#Loki Odinson x Y/N
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michelleleewise · 2 years ago
Can I have a story where reader has a huge crush on loki (reader won't admit they're inlove tho) and wants to be his in every aspect? She doesn't want to confess because she knows she'll get rejected and knows she's not his type. Though reader maybe sneaky, they forget that loki can sometimes read minds. They play this cat-and-mouse game it may or may not lead to smut 👀 I kind of had this idea by listening to "I Wanna Be Yours" by Arctic Monkeys. Thank you so much <3
Hiiiii!!! I'm sorry this took so long to get to!!!! But thank you so much for sending it to me!! I hope you like it!!! 💚💚💚
Thinking of You
Pairing: Avenger Loki x female reader
Warnings: swearing, mild yelling, mind reading, self esteem issues, NSFW, masturbation, mildly rough sex (nothing graphic), if I missed anything let me know!! 💚
Summary: Everytime you see Loki your thoughts run wild....unbeknownst to you, he can hear them too...
A/n- sorry this took so long!!! It's probably terrible, I'm a bit rusty......sorry!!!!! 💚💚
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"No the other way." You urged into the coms, swiping between screens on the computer screen like a maniac trying to guide the team to where they needed to be. "Y/n, where is it!?" Tony yelled into his earpiece making you wince "there is no need to yell Stark" You heard Loki's smooth voice sound in your ear making you sigh "that's easy for you to say Rudolph, you aren't surrounded by agents." Tony said when you heard an explosion echo into you ear. "Do stop complaining Stark." Loki said when you heard a grunt sound through Loki's coms "you are becoming rather insufferable." He continued making you giggle "I swear laufeyson, when we get back..." Tony started when you heard Thor's booming voice join the conversation "would you two please desist with this nonsense!" Thor yelled making you jump.
"Yes, please silence yourself stark....now darling which way do we go?" Loki asked into his earpiece, the low timbre of his voice sending a shiver up your spine "i...I...let me see" you said searching the map again "take your...umph...time darling, no rush." Loki purred into your ear as you heard a thud on his end. "Ok, everyone needs to get to Loki's location, that's where the serum is." You said pulling up everyone's position, "aaah, Right again I see." Loki laughed into his earpiece "shut up Loki." Thor bellowed into his coms "come now, jealousy does not suit you brother." Loki mocked making you laugh "something funny agent?" You heard Tony snark into the coms "no sir, sorry." You said looking down at your hands.
You listened as the team completed the mission, bickering the entire time. If you were honest you weren't sure how they didn't kill eachother everytime they went on a mission. "Alright, back to the jet everyone." Tony said. "I thank you for your assistance lady y/n." Loki purred into the earpiece making your cheeks heat up "y...you welcome Loki "Alright romeo let's go...shutting down coms, see you back at the tower." Tony said as the line went silent. You took a deep breath pulling your earpiece out when Nat walked over leaning on your desk "quite the sweet talker isn't he?" She asked making you giggle "well they do call him silvertongue." You said trying to not look at her "yeah, makes you wonder what else he can do with his tongue." She said as you stood up "Natasha!" You whisper yelled making her laugh "oh come on, we all know how you feel about him." She said as you grabbed a stack of files quickly turning "I don't know what your talking about." You said making your way to the filing cabinets.
"Y/n, why don't you just talk to him?" She asked following you "I do talk to him." You snapped hoping she would let it go "you know what I mean y/n." She scolded crossing her arms "because..." you sighed setting the files down "because there will never be a universe where he feels the same." You said opening the filing cabinet "you don't know that, the way he talks to you..." She started when you slammed the drawer shut "I'm not stupid nat, he's just being polite...letting his princely charm ooze out of him. I've seen I him do it at parties." You said closing your eyes "I'm not special, he doesn't like me and he never will...why would he?" You asked walking back towards your desk "um, your funny, smart, witty.." nat said continuing to follow you "plain, ordinary...boring." you huffed grabbing your bag "y/n seriously..." you cut her off lifting your hand "no, he doesn't know...he'll never know." You said walking towards the door, stopping in the doorway "I...I don't think I could handle that rejection." You said before walking out heading towards your apartment
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You spent the next few days chained to your desk, stacks of mission reports to go through and file from the last mission. Looking up rubbing your eyes seeing you had worked past your lunch "I need a break." You sighed closing the file you were working on as you stood up. Grabbing your coffee mug you made your way to the break room and the espresso machine Tony had recently installed. After choosing what you wanted you leaned your head against the cabinet waiting for the machine to do its thing, praying it would hurry when what nat said the other day ran through your mind does everyone really know....am I that obvious? You thought when the loud beep pulled you from your thoughts. "Thank god." You breathed bringing the cup to your lips taking a small sip you closed your eyes feeling the caffeine touch your soul "mmmhhh." You moaned with a sigh.
"Now that is a sound I could get used to." A deep voice behind you said, your eyes shooting open as you turned seeing Loki leaning against the doorway his arms crossed, the buttons of his white shirt straining against his chest "l...loki w...what are you doing here?" You asked setting the cup down "oh, some nonsense of starks." He said pushing off the doorframe sliding his hands in the pockets of his tight black jeans "something about not completing my reports." He shrugged taking a step into the room "o..oh, um he didn't say anything to me." You said fidgeting with your fingers "well let's be honest, when have you known stark to be organized?" He asked making you laugh "so, naturally I came to you to see if there were any...discrepancies." He purred coming to stand in front of you, his cologne wafting between you making you sigh god he smells good you thought hearing loki laugh "do you like the cologne? I just purchased it." He asked smiling "oh...yeah! Your...rrr I mean it...it's good." You stuttered watching his smile widen
"well darling, if you wouldn't mind may I....come with you?" He asked, the baritone in his voice stirring something inside you I'll be coming later you thought remembering all the nights you touched yourself at the thought of his large hands roaming your body, his deep voice whispering how much he wanted you in your ear. You bit your lip seeing him raise an eyebrow at you "er...um sorry...what were you saying?" You asked wringing yours hands "Darling, i was asking if I could come and look at the reports." He said smiling again "oh! Right...yes absolutely!" You said shaking the impure thoughts from your head as you stepped around him and headed back towards your desk. You sat down, digging through the stack of files until you saw "Laufeyson" pulling it out "ah, here it is." You said freezing feeling a hand on your back "you forgot your coffee my dear." He purred setting your cup on the desk "oh, thank you Loki." You said feeling your cheeks heat up.
"Now, let's see shall we?" He asked, taking the file from you He sat it down on the desk in front of you, his one hand sliding to the back of your chair as he leaned his large lithe frame over you, feeling the heat from his chest against your arm. "Hmm..." he hummed flipping through the file page by page, his scent ingulphing you as your mind raced at his proximity to you, the way his forearms flexed with each page turn, your eyes tracing the veins running down to his... "I do not see any issue, do you darling?" He asked when you tilted your head up towards him, your nose almost touching his as he leaned closer "i...um...." your mind going blank as your eyes met his, you couldn't help stare into them. They always reminded you of a forest after a storm, the deep green and blue swirling in a maelstrom as powerful as the man they belonged to but at this closeness you could see specs of gold shining in them.
"Loki..." you whispered, your eyes shooting down to his lips they look so soft you thought when you felt him lean closer "y/n." He breathed when you looked back into his eyes "i..." you trailed off, feeling like your heart was going to beat out of your chest "tell me darling." He whispered as he hovered over you his eyes never leaving yours "i..." you tried again, your mouth going dry feeling his finger tuck your hair behind your ear "hmm?" He hummed expectantly the tip of his nose touching yours "agent y/l/n." You heard from across the room making Loki shoot straight up as you jumped "a..agent hill, morning...er afternoon." You stuttered watching Maria walk in "and what do we owe the pleasure Loki?" She asked nearing your desk "oh, I was only ensuring my report was accurate, I would hate to make miss y/n's job harder then it is." He explained, freezing feeling his finger slowly trail up your arm. "Well im sure the agent has it under control Mr. Laufeyson." Hill said coming to stand on your other side "yes, she does. So I will take my leave...perhaps I will see you later agent." He purred as you looked up at him seeing him smile "o...ok, bye Loki." You smiled back as he bowed slightly before walking to the door.
You sat staring at the file Loki had been going through when you felt Hill nudge you "oh my God, what was that about?" She asked sitting on the edge of your desk, her stern demeanor vanishing "i...I don't know." You said looking up at her "well he looked like he was about to eat you." She laughed making you laugh with her "no, he just wanted to go through his report." You said setting it back on the pile "riiight, even though he's never had an issue with them before." She said crossing her arms. "I...well maybe he...umm." you stuttered trying to think of a reason "dude, just accept the man wanted to eat you like a cream filled donut." She said making you laugh "what!? No he doesn't!" You urged hearing her laugh "well apparently you didn't see the look on his face." She said hopping off the desk. "Look, all I'm saying is maybe he likes you too." She shrugged walking to the door "no he doesn't, he's just being nice." You said grabbing your cup "uh huh...whatever you say." She winked as she walked out.
You sat back sipping your coffee trying to process what had happened when you heard your name called, looking up seeing Tony "Hey kid, I just wanted to check and see how those are coming along." He said pointing at the reports "fury is down my throat about them." He laughed as you looked up at him "oh yeah, they're almost done." You said setting your cup down "oh, and Loki came by like you asked." You said grabbing his file "i didn't ask him to come by." Tony said crossing his arms "yes you did." You said looking back at him "no....I didn't." He argued making you sigh "you sent him down saying there was an issue with his reports." You argued back tossing the file down "I hate to break it to you, but I didn't send him down here, I haven't even talked to him in days." He said making your eyebrows furrow "just have them done by tonight ok?" Tony asked as you nodded looking back down at your desk. "If Tony didn't tell him to come down here.." your thoughts trailed off as you looked up at the clock seeing it was already almost three "shit.." you sighed pushing your thoughts aside grabbing the next file getting back to work.
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It had been a couple weeks since your last interaction with Loki, but you couldn't get it out of your mind, it was beginning to drive you crazy. You were sat at your desk tapping your pen on a stack of files remembering the way his eyes stared into yours, how close he was to you, frowning remembering the lie he told you "Hey y/n, I need you to have Thor fix this." Maria said setting a piece of paper on your desk, seeing it was one of his mission reports "oh? What's wrong with it?" You asked picking it up "look at the description." She laughed as you looked down at that section seeing a simple "we won" written "I've told him that's not adequate but..." She sighed shaking her head. "Could you please have him actually write what happened?" She asked as you nodded "yeah, I just gotta find him." You said standing up "I believe he's in the training room, good luck." She smiled walking out. "Of course he is." You sighed walking towards the elevators.
You took a deep breath grabbing the handle of the door you pulled it open seeing Thor sparring with Steve as you walked in "Thor!" You yelled getting his attention seeing him smile at you as he walked over "Lady y/n, what can I do for you?" He asked setting his hammer down "you didn't fill out your report from the last mission." You said holding the paper out to him "you have to write a full description." You said holding your pen out to him "I do not see why, we won that's all that is important." He said grabbing the pen "just write something to make Hill happy." You laughed crossing your arms "very well, give me one moment." He said walking to the benches sitting down.
You looked out into the training room seeing Natasha on the treadmill, Steve had gone over to the punching bags, and then your eyes landed on Loki, dressed in black gym shorts that gave you full view of his muscular thighs, accompanied by a black tank top that was so tight you were surprised he could move, biting you lip watching as he sparred with Bucky. Your eyes traveled up seeing his long hair pulled back into a low bun, sweat making a few loose strands stick to his forehead as he pivoted and swayed, avoiding all of Bucky's attacks with the grace of a dancer. "Fuck...." you breathed, crossing your foot over the other clenching your thighs together trying to hide your arousal as bucky lunged at Loki when his large hand grabbed his throat, planting his foot behind bucky he threw him to the mat on his back kneeling next to him with his hand still on his throat god he could choke me anytime you thought biting your lip when Loki's eyes suddenly met yours making you jump.
His eyes didn't leave yours as he stood up, extending his hand to bucky pulling him up you watched his bicep flex, the veins in his arms bulging as Bucky got to his feet goood...I want trace them with my tongue you thought feeling your face heat up, arousal pooling in your stomach as your eyes met his again seeing a darkness in them you never had before "Lady y/n." Thor suddenly said next to you making you jump "apologies, I didn't mean to startle you." He said as you clutched your chest "no, it's ok." You said taking a deep breath "I have finished your report." He smiled holding out the paper "oh, thank you thor." You said quickly grabbing the paper "are you ok? You look a little flushed." He said as you ripped your pen out of his hand "yes! I'm fine." You said glancing over seeing Loki still watching you "i...I gotta go, see you later." You said quickly turning and walking towards the door, one last look back seeing Loki's eyes still on you making you shiver as you walked out.
You made your way back downstairs gripping the pen and paper in your hand, walking into Maria's office you slapped it on her desk "there." You said turning around "you ok? You seem...off." She said making you turn back to her "yeah! Totally fine!" You rushed out "I'm gonna call it a day, I'll see you tomorrow." You smiled before walking to your desk shutting everything off heading back upstairs to your apartment. Walking in you closed the door behind you leaning your back against it "Dammit Loki." You sighed closing your eyes, the friction of your clothing against your core making you moan "bath...a bath sounds good." You said rushing into the bathroom you turned the water on adding the bubbles as you pulled your clothes off before easing into the hot water.
You leaned back, closing your eyes you pictured the broody God, his eyes....his smile...."loki.." you whispered sliding your hand down your stomach, you gripped the side of the tub as your fingers slowly slid over your folds, biting your lip as you slowly moved your fingers down to your entrance dipping them inside you rocked your hand back and forth, imagining they were Loki's. "God...Loki..." you moaned moving your fingers faster, feeling that familiar tightening in your stomach "mmm....haaaarder...." you breathed picturing Loki's eyes staring into yours, his hand wrapped around your throat "fuuuck..Loki." you cried out feeling orgasm wash over you, squeezing your thighs together you slowly slid your fingers out.
You took a deep breath still feeling unsatisfied "ugh, that usually works." You sighed sitting up rubbing your temples. You groaned, grabbing your body wash you cleaned yourself up before getting out of the tub, the ache still very present in your core. Looking up seeing it was almost ten "Maybe I'll make some tea." You said to yourself slipping on your sleep shorts and a bright green tank top pulling your hair back before opening your door and making your way down to the kitchen. You slowly walked in releasing a breath seeing it empty and dark "good, everyone must be busy." You said walking in grabbing the kettle filling it before setting it on the stove.
You opened the cabinet seeing all the coffee mugs on the top shelf "freaking giants" you mumbled lifting you knee onto the counter pulling yourself up freezing hearing someone clear their throat. You slowly leaned back, peeking out from behind the cabinet door seeing Loki standing next to the counter by the door, wearing the white shirt that would cause your death, his hand in his pocket as he tilted his head "h...hey Loki." You said smiling nervously "evening y/n, may I ask what it is your doing up there?" He asked when the kettle screamed. You cleared your throat watching him move it and turn the burner off. "Well, you see....I couldn't sleep so...tea." you laughed as he looked back over to you "and all the mugs are up there." You said pointing to the top of the cabinet "ah, I see." You heard him say as you reached up grabbing a cup.
You went to put your foot down on the floor when your other knee slipped causing you to drop the cup as you fell back off the counter when an arm wrapped around your middle pulling you backwards, you back hitting solid muscle looking to the side seeing Loki smiling down at you. "Your cup my lady." He said lifting his other hand you looked at it seeing your cup dangling from his finger "t..thank you." You stuttered lifting the cup from his finger. "You really must be more careful my dear." He purred when you felt his thumb sliding up and down by your rib, slowly moving up towards your breast "i...I should finish the tea." You said pulling away from him walking to the stove. Stop it y/n, he's just being nice you thought shaking your head when the cabinet door slammed making you jump, turning to see Loki's hand on it.
"Loki...are you ok?" You asked as he turned around "no y/n, I'm afraid I'm not." He said taking a step towards you. "I...I can get bruce...or thor?" You asked stepping back as he came closer "I'm afraid neither of them can assist me." He growled continuing his advance as you walked backwards through the kitchen, loki right on top of you "um..well I could.." you trailed as your back hit the table "these games have exhausted me y/n." He said coming to stand in front of you his chest inches from yours "I don't know..." you started when he leaned forward planting his palms on either side of you caging you in "do not lie to me y/n," He said sternly making you shiver "l..loki i..." you sighed looking down fidgeting with your hands when he leaned forward freezing feeling his breath on your ear.
"I love your eyes as well." He whispered making your head jerk back looking at him "i...you..." you stuttered as the realization hit you "yes dear, there are times i can read your thoughts." He said as your eyes widened "h...how much is sometimes?" You panicked seeing him smile "well, it comes and goes, but depending on how...hard your thinking they make it through." He purred as you looked down, embarrassment flooding through you "y/n look at me...please." He whispered as you took a deep breath "Loki i..." you were cut off by his lips gently touching yours before he quickly pulled back checking gauging your reaction as you stood speechless. You must have taken too long to respond as panic flashed in his eyes as he slowly stood up "i...I have over stepped, I apologize." He said taking a step back, the loss of contact kicking your brain into gear.
"Wait." You rushed out fisting the front of his shirt you pulled him back to you, rising up on your toes your lips crashed into his, your other hand sliding across his side to his back pulling him closer moaning feeling his tongue slide along your bottom lip, his hand cupping the back of your head as you parted your lips hearing him groan as his tongue slipped inside tangling with yours. God his lips are soft you thought when you felt his hands slide across your sides to your back moving down his palms cupping your ass squeezing making you moan into his mouth as he lifted you up setting you on the table. Stepping between your parted legs he pulled back slightly as he kissed along your jaw, tilting your head back feeling his lips wrap around your earlobe "l..loki..." you moaned when his hand moved to the small of your back, pulling you towards him groaning feeling his erection press against your thigh.
