#⚔️ — the cries of battle | ic;
aresdeus · 1 year
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Lord Ares calls you a 'Good Boy/Girl' wdyd?
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astrxlfinale · 6 months
⚔️ - to fight against enemies together // with Seele!
"At'cha six there reaper!" Comes a gallant tone amidst a familiar cacophony. Wrapped in the fabric of reality that's been composed and copied by the remnants of a specter strength, Belobog in it's essence was entirely different from the home front they frequent. This was a realm where the strong could seize greater reward, either for the defenders or for the forces that intend to tear through that aching wound upon the fabric's border.
Explosions of hellfire, grated ice, to the seething, distorting nature of Quantum made the surroundings utterly inhospitable to most. As the mushroom like clouds arched to a haunting sense of prominence in the skies, clashes of steel of pure power would echo broadly and seethe with furious clashes of will as Caelus and Seelie alike were doing what they did best. Exercising might in the name of a better tomorrow. Just the thought alone causes a content, borderline demonic smile to situate on the Trailblazer's face as his body descends from the sky and back towards the hollowed halls of the Fragmentum's many echoes.
As their warped laws were woven into potent attacks, from lasers woven from Imaginary might, to the way those prior fireballs worked into meteors dawning a grueling scale of magnanimity as they were launched to the heavens above, death found itself eager to promise them a devastating end if they weren't willing to grasp it by their own means. Within that very moment, the Nameless's descending figure twirled about Seele's, almost looking at home with the promised devastation at the forefront.
Now why would Oblivion look so appetizing to his wayward appetite?
"Been missing this yourself? I can practically hear your scythe sing right now!"No differently than the bat that found itself producing the eager exhaust of a cerulean storm of power, thriving chaotically around its foundation enriched with Destruction's prominence. Reaffirming his grip upon the bat that prides itself with a lethal scale of gravity, those golden eyes focused on the decimation that lied between them and their enemies.
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"Heaven or Hell, Seele!"
They could be the Fragmentum's calamity once again as golden and violet stars. Each decisive carve of the swath, to each soul crushing swing of the bat, these two minuscule size weapons in comparison would be the Goliaths to these mountain sized strikes. Hellfire being purged into a wailing sense of agony, ice being disrupted and turned to powder frost, only for those scalding beams to find themselves disconnected as they peeled through the imaginative fabric of those attacks.
For the beasts below, a torrent of colossal explosions would dot the quiet with an eerie, enchanting form of chaos. All of their efforts being shattered apart, only for those eyes to hone upon them with the conviction of conqueror's. For the finesse of the Hunt requires Destruction, and that very dismantling path could thrive in the essence of the force that turns the art of chaos into an artform.
Their descent would be the closing cover as their battle cries ring strong.
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aresdeus · 1 year
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Beat his ass the fuck
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"Famed warrior as you are bold Patroclus, surely you are not foolish enough to go against War himself? You have already been slain once."
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aresdeus · 1 year
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@singofus | ℍ𝔼ℝ𝕄𝔼𝕊
Ah patience. Such a fragile thing that the god of War possessed. Though he had perfected to harness the use of restraint over the course of his divine existence, it would only take so much for someone to finally make him... snap.
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"You play your coy games with me, dear brother. " The chuckle that followed was laced with irritation, low and threatening. There was dangerous fire in the eyes of the god. And before the Winged Messenger could escape, Ares' hand had shot out to grab him by his shapely ankle. " But I see now that you truly wish to test me. "
It would seem that Hermes had stirred the hornet's nest. Effortlessly, the Wargod tosses the Trickster right across the room in the opposite direction of the exit as if he were a mere ragdoll. Then, dangerously marching towards him, he summons two sharp blades in his hands that oozed his red doom.
