#|| pinned post
decaf-lesbian · 2 months
everyone please read this and share if you can.
Brazil is going through one of the worst climatic crisis ever seen.
i live in the southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul. we have been suffering from extreme, nonstop rainstorms for a week now. the rivers are flooding, reaching 4-6 meters above their natural level. people are being rescued by helicopters, neighborhoods are being evacuated. entire cities are slowly but surely becoming submerged in water. 60 people missing and counting. 32 deaths and counting.
and this is not new. last november also had a flood like this one. 50 dead, many material losses. it happened again this january, with thousands being left without power or water for days.
three catastrophical disasters within less than a year. three disasters only a few months apart.
this is not natural.
unsustainable agricultural practices and politics led to this. a complete disregard for nature led to this. greed led to this. always greed.
when it comes to the climate crisis, i cannot stress this enough: we need to act now if we still want to live. disasters like this are going to happen more often and they're going to be much, much worse. this flood is being considered the worst climatic catastrophe in the history of my state. i don't know how long it will take for another bigger one to happen and take its place. i just know it will be sooner than it should.
links to donate (if you can't donate, sharing already helps a lot):
link for non-brazilians (paybox)
link for brazilians
pix assufrgs
updated links are on the pinned post on my blog. in the meantime, pray for us.
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dsm--v · 12 years
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maci :: he/they :: minor :: alt blog :: intro
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pixelephant · 10 months
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exceptionally-stupid · 3 months
Kabru trying his usual approach to undermining people against Laios is so funny. It’s like he’s a grandmaster at chess, poker, and everything else that requires mind-games coming up to a guy, fully expecting to beat him at any game under any circumstances, only to realize he didn’t prepare for the one thing he’d actually be faced with, which is a hotdog eating contest against a guy whose friends call him “the vacuum cleaner”.
Edit: my blog’s pinned post adds on to this
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theharlotofferelden · 10 months
Genuinely loved the experience of being at camp for the first time and seeing all the companions with their tits out like they're all gonna go clubbin or some shit
Then there’s Gale
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Who's just. So utterly swagless that his clothes smell like dusty old books. My man doesn't give a fuck about the drip he's getting his ass ready for bed
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thatskindarough · 1 month
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trifarian · 2 months
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An independent, private, and selective RP blog for Trifarian Assessor from LOR, written by Xena. 18+ for adult themes. No affiliation with R.iot G.ames. Guidelines are under the cut.
⚜ biography . head canons . aus . prompts .
1st: hard rules
Muse is not mun, but be respectful of both
No godmodding
No bigotry or discrimination
2nd: credits | Banner, pinned post and pfp.
3rd: content warning | This blog may contain adult themes such as: strong language/profanity, nudity, sex, violence, substance use, and traumatic themes.
4th: threading 
Please reply to asks in a new text post if you want to make a thread.
Asks are welcome from anyone (questions from personal blogs too). 
Threading and plotting will only be done with mutuals, aka RP blogs I follow back.
5th: formatting | I do normal formatting on my posts and use small text. For better reading, I ask that RP partners please keep your text posts simple, with normal punctuation and words capitalised (my vision is not the best). 
6th: following and blocking | Multi-muse, O.C., and side-blog friendly. I don’t follow for follow, so if there is too much OOC spam, untagged posts, you're a minor or there's no age on your blog, and or you’ve broken the hard rules I’ll soft-block. I don't appreciate harassment, call-outs without proof, petty and creepy behaviour, etc. so I will hard-block at my own discretion.
7th: replies | Whether it’s asks or RP threads, replies will not be instantaneous unless I have free time or am on holiday. I work full time from Monday to Saturday and attend university, so I don’t always have the brain power to write elaborate threads and interact with everyone at the same time. Also, I will use the queue to space out my replies, especially for longer threads/posts. Please write me a line if you think I might have missed out thread.
