#⚔️ — answered prayers | asks;
aresdeus · 1 year
[ How's your portrayal? Fantastic, amazing, brilliant, showstopping, spectacular... Quoting memes aside, I really like your portrayal! I can hear Ares' voice in the dialogue you write, and the narration/actions fit him quite well! 💜 ]
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aaaaa Thank you for saying so. ;u; I'm also quite new to this muse so I've been a bit nervous. I also ADORE your Than. (I really need to reply) jshdfajkl Hoping we could have more chances to interact in the future!!
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Hey sister, Do you still believe in love I wonder?:
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Summary; Arthur can't help but get this nasty feeling in his chest when he sees Gwen with Elyan. He doesn't understand why at first. But soon Gwaine makes him understand it.
Tag list; @a-confused-void .
Trigger warning; mentions of execution, bias against magic, death, etc.
It started not long after they took Camelot back from Morgana.
He and the knights and merlin and servants were going around, surveying the damage. Checking in on the citizens. And Gwen was sticking close to Elyan.
Occasionally asking about his travels.
Bantering and bickering to lighten their spirits no doubt.
And that's when Arthur was first struck with the feeling.
A nasty one that left a bitter taste in his mouth and sinking feeling in his gut.
A feeling he knew all to well but didn't understand in this moment.
"Arthur, are you alright?" Gwen asked, meeting his eye. Which meant that he had most likely been staring...
He quickly tore his eyes away from her and Eylan to see Merlin and the rest of the knights staring at him.
"I..." he cleared his throat, ignoring the question "have to go check on my father. Meet back at the throne room in an hour. "
"Are you sure--"
The prince quickly stalked off before Gwen could even finish the sentence, hoping that the feeling would go away soon.
The feeling, to Arthur's great frustration, did not in fact go away soon. In fact, it seemed to only grow as time went on-- only showing itself when he was around Elyan and Gwen.
And he just did not understand it.
It made no sense.
Gwen and Eylan were brother and sister.
He shouldn't have felt jealous whenever he saw them together. Whenever he thought of them together.
So why did he?
And why did the jealous he felt towards them feel different than the jealousy he felt when he saw Lancelot and Gwen together?
The feeling grew worse after his father died.
As did his mood.
He distanced himself from the two. Making sure to never be around them at the same time if he could help it.
Snapping every so often.
He felt disgusted with himself.
What was wrong with him?
He prayed that he'd find out the answer soon before he had to go and confide in Merlin. Who would absolutely never let him live this down if he told him.
The answer to his prayers came nearly a month after his father died.
He was leaning out a window, watching as Elyan and Gwen spoke in the court yard. Disgruntled. When a voice spoke up from behind him.
"It's okay you know."
Arthur jumped, nearly falling out of the window--only to be caught by who startled him.
"Jeeze, Princess, you're jumpy today. Try not to do that again, will ya? Merlin will have my head if I accidentally kill you"
It was Gwaine.
"Shut Up Gwaine. And what are you going on about?!" He spat scowling. Crossing his arms defensively.
The older knight just rolled his eyes.
"Gwen and Elyan. It's okay to be jealous of them. No one will judge you for it. It's understandable after what you've been through"
Arthur couldn't believe his ears.
"I'm not jealous of them! That's preposterous! They're brother and sister! Only a mad man would be jealous--"
"Oh my God, no one ever told you there was more than one type of relationship you can be jealous of, did they?" Gwaine exclaimed, not sure whether to laugh or face palm.
Arthur sputtered.
"I? What---"
"Princess, you're not jealous of them because you're in love with Gwen and Elyan's a man who spends alot of time with her. You're jealous because you just lost your sister and the relationship you had with her. "
Gwaine explained, deciding to take pity on his friend while also silently damning Uther for not explaining basic concepts and emotions to his son. And for not just admitting that Morgana was his and that he was wrong about magic. It could have avoided all this if he he had... but the brunette couldn't dwell on that at the moment.
"I am?"
Arthur had never looked at it from that point of view. He had just assumed that the battle with Morgana had driven him to madness. And it had had, just not in the way he had thought.
