#i know that if i look at this tomorrow im gonna rewrite half of it which is WHY im putting it somewhere mostly permanent tonight
yumomia · 1 year
hi i've decided im gonna pioneer this ship and also this fandom.
so here's my mia and me spotify playlist
here's my pinterest board
here's my ao3 account
this ship has a couple different names. miyumo, yumomia, and my personal favorite: the sunrise trio!!
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enjoy my rambling :D
(i'm updating this post whenever i get a miyumo hugging picture)
fics i write! i'll try to keep this updated!!
the rewrite:
escape (a mia and me series)
Mia has magic. She’s not sure why, or where it came from. Like every high-schooler, she’s a little bit preoccupied with figuring out her crushes first. Unfortunately, with the attacks on the mystical island of Centopia, she might not have time to focus on that. Mia has to figure out how to use her magic, and fast.
the non-rewrites:
there will come a soldier by oriocookie
A Yuko character study.
love should never be kept a secret by oriocookie
Mia Marconi, a.k.a. Spider-Girl, is Centopia City's fearless protector. She's strong, smart, kind, and brave, putting her life on the line daily to protect her family and her city. And Mo and Yuko, her crushes. But that's not important. She's got a whole city to worry about.
hold on tight to this time, this place (cause everything you know will be erased) by oriocookie
There's someone missing. Mo and Yuko know it, they can feel it when they turn to talk to someone and they're not there, when they try to think back on the specifics of their adventures and are met with a gap in their memories. They just don't know who.
i’ll love every version of you by oriocookie
Since she met them, Mia’s always been drawn to Mo and Yuko. She never could have imagined why. We will be together again. I promise.
absolutely smitten by oriocookie
Mia never, ever expected to see her celebrity crushes in person. And she never, ever, ever expected them to like her back!
but that’s just a theory! by oriocookie
Mia is, frankly, a weird person. She’s cagey about her past and while Mo and Yuko love her, they get curious sometimes! Can’t sue them for it!
enchanted by oriocookie
"You don’t get it!” Mia yelled, holding her arms close to her chest. On one wrist, her treasured bracelet. On the other, the names of her soulmates. Mo Kiev and Yuko Lavigne. “Mia, I do! But you can’t fall in love with the characters from your book!” Paula said. “I know they share the same names with your soulmates. But you said they don’t have names on their wrist, right?” Mia refused to give her the satisfaction of being right. But no, no one in Centopia had a soulmate. Not even her elven self had the names from the real world inked into her arm. “All we’re saying, Mia,” Vincent put in, “is that you should focus on the real world. You could have real soulmates out there.” “I can’t believe this.” Mia fumed. “I’m leaving.” 
strongest shape by oriocookie
Mo wound an arm around each of them, thankful for the low light so Yuko couldn’t see the blush spreading across his cheeks. “I’m glad Mia’s our friend,” Yuko muttered sleepily from her spot under Mo’s arm. “She’s nice.” “Yes, she is.” Mo agreed. “Pretty, too.” Yuko said softly, and Mo looked down at her in shock. But Yuko’s eyes were closed and her breathing was light, and Mo resigned himself to talking to the both of them about it tomorrow. Mia and Yuko were both amazing, and Mo didn’t want to choose between the two of them. But with Yuko’s half-asleep admission about Mia, there was now a new possibility: Mo could love them both, the same way.
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carelessflower · 8 months
(Im defo need to rewrite this and post in ao3 with a lot more detail and im writing this with no beta at 4 am with no sleep)
Magnus stood outside holding the duffel bag. He was frozen. Couldn't move. He wanted to run away from the problem.
He texted Raphael to meet him outside the Lightwood Manor.
"Have you seen Magnus?" Alec asked, its almost half 8, and dinner is getting ready. He looked at his phone and still no reply.
"He looked down earlier." Clary told him, which was not comforting. He took out his phone and ramg him again.
"Hiya its Magnus, Im probably avoiding you, so dont leave a voice message. Unless its Alec, then go right ahead."
"Magnus where are you? Im worried, just call me when you get this." Alec sat on the steps, waiting by the door.
A few minutes past by and the door opened, Magnus standing there, his jacket zipped up.
"Magnus!" Alec pulled him in for a hug.
"Sorry traffic was terriable." Magnus whispered, as he hugged Alec back.
"Im gonna go upstairs and get changed, and it looks like someone needs you." He said, as Tavvy was pulling at Alec's leg.
"Can you play with me. Max is to small and everyone here is no fun." Tavvy pouted, as Magnus walkes upstairs, Johnathan watched, as he followed him up, as Tavvy led Alec to the lounge.
Magnus opened his bedroom door, and unzipped his jacket, he still had a headache, but the neausa and dizziness has passed.
He looked at the faint bruises on his neck. Tracing his finger along the bruise. He went to the closet and grabbed a purple turtleneck and put it on, a knock on the door made him jump.
"Sorry didnt mean to scare you."
Magnus just shot Johnathan a glare, as he straighned his turtleneck and looked at the closet mirror.
No visible brusing.
"What now Johnathan?" He said, as he folded his shirt.
"Where's the duffel bag?"
"My appartment. God whats with the questions."
"Im sorry. I shouldnt have followed you, but you should have told me you were seeing your dad again."
"And what were you going to do? Arrest him? You made things worse you know that!" He wasnt angry at Johnathan, he was angry at himself. He was angry at the cops who were making the case against his dad.
"I know and im sorry, but I was looking out for you. If you dont want to tell me what you and your dad did. Thats fine, but please tell Alec the truth, he should know."
"I told him some parts..He just doesnt need to know yet." Magnus walked past Johnathan and headed downstairs.
Magnus headed to the lounge to see Alec reading Tavvy a book.
"Tavvy come on we are heading home." Mark called out, as Tavvy groaned
"Go and grab your coat Tavvy." Alec tickled him, which made Tavvu laugh and run out of the lounge.
"Are you alright?" Alec said, as Magnus sat beside him.
"Ive been worse." He lied.
"How about tomorrow we go to a nice restaurant just the two of us." Alec said,
"That would be nice." Magnus smiled, resting his head against Alec's.
"Dinner is ready." Maryse called, as the doorbell went.
"Ill get it." Shouted Isabelle.
Max crawled into the lounge, as Alec picked him up.
"Mom fed him so I can put him to bed." Jace announced.
"Do you want to go to uncle Jace." Alec cooed, as Max giggled.
"Take him to bed, put his dino toy in his cot." Alec said handing him over to Jace.
Isabelle came in, followed by an older male.
"Hodge its been a while." Alec smiled, hugging the older man. He hasnt seen Hodge since he was seventeen.
"You gotten taller Alexander. And you must be Magnus Bane." He smiled at Magnus, who smiled back.
"Im going to be staying here fot a bit..so i need to speak to Maryse." Hodge said walking to the kitchen to see Jocelynn ans Maryse talking
Sebastian and Simon were talking about D&D, and Clary and Jace came downstairs, talking about her new job at a small animation studio.
Johnathan pulled Magnus aside.
"Hodge was one of the bosses that was working on your dad's case." Johnathan whispered.
"I thought you werent supposed to tell?"
"Im being a friend here. Take that info, because I find it odd that he turns up after your father." Johnathan whispered, as he went to the kitchen.
(Short but part 7 date night)
uh oh 😦
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
The Real Story
Cw: DC cannon violence, mentions of sexism. cassandra is a teen and she gets a gun at some point but its just a quick scene. Lmk if I missed anything
Summary: I rewrite birds of prey to fit my s/I. This is an idea that my friend tex gave me.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
♡lovely taglist: @sugar-and-pearls @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships
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Now, we've all heard my story in my own movie (yay!) But im a little bummed out that the writers skipped a big person in my story
i mean seriously! She was right there with me, how didnt they realize there was someone they forgot?!
anyway. After I blew up that chemical factory, I got the wonderfull news that my friend Rick Flag was alive! So I did what anyone would do and took a taxi to his house
it was more colorful than I remember, now the garden had flowers and a few fruit trees
the mailbox had sunflowers painted all over it, and on the side it read "Flag & Sunblaze". Weird...
_i knocked on the door and Rick opened it. I was overjoyed!_
--Rick!-- Harley exclaimed hugging her friend tight, still under the effects of the alcohol.
--Harley! Good to see you-- Rick replied with a smile, pulling away from the hug a little-- come in, there's Someone I'd like you to meet
She steps inside and looks around-- I remember this place being a little emptier than it is now...-- her eyes scan over a particular mural.
Now. I wasnt expecting the sheer size of the painting! It covered the whole wall! I could tell one of the people in it was Rick...but the other...?
--Harley, This is jerico-- Rick said snapping her out of her trance-- my girlfriend
Harley Turned around to face her friend and his companion.
girlfriend?! Since when does he have a girlfriend? I knew things with Dr.Moone didnt work out but WOW!
and she was Real beautiful, mind you. She had Brown hair that was loose, very short, reaching maybe three inches under her earlobe, bobcut and longer towards the front. Big green eyes, and thin lips curled into a smile
--,Oh my! Pleasure to meet you! Im Harleen!-- she shakes the other woman's hand-- oh youre beautiful!
Her cheeks get Pink and Rick has to squash the tiniest bit of jealousy, Rolling his eyes.-- why,thank you!. Nice to meet you Harleen!
--oh, but you can call me Harley! How did you two meet? How are you alive! Oh theres so much to catch up to! -- she exclaimed.
--Rick, dear why dont you update Harley, ill go make some tea
--Alright, Darlin'-- he hugs his partner's waist and kisses her briefly, her hands on his chest.
Both look at eachother for a moment with half lidded lovesick eyes, to then part.
Rick followed jerico with his eyes, smiling fondly.
--I can already tell you two are such a healthy couple! Now tell me everything!-- Harley exclaimed taking his Friends hand and manhandling Him to the couch.
_Ricky told me everythin'! How Jerico nursed Him back to health, how they fell in love and moved in here. Such a love story!_
_i told him I blew up the chemical factory, and in true Rick Flag fashion,he was...concerned to be the least_
--Harley...-- Rick said sternly-- you realize what you just done?
--Nope!-- Harley exclaimed-- I mean yes, I let everyone know that I broke up with Mr.J
--Exactly! Youre in danger! People could come up after you!-- he added.
--Ah ill be fine Ricky!-- Harley dismissed.
--I dont think you Will...-- suddenly he grips his chest and winces.
--are you okay?!-- jeri exclaimed examining Him.
--'m alright, sweetpea. Just a ghost pain...-- he explained, putting a hand on her cheek, caressing it Gently.
_I wish I had a relationshipp like theirs. There was something so pure about the way that Rick held jerico's cheek, and the way she looked at him with worry in her eyes. As if he was her whole world_
--Go to the doctor tomorrow-- she pleaded.
--I Will, dont worry-- he reassured, to then turn to Harley-- I dont think its a good idea you stay by yourself..., jerico go with her
--I- what?! Im not gonna leave you alone!-- she said loudly-- what if something happends? What if you need help and im not here?
--I survived worse
--That doesnt help
Rick chuckled, holding her cheeks, caressing them with his thumbs-- Darlin' Harley is a good friend of mine and I cant Keep her safe...so please Keep her safe for me
--If anything...and I mean anything happends...
--Ill call you, dont worry-- he kissed her again, gently.
Harley could only stare at the situation infront of her, she wanted to coo but that would ruin the moment.
She watched jerico kiss back and say-- ill go pack some things up
--Well I'm more than okay with her coming along!-- the other woman said-- we'll have a girls night and you can tell me all the details that your Man might have skipped
Rick looked at jerico like "dont tell her anything..." and jerico looked at him like "im gonna tell her EVERYTHING"
--im startin' to think this was a bad idea-- he teased.
--Suck it up, flag-- jeri replied going upstairs to pack some things.
Once she leaves, harleen smiles and adds-- you got yourself a big catch
--dunno how I did it-- Rick admitted-- I love her
--She looks like she loves you too-- she said.
Soon after jerico was all ready. She said goodbye to her boyfriend with a long kiss and a hug-- eat your breakfast, take it easy, go to the doctor, thats an order, Colonel
--yes ma'am-- Rick replied.
and so she drove me back home in her cool sports motorcycle
we chatted for a little while, before I pass out on the couch, I let her take the bed because im a good host!
next morning I went to get a Cheese Sandwich from sal! And you know what happens, people chase me and I run for my life!
after rescuing that kid Cassandra and robbing a grocery store we returned home!
--Ah cassandra! Mean Jerico shes the girlfriend of a good friend of mine!
--Nice to meet you, Cassandra, uhm why is this kid here?-- Jerico asked
--,She Ate that diamond I told you about, now we are here and we brought food!
--You stole it-- jeri clarified.
--buy, stole, same thing!--The other woman exclaimed.
_we ate some cereal while we watched cartoons, Jerico kept lookin' at her phone so I had to ask_
--Did Ricky go to the doctor?, you Keep checking his messages?
--Yeah he did...just a ghost pain but I worry...he overdos it and im worried-- she explained, retuning to her home screen, the background is a photo of Rick and her on the coltomaltes beach with the golden hour at full Bloom.
--Nice picture-- Harley complimented-- where'd ya take it?
--Coltomatese, before we left...-- she replied fondly.
--You two look happy
--We are
Harleen pats her Friends back-- relax! I bet Rick is having a jolly ol time. Hes probably eating breakfast and watching those awful military movies he likes so much!
Jerico laughed-- he probably is!
after doc had betrayed us I was decided to turn over Cassandra to Sion. Jerico was not on board which led to a mini argument. Our first friend argument! This is exciting!
--Doc is right..bussiness is bussiness-- Harley said decidedly.
--Wait! Youre not gonna turn her over right?! Harley Sion Will kill her...-- jerico said taking her shoulder.
--I lost everything! My house! My hyena is lost somewhere in this city! -- the other woman yelled with tears in her eyes-- you have a home and a boyfriend! You dont know what its like to loose everything!
Jeri sighed inwardly-- that doesnt justify handing her over!
--I dont care! Dont get in my way jerico!, dont wanna hurtcha...
Jerico looked at Harley, face serious and her stance getting low-- Harley...I warn you
Suddenly, jeri's phone rings, she sighs and looks at the contact. Rick-- dont move!-- she warns and picks up the phone-- darling?
--hey babe, I was wonderin' if you would come over for dinner? Bring Harley along?-- Rick asked Gently, easing her adrenaline, slowly melting at her boyfriend's voice.
--We are a bit of a shitstorm...Everyone is looking for her and the kid I told you about when you were at the hospital...-- she Turned around and Harley started to run with cassandra.
--Jerico! Help!-- the kid shouted.
--Motherf- babe I gotta go...Harley Will give the kid to sion and-
--Its alright baby, you go. Ill be waitin' for you-- he reassured.
--love you too!-- jeri said before ending the call and running after Harley.
Meanwhile, Rick sighed as he looked at the half made dinner and the small black Velvet box on the kitchen counter. -- goddamnit, Harley!
Jerico chased after harleen and the kid on her motorcycle, sunny had given her the location.
Amusement mile, Booby trap.
She had teamed up with Renee, and both entered the hideout And charged towards Harley.
now not gonna lie, jerico knew how to fight. She kicked my ass, guess Ricky teached her how to tango
and yeah she might have lost it when I threw the cop outta the Window...
--Harley what the fuck?!-- Jerico yelled.
--You want some of this ?-- Harley asked.
--Youre crazy
--But you love it!
Jerico looked torn between the kid and rene, but ultimately, knowing back up was on the way, she went after rene,jumping from the Window and catching the other woman mid air, floating as she flies-- you okay?
--Yes-- renee said-- thanks
She settled her on the ceiling of a nearby building-- no worries...
Honestly its good Jerico is the sensible one here, when all us where reunited after killin' that bastard Sas, things were a bit of a mess
--Alright everyone. Calm down...-- jerico said, putting her hands infront of her, signaling to everyone to put down their weapons.
--And who the fuck are you?-- Dinah asked turning to a woman with a crossbow.
--Go get the kid-- Renee ordered.
--yeah, ill go get the kid -- dinah agreed going to unite Cassandra.
now cass had picked up a gun and things were getting Real
--No I dont think so...-- jericó said, and sunny came in flying, snatching the gun away from cassandra.
and guess what! Sionis decided to bring a whole army! And so off we went to kick ass and save the kid
honestly I dont know what Ricky has been teaching Jerico but Man can she kick some serious ass!
i swear If Ricky doesnt Marry this chick...
i of course had to record her ass kicking, Rick Will love this!
--Youll touch the kid over my dead body!-- jerico yelled, hitting a bad guy with her bo staff, first in the stomach,to then hook the end of the staff behind the guys knee and making him fall.
As the final blow, she hits the side of his head, knocking Him out.
--If Rick saw ya now he would be all hot'n' bothered!-- Harley yelled from behind her.
--Ha! He would! -- she agreed-- suns alive! you fuckers couldnt get uglier masks?!
i see what Rick saw in her, shes Smart, witty, funny,beautiful...
her eyes filled with anger and a heart full of courage, she took down guy after guy swiftly
--yeah youre all big tough scary men going after us sionis YOU SEXIST ASSHOLE!--She yelled hitting a bad guy Straight in his privates to then hit his forehead with the staff, knocking him out.
with jerico close behind me we chase after the car that has Cass, her hair swaying with the extent of her power
--Rick is waiting for me with dinner, he said to invite you over...id hate to leave him stood up-- jerico said.
--If we survive this ill go! Ricks Food is very good!--Harley exclaimed-- sorry for all of this...
--lets handle this first and then you can apologize
--Yes ma'am!
when we had finally rescued the kid, sionis was laying on the docks, backing away as a very angry jerico conjured something. The ball of light in her right pam. twirled as she moved her hands, her power arched around her like electricity in a Tesla Coil and the surface of the sun with wide arches around her neck and shoulders
--youre a disgusting, sexist, gross criminal...youre the worst of the worst...and as such you only deserve the worst--jerico growled-- this is a little something an ex of mine taught me...
and then she started to chant somethin'
--Suns alive, burning in the dark
Open the deepest pits
Let the beast feast.
May his soul burn in eternal Agony
With pain and suffering
He inflicted upon the living
Open the pits
Beast, feast upon this wretched being-- she crouches and puts the orb against sionis chest, who writhes and screams in pain as he slowly becomes charred charcoal.
