#«    ⚔    »        ❪    answered ask    ❫
quartzhearted · 5 months
[ 𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝 ] : ( sorry dad )
"You always—" He pinches the bridge of his nose, "always do this!"
Diamant continues to pace in front of the war table, and it's a wonder his armor hasn't worn scuffs into the floor by now. The councilmen and army generals were long gone, off to their respective duties, leaving the perfect venue to vent his frustrations to Father...
But was it a proper vent when the listener was also the subject?
"You've been there for each briefing. You know the Elusians have been gathering their forces, that there are rumblings of something sinister..."
He stops, firmly slamming his palm onto the table, "How many times have you been advised to stay in the castle!? Pegasi? Wyverns? They have fliers! Magic! Our aerial offenses aren't up to snuff! Are you TRYING to get shot?"
diamant roils like a volcano in the empty war room, streaks of red hair like flying sparks against the waning lantern lights. conversely, morion keeps to his place at the head of the table, arms crossed. were someone to come in, they would assume diamant the king (or at least a bulky advisor) and morion the worryingly wrinkly-looking princeling. this is troubling.
morion is not one to rage at his family. loud and explosive as he is, dragons forbid he ever raise his voice beyond necessary at his boys. this does not, however, stop him from keeping a stern and steady posture against diamant's anxious aggression; he is king morion of brodia, and this is a war room. there are some things he needs to set aside for this conversation to happen.
"diamant," pierces morion once a pause comes in diamant's pressure. "you're gonna fix that tone, first and foremost. i'm not about to ignore that you're worried, but i won't have you speaking to me like that."
in fact, he rises. he's sat through not only this, but the onslaught from his war strategists and generals during the strategy session. all speaking to him as though he were stupid. a liability. he kept himself on-topic for as long as he could, but he's sick to bastard death of being treated like he's younger and more inexperienced than he is! he keeps his hands firm against the tabletop but throws a glare that could shake the ground beneath their feet.
"i'm not stupid, and i'm not running around without a care in the world," he grits, voice a warning. "have you forgotten that i carry a tomahawk around? it ain't like i'm skipping around defenseless!" his hands fly up in momentary exasperation. "and more to the point; i am king, diamant, and with that comes responsibility and risk. i'm overseeing ballista construction, i'm sending out search parties to investigate the forts on the outer rungs of the castle. what the hell do you think i'm doin' all day?"
with an air of finality, morion steps to the side and shoves his chair in. "i get what you're trying to do, diamant, but you've got to rein it in! you ain't the only person tellin' me off like i'm five here---i've got all my advisors up my ass about it, too!" the irony of this acknowledgement is not lost on him, but he chooses not to focus on that. "i'll keep doing what i'm doing because it's for the sake of all brodians, not just mine. and if you wanna talk about the issues you've got with that, then do it respectfully."
morion grabs his personal lamp from its place on the wall and opens the door to the hall. he should probably go cool off before they turn down 'pointless arguing' territory.
"good night," morion gruffs, shutting the door.
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thegothicviking · 6 months
Hiii!!! I couldn't think of any particular sentence to ask you, but I was actually wondering if you have any common saying that is unique to your dialect, that could be "lost in translation" to someone who doesn't speak it? Does it make sense? :D
Hellu! So sorry for the answer but I wanted to be SNÅLE for you! 😘
"Hellu! Ok so one expression that I could think of was that if I call something "snålt" or that I call somethi...someone.. "snåle" it means that I am calling something or someone "cute" buuut if you would say the same thing in Oslo it would mean that you would call something or someone strange like... weird just...just odd! So yeah! That is one of the expressions."
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inseparableduo · 5 months
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"Justin Paul Morales, my beloved~"
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dashing-fandral · 2 months
For the headcanon asks:
🗡 and 💉
hiii :)
headcanon asks
Weapon headcanon 🗡️ Fandral is incredibly choosey about what sword he's using. He prefers custom made blades that are lightweight. He will complain endlessly if he has to use a sub-par sword, or even standard-use Einherjar swords. (+ Hiding his sword is a quick way to get his attention ❤️)
Medical headcanon 💉 I'll admit I haven't put much thought into any medical issues Fandral might have. He's in pretty good health, though I suppose he might be something of an insomniac, which is not something he would admit to.
