#{mana x atem}
<<<< @iixiplaytimeisoverixii
"Happy Birthday atem!!!~", mana yelled hugging the pharao tightly. She leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Don't go to sleep early tonight, I'll come and give you your present~". With that mana leaned away, let go of atem and looked at him with a teasing smirk. "Bye for now my pharao~", mana said in a polite manner and waved at the guards, happily walking away.
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~💜~💜~💜~ Later in the night ~💜~💜~💜~
The magican came as promised and climbed up over the balcony, entering atems bed chambers. "Atem? Oh! Lucky me, so you are still awake!", mana smiled, running towards him and giggeled. She couldn't help it. Feeling pure happiness as soon as she sees him. Truth be told she missed him all day and couldn't wait for this moment to come.
"Are you ready for your present? If you are.. come and follow me! We have somewhere to be~", mana held her hand out to him and waited for his answer, "eh.. also please don't ask how I made it possible. I made suuuper sure that isn't dangerous at all! And you'll be save all the way!!!", mana smiled with a bright grin as she walked him out of the palace to some horses. "It isn't far from here, it's place I found by myself and I wanted to show it to you", mana explained while climbing onto her horse, then holding her hand out for the pharao. "D-Don't look at me like that.. Let me be your knight in shining amor for tonight! Sit behind me!", the magican blushed as she looked away from his eyes. The gaze seemed to heated. Mana didn't know how to act at the current moment. She wondered if this was to much..
~💜~💜~💜~ Later ~💜~💜~💜~
"We are here!! Wait! Wait! Sit, don't get up yet!", mana held atem back in panic. After all she had this all so well planed and organized. It would be sad if it didn't work out well. So mana jumped quickly down from the horse and turned around, holding her hand out towards him, "May I?", she smiled gently at him.
"Don't worry what I want to show you is just up ahead!", mana said while she walked through a gate, it was covered in beautiful flowers and plants. Walking inside, there was a small, yet so breathtaking garden. With a big fountain in the middle. A cute swing hung down from the trees and roses, flowers, plants everywhere. Some butterflys and fireflys flew in the air, setting the right mood. While walking through the middle of it, there was a table, with two seats. One looking like a throne while the other looked like a normal chair. Their names were written on them.
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"Please sit down atem~", mana smiled while she pointed towards the throne. "I made this for both of us. I'm not best cook so I mostly just brought some fruits and chocolate.. I still hope you'll enjoy it~". With that the magican snipped her finger and the box disappeared. Instead a plates with fruits and sweets appeared on the table, "Don't worry they are all fresh~", mana giggled while eating one of the grapes, "see?", while chewing it and shwalloing it.
The magican noticed atem's gaze right away. Yes.. she should explain. Of course he would be confused. Maybe this was really to much. But the book said that you treat the person you love like this.. maybe the book lied? What a mess..
With a blush mana stood up and walked infront of the pharao. "My dear atem, I'm sorry for acting all mysteryious. I wish you happy birthday. And this garden as everything in it is my present for you! I created this garden in the thought of you!" the magican smiled with a special gaze in her eyes. She looked at him with pure love. Spreading her arms out to her sides as to show of the garden, "The whole garden", then she pointed on the seats and the food, "plus everything in it belongs to you".
Mana took one last step closer to him as she hugged herself, "even me~", she whispered so only he could hear, blushing cutely. With that mana turned around, blushing heavily, her heart beating faster as usually. Not wanting to look at him. Was she scared? Maybe? Would atem understand what she was trying to say? Maybe? Hopefully?
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(Here you go! As I said I would write something~ I really hope this was okay! I connected a view points of the headcanons here, you will find out later~ 💜 )
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mahoushoujoumonster-x · 2 months
Mana wears the pants in Atem's and her marriage. That's my headcanon. He might be the top but she calls the shots
All hail the Queen, baby.
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// From all our little bits and pieces from over the years, it seems pretty common that while they are definitely equals in the relationship, they do tend to have a back-and-forth that does lead to Atem being a seat for his wife xD
This is actually one of the few atemana ships on this blog where Mana actually feels worthy of being Atem’s partner, she is on equal standing with him, and she will fight tooth and nail for his sake, and know without doubt that he will have her back. Their relationship is cuddles, kicking ass and rampant bedroom time. And this pleases us. It’s always fun having this dynamic, because she will absolutely call him out when he’s being silly and expects the same treatment back.
I have loved their relationship from go, and every time I see it pop up, it is a pleasure to write (and read back, omg that discord)!
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send me your headcanons for my muse. ( bonus: if i really like it i may make it an official headcanon )
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The Queen's Gambit: The Story
The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.
When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.
With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.
As it should have been.
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Chapter 8: Mokuba
Our young heroes were currently walking along a forest path of the Duelist Kingdom, sharing with each other the duels their other friends hadn't seen.
Currently, Yugi retold his Duel against Ryota Kajiki, who had been third in the Japanese Championship, and his underwater monsters.
Sehrazat's group listened in excitedly and asked questions.
After Yugi ended his tale Jonouchi said: "Ryota Kajiki is a hard guy to hate."
"Well, he did give you fish!", reminds Sadiye, holding hands with her big sister Kihana.
"I still can't believe you didn't think of bringing food to the island.", tutted Kihanan gently, which made Yugi's group all look sheepish.
"And I can't believe this is not butter."
All stared at Maja, all beside Sehrazat who nodded in understanding.
"Is it time to spout cryptic nonsense Maja-Chan?"
The brunette with the long wild spikes nodded happily, which made all sweatdrop.
"All duelists came here with their own hopes and dreams.", tried Anzu to steer their conversation back to something normal.
She liked Maja but experienced for the first time this side of her was a bit strange, Anzu won't lie.
"Yeah.", agreed Yugi. "They have their own problems, just like us."
"Problems...", repeated Jonouchi and thought about his dear sister Shizuka. "You're right."
That's when they all heard a cry for help. Surprised they looked around.
In the distance they saw the lackey of Pegasus with the really pointy hair, having a boy in a chokehold who screamed for help.
They all run up to them.
"Hold it right there!", shouted Honda.
Hair-Guy Lackey stopped and turned around, still with the boy in a chokehold.
Again the boy asked for help and courageous Honda Judo threw the Hair-Guy over his shoulder, freeing the boy in the pink shirt.
Long Honda couldn't celebrate his victory, because Hair-Guy got up again and kicked him in the face.
Poor Honda fell down defeated and Hair-Guy grapped again the boy in the pink shirt.
While Kihana, Maja and Anzu helped Honda up and checked for injuries, Jonouchi commanded Hair-Guy: "Stop it! You won't get away with this!"
"What's your problem?!", added Sehrazat ready to let Afya take over to beat Hair-Guys ass.
"There's no need for violence.", called Yugi.
Joey and Sehrazat looked at him surprised and the girl tried to control her Yami who was ready to slaughter Hair-Guy.
"It's for your own good that you don't interfere.", told Hair-Guy turning around with the boy in his arms and showing them his empty Dueling Glove. "This guy lost all his Star Chips."
The boy cried out: "You're wrong! My Star Chips and cards were stolen from me!"
"It doesn't matter. If you lose all your Star Chips, you're deported from this island."
With this and the words those are the rules and he should give up, Hair-Guy walked with his "prisoner" away.
"Guy's we can't let this poor kid be kicked out!", said Sehrazat.
"Truth, if his cards and Star Chips were stolen it is unfair.", agreed Kihana.
The others also nodded in agreement and so they ran after Hair-Guy.
They reached him by a little port, where he threw his prisoner with the other duelists who lost in a tiny rowing boat.
"What did the person who stole your Star Chips look like?", wanted Yugi to know from the boy in the pink shirt.