God, fuck me..please fuck me you thought screwing your eyes shut feeling his teeth nip at your pulse point "say it." He growled, the husky tone of his voice making you shiver "w..what." you breathed when he pulled back looking into you eyes, his hand gently gripping your chin "I want to hear you say it." He growled his jaw clenching as he watched you with an intensity that sent electricity up your spine "i..I want..." you stuttered seeing his eyes darken "yes..." he encouraged rubbing his thumb across your lips "i...want you Loki." You whispered seeing him smile as he leaned down to your ear "do you want me to fuck you y/n?" He breathed as you gripped the table screwing your eyes shut "y..yes...please." You said, opening your eyes meeting his "norns..." he whispered as he lunged forward his lips crashing onto to yours, his hand going to the back of your head as he guided you down onto your back.
Arching your back feeling the cold wood through your thin tank top "I need to feel you...now." loki growled against your lips as his other hand slid up your side to the bottom of your shirt "as much as I love seeing you in my colors..." he trailed off standing up his hand slipped out from under your head joining the other, hearing a loud rip you gasped feeling the cold air hit your bare skin, looking down seeing your shirt ripped in half "gorgeous." Loki purred placing a large hand on your stomach, his finger tips ghosting over your skin as he slowly slid it up to the valley of your breasts gently pushing you back down. "One more thing." He smiled when you heard another rip, feeling your shorts and panties pulled from you. "Norns....you truly are magnificent." He purred as he wrapped his hands around your thighs sliding you to the edge.
"Loki...." you moaned feeling his clothed cock press against your core "I know my dear, be patient for me." He groaned lifting his hand a green light swept down across him, shivering feeling the tip of his cock at your entrance "are you ready love?" He asked making you look up, his smile melting your insides as his thumbs rubbed small circles on your thighs "y..yes....please loki." You whined laying back stretching your arms above your head "mmm....we'll have to look into that." He growled as he leaned over, his large body hovering over yours as he pushed his hips forward, stretching you slowly as he entered you. "Gods your...mmm tight." He groaned, bucking his hips forward making you gasp as he bottomed out.
"Holy fuck." You cried out digging your nails into the table as he leaned further over you, his eyes meeting yours "are you ok dear? Do you wish to stop?" He asked, concern lacing his tone as you stared up at him "God no!" You rushed out wrapping your legs around his middle, a deep rumble coming from his chest as he laughed "loki?" You asked wrapping your fingers around the end of the table "move...now" you demanded shifting your hips "as you wish." He growled as he planted one large hand next to your head, the other gripping your hip as he slowly pulled out, leaving only the tip in before slowly pushing back in.
"H...holy...." you moaned as he set a steady pace, burying his cock further inside you then anyone ever had God, he's ruined me you thought when he suddenly snapped his hips hard against yours jolting you up the table "that was the idea my dear." He growled "my cock will be the only one that can satisfy you." He said gritting his teeth as he slammed into you "Loki!!" You cried out gripping the edge of the table "the only pleasure you will find is impaled upon me as I bury myself in your perfect cunt." He said, his fingers digging into your flesh as he set a brutal pace, the table shifting under his thrusts as he consumed you. "F...fuck! Loki...ahhh....i.....im...." you cried out as his tip hit that soft spot deep inside you "are you going to come my dear?" He groaned, sliding his hand under your shoulder pulling you to him as his pelvis hit yours "y...yes....God Loki!" You yelled feeling the familiar tingle in your abdomen.
"Come y/n...come on my cock." Loki gritted as he thrust hard into you as your orgasm slammed into you screaming his name as he continued his unforgiving pace "w..whose cunt is this?" He growled digging his fingers nails into your shoulder "y..yours..." you moaned feeling another building "who....n...norns...who do you belong to?" He moaned screwing his eyes shut as you squeezed your legs around him "y...you Loki...only you!" You cried out as he bottomed out, holding himself there you felt him release deep inside you triggering a second orgasm as he slumped on top of you laying his forehead on your shoulder, his warm breath fanning your skin as you let go of the table, a hand going to the back of his head running your fingers through his hair, freezing feeling him stiffen.
Why did i do that...I shouldn't have done that you thought as you pulled your hand away "y/n?" You heard Loki ask but your thoughts drowned him out i....I should go...this was probably a one time thing... "y/n look at me." Loki's voice rang out again as you tried to slip out from under him what am I going to cover up with....I need to get back to my.... "y/n!" Loki yelled making jump, your eyes shooting to his "apologies, I did not mean to yell but you were lost." He said as he grabbed your hand helping you sit up "now, let me make one thing perfectly clear." He said raising his hand again, the same green light traveling across your skin as your clothes reappeared "you...are mine now." He said leaning forward "you are not a one night stand, you never were...you deserve much more then that." He said as you looked down fidgeting with your fingers "you deserved to be treated as a queen, a goddess...my goddess." He said brushing a loose strand of hair away from your face
"so y/n, will you alow me to take you out?" He asked as you looked up at him "m...me? You want to date me?" You asked laughing but seeing Loki looking more serious then you ever had "I um...I'd like that Loki, very much." You said seeing him smile "how about we go to my chambers and you put on one of your midgaridian films and we can talk more hm?" He asked making you smile "that sounds nice." You said sliding off the table as he held his hand out, placing your hand in his He linked your fingers together as he guided you down the hallway to his room "loki, does that mean your my...boyfriend?" You asked as he smiled down at you opening his door "you may call me whatever you wish, as long as you are mine." He said as he waved you ahead of him "I'll always be yours....my king." You said walking through the doorway "mmm....now that will get you more then you bargained for." He growled following you "oh, I'm counting on it." You smiled closing the door behind him.
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lokigodofmyheart · 10 months ago
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Pairing: Loki x Female Reader.
Words: 4.412.
Summary: Y/N and Loki are friends. They say they are best friends, but a lot of gossip go around the palace about them, because of how close they are, how they lay together a lot, share drinks, this kind of things couples would do. But in reality, they never did anything, not even kissed.  
Warning/Content: smut, friends to lovers.
It was a quiet afternoon in the golden palace of Asgard. Y/N and Loki were in his room, in his bed, while Loki was laying with his head on her stomach, while she played with his hair. 
“How do you not sleep when I play with your hair?”  
Loki shrugs slightly as his mind is split between keep reading the book in his hand and talking to her “I don't know. I just don't.”  
Y/N chuckles “I sleep so easily when you play with mine.” 
"I wish that I could sleep easily like you," Loki sighs, "but I struggle with it. You just have a soothing touch that puts me at ease. I feel safe around you." 
“Good to know.” She smiles, still playing with his hair. Loki puts the book down and looks up at her, smiling as well. “What was the book about?” 
"This?" Loki moves the book so she can see the cover, it says 'Romeo and Juliet' on it, and has the pictures of the two characters. "It is about two people whose love was not supported by their families. The lovers ended up dying in the end." 
“That’s tragic.”  
"Yes, it is sad," Loki replies, "But sometimes love can be like a tragedy. Sometimes people are not supportive of love. Sometimes even family are not supportive of each other. But a tragedy has to have a sad ending. And I will not let our story have a sad ending." He suddenly rolls her on top of him so that she are now laying on her stomach on top of him, her head on his chest. Y/N just smiles.
"But enough about Shakespeare," Loki chuckles and kiss the top of her head, "I rather spend this moment with you."  
“Hmm, that’s better.” Y/N looks at him and smiles. 
"Much better," Loki murmurs, still holding her close to him and running his hand through her hair. "Much, much better." 
“Stop that or I’m gonna sleep in no time.” She laughs softly. 
"Then I suppose I should definitely keep doing it." Loki's hand comes through her hair again more slowly this time as he chuckles softly. 
“Is my company that boring that you prefer me to be asleep?” 
"Your company is wonderful," He answers, "But the feeling of your weight resting on top of me... That's another feeling entirely. And it's one I very much like." 
Y/N laughs softly, before she finds a more comfortable position with her head on his neck, her breath hitting his skin. Loki shivers slightly, it makes him feel warm inside.  
"That feels nice." He squeezes her a bit tighter, burying his nose into her hair, and enjoying the feeling of having Y/N lying on him like this. Her hand once again find his hair to play. 
He leans into the touch of her hands on his hair. It is a relaxing sensation. "So, this is how it feels to be the pillow." Loki teases playfully. 
That takes a laugh of her. "You’re quite a comfortable pillow, you know?” 
"That I am." Loki's lips curve up into a smile, the two of them now more comfortable with each other. His hands travel from her hair to her lower back, pulling her even closer. The two are now almost a tangle of bodies. Loki pulls her so that her head rests in the crook of his neck. One of his arms comes around to holds her firmly but gently to him, just enough pressure to make him feel her body. 
They are relaxing in the comfortable silence when suddenly they were disturbing by Thor opening the door of Loki’s room. “Loki, have you…OH, I’m sorry.” And he closed the door as soon as he opened. 
Loki sighs, not bothering to break his current position "I should really consider locking the door from now on." 
“You should.” Y/N chuckles. “I can already hear the gossip the maids will do: Thor got Loki and Y/N together on bed.” 
He chuckles quietly, amused by that. Then he realized how that could be misinterpreted "You know... The more I think about it, the more I realize how that whole gossip thing will look. I mean, we are two single people.... And we're laying on top of each other." 
“This will be so misinterpreted...” She agrees with a small laugh. 
"Oh definitely." Loki suddenly has an idea."Oh! We should totally add to the gossip." 
“What do you mean?” Y/N look confused at him. 
"We should give the maids something more to gossip about." Loki grins, a slightly mischievous edge to him. "Let's have you come out of my room a little more... disheveled." 
“And how exactly?” She smiles at his mischievous idea. 
"Well..." he suddenly pulls her more tightly to him, whispering into her ear , in a sensual way not typical from the two of them "Like how we were just doing things." 
A shiver went down her spine “I see...” 
"So, are you in?" Loki's breath hitches in his throat. He wants this. 
“I am...maybe we should do something with you too, not just me?” 
"Like what?" He asks, his breath catching once again.  
Y/N thinks for a moment “I don’t know...maybe…a hickey on your neck…? That would help sell our story.” 
Loki's body reacts to the suggestion.  His breath caught again, his entire body tingling as if his nerves were being tickled. “Y-yes..." Loki whispers, slowly. 
“Can I?” She whispers in his ear. He just nods, his eyes closed as his body trembles slightly.  His breath is quick and shallow. 
 Y/N then proceeds to kiss a spot on his neck, before starting to sucking gently but enough to leave a mark. Loki's body reacts again, his legs starting to tense as his breath grows short.  The feeling is... more than he thought it would be.  His hands move around her, squeezing her tighter to him.  His eyes are still closed, but his mouth is agape slightly, his breath coming out in quick gasps.  His body trembles slightly, his hips moving slowly as he feels her mouth on his neck. 
She finally stops and look at her work “It’s perfect. Really believable.” 
Loki's entire body was flushed with heat. He took a deep breath before he answered. "Yes, perfect." His breath catching as he fights against a loud moan. He couldn't deny that this felt good. Extremely good. Maybe a little too good. 
“I think it’s your time to help me look “disheveled”, like you said . 
"Of course. " his voice raspy. He was still recovering from what she had done to him. "Are you ready for me to return the favor?" 
“What do you have in mind?” Y/N was curious. 
"The same thing... But to you." Loki grins. "You ready for me to give you a little mark on your neck." Y/N smiles and nods. He takes in a breath, then slowly moves over to her neck. Where she was gentle, he was more eager. But he was still trying to retain some control and not go too far. Her neck was just so soft and smooth and it was driving him crazy. Loki slowly kissed her neck, then slowly started sucking a little bit. 
Y/N let out a soft gasp, closing her eyes and gathering all of her selfcontrol to not moan at the feeling of his lips on her neck. Her reaction drives him a little crazy. He starts doing it again, this time with a little more pressure, a little more sucking. It's a little more intense than what she did to him, but she seemed to be enjoying it, which was all that mattered to him. She had tried to hold back, but eventually a low moan escaped her lips. 
Loki hears it and it drives him even crazier. He was enjoying this more than he thought he would. He continues the sucking for a few more seconds, then stops. "Do you want me to keep going...?" Loki whispers in her ear, his voice breathless. 
“I think it’s good enough…” she says coming back to her senses. 
He just nods quietly, a little disappointed "Is it enough to help with the gossip?"  
“I don’t know...maybe a few more things?” Y/N was wondering if she had really got back to her senses or not right now. 
"Like what?" Loki whispers, still breaths slowly coming out of him. 
“Maybe messy hairs…your shirt untucked?” she chuckles. 
"That, I think we can do." Loki chuckles as well. 
“Come on, sit up.” She smiles, as she was still laying on him. She was blaming his stupid plan right now for her acting this way. But it was all for the "prank", right?  
Loki nods and slowly sits up, bringing her up with him as he does, keeping his arms around her. He then gently runs his hands through her hair, making it messy as best as he can. One of his hands grabs her waist and pulls her a little bit closer to him “You ready for the next part?" 
Y/N laughs softly and then starts messing with his hair the best she can. Loki chuckles as well . He's still pulling her just a little bit closer to him, enjoying the fact that she is now straddling him.  Her legs on his hips...It is a little exciting, something that makes him tingle. 
She admires her work for a second, before looking back at his eyes “So now…untuck your shirt?” 
Loki nods and does exactly what she tell him. He untucks his shirt, then proceeds to mess it up even more. He plays with the collar, unbuttons it slightly at the top, just enough to add to the look. 
“Maybe you should unzip my dress just a little?” She was only doing this to sell the idea...right? 
His body tenses up at the suggestion, but he nods. "Okay..." Loki slowly unzips the top of her dress just a few inches, just enough so that her back are exposed a little bit. 
“Perfect.” Y/N laughs. 
"Anything else?" *Loki asks slowly and shakily.  His senses are tingling.  She was straddling him just right, his body was tingling in all the right places. This whole plan of his was backfiring on him. 
“I don’t know. Any ideas?” 
Loki thinks, but all his brain can think of is... Y/Nnd him becoming "disheveled" together. "Well..." He speaks quietly. “There's... one last thing we can do." 
Y/N was curious again, but her eyes had a hint of something, almost like desire “What is it?” 
Loki hesitates for a moment before he speaks. His breath catches in his throat. But he wants to do this. He can't deny that he wants to go through with this "Close your eyes..." 
She bites her lower lip before she let go and closes her eyes like he said. It was enough to make him tingle in all the right places. Loki slowly leans in and kisses her. His hands reach around her and pull her closer to him, her body pressed right up against his. 
Y/N couldn’t say she was surprised, because maybe she was expecting something like that. She kissed him back in the same instant. 
His heart starts to race as the kiss goes on longer.  He was starting to hold back less and less. His arms were wrapped around her tight, pulling her as close to him as he could, his one hand reaching to her lower back. Loki deepens the kiss, he wants to go even further. 
She was the first one to act on impulse, pulling his shirt off his body and as soon as it was discarded somewhere in his room, her hands started exporing his chest. Y/N pushes him with her weight so they would be laying back in their previous position, still with her legs straddling him. Y/N broke the kiss but instead of stopping, she went to his neck where she had left a mark previously.  
Loki's entire body shivers, just like before, his hands moving to the sides of her hips and moving them up the back of her body, touching her skin under the dress. He moans loudly as she start sucking his neck again.  
“Take it off…” Y/N whispers in his ear. 
Loki is breathless from the excitement. His eyes wide open, his breath coming quick and shallow.  The adrenaline is rushing through his entire body. He takes in a quick breath before he speaks. "Are you sure...?” 
She nods. “We’re just making the gossip more believable...” 
"We are..." Loki whispers back as his fingers slowly start grabbing at the zipper of her dress.  Y/N helped him get off the clothes, leaving her in only her underwear on top of him. Loki can't deny how beautiful she looks... She's his best friend, so why is his body reacting this way to her?  
 Loki whispers, the excitement making it difficult to talk. "I don't think this is just 'disheveled' anymore..." 
“No? Then what is it?” Her voice was matching his exciment. 
His breath skips. He can't deny the obvious. He is trying to, his mind telling him not to go further "I think this is... getting a little too real now." 
Loki was right, she realized “Yeah, maybe you’re right…” Y/N got off him to lay by his side, making him sighs quietly as she left his arms.    
"Maybe... We should stop..."*Loki whispers quietly, his voice breathless.  He looks at her. He can't deny that there is a tinge of disappointment in his eyes. He wanted to go a little further... Or... Was he scared because this is... Getting too real...? 
“Yeah. You’re right.” she says still laying by his side and looking up at the ceiling. 
The prince sighs again. He tries to relax his breath, but his body is still trembling slightly. "Sorry that I pushed this..." Loki says quietly, trying to hide his disappointment. He had built this up in his mind, got himself too excited, and then pulled back when it got too real. 
“It’s okay…” she says softly, hiding her own disappointment. 
Loki is silent a moment, still trying to settle down his adrenaline rush, his body still trembling. "Are...we okay..." Loki whispers, wanting to check if this whole thing did not impact the relationship between them in any way. 
Y/N chuckles and finally look at him with a small smile “We’re fine.” 
He gives her the smallest, softest smile in return. "Promise?" *Loki whispers quietly. He still just wants to make sure she'll still see him the same. Because there's nothing he wants less than to lose her. 
“I promise.” Another smile. 
Loki sighs, a relief washing over him “Good..." 
“I think we should get dressed...” Y/N says noticing now her situation. 
Loki nods slowly. "Yeah... We probably should." 
They both got up from the bed, putting their clothes back on. “Can you help me here?” She turns her back with the ziper open. 
"Of course." Loki whispers, reaching to help you zip up your dress. 
“You’re welcome.” Loki smiles. 
She look at the hickeys she left on his neck and chuckles “Yep, I guess there will be a lot of gossip about that neck of yours.”  
“Yeah..." Loki chuckles a bit as well. "We definitely gave them something to talk about..." 
“Our plan succeeds then.” Y/N laughs. 
Loki chuckles softly as well, relieved and happy that she wasn’t  upset, and the whole thing didn't ruin their friendship. "Yeah... I guess it did." *Loki whispers quietly.  