Thank you for the ask! 💕
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kingsl2yer · 4 months
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@dcviline asked: to catch my muse naked + reverse (selara)
He   has   to   give   it   credit.   He   had   expected   a   surprise   on   his   chambers   after   his   official   reception   had   ended   and   it   was   made   clear   that   Jaime   was   finally   stepping   into   the   shoes   of   his   new   role.   Perhaps   a   basket   with   ale   and   wine   and   50   portraits   of   the   most   eligible   women   in   the   Westerlands   for   him   to   choose   a   bride.   He   does   not   expect   to   find   Selara   Paege   on   his   room,   sitting   astride his   desk,   naked.   Cheers   to   that,   the   castle   walls   are   warm   enough   to   be   in   such   a   state   but   still,   he   wonders   how   long   she   had   been   waiting   there.   Jaime   had   kept   her   brother   Garrett   as   his   squire   as   he   had   grown   fond   of   the   boy,   even   with   the   war   over,   the   boy   remains   at   the   Rock   with   him.  
"Now,   if   this   is   House   Paege's   welcoming   gift   to   me,   I   must   say.   .   .I   was   expecting   a   bouquet."   Instead   he   finds   her.   And   Eyes   roam   through   a   body   that   seems   too   clear   to   be   tainted   by   his   touch.   She   looks   like   the   Maiden   herself,   if   he   believed   in   the   Gods.   Her   blonder   than   his   own   falling   to   barely   cover   breast   and   his   throat   bobbles   as   he   swallows   at   the   sight,   the   door   closing   behind   him.   "And   I   don't   believe   you   have   lost   your   way   from   your   brother's   room,   my   lady."   Jaime   jest   as   he   approaches,   hands   on   each   side   of   her   hips   on   the   desk,   the   golden   hand   making   a   gentle   thud   as   he   leans   in.   "Tell   me,   what   exactly   is   your   plan   here?"
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Hey Elder Faerie. It's Shadow Milk calling from the seal. I wanted to know how Mercurial and Silverbell are doing.
Also, do you mind getting me some pizza? I'm getting a little hungry in here
"We're doing well, Shadow Milk!"
"...As well as we can be."
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"His majesty is going to see what he can do to get you some food!"
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powerfought · 5 months
"Can't say no to me, huh? Pick me up like a princess and kiss me then." - Thea, who doesn't think zevlor would uwu
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well, that hadn't been the type of request that he'd anticipated, but ... would it do her any harm if he took her up on it? if she had any genuine interest in this, surely she would like it if he did. and if she were just doing it to play cruel tricks on him? perhaps his fearlessness would persuade her to think twice the next time she planned on weaponizing his kindness.
thus, toned arms scooped the small thief just as requested, cradling her in a bridal-style hold. fiery eyes peered down at her face, drinking in her expression. for the moment he was grateful even the hottest of blushes could not penetrate the crimson hue of his flesh. but before his lips could find her, tiefling's brow raised; he would give her an out if she so desired it. "are you sure about this?"
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trcstfunded · 10 months
…i care about you a lot, you know.
@drakeheir wanted some angst obv
this whole thing reeks of pity - or maybe he's just paranoid. regardless, the response will be cold, biting even. why would he allow himself a moment of vulnerability when nothing was going right? ' - more likely you have stockholm syndrome, or some shit. or you feel like you owe me something. '
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loose strands of dark hair fall into his face, the unkept appearance always reflected adler's mental state perfectly. this was hardly the freedom drake had been looking forward to, surely? the businessman had simply changed the terms of his prison sentence. this mere glimpse at his own conscience was startling ( maybe he was that monster that everyone perceived him to be ). he'll brush it off to save face, yet still, rafe can't bring himself to look sam in the eyes. of course he cared too, but that was the fatal flaw in his thickened skin. ' i'll try not to take it too personally when you find your way out. '
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phoenixduelist · 10 months
oh shit, who the fuck did I kill?
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To say that the Captain was surprised when the blacksmith landed with a thud on the floor before her blade had ran him through, was an understatement. Thin eyebrows arched, the saber still ready to strike until she heard an another voice.
“The scumbag who sold me out to the French.” Rozália replied quite calmly despite the situation, briefly turning her arm towards light to show where the rope had bit into wrist
Revenge was snatched away, a pity yes, but not something she would hurt the woman for.
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“He has a son. Barely five. His father's sins aren't his and I'm also here to leave the boy something. Since I, well you did kill the old man, not like he was good as a father either.” just an another turncoat because he was promised a little more
“If you don't harm the boy or take what I'm about to give, I wish no harm upon you.”
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causalitylinked · 1 year
Herja, what does a typical day with the Iron Spears look like for you?
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            unprompted asks. » always accepting!
