Strong Island Super Fan
706 posts
Published Writer, NY Sports fan, & BBQ Enthusiast. #LongIsland #NY
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strongislandsuperfan · 1 year ago
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
Been away for a while. Will be back soon.
Just taking a writing break.
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
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Don't @ me!
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
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Just so we're clear, I have foregone my hatred of that Philadelphia football team & my agony over predicting that the Buffalo Bills will represent the AFC conference in the Super Bowl, just so I could write this.
I digress.
Jalen Hurts and Patrick Mahomes, two young quarterbacks in the National Football League, didn't just shock the world this season. They are making history. For the first time ever, the grand finale of the NFL season will feature not one but TWO African American quarterbacks. If you aren't even remotely moved by this or even excited by this juggernaut match up, then do us all a favor and go binge watch some emo-drama series on Netflix and let the rest of us celebrate.
It's interesting that as many black quarterbacks that have been in this league, only a handful have made it to the Super Bowl, but only three have won. Doug Williams became the first black QB to win when he led Washington to a Super Bowl XXII victory over the Denver Broncos. Russell Wilson became the second to win when he helped the Seattle Seahawks rout against the Broncos in Super Bowl XLVIII (and I say helped because we all know it was Seattle's Legion of Boom defense that really got the job done, but kudos to him any way). The latest one, Patrick Mahomes, led Kansas City to a Super Bowl victory over the 49ers almost 3 years ago.
Another interesting fact in all this is that there have only been 4 other Black quarterbacks to reached the Super Bowl but came up short. Steve McNair of the Tennessee Titans in Super Bowl XXXIV lost to the St. Louis Rams, in a pretty evenly-matched game. Donovan McNabb of the Philadelphia Eagles lost Super Bowl XXXIX to the New England Patriots in a game where even I started to feel disgusted with Tom Brady. Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers lost Super Bowl XLVII to the Baltimore Ravens in a game otherwise known as the infamous blackout game. I still scratch my head at the clumsy officiating & the stadium management of that game. Lastly, Cam Newton of the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl 50, lost to the Denver Broncos after a historic regular season.
For this year's Super Bowl, Patrick Mahomes has the chance to add another Lombardi trophy to his already hall of fame-bound career. On the other side, Jalen Hurts, a 2nd round NFL draft pick, who was sent to the bench as a back up, both in NCAA college football and in his previous season with the Eagles, has led his team to not only an impressive regular season but now he has the chance to win his first Super Bowl & second championships for the Eagles franchise.
Either way, I am proud of these gentlemen and can't wait for history to go down on Sunday, February 12, 2023.
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
Reblog from last year
Super Bowl Halftime Fake Outrage
(And Why It Needs To Stop)
First, there was the camera angle. Then, the loud pop from the fans. Then, the thump from the bass in the speakers. Lastly, the silhouette encasing the performer, is let out of the shadows and brought into the bright Hollywood lights. No, this wasn't the Oscars or the Grammys or Hot 97 Summer Jam. It was the Super Bowl halftime show.
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The Super Bowl 56 halftime show lived up to its expectations, even if you're not a fan of the artists that performed. Its probably one of the better Halftime shows I've seen in a while, without having to go on social media and join in the fray of roasting every little nuance that annoyed me but I found hilarious. However, its all in good fun.
The performers were great. The lineup included Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Mary J. Blige, Kendrick Lamar and Eminem. The music was rocking. Everyone in the stadium was vibing, reliving our young adult partying days from 2001 to 2003. Then, this moment happened: Eminem took a knee, in honor of Colin Kaepernick.
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The performance wrapped up and of course, the keyboard warriors, "Karens", and overly-dramatic conservatives came out in droves, spewing out their disgust, not only over the backup dancers with their "barely there" outfits, which were much more covered up in my opinion, compared to the last couple of Super Bowl halftime shows the past decade, but for Eminem's nod to Colin Kaepernick, a former NFL quarterback who took a knee during the national anthem before every football game, to protest racism and injustice in America. Unfortunately, his stance cost him his career, as many people took his protest as anti-American, anti-White/caucasian and anti-Military, when in actuality, it was not even the case. We can debate the particulars of Kaepernick's protest and political views another time, as this is not the point of the subject at hand.
Keep in mind, this is not a celebration or glorification of debauchery or any endorsement of the illuminati to appease your conspiracy theories. This is also not a means to promote frat boy culture, with a mere tone-deaf explanation, telling you that this is just entertainment and you should lighten up. This is me, a sports fan who's also a husband, father, and uncle that fully understands the need to keep certain things away from impressionable minds. To credit those that do bring awareness to these matters, from both the conservative side and the liberal side, I am appreciative of the continued vigilance to keep certain aspect of popular culture and sports in check. After all, displays of vulgarity, pedophilia, misogyny, and over-sexualization have no place and should never have any place anywhere, especially during broadcast hours, where families are gathered together to enjoy each other's company and to watch the game. However, this is a circumstance where this fake outrage over the Super Bowl Halftime show has been over exaggerated and dragged out for too long. After seeing comments, ranging from conspiracy theories with baseless evidence to long-winded social media posts with racist overtones, I finally had enough and decided that now is the time to step in, hopefully with some clarity for most of you. Bear in mind, I am no respecter of persons, places, things or ideas. Sometimes, certain things just need to be called out, including the things that'll make you mad.