"I didn't see his face because he covered it with a bandanna.", explained the boy. "He suddenly challenged me to a duel."
"Was it at the Duel Ring in the grasslands?"
"Yeah. When I placed my Star Chips and my deck on the table, he stole them and ran off!"
"We'll find that thief, so just wait!"
Hair-Guy informed them all how the boat departed in 30 minutes. That was their time limit.
"We'll find the thief.", promised Anzu.
"You will get your Star Chips back in no time.", assured Kihana.
"Just be patient!", added Maja.
"We'll find him and teach him a lesson!", growled Honda, hitting with one fist his open palm.
With Afya in their shared minds, who called for bloodshed, Sehrazat nodded rapidly.
"Yeah! For a duelist, Star Chips are the same as his own life!", said Joey. "I won't forgive anyone who steals those Star Chips!"
"Is this not a bit too dramatic?", mumbled Sadiye to herself.
The only real ones who were in a life-or-death situation were Aunty Amira and Yugi's grandpa...oh and Joey needed the money for his sister's eye operation.
Maybe that was a Duelist thing?
Sadiye also played Duel Monsters, but she wasn't as obsessed with it as Sehra, Nee-Chan and Yugi and Joey.
The boy in the pink shirt said thank you to them and Joey, of course, had to make a joke saying he would take as a reward for catching the thief half of his Star Chips.
All sweatdropped and stared unimpressed at him.
After this, they made their way to the Duel Ring where the theft had happened.
Honda asked Jonouchi what this reward nonsense was, however, Joey laughed, confirming he was only joking.
The blonde wondered then, why they returned to this Duel Ring and how they should catch a thief without a clue.
Now, Yugi explained that he only knows how criminals always return to the place of the crime.
"That's so smart, Yugi-Kun!", praised Sehrazat and sat down beside him on the ground.
Yugi laughed shyly and blushed red, one because of her compliment and two because they were so close.
He could smell her nice perfume.
Lotus blossom if he wasn't wrong.
The others also sit down on the ground.
They didn't even need to wait long as suddenly a short masked boy with a wool hat and a bandana on his face sprung out from the bushes.
"I found you, Yugi!", he shouted...in a voice Sadiye know.
Confused the youngest in the group blinked.
Where did she hear this voice before?
"He must be the one we're looking for!", said Joey, as all jumped back up from the ground. "I'll beat him up!"
"No! Don't use violence!", shouted Anzu and Kihana together.
Bandana-Boy growled Yugi's name and Joey and Honda growled back he should give back the Star Chips he had stolen!
"Wait.", stopped them Yugi, before really fist were swinging. "I think he's here for me."
Suprised all looked at him.
Yugi turnend to the boy.
"Do you want to duel me?"
The Bandana-Boy nodded.
Okay, so a children's cards game shall clear the situation, alright.
Only poor Sehrazat rubbed her temple because Afya still demanded blood.
Sometimes she forgot how her loving Gran-Gran could be a bloodthirsty Warrior-Queen.
While Yugi and Bandana-Boy took each their place on the Duel Ring, Honda promised he would make the thief pay if he tried to steal Yugi Star Chips.
Joey agreed and how they wouldn't let him escape.
As the voice of reason came Kihana: "Guys, there has to be a reason why he wants to battle Yugi so much. Let's watch the Duel, maybe we will find out."
In one second Yugi was there and then...not anymore.
Since Sehrazat and her friends saw Yami for the first time they all gaped and even blushed or got bashful.
The pharaoh was hot!
Only Sehrazat just looked neutral.
Meh, she liked Yugi better.
Also, the pharaoh was her 3000-times Grandfather so, ew, no!
However, she couldn't help but tease Afya a bit.
"Gran-Gran, Pops is hot. You have good taste."
Afya just flicked her forehead.
"Not now child of mine, also I'm pretty sure we had an arranged marriage, you know, like it was used in the old times."
"I see how you are practically undressing Pops with your eyes...don't lie!"
"I pledge the Fifth!"
Meanwhile, the others noted how the boy didn't have a Duel Glove, so he was definitely the thief. Then they wonder why Yugi would duel him if they only had such a short time to return the Star Chips.
It was Anzu who pointed out that maybe Yugi knew who the boy was!
Yami and Bandana-Boy wagerd 5 Star Chips and began their duel.
The first turn was Bandana-Boy.
"I play Man-Eating Plant in attack position."
Man-Eating Plant: ATK 800/ DEF 600
Yami countered with Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress.
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress: ATK 1400/DEF 1200
Bandana-Boys monster was destroyed and his Life Points dropped to 1400.
"You can't defeat my monster using stolen cards.", lectured Yami. "Because your heart doesn't dwell inside stolen cards."
"Yugi, I don't believe in your 'heart of the cards'! Cards aren't about the heart! Cards are about power!", shouted the thief back.
"Like I thought, you're Mokuba, Seto Kaiba's younger brother.", revealed Yami.
Angry the thief took off his disguise.
It was really Mokuba Kaiba.
"Mokuba-San?", shouted Sadiye. "What are you doing here?"
"You know him?", asked Anzu.
Sadiye nodded.
"We go to the same school and class. He sits on the bench before me."
"Sadiye-San, my brother vanished because Yugi hurt his pride.", answered Mokuba his classmate, before he turned back to Yami. "It's your fault that Pegasus is now trying to take over Kaiba Corporation!"
"What? Pegasus?", asked Yami, while the others also looked worried at Mokuba.
This didn't sound good at all.
Mokuba explained how Pegasus spread the news of how Yami defeated Seto Kaiba worldwide. Since then, Kaiba Corporation has lost the trust of its investors and business has plummeted. Pegasus had just waited for this moment. He talked in private with The Big Five, Kaiba Corps Board, telling them to transfer all their chares to him. Only like this, they could save the company. The Big Five agreed under the conditions that Pegasus would defeat Yugi in a duel. Of course, Pegasus agreed, saying how easy this would be.
But since Mokuba had the key to the Storage Facility, where all the important documents were, Pegasus kidnapped him to the Duelist Kingdom as his prisoner, before he could flee.
"Yugi, it's all your fault!", accused Mokuba.
"I understand the situation, but that's no excuse for stealing other people's cards.", told Yami.
"Be quiet! I play this next!"
Krokodilus appeard on the field.
Krokodilus: ATK 1100/ DEF 1200
"Go, Krokodilus!"
The monster attacked Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress, but was of course defeated by the more powerful monster.
"It's pointless to keep duelling.", said Yami. "This game isn't so simple that you can win with stolen cards."
Jonouchi agreed: "That's right! Stealing Star Chips for revenge is the worst!"
"You're wrong! You have the wrong idea! I have to protect Kaiba Corporation in my brother's place!", shouted Mokuba back.
It's then that Anzu realized if Mokuba managed to get Yugi Star Chips, this would disqualify him, meaning Yugi technically never lost a duel.
"What do you mean?", wondered Honda.
"You don't understand?", asked Joey.
"Do you?"
"Well, no. What do you mean?"
"She means: If Yugi doesn't lose in a duel, Pegasus's agreement with The Big Five is void.", answered Kihana.
All beside Anzu made an oh sound.
They got it now.
"I see.", mumbled Yami, before he saw that Mokuba wasn't anymore on his Dueling Platform. "Mokuba!"
As it turns out Mokuba climbed Yami Duel Station and managed to grab Star Chips, leaving him with only three, before the younger Kaibe started to run off.
However, he was stopped, by Sadiye who stood in his way with her arms open.
"Sadiye-San! Let me pass!"
"No, Mokuba-San, what you doing is wrong!"
"It's the only way!"
Before he could just run around her Kihana, Maja and Sehrazat blocked his way too.
