#{loki: thor isn't home}
oh-look-at-her · 7 months
"I can do....terrible things to you."
Pairing: agardian!reader x Loki
Warnings: profanity, PinV, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it), oral sex(f receiving), fingering, dirty talk, use of pet names (Prince, princess, pet, dearest, etc), Loki is a warning in itself, degradation, mocking, name calling (just once I think), choking (for a little while), just smut in general
Author's note: I just wanted to say this is my first ever written fic so have mercy on me. I just really wanted to use that sentence from the Loki series🤭It was also supposed to be shorter...it did not keep to that. I also wanted to say that with the word "undergarment" I do not mean modern day underwear. I mean undergarment as in from the 1700's (like depicted in the photo underneath this text). Don't ask me why I decided to do that, I don't know. I think I've just been watching too much Outlander these last few days. Alr I'll stop my rambling now. I hope everyone enjoys♡
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“Oh dear gods, another ball. How many of these are they going to organize?” Was my first thought when Thor asked me to go as his guest yet again the other day. I thought I wouldn’t be going.
And yet, here i am. Standing in a corner in the main hall of the majestic golden palace that the formerly mentioned prince calls home, with a glass of liquor in one hand and a small snack i grabbed from a faraway table in the other. Though i did want to support Thor in his victories of the week, that was not the true reason i came to another loud party.
“Quite the partygoer lately. Tell me, is it just because you enjoy being around obnoxiously drunk people or are you trying to charm my dear brother?"
And there it is. The infamous Loki Odinson, prince of Asgard, God of mischief and lies, to the irritation of many people. I know I wouldn't mind him getting mischievous at all though....
I eat the little one-bite snack in hopes of it distracting me from my thoughts, but to no avail.
Meanwhile, Loki keeps talking with a grin on his face and a sultry tone to his voice.
"If it is the latter, I suggest you stop, since he seems to have quite the interest in that other woman he's been eyeing all night."
I give him the best cocky look I can muster and answer back; "Thor does not have any interest in me and neither do I in him. He gets to ogle whoever he wishes, I thought you would know this, being his brother. Tell me, where is the sudden interest in your brother's love life coming from, dear prince."
"Oh please, a blind man would know he was shamelessly into her. Besides, how could I not be interested when my brother continuously invites the same woman to his... Celebrations."
He ogles me suspiciously, as if he doesn't believe I wasn't interested in that loveable blonde buffoon. I myself have a different type of God in mind. I opt to try and change his mind.
"Thor and I are friends. Why are you so interested in this?"
He hums dismissively and ogles the ongoing party.
"No interest in dancing?" he changes the subject.
"No, this dress is not a dancing type dress. Too tight and heavy. I should've opted for another, but it's too late now." he looked my dress up and down as I spoke, seemingly uninterested, though his tone of voice said otherwise.
"Well, beauty over functionality, isn't it? Seems as if you've succeeded in that area, at least."
My stomach flips and the corners of my mouth lift up into a faint taunting smile as I look up at him. "You think I look beautiful?"
He looks back at me, a faint trace of surprise tainting his expression. "Well yes, I wouldn't have said what i did if I did not think it. When have I ever been known to lie about my opinions, dearest?"
My mind jumps at the mention of the pet name and the compliment paired with it and although I tried to hide my surprise, the faint smirk on the God's face tells me enough. Nevertheless, I look at him with a playful light in my voice.
"Well, you are the god of lies. I would expect you to live up to this Title, as you do your other titles."
"Ah, and what titles are these, pray tell?" he asks as he looks at me with disdain, as if I offended him.
"Those of you being the god of mischief, as well as a relentless trickster. Though people say you usually can't do much harm." I chuckle at Sif's offensive words towards the prince of Asgard.
He chuckles with me, though I suspect because of something else, because his expression had turned darker, his gaze falling on mine again.
"Well, I assure you that I can do... Terrible things to you and anybody I wish."
He says in a low, dark voice, his unrelenting gaze catching the widening of my eyes and the heaving of my chest at his threatening words. Although his words do anything but scare me.
Is that a promise? I think to myself, my mind running wild with the different context his words could be said in.
He grins at me, still not letting his eyes wander from mine. "Do you want it to be?" he suddenly asks.
"What?" I manage to spurt out, shock and excitement having taken over my mind.
"Do you want it to be a promise?" he repeats his question with that same dark, knowing smile on his face.
Did I say that out loud? I'm certain I didn't.
"No, you didn't." he answers my thoughts once again and fear and embarrasment seep into my bones as I realize how he had known.
"How long have you been reading my mind?" I ask him with a shaky voice. He chuckles again, knowing he has the upper hand now. He drops his gaze to his shoulder gently touching mine. When did that happen?
"While you were inquiring why I was so interested in my brother's 'love life' as you put it."
Oh. My. Gods. He had seen and heard every single thing I had been thinking. How embarrassing. I wanted to dig a hole to Hel and stay there until I had melted into the fires forever.
"That's a bit dramatic." he tells me. I move away from him with a scowl, taking care that we didn't touch anymore so he couldn't read my mind any longer, but he already knew all of it. He had heard all my lewd thoughts about him and he thought it funny.
He still has that annoyingly handsome smirk plastered on his face as he gestures for us to move away from the busy crowd and into the halls that lead to various rooms. I decide to follow him. All the harm that could be done had already been done, so why not? He knew it all now. He is silent as we walk through the halls, muffled music still being heard from the party.
"You know, I would expect you to say something...." I trail off as he stops walking and opens a door we arrived at. He gestures for me to enter the room.
It is a lavishly elegant room, accents of gold layered the cream colored walls, a nightstand with multiple drawers and a bed with silky sheets line the left wall, while the other side of the room is dedicated to a roaring fireplace and two lounge couches in the same shade of green as the silk sheets on the bed. In the middle of the wall I am facing, there is a lavish balcony that had a beautiful view towards Asgard. Loki walks towards the bed and sits down on the golden bench in front of it.
I stay by the door, looking at him expectantly, hoping he would clear up the fact that we just entered (what I presumed is) his room without a word being said. He sighs and finally opens his mouth.
"Yes, you're right. I should say something." he pauses for a moment, looking me up and down, though this time not in a rude manner. No, this time it felt more like... Admiration. The God of Mischief and Lies is looking at me with admiration.
"You're a beautiful woman. I must say, I had my eye on you ever since you entered this castle for the first time. Though I thought my brother had claimed you for his own, due to him always inviting you to these gatherings. When you told me this wasn't the case, I decided to see if you were being truthfull or not. I must admit, it was an invasion of your privacy, but I do not regret it one bit."
He gestures for me to join him and sit next to him. I oblige and walked over to him, opting to stand due to the uncomfortability of my dress. He notices this and looked down with a smile gracing his lips.
"So yes, what I said is true. You are beautiful, though this dress could never do you justice. Plus, you seem incredibly uncomfortable in it."
I scoff at his words. "What, are you going to offer to take it off of me? I've heard that line a thousand times, it is not original. Besides, I very well think this dress makes me look exquisite. Why else would I wear it?"
"I did not say you didn't look beautiful in the dress. I am merely noting that it does not do you justice." he answers cockily
"And what would do me justice then, Prince?" I spit back at him, getting a little annoyed at his degrading tone, making my mind wander to unholy places once more.
His low chuckle echoes in my ears. Gods, that chuckle. It's so... Seductive.
"Won't tell, princess." the pet name surprises me. Sure, I had called him Prince, but he is a genuine Prince. I feigned nonchalance.
"Ah, there it is. Let me guess, you'd have to take off my dress to show me?" his playful expression turns into one of ice, filled with lust and seduction. It was a thrilling sight to see.
"You'd let me." he said, with full confidence, because he knew it was true. I didn't need to answer him as he stands and closes the small distance between us, making me look up because of his obnoxiously tall figure.
The playful twinkle in his eye had been replaced with something dark, possessive almost. My breath hitches in my throat as his hand ghosts up until it reached the dip of my waist, pulling me impossibly closer to him.
And I let him.
His gaze was ice cold as he inspected my entire face and figure again. Gods, I love it when he does that. He dips his head until I feel his breath near my ear.
"I know." he whispers into my ear. This asshole was reading my mind any time he could, but even if i could stop him, I don't think i would. He lifts his head to look at me again, this time a devillish smirk is playing at the corners of his mouth again.
Please kiss me already.
I beg to myself and I know he heard it. He finally dips his head down to my lips, I part them as I desperately await his kiss. He doesn't kiss me yet, though. He chuckles at my sigh of frustration, though it sounds more like a whine than I had intended.
His amused and torturous gaze lands on my desperate one. "What is it, pet?" he whispers against my lips. So close.... He knows exactly what he's doing. Of course he does. I'd waited so long, stayed up so many nights because of the thought of him being this close. Or closer....
My eyebrows furrowed at the thought of these nights and I know he saw. I know he knows exactly what I'm thinking, but I don't care. I want him. And I'll have him.
"Will you, now? Last I checked, I'm the Prince here. You are under my command, are you not?" he outright laughs at my attempt to kiss him, get him closer to me in any way. He moves away from me, opting to move towards one of the lavish Green couches on the other side of the room. He looks at me over his shoulder while he did so, plaguing me, teasing me with the distance he's creating.
I stare at my hands, nervously playing with my fingers whilst trying not to grieve the loss of his touch. His hand on my waist, His chest pressing against mine, his lips so close to mine... I hear him walking around for a bit while I'm still fidgeting with my fingers, not daring to look his way unless asked.
"Don't get shy now, pet. Look at me." I lift my head to see him sitting comfortably on the couch, his fine asgardian leather suddenly having been replaced with a pair of comfortable looking black lounge pants and... No shirt.
He's trying to get under my skin, I know it. But I don't care one bit as I let my gaze travel along the impressive muscle tone of the Prince, trailing from his shoulders to his chest, from his chest to his toned abs, from his abs to that perfect V-shape that's only disrupted by the thin fabric of his pants.
I let my eyes wander further up now, admiring the strong biceps and, Gods, those perfectly veiny arms. And finally those hands...i could stare at them all day, just the sight of them makes me almost want to drool.
He's so perfect. And he knows it as I finally meet his icy gaze and that same goddamn smirk that made my heart freeze and my hands tremble.
He knows it when he gestures for me to walk towards him and close the distance he so painstakingly created just a minute ago.
He knows it when he stands before me, pulling at the strong threads that were holding my dress together, making the first layer of my dress fall to the ground.
He knows it when he carefully unties my corset with gentle patience, unlacing it with his slender fingers and finally taking it off of me.
He knows it when I'm standing before him in my undergarment, looking me up and down, not with just hunger or lust, but with adoration and relief. The sheer fabric does nothing to hide my body, even showing off my nipples that had hardened due to the cold night air.
And gods, does he know it when he guides my arms to lay on his shoulders, peppering tender kisses onto every inch of skin he can find, pulling me closer and finally granting me the kiss I had been longing for ever since I had seen him for the first time.
His lips capture mine so perfectly in a dance of passion, not at all what I had expected from a God of mischief. I had expected something feral, completely driven by lust. Hel, I'm not sure I even expected him to outright kiss me. No, this exceeds all my expectations.
He carefully bites my lower lip, granting him entrance to lick inside my mouth and taste me, deepening the kiss. The feeling of excitement and arousal growing with every passing second.
He grinds himself into me, pulling me closer and closer. I can feel his cock getting hard through the fabric of his pants, making me clench my cunt around nothing. My hands roamed through his hair, not nearly as greasy as I had imagined, instead I am met with soft curls and a pretty sound coming from the Prince's lips as I tug at them.
He's everywhere. His arms around my waist, squeezing it tight and keeping me close to him. He overtowers me by far, and he has to lean down a distance even with me standing on my tiptoes to reach. His scent, his taste, his hands.
Gods, I need him. He breaks the kiss, but not without tugging at my bottom lip another time, a little rougher now, though.
His breath is steady, whereas mine is ragged and uncontrollable as he rests his forehead against mine, his lips still hovering so close to mine.
"I know, I need you too. You've no idea how long I've wanted you." he whispers, again answering my thoughts. I didn't mind this time, though. I want him to hear and see everything I am thinking. I want him to know what I want.
But that doesn't mean I'm not going to play first. He had been so gentle and loving and it feels so good to be worshipped, but that would have to wait for another time.
He lifts his head up to look at me. "What is it?" he asks, curiosity lacing his voice.
I smile at him, hoping it looks as seductive and entrancing as I want it to and take his hand, slowly guiding him towards the bed.
Upon reaching it, I lie down comfortably in the midst of the bed, tugging at him to do the same. He climbs on top of me, again ogling me with curiosity. This surprises me, if he was still reading my mind he would know what I am doing.
"Opting to not read my mind anymore?" I ask, with a smile.
"I thought it'd be more fun if I don't know exactly what you're going to do before you do it." he grins, seeing that this has pleased me. Now I can do what i want.
I tangle my hands in his hair again, watching his face as it contorts into a relaxed expression as I tug a bit at the strands again. I bring his lips to mine again, but this time, I want it to be different. I bite his lip roughly, making him open his mouth in surprise as I lick into him now, tasting berries and a tinge of alcohol on his tongue. I moan into his mouth at the taste and it seems he finally realized what I was trying to do. He kisses me back hungrily, seizing control again, much to my liking. He abruptly pulls away afterwards, much to my dismay.
He looks down at me with a knowing smirk on his face. "What's wrong, princess? Don't want me to be nice anymore? What do you want? Go on, say it. I know you know exactly what it is." he urges me on with a sultry tone to his words.
"Please...i want you to be mean to me."
"Really?" he feigns surprise, "whatever would you mean by that, darling?" he asks, starting to tease me by peppering kisses along my jaw.
"I want-" he shifts his body so he's lying perfectly on top of me. I can feel his cock rubbing against my clothed cunt and it sends a shiver down my spine. "Please just-" his kisses grow hungrier as he guides himself down to my neck. "Could you please be rough..." he bites down on my neck, emitting a gasp from me. I think that was his answer to my plea.
He is indeed rougher now, biting and suckling on the soft skin of my neck, gradually moving down... To my shoulder... To my collarbone... And then. The hem of my undergarment.
He looks at me while twirling his finger around the measly little thread. The only thing that's between him and my bare body. The only thing he'd have to loosen before slipping my last piece of clothing from me and leaving me bare. And that's exactly what he did.
He slowly, teasingly pulls at the thread and folds the fabric to the side, revealing my tits to him. He rips his eyes from mine and finally meets my bare chest, looking at it like a starved man would a plate of hot food.
He started where he left off, just below my collarbone he peppered kisses and bites again. Slow, agonizing, teasing movements until he finally reached my hardened nipple, waiting, aching for him.
He hungrily takes the sensitive bud into his mouth, suckling on it with rough movements, his hand coming up to cup my other boob roughly. I whine at the sensation, his tongue lavishly doing its job in pleasuring me.