For as long as I can remember, I have been hearing, seeing and noticing animosity and resentment building towards the Super Bowl halftime show. Obviously, the Nipple-gate incident in 2004 added more fuel to the fire. In case you live under a rock, look up the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show and you'll see for yourself. I have noticed the excitement and morale of these halftime performances go down. Some people have taken issue with the quality of the performances and how disastrous it turned out to be (i.e. Maroon 5 performing at Super Bowl LIII). Some have taken issue with why certain artists, who are clearly a complete mismatch with primetime sports, were even allowed to perform in the first place (i.e. New Kids On The Block performing at Super Bowl XXV). Then, there were the shameless marketing ploys, with theme-based Super Bowl halftime shows that were just absolutely dismal (i.e. The Blues Brothers halftime show in 1997, to promote the 3rd Blues Brothers movie that was just as crappy as the performance). Even in all these terrible productions, there were actually a few years where they got it right (i.e. Michael Jackson performing in 1993, Prince in 2007, U2 in 2002, and the Motown Tribute in 1998).
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I realize that to hold viewership interest, especially for those who don't understand football or even enjoy sports in general, you have to throw in an incentive. You have to have something enticing for the non-football fans to enjoy. In defense of the production companies that have been hired by the NFL to accomplish this task, it is hard to read certain fanbases, the majority of which are males, ranging from adolescence to late-middle age. Everyone has their own tastes. Some people want an all-country music performance, which has happened already, but not everyone is a country fan. Some people actually have the nerve to want to see more art in the halftime performances, like the Super Bowls of the 70's and early 80's. Then, there's football fans like me, that could care less who performs, although I will confess, the only thing that would ever get me excited about a halftime performance is the day the NFL announces that the Wu-Tang Clan will be performing. Now, I could truly relive some childhood memories with that, but its only wishful thinking. Besides, if it did happen, that'll be the day the conservatives will have a nervous breakdown, when they here the crowd chanting, "WU-TANG CLAN AIN'T NOTHIN' TO F--K WITH!" Again, that wishful thinking won't come to pass, as I am understanding of the fact that there is a time and place for everything. Certain things just don't fit the mold, as much as we would like to see it come to pass. Then again, the NFL let The Who, a British rock band from the 60's, perform in 2010. In my humble opinion, that was probably one of the most contradictory performances of all time. However, that isn't even my issue with all the fake outrage people are directing at the Super Bowl Halftime show.
My issue is the absurd hypocrisy and obvious bigotry in all of this. I have noticed a lot of cherry picking within the outrage that critics with prude-like attitudes or political differences have exhibited. First, with the "Karens" and the keyboard warriors of the conservative world. I just find it real funny that whenever an African American artist or a Hispanic artist or any artist of another race performs, suddenly, any type of bodily movement or dancing performed, you slap the "its too sexual" label on them. Yet, when the lead singer from Maroon 5 performed at the Super Bowl halftime show, and he took his shirt off on stage, without true context, I didn't hear or see a single word from anyone except the baby boomers who couldn't comprehend what this musical performance was suppose to be about. I also noticed that the conservatives didn't complain when Mick Jagger, lead singer of the Rolling Stones, started shaking his hips and gyrating his pelvis on stage. Nobody said a word or batted a freaking eye lash. Yet, it was a problem when J.Lo and Shakira did it.
Yeah, hypocrisy at its finest.
Here's the thing; its not just these hardcore conservatives that are leading this new age Salem witch hunt. The keyboard warriors and the "Karens" of the liberal world have a hand in this too. Many of them are going on social media, posting live videos, writing letters and petitions, outraged because they couldn't stand the fact that certain artists, with all the suggestive lyrics and misogyny, which they still couldn't put into context, was somehow the most triggering thing to their existence, besides the fact that they find Super Bowl Sunday an oppressive, patriarchal, capitalist holiday. If you ever scroll through the comments section on the sports pages the day after the Super Bowl, you will literally see these fake woke liberals and wannabe patriotic conservatives have an absolute fit because they felt, due to this performance that was allowed, that America is now going in the wrong direction. Yes, even I was baffled at the logic behind that, mainly because the performance, was not as derogatory as they tried to make it seem.
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To all the concerned people out there, who want to go on social media and go thru your "This is obscene"/"This isn't what America should be", holier than thou routine, I promise you, a provocative Super Bowl Halftime show, while unnecessary and grossly overdone for purposes of ad revenue so the sports and entertainment industry can collect the market share to stay in business, will not turn your child into a demon possessed crack head or a police hating socialist or a misogynistic woman beater that'll make Ike Turner look like a choir boy or a gender-confused, non-binary hippie or an American flag burning protester or a brainwashed Q-Anon supporter ready to lead an insurrection or a promiscuous, half-dressed heathen. Seriously, CALM DOWN! There are more horrible tragedies in life and more threatening forces out there that may or may not tempt and destroy your household. Please spare me your crybaby tirades.
That is why I'm calling you all out!
My beef with you so-called "Karens" & keyboard warriors of the conservative world is the same beef I have with so-called "Karens" & keyboard warriors of the liberal world, other than the fact that I find you all annoying and that I personally can't stand any of you. Its your infringement, bullying and self-righteous, ego-driven, pseudo-religious, intellectually flawed, judgmental attitude that is not only sickening, but nobody asked for it. You are not doing anyone a service with your crusade, no matter what side you're on or what your good intentions are. Here's what baffles me the most; you liberals and conservatives speak of freedom, yet, the moment someone or something shows up that goes against what you believe in your soft, little protected bubble, you run around, acting as if the anti-christ just announced he's showing up by the end of the year to start a communist regime, so now you infringe on other people's freedom thinking you're protecting America from evil, not realizing that when a certain freedom is taken away from one group that you crusaded against, it won't be long before the same thing is done to you.
I've listened to the arguments and heard the concerns and explanations from both sides, with an open mind and while a few valid points have been made by both the liberal side and the conservative side, I can tell you, overall, I am not impressed by neither one of you. Your demeanor is that of a bratty child having a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, who suddenly has a fit because the Chuck E. mascot isn't giving you enough attention after serving you pizza and birthday cake, then assuring you that you're in a safe space yet you start falling out and throw a tantrum because of one imperfection within the safe space, that has somehow destroyed what you imagined as being your perfect safe space and now no one can have a good time because you won't calm down and listen to reason.
