# Lehman Brothers
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September 22, 2023
#ita#stadsschouwburg#amsterdam#lehman trilogy#lehman brothers#bank#lehman bank#alabama#cotton#katoen#duitsland#beieren#geschiedenis#familie#tussenhandel#handelaren#oorlog#broers#zonen#opkomst en ondergang#kapitalisme#economie#handel#stockmarket#marketing#aandelen#verplettetend#genoten#geleerd#new york
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The Ghosts of the Alamo
Some have speculated… Many have testified. The Texas Rangers that guard over the historical site… Graveyard. Give testimony. Seems our local hero Matt Taibbi has stepped into a Perjury Trap. After his most recent testimony before Congress Mat gave his open and honest testimony naively before a armed wonting woke and radical congress… Set and ready to cancel all so unlucky enough to fall prey to…

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#@elonmusk#happy birthday#Hugh Hefner#Lehman Brothers#Matt Taibbi#South Carolina Politics#The Consitution of the United States of America
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The Silicon Valley Bridge Bank (SVB) Fiasco
The Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse is a devastating reminder of the potential consequences of mismanagement and fiscal irresponsibility, as well as a story of what could happen if financial organizations aren’t as carefully managed as they should be. In 2016, SVB collapsed as a result of a $6.4 billion loan gone wrong and the failure of the institution’s leadership to properly manage its…

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#Bank Collapse#Banking#FDIC#Lehman Brothers#Silicon Valley Bank#Stock Market#SVB#us equity#US Equity Market#US Fed#us market#US stock market#us stocks
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Evergrande aveva una capitalizzazione... facciamo di 50 miliardi di dollari al suo apice nel 2017, da qui ha cominciato gradualmente a scendere fino al 2021 a 21 miliardi e adesso è a 2-3 miliardi. L'overheating del settore immobiliare cinese è un problema riconosciuto da anni anche dal governo cinese che ha cercato di intervenire.
Lehman Brothers aveva una capitalizzazione di 60 miliardi prima del botto e aveva riportato profitti record e fino al giorno prima tutto andava meraviglioramente per tutto il settore.
Il mercato finanziario cinese e quello americano sono molto diversi senza contare la differenza tra dollaro e yuan.
Poi che il governo cinese dirà fino all'ultimo che la situazione sia sotto controllo mi sembra il minimo per non fare un tonfo più verticale, ma la situazione è conosciuta da TUTTI (governo, investitori, pubblico, all'estero) da diversi anni.
Certo è un bel problema ma sono situazioni non paragonabili on so many levels. Per dire in Cina non si sono aperti mutui sui mutui quando il mercato era in crescita. La fetta finanziaria dell'economia cinese è molto più piccola di quella occidentale. Il settore che è entrato in crisi non è un settore "finanziario"...
Noi dopo anni di QE che è stata l'unica ragione della continua crescita finanziaria, abbiamo alzato i tassi e ora stiamo aspettando l'occasione buona per dare la colpa della prossima crisi al comunismo.
Infatti, sebbene il mercato finanziario cinese sia molto più isolato, e lo yuan non sia nella stessa posizione del dollaro, qua le pubblicazioni finanziarie stanno già parlando del contraccolpo della crisi del settore cinese sul resto del mondo.
Noi dovremmo smetterla di pensare che i problemi nostri si risolvano mettendo il naso nei problemi degli altri se non per imparare e non per insegnare.
Nei precedenti decenni abbiamo perso sufficientemente tempo a dire che la Cina sarebbe esplosa domani. Può essere che questa volta sia anche la volta giusta che ci azzecchiamo (forse) e non sarebbe nemmeno cosa di cui essere contenti e vantarsi, ma intanto abbiamo perso decenni.

Il magico mondo della finanza.
Pechino dirà come dissero a loro tempo Washington, Ginevra e Bruxelles che non c'è nulla di cui preoccuparsi.
Non fosse per i miliardi di debiti seminati in mezzo mondo.
