#|| half a year not touching my tablet - I am rusty
zcrayas · 2 months
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Quick piece of our lady
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jeonjagia · 5 years
Dancing For Yoongi- Chapter 15 Savior
I sit on the couch watching Jungkook as he flips through his book, contemplating bringing up the issue or not. "Why are you staring at me?" He asks not looking up from his book. He noticed. "I," I start as he sits up, closing the book. "I have a question for you," "Shoot," He says blinking. "Why," I start tucking hair behind my ear, "did you make Deric move away?" I finish in a small voice, not knowing how he will react. His face hardens. "Because," he states. I wait. When there is no more answer I prod, "because why?" "Because he was between you and me," "Jungkook I don't need a body guard, and he only asked me out, and I said no. Jungkook, I said no," I repeat trying to get him to understand. "But he got close," Jungkook mutters opening the book again. "Are you jealous?" I ask. He looks up. "No," he says thoughtfully. I don't believe him. "You are jealous," I whisper. His eyes flick to mine and we hold eye contact. Jungkook jealous, I think to myself, that's why he got rid of Deric. ~~~
We have entered the city now. It seems so pretty at night with all this lights and dark colors. "Are we going to like a safe house?" I ask into the silence. "Somewhat," is Jhopes reply. "Then what is it?" "A, um, yeah, a safe house," I smile into the dark as we pull up into an abandoned building garage. "But this is abandoned." I state. "Is it Chandry?" Sighing I wait to see the inside of it. As the car turns off, everyone gets ready to get out. Stepping out, I wait for Suga to lead me. An arm takes mine suddenly and I try to pull away. The grip gets tighter and I turn to the person. It's Jhope. "Relax Chandry," I won't let Jungkook near you," Linking his arm into mine he leads me into the building. Stepping through a rusty beaten door, the whole demeanor of the building changes. Instead of thinking I would enter falling apart unfinished things, instead I enter a neatly furnished, state of the art HQ. computers in one corner along with laptops, tablets, and phones. Next to the electronics is a metal table with weapons neatly organized on it. From assault rifles, to handguns. Knives to poisons. "Welcome to HQ Chandry," Suga says spinning around with his arms outstretched. "But-how?" I stammer. "Exactly," Jhope says pointing a finger at me smiling. "No one would know, the perfect hiding spot," "But what about the people, won't they wonder sooner or later?" "No," I hear Jungkook say from behind me. "Why," I ask lowly, watching him as he comes to the front. "Because, I own the building," he says walking over to the computers and sitting down at the chair. "So, now, let me tell you who is who," Suga says. "First, as you know Jungkook, he is head of electronics. I and Jhope are head of weapons. Though Jhope is usually the one to be the sniper," "Sniper?" I question not really wanting to know. "Yes," suga continues, "and namjoon is head of intelligence , finding out dirt on people and reporting back. While Jimin is poisons expert," "What?!" I say turning to Jimin. He smiles as he points finger guns at me. "Then lastly, Jin is healer, like at the Elements Building," Suga finishes. "Oh, wait, we forgot tae. He is, the seducer, if you will," "The what now?" "Deceives people, then we get them," "What exactly have I walked into?" "The Five Elements," "What?" I say still not understanding. "The mafia, you're in the mafia now," Suga bluntly replies pinching the bridge of his nose. All I can respond is a small, "oh," Then I realize how much in trouble I am.
"You will marry him, Chandry, no questions asked," he tells me. "No, dad, I can marry who I want, not some forty year old! I'm only 19!" I yell back. "Chandry!" My father yells at me. "You will marry him even if I have to force you to!" He says walking toward me. "But I don't want to!" "I don't care!" "You should Dad, this is my husband we're talking about!" "Chandry," He says lowly pinching the bridge of his nose. I stare up at him, not believing he is really making me do this. Ever since I was little, I always dreamed of finding my man, but now, I am forced to a man. "Please don't make me do this daddy," I whisper. The name causing him to open his eyes. I can see him breaking in there. But then, he suddenly hardens, "I'm sorry," he says before nodding toward the door, and there he is, the man I am to marry. "No, please!"  I beg as the man advances. "Just take her, forget the wedding," my father tells the man turning his back against me. "No!" I scream, but the man clamps his hand over my mouth. "Shut up," He says. I struggle against him. "Daddy, please don't do this," I cry in the mans arms. Sitting down at his desk, my father waves his hand for us to leave.
The next four months are hell. Moved from place to place. Men all around me, it's too much. The man, oh yes. I grew up a lot during the four months. Not by much though. I hate him. He's abusive, physically, sexually, emotionally. I'm restricted to only three rooms: the bedroom, where way too much sex, beatings and torchers, happen; the bathroom, where I can find solace sometimes unless he finds me, and the kitchen, where I'm expected to cook for 20 men. Cook, clean, have sex, be beaten, the works. It's terrible, until about halfway through the fifth month. Then things changed.