Once he was dead and gone, she stands up, cleaning her hands, before kicking the charcoal head in-- thanks for teaching me that one, John
Harley noticed jeri play with some sort of ring thats dangling from a chain around her neck-- is the kid alright?
--she is-- Harley confirmed-- where did you learn that
--Oh a lovely ex of mine!, John Constantine, what a softie-- she reminisced-- lets get outta here..
and we went toget tacos afterwards! The kid finally got the diamond out of her and after making fun of her for a bit we resumed to what we were doing!
--Dont wanna say anything but I think Rick wants to propose to me!-- Jerico exclaimed.
--No way! Thats great-- dinah said-- about time he put a ring on it, youre one badass woman
--Very pretty too-- huntress added.
--I second that!-- Harley agreed.
and just when we were about to leave, jerico stops me, I look at her and she gives me one of her sunshine filled smiles
--Harls,wait-- jeri said gently-- you did things right by the kid, and me, we're good
--Thats good, Ill go change...I know we have that dinner with Ricky and I wanna look presentable..-- Harley sounded...sad and upset.
Jeri cups her cheek and smiles-- hey now, theres a reason he invited you
--You should be with Rick-- Harley whined, taking the hand on her cheek.
--Maybe I want you too, ever thought of that?
--Why would you?
--Because youre unhinged, and chaotic, funny, you made an effort to change...why wouldnt I be with you?
Harley smiled and leaned closer-- youre sure he wont mind?
--Ah as if he didnt saw this one coming
Jerico kisses Harley, hugging her neck, and Harley hugs her waist.
They press their foreheads toghether and smile.
--See you at dinner
--See you at dinner
Ya had to see Rick's face when the whole team of girls showed up, he was prepared of course and made dinner for all of us! But his face was priceless
he was dressed nice, for once. And his jaw dropped when he saw Jerico
a beautiful flowy yellow dress fell right above her ankles, her sun earrings and her short hair swaying in the night breeze, lips glossy and shiny. Honestly I dont get how he didnt pop the question right then and there
we all sat to eat and catched Rick up with everything that happend, he was flabbergasted and kept looking at jerico like "you allowed this to happen?!"
--Ah look at your girl kicking ass-- Harley said showing him the video she took of jerico kicking ass in the booby trap house.
Something in Rick had changed, a switch flipped.
He cleared his throat, looking at the empty plates of food eaten.
--Well, I guess that does it-- he stands up and kneels infront of jerico.
The people present gasp, jeri looks in awe and out of her depth.
--Jerico, darlin' since I met you I felt this connection to you, and after movin' in and spendin' more time with you I realized...youre the woman I wanna spend my whole life with
Youre my lucky star and my sun in the darkness... I love you
And I promise ill be with you when you need me, always. Just like when you were for me .
Jerico. Will you Marry me?
Jerico nodded, covering her mouth with her right hand as Rick slipped the beautiful ring on her ring finger.
He hugged her, holding her by the biceps And pressing their bodies together, he kept muttering "I love you, I love you so much" and in reply he would get a "I love you too. I love you so much too"
The other women clap and cheer, and after jerico and Rick share a quick but passionate kiss, music invades the house.
Jeri danced with Harley laughing and smiling, Rick sits back looking at his partner.
--Shes one hell of a woman-- Dinah said.
--She is-- Rick agreed.
--You better treat her right
-- I try to do that every single Day of my life
--go dance with her Man!-- as Dinah says this he pushes him towards her and her voice powers give him an extra boost.
Harley lets go and he stumbles on jerico, who holds him with worry on her face before he smiles reassuringly and dances with her.
The other women leave to the front garden and peak through one of the Windows.
--I love you-- Rick mutters with pure adoration in his voice, pulling her to his chest after twirling her.
--I love you too-- jeri replied pressing her forehead against his.
They both danced alone for a little while before everyone came back in.
Thar same night, whime Rick was sleeping, Harley and Jerico sit in the roof, as the later explains what and who she is.
--So you were born from one of those?-- harleen asked.
--And you travel through dimentions?
--Cool-- she concluded-- hey ive been meanin' to ask you, whose rings that?
--Thats Jhons, my previous partner,he was a sorcerer but everyone dies in the end, I carry a piece of his soul with me here-- jerico taps the ring.
--Flag knows?
--Hes fine with it, are you?
--Im fine. I think thats a very cute thing to do for your ex hubby. Was he handsome?
--Was he nice?
--To me? Yes. To the rest? Nope
Harley chuckles and hugs her, giving her a soft gentle kiss, the other woman kissed back and caressed her girlfriend's cheek.
and thats the actual story. We're living happily ever after, and yes. Im still commiting crime much to Rick's dismay and jeri's amusement
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chefrat · 4 years
Liar, Liar, Pants on fire
pairings: Cheater!Oikawa X Reader, Iwaizumi X Reader
type: im not sure, first date??
word-count: 3.9k
warnings: cursing, mentions of cheating
A/N: I haven't been sleeping well so I’m reeeaaallly tired but here's something thats really bad written but I felt like I should post to not lose the habit so yea :////// I hope its ok, I could of definitely ended it better and maybe I’ll rewrite it one day but I just felt like finishing it in one night when while I’m my worst. Stuff at home have also not been at all pretty, lots of arguing that have nothing to do with me. oh im so tired :((( I really wish it was easy to sleep 
You weren’t sure of what you were going to say or even do but the way Oikawa’s eyes widened and the way his hand pushed her off was enough to let you know he was being unfaithful. But your decision had been final on leaving him weeks ago. One might think you were jumping to conclusions but when you noticed them walking together, hand in hand for the last couple of minutes it was enough to let you know what was going on. Not only that but not only were they giggling to each other, sharing loving pecks but just the way the both were standing so close told so much about their relationship. Iwaizumi was also kind enough to let you know a while ago, he knew telling you would be like betraying his best friend but he couldn’t hold back knowing that it was all wrong. To be honest, you couldn’t help but feel relief about the cheating taking Iwaizumi by surprise. You were thinking of ways to lay it on Oikawa, trying to figure out ways to end things with the setter but none of it ever felt right. 
“How long has he been… you know?” Iwaizumi sighed, shifting on the bench you both shared. 
“I don’t know. I figured it out just a week ago, thought I’d tell you before it could go any longer.” He looked over at you, it was obvious he cared about you. He has always cared about you, thats what friends do. Care for each other. Though, some people could say he cared a little bit too much. 
“Thank you…it’s ok. I’ll talk to him, stuff happens.” You shrugged your shoulders but Iwaizumi sat in silence, waiting. He was waiting to comfort you if you cried, or even hold you if all you needed was just a hug. That’s how he always received you, with open arms and a shoulder to cry on. 
“Why aren’t you upset? Don’t tell me you’re going to forgive that shit for brains boyfriend of yours. Please, You deserve way better.” His hand went to grab yours and you let his warmth come in contact with your own freezing hand. Iwaizumi’s grip on your hand never easing, begging you with his touch to not go back to his best friend.
“God, no. It’s just… you know how sometimes you lose feelings for someone and you can’t really explain it. Don’t get me wrong, sure it hurts and I still care deeply for him but romantically. Romantically my feelings changed, Iwa.” 
“It’s not what it looks like.” Oikawa grinned, trying to save face, he took long strides towards you. You frowned, shaking your head at him making him stop on his tracks. “I know what it is. Just don’t make a scene, please. We can talk later.” He was confused, maybe even a little mad that you had asked him to not make a scene. He could only watch you walk away as his other girlfriend stood a few feet away, waiting until the coast was clear. The way she grabbed onto his arm to take his attention away made his stomach twist. Oikawa couldn’t help but feel sick, the wave of nausea hitting him harder and harder each step you took away from him. “I’m gonna go home, I’ll call you later.” She looked at him confused, not wanting to leave him just yet. Especially not now when he’s feeling so vulnerable after seeing you. 
It had been a week after Oikawa had been caught with his second girlfriend by you and just a few days after having a talk with him. The both of you were mature about it, talking through your problems and even forgiving him but breaking up in the process. You still shared the same friends, the same class, and the same best friend. Iwaizumi thanked you mentally for not  saying anything to Oikawa about him coming to you and letting you know about his unfaithfulness. The three of you still tried to at least save the friendship, even if it felt pretty awkward to Oikawa. He couldn’t help but just feel like there was something wrong, the way you dismissed it all, it almost felt like you were eager to break up with him. Eager to get away from him so fast. 
Your laugh took him out of his train of thoughts, he looked over to you sitting next to a sweating Iwaizumi. His own sweat rolled down his back. You would always stay back during their practice, thats how close the three of you were.
Lately it seemed like you were only close to one of them though. He couldn’t blame you, he practically ruined all sorts of relationships with you. Even his own friend had way more courage to call him out on his bullshit. The way you reacted towards the cheating, it just didn’t make him feel good. At all. Was he being an asshole if he expected you to at least cry, maybe yell at him or even try to argue? ‘Just don’t make a scene, please’ maybe he did want to make a scene. He couldn’t do that to you, right? Unfortunately, word got out own how the relationship ended and it was already enough humiliation for the both of you. Making a scene would just make it all types of worse. 
Oikawa made it towards where the both of you sat, his cocky grin on display. It faltered once he took in the conversation between his best friend and ex-girlfriend. “I’ll walk you home then.” Iwaizumi said, pinching the skin on your elbow making you swat his hand away with a giggle. Walking home was usually Oikawa’s doing, especially while he was your boyfriend. So why now were you asking Iwaizumi, or did he offer? 
The conversation died down once he took his seat next to his best friend without saying a word. It almost felt like you guys were purposely excluding him from your guys conversation or even keeping secrets with each other. He couldn’t help but feel paranoid by the way you both acted alone and around him. Even though he had no right to feel jealous, he just couldn’t help himself. 
“You’re walking her home? I thought we were going to hangout after practice.” Oikawa frowned towards his friend, making him tense in his seat. “Sorry, it just gets really dark nowadays. I can’t have her walking home alone.” 
He smiled, letting his own personal feelings get the best of him. “I’ll come with you guys then!” 
And it went on like that for a while. Always including himself and sometimes even receiving annoyed looks from his own best friend. Oikawa wasn’t dumb, he knew there was at least a little something happening with the both of you but he was in no place to say anything. Or at least thats how Iwaizumi thought of it. Trying to get close to your best friends ex-girlfriend sounds horrible but when he cheats on her, it cancels out the horribleness of it, right? The only way Iwaizumi could get closer to you without Oikawa butting in was with late night talks. It was something the both of you looked forward to. Sometimes he’d be way too tired to keep up conversation but he would fight through it for you.  
“So, what do you say? Do you want to?” Iwaizumi asked, laying on his back. He held his phone up to his ear while he used his other hand to rub his neck, massaging out a sore area from practice. 
You giggled nervously, laying on your back as well on your bed and staring up at your ceiling. Your heart thumping against your ribcage almost as if it would jump out. He made you nervous, but a good nervous. The type of feelings you once had for Oikawa, but a little more stronger, and a whole lot more honest. “I’d love to.” 
It sounded as if something fell through the phone, probably something he had hanging up that didn’t hold on anymore but instead it was a very excited Iwaizumi who had rushed off of their bed, and accidentally kicking his nightstand sending his clock flying off in the process. He hissed at the pain he felt on his foot but also silently cheered hearing you agree to his date for the upcoming weekend. “Are you okay?” You giggled again making him blush. “Yea, sorry. I just got a little too excited.” Again with the butterflies, you smiled. 
“Be careful, I want you in one piece for when we finally go out.” He blushed even harder at your words, you really did have a strong affect on him. Iwaizumi’s phone started to vibrate from an incoming call, he pulled his phone from his ear and mumbling a quick ‘give me a second’ to you as he went to go check the caller id. 
He frowned, Oikawa. 
“Can I call you back? Oikawa’s calling me right now…” The brunette could hear you sigh. Oikawa seemed to have a sixth sense for whenever Iwaizumi tried to spend some time with you alone, even through a phone call.  
“Ok, be safe and goodni-“ 
“No, I changed my mind. He can wait, I rather talk to you.” Iwaizumi said, cutting you off. If only he could see you now, a smile on your face and blushing. The conversation continued on even when Oikawa wouldn’t quit on calling but all Iwaizumi could do was send him to voicemail. Six times to voicemail and he still couldn’t get the hint that he was busy. But he was too focused on you to care about what Oikawa was so desperate to talk to him about. 
He couldn’t help but feel happy whenever you would talk about your day even though he had mostly spent half of it with you. Even more happy when you kept reminding him about the date and trying your best to get information out of him on where he was going to take you. You felt warmth in your chest when you got to hear him stammer with his own words whenever you knew you made him nervous with your questions. 
“Is he still calling you? Maybe you should answer him.” It could have been an emergency or maybe it was just him being annoying Iwaizumi thought, but he knew he should at least see what was wrong. 
“Yea, I will. I’m sorry, I’ll see you tomorrow?” He sighed, still not ready to let go of the lovely conversation the both of you were having. 
“Yes. Goodnight, I hope you sleep well. ” You gave him a final giggle before ending the call making his heart thump just a little harder. 
Iwaizumi slumped on his bed with a groan, dialing Oikawa to check up on him. It didn’t take long for him to pick up, two rings and he could already hear the sigh of relief leave his best friend. “Iwaaa~, you had me so worried. What was so important that kept you away from me for so long? Hmm?” He couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty, he could’ve of at least sent him a message about how he wouldn’t be able to answer the phone for a while. Or was the guilt from spending the last two or so hours talking to his best friends ex-girlfriend and asking her on a date. 
“Sorry, got caught up with something. What’s up?” He looked over to his nightstand to check the time on his clock but soon realized it was on the floor. The memory coming back and making him smile. 
“Oh nothing, I was just wondering…you wouldn’t lie to me right?” And the pleasure was over, he tensed hearing the question but why? It’s not as if you were cheating on Oikawa when in reality it was him who did the cheating. 
“Of course not. What are you thinking so much about thats got you asking stuff like that?” Oikawa sighed, biting his lip and staring off to his ceiling. 
“Does she ever say anything about me? I know the both of you are close so I’m just wondering. She wasn’t even crying when she saw me with (gf name), do you know what she told me that night? ‘don’t make a scene’. Can you believe that?” Iwaizumi furrowed his brows, bothered by the way his friend was acting so childishly. Why was he so determined to see you hurt, was he that desperate to make you cry? 
“Oikawa, just drop it. You cheated, you’re the bad guy in this situation and you still ended up with the girl you cheated on your own girlfriend with! Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe the reason why she wasn’t so hurt by it was because she was already over you?” Seconds passed of pure silence. The only thing Iwaizumi could hear was his friends steady breathing. His brow twitched anxiously, awaiting for an answer. “Did she tell you that?” He rolled his eyes, gripping his phone. 
“She didn’t have to.” He mumbled making him receive a scoff from Oikawa. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Oikawa grumbled, annoyed at his unsupportive friend but again, he was just asking for too much from him.  
“It means that you should really be thankful that she values your friendship that she overlooked you cheating on her and that you should really just drop it. Please.” Silence again. He reached over towards where his clock was at on the ground, picking it up and placing it back on his nightstand. “I guess you’re right. I just can’t help but wonder. She was my girlfriend for a while, the least she could do is cry a little.” 
“Why are you such a dick?” Oikawa choked on his spit, getting caught off guard by the question. 
“Excuse me? Iwa, where’s this behavior coming from… did she actually cry? Like only with you?” Iwaizumi huffed in annoyance, the red button tempting him to end the call. 
“I don’t know, I’m just really tired from practice. See you tomorrow, k?” 
“But Iwa-“ And with that he ended the call, readying himself for bed and to face Oikawa tomorrow. But he smiled, thinking about how he was going to see you too. The way you were able to flip his whole mood and instantly put a smile on him, he really did like you. Iwaizumi looked down to his vibrating phone, it was Oikawa again. The guilt came back, it wasn’t for hanging up on him but more on always crushing on his best friends ex girlfriend.
Oikawa groaned into his pillow, frustrated and feeling as if both of his closest friends were shutting him. He didn’t know who else to go to or ask. You weren’t exactly friends with anyone, you kept your circle small and usually never vented to anyone but Iwaizumi. The vibration he felt on his bed made him snatch his phone with an unexplainable speed, hoping it was you or even Iwa with some answers. Instead it was his girlfriend wishing him a goodnight but Oikawa didn’t even bother to read the whole message. 
It was Sunday and Iwaizumi was still in the shower after getting in just about an hour ago. The date wouldn’t be until later in the evening and it was only morning but his anxiety ended up getting to him. Urging him to start getting ready at such early hours. You couldn’t help but do the same thing, thrashing your room and scattering clothes everywhere that you pulled from your closet while trying to find the best outfit for Iwaizumi. 
He could hear his phone buzzing again making him pull the curtain back slightly to check the caller id. It was Oikawa again but too bad Iwaizumi was too busy scrubbing his body clean for the fifth time. Anyways, it was Sunday and just around eleven in the morning, he would understand if Iwaizumi just said he slept in and missed his calls. But the buzzing wouldn’t stop, Iwa grumbled while turning the water off and hearing his own mom knocking on the door, asking him if he was okay. 
Iwa was quick to dry himself, he sat on his bed watching the clock on his nightstand. Why was time going by so slow? Normally he was a patient man but he was just way too eager to hangout with you. He’d do anything to make time speed up just a little. For you, you wished you had gotten up earlier. You still couldn’t decide on what to wear, your room a whole mess and you still hadn’t showered. Until when you finally decided on something simple, nothing that wasn’t too much nor too relaxed. But you couldn’t help but frown, Iwa never gave you a hint on where he was going to take you or even told you if it was going to be cold or not. With a groan, you neatly folded your outfit and put it on a spot on your bed before practically running to the bathroom to shower even though you still had over five hours to get ready. 
He slowly dressed to be able to pass some time starting with his socks, and so on with a pair of fresh gym shorts and black t-shirt. Iwa decided on wearing casual clothing and not his chosen outfit until it was time for him to go so there wouldn’t be a way for him to get it dirty in away way and ruin it. Glancing at the clock, he laid on his bed. It was just around noon, almost hitting one. With a sigh, he picked up his phone and scrolling through his socials to pass time. He turned on his tv and let it run as background noise to keep him at least a bit distracted. Not before putting an alarm for an hour before walking to your house so he could properly get dressed.