After a while, he flashes me a devillish smile before moving onto the other nipple, suckling at the same pace, much to my relief as it is the perfect pace and he knows this.
I squirm underneath him, whining and moaning as he keeps suckling on my nipple, the sensation making me crave for more. I grind against his hard-on and I swear I heard a whimper coming from the Prince's mouth. He stills for a moment, his hands clawing at my hips to stop me from moving.
"Be patient, pet. Let me enjoy you." is all he says before continuing to suck on my tits, keeping me on edge and increasing my arousal a thousand fold while doing so.
His hands explored my body with rough motions. Grabbing my waist, squeezing it, fondling my tit. Finally he reaches my shoulders, his hands slide down the length of my arms and he grabs my hands before pulling his mouth off of my nipple.
He sits up straight and, while never breaking eye contact, brings my right hand up to his mouth and kisses it. A stark contrast to how he was sucking on my tits just a second ago, but not unwelcome. He kisses my wrist now, then my forearm, then my bicep, then my shoulder.
Then he switches his attention to my neck again, bruising and marking me, coaxing soft moans from me. There would be no way to cover up those spots, although I'm not sure I'd want to or if he would let me.
He continues his trail of kisses downwards again, this time dragging my undergarment down with him. He stopped for a moment to look at me again.
"Off." he gestures towards my undergarment. I obey and quickly slip off the feeble piece of fabric, discarding it on the floor next to his bed. Once I face him again, completely bare now, he looks at me with approval.
"Good girl." he whispers under his breath, but I heard. I smile at his words of praise as he looks me up and down hungrily. He leans down and, while maintaining eye contact, licked a stripe up my body from my hips to my chest.
I breathe out a moan at this scandalous action. He flashes me a cunning smile before biting my nipple gently, coaxing a surprised gasp from me. He continues biting and suckling on my skin, moving down... Down... Down. Until he reaches my thighs.
He wraps his hands around my knees and spread them apart as far as they'll go, slowly and teasingly he leans down again. He starts kissing my thigh, occasionally softly biting down to coax an unexpected whimper from me.
He finally inches closer to where I need him the most. He looks at my pussy with hunger in his eyes, licking his lips and looking up at me. He softly blows on it, making me moan from the sensation. I grab ahold of his locks again, hoping to be able to push him down and just make him have me already, but he doesn't let me.
"Impatient now, are we? I can certainly tell with how wet you are. Is this all for me, pet?" he asks me as his hands caress my thighs. I don't know how to answer him, so I just whine and buck my hips towards him, hoping that he gets the message.
He chuckles at my desperate attempts at seeking his tongue. "Please..." I beg, feeling nothing but longing for the god in between my legs in this moment. He sighs before demanding; "please what?"
"Please just take me already, Loki." I answer him in an annoyed tone, but before I can release a huff of annoyance, he licks a stripe from my hole to my clit. I moan languidly at the unexpected move.
"Is this what you wanted?" he asks teasingly.
"Yes, Gods, yes." I sigh, throwing my head back.
He chuckles at my pathetic tone and starts lapping up the arousal that had been gathering all evening. He moans at the taste, reveling in it as he flicks his tongue over my clit.
His movements have me keening and bucking my hips as he fucks his tongue into me. People said he had a cunning tongue to him(although probably not in this context) and they were right. Gods, does he know how to eat a woman out.
His tongue laps at me at just the right pace, fucking in and out of my cunt, softly suckling on my clit. He brought his hand up to cup my tit as he did so, overwhelming my senses and making me grab onto his hair. This coaxed another moan out of him, sending vibrations throughout my body.
I can feel the coil in my stomach beginning to tighten. I'm close and he knows it, because he suddenly changes his original pace to a slower one, making me whine.
"Loki.... Don't be mean." I tell him.
He stops his movements altogether now, looking up at me with a cocky grin. "What's the matter, princess?" he feigns pity.
"You know exactly what, i was close." I huff, sexual frustration coaxing through my whole body.
He laughs at my attitude. "You don't get to decided when you cum, pet. I do. You are under my command now and what I say goes." he answers in a dark, possessive tone of voice.
His words make my stomach flip and my pussy clench around nothing. He's so attractive, I can't help it. He knows it, noting my reaction to his words. He lifts his head from between my thighs and climbs back on top of me, his face right in front of mine. I can't help but admire him, especially from this angle. His hair framing his face, his eyes piercing my own, his lips... In that sadistic smile.
"What? Do you like it when i control you? Do you want to be my toy, hm?" he whispers, looking me right in the eyes, never letting go of my gaze. He catches the widening of my pupils, the quickening pace of my breath, the desperation in my eyes. No, he doesn't need to read my mind to know how i feel.
He leans down, brushing his lips over mine. I try to catch his lips with mine, but he doesn't let me. He's teasing me again. I whine as he laughs at me.
He laughs at me. How dare he, when i want him so bad and I know he wants me too. How dare he, when he knows how desperate I am for his touch. How dare he, when I'm lying naked underneath him and he is denying me what I want.
"What is it? Annoyed? What do you want, princess?" he asked me tauntingly.
I lift up my hand to caress him. I let my hand slide higher up the back of his neck, having my fingers intertwine with his locks and pulling him down by them until my lips are right next to his ear. He lets me.
I lick at his earlobe experimentally and a soft moan comes from the God's lips that I enjoyed a little too much. I took his earlobe in my mouth and sucked on it a few times, making Loki melt on top of me.
I stop only to whisper in his ear; "I want you to fuck me." his entire demeanor changes as he looks me in the eyes. I'm suddenly hyper aware of my naked body and his hard length pushing against my thigh through his pants. The thought of him fucking me with it makes a pleasurable shiver run up my spine.
He flashes me a cunning smile and gets off the bed, leaving me cold and naked. His gaze scans over me while he takes off his lounge pants. My eyes land on his now bare cock, the sight making my mouth water and my pussy clench.
Gods, it looks delicious. I wouldn't mind having a taste of it. It's long yet still girthy and I'm suddenly nervous about the sheer size of it. He looks at me knowingly before finally getting on the bed again and on top of me. He settles in between my legs to admire me again.
"Turn around, pet." he commands. I do as he says and turn around, keeping myself upright with my knees and having my arms stretched out in front of me. He lets his hand travel the flesh of my thighs, the curve of my ass, the dip of my waist.
I can hear the sheets ruffling and I'm about to look behind me to see what he was doing, before I feel his tongue on my cunt again. I moan at the unexpected feeling. He laps at my pussy for a bit, drinking my arousal like it's his favorite beverage. He lets go of my waist and I feel his finger spreading my lips apart.
"So wet all for me. Look at that, pet. You're throbbing." fuck, and I can feel it as he uses his finger to spread my arousal through my pussy lips. The friction has me bucking my hips when i suddenly feel his finger probing at my entrance.
He pushes his slender finger inside of me, making me moan out his name. He curls his finger, making it hit that spongy spot inside of me. Gods, he's making me go feral. He pulls out his finger now, but before I can whine at the loss, he enters two fingers inside me.
He pumps his fingers in and out for a bit, but then switches to scissoring them inside my cunt, making me almost squeal in pleasure. He begins to lick at my clit again. The feeling of him sucking at the sensitive bud and scissoring his finger inside of me has me keening and the coil in my stomach quickly tightening.
My pussy clamps down on his fingers and he knows I'm about to cum. He suddenly stops all his movements, keeping his fingers inside my cunt, making me whine and mewl at my failed orgasm.
"Stop your whining. Didn't I tell you? I decide when you cum and I won't let you cum unless it's on my cock, do you understand?" I whine at his words, my mind being too far gone to string together coherent sentences to answer him.
"So pathetic for me. Look at you, lying there with your ass up just for me. And you like it, don't you?" I whine in response. "Of course you do, you're mine now. I'll do anything I want to you and you'll let me." he proves his point by spreading apart my ass cheeks and licking a stripe from my clit to my ass. I moan at the sensation.
"Do you want me to fuck you? Hm? Do you want me to make you mine?" he splays his hand down on my scalp, scratching it with his fingernails before tightly grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling me up against his chest.
"Yes! Yes, please, make me yours. Please, Loki." I beg pathetically, but I don't care. I want him to fuck me already and I'll say anything to make it so.
He harshly throws me down on the bed again, shoving my face into the pillow in the process. I yelp at the unexpected action. Loki's hand travels now from out of my hair, over my back, my waist, to my ass. His other hand pumps up and down his dick slowly.
He starts to tease me with the tip of his cock, guiding it through my folds and spreading my arousal and his precum. I moan at the feeling, bucking my hips because why is he not railing me yet?
He stops his movements, his cock stilling right where my entrance is. I'm about to ask him why he stopped when i feel the tip of his dick entering me. I let out a near pornographic moan. Fuck, is he gooood.
The stretch feels so good after all his teasing, but he's not pushing any more of his cock in. Instead, leaving just the tip and staying where he is. I whine when i realize this and he knows exactly why.
"What is it? You want more, pet? Don't be greedy, take what I give you." he says, with a degrading tone to his voice that makes my cunt squeeze down on him. He cursed at this notion, but stayed as he is. I try to buck my hips to get more of him, but his strong hands are keeping me in place.
"Please, come on, I've been good. Pleaseeee." I beg him. "Please, Loki, i-" before I can finish my sentence he thrusts his whole length into me in one swift movement, making me choke on a sob from the pain and pleasure.
He doesn't still to let me adjust. Instead, he sets a rough pace. Fucking in and out of me fast and deep. So fucking deep, I can feel him in my stomach. I'm sure that if I had the physical strength to reach, I would be able to feel a bulge in my stomach from his cock.
My curses are high pitched and incoherent as the snap of his hips continues. "That what you wanted? Did you want to be fucked like this, hm?" I sob at his words, too overwhelmed to say anything.
"Is it too much, pet? But you were just begging me to take you, begging me to make you mine."
"T-too much-" I manage to stutter out in between his thrusts.
"Shut up, you can take it." he says in a mean tone of voice that send a shiver down my spine. "You asked for it. This is what greedy whores get." my pussy squeezes him like a vice at the degrading name he called me. Fuck, did that turn me on.
"Oh, you like being called that, hm? You like being treated like a dumb bitch." he says, grabbing a handful of my hair again and lifting up my head. "Don't you?" he asks me, emphasizing his words with a deep thrust. I answer with a guttural moan. He seems content with that answer, though. A sadistic smile claiming his lips.
"Turn over." he says all of a sudden, pulling his cock out of me and I whine at the empty feeling before obeying his order and lying down on my back now.
He leans down again and catches my lips in an aggressive kiss. He licks at my bottom lip, into my mouth. He thrusts back inside of me fully, catching me off guard. He swallows the moan it coaxes out of me and starts thrusting at the same unforgiving pace.
I close my eyes, too far gone to keep them open from the pleasure. His hand snaked towards my neck and chokes me, making my eyes shoot wide open and my hand clamp on to his.
"There we go." he says with a smile. "Keep your eyes on me, pet." so I do. I try with all my might to keep my eyes on him. Gods, the choking isn't helping. My senses are all overwhelmed, completely focused on the feeling of his cock spearing into me.
In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.
I hear him curse under his breath when i feel the coil in my stomach tightening for the third time this evening, making my pussy clamp down on him again.
"Fuck, so tight for me. You feel so good." he brings his free hand to my clit, rubbing calculated circles onto the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"I wanna cum inside you. Let me?" it sounds more like a demand than a question, but I shakily nod my head anyway.
The coil in my stomach gets tighter by the second. The snapping of his hips, the squeezing of his hand on my throat, the circling of his thumb on my clit. All of it.
Tightening... Tightening....
"Cum for me, princess." he tells me.
The coil snaps and the best orgasm of my life rips through my body. My pussy clamps down on him like a vice, my eyes roll to the back of my head, my jaw falls slack. He fucks me through my high and I can hear him cursing at how tight I am.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum inside you." he curses, his pace growing sloppy as he's nearing his high. He keeps fucking up into me, making me cry out from overstimulation.
A string of curse words falls from his lips as I feel his hot cum painting my walls. He rides out his high, letting his body relax on top of me. He embraces me gently, a stark contrast to how he was fucking me just a second ago. His hips cease their rocking motion.
We lie there for a bit like that; Him carefully holding me, his cock growing soft inside of me. Our sweaty bodies unwinding and relaxing against each other. I come to after a bit, finally snapping out of my brainless daze.
"So you really thought that I was fucking your brother?" I ask him.
"Yes, I did." he sighs. I chuckle at his tired response.
"So what was your first thought when you read my mind and figured out I most certainly was not?"
"Surprise at the disgusting thoughts that courses through your head about me, mainly." he says tauntingly. "But also relief."
"Awhh how sweet." I coax.
"You know, I was right." he says in a cocky tone.
"About what?"
"That dress doesn't do you justice and I was exactly right about what does." he answers. I chuckle at his words.
"You know what I was also right about?"
"No, what's that, Prince?" I ask teasingly.
"You let me show you exactly what did do you justice, princess."
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michelleleewise · 1 year
So I have a prompt if you're willing.
So like a bunch I've seen in the past, what if Loki has a crush on the reader and doesn't know how to process his feelings. So he picks on her, pulls pranks on her, and just being kind of mean to her. But of course Loki doesn't see it that way. Instead of the reader standing up for herself or trying to beat him at his own game, she gets really down on herself. Being picked on reminds her of her bullies from highschool and all the bad feelings come back. She starts to isolate herself, grows quiet, and starts skipping things if she finds out Loki's going to be there. It isn't until Nat (or whoever) sets him right, that he realizes what he's been doing to her. Is it too late to save this could be relationship?
I would like a happy ending but plenty of angst. Feel free to say no if you don't want to. 💙🖤💚💜
Hiiiiiiiiii!!!! Sorry this took 500 years for me to get to!!!! But I'm here now and let's set this angstfest on its way!!!! Hehehe. Thank you so much for sending this to me!! I hope you enjoy!! 💚💚💚💚
The Angel and the Fool
Pairing: Avenger Loki x female reader
Warnings: teasing, bullying, crying, depression, self deprecating thoughts, self esteem issues, body insecurities, loki being an idiot, nat being a good friend.
Summary: you and Loki had been friends for awhile, but recently his behavior towards you changed dramatically....
A/n: aaahhhh!!! This absolutely got away from me!! Lol sooooo it's a super long read, not sure how many words lol and a very very special Thank you to @mochie85 for all of your support and being my beta with this and and all your amazing thoughts!!!! Thank you!!!!! 💚💚💚 aaaand a new pic!!! 😁💚
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You stood at the kitchen counter waiting for the world's slowest coffee machine to finish "all that money and stark can't even get a fast machine." You sighed leaning your elbow on the counter when you heard voices coming from the hallway "I told you brother, I was the one who broke up with her" Thor's voice boomed through the room like the thunder he was known for "whatever you say thor." Loki's smooth voice followed after. Looking up seeing the bane of your existence patting his brother on the shoulder as they walked into the kitchen. "Ah lady y/n, how are you?" Thor asked smiling as he reached into the cupboard grabbing a box of his pop tarts "I'm fine, how are you?" You asked as the coffee machine finally beeped signaling it was done.