8th: shipping | If I do end up shipping Turia (romantically), ships will exist in their own separate universe, unless discussed otherwise. I don't write spicy n.sfw threads. That sort of interaction is restricted to ask memes. If you ever send in a spicy rp meme and want to reply to it in a one-shot you are absolutely free to.
9th: crossovers and aus | Provided we plot about it, I’m open to writing in other settings and AUs, and making crossovers too.
10th: the mun | Hi! My pen-name is Xena. I am 30+, she/they, bi. I love: animals (cats and birds of prey are faves), LOR, music. I'm rather chill and open to discussing muses and worldbuilding. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions regarding these guidelines or my portrayal. Other muses: @freljordi, @firerevealstruth; @nameaprice.
If you've read this far, please send: "For Noxus."
(So I know you've read and we break the ice, 2 for 1 deal)
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homosexula · 8 months
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i mean. who said that.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 month
You're literally gay??? And it's pride month??? And Israel's our only safe haven in that region???
There's no pride in genocide
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cottonspotten · 9 months
*person has consented to being eaten; they’ve donated their body. they died without suffering. you can cook the meat. you will not get sick from the meat.
bonus: explain why!
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cptapathy · 2 months
We have all been saying this was coming for years now. The UK is now introducing a new section 28.
This is a direct attack on the queer Community, stop accepting it.
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We’re fanfiction writers, of course:
We’re going to use song lyrics as titles.
We’re going to check for comments 30 seconds after we post something.
We’re going to have more WIPs than days of the month.
We’re going to use any excuse to post snippets.
We’re going to use ask box games to procrastinate.
We’re going to hype up our writer friends.
We’re going to scream, cry and throw up reading our friends’ work.
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nearmissclosecall · 4 months
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greyias · 11 months
Oh look, it seems everyone has been opted into the unfortunate "experiment" now. For everyone who has been blissfully using the old UI up until now, welcome to hell :)
Do you not like hell? Do you want to leave and crawl back up into the sunlight of the old UI? Well, have I got a link for you! A beautiful tumblr user (who is not me) has gone and fixed things beautifully for you already: https://github.com/enchanted-sword/dashboard-unfucker
You will need to have Tampermonkey installed on your browser of choice, and once that's done, just go to the github link above, and peruse the readme to install. And voila! You have your old dash back!
The authors of XKit Rewritten said during the experiments that at the time, since this was an "experiment" they weren't going to implement anything to revert to the old UI (although who knows if they'll do it now). And the dashboard unfucker has worked beautifully enough for me to where I genuinely couldn't tell if they had ended the experiment or not.
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thelostmoongazer · 5 months
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Undivided attention
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dykesbat · 26 days
masterpost of palestinian fundraisers i'm spotlighting on my blog + verifications
last updated: june 30, 2024
Doctor Moath Abu Samra & Family Evacuate Gaza - $20,135/$50,000 [SLOWED] ***this fundraiser has gained no donations in 4 days please help boost this one verified by Operation Olive Branch - row 85 individual reblog post here
Urgent Appeal: Save Little Yusuf and His Family Amidst Gaza - €40,928/€85,000 verified here by el-shab-hussein. follow the fundraising organizer here on tumblr @/ahmednabubake individual reblog post here
Mohamed Hamad and his family dream of reaching safety - £9,069/£50,000 verified by here by el-shab-hussein. follow mohamed on tumblr at @/mohamed-hamad individual reblog post here
Saving My Family from the Horrors of War in Gaza for Firas Salem - €32,902/€65,000 verified here by el-shab-hussein. follow firas on tumblr at @/firassalemgaza individual reblog post here
Help Sana’a and her family evacuate from Gaza - £52,211/£70,000 [SLOWED] verified here by el-shab-hussein follow sujood on tumblr at @/sujoododeh individual reblog post here
Help the Qanou Family - £2,174/£55,000 [LOW] [SLOWED] verified here by nabulsi. follow raghad here on tumblr at @/rhq274 individual reblog post here
Help Nahla and Amal Family to Rebuild their life - €2,953/€80,000 [LOW] [SLOWED] verified here by nabulsi. follow the fundraiser on tumblr at @/jrk85 individual reblog post here
Helping Ahmed's Family: Escaping War to a New Life - €22,334/€35,000 verified here by nabulsi. follow ahmed on tumblr at @/zinaeleenyamin. individual reblog post here
Help the Abu Shammalah Family Find Safety and Rebuild - €9,644/€100,000 [LOW] verified here by el-shab-hussein. follow ahmed (fundraiser's organizer) on tumblr at @/ahmed8311. individual reblog post here.