You huffed trying to get your eyeliner done, even just the minimum to at least show him that you were trying. With a steady hand you were able to complete the left eye. Smiling, you looked at yourself in the mirror. ‘Ok, I think it looks okay-ish enough’ you though to yourself, looking down to your phone and seeing the time being four, almost time for your date with Iwaizumi. The pink chapstick stained your lips just a tad bit while it worked as a hydrator as well, just a little something you wanted to add. Your phone vibrated with a notification, it was Iwaizumi. You couldn’t help the smile that the name on the screen brought to your face. The tip of your finger swiped the notification and reading it to yourself out loud. “Hi, If you're by any chance ready would it be ok to go pick you up now? No pressure xx.” You weren’t the only one eager, it helped you feel more at ease. Your fingers typing up a response were unfortunately interrupted from another message notification, this time from Oikawa but you simply ignored it, not even bothering to read what he had to say, much more focused on going on your first date with Iwaizumi. 
Hearing you giggle made Iwaizumi’s cheeks tint to a shade of light pink, he was outside your door and holding a bouquet of flowers that unintentionally matched with your outfit. It was simply pure kismet. “Are those for me?” He couldn’t ignore the sparkling look in your eyes when you asked so he just smiled, handing them to you. “Pretty flowers for a pretty girl.” It was now your turn for your cheeks to flush at his compliment. You happily accepted them, excusing yourself for a minute to place them in an empty vase and then returning to him, closing the door behind you in the process. 
The both of you walked hand in hand toward a small coffee shop that the both of you were familiar with. “I still have somewhere else I wanna take you, not just for coffee.” He said with a smile and a squeeze to your hand. 
“Ohh where else then?” You pressed, trying to get it out him. 
“It’s a surprise, don’t worry about it.” Iwa looked over to you the smile still standing proudly on his face. Just happy to be with you after so long. 
You couldn’t help but smile, finally seeing to where he was taking you. It was the most recent restaurant that had opened up in your area, he was taking you out to dinner. Perfect timing as well, you did start to feel a little hungry after the small cup of coffee you had just about an hour ago. “I know it’s not much but I know how much you like Italian and well-“ You quickly cut him off with a kiss on the cheek making him look down at you in surprise. He felt the warmth in his chest start up again, you were just too cute. 
“Going anywhere to eat with you is already a perfect date, but the Italian food is for sure a plus.” Still having his hand in yours, you made sure to keep walking even while he still was a little shocked from the peck on the cheek. You giggled, pulling him closer to you by the hand. “What? Want another one?” Iwaizumi only nodded but this time taking charge as he gently placed his free hand on your cheek and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. He couldn’t help the smile that broke out on his face, contagious enough to cause you to smile too. You teasingly let your wet tongue swipe against his bottom lip making him pull away with a furious blush. 
“Easy now.” Iwa mumbled, readjusting his posture and scanning the not-so-busy street to see if any creep had been lingering for too long. Just something to distract him from his first kiss with you because he was sure that he wouldn’t be able to hold back on the kissing if you tried the tongue trick again.
You laughed at his words but continued on into the restaurant. A very warm atmosphere came over the both of you, you really did enjoy his company. He made you happy, the way he holds your hand and the way he would look into your eye. It was definitely worth it to wait for the weekend. Iwaizumi thought so too, he would make it his personal goal to show just how much he cared about you and to do way better than Oikawa ever could. Even though that was his closest friend, he still could not let it slide on how trashy he was for being a cheater. The both of you were greeted by a wonderful waiter, following quickly behind them to the table nearest to a corner, somewhere more secluded but not so much. 
Dinner passed by fast but neither of you could bring up what the both of you were dreading, the end of the date. Instead you kept him distracted with memories you shared with him from school, making him smile every time you would get way into detail. He loved hearing you talk about certain memories you had of him, things he had kept to himself thinking that no one would remember and that surprised him when you had a perfect memory. The guilty feeling in him slowly dying out with every little conversation you had with him. But it soon returned when he received a message notification from Oikawa. 
‘How’s the date with (Y/n)? I thought you said you wouldn’t lie to me, Iwa…”
(not edited)
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Interlude - Rewrite POYW - Harry Hook x reader - Part 3 - invitations
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The Smee twins stared wide-eyed at the crisp white letter that was clearly and openly inviting them, both of them, to Auradon prep, signed by King Ben and Ms. Evie of the isle. They heard that Harriet, CJ, and their older brother Sammy had gotten the same letter around the same time that they had gotten theirs.
His Royal Majesty, King Ben of Auradon, and his Councilor Ms. Evie of the Isle, hereby request the pleasure of your company, Skipper and Sterling Smee, for the upcoming academic year at Auradon city middle school. Please notify his Majesty’s couriers of your response to this request.
-we’d love to have you two with us here in Auradon, don’t worry, your brother has been given the same invitation, will you come? - King Ben
-Don’t let this go to waste boys, I’ll see you soon - Harry H.
Skipper and Sterling looked at each other, then back to the letter, the older twin, skipper, picking up the letter and holding it gently in his hands, reading it over and over for any small hints that might reveal the letter to be a whole joke and they would never be coming off the isle.
Skipper slowly looked at his brother with a grin “it's for real” he whispered, shaking the letter in Sterling's face “they really want us to come to Auradon!” Sterling took the letter and examined it for himself, a bright grin matching his brothers growing on his face.
The twins threw their arms around each other, jumping and spinning around the room. the door to their room opened, the twins pausing in their celebration as their older brother, Sammy, and dad, Mr. Smee, looked in on them with just barely repressed smiles. “Dad look!” Skipper took back the letter from Sterling and shoved it into his dad's face, the old man smiling and picking up his son as he examined the letter “they invited us to go to Auradon! And Harry signed it too!!”
“they invited your brother as well” Mr. Smee hummed, setting Skipper back down on his feet and examining the letter again, smiling at the note from Harry. “Harriet and CJ too”
Sammy flipped his invitation between his fingers “yeah, Harriet said something about how they finally assigned guardians for us so they were finally able to send the invitations, all that’s left is for us to tell the dudes who gave ‘em to us that we accept” Mr. Smee, handing the twins letter back to Skipper, the two going over it once more.
“when can we tell them?” Mr. Smee asked, walking back out of the twin's room to the living room of his apartment that he had acquired after (y/n) had dismembered his ex-captain.
“well, Harriet got a letter from (y/n) saying that the next shipment of goods tomorrow, will have some of the couriers that are expecting our response so we can tell them then.” Mr. Smee nodded, moving into the kitchen to start making dinner for his sons.
“so after we tell them you three are all for Auradon, when will you be picked up?” Sammy pursed his lips, trying to remember what Harriet had relayed to him from the letter that (y/n) sent her informing her of the timeline of events for the vks transfer.
“uh, after we tell the courier dudes tomorrow? the limo should be here sometime next week…no clue what time yet but im sure well be told at some point before the day” Mr. Smee nodded, setting a pot of water onto his stove and turning it on, waiting for it to boil so he could add the pasta.
“I noticed on the twin's letter, it said “Auradon middle school” while yours said “Auradon Prep”, so the twins will be going to a different school?” Sammy nodded at his father's question, helping him get the ingredients ready for the chicken alfredo spaghetti he was about to make.
“Yeah, they are only 10 after all, and Auradon prep is a high school so I’m guessing when they turn 14, they’ll go then.” Mr. Smee nodded again and started to chop up some parsley.
Sammy grabbed the chicken from the fridge and placed a pan on the stove, starting the flame and grabbing some seasonings for the chicken.
The two worked in comfortable silence, the sound of the twins playing in the background providing the much needed “white noise”
Sammy sighed, slicing up the chicken and tossing it into the pan, watching it cook as he thought of the fast-approaching future.
Only a week from now, he and the twins would be across the sea in Auradon, away from their father for the first time. Now Smee wasn’t the best father, hardly anyone on the isle was, well maybe except for Dr.Facilier which was mostly a surprise to…well everyone, the once voodoo doctor turned principal and arcade owner held his daughter in high regard and strived to give her the best life he could on the isle.
But back to his father, while he wasn’t the best, he definitely was far from bad, and tried to the best for his kids when he could. And right now, the best for his kids was sending them to Auradon.
Sammy knew the twins would miss their father, yes, they would have the hook siblings and their older brother but nothing could take the place of their dad. Sammy hummed as he wondered if he could request visitations for the twins to see their dad.
CJ balance-walked the curb as she kept pace with Harriet, both heading back to the older sister's ship for the night as darkness began to set over the isle.
“so when are we goin ta Auradon?” CJ asked Harriet, grinning as she gave an annoyed sigh, it being the seventh time CJ had asked that question within the last five minutes.
Then again, Harriet hadn't bothered to answer her so CJ thought it was perfectly reasonable to continue to bug her with it. “at some point within the next week” Harriet muttered; she had wanted to keep her answer as loose as possible as to not get CJs hopes up. Harriet was a cynical person, unlike CJ who was oddly optimistic, and she didn’t want her little sister to be disappointed in case the limo never came.
But thanks to CJ’s constant babbling of the same question, Harriet just decided to blurt it out if only to make her shut up. “sweet~ is Harry gonna be in the limo thing?” Harriet sighed, question after question, and if Harriet didn’t answer CJ would babble it over and over again until Harriet snapped.
“I don’t know, I just know they are aiming for next week to pick us all up, (y/n) said I’ll get another letter about two days before we get picked up so we have time to pack ‘n stuff” CJ hummed at that and lept off the curb, skipping up next to her sister and clasping her hands behind her back.
“so what was (y/n) like? I didn’t get to meet her when she came to demolish dad” Harriet stopped for a moment, of all the questions for CJ to ask that was one she wasn’t expecting.
“well,” Harriet starting, moving forward again as her ship came into sight “she was really…expressive, very protective of Harry, um-damn good with a sword….I don’t know I wasn’t around her for a long enough time to gage her properly but what I've gotten about her from her letters, she’s a thorough person and makes sure everyone is taken care of before going through with a plan” CJ hummed again, Harriet’s “description” of (y/n) was different than the image she had made in her head due to Harrys “description” but either way (y/n) sounded kinda cool and she would have hella fun annoying the hell outta her.
The two hook sisters arrived at Harriet's ship and climbed aboard, moving into the lower decks where the kitchen was to eat dinner.
Dizzy hummed happily to herself as she moved about the salon, cleaning up the last of the clipped hair and globs of dye before the salon opened at midnight.
In one week, ONE WEEK, she, Dizzy Tremaine, the daughter of Drizella Tremaine, would be going to Auradon!!! With Evie!! Her idol!!
As the day drew closer to the fateful pickup day, her excitement built up inside her, bursting out in sleepless nights and constant ideas to sketch down in her sketchbook.
She let out a squeal and spun on her heels, sweeping up the last pile of hair and disposing of it. She just couldn’t wait! There were so many things in Auradon that she wanted to try! From ice cream to swimming pools, it was an endless list of joys she had yet to experience!
“Dizzy!!!! Finish up! Time for dinner!” her aunt Anastasia called from the apartment upstairs, Dizzy set her broom and dustpan against the wall and skipped up the stairs, unable to keep the bright grin off her face.
Ben looked at the papers the couriers had given him of the responses of the six invites he had sent out the day before.
All of them said yes.
Ben couldn’t help the wide grin from growing on his lips, and he didn’t resist the urge to dance as excitement swelled inside him.
‘Finally!’ Ben thought as he danced stupidly around his office ‘finally! After more than half a year I can finally bring more VKs over! Nothing can stop it now!’
Mal knocked gently outside his office, it was lunchtime and he had yet to arrive at the pavilion where he and the vks plus (y/n) would be eating (lunch celebration for the invitations being sent out). After a few moments of silence, other than the sounds of Bens dancing footsteps, Mal opened the door, calling out for him.
She burst out laughing as she spotted Ben dancing around his office, a wide grin on his face “They all accepted!” Ben sang, pulling Mal into the room and making her dance with him “they all accepted! Six more vks next week!”
Mal laughed again and let herself be pulled into the moment of joy, gigging as Ben spun her around and lifted her into the air “Six more vks!” she echoed, squealing a bit as Ben dropped her into his chest and spun them both around some more “Ookayyy!! Im gonna throw up lemme down!” Mal smacked at his shoulders until Ben grinned at her and set her on her feet, laughing a bit as Mal tumbled into a chair from dizziness.
“Come on, let's go tell the others!” Ben grabbed onto Mal's hand, dragging a still slightly out of it fae from his office and to the pavilion, where the rest of their friends waited for them.
“There yeh are, an’ here I thought yeh keeled over from paperwork” Ben let out a few sarcastic laughs as he looked to Harry, who just grinned back.
“harde har Harry, but! All six of them accepted the invitation!” Evie and Carlos let out a gasp and Evie stood from the table, bounding over to Ben and slamming into him for a hug “I know! Next week we’ll finally have more vks!”
Gil and Harry burst out laughing as Evie took Ben's arms and spun them around in a dance, “He was doing that in his office” Mal sniggered, sitting down next to Jay and leaning on him, Jay holding up his phone and laughing as he recorded Evie and Ben dancing.
“adorable” you purred, curling against Harry's side as his arm wrapped around your waist. Carlos and Dude ran around for a moment, hyped up from Ben's visible excitement, and slid to a stop in front of the table.
“come on! Let's eat! Then we get ice cream! For celebration!” everyone cheered at Carlos' suggestion and Ben and Evie quickly sat down, Ben tapping his hands on the table to rid of his excess energy.
A few moments later Ben's personal chefs appeared with trays of food, setting them down in the middle of the table and pouring their drinks “thank you, Cherise, Tulio” the two chefs smiled at Ben and nodded, waving the eight teens goodbye and moving back into the castle.
“to the new vks!” Ben called, raising his glass and laughing as the rest of you followed his action.
“to the new vks!”
“and many more~!!” you finished, the vks grinning even wider than that. That was the plan, as soon as Harry's sisters, the Smee kids, and Dizzy were in Auradon, the process to bring another six would be immediately put in action.
The only question to that was ‘who would be chosen?’
-end of part 3-
 yeeee P3~!!! the new vks have been invited to Auradon and things are lookin up~!!! and writing excited Ben was so fun, hes a fun character to write and create for, i don't get why the official writers pushed him to the side so much, after all without him the Descendants storyline wouldn't exist (yes this is heavy side eye to the writers of descendants) 
anyway Permtaglist!
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange
@lunanight2012 @daughter-of-the-stars11
@musicarose @random-thoughts-003
@remembered-license @rintheemolion
@verboetoperee​ @imtryingthisout​
@thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​
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garlique · 7 years
untitled drakonallagi story: chapter 1
When Maja woke up that morning, it was to heavy chains being wrapped around her arms and chest.
Wait, no. Her wings and chest.
Ah, shit.
"Good morning, Majari!" a cheerful voice enthused. "Certainly took you long enough to wake up. Apparently, it is six months before a solar eclipse somewhere! Our alarm sounded, thank goodness, or it could have taken us much longer to find you." The chains pulled tight across Maja's still prone body, cutting into her skin. She writhed pathetically under her bindings. "Oops! Now, don't wiggle too much, or I will have to fully bind you, or even take you into protective custody!'
"Who are you?" Maja growled. Her voice was rusty and thick from the transformation, and she coughed painfully before continuing. A small burst of fire puffed from her scaly lips. "What are you doing in my house?" She flexed experimentally. "With copper chains!"
The person hopped into view. "Enforcer 45, at your service! I've been specially trained to handle drakonallagis, and as this'll be your first eclipse, Council thought it would be safe to send someone who knew what they were doing. Even if I’ve… never actually seen a drakonallagi before. As for the copper chains, everyone knows drakonallages are weak to copper. Again, just an extra protective measure."
Maja tried her best to shrink into herself and look nonthreatening. "Well, now that you can see that I'm clearly in my human brain right now, would you mind... unchaining me? I'd be happy to go over my plan for this next year with you over a cup of coffee."
Enforcer 45 laughed tinklingly. "We can't make a habit of it, but I suppose it was rather rude of me to chain you up while you were still asleep. One moment." The enforcer vanished for a split second and the chains on Maja's bed sprang back.
Maja rolled onto her front, tucking her legs under her, and stretched her huge leathery wings up to the ceiling. She emitted a groan that was half a roar  as she stretched, and Enforcer 45 laughed again, a bit uncomfortable. Maja shuffled carefully sideways until her clawed feet could touch the floor, then stood on all four legs and stretched again. Her wings crumpled against the ceiling.
Enforcer 45 let out another shrill laugh. "Well, I know I would appreciate it if you could attempt to get-"she waved a hand expressively "-this under control before we spoke. I'll leave you alone for a moment to arrange yourself." With a final piercing giggle, Enforcer 45 scurried out of the room, a spotted tail quivering behind her as she went.
Maja rolled her head around on a long snaky neck, then shut her eyes and visualized her human form. She mentally traced up and down her body, focusing on how it felt to be that shape, and within moments she felt the change taking over her.
Her bones cracked as her entire skeleton rearranged itself and Maja clamped her jaws shut around an agonized shriek. All her drakonic flesh crammed itself into a package a third of its size. Maja's teeth shrank and ground together, and she felt a chip fly off and down her throat. She bit her own tongue to keep from yowling as she felt her hair pushing out of her scalp and her claws sink back into neatly painted nails. No more than a minute later, Maja stood naked and shivering in the middle of her room.
As she turned to her dresser to find suitable clothes, something brushed against the floor behind her and she whipped around, brandishing clipped nails like hooked claws. Maja glimpsed herself in the mirror and sighed. "Really. Wings?" she asked petulantly. She concentrated on the wings dangling behind her and imagined them shrinking back into her body, folding along the inside of her back, resting until she called them forth again.
Her wings shivered but made no move to disappear. Huffing, she pulled a long white cloth out of her drawers and wrapped it around her chest. Her crude shirt covered her midsection while leaving room for her wings to rest free. Maja pulled a pair of relatively clean sweatpants out of a different drawer, pulled them on, and then joined Enforcer 45 in the living room.