"I am quite well thank you, we are headed to the training room." He said setting the box down next to you when you finally took stock of what they were wearing. Thor in his red shirt and black joggers when your eyes met Loki's, the smile on his face sending a shiver through you as your eyes traveled down seeing his tight black tank hugging every muscle he had. Biting you lip seeing his exposed arms, tracing the veins down to his long yet delicate fingers "your staring again darling." He purred snapping you out of your trance "sorry." You whispered grabbing the sugar bowl you began sweetening your coffee "I would be careful with that if I were you." Loki said making you look up at him "why is that?" You asked holding the spoon over your cup. "Well its just you mortals and sugar, i have heard it adds to the waistline does it not?" He asked smiling as his eyes traveled down your body.
"What..." you started when he raised his hand "I know it is not your fault, your weak mortal form cannot handle what we can." He said smiling again flexing his large pectoral muscles. Dropping the spoon you looked down at yourself, you knew you had put on a few pounds...being Pepper's assistant left Iittle time to make home cooked meals so a lot of your food was take out or on the run. You adjusted your belt feeling your eyes burn "you can always join us in the gym, i would be happy to...assist you." loki purred again. Looking up seeing he was still focused on your body "t..thanks but I..." you trailed off putting your cup in the sink
"I need to go, maybe I'll see you guys later." You said quickly leaving the room before he could say anything else. You made it to your office, flopping in your chair with a huff. "Does he think im fat?" You asked yourself straightening your back you looked down at your soft middle, poking it with your finger sighing. "Maybe a diet wouldn't be a bad idea." You said to yourself turning on your computer trying to get to work but Loki's words kept echoing in your head. You leaned back in your chair feeling a tear stream down your cheek. You had admittedly had a crush on the god practically since you were hired, and through your work with them you had grown closer to him, you could say you were friends. But the last few weeks he's seemed to go out of his way to point out every imperfection you had. You sighed closing your eyes deciding to go shopping after work to buy new clothes and a variety of green leafy things.
A few days later you once again stood in the kitchen placing various fruits and vegetables in a blender. Nat had told you about a smoothie that could help you lose weight when you saw Loki walking into the kitchen looking like be just rolled out of bed. His hair was a disheveled mess, the muscles of his bare chest flexing as he ran a hand through it "Hello little mortal, what are you up to now?" He asked walking to the fridge grabbing two bottles of water making your heart plummet "nothing." You said quietly continuing your work. "Mmm, and the change of wardrobe?" He asked gently tugging on the end of your overly large blouse "stop it." You snapped swatting his hand away hearing him laugh. "Did we wake up in a mood darling?" He asked taking a seat on the stool in front of you. "Dont you have a guest to get back to?" You sneered pointing at his second water bottle "She will be fine, this is much more entertaining." He smiled grabbing a strawberry from your pile taking a bite as he stared into your eyes.
You felt your heart sink at the confirmation, the familiar burning in your eyes returning "I'm not here to entertain you Loki." You growled when his bright emerald eyes met yours "but you do it oh so well." He purred biting into another strawberry. You sighed, closing your eyes fighting back the tears that were threatening to expose you when you heard a pair of heels clicking against the tile floor "there you are, you just left me alone." A woman's voice sounded through the room making your eyes shoot open, a tall thin redhead sauntered up to the counter placing a perfectly manicured hand on Loki's bicep "apologies, I became distracted." He said not taking his eyes off of you. "Oh, is she making us smoothies?" The woman asked excitedly as she took the seat next to him. "I do not know, are you y/n?" He asked, a smirk spreading across his face as you placed the last of the ingredients in the blender
"well she's your assistant isn't she? Why else would she be here with you?" The woman laughed as you turned on the blender hoping to drown her out when you saw the lid of the blender begin to glow "what the..." you were cut off as the lid flew off and the entire contents of the blender shot out and all over your shirt, gasping as the cold liquid seeped through to your skin "oh dear...it seems you will need to change that hideous shirt." Loki's voice entered your consciousness as your eyes shot to his seeing him laughing with his "date". you grabbed a towel trying to get as much of the green concoction off you as you could, tears welling in your eyes "green really is your color darling" Loki purred making you sigh.
You threw the towel in the sink seeing the redhead pressed against his arm laughing when you looked at him, his eyes roaming your now drenched shirt "i...I need to go." You said quickly heading towards the hall when Nat walked in "y/n, what happened?" She asked seeing your ruined shirt "nothing, just..." you said looking over your shoulder seeing loki had turned still watching you "just a blender mishap, I'm fine." You said stepping around her when she grabbed your arm "y/n, are you ok?" She asked, her eyes boring into you. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" You asked as nat glanced back into the kitchen seeing loki and the redhead "y/n.." She started when you pulled your arm free "I said im fine nat, i...I have to go pepper is waiting." You said quickly turning to the elevator before she could say anything else.
You stepped in pushing the button, as the doors closed you finally allowed the tears to fall. Any inkling of a hope you had for you and Loki had just been crushed under the reality of your life you would never be good enough. Your mind went back to the woman he was with, she could have been a model, an actress. You had to admit she was beautiful when your mind went back over the last few weeks with Loki, his constant comments about your weight, your clothes, the time you tried to add a little makeup to your routine hoping he would notice, but his reaction crushed you "aren't clowns supposed to be in the circus?" He had asked shaking his head. Every off handed comment, every slight against your appearance drudging memories long buried..."if you lost a few pounds maybe a guy would be interested"..."is face transplant surgery a thing? Because you need one."..."what guy in their right mind would go out with you." You made it to your office, thankful you kept an extra shirt in your desk for just in case situations you quickly changed, tossing the soiled shirt into your bag as you flopped down into your chair. "I thought we were atleast friends." You said to yourself wiping the tears from your cheeks when you heard a knock on your door
"Hey y/n, we have a meeting with the team, we gotta go." Pepper said smiling "is...is Loki going to be there?" You asked grabbing your pen and a pad of paper "yeah, it's an all hands meeting about the new protocols for missions." She said "umm, I'm really not feeling very well...can I skip this one?" You asked as she stepped in closing the door "what's wrong y/n?" She asked sitting across from you "nothing, I'm fine." You said looking down at your desk "I Just don't feel well, that's all." You said looking back up seeing her eyeing you "well ok, why don't you take the rest of the day off and I'll see you in the morning." She said standing back up. "Thank you Pepper, I really appreciate it." You said quickly gathering your things "you know you can talk to me right, if you need to?" She asked opening your door "yes, thank you but I'm fine." You said seeing her nod "ok, I'll see you tomorrow." She said walking out closing the door behind her.
You grabbed your bag, turning your lights off you locked the door to your office before heading downstairs hoping you could slip out undetected. You made it to the common room when a familiar voice sounded behind you "where are you off to little mortal? We have a meeting" Loki asked making you freeze "i...I'm not feeling well so I'm going home." You said not turning around "well do try to eat some vegetables, not that chocolate you like so much." He said hearing him take a step closer to you "you know what they say, it's goes straight to your thighs." He purred next to your ear making you look down "I have to go Loki." You said quickly walking to the nearest exit when you heard Thor "come brother, everyone is waiting." You turned to see Loki still looking at you as Thor patted his shoulder. Putting your head down you pushed the door open and headed for the car park. Throwing everything in the back you climbed in turning the key you looked down at yourself, sighing you put your car into gear and headed home, and away from Loki.
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Loki's pov-
Loki quickly closed the door to his room and headed for the kitchen. Looking at his watch, smiling at the memory of when you gave it to him "there, now you won't be late anymore." You had said as you handed him the green velvet box, a large smile spread across your beautiful face as he opened it seeing the green iridescent face and gold hands ticking away, the black leather strap surrounding a tiny green pillow. He knew right then that his feelings for you went beyond comrodery, surpassing friendship into....something else, something he hadn't ever felt before. He quickened his pace knowing right now you would he in the kitchen messing with that odd machine that makes your coffee every morning. It had been two weeks since the incident with the smoothie and his conscience had been eating at him ever since.
He wanted more, he longed to hold you in his arms and never let you go but you always kept him at arms length, shying away when he attempted his usual method of flirting, but he couldn't resist the pull you had on him so he kept at it...kept pushing. But he knew that day in the kitchen he had gone too far, as much as he loved seeing you flustered and the things your drenched shirt did to him as it clung to your breasts he also saw the sadness in your eyes, the tears threatening to spill over as you stormed towards the hall. He was about to go after when he saw you talking to the widow, who shot him a glare that sent ice up his spine before you were gone again. He had hoped to catch you in the meeting, pull you aside and finally confess but you had fallen ill, leaving again before he had a chance.
Glancing at his watch again he began to jog down the hall, he had tried to catch you everyday since but you always evaded him, never staying in the kitchen too long and he wasn't allowed on the upper floors where your office was, some nonsense about his probation and secured areas when he made it to the kitchen, sighing seeing you standing there with Thor. He furrowed his eyebrows taking in your appearance, your clothes were baggier on your small frame then normal, your long beautiful hair that framed your face so perfectly was pulled back into a messy bun, dark circles encompassed your once bright eyes that now seemed distant, the sparkle that was there now dimmed. "This truly is an odd contraption." Thor's voice pulled him from his trance as he saw you smile but it didn't reach your eyes.
He took a small step in when your eyes shot up to his, your body going rigid as you stared at him "ah brother, lady y/n was showing me how she makes coffee." Thor said taking a sip from his cup "I must say it is quite good, you should try some." He said walking around to the other side of the island sitting on a stool "i...I have to go, you can show him Thor." You said quickly grabbing your cup you began walking to the elevator "y/n, may I..." he was silenced as you turned, the look in your eyes sending a shiver through him "I can't talk Loki, i...I have to get to work." You said, all emotion gone from your voice "but I...I just wanted to..." loki trailed off looking to his feet "I am sorry for the day in the kitchen, with the blender." He said fidgeting with his fingers "it's fine, don't worry about it." You said, the same coldness in your tone as he looked up at you "it's not the first time, and it won't be the last." You said taking a step back towards the elevator "but y/n..." he started when you held your hand up "I need to go." You said quickly turning and before he could say anything else you were gone.
He returned to the kitchen to see Thor staring at him "what was all that about?" He asked sipping his coffee "I need to speak with her but she had to go." Loki said setting the kettle on the stove. "Mm, well there is the party stark is throwing tonight, I'm sure the lady will be there, she goes to all of them." Thor said matter of factly "Thor, I never thought I would say this but you are a genuis." Loki said turning the stove off heading towards his room. The party, how could he forget the party! He thought as he walked in heading to his closet he pulled his black suit out, laying it on the bed going to his dresser he pulled out his black silk shirt and vest laying them next to his suit. "I will ask her to dance with me and then tell her." Loki said to himself grabbing a towel heading into the bathroom "tonight y/n, you will finally be mine." He said, smiling to himself as he turned the water on and began to prepare for tonight.
Straightening his suit he walked into the large overcrowded room. The music booming through the speakers made his head throb as he skirted his way through the throngs of people, looking around hoping to catch a glimpse of you as he made it to the bar. He looked up and down but saw no sign of you at all "what'll you have?" The bartender asked snapping him back "oh, um whiskey please." Loki said looking back out to the large crowd "maybe she isn't here yet?" He said to himself as the bartender set a glass of amber liquid in front of him. "Ah Loki, I wasn't sure you would be here." He heard next to him, turning his head to see none other then the widow taking a seat on one of the stools "yes well, I am here looking for someone." He said glancing back out "oh I'm sure you have no shortage of "dates." She airquoted making him raise an eyebrow at her. "What does that mean?" He asked leaning on the bar.
"Nothing, just rumors of your conquests have definitely traveled through the tower." She laughed making him sigh "Hmm yes, I have heard." He said looking out to the crowd again "do you think y/n is running late?" He asked making her raise her eyebrow this time "why so interested?" She asked crossing her arms "no reason, I was only curious." He shrugged sipping his drink "Mm, if i didnt know better i would say you were more then curious." Nat said as she turned ordering her drink "and what pray tell makes you think that?" He asked seeing her smile "I am going to tell you something I probably shouldn't, but needs to be said." Nat said grabbing her drink
"I know you and y/n are friends, well were until as of recently." She said sipping her drink "but I know a person in love when I see them, reading people is what I do." She said seeing Loki's eyes widen "see, what you need to try to understand about our y/n is she has a very large heart, she cares alot." Nat continued seeing loki nod "but shes been through alot, people have not treated her with the same kindness she gives. And what you said to her....and before you ask yes i know about all of it." She said quickly before he could interupt "honestly, it devastated her. The last two weeks she hasnt been herself, she wont talk to anyone, she refuses to go to meetings." She sighed shaking her head "all im saying is, if you dont feel the same about her just tell her, but stop messing with her, she doesn't deserve it." Nat snapped standing from her stool. "Have a nice evening Loki." She said making her way back into the crowd.
Loki mulled her words over in his head what have i done? He thought as he downed his drink and began heading to the exit when the same redheaded woman from that day found him "Hey handsome, care for a dance?" She purred rubbing his arm "no thank you, I must be going." He said walking around her "I thought maybe we could have another sleep over, get to know eachother better." She said grabbing his bicep "apologies but I'm afraid the answer is still no, I...I have met someone." He said seeing her nod "lucky girl." She smiled removing her hand "I'll see you around." She smiled walking back into the crowd as Loki let out the breath he was holding. Now he just had to find a way to get to you and talk to you, tell you everything once and for all and he knew exactly how he was going to do it.
He continued walking through the crowd when he heard a familiar laugh, looking up seeing Thor on the balcony of the vip section, rolling his eyes seeing him swinging his precious hammer around when his eyes landed on you. "Y/n..." he sighed taking you in. Your hair was gently curled cascading down to your shoulders, the floor length powder blue dress hugged your beautiful body perfectly, the long slit landing at the middle of your thigh made his heart race as you shifted, exposing your supple skin. His hands clenching into fists thinking about how badly he wanted to run his hands up and down those beautiful legs as they were wrapped around him, squeezing him as he gave you everything he had...worshipping you exaclty how you deserved.
Shaking his head he adjusted his slacks that had suddenly become very tight as he pulled his phone out, dialing the number he wanted he looked up watching Thor set his hammer down before pulling out his own device "ah brother, where are you?" Thor asked looking around the room "Thor, may I have a word?" Loki asked as their eyes met "meet me at the bar." Loki said hanging up quickly heading back to the bar when a large hand landed on his shoulder "loki, is everything alright?" Thor asked leaning on the bar. "Brother, I have a favor to ask." Loki said looking back to the balcony, Thor following his gaze nodding "tell me what you need." Thor said seeing Loki smile.