And now with the initial excitement over, Loki's head is becoming a little more clear.  He's thinking back on what actually happened.  He's not sure if her reactions were genuine.  Or if she was just playing her part.  
“I think I should go now…for the sake of our plan.” 
"Yeah... You're right." Loki nods "We got our story... Now we just have to play it right.  I'll see you tomorrow?” 
“Of course.” Y/N smiles. 
"Good.  Then I will see you tomorrow." Loki gives you one last smile. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow” she smiles one last time before she left his room. 
Loki watches her leave his room.  He still can't believe how things had escalated tonight.  A part of him is relieved that it didn't result in anything more.  A bigger part of him is disappointed and even confused... Why did he want more?  And why did it make him so disappointed?  With a sigh, he heads to his bed, trying to clear his head. 
The next morning, when Loki arrived for breakfast, Thor was already there. His brother looked at his neck and laughed “What’s that on your neck?” 
"Uh...nothing..." Loki says quickly. 
“Interesting how Y/N also had marks on her neck this morning…after Thor say he found you two laying together…” Sif smirked. 
The plan definitely seemed to be working... Too well perhaps. "We were just laying together while having a conversation.  I was not doing anything more than just talking." Loki says quickly, trying to deny that anything more was going on at all.   
Sif and Thor laughed at this. “Loki, the only thing people are talking today is how Y/N left your room last night with her hair a mess and hickeys on her neck.” *The warrior says. 
"People talk too much..." Loki mutters.   
Loki had been focusing on his brother and Sif, completely oblivious to the fact that Y/N was not there yet. He really doesn’t want to think about what everyone else thinks… But he can’t help but start to think about it. This may not have been the best idea after all. Loki sighs and looks over to Thor. "Does it really have to be this big of a deal?" *Loki whispers.  The question was rhetorical, he didn't really expect Thor to answer.   
“No, brother. Why you two don’t assume you’re together at once? You keep this “we’re friends” thing.” Thor says. 
"Because we are just friends." *Loki snaps back. He wasn't going to allow his brother to jump to any conclusions.  He was hoping that the plan would result in some gossip and rumors, but he didn't want it to actually go too far.  
Sif notices how he keep looking at the entrance. “She’s not coming.”  
“She says she had some stuff to do.” Thor replies. 
“What kind of stuff?” Loki look at them, confused why Y/N hadn’t showed to breakfast. 
“She didn’t elaborated.” Sif answer. 
Loki lets out another small sigh. If she really was fine, then he was probably just making a big deal out of nothing. But Loki just couldn’t shake that feeling of nervousness.  
“Library.” Thor whispers to him. 
He lets out a small sigh as he stands up.*"I'll be right back." Loki speaks up.  He gets up from the table and starts walking to the library.  
“You’re looking for Y/N, prince Loki?” A woman asked him. 
Loki looks over at the woman who had just spoken to him.  He gives her a small pause before finally responding. "Yeah... I am. Have you seen her?" 
“She went to her chambers just a few minutes ago.” 
“Thank you." Loki whispers to the woman, before leaving the library and making his way towards Y/N's room. Loki arrives at Y/N’s room, gently knocks on the door and wait for it to open. 
“It’s open.” She says from inside the room. 
Loki slowly opens the door and steps inside her room.  "Hi..." He whispers with a small smile. 
“Hi...” Y/N smiles back. 
"You're fine, right?" Loki asks quietly. The question was simple, but he was still making sure that everything was okay. 
The girls chuckles “Why wouldn’t I be?” 
"You... You didn't come to breakfast..." Loki replies quietly.  
“Oh, right.” she chuckles again “I was tired of your brother and Sif teasing. You did a nice work on my neck last night, everyone is talking...Did you think we went too far on our plan?” she looks at him “Everyone is talking how we supposedly spent the night together.” 
Loki lets out a breath "Well... I...No, I guess not..." 
“Okay” Y/N smiles and walks to him “Want to lay down with me and rest?” 
He smiles as he allows her to lead him to her bed. He feels her next to him, and his nerves start to build up a little bit again, like they'd started to last night when he laid down next to her.  
She starts playing with his hair like she always do and notices his body more tense “What’s on your mind?” 
"Just..." Loki chuckles lightly, feeling her fingers running through his hair as that feeling of nervousness builds up in his stomach “I guess I keep thinking about last night..." 
“Why?” She asks genuinely. 
"I guess I just can't stop thinking about the way you reacted when I... You know.  Kissed your neck..." Loki whispers quietly. The feeling of butterflies in his stomach was growing stronger now.   
“Sorry, my neck it’s my weakness…” The girls chuckles. 
"I noticed." Loki chuckled as he took out another breath. 
“Why did you kissed me?” 
"I... I..." *Loki stops, trying to think of an answer that doesn't admit just how much he wanted to do that to her last night "I don't really know..." 
“That’s okay.” Y/N’s fingers keeps playing with his hair. “I guess that was my fault. I was the one who suggested about the hickeys…if escalated, it’s my fault.” 
"It's not your fault..." Loki whispers. "I wanted to kiss your neck... I wanted to kiss all over your neck and everywhere else..." He sighs."I wanted to do whatever it took to drive you crazy last night..." 
The way that she looks at him changed “Do you…still want to?” 
Loki's face goes still for a moment as she asks him that. He is taken back by her words and by the look in her eyes.  He could feel those feelings... Growing. With his brain going on auto-pilot, but his body reacting on impulse... Loki's mouth moves forward and presses against hers. Y/N kissed him back passionately, and Loki took the oportunity to go on top of her. 
His kisses continue to grow in both intensity and desperation.  He kisses her harder and harder.  His hands squeezing her closer.  Their bodies pressed together.  
Y/N starts taking off his shirt in autopilot, while Loki’s hands also move to take off her dress, while their kiss intensify. There were a mess of hands and soon they were without their clothes, naked as their bodies pressed against each other. 
Loki keeps kissing her while his hands run all over her body.  Every touch and movement seem to trigger something new in his body… Making any other thought besides her fade away.  His arms wrap around her, and he holds her closer.  He pressed his hips against her, making her moans so softly, he almost missed. But hearing that sound fuel his desire, and he continues to press his hips against hers.  His hands move from holding her hips and begin exploring her body more thoroughly... Finding their way to her core.  Y/N moans into the kiss, as soon as he starts teasing her clit. 
Loki takes a breath as he stares back into her eyes for a moment, still teasing her.  The look in her eyes, combined with the moans and the sound of her breathing, makes his hands move faster... More urgently.  He can't stop himself... He is lost in his desire... As his hands work their magic, she moans louder... Their breathing becomes heavier and shorter until he finally pushes one finger into her and his lips move to her neck. 
“Loki...” Y/N moans his name, and he took the opportunity to push a second finger. 
Loki moves to her ear now, whispering into it. “You like this, don't you?” 
He whispers into her ear again “I'm gonna make you like it even more.” 
Loki's fingers now start to move a bit faster, more urgently. Her moans grow even more intense, her body beginning to tremble from the pleasure. A few more seconds, and she couldn’t hold back anymore when she came in his fingers. 
Y/N looks at him panting “I want you...now.” 
Loki aligned with her entrance and slowly he pushed inside of her, making they moan at the sensation. He started with a slow pace, but as the desires grow, his pace was getting faster and rougher.   
"I know... I know..." Loki whispers.  He feels the tension growing even more than before, the sensation only growing with intensity as she reaches the edge.  He is also reaching the edge now... His movement speeds up, her sounds driving him to this point. After a little more time, Y/N was hit by her orgasm, clenching around Loki’s cock, making he cum with a low growl. He slowly pulls out and lets out a slow breath.  His breaths are shorter and more erratic now.  His mind's too... Foggy... To truly process anything right now. 
Loki looks back at her, still trying to catch his breath.  The smile is still on his face, as he stares at her with a look that could only mean one thing: Satisfaction. 
“Loki?” He could notice she was still trying to calm her breath. 
“This wasn’t a friend thing, was it?” Y/N asks him, laying on her side so she could face him. 
Loki’s smile grows wider as her question hits him.  His eyes continue to stare back at her. “No… It wasn’t a friend thing…” 
"Good.” Y/N chuckles “I think the gossips are right…we do act like a couple sometimes. But maybe it’s because we…like each other more than friends…” 
The prince grins as she says this.  He seems to confirm what she is saying as well.  He chuckles quietly as a response. "I think that's a fair assessment.  We do... Like each other more than friends..." 
“So now what?” 
Loki stays silent for a second as he thinks about what she just said.  He keeps an eye on her as she stares back at him. "So, you want us to be more?" 
“I do.” She was honest “Do you?” 
"Definitely." Loki says without a doubt.  It was already obvious to him.  They'd already basically been acting like a couple for years now.  And after last night... It was obvious what they were to each other. 
Y/N smiles at his answer and he continues to smile back at her.  He doesn't really have words for this moment right now... Because words don't feel needed. 
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frostdayz · 6 months ago
Special day in Asgard
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Loki x reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: After many days of not really having loki to yourself he plans a day of only you two.
warnings: nothing unless you hate fluff!
AN: Sweet and whipped Loki oh how I love you!!!!!! Hope you all enjoy, I loved writing this :)
my stories never really describe the readers gender so unless stated otherwise all my stories are gn!
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
I stirred, blinking awake to the gentle warmth that kissed my skin. I could feel the cool sheets beside me and rolled over to find Loki, already awake, his piercing emerald eyes studying me with a soft, affectionate gaze.
“Good morning, my love,” he greeted, his voice smooth and soothing, like a quiet stream in the early morning light. His dark hair spilled over the pillows, framing his face in elegant disarray.
“Good morning,” I mumbled, still drowsy as I burrowed deeper into the blankets. “You’ve been watching me again.”
He chuckled, his deep, rich laughter reverberating in the stillness of the room. “How could I resist? You look so peaceful when you sleep. It’s a rare moment when I get to see you so at ease.”
I smiled sleepily, letting my eyes drift shut again. But before I could slip back into slumber, Loki shifted, leaning over me to plant a soft kiss on my forehead. His cool lips contrasted with the warmth of my skin, sending a pleasant shiver down my spine.
“As much as I enjoy watching you sleep, I thought today we could do something different,” he murmured, his breath ghosting against my ear.
I opened one eye, peering at him suspiciously. “What kind of different?”
He grinned, mischief glinting in his eyes. “No tricks, I promise. Just a day for us. No royal duties, no interruptions—just you and me.”
That got my attention. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I looked at him. “Really? You’re not being summoned by Odin, or Thor isn’t planning another one of his adventures?”
Loki shook his head, his expression softening. “No, not today. Today, I’m all yours.”
I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face as I reached out to cup his cheek. “I like the sound of that.”
Loki’s eyes sparkled as he leaned into my touch before pulling away and sliding out of bed with effortless grace. “Then let’s start the day right, shall we?” He offered me his hand, and I took it, allowing him to pull me to my feet.
We both got dressed, Loki in his usual dark green tunic that accentuated his lean figure, and I in a flowing Asgardian cloak he had gifted me not too long ago. As we left our chambers, Loki’s hand found mine again, his long fingers intertwining with mine as we made our way to the palace’s grand kitchen.
When we arrived, Loki waved away the palace staff with a gentle nod, insisting that today, we would be preparing our own meal. It was rare for royalty to step foot in the kitchen, but Loki relished the idea of doing something simple and domestic. I found it endearing���another glimpse of the man behind the mask of the trickster.
“What are we making?” I asked, eyeing the vast array of ingredients that lined the countertops.
Loki smirked as he waved his hand, and with a flick of his fingers, various ingredients floated toward us. “Something simple but delightful. How do you feel about pancakes?”
I raised an eyebrow, a small laugh escaping my lips. “Pancakes? That’s what you consider ‘delightful’?”
“Of course,” he replied with mock seriousness, his lips curving into a playful grin. “They are a delicacy in Midgard, are they not? And I’ve mastered the art of making them. You’ll see.” He joked.
Despite my skepticism, I watched as Loki set to work. True to his word, he moved with practiced ease, mixing flour, eggs, and milk with a fluid grace that only he could possess. I helped where I could, handing him ingredients and stirring the batter while sneaking glances at his concentrated expression.
Once the batter was ready, Loki heated the skillet with a flick of his wrist, and within moments, the rich aroma of cooking pancakes filled the kitchen. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me as I watched him work. This moment, this simple act of cooking together, felt so natural and yet so extraordinary at the same time.
Soon, we had a stack of golden pancakes sitting between us, topped with fresh fruit and drizzled with syrup Loki had conjured up from who knows where. We sat at the table, eating leisurely, enjoying the quiet intimacy of the moment.
“These are really good,” I admitted after taking a bite. “You weren’t lying.”
Loki smirked, clearly pleased with himself. “I told you. I’m full of surprises.”
After breakfast, we left the kitchen and wandered through the grand halls of the palace. The towering columns and intricately carved walls were familiar to us both, but as we walked hand in hand, it felt like we were seeing them in a new light. Loki regaled me with stories of Asgard’s history, tales I’d heard dozens of times before but never tired of. He spoke of grand battles, ancient legends, and even the occasional prank he had pulled on Thor during their younger years.
“And then, of course, Thor fell for it,” Loki said with a grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he recounted one of his many pranks. “He was always so eager to believe whatever I told him.”
I laughed, picturing Thor’s confused expression. “I can’t believe he didn’t catch on after the first few times.”
Loki shrugged, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. “That’s the beauty of it. Thor has a good heart, but he’s not always the most… observant.”
As we walked, our conversation flowed effortlessly, like a dance we had perfected over time. We told each other stories we had heard countless times before—tales of our lives, our adventures, and the moments that had brought us together. And yet, each retelling felt just as special as the first.
By the time the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the palace, we found ourselves in the palace gardens. The air was cool, and the scent of blooming flowers filled the atmosphere as we walked along the stone paths, hand in hand.
“Let’s have dinner out here,” Loki suggested, glancing up at the sky as the first stars began to twinkle overhead. “Under the stars.”
I nodded, loving the idea. “That sounds perfect.”
With another flick of his wrist, Loki conjured a table set for two in the middle of the garden. Candles flickered in the gentle breeze, casting a soft, romantic glow over the scene. Plates of food appeared before us—an array of Asgardian delicacies that looked almost too beautiful to eat.
We sat down, the night air cool against our skin as we dined under the stars. It was quiet, peaceful, with only the soft rustling of leaves and the distant hum of the palace in the background. Loki’s gaze never left mine as we ate, his eyes reflecting the light of the stars above us.
“You’ve made this day perfect,” I said softly, reaching across the table to take his hand. “Thank you.”
Loki’s expression softened, and he squeezed my hand gently. “You make every day worth living, my love. You are my greatest treasure.”
As the night wore on, we finished our meal and lingered in the garden, talking and laughing as the stars shone brightly above us. Eventually, the coolness of the night air drove us back inside, and we returned to our chambers, feeling a deep sense of contentment.
We undressed in comfortable silence, slipping into bed with the ease of two people who knew each other intimately. Loki pulled me into his arms, his cool skin a comforting contrast to the warmth of the blankets.
I nestled into his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “I don’t want this day to end,” I whispered, closing my eyes.
Loki pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head, his voice low and soothing as he replied, “It doesn’t have to. We can have as many days like this as we want.”
I smiled, feeling a sense of peace settle over me as I drifted off to sleep in Loki’s embrace. Today had been perfect—a day filled with love, laughter, and the quiet moments that made life so beautiful. And as I fell asleep, I knew that with Loki by my side, every day would be just as perfect as this one.
243 notes · View notes
Last Updated: 2025-01-05
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Loki Odinson stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
A/N: I was running out of room on my original. I Like to keep authors together so I transfer the more current authors (ones whom are consistently updating) here!
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✑ By Hook or By Crook by give-me-a-moose • 18+ • 〔E᜶F᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You have spent your entire life scheming for Loki’s affections. Loki has spent his entire life protecting you from his darkest desires. In the game of love, who will win?"
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✑ 50 Shades of Green by fictive-sl0th • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: After the team mistakes you for Thor's girlfriend, Loki reminds you who your husband is...
✑ A Fine Silken Robe by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: "Loki has a luxurious w*nk [while thinking about] you."
✑ A Strange Little World by ijuststareatstuffhereok89 •
✑ All I Could Give You by muddyorbsblr • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "It seems that nearly the entirety of Asgard had forgotten that today was supposed to be a day of celebration. Everyone but you, at least."
✑ Chambermaid, the by wheredafandomat • 18+ • 〔M᜶E〕 •
✑ Coronation by sserpente • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: Imagine being Thor's and Loki's childhood friend. While Loki and you secretly begin developing romantic feelings for one another, it is Thor who unexpectedly asks to court you on the day of his coronation…
✑ Handmaiden, the by rosaline-black • 〔F〕 •
Summary: You are but a simple handmaiden, daughter of the cook, but Loki is enchanted by you.
✑ Heirs│Prt. II by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki starts your marriage by breaking tradition. Naturally."
✑ I Feel Like I'm Drowning by mischiefmaker615 • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: Enough is enough.. no more excuses, no more hints..
✑ In Defence of a Prince by tricksterlokilaufeyson • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: After stepping up to defend him during a night out, Loki rewards you for your loyalty.
✑ Intertwined Hearts by holdmytesseract • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "After a conversation with his mother, Loki makes a big decision —and surprises you."
✑ King of Asgard by smolvenger • 18+ • 〔F᜶E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: As the wife of Prince Loki of Asgard, you suddenly discover that Odin and Thor are gone. You are made queen and your dear husband is king. But a king needs an heir...
✑ Little Valkyrie by sserpente • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♡ •
Summary: "Imagine Loki sneaking you into the Avengers Tower for a night full of passionate love-making. Getting caught by the Avengers, however, was not part of the plan..."
✑ Love is Mischief by holymultiplefandomsbatman • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "...A prank leads you to come to terms with your feelings, but does Loki feel the same way?"
✑ Mine by tricksterlokilaufeyson •
Summary: "Thor has yet to meet Loki's new lover who just so happens to be you. When you see how much fun it can be to mess with your lover in front of his brother, how far will Loki let it go?"