"Mokuba-Chan.", began Kihana. "Please there is another way, just listen."
Under the ice blue eyes of Sadiye's older sister, Mokuba felt he looked at Seto's beloved Blue-Eyes White Dragon, which made him stop in his tracks.
Sehrazat took over: "You have to trust Yugi. If he beats Pegasus, nothing will happen to Kaiba Corp."
Maja and Sadiye nodded in agreement.
"Kaibe is suffering right now.", called Yami. "But that's so he can learn about the heart of the cards. He's fighting to win his pride back. Kaiba will return when he learns about the heart of the cards. Are you willing to abandon your brother and the trust in Kaiba Corporation?"
"But...But what should I do?"
"Like Kihana and Sehrazat said...I promise to defeat Pegasus. If you want to know what Kaiba is struggling with...If you want to understand the heart of the cards, give that boy back his deck and his Star Chips."
The younger Kaiba thought for a second and looked at his classmate and her sister. Again his eyes found Kihana, who nodded at him.
He really had a feeling he was interacting with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon...it was strange but nice.
Mokuba turnend back to Yami.
"I undertsnad. I trust you, Yugi."
"The boat is leaving in three minutes!", reminds Anzu.
"Let's don't waste time!", shouted Sehrazat.
They all ran as fast as they could back to the little port.
Sadly the boat was already leaving!
They meet Hair-Guy at the port who smugly said: "The losers' boat already left."
"But they shouldn't have left for another minute!", disagreed Anzu.
"That's unfair!", shouted Sehrzat with balled fists.
"I don't care.", said Hair-Guy.
Joey accused Hair-Guy of tricking them, which all our friends agreed on.
Mokuba holds out his hand with the Star Chips to Hair-Guy.
"I'll return these Star Chips, so call the boat back."
Hair-Guy just slapped the Star-Chips from his hand and they fell into the ocean.
Oh no!
"Some of this were Yugi's!", exclaimed Sehrazat.
Feeling guilty Mokuba said sorry to Yugi.
"If you have your Star Chips stolen, then you're a disgrace as a duelist.", mocked Hair-Guy. "That alone is enough to disqualify you."
Then he gripped Mokuba.
All shouted shocked.
"Unhead, Mokuba-Chan!", growled Kihana, while Sehrazat felt, beside her own, Afya's anger.
In one second both switched places.
Before anyone could realise what happened, Afya and Kihana stormed the Hair-Guy, Afya punched him hard in the face and Kihana took Mokuba from him.
With the boy in her arms, Kihana ran back to the group and they all huddled protective around him.
Afya had her feet on Hair-Guys back to keep him down.
"Don't move or you will regret it.", the once queen of all Egypt hissed.
"You bitch...!"
"Insults won't get you far."
To demonstrate it Afya stomped Hair-Guy harder into the ground.
All were fascinated by that and Yami was immensely proud.
His queen was truly a strong woman.
A real Warrior-Queen.
...It was so hot!
Hair-Guy realized how he was in a pickle and decided to change his tactic.
"Alright, alright, the boy stays with you but...The only way to gain Star Chips is through duels."
"What do you mean by that exactly?", growled Afya, pressing her foot harder into his back.
"If I see right Yugi has still three Star Chips left.", began Hair-Guy. "I don't duel but in an hour I will find an opponent for him, so he can stay on the island."
"And what is the catch?"
"That you let me go."
Afya hummed and turnend to Yami.
"What do you say?"
"Any funny business and Afya will throw you in the ocean.", said Yami seriously.
"No funny business I swear!"
"Alright, Afya let him go."
"No you guys should go with Mokuba away, I will catch up to you and tell you the details from this guy. I don't trust him not to try to grap Mokuba again. Kihana protect him!"
"Of course, your Majesty, it's not even a question."
So the group without Afya walked away and when she was sure they were far enough, slowly she lifted her foot from Hair-Guys back.
He stood up, shaking and gasping for air, but told her where this duel for Yugi/Yami would be.
In an hour at the grasslands, where they had duel Mokuba.
Afya gave Hair-Guy a last look which screamed murder, which made the man shake and then caught up to her friends.
An hour later our group of nine now returned to the Duel Ring.
Kihana held hands with Mokuba and Sadiye, Maja and Anzu stood protective beside Mokuba, Maja ready to unleash magic in case something went wrong, while Joey and Honda stood before them and before them were Yami and Afya leading.
"We should be careful.", whispered Afya to Yami, she didn't want to worry the others. "I bet with you Pegasus henchman has a surprise in store."
"We will be careful and keep one eye on Mokuba."
"Kihana is strong and Maja has some surprises up her sleeve."
"Care to tell me?"
"The magic we use isn't the only one."
This made Yami blink for a second surprised before he gave Afya a smile.
"How you and Kihana saved Mokuba and you kept the henchman in place was incredible."
Bashful Afya put a bit of her long blue hair behind her ear.
"It was nothing. I couldn't watch a child being kidnapped!"
"Of course, but you reacted the fastest of us. You are a true warrior."
"Well...I might be your queen but I won't disagree how I'm a warrior too."
Both smiled flirtatiously at each other.
They couldn't before all flirt as they normally would.
First, it was their private affair and second, they didn't want to give the others second-hand embarrassment.
Hair-Guy already waited for them.
Yami came straight to the point: "Who's my opponent?"
"He's already here. Look!"
All let out surprised shouts.
Kaiba laughed.
"Yugi, I'll get my revenge!"
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river-nova · 2 years
Rated: Mature but will probably change later
I just realized I can share my story here! I've been writing this fic for about a month and just posted chapter 3. Mana and Atem are both gay and marry each other so they can secretly be with their actual partners. WLW and MLM solidarity at its finest. Hope you'll wanna check it out!
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Vaseshipping Content ON TIKTOK?!
Please go check out lluviadraws on TikTok. They’re amazing!
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"Then go ahead and bite me atem~",
mana said with a giggle, trying to be flirty. Actually she was just trying to get the young pharao fluestered. Yet the magican got himself fluestered and look away while her cheeks got red.
- mana (@vaseshippingformywholelive )
The young Pharaoh was slightly taken aback at first when he heard Mana's soft, musical voice say those sensual words in response to his own, causing him to blink rapidly. Did she really just say that??
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Admittedly, he had become a little flustered. Mostly due to the fact that he hadn't imagined his sweet little Mana to say such things. Sure she had confessed her love for him several nights ago, but she had never made it known that she would willingly let him do such things to her.
And that's when his mind started to torture him. Sultry images of the young magician began flashing rapidly, causing his heart to pound and his breath to catch as each one was more intense then the last.
But it didn't last long. Not wanting to seem off balance, he quickly regained his composure as a chuckle escaped him and a smirk tugged his lips back. "I don't think that would be a wise thing for me to do. Especially since we are so exposed and all." He stated, gesturing to the palace guards standing just a few feet away then to the sacred guardians looming behind one of the large alabaster pillars.
"Now don't get me wrong, I would love to sink my teeth into that soft, tender skin if yours~ but I wouldn't want to cause you any trouble for fratrenizing with the Pharaoh."
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gx-gameon · 3 months
Aside from rivalshipping and spiritshipping are there any other Yugioh ships you enjoy?
I am the worst multishipper in the galaxy. Like truly.
I grew up loving Joey and Mai but now that I’m older and I know the actual age gap it’s hard to still be for it. If it does happen it happens way later in life. Right now they are just really good friends
The DM crew is so friendship based it’s hard for me. I’ll dabble in wishshipping or puzzleshipping (I get where they are coming from and when done right it’s done right) but I set this au as rivalshipping and rivalshipping it will stay.
I could see Tristian and Miho.
