#{this is terrible}
soupdwelling · 2 months
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she’s in way too deep i fear
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pierogish · 3 months
yesterday i saw this post by @rosekasa and @buggachat, showed it to my friend and we had some thoughts. and i could not rest until
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i think ultimately we should be grateful they don't know about body pillows
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time-woods · 11 months
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zleepysnails · 3 months
dont touch the child ♥️
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firebrand-witch · 11 months
Tumblr swiffers sign and share this petition to allow water in stadiums
People are supposed to have the time of their life at concerts and not worry about heat stroke or death. What happened was really unfortunate but we can use our voices to make sure something like this never happens again
If we can fight for cruel summer single or atw 10 or evermore lpss, we can fight for this too. Please don't let this post have 1 reblog and 3 likes
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diahsthings · 1 year
Obey Me
MC: *laying on floor face down*
Mammon: oi Human
MC: I'm fine. I just need floor time. When I feel overwhelmed I lay on the floor like this.
Mammon: *lays next to you.* This is nice
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Biblically accurate Angel
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@xxqueenofdragonsxx I blame you for this
(From this post)
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sher-ee · 3 months
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This is what happens when you don’t vote. This is what happens when a wannabe Dictator appoints Supreme Court Justices for lifetime appointments.
We will lose our democracy should Trump win. Those uneducated Republicans who think this is a win will wake up one day and wonder what in the hell has happened to our country.
Vote BLUE.
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shutuprosie · 3 months
"mom can we get s5 team?"
"we have s5 team at home"
s5 team at home:
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fearandhatred · 6 months
crowley: [boops aziraphale] you can't leave this boop
aziraphale: oh, crowley... nothing lasts forever
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kmesons · 7 months
I genuinely haven't touched this game in years but something came over me (<- the hatchetfield obsession)
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smallbitterman · 6 days
my friend told me to post this
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 9 months
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f1version · 8 months
so it actually happened.
me rn:
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israbelle · 1 year
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underrated erisol dynamic
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ghsttk · 30 days
this is wrong.
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Scenario: Johnny Depp, your long time best friend, finds a Truth Or Dare board game in your house and you two end up kissing.
Warnings: Female reader, friends to lovers, suggestive at the end, perhaps boring...
Words: around 1270
a/n: I can't believe people actually read my smut lol. So, here I am again! english is not my first language, I apologize for any grammar mistake or confused sentences. And, unfortunately, no one reviwed this before I post.
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You are with your best friend Johnny at your own house, it’s Saturday and you were completely bored until you’ve decided to invite him. Johnny is your childhood friend, his mother is friends with yours and perhaps even your grandmothers were friends, but that’s not the point here.
You’re sitting on the carpet with your back against the couch while Johnny is laying on that couch, both of you staring at the huge online movie catalog on the TV. You groan, frustrated. “Why does everything look so boring?” You look at Depp, hoping that he has something on his mind that might rescue you two away from this tedious state. In truth, he indeed has something on his mind, but that wouldn’t be right…
He bites his lower lip, thinking, then looks at you. “Because you’re a grumpy, picky girl” He teases with a resting face, dropping the remote on your lap. You gasp mockingly, and playfully slaps his leg. “You’re ridiculous.” You chuckle. “I hear that a lot.” He chuckled along.
Johnny shifts, now sitting on the couch. “So, what now?” He looks down at you, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Do you have any board games?” He suggests with a shrug. “Board games…” You narrow your eyes, trying to remember if you have any, at least a decent game to play. “Oh, I have Chess, Uno and Checkers.” You list, relaxing your gaze on him. “I don’t usually play Board games” You explain the lack of options, even though he didn’t ask.
He stands up. “Alright, I’ll get that Uno.” Depp heads to your bedroom, where the board games stay, they’re probably on top of your wardrobe, forgotten. You place the remote on the small table in front of you and stand up, stretching your arms over your head. You walk towards the kitchen, maybe some snacks would go with the games.
You open the fridge and search for something to drink. A few memories of your childhood with Johnny floods your mind, a warm smile appears on your face and you don’t even notice it. You and him had been friends since forever, it seems. You can’t remember a day without him, he’s like a vital part of you. You think about your school days with him, the weekend sleepovers, the arcade afternoons… You especially remember the day he taught you how to play bowling, the way he smiled everytime your eyes asked for reassurance, the way his hands held yours to show how the ball should be thrown, his warmth from being so close to you- woah, what was that?