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You all are sitting there, enamored in your own self-righteous convictions, trying to go to war with a multi-billion dollar sports enterprise that literally owns a day of the week, from mid-August 'til early February, that will still make billions of dollars after your protests, complaints, boycotts, social media debates, fire & brimstone sermons, pseudo-intellectual facebook live videos and letters to the FCC. While it is your right to speak up, speak out and fight what you feel is the good fight, there are many other things, broadcasted on television and streaming services for you to be outraged about, instead of a 15 to 20 minute musical performance from an artist that's trying to remain as relevant as the championship football game we are watching, that only comes once a year.
To all you keyboard warriors, "Karens" and whoever else gripes and complains about the Super Bowl Halftime Show, I want you to know three things. Number one, there's this little invention called the off button, that is found on most remote controls, television sets and computers. If you see or hear something you don't like, press the off button once and watch the awful image fade to black and go away. Put the remote down, turn away from the screen and go have a nice day. Or better yet, save yourself the stress of raising your blood pressure from your own overthinking & getting worked up from being so offended by what you disagree with and just don't watch it at all.
Number two, no matter what side you're on, you are benefiting nobody. You aren't saving anybody. You are not doing any great thing that you feel, in your mind, places you in the pathway of being a martyr or a freedom fighter or the savior of America. Your identity politics will not save you or anyone else. You are not Che Guevara, Assata Shakur, George Washington, David Duke, Marcus Rogers, Alex Jones, Candace Owens, Rachel Maddow, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Anderson Cooper or whoever you liberals, conservatives, socialists, feminists or fake woke people idolize. I'm grouping all of you together because you are literally two sides of the same coin, using emotional hustling and virtue signaling to over emphasize an already drawn out point. I pray for the day you all realize that and come to another realization. Not everything warrants a response. Sometimes, you really do have to live and let live.
Not everyone will share your point of view, and quite frankly, no one is obligated to. Not everyone is easily offended. Not so much because of a lack of morals or a lack of intellectual insight but because they need a break from the monotony of life. Last time I checked, that is not a sin. Even the good Lord up above rested on the Sabbath. More importantly, not everyone has to agree with you. Even the context of what I'm writing, you have every right to agree or disagree. That's what this country was founded upon. As for the finer points of what you believe in and what you stand by and what is moral or obscene, that is up to you & your household and what you all decide collectively in your home. Govern your own homes accordingly and stop letting the media, especially social media (which is not a real place), feed you what your opinion should be. If other households and families are in agreement with you, that's fine because having a sense of community is important, as long as you respect the differences of other communities without projecting or bullying your beliefs onto others that might not feel the same way as you do. Everyone is different. That's a good thing.
That factor alone should be the very thing that unites us all in America, especially on a day like Super Bowl Sunday, instead of having hissy fits and fake outrage over Snoop Dogg's rap lyrics or Justin Timberlake's ill-timed misogynistic treatment of Janet Jackson or Shakira & J.Lo moving their hips during a Super Bowl halftime show. There are bigger battles to fight in this world. This is not one of them. LET IT GO!
Number three, nobody cares. Yes, you read that right. Nobody cares, especially real sports fans. We are not here for a mediocre halftime music concert. We are here for the game. Well, at least I am. Get that through your head. I know that all of this sounds like dismissive gaslighting by means of desensitization because we want you to stop getting on our nerves with your opinion of what you think the truth is because you've become so offended by the nonsensical obscenities that you just viewed, but that's isn't any different than your little soapbox routine because you allowed one moment of broadcast television to disrupt your peace instead of you being in control of your own peace. It does not give you the right to be dismissive of someone else's peace. It never will.
Please, for everyone's sake, including your own, find a more profound cause to stand behind rather than protesting & complaining about a once a year musical performance that'll just become an after thought that everyone laughs about on YouTube. People like me are here for the love of the game of football, not your personal convictions, regardless of what side you're on. So, grab your plate of buffalo wings, pour up your favorite beverage and please, SHUT UP!
We're trying to watch the game. The only part of Super Bowl Sunday that actually matters. Not some rinky-dink halftime show.
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That is all.
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
One-Hit Wonders
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Whether you want to call it a curse, a flash in the pan or just plain hard luck coupled with personnel mismanagement by general managers and front offices or bad coaching, these history making quarterbacks, somehow, never made it back to the big game.
Most recently, Joe Burrow, of the Cincinnati Bengals, led his team on a season of revenge tour after losing last year's Super Bowl to the LA Rams, only to find himself succumb to the one-hit wonder curse. To be fair, he's still young and has a exciting career ahead of him, but he's got one heck of a mountain to climb, again. He has the right weapons in place, but so did Steve McNair, Jared Goff, Matt Ryan and others before him.
All these guys grind their axe and salivate at hoisting up the Lombardi trophy at least once. Nobody wants to end their career littered with "what ifs" and "If he only had the right receiver/running back/head coach, then maybe...?" or to be known as the gun-slingin' legend that has reached the top 4 times in a row, only to come up short 4 times in a row, only to be left wondering if it was meant to be or just a cruel punchline in a joke. No offense Jim Kelly or Bills fans. I wanted you guys to win the 4th one against the cowboys, but I digress.
Then again, if history is kind to Joe Burrow, he could join the likes of Roger Staubach and John Elway, both of whom finally reached the promise land before the end of their careers.
Reaching the championship game, in any sport, is a daunting task in itself. You have to make sure you have a competent front office that can scout for talent, have a successful draft night, have the right coach, don't overspend or gamble in free agency and above all else, win. I don't mean just moral victories but still lose because the roster is in rebuild mode. I mean, get out there and compete as if its the last hurrah for everybody.