Gwaine looked exasperated-- he was spending far too much time with Merlin-- but nodded. "Yes. You are. And it's only natural after losing such an important person in your life. For you even more so, seeing as it led to you losing your father as well when you spent so much time only having the two of them as your family. Few people can understand what you're going through right now and even fewer could judge you for being the tiniest bit jealous of those who still have what you've lost."
Arthur was staring to feel better but a part of him was still baffled by something. In other circumstances, he would have turned to Merlin or Giaus to explain it to him... but since Gwaine was already here and already knew how he felt....
He went against his better judgment and asked him instead.
"But why do I only feel it around Gwen and Elyan. Why don't I feel it around anyone else?"
Gwaine bit back a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. Briefly wondering if this was how Merlin and Leon felt all the time before quickly shaking the thought off and getting back to business.
"Because they're the only people you're around constantly that you know have family. That you constantly see. You don't see Merlin's mother very often, so you don't have time to feel jealous when you do. Leon's parents have been gone for ages now. Them and Lance's. None of them have siblings. Percy's family is gone. You don't know any of the servants well enough to constantly be seeing their families. So obviously, seeing Elyan and Gwen together is the only noticable time you'll feel it. You've probably felt similar feelings when around places Morgana use to hang around but didn't connect the dots."
The prince hated to admit it but it made sense. And it, along with the fact that Gwaine didn't mention his own family, peaked his curiosity.
"And how would you know?" He winced almost immediately, realizing he definitely could have phrased that better. The slight flinch Gwaine gave made him feel even guiltier.
'Stupid, stupid, stupid...'
"Let's just say that I've been where you are. Losing both my dad and siblings in a short amount of time."
Arthur felt even worse and opened his mouth to apologize-- only to get clapped on the back by Gwaine, who tried his best to smile as he scanned the area.
"And uh... let it be known that off the record, you're not the only one who lost a sister to magic."
Arthur's eyes widened.
"Your sister had magic too?"
Gwaine gave a hesitant nod.
"Aye. Though hers didn't turn her evil. Sure, she could be nasty when she wanted but she.. she never did anything like Morgana did."
Arthur knew that if his father was still around, he would have had Gwaine executed or imprisoned solely because of the association thing.
He knew that since the laws were technically still in place he should too.
Especially since Gwaine seemed to be thinking of a sorcereress so fondly.
But he couldn't bring himself to do it. Not when he knew that there wasn't gonna be alot of other people to understand the position he was in.
He didn't entirely agree with those laws anyway...
And it wasn't as if anyone else was around to hear the conversation, so he could just pretend like it never happened once the conversation was over.
"What happened to her?"
Gwaine shifted and didn't look at him.
Arthur got a sinking feeling in his stomach just from that alone. Something told him he wasn't gonna like the answer.
"I don't think you want to know."
Arthur knew that Merlin or anyone of their other friends probably would have told him to leave it if they were here.
Knew that he should drop it.
But he couldn't.
Because he had an inkling of what happened and wanted so desperately to be told he was wrong.
"She... she wasn't executed was she?"
Gwaine didn't answer.
"Gwaine, I am so sorr--"
Gwaine just clapped him on the back again.
A smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes. One that he recognized but never thought much about before.
"Don't worry about it princess. I wouldn't be following you if I blamed you for the situation."
"Just because I had nothing to do with it doesn't mean I can't feel sorry for your loss" Arthur pointed out.
Feeling just as bad as he had when Will and Tom had died.
"Still. This isn't about me. I just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone".
Arthur swallowed, wanting to argue. But thought better of it and decided to try and right the wrong the laws had done against his friend. One day at a time.
"Thank you."
"No problem, mate. And don't worry. The jealousy will get easier to manage over time. No one is expecting you to get over what you lost over time or at all even. And you have more than just me in your corner"
Gwaine glanced over Arthur's shoulder, out the window and smiled-- causing Arthur to turn.
Elyan, Gwen, Leon, and Mordred were splashing one another in the fountain as the others laughed their asses off.
Arthur couldn't help but laugh too.
"Come on, Arthur. Let's not let them have all the fun" the ravenette snorted, elbowing the blonde in the side before taking off.
As he ran after him, Arthur was left to think of a similar time.
One that happened many years before.
"Come on Arthur!" Morgana called out, giggling as she ran ahead of him. Towards the fountain. Where Leon, Elyan, and Gwen were splashing eachother. He was 7 and she was 10.