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    "Let's see... back before we travelled aboard the Grandcypher, my mercenaries and I were usually up around the crack of dawn, starting off our day with a bit of training," Herja began. Of course, life as a mercenary wasn't always easy back then, but if nothing else, she could now look back on the memories she made on that remote island with nostalgia rather than sorrow.
    "Afterwards, we would then go off, either spearfishing or hunting our own food. Then once our appetites were fully satiated, we would then look for new jobs by the town plaza and use the money we were rewarded from our jobs to afford ourselves a nice, warm meal," Herja then fondly reminisces. Why, considering they had to be more frugal when it came to spending their rupies, it was honestly a common day to day occurrence for them to camp outside and cook their own meals in order to save up money; after all, a mercenary's lifestyle was very costly, to the point where they had to regularly maintain their weapons and equipment as well.
    "If rooms weren't available, however, we would be camping outside or scouring our own food. But nowadays, our schedule has grown a lot more flexible and lax, especially after we became skyfarers, so some days, we would remain on standby from the Grandcypher or participate in assignments together."
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quartzhearted · 2 months
an exploratory kiss, testing the waters between them.
[ AU?? not AU??? who knows ]
ha-HA! i MEANT to wait on this one because my mind's eye knew we would c*i am beaten repeatedly with a squeaky hammer*
[ AU: emblem!lambert ]
morion had always been a staunch believer in his own strength. emblems are a sacred item not just in brodia but throughout elyos's entirety, this he knows; despite that, he assumed that, for him specifically, donning an emblem ring would be the same as giving a dragon a giant flaming meteor tome or something. it's wholly unnecessary!
...such was his thought process before he'd met the one inside the forgotten ring, of course.
lambert, he'd said his name was---the king of a cold kingdom, long since past his rule as he was at that time. he'd known of the continent of fodlan, implying a tie to the emblem of the academy, but the two's timelines had never crossed.
it was interesting to learn about him and the kingdom of faerghus from which he hailed. showing him around brodia had taught morion that the similarities were vast, which made an easy segue into a deeper connection forged by weapon fascination, mineralogy, and the fur market. he was taught how to handle snowstorms better, how to use blizzards to one's advantage, and how not to rig a plumbing system ( the lattermost point having morion howl with laughter so hard that saphir had smacked him for waking her ). dragons, lambert was funny.
and he was a beast, battle-wise. where morion wielded the axe and the sword, lambert completed the circle with his lance. the two together were indestructible; any man who dared to draw close was shredded by the weapon superiority of a king and his emblem.
...yes, his emblem. morion did like the sound of that. but did lambert appreciate having claim laid to him without his knowledge?
one evening, when the battles had subsided and the castle interior was aglow only with the light of candles, morion calls to the small ring on his right index finger.
" ...lambert? can i talk to ya? "
blue flames erupt from the gem set in the middle, but morion does not flinch; he knows these embers will never burn him nor even run hot. the light blossoms into a figure with sturdy armor that rivals the king's own, and a deep blue cape unfurls from behind a collar of fur. golden hair suspends in the air as though underwater, and it is finally then that the fire reveals a chisel-cut face with war-scarred yet gentle eyes.
lambert, emblem of the holy lion king ( as dubbed by morion ), floats at attention. it makes morion hesitant.
" hey there, " morion starts, though his voice quickly dies as he reconsiders what he's trying to say. is now the time for casualties? perhaps not. " er...
" look, lambert, i've been thinkin'. " hand draws behind neck as he looks off, somewhat bashfully. " y'know, before i'd met you, i was all against usin' emblems for myself. i thought that my strength would carry me as far as i needed, and an emblem would just be overkill.
" but after havin' you around, helping me in all those battles... i figured somethin' out. " his eyes flick back to lambert's, trying to ignore the burning focus in those ethereal blue irises. " it's not just about the power. it's about the person, too. and i've... i've gotten... attached, i guess you could say. "
he isn't sure if lambert even cares. or does he? it's never easy to read people, but emblems even less so; they've lived lives far longer than morion could ever dream of. what has lambert seen, and how does he feel under morion's command? does he respect him? does he care for him the way morion does for lambert? does he, does he, does he...
but morion's thoughts are interrupted when lambert pulls nearer. there's a glow on his face that morion thinks isn't just because of the emblem flame, and as hands smooth over his shoulders and playfully grip his chin...
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...morion's much more than fairly sure he understands.
" i... hope i'm not imposin', " morion says next, voice lowered to just above a whisper, " but if it's alright with ya...