One-hit wonder; a not-so common but cringey tale to overcome.
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
A Matter of Heart
Monday night, Jan. 3, 2023. A night that will burn in our memories for a long time. It was the Buffalo Bills vs the Cincinnati Bengals in one of the most important NFL games concluding week 17. There were 5 minutes and 38 seconds left in the first quarter when the unthinkable happened. Bills cornerback Damar Hamlin completed a tackle on Cincinnati wide receiver William “Tee” Higgins. After he attempted to stand up he quickly collapsed.
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Many people blame it on the violence and barbaric tackling, which is part of the game of football. Some even going as far as blaming the opponent, Tee Higgins, as the catalyst for this.
Others blame it on a certain topic that I am not particularly fond of writing about nor do I pride myself on searching for conspiracy theories linking baseless arguments with unproven evidence. Of course I am talking about the link between sudden heart failure and the COVID-19 vaccines.
For the sake of my employment and for the sake of my own sanity, I refuse to entertain that topic. However, when circumstances such as this occurs, that coincides with 69 other athletes that have suffered similar fates, with some not surviving, one does have to raise questions and begin to look at the athlete's condition, as well as our own. Sometimes, you can't help to wonder "what if that other perspective is right?", especially when baseless arguments and unproven evidence ends up becoming reality, whether you see it as coincidental or circumstantial.
After more research and more updates, thankfully, that is not the case. The reason for the collapse, according to doctors, was due to a one in a million chance at being struck in the right place at the wrong time. The result, for Damar, was commotio cordis. Those unfamiliar with the term, including me, commotio cordis is a disruption of a heart beat due to a massive blow after being struck in the chest. As severe as this injury is, commotio cordis is very rare, according to medical professionals. In this case, the play/tackle in question was one of those one in a million shots that did happen.
Thankfully, Damar Hamlin is on the road to recovery.
Now comes the uncomfortable part of this, from the conspiracy theories being peddled around to the ominous virtue signaling and fake love being shown to this young man, we need to have some truth.
First off, Tee Higgins is not to blame for this. What happened that night, was a legal play that is part of the game of football. The circumstance was literally a freak accident. That is all. To ruin this young man's career and mental health over a rare circumstance that no one could have predicted is just flat out wrong. Thankfully, Damar Hamlin's family, Josh Allen & his teammates, as well as fans of the Buffalo Bills and sports fans with at least an ounce of decency and common sense (myself included) have rushed to Tee Higgins defense & told the media and keyboard warriors of the internet to back off.
Secondly, I am of the opinion that the game of football has the potential to become vicious, especially if you take into account the amount of injuries that can pile up. However, the overall game itself isn't necessarily dangerous. Of course, some will bring up the argument of former players suffering from CTE, where too many blows to the head can cause memory loss, cognitive issues and altered behavior. With more research and better safety protocols & more emphasis on safer tackling techniques, we can only hope that the game itself proves to be safer in the long run. Even with the improvements, I am not so naive to not take into consideration that this is a gladiator sport, with risk involved.
Lastly, the fake love needs to stop! The majority of you aren't even Buffalo Bills fans, let alone even heard of this young man Damar Hamlin. Case in point, Hamlin's charity, Chasing M's, which is a foundation that provides scholarships and promotes education for high school and college athletes. Up until the night of January 3rd, the majority of fans (myself included) had never even heard of this charity or heard about the toy drive that was launched on GoFundMe, which was simply asking to reach its financial goal of $2,500. Less than 24 hours after the freak on field accident occurred, the charity raised over $4 million dollars. One reporter on even said that the amount was worth more than Hamlin's rookie contract with the Buffalo Bills, which is $3.6 million.
Look, I'm not trying to be a hater or trying to stifle the dreams and goals that this charity was intended for, but, where was all this adulation when Damar Hamlin was healthy and could take a hit on the field, without any accidents? Then again, I really can't hold it against people who suddenly spring to a panic to make things right, but, it shouldn't take circumstances like this to give people their flowers or showcase concern.
For the record, and this is nothing against Hamlin's charity or people's sincere intentions, but as the donations, prayers & praises poured in, the same should continue to come in for the medical staff & hospital workers that used every resource possible to bring Hamlin back to life. There names are Nate Breske, Denny Kellington (the man that administered CPR on Hamlin), Joe Micca, Tabani Richards, Dr. Leslie Bisson, Dr. Tom White, Dr. Mark Kim, Dr. Marc Fineberg, Joe Collins, Dr. Desaree Festa, Marissa Figueroa, Dr. Zachary Musial, Kelsey Harkins, and Kori Reblin.
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I am praying for a steady recovery for this young man, as he does have quite a road to recovery ahead of him. What happened to Damar Hamlin not only should raise concerns for our players and the safety & practices of tackling techniques, but it should also give us new found respect for these young athletes that put themselves on the line, to showcase their God-given talents.
It should also give us a reminder to appreciate the life many of us still have, as there is always that one in a million chance, it could be hanging in the balance, with either a miraculous or tragic result.
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
A Season Not To Be Ashamed Of
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It's Saturday night, Jan. 21st and I am watching what I thought wouldn't be possible for another two seasons; the New York Giants playing the Philadelphia Eagles in the second round of the NFL playoffs. Win or lose, I'm still in awe that the Giants have even made it this far, with everyone expecting us to be in a rebuild season with a quarterback that was unwanted here at this point. Here I am, a year later, watching him thrive.
Jan. 11th, 2023 was a changing of the guard and a new start for the New York Giants. Joe Judge had been relieved of his duties as head coach and the coaching search began. The search for a new General Manager was also underway.
On Jan 21st, we hired our new General Manager, Joe Schoen. Schoen previously worked under Brandon Beane for the Buffalo Bills since 2017, serving as their assistant general manager.