Atem is different because I think he’s just interested in games here. Or pinning over Mana or Mahad which ever way you want it to go.
Now the Gx cast…
I can go anyway.
Chazz x Alexis or Chazz x Atticus is always fun
But then again so is
Zane x Atticus of Zane x Aster (when their grown up)
Jim x Alexis is cute and then you have the Dino duo is Jim x Hasselberry.
Bastion is down bad for Tanya but I would like to know her age please and thank you.
And while I’m a hard Spiritshipper Yusei x Jaden when done right is done right. And I can understand where Jaden x Alexis are coming from even if it’s not my favorite.
Honestly they are a group of teenagers on an island who are just figuring themselves out. Thank goodness the writers didn’t do romance because the amount of break up and different relationships you could have is wild.
I’m focusing on Rivalshipping and Spiritshipping here because I prefer them.
Anyone else will probably be in passing. The story is Jaden focused and I don’t think Jaden paid much attention to dating at duel academy. I can absolutely see his friends being in a relationship flying right over his head until they break up and he’s like “woh why is X sad all the sudden?”
He’s emotionally smart but also very focused on friendship and dueling.
I haven’t made and decisions on side pairing because I like to leave options open. If you think these two people should be together that’s great and if you want to see that in this story even better. I probably will keep most of the relationship age for that reason.
I have my to main ships and if I feel like adding another pairing I will but right now the DM crew are young adults raising a child (18 year olds raising a 4 year old) they have pleanty of time to figure out their lives.
And when Jaden goes to school his friends are all teens. There are messy crushes and relationship but it’s rare for any of them to stick. (Example Chazz and Alexis might go on one date and decide to be friends afterwards. Zane and Atticus might have had a thing their first year before Atticus went missing and it takes them a while to find their groove again or they date other people) it’s all fluid right now.
I have options
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hereforthefunnyguys · 4 months
yugioh characters sexuality (long edition):
yugi: bisexual and possibly aromantic. In the case of the last one it took him forever to admit it to himself because he associated it with the usual "I shall be unlovable and monstrous forever" schtick. Also he's nonbinary
atem: asexual and biromantic (is tag-teaming with yugi. Covering each others bases) doesn't know what a gender is and is slightly perplexed by his partners complex relationship with it
joey: I like how we have all agreed he’s bi. Has a slight preference for men (55-45 ratio about) and simultaneously a preference for more feminine looking people. outside of gender terms he's a leg man don't @ me
Anzu: also bisexual with a preference for men (60-40). Tgirl Anzu that is hustling to pay for estrogen and bottom surgery and does dance partially because it gives her gender euphoria my beloved
Honda: gay sorry miho. Took longer to admit it than Joey but is dealing with it better than he is tbh. Give him a good boyfriend for his patience please
Ryou: we’re not sure actually. He’s not even sure. Likes guys… probably. May not like women… maybe? Likes ghosts. Whether or not he's a tboy is a 50/50 toss in the air
Evil(tm) Bakura: he came from a time before pride pins existed but mostly likes guys yeah. Not actually as horny as people make him out to be. Tkb has no rizz I will stand by this he was a feral child that was mostly focused on vengeance and food all the time.
Pegasus: straight in a gay way I won't be elaborating. Might be a lesbian.
Kaiba: Blue Eyes White Dragon with left homophobia regardless of any actual attraction he experiences.
Duke: Bisexual but he does not know how to be normal about it. There is a difference in his mind between exploiting sexuality/flirting and actually engaging in it on a personal level. The first he is good at the latter less good at. He will have a gender crisis once and return with his new gender, Cis+ and/or genderfluid.
Marik: Sometimes a man is misogynistic enough that he becomes gay (real talk he is gay and the idea of needing to Procreate for the sake of the tombkeepers lineage has haunted him from day 1). Also he might be transfem but probably will never know that due to internalized self loathing and various other issues (is tempted to just stay a cis guy because everyone assumes hes a girl because of how he dresses and that was just like. Normal Guy Clothes for him growing up)
Yami Marik: technically the same thing as normal marik but also he couldn't gaf about something as stupid as 'gender' (his or others) in the long run because he has better things to do, like murder people and lick random surfaces
Ishizu: Lesbian and was not looking forward to continuing the bloodline of the Tombkeepers Heritage (tm). Is going to have a gender crisis at age 23 and her siblings are going to be very supportive of her while she cuts off all her hair and starts wearing exclusively wearing business suits (may or may not stick)
Rishid: The only relationship i care about is rishid x therapy. Someone a while ago said nb lesbian rishid and i support the vision
Mana: Girl :) (no further explanation in her head). She is putting off marriage for as long as possible, a difficult feat for your average well-off teenage girl in Ancient Egypt.
Zorc: Zorc 𓆙𓆙𓆙𓆙𓆙!
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asetoblog · 6 months
If you HAD to ship Seto Kaiba with someone who wasn't Kisara, who would it be?!
Ohohohohoh I love this question🤭 I actually have many ships involving Seto and one of them is Azureshipping, so Seto x Anzu, because I like how she's the only one who stands up to him and I think he would like that.
Also, she's always associated with Dark Magician Girl, who in her past human life was Mana, and Mana was Seto's Millennium Ring Priestess when he became pharaoh after Atem, so I think that's really cool🫶 (if you want to check this out, there's a panel in the last manga nukber where Seto is shown with his Priests and the one substituting Mahad is Mana!)
I also ship him with Ishizu, it'd be logical considering my theory about how the Ishtar family garded both the Necklace and the Rod (once owned by Priestess Ishizu and Priest Seth). After Kisara's death it could be that Pharaoh Seth married Priestess Ishizu and left the Necklace and the Rod as heritage.
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rosalind-hawkins · 4 months
Give it a whirl for... my newly beloved Rubyshipping (Ryou x Atem x TKB)!!! Also good luck getting back in the writing groove, I feel you there 💖
The Wheel has spoken!
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What the hell even, okay...
*Deep breath* Okay, just hear me out...
Ancient Egypt setting, don't ask me for details. Atem gets poisoned as an assassination attempt, but thankfully Isis gets a warning from the necklace in time and interrupted him drinking the poisoned wine, so he doesn't get a full dose of poison. He's still pretty sick though, and Ryou is curled up by his side taking care of him while Seth and Mahad are interrogating the would-be assassin together (because nothing's more romantic than an interrogation with your warlock bf ❤️ sure, they're lovers here, why not). But Bakura has his own plan aand thinks that waiting on certain information is a waste of time, so he just disappears for the entire night, nobody knows where he is or when exactly he disappeared or even what exit he used. By morning, Atem still isn't doing great—fever, chills, sweating, a bit of delirium—but he's at least halfway lucid now. Ryou's a tired sad boy that Isis and Mana have been trying to comfort while helping take care of their pharaoh.
Then! All of a sudden! Just before sunrise, Bakura is climbing through the window of Atem's room with a very blood-stained sack asking over his shoulder. It's the head of the price responsible for the assassination attempt, but Seth and Mahad only just got the guy's name. They burst into the room like, "Guys, we know who's responsible!" And Bakura's like, "Pft, way ahead of you, I already killed the dude." And he holds out the sack with the dude's head in it, and Ryou tells him to get it out of the bedroom and put the head on a pike like a decent person, you silly barbarian." Bakura's love language is ✨ Acts of Violence ✨ but as touching as this is, Atem still sits up and says, "Can everyone please get out? I'm trying to not die in here, thanks." So everybody leaves, but ofc he didn't mean Ryou and Bakura, and he makes them stay with him (Mahad is tasked with "taking care of" the severed head) and Ryou lays down with Atem, finally getting some sleep of his own, and when Ryou is alseep, Bakura quietly asks Atem if he's really going to be okay. Atem smiles and tells him that he's going to be just fine, and Bakura cuddles up with him and falls asleep too, because both he and Ryou were up all night and both of them do need that rest. Atem has his boys with him, so when Mana comes back to check on him an hour later, he's asleep too, but he fell asleep with a smile.