" So adamant you are at keeping my attentions on you. " With a sharp smile, he tosses one of the weapons towards Hermes. " Let us play one of your clever games then and see how long you keep my interest. "
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aresdeus · 2 years
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@deathfavor | 𝕋ℍ𝕆𝕋ℍ 𓁟 — ☀ CIRCE STARTERS [ accepting!! ]
❝  are you always so suspicious?  ❞
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The foreign wargod merely gave a small quirk of the lip, mostly amused by the nervous flightiness of the Ibis god. He could practically feel the anxiety radiating off of the Scribe, but he paid it not much heed. Such a thing wasn't so uncommon for him upon at first meeting, given his rather imposing and arresting presence, with the energy of Dread that always followed in his wake.
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" One must always keep their guard up, " said the god, with a smile that brought out his handsomeness, hoping to come off as disarming. " After all, I have heard tales of your cunning where you have even managed to trick the great Sun God, Ra herself. " his tone was more so friendly than threatening, with his stance relaxing and his hand now resting on the pommel of his sword from the jut of his hip.
" Quite an impressive feat, I must say. Which does remind me of someone just as clever and light on his winged feet. " then he waves a hand dismissively. " But do be at ease. I come as no threat. If it makes your heart feel calmer, your wife Ma'at had see to it that I abide by the laws of your land. "
He had no intensions of bringing war the moment he had set foot on these rich and fertile shores. Still, he was made to swear an oath by contract. A custom which he thought quite strange, as swearing to the River Styx does not seem to suffice in this place.
" Actually, if you would indulge me, O wise Thoth, I have come to seek your council. "
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aresdeus · 2 years
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@fadedpath | ℍ𝔼𝕂𝕋𝕆ℝ 𝕆𝔽 𝕋ℝ𝕆𝕐 — HADES PROMPTS [ accepting!! ]
❛I know better than to disregard your might.❜
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" You would do well to remember that, dear prince. " Ares, Ares; the bane of mortals, the blood-stained stormer of walls, shall now enter battle clad in Trojan armor. For long the god had fought on the side of the Achaeans, now he changes sides at the turn of the tide.
War's foreboding presence entered the chamber as the prince readies to don on his armor. Ares waves away the attendants and takes over, gently taking Hector's forearm to pick up where the servants have left off, and makes quick work to wind leather straps for his metal bracer.
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" You are a good man, are you not? " The god's smoldering garnet eyes would flick up to meet with the mortal's gaze from his task. " A good son, a loving husband, a doting father... Your love for your people is unmatched. "
Then a finger lightly prods the warrior's armored breast, right above his beating heart. "You fight with your HEART and not solely with your head. " And a rare smile graces the wargod's handsome lips. " Which very much endears me to you. I would have given you my strength from the beginning, even without the behest of Apollo, nor the begging of my wounded love, Aphrodite herself. "
Ares finishes his task of dressing the son of Priam, securing the metal grieves on the prince's calves, and adjusting his chest plate before stepping back to examine his work. With a satisfied nod, he takes firmly both of Hektor's shoulders.
" Out there on the battlefield, I shall ride with you. I shall fight by your side. With my blessing you must rouse the strength and spirit of every man in the Trojan ranks. Drive fear into your enemies hearts and you shall forever have my favor. "
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aresdeus · 2 years
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@rageinacan | 𝕂ℝ𝔸𝕋𝕆𝕊
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" I feel you still burning inside with RAGE, Spartan... " The titanic size of the god of war dwarfed the marked warrior below. " Such a waste of surging power. Were you not pious to me once? Ungrateful for all that I have granted you. Victory. Strength. Power. The BLADES OF CHAOS with which you smite all that stand in your way. "
The divinity's lips upturned in bitterness as he continued. " You have pledged yourself to me. And I have shed blood for you. This comes with a hefty price. You know this well. Such is the way of this world. "
Ares stretched out his hand towards the mortal, his giant palm beckoning for the warrior to step upon it.
" Your fury is misguided. Use that ANGER not towards me, but to those who have created the world thus. To those gods up in olympus, your people so adored, that have given humanity nothing but suffering. Fight for ME, Kratos."