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On Jan. 28th, we got our coach. Brian Daboll, who spent the previous season with the Buffalo Bills as their Offensive Coordinator. All I knew of him was how he molded Buffalo Bills' quarterback, Josh Allen into the elite playmaker he is today. The front office was excited.
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Of course the NY Giants fanbase, myself included, kept our expectations low, not in need of searching for any great miracle necessarily. We were all mentally and emotionally ready for a rebuild season. After all, we were still living with the consequence of that infamous boat trip pic from 2016, right before the 1st round of the playoffs.
Then Draft Day came. The Giants emerged from the 2022 Draft with 11 players. Initially, the Giants went into Thursday night with nine selections, but following two trades in the second round which saw the Giants go from No. 36 to No. 43, the team added two extra picks with No. 114 and No. 146. I was impressed by the resourcefulness of our GM, but, I wouldn't dare allow myself to get too excited.
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Then, the season began. No expectations. No desires. No worries. Not even an ounce of hope from me. This was more like, "Okay guys, let's just get this season over with.". I was even trying to anticipate what sort of wheelin' and dealin' the Giants could get into for next year's NFL Draft and Free Agency. First game on the road, against the Tennessee Titans. A game we weren't expected to win....but we did.
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As the season rolled on, it was Saquon Barkley and Daniel Jones literally carrying this team offensively, with the defense stepping up and getting better every game. Of course, I was still skeptical, even with an unexpected win streak at the beginning of the season.
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And, we rolled on, finishing the regular season with a 9-7-1 record. I was still in disbelief that we even made it to the playoffs, after having the expectation. The first round of the playoffs comes against the Minnesota Vikings, with wide receivers that would put ours to shame. Regardless, we won. It was at this moment that I could believe again.
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Now, we have a future to look forward to, regardless of the results from the Divisional round of this year's playoffs. It really did take the right coach and an intelligent GM to make all the difference.
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This was a season that was definitely nothing to be ashamed about.
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
The Prophecy of the Pipebomb
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There's a saying that goes, "Everything eventually comes full circle." Its never been more true than this point in pro-wrestling.
Any pro-wrestling fan, whether casual viewer or lifelong fan remembers the night of June 27, 2011. A day that will always live in sports entertainment history & infamy.
CM Punk has never been one to hold his tongue, but he does it in such an articulate manner that it makes you sit and think....and sometimes cringe, depending on your perspective.
To give some backstory on this moment, CM Punk had secured a one-on-one match with John Cena for the WWE Championship at the next pay-per-view, Money in the Bank. With his contract just weeks away from ending, CM Punk made it clear that he had no intentions of resigning. Instead, he planned on walking away from WWE as the company’s champion, potentially taking the WWE championship belt to another wrestling promotion.
When the promo starts off, it sounds like a typical build up to the anticipated match with John Cena, but things quickly turn south, going into an epic tirade of disgust over the WWE roster, the WWE stars of the past, and utter contempt for the McMahon family, while giving shout outs to Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar, his then-friend Colt Cabana, and the Ring of Honor Wrestling promotion. Disillusionment at its finest, but I don't blame him.
The most important part of this promo was the venting, which felt all too real, as if years of animosity had been building since CM Punk's arrival from the independent circuit. First, he was thrown into WWE's developmental promotion, Ohio Valley Wrestling. Then, with the renewed but poorly handled rebirth of ECW, then a move over to the main WWE roster. A move to the main roster should have been the golden ticket to the big time but, he wasn't given the shine he deserved. If so, then he would have been promoted in the main title sequence on Monday Night Raw, as CM Punk stated.
Another important aspect of this promo is how he verbally laid into the McMahon family & John Laurinaitis. It's no secret that CM Punk is not fan of the non-sensical aspects of backstage politics, but understands that it is a reality that has to be met head on. Valid points were made, regarding legacy, broken promises, talent being taken for granted & not getting its proper due respect, simply because a wrestler doesn't look "main event" enough to get over with the fans. CM Punk was not only right, but proved the old-timers wrong, by becoming the main event draw that the fans demanded, but up until that night, he was still being denied.
Let's be frank about this; if it wasn't for CM Punk bringing that point up, guys like Kofi Kingston and Daniel Bryan, two men that don't exactly fit the mold of the main event talent we all watched in the 80's and 90's, wouldn't even touch the WWE title, let alone be in the conversation for a shot at the WWE championship belt. To further add to his case, CM Punk took the Kobe Bryant approach in pro wrestling and spent hours, sometimes days, honing and perfecting his craft. There's a reason why he's been voted independent wrestler of the year, before signing with WWE.
Just when CM Punk was about to get going on the McMahon’s legacy and how Vince’s death won’t fix anything, even if it is put in the hands of his son-in-law, Triple H and his daughter, Stephanie McMahon, the mic gets cut. The audience, left in disbelief and excitement.
The now infamous pipebomb promo generated the kind of buzz wrestling promoters could only dream about. It shocked the pro wrestling world as a whole, ranging from praise to threats to conspiracies and skepticism. Some heard this pipebomb promo and dismissed it as a "work", meaning that it blurred the lines between fantasy and reality. Others, fully agreed and took a stance with CM Punk. Others within the WWE and some hall of fame stars of the past, were either angered or put off by the rant. I believe this was due to the fact that the wrestling industry as a whole, as well as the WWE was losing the power it once had. The industry wasn't ready to change just yet.
Pro wrestling fans had now become MMA fans and the talent from the independent circuits were not seen as appealing or as a "top guy" that could carry the company, reminiscent of the days of Hulk Hogan. The talent that the old guard was relying on, such as Goldberg and Brock Lesnar, also had to contend with their egos. John Cena was the go to option, while relying on superstars of the 90's, such as The Rock, to make their guest appearances for an immediate million-dollar box office draw. Nostalgia is fine, but it gets tiresome after a while. Fans just don't want to see heroes of the past. We want to see what's fresh and new & still relatable as well. That was another point that CM Punk was trying to make.