"Father's not gonna like this Morgana!"
"You're only saying that because you'll know you'll lose!"
"I will not!"
"Prove it then!"
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aresdeus · 2 years
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@deathfavor | 𝕋ℍ𝕆𝕋ℍ ���� — ☀ CIRCE STARTERS [ accepting!! ]
❝  are you always so suspicious?  ❞
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The foreign wargod merely gave a small quirk of the lip, mostly amused by the nervous flightiness of the Ibis god. He could practically feel the anxiety radiating off of the Scribe, but he paid it not much heed. Such a thing wasn't so uncommon for him upon at first meeting, given his rather imposing and arresting presence, with the energy of Dread that always followed in his wake.
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" One must always keep their guard up, " said the god, with a smile that brought out his handsomeness, hoping to come off as disarming. " After all, I have heard tales of your cunning where you have even managed to trick the great Sun God, Ra herself. " his tone was more so friendly than threatening, with his stance relaxing and his hand now resting on the pommel of his sword from the jut of his hip.
" Quite an impressive feat, I must say. Which does remind me of someone just as clever and light on his winged feet. " then he waves a hand dismissively. " But do be at ease. I come as no threat. If it makes your heart feel calmer, your wife Ma'at had see to it that I abide by the laws of your land. "
He had no intensions of bringing war the moment he had set foot on these rich and fertile shores. Still, he was made to swear an oath by contract. A custom which he thought quite strange, as swearing to the River Styx does not seem to suffice in this place.
" Actually, if you would indulge me, O wise Thoth, I have come to seek your council. "
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aresdeus · 2 years
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@fadedpath | ℍ𝔼𝕂𝕋𝕆ℝ 𝕆𝔽 𝕋ℝ𝕆𝕐 — HADES PROMPTS [ accepting!! ]
❛I know better than to disregard your might.❜
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" You would do well to remember that, dear prince. " Ares, Ares; the bane of mortals, the blood-stained stormer of walls, shall now enter battle clad in Trojan armor. For long the god had fought on the side of the Achaeans, now he changes sides at the turn of the tide.
War's foreboding presence entered the chamber as the prince readies to don on his armor. Ares waves away the attendants and takes over, gently taking Hector's forearm to pick up where the servants have left off, and makes quick work to wind leather straps for his metal bracer.
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" You are a good man, are you not? " The god's smoldering garnet eyes would flick up to meet with the mortal's gaze from his task. " A good son, a loving husband, a doting father... Your love for your people is unmatched. "
Then a finger lightly prods the warrior's armored breast, right above his beating heart. "You fight with your HEART and not solely with your head. " And a rare smile graces the wargod's handsome lips. " Which very much endears me to you. I would have given you my strength from the beginning, even without the behest of Apollo, nor the begging of my wounded love, Aphrodite herself. "
Ares finishes his task of dressing the son of Priam, securing the metal grieves on the prince's calves, and adjusting his chest plate before stepping back to examine his work. With a satisfied nod, he takes firmly both of Hektor's shoulders.
" Out there on the battlefield, I shall ride with you. I shall fight by your side. With my blessing you must rouse the strength and spirit of every man in the Trojan ranks. Drive fear into your enemies hearts and you shall forever have my favor. "
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aresdeus · 1 year
Your portrayal is divine, no pun intended (unless?). Every word you write I can hear not only the dialogue from the way hadesgame shows Ares but also the true divinity that emanates from it. You give such respect and love for your muse that I would 10/10 go into battle for him
Nngghhn... this left me blushing. aaaaaa Thank you. 🥺 I never thought I'd be able to pull him off to be honest, and yet here we are. I'm still very much trying to test the waters. And I am doing this in his honor so its good to hear that I'm doing a competent enough job? Also I love love love your Nico and I think he's adorable and I hope we can write more!!
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aresdeus · 1 year
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@deathfavor | 𝕊𝔼𝕂ℍ𝕄𝔼𝕋 — ☀ CIRCE STARTERS [ not accepting. ]
❝  even the best iron grows brittle with too much beating.  ❞
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The hot desert air would sting a mortal's eyes at this hour of day, as the harsh golden Sun of Ra seemed to relentlessly and mercilessly beat down on the back of his neck. Regardless of the scorching heat, Ares kept his eyes on his opponent's swift and deadly movements, smirking when he manages to evade her claws.