I went a little wild with it, hope you don't mind. Did I go too far? I didn't mean to. 🙇‍♀️
And thank you! I'm really hoping this helps too. 🩷 This one was definitely fun. I get some sometimes.
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animaginaryartblog · 9 months
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[Image ID: several colored digital sketches of different Sonic the Hedgehog characters, each redesigned to resemble a corresponding Yu-Gi-Oh! character. A logo in the top left reads "Heart of the Chaos", with text under it saying "A Sonic the Hedgehog x Yu-Gi-Oh! AU".
On the top half of the page is a lineup of characters. First on the left is Sonic as Atem, wearing his outfit from Millennium World - a cream robe, a red cape, and a gold crown. He also wears matching gold bracelets on his ankles, wrists, and upper arms, as well as a gold belt and gold earrings. Around his neck hangs on a Chaos Emerald on a necklace. The Emerald is pale yellow, almost translucent. Sonic has his fists on his hips, his legs spread apart, and a cocky grin on his face.
Next to Sonic is Blaze as Mahad. She wears a cream robe, a gold belt, a gold necklace and bracers, and a gold headpiece. Attached to the headpiece over her forehead is a pale oval jewel, the same color as Sonic's Chaos Emerald. Blaze stands with her arms folded, looking at Sonic with a fondly amused smile.
Third in the lineup is Marine as Mana. She wears Mana's outfit - a plain cream dress with a gold belt, gold necklace, and a white cloth headpiece. She leans towards Blaze, fists up and grinning widely.
Next is (an alternate timeline) Silver as the Thief King. He wears a blood red cloak over plainer cream robes. He has a pink burn scar over his left eye, and circular scars are burned into his palms. He stands with arms spread, glaring down at someone unseen.
Last is Tikal as Kisara. She wears a cream crop top of sorts, a cream skirt with blue hem, and leather sandals with wraps going up her legs. Similar wraps are on several of her flowing quills. A colorful beaded necklace is around her neck. She has one hand to her chest as she looks up with determination, eyes glowing blue.
In the bottom left corner of the page is a drawing of Marine as Mana, jumping with her arms spread and a wide smile on her face.
Finally, in the bottom right is a sequence with Blaze and Sonic. Blaze points aggressively at Sonic as Atem, growling "If you sacrifice yourself, I swear to Solaris no afterlife will save you from me." Sonic raises his hands in defense with a sheepish smile, saying "ok, ok!"
Text reads "3000 years later". Blaze looms behind Sonic, who is now possessing the form of Tails. Amy looks at her uncertainly while Sonic stares straight ahead with an expression of terror. Flames backlight Blaze as she glares down at him and says "I warned you." /end ID]
and that's the end of the Sonic/Yu-Gi-Oh! drawings for now. there may actually be some lore developing here?? wild.
Other drawings of this AU: Tails!Yugi and Sonic!Yami | Friendship Gang | Sonic Hate Club
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>>>> @iixiplaytimeisoverixii
"Noo! You guys don't understand I didn't steal the cape! The pharao gave it to me!",
mana pouted, clinging to purple cape that belonged to none other than atem himself. Two guards saw her walking around with it and thought the magican was causing trouble again. So what happened now was, the guards had chased mana all over the palace just for the girl to hide on a tree looking down at the guards.
"If you want the cape so bad come up here & get it!",
mana said, showing her tongue to the guards. So they tried to climb up the tree. Just for the magican to jump down and run away.
"Just kidding~ You won't get the cape anyway~ hehe~",
she laughed and runs off. Before mana could look forward she run into someone. Quickly hugging the cape, like it's some treasure she looked up.
"Oh atem.. sorry I'm just kinda in a hurry hehe~"
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hurgletheturgle · 11 months
yugioh ship list cuz i hate myself
agileshipping - vivian/anzu
amoshipping - jou/shizuka/mai
arrogantshipping - kaiba/mai
batteryshipping - jou/yami bakura/bakura
beehiveshipping - mai/rebecca
bounceshipping - bakura/rebecca
cakeshipping - cyndia/mokuba
charmshipping - shizuka/mana
cheatshipping jou/espa roba
cheershipping - otogi/shizuka
cherryshipping - bakura's sister/jou
circleshipping - honda/miho/jou
cloudshipping - noa/shizuka
coinshipping - anzu/miho
copeshipping - bandit keith/anzu/shizuka
creamshipping - all the bakuras/jou
cunishipping - anzu/mai/shizuka
cuteshipping - shizuka/rebecca
danceshipping - mai/anzu
dashshipping - miho/shizuka
dealshipping - yami bakura/bakura/amane
downshipping - bandit keith/cyndia
dulcetshipping - mai/isis/shizuka
fameshipping - otogi/vivian
fataleshipping - mai/vivian
fawnshipping -pegasus/weevil
figureshipping - isis/mai/anzu/shizuka
fillershipping - noa/rebecca
forgiveshipping - thief king bakura/shizuka
frazzleshipping - jou/rebecca
giftshipping - honda/jou/yugi/miho
gingershipping - bandit keith/shizuka
graceshipping - bakura/isis
halfshipping - bakura/miho
hopeshipping - anzu/bakura/shizuka
hostshipping bakura/anzu
illogicshipping - kaiba/isis/shizuka
imoutoshipping - shizuka/amane
incestshipping - kaiba/isis/jou/mokuba/shizuka/rishid CUZ IM NOT A BITCH
insightshipping - priest seto/isis
jadeshippinh - isis/otogi
jiishipping - yugis grandpa/rebecca's grandpa
kittenshipping - joey/dmg
lateshipping - yami bakura/amane
logicshipping - priest seto/priestess isis
lossshipping - ryuzaki/espa roba/weevil
mallowshipping bakura/isis/shizuka
mastershipping - otogi/kaiba
mercyshipping - bakura/cyndia
misguideshipping - otogi/rebecca
mizushipping - priest seto/kisara
mythshipping - isis/marik
nightshipping - yami bakura/kisara
nurshipping - mai/shizuka
oracleshipping - isis/rebecca
orchisshipping - isis/anzu/shizuka
outcastshipping - thief king bakura/kisara
paleshipping - kisara/amane
peachshipping - yugi/anzu
pervadeshipping - amane/cyndia
petshipping - kaiba/jou/otogi
phantomshipping - noa/cyndia/amane
pixelshipping - noa/adina (princess mokuba)
placateshipping - bakura/kisara
poemshipping - miho/yugi
polarshipping - jou/mai
pompshipping - kaiba/miho
prideshipping - kaiba/yami
prodigyshipping - kaiba/rebecca
prophetshipping - isis/espa roba
psycheshipping - mai/espa roba
puffshipping - jou/bakura
puppyshipping - kaiba/jou
puzzleshipping - yami/yugi
relectshipping - rebecca/vivian
rehabshipping - kaiba/yugi/anzu
relysshipping - jou/shizuka
replayshipping - yugi/rebecca
rescueshipping - kisara/shizuka
ressurectshipping - catherine/cyndia
ribbonshipping - honda/otogi/miho
rivalshipping - yugi/kaiba
roseshipping - cyndia/pegasus
scandalshipping - preist seto/pharaoh atem
screamshipping - yami bakura/shizuka
seershipping - isis/isis
shadeshipping - thief king bakura/amane
shameshipping - rishida/marik/isis