✑ My Darling Dove by clandestineloki • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Prompt(s): "You're so innocent, yet your curiosity wanders far beyond anything pure. Shall I be your guide to the most sinful, ravishing, and utterly glorious pleasures of all?"
✑ Needle in a Haystack by wherethefandomat • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Today's the day Loki returns from Midgard with Thor and you can't wait to have your prince back in your arms or between your legs.
✑ Never Enough by liminalpebble • 〔M᜶C〕 •
Summary: "It's not a easy life in Asgard's palace as Frigga's witchling apprentice and a victim of relentless teasing thanks to Thor and his warrior posse. You feel like a failure and a misfit, until the patron god of failures and misfits decides to comfort you."
✑ Observing, Learning, Fantasizing by muddyorbsblr • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "Loki's just been made King of Asgard and he needs to make sure that he tells you vital piece of information about him before you hear it from gossip mongerers among the realm."
✑ Possessive and Mischievous by sublimecatgalaxy • 〔E᜶F᜶A〕 •
Summary: [...]
✑ Prince is Dead, the│Prt. II by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔A〕 •
Summary: "Shaken by Loki's death on Svartálfheim, you confront the one you blame the most. Odin."
✑ Princess & the Stable Boy, the by ijuststareatstuffhereok89 •
✑ Spring Heat by joyful-enchantress • 18+ • 〔E᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: You help your husband through his yearly heat, which is part of the Jotun mating cycle. He's afraid he might hurt you, but you are determined to stay...
✑ Sworn Fidelity by muddyorbsblr • 16+ • 〔E᜶A〕 •
Summary: When the others conspired to bring Thor home, you attempted to stop them fearing Loki's wrath. When they inevitably subdue you and your fellow soldiers, you're the one tasked to relay to him the unfortunate turn of events.
✑ Take All of Me by five-miles-over • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki takes great delight in 'ruining' his innocent, shy girlfriend for the first time"
✑ Thin Ice by mischiefmaker615 •
Summary: You make the discovery that Loki is a Frost Giant
✑ Welcome Him Home by sarahscribbles • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki has only one wish when he arrives home from a [six-week-long] battle."
✑ Who Could Ever Compare to You? by trashywormeateroffics • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You have a conversation with Loki after he does some dumb things because of jealousy."
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✑ A Bargain by tricksterlokilaufeyson • 〔A〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ A Quiet Celebration by sarahscribbles • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ As You Wish by sublimecatgalaxy • 16+ • 〔E〕 •
✑ Being Followed by divine-knight-hand •
✑ Enough by tricksterlokilaufeyson • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Heaven Help the Fool… by five-miles-over • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ I'm Right Here, Love by tricksterlokilaufeyson • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Library Meet Cute by lady-rose-moon • 〔F〕 •
✑ Light to His Dark, the by dilemmaontwolegs • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ My Innocent Princess by clandestineloki •
✑ My King by sublimecatgalaxy • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ My Mistakes by theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction •
✑ My Queen by sserpente • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Pet by mostly-marvel-musings • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Pledge Allegiance by wherethefandomat • 16+ • 〔E〕 •
✑ Purple and Red by sarahscribbles • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Safe and Sound by sserpente • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Seamstress, the by yetanotherhiddlestoner • 〔F〕 •
✑ Stay Here with Me by asgardwinter • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ To War by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔E᜶M〕 •
✑ You Tell Her, or I Will by lokidokieokie • 〔F᜶M〕 •
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✑ Waking Loki Up with Sweet Kisses by multific • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || Loki Odinson Master Index
Authors: @asgardwinter || @clandestineloki || @dilemmaontwolegs || @divine-knight-hand || @fictive-sl0th || @five-miles-over || @give-me-a-moose || @holdmytesseract || @holymultiplefandomsbatman || @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 || @joyful-enchantress || @lady-rose-moon || @liminalpebble || @lokidokieokie || @lokisgoodgirl || @mischiefmaker615 || @muddyorbsblr || @multific || @sarahscribbles || @smolvenger || @sserpente || @sublimecatgalaxy || @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction || @trashywormeateroffics || @tricksterlokilaufeyson || @wheredafandomat || @yetanotherhiddlestoner ||
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strawwritesfic · 14 days ago
Male!Loki x Female!Light Elf!Reader: With Dying Colors
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Summary: Not everyone gets the chance to change their fate. Loki Odinson does so by accident, and finds the place he has been searching for all his life.
Rating/Tags: G (Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War; Not Canon Compliant with Loki; References to Loki's Gender Fluidity; Mild Hurt/Comfort; Mild Language; Florence Nightingale Syndrome; Homesteading; Depressed Thor; Background Platonic Relationships)
Word Count: 11,465
Requester: Anonymous
Request: "Hey could I plz request a Loki fem reader? Loki somehow manages to escape Thanos (cause we’re all still in denial of his death) but gets separated from the rest of the Asgardians on the way to Earth. Severely injured he chances it and uses magic to escape and lands in the forest somewhere. He wakes up in a warm cozy cabin all healed but remembers bits of his time here…being fed, washed and nursed back to healthy [sic] by a woman. Reader is an earth witch/half light elf who was banished for her human side and takes care of him but now he doesn’t want to leave cause he starts falling for her. Coincidentally her forest meets up with the forest near the Avengers Compound so she sends them updates on his health, but she also protects him cause Ross wants him locked away in the Raft. She’s more powerful so no one really dares trespass on her land."
Tag List: @imaginesfire
Notes: Wow, it sure has been, like, half a minute, right? This took me a long, long time to write. I had to add scenes; I had to research homesteading; I had to do some adjustments after discovering I was writing a completely different theme towards the end...I've been working on it so long that my own mother started throwing shade at me for it. I don't know for sure if I'm back-back, but I am making an concerted effort to get back to doing things I love. I did my best to complete every aspect of this request, and I think I managed it in a reasonable fashion, save for not telling the story via flashbacks. As the author, I do have some veto power, and I just didn't think the story warranted that.
Ao3 Version Here
With Dying Colors
Lights. Ever-swirling, ever-flashing, ever-sparkling lights. An array of dancing colors surrounded Loki Odinson. He could see the endless shifting of them even with his eyes squeezed tightly shut. The lights danced around him—no. A more apt description would be that the lights rushed around him. He could feel them all moving so rapidly past him that his long, dark hair blew out behind his head, though there ought not be any wind in space.
If this was dying, death was not so nearly as horrible as he'd feared.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Upon further rumination, dying was plenty painful. Thanos must have decided crushing Loki's windpipe had not been punishment enough. Now the Mad Titan sought to crack Loki's skull open with Mjölnir. For Odin's sake, Thanos had already cast Loki to the floor like refuse! Must he suffer further indignities before being allowed to pass?
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Evidently so. The lights having faded into a void of black, Loki pressed his eyelids still tighter as the pain lanced through his head.
—just get it over with already, you overgrown prune, is what Loki intended to say. But he didn't even get the first two words out in understandable form. Trying to do so made him feel as though someone had stuffed his throat with shards of broken glass. A metallic taste filled his mouth, accompanied by some sort of warm liquid. He coughed the molten stuff out from within his burning chest.
"Shhhhhh," someone nearby murmured.
Whoever they were, they weren't Thor. That the voice belonged to a woman made that obvious; Thor had never shared Loki's predilection for swapping genders like clothing. Another of Thanos's monstrous children, perhaps?
Something wet prodded Loki's pounding forehead, and he lurched away—or attempted to. Once again, he found himself with little control over his own body. His shoulders whacked against a hard object that similarly could not be Thor. Even his brother wasn't that flat and unyielding.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
"Oh, for the love of—" the same voice said crossly.
The cool, damp thing near Loki's face vanished. He heard a squelching sound, then rapid footsteps crossing a floor—a distinctly not metal floor.
Bang! Bang! Ba—
A door opened.
"Miss [Name]," barked a new voice—not an Asgardian accent, Loki noted, and belonging to someone wholly unfamiliar to him, "if you don't—"
"I would request that you keep your voice down, Mr. Secretary," said the woman from before, albeit in a much cooler tone than the one she'd used with Loki.
A thump. Boots on wood, if Loki was not mistaken. His head hurt so badly even the softest noise felt like another blow, but he thought he could identify that much. Whoever this man was, he was now in the...room? Home? Escape pod? Loki finally had to know.
Though his eyelids felt welded shut, he pried them open to find himself somehow miraculously no longer aboard either the Statesman or Sanctuary II. Instead, the sight that greeted him was that of a small room. Night dark as pitch pressed against the windows, leaving only a multitude of candles burning on seemingly every surface to light the place. Their trail his eyes followed all the way to a doorway where two figures stood: a pale-skinned biped with a mustache towering over another biped entirely swallowed in shadows.
"And I," said the mustached one, "request that when I summon you, you come to see me. And if I have to come retrieve you, I request that you open the door at once."
"Mr. Secretary, I would remind you that I am under no obligation to follow your 'summons' at all."
"The Accords clearly state—"
"I may have signed your Accords, but I am not one your chess pieces to be moved at your whim. There were provisions put in place for people like me."
"People like you. Not people like him."
The man pointed in Loki's direction without taking his eyes off the woman. Had Loki been able to speak, he might have had a snide response prepared. But he couldn't, and he didn't, and the smaller figure stepped in front of the finger to shove the man's arm down.
"Please try to remember whose territory you are on, Mr. Secretary. Those provisions do allow me to act in self-defense," she said.
"Self-defense! Aiding and abetting more like." The man let out a scornful laugh. "That man is an intergalactically wanted war criminal!"
"Some might say the same of you in the near future, Mr. Secretary." The woman made to step away, but the man reached out to grab her shoulder before she could get very far.
"I have every right to take him into custody," he said.
The woman wrenched her bare, [color]-skinned shoulder out the man's grasp. "He is in no condition to be moved, especially not to your godsforsaken rock. Do you also have the right to watch him die?"
Though the man said nothing in response, Loki could see a mutinous glitter in his eyes despite the flickering candlelight surrounding all three actors in this little drama.
"He won't receive proper medical care at the Raft. We both know you taking him would be as good as a death sentence."
"I couldn't care less if the little bastard dies!" the man burst out. "How many of our good men and women have died because of him? And you think he ought to be allowed to make a full recovery and murder more?"
"How many more might die without him?" The woman's voice had dropped, and yet she sounded so firm that there could be no question that she meant what she asked. The man stared down at her, speechless once more, but this time his eyes had gone wide. "They're already here, aren't they, Mr. Secretary?" she went on in an innocent tone. "The monsters looking for the Stones? How many of your precious Avengers have already gone missing?"
A shock of ice-cold lightning flashed through Loki's very core. Stones? Avengers? Could he really be so cursed? Whatever stroke of luck had seen him use enough dark magic to escape Thanos with his injuries had been no luck at all. He'd only gotten away as far as Midgard, where at least two damned Infinity Stones waited for their master to claim them. Worse, by the sound of things, Thanos's children had already arrived and already won.
As his heart and mind raced, a burst of white light filled the room. The glare of it burned Loki's already aching head and left a smear of purplish blue across his vision. Terrified, able to breathe only shallowly without bringing more blood into his mouth, he blinked as fast as he could to recover his vision. He could do nothing but accept his fate now, whether that be at Thanos's hands or those of the angry man's, but he preferred to retain some semblance of dignity either way this go-round.
When at last he could see clearly again, however, Thanos did not stand in the wreckage of the building. Nor did any of his children, Loki realized, nor the man from before. Only one person remained, and that was the woman. She had her back toward him as another white light surrounded the door she stood in front of.
Then she turned her face to him. Their eyes met across the dark room. Her angry expression melted at once.
“Oh,” she said, “you’re awake.”
Loki didn’t even manage to open his mouth to answer before his eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out from pain and fear.
Next Loki woke, he found himself in an airy, well-lit room. Day had broken, and clear sunshine beamed through the many windows on the walls. It was the same place he had woken in previously. The extinguished candles clustered across every visible flat surface were proof enough of that. He could also see the same door from before. Only one other shut door led away from where he lie. Nothing moved around him. Birds chirped outside at such a decibel that he could hardly believe he'd slept through their incessant racket.
Except that he still hurt. Bor, he hurt. But Loki had not lived this long without knowing, generally, what sort of situation he had gotten caught in. Throbbing, stabbing, straining, burning, he pushed himself into a seated position against the stack of pillows behind his head. His gasp for air when he made it felt like a knife lodged deep inside his throat. There would be time to catalog his injuries later, perhaps, and less of a chance of that if he didn't seize this opportunity to take note of where he was.
What he saw surprised him somewhat. Though tidy, the one-room structure held a lot of clutter. In between all the candles sat hunks of rocks and crystals, some polished, others rough. Many were Midgardian in nature, but others Loki could tell at a glance weren't local at all. Piles of books in varying conditions littered the polished wood floor. Every window held at least one plant, each different, each in obviously robust health. Perhaps strangest of all was the mound of pillows and knitted blankets a few feet away from his resting place—the only messy thing in the entire place.
Not that it mattered. This homey little cottage would not last long with Thanos on the way, if he had not arrived during Loki's second bout of unconsciousness. Rather than sitting around and admiring the cleaning job, he needed to be finding a way out. His leg screamed in pain as he forced it out from underneath the sheet and put his foot on the floor. He ignored it. What was a little pain now compared to what he would feel when Thanos got ahold of him again?
"You're not strong enough yet for that sort of nonsense," someone said.
He sucked in a breath so swiftly that it triggered another coughing fit. The taste of blood flooded his mouth once more. His head spun with pain. Something rustled softly over by the door. Then Loki heard footsteps for a second or two before he felt a hard object against his mouth. Before he could gather his wits about him enough to shove the object away, a cold, bitter liquid flowed across his tongue and into his waiting throat. Loki spluttered as much of it entered his lungs, and yet even as he did the pain in his chest subsided somewhat.
Once his breathing evened out, the concoction stopped pouring into his mouth. The hard object vanished. Loki inhaled tremulously.
"I told you that you weren't strong enough," said the same voice from before. Now that he thought about it, Loki recognized the voice as belonging to the woman who had kept him safe the last time he'd been awake.
It was she that sat beside him now. His eyes met hers consciously for the first time—beautiful, sparkling, [color], and indignant. Definitely indignant. How women across so many realms and cultures could master the same look was a mystery for the ages. She didn't give him a chance to ask. With a snort, she stood and bustled over to the door through which the mustached man had burst before. After she'd gathered a weaved basket into her arms, she stepped over to a nearby kitchen hung with shining copper pots and bouquets of drying herbs.
"That was hardly my fault," Loki said into the silence. "You startled me. I didn't realize I had company."
The woman smiled at him over her still-bare shoulder. "You don't. You're company. And from the stories I've heard, Loki of Asgard ought to be a little more difficult to catch unawares."
"You'll forgive me if my near-death experience put me a little off my game."
Again, she said nothing. The sink turned on without a touch as you unloaded dirt-encrusted vegetables from the basket. Interesting. Though the room held many trappings of the bog-standard Midgardian witch, Loki had never seen a Midgardian perform any sort of magic, mundane or not.
"And to whom should I direct my thanks for saving my life?" he asked pointedly.
"Me. Mostly."
"Yes, and who is me?"
She paused in unloading her foodstuffs to give him a pursed-lipped look. Then her head whipped back away from him again she replied, "[Name]."
"[Name]." The sound of it tasted interesting on his tongue. "Thank you, [Name]."
"Don't thank me. I wouldn't say you're out of the woods yet."
Loki lifted a hand to his ruined throat. "So I've noticed. And may I ask..."
Well, now that he thought about it, he had a plethora of questions. A given name hardly got him anywhere. But before he could select a single query from the dizzying array crowding his mind, you supplied an answer him:
"I don't know."
"Excuse me?"
"I don't know what happened. The cards have been cryptic." Was that a note of annoyance he heard in your voice? "All I've got from them is something about Thanos and the Infinity Stones. I don't even think you’re supposed to be here."
He hardly registered that last sentence. The mere mention of the Mad Titan made Loki feel very cold even underneath the considerable bulk of his blanket. His voice sounded even raspier when he spluttered, "Are they—has he—"
"He's not here."
              "How would you know?"
"I'd know." You dropped your now-empty basket onto the gleaming wood countertop. Perhaps you spotted the horror in Loki's eyes as you turned to him, because you went on, "And if I didn't, my next-door neighbors would let me know."
"Neighbors?" Loki squeaked. Clearing his throat only made his vocal cords throb.
You didn't remark on that, just nodded slowly. "They're the ones that brought you to me a few days ago."
At last, something that Loki could latch on to! Even the vaguest of clues as to his location would aid him in working out a spell. He'd escaped from Thanos once; he could do it again.
"And where, exactly, might your neighbors have found me?" he asked.
You opened your mouth. Loki leaned forward in anticipation. Before you could utter a single word, however, someone knocked on the door. The noise was a far cry from the incessant, head-rending banging of earlier. Still, he noticed that your normally [color] skin paled several shades at the sound.
"That's probably them now," you said.
That didn't quite explain your change in color or the jittery way you rushed over to the door. Loki's eyes followed you there. Too late did he think to pull the blanket over his head to hide himself. In his current condition, it would have been a struggle to do so before you opened it to reveal —
"Steve? Natasha?"
At least you sounded as horrified as he felt by the sudden appearance of two Avengers on your doorstep. They could be no other, though they didn't look quite right. The former had dark hair now, as well as a beard, and the latter had turned blonde. But who else could it be? Who else would show up at Loki's weakest point?
His alarm increased as you threw your arms briefly around Natasha. The alarm swiftly turned into suspicion when he noticed she made no move to throw you off.
"I don’t understand," you said, as you released her and allowed the two to enter your home. "Why are you back? Where's Tony?"
"We're not sure," Steve answered.
No sooner were the words out of his mouth than did his and Loki's eyes meet across the room. Loki noticed that Steve's gaze had changed just as drastically as his appearance in the intervening years. Much of the sadness was gone. Now there was just some blazing hardness dampened not at all as he took in Loki's injuries. Loki knew that Natasha was looking at him, too, but he was too busy with his staring contest with Steve to pay her much mind.