It was when I had my usual beating when he came home drunk. Expecting this, I prepared dinner for him. I had the table set and everything. And that's when the door opened. "Chandry!" Where the fuck are you?!" He roared. "I-in here, the kitchen," I reply shaking. He storms into the kitchen beer bottle in hand. "Did you do this?" He asks holding up a white shirt stained red. Shit. I forgot to throw that out. "I-um, yes," I rely not making eye contact. "Get over here," he says pointing to his shoes. Slowly I walk over there and stand before him. Suddenly, he slaps me across the face. "You, bitch," he slurs through his drunken rage grabbing my hair and yanking my head back, forcing me to look at him. "I-I-," "Shut the fuck up," he growls yanking at my shirt. "Take it off," he commands. I pull it off as he pulls a knife from his belt. "Turn around," I turn and feel his hands on my back feeling the scars already there. Suddenly cold metal touches my skin causing me to flinch. "Please," I whimper holding onto the dinner chair in front of me. "No," he says before cutting the skin on my back. Biting my lip I try not to cry. I should be used to it by now. Again, and again he cuts. Then, he walks to the kitchen and grabs a lemon. Realizing what he will do I back away, "no, thats too much," I whimper. "Who are you to say what I can do to you? Get. Over. Here. Now," I return dreading the pain to come. What happens next all happened so fast. As the man was cutting the lemon, there was a knock on the front door. "Come in," he grunts. The door opens as he pours lemon juice on my cuts. I scream. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU BASTARD?!!" A voice roars. It sounds familiar. I hold on to the chair for dear life as my back burns. With what little strength I look behind me to see Jungkook, gun in hand, furious, squaring up to my "husband". "So this is what you were doing all those nights you told me to go away?!" Jungkook yells into the mans face. "She's my bitch, what you expect?" Is his reply. "I'm taking her, and you will never see her again, do you hear me?" Jungkook says to the man in a deadly tone. He laughs. "You arnt taking what's mine, boy," With that Jungkook suddenly brings the man to his knees, gun to his head. "You think so?" Jungkook asks. "Beg," he orders. "What?"The man asks. "I said beg for your life before I shoot you right here, in front of her," he growls into the mans ear. "I'm not begging for shit," the man growls struggling in jungkooks grasp. "Fine," is jungkooks short reply before the bang. The man that tormented me for four and a half months, is dead. I look at his body in the floor. Red circle paints his head. Eyes never going to blink again. He's dead. He's gone. Jungkook looks up to me, and removes himself from the dead mans limbs before letting him fall to the floor. Stepping over him, Jungkook approaches me. "He's gone," is his statement looking me over. I realize I don't have a shirt on. And Jungkook can see all that the man has done to me. Scars, bruises, hickeys. "I'm taking you," he says picking up my shirt from the floor. He doesn't hand it to me yet. Walking to to the kitchen, Jungkook grabs a washcloth and soaks it in warm water. He then grabs peroxide from under the counter. "I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt," he says not really sounding apologetic. He leads me to the couch and helps me lay stomach down. Unhooking my bra clasp, Jungkook first wipes the blood away with the warm washcloth. It stings. But I know it won't sting as much as the peroxide will burn. "Here," He says handing me my shirt. "Open," He says as he stuffs the shirt into my mouth. I'll need it. And then he pours. I feel like I'm going to die. At first I can't say anything it hurts like hell. Then I scream. I scream until I can't anymore, then bite the shirt as hard as I can until I though my jaw would break. Then blackness.