shieldshipping - jou/kaiba/shizuka
shoreshipping - mako tsunami/shizuka
shrimpshipping - ryuzaki/weevil
sideshipping - anzu/shizuka
silentshipping - shizuka/kaiba
slipshipping - jou/miho
snapshipping - kaiba/jou/miho
snareshipping - jou/otogi
softshipping - bakura/shizuka
sombershipping - ryou/amane
sororshipping - isis/shizuka
spaceshipping - ymai marik/shizuka
spazzshipping - yami bakura/jou
spirishipping - yugi/anzu/yami
stageshipping - dmg/anzu
stakeshipping - bandit keith/mai
stalkshipping - kaiba/bakura/miho
sugarshipping - mokuba/mana
supportshipping - honda/anzu
swiftshipping - jou/isis
switchshipping - mokuba/adina
teaseshipping - kaiba/jou/bakura
tendershipping - bakura/yami bakura
tieshipping- honda/miho
tragicshipping - bandit keith/cyndia/pegasus
trendshipping - miho/anzu/shizuka
trustshipping - isis/kaiba
visionshipping - isis/mai
scissorshipping - miho/isis
addictshipping - yubel/asuka
americashipping - david rabb x reggie
amoreshipping - rei/ryo
antidisestablishmentarianismshipping - judai/motegi
apostleshipping - judai/white asuka
argueshipping - manjoume/rei
autographshipping - fonda/fubuki
balanceshipping - haou/white asuka
balletshipping - asuka/fubuki
barometershipping - asuka/fubuki/manjoume
beetleshipping - ran(missy)/ryo/shou
bijoushipping - asuka/momoe
bloodshipping - camula/hell kaiser
brinyshipping - asuka/manjoume/ryo
camerashipping - asuka/rei/judai
charmershipping - asuka/rei
choiceshipping - asuka/judai/manjoume
cinnamonshipping - judai/junko
clotshipping - asuka/camula/ryo
colosseumshipping - judai/taniya
controlshipping - asuka/camula
cosplayshipping - dmg/tome
cupidshipping - fubuki/rei
delusionsipping - ran(missy)/rose
dollshipping - camula/ryo
educateshipping - misawa/fonda
escortshipping - judai/fubuki/asuka
evashipping - asuka/rei
evilshipping - haou/yubel
fanaticshipping - fonda/junko/momoe
fataleshipping gx - taniya/camula
fianceshipping - judai/asuka
fightshipping - judai/misawa/taniya
genesisshipping - judai/camula
geniusshipping - misawa/ryo
glareshipping - ryo/junko
groupieshipping - junko/momoe
grudgeshipping - judai/seika (manga)
hellshipping - hell kaiser/asuka
hisshipping - seika/asuka
hornetshipping - misawa/manjoume
lassieshipping - asuka/junko/rei/momoe
maidenshipping - rei/momoe
medicineshipping - judai/fonda
misledshipping - haou/judai/asuka
orangeshipping - misawa/judai
overseeshipping - judai/midori (manga)
postureshipping - fonda/asuka
primaryshipping - judai/manjoume/misawa
princeshipping - judai/rose
princessshipping - asuka/rose
rhymeshipping - junko/manjoume
rivalshipping gx - majoume/judai
royalshipping - ryo/asuka
sadnessshipping - haou/asuka
sageshipping - misawa/asuka
selfshipping - haou/judai
shallowshipping - fubuki/momoe
shopshipping - seiko/tome
stormshipping - fubuki/manjoume
sweetshipping - shou/momoe
tigershipping - taniya/misawa
valentineshipping - asuka/manjoume
veilshipping - asuka/white asuka
vertigoshipping - fubuki/junko/momoe
whineshipping - fubuki/asuka/junko/momoe
whiteshipping - white asuka/white manjoume
widowshipping - asuka/momoe/junko
moxieshipping - judai/momoe
pashshipping - manjoume/momoe
valetshipping - taiyou/momoe
fatedshipping - yuya/mieru
foolshipping - shingo/mieru
foresightshipping - reiji/mieru
redlightshipping - reiji/shingo
pancakeshipping - yoko/yuya
newhomeshipping - sora/yoko
guardianshipping - yusei/ruka
careshipping - jack/mikage
clawshipping - aki/ruka
scoopshipping - jack/carly
kingcrabshipping - jack/yusei
5dxshipping - judai/yugi/yusei
blondeshipping - jounouchi/asuka
breastshipping - aki/asuka/mai LOL
contrivedshipping - judai/yuya
damselshipping - anzu/asuka
devotedshipping - yugi/yusei
ditzshipping - judai/jounouchi
dominateshipping - manjoume/kaiba
enamorshipping - miho/momoe
fluffyshipping - anna kozuki/judai
honeyshipping - anna kozuki/haou
obsessshipping - rebecca/rei
presidentshipping - kaiba/reiji akaba
queenshipping - asuka/mai
spiritdivashipping - judai/yuzu
starshipping - judai/yusei
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The Queen's Gambit: The Story
The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.
When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.
With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.
As it should have been.
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Chapter 9: Ghost Kaiba
It couldn't be true!
Seto Kaiba was here in the Duelist Kingdom and ready to face Yugi in a duel.
But what shocked our heroes more was how Hair-Guy proclaimed that this was a ghost.
The Ghost of Seto Kaiba!
"What did you say?!", shouted Mokuba, gripping Kihana's hand tight.
The older girl gripped back and Maja put a protective hand over his head.
"Just like I said, Seto Kaiba is dead.", repeated Hair-Guy.
All were deeply shocked.
"That's a lie!", screamed Mokuba. "My brother isn't dead!"
"It's not a lie. He died hating Yugi Muto. Standing there is Kaiba's ghost."
"That's ridiculous!", stated Yami.
"And highly unlikely!", added Afya.
What she knew of Seto Kaiba was he was a young healthy teenage boy, he couldn't just have dropped death!
Unless of course, he had an accident or...
No, Afya wouldn't dare to think this, for Mokuba's sake.
"Well, Yugi?", turned Hair-Guy to him. "Will you battle him or not?"
"Fine! I'll uncover that fake's true identity!"
With this Yami made his way to his side of the Duel Ring, while the others and Hair-Guy, stayed to watch.
More they couldn't do for now.
Just calming and protecting Mokuba.
"Yugi, I died.", said 'Kaiba' in a calm voice.
"That's a lie!", disagreed Yami.
"Since I lost to you, I lost everything, including my life. I'll never forgive you. I'm wandering through Hell, and I'll drag you down here to join me."
"Did you really think a fake ghost would scare me?"
"You can only say that after you defeat my deck."
"Even if you can imitate Kaiba's appearance, you can't imitate his deck."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you."
Yami just gritted his teeth.
"You can't kill my brother that easily!", said Mokuba, waving his free fist around.
"Yugi, don't listen to him. It's all lies!", said Jonouchi.
"That's right!", agreed Anzu.
"I wouldn't be so sure.", thought Afya out loud, which shocked their friend group.
"What do you mean by this, Your Majesty?", asked Kihana for all.
"This person says he IS Kaiba, he looks like him, but it can be a good disguise. What I'm worried about is he seems so sure to make us believe he is Kaiba."
This made all look worried at each other and Afya called up to Yami: "Be careful! He will surely try mind tricks on you, Yami!"
Yami nodded.
He had the same feeling as his queen.
"We'll each wager three Star Chips.", decided 'Kaiba'.
The pharaoh didn't back down: "Fine! I'll wager my three remaining Star Chips!"
So the Duel began.
Ghost Kaiba summoned Hitotsu-Me Giant to the field.
Hitotsu-Me Giant: ATK1200/DEF1000
Seeing this monster made Yami feel unsure. The real Kaiba had the same card in his deck too.