You shake your head, trying to dismiss these thoughts, and grab two cans of coke, placing them on the cabinet next to the fridge. You know you bought some chips the week before, so you start looking for it in that same cabinet. A loud sound coming from your bedroom snaps you out of your tranquility, the sound of boxes falling.
“Johnny?” You call, laughing softly, you wish you had seen that. “I’m good!” He shouts from the bedroom. His steps grow louder as he approaches you, holding a small box. “C’mon, you have Truth Or Dare? why didn’t you tell me before?” He asks with a smile, a small chuckle escaping from his lips. “Oh, do I?” You raise an eyebrow, looking at the box, neither did you know you have that. “Let’s go then..” You say, grabbing the two cokes and the bag of chips, following Johnny to the living room again.
You two sit on the floor, next to the small table. Johnny opens the box, revealing two piles of cards, he looks up at you with a smirk, he’s very competitive when it comes to Truth or Dare - or any challenging game. You watch him with an amused smile, finding his eagerness cute. “Alright. Rock, paper, scissors?” He asks, rubbing his palms together anxiously. You laugh softly and nod, already extending a hand. After three rounds, the paper against the rock turns you victorious. You choose one of the stacks and picks a card, reading aloud:
“Have you ever watched someone sleeping?” You stare at the card for a few seconds, then lower your hand to look up at Johnny, waiting for his answer. You think that this question is somewhat weird, why would someone do that? “Em... Yes, I have.” He chuckles, as if suddenly shy. You laugh in surprise “Really? Oh, wow, who?” Your smile is as wide as your eyes, finding it funny. “Hey, now it’s my turn.” He tries to change the focus, reaching for a card on the other stack, he brings it close to his face, reading. Once done, he glances at you and faces away, blushing softly.
“What’s the matter? Is it a dare?” You ask, curious. You don’t really like doing dares, but you’re also not the one to turn it down and ruin the fun. “You know what? this one doesn’t count, I’ll pick another one.” He says, already reaching for the cards again but you stop his hand. “Now, that’s cheating. Come on! Throw it at me, I can handle” You wink and lean back again, trying to be courageous… Was that even a good idea?
He clears his throat and reads the dare. “Kiss the person to your right” He searches your eyes again, trying to get your reaction. You’re stunned, you didn’t see it coming, but… Now that you’re thinking about it, that wouldn’t be so bad, right? a fake kiss wouldn’t ruin your friendship, would it? You laugh it off, trying to stay calm and composed. “It’s just a dare, nothing much… Are you okay with that? we can pick another card if-” You start, your tone slowly getting rushed as Johnny leaned closer, is he really doing it?
In truth, he would be stupid if he let this opportunity escape. He already had dreams about it, and now he has the best excuse to do it. He cups your cheek and presses his lips against yours, closing his eyes to savor the feeling. Your eyes are wide open though, shocked. Your best friend, your long time friend, is kissing you right in your living room.
It doesn't last long, and when you finally relax, Johnny pulls away. He looks into your eyes and you’re mesmerized, he gulps and leaned back. “Sorry, that wasn’t right-” He tries to speak but you interrupt him, grabbing his cheeks and pulling him closer again. Your lips crash against his, pouring all the repressed feelings that only grew over the years.
Then, he realizes. The only thing that would be truly wrong is denying his happiness. And his happiness is you, always have been and always will be. He kisses you back without hesitation, placing a hand on your waist, his heart feeling lighter and warmer. When the kiss ends, he smirks. “Looks like I’m not the only one competitive here.” He teases, giving your waist a gentle squeeze. “Shut up” You roll your eyes, chuckling.
“No, you shut up” He says, keeping the playful, teasing banter. That’s one of the characteristics of your friendship that you value and appreciate with all your heart, there’s no bad or awkward moments when you two are together. “Make me” you challenge, bluffing. You feel more confident, now that you don’t need to restrain yourself from following your heart, and it leads to Johnny.
“Oh.. I will,” He smirks, narrowing his eyes. He gently lays you down on the floor, his hand still on your waist, his body hovering over yours. “but you might moan a little.”
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a/n: I tried to write something cute or anything but the horny thoughts I have about this man, turns out I simply can't! :D (I saw the last two sentences on Pinterest and I just had to put it somewhere, sorry)
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taglist (thank you for the support! ❤︎): @drugs-and-daddyissues
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