The khopesh that he wielded in his hand, a strange curved blade native to this land, was starting to show its cracks. He was known to be a master of all weapons, though it would seem that the goddess' claws were stronger than any steel forged.
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" Yet I've hardly landed any blows to your skin. " his tone would not hide the fact that he is quite impressed. So few were able to match his skills in combat. So ferocious and wild was she. Worthy to be venerated a deity of war and chaos of this land. " Perhaps it is better for me to use my bare hands. "
Discarding the damaged blade, and with blood still pumping in his veins, a cloud of sand would scatter in his wake as he lunges forward towards her. The two wargods gave chase to each other in the vast dunes of the Sahara, and mortals from a far would see the disturbance as a forming of a desert storm.
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aresdeus · 1 year
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@death-ism | 𝕋ℍ𝔸ℕ𝔸𝕋𝕆𝕊
Golden  gaze  falls  upon  the  face  of  war,  and  not  for  once  in  their  long  correspondence,  he  contemplates  simple  exiting  the  same  way  he  arrived  —  suddenly,  blinking  into  being  with  the  smell  of  orchids  dying  after  him.  A  singular  blink  and  he's  suddenly  decided  against  common  sense.  ❛    I've  only  just  arrived,  and  here  you  are,  ranting  and  raving  violent  promises  in  my  name.  Mayhaps,  I'll  make  you  ferry  them  down  to  Hades  in  my  stead ?    ❜  
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The familiar scent reached his nostrils, and he all but inhaled its sweet familiarity, mingled with the heavy scent of blood in the air. A victim of his sword had just fallen when the Reaper arrived, and he wrenches his blade from the sinews of flesh from the poor soldier. Pale hair disheveled from from the fight, he cards his fingers to keep them from his garnet eyes as he meets Death's scrutinizing gaze.
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" All screams of agony are a hymn and lament in your name. " He tells the other with such dignity, it's almost uncanny to think he had left this much carnage in his wake. " Though I had not expected to be graced by your presence so soon O'Death. "
Ares, the bane of mortals, the blood-soaked bringer of death, wiped the entrails of off his sword before he approached the son of Nyx. He leans towards him, close enough to get into Thanatos' personal space and would allow the other to see the lingering madness of battle in War's eyes. " You think of me as instigator of such violence, when it is in men's nature to bring this about themselves. I merely joined in the frenzy. "
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aresdeus · 1 year
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@singofus | 𝔻𝕌𝕊𝔸
Dusa bumps into someone and she is about to speak an apology when she looks and sees who it is and she visibly shrinks into herself. She had been hiding in the rafters for the introductions so she knew this was the god of war. "O-oh I-I-I-" She couldn't even get the apology out. She was so nervous.
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The bump hardly felt like anything against the god's immaculate armored chest that it was almost comical. He would've thought nothing of it were it not for the now floating gorgon head that stammered in her fluster before him.
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" Ah, you must be the head guardian of the house I presume? " a gentle smile from the tall god might put her at ease. " I take it that this is the right place then. I have received an invitation delivered by the Prince himself for an important gathering. I trust I'm not too early to arrive, am I? "
She was the first creature he had encountered in this domain to not cower or completely hide from his imposing presence aside from the boatman. (Ares wondered idly if any of the Shades he had come across were sent down here by his own hand. A large percentage of them might, thus their tendency to avoid him.) Though it is unsurprising how easy it was for him to navigate the Underworld, having to deal at its fringes given his line of work.
Regardless, others of his heavenly kind would soon arrive, though doubtless Hermes might already be here.
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aresdeus · 1 year
your portrayal? to put it simply, absolutely jaw dropping!
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asjdhfhlkkl Listen. Listen. I have long been admirer of yours on my other blogs but we haven't gotten the chance to interact before. I adore how much creativity you put in all your muses. And your Circe has me VIBRATING with excitement and anticipation. I'm liking the antagonism between them lmao. You are so lovely for dropping this in.
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aresdeus · 1 year
I've only been here in the immediate distance, gazing at your works through a spyglass, but I have been into everything I've seen! I really like your Ares. I would fight him, but I would never actually do that for fear of my continued existence.