Certo che passare da 26.1 a marzo 2019 a 0,37 di oggi..che botta! (cit. Eelst)
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舞いあがれ! (2022) Episode 71 Subtitles by fimo
#man... this lehman brothers arc is stressing me out. my heart breaks for everyone#but especially him... his words here resonate with me 🤧#i love love love love the plot in this asadora#fukuhara haruka#福原遥#yoshii motonori#吉井基師#mai agare!#mai agare#舞いあがれ!#asadora#朝ドラ#asadoraedit#jdrama
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years and years and years ago, dad would leverage his #influencer status to get access to various theatre companies' archived recordings and rerecord them on vhs. a lot of it was terrible because. that's just how theatre is when you see a lot of it, but man i miss the days of being able to rewatch some... the things i would do for a chance to see paunvere poisid again (and again)
#also enigma variatsioonid... ajujaht... lehman brothers...#saw a very mediocre play that was not worth the 2h drive there and back again. so i was daydreaming of good plays i've seen#my mom always laughs at me for the way i always circle back to paunvere poisid but it was that perfect blend of hilarious but tragic#not to sound like my real life human father on main or anything
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fun fact: Bush's "Mission Accomplished" speech was as long ago today as the collapse of the United American Bank of Knoxville was when he gave that speech (the fourth biggest bank failure in US history) ☝️ 🤓

have a good day
#SPREAD THE WORD#people must know#if we forget the united bank of knoxville collapse it'll happen again#*laughs in lehman brothers*#196#i guess
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'North by Northwest' Movie and 4K Review
The following review was written by Ultimate Rabbit correspondent, Tony Farinella. “North by Northwest” is my favorite Alfred Hitchcock film of all time, which is no small feat and it’s not hyperbole. It is my favorite film from the director because it is his most ambitious. It has a running time of over two hours, and it is never boring, not even for a second. It is wall-to-wall suspense,…

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#1950&039;s Movies#1959 Movies#4K#4K UHD#4K Ultra HD#Alfred Hitchcock#Bernard Herrmann#Cary Grant#Classic Movies#Dolby Atmos#Ernest Lehman#Eva Marie Saint#James Mason#Jessie Royce Landis#Martin Landau#MGM#Mistaken identity#Mount Rushmore#North by Northwest#Tony Farinella#Warner Brothers Home Entertainment
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A maior FRAUDE da história: como GOVERNOS e BANCOS drenam o SEU DINHEIRO 1.2
A maior FRAUDE da história: como GOVERNOS e BANCOS drenam o SEU DINHEIRO – Area Bitcoin. 20 mar 2024 in: AICARR – 2024 abr 01 00:00 – Como começou a fraude fiat 02:03 – Como surgiram os primeiros bancos 04:01 – Bancos viraram parte do Estado: surgimento dos Bancos Centrais 04:57 – Confisco é roubo regulado 06:25 – Como os EUA se tornaram a maior economia do mundo 07:55 – Fim do lastro do…
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#A árvore que dava dinheiro. “Sera´?”# A maior FRAUDE da história: como GOVERNOS e BANCOS drenam o SEU DINHEIRO# A maior FRAUDE da história: como GOVERNOS e BANCOS drenam o SEU DINHEIRO - Area Bitcoin# altos retornos financeiros# Charles Ponzi italiano primeiro esquema Ponzi# Confisco é roubo regulado# crise de hiperinflação. Jornal DCI# década 1920 Estados Unidos# dólar $$ real rs euro moeda iene# emissão de moedas Money dinheiro em espécie# escândalos financeiros# esquema Ponzi de Bernard Madoff# EUA maior economia do mundo# Fim do lastro do dinheiro# Imprimir dinheiro é fraude# Imprimir dinheiro é um crime contra a humanidade# inflação descontrolada# Lehman Brothers# Marina Souza - Rabisco da História# máquina de roubo silenciosa# primeiros bancos# Roubo via diluição e arrecadação# surgimento dos Bancos Centrais# tipo de fraude financeira investidores# VÍDEO fraude fiat#Tags:inflação#Wall Street
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Pete has been told humans like the pictures! So Pete has the pictures. Pete wishes to make sure humans understand the difference between good and bad.