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aresdeus · 1 year
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apollo is gonna giggle and bat his eyelashes and just 'ill show you how good i can be' ;))
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" My, my, you would take that as a challenge? I would have expected nothing less from you, dear brother mine. For you are a beacon of 'goodness' and light. " How easily then he would tug the sun-god to fall onto his lap. " Show me then. "
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aresdeus · 1 year
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kick him in the dick
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" I do appreciate a well built warrior in a vision of peak masculity to be so incredibly brave and stupid as to make that attempt."
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aresdeus · 1 year
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Sekhmet probably laughs and "Am I ~ ?" You can see her thoughts of mischief forming
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Caresses her chin as he reclines back so he could let the feline goddess crawl over him. "Indeed, you are... A fine goddess of destruction such as you should be praised and venerated properly."
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aresdeus · 1 year
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ganymede calls him a good boy in return
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" Oho. Am I? Do not let my dear Lord Father catch you speak those words lest he takes it wrongly. "
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aresdeus · 1 year
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" And what do you know of WAR? . . . Truly know of it? They say it is easier for the earth to meet the sky than for humans to agree on anything.
But conflict merely is an instigator of war.
Nay. I am something much deeper and vast.
I cannot only be found in the savagery of battlefields nor in the struggle down in the trenches. I am not only in the sword that you weild, nor in the gun or any other weapon you carry. Nor am I not only heard in the blood curdling cries of your enemies. I am above the act of murder and maim.
I strike deep inside your heart, igniting the fire in the deep well of love you have inside you. You do not fight because you hate. You fight because you LOVE. You fight for a lover, for your mother, your father, your brothers and sisters. You fight for your family and your country. There is no higher honor.
You fight for your freedoms. Your rights. Your liberty.
You fight for PEACE.
I am in the riots on the streets. I am the revolt that storms tyrannical regimes. I am amongst the protests that scream and shout to topple down systems that enslave and oppress.
For what is order if it merely keeps you in chains?
I am what unites you with other hearts that yearn to live and survive.
Do not be afraid! Fire all together. Do not despair! Stand and fight! Fight! "
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aresdeus · 1 year
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@chaieos | ℍ𝕐ℙℕ𝕆𝕊
He longs for sleep.
One by one, the pieces of his blood-stained armor were discarded, landing haphazardly on the chamber floor, as the god made his way towards the canopied bed. Each metal piece would land with a clatter and clang. His helmet, his bracers, his gauntlets, the scabbard of his sword.
With a low grunt he would struggle to be rid of his crimson cape, which now lay in tatters and was weighted down with so much blood... so much blood. He all but rips it off impatiently.
Fresh in his memories still were the battles he had fought. Ringing in his ears were the screams and cries of agony. The visions of viscera and gore, the brutality and bloodlust of war.
Now stripped in the nude, he lands on the bed like a heavy weight, barely even shaking off his broken sandals as he does so. Ares claws his way towards the pillows, willing away the images of suffering as he plants his face into their softness to forget.
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The atrocities of war always comes with a hefty price. He knows this more than any other being on earth. In its wake would beget the grieving and wailing of mothers, the widowing of wives, the children left orphaned by the slain. He would father them all if it were in his power, to love them and protect them and raise them as his own...
But tonight he only wishes for sleep. Weary was he for a long deserving rest. The god of War hoped and prayed that he may be spared from the endless nightmares dealt by his own hand. That the Lord of Slumber may bless him a with a dreamless repose.
He longs for Sleep...
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aresdeus · 1 year
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@deathfavor | 𝕊𝔼𝕂ℍ𝕄𝔼𝕋 — ☀ CIRCE STARTERS [ not accepting. ]
❝  even the best iron grows brittle with too much beating.  ❞
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The hot desert air would sting a mortal's eyes at this hour of day, as the harsh golden Sun of Ra seemed to relentlessly and mercilessly beat down on the back of his neck. Regardless of the scorching heat, Ares kept his eyes on his opponent's swift and deadly movements, smirking when he manages to evade her claws.