Oddly, he felt no satisfaction whatsoever when Steve broke their stare off to return his attention to you:
"How's your patient?"
You didn't miss a beat. "Not well."
"Can you leave him?"
"Is moving him an option?"
"Absolutely not."
"Better question." Loki started painfully at the sound of Natasha's voice right next to him. She'd come to stand beside his bed, arms crossed, the look in her eyes even colder than Steve's had been. "Do we care what happens to him?"
Of course. Of course Loki had escaped the greatest threat the universe had ever seen—for a given value of "escape," he had to admit—only to die at the hands of the so-called heroes his brother had considered his friends. At least Steve's presence was likely to ensure Loki's death came swiftly. If Thanos's children were already scouting out the planet, perhaps Natasha would even be doing him a favor.
"Rhodey wouldn't have told us he was here if what happens to him didn't matter," Steve said.
"If he can't help us, I fail to see what benefit there is in keeping him alive."
"Help you with what?" you cut in, voice as sharp as steel.
Natasha stepped away from Loki. He let out a breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding. Relaxing his muscles made the blood rush through his body so hard it made him dizzy—but it did not distract him from hearing Steve's answer to your question:
"We're going to Wakanda. They can remove Vision's Stone there without killing him."
"We hope," said Natasha.
"It will work."
"Sounds great." You didn't sound like you agreed with your own sentiment. "What do you need either of us for to do that?"
"They'll come, [Name]. We'll have the last of the Stones with us. They'll all come. Maybe even Thanos himself."
"You'd be a huge asset," Natasha added.
"We could use all the help we can get. And that includes Loki."
Suddenly, all eyes were on Loki. He licked his lips. "And why should I bother to help you all?" he rasped at last.
No one looked surprised by this question. Steve's eyebrows lifted slightly before he said, "It's your universe at risk, too. And from the sound of it, you wouldn't have made it very long if Tony and Rhodey hadn’t brought you here."
"Oh, yes, thank you.” His lip curled; he hoped that Steve could not hear his wildly beating heart. "Thank you so much for the rescue. And just in time to be obliterated along with the rest of reality! You shouldn't have."
"We're going to do our best not to let that happen. What about you, [Name]?" he asked as he turned back to you.
Loki felt rather than saw your gaze on him, searching and gentle. He found that he could not lift his head to meet your eyes. Then, in a soft tone full of regret, you said:
"I can't."
"If we lose this, there's a good chance he'll die anyway," said Natasha.
"He'll die for sure without anyone here to look after him."
She opened her mouth, but whatever nasty remark she planned to make next, Steve silenced her with a hand on her shoulder.
"We understand," he told you.
You nodded.
Without another word, the two Avengers left the cabin. You watched them go until Natasha pulled the door shut behind them. Silence buzzed through the room like electricity. You did not move. So long did you stare at the door that Loki half-expected it to burst into flame; the same could be said about the length of time he spent staring at the back of your head. He opened his mouth, found it dry, licked his lips, and tried to speak evenly:
"If you hurry, you could still catch up with them."
You shook your head, turning to head back to his bedside.
"Truly," he said. "I can make it on my own. Why, I only feel mostly like dying now instead of completely like dying."
"And you only feel that good because I've been here to take care of you." From the silver pitcher on the bedside table, you poured some smoking, purple concoction into the nearby cup. Then you sat down on the edge of the bed and held it out to him. "Speaking of, drink this."
A delicate sniff of the cup thrust toward him indicated that this was the same bitter brew you'd forced down his throat earlier. He did not take it. "I am a god. I can take care of myself."
"If I leave, you won't make it until tomorrow. This stuff doesn't keep, and you can't make it yourself." When Loki made no move to take the cup from you, you rolled your eyes. "Same thing if you won't drink your medicine."
He wrinkled his nose, but accepted the glass. Instead of swallowing the foul-smelling stuff, he cradled it in his hands. "Why are you doing this for me?"
"I don't think even one life should be given up if I have the power to save it. That's all," you said.
"Even if they could die anyway?"
"Even if they could die anyway." You cocked your head to one side, regarding him quietly for a few moments. Then you stood again. "Drink up, and get some rest. Hopefully the rest of the world will still be here the next time you're awake."
A sudden surge in pain obliterated Loki's desire to retort. Steeling himself, he lifted the potion to his lips and gulped it down as quickly as he could. The relief came over him almost at once, so heady that it made his head spin. Darkness crept into the edges of his vision. Before he could wonder if this was Thanos's victory, natural sleep overtook him. Perhaps dying this way would be easier, he thought, than what might face him later in that tiny cabin.
The potion’s effects only did so much for him after that dose. Loki slept fitfully, plagued by a leaden weight in his stomach that even sleep could not dispel. His dreams ended in exploding planets, in melting cities, in scorching pain. All the magic sedative coursing through his system did was drag him along from one cataclysm to the next. Try as he might, he could not tear himself into the hellscape of his reality—not until a loud clang issued from somewhere nearby.
“Owwww!” Loki snapped as he forced his eyelids open. At least this awakening did not hurt as badly as the last two had. The clear, watery light of morning only worsened his headache a little as opposed to a tremendous degree.
And he knew where he was. That helped. Though the panic searing the inside of his rib cage did not abate, he doubted that anyone observing him would be able to tell that at a glance. At least he managed to refrain from throwing himself out of the bed this time. This allowed him to maintain some dignity as he searched for the source of the noise.
And there you stood in the kitchen. One of those copper pots sat steaming on the island. As though you could sense his eyes on you, you looked up from your stirring.
“Congratulations. The rest of the world is still here,” you said.
How little he cared about this backwater rock when Thanos could set the entire known universe on fire should he succeed in wresting the last Infinity Stone from Steve's all-too-human fingers. Biting back this retort, Loki struggled into a seated position. He was pleased to find himself recovered enough to do so on his own.
“So I see,” he said at last, once he noticed you watching him. “So did your friends…” he didn’t quite know how to finish that sentence. He didn’t quite know which question he wanted answered, or what answer he wanted to hear either.
You shook your head. “I won’t hear back from them unless they get back.”
“Not even your precious cards could tell you?”
“Even if they could, I wouldn’t ask. All I can tell you is that you and I are still standing.”
‘In a manner of speaking.’ Loki took a moment to glower at his weak legs. “Yes. How much longer will that be the case, I wonder.”
“There’s no use fatalizing about it. Would you like some porridge?”
The gears in Loki’s mind took several seconds to adjust to the abrupt change of subject. Unfortunately, the moment he gave any real thought to the sweet aroma wafting from the pot, his stomach rolled so badly he couldn’t open his mouth to reply. Who knew what sort of muck might pour out of it, given all the strange things you’d forced down his throat during your short acquaintance?
“I’ll add something to your medicine to help with nausea.” A note of sympathy had crept into your voice. “We need to get something solid in your stomach before too much longer.”
Making breakfast, gathering food, healing him—what good would all of this effort do in the end? Probably you just wanted a distraction from the inevitable doom you both faced. Thor’s ragtag bunch of misfits had defeated Loki, but he was in no condition to consider himself a threat the same level as Thanos. The Avengers didn’t even have Thor anymore.
Loki’s eyes suddenly burned, and his throat felt all over again the pressure of Thanos’s enormous fingers. The thought of what might have happened to his brother in the aftermath of Loki’s escape would not bear thinking about. Time to focus on other things.
There wasn’t much else to focus on but you, however. He watched as you doled out a serving a mush into a waiting wooden bowl. You ate it quickly. Then you took your pot and carefully spooned the rest of the food into a line of glass jars sitting on the countertop.
Loki noticed that you moved differently than other Midgardians, now that he could stop and take the time to observe you at length—more graceful, more intentional, with no wasted movements whatsoever. Mortals could be taught to replicate such movement, but they could never achieve the same kind of ability as beings superior to them.
Only when you’d easily hefted the heavy object over to the sink did he finally say, “You’re not human, are you?”
You looked over your shoulder at him, expression guarded. “Half,” you said at last, then shifted some hair away from one of your ears. Doing so revealed that ear to end in a perfect, delicate point.
“You’re a light elf,” Loki said wonderingly.
“Half,” you said again, before returning to the chore of cleaning your dishes.
“What are you doing so far from Alfheim?”
“The whole half-human thing? Yeah, it didn’t exactly endear me to my family there.”
“But why here? There are light-elf communes in the realm.”
“Those jackasses at the North Pole declined to house me as well. One human per pole, apparently. And half-humans count.”
“There’s an entire galaxy out there. You could have gone anywhere.”
“By then, I’d figured out I was better off on my own.” Water continued to run over your hands and bare forearms, but these had stilled. Your gaze was fixed on some distant point in time. Then it snapped back to his face. “It was a long time ago. I went to SHIELD, traded a few goods and services for secrecy. And Howard Stark let me build a place near where he was stationed. I’ve been here ever since.”
“That sounds…lonely.” Lonely in a way that Loki understood; lonely in a way he’d always felt growing up, although he hadn’t understood why—lonely in the way he’d been after he had discovered his true heritage.
You shrugged flippantly. “It worked pretty well up until the Accords. Now I’ve always got Ross breathing down my neck.”
“The Accords?”
“It’s an Avengers thing, or at least Ross wants it to be.”
“So you—”
“Are not an Avenger.” Finished with cleaning, you tipped the pot onto the counter upside down, dried your hands on the waiting towel, then turned to face him. “I’ve never been one, and I’ll never be one.”
Loki found his body loosening somewhat after this revelation. Strange. He hadn’t noticed he’d been so taut to begin with. “And yet they came to you for aid,” he pointed out.
“I do aid them, sometimes. But not because some Midgardian law says I have to. Like I said before, if I have the power to save one life I’ll do it, whether or not my neighbors believe that life is worth saving. If anyone can get rid of Thanos, it’s them. But they couldn’t save you.”
“Is a single life worth saving if they can’t?”
“I guess that’s up to the person whose life it is.”
“And the life Thanos leaves them with.”
He noticed then you had gone very still. You cocked your head to one side and regarded him down your nose. “Do you regret it? Being saved?”
Loki inhaled sharply. How could he answer that question? For all the aggravation and fear he felt about his present circumstances, to reply in the negative would be terribly rude. Your bedside manner left much to be desired. Your skill in healing, on the other hand…
The sudden disintegration of half the plants in the room saved him from having to voice his thoughts. Your eyes locked onto his. Neither of you breathed a word. Somehow Loki still knew your thoughts to be the same: The Avengers had at last done the unthinkable. They had failed.
Some things Loki grew accustomed to over the years following what came to be called "The Snap." He grew accustomed to the new, permanent roughness of his voice. He grew accustomed to the slight limp from his injuries becoming more pronounced when the wind turned cold. He grew accustomed to eating food only available seasonally, to working for that food, to sharing a smaller space than he'd ever lived in before. He grew used to braiding his lengthening hair each day. He even grew accustomed to the smell of the chicken coop.
That day, the stench was worse than most others. An unexpected rainstorm had blown in overnight, and left everything damp or dripping, from the branches overhead to the edges of the roof. Loki shook his hood back as he made to the door, scuffed his worn boots on the welcome mat, and entered the cabin.
"Breakfast," he announced, somewhat breathless after his run for cover.
You stood already working at the stove. He placed the basket he carried in an empty space near your elbow. After a quick glance at his sodden figure, you reached under the piece of cloth he'd placed over the eggs, pulled two out, and cracked them over the skillet. Only once the food was sizzling did you offer him a warm smile.
Instead of saying anything, Loki swallowed and did his best to avoid your gaze.
"Thanks," you said into the silence.
"I had no issues with gathering eggs for you this morning. I wanted to check on Gunnhild myself."
"How is she?"
Loki hummed noncommittally as he went to a drawer for cutlery to set the table. He couldn't quite put words to the worry he felt nowadays over so much as Midgardian hens of all things. Perhaps he felt obligated to keep alive as many beings as he could after Thanos had taken so much. After finding one of his ladies so lethargic the evening prior, he'd spent a long, sleepless night fretting over her condition until he could trek to the pen under the pretense of helping with the morning meal. Truth be told, Gunnhild had seemed livelier then, but still, his thoughts continued to linger over her when he sat down in one of the two heavy wooden chairs.
The sound of a plate being placed in front of him snapped Loki from his musings. He did not know if he liked the understanding look you shot him as you slid into your own seat across from him. His stomach twisted painfully until he looked away from your face again.
Add that to the somewhat shorter list of things Loki had not grown accustomed to since the Snap.
"I'll put a little something extra in the feed today. She'll hardly know she had a respiratory infection."
More and more often lately, Loki found himself unable to meet your eyes, and when he did force himself to do so, his insides would suddenly feel hot. Had he been a younger or more ignorant being, he might have been inclined to blame the numerous concoctions you forced him to drink (some days with more arm-twisting than others) even this much time after his near-fatal injuries. You seemed to have magic for every aliment known, for chicken and Jotun alike. Why not a philter as well?
But he had been alive long enough—been in love often enough—to know the truth. These physical sensations had nothing to do with your talents, and everything to do with his...isolation? Rescue? Maturing?
He had never believed himself to be one of those fools capable of falling head over heels for someone for no greater reason than that they had nursed him back to health. What a pathetic way to return the kindness you had shown him—all the panaceas grudgingly swallowed; all the staggering walks contemptuously taken; all the nights you'd slept in a makeshift nest of quilts when Loki disdainfully refused to leave your bed.
The sudden lack of people in the world had not put the responsibility of his rehabilitation on your shoulders. You had taken that on willingly well before the Snap. But he did believe that, had Thanos not succeeded, you might have happily ended up without such of a chore of a lingering houseguest. Every morning he woke began anew a day you could decide Loki had overstayed his welcome. His only consolation was that, surely, these feelings would fallow once he no longer came in contact with you.
But then surely, too, his body would fall apart without your aid. So Loki kept his mouth shut. Cohabitating with you while keeping his growing romanticism a secret was difficult; he shuddered to think of the alternatives left to him in this half-empty universe.
Once again, you interrupted his thoughts, this time with a wry observation of: "You're overthinking something again."
His rough gulp hardly helped his case any more than the following, "I am not."
"You are."
I should think I know my own thoughts better than you do."
"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Loki of Asgard isn't nearly as difficult to read as he thinks he is. Your mouth gets these deep wrinkles at the corners, and..." Trailing off, you frowned before you leaned forward to grasp the hand he had resting on the table. "Is that what this is about?"
You must have seen his split-second grimace when you'd referred to him in that mocking way of yours. If you'd noticed that, he had no doubt you'd spotted the way he stiffened when you touched him like that as well. Be that as it may, you kept your fingers lightly resting against his as you went on:
"We need to talk about it."
“I don't have the faintest idea what it is there is to discuss," he answered firmly.
You laughed. The sound made Loki's chest ache. "You do."
"I assure you I do not. And if you're going to insist on this level of condescension, I'd much prefer to get some work done than sit around listening to your riddles. Now, if you'll excuse me—"
"Why don't you go ahead and admit that you were eavesdropping when Natasha visited last night?"
If your iron grip hadn't been enough to keep Loki rooted to his chair, your question would. He felt blood rush to his face, try as he might to fight the urge to blush. "I beg your pardon?" he asked, knowing all the while that he would not hit quite the right note to express his feigned incredulity.
You did not answer. Neither did your hand loosen. A staring contest ensued, though it did not last long. Loki knew better than to argue when he spotted the familiar gleam there. What would be the point in lying anyway, when this Borforesaken rasp had so ruined his famous silver tongue? After another moment or two of internal debate, he finally wilted.
"If you already knew I knew, why not say something sooner?" he asked.
"You'll need to learn someday that those who eavesdrop often hear things they don't like."
"And those who refuse to eavesdrop often hear nothing worth hearing at all."
"You could simply quit lurking around and speak with us face-to-face."
"And risk the conversation turning to naught but insults targeting me? You'll have to forgive me for preferring to 'lurk' for what morsels of information your friends deign to offer you in secret."
"There was no secret."
"Oh?" Trapped as he was with his hands bound to the table, Loki's only escape was to avert his eyes to the rain-streaked window near the table. "If it was common knowledge, why not bring it up yourself without having to pry it out of me?"
You let go of him and held your hands up in a galactic sign of surrender that he could only see out of the corner of his eye. "I did not wish to upset you unduly."
"Upset me? Is that what you think? You think that I'm upset that my people have established a settlement in this Realm and are attempting to move on?"
"Aren't you?"
"Obviously not!"
Once more, Loki felt instead of saw your probing look. He folded his arms across his chest and carefully avoided so much as turning his head in your direction. This seemed to succeed in getting you to drop the subject; you said nothing else. Then you pushed your chair away from the table with an almighty screech and a firm, "Let's get you packed, then."
He couldn't help rising to his feet after you in his panic. "What?"
"Let's get you packed," you repeated. "New Asgard awaits the coronation of its king."
"Let it wait! Forever, if it must!"
"Why should it? Natasha's told me all about how badly you want to rule."
"Wanted. Wanted. That was a different time. A different me!"
Loki's heart had not hammered so hard since the moment of the Snap. Distantly, he realized that the exertion did not cause him as much pain as it used to. But would it be enough?
You did appear to notice his desperation, for you paused in some gesture that seemed to have caused his toothbrush to float out of its cup. Silence fell. He realized you were waiting for him to explain himself. Of all the cruelties you had enacted upon him, this perhaps might have been the cruelest of them all.
"New Asgard—" His breath hitched. Loki licked his lips and tried again, "New Asgard little needs yet another descendant of Odin on the throne. Let Brunnhilde keep the crown. I want it not."
Though admitting as much made him in ache in a way Thanos's assault had not, Loki knew the years since that assault had changed him. Between his inglorious defeat on this very planet, the series of humiliations leading up to Ragnarök, and his near-death among the Asgardian refugees, he had learned to see himself more clearly. Leadership did not suit him as he'd once convinced himself it had. And besides, what good would it do for what remained of the spirit of his childhood home? Being among his people again would only remind him more sharply of what he'd lost—their true ruler amongst the most grievous of those losses.