However, to be fair, this is still a business and no matter how many moonsaults you can do or catchphrases you have, you still have to draw a crowd and generate a box office draw that'll leave the fans wanting more and if the new guys can't handle it, then the best interest of business has to take over and protect the namesake of what it was built upon. That was the point the WWE was also trying to make.
Both perspectives are not wrong. They just needed to put their pride aside and hear each other out.
I can look back and say, this was more than just a promo. It was a prophetic word, that told of what was wrong with the sports entertainment industry, who would be proven wrong & whose futures would or could meet a self-inflicted end. Now, things have come full circle....sort of. I am no oracle, but its astonishing how this has played out.
As it was spoken, Triple H & Stephanie McMahon have taken the reigns of the WWE, bringing about major changes to the company. Since Triple H has taken over creative control, surprisingly, the quality of the WWE has gotten better. Not to mention, that the athletes that were either treated as an afterthought or never seen as a main event draw, were finally given their shot at the main roster and as a main event draw. This has drawn praise not only from the locker room in WWE, but even from former stars as well.
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On the other spectrum, the microphone master, CM Punk, became the main event draw in AEW Wrestling, a status that should have been given in the WWE. After his end in 2014 in the WWE, he made his way through the MMA circuit, then back to WWE as a TV commentator while dabbling in acting and writing, then, on a fateful August night in 2021, made his much anticipated return in AEW. This brought back fans of Punk and pro wrestling, witnessing their favorite folk hero return again, in his hometown of Chicago, Illinois.
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Every aspect of those words spoken that night has manifested.
Fast forward to 2023.
Vince McMahon retires from his long standing position at WWE, now taken over by a new generation, only to be taken back, again, put up for sale and daughter, Stephanie McMahon stepping down as CEO of the company. This caught everyone off guard. I cringe at the thought of the WWE being sold to an entity that might not have its best interest at heart. It happened to WCW and ECW in the early 2000's. We would hate to see history repeat itself. We all grew up watching these pro wrestling superstars give us the type of heart-pounding moments that you would only see in comic books or science fiction films. To think of anyone else to have control of this is bewildering and sad, like a child watching their father walk out, only to be introduced to a stepfather that could never replace the bond created by the biological entity that helped make life and childhood in general, fantastic. I still don't know what to make of it. Who would of thought that you can put a price tag on one's ego?
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WWE was our pre-school. Our live-action hero story. Our Saturday day care, once the cartoons went off at 12 PM and we were switching between Soul Train on WPIX channel 11 and whatever exploitation film that was broadcasted on channel 9, before it became the UPN network. We can't imagine this company as anything else, let alone in someone else's hands. Unfortunately, its happening.
While the complete opposite of wishful demise has not happened to the forever reigning, now up-for-sale powerhouse, WWE, the career of a once promising, generational talent, has taken its own turn. Whether it was for better or for worse, is depending on your point of view. Some argue that CM Punk has become the very thing he spoke out against on that June night in 2011. In some aspects, that might have been the case. In other aspects, maybe it was justified. Regardless, due to months-long controversies within AEW, the main event status has since dwindled due to a toxic backstage culture & a self-inflicted observation that CM Punk spoke over himself during his epic rant in 2011. It was not only the jealousy of others that took him out. His ego became his number one enemy.
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For the record, I have nothing against CM Punk. I don't agree with all the perspectives or personal politics he carries, but, I get him. His persona motivates me. His rise in the ranks of the independent wrestling world to the big time is almost Rocky Balboa-like, filled with awe and wonder. I only wish that his time with the WWE and AEW could have ended on a more peaceful note, going out like a warrior, on his own terms, with a roaring ovation as his swan song. I still want that for him. His fans still want that for him. Even if he doesn't want it, I don't blame him. His disillusionment is understandable. CM Punk was the rebel with a cause, who came at the right time, even if the powers that be weren't ready for it.
June 27, 2011 was more than just a controversy. It was prophecy, spoken into existence. Many of us didn't understand it then, dismissing it as a work or off-color controversy. Now, we see that it has manifested. Both these perspectives have one commonality; sometimes, its our love and passion that can take us out rather than our hate or grievance of being treated as an after thought that's constantly taken for granted and not appreciated until its gone out the door.
The pipebomb promo, in all of its unbeknownst and unassuming glory, has stood the test of time, bringing changes to a proud industry that would only give the "Hulk Hogans" of the wrestling world the spotlight while eerily consuming the egos & passions of those that we never expected to be in the positions that they are in. Whether you see it as a positive or a negative, again, its all perspective.
Both futures remain hanging in the balance. As a fan, I hope that it reaches a certain peace that many can walk away happy with.
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
7 Times Personified
7 NBA Championships. 3 different teams. 1 unforgettable dynasty. Side by side with legends from the hardwood. His name? Robert Horry.
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And if you have no idea who this man is, don't you ever call yourself a basketball fan!
This is a man that absolutely belongs in the Basketball Hall of Fame. Why he's not there now, is an absolute travesty. Robert Horry, 1st round draft pick from the University of Alabama, has done more than win championships. This man has given us the most memorable, awe-inspiring clutch shots in NBA history. Not many players can say that they have won championships, playing on the same roster as Shaquille O'neal, Kobe Bryant, Hakeem Olajuwon, Clyde Drexler, Sam Cassell, Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker. Only one man can. Robert Horry.