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You stood off to the side, wondering how you let nat talk you into coming tonight. You pulled at the dress that she had loaned you. It was too tight, the neckline definately too low as it traveled down between your breasts, the only thing holding it in place was the thin strip of material traveling behind your neck, and the slit was definitely too high. You felt exposed as you shifted on your feet trying to hold your breath. You watched Thor bow before walking down towards the bar. Looking around you bit your lip, the only reason you had agreed to come was because you knew Loki wouldn't be up here. "The vip section." You laughed to yourself seeing nat had rejoined wanda, Steve was laughing with bucky, the other agents you had seen on your floor mingling...they deserved to be here, they were heroes... they were beautiful and here you were, the ugly duckling among the swans. You looked down sucking in your stomach trying not to stretch the dress when a voice next to you made you jump.
"Well hello gorgeous, can I buy you a drink?" You turned your head seeing Matt, the agent who had the office next to yours smiling at you. "Oh...I have one, but thank you." You whispered watching his eyes travel down your body. "Hmm, well we could get out of here, I don't live too far." He winked smiling "um, no...thank you though." You offered a smile sipping your drink. "Women don't usually turn down a night with me, you sure you won't reconsider?" He asked again stepping into your space "t..thank you for the offer but yes I'm sure." You said taking a step back. Yes he was attractive, very much so but you barely knew him and there was no way you were gonna let him see you naked. You cleared your throat looking back out into the crowd when you heard him laugh "Ya know you clean up pretty nice, I was honestly surprised to see you had brushed your hair." He laughed sipping his drink. "I...um thanks?" You said looking down.
"you actually look kind of decent." He laughed again eyeing you. "Mm...it's like those movies where the ugly girl puts on a dress and makeup and suddenly she isn't AS ugly....that's what you remind me of." He said. You felt the familiar burning in your eyes, closing them as he went on "but you know what they say, put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig." He laughed louder when a loud thump made your eyes shoot open, looking over seeing Matt pinned against the wall, Thor holding him by the throat "you will not to speak to her that way." Thor said sternly leaning down coming face to face with him "apologize...now." Thor growled as Matt's eyes widened. "I...I'm s...sorry." he choked out, his eyes not leaving the massive blonde "Thor...stop." you said grabbing his arm but there was no way you could make him budge when his eyes met yours, the anger that was there softening as he looked back at Matt
"you will never speak to her again, am I understood?" Thor said growled into Matt's face as he nodded "go, before I change my mind." Thor said tossing him to the floor watching him scurry away. "Thor?" You whispered when he turned back to you. "Are you alright my lady?" He asked stepping closer "yes, i...im ok. Thank you but you didn't have to do that." You said looking down. "He had no right to say those....horrible things to you y/n." He said as you shook your head "no he's...he was right, I don't belong here." You breathed looking up seeing Thor's eyes wide "what ever would make you think that?" He asked crossing his arms "don't play dumb Thor, you know as well as everyone else." You sighed looking out to everyone having fun
"they're strong, beautiful, they could take anyone in the room home with them." You said fidgeting with your glass "i...I'm not any of those things." You said feeling a tear slide down your cheek "i never will be, because no matter what I do I always be me...fat, ugly me." You sighed setting your drink down "I think im gonna head home for the night." You said looking to the floor as you walked around him "y/n, wait." He said grabbing your wrist "do you truly see yourself as such?" He asked making you laugh "it's what I've always been told. Even your brother has made it abundantly clear that I am...how did he put it...oh yes a clown that needed to join the circus." You said feeling a lump form in your throat "and you know the pathetic thing?" You asked finally looking up into his eyes "i...I love him...and I will never be good enough for him." You huffed a laugh remembering the day in the kitchen.
"Y/n, my brother is an idiot...a fool." Thor said taking a step closer to you. "You have to understand, when we were younger...on Asgard he had no shortage of attention, men and women would happily bend to his will, do anything he asked of them to be his...to be in his favor." Thor said looking down "and those who didn't he would break them down, make them feel less then to get what he wanted...regardless of how selfish it was." Thor continued, his hand sliding down to yours "and here...on Midgard it has been much the same, I was never lacking attention and i...I let it go to me head." Thor said looking up into your eyes "i?...what do you mean i?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows watching Thor shake his head "are you feeling ok Thor? Do you need to sit down?" You asked squeezing his hand "no! I'm not...i have wronged you, and how i treated you...." he snapped, trailing off looking around.
"Come with me." He said pulling you along behind him. Running to keep up with his long strides "Thor, where are we going?" You asked as he pulled you into a secluded corner away from everyone "if I didn't know better I'd think you were going to kill me." You laughed as he pressed your back against the wall "umm...Thor?" You stuttered when you saw him close his eyes, a green light washing over him when suddenly Loki was in his place "Loki!? What..." you were cut off by his hand gently covering your mouth "shh...I cannot be up here." He said lifting a finger to his lips. "I needed to speak with you and this was the only way." He whispered lowering his hand from your mouth
"what...why?" You whispered back as he placed his hands on your shoulders "y/n, is that truly where your feelings lie?" He asked, his hands slowly sliding down your bare arms "i...you...i know..." you trailed off, closing your eyes remembering what you just confessed to "thor" "Loki i..." He cut you off again by his finger pressed to your lips, his deep green eyes boring so deep into yours you were afraid they would consume you. You lifted your hand gently grabbing his wrist moving his hand "yes Loki...it was the truth." You whispered seeing tears well in his eyes. "I know you don't feel the same, I'm sorry I ruined our friendship its just...."
you were cut off again, all coherent thought leaving you as his lips pressing to yours, the hand you were holding reaching up to cup your cheek as the other slid around your side to your back pulling you closer to him. Gasping feeling his fingers touch the bare skin of your back when you felt his tongue slip between your parted lips, moaning into his mouth tasting the whiskey on lips as you returned the kiss, tilting your head as his hand slid to your hair holding you to him. The kiss was everything you had ever imagined and more. It was dominating and all consuming, and you never wanted it to end. Wrapping your arm around his middle you pressed yourself as close to him as you could, your nails digging into the back of his suit jacket when he pulled back slightly, nibbling your bottom lip as he pressed his forehead to yours, your breath mixing together as you tried to regain your composure.
"I...I owe you an apology y/n." He panted tightening his grip around your waist "I owe you so much more then that." He said lifting his head looking into your eyes "i...I don't understand Loki." You said searching his eyes for an answer. "Y/n, my sweet, beautiful little mortal i..." He trailed off looking down "I have never been the best at expressing my emotions, and in truth as a prince of Asgard i...i never took into account others feelings, i was selfish and took what i wanted however i wanted" He said looking back up at you "I know it is no excuse for how I have treated you, but after hearing that pathetic boy say those things to you." He growled "I see what I have done to you, how I've made you feel and I....I am ashamed of myself for everything I put you through." He said, a tear streaming down his cheek as he looked down again.
"The truth y/n is...that I love you, I have loved you for so long." He whispered "and I was afraid you would never feel the same for the would be invader of your realm, but I simply couldn't get enough of you...of your bright smile, your kindess, of your attentions, i craved it...so in my selfishness I teased and mocked, as I had done so many times before hoping to get even the slightest reaction...a smile, a snide remark...but I watched you slowly pull away from me, hiding yourself away in your office, the spark inside you slowly dying and i...y/n I can never apologize enough for my behavior." He said looking up, your heart breaking seeing the tears steaming down his cheeks. "D...do you think you could ever forgive me?" He asked, his voice shaking as his lip quivered. You lifted your hands, cupping his cheeks seeing his eyes close "Loki.." you whispered, your thumbs wiping the tears from his cheeks as he slowly opened his eyes.
"Please y/n, let me take you out...allow me to treat you as you deserve...to worship you as the goddess that you are." He whispered wrapping his fingers around your wrists. You smiled looking deeply into his eyes "all you had to do was ask." You said seeing him return the smile "oh my perfect, sweet y/n." He sighed gently placing a kiss on your lips before wrapping his arms around you pulling you to his chest, his large hand holding the back of your head as he rocked you back and forth. "I'm sorry...so so sorry." He whispered into your hair. "It's ok Loki, I forgive you." You said into his chest, squeezing his middle tightly. "What did I do to deserve you?" He asked kissing the top of your head.
"You made a mistake, but you learned from it." You said pulling back to look at him "and you apologized...who am I to hold a grudge?" You asked seeing him smile "you are truly an angel sent from the heavens." He said cupping your cheek "come, allow me to take you to dinner, where we can talk more privately." He said stepping back "ok, let me get my coat." You said as he wrapped his arm around your waist you walked through the room towards the exit, glancing over seeing nat you waved as she winked lifting her glass when you caught Loki mouthing something to her. "What did you say?" You asked as he smiled down at you "oh, I was thanking her." He said squeezing you tighter "for pointing out how much of an idiot I had been." He said grabbing the door holding it open for you "after you my angel." He said, making you blush as you walked past him, feeling his fingers twine with yours you squeezed, smiling to yourself and for the first time in a long time you had hope.....
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@lokistoriesblog @hyperlokilover @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @simplyholl @lokidokieokie @mjsthrillernp @violethaze @dryyoursaltyoceantears @loz-3 @commanding-officer @stupidthoughtsinwriting @high-functioning-lokipath @jaidenhawke @lokiandbuckysdoll @littlespaceyelf @lastlovesong17 @ladyofthestayingpower @homesickloki @glitterylokislut @avoliax @yelkmelk @mayjaysthots @buttercupcookies-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @her-glorious-purpose @nate-ate-hate @chantsdemarins @ladymischief11 @usagishira @princess-asgard @honeyg19 @goblingirlsarah @cabingrlandrandomcrap @silverfire475 @smolvenger @loki-laufeyson-1054-deactivated @marygoddessofmischief @animnerd @texmexdarling @fictive-sl0th @jin0x0 @vbecker10 @eleniblue @lady-rose-moon @pics-and-fanfics @kittiowolf210 @kats72 @asgardianprincess1050 @crimson25
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delicatebarness · 5 months
i think he knows | chapter nine
Summary: As the sneaking continues, some secrets are revealed.
Warnings: Two perspectives are used. A few uses of Y/N. A lot of dialogue between multiple characters. Mentions/Implied Underage Sex. Our girlie is sad again.
Word Count: 1498
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A/N: I wrote this chapter while sitting in a van watching big sweaty men run around with guns (all I pictured all day was winter soldier) 🤤 I edited once I got home and had calmed myself down. 🙈
Tags: @bigtreefest | @caplanbuckybarnes | @angelbabyyy99 | @mega-kittyglitter-1 | @cjand10 | @armystay89 | @itvy5601 |
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Bucky's words hung in the air, it prompted a sense of anticipation. You nodded as meeting his gaze, both curiosity and concern rushed through you.
"What is it?" you asked softly, as the gravity of his tone set in.
Taking a deep breath, he reached out to take your hand in his. "I know this isn't ideal," he started, looking down at your hand rather than into your eyes he began to rub circles against your skin.
"Us, um, sneaking around, keeping this hidden." You listened intently, trying to ignore the knot forming in your stomach.
"But," he continued, his gaze found its way back to yours. "I also know that being with you is worth it." His vulnerability took you by surprise, warming your heart. "I want to make this work."
With a small smile, you squeezed his hand, silently giving him the reassurance he needed to tell you what was on his mind. 
"What are we doing here?" Peter asked while looking up at the 'Stark's Motor's' sign above the rundown car and bike garage. "You know this is Tony Stark's family's business right? Tony Stark as in Bucky Barnes' friend?" Wanda had been curious about the tension between the two groups of friends, she sensed that it was deeper than simply, different personalities.
"Can I help you with something?" Tony asked as he looked Peter and Wanda up and down. They seemed familiar to him but he couldn't quite place them. Wanda looked around Tony, noticing the rest of the group gathered on sofas behind him.
Just as she expected, Bucky Barnes, for being the so-called 'leader' of the group, wasn't to be seen.
"We know about the bets," Wanda stated, gaining the attention of the whole group. The smirks that found their way to their faces proved to Wanda and Peter that the rumors were true. Concern for their friend became evident between them.
"What bets?" Natasha Romanoff questioned them, her tone guarded.
"When you bet each other on how far you can get with someone," Peter interjected before Wanda could, his voice rushed.
"What about them? You want in or something?" Loki, Peter recognized as the younger brother of Thor, questioned with a mischievous smile. He noticed that he was the only one of the gang who would ever show their face to the game.
"No," Wanda began to make her way around the service counter, moving closer to the group of friends. "We want you to tell us what our friend did to deserve being a part of your games," she demanded, standing her ground.
Natasha rolled her eyes before standing up, closing the distance between herself and Wanda in an attempt to intimidate her. "Who's your friend?" she asked curiously while crossing her arms over her chest.
"Y/N Rogers," Peter answered for Wanda, she was intensely looking up at Natasha with furrowed brows. "Steve Rogers' little sister." A silence surrounded the garage at the mention of Rogers.
"She's been on the off-limits list for, what, two years now?" Peter Quill spoke up while looking around the group of his friends. The worst 'bad boy' in the group had, barely got into any trouble, and wasn't mischievous; he just liked to tell jokes and wear a red leather jacket.
"What's the off-limits list?" They asked Quill simultaneously, snapping their heads in his direction. Catching the moment Stark punched him in the arm, he had said too much. 
Sighing, Natasha seemingly began to relax more around the other students, going back to where she had previously been sitting. “The list of people we, under no circumstances, are allowed to bet on,” she explained, her voice still hinting at the annoyance the pair was causing. “She’s been on that list since her first day of freshman year?” she continued, looking around at her friends to confirm the amount of time. They all nodded in agreement. 
“Too bad the same couldn’t have been said for her brother,” a sense of amusement in Stark’s voice as he spoke under his breath. 
“Oh yeah, Natasha lost Buck some real cash on that one.” Quill laughed before taking a drink from the bottle he’d been nursing since Wanda and Peter arrived. 
Wanda and Peter shot each other a glance, a silent conversation of understanding happening between them. As they exchanged the silent vow to uncover more, they turned about to the group, knowing they were diving into dangerous waters. Bucky and his friends were the most feared pack in the school, only Steve and his friends weren’t worried about getting on their bad side. Even then, a few of them still watched their backs.
“We need to know everything,” Wanda exclaimed, causing the group to bring their attention back to the younger peers. 
Natasha’s eyes narrowed, but there was a slight hint of respect for the girl. “You two don’t know when to quit, do you?” she muttered under her breath. Ignoring Natasha’s remark, the two friends stood their ground. Not moving until someone talked. 
Bucky hesitated for a moment, struggling to find the right words. Taking a deep breath, his heart pounded. “Back in freshman year, I… I made a bet with Natasha,” he admitted. 
Your brow furrowed with confusion, “What kind of bet?” You asked, voice trembling slightly, you felt like you already knew the answer. Hearing it aloud, you feared it would make it real. 