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A WISE choice. But I commend your bravery of at least wanting to fight me someday. aljsdhfkl And that's so kind of you to say. ;u; Please don't be shy to send me stuff and interact. I promise I don't bite. Hard.
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aresdeus · 1 year
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@storiedhistories | 𝔸𝕋ℝ𝔼𝕌𝕊 — ☀ CIRCE STARTERS
❝  if my childhood has given me anything, it’s endurance.  ❞
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The boy would come across a hooded figure in the shadows, dressed in rags, their head bowed low, face obscured by their cloak.
" ...Come closer child, so I may look upon you. " the Hermit would ask, their hand reaching out towards Atreus.
And once the youth was near enough, their wrist would suddenly be grabbed in a vice like grip. This close from under the hood one would see glowing eyes of dying ember. Once fiery and mighty, now snuffed and almost extinguished.
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" So it is true... " the Hermit cryptically surmised upon closely examining the young boy's face, peering into his eyes. " No doubt you must have endured, for your father would have given you that kind of strength. " He lets the boy go not long after, but the hand that gripped the youth's wrist would leave their mark.
" I see the questions that linger in your eyes... Yes, I knew your father more than he knows himself. " the stranger said, with a dismissive wave of his hand. " Speak not of our meeting and go. But before you do I would give you my Blessing. "
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aresdeus · 2 years
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@subdivines | 𝔸ℙℍℝ𝕆𝔻𝕀𝕋𝔼 — ☀ CIRCE STARTERS [ accepting!! ]
" perhaps we are more alike than you think . "
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War's weary head rested upon her bosom, breathing in the heady scent of her fragrance. Eyes fluttering closed as he listened to the steady beating of her heart, which lulled him into a rare sense of peace and tranquility.
Only Love could ever tame the savage beast, the bringer of doom, the destroyer of men. And in that regard they were very much the same. Two sides of the same coin. For did not both passions drive men to such madness and folly and destruction?
" Perhaps so, we are indeed... " He quietly affirms as he takes her lovely hands into his, pressing them palm to palm before lacing their fingers entwined. Such warmth and tenderness in his actions, a rare sight that only the lover of War could ever witness. Their skin were in contrast, but many times their flesh had become one where one cannot distinguish where the one starts nor the other ends.
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" Love in itself is a battlefield is it not? " he murmured, placing a kiss upon their joined hands. " You carry within you the rage and passions of lovers doomed and thwarted. Your flashing eyes hold their anger and anguish and pain. " Ares sits up then, so he may look upon her shining eyes. " It is LOVE that drives men to go to WAR. It is you that drives them to fight so fiercely to the DEATH. All for the ones they love. It is YOU who had always led the charge, my beloved. Radiant and flaming and singing a warcry. "
Brushing a strand of her fair hair away from her brow, he then takes her face with both hands, cupping her cheeks. " I am not so foolish as to not realize that if YOU did not exist, then I myself would be nothing. My existence would mean nothing. I would not have the will to fight. And I do fight for you. If I had it in my power I would tear this world asunder... only for you. "
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aresdeus · 2 years
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@chaieos | ℍ𝕐ℙℕ𝕆𝕊 — HADES PROMPTS [ accepting!! ]
❛ A nice floral arrangement ought to lighten up the mood a little bit. ❜ from hypnos uwu
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Such innocent words drowsily spoken had merely raised the chiseled eyebrows of the battle-hardened war god whilst peeking over Sleep Incarnate's shoulder. Mildly he observed while Hypnos carefully arranged a lucious bouquet of red poppies with soft hands. War surmised he could never do such a delicate task. His calloused hands were well better suited in handling a sword or blunt instrument than making flower arraignments.
" Indeed, " Ares agreed, leaning ever closer. His weighty presence hovering behind Night's child. " One cannot deny their striking beauty... the color is quite reminiscent of the blood spilled in combat. "
Reaching over, a warm sturdy hand would tenderly cup one of the blooms under Hypnos's palm.
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"... A symbol of sleep, peace, and even death. " Ares spoke softly beside the other, voice low and surprisingly gentle. " I wager, centuries from now these would be given to honor those who are slain in battle, worn near the heart, in remembrance of the fallen. "
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