I wake up not in the house, but the back seat of a car. I try to move, then cry out as the pain comes back. "Holy shit you scared me," I hear jungkooks voice from the front seat. "Don't move," he says looking over his shoulder as he drives, "we're almost there," "Where are we going?" I croak out, my vocal chords shredded. "A safe place, away from all this," is his reply. "Jungkook?" I ask. "Yes?" "Why did you have a gun?" He doesn't answer. I can't really focus on what he's saying as sleep pulls me back and I succumb to it. He must have said something important, but I can't remember. ~~~
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fazzaenglishfans · 6 years
Fazza Poems English Version
This is an unofficial page for #English #translation of Fazza’s poems. Created for the fans. @faz3 Keep ✍️. Run by : @maha_rashidyovic  مها الرشيدى
 Alexandria, Egypt
5 days ago
#saturday 24th #november #fazza #story #repost#translation O lion, who's been hugged by the frightened fawn, there's none before you.. And there's none after you As if your daughter is speaking on behalf of the people saying; The future of the nation is a trust in your hands #new #today#poem @faz3 #words #hamdan #dubai #فزاع#كلمات #جديد #اليوم #شعر #حمدان_بن_محمد#محمد_بن_زايد #دبي
 Alexandria, Egypt
6 days ago
The #arab 's #tower #full #version #2008#برج_العرب  #فزاع #translation In the dialogue of the eyes there are many questions for you, their tears are conversation and their dew has wet the moist cheeks I didn't want to satisfy your pride and I was shy to upset you, whenever I'm yours and you stop me when I want to start Since your gazes are tropics and my heart's vastness is an orbit, how far is the tropic of Capricorn from the Arab's tower I said; almost equal to the number of lovers who were destroyed by your love, do you mean I should count half of my heart's wounds, O my banish ! I told you no don't answer and tell me I said so, the feelings don't sleep unless you tell them lay down And since Allah has gave you the most beautiful traits and made you perfect, how could you leave me on your shore with a rusty heart I swear by Allah's name that all the veins of my heart feel comfortable with you, if only you'd took my hands as I took your hands Since I touched your hands I've been sacrificing myself for you and your figure, I never knew that love and affection is contagious by touch#fazza #poem #words #dubai #hamdan#gulfstream #yesterday #instagram #story#blessed #friday #weekend #كلمات #شعر#حمدان_بن_محمد #دبي #جمعة_مباركة
9 days ago
#new #poem #tuesday 20 #november 2018#translation My ambition is a bit larger than my years, if only the ambition is the same size as my age ! If the poor determination of men is wiped off by time whose wounds are fatal I won't be wiped off.. And neither would my spirit, I've erased humiliation from my mind's dictionary #fazza#snapchat #story #today #words #ambition#hamdan #dubai #كلمات #جديدة #اليوم #فزاع #شعر#طموح #ترجمة #سناب #حمدان_بن_محمد #دبي
 Alexandria, Egypt
15 days ago
An #experiment of #age #faz3
The audience demand poetry from me and I say creativity is a thought which is embedded in the feelings. We need the awareness of minds beside sincere feelings to be able to translate the poetry phrases according to their dictionary. Despite my preoccupation, I am not preoccupied from the poetry and the immortal victory and its dictionary. If I was able to defeat people obsessed by arrogance without hands or legs. I build victory phrases with my lips without horses, and I release a tightness in the chest I am a sheikh, but a good, sincere and effective sheikh, Not a sheikh whose glory is his money and high position. I see age as an opportunity and I see life as chapters, and each chapter has a well-studied life experience. O one whose determination is rot by laziness and humiliation in the dizzy reality, like the caries. The drums of battles are different from the sound of the one who drags his voice to sing on the night of his wedding. We know the mistake but we ignore the one whose responsible, The views are inverse and the positions are reversed The Arabs stands on the top of nobility, and people are subjugated under the prestige of the president O Adam's son, hear me out, age has a meaning, be patient if your soul of distress tightened. Do not disappoint your ambitions and do not follow the losers, everyone has a temperament and an obsession. Be optimistic, you'll find your deserts of concerns become green fields and walk in the dark night on the light of a lantern. I'm sending a letter of thinking and the sent poetry may benefit the end of my time more than its head. A message has an effect but the effect is like the dream of the night whose dream pushed off his nightmare. By which I address the sober and not the crazy, the dose of a medication in a tablet is measured for each disease. Those who step on the thorns without shoes should not complain about the wounds and should have patience for the lessons from them.
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glorilian · 6 years
I gather from your test posts that you're coding this yourself? o: Where did you learn it?
Yes. Or partially yes?Well, when I was younger - and it was been cca 8 years ago, I think? - I had a little blog to which I was making designs via CSS and HTML. It was hobby. Those were my self-taught coding starts. But then I stopped and just now I returned to it because I was nudged/talked into creating my own Tumblr. Well, that was… in Friday I think? So, during the weekend and the following Monday (3 days) I basically did diy self-taught crash course into Tumblr coding. I was… quite rusty after all those years not touching CSS etc.
For start, when you want to do your own theme, Tumblr has this helpfully unhelpful (?) page (link: https://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/custom themes) containing basic codes or HTML Tumblr tags, but also - and this *was* helpful - there is banner-link that will redirect you to GA Dash site, which was very helpful in my initial quest to even recall again what I (more then half-) forgot. The first four parts (from 5 in total - including the robot part) were wonderful in relearning old things but also new things. After all HTML and CSS evolves and… I admit I am bit astounded what now is possible to do with just pure codes (I mean I did not use any pictures/images while doing this blue theme - all those gradients, (half-)transparent parts would be impossible to do for me before without using external pictures). It is just wonderful. I love gradients, rgba, opacity and, oh my, z-index. I want to make loooove to them. Hhhhh. Oh, and let’s not forget those Google fonts.