Horry played in the NBA from 1992 to 2008. He averaged 7 points, 4.8 rebounds and 2.1 assists during his career. The stats do not seem impressive, especially with other players who have been inducted into the Hall of Fame, some of whom have the stats but haven't won a title or barely come close to seven. However, Robert Horry did leave a mark on the world of basketball by hitting some of the biggest clutch shots in the biggest moments in NBA history, which earned him the nickname "Big Shot Bob" and 7 championships to add to it. Not to mention, Horry held the record for three-pointers all-time in the NBA Finals with 53, having eclipsed Michael Jordan's previous record of 42.
So, we can see an argument for why or why not Robert Horry deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, given his career stats. We all know we can't play favorites, especially if our favorite person's name is on a ballot but the other guy wins. We can plead for mercy for our favorite guy to get his just due, but speaking as a realist & a sports fan that has lived thru what I'm about to say, just because you get all the popular votes, it doesn't mean you're going to win. Hmm.... sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Even if you don't give consideration for a Hall of Fame ballot for Robert Horry, winning 7 titles alongside 1st ballot, all-NBA team legends while giving us clutch highlights for years to come, cannot be ignored and, without a shadow of a doubt, an exception needs to be made.
So, why isn't this guy in the Hall of Fame? Better question is, why isn't there even a ESPN 30 for 30 special or a Netflix documentary for this man? The role players on the team may not be the superstars we always envision, but it doesn't not rule out their contributions or accomplishments.
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Robert Horry aka Big Shot Bob. Give this man his flowers!
'Nuff said.
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
American Dream From A Meme
You'd have to live under a rock if you don't recognize this picture right here:
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I always wanted to know what the story was behind the Popeye's Meme kid. Turns out, it was a case of mistaken identity from a extinct social media app.
A decade ago, a customer was approaching the line for filling up drinks at a Popeye's restaurant. Unaware of what was going on, Dieunerst Collin, of East Orange, New Jersey, simply minding his own business, was mistaken for Lil Terrio, a social media star from the now defunct Vine app. Dieunerst, who was 8 years old at that time, uncertain of what the person recording him was trying to do, gave him the side eye and became one of the most legendary memes of our generation. This simple, unassuming look generated millions of views on Vine, screenshots, gifs and memes, as the ultimate online expression for awkwardness, confusion and minding your own business.
What we also didn't know was that behind this awkward, unassuming look was a gifted, championship-winning athlete, who has now gone on to play NCAA Division II football at Lake Erie College in Painesville, Ohio, currently as an Offensive Lineman.
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I'll be honest, I was aware of his success that he had playing football in high school and even winning a championship while playing, but didn't pay much attention to it afterwards, until buzz began generating on Twitter when people began to wonder what ever happened to the Popeyes Meme kid.
Once he was recognized at Lake Erie College, where he is currently studying sports management, this ignited sports fans, football fans and meme aficionados everywhere to track down this young man, whose overnight fame began with a simple eye glance, and rally around him to get the deal of a lifetime. An NIL sponsorship with Popeyes, the restaurant that "awkwardly" made him internet famous.
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This is a feel good story for the ages, one that started of somewhat cringy and now has come full circle to give this young man his due. I wish nothing but the best for Dieunerst Collin and look forward to his future success.
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
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NYC fans want titles, but all 9 teams have made noise this year. Could glory days be here, again?!
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
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After all the worry, delays and media leaving hints here and there, the XFL finally debuted its team names, colors and logos.
Naturally, there were new designs but the fan favorites returned. Of course football fans here in New York will have to patiently wait for a team to head this way.
Las Vegas and Orlando are two new locations that fans and die hards will have to get use to. Then, of course, we have the XFL draft coming this November, which will really set things into motion.
Overall, I'm please & excited that with even the minor changes, its still a familiar product and something football fans and sports fans can look forward to this spring.
Let the hype train & the countdown to Feb. 2023 begin!!!!!
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
T.O.N.Y (Top of New York)
Why we NY Knicks fans can't let it go!
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Of all the New York teams that have come and gone in professional sports, the 1990's New York Knicks still lives rent free in every New York sports fan's head. Both love and hate for this team and this era lives rent free in all of our heads.
People question my loyalty to this team, even now in the year 2022. The question I get asked is, "Why Mikey?!", and then I get told, "Dude, just let it go! This team is not going anywhere."
They're probably right, for the most part. Since 1993, when I came into my own sports fandom, without the influence of my grandpa, I've been riding with the Knicks, win or loose. Mostly loose, but I'm still here. Why? For several reasons.
For starters, I want my Chicago Cubs moment to finally happen with this team. Remember when the Cubs were a laughing stock in baseball for more than 100 years, then finally, in 2016, they won the big one? I'd never seen a fanbase filled with such jubilation and harmony as that night. That's what I want. I want my Chicago Cubs moment for my NY Knicks.
I can sit here and say, "Yeah, we deserve it! For my years of heartbreak and loyalty, a championship before I leave this Earth would be the best compensation of all", but my fear is that either it might not happen or I might not live to see it.
This is the low-vibrational fan existence that I live with and have been living with since 1999. That's the year we finally should have won it all. Then again, we really were no match for Tim Duncan and David Robinson. But, one can only dream, right? 😞
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Once again, another NBA season has begun, and I find myself, once again, hoping for that glorious feeling I felt in 1999. I need to let it go. I want to let it go, but its the resiliency & stubbornness of myself and this fan base that want to know what if feels like when our Uncle's and Grandpa's celebrated the Knicks championship wins in 1970 and 1973. I want my Chicago Cubs moment with the New York Knicks, while I still have life here on this planet. That is all I know. That is all I want to know. I want the blue and orange underdog to finally reach the top of New York.
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That is all.
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
Take a Bow, Nature Boy. You Deserve It!