"Couldn't quite get rid of it all, huh? Involuntary transformation can be a bitch sometimes."
The enforcer laughed again and it grated on Maja's ears. Her wings shuddered, flaring momentarily and Enforcer 45 took a step back, anxiety drowning her features.
Maja chuckled, a deep growly thing. "Yeah, it's been kind of hard for me to control my transformations, especially considering the restrictions on my kind." She glared at Enforcer 45. "As long as I have you here, would you care for some coffee?" Enforcer 45 nodded shakily and Maja walked across to the kitchen, swaying her wings intentionally as she walked. Enforcer 45 followed her and sat down at Maja’s rickety table. Maja scooped grounds into a French press and started the water boiling. "It's gonna be a minute." The two waited in silence until the water boiled, and Maja poured it into the press. Only then did she sit down at the table and pull out her phone.
"Oh! I'm gonna request you not use your phone right now, just a safety precaution, wouldn't want you calling someone of an unsavory sort!" the enforcer bubbled.
Maja showed Enforcer 45 her phone screen. "I'm setting a timer for the coffee. I don't like mine super strong."
"Oh." Enforcer 45 giggled. "Well, that's okay then."
"So, why is my involuntary transformation happening now? I've been keeping an eye on solar eclipses in the area, the next one's not due to come to San Francisco until 2023. I've been keeping an eye on these things, you know." Maja forced another laugh. "Kinda have to."
"Ah. Yes. You're quite right, the next solar eclipse visible in San Francisco isn't until 2023. However, your susceptibility to eclipses isn't due to where you are currently in the world,"Enforcer 45 informed her.
Maja snarled angrily and slammed her claws down into the tabletop, creating a fresh set of grooves. Enforcer 45 jumped backward and her tail bushed out in fright. "Ms - Ms Majari, if you could attempt to attain your human form again, we can continue our conversation!"   
Maja stared at her hand and the yellowed claws sprouting from her fingers. They looked like a cheap costume, and Maja was struck with the sudden desire to reach over and pull them out of her hand. A line of scales rippled across her hand, glinting in the sun and Maja pulled back. She concentrated on her hand again, and this time the claws began to shrink down into her nails. She grunted in pain.
Enforcer 45 cleared her throat. "Could you deal with the teeth too?" she asked in a small voice.
Maja ran her tongue across her teeth. She bared her teeth at Enforcer 45. "What, you mean these? These are just my normal human teeth."
Enforcer 45's hand drifted to her hip. "Majari, if you can't steadily hold a human form, I am going to have to take you into protective custody, for your sake and the sake of those around you."
"Wow, someone can't take a joke, can they?" When Maja opened her mouth again, her teeth certainly seemed more human. "Better?"
Before Enforcer 45 could answer, Maja's timer went off on her phone and she spun around to check on the coffee. As she poured two mugs of coffee, her wings extended toward Enforcer 45. One delicate claw stroked the bridge of her nose. "Majari!" the enforcer snapped. "Control yourself!"
Maja slowly slid her drink to her. "Sorry," she drawled. "Sometimes it's just so hard." Maja shook cinnamon and sugar into her coffee. "You don't mind if I take this with pepper, do you? I find foods are more palatable when they're spicy." She grinned, and her teeth might have been a tiny bit sharper than was strictly normal.
"Take your coffee how you like." Enforcer 45 sipped her coffee black. "Back to the subject at hand. Where were you born, Majari?"
Majari tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Well, jeez, that was a while ago. Seventy years? How long have I lived here?"
Enforcer 45 tapped the screen of her tablet. "We've had you on our records for... thirty years." She stared at Maja for a hard second. "You look eighteen."
"Drakonallages apparently age slower than most people. I've heard the same thing happens to chelonallages. Maybe we should form a support group." She spread her hands above her head. "So you've outlived everyone you know - now what?"
"Majari. Tell me where you were born, or I will take you down into custody," Enforcer 45 threatened.
"Ooh, guess we aren't fucking around anymore. Well, I was born in Kolkata, and I lived there until I hit puberty and my... drakonallagism started to manifest. Then my parents sent me off to Bangalore with a nanny, then they sent me to Europe with money when I turned 18. A little humiliating, but they're close to dead now, if not already, so I feel like I have to forgive them." Maja gazed steadily at her coffee.
"That makes sense." Enforcer 45 tapped her tablet, then stowed it in a bag at her waist. "India is going to be experiencing a total solar eclipse on December eleventh this year. That's what's affecting you."
"Well, great. Now we know why I'm gonna be fucked up for the next year. What's the Council gonna make me do about it is the real question."
Enforcer 45 smiled thinly. "We would like you to keep as much of your normal life as possible, obviously. We do understand that that's going to be a little hard, so we're providing you with a salary for the year, in case you find it difficult to work. We'll also have you know the Council has facilities all over the world built to house and contain allages who feel they are unsafe. Of course, you have to understand that our highest priority is the greatest safety for the greatest number of people. Perhaps you could live outside of the city for a while? There isn't much room in here for a plan in case something happens."
"Is there anything that you need me to absolutely do right now?" Maja asked.
Enforcer 45 scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to her. "This is a prescription for some, ah, suppressants. We aren't very sure how they're gonna work on drakonallages, because we haven’t been very able to run clinical tests, but isn't it always better to have something than to have nothing?"
Maja surveyed the paper with a disdainful eye. "I'll keep this in mind. Now, if there's nothing else pressing, I have things I want to do with my Sunday. You - obviously - know where to find me if you need to."
Enforcer 45 downed the rest of her coffee. "That we do, Majari. It's been lovely talking with you, I encourage you to stop by the Council offices sometime, I'm sure they'd love some blood work on you."
Maja blinked. "What, and you don't have other willing drakonallages at your beck and call?" she asked.
Enforcer 45 shook her head. "The only other drakonallagi in the world is so old we don’t even know if they exist anymore. If they do, they're off living on a different continent. And they certainly aren't willing to fly across the ocean for testing."
Maja was taken aback. "Are we really that rare?" she inquired incredulously.
"Most drakonallages don't really... reproduce. I'm not sure why this is so shocking to you."
"Yeah, well... most of the literature out there on my kind treats us like we're a myth. Not very much scientific evidence out there for us. Let me show you the door."
Enforcer 45 stepped into the hallway outside Maja's apartment. "Thank you for letting me talk with you - again, I encourage you to drop by Council offices if you have a free moment."
"I'll consider it. Good day, Enforcer 45." Maja shut the door, then opened it again as Enforcer 45 walked away. "And nothing's going to happen!"
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shhh-no-ones-home · 5 years
back to you bill s preston esquire x reader
what up this is being posted on my birthday so heres my birthday present for you all lovelies lol
request from @ringa-starr
"Based on the song lips of an angel by hinder."
the other girl isnt one of the princesses, we just gonna kinda pretend they arent part of this, cause it would be like a groupie from the other band they are touring with.
i know its not exctly what you asked for but hope you like it anyways and thanks again for requesting, sorry they always take so long. if you end up not liking it i, as always, am glad to rewrite it in a different direction.
Song: lips of an angel by hinder
tag list: @cynic-spirit +++++++++
i sat on my bed and twirled the phone cord around my finger. i laughed quietly again.
"of course not bill, he doesnt know ive been talking to you. just like whoever that girl that has been calling your name for the past half hour doesnt know your talking to me."
"why are we playing these games again babe, we both want each other, why are we kidding ourselves?"
bills voice rang through my ears. he was right. wed been talking to each other since before he left for his bands first official tour.
"bill i love my boyfriend, if you cant say that about whoever that girl is i dont know what to tell you."
i laughed again as he sighed into the receiver.
"look, all im saying is we should give each other a fighting chance. break up with your boyfriend by the time i get home and we can go have a nice date together. just the two of us."
i unwound the cord from my finger, watching the color come back to the now red imprints.
"ill think about it bill, but im not making any promises."
i looked down at the floor, holding the phone a little looser, knowing the conversation would be ending soon. it was almost show time after all.
"you dont have to, i just want you to know that i love you, you dont have to feel the same but ill be waiting for you till i get home. and i promise we wont have this same conversation every night."
i smiled to myself.
"dont lie to yourself bill, weve had this conversation the last three nights."
he laughed and my smile got wider. oh who was i kidding? i really did love him back.
"youre right, so i guess i dont make any promises either. but its almost showtime, so ill talk to you tomorrow. i miss you y/n."
i frowned a little, winding the cord around my finger again.
"i miss you too bill, ill talk to you tomorrow."
he said.
i said back, waiting for the line to go dead. it was a couple seconds before it actually clicked off and i sighed. i dropped the phone back onto the base and jumped when my boyfriend knocked on my bedroom door.
"hey babe, you ready for the movie?"
i nodded as i stood up, slinging my purse onto my shoulder.
"yep, all ready to go."
i jolted awake to my alarm going off. it was the last day of the wyld stallyns tour and bill had asked me to come to the show. i wasnt sure at first but i guess id sort of made up my mind when i ended things with my boyfriend. i really did love bill back and it took missing him and talking to him on the phone every night for two months to actually realize that. i rubbed my hands over my face before throwing my blankets off of me and walking slowly to the bathroom.  it was late morning but i needed to shower and get ready for tonight. it was an all day affair after all.
i got out of the cab and walked quickly to the back door of the venue. bill had mailed me a backstage pass and a letter of instructions for the venue. it was simple, just flash my pass to the door man and head to their dressing room. when i got into the venue i looked around with wide eyes. there were many dressing rooms and even the man at the door couldnt point me in the right direction. i sighed before taking off down the hallway, trying to look into each room and read the papers taped to each door. none of them said wyld stallyns or bills name though. i rubbed my arm nervously, then i heard giggling. i followed the sound and stood in the doorway of the room, in it was bill and ted laughing along with a tall blonde girl that was only half dressed. i knocked on the door frame and bill looked up at me with wide eyes before smiling just as big.
"you made it!"
he called as he stood and walked quickly to me, wrapping me in a hug.
"of course i made it, i wouldnt miss it for the world."
he let me go and took my hand in his, pulling me into the room.
"y/n this is..."
he stared at the girl for a second and she rolled her eyes.
"angel, im with the head band. im dating the bass player."
i nodded and shook her hand.
"its nice to meet you, i think."
then ted smiled widely at me, opening his arms to give me a hug."
"its good to see you again dude!"
i laughed at him.
"its good to see you again too ted."
i turned and watched angel leave before sitting on the small couch next to bill.
"are you guys ready for your last show? how have things been so far?"
they both nodded excitedly.
"things have been great, we open every night and the crowds have been loving us."
bill was practically beaming with pride.
"yeah, its been most excellent."
i looked up at ted in time to see them both do the guitar thing, making me laugh.
"Well I'm glad you two have been having fun."
Ted went to say something when someone else came and knocked on the door.
"Dude we gotta re-check your guitar. One of the strings snapped."
Ted made the most disappointed face I'd ever seen before running out of the room.
"Aw man, that's the third one this week. It feels like we've been going through strings like drinking water."
Bill shook his head and shifted in his seat. I frowned looking down at my watch.
"I hope he gets that fixed in time, the shows getting ready to start."
Bill stood up and started pacing around the room.
"It'll be alright babe, he's pretty good at it by now."
He winked at me and we both laughed. I rubbed my hands on my jeans nervously.
"Hey Bill."
He stopped and put his hands on his hips.
I bit the inside of my cheek.
"I broke up with my boyfriend."
His eyes for wide. He was shocked at first but then a smile slowly crept to his face.
He asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, I didn't wanna tell you but I called it quits a while ago. I've been thinking more and more and I really do like you and I really do wanna take you up on that date offer. If it still stands that is."
He nodded quickly, coming back and sitting next to me in the couch.
"Of course it does babe, I've been waiting to go on a date with you for what feels like forever."
I smiled widely at him before kissing his cheek.
"Then I guess it's a good thing this is the last show of the tour."
I winked at him and he blushed, taking my hand in his and squeezing it. He had a goofy grin on his face.
"Yeah, I guess so."
He leaned a little forward.
"Y/n I feel like I've been waiting forever. Can I finally kiss you?"
I nodded slowly, leaning into him.
"Yeah bill, or course you can."
His gaze flashed to my lips for a second before he pushed forward and kissed me gently. When he pulled away he rested his forehead against mine and we both smiled like idiots at each other.
"I love you y/n."
I kissed him again, quickly.
"I love you too bill."
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
If I Can’t Have You // part 4
sorry it took long to bring this part, but im busy with exams and also had to rewrite about half of it because i hated how it turned out, but enjoy my loves!
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
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Tens of scenarios run through Shawn’s head as he is on his way to Y/N’s place. He only had one beer so his thoughts are pretty clear as he is sitting in his Uber, impatiently staring out the window, counting the turns until the destination. That last text really just got him worried and he just wants to see that she is alright.
Once he arrives he runs up the stairs not bothering to wait for the elevator and hits the bell a bit too aggressively. When the door opens and a very tired looking, puffy eyed Y/N appears in front of him he feels like his soul is shattered.
Closing up the distance between then he just reaches out for her pulling her against his chest as her arms immediately wrap around his waist.
“I’m sorry if you had plans for tonight,” she mumbles into his shirt, secretly inhaling his scent deeply, something she’s been missing so much lately.
“It’s okay. I always have time for you,” he says, probably telling a little too much, but he doesn’t really care. He runs his fingers through her hair, giving her all the time she wants in his arms, only letting go of her when she does the same. When they finally end the hug Shawn gently closes the door behind him and they move to the living room, making themselves comfortable on the couch. She pulls he knees up to her chest hugging them with her arms as Shawn has an arm stretched behind her, waiting for her to speak up.
“I’m just… having the worst week and I don’t know where my head is,” she lets out a tired sigh closing her eyes. “I’ve been fucking everything up at work, I’m so behind with my projects and I keep forgetting stuff, I don’t know what I’m doing…”
“Have you been eating regularly?” he asks, concern all over his face. He couldn’t help but notice that she got slimmer since the last time he saw her. She looks away, knowing exactly that the answer won’t please him, but her look is already enough for him. “Y/N, you need to eat. I know you are busy, but if you keep skipping meals you are gonna faint. Did you eat dinner?”
“Um… I don’t remember,” she mumbles knowing well she did not, the last time she ate was around three o’clock and that wasn’t even a full meal either.
Shawn stands up without saying a word and walks over to the kitchen as she follows him with a curious gaze.
“What are you doing?” She asks when he starts opening the cabinets, grabbing different stuff from everywhere.
“I’m making you something to eat before you starve yourself,” he exclaims gathering everything he found on the counter.
She wanders over to him, her arms crossed on her chest as she watches him start making… whatever he has in mind.
“You really don’t have to, Shawn,” she tells him pushing herself up to the kitchen island while he is focusing on the ingredients.
“I don’t, but I want to. This is what I do for the people who are important to me.”
He was expecting some protesting from her or at least a denial comment on the last part, because this is what she has always done, made his statements about his feelings for her minor by denying their truthfulness, but this time she is completely silent. This is how he knows something is really off.
He decides to make some pancakes, that’s the fastest and easiest thing to make at the moment and in the meanwhile he makes her talk about things he knows she likes. He asks about if she saw any good movies lately, then they talk about books, he listens to her telling the entire plot of the latest book she read while flipping the pancakes. Then she asks him about music, his latest gigs and somehow they both forget about how they got there, they are just genuinely enjoying talking and listening to the other.
It’s past eleven when they are done with eating and Shawn finishes washing the dishes even though she asked him to leave it for her, he refused to leave a mess after him. Now they are lounging on the couch, enjoying some silence that is definitely not awkward. Shawn reaches to tug her hair behind her ears and she closes her eyes at his touch, almost aching for more.
His presence just changed all her feelings. Having him there made her feel safe and somehow more put together even though her whole week was a disaster. It makes her wonder if she did the worst thing last time when she went over to his place. She doesn’t want to stop seeing him, she doesn’t want to be in no contact with him, she definitely wants to know everything and be able to be around him as much as possible.
But they are living different lives and she has no idea how these two worlds can work together. He is a popstar, sold out tours and interviews are the normal every days for him while she has a regular job, far away from being anywhere in the spotlight and she doesn’t feel like she could take the attention and this is what breaks her heart.
Her head feels heavy, and her thoughts even heavier. Shawn’s warm touch on her ankle brings her back to reality, finding herself staring into his hazel eyes. A gaze she’s been looking for in everyone lately, but never found until now.
“How are you feeling?” he asks with a faint smile.
“Better,” she whispers returning the smile. “Thank you for coming over. I wasn’t expecting it especially after our last encounter.”
“To be honest, I had a second thought of keeping myself away from you when you texted, but… I couldn’t have done that.”
He thought seeing her would be painful, but the thought of her suffering was worse. Tonight brought him the feeling that after all she does need him and might have feelings for him. This is why there is not no regret in him for coming here.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you, it wasn’t my intention.”
“Don’t be sorry for doing what felt right,” he tells her, not wanting to make her feel guilty even if that would work for his favor.
His company doubted everything she thought she was certain about. She really believed this thing with Shawn was just a momentary flame from her side, but the past’s events refuted this theory of hers. She very much needs him, but has no idea how to make everything she said right.
“It’s getting late,” Shawn sighs checking the time on his phone. “I have to head home. Will you be okay?”
She can’t help but feel disappointed that he needs to leave, but nods anyway. They leave the comfort of the couch as they head to the door.
“Call me, if you need something, okay?”
“Thanks,” she smiles faintly. He steps out to the hallway, but she calls after him once more.
He turns around, looking at her kindly. The words are right there on her tongue, waiting to roll off, but she hesitates.
“Can we meet sometime soon?” she asks hopefully. For a moment she feels like he’ll say no, but then a small smile appears on his lips.
“Sure. Text me tomorrow.”
She happily nods as she watches him leave. Closing the door she leans against it, sliding down to the floor and hugging her knees to her chest. She can’t decide what she is really feeling, but one thing is for sure. She definitely will text him tomorrow.
   A few weeks ago it was impossible to imagine them going back to a place similar where they were before that talk, but they did. After Shawn’s late night visit they really kept their words and met up for lunch the next day, then dinner the day after, movie night, cooking together, all the things they did before.