But, ok, step by step guide how I learned (partially) to code Tumblr. – that GA Dash page is lovely in teaching you the barest basics (HTML structure…) – then comes the fun part. What I basically did was selecting the most basic theme that Tumblr offers you and…. I just utilized my oldest, but working, method of TRIAL AND ERROR. That is, you look at the Tumblr basic pre-installed code, you look at your page-Tumblr how it looks and… then you start playing with it: you change it here and there and look what it affects. I first had to learn *what is what*, so I changed part by part the background-color to see/learn what CSS code affects which part in Tumblr. Because I am Neanderthal I did this learning part directly in the HTML Tumblr editor. *sigh*. I recommend you to do this right in your browser. It’s faster, more comfortable, better, it let’s you see side by side which part in HTML is tied to which part in CSS. (because in that HTML editor, there are only parts of CSS visible, the rest is hidden in… idk, somewhere. But this browser tool will let you see the whole CSS code). I did it in Mozilla Firefox, I looked at the code in Chrome too. You just load your Tumblr, then you right-click somewhere on the page (or! You can select just one part, eg. highlight the title+description and then right-click on it) and then from the menu (or idk how to call it) that appears you pick (I think second option from bottom) to *Inspect Element*. (Here link what I mean for mozilla: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Page_Inspector/How_to/Open_the_Inspector).It’s absolutely wonderful tool. It helps you in learning soooo much. You just inspect the page and… when you change something (by hiding/showing, deleting, rewriting, adding…) it immediately directly affects the loaded page(Tumblr). You can also look at someone else Tumblr and *spy* their coding…
So… that’s how I (partially) learned Tumblr coding. I say partially, because (if I discount few HTML changes here and there right in “body” part of the HTML code) all I did was just working in the “style” part of HTML. What I am trying to say is that I changed primarily only the CSS part = how my Tumblr *looks* and not the html/script (jQuery) part (how it *works*, what parts your Tumblr even *have*, diverse moving effects, etc). I practically (nearly) only changed what already was there.
Still. It’s not done. I would say it’s finished only by… 60% (? 65? max 70% if I am generous). I need to adjust the reblogs part, I have certain (uncertain) hopes that I will manage to force my Tumblr to show posting dates (in posts-header even? Maybe?), iframe mystifies me (I mean he refuses to obey my directives), I have to go back and clean my code (CSS part) and most importantly I still have to do the *for phones/tablets* part of CSS. Because as it is, my Tumblr is unusable on mobile devices. (Go look on your smartphone if you want - you will immediately know what I mean.)
Ah. Eh. Bit… looooong response to your ask? Sorry? (That’s typical me… it’s as if brevity would kill me or something…). :D
Right. I will wrap it up with this: *If you want to just change the looks of your Tumblr, it really is not so hard. Start easy. Use some pre-made working theme that works (for it’s HTML “body” and “script” parts and metas) and start slowly, easily… just changing what is already there… CSS is like… painting? It tells you “I want THIS to be positioned HERE and THAT to be located THERE. And I also want it to look like THIS.* :D
Was I helpful??? At least bit? :D
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garlique · 7 years
untitled drakonallagi story: chapter 1
When Maja woke up that morning, it was to heavy chains being wrapped around her arms and chest.
Wait, no. Her wings and chest.
Ah, shit.
"Good morning, Majari!" a cheerful voice enthused. "Certainly took you long enough to wake up. Apparently, it is six months before a solar eclipse somewhere! Our alarm sounded, thank goodness, or it could have taken us much longer to find you." The chains pulled tight across Maja's still prone body, cutting into her skin. She writhed pathetically under her bindings. "Oops! Now, don't wiggle too much, or I will have to fully bind you, or even take you into protective custody!'
"Who are you?" Maja growled. Her voice was rusty and thick from the transformation, and she coughed painfully before continuing. A small burst of fire puffed from her scaly lips. "What are you doing in my house?" She flexed experimentally. "With copper chains!"
The person hopped into view. "Enforcer 45, at your service! I've been specially trained to handle drakonallagis, and as this'll be your first eclipse, Council thought it would be safe to send someone who knew what they were doing. Even if I’ve… never actually seen a drakonallagi before. As for the copper chains, everyone knows drakonallages are weak to copper. Again, just an extra protective measure."
Maja tried her best to shrink into herself and look nonthreatening. "Well, now that you can see that I'm clearly in my human brain right now, would you mind... unchaining me? I'd be happy to go over my plan for this next year with you over a cup of coffee."
Enforcer 45 laughed tinklingly. "We can't make a habit of it, but I suppose it was rather rude of me to chain you up while you were still asleep. One moment." The enforcer vanished for a split second and the chains on Maja's bed sprang back.
Maja rolled onto her front, tucking her legs under her, and stretched her huge leathery wings up to the ceiling. She emitted a groan that was half a roar  as she stretched, and Enforcer 45 laughed again, a bit uncomfortable. Maja shuffled carefully sideways until her clawed feet could touch the floor, then stood on all four legs and stretched again. Her wings crumpled against the ceiling.
Enforcer 45 let out another shrill laugh. "Well, I know I would appreciate it if you could attempt to get-"she waved a hand expressively "-this under control before we spoke. I'll leave you alone for a moment to arrange yourself." With a final piercing giggle, Enforcer 45 scurried out of the room, a spotted tail quivering behind her as she went.