The khopesh that he wielded in his hand, a strange curved blade native to this land, was starting to show its cracks. He was known to be a master of all weapons, though it would seem that the goddess' claws were stronger than any steel forged.
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" Yet I've hardly landed any blows to your skin. " his tone would not hide the fact that he is quite impressed. So few were able to match his skills in combat. So ferocious and wild was she. Worthy to be venerated a deity of war and chaos of this land. " Perhaps it is better for me to use my bare hands. "
Discarding the damaged blade, and with blood still pumping in his veins, a cloud of sand would scatter in his wake as he lunges forward towards her. The two wargods gave chase to each other in the vast dunes of the Sahara, and mortals from a far would see the disturbance as a forming of a desert storm.
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aresdeus · 1 year
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@death-ism | 𝕋ℍ𝔸ℕ𝔸𝕋𝕆𝕊
Golden  gaze  falls  upon  the  face  of  war,  and  not  for  once  in  their  long  correspondence,  he  contemplates  simple  exiting  the  same  way  he  arrived  —  suddenly,  blinking  into  being  with  the  smell  of  orchids  dying  after  him.  A  singular  blink  and  he's  suddenly  decided  against  common  sense.  ❛    I've  only  just  arrived,  and  here  you  are,  ranting  and  raving  violent  promises  in  my  name.  Mayhaps,  I'll  make  you  ferry  them  down  to  Hades  in  my  stead ?    ❜  
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The familiar scent reached his nostrils, and he all but inhaled its sweet familiarity, mingled with the heavy scent of blood in the air. A victim of his sword had just fallen when the Reaper arrived, and he wrenches his blade from the sinews of flesh from the poor soldier. Pale hair disheveled from from the fight, he cards his fingers to keep them from his garnet eyes as he meets Death's scrutinizing gaze.
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" All screams of agony are a hymn and lament in your name. " He tells the other with such dignity, it's almost uncanny to think he had left this much carnage in his wake. " Though I had not expected to be graced by your presence so soon O'Death. "
Ares, the bane of mortals, the blood-soaked bringer of death, wiped the entrails of off his sword before he approached the son of Nyx. He leans towards him, close enough to get into Thanatos' personal space and would allow the other to see the lingering madness of battle in War's eyes. " You think of me as instigator of such violence, when it is in men's nature to bring this about themselves. I merely joined in the frenzy. "
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aresdeus · 1 year
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@kallistcs | 𝔾𝔸ℕ𝕐𝕄𝔼𝔻𝔼
WAR uttered a great cry that sounded of the battle cries of nine or ten thousand men upon being gravely wounded. The earth had trembled and the sky split open in two. The ominous sound had reached the high heavens even before the wounded Son of Zeus was whisked away from Troy's battlefield and landed at the foot of his Father's throne.
Ichor had spilled on the floor of the gods' abode from the wound that marred his fair divine flesh. To the king of the gods did Ares protest for Zeus favored his sister more than he, and now he suffered this casualty.
' ...To me, you are the most hateful of all Olympian gods for you relish strife, war, and fighting. '
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The words had stung. Perhaps more than the wound he now bore. Furious Ares was not even allowed to bite back at his heavenly father for he was quickly dismissed so his wounds could be treated.
With armor now stripped, Ares sat still as his puncture was examined, the wound with which Diomedes and Athena drove the spear deep into his girdle. He hisses when the herbs were pressed against the wound. At the corner of his eye he notices his father's cupbearer, no doubt to assist Paeon with his healing and Hebe with his bathing.
" Why would father be lending me his favored ward? " he asks in rhetoric, bitterness in his tone while eyeing the said youth. " I gather he thought me his most hated. "
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