Sun's head will grow too much in power or whatever and something bad will happen..
Cause I think that Creator didn't mention anything about what to do with Sun when he was talking with Trashcan.. cause he put that thing in Sun's head..
And also Moon couldn't forget when he mentioned to Solar about Creator invading Sun's head in dream..
I hope that they'll go to Sven about it cause I swear if Sun will do something because of that thing and be more traumatised again xbnxnxnxjxnnxx
I'm not complaining about angst.. but I hope that Moon will act better compared to when Sun had psychotic episode.. and I also hope that Solar will be more comforting to Sun just like he was to Lunar after he killed Eclipse..
Like give me angst with Sun but also pls let Moon and Solar be good brothers and help Sun QwQ
#anon#dear anon#anon ask#ask answered#sun and moon show#sams#sams sun#sams moon#sams solar#sams creator#sams sven#sams theory
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