Maja rolled her head around on a long snaky neck, then shut her eyes and visualized her human form. She mentally traced up and down her body, focusing on how it felt to be that shape, and within moments she felt the change taking over her.
Her bones cracked as her entire skeleton rearranged itself and Maja clamped her jaws shut around an agonized shriek. All her drakonic flesh crammed itself into a package a third of its size. Maja's teeth shrank and ground together, and she felt a chip fly off and down her throat. She bit her own tongue to keep from yowling as she felt her hair pushing out of her scalp and her claws sink back into neatly painted nails. No more than a minute later, Maja stood naked and shivering in the middle of her room.
As she turned to her dresser to find suitable clothes, something brushed against the floor behind her and she whipped around, brandishing clipped nails like hooked claws. Maja glimpsed herself in the mirror and sighed. "Really. Wings?" she asked petulantly. She concentrated on the wings dangling behind her and imagined them shrinking back into her body, folding along the inside of her back, resting until she called them forth again.
Her wings shivered but made no move to disappear. Huffing, she pulled a long white cloth out of her drawers and wrapped it around her chest. Her crude shirt covered her midsection while leaving room for her wings to rest free. Maja pulled a pair of relatively clean sweatpants out of a different drawer, pulled them on, and then joined Enforcer 45 in the living room.
"Couldn't quite get rid of it all, huh? Involuntary transformation can be a bitch sometimes."
The enforcer laughed again and it grated on Maja's ears. Her wings shuddered, flaring momentarily and Enforcer 45 took a step back, anxiety drowning her features.
Maja chuckled, a deep growly thing. "Yeah, it's been kind of hard for me to control my transformations, especially considering the restrictions on my kind." She glared at Enforcer 45. "As long as I have you here, would you care for some coffee?" Enforcer 45 nodded shakily and Maja walked across to the kitchen, swaying her wings intentionally as she walked. Enforcer 45 followed her and sat down at Maja’s rickety table. Maja scooped grounds into a French press and started the water boiling. "It's gonna be a minute." The two waited in silence until the water boiled, and Maja poured it into the press. Only then did she sit down at the table and pull out her phone.
"Oh! I'm gonna request you not use your phone right now, just a safety precaution, wouldn't want you calling someone of an unsavory sort!" the enforcer bubbled.
Maja showed Enforcer 45 her phone screen. "I'm setting a timer for the coffee. I don't like mine super strong."
"Oh." Enforcer 45 giggled. "Well, that's okay then."
"So, why is my involuntary transformation happening now? I've been keeping an eye on solar eclipses in the area, the next one's not due to come to San Francisco until 2023. I've been keeping an eye on these things, you know." Maja forced another laugh. "Kinda have to."
"Ah. Yes. You're quite right, the next solar eclipse visible in San Francisco isn't until 2023. However, your susceptibility to eclipses isn't due to where you are currently in the world,"Enforcer 45 informed her.
Maja snarled angrily and slammed her claws down into the tabletop, creating a fresh set of grooves. Enforcer 45 jumped backward and her tail bushed out in fright. "Ms - Ms Majari, if you could attempt to attain your human form again, we can continue our conversation!"   
Maja stared at her hand and the yellowed claws sprouting from her fingers. They looked like a cheap costume, and Maja was struck with the sudden desire to reach over and pull them out of her hand. A line of scales rippled across her hand, glinting in the sun and Maja pulled back. She concentrated on her hand again, and this time the claws began to shrink down into her nails. She grunted in pain.
Enforcer 45 cleared her throat. "Could you deal with the teeth too?" she asked in a small voice.
Maja ran her tongue across her teeth. She bared her teeth at Enforcer 45. "What, you mean these? These are just my normal human teeth."
Enforcer 45's hand drifted to her hip. "Majari, if you can't steadily hold a human form, I am going to have to take you into protective custody, for your sake and the sake of those around you."
"Wow, someone can't take a joke, can they?" When Maja opened her mouth again, her teeth certainly seemed more human. "Better?"
Before Enforcer 45 could answer, Maja's timer went off on her phone and she spun around to check on the coffee. As she poured two mugs of coffee, her wings extended toward Enforcer 45. One delicate claw stroked the bridge of her nose. "Majari!" the enforcer snapped. "Control yourself!"
Maja slowly slid her drink to her. "Sorry," she drawled. "Sometimes it's just so hard." Maja shook cinnamon and sugar into her coffee. "You don't mind if I take this with pepper, do you? I find foods are more palatable when they're spicy." She grinned, and her teeth might have been a tiny bit sharper than was strictly normal.
"Take your coffee how you like." Enforcer 45 sipped her coffee black. "Back to the subject at hand. Where were you born, Majari?"
Majari tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Well, jeez, that was a while ago. Seventy years? How long have I lived here?"
Enforcer 45 tapped the screen of her tablet. "We've had you on our records for... thirty years." She stared at Maja for a hard second. "You look eighteen."