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Ric Flair. The Nature Boy. The man whose name is synonymous with WCW and the battle cry, "WOOOO!" would step into the squared circle, one last time. The final match went down on July 31st, 2022 in Nashville, Tennessee. I'll be honest, this was a match that caught a lot of wrestling fans off guard. I thought that Ric Flair was done once Shawn Michaels landed one of the most sympathetic finishers ever seen at Wrestlemania. Then, of course was the less than glamourous run with TNA Impact Wrestling, which felt like a forced replay of the late 90's version of WCW that nobody asked for. Then, this promo poster popped up on my social media feed.
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While I wasn't too enamored with the thought of seeing an old man, lace up his boots and go toe-to-toe one last time, I had second thoughts and said to myself, "Wait, this is Ric Flair we're talking about!"
One of the best grapplers in pro-wrestling & a true showman that influenced more than one generation of talent, such as Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Shawn Michaels, not to mention, his cultural influence on hip hop. Yes, you read that right, the kiss-stealin' wheelin'-dealin', son of a gun had the type of swag that couldn't be ignored in the hip hop community.
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It is safe to say, the hip hop community co-signs Ric Flair.
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Even more inspiring is his life story. Born in Memphis, Tennessee, with many sources indicating that he was a "black market" baby, he was adopted by two loving parents that later settled in Edina, Minnesota, where Ric Flair even attended college at the University of Minnesota. During his high school years, he participated in football, track and amateur style wrestling.
Ric Flair got his start by training to become a pro wrestler under the tutelage of Verne Gagne. He attended Gagne's first wrestling camp with Greg Gagne, "Jumpin'" Jim Brunzell, The Iron Sheik and Ken Patera at Gagne's barn outside Minneapolis in the winter of 1971. On December 10, 1972, he made his professional wrestling debut in Rice Lake, Wisconsin, battling George "Scrap Iron" Gadaski to a 10-minute draw.
From there, he went on to wrestle for AWA (American Wrestling Association), IWE (International Wrestling Enterprise), NWA (National Wrestling Alliance), All-Japan Pro Wrestling and of course, World Championship Wrestling (which was my first introduction to him as a kid) and of course, WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). His is one of the most storied careers of all time.
I always wondered how'd he end up with the nickname, "The Nature Boy". Turns out this story goes back to 1974, when Flair left the AWA for Jim Crockett's Mid-Atlantic region in the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). On October 4, 1975, Flair's career nearly ended when he was in a serious plane crash in Wilmington, North Carolina. Flair broke his back in three places and was told by doctors that he would never wrestle again. He was only 26 years old. However, he refused to let that stop him.
Flair conducted a rigorous physical therapy schedule and returned to the ring just three months later, in January 1976. The crash did force Flair to alter his wrestling technique. He switched from the power brawling style he was known for to becoming a grappler, which led him to adopt the "Nature Boy" gimmick he would use throughout his career. However, Flair reached elite status when he began referring to himself as "The Nature Boy" in order to incite a 1978 feud with the original "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers, who put Flair over in one encounter.
Now, we come to the night of July, 31st. The last hurrah for Ric Flair. While many were anticipating the main event, The rest of the undercard was just as exciting as well. All the wrestling legends were out to show support.
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It was great to see a living legend get his roses 🌹 one last time.
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Ric Flair has reportedly been offered to wrestle 10 more matches for 50K a piece. He turned it down saying, "this is my last one."
Wrestling Observer newsletter reported that Ric Flair’s Last Match drew more than 6,800 fans, a gate of $448,502 & between 20-25k streaming PPV Buys. This is the second highest independent wrestling gate of all time. - Yaz (All YAZ wrestling)
For Flair, it's all about going out on his terms. He wants to retire knowing, if he wanted to, he could still do it. I can respect that.
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It's about his legacy. A legacy that not only inspires, but a legacy that put all the doubters and haters to shame and silenced them. This is a legacy that truly doesn't know the meaning of the words, "Give up" or "I Quit!". This is the definition of overcoming adversity and defying the odds.
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Thank you, Nature Boy for all the great memories.
Take a bow, sir.
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strongislandsuperfan · 2 years ago
Time to Say Goodbye, Mr. Brady
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You honestly should of left after your Super Bowl win with Tampa. Now, you look just as washed up as the quarterback you came off the bench for when you played with the Patriots. Normally, I do not wish bad things on those I can't stand, but now, its to the point where I can't even bring myself to take joy in the misery of an adversary that I prided myself on rooting against. Now, this is just plain sad.
On Sunday, October 23rd, 2022, both the franchise that you brought to the promise land & your legacy has reached a new low.
Tom Brady and the Bucs fall to 3-4.
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The last time Brady fell below .500 was in 2002.
(h/t @albert_breer)
The decision to come out of retirement, while met with excitement from football fans, was marred with controversy, both on a professional and personal level. I mean, why come back? What more is there to prove? You have proven yourself as a non-system based quarterback and won 7-Super Bowl championships & brought two football franchises back from obscurity to respectable franchises with multiple championships. Now, not only is it costing you your legacy, it has cost you the morale of the locker room, the respect of pure football fans and now, your own marriage. To prove what? That you can defeat the expectations set for men your age and go out a winner, when that has been done already?
Clearly, you haven't watched enough Rocky Balboa movies or learned any real life lessons from athletes that felt they had something else to prove & ended up going out on their back, with sprawls of blood & tears trickling down their face. No matter how much you work out, how much you prepare, or how many more championships you think you need, the one opponent that better men than you have tried to conquer & ended up succumbing to is...time. Time remains undefeated. Mr. Brady, it is safe to say, time has already caught up to you. You're just too stubborn and egotistical to realize it. Or maybe you do, but you choose to remain in denial.
Either way, time is no longer on your side.
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It's time to take a bow, Mr. Brady. You have nothing more to prove. Get out, while you still have a legacy that your fans can respect & we can continue to debate and root against. Try to pick up the pieces of your personal life as well. Winning the heart of your family is an even bigger and better legacy than winning one more Super Bowl ring.
That is all.
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