It’s Saturday evening, Shawn convinced her to join him for a few drinks with a couple of friends. She said no straight away the first time he asked, feeling pretty anxious about meeting his friends for the first time. Shawn knew this might put a lot of pressure on her, but he assured her that it’s just a friendly gathering and managed to make her say yes.
Y/N is trying her best to not overthink the situation. It’s just a friendly evening, she keeps telling herself.
Brian, Andrew, Teddy, Eddy and Josiah are all there when they arrive. Shawn introduces everyone and Y/N is trying her best to chill down and just enjoy the evening. It gets easier when they all have the first round of drinks and she realizes these people are all nice and welcoming.
“Okay, next round is on me,” Y/N announces squeezing herself out of the booth. Teddy jumps to her feet as well.
“Let me help you,” she smiles joining her on her way to the bar. They order a beer for everyone and wait there while the bartender takes care of their order.
“So, I’m happy you came!” Teddy grins at her delightfully.
“Um, me too! I was a bit afraid, but… you all seem very nice,” she chuckles.
“I understand it’s a big step, but we all just want to see Shawn happy and I’m glad you two are working things out.”
“Big step?” Y/N asks furrowing her eyebrows.
“Shawn has been going on and on about you lately, he seems so happy and we are all rooting for you. I hope I’m not too forward, but he suffered so much before. I’m just glad that he is finally settling down at a place that’s so good for him mentally.”
“What exactly Shawn told you? About me,” she questions, feeling her heartbeat getting faster by the minute, but still not sure the real reason for that.
“He just told us about meeting you, and talking things out. Just generally being happy to be around you. I mean, I was waiting for you two to get together for so long, but in the past week you obviously worked things out, so that’s amazing! You are handling everything so well!”
Y/N stares ahead of her as the bar tender arrives with the drinks. Teddy asks him to put them on a tray while Y/N is still just standing there frozen, processing what she just heard.
“Hey, um… I need to go outside for a bit, can you handle the drinks?” Y/N asks her and she nods, but gives her a worried look.
“Everything alright?” she asks.
“Yeah, be right back,” she mumbles before leaving her alone at the bar, crossing the room and exiting the place.
Teddy arrives to the table with the drinks, giving everyone their beer, but Shawn looks around.
“Where is Y/N?”
She slides into the booth across Shawn and smiles at him.
“Oh, she said she needs to go outside a bit. Maybe she needs to make a call?” Shawn’s skin grows hot from anxiety, something is not right and he can feel it.
“What did you talk about at the bar?”
“Not much, I just told her I’m happy you two are making things work.” She takes a sip of her drink as Shawn stares at her in disbelief. “It’s great to see you two finally together.”
“We are not together!” he snaps angrily and the smile immediately vanishes from her lips.
“I-I didn’t… I didn’t know… I thought… But you went on dates and stuff, I really thought…”
“Well, you thought wrong!” Shawn groans jumping out of the booth in hopes of finding her outside.
Running outside he turns around several times, roaming the street with his eyes, looking for her figure anywhere, but she is nowhere to be seen. He frantically dials her number, but it goes straight to the voicemail.
“Hey, it’s Y/N. Leave me a message, I’ll call you back as soon as possible!” Her delightful voice informs Shawn who is gripping his phone so hard, the material is pushing into his fingers harshly.
“Y/N, please call me. I can explain everything, Teddy just misunderstood everything. Please, call me!” he begs in hope of hearing an answer on the other end, but there is only silence.
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dddainuhsoar · 6 years
Hey, I don't know if its a fantasy or not! But I'll tell you. He Tian is leaving and tianshan are at the airport. He Tian doesn't know when he'll back but asks guanahan as a final request to "give me a smile, just a smile" and yeah you know that kinda smiles that you try it to be a real smile but its more like showing teeth, that kind. Guan Shan try his best but he is not happy enough for a real smile. Btw he tian's heart bumps so fast by watching even that half smile by his lover . And yeah👀
send me an fantasy au and i’ll write you a short fic
hey! that wasn’t exactly what i meant by fantasy, so i hope you don’t mind that i took liberties with your ask! >_
so some background context! in this au, witches exist and have colourful hair (so like guanshan’s red or jianyi’s blond) but they normally hide it to avoid discrimination. hetian is a detective from the magical crimes unit and he doesn’t know he’s dating a witch. hope you like it! so here goes:
It isn’t until the night before that Hetiantells Guanshan he will be gone for a few days for work. It’s not like he cares too much, anyway, Hetian thinks, watchinghis boyfriend’s face for a reaction. There isn’t one, as expected.
“When will you get back?” Guanshan asks.
“Depends on how relevant the case there isto our case here.” Hetian shrugs.
“Well, whatever.” Guanshan shuts off thetap and dries his hands off on the apron around his waist. “No one’s gonna missyour dumb ass while you’re gone.”
“How heartless.” Hetian sighs in pretenceof great pain. He follows Guanshan from the kitchen to the living room. “Yougonna send me off at the airport?”
Guanshan grimaces as he flops down on thesofa. “I have to open the cafe tomorrow morning so… No.”
Hetian smiles, just a quirk of his lips ina smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “At least look like you’re sorry you can’tsend me off.”
“Why should I?” Guanshan says, shovingHetian away when the man leans in too close. “It’s not like I want to send you off.”
Hetian sits in an awkward position ofsticking to Guanshan, half laying over his lap. He lets Guanshan’s words sinkin. Was he saying he doesn’t want to send Hetian off because he is sad to see Hetian go or is he simply notin the mood to send Hetian off at the airport? Hetian knows if he asked toclarify, Guanshan would turn a pleasant shade of red no matter his answer. I’ll let him off this time, Hetianthinks, getting up from his seat.
“I’m going to bed,” he says. “You coming?” No he won’t.
“I’m going to stay up for a bit more,”Guanshan says, attention already on the late night variety show on TV.
“Then I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Oh,” Guanshan looks up at Hetian. “I haveto leave by 6.”
“I’ll still be asleep at that time,” Hetiansays, eyebrows raised. “You can wake me up if-“
“No, it’s fine.” Guanshan shakes his head.“It’s not a big deal.”
“Others may say not being able to see theirlover for a few weeks is a big deal.” Hetian laughs.
“I thought you said a few days.” Guanshanfrowns.
“I told you it depends on how long theinvestigation takes.” Hetian shrugs. “Seeing how this will be the last we seeeach other until I come back,” Hetian murmurs as he cups Guanshan’s cheek witha palm. The man doesn’t flinch, just gazes up at Hetian with his ever-burningeyes, eyebrows drawn in an almost-irritated frown. “Won’t you give me a smileto last me while I am gone?”
Guanshan’s frown turns straight into ascowl. He shakes Hetian’s hand off and snarls mildly, “It’s not like you don’thave a thousand pictures of me in your phone.” The tips of his ears are turningred.
“But nothing compares to the real thing.”Hetian sighs as if he was in great pain again. “Will it really kill you to showme a smile? It’s not like I asked you to give me a kiss.” Hetian is alreadymoving from the living room towards his bedroom door a few feet behind thesofa. He knows Guanshan won’t accommodate, he was just teasing the man.
Hetian turns. Guanshan has twisted his lipsinto a half-grimace, half-grin, clearly unhappy. Hetian laughs. He wants tokiss the expression off Guanshan’s face.
“You’re fucking ugly,” he says.
“Fuck off,” Guanshan murmurs, turning backto the TV.
It has always been like that with Guanshan.Hetian skips showering, brushes his teeth, changes into a pair of sweatpantsand climbs into bed. He’s asleep within fifteen minutes. Later, when Guanshanclimbs into bed after a shower and change of clothes, Hetian does not stir. Hewriggles closer to Hetian’s back, closes a fist against Hetian’s shirt, andstill Hetian doesn’t stir. When he finally drifts off to sleep, buzzing fromthe magic flowing through his blood to the tips of his fingers and seeping intothe line of Hetian’s spine, he murmurs goodnight to no one who’s listening.
It’s twenty minutes after Guanshan hasfallen asleep that his hair falls back into his shade of red. Another fifteenminutes later and Hetian wakes up, the ghost of a gasp still on his lips. Hefeels cold and is surprised to find Guanshan close to him. He flips overslowly, careful to not wake his lover. He hums when he sees the bright fire-redinstead of the jet-black he is used to. Hetian runs a hand through the redstrands, rubbing them between his fingers and letting them fall soft againstGuanshan’s cheek. Guanshan breathes slow.
Hetian gently brushes away the hairtickling his cheek. He wants to kiss the man on his eyelids, feel the brush ofhis eyelashes against his lower lip. But this is enough. He thumbs softly at acorner of Guanshan’s lips, lifts it as tender as he can and smiles at thefaux-smile on Guanshan’s face.
He wonders incredulously if the beating ofhis heart is too loud, and will it wake his sleeping lover up? He closes hiseyes and presses a kiss to Guanshan’s forehead. It’s a minute before Hetianfalls back asleep, but Guanshan finds himself awake till 6.
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untaitold · 6 years
day 3 - perdix au / scully twins
here’s day 3! on day 4. i started it yesterday so... it counts. also i was like ‘lol im not going to repeat characters’ but chamos is just annoyingly fun to write so here he is again. this one is super messy atm but i’ll probably rewrite it eventually
SO YEA back to perdix. i do want to write something with Actual Perdix Characters but for now the faultverse streak continues. for context, perdix is essentially the urban fantasy slash crime drama setting and is half original verse, half AU. it’s the sister city to taitale. 
i have too many AUs. but that’s okay
(crossposted on toyhouse)
There are three knocks on the door. Sharp, impatient ones. Cain glances up from the TV guide that’s his current makeshift grimoire (Charon, being Charon, had burnt up all the usable paper in the house yesterday). The clock tells him it’s ten past eleven, post meridiem. At this time of the night it’s most likely to be Grim. Except she’s out of town at the moment, visiting family at the cemetery up north.
“Char, are you expecting someone?” he yells. The clock continues to tap out its beat, but other than that, there’s no sound. Typical. He’s probably ignoring him just to be difficult.
Cain rubs his forehead, exhales deeply. As much as he hates arguing with his twin, he also hates letting him get away with just about anything and everything. This time he decides he’ll do his best not to give in, which means he’s just going to have to get used to the radio silence.
And it also means he’s going to have to be the one who answers the door.
“Please don’t be a salesperson, please don’t be a salesperson,” he mutters, slipping the magazine under a heap of gutted book covers.
Three more staccato knocks echo through the living room as he’s walking to the door.
“Chill your jets,” he mutters. “Jeez. I’m coming-”
The door swings open without him touching it, even though he locked it three hours ago. He freezes. In true Perdix fashion, three ethereal, overdressed strangers are hustled around his doorstep, none of them even looking directly at him. They’re beautiful, yes, in the cool, detached way the Circlet’s staff are. The last time he saw this particular trio, he’d been buzzed off his head on liquor. Not to mention full of shit. It seems his mistakes are finally back to haunt him.
But they don’t immediately drop a sick curse on him, or nick his soul, or whatever. They don’t even seem to care that he’s the same guy who tried to cheat them a couple of days ago. For some reason, the tallest is holding a cat at arm’s length.
“Charon Scully?” the one with peach-coloured hair asks.
Cain’s too surprised to correct them.
“I think this is yours,” they continue, and thrust the cat at him. It flicks him an uninterested look as Cain catches it and sticks out its tongue to lick its own nose.
“But I don’t own…” The door slams back shut. Cain stares blankly at the streaked wood. His heart is in his mouth. He thought he was going to die, but they gave him a fucking cat?
He holds said cat up to check whether it’s not secretly a magical attack cat or something. Cain doesn’t really know his cat species, but what he does know is that this one is one cute kitty, with thick tufts of grey fur sticking up in all directions. Round, pale eyes, the drab blue of a stormy sea, bore into him as if assessing him.
“Are you just gonna stare at me all night or what?” the cat says, and Cain shrieks.
He drops the cat. Luckily for him it leaps gracefully away, and finds a new perch on the shoe rack. It yawns deeply, running its tongue over its tiny fangs, and starts cleaning its paws.
And Cain suddenly feels really dumb. Of course the cat speaks. They live in Perdix. It’s rarer to find a cat that doesn’t comprehend a human language. Regardless, he backs away, rounding the doorway of the living room. Okay. Magical talking cat. That’s fine.
“What do you want from me?” he asks.
The cat huffs. “Dude, come on.”
Right, no, it wasn’t the cat talking that freaked him out. It’s more that the cat’s speaking in his voice. No, wrong again. It’s slightly deeper, more sardonic, almost bored in tone. The cat’s talking in Charon’s voice.
“Please don’t tell me that’s actually you,” Cain says. “I swear to god…”
“No, it is. I’m just a cat now.” Charon shrugs. “It happens.”
“What the fuck do you mean ‘it happens?!’ What did you DO?”
“Save your life, dumbass. You might as well be grateful.”
Cain groans and hides his face in his hands. He’s starting to understand. “Oh, my god. You went back to the Circlet and did the bet.”
Charon stretches up. The second Cain lowers his arms, he leaps up. Cain’s knocked backwards by the force of four kilos of furball to the chest into the living room.
“Stop wriggling,” he snaps.
“I can’t get comfy.”
“Then sit on the sofa or som- AGH.”
Charon follows his advice, digging his claws into Cain’s arm as he propels himself onto the fleece throw. Cain himself drops down to the floor to sit cross-legged on a cushion. He feels lightheaded.
“So what I’m getting from this,” he says. “Is that you sneaked out specifically so you could get your stupid ass cursed-”
“You’re welcome.”
“I had it under control!”
Charon flicks his tail. “Yeah, sure. Hiding out here and pretending you’re not home? Worked real well.”
“Oh. Oh, shit.” Of course. The three fae made it past the iron barrier. The charms and sigils he so painstakingly set up have lost their edge. Which, by all accounts, doesn’t make sense. Another problem for tomorrow.
“Anyway, I hate the idea of having to pay all the rent myself, so I went over there, they assumed I was you, and then I cheated the hell out of that roulette wheel.”
“You cheated the Circlet?” Cain yelps. “Jesus.”
“You trashed the Circlet, idiot. I think we’re even.”
“I was drunk.”
Charon attempts to shrug, but it comes off more as him raising his haunches. “So, we’re both morons, but we’re alive. All thanks to me.”
“You? You’re a goddamn cat!”
“Hey. Only as punishment for cheating. They let up on the killing aspect. If you’d have gone, you’d be dead, cuz you’re ‘too nice’ to cheat.”
Cain groans. They aren’t even allowed pets in the apartment. He wonders whether that applies to shapeshifted morons. Knowing Grim, it probably did.
“On the bright side,” Charon says. “People really like cats.”
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Headcannon where Davey takes you home for Christmas for the first time and you meet the whole fam (minus Les)?
Holy fuck this is long and I don’t know if its actually good but I hope you like it! Let me know if you don’t, though, and I’ll rewrite it!
WC: 2,294 
Warning: Swearing, Pretty sure that’s it
so Davey
sweet boy
met you the first year of college
you two were in the library at the same time to get the same book
and yadda, yadda, yadda, hugs, kisses, confessions, you two start dating
you have been dating for about two years and now it’s the holidays
yay! x 2
and unfortunately, you weren’t able to go home for christmas because it’s a lot of money and you’re a college student so you don’t have money
but Davey said you could come home with him for christmas
yay! x3
so after your last exam, you pack up your stuff in Davey’s car and ride with him to his house (were gonna say it’s the 22nd for story reasons)
his house is about four hours away from the college so you guys made a playlist and belted out the songs for the whole ride
(of course Davey tried to be a show off and riff everything but holy fuck was he good at it)
by the time you guys got to his house, it was pitch black a snowing heavily
you two grab your luggage and laugh as you try not to slip on the ice running up to the door
Les is the one who answers the door and gasps
he lunges at his brother for a hug but ends up throwing both of them into the snow behind him
you smile and take pictures of the brotherly reunion
then Les and Davey get up and help take the bags inside
“mom! dad! David and Y/N are here!”
you take of your shoes next to Davey’s and follow him to the kitchen where his folks are
you’ve met them before so you give them hugs and such before heading up to Daveys room
when you two got there, Davey blushed and rubbed the back of his neck
“do you wanna just share the bed?”
you smile and nod
then the next day comes because im too lazy to write the rest of the night
so the next day is the 23rd and the day before the rest of the family comes so you guys start getting stuff ready
Les and Davey set up the tree and stockings and decorate the tree
his dad goes outside to put up lights
and you and his mom bake cookies for all his family members
and you’re all wearing christmas hats because wearing christmas hats while decorating is mandatory
his mom told you stories from when Davey was little during christmas while you two mixed the batter
like one time before Les was born (they’re about nine years apart) Davey went sledding with his dad but he went down the hill too fast and basically flew down it. he ended up getting the front of the sled stuck in a snow drift and he went flying and smacked into a tree trunk and that’s the story of how Davey lost both of his front teeth
another time there was a girl he liked freshman year of high school and he wanted to get her a present so he got her this really pretty (and expensive) necklace while he was out buying a little harmonica for Les cause the little five-year-old saw a kid in a commercial playing one so he really wanted one. so Davey bought both of them and went home a wrapped them both in the same wrapping paper. But the necklace and the harmonica were both in a long rectangle box so the next day at school he accidentally gave the girl the harmonica
while the cookies were in the oven, you and his mom joined the bros in putting up other stuff around the house
you and Les went around the house to put up little stacks of presents
when you came back Davey asked you to help him put something up
you nodded, of course, and followed him
he brought you to the front door and pulled the mistletoe out from behind his back
you giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck as he lifted it above your heads
you were about to kiss Davey when his dad opened the door
Davey blushed deeply
he laughed
“sorry, Dave. but i need your help”
Davey sighed and handed you the mistletoe before grabbing his coat and boots to follow his dad outside with
you gave him a quick peck on the cheek to give him a smile before he closed the door
a few hours later, Davey came back inside shivering and covered in snow from helping outside
you helped him take his jacket and boots off and led him to the couch in the living room, cuddling next to him to warm him up
Davey wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead
you two fell asleep all cuddled up like that
his mom snapped a photo and texted it to you after posting it on her Facebook with the hashtag #mysleepingbabies
Daveys mom is actually the real MVP
Les politely woke you two up for dinner by throwing a snowball at Daveys face
he chased Les around the house while you go with his mom to get pizza
when you come back, Davey opens the front door for you two
he takes the pizza out of your hands and shyly kisses you
you’re like “?” until he points to the mistletoe he hung above the front door
you roll your eyes but cant help and giggle at his dorkiness
Davey kisses his moms cheek too before bringing the food to the kitchen
your boy is so sweet
love him forever pls
the next day
christmas eve
family christmas
you got dressed in nice jeans and a cute red sweater with a santa hat to top it off
Davey matches you with jeans and a nice christmas sweater
before going downstairs, he just holds you for a bit on his bed
“Y/N, listen. my family can get…weird”
“Davey, im sure it’ll be fine”
“they’re not like mom or dad or Les. they’re…well..you’ll see. but if you ever feel like it’s too much let me know and we can just come back up here and cuddle”
you laugh and give him a quick peck
“only if you do the same”
your boyfriend nods and grabs your hand, leading you downstairs
Les is dressed nice too
and guess what?