"Then what do you want, Loki?" you asked softly.
He opened his mouth. Closed it again. Thought hard about his answer to your question.
It came without as much thought as he'd expected. So few of his responses were even possible anymore. But those that were surprised even himself. He wanted to learn the subtle ways of Midgardian magic. He wanted to memorize the patterns of the stars in this Realm. He wanted to eat vegetables and fruits and grains grown by the power of his own hands. He wanted to look after his chickens until they died at venerable ages. And to do all of that, any of that, there could be only one reply:
"I want to stay here," he whispered, so quietly he did not even know if he wanted you hear him.
But hear him you did. A dazzling smile the likes of which he'd never seen before spread across your face. Then, without giving Loki a chance to grasp the meaning of such an expression, you rushed forward and threw your arms around him in a suffocating embrace.
"Then stay," you breathed in his ear.
The surprise he felt at your sudden closeness dissipated rapidly. Soon, Loki wrapped his own arms around you in turn. He did not know how long the two of you stayed tangled up like that before you finally released him. But when you did, you looked so smug that he couldn't help but add:
"It's not as though I have any choice in the matter. I'd die in a week without your care."
"Oh, that." The smug smile transformed into a smirk. "I've been giving you placebos for months now. You're as mended as you'll ever be."
His jaw dropped nearly to the floor, causing a glorious peal of laughter to tumble from your mouth.
"You whined so much. What else could I do?" you asked by way of explanation.
"You fox!" he said, though he couldn't find it himself to be truly enraged. It was the sort of thing he'd have done to his brother, after all. Who would have thought he'd have found a kindred spirit in the middle of nowhere on Midgard of all places?
You neared again, now gazing directly into his eyes. "But you love me."
"That," Loki said as he cupped your cheek and brushed his thumb over the [color] skin there, "I believe to be unequivocally true."
More time passed, on the Podunk little rock Loki had once schemed to make his own just as slowly as it did in the greater, emptier galaxy. Seasons passed. The half-obliterated woods around the cabin grew thicker and greener every summer. Native creatures once sparse in the area returned in larger numbers.
There were no servants to lay out his clothes, nor banquets with food-laden tables as far as the eye could see. But there were fruits and vegetables brought forth by his own hands, homespun tunics created with care, and fresh eggs in abundance from his ever-increasing brood of chickens. There was bright sunlight by day and warm candlelight by night. But best of all, there was you.
Well, most of the time you kept close to the cabin you both called home. Nearly five years to the day since the Snap, Loki stood alone in the kitchen. He hardly ever wandered far afield those days. What reason had he to do so? Surely Ross had not been the only Midgardian eager to see Loki pay for his crimes, and Loki was hardly a welcome visitor at the Avengers headquarters on the other side of the forest—which was the second most common place to find you, and where you'd traipsed off to during the still-dark hours that morning.
Loki found himself worrying over his pot of stew more than he'd have liked to admit now that it had grown dark once again. Not about the stew, not this time; he felt he had accomplished making a perfectly edible, if not very exciting, stew with produce from the garden you and he had canned that fall. Given that he'd hardly been offered much opportunity to create purposefully edible meals as Asgardian royalty, no one could deny this to be a culinary accomplishment on his part.
You hardly ever kept him waiting this long for you to return from the large, ugly compound. He could not begrudge you going to see friends. On the other hand, he knew how the remaining Avengers still felt about him. It was the same way he felt about them. If any of them had the silver tongue he had had once...
Before he could spiral into the possessive behavior he inclined toward despite your frequent admonishments, he heard the sound of footsteps—barely. Light elves moved so lightly he would not have heard your approach had he not been listening so closely for it. The door swung open shortly after this noise, and you stepped inside the room already filled with lit candles.
"I'm home," you said cheerily, and unnecessarily.
"So I see." Loki gave the pot below him a pointed stir. "Did you enjoy your time with your...friends?"
"If you're going to be a sourpuss, I won't give you your surprise."
"I hardly want whatever gift the lovely Natasha might have sent along with you."
"It's from me. Do you want it? Yes or no?"
He knew better what you meant by the appraising look you shot him: Play along, or pay the price. "Please," he said as flatly as he could. Though you never used your considerable powers to hurt, he knew that an outright refusal on his part would probably wind up with him sprouting a pair of donkey ears for the foreseeable future, or something equally annoying and hard to explain when your neighbors inevitably came by to mock him.
You grinned despite his obvious lack of enthusiasm. One of your fingers made a series of shapes in the air. Then, out of seemingly nowhere, your familiar basket appeared next to Loki's elbow. A simple blue-and-white checked towel covered its contents.
"Open it," you said when all he did was squint at you.
It wasn't moving, so Loki took that to mean lifting the fabric would not be dangerous. Nestled underneath sat a pile of off-white mushrooms with brain-like knobs atop the stems.
"We went a little over during the meeting. I knew you'd have already started dinner. When I stumbled on these little guys on my way home, I picked them up for you as a treat."
All fear of Natasha finally convincing you to give him up died away for the moment. Loki pressed his lips together in a smile. "They're the perfect addition," he said, pulling the recently-cleaned cutting board toward him and starting to chop.
Your smile grew as you walked around him to gather bowls. "You're welcome."
"So what went on that took so long? Rewatching footage of Captain America's glory days?"
Instead of chastising him for his snide tone, you simply answered: "I thought you said you didn't want to be involved in anything we got up to."
"I don't."
"Then let's not talk about it anymore."
Loki spilled the sliced fungi into the pot with something of a startled expression. You would normally find something of note to tell him after a two-hour conversation with the Avengers, and yet you had nothing to relay after being with them all day?
"[Name], what are you hiding?"
"Is the stew ready yet?"
"You're trying to distract me."
"No," you drew the word out as you sat the last utensil on the table. He caught a flash of mischief in your [color] eyes. You bared your teeth in a wicked grin. Then you sauntered forward and looked him up and down before you slid your hands up his shoulders to interlock them behind his neck. "This is me trying to distract you."
You pressed your mouth to his without sparing him a moment to retort. Loki did not forget the thread of the conversation, per se, but kissing you back seemed of greater importance than pursuing the matter. Who cared about the inconsequential scheming of those who had already lost everything? Certainly not him, not when, egged on by his enthusiastic response, you smiled against his lips and surged forward. He had no choice but to let you push him onto the nearby counter to allow you space to work.
"Still curious about what I got up to this afternoon?" you asked during a brief pause.
"Not in the slightest," Loki said honestly. He cupped your face to pull you closer to him again.
By all rights, it ought to have turned out to be a very good day: a stew with fresh mushrooms; your eagerness to touch him, even simply as a distractoin. Loki might have been perfectly content to remain distracted had something not slammed open the door just as something besides dinner began to heat up.
You whirled to face the intrusion—but you moved no further, frozen, it appeared, by the massive shape moving through the doorway.
"Thor?" you asked.
"Thor?" Loki echoed, bewildered.
The shape crossed into what little light the multitude of lit candles allowed, and still Loki could not believe it. Whoever had burst in could not be his brother. His brother was dead, not to mention Thor would never let himself go to such a degree. This being looked thicker and flabbier than Volstagg on his worst days. They also had stringy hair and a scraggly beard that obviously had not been washed in some time.
"You followed me?" You sounded outraged, which typically spelled trouble for the offending party.
Thor—or whoever the shape was—did not spare you a glance, terrified or otherwise. Their eyes remained fixated on Loki's face, and as Loki met their gaze, he felt a spark of recognizing flare hot and painful somewhere deep inside his stomach.
"I had to see it for myself," the apparent stranger rumbled.
And that was all it took. Loki slid off the counter and stepped around you. A torrent of emotions constricted his chest. The room around him spun. After a minute or so of thick swallowing and struggled, he managed to open wide his arms and step in Thor's direction.
"Brother, you're alive!"
Thor did not meet Loki's cheer with any of his own. "So this is where you ran off to hide."
Loki felt his smile slide off his face. "Pardon me?"
"I thought you were dead. I mourned you."
"As I did for you. I thought surely Thanos—"
"I should have known your vanishing was nothing more than yet another trick!"
"Well, I confess to using a smidgen of magic to get me here, but—"
"We needed you. The galaxy needed you. I needed you!"
With every statement, Thor's voice grew louder and louder. Rarely since his brother's exile had Loki seen him so enraged. He stared as the noise washed over him, and allowed his arms to drop to his sides. These stayed there when Thor took another step in Loki's direction.
"Perhaps it was a lie. Perhaps you always intended to aid Thanos in achieving his wicked goal."
You stepped forward to put yourself between the two men. "Hey. He was in no condition to fight. If he'd gone to Wakanda, he would have died for sure."
"As he had me believe he already had for five years. My brother chose his own life over half the galaxy." Thor's eyes flicked disdainfully between you and Loki, a gesture at odds with the bright red of his face. "But I should not be so surprised. Loki has always been a coward."
"Don't you—"
Loki spoke the word softly, but his tone must have gotten through to you. Now you spun to gape at him. He merely held his hand out in a quelling gesture and told Thor:
"You're right."
It had taken a long time—eons, really—for Loki to accept the truth about himself—a long time and nearly dying more than once. If he could go back and change things, he would. How different would things be for everyone if Loki had never spent that time being coddled by the Grand Master, or masqueraded as Odin for so long, or agreed to invade Asgard, or even led Laufey through the secret passages to the palace? Always he had served himself. What argument had he that a different choice would not have saved untold lives just as Thor claimed?
But as things stood, Loki could not even change Thor's thunderous expression with his admission.
"You have changed, Brother, and not for the better."
"Perhaps I have changed," Loki conceded. "But is this not what you have always wanted for me? Living quietly, not causing trouble? Happy?"
"Happy at what expense, Loki? At least I am still trying. I am still fighting!"
"Are you? Judging by the state of your facial hair, I'd hazard a guess that's a more recent development."
"Loki," Thor growled through clenched teeth.
"You say I've changed for the worst? Fine. No one is inviting you stay for dinner and to get to know the new me or the person I've chosen to stay with."
Silence rang audibly through the dark cabin, punctuated only by the bubbling stew. Thor inhaled slowly. His shoulders migrated to up around his ears. Loki braced himself for a tirade that would have made their father proud. Instead, Thor's voice was flat and emotionless as he said:
"As usual, I will clean up your mess, Brother. And if in doing so, you are the one lost, perhaps this time I will not feel the grief of it."
No sooner had the words left his mouth than did Thor leave. He slammed the door behind him with such might that the whole cabin shook and several candles blew out. The sound of Thor's heavy footsteps faded quickly into the dark woods beyond.
He had not realized he'd been staring at the place Thor had stood until you spoke his name. All he did in response was blink. Your warm hand enveloped his own, though this did nothing to quell his sudden tremors.
Words failed him. For the first time in his memory, Loki could think of nothing appropriate to say. Pain did not hold his tongue, nor injury, simply the fact that nothing would come to mind; nothing seemed to matter. But speak he must, or he risked standing there in the dark forever.
"How long?" he asked.
"How long, [Name]?"
The fingers around his tightened.
"How long have you known my brother was alive?"
At last, he wrenched his hand free and turned to look at you. Tears sparkled in those eyes that had only a little while ago been gleaming with affection. That told Loki enough. He no longer needed you to answer.
"All this time," his mouth felt thick and clumsy, so he tried again with little improvement: "All this time, you knew. You knew Thor lived, and yet you allowed me to go on assuming otherwise!"
"If you'd just let me explain—"
"What is there to explain? I've spoken to you of the guilt I've felt over his death. You, of all people, knew what he meant to me. You could have freed me from all of that, yet you did not! What, did you believe I'd choose him over you? That I would flee to New Asgard the moment I realized my last remaining family member lived?"
The words were not as sharp as they once could have been. The tone itself was no longer smooth as velvet. They rose and fell like an overused axe. But the blow landed. You flinched.
Loki found he did not much care whether you did so because his words were true or his hysteria had been laid plain his voice. His throat throbbed where Thanos's fingers had once crushed it. Perhaps Loki should have let him. Dying that way would have hurt less than now, here, by the phantoms of everyone he had ever hurt.
You said his name again. He shook his head. Almost blindly, he stumbled through the shadows to the door, yanked it open, and stepped outside. Loki stood there on the step for a moment or two, breathing in the acrid smell of burning stew behind him before he pulled the door shut. Then he staggered off toward the quiet trees with little idea of where he was actually going.
The cold quickly leached beneath his tunic, but that he could handle. What he was not so sure of was his ability to handle any more heartbreak that night or, indeed, for the rest of his life.
Loki returned, for where else had he to go? The idea of turning to the Avengers for shelter he found laughable, and surely Thor wouldn't want him anywhere near New Asgard. Besides, Loki would miss his chickens—and he'd been in enough relationships during his life to know that an occasional nighttime walk did wonders to cool his head.
Wonders, yes; miracles, no. Although each sunrise since the Snap had felt like a miracle to him, the days following Thor's sudden reappearance twisted into a discomfiting slog. Each day followed the same routine: Loki would wake in an empty cabin with a neatly folded pile of quilts on the floor near the bed; he would eat the single roll on the counter; and he would gather his things and move mechanically through the chores that needed done even when he felt as though he were limping through a void. These would fill his time until he returned to the vacant bed to start again.
Two days he followed this routine before it grew too tiresome to ponder continuing for the rest of his life. What if his path led nowhere but to day after day after Borforsaken day of banal work and loneliness? Loki might have been prepared to accede to Thor's claims of his cravenness; he had not been so prepared to consider death at Thanos's hands may have been the better option for him.
And so he turned to the one activity that could stop him from thinking about the end of life: The beginning of it.
The cool spring midmorning appeared perfect for transplanting the pea seedlings he had picked up from their growing space on a windowsill back in the cottage. He knelt on a flat cushion of sorts in the midst of the mostly-bare garden to get to work. All he could hear was the chilly breeze blowing through the surrounding trees, their new leaves still too young to provide any noise of their own. His pale fingers worked the freshly-tilled dirt as he mentally measured the distance between plants.
Perhaps if Thor had had occasion to see Loki like this, elbow-deep in homemade chicken compost, he might have understood things a little better.
He did not turn away from his work at the sound of the familiar voice.
"Can we talk?"
"About what?" he asked evenly.
This was the first time you'd approached him since the argument. Obviously, you'd returned home a number of times, but only after he'd fallen asleep, and only to disappear again before he awoke. Loki half-expected you to leave again. A long pause followed his question before you surprised him by asking:
"Are you really going to make me say it?"
"I think that's the best way to open up negotiations, yes."
Loki carefully piled a small mound of dirt around a recently-planted sprout. It waved back and forth as if to say thank you.
"I'm sorry," you said.
He adjusted the bamboo trellis embedded in the dirt behind his peas.
"I should have told you as soon as I found out about Thor. I didn't know for long. Natasha only told me when she knew he'd be coming to help them out, but it wasn't fair to you to keep it a secret."
Slowly, without moving his head at all, Loki sat up. His filthy fingers curled around his knees.
"I didn't want you to leave. I knew how much Thor meant to you, and I knew you'd go to New Asgard to see him. And what then? Would you ever come back?"
"That's hard to say when I was never given a choice in the matter."
Another length bout of silence. This time, however, Loki could hear something else over the wind: A soft sniffling that nearly had him moving to comfort you—nearly.
"You were right, Loki. I was scared."
"Scared of what?" he asked.
How could you be scared of anything? He himself had witnessed the power at your fingertips more than once, and Steve and Natasha certainly had tales to tell of your prowess. Surely nothing on Midgard existed to threaten the likes of you after all this time.
Now he risked a glance at you out of the corner of his eye. Never before had he seen you distraught. Flustered, yes. Angry, absolutely. Undone, perhaps fewer times than he'd have liked. But he could tell even from a distance that you hadn't slept since your fight a few days ago. Pronounced bags clung the bottoms of your eyelids, and you rubbed your hands together in obvious agitation. The urge to go to you grew stronger still.
"I've never belonged anywhere before you came along," you said in a rough whisper.
All his willpower shattered at the moment your voice broke. He half-rose, twisting toward you, unable to feign absolute disinterest any longer. Perhaps he might have drawn closer to you, had you allowed him. But you held out your hands with the fingers wide to indicate you needed him to keep his distance. Loki did, although he said softly:
"[Name], that's not true."
"I kept trying to find a place, but no one wanted me."
"You have the Avengers."
"They aren't—" You gripped your elbow tightly in the opposite hand as you turned your face away. "They aren't home."
Before he could speak—whether to dissuade you, or ask for more details, or even to put an abrupt end to this tête-à-tête, he had no idea himself—you barreled onward, apparently under the impression that if he did not let you say all this now, Loki never would.
"I've been here for a long time, a very long time. People move into that building. People move out. Sometimes they bother to get to know me. Most of the time they don't. It doesn't matter either way, because they all leave in the end. Steve, Natasha, Rhodey...they'll all leave permanently someday, too."
So intent on listening had he been that he flinched when you looked directly into his eyes.
"You're the only one who's ever stayed.
He could think of nothing more to say than, weakly, "If you're so desperate for company that someone too injured and cowardly to leave is appealing—"
"You are not a coward, Loki."
"This is not about me," he said, then added, "unusual though that may be. For now, we are talking about you."
"I don't know what else it is you need me to say."
Truthfully, he needed nothing. An apology had been all he desired, and you'd returned with that and an admission that he'd been in the right. So slowly, as though he were trying to sneak up on a snoozing Thane Regin with a pair of shears, he stepped in your direction.
"Pretending for one moment that your attachment to me is anything other than imprinting on an admittedly very charismatic invalid—"
You snorted.
"—why not tell me? Why not come to New Asgard with me?"
The hand on your elbow went pale with the force of your grasp. "I am not as Asgardian."
"Neither am I, as you well know."