" ...i'd really like to kiss ya. "
morion feels as though it shouldn't be possible to kiss an emblem, but if the very real feeling of lambert's gauntlets on his skin is anything to go by, he probably doesn't know as much as he thinks he does about emblems. lambert inches close and so does he; their lips meet, and morion immediately feels as though he's in a dream.
blue tinders swirl through his vision and yet lambert is always perfectly clear. he feels whiskers tickle the bottom of his lip and, when lambert tilts his head, morion decides he'll just roll with whatever comes next. eyes close and emblem-bearing hand brushes against lambert's cheek,
and emblem and wielder...
...well, let us just say they achieve A+ rank, shall we?
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aresdeus · 2 years
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@fadedpath | ℍ𝔼𝕂𝕋𝕆ℝ 𝕆𝔽 𝕋ℝ𝕆𝕐 — HADES PROMPTS [ accepting!! ]
❛I know better than to disregard your might.❜
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" You would do well to remember that, dear prince. " Ares, Ares; the bane of mortals, the blood-stained stormer of walls, shall now enter battle clad in Trojan armor. For long the god had fought on the side of the Achaeans, now he changes sides at the turn of the tide.
War's foreboding presence entered the chamber as the prince readies to don on his armor. Ares waves away the attendants and takes over, gently taking Hector's forearm to pick up where the servants have left off, and makes quick work to wind leather straps for his metal bracer.
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" You are a good man, are you not? " The god's smoldering garnet eyes would flick up to meet with the mortal's gaze from his task. " A good son, a loving husband, a doting father... Your love for your people is unmatched. "
Then a finger lightly prods the warrior's armored breast, right above his beating heart. "You fight with your HEART and not solely with your head. " And a rare smile graces the wargod's handsome lips. " Which very much endears me to you. I would have given you my strength from the beginning, even without the behest of Apollo, nor the begging of my wounded love, Aphrodite herself. "
Ares finishes his task of dressing the son of Priam, securing the metal grieves on the prince's calves, and adjusting his chest plate before stepping back to examine his work. With a satisfied nod, he takes firmly both of Hektor's shoulders.
" Out there on the battlefield, I shall ride with you. I shall fight by your side. With my blessing you must rouse the strength and spirit of every man in the Trojan ranks. Drive fear into your enemies hearts and you shall forever have my favor. "
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inseparableduo · 1 year
🌻🌻 two for the price of one because they would get loooneeelyyyy
Meme || Forever Accepting!
Part of the reason why twins don't age is their bodies are being preserved. They were stabbed in the heart when they were sacrificed. It's only because their bodies were possessed did it even start to heal, and since they merged a bit their healing factor doesn't work quite right and sees 'aging' as an illness.
Gods can't read the mind of other Gods.
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dashing-fandral · 2 months
“Your world nearly succeeded in eradicating mine. We do not forget such vindictive cruelty. Look out for those you love, Asgardian. Their day will come, as will yours.”
- theaccursedninth
Fandral blinked, one hand going to the handle of his sword, though he didn't draw just yet. He wouldn't deny the sudden anxiousness he felt at the threat. "Must we pay for the actions of our ancestors?" He asked the other, taking in what he could of him in the low lighting. "My fight is not with you and your people."
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kingsl2yer · 1 year
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@dcviline asked: ❛ any man who must say ‘i am the king’ is no true king. ❜ (rhaella)
The   young   kingsguard   regards   the   queen   as   she   speaks.   More   often   than   not,   he   is   not   in the   woman's   company.   He   is   most   likely   being   commanded   to   stand   by   the   king's   side,   training   or   keeping   the   young   Prince   Viserys'   company,   as   the   young   prince   wanted   to   learn   how   to   properly   wield   his   wooden   sword.   So   he   regards   the   comment   with   a   weight   to   them,   eyes   shifting   toward   the   empty   chair   that   was   meant   for   the   king.   He   was   not   there   of   course.  
More   often   than   not,   the   man   was   having   one   of   his   fits   and   when   such   a   thing   arise,   Jaime   had   been   told   by   Ser   Arthur   to   keep   the   family   safe   and   make   as   if   nothing   was   happening.   "My   father   would   also   say   such   a   thing,   Your   Grace."   Tywin   Lannister   was   no   fool   and   seems,   the   queen   wasn't   as   well.  
Jaime   finds   himself   at   a   loss   of   what   to   say   or   do   in   her   presence,   but   the   young   lion   remains   all   the   same.   "But   what   can   be   done   when   such   a   thing   happens?"   He   knows   what   should,   or   could   happen.   Treason.   His   mind   tells   him.   A   necessary   evil,   tells   his   heart.
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carterevans · 13 days
tag dump.
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