Les and Davey are wearing matching sweaters
and his mom and dad are wearing matching sweaters
turns out the whole family had matching sweaters
they’re the best family tbh
then little Les hands you a present and tells you to open it
you do as you’re told and gasp because holy crap its the same sweater they’re all wearing
“you better hurry and put it on before the rest of the family gets here” their mom says
you start to tear up because oh my gosh you’re a part of their family they got you a sweater to match them oh my gosh
you quickly run upstairs and change before coming down and hugging Davey
“did you know about this?”
he nodded
“of course i did. my mom came up with it though”
then zip zap zoo the rest of the family is in the Jacobs household
we’re talking cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, even grunckles and grants
its a lot of people
and they all love you
they keep teasing Davey like
“how’d you snag her you nerd?” cousin Frank
“blink twice if he paid you to date him” uncle Thomas
“why don’t ya ditch the bookworm and hang with a real man?” Race
“Race, what the hell are you doing here? get out,” Davey said and pushed him out the door
the party was great and everyone was so nice
his grandma loved your hair and how when Davey looked at you his eyes would almost sparkle. she told you that her mother told her her husbands eyes sparkled like that when they were still dating and that’s how she knew he was the one
you secretly told her later that you knew Davey was the one a year ago when he called you beautiful after your phone went off at three in the morning when he slept over in your dorm. the light from your phone screen had shown off your messy hair, gunk in the cracks of your eyes, and the slight drool crust on the corner of your lips. but Davey woke up with you and as soon as he saw you in the light, he called you beautiful. that’s why you knew he meant it
Davey’s uncle was a bit weird, though
not uncle Thomas
uncle Logan
he would just stand in the corner of the room and watch the party from afar
he never spoke unless spoken too
he had like twenty handfuls of pretzels, but half a glass of water
kinda gave you the creeps
but anyway
Davey did get a bit jealous when a few of his cousins started hitting on you, but you just simply took him to the mistletoe every time and that seemed to make him feel better
then it was dinner time
you sat in-between Davey and Les and across from Race and Albert
“how do you keep getting into my house? get out of here!”
after chasing off Race and Albert, you ended up sitting across from his Aunt Judy and Grandma
during dinner, Davey held your hand under the table
he’s so sweet
you helped Les and his mom clean the table while Davey went to go do something
you didn’t know what it was. all he told you was that it was “a family tradition”
so you didn’t ask questions
after dishes, you followed Les to Davey where he sat at a piano
(holy crap this is getting long. i’ll try to speed things up)
you sat next to Davey on the bench and smiled as he began to play classic christmas songs
his whole family sang together in pretty much perfect harmony and you were just amazed
like wow not only is Davey the most amazing singer ever but he comes from a family of amazing singers like wtf i don’t think that’s fair
but yeah
so after all the songs, everything was calming down when everyone gathered around the tree to open presents
everyone apologized that they didn’t get you a gift cause they didn’t know you were coming, but you said it was fine and helped Davey open his
afterwards, Davey took you to his room while everyone messed with their new gifts
he sat with you on his bed and pulled out a small box from under his bed
“here. i was gonna wait till tomorrow, but i felt bad for you not getting anything just now”
you smiled and kissed his cheek
“its not a harmonica, is it?”
Davey blushed
“y-you know about that?! how?!”
you laughed and ignored his question by opening the gift
your heart almost stopped at the sight
your boyfriend took the ring out of the box and held your hand



“Y/N, i want to make a promise. i want to promise that i’ll always love you and care for you and help you no matter what. i know we’ve only been together for two years but i just know you’re the one”
you put a hand over your mouth to quiet your sobs
“so, Y/N, can i give you this ring as a promise that one day i can replace it with something permanent? something that’s us and only us?”
(okay. listen. deh is amaze so deal with the reference)
you nodded and let him slip the ring onto your finger
he’s crying too as he pulls you in for a deep kiss
when you two part, you lay down on the bed with him, resting your head on his chest
you two didn’t even realize you had fallen asleep without leaving cookies for Santa
(how dare u)
the next morning you were woken up by Les jumping onto Davey’s gut and screaming “IT’S CHRISTMAS” into your ears
Davey groaned in pain as you got up and changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt before heading downstairs
you smiled as Les smiled at what Santa had brought
he immediately tore open his gifts once his mom and dad had sat on the couch with coffee
you sat on the ground with your back against the wall and watched Les show off his gifts
Davey came down a few minutes later in PJ pants and a t-shirt, clutching his stomach as he sat next to you
you leaned into his side and he wrapped his arm around you
you two are so cute
i can’t with you guys
Les put yours and Daveys presents in front of you so you could open them
you smiled and handed Davey the present that was from you
“Merry Christmas, babe. hope you like it”
inside was a pair of new tap shoes cause the ones he currently has will be busted the next time he tries to do a shuffle
Davey gasps
“Y/N these are exquisite! they must’ve cost a fortune!”
(tap shoes are expensive as hell, man)
you just shrugged
Davey hugged you tightly and kissed your temple
“i love you”
you giggled and hugged him back
“i love you too”
christmas is the best
especially when your boyfriend is Davey Jacobs and you get to celebrate with his whole family
the fucking finally end
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btsjfans · 7 years
You already know that I love you because you're gonna know who this is when I ask you if you can write a BTS reaction to: "You waking up in the morning to him making pancakes in nothing but his boxers 😎😍🥞" (I love me a man that can make some pancakes AND be almost naked at the same time 😎😎😎) THANKS LOVE!💖💖💖
Yes babe!!! LOVE YOU TOO IM SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS!! I will write the maknae line’s reactions first, and if I feel prompted to, or if the people want it lol, I’ll write the hyung line. I hope you enjoy it!! :) Thanks for submitting xx
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Jimin: You wake up one morning, the left side of the bed empty and cold. You sit up, pressing your hand to the little dent where he’d been sleeping. Did he go to work? Did he go out with the boys? You slide out of the bed, wearing nothing but one of his shirts, and you pull the fabric up to your nose and breath in the smell of him before sighing and walking out, preparing for a day of solitude. As you reach the door, you hear the sound of dishes outside. Confused, you peek your head out, a smile creeping over your face at the sight before you. Jimin stands in the kitchen, pouring pancake mix onto a pan. His hair is still a mess from bed, and he stands wearing nothing but his dark blue boxers. You lean against the door frame, watching his muscles move as he steps around the kitchen, mixing and pouring, the morning sunlight catching in his dark, messy hair, and making a soft halo of light around him. He turns around to grab something when his eyes meet yours, a grin expanding on his lips.
“Jagi, you’re awake!” He smiles, and lets out a quiet laugh, walking over and snaking his arms around your waist, pulling you against his body and kissing you, one hand sliding down to the hem of the shirt you wear, his fingers skimming your bare skin, making you shiver and giggle. 
“After we have breakfast, I think I know what I want for dessert,” He whispers, his breath warm against your cheek, and his lips brushing your skin lightly.
“Jimin?” You smile, pushing on his chest.
“Yes jagi?” He smiles, nuzzling your neck.
“The pancakes are burning,” You grin and watch the panic take over his face before he whips around running back to the stove and you laugh as he grumbles trying to save them. 
“If you weren’t so freaking delicious maybe I could focus on my cooking jagi!” He fake pouts and you laugh, watching him smile and hold an arm out for you as he flips your slightly overdone pancakes. You walk over, wrapping your arms around his bare torso. 
“I wish we could do this every morning Jiminie,” You murmur against his back, and he leans his head back, kissing your forehead. “Love you,” You smile watching him finish the pancakes.
“Love you more Y/n, I love you more,” He sighs, smiling. 
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Taehyung: You roll over, frowning at the sight of the half empty bed. You groan burying you face in his pillow, breathing in his smell and curling up in the blankets. You thought he had today off, and you looked forward to spending the day alone with him, and now it looks like you’ll be spending the day just alone, in general. 
“Dang it Taehyung!” You groan and slide out of bed, looking at yourself in the mirror. You smile, your hair is messy, and you stand wearing only one of his shirts. This is the way you wanted it to be every day, except with Taehyung actually here. You sigh at the thought and open up your bedroom door, and bite back a laugh at the sight. Taehyung stands in the kitchen, wearing nothing but his blue boxers, his honey skin turning golden in the morning light, his auburn hair shining like a halo. He meticulously cracks an egg open, before tossing it in the trash, moving on to crack another egg. You grin watching how slowly and precisely he goes, watching how his tongue slips out as he tries to focus on what he’s doing. He catches sight of you out of the corner of his eyes, and his boxy grin makes an appearance. 
“Y/n!!!” He laughs and runs out to you, wrapping you up in his arms and attacking you in kisses as the both of you laugh. “I was gonna surprise you with breakfast in bed, why’d you have to wake up and ruin my surprise?!” He playfully scolds you and taps your nose. He keeps his arm around your waist and pulls you over with him, continuing to stir and mix ingredients. He pours the mix onto the pan, wiping some batter on your face and you stick your tongue out at him. He rolls his eyes and slides his hand up and down your side, his hand trailing over your bare skin, his hand squeezing your butt gently making you gasp and giggle. “You look good enough to eat,” He murmurs, kissing your cheek smiling, before getting back to mixing, you leaning against his side. This was how you wish it was every day. 
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Jungkook: You wake up, smiling at the memory of the night before, rolling over to kiss Jungkook but frowning as you just roll into empty bed space. 
“You and me, all alone, all day tomorrow.” He’d said, just as you’d fallen asleep last night. Yeahhhh right, explains why you woke up alone, again. 
You slide out of bed, shivering at the cold. You pull on his shirt from the floor, and pull your messy hair into a ponytail, opening the bedroom door, freezing in your tracks, a smile taking over. You bite your lip and lean on the wall, watching. Jungkook is frowning reading instructions off his phone, and slowly mixing ingredients. He wears nothing but black boxers, his hair a mess still, and his muscles rippling. The morning light filters in, illuminating him and making a halo around him. He drops the flour on the ground and groans bending over to pick it up, seeing you.
“Y-Y/n!” He stands up straight, embarrassed at the mess and you grin. 
“Pancakes? For me?” You bat your eyelashes and he grins and walks over, pulling you against his body, leaning down to kiss you. 
“Anything and everything for you Y/n,” He murmurs, pecking your lips and you smile sliding your hand up his bare chest as his hands graze your bare skin where the shirt doesn’t reach, sending shivers all over you. 
“Kookie, breakfast first, us after,” You giggle and brush his hair off his forehead. 
“Fineeeee, but you better stay here with me while I cook for youuuu,” He grins and throws you over his shoulder, and you squeal as he carries you back to the counter, keeping you up over his shoulder as he mixes and pours. 
“Smells good Kookie,” You muse from over his shoulder. 
“And you look good,” He grins patting your half clothed bum, making you giggle and shake your head. 
Thanks for submitting!! I hope I did good :) I can rewrite it if it wasn't what you were looking for, and I can write a hyung line version if you guys want :P Thanks again! xx
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astraea-writes · 7 years
To Kiss A Girl- Davey Jacobs x Reader
alright so i guess im just gonna post davey fics until ben fankhauser falls in love with me??
requested by anon, so sorry for the delay! these go alongside my college headcanons from the other day, and i most definitely am going to rewrite this in the future with better structuring, but i wanted to get this out asap!
please listen to "to Kiss a Girl" when you read bc itll make so much more sense i promise
as always my inbox is always open
warnings: drinking
Hey! Y/N! Get a pape from your favorite newsie?" Jack yelled from across the quad. You laughed and made your way towards him. winter break was over, and today was the first day of the last quarter of the school year. Your last class of the day had just gotten out, and you were already exhausted from the amount of work you knew you'd have before this year was out. "Katherine's still got you passing out the school newspaper for her?" you asked, taking the paper and sliding it into your bag. "My girl just made rising editor in chief for next year" he beamed, and you smiled at how in love with her he was. You were quickly pulled out of your thoughts, however, when you felt an arm wrap around your waist and turned to see Davey. "Hey, study night at the library?" He asked and when you nodded he dropped his arm and blushed at the instinctive contact. It was a common occurrence for the two of you to spend countless days studying and talking while the rest of your gang was out getting into trouble somehow. Jack chuckled at the awkward exchange. "Well well, if it ain't the other half of the loveboids" he greeted Davey, winking and slugging him on the shoulder. You rolled your eyes. "Shouldn't you be off fawning over Katherine like a lost puppy somewhere?" you teased and Jack playfully shoved you. " ah come on, you two knows there's something goin on here! You twos have even kissed!" He accused, waving his hands around wildly, gesturing to the small space between you and your best friend. You couldn't help but look down and smile at the memory, but you quickly recovered as Davey went still. "It was New Years, Jack. And I seem to recall you getting us tipsy on champagne, and then pushing me into him as the ball dropped" "I elped a little, but you twos were the one who did it!" He protested. You smiled and shook your head. "I know there's no point to arguing with ya, even if I'm right, so I'm just gonna leave now" you laughed. Jack smirked at the glare Davey gave him and you pulled him away before he could get too annoyed. "Sorry i wasn't much help back there" he muttered once you were out of Jacks hearing range. "Don't worry about it. I can take care of myself" you laughed. The rest of the walk was full of conversation about how Davey finally got to see Les during winter break and your crazy family stories. The two of you instinctively made your way to your table, in the back of the library by the law books no one ever needed so no one would bother you. You hadn't even bothered to stop at your dorm and grab any textbooks, you knew that you and Davey would probably wind up talking so much that nothing would get done-it was rare for the two of you to have been apart for this long. "Why'd you want to study?" you asked as Davey pulled out his laptop. "Have you even been assigned anything yet?" "No" he admitted, "Im just stressed. You know how I took that music composition class last semester?" You nodded and he continued "well our final project was to write a full length song but our class was struggling so much that the professor gave us winter break to finish it. But now, I have to perform it in a week and it's no where near good enough" You laughed as he ranted. "Davey, you're an amazing writer. I'm sure it's amazing, even though you refuse to let me hear it." He shook his head. "There's no way you're hearing it" "at least play it for me then?" You countered, and knowing that you wouldn't stop until he did, Davey slowly got up and made his way towards the piano in the lounge of the library, where students were free to relax and play anything they wanted. He sat down and began to play the most beautiful melody you had ever heard. You stared at him as his hands moved all over the keys and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. You thought back to what Jack had said, about New Years Eve.
You and the gang of boys Davey and Jack had gathered had decided to go home for Hanukkah and Christmas, but come back to school for a New Years Party to end all New Years Parties (according to Spot Conlon). You had showed up to a pretty little club to find the boys drinking like no tomorrow, save for Davey who was in the corner waiting for you. As the two of you spent the night in conversation, Jack got more antsy as the night went on, telling the both of you that tonight was the time to finally get together about every twenty minutes, and the two of you had rolled your eyes and laughed his drunken shpeals off each time. Two minutes to midnight he had pressed glasses of champagne and probably something else into your and Daveys hands, and pushed the two of you together. You fell into Davey and his hand went to the small of your back as your hand grabbed his shoulder for support. Taking a sip of champagne and setting the glasses down, the two of you maintained eye contact, still pressed against each other. You couldn't speak, mesmerized by his eyes, by the way he was looking at you like you were the only person in the room. As Jack screamed the countdown, you decided to screw it and quickly pressed your lips to his. It was only for a moment, a single kiss, but he kissed you back and you felt every firework and sparkle that had been promised to you by corny love songs and cliche movies. The Newsies yelled and cheered once the two of you pulled away, staring at each other like you were meeting for the first time. Once the boys finally dispersed to go and taunt Jack and Katherine, who were very publicly making out in the middle of the dance floor, you turned to go with them, but Davey grabbed your hand and pulled you back to his chest. Before you could ask what was wrong, he cupped his hands around your face and kissed you. The two of you stayed like that, kissing painfully slowly, lips moving together in perfect sync, knowing that once you pulled away this would all end. After several minutes you had to break the kiss, and when your eyes met there was absolutely no denying that you were in love with this boy and always had been.
But you hadn't done anything about it. Davey walked you to your dorm, made sure you got to your bed safely, and left. When you woke up the next morning, there was a glass of water and an aspirin on your desk and a text message on your phone from Davey, apologizing for leaving so soon but he had to catch his train back home, and apologizing for last night. You had stayed in bed, silent tears moving down your face, because the boy you loved was sorry he kissed you and there was nothing you could do about it. "Y/N?" Daveys voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and quickly wiped away a tear you hadn't realized was forming. "Sorry," you laughed softly. "Just, God, Davey, that was beautiful. So so beautiful" He blushed and thanked you, quickly walking back to your table. "So when do I get to hear the actual lyrics??" you asked slyly. "Never." He responded flatly. "Come onnnn Davey, Im your best friend" you pouted, making him laugh. "Its just, personal, okay?" he said defensively. "Mm hmm, okay. But there's nothing that you can't write amazingly, and nothing you can't sing because I have 100% heard you singing in the shower so there's no denying that Davey Jacobs. And if you don't want me to listen to it, then fine, but nothing is going to change the fact that it's probably already my most favorite song ever" you told him sincerely, and he blushed, still not used to your compliments after years of friendship.
But it really wasn't fine. Because you couldn't let it go.