"Drakonallages apparently age slower than most people. I've heard the same thing happens to chelonallages. Maybe we should form a support group." She spread her hands above her head. "So you've outlived everyone you know - now what?"
"Majari. Tell me where you were born, or I will take you down into custody," Enforcer 45 threatened.
"Ooh, guess we aren't fucking around anymore. Well, I was born in Kolkata, and I lived there until I hit puberty and my... drakonallagism started to manifest. Then my parents sent me off to Bangalore with a nanny, then they sent me to Europe with money when I turned 18. A little humiliating, but they're close to dead now, if not already, so I feel like I have to forgive them." Maja gazed steadily at her coffee.
"That makes sense." Enforcer 45 tapped her tablet, then stowed it in a bag at her waist. "India is going to be experiencing a total solar eclipse on December eleventh this year. That's what's affecting you."
"Well, great. Now we know why I'm gonna be fucked up for the next year. What's the Council gonna make me do about it is the real question."
Enforcer 45 smiled thinly. "We would like you to keep as much of your normal life as possible, obviously. We do understand that that's going to be a little hard, so we're providing you with a salary for the year, in case you find it difficult to work. We'll also have you know the Council has facilities all over the world built to house and contain allages who feel they are unsafe. Of course, you have to understand that our highest priority is the greatest safety for the greatest number of people. Perhaps you could live outside of the city for a while? There isn't much room in here for a plan in case something happens."
"Is there anything that you need me to absolutely do right now?" Maja asked.
Enforcer 45 scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to her. "This is a prescription for some, ah, suppressants. We aren't very sure how they're gonna work on drakonallages, because we haven’t been very able to run clinical tests, but isn't it always better to have something than to have nothing?"
Maja surveyed the paper with a disdainful eye. "I'll keep this in mind. Now, if there's nothing else pressing, I have things I want to do with my Sunday. You - obviously - know where to find me if you need to."
Enforcer 45 downed the rest of her coffee. "That we do, Majari. It's been lovely talking with you, I encourage you to stop by the Council offices sometime, I'm sure they'd love some blood work on you."
Maja blinked. "What, and you don't have other willing drakonallages at your beck and call?" she asked.
Enforcer 45 shook her head. "The only other drakonallagi in the world is so old we don’t even know if they exist anymore. If they do, they're off living on a different continent. And they certainly aren't willing to fly across the ocean for testing."
Maja was taken aback. "Are we really that rare?" she inquired incredulously.
"Most drakonallages don't really... reproduce. I'm not sure why this is so shocking to you."
"Yeah, well... most of the literature out there on my kind treats us like we're a myth. Not very much scientific evidence out there for us. Let me show you the door."
Enforcer 45 stepped into the hallway outside Maja's apartment. "Thank you for letting me talk with you - again, I encourage you to drop by Council offices if you have a free moment."
"I'll consider it. Good day, Enforcer 45." Maja shut the door, then opened it again as Enforcer 45 walked away. "And nothing's going to happen!"
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shalnarkonice · 8 years
Nobuvoshal week jan 11/ day 6. prompt: Letting go or cliches (about love)
Something was wrong.
Like the sound of nails trailing over a chalkboard, or like the grit of teeth on a peice of metal, or like the way a shoelace felt when it was tucked up against a foot, or even like the sight of plants drowning out in the rain, something was wrong.
Whatever it was, it didn’t have a name, or a smell, or a taste. Shal realized that he couldn’t hold whatever felt off, nor was he able to tell uvogin about whatever was bothering him. he couldn’t place the feeling, but it made him feel almost a little sceptic, as if he was being torn away like a bandaid, or left like a peice of wet cloth out to dry.
Perhaps the term he was looking for was disposable, he realized.
It wasn’t a comforting thought, seeing how shal had spent years feeling as if he had meant nothing to no one, especially seeing how his family had only wanted to use him as a figurehead. even then, he wasn’t considered to be worthy because half of his blood had been from a yorknew escort.
Ironically, no kurta dared to insult shals father, despite having been part of the reason he had a bastard son, while his second child pairo was full kurta.
regardless of the implications, shal knew full heartedly what it was like to be left behind, and right now he felt that way. a part of him almost dared to ask uvo if he felt the same, seeing how the man had been uneasy for quite some time.
part of the reason, or actually most of it, was caused by nobunaga. something had changed with the oldest member of the trio, seeing how had had been off putting and bitter as of late, without his usual gusto for more lively experiences. it almost appeared that nobunaga had been experiencing his own difficulties, although shal couldn’t guess for the life of him of what they were.
Nobunaga was currently in his room, where he had been for the last week, only slipping out to work or prepare himself a meal before isolating himself once again. seeing how Nobunaga was one who was to always inhabit the dining room, even when there was no one around, it was difficult to process why nobunaga had the sudden change of heart. shal had thought it had been his fault for trying to bait nobunaga into playful arguments, realizing earlier on that nobunaga reacted violently to almost all cases and that talking to the man wasn’t worth the effort.