But it didn't mean anything, as Jonouchi also stated loudly.
It wasn't a rare enough card to pinpoint if this was the real Kaiba Deck or just a fake.
Yami draws his Dark Magician.
Dark Magician: ATK:2500; DEF: 2100
Since it was way stronger than Hitotsu-Me Giant, Dark Magician destroyed Ghost Kaiba's monster and left him with 700 Life Points.
Ghost Kaiba mockingly told Yami how he was as strong as ever, while Yami just stared angrily back at the imposter.
"Yugi seems to be losing his cool.", worried Jonouchi.
The others looked equally worried, as Ghost Kaiba stated: "Yugi, I can read your mind like the back of my hand. You're thinking, 'Is that really Kaiba's deck?' And you are right. This is Seto Kaiba's real deck. Kaiba is dead, and his hatred resides in this deck."
"Kaiba isn't dead! I don't believe your ridiculous lies!", shouted Yami back.
"You're bluffing."
"No, I'm not!"
"It's better for you if you believe me."
"What do you mean?"
Ghost Kaiba laughed.
"You don't have Exodia. Can you beat Seto Kaiba's deck without it?"
"Yami, ignore him!", called Afya up to him. "He is using psychological warfare to confuse you. You know the truth!"
The pharaoh found the eyes of his queen and nodded.
She was right.
The imposter was playing mind games with him.
"It's your turn.", said Yami to Ghost Kaiba.
The faster they end this duel, the better.
The imposter draws the card which shouldn't be possible.
It was the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!
Blue-Eyes White Dragon: ATK:3000; DEF:2500
But how?!
Kaiba, the real one, had three in his deck, Yugi Grandpa one and the last...Afya looked to Kihana, who shook her head.
Then it couldn't be Kihana's.
So...was this really Seto Kaiba's Ghost?
Or was this his deck they somehow stole from him?
"Suprised?", laughed Ghost Kaiba. "Let me guess what you're thinking. 'Kaiba really died?' Am I wrong?. No one can imitate Kaiba's deck. This really is my deck. My Blue-Eyes-"
Before he could continue Afya yelled loud and clear: "Oh stop it with this nonsense! This might be Kaiba's Deck, but you could have stolen it, somehow!"
The once queen of Egypt had now all the attention.
Confident she had her arms crossed under her breasts, staring Ghost Kaiba down with her orange eyes.
"You go on and on about you are the real Seto Kaiba, but your only proof is the Deck. You can steal cards! Do you think you can outsmart us? Forget it!", laughed Afya. "I fought against real masterminds and enden always up victouries. So shut your mouth and just play the game. Yami, don't believe anything he says."
Ghost Kaiba made an angry face, Hair-Giy seemed nervous, while our friends got back hope.
"Yes, this is not my Nii-Sama! I would know if he is dead", agreed Mokuba.
The other shouted their agreement too and Yami was free from his doubts.
Still, it IS the Blue-Eyes White Dragon without Exodia I have to be creative to take it down.
Angered Ghost Kaiba decide to not attack this turn and lays a card face down.
Since Yami wasn't sure if it was a Spell- or Trap card, he played safe. Switching Dark Magician in defence position and also Curse of Dragon.
Curse of Dragon: ATK:2000; DEF:1500
Luck was not on Yami's side, since Ghost Kaiba had a feeling he would do this. His face-down card turned out to be Defense Paralysis, meaning as long this card was in the game no Monster could go in defence position.
Then he attacked Yami's Curse of Dragon with Blue-Eyes White Dragon, which dropped the pharaoh's lifepoints to 1000.
Hair-Guy wanted to say something, but one look from Afya's bloodthirsty orange eyes and he shut up.
She had enough with this whole Ghost Spiel.
"Yami!", she called up. "Stay calm, focus. There has to be something in your Deck which can help you. You are an extraordinary Duelist."
"Afya is right, you can do it, man!", agreed Jonouchi.
"Give you all, Yugi!", cheered Anzu.
"You defeated my brother's deck once, you can do it again!", added Mokuba.
The others also shouted their support.
With this and his own belief in how the real Kaiba was alive, Yami played Magical Hats, hiding his Dark Magician from Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
Yami formally lured Ghost Kaiba to attack one of the hats, even if his chance of success was one in four.
However, Ghost Kaiba stayed calm and commanded the Blue-Eyes White Dragon to attack one of the hats.
Unfortunately for Ghost Kaiba, the hat he attacked was empty.
Yugi's friends all cheered loudly.
Oh yeah, Yugi/Yami would show him.
Since it was now Yami's turn he played a card under one of the hats.
"There are still three Magical Hats left.", stated Yami. "If you destroy the one that's hiding Dark Magician, I'll lose life points. But I hide a trap card in one of the Magical Hats."
"What?!", exclaimed Ghost Kaiba.
Meanwhile, Afya smiled approving up at Yami.
"Smart, my pharaoh."
He winked down at her and she winked back.
"Is this really time for flirting?", wonder Joey. "What is Yugi trying to do? The odds are one in three."
"Believe in him, Jonouchi. All will be good.", answered him Afya.
"It's incredible how you can stay so calm Afya.", told Anzu impressed.
"That's our queen for you.", said Maja proud of her spirit friend.
After a few seconds of thinking Ghost Kaiba let Blue-Eyes White Dragon attack the middle hat.
Bad pick!
So he activated Yami trap card Spellbinding Circle.
This card lowers the attack points of any monster.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon: ATK: 3000 → 2300
Now Dark Magician with his 2500 attack points was stronger than the dragon and destroyed it.
Ghost Kaiba's Lifepoints dropped to 500.
"You did it, Yugi/Yami!", cheered Mokuba and Sadiye together.
Kihana embraced the two youngest, smiling brightly before her smile fell.
"Oh no!"
The fake Kaiba summons the second Blue-Eyes White Dragon, which in turn destroys Dark Magician and drops Yami's Lifepoints to 500.
"Are you serious?", said Honda a loud, what all thought.
Creppily Ghost Kaiba laughed: "Dark Magician is destroyed. My deck contains three Blue-Eyes White Dragons. Don't tell me you forgot."
"Oh I said before stop with this nonsense!", yelled Afya angrily. "You aren't a Ghost, you just have Kaiba's Deck, stop with this child play!"
"You just don't won't to realise the truth!", shot Ghost Kaiba back at her.
The Millennium Eye appeared and glowed brightly on Afya's forehead as she said calmly: "I know more about Ghosts and Spirits than you...and you are neither."
The ancient magic which swapped from Afya to anyone made all shake, some in fright others in awe.
"Incredibal.", gasped Anzu. "I never felt such an energy!"
"Not energy, magic.", correct Maja smiling.
Afya turned back to Yami.
The married couple looked at each other and nodded.
Yami believed his queen more than Ghost Kaiba, if she said he wasn't a ghost, he wasn't.
However, he had nothing which could beat the second Blue-Eyes White Dragon and with Defense Paralies on the field he couldn't even save his life points this way.
Without any options, Yami played Feral Imp in the attack position.
Feral Imp: ATK:1300; DEF:1400
"It's time for the end.", declared Ghost Kaiba laughing.
"Yugi/Yami!", shouted Anzu and Maja.
"Can't anything be done, Afya?", asked Honda the queen.
Outside she seemed calm, but inside she searched for a way how Yami could turn this duel in his favour.
"I will be open with you guys...only a miracle can help Yami now."
And a miracle did happen to all their surprise.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon was rapidly losing attack points.
But how?
His attack points were now at 2000, still more powerful for Feral Imp sadly.
The Dragon got ready to destroy the Imp and take all of Yami's life points.
However another miracle happened, Yami heard Kaiba, the real one, calling out for him and the attack vanished as the monster himself too.