"Okay just tell me what it's about" you begged, lying upside down on Jacks bed as Davey cleaned up his side of the room. "Nope" he smirked and you groaned in agony. "Davey come on there's nothing I don't know about you" "You don't know what I'm gonna sing" he laughed and you threw one of Jacks pillows at his head. "Davey come on I'm literally dying. Is it about me? About Jack? About your hidden love for girly Starbucks drinks?" you jokingly guessed, standing in line at your local Starbucks. Davey recited both of your orders and then turned back to glare at you. "Y/N I'm seriously not telling you. It's personal and stupid and once I get my grade I'm never speaking of it again, okay?" he sighed as the two of you walked to class. "That makes me incredibly sad because I know everything you do is ridiculously amazing" you smiled, and he only rolled his eyes.
After a week of begging and unsuccessfully bribing, Davey's performance day was here and you still weren't even told where it would be. That was, until Jack came pounding on your door. "Y/N! So a friend of Katherine's is in Daveys music class and a friend of hers is the stage manager for the theatre they're using and if we go right now then we can get there in time to sneak in!" he yelled, and you had barely grabbed your coat before you were out the door. Jack was the only person as impatient as you, and Daveys secrecy had been driving him crazy as well. The two of you made it to the school theater in record time, sneaking in to the back entrance that had been left open for you. You two made your way to the back of the house, and ducked into the last row of seats as Daveys name was called. He shyly walked up to the piano, and began to play the melody you had heard just the week before. His face slowly relaxed as he calmed his nerves, and hesitantly he began to sing. You were immediately stunned. His voice was pure and perfect, echoing off the walls. And then he got to the chorus. You felt Jacks eyes land on you, but you couldn't look away from Davey. Was he really singing about you? Could he really have felt the same way? You barely blinked, smiling wider than you thought possible, tears pooling in your eyes. And right before the final chorus, Davey turned to look out into the crowd and your eyes met. With a mix of both fear and confidence that only he could have, he belted out the final notes, and as he finished the song, you ran up to the bottom of the stage as the professors and the rest of the class burst into applause, Jack cheering the loudest. Davey made his way down to you from the stage, and all of his embarrassment melted away as he saw the look in your eyes. He ran up to you and you didn't hesitate to grab his collar and pull him into you, kissing him like you had been waiting to for so long. His hands wrapped around your waist and he deepened the kiss, the applause growing even stronger. There was no countdown or champagne, but you knew this was a new beginning for the both of you.
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enaasteria · 6 years
Answered Asks // 1
This first bulk ask is for Music Anon as you sent me your reactions while reading and I LOVED THEM SO MUCH. Under the cut!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 30th 2018, 6:51:00 pm · 4 hours ago But what happens after 18 T_T?! Do we send them off to happy ending AU? But okay I can’t wait to see them being all fluff balls like omg I need fluff after all that angst (though I do love angst but they deserve their happy)! Btw, I sent you a message about a song that reminded me of chapter 11. I was just wondering if you’ve received because I remember you saying your inbox eats your messages sometimes :)
18 is the epilogue. It really is just a cute scene I have in mind that I want to write out that gives insight into what their life is afterwards. And yes!! the music ask is in my inbox. I’m saving it for when I can really focus on the lyrics. My brain is a bit loopy right now from finishing 17 so I want to take my time and enjoy the music you sent. I’ll definitely listen to it tomorrow morning when my brain is refreshed~~~!!!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 30th 2018, 7:10:00 pm · 3 hours ago
Okay I saw that you enjoy messages while we’re reading so I’m going to send you a lot of annoying ones which will make you sick of me. I’m at the scissors part and can I just say CHANYEOL? WHY?! DO YOU NOT READ THE ATMOSPHERE. IT SHOULD BE SEHUN AND AHRI ALL TANGLED UP AND PRETZELING, NOT YOU AND SEHUN!! Buuuut awwwww the hand holding. SOFLUFFYLIKEABUNNY. I literally had to wear my pyjamas and run to bed so that I could enjoy it in my most comfortable position. Back to reading! - musicanon
I’m gunna answer all of your individual messages personally because I LOVED READING EVERY ONE OF THEM. THEY WERE THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY NIGHT MUSIC ANON. THEY REALLY WERE. OMG. I had to rewrite this part so many times because I couldn’t figure out how to get Sehun and Ahri to the bathroom scene. The flow was completely off and I was like---let me try having Chanyeol being a fidgety mess and grab Sehun all over the place and voila. LOL
Ended the intense haircut session xD! I love the way you describe scenes in which Ahri cradles Sehun’s face. It’s so intimate and loving. I also love how both haircut sessions in the story kind of depicts how Ahri is letting Sehun into her world. But this time, he wants to venture deeper and she also wants him to come closer. So much has changed! Did Sehun read a manual on perfect boyfriend 101 because damn boy, you’re giving Ahri (and me) heart attacks! STAYINYOURLANE. 
YOU NOTICED. YASSSS. When he kissed her inner wrist LIKE. PLEASE @ LORD. PLEASE BLESS ME WITH THIS ROMANCE IRL. I NEED THIS. EVEN HALF OF THIS ROMANCE. I ain’t a greedy lady but I just want some heartfelt moments like this. Haircut session. My hearteu. Side note---I really need my bangs cut. Where can I get an apt Sehun to cut my hair??? BUT SNIFFS. This is how I see Sehun being with the person he loves. I really think he would dote on her and really love her to the extent of his capabilities. It just makes me go uwu.
Btw, Soi being like are you sure you’re done reminds me of the scene in Black Panther where T’challa is having his fam reunion and M’Baku is like YAWN are you done? Are you done?! Cracks me up!
OMG. BLACK PANTHER. You are just about my favorite anon. Thank you and let me love you forever and ever.
Oh dear lord, I hope Yua’s work troubles weren’t the ones you were going through (or something similar)? Also, I hope you weren’t referring to your cousin x_x. But of course, if you were then SHAME ON ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO DO THIS TO YOU. You’re like Ahri though! Strong and elegant in her way of dealing with things <3 Soi’s desire to smush the lovebirds together perfectly describes my own. I always think of the NOW KISS meme whenever Sehun and Ahri are in close proximity. JUSTKISSCOMEON - ma
Every work trouble I really did go through. I write a lot from experiences so this whole chapter encompasses a lot of moments I dealt in real life. The work, the 23 hr straight shift, the glass frame and rewriting it. All happened. But it’s also a reason why I quit so now life is a lot better without those leadership boogers. WHAT IS THIS MEME YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT AND WHERE CAN I FIND ITTTT???
How funny would it be if Ahri playfully called Sehun Monsieur and Sehun launches into full French mode like Bonjour oui oui mademoiselle (my last French lesson was 15 years ago. it’s been awhile xD). Ahri be like dafuq I’m out - ma
Ahhhhhh my dearest music anon. She would straight up respond back in fluent french and let him live out his wildest dreams PUAHAHAHAH
TIE SCENE SO CUTE *hearteyes* I can imagine it playing out in my head!!! I have to applaud Ahri for being able to tie it on someone else. I can only tie it while it’s on my neck, loosen it and give it to someone else. And lol, of course Mr Perfect Boyfriend has the ability to somehow make his gaze softer on command xD. Ahri bby, how are you not melting. SOI?! YOU JUST SAID YOU WANTED THEM TO KISS AND NOW YOU’RE INTERRUPTING THEM. For a good reason. BUTSTILL. Just wait 30 seconds!!! - ma
RIGHT. This chapter made me CRY A RIVER AND IM STILL A MESS. And Monsieur Oh is adept with his facial structure and actions and can be any man you want him to be. You want sturdy burly Sehun. You got it. Soft, cherub Sehun? NO PROBLEM. He can do it all!!! But honestly I would melt too and she sort of does. Eventually LOOOOL But to Soi’s defense, she just has terrible timing. HAHAHAHA She’s my baby. I love Soi. I love Yua. I love Ahri. I love Yumi. I love all my girls.
Ohgod! Poor Ahri for having to do all that name writing! Sehun is right. She’s got this! But you’ve perfectly described me whenever I make a mistake in my writing. I’m like FFS I NEED TO REWRITE THIS WHOLE THING. That’s why I like pencils because rubbers exist. Look at Ahri getting all turned on by Sehun’s knife skills *waggles brows* it’s like her artistic rendition of lumberjack Sehun. I bet Sehun is already planning their wedding. Crossing mirrors off the list or else the missus would cry -ma
This was another one of the scenes where I wrote from experience. I was helping out a wedding and this bride made her seating charts just as I described. Her wedding was outside and it was windy and it knocked over one of the seating charts. I had to rewrite all those names and it was such a PAIN IN THE BUTTTTT. OMG ARCHITECT SEHUN WOULD BE SO HEUNGNNGNGNG. She goes and visits him at the office while he’s drafting a building. AND SHE JUST LOOKS AT HIM AND ITS HIS TURN TO ASK HER, CAN YOU LOOK AT ME LESS INTENSELY PLEASE, AHRI. IT would be just cutest.
CONGRATS TO THE BRIDE AND GROOM! Dude I can’t believe you forgot her name. I don’t do this at all *rolls eyes and acts self righteous* btw, I didn’t know about the least to most important bridesmaids/groom thing! It actually made me laugh because if you’re asked to be one, you know exactly where you stand in the ranking xD. ASDFGHJKL. HANDHOLDING. FITTING PRECISELY IN ALL THE EMPTY SPACES IN BETWEEN. WALKING DOWN THE AISLE. That’s it. They’re officially married in my mind. No arguments! - ma
Seunghyun and Lia’s meeting was actually how I met my husband. He didn’t remember my name actually but I remembered his and it was and still is how I torment him LOOOOL. It’s not really least important to most important. I just did it for writing purposes but it’s your wedding. Sometimes people just place people in certain spots based on their height LOL. AHRI AND SEHUN. MARRIED> I DEAD.
Oh Chanyeol, you finally have met your violent happy ending. He’s a pup in love! Very unexpected but I approve. Yeol and Ahri’s pact doesn’t stand because Sehun and Ahri just got married (and secretly stole Seunghyun and Lia’s thunder). OMGKEEPERS! ISEEWHATUDIDTHERE. Man Sehun, how does it feel listening to how you’ve been a dick to Ahri in KeepersAU (also early in ApartmentAU)? But he made amends so he will be forgiven. IS HE GOING TO GIVE HER JEWELLERY?! He said he wouldn’t unless ...! - ma
HE’S A PUP IN LOVE AND THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE ISSSSS. IT was never really a true pact to begin with. Just a joke to mess with Sehun that I added in and I don’t think Ahri would’ve ever went through with it tbh. She’s not the type to marry someone at all, if ever and even if she’s old and wrinkly, she wouldn’t marry someone if she didn’t wholeheartedly love him. AND YASSSS KEEEPEEPEPERPRRSSS. I’m glad you see it. I was really proud of this. I wove in so many stories for this chapter. My brain was about to burst. AYEEEE. WILL HE. WILL WE FIND OUT IF HE GIVES HER JEWELRY in 18??? We shall see.
I just died of fluff and I’m not even done yet. I had to take so many breaks in between reading by smushing my face into the pillow because my heart was bursting with cotton wool!! Not gonna lie, I wanted to smack Sehun for using >100 batteries. BE ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY BOY. Even if you’re in a fictional scene. But A+ for set up. The jar of longing is so sweet! BESTILLMYHEART. HAHAHA I CANT BELIEVESHE TOLD HIM ABOUT HOW SHE CLASSIFIES HIM! Married couple spilling all their secrets & kissing -ma
ITS SO FLUFF RIGHT? LIKE I CANT EVEN FIGURE OUT HOW I DID IT. I can’t even live right now because I’ve never written anything like this before. I’m more into darker stories where things are just pain and crying and tears and heart breaking torment. SO THIS WAS A 180 FROM WHAT I USUALLY WRITE. I hope it wasn’t vomit inducing fluff but IM SORRY. THE BATTERIES. Would it help if I said they’re rechargeable?????? AYEEEE. VERSIONS EQUATE TO CREATIVITY. Who knows, it might be a kink. OR. he could spend the rest of his life entertaining her with versions and asking her what do you call this one? how about this one? AHRIIII~~~~~~She would major regret this later on hahaha
Aw, I’m glad Ahri got to see the stars!! And promptly decided that she wanted to be with Sehun instead. Omg HAHAH. I was like how do you unofficially own a star? Did he call the international space agency or Spock or something and told them to fly a toothpick flag up with the names of Sehun and Ahri written on it xD? Btw are those star designations real? I tried googling but ended up with Supreme Court cases lol! Whenever Sehun tells stories that his father told him, and he says that (tbc) - ma
YES! You can can actually “buy” a star and “name” it. It’s definitely not official. It’s not like N*SA will recognize it but it’s just a sweet gesture and that’s why he said unofficially. The star designations I used aren’t real but they are formatted in that way. I had do research on this and it’s really long and windy and hard to explain because even my brain was like---i can not understand this. The letters are usually an abbrev of the telescope used to discover the star and the numbers are sometimes the year found or the date or coordinates. Like I said, really complicated science stuff so for the sake of fic writing, I just made it simple and put in some numbers that mean stuff LOOOL
And he says that it’s been passed down from generation to generation. I have this picture of ancient Egyptian Sehun wearing the Pharoh headgear in my mind telling his son about how KeepersAU Sehun was a dick and how he should cling to a girl called Ahri when he meets her xD! HE IS SO SMOOTH IN THIS CHAPTER. I spilled tea on myself so many times while reading. Can I just say that the we are stars for eternity idea (unless they decide to be a supernova) is so creative and so fitting for them?
AHHAHAHAHAHAH PHARAOH SEHUN. IM DED. OMG. I will never forget this memory and look. Another version of Sehun to make me want to die in a pile of fluff. And tbh---I really imagine Sehun coming to Ahri’s classroom with the kids all around him. Ada. Joon. They’re all around him in a circle as he tells embarrassing lovey dovey songs about Sehun and Ahri and it just makes me smile soooo much. ISNT IT. I HAD THIS IDEA FOR 3 YEARS AND I FINALLY WROTE IT OUT AND IM SO CRY TEARS OVER IT???? But yes---no supernova. no kilonova none of that colliding and bursting together business LOL.
You are so incredibly thoughtful in crafting a sense of continuity and meaning for Sehun and Ahri <3. I think that’s why they are so addictive as a couple. Because we get to see the way they’ve grown, the way they accept the hurt they’ve inflicted upon each other and themselves but actually reflect on it and come out stronger. I love the honesty and kindness they’ve shown each other in this chapter. How they’ve come out of hiding to show that they do indeed love the other. - ma
THANK YOUUUUUU. OMG. THIS REALLY IS SO SWEET. Your messages made me so much and I’m addicted to them as well. They’re like my babies and I just want to give them all the happiness to make up for all the pain I put them through. 
I loooove the parallel scenes between this chapter and the previous ones because this time, their words and actions mean something deeper. I wish I was as eloquent as you are because I don’t have words to describe how beautiful they are together. They are so in love and I’m in love with them being in love *_*! Casually throwing myself in their relationship. I’ll be waving pom-poms in the bushes where they can’t see teehee! Can we have a reincarnation AU based on the last line xD? - ma
AHHHHH IM NOT ELOQUENT AT ALL. I really fail at words and I might reread to fix some things but YESSS. I’m all about parallels. I love making full circle of things to make sure it all ends cleanly and making sure they’re not who they were but better people now. REINCARNATION AUUUUU. MAYBE. MAYBE. I have a few reincarnation prompts saved so I might dig into them and may something will spark???
Thank you thank you thank you for writing this absolutely brilliant story <3. I know nobody is as attached to Sehun and Ahri as you are but we’ve all loved them together for the past three years. THEY ARE LIKE OUR BABIES! I teared while reading 17 T_T. I can’t let them leave the nest. They need to stay within our arms forever!!! How many thank yous can I say before you want to hit me? WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU? You’ve blessed us with this story and I only hope I could do something in return. - ma
THANK YOU FOR STICKING WITH ME. I’m not sure how long you’ve been with my blog but if it’s been 1+ years or even from the beginning, I really want to thank you for your patience. I know I’m not the quickest writer out there but I’m nevertheless so grateful for your words. For your sentiments. For all that you’ve written for me to make me smile. THESE MESSAGES ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH AS GRATITUDE. I really love how you reacted to them and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Nothing makes a writer happier than reading messages like this and seeing how you loved this story and cherish it as much as I do.
Okay, I’m probably getting annoying by now. so this is the last one I swear (also because tumblr is being like WHOA WAIT AN HOUR BEFORE ASKING MORE. So I’ve had to switch my WiFi mode on and off so that it doesn’t recognise me as the same person). I’m just gonna reread the chapter again and again, and again tomorrow and again and again. Thank you for this masterpiece. suffice to say, I more than love it so don’t you dare think that it’s anything short of fantabulous! throwsheartsatyou - ma
This is not annoying at all. You’re not annoying, MA. omg TUMBLR DOES THAT??? I never knew!!!! But really, thank you again endlessly for all that you’ve written. I appreciate it so much and I’m so happy you love this story. You are just the sweetest and I PROMISE TO LISTEN TO YOUR MUSIC RECS TOMORROW THE MOMENT I WAKE UP. hugs you. LOVES YOU. THROWS CONFETTI AT YOU.
0 notes
realblackhelix · 5 years
Regarding Season 5 Legends of Tomorrow
Spoilers mostly because of two paragraphs of quotes hinting at Season 5 but it's not really spoilery.
So everyone seems a little worried about the season finale spoilers which are hinting about what season 5 may be about and while I am a little something has been niggling at me, a lot of somethings.
If you are here only for Avalance. Check #4 it's a theory that I haven't been able to shake since I read the Season 5 spoilers.
Here for potential episode count of Season 5 of Legends of Tomorrow and/or the potential reasoning behind it's midseason, next year move? Try #3
Or here for a potential theory regarding Season 5 entirely. This also includes Avalance and has a little more backbone then #4. Check out #5
Here for Crisis on Infinite Earths? Check the last part.
So I made a list and dug back through almost every episode of Legends from season 3-4 to try to calm my fears and honestly I think there are some huge clues buried deep in there.