Uvogin had noticed the change too, seeing how he often came to shal with a look of a lost child, confused and feeling partially upset at nobunagas stubborness.
“Give him time.” Shal had suggested, hoping that whatever was going on with nobunaga would leave by the oncoming week.
Quite frankly, it didn’t, and whatever damp mood had dug it’s claws into nobunaga was here to stay, and shal was at the point where confrontation was the only thing he could think of doing.
“We can’t just barge into his room shal, you know how he is.” Uvo sighs, shifting heavily from on the couch, just waiting for a good reason to jump up and bolt in there.
“he’s ignoring us.” shal barks out, having spun around from the computer chair in the main room, turning to face uvogin. “and I can understand why he’d ignore me, but I can’t even begin to comprehend why he would ignore you.”
“maybe he’s sick?” Uvo asks, “although, he’s still going out every other night with that bartender owl, or those zodiac people, or that girl he’s interested in…or razor and ging…”
“he’s ignoring us.” shal says slowly, “what did we do wrong this time?” annoyance mingles with his words, and shal can’t even convince himself that he doesn’t sound petty.
“did he fight with klin again?” Uvo ponders
“I’ve been taking all of Klins calls. nobunaga won’t even touch the phone anymore. ”
“You think he’s mad that I made his face the icon for my bowling team the Nagas?” Uvo purses his lips, “although that was kind of hilarious, the guys cracked up when I showed them.
clicking at the mouse, shal ignores uvogins musing, having tried to find answers to this phenomena online, only to realize that someone had been on looking for one person apartments in the area to buy.
“aw come on shal, it’s funny!” Uvo chuckles, “you should come see us play one night”
whipping his head around, shal gives uvo an unusually pointed glare, “was it you looking for a new apartment?”
“an apartment? me?”
Shal points at the screen, “come here and see for yourself. I’m almost one hundred percent sure it’s nobunaga who’s been looking for places. look how many sites he’s been on, the technologically inept fool didn’t even delete his browsing history.”
Uvogin gets up and walks over, “Why would nobunaga need to find a one person apartment if we live here? sure it’s a little cramped sometimes, but we spend most of the time outside or even going to work. nobu wouldn’t just leave us without having said anything.”
Shal leans back in his chair and glances up at Uvo, who was frowning as his eyes bore into the screen. one of uvogins hands move to clutch at the back of the chair, and shal slowly stands up. it was clear that nobunaga had been planning on dissapearing, which may have been the whole sense of unease that shal had felt for the past few weeks. the fact that he and nobunaga hadn’t been able to have a proper conversation for weeks might have been one of the biggest signs.
grabbing uvo’s hand, shal squeezes it in an attempt to comfort him. “let’s ask nobunaga about it before we get angry. maybe he has a reason. maybe it’s for a friend.”
Uvogin squeezes shals hand back, and offers a rusty smile, “thanks for trying to make it easier, but we both know that nobunaga did that for himself.”
Shal nods and watches as uvogin crosses the room and knocks on nobunagas door, waiting a moment and getting nothing. with an open palm, uvo slams it down, his patience running thin. “Nobu either you open this door or I break it down. I’m gonna give you three seconds. one. two…” Uvogin hesitates, “Alright, I’m coming in.”
The door opens with a click and nobunaga pulls it open, a bemused look on his face, “don’t break the door, I don’t feel like replacing it.”
Peering over the mans head, uvogin gets a quick glance into nobunagas room, seeing nobus tablet paused on an old episode from one of their previous flower competitions, as well as a plug in kettle sitting on one of the counters in his room, steam still billowing out.
“Is this what you’ve been doing while you’ve been ignoring me and shal? keeping yourself locked up like a hermit.”
Nobu yawns and moves to close the door, “sure. anything else or can I go?”
“What the hell is wrong with you!” Uvo growls, stopping the door from being closed when Nobunaga attempts to pull it shut.
“there’s nothing wrong with me, other than you yelling in my damn face.” nobu snaps, “happy?”
Shal purses his lips and moves towards the two, “nobunaga are you planning on moving out? we saw the apartments, why would you keep the a secret? actually, if anything, why have you been avoiding us for three weeks straight. you didn’t think we’d notice the fact that you no longer sit with us for dinner other then when we already catch you eating by yourself? or maybe the fact that every time me or uvo walk into the room you go instantly to yours, or make an excuse to leave?”
“I haven’t done any of that,” Nobunaga scowls, “im going out for a smoke.” He grunts as he walks back into his room, shutting off the tablet, the kettle, and grabbing his cigarettes.
“look you’re doing it again!” shal almost feels ridiculous at pointing out the obvious. “youre not even staying long enough to hear out the rest of this conversation. you’re just running away!”
Uvo crosses his arms as he boxes the doorway, trapping nobunaga in the room, “did we do something to upset you? the fuck nobu? we go from chatting like normal to suddenly feeling like strangers in our own house.”