His gaze dropped from yours as he swallowed hard, “I bet that she couldn’t sleep with Steve,” he confessed, your hand dropped from him as your body went into a state of shock. Your mind went back to the night before, how he reassured you that you weren’t a part of it. You remember now that he never denied the fact that they do make bets. “I didn’t think she would do it, Y/N,” he looked up, his eyes filled with remorse as he called you by your name rather than his nickname for you. 
“Why?” you whispered, your voice barely audible over your heart pounding. “If you didn’t think she would, why did you?”
“We were freshmen, we were just having fun,” he sighed, trying to defend himself and the friends he saw as family. “He was an easy target back, a try-hard, it was supposed to be a joke,” he ran a hand through his hair, as he rushed his words. 
The weight of his confession sank into your bones. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Disbelief surged through you, you couldn’t process everything at once. His reasoning only added to the turmoil swirling inside. 
There was a silence settling between you, your breathing and the background noise for the diner was the only sound. The image of Steve, oblivious to the wager placed on him, added another layer of hurt. 
You finally found your voice, it trembled as you held back tears. Not only were you hurting for your brother but, you couldn’t help shake the feeling that Bucky was lying about you. “How could you?” you questioned.
“I know I messed up,” Bucky’s voice softened, his hand reaching out as if to bridge the growing distance. “I mean, it’s most likely the main reason he wants me nowhere near you,” his words trailed off, and you turned away. 
You looked everywhere but in Bucky’s direction, afraid of the tears threatening to spill. “I’m guessing she then discarded him like he never mattered?” you asked, recounting the warning Steve had given you about Bucky and his friends. 
Another sigh from Bucky. “After everything, Steve caught feelings for her but it was just a game to her so she ignored him and has since,” he explained as he played with the straw in his milkshake glass. “It wasn’t until a couple of months later that he found out it was a bet, a bet that I started,” he began mumbling to himself about wishing he had a smoke or a drink before continuing. “We’ve never been okay since, which I understand on some level, but, he came out stronger I guess,” the confused look behind your teary eyes made his heart clench. “That was when he suddenly gained muscle and became the star athlete he is today.” 
“I don’t know what to say,” you admitted, you struggled to hear it yourself as you tried to find the words. 
Bucky nodded, he understood that telling you would have been painful. He saw the amount of compassion and empathy you carried in your heart, he knew it was risky for him to tell you the truth. He wished he could tell you, we fought once over nothing but stupid boy stuff, but, he couldn’t.
“I understand,” he replied softly, his head dropped landing his gaze on the table between you. “I’m sorry I hurt you, and Steve. I just, I don’t want there to be secrets between us as well.” Even though your heart ached for your brother and Bucky’s confession, you offered him a small nod.
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Last Updated: 2023-12-31
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Jotun!Loki stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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❆ Ice Flower by holdmytesseract • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "Jötunheim, home of the Frost Giants; where King Loki Laufeyson and his Queen Y/N Odinsdottir sit upon the throne and rule over the snowy realm. Together with their twin sons Áki and Váli, they live inside the royal palace."
❆ Snowflake│Prt. II│Prt. III by christinebloodwrittings • 18+ • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "Thor has to pay a visit to his bff the prince of Jötunheim, Jane tags along and… drags you with her…, little did you know who you were going to meet."
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❆ Cold Hands by sinner-as-saint • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: "...you've always hated the cocky, excessively flirty future King of Jotunheim. So when he shows up, as always, for one of Thor's parties on Asgard, the last thing you expected to do was hooking up with the arrogant Prince. "
❆ Fashion Changes by christinebloodwrittings • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Loki and you have been fighting the cold together for a while, but sometimes the outside whispers can get caught up in his head.
❆ Frosty Fancy by ladyfluff • 〔F〕
Summary: "Loki wasn’t sure what it was about her that made him want to spend more and more time in Asgard but he wanted to find out."
❆ Little Star│Prt. II by dyns33 • 18+ • 〔F〕 •
Summary: {…}
❆ Lucky by fanficshiddles • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Arranged marriage between Jotun Loki and a Princess. Their wedding night.
❆ Now and Forever by christinebloodwrittings • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: After giving birth you're just not the same anymore, specially after Jötun twins. So you offer Loki a night without compromise.
❆ Prince and the Servant, the by dyns33 • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: Loki Laufeyson, Prince of Jötunheim, after acquiring human servants from Midgard, falls in love with you, a Midgardian women. However, a prophecy…
❆ Worthy by christinebloodwrittings • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♡ •
Summary: Being in love isn't easy, especially when your beloved lives and rules a frozen rock on another realm.
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❆ After the After Party by starks-hero • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
❆ Pride and Joy by ladyfluff • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
❆ Protective by starks-hero • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
❆ Shivers by clandestineloki • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
❆ Size Queen by bakugousaysdie • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
❆ Sweet Little Thing by starks-hero • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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❆ Dating Jötun!Loki... by starks-hero • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
❆ Dating Frost Giant Loki... by witchthewriter • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || Loki Odinson Master Index
Authors: @bakugousaysdie || @christinebloodwrittings || @clandestineloki || @dyns33 || @fanficshiddles || @holdmytesseract || @ladyfluff || @sinner-as-saint || @starks-hero || @witchthewriter ||
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simplysparrow14 · 2 years
I think the one thing that I love the most about GoW (2018) and GoW: Ragnarok is the fact that the women of the world have the most power out of all of their male counterparts. And it isn't because they have higher power or any special abilities.
It is because they are women. And they are messy and angry and don't always have the best view of the world, themselves or others.
And that they are actually respected by the story itself.
Like, say what you will about how Faye had to die to kickstart Kratos' redemption arc, but I find it unbelievably badass that said dead woman played the long-game of the century, made herself a living legend in all of the 9 realms, knew fully that she was going to die young, but instead of wallowing in despair, she chose to smile and love her husband, son, her heritage and friends to the fullest despite it all.
Freya rallies armies, beats the shit out of her ex, regains her warrior spirit, reunites and rekindles her relationship with both her Valkyrie sisters, Kratos and Atreus and twin brother, heals from the death of her son and regains a new family.
Angrboda uses her companionship, trust and gentleness with Atreus to show him a glimpse at the life and skills of a giant, peace and comfort and overall domesticity that he had been lacking back home due to odin and fimbulwinter, as well as give him the skills needed for his journey into who Loki is.
The Valkyries are able to be well respected warriors who are fully proud to be fighting aside true commanders and fighters and not have to follow Odin's command.
Thrud becomes worthy to wield her fathers hammer, is respected by her mother and those around her for the first time.
Sif controls, rallies and persuades Thor, the meanest of the aesir to nearly kill Atreus and Kratos for revenge against the deaths of their sons, just by her words and love for him alone. SHe even tries to be a better mother to Thrud due to having lost Magni and Modi.
The Norns freely use their creepiness and vast knowledge of fate and time and wisdom to scare the shit out everyone they meet and because of that, people don't dare mess with them, not even fucking mansplain-manipulate-manslughter Odin.
The Lady beneath the water is so respected and worshiped that it's factually known that you don't talk to the lady, she talks to you.
A lot of GoW is about swinging axes and ripping apart enemies. But the most powerful characters don't do that. They use their emotions and smarts and intelligence rather than their fists.
the true character arc for God of War isnt about Kratos at all.
It's the fact that God of War went from a dudebro power-fantasy hack-n-slash game where the women were either relegated to sex minigames, sub-par emotional justification for *why* we are killing gods, and villainous roles---to actual 3-dimentional characters who are given proper respect, courtesy and value, who are integral to the story as a whole and are crucial to the long term consequences of the game.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Hi could I request a fic with the avengers where the readers mom is very close with the avengers and she had the reader at 15 with the readers father who has been on and off absent and the reader doesn't see much of him and she was basically raised by the avengers theyre basically parental figures to her and have always been there for her when her dad finally shows up they threatened him because they're all overprotective mostly tony cause he sees the reader like his own daughter and he knows what it's like to grow up without a dad and the reader thanks him and hugs him and the rest of the avengers join in a group hug always reassuring her she isn't a mistake.
Six avengers and a Baby
Paring: avengers x Teen!Reader
A/n: sorry this is so late, I had zero idea of where I was gonna take this so I hope you don't mind is being HC and sorry it's so short.
A/n #2: request are closed so I can work on a twilight series I've started.
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So your mother is close to the averagers due to the fact she went to college with pepper, they were best friends and she got your mom a job at the Compound so she could take care of you.
Due to her being a single mom she always took you to work with her. She had you at a very young age and your father was never around.
It didn't really matter to you because the avenger grew a soft spot for you and helped your mom Raise you.
I your opinion you learned way more for them than you do in school. They all care for you a lot and are extremely over protective.
Some small details about you and them are:
You and tony are the closest, he's always been like a father to you and has always got your back.
You and Bruce are about the same, you call him uncle Bruce and he's your go to dude when you need help with homework.
Steve is like a big brother. He's tougut you many things like how to treat people and helped you become the kind soul you are today.
Clint teaches you normal day-to-day things. You want to learn how to use a bow/arrow he'll teach you. He also has thought you how to change the oil and a tire on a car just incase you get stranded.
With Natasha you two had to warm up to each other. She loves you and all, but when you were little you were scared of her for no particular reason.
Thor is just your Best Friend, he always makes you laugh and knows how to brighten up your day. One time he lifted his Hammer with you so you would think you could do it when the others can't(you were five at the time)
Your scared of loki. Period.
But then one day your dad showed up and the avengers or your mom wasn't pleased.
“y/n is my daughter, my own”
“then where the hell were you when she got her tonsels taken out and was absolutely miserable for three days?” Bruce shouted.
“where were you when she started kindergarten or high school?” nat stated.
“you don't have the right to call yourself her father!” Tony shouted. “she's my kid”
When Your father left you immediately hugged Tony. He held you tight and wasn't planning to let go for a while. “your not a mistake.... Your a fucking mericle”
When the whole time came around and hugged you too you know you were home and this was your family.
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lokisbiiiitch1993 · 1 year
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Thank you for the Request... sorry for taking so long ....and I hope I got it somewhat right 🫥
A God's Night Out
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It's been a while since Loki's and Thor's Relationship changed for the better .
It took them so long to finally understand each other and to talk about their feelings.
For tonight Thor suggested to go out .
"I heard the Lady's have a Girls Night .... let's have a Boys Night ..... God's Night Out sound's better" - Thor declared excited
Loki agreed interested but less excited.
At the Bar Thor insisted he wants to try every Midgardian Alcoholic Drink out.
Loki rolled his Eyes and ordered his usual Drink - it's his favourite because you recommended it to him a while ago and since then he always buys it thinking about you.
Few hours and many drinks later - Loki was visibly more drunk than Thor .
At first he was singing and dancing but now he seemed depressed.
Thor decided it's Time to go Home.
Loki argued a while but Thor just dragged him out.
On the way Home Loki started to get talkative - "Brooothaaa,I missssss hhhheeer " " I loooovvve heeeer " I reeeeally doooo "
You should introduce her to me ,I want to met her- your secret Lover - Thor replied, happy for his younger Brother
"III don't knooow iff that's a gooood Ideaaaa"
Oh , come on Brother, don't tell me you are scared that she will fall for me - Thor teased
Loki went silent, for a while.
After a while Thor broke the silence and stated we arrived.I will bring you to your Room .
"Aaaalrighttt" - Loki started blabbering again
"I loovve my Girlfriend soo much" " I neveeer felt like this befoore"
"Y/N is amaaaaazing" "isn't she the most beauuutifuuuul!? "
Whaaat Y/N is your Girlfriend? Thor asked surprised - feeling his Heart Break -he thought back at ever Interaction with you , everytime you smiled at him ,every friendly Conversation - I believed we had something Thor said to himself sad and disappointed
Ignoring his Brother's question Loki declared happily-" I want to marry her "
Hearing that felt like a Dagger to Thor's Heart
a moment later he left without a Word
My Masterlist
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animelovelover123 · 3 months
Marvel Master List
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A list and links to all of my Marvel fanfiction works, from 2014 to present. This includes stuff I posted on other sites, not just on Tumblr. I apparently had too many stories to fit on one post so I had to separate them. Here is the list to all lists -> Master of Master Lists
If any of the links are broken or you have suggestions to make the list easier to navigate, let me know.
Pink heart divider by @superawesomelurkaccount
The shity Marvel divider was made by me in MS Paint. (Feel free to use it if you want, just give me credit for the mess I made please, thank you.)
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Spideypool (Wade Wilson x Peter Parker)
Won't Wake Up Compared to Them What You Think About What Would They Say? (Part 1 of Picking Peter Up From School trilogy.) One or the Other Let Me Be Happy Left Hanging Forever What They Say (Part 2 of Picking Peter Up From School trilogy.) What Do I Care (Part 3 of Picking Peter Up From School trilogy.) A Moment To Mope An Average Morning With Steve Stark-Rogers He's Cold No One Would Care (Can be platonic.) How Peter Got Sick A Hot/Cold Date He Get's It An Omega/Alpha Story Why Did You Leave? Coming Out of the Closet It's Gotta Be Your Name  Won't Look (Part 1 of Crossdressing trilogy.) Gonna Burst (Part 2 of Crossdressing trilogy.) Wing Fic Can't Wait Forever Spideypool Go To See The Deadpool Movie High School AU (Side Stony and Brutasha) Not How It Was Supposed to Go (Part 3 of Crossdressing trilogy.) Worth The Risk (Sequel to Hot/Cold Date) All That Work, Gone One Small Step at a Time Aunt May to the Rescue Welcome Home Neko AU (Catboy) Oral Knotting Just Us
Stony (Tony Stark x Steve Rogers)
Different, But Nice A New Kind of Team Work Not Like Other Nights I Know How You Feel (With some Stucky) Waiting For the Perfect Moment An Average Morning With Steve Stark-Rogers We Need To Talk What You Tell Them Steve's Birthday Present Coming Out of the Closet Never There But Won't Go Away Someone to Listen Papa Bird This Isn't Working Our Secret Little Game
Superfamily (Steve and Tony are Peter's parents.)
Compared to Them One or the Other An Average Morning With Steve Stark-Rogers He's Cold Unlike Father Unlike Son Unlike Father Unlike Son (Extra) A, Tiny, Early Superfamily Christmas Story  Coming Out of the Closet It's Gotta Be Your Name 
Stucky (James "Bucky" Barnes x Steve Rogers)
I Know How You Feel (With some Stony) Are You Worried About Me?
Cherik (Charles Xavier x Erik Lehnsherr)
God Help Me
Clueless (Thor x Reader) Woman in My Bed (Loki, Tony Stark, Charles Xavier, Steve Rogers, Wade Wilson, Matt Murdock, Erik Lehnsherr, Peter Parker, Logan, and Bruce Banner x Reader)
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xenocorner · 1 year
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Here's the concept for one of my Strange AUs :D This has been sitting on my WIPs for months now, and today I finally decided to get it out :']
Info dump of this AU ahead for anyone interested, because I need to get it out of my system orz close ups below too
In this a AU, Stephen is raised in Asgard after his home planet (not Earth) is destroyed during a terrible war. Here, Donna is his older sister instead, and she was one of the soldiers who fought and died in said war (the sword he carries was hers).