One of these pictures involves something called a 'bank' which Pete is told has many metal circles, and has been around for many moons and which has many many metal circles all over the world.
One of these involves something involving imaginary metal circles which then resulted in what Pete is told is a legendary fall from grace and lots of humans losing lots of metal circles.
Now, Pete is but a simple pumpkin poro! Grows the patch! Does not particularly need all the metal circles, or even most. Are not interesting to Pete.
However, Pete would like to point out that it should be very worrying if anyone tried to explain that the picture on the right is your plan. Pete is a poro and just looking at that makes Pete wonder just what they're trying to hide! Would not give his snax too. Clearly, is not good.
Pete hopes that this has been informative. Do not give your snax to humans whose idea of structure looks like a nightmare.
#business explanation by pete#for reference the left is the org chart of Lehman brothers one of the world's largest banks#the image on the right is the org chart of FTX one of the world's largest frauds and bankruptcy cases#I feel like you could know nothing about business and look at these two images and know which is more trustworthy
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got to huddle in my sleeping bag with a book under the stars… I was disappointed when they gave up and called me to come out. I should cowboy camp more often.
so little going on in my life that I volunteered to play dead for three hours in a search and rescue squad simulation
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Did anyone notice Donnie cited Canada's ban on US banks operating in Canada as one of the root causes of his (completely ginned-up) trade war?
That's a feature, not a bug.
Between 2008 and 2012, 465 banks went down in the U.S. In Canada? Zero.
(And don't forget the S&L crisis of 1997 or the Freddie Mac/FannieMae disasters. Silicon Valley Bank, Lehman Brothers. I could go on.)
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The fact that Trevor died when he did is so fucking funny to me because he just baaarely scrapes by with plausible deniability for involvement in the ‘08 mortgage crisis. If he had lived for literally three or four more years he would’ve been authorizing horrible subprime lending loans thru the soon-to-be-defunct Lehman Brothers. I don’t think the recession has ever been explicitly mentioned in the show but like. Does he know?? 😭
#the only thing I can imagine he’d be worried about in late 2000 would be the dot com bubble#bitch he doesn’t even know about the twin towers!!!#ghosts cbs#cbs ghosts#trevor lefkowitz
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i'm so mean 🤭
Invisigoth/Esther Nairn: she has a doctorate and a truckload of eyeliner. what more do you need?
Jenn: To quote Lana del Rey, "He said to be cool but, I'm already coolest." She is. The coolest (and a disaffected genie). This is simply a fact.
Don't like this propaganda? Reblog it with your own or send some in my askbox
To jog your memory, here are the episodes they're from:
Kill Switch: While investigating the strange circumstances of the death of a reclusive computer genius rumored to have been researching artificial intelligence, Mulder and Scully become targets of an unlikely killer capable of the worst kind of torture.
Je Souhaite: Mulder and Scully's encounter with a man and his handicapped brother lead them to an indifferent genie whose willingness to grant wishes belies a deeper motive.
#the x files#the x-files#txf#polls#kill switch#je souhaite#invisigoth#jenn#esther nairn#kristin lehman#paula sorge#s5 e11#s7 e21#oneoff tournament#oneoff round 1
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I'm going to a destination wedding in Europe and just spend the entire day listening to
a) my mother being horrified that the mother of the groom did her (admittedly lackadaisical) wedding clothes shopping via FaceTime and announced that if SHE were in MoG's place she would run to India for a week ASAP to do her shopping
b) my mother being horrified by MoG's saree selections
c) my mother being horrified that MoG wants to spend money on $1000+ sarees for her future daughter in law when gold is obviously a MUCH better investment
d) my mother being horrified that the bride in question wants simple jewelry but the MoG insists on spending money on bigass gold jewelry
e) my mother being horrified that the MoG and FoG tried inviting people they haven't seen in 10+ years because they used to work at Lehman Brothers together (so.... it's like they've been to war together I guess)
anyway if there's anything that'll give you insight as to how your parents will be about YOUR wedding it's this
#she's currently rehashing all of this horrifiedly to her sister#you know between this and my dad being a wildly detail oriented party planner slash control freak#i'm either set or fucked#i jokingly said “wow you've thought a lot about this” after her shopping spiel#she looked me dead in the eye and said seriously “yes.”