Nobunaga pauses and runs a hand through his long locks, “sometimes I think it’s better that way,” he mumbles, before standing tall and facing the two, “maybe this is the end of us. and the end of tree and shrub. I think we’re burnt out uvo; we should stop doing this.”
Shal is the first one to gawk, completly baffled by the selfishness of nobunagas words. he couldn’t even imagine how uvogin was feeling, being told by someone who he considered to be a brother that they should cut their losses and head their own ways in life.
“Nobu….what are you…?” Uvogin tries to wrap his head around the statement, finding it difficult to believe.
Nobunaga pulls a cigarette from the pack and places it loosely in his mouth, “Uvogin, I’m letting you go.”
A bitterness in the throat, shal finds that the words are downright degrading, considering how much the three had gone through, to throw it away on the basis of nothing was absolutely ridiculous.
Uvogin shakes his head, breaking the silence. “letting me go? and where the fuck am I going, nobunaga?”
“I’m leaving, so you don’t have to worry about it or me anymore. you don’t need to worry about tree and shrub.” nobu bites into the stick, “it’s time to call the quits.”
“if you don’t start explaining yourself right now I’m gonna punch you, and I’m not sure how hard it’s gonna be.” Uvo snaps, raising a balled up fist. “is that fucker hisoka coming after you again? was it something to do with feitan or phinks because I’ll kill them if I have to. don’t tell me the zodiacs are relocating you for something, what the hell is going on nobu! you don’t just throw away a thirty year friendship because you don’t feel like it. it doesn’t work like that and you owe it to me, and shal, to a say it to our faces!”
Nobunaga spits out the cigarette and steps forward, his eyes narrowed, “you persistent fucking asshole. that’s exactly the reason why I’m leaving! because i have to say it to your faces, and not just you, uvo! don’t you see what’s happened?” He points at shal, “you’ve become an item! whenever you say our it’s no longer nobu and Uvo, but Uvo and shal. and before you fucking say I’m jealous, I am damn sure I’m not, but I’m tired uvogin. I’m tired of being a third wheel on your happy love story while you two drag me after you day after day.”
Shals lips press together tightly. never had he thought that nobunaga would react so violently to their accommodations, seeing how he had always seen nobu as very passive when it came to all things regarding uvogin.
“One time we use to be uvo, shal, and nobu. But now, now everyone just sees us as uvoshal and that other guy nobunaga.” nobu rubs his eyes tiredly, “and there’s nothing wrong with that, which pisses me off. you’re supposed to find happiness in life, and if you found it with the twunk then I’m glad, but I can’t keep tagging along on your story uvogin. you took me under your wing as a kid, and have been looking out for me ever since my father died. it’s time we break apart.”
Uvo reaches out to grab nobu, only to have his hand slapped away. “who put these thoughts in your head?” Uvo snarls.
Shal leans heavily against the door frame, a laugh bubbling from inside of him as he looks directly at Nobunaga, “this is a joke right? this is probably the stupidest thing you’ve ever said nobu. you being a third wheel? to me and uvogin? if anyone has been tagging along its been me, the bringer of bad luck on your friendship. it’s always been uvogin and nobunaga; tree and shrub. you two don’t see it, but people would kill for a relationship like yours. a friend who you can put your whole trust and faith into? someone you’d consider close enough as family? I wish I had someone like that in my life! it’s always been you and uvogin! haven’t you realized that people are drawn to the both of you? everywhere people know you as the duo and I’m the tag along, so if anyone should leave, it should be me.”
Nobu whirls around and grabs shals shirt, “You’re not going anywhere, I’m leaving! that’s the whole point you idiot! so you and Uvo can actually be together without me being here!”
“nobunaga, shal and I are still together even if you’re here or not,” Uvogin says softly, “and you’re still my brother even if shals around. there’s never been a problem, especially not with the three of us. and if it’s anything, I always feel like I’m the one following you two, because you’re both so damn stubborn someone needs to make sure to catch you if you fall. just because I love you two differently, doesn’t mean you’re not both important to me, you sappy bastards”
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard all day.” nobu grumbles, embaressed by uvogins words.
“I agree.” shal sighs, feeling uvo’s arms tug the two into an unwilling hug
“I told you to stop doing this!” Nobu groans, trying to tug away
“Uvo, let go!” shal whines, both he and Nobu being squished up against uvogins chest in his version of a hug.
Laughing at the two, uvogin tugs them into the living room, “say you’re both staying or I’m not letting go!”
“Uvo for fucks sakes!” Nobu yells
“say it!”
Shal gives up and taps uvo’s arm, “Alright I’ll stay, I’ll stay.
After a few seconds, nobunaga sulks and does the same, “fine…I won’t go anywhere, as long as you’re glad to have me.”
Uvogin releases them and grins brightly, “you idiot, even if you were to leave id follow you anyways, just like always.”
for the first time in weeks, shal finally felt that everything was in perfect alignment.
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