He was taken in by the Asgardian army when he was around 6, and was raised collectively by them as part of the ranks. He is trained as a swordsman and excels at it.
He meets both Thor and Loki at that young age, and he develops a very close friendship with Loki, both of them growing up together and getting in all kinds of trouble (although Stephen was usually the one to get them out of it). But not all is fun and games with this two, as Stephen also becomes the person Loki confides the most in and viceversa. As they grow, this often leads to Odin sending Stephen to look for Loki whenever the god disappears after a family fight.
He becomes one of the best swordsmen in the 9 realms, and takes command of the Asgardian army when his mentor, the Ancient One (a commander in this AU) dies in battle.
During a battle in which he was perhaps too careless and cocky, he is gravely injured and his hands are irreparably damaged, leaving him unable to wield a sword.
Stephen has incredibly deep self worth issues, and since he isn't Asgardian by birth and also feels incredible debt to Asgard for taking him in when he was all alone, he is always trying to prove himself of his worth to be called Asgardian. So when he is left useless as a swordsman, he goes into a really dark place. This leads him to study magic instead, trying to still be of use to the throne and able to protect Asgard. He pulls through, and with a similar journey of the MCU Stephen, becomes one of the most proficient sorcerers of Asgard. That along with his previously good reputation with Odin grants him the position of Head Sorcerer in the court.
Unfortunately, this comes at the cost of distancing himself from Loki, being too focused on proving himself since the loss of his hand function. Of course, the god is resentful of this. They go through some shit to salvage the friendship and maybe even make it evolve into something more, but I won't go into that now as this lore dump rambling is already way too long lmao.
Also, he may or may not be part of a race that uses music as magic to affect the world around them too, but that's just deeper lore stuff 👀
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Close ups to the head shots because I just adore how much softer and elegant he looks with the wavy hair, tiara thing and earring orz I want to do a better render of him like this so bad-
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Plus the full body on its own too :] I would've loved to polish it more but I've got more stuff to do and just needed to get it out of my WIPs already o(-(
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lokidips · 6 months
Aaa hello again! I'm so in love with your headcanons that I must return 😭🙏 How would little Loki act when she's ill and how would their carer(s) help?
ah okay, i must admit i want to write a sickfic so bad, ‘cause what is a fanfic writer’s “career” without one?
she would be so fussy, long nights trying to get her comfy without a bottle to take for fear of it coming back up
his favourite stuffy with him at all times
either "naked" all day (just a diap) or bedtime footie onesie all day. no in between, they will cry.
cuddles... so many cuddles. if thor isn't giving him cuddles, mobius is, if mobius isn't, sylvie is.
when his tummy settles, he gets a cookie.
she just wants to be carried.
outside time is still important (as long as it's not too cold), so thor and mobius will take him in a little stroller around the block. sometimes he'll get out for a little bit to investigate a cool leaf or flower growing between pavers.
ultimately he's just very tired though, so he'll be asleep by the time they're back home.
thank you kurt!! i love these, and anyone else feel free to add your own!!
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november-rayne · 1 year
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A Gift for Loki - Summary
Young Prince Loki of Asgard is the God of Mischief and Chaos, the wild and unscrupulous little brother of Thor, and the son of the King of the Æsir.
Being second in the line of succession, Loki meticulously performs his palace duties by day, but by night he can be found living up to his reputation as a hard-core partying playboy.
Alas, a prince of Asgard cannot remain a fun-loving bachelor forever. Loki's world is turned upside down when duty calls for him to take a wife. His parents have betrothed him to the daughter of the most prominent Lord in the kingdom.
Loki would rather be dragged to Hel than to the altar, that is, until he finally lays eyes on his bride-to-be. Meeting Sigyn cracks the foundation on which he built his hedonistic reputation.
Can Loki give up his philandering lifestyle and become the husband Sigyn deserves? The Nornir have brought the two of them together; will outside forces tear them apart?
*This story is for mature audiences only.* 18+
*Minors DNI*
Warnings: Explicit descriptions of sexual acts, alcohol intoxication, and drug use. Specific trigger warnings will be attached before each chapter when applicable.
This story is NON-CANON. This is an MCU/Norse mythology hybrid AU: Thor and Loki are biological brothers, and Odin isn't the worst father. Comparably, in human years, Loki is in his mid-twenties, and Thor is late twenties. Set in Asgard, the realm is described as a large kingdom with territories and hierarchies among Odin's Lords and Ladies.
Genre: Fluff and Smut. An all-round feel-good fic.
Pairings: AU Loki x Sigyn
Chapters Index 👇🏼
*Contains SMUT
1. Prologue*
2. When Opportunity Knocks*
3. The Message*
4. Denial*
5. The Lost Prince
6. Ill-prepared
7. Meeting Sigyn
8. Doubt*
9. Family Dinner
10. Paths Not Taken
11. The Betrothal Feast
12. Discoveries
13. The Chase
14. Heart to Heart
15. A Token*
16. The Best Man
17. A Kingly Visit
18. Home*
19. Seeing
20. Oh, Brother
21. Fond Farewells- Part One*
22. Fond Farewells- Part Two*
23. The Bachelor Party
24. Brother Mine
25. Reunion
26. Unexpected
27. Sigyn's Virtue
28. Sera's Trials
29. Bed Rest*
30. Purpose
31. The Wedding
32. The Reception
33. His Goddess*
34. Epilogue*
A Gift for Loki One-Shots
The Gift of the Sun* The Gift of Distraction* The Gift of Distraction - Part Two*
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*Contains SMUT
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michelleleewise · 2 years
🌹Her Romeo🌹
Pairing: Avenger Loki x insecure! Female reader
Warnings: anxiety, jealousy, mild arguing, self deprecating thoughts, bottled feelings, bit of steaminess but nothing graphic, Thor being the best, Samantha being a whole warning,
Summary: you try to temper down your suspicions as Loki's rehearsals become more frequent
A/n- graphics by @harlequin-hangout
Part one -- Part two-
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You walked down to the common room, looking around seeing Thor sprawled out on the couch watching a show "hey, thor?" You said seeing him lift his head "y/n, how are you?" He asked sitting up "I'm ok, i was wondering of you wanted to join me for lunch?" You asked fidgeting with your fingers "I could never say no to food." He laughed standing up slipping his jacket on "after you ma' lady." He said holding his arm out guiding you first. You walked into the elevator when your phone beeped, pulling it out seeing a text from Loki "I will be going to Samantha's to go over our lines, I will see you when I get home." You didn't respond putting it back in your pocket.
"Are you alright y/n?" Thor asked startling you "y..yeah, im fine." You said looking down "I do not have to be my brother to know that isn't true y/n." He said placing a hand on your shoulder "it's...don't worry about it." You said. The elevator dinged, you quickly rushed out heading to your car, Thor following close behind you. The ride to the Cafe was thankfully silent. You wanted to talk to him, tell him how you were feeling but had no idea where to even begin, so you pushed it back down when your phone beeped again. You parked the car, getting out Thor walked to the door holding it open as you unlocked your phone seeing a notification on your Instagram.
You furrow your eyebrows pushing the app, the picture popping up slapping you in the face as you stared at it. "Y/n, what are..." Thor trailed off glancing over your shoulder seeing what you were seeing. Looking down seeing the caption "my romeo...his juliet." In bold letters splayed across the bottom, Loki's name in italics next to it. Your eyes traveled back up seeing Samantha, her long red hair draped over her shoulder smiling pressing her cheek to Loki's, a large smile making his face light up next to her. "I will get us a table." Thor said walking from behind you. You cleared your throat, turning your phone off you put it in your pocket feeling your eyes burn. "Y/n, over here." You looked up seeing Thor waving at you.
You slid into the booth in front of Thor, clearing your throat you took a sip of water from the glass in front of you "y/n." Thor said when the waiter came over. After placing your order you looked down at the table picking at your nails "i...I don't know what to do." You said quietly "it was only a picture y/n, I don't think..." you cut him off looking up at him "he's been going over to her place every day for weeks, to "work lines". You air quoted "He does get very involved in what he is working on, I don't think he even realizes it." Thor said watching you "and how "involved" was he with his costars?" You asked seeing thor shake his head "it was different then, he was unattached." He explained making you shake your head.
"Y/n, I am certain he loves you, and no one is going to come between that." He said patting your hand "I would suggest you speak to him, tell him how you are feeling." He said. Shaking your head again "I'm annoying enough as it is, I don't want to make him feel bad for doing something he loves." You said sighing "you are not annoying, and I am certain he will understand." He said "trust me, you do not want this to build. It will only make you feel worse." He said. You nodded knowing he was right. "Ok, I'll talk to him tonight." You said seeing him smile "wonderful, now tell me how has work been?" He asked shifting the subject, and honestly your were grateful for it.
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You sat on the couch, turning your phone over in your hand seeing it was just past midnight. Your thumb hovered over the button to call him but something inside you made you hesitate. "Your overthinking y/n, he's not doing anything." You scolded yourself setting the phone on the table. You stared at it biting your lip willing it to ring, but nothing happened. You hadn't heard from Loki since the afternoon and you could feel the pit in your stomach growing the longer he remained silent. Your mind couldn't help wander thinking back on the last three weeks. Loki not getting home until late at night, the distance that seemed to be growing between you when you were together, the fact he hadn't touched you intimately in that time made your eyes burn.
You got up walking to the kitchen needing something to distract you. Turning the water on your started to wash the dishes when you head the door open making you freeze. Quickly shutting off the tap you listened into the dark room "yes I made it home." You heard Loki whisper as the door clicked shut. "Yes, I had a nice time as well." He continued making your stomach turn. "Yes, I'll see you tomorrow darling, pleasant dreams." You heard him say when his footsteps came closer to the living room. You turned the water back on trying to forget what you heard "y/n, love what are you doing?" He asked walking into the kitchen. "The dishes." You said quietly continuing your task feeling him come up behind you
"I did not expect you to wait for me love." He said wrapping his arms around your middle. "Who said I was?" You snarked putting a bowl in the drainer when Loki reached up turning the water off. "Hey, I was..." you turned in his arms looking up when his lips crashed into yours. You gasped in surprise, feeling Loki's tongue slip past your lips massaging yours, your fingers digging into the front of his button him when he pushed his hips into yours making you moan into the kiss. "How long has it been..." he trailed off peppering kisses down your neck "since I had you in the kitchen hmm?" He asked nipping your collar bone "aahh...t...too long." You groaned feeling his cock pressing into your stomach.
"Well, I must rectify that." He growled, gripping your thighs he lifted you up setting you on the counter "urgently..." he purred wrapping your legs around his waist. He gripped your thigh, his nails digging into your flesh as his other hand traveled up cupping your breast. You tipped your head back, gasping feeling him suck hard on your pulse point, knowing he would leave a mark as you drug your nails down his back. "L..loki..." you moaned rocking your hips forward into him. "Mmm...darling.." he moaned making your eyes shoot open, the pet name bringing everything back.
"You are so beautiful." He breathed, kissing back up your neck "If I profane with my unworthiest hand, This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this." He whispered into your skin sending a shiver down your spine. "My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand, To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.." he said, pulling back looking at you cupping your cheek. You stared into his eyes, you wouldn't say you were huge into shakespear but you knew. You nudged him back, sliding off the counter signing "did I say something?" He asked as you walked past him. "Didn't you have your fill of that with her?" You snarked walking into the living room.
"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked following you "nothing, I'm going to bed." You said grabbing your phone walking towards the bedroom "no, we need to talk about this." He said sternly when you turned looking at him "you wanna talk? Fine...maybe I don't like being reminded in the little amount of time I've had with you lately of all the time your spending with another woman." You said crossing your arms "love, it's only to rehearse, nothing.." you cut him off "yeah, and that's usually done at the theater...on stage...not at her house." You said glaring at him.
"What do you want me to do? I'll do whatever you ask." He said stepping forward "you prefer she come here?" He asked as you shook your head "tell me and it will be done." He said as you looked back up at him "do whatever you want to Loki, goodnight." You said walking into the bedroom closing the door. You gripped the handle, everything in you wanting to go back out and apologize...to hug him and tell him everything was ok but your mind wouldn't let you. You dropped your hand walking to the bed you climbed in pulling the covers up around your chin. Decided you would talk to him tomorrow.
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You grabbed your bag, digging your keys out heading to your car. You wanted to talk to Loki this morning but woke up to and empty bed and him no where to be found. A note left on the counter telling you he would be back this afternoon the only evidence he was there. You sighed jumping in, the engine roaring to life as you maneuvered out of the car park starting home. You knew Thor was right, you knew you needed to sit down and tell Loki how you felt but it was easier said then done. Your mind running a mile a minute as you parked outside your apartment building "just talk to him y/n...he'll listen...he always does." You said to yourself grabbing your bag heading inside.
You unlocked the door, tossing your bag down you walked the small hallway towards the living room "loki, are you here?" You called out when you heard voices coming from Loki's office. You quietly walked towards it, seeing the door slightly ajar when you heard a woman's laugh. Stepping up to the door you held your breath listening "oh Lo...I love spending time with you." She said making you close your eyes "it has been a delightful experience." You heard Loki's voice through the door. "So, when does she usually get home?" She asked making you clench your jaw "I am expecting her anytime now, would you care to stay for dinner?" He asked. "Mmm, I would love that." She practically purred. You took a step back feeling anger spreading through you you went to the bedroom quietly closing the door.
You sat on the bed, pulling your phone out you text Thor "hey, what are you doing tonight?" You typed, biting you lip waiting for him to respond "hello y/n, I have a date this evening, is everything alright?" He typed making huff "yeah, everything is fine." You typed back looking down "are you sure, I can cancel." He responded "no, it's ok. Have fun." You typed setting your phone down when the bedroom door opened "oh Darling, when did you get home? I was waiting for you." Loki said smiling walking in "you seemed pretty entertained to me." You huffed walking to the closet "love talk to me, please. I told Samantha we needed to do our practices here so I can be here with you. I don't know what else you want me to do." He said walking up next to you.
You sighed looking to the floor "nothing Loki, everything is fine. Go be with your guest." You said turning seeing her in the doorway "Hey y/n, nice to see you." She said smiling unnaturally at you "you too." You responded heading towards the bathroom "give me a minute please." He said to her as he closed the bedroom door "love, please." He said turning back to you. You closed your eyes not wanting to do this with her here "Loki, everything is fine. I just have a headache so I'm going to take a bath and get ready for bed." You said grabbing a towel "you are certain you don't want to eat? I can make you something." He said watching you "yeah I'm not really hungry, maybe later." You said offering a small smile hoping he would buy it. "Very well, I will send her on her way and be in soon." He said opening the door "whatever you want Loki." You said closing the bathroom door.