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CBS Ghosts 4x14 Live Reaction
All I know about this one is it's another Isaac plot with Hamilton - hope it's good.
Beware of spoilers
LOL of course it slowed down.
OHH the Mafia impacted thing.
Pete can't find a bright side!!!
Have we forgotten the B&B???
Oh, Isaac. Just jealous. yes.
It probably won't help Jay. I do love Isaac's dramatics here.
LOL "It is?" "No in the story!"
Oh Hamilton doesn't remember him. Except the yakking. LOL.
He's like "you're not in the exclusive member." - VOICE OF THE COMMON MAN. OMG.
Why is Sass not apart of "It's getting hot in here"
JESUS CHRIST HE'S BACK!!!! I love them screaming.
LOL - an opportunity???
OH MY GOD. THey've had their eyes on those 4??? WHAT HAS TREVOR DONE?
(I could see the other three especially Thor). Alberta and Thor talk about murder and crime all the time and Hetty employed Children.
They better not make Trevor fall for this nonsense.
Jay's like "we're still not there????"
OMG OMG OMG. Protege??? Interesting??
"Yes, I'm telling you because it worked out."
Ooohhh Isaac.
(Did you just gasp at your own reveal? - I did) - you know he's bothered no one else did.
Sass questioning him. This is so dumb.
Isaac drinking and going to confront him. LMAO.
OMG the signing? They're really going to suggest that he would be there to sign.
Isaac, now is not the time, man.
You're making this awkward. Bad, Isaac.
He gets to be a demon????
Like his team at Lehman Brothers.
Hetty suggesting Thor should take it.
"Most were Danes, Thor is clear."
OSKAR MENTION. "Equating squirrel with Danes isn't great" LOL
Trevor threw himself in front of Thor!!! <3 <3 <3
LOL "that guy sucks, but the ghost power rocks"
JESUS ISAAC!! You COULD SIGN The Declaration of Independence!!! AND YOU CARE ABOUT A RUFFLE???
You caused it to be burned!
Oh, Pete's having a rough time of getting the silver leaning.
"Is he listening to my story?" - HE CANT HEAR YOU.
You're the one that burned him. OHHHHH that Hurts, John Jay.
Isaac - still blaming Hamilton.
LOL he did take it! but Isaac should've let it go.
Perfect moment for Isaac to let it go and get sucked off.
Trevor loves the song! Mention.
NO THOR. Don't take it.
Love Alberta giving Thor a speech and Hetty and Trevor jumping in to help.
AWWW!!! I love this!
I love it. <3 <3 <3
LOL the morons not doing the timing right. Elias will definitely be back in S5 and S6 too. He's going to get another soul!!!
Trevor's love of the song!!! Alberta's face at it!! So great!
Aww Isaac is in the Declaration - "the pursuit of happiness" <3 Aww cute.
It's a draw! I wouldn't say that!
Pete's face is so great. "Can't endorse the pettiness but love the pun".
I can't believe the others missed this thing with Elias.
Jay is hiring ELIAS OMG OMG. DONT DO IT.
Jesus Christ.
Overall I loved it. <3.
#trevor lefkowitz#hetty woodstone#jay arondekar#season 4#sam arondekar#isaac higgintoot#alberta haynes#Thorfinn#Elias Woodstone#ghosts cbs spoilers#cbs ghosts spoilers
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