Help Ahmed family to travel to a save place - £2,961/£30,000 [LOW] verified here by nabulsi. follow ahmed on tumblr at @/ahmed-ziad. individual reblog post here.
Please help Shamaly family SURVIVE Gaza & start a new life! - $23,910 CAD/$90,000 verified here by fallahifag. follow the fundraiser on tumblr at @/familydeea. individual reblog post here.
Help Alaa family to travel to a safe place - £25,424/£56,000 [SLOWED] number 99 on el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's spreadsheet. follow alaa on tumblr at @/alaaalkhateeb. individual reblog post here.
Death chases my family in Gaza; help me save them. fundraiser for Mahmoud Khalaf - €9,443/€30,000 verified by ibitsams here. follow mahmoud on tumblr at @/mahmoudkhalaff. individual reblog post here.
Help me and my little family to survive! fundraiser for Hamsa - €5,389/€30,000 [SLOWED] verified by nabulsi here. follow hamsa on tumblr at @/hamsamohammad. individual reblog post here.
Standing with a Family Escaping the Horrors of War in Gaza for Dr. Tamer Aldeeb - €16,829/€40,000 verified by ibitsams here. follow dr. tamer aldeeb on tumblr at @/tameraldeeb. individual reblog post here.
Help my Family To Evacuate Gaza for Mohammed Bardaweel - €6,099/€37,000 [SLOWED] verified by el-shab-hussein here. follow mohammed on tumblr at @/mohbardaweel. individual reblog post here.
Help Nada and Abdulrahman's family - $220 CAD/$31,000 [LOW] [SLOWED] verified by nabulsi here. follow abdulrahman on tumblr at @/abdulrahmanpixel. individual reblog post here.
Amira's Story: Between Hope and Resilience - A Call for Soli - €11,289/€20,000 verified by nabulsi here. follow amira on tumblr at @/amira-alanqar. individual reblog post here.
Help Mahmoud to evacuate from Gaza to continue education -$14,076 CAD/$50,000 verified according to fallahifag here. follow mahmoud on tumblr at @/ma7moudgaza2. individual reblog post here.
Help me and my family to evacuate from Gaza Strip for Iyad Sami - CHF4,671/CHF20,000 verified by 90-ghost here. follow iyad on tumblr at @/eyadsami. individual reblog post here.
My family battles death in Gaza; we need your HELP for Reham Al Jarrah - €2,395/€49,000 [LOW] [SLOWED] ***this fundraiser has only received €5 in the past 3 days verified by the @/strawberryseedcollective on instagram here. follow reham on tumblr at @/rehamjarrah. individual reblog post here.
Rebuilding Live: A Mother's Plea for Hope and Safety in Gaza for Nour Alanqar - €4,256/€40,000 [LOW] verified by 90-ghost here. follow nour on tumblr at @/noor-alanqar. individual reblog post here.
Fundraiser for safe passage from Gaza into Egypt for Mohammed Al Sayed - $30,438/$70,000 found on his twitter account Lawyer_Animal1 which has been active since 2021 and posting images since 2022 individual reblog post here
Help Muhammed and his family evacuate to safety ! - €12,749/€25,000 found on muhammed's twitter account mhmd_s11 which has been active since 2016 individual reblog post here
please donate/share if you can! fundraisers marked as slowed have had little to now donations.
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