You filled the tub, sinking into the water closing your eyes. You just needed this stupid play to be over and everything will go back to normal...soon.
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@vbecker10 @mochie85 @lokisgoodgirl @springdandelixn @kinky-faerie @xorpsbane @midnights-ramblings @simping-for-marvel @holdmytesseract @kkdvkyya @slpnbty2001 @lokixryss @vane28282 @violethaze @coldnique @aniar4wniak @nate-ate-hate @buttercupcookies-blog @brattymum96 @dukes2581 @your-taste-on-my-lips @mybabyh @blog-the-lilly @irishhappiness @sinsandguilt @filthyhiddles @lovebyloki @kikster606 @javagirl328 @misunderstoodself @highkeysimpingforloki @eleniblue @commanding-officer @athalialaufeyson @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiandbuckysdoll @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @high-functioning-lokipath @kittiowolf210 @slytherclaw1227 @joyfullymassivewhispers @wolfsmom1 @libbybeaz @lokikissesmyforehead @goblingirlsarah @thomase1
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Kitten pt2
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Panther Reader Summary: Loki left for a while, leaving his little kitten hurt and sad. Warnings: Abandonment issues, angst, injuries, poorly explained touch deprived issues (Which I have but don't know how to put it into words)
Loki Taglist: @lokisprettygirl22 @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @high-functioning-lokipath @thereadinggeek @el-zef @beakami @lokiprompts @ilovefanfictions @eleniblue @novena-proxy @lulubelle814 @beakami  @lokiprompts @laurenandloki @tjellisworld
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Days in the Avenger's tower went swiftly for a while. Your training though was getting tough, especially with the Captain himself drawing the punches. But what really got your body to the point of exhaustion, was the fact that Loki was gone.
Only for a while, he said, but it had been three weeks since he said that and with a small kiss on the hand he went through the portal, along with Thor, who - not helping your anxiety - gave you a sorrowful look before disappearing.
That was the main reason for the harsh training.
Without the god-like help, the team felt a little vulnerable. No one would dare admit it because they still hold a bit of pride, but you just felt it in the air.
Without Loki around, you felt as if there was something off, your routine included him in almost all your activities, like meals, movies, walks, cuddles, even missions. Watching him leave like that, was as if he stole the air around you, as if your skin lacked warmth again.
"He'll be back sweetie" Natasha caught you staring at the burn mark the portal left, "Am I that obvious?" your voice trembled a little, "Your eyes are like those of a kitten that lost its way home" tears streamed down your eyes, as she said the nickname he gave you, his voice started to ring inside your head, remembering all the times he laughed with you, and lulled you softly while petting your head.
After that, you were summoned to a mission of rescue. The plan was simple, you were going to be the distraction, luring the guards away so Natasha and Steve could enter the bunker and rescue the scientist that were abducted by Hydra.
But nothing's ever that simple, isn't it?
The snow made it a bit hard to anchor yourself to the ground in order to doge the bullets, so eventually, more than one just hit non-essential points in your feline body. What you certainly weren't expecting, was a pack of wolves emerging from hidden cages in the snow, those that at the sound of a whistle threw themselves at you.
Everything was just whines of pain, claws and teeth making sharp noises, and blood staining the snow, until everything just stopped moving. Barely, you moved away from the furry corpses, "Y/n, you did amazing" Steve cooed as soon as he saw you limping your way to the inside of the jet, collapsing at his feet, "Stark, have Jarvis call a vet, Y/n's in bad shape" even Natasha began to panic, she hit the floor with her knees when she saw the blood dripping down your body.
"Hang on, you will get through this, remember, he will be back, he expects you there, you can't leave just now" Steve handed her a thick cloth to make pressure with, as she tried to keep you awake, but your breathing was slow and quiet, your body was just too heavy to move.
An aroma of humidity and steel flooded your senses, the hard, rocky ground rubbed against your wounds caused by the injections, chains, and surgical cuts that impeded your movements. Back in prison, the small cubicle where they did experiments on you since you were little.
You could never look like a normal panther at that age, it was more like a pile of skin patched together with fur from different species and dried blood. Claws in no way feline were violently imposed on your hands and feet, there were many forced transformations until your body adopted the modifications, creating the perfect hybrid disguised as a normal animal.
You woke up with panic, still transformed, though it was a small version of the panther the vet patched up. The bedsheets were silky and perfumed with a variety of herbs and perfumes, Loki’s bed. Have you ever heard a cat sob? That’s the sound Loki heard as soon as he made his way inside his room, his eyes landing on the small animal, covered in bloody bandages, “Y/n?” your ears perked up, slowly turning your head to see him, he saw your big eyes with tears falling down, your tiny paws making grabby movements.
Loki dropped the heavy bag he carried and prompted himself towards you, cupping your tiny body in his hands, “Stark called Thor, somehow, saying you were hurt and you didn’t woke up” his words were messy and shaky, just like his hands. “My Kitten, my dearest, I don’t mind this shape of yours, but I would love to tend to your wounds and hug you” he heard you sniff and meow in pain, “I see, I’ll wait then, until you’re ready” he then changed into comfy clothes, summoned a book, placed himself in bed, and gently accommodated you on his chest.
His heart swirled as he watched you curl into a little fur ball on his neck, even more when he heard the faint sound or a purr.
Eventually, after Loki fell asleep, your tiny body moved away from him and returned to its human shape, though ears were still those of a cat. Loki was quick to feel the weight shift in his bed, so he conjured your meds and a glass of water for later.
The sight of your body tied a knot deep in his stomach, bloodied bandages, visible stitches of your arm and torso, legs all bruised up. He couldn’t handle the fact that you were hurt wile he was away, he felt like he failed you.
“Loki?” he turned his head to you, first sight was your teary eyes, “My darling, I want to hug you so much, but I’m afraid I might hurt you” you shook your head and opened your arms to him, which was the cutest thing ever in his head. He pulled you closer, setting one arm under your head, and the other carefully placed along your back, using his magic to soothe your muscular pain due to the transformation.
“You left” was all you could say. It was difficult to articulate nothing more with the whirlwind of things you wanted to tell him. With how much you needed to hug him, to never let you go. You wanted to beg him to never go out again, tell him about your years locked in that cell, how anxiety and abandonment had eaten your nights away.
However, the pain of his departure, and without addressing any word, more than a simple "I will come back soon" prevented you from saying more.
"I’m terribly sorry, my kitten" he didn't say it in his usual voice, he emanated a strange feeling of longing and sadness. "I had to take care of a matter in Asgard, I visited my mother after that, I swear time slipped away and out of my mind, I came back as soon as Thor told me about your state, I didn't even think twice and jumped into the Bifrost" his hand caressed your cheek, taking a few tears with each soft stroke.
“I thought – “ you started, looking down, “That I wouldn’t come back to you?” he finished your sentence, like he was reading your mind, “My sweetest, most beautiful girl, I’ll always come back home to you” the moment he called you his home your pain faded away, air became light and breathable again, like your lungs weren’t rubbing against your bones anymore.
“I missed you so much” his smile grew so wide, he thought he might cry as well, but barely holding in his excitement he made his shirt and jacket fade away, “I’ve noticed, you have a certain adoration to physical touch, it was the way you lean into my hands and my neck, both always bare. Is it a sensory thing? I wondered, but then I looked into your files, all the pain you had to endure, I thought to myself, Woah, she must really like to let me touch her at all, but then I noticed how sad you are when you are not hugged for a while, and how dim you are to ask if it’s okay for you to hug me” he looked into your eyes, kissed your forehead and continued.
“So I thought we could cuddle skin to skin like this, so you can be as amorous as you always are, but in a better way? I don’t know, my mother advised me that this may make you less anxious” he spoke softly, never looking away from your eyes.
The fact that Loki was aware of your emotional dependence on touch, your past, your anxiety, and that he spoke to his mother looking for some way to help you, was about any experience in life. Loki was not like the other men, he worried, watched your habits and difficulties from day to day.
"I don’t deserve you" you drowned in your own abyss for a second, "It is the other way around, dear, it is I who does not deserve your heart" he removed his arm from your hip, just to take your hand and kiss your knuckles, "But I will work to deserve it, and be the man to accompany you for the rest of your life”
“You already are, I have to gather a million pieces of myself in order to be able to love you, the way you deserve” you took his face in your hands, making soft lines on his cheeks with your thumbs, “It’s a good thing I love puzzles, almost, but not as much as I love you” both laughter and kissing sounds echoed in the room, then you lowered your head to his chest, feeling the little soft hairs, his warm skin, and stayed there listening to his heart as his hands caressed you head.
“I missed you Kitten”.
“I love you Loki”.
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sarahscribbles · 2 years
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If you enjoy my fics then please REBLOG. Spam likers will be blocked.
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[Last updated: March 8 2023]
[All my readers use she/her pronouns]
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☆ Signifies 1k notes and up
✧ Moments of Magic ☆ 
Summary: You bring Loki two gifts to mark his birthday. One a magical object and the other your heart
✧ 14 Hours to Cape Town (18+)☆ 
Summary: When the rest of the Avengers are sent on a mission to Cape Town, you're forced to stay behind to recover from a previous mission while Loki isn't trusted enough to go along. How will you cope with being made to stay in the compound with the man you're in love with when he seemingly wants nothing to do with you?
✧ Warming Him (18+) ☆ 
Summary: Loki makes you warm him
✧ Stay Here One More Time
Summary: On the anniversary of the Battle of New York, Loki discovers he has someone on his side
✧ Don't Go Tonight
Summary: While on a mission fighting against HYDRA you do the one thing you’re not supposed to do and get distracted. The price you pay is a high one.
✧ Do I Haunt Your Mind?
Summary: You finally work up the courage to confess your feelings to Loki, but it goes badly wrong
✧ Little Green Dress (18+)
Summary: You try, and spectacularly fail, to tease the god of mischief.
✧ I Want To Make You Feel Wanted (18+)
Summary: On a mission you get the opportunity to kill the HYDRA agent responsible for torturing you, but, misreading the situation, Loki kills him before you get the chance. And now you want to kill him
✧ "My Pet." (18+)
Summary: Tony’s Christmas party gets a little steamier than you had imagined
✧ Tiny Blessings
Summary: Growing up within the royal palace of Asgard, you learned magic alongside Loki and his mother Frigga. After Frigga's death, you find a way into the dungeons to comfort her broken son
✧ Paper Trail
Summary: Loki organises a romantic treasure hunt for you
✧ Back In Your Arms
Summary: Loki arrives back at the compound, and back in your arms, after the battle with Thanos
✧ Illicit Affairs (18+)
Summary: A marriage built on nothing but childhood infatuation was always bound to fall apart. The love you once thought you had for Thor has dwindled to nothing but indifference. He doesn't know the things you crave and makes no effort to find out, so you turn to the one person who will fulfill all your filthy desires: his brother.
✧ One More Week (18+)
Summary: When Loki makes a request of you in bed, how can you possibly deny him?
✧ Burned (18+)
Prompts: “Do I look like I’m messing around? Do I look like I won’t punish you?” ||"Fucking is a reward, but you haven’t been good.” || "Be a good girl
✧ In The Quiet Of The Morning (18+)
Prompt: Soft morning sex with Loki
✧ For All To See (18+)
Summary: You, Loki, and a floor-to-ceiling window. What of it?
✧ Between His Thighs (18+)
Summary: Loki makes you warm him. Again.
✧ Emerald Lace (18+)
Summary: Your first time wearing lingerie for Loki has you nervous, but your god is quick to show you how much he adores you.
✧ Victory Prize (18+)
Summary: Loki arrives home from a mission eager to celebrate its success
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✧ When You Play With Fire (18+)
Summary: When Loki doesn’t accompany you to Scott’s birthday celebration, you think you have the upper hand by leaving him to stew in his own desire. You should have known better than to play with fire.
✧ Dancing With The Devil (18+)
Summary: You’ve burned for him for centuries, but you know he sees you as nothing more than a prize to claim. Still, you play his game of teasing and innuendo, but never give in to how badly you crave him. That is until an innocent smell of a flower on Midsummer leaves you with no other choice.
✧ On The Throne (18+)
Summary: Yet again Loki has allowed a security council meeting to run late. You decide that, this time, you’ll go and help hurry it alone
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✧ Don't Move, Darling (18+)
Prompt: "Move an inch and you won't be coming tonight."
✧ Purple And Red (18+)
Prompt: "I won't apologise for marking you up, everyone should know you're taken."
✧ Against The Glass (18+)
Prompt: "I want everyone to see how good you take it."
✧ Make You Sing (18+)
✧ Eyes Open (18+)
Prompt: "Keep your eyes open."
✧ Consequences (18+)
Summary: Loki gave you one simple order when leaving the palace and now you have to face the consequences of failing to follow it
✧ Worship You (18+)
Summary: Yours is the only altar Loki will ever worship at
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✧ Loki with an overstimulation kink
✧ How would Loki love us?
✧ Loki praising us
✧ President Loki
✧ Sub!Loki
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11queensupreme11 · 9 months
Queen how does it feel to be a genius?
Girl, I'm here, reading and being so 😈
(Queen, I almost made this anonymous cause... I'm really horny? And I didn't know!?)
Cause you know I'm a Poseidon's bitch but also uncle Hades you're doing a pretty good job with my girl you the reason she forgets about blondes
Like, having sex (that was sex, no matter if you say it wasn't) without penetration cause he knows he'd keep doing it, no matter what the consequences are?
*horny grip*
(Hades, making Percy cum with his finger the moment Poseidon enters... He doesn't stop and Percy is just squirting while telling Poseidon to not see...)
My girl would be having the time of her life with them, good for her
Now, in my mind, Hades makes a party and invites Poseidon, just to have his child distracting him meanwhile he's licking Percy in the other room
Now, Percy sleeping in Poseidon and Hades tits? Girl, leave some for the rest
Percy just prays that nothing comes down her cause she doesn't have panty (cue to Hades masturbating to them) and Poseidon being 🤨 cause he knows his brother's niece kink but like, he wouldn't dare... Right?
Now, if I was writing fanfiction about your fic? Poseidon would sit her down on his dick and "teach" her about being pure and not letting lost herself to lust
Poor Percy ends trembling and crying to the end of it
But I'm not (?) So I'm just giggling at your work and encouraging Poseidon to make SOMETHING!