"I am tired of trying to figure out where I belong. I tried just about everywhere. I will not be cast out again." You blinked at him fiercely. "If you want to go, you should go. Be with your people. Reconcile with your brother. I only wanted to let you know that you are precious to me, even if I acted poorly because of that."
The spell your gaze cast on him snapped. You both averted your eyes. It did not take Loki so long to recover. He found himself drawing in a deep breath of remarkably fresh air before closing the remaining gap between you. When he took the hand dangling your side, you inhaled sharply as you looked up at him. Encouraged, he squeezed your fingers.
"I will reconcile with my brother, when he is ready. But you're my people, [Name]. You ought to know that by now. Maybe I will desire to visit New Asgard someday. Know this, however: As long as you want me, I shall always return to you."
After another pause, you returned the squeeze. "I think it's safe to say I'll always want you. But I might be glad for an occasional break, now I think of it. It would be nice having my bed to myself from time to time."
"Without me to warm it, you won't sleep a wink."
Rather than reply, you broke into a smile as dazzling as the sun hanging over the forest. He felt the familiar warm hook of your palm at the back of his neck, then you pulled his lips down to yours for a long, lingering kiss.
"I love you, you realize," he murmured once you parted.
"Oh, my gods," you said breathlessly through a half-open mouth.
"Yes, I am rather impressive. It comes from centuries of practice. Why, my last partner—"
You cuffed him lightly on the back of his head. "No, Loki. Look!"
So he pulled away and did as you instructed—and what he saw took his breath away as well.
Where his sparse rows of tender pea shoots had been only minutes ago, now a multitude of plants threatened to crowd one another out. Extra trees and their roots intruded on the edges of the garden. Bees, butterflies, and birdsong filled the clearing in which you and Loki stood.
He felt his throat contract, but no words left his mouth.
You, meanwhile, lifted shaking hands to your mouth. "They did it."
"The Avengers."
"Did what?"
"They did it!" Now you shrieked, practically dancing in place. "They figured it out! They got the Infinity Stones! It worked!"
"The Infinity—is that what you were all doing that day?"
"Tony and Bruce made a time machine. We weren't sure that it would work, but..."
"It did," Loki finished for you, somewhat dazed himself.
It was back. It was all back. He did not have to leave this place to know that not only had Thor and his friends done the impossible to bring plant life back to this planet, but that beings of all natures would be returning across the entire universe.
But, of course, the galaxy never had been willing to give Loki Odinson a lingering period of peace and happiness. Every time he felt he stood once more on solid ground, the realms tilted on their axes. This occasion would be no different. No sooner had he realized the sparkling tears of joy in your eyes were reflected in his own than did a shadow fall—literally—across the entire woods.
Above, soaring through the once-radiant blue sky, winged a great, dark ship.
Thanos had returned.
In the span of a breath, you bounded in the direction of the Avengers' home. Loki felt all the blood rush from his face. That he remained standing was itself a miracle. He felt suddenly dizzy. His heart rushed. Black crept into the edges of his vision.
Just before you disappeared into the newly-thickened forest, he managed to croak, "Where are you going?"
You stopped to look over your shoulder at him. "You don't need me this time around. I'm going to go help them fight."
Loki pressed his shaking lips together. He could stay. He could stay, and be as safe as anyone could be when Thanos and his children arrived. With a shake of his head, he crossed to you.
"I'll always need you. We'll go together."
You smiled again. Then you both ran, hand in hand, towards the clangor of battle erupting from not too far away. What would come of this whole affair, Loki did not know. What he did know was that if this was dying, death was not so nearly as horrible as he'd feared.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 29 days ago
Beauty And The Beast - Chapter 4 - Loki Odinson X Female Reader
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Title: Welcome Home
Loki Odinson X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Bucky, Steve (Mentioned), Clint, Natasha, Laura, and Wanda
Beauty And The Beast Retelling Fanfic
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | You Are Here | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10 | Chap 11 | Chap 12 | Chap 13 | Chap 14 | Chap 15 | Chap 16 END |
WC: 1,331
Warnings: Imprisonment, rude Loki, italics, banter, teasing, nicknames, crying, slight angst, and fluff?
“I should have been with you.” You said, hugging Bucky tightly, knowing this would be your last moment together. The warmth of his familiar embrace grounded you, but the weight of what was to come pressed heavily down on your chest.
Bucky’s breath hitched, “Oh, no, no. Y/N, listen to me. It's all right. Now go. Live your life. And don’t forget about me.” He gently pulled away, placing his hands on your shoulders, his grip firm. “And make sure Steve doesn’t do anything dumb.”
You met his tear-filled gaze, refusing to let him see your own fear. You managed a small smile despite yourself. “You know that's impossible, right? Steve's the king of dumb decisions.”
Bucky chuckled softly, the sound bittersweet, his eyes softened as he cupped your face briefly before letting go. “I love you, Y/N. Don’t get into too much trouble.” His tone was sad, defeated as he tried to smile, but failed.
You clenched your fists, refusing to crumble under the weight of the moment. “I love you too, Bucky, but no promises.” With a grim expression, you moved before he could react, shoving him out of the cell, and slamming the cell door shut; locking yourself inside the cell, taking Bucky’s place.
“Huh?” Bucky turned around in disbelief, his hands gripping the bars.
The Beast, looming in the shadows, took a step forward, his dark fur shifting with each movement. “You took his place,” He muttered, his voice low, rumbling. 
You stood tall, defiant. “He's my friend,” You huffed, wrapping your hands around the cold iron bars, staring unflinchingly at the Beast’s imposing figure.
The Beast’s gaze lingered on you, his snarl softening to a disdainful scoff. “He's a fool. And so are you,” He chided, turning his back on the cell. His heavy steps echoed as he dragged Bucky away.
“Bucky! Please, don't hurt him!” You cried out after them, but the sound of Bucky’s protests soon faded, leaving you alone in the chilling stillness of the dungeon.
You sniffled, sliding down against the cold stone wall, pulling your knees close. The tears you had been holding back finally spilled over. The silence pressed in, heavy and suffocating, until a strange, slightly chipper voice interrupted your sorrow.
“Forgive my intrusion... But I have come to escort you to your room,” The voice said, its accent overly formal, and obviously fake.
Blinking away the tears, you looked around, startled. Your gaze fell to the floor, where a candlestick with a face stood, looking up at you expectantly. You blinked again, unable to process what you were seeing.
“My room? But I thought...” You trailed off, still confused, as the candlestick reached up with his arms and unlatched the cell door with surprising dexterity.
The candlestick, full of exaggerated pomp, waved his arms theatrically. “Oh, what? That... ‘once this door closes it will not open again’? I know. He gets so dramatic.” His tiny flames flickered as he shook his head.
You took a hesitant step forward, eyes wide. “Who are you?” You asked, bewildered.
The candlestick puffed out his tiny chest proudly. “My name is Clint!” He declared with a flourish, his voice brimming with energy.
You stared, utterly baffled. “And you can talk?” You stammered.
“Well, of course, he can talk. It's all he ever does,” Came a new voice, more grounded and impatient. A clock waddled into view, their face fixed into a look of mild annoyance. “Now, Clint, as head of the household... I demand that you put her back in her cell at once.” The clock - Natasha - grumbled, her small hands tapping against her wooden frame.
Clint waved her off dramatically. “What do you want to be for the rest of your life, Natasha? A woman, or a mantle clock?” He gave her a sly grin, making the clock roll her eyes.
‘That name... Natasha? Why does that sound familiar?’
Clint turned back to you with a nod. “Ready, miss?” His eyes seemed kind, and though your nerves hadn’t quite settled, you gave him a slight nod. “Trust me,” He said, leading you up a spiraling staircase. You followed, your footsteps echoing in the narrow stone corridors. Along the walls hung paintings, their eyes seeming to watch you as you passed.
As you entered a grand hall lined with more portraits, Clint glanced back at you, his flickering flames casting shadows on the walls. “Oh… You must forgive first impressions. I hope you are not too startled.”
You gave a small smile, trying to steady your nerves. “I was at first, but I think I’m getting used to this. Not every day I talk to candles.”
Clint corrected you with mock seriousness. “Candelabra, please. Enormous difference. But consider me at your service.” He dipped his head as if he were tipping a hat.
Natasha strode ahead of you both, her ticking loud enough for it to echo throughout the hall. “The castle is your home now... So feel free to go anywhere you like. Except for the west wing. Which we do not have,” She added hurriedly.
Your brow furrowed. “Why? What's in the west wing?”
Natasha stiffened, her gears clicking anxiously. “Oh, nothing,” She replied a little too quickly.
Clint chimed in, mirroring her discomfort. “Nothing.”
“Storage space,” Natasha muttered, irritation creeping into her voice.
“Storage space,” Clint repeated, nodding sagely. You gave them a dubious look but said nothing as you followed them up the last set of stairs. Clint’s flame flickered with excitement as he gestured grandly. “This way, please. To the east wing. Or as I like to call it, the only wing. Watch your step!” He warned, catching himself as he nearly tripped.
They stopped at a large, ornate door. Natasha straightened herself. “Welcome to your new home. It's modest but comfortable.”
You opened the door and stepped inside. The room was grand beyond anything you’d ever imagined, with a massive bed draped in emerald silk and rich fur blankets. The walls were lined with oil paintings, the dim lighting giving everything a surreal, dreamlike quality. Out of all the rooms in the castle, this room was surprisingly clean… Ish.
Your breath caught in your throat, gasping, you murmured, “It's beautiful.”
Clint beamed. “But of course! His Highness wanted you to have the finest room in the castle!”
You raised an eyebrow at that statement as a voice fluttered down from above, accompanied by a cloud of dust. “Oh, my! We were not expecting guests, my dear. Don't worry. I'll have this place spotless in no time.” A feather duster flew down, twirling elegantly.
Clint’s voice suddenly dropped an octave, his candelabra arms stretching dramatically toward the feather duster. “This plan of yours is dangerous. I would risk anything to kiss you again, Laura.”
Laura swooned as she floated into his arms. “No, my love. I've been burned by you before.”
Clint’s tiny flames flickered, casting soft light across Laura’s feathers. “We must be strong,” He proclaimed.
She fluttered out of his grasp with a wistful sigh. “How can I be strong when you make me so weak?”
You smiled at the scene, the warmth of their banter easing some of your anxiety. “Is everything here alive?” You asked, glancing back at Natasha.
“This is just your wardrobe. Meet Madame Wanda. A great singer... When she can stay awake,” Natasha introduced, motioning to the large wardrobe against the wall.
The wardrobe creaked open slowly. “Natasha! Some of us need their beauty sleep.”
Natasha raised a brow. “Stay with us, Madame Wanda. We have someone for you to dress!”
Madame Wanda’s doors opened fully, her voice rising in excitement. “Finally… Oh, look at you! Such a smile! Such a figure! Perfect canvas. Yes! I will find you something worthy of a princess.”
You flushed, fidgeting with your simple dress. “Oh, I’m not a princess.”
“Nonsense! Now, let's see what I've got in my drawers,” Madame Wanda said as moths flew out with her enthusiasm. “Oops. Sorry.” 
@meganlpie @lokixryss @violethaze @johnmurphys-sass @greep215
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Main Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
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mochie85 · 2 years ago
To Have and To Hold - Chapter 8
THaTH Masterlist Complete Masterlist
Summary: Loki and Violet reunite. Violet gives birth. A/N: I wanna give a big thanks to @michelleleewise and @lokisgoodgirl for being my BETA readers and for helping me along with my unhinged ideas. Pairing: Loki x OFC/Reader Word Count: Over 1.8K Tags/Warnings: Pregnancy. Early labor. Pain. Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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The pain was blinding. Your vision was fading around the edges as you tried to focus on something, anything that might relieve the pressure taking over your lower body.  It was as if God himself wrapped his hand around your pelvis and back and squeezed. It came in full force, and He was not giving you any mercy.
You were taken to a brightly lit room. There were many people in black orderly uniforms standing alongside the walls, ready and willing to be of service. Two of them tended to you and took you away from Thor’s embrace. Hands were flying everywhere as they stripped you and placed you in a lightweight silk shift.
“Loki? Where’s Loki?” you cried out.
“Thor, fetch your brother,” Frigga whispered.
“But Father would never allow that,” he answered.
“I’ll deal with your father. You get Loki here any way you can. Do you hear me?”
“Yes, Mother.” Thor nodded as he ran out of the room.
“It’s too early. It’s too early,” you kept repeating to Bruce who was holding onto your hand.
“Vee, it’s gonna be ok.” Bruce squeezed your hand, and rubbed your shoulders, comforting you the only way he knew.
“Why…how, Bruce? It’s too early. Please…” you cried. “My baby.”
“I…I don’t know, Vee. But right now, let’s focus on getting that baby out.” He nodded, his nerves betraying him. “I’m sorry I’m not Loki. But I’ll be here for as long as you need me, ok?” You nodded as you breathed through your mouth.
In. Out. In. Out. The occasional screams of agony tear from your lungs as you try to wrap your head around what’s happening.
“Lady Violet, my name is Gilda. I’ll be your midwife today.” The woman said to you gently. You nodded at her while keeping Bruce right by your side. “We have set up the healer’s bath as a birthing pool for you, milady. The soul forge on top would be able to help us assess the baby and help you along. All right?” You nodded and agreed. “Ok let’s get you in.” Gilda went to your opposite side and helped walk you along to the bath.
“Do Asgardians normally give water births?” you asked, your curiosity winning over your wincing pain.
“Some do, milady. However, it is the preferred method of the Jotunns. And since…” Gilda looked up at you, contrite. “I apologize for being so bold, milady.”
“That’s all right. Since the baby is half Jotunn, you thought it would be significant to honor this method. I appreciate the fore…aaaahhhhhgggg…the forethought,” you screamed.
“Your contractions are getting closer together. Let’s get the soul forge over you and we can begin.”
“No! Wait! Loki. I need Loki. Please,” you begged.
“There isn’t much time, milady.”
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Thor ran down the corridor. Beings of all shapes and sizes hollered and screamed at the sight of the god of thunder. Some were loud and angry for being put in there by the prince himself.
Thor descended one more flight of stairs until he found the one Loki was in privately. His cell was bright and furnished. A contrast to the dark and desperate appearance of Loki wallowing in the corner of the cell.
“Loki…” Thor huffed.
“You’re a tad too late, brother. The sentencing was done hours ago. It was stupendous!” Loki’s crooked smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“I believe, Father tried to sell tickets…”
“LOKI! Will you shut your insufferable mouth for just one moment?!” Thor yelled and suddenly looked around to see if there were any guards in sight. Thor placed his hands on the lock by the door and the electric borders fell.
“What are you doing?” Loki asked confused. He got up, ready to run, not wanting to waste any time.
“I arrived with Bruce and Violet moments ago.”
“Violet is here?!” Loki asked shocked.
“Yes. She is in labor. Come I’ll fill you in on the way.”
“Where? What room?”
“Healer’s temple. The baths.” Thor said only seconds before Loki grabbed his arm and transported both of them into the hallway of the temple. Thor looked around to orient himself and pointed at the door to his left.
Loki didn’t waste any time as he opened the door and searched the vast room for you. Healers and dignitaries crowded around to bear witness to the birth of the next royal line. He heard you first before he saw you. Your screams of pain were loud and heartrending. “Darling.” He said pushing through the crowd. Running over to you. Reaching for you.
“Loki? Loki!” You held your hand out reaching for him too. And as you both crossed your fingers together and finally held each other, a sense of peace entered your body, making you lose your breath and hitch. He was here and he felt like home. Memories of those long nights sneaking behind the compound where his hands, the same hands that caressed your cheek and held your face, were now finally holding you.
Tears fell down your face as you held on to him tighter. You were afraid that if you let go, he would disappear. And you didn’t think you could handle that right now. “My beautiful Violet. I’m here. I’m here,” he whispered, leaning over you and kissing your forehead.  Loki started looking around. “Who the hell are all these people? Did you want them here?”
“I…I don’t know. I just thought…they needed to be here…” you answered.
“Everybody out!” Loki screamed as he pointed to the door.
“All right, you heard him! Anybody who is not necessary, out!” Thor yelled, ushering other bystanders and chambermaids. Frigga hugged both you and Loki tightly before leaving the room. Thor clapped his brother on the shoulder for support and followed his mother out.
“Loki. I watched her as best I could.” Bruce came up to him.
He shook Bruce’s hand, “I am grateful to you, my friend. I can never thank you enough for all that you’ve done for me…and my family.” Loki said holding you tighter. Bruce gave you a small kiss on the cheek as he said goodbye too and left the room. The only people who were left were Gilda and two other nursemaids.
Loki stripped bare down to his tunic. “Are you ready, my heart?” He asked as he picked you up and carried you over to the large tub. You shook your head as more tears fell from your face. You held on to your stomach as he lowered you down into the warm water. You were submerged up to your chest in the shallow tub. The shimmering fabric of your tunic floated around you like a halo making you look ethereal.
Loki stepped in shortly after you, making you pause. He pulled you gently in front of him as he sat behind you and cradled you in between his legs.
“I’m never letting you go again.” He said adamantly in your ear. You relaxed into Loki, his strong hands cradling your hips. His lean frame protecting you, lifting you up and supporting you, reminding you that you didn’t have to do this alone.
“I’m sorry, Loki,” you started to cry. “I’m so sorry.” You repeated the words in between your screams. Over and over. Loki shushed you wiping your tears, a useless endeavor with his wet hands.
Gilda stood at the foot of the tub as the two maidens placed the soul forge above you. She took one look at it and was about to say something, but you had screamed at the top of your lungs. You grabbed Loki’s knees and squeezed. Your fingernails digging into his skin.
“Ok, milady. Push.” Gilda ordered, kneeling down and reaching into the water.
“I’ve got you, Violet,” Loki said into your ear. You nodded, answering his devotion as you screamed out some more. Your head rolled back as he wiped the sweat off your brows. “You’re doing great, my love.”
After what seemed like hours of pushing, and breathing, you felt momentary relief. You felt your life, all the love and knowledge you had acquired since your birth, pushed out of your body. Your breathing came in easier but was still ragged. You sobbed when you saw Gilda pull your babe from the waters and heard the first cries of your newborn child.