Yami's life points were safe.
"A miracle did happen!", gasped Kihana, hugging Mokuba and Sadiye to herself, who were celebrating hard.
"Impossible.", groaned Ghost Kaiba, desperate gripping with his hands his hair. "Why did that happen?"
"Kaiba is still alive.", told Yami.
"Be quiet! I died!"
"No, Seto Kaiba is alive, as my queen said the whole time you are nothing but a fake!"
"You did it, Nii-Sama!", Mokuba happily shouted.
"What's going on?", wondered Anzu.
"Is it not obvious?", turned Mokuba to her. "Only my brother could have deleted Blue-Eyes. My brother did that! I knew my brother was alive!"
Back to Yami and Ghost Kaiba, the pharaoh stated: "I was able to confirm that Kaiba is alive. Now I can concentrate on this duel. Why don't you just reveal your true identity? Your tricks will no longer work!"
"Dammit! I told you I died!"
Out of nowhere Ghost Kaiba formally exploded and a heavy-weighted man in a cape was now in his place.
Kihana hid Mokuba and Sadiye's faces from this vision of nightmare, while all shudder in disgust.
Even Afya made a face!
"I'm more comfortable in this form.", stated the nightmarish man. "I am the Impersonator of Death, sent here by Industrial Illusions. Yugi, let's play. Let's have fun."
"I'm the only one allowed to have fun with Yami!", made Afya clear, while the other was still railing from this transformation.
"He is disgusting.", gaped Anzu and Maja nodded in agreement.
"Yugi, there's only one course of action! Pummel him!", told Jonouchi.
Somehow Mokuba could pull Kihana's hand away from his eyes, but still stayed close to her and Sadiye, waving his fist around and calling up to the man: "A nobody can't master my brother's cards. Serves you right!"
"Word!", added Sadiye also waving a tiny fist around.
"Children, time to celebrate is not yet.", said Afya to them. "There is still a Blue Eyes left. Yami has to be careful still."
This did give the kids a damper and they signed.
Sadly the queen was right.
Back with the two duelists, Yami told Impersonator of Death how he had no monsters on the field and how he should hurry up and play something!
The Impersonator plays Grappler in Defense Mode.
Grappler: ATK:1300; DEF:1200
Yami sets one card on the field and plays the Celtic Guardian.
Celtic Guardian: ATK:1400; DEF:1200
Since Celtic Guardin was stronger he destroyed Grappler, sadly since it was in defence position no life points were lost.
Now it was the Impersonator's turn he set Mystic Horseman in Defense Position and another card face down and ended his turn.
Mystic Horseman: ATK:1300; DEF:1550
Yami sets a card, then summons Mystical Elf in Attack Position and activates Book of Secret Arts increasing her ATK and DEF.
Mystical Elf (ATK: 800 → 1100; DEF: 2000 → 2300).
The beautiful female monster is in a praying position, chanting.
"I don't know what she's chanting, but it's pointless.", giggles Impersonator creepy, lifts his cape and turns his face into Pegasus. "Give up already."
"What a freakshow.", mumbled Maja and all mumbled back in agreement.
The impersonator stops and draws the last Blue-Eyes White Dragon!
Oh no!
"It's okay, my brother will help him again.", reassure Mokuba all, only Hair-Guy tells them: "You fool. That won't happen again. Look at Blue-Eyes. If Kaiba did that trick last time, wouldn't he do the same thing this time? But the third Blue-Eyes is completely unaffected."
"Damn!", curse Jonouchi. "That means..."
"Kaiba can no longer help you."
Hair-Guy laughs, while Kihana gives Mokuba a hug to calm him down. He indeed feels better in the embrace of this older girl which reminds him so much of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
The Blue-Eyes White Dragon starts his attack on Yami monsters, but Yami intercepts the attack by activating Mirror Force, hoping to reflect the attack back at the dragon, only Impersonator blocks the attack with the Trap Card Negate Attack.
All besides Afya started to lose hope, so the queen gave them a pep talk: "Don't despair children. Look at Yami. He still has a triumph card!"
And she was indeed right as Yami played Reborn the monster to call back one of the Blue-Eyes White Dragons to his side of the field.
Then thanks to Mystical Elf's enchanting he increased the dragon's attack points from 3000 to 4100!
With the words to feel Kaiba's wrath, Yami's Blue-Eyes destroyed the Impersonator one in an incredible golden light show.
All had to close their eyes thanks to the light, while Yami sent the Impersonator to the Shadow Realm and promised Pegasus he would come for him!
After the light vanishes, the Impersonator is not there anymore, his life points at zero, making Yami the winner.
The pharaoh picked up Kaiba's deck and the Starchips he won.
"You did it, Yugi!", cheered Jonouchi.
"Amazing duel!", congratulated Kihana.
Honda crossed his arms and nodded.
"I was worried for a moment."
Afya met Yami as he stepped down from the Duel Ring and embraced him.
"I never doubted you.", she whispered in his ear and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.
Yami looked at her lovingly and put his forehead on hers.
They stayed like this for a while.
Unaware of how the others grinned at them.
Yes, Yami and Afye were indeed a married couple.
They could all feel their love.
Well besides the youngest who just deadpanned.
Kihana caressed loving the hair of Mokuba and Sadiye.
A while later our group of friends made a stop in a meadow.
Mokuba hadn't eaten to whole day, so Kihana gave him some of the sandwiches she had prepared.
After he finished eating, Yami gave him Kaiba's deck.
"It's better left with you.", told him the pharaoh.
Mokuba nodded and pocked the deck.
"Thank you, really. I think I get this whole heart of the cards now."
Then he frowned.
"What now?"
"You stay with us.", answered Afya, petting his hair. "I'm sure your brother will come here, he still thinks you are kidnapped."
Kihana wrapped an arm around his tiny shoulders.
"We will protect you from Pegasus henchmen, just stay close to us, till your brother comes for you."
The boy nodded and gave all a thankful smile.
"So Mokuba-San do you perhaps know the answer to our math problems from chapter 26?"
"Sadiye Kisara Schariq don't tell me you didn't even do your homework before you came here with us?!"
"I pledge the Fifth, Nee-Chan!"
This made all laugh heartful, after the emotional duel they had/witnessed, they had needed it.
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river-nova · 2 years
Rating: Mature
F/F and M/M
Puzzleshipping and Crystalshipping
Chaoter 4 is now up! I updated a few days ago but forgot to say so here.
Atem is a selfless dumb dumb that keeps putting people over his emotions and doesn't realize that Yugi likes him too. Also, Mana is holding onto more than she is letting on and needs Atem to make good on his promise to her.
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ofthepuzzle · 1 year
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Cont. [x] // @xpharaohsaiboux
Midway, Atem realizes that if both he and Mana tag Yuugi it’s likely that they will push him over. He outstretches his arm as fast as he can before they all reach the ground to position his hand right behind Yuugi’s head. That way so the impact isn’t that bad. And he also makes sure to fall on his side while keeping his head safe. Mana seems to be all fine while she’s fully on top of them both. Atem’s hand lightly maintains Yuugi’s head above the ground before he gently sets it down and withdraws.
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“Sorry…. Sorry,” Atem whispers.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” Mana adds.
Atem squints at her, knowing exactly what she’s doing. It’s like that game of words they play. Who can voice a word many times the fastest. This time they didn't think about the 'fast' part, though. Both of their apologies were genuine, judging by how flustered they both are.
Mahad walks right behind them with his arms crossed. “Mana. Retreat to your studies.” He is having none of this. To which Mana pouts.
“Okay. For the record, you hit the bullseye twice,” Mana manages to tell Atem as she gets up and playfully gestures a ‘bye’ at him and Yuugi.
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