1. People are worried that next Season will be Legends of Tomorrow's last and I honest to god think Legends of Tomorrow will end with a Season 6 and not 5. Why do I think this? Mostly because the CW renewed it for season 5 didn't mention it was ending and renewed Arrow for season 8 and mentioned that it would be it's final season. Plus I doubt they'd end two of the Arrowverse shows one after the other. I know it hasn't been running as long as Arrow and Legends isn't the flagship show but I do believe they would've let people know if that would be it. Though that said I do believe Legends will have a Season 6 and that will be it's last, do I want it to be? No.
Should it be? That's to be determined.
There are hundreds of stories a show like Legends could tell but honestly ask yourself is it worth the risk of Legends losing what makes it Legends, let it and those in it go down as Legends I say.
2. And what happens when the Legends awaken the original guardians of Time (no, not the Time Masters, sillies, that was season one!) who wish to erase everything the Legends have “screwed up for the better” over the past four seasons?
I needed to especially hit this nail on the head, considering I began writing a fic back at the beginning of 3B about original guardians of time, I literally even called them Time Guardians and tied the original 2 of them to Adam and Eve and there was this whole plot surrounding what if and honestly Im scrapping it now, I was probably never going to finish it but I was almost half way through so thats something.
Now to get on with the actual point of this quote, I dont know if anybody has noticed but this entire season offset with the actors and actressess and onset as their characters, especially the closer it gets to the finale has been extremely focused on the wrongs season 1 did, how bad it was, how much the actors didn't like it (example - Dominic Purcell's quote, Phil Klemmers comments about it and on and on with the other actors), the quote above even mentions the fact that these guardians will try to correct the past 4 seasons and then there's Sara's and Mick's mention to it in "Nip/Stuck", the offshoot moment that had everyone going awwww when Mick mentioned they were the last of the originals and Sara mentioned they were different back then and that they are growing up but hopefully not apart (a huge hint I believe that this show is ready to tie the knot, just not season 5 ready because they'll need to be adults for that ending and they aren't quite there yet) season 4 was about coming to terms with that fact and season 5 will be about them acting on it, season 6 will be the realisation that every Legend has an ending. This is where season 5 'them acting on being adults' comes into it, I believe Legends is going to try to write season 1's wrong in a way they haven't done yet, do I mean they'll literally go back and rewrite season 1? No, i swear to god they better not that would be another level of unbelievable yet to be achieved but that doesn't mean certain aspects of season 1 won't have a huge impact, season 1 brought them together as in Sara's words "the original losers, not important to history" and now look at them. Season 1 of Legends will play a pivotal plot point to Season 5, a realisation of soughts. It's time for the Legends to grow up, realise that every action truly has consequences and that nothing lasts forever, something they couldn't fathom when Rip tried to keep them from fixing their mess in 3x01 forcing them to get normal lives and not be time travelling superheroes. Though they'll surely have their fun discovering this.
3. Midseason Return and episode count
Okay, I am not worried at all about this. Is it shitty? Yeah definitely. We won't be getting episodes until at least at minimum January next year but let's be honest with Batwoman hitting our screens, this was going to happen.
Legends of Tomorrow is the CW's most outrageous, crazy, no ordinary run of the mill show they have. It's no longer able to fit with the nitty gritty of the Arrowverse, it's in a league of its own.
These things are what make Legends of Tomorrow, Legends of Tomorrow. It wouldn't be the same if it resembled the street show Arrow is or the teen superhero show the Flash is or the normal, kind of? that Supergirl is or whatever type of darl thing Batwoman will be. Just like Black Lightning (which if you aren't watching, why?) Legends is something of its own. Unique.
Moving Legends away may very well be them realising this.
As for episode count, I don't expect anything above 16 episodes but I certainly don't expect anything below 13. This whole 10 episode rumour going around, I find it hard to believe, Arrow got 10 mostly because it's the last season and Stephen Amell requested a shorter series to end on.
4. Avalance - let's be honest most of you reading this are only here for the Avalance. Probably.
What do I think of Avalance leading into season 5? I think we got our answer perhaps in the form of Clexacon, 4B and the spoiler. Everyone is so concerned with the fact that they may break up that they haven't considered something entirely different.
In attempting to change her future, Zari Tomaz (Tala Ashe) will accidentally change not just the past she shared with Nate Heywood (Nick Zano), but fundamentally change who the Legends are in season five.
From this one paragraph everybody assumes they are going to be broken up in this new reality. If that turns out to be the case I am all here for a finding their way back to each other season. Remember, Sara and Ava are who each other want. They'll find their way back to one another.
Though this isn't what I get from this, remember Clexacon. Remember baby Beebo's? Remember Ava wanting a life with Sara and Sara not entirely sure she could give that to Ava with her past, remember everything with Sara's father, remember Ava wanting to talk about kids and so on and so on. Now I'm not saying Quentin will make an appearance but I am suggesting that what if this new reality is everything they ever wanted, what if it's paradise, Ava has a kid with Sara, Sara has her father and she's in a good place with Ava but nothing feels right. What if it changes their lives all for the better and season 5 is them coming to terms with the fact that they can't have something that isn't really real. Imagine Ava having to let go of a child, Sara having to say goodbye to a living family, Nate saying goodbye to his Dad again, Mick having to let go off being some famous writer and so on and so on for every other character. It's not their reality whether it's perfect or not at the end of the day they are heroes and now they need to prove it.
Will Avalance have a rough patch? No doubt.
Will they be broken up at the start of next season? Who knows, I don't, not really.
Will they find their place together? Definitely, I'd bet my life Legends Season 5 ends with Avalance. Though Season 6 may start with only one of them.
5. What if the opposite of the above happens?
What if it's the fact that Zari erases herself from history or never meets the Legends and detrimentally changes the future, I mean that was a theme through all of season 3 and looking back at the fantastic episode "Here We Go Again" Gideon and Zari figure out that without her they can't stop Mallus, what else would've happened without Zari.
If Zari never met the Legends what would the impact be?
First we need to take a look at Zari and what brought her too the Legends, namely her brother and the desire to save him, he gave her the totem, so let's think this through, if Zari some how manages to save her brother (I'm gonna say she saves him with her dragon, that dragon will come into play somehow, leaving it at Zari's was in no way a random thing), she never gets the totem, she never joins the Legends and the Legends no longer have six totems.
What then? What about Mallus? What about Nora?
What about Avalance, Zari (with the help of the cheeky bot, Sara's words not mine,) were catalysts for them, is it possible that without her push to Sara, Ava moved on with that ex in Vegas or someone else. It would give Legends and opportunity for some hilarious Sara jealousy and pining something we haven't really ever seen. Could you imagine? They would be friends with or without Zari but would they be together? Sara is a little stupid when it comes to admitting feelings and Ava is a little dense when it comes to anything Sara related, it would make for a joy to watch as Sara and Ava fall in love all over again but never truly get together until everything is fixed with time and they realise the lynch pin to their relationship starting was Zari.
What about Charlie? Or Constantine? Zari had a huge impact on both characters, "Legends of To-Meow-Meow" is all the proof you need.
Would Constantine even be a part of the team?
Would Charlie?
Would Mick be a writer, Zari gave him the push he needed, to be out as a writer and to be a writer. Without Zari, Here We Go Again never happened.
Zari impacted every one of Legends, willing or not. Mostly not.
What about those donuts? Would the Waverider be overrun by donuts? Poor Gideon.
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Alright this is because this makes me more nervous than Season 5 of Legends spoilers does. Probably because we haven't heard anything really and only have the comics to truly back the crazy theories surrounding it.
Lets give it a look. Canon flow of the story between all shows hasn't been the CW's greatest forte, their plot holes only seem to get bigger and bigger with every second or third episode that hits the screen as they try to tie all these shows together.
That said, one thing that has yet to become a plot hole, at least not that I've seen. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
The Legends were picked because they wouldn't impact history in any great way. Sara dying or any Legends dying to save the multiverse would throw a wrench into this and blow the biggest plot hole in Legends that would be pretty hard to turn around from. I'm not saying that they might not try because it is the CW but let's be honest going into Clexacon, Jes and Caity knew how Legends was going to end, Caity will be back for the next season which would be awkward if she died in the crossover (Though she does have a habit of coming back from death), so relax chill and wait to see that most likely this Crossover will show what happens with Oliver Queen the Arrow, one final Arrowverse send of for the one who started it. Love or loathe Arrow, personally for me it went downhill around season 5 but I hold a soft spot for it, love or loathe you probably wouldn't have everything else without it. So give it a round of applause when it finishes, Stephen Amell and the rest of them deserve it.
That said it is Crisis on Infinite Earths, who's to say that the new season of Legends will take place on the Earth we are familiar with, after all they're time travellers, who needs Earth, time will do just fine. Just have to wait and see.
If only we had a time machine right?
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Part of your world - Harry Hook x reader - part 14 - the apology
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a rewrite of the harry hook x reader that @bluediamondsevie wrote for me
summary: a who doesn’t love the Disney World, well, (y/n) especially loves descendants, and one day, as she dances in her kitchen getting ready to head out. 17-year-old (y/n) becomes part of that world, now a certain blue-eyed pirate meets the girl from a world where he is a fictional character and he has an actor named Thomas Doherty.
 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 y/n- your name
 your stuff
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You walked onto the ship and entered Umas cabin, placing the pay on her nightstand, before moving back to your room, needing to shower and change, being sweaty from parkouring all over the Isle.
You sighed as the cold water ran down your body, leaning your body to the side, you were scared, what would happen? Would being involved in the battle change what happens in the upcoming third movie? Would it result in a character death? You didn't know…and that terrified you.
You huffed grabbing the shampoo and squirted into your palm, lathering your hair, thinking of ways to prevent the timeline of this world from going awry, you rinsed the shampoo out and rubbed the conditioner in, slicking your hair back.
Tears began to fall, thinking of Harry, what would happen if you were there, you knew what was going to happen, you had watched it before, but with you here in the flesh, what would happen?
Would- footsteps, and a voice, Uma, why was she here? Luckily you had finished your shower you reached out and turned off the water, stepping out and grabbing a towel, wrapping it around yourself.
You unlocked the door and stepped out opening your mouth to question Uma when she turned to you with the most pissed of expression she had ever worn, she snarled and rushed you, making you shriek in fright and she slammed you against the wall, getting right up in your face.
“what.” She growled “the. Hell! Do you think you’re doing?!”
You stuttered confused, she rolled her eyes “you're ignoring harry! Why?!”
You gaped for a moment before speaking in a soft voice
“I don’t want to hurt him when I leave” Uma groaned and released you, covering her face and began to pace the room.
“are you serious (y/n)!!!” you furrowed your brows at her, what was going on, why was she so angry at you trying to protect Harry?
“you’ve only been ignoring him for what? A day and a half? And he's already acting like you’ve ignored him for a decade!!”
She spread her arms out, gesturing on how insane this was.
“you don’t want to hurt him?! Too late!!!” you gasped, what? “do you fucking know how much that idiot cares for you?!?! He thrives on attention!!! If he finds someone he can trust that won't betray him and give him affection that won't make fun of him for it! He’ll cling to them like a fuckin koala!”
You stared at Uma, a pit forming in your stomach, oh god you were gonna throw up.
“you are probably the first person in YEARS that will willingly show that much affection to harry!!! He depends on you so much to keep him afloat!!! And you just drop him because you “don’t want to hurt him”? well too fucking late (y/n)!!! you take yourself out of the picture and he acts like it’s the end of the world!!!”
Tears burned down your face, what have you done?!
“face it (y/n)!!! you're going to hurt him more, NOT telling him who you really are!!! If you leave without telling him, he’ll agonize over it for a long time, wondering if you're safe, or if you were faking caring about him!! If you stop ignoring him and tell him, he'll know!!! He’ll know that you're safe at home! and know that you never hated him!!! That you cared about him and still do!!!”
Uma stalked up to you and got right in your face, face red and seething. You own face red from crying and hiccupping.
“but if keep doing the bullshit you're doing now!”
She grabbed your face, leaning in closer, a dangerous whisper.
“he'll never forgive you, and he’ll hate you forever”
She released you and you collapsed on the floor. Sobs racking your body. Uma only glared down at you, contempt in her eyes.
“think it over (y/n), continue ignoring him, and he hates you, or tell him the truth, and you stay on his and MY good side.”
She turned and exited the room, slamming the door behind her, leaving you to your thoughts.
‘I promised I wouldn’t let anybody hurt him’ you thought, pain flaring in your chest, sobs echoing in the room ‘and now im hurting him’
You sat on the floor as the self-deprecating thoughts rolled in, curling in on your self. Hugging your knees to your chest, burying your face in them.
‘I'm no better than a villain’
 You stood in front of the bed, your pirate gear and your original clothes set atop of it, you pondered which one you would wear before deciding that your clothes from home would be better suited for telling Harry.
You quickly shrugged them on, you grabbed your phone, unlocking it and opened google, searching for “Thomas Doherty”. The page loaded and you clicked your phone off, you took a deep breath before opening the door and making your way to the chip shop, as you entered you saw Uma sitting at one of round tables, she turned and rose an eyebrow at you, gesturing for you to come over. You obeyed and shuffled over, she leaned in close and whispered
“are you telling him?” you nodded, you weren’t going to hurt him anymore, Uma breathed a sigh of relief “thank hades, I couldn’t take his groveling anymore, one more minute of that shit and I would have shoved you two in a closet and locked it till you sorted that shit out”
You snickered at her threat and she rolled her eyes, gesturing for you to sit. Looking at your clothes she rose her brow, “I haven’t seen those clothes snince you got here” you shrugged, and told her since you were going to tell Harry the truth, might as well wear clothes from your world. Uma nodded and stood up to grab a tray of food for you. Just as she did the doors slammed open, and Harry stood there, a glint in his eyes and a shit-eating grin.
“UMA!” She turned surprised at Harry's tone, “you'll never guess who I just found at the little runt's place?!”
You snorted and mumbled, “I dunno, is it mal?” luckily no one hears you
Uma crossed her arms and made a face, confused “who did you see?”
Harry grin became dark and sadistic, reminding you of who harry truly was, the psychotic son of captain hook. You’d seen such a different side of him that you'd forgotten what he was like in D2, crazy, loyal, and ready to hook someone at any time.
“the traitorous witch malsy~!”
The crew went fuckin nuts, screaming and yelling at Harry to spill where she was now, they wanted to taste her blood.
Uma silenced them and stood there for a minute, and you all stood there, waiting for her next order, finally, she smiled.
“would anybody like purple pixie pie~”
The crew once again exploded and Uma cruelly smiled, you stood to talk to Harry but he just brushed past you. You stood there staring at his back, mouth agape. Uma turned to you, eyebrows raised, you raised your hands and gestured to harry, she just shrugged and sat in her throne, and you sat next to Desiree, you were kinda hurt but…you kinda deserved it, after all, you ignored him no good reason.
For the next three hours, Uma and the crew tossed ideas back and forth of what to do with mal, you simply sat there, watching the door, waiting for Gil, and soon, he burst through the door.
She jumped and she and the crew turned to Gil in surprise, Uma frowned at him and growled “what the fuck Gil! What do-“
Gil interrupted her “king ben’s on the isle!!!”
Uma and Harry's jaw dropped, and she slightly turned to you, raising her brow, you nodded, confirming that Gil was telling the truth.
Uma turned to harry and they grinned sadistically at each other, Uma turned to Gil and praised him, he beamed and added that Evie, Carlos, and Jay were on the isle too, Umas eyes gleamed and she slammed her hands on the table, Grinning at the crew.
“alright!!! The traitors are on the isle and we have the opportunity of a lifetime, Auradon will be ours!!” the crew yelled in agreement and Uma sat for a minute, figuring out a plan, 30 minutes later, she sat up, and you and the crew sat up as well, eager to hear her plan.
“Alright, I got it, Harry, you go kidnap king beasty boy, and tell the purple bitch to meet me here, alone, and we will “talk it out” and agree to a trade-off, Ben for the wand, at noon tomorrow, its an offer she can't refuse” Gil raised his hand, Uma rolled her eyes and waved her hand to him, “why can't Mal refuse?”
Uma grinned “because if she does, ben meets our killer sharks”
As Harry was leaving you tried to talk to him again, but he just brushed past you, you turned to um and she shrugged, two days of seeing Harry being depressed over you ignoring him, and now he's ignoring you, wtf. Uma grabbed his shoulder, and he stopped confused,
“Harry, why are you now ignoring (y/n)?” Harry rose his eyebrow “(y/n)’s her’e? I didn’ notice he’r”
Uma scrunched up her face, didn’t notice her?
“Harry she’s right there” Uma pointed at you, and Harry gaped “wait that’s he’r!!! shit, I haven't’ seen he'r in those clothes since I first saw he’r!”
Oh, ooh! Harry wasn’t ignoring you, he just didn’t recognize your clothes!! That was comforting.
“Alright then, Harry when you get back, talk to (y/n)”
“u-Uma, she won't even acknowledge me, there's no point” god you hated how sad he sounded.
“Harry I promise, if you talk to her right now, shell acknowledge you” Harry sighed and shuffled over to you, you took a deep breath and looked at him straight in the eyes, making him jump slightly, surprised.
“Lassie, Uma said ye wanted to talk?” you nodded, but before you spoke you wrapped your arms around his middle, and pulled him tight, making him gasp,
“im sorry Harry”
He stood there for a moment, before giving in to your warm embrace, happily hugging you back, ecstatic to no longer have you ignoring him.
“why’d you ignore me, lass?”
You sighed and pulled back slightly, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear, “well, a certain thing came to my attention and I reacted to it poorly and took it out on you, and I found a better solution to it, and I decided to go with it, because hurting you wasn’t worth it”
Harry turned red and stuttered “i-I lass, I wasn’t- I wasn't”
You just rose your eyebrow, he sighed and bumped your forehead with his, “i-I was, I mean, one day we were attached at the hip and the next ye were acting like I didn’t exist, it hurt”
You stared sadly at him and cupped his face, staring into his ocean blue eyes, his liner making them pop.
“I know and im sorry, ill never do it again, tonight, in our room, ill tell you what happened, okay?” Harry nodded and you smiled and leaned in and pressed a feather soft kiss to his cheek. He turned red and stammered, but you just smirked and wished him luck.
“see you tonight harry”
He bit his lip and nodded.
“see ye tonight lassie”
--end of part 14--
Comment or message me for part 15
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