I knew it was going to be good, but no do good, you throw me back to my Wattpad era
Also, Loki panicking cause he lost her and what if she ends up participating in the orgy? That would be karma right there
Loki: fortunately, you didn't do anything that day, right?:D
Percy: haha yes nothing happens... At the party
Loki: why are you so specific?🤨
Now I'm wondering how they are going to be? He's a crazy bitch, and we know he doesn't care about her opinion, so I'm picturing him fighting her and kissing her until she really wants something
But also, right now he's in the friendzone™ (a Chad somewhere had a chill), he's her best friend (kinda)
He could enter to her changing her clothes and just found that she's pissed about him no knocking (like her asking if he saw her piss? Girl, your priorities are kinda a mess, kick him out and then ask) he needs to fight for her to see him something different
(Thor is laughing internally cause it is karma)
The fight scene was so funny, Percy really said: you look like shit, let me treat you like one
Loki's crush on her cause she is just as chaotic as him, her just has the world around her finger and isn't afraid of using it
I heard him fall when she was "I know how to count :D" he was loving her gremlin era
I love all the yandere but Loki is dear to me (never as dear as Poseidon but close) cause he's so funny and just makes Percy to be herself again and loving it
Queen, loving your work as always thanks so much for the update and remember we love Nico :D
also.... i can see how much you like loki from this ask..... unfortunately, there's something you need to be warned about: loki is not what he seems so be careful 😔😔😔
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 6 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 7
Summary : You come face to face with another god.
Warning: kissing, subbish loki behaviour, soft loki is way too soft
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"Thor, Are you going to tell me where this brother of yours is finally?" Thor glared at Tony as he questioned him. Again.
"I told you, i do not know of his whereabouts"
"Uhhhuh? So tell me about this heimdall person, i learned that he can see everything and he can find Loki no matter where in the galaxy he is" Tony said
"And where did you learn this completely untrue information from? " Thor asked him, not that stark was wrong but he couldn't have told him the truth just yet.
"Doctor selvig" Ofcourse.
"Look if I had any inkling where Loki was I'd go get him right this moment" Thor answered him so Tony sighed before he walked away.
"I love kissing you" you giggled as you pressed a small fleeting kiss on his lips again. He smiled and tucked your hair behind your ears, he really was enjoying having you on top of him on the sofa, maybe the dream wasn't so far from the reality after all.
"That's nothing, you should do other activities with me" you chuckled as he said that. He was so cute you just wanted to keep hugging and kissing him
"Mmmm i thought we were going to take things slow"
"This is me taking it slow sweetheart, if we were on Asgard we would already be a couple of naked friends"
"Godd you're cute" you giggled again and it made him smile.
Last night you thought waking up in the morning after that intense kiss would make you feel awkward with him, that's usually what happened before, guys used to get too sexual too fast and you never even felt the heat with them, most of the time you would just indulge them so you'd be done with the sex stuff and get back to them being nice to you for no reason. But Things didn't feel weird with Loki at all.
You woke up and he was in the kitchen trying to make you a cup of tea first thing in the morning, your heart soared at the sight of him and it made you feel so emotional about him, after that he sat down with you and you both had a conversation about this thing between you two. He had made it clear that he didn't want just sex with you and you didn't feel used by him, you felt so comfortable with him that it just all came naturally to you, the urge to coddle him was intense but at the same time it didn't make you feel as if you were annoying him with the constant affection that wasn't purely sexual in nature.
"So are you sweet princess..I wish you didn't have to go" he mumbled as he kissed you again.
"I know I'm sorry but mommy gotta work so she can spoil you rotten with fancy stuff you know" you joked but it probably went over his head because his cheeks were flushed to the max, you hadn't seen such rosy cheeks before "I was kidding lo" he nodded as you said that, he was finally able to breathe. As you got off his lap, he tilted his head to look at you. Why were you so beautiful?
"Don't you feel bored here? All alone? Maybe you can come with me sometimes, you just have to look like a different person" you said to him as you packed your bag for the work.
"I don't know, I mean i really want to but I'm afraid the tesseract would make it easier for them to find me wherever I go" you looked at him confused as he told you that.
"How? I mean, isn't it hidden in your vault?"
"It is but ..I will explain someday whenever you are free"
"Okay.. anytime I'm home..you can talk to me you know that right? I don't have to be the one to talk all the time" He smiled as you said that
"You do not talk enough, if you have been told otherwise before, it's simply just untrue" he mumbled sincerely so you walked towards him and kissed his forehead. The way he just knew whenever your words were hiding your insecurities was impeccable.
"You're becoming my best friend, you know that right? Am I yours? And Do you have other best friends because they have a competition now" he chuckled as you said that.
"I do not have many people I can even consider as my acquaintances, let alone by my friend"
"That's a shame because you're one of the best things to exist"
"You are so cute" he mimicked your accent so you kissed his forehead one more time and then you finally managed to get out of the apartment. You really wished you didn't have to work.
You were locking the door from outside when you heard Mrs Geller's voice. That can't be good? Did she want to be a spy or something?
"Y/n i haven't seen you in so long" You turned around to look at her and smiled,
"Hello Mrs Geller, actually you did, we met on my birthday remember, i brought the cake for you?" You reminded her so she placed her hand on her head.
"Ohh yess yess silly old me, so how's that boyfriend of yours? your mother told me he was very handsome" she asked excitedly
"Uhhhh actually we broke up" you pretended to look sad so she stepped towards you and hugged you.
"Awnn hhoney I'm so sorry..are you seeing someone new now because I heard voices last night" Your heart sped up as she said that, you were stuck to your door when all that kissing happened.
"Ahhhh yess ummm..it's the guy from the gym. Chase yeahh" you mumbled nervously so she smiled.
"Well I hope he's the good one and the one for you" you nodded and excused yourself as you really had to be at work on time. Okay No more press me against the door while we are kissing for the two of you.
Your day went by normally, there was this unwanted tension between you and Chase, you knew he was talking shit about you to everyone so you glared at him everytime your eyes met with him. Serves you right for going on a date with a coworker.
The only thing getting you through the day was knowing that the sexiest guy in all of universe was cooped up in your apartment at the moment.
After your shift ended you walked out of the gym and there were a few girls clicking pictures with some guy a few feet away from you, you had seen a local celebrity or two before so it really didn't shock you, what shocked you was that he was no local celebrity but a Fucking Avenger. Holy crap.
He looked at you and started to walk towards you so you turned around and walked the other way.
"Lady, wait up" you heard his voice and it made you halt in your place unwillingly. Yup that's definitely his brother, that was Thor. You turned around to look at him as he approached you. Maybe you should have continued to walk.
"Are you talking to me?" You asked him, he was in earth people clothes but that shaggy jacket resembled something a homeless person would have worn out of compulsion.
"Yes my lady" he smiled
"Wait you're Thor right?" You pretended to be surprised and he smiled again, this time you could count all the teeths he had in his mouth.
"I had hoped the disguise would camouflage me and make me look like a proper midgardian" he chuckled as he fixed his jacket.
"Yeahh only if all the midgardians loved to dress up like a hooligan ..why did you ummm what do you want from me?" You tried to keep your tone as polite as you could, you knew this was something to do with Loki because there was no way an Avenger had just seen you on the road and wanted to talk to you for no reason. Things like that didn't just happen to you out of nowhere.
"I am assuming you may have a clue what all of this is about" you crossed your arms as he said that.
"What? I don't know what you're talking about" Maybe instead of canoodling and kissing you should have learned the art of lie from the god of lies and mischief.
"Pardon me lady uhhh-"
"Lady y/n, my brother Loki is a very dangerous man, I do not know what he has been telling you but half of those things are just lies"
"I think you're confusing me for somebody else, who is Loki?" The whole nation knew who Loki was at this point, you duffer.
"All I want to say is, I have known about this for a while now but I just can not figure out why he's hiding and what he's planning on doing next" you gulped as he said that.
"Again i literally have no idea what you're talking about, so if you don't mind please excuse me, i have to go home" And then you should probably die. You turned around to leave but he spoke again,
"You should have informed us, you do not know my brother as well as you think you do, how many days has it been? Mere few weeks? I have known him all my life, he's not someone you can trust" You didn't respond but kept walking away from him but you jumped on your spot as he whirled around his hammer to fly away, he scared you a little, well he scared you alot, if he knew already why didn't the Avengers come for him?
You were worried about Loki now, what if you go home and he's not there? You didn't want them to take him away and hurt him the way they had done before, granted he started a fucking war but still, he didn't do it because he wanted to hurt people, he did it because he had no choice.
"Okay I have some very bad news to share" you mumbled as you locked the apartment door from the inside, as if that would stop the god of thunder from breaking in if he was determined to do that.
"Did you see Thor?" He asked you so you looked at him shocked.
"How did you know? Wait let me just move away from the door" you mumbled. You feared the spy.
"I heard the thundering" Well he wasn't freaking out for some reason
"And that is not worrying you because?"
"Because I had a hunch that he must have known" he mumbled. He seemed too calm for some reason.
"How?" You sat on the couch next to him so he put his book down and smiled
"Can I kiss you first?" You gave him a little smile so he leaned in and grabbed your chin with his fingers before he kissed you, you thought it would be a touch and go sort of kiss but nope he almost sucked your soul into him in the very best way. You were breathless and you almost didn't remember anything about Thor for a few moments.
"Ohh wow God you're a good kisser"
"So are you princess " your face flushed at the remark, he was holding your chin with his fingers so he pulled you closer and kissed your forehead. Damn if you didn't love them forehead kisses more than anything.
"Ummm we need to talk about this Thor situation, also I saw his hammer, the big hammer everyone talks about" Gee he indeed hoped you meant mjolnir and not the other hammer.
"yeah that...mobonil..umm I'm freaking out here, how did you know that he knew?"
"Heimdall, must have informed him"
"Sorry ummm Who is Handle?"
He chuckled as you said that
"Heimdall, the protector of bifrost, but I deem him the loyal snitch of Asgard" He seemed so proud of himself for that remark.
"Okay that's the guy you froze right because he went against you?"
"Yes And i enjoyed it tremendously" you cupped his cheeks as he said that.
"You're so cute" you pecked his lips and he smiled "Wait so he knew you were here?"
"He can see everything, everywhere, all at once" you nodded as he said that. That would make a good movie title.
"That must be exhaustive, I'm so confused if they know already then why the Avengers aren't here yet?"
"Well I'm assuming my oaf brother hasn't revealed this information to his band of heroes just yet"
"Why would he do that? Am I asking too many questions?"
"No. You're perfect my darling " he pecked your lips again before he answered you "Perhaps he is attempting to figure out what am I planning further, it must wound him, me not causing mischief around the globe"
"Or maybe he misses you" you mumbled as you got up and he shook his head, you were in a dire need of a shower, you were sweating profusely on the way back home because of the meeting with Thor but talking to Loki had put your heart at ease a little bit.
However now Loki was stressed out of his mind. Why did Thor keep this to himself? What was he doing?
"What did he tell you? May i know?" He questioned you when you came out of the bathroom.
"Ummmm he said that i shouldn't have believed anything you had told me and that you are a liar and a very dangerous man" a frown appeared on his face as you said that so you walked towards the couch and sat down on his lap.
"He is not wrong, i have participated in multitude of transgressions
"Yeah? You're a dangerous man..very very dangerous?" Your pitch got high and it curved the corner of his mouth into a small smile.
"I can be"
"I know..you're too powerful "
"That I am"
"But I also know that you could have hurt me the day you met me and you could have manipulated me–"
"How do you know I have not done just that, maybe all of this just an act to fool you" well you never even thought about that even though it could have been a possibility.
"It's not"
"How are you so sure?"
"I am not, i have been lied to and been hurt before and surely have been fooled more than twice so shame on me" you chuckled, making his brows scrunch in that adorable manner "But I'm choosing to believe you because I like to believe that these past two months has been as nice for you as it has been for me and that you love being my friend and my…best friend and–" his eyes teared up so you kissed his forehead. You were about to get up from his lap but he grabbed onto your hips, making you nervous all of a sudden, the ball kept rolling back and forth.
"I would never want to be someone who makes you feel like that darling but I am not like you, you're perfect, in every way and i am full of flaws, i have done reckless things that I regret now, i have hurt people who may or may not have cared about me, I am not the person you believe me to be" his voice sounded so small and it made your heart render for him.
"And that's okay, nobody is perfect, I am not either but the way you are choosing to ignore all my flaws or maybe choosing to accept me with those flaws because you care about me is exactly how I feel too, I care about you lo, and I want you to know that what you have done before isn't going to change that for me" he placed his head down on on your chest and hugged you tightly, your fingers caressed his scalp in a gentle manner and that's all he needed in the moment.
He has never had anyone put so much of their belief in him, you trusted him to not hurt you but he was Loki, he fucked up even when he didn't want to, he got punished even when he made no mistakes, he just knew someday he'd do something that would make you run away from him. He hadn't even showed you his real self just yet, that hideous monster was not someone you'd ever want to hold and cuddle.
"What would you like for dinner lo?" You asked him softly so pulled away to look at you
"Whatever you feed me would be generous" you smiled as he said that.
"Soooo cuteee"
There it was, the intense need to coddle him and then it hit you, he had become the man you have been looking for all your life, the only problem was you couldn't tell anyone about him, you couldn't share how gorgeous your boyfriend was because nobody can know about him.
After dinner, he wanted to take a shower so you laid down on the bed and waited for him. You felt extremely anxious, if his brother knew then there was a possibility they'd come get him anytime they wanted, the thought scared you, they'd probably take him back to NYC, Or worse Asgard. There is no way you'd be able to handle another long distance relationship, especially not an interplanetary relationship. Did you two even have a relationship?
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even feel him getting into the bed, he was right on top of you, the cold water dripping from his hair made you shiver as they hit your bare skin. Also, he didn't have a shirt on. He did not have a shirt on.
"Hiiii" you giggled nervously so he leaned down to kiss you
"Is this fine? I can put a shirt on if you'd want me to" you bit on your lower lips as he said that.
"It's fine lo" you mumbled as your fingers brushed over his chest, he wasn't a hairy guy in general, maybe it was the frost giant genes because his brother seemed hairy but Loki did have soft little curls of hair on his chest, they were as soft as the hair on his head "Have you ever been told how pretty you are?" he gulped as you said that. He has been called handsome before but never pretty.
"Not after I matured, no" you brushed hair behind his shoulders and you could feel him shivering with the touch.
"Would you mind if I call you pretty?"
"Why would I mind?"
"Well guys..some men don't like that.. "
He smiled as you said that and leaned down to kiss you,
"You can call me anything you want"
"Why??" Because he desperately wanted to be beneath you while you'd call him pretty and kiss his forehead.
"Because I cherish it whenever you're being this way with me" you smiled as he said that.
"Well I cherish you and you're the prettiest man I have ever known" the charm he was using to keep his cock from having an erection was exhausting him, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable, you wanted things slow and he wanted to learn more about you before he takes that step with you, besides his life was so unpredictable these days, having sex with you didn't seem like the brightest idea but it has been so long and every time you touched him or praised him it made him want to hump himself against you.
"Thank you, so are you princess. Well not the prettiest man but the opposite of it, well not the opposite of pretty.. opposite of men" you giggled as he rambled, you just made the silvertongue ramble so you were pretty proud of yourself. He laid down next to you so you turned towards him, his body was so cold but you were getting used to the feeling.
You truly wished that the night had gone by smoothly with him snuggling in your arms but the sound of loud thundering awakened you both and it wasn't supposed to rain today so you knew what you feared was about to happen. His brother was there to take him away.
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