Loki held onto your face, kissing you endlessly, sighing soft praises to you. “You did it, my love. You did it. You are radiant, mother goddess.”
You cried, extending your arms out to hold your baby. Gilda handed it to one of the maidens. “Tressa, place this mirakel in one of the smaller soul forges.” Gilda turned to you, seeing your look of anger and disappointment. “Not yet, milady. You still have one more to deliver.”
“One more?!” both you and Loki yelled out instantaneously. As if it were being summoned, you felt another contraction. Gilda pointed to the soul forge atop of you. “I was going to mention it, but there was no time.” You both looked up, and the quantum field generator showed you an image of another small baby, still inside your body.
“Are you ready to push again?” Gilda smiled.
You nodded, as you barred down and held onto Loki’s hands. His nose running alongside your face, whispering nothing but encouraging words to you. “My darling Violet,” he chuckled. “Always giving me more love back than I give you.” He kissed your temple. “Two miracles in one. I will forever be grateful.” With those beautiful words, you felt his love. You pushed one last time and the third love of your life was born.
You were so exhausted. So overwhelmed. Gilda took the baby and handed it to another maiden who wrapped them and placed them lovingly in the soul forge along with their sibling.
“I want to see them,” you cried.
“You will, milady. But let’s clean you up first.” Gilda instructed. In an instant, Loki picked you up and transferred you over to another tub. The clean waters ran over you and Loki as he joined you.
“Gilda, please tend to the babies. I will look after my wife.” He said in a low voice.
“As you wish your highness,” she said smiling. “Shall I inform her majesty, the Queen?”
“Yes, please. But no visitors at this time.”
“Yes, your highness.” Gilda left to tend to the babies, while one of the handmaidens delivered Loki’s announcement.
Loki’s voice was soothing and gentle as he washed your body. He took great care with you and healed what he could. “I’m afraid the rest will have to be looked at by Gilda or perhaps one of the other healers. Do you feel all right, darling?” he asked.
With fatigue creeping its way to you and the events of the last two days overwhelming you, you couldn’t help but give in to the tiredness. You nodded your head and closed your eyes.
“Sleep, then. I’ll watch over you. I’ll watch over our family.”
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⬅️Chapter 7 | Chapter 9➡️
🏷️ @emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @vickie5446 @psychospore @mukagentropy @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallows @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @n3rdybirdee @melsunshine
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raqnarokr · 2 years ago
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Forbidden romance with Mob!Loki
“We could just leave. Together”.
Author's note || moodboard especially made for April challenge for @the-slumberparty the theme is mob au using the prompt number 30 from “Fluff and General”.
→ Moodboards masterlist
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★ Thank you for reading and visiting my blog! Feedback is highly appreciated through comments and reblogs 💌
★ Follow @raqnarokr-library never miss any notification of my posts 🧚🏻‍♀️
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toasting-twinks · 2 years ago
I think it would be so funny if Loki did go back to Earth and fell in love with a human after clowning Thor for it. I know Thor would then clown him for it. And everyone else too (if they knew, assuming Loki doesn’t keep it a secret).
I feel like his partner would clown him for it too. Just a lil. “Ooo the god who tried to take over the world fell in love with a little human”. He needs a bit of teasing since it comes with comfort and safety. Something he desperately needs.
Loki illusion casting so you can “age together” then stay like that for a while after you’re gone because at first it hurts too much to see himself in his young and natural state without the illusion after doing it for so long.
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redroomwidows · 1 year ago
Loki Requests
I’d love to start writing some loki requestss!
Please send any ideas you have over to me! Currently I only write for Loki from his show (tva loki) as that’s who i’m most comfortable with.
here’s a prompt list if it helps!
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simplyholl · 9 months ago
Happily Never After Pt. 1
Summary: A marriage proposal from Prince Loki is every princess's dream come true, except for yours.
Pairing: Asgard Loki x F. Reader
Warnings: Smut. Minors DNI. 18+ ONLY. Loss of Virginity.
W/C: 3.4K
A/N: This will be two parts!
See My Masterlist Here
"Married to Prince Loki?!" You shriek. It was the most absurd thing you had ever heard. "Stop being dramatic, dear. You two are very close. Since Prince Thor is already promised, this is the best match we could secure. Your father and I thought you would be happy considering he is your friend, and not a stranger."
"We used to be close! That was ages ago! I loathe him, mother. This is unfair. I would rather marry a stranger." You protest, wiping your sweaty palms on your long gown as you pace the room. "Why do you hate him? We just visited them last week." She tries to reason with you.
"You said yourself he was your best friend. Do you not recall the tears you shed when your father forbid you from spending time with him unchaperoned?" She pours herself more tea, waiting for your reply. "Yes, well he was my best friend. He's a different person now. I barely know him." You look out of your window, the palace in clear view of your own estate.
Your father was king of a neighboring realm, when the ogres attacked, forcing your family to seek safety in Asgard. You were welcomed with open arms. Frigga and your mother became fast friends. Odin relied on your father's knowledge of the other realms' customs, so he became valuable to him. Frigga invited your mother for tea every day. She insisted your mother bring you along since she had two boys close to your age you could play with.
Thor was older, more focused on playing rough with the other boys. He never paid attention to you. Loki was only a year older than you. You often found him reading under a tree instead of playing. He didn't notice you at first until you insisted the older boys let you play. Volstagg accidentally knocked you to the ground.
When Loki heard you crying, he stood up for you even though Volstagg towered over all of you. He was an unusually large child. Loki brought you to his favorite hiding place. Deep in the woods behind the palace there was a treehouse. He explained that he often came there for solace. It was built for Odin thousands of years ago when he was a child.
Thor didn't like to play there because it was too far from the palace. He thought he would get in trouble. One evening, Loki lost track of time and fell asleep in the treehouse. When he was finally found, Frigga had the place cleaned up, so it wouldn't be dangerous. Ever since that day, you and Loki were inseparable. You used the treehouse as a secret lair for you two to spend time alone.
The other children didn't play with you. They only played with Loki because they were scared of Odin. You understood each other completely. You would make up stories and put on one person plays to share your creativity. You grew up together. It went from playing as children, to hiding out in the tree house after mandatory appearances at balls. You despised when your father wanted you to meet other royals. He would force you to dance with their sons. After two dances, you and Loki would slip away to your private place.
You would laugh about the cheesy things they said to impress you. You would never forget the first time your heart skipped a beat. You were laughing about the visiting prince who told you your gown was lovely. It was the most hideous shade of lime green the seamstress could find. You had requested it that way, so you could hide your beauty. You wiped tears of laughter from the corners of your eyes as you told Loki your reasoning for the unpleasing color.
"You should have known you couldn't hide beauty like yours even in that atrocious gown." His sentiment made you blush, your heart stopped beating as he held your gaze. His eyes lingered on your lips for a few seconds too long. You were sure he was going to kiss you. You closed your eyes in anticipation, feeling his face draw closer to yours. Then you were interrupted by Thor bellowing down below. Your father was looking for you.
You wouldn't be allowed out of his sight if he caught you out there. When you got home, you wrote everything down in your diary. How Loki had made you feel beautiful for the first time in your life, how you wished Thor and your father would have waited moments longer. The next day your father called you into his study, your diary in hand. Oh, how you wished the floor would open up and swallow you whole.
"I forbid you to see him ever again." Your father's stern words instantly made you cry. Loki was everything to you. You couldn't lose him. You told him it was just a silly crush. That what you had written was just a fantasy you made up. He finally believed your lies, but now you couldn't be with him unless you were chaperoned.
Hundreds of years went by, you were as close as ever. You still found your way around the chaperones. You would sneak out at night meeting at the treehouse. You would stay up half the night together laughing as you did when you were children. He would have you back in your bed before sunrise. You always thought it was unfair that you had to be chaperoned, but Loki could do as he pleased.
Then came your first heartbreak. A visiting prince had met you at one of Frigga's balls. He immediately asked your father to court you. You were devastated. You didn't want to be courted. You were happy with your life. But your father couldn't wait to marry you off. But the more time you spent with the prince, the more you liked him. He had dark hair and blue eyes, sometimes you pretended he was Loki.
But he wasn't and there was your whole problem. No one would compare to Loki. But if you had to marry someone, at least the prince was nice. The prince would often find you with Loki going on strolls through the gardens, eating, and reading in silence. One evening, he visited your estate. He said he wanted to end this courtship. You couldn't think of anything you did wrong. He explained that he was certain your affection lied elsewhere, and he wanted to be the only man in his future bride's life. You didn't understand what he had meant, but you thanked him. You were free once again.
Then the latest scandal sheet was delivered by your maid. It mentioned how you and the prince were getting close. You rolled your eyes, thankful that was over. But when you reached the last paragraph, your whole world shattered. Prince Loki had been seen at the brothel three times this week. Not only that, but he had been caught with an unnamed maid in his mother's garden.
It wasn't uncommon for royalty to fuck around like whores, but this truly wounded you. You cried for a week after it came out. Your mother thought you were upset over the prince ending your courtship, so she explained there would be other princes. You didn't visit Loki for three months after the scandal sheet came out.
Another one hundred years passed, and you had grown used to Loki's womanizing. You were at the market, Loki carrying your basket filled with trinkets, winking at the unsuspecting maidens. He made note of the ones he wanted to bed later. You rolled your eyes, as you handed your coins to the shopkeeper, peeling the orange you just purchased.
"Really Loki, can you go one minute without finding four new lovers?" You joked. "Jealous?" He smirked. "Of course not, don't be ridiculous." "The only reason you are not overcome with jealousy is because you do not know what I am capable of carnally." The bite of orange you had just taken lodged down your throat causing you to choke. Loki smiled, pleased with himself.
"Of course, I wouldn't know that, or care to find out. You shouldn't speak of such things so loudly. What if someone heard you?" You looked around, your maid, Greta had her eyes on the ground pretending she wasn't listening. Loki walked over to her, dropping a few coins into her hand, and whispering to her. You watch as she goes to the next vender looking at the silks.
Loki grabs your arm, leading you behind a tent. "Aren't you curious? Your parents keep you in the dark, only for the bumbling fool you end up marrying to spill his seed in a matter of minutes." You would be like the other princesses, not knowing what to expect on your wedding night, if it wasn't for Loki. He had told you all about the act some hundred years ago, so you would know what to expect. You were thankful for that, at least.
But now, when he was looking at you like that, and speaking of such things, you wished you didn't know. "You won't experience pleasure with them. They just want to produce an heir, and once that's taken care of, he will get a mistress. I don't want that for you. I hope that you find a love match, but that is highly unlikely considering your father allows anyone with a title to court you."
You consider Loki's words as he leans in, his breath tickling your ear. "Let me show you what you are missing. I'll make it good for you. You deserve to experience mind blowing sex at least once in your life." He was the devil himself; you were sure of it. He was so tempting. You knew he was experienced, and women threw themselves all over him everywhere you went. He had to be good at it.
"I - I'm not sure. I would be ruined if anyone found out. My father would kill you.” You whisper, just in case someone was listening. "That's not a problem, I would just marry you before your reputation took a hit." He smiles as if what he said wasn't crazy. "Loki, I couldn't ask you to do that. To be honest, I am frightened. Not of you, but of the act itself. It doesn't sound like it would be pleasurable. Oh, but it must be if every eligible maiden in the kingdom lets you have your way with them."
You continue your ranting until Loki grabs your hand. "I would be gentle with you. We could start slowly. We would only do what you are comfortable with." You agreed to meet him at the treehouse that night. When you're back in your chambers you call Greta in to question her.
"Greta, have you had sex before?" She gasps, looking everywhere but at you. "My lady, that is not appropriate." You sit on your bed, gesturing for her to sit beside you. "Oh, spare me, we have known each other since we were girls. So out with it." You fold your arms across your chest waiting for her to answer.
"Yes, there was one man." She answers, her cheeks turning red. "Greta! Who was it?" She smiles, "Bart, the baker's son. We had a lovely couple of months together, but then he married the butcher's daughter. You see, men are fickle creatures. They use you until they find someone else. So be warned, my lady, keep your heart out of it. Men can have sex without emotions, and us women, well we often times end up heartbroken."
Greta's words repeated in your head all afternoon. You had known Loki for centuries, so you didn't think he would hurt you. But you were tempted to turn around, go back to your chambers and pretend like none of this ever happened. Luckily, he was in the treehouse waiting for you, so you couldn't leave now.
"It has been brought to my attention that men will do this with anyone, so I know it will mean nothing to you. And apparently, it will mean everything to me. I just don't want to regret this." You confide in Loki. "My darling girl, this will mean everything to me too. You are far too precious to me for it to mean nothing. We don't have to do anything if that is what you wish."
"I think you are right. I deserve to feel pleasure, and I trust you. I'm just nervous." Loki cups your face in his hands, bringing himself closer to you. It was so similar to that night when you were teenagers, your stomach erupts in butterflies. You never imagined the cute, gangly boy you knew so long ago would grow into the devilishly handsome man before you.
He kisses you, and it is exactly how you had always imagined. It was as if no time had passed between the moment when he almost kissed you centuries ago and now. You felt exactly the same. When he finally breaks the kiss, you look at him with wide eyes. If just his kiss could make you feel like this, you were in trouble.
Loki sat you down on the old mat you used to read on as children. It had fresh linen on it. Loki must have put it on before your arrival. He pressed kisses to your neck, sharp teeth nipping at your exposed skin. He had you sit up so he could undo your dress, nimble fingers working quickly on your corset until all your clothing was sat aside. You were bare for the first time in front of a man, but you were not ashamed. You should have attempted to cover yourself, but when Loki looked at you like you were a priceless painting, you felt no need to.
Loki took his time kissing every part of you. He toyed with your nipples, and you felt yourself growing wet. When he lowered his head to take one between his lips, you finally understood why all those maidens would jump at his beck and call. He kissed his way down your stomach, nipping your upper thigh. He spread your legs apart, pleased with your arousal dripping down your thighs.
"May I?" He asks, pink tongue poking out to lick his bottom lip. You aren't sure what he is asking, but he knows what he is doing, so you give your consent. His tongue envelops you, sliding from your slit to your most sensitive part. "Loki!" You shout, as he continues exploring you. His tongue flicks your clit as your hands weave through his messy locks.
You never imagined it would be like this. And you suppose if it wasn't for Loki, you would never know. He slips a long finger inside you as he continues licking you, He stretches you, placing another finger inside. You jolt at the intrusion, his fingers curling to caress your walls. You feel like you are about to explode.
"Loki, I feel so wonderful." You tell him. His lips suction around your clit, tugging while his fingers work their magic. Stars explode behind your eyes as your first orgasm rips through you. Loki waits until you finish writhing on his face before coming up for air. He wipes your arousal off his face with the back of his hand.
You think that has to be the most attractive thing you have ever seen. But you are proven wrong when Loki undresses. He has filled out since the last time you saw him shirtless, when you were swimming as teenagers. He drops his trousers, hard cock springing free. You gasp when you see the size of him. You were beyond thankful he told you about the differences between men and women so long ago. What a surprise this would be if he hadn't.
"You still have time to change your mind, love. Just say the word and I will stop." He stalks toward you, lowering himself to the mat. "Please do not stop." You say breathlessly. Loki chuckles, settling between your thighs. "This will hurt, but only for a moment. Tell me when you are ready for me to move."
Loki sinks into you, pressure and pain causing you to cry out. "I'm so sorry. I can't help it. It will feel better soon, I promise." You grit your teeth as Loki bottoms out. He stills inside you, waiting for you to give him permission to move. You take a minute, adjusting to his size, before you tell him you are alright.
Loki slowly removes himself before filling you completely again. After a few thrusts, it starts to feel good. "Faster, Loki, please." You beg, clawing at his back as he ravishes you. His hand comes down between your joined bodies, skilled fingers swirling against your clit. The feeling you had earlier comes back full force, another orgasm sending you soaring. Loki pulls out, finishing on the fresh linen on the mat. You lay there, breathing heavily, looking at Loki. He truly is beautiful. "Shall we go again?" He asks, his signature smirk returning.
Loki laid with you three more times before the sun rose. He walked you back to your estate, making sure you made it inside safely before walking back to the palace. The next day, you were excited to see Loki. You secretly hoped you would spend the day in the treehouse.
"Mary was looking for you." Fandral tells Loki, raising his eyebrows suggestively. "Well, you can tell her I never wish to see her again. She is of no use to me anymore." They laugh in unison, walking away as you round the corner. "Has someone finally caught your eye?" Fandral smiles. "Actually, I plan on asking the princess to marry me." Loki shocks Fandral who places a hand over his heart.
"Did you hear that, Greta?" You ask your maid, unwanted tears filling your eyes. "Yes, my lady." She answers. "Repeat what you heard please."
"Prince Loki said "You can tell her I never wish to see her again. She is of no use to me anymore." She looks at you with pity. "That's what I heard too. Oh, Greta." You collapse into her arms, sobbing. "Let's go home, my lady. We mustn't let the prince see that he has hurt you."
From that moment on, things were very different between you and Loki. He demanded to know why you avoided him now and why you never had a kind word for him. You never answered because he knew what he had done. He just didn't know you heard him talking about you. That was five months ago. Now, Odin was ordering him to marry and they had chosen you of all people.
If this happened before you would be ecstatic. Now, it makes you sick thinking about being alone with him. You had no choice. Your father had been trying to marry you off for centuries, and you always got out of your courtships somehow. You suspected Loki had a hand in it. But now that he wanted to marry you, there was no getting out of it.
You were expected at the palace by noon tomorrow. You paced the floor so many times, your footprints were probably embedded into the floor. Then you had the perfect idea. You would run away.
The next day everyone awaited your arrival. Your mother and father sat with Frigga and Odin having tea while they waited. Thor patted Loki on the back. "Finally, brother. Everyone saw this coming. I am very happy for you." Loki brought his cup to his lips, when a timid knock on the door interrupted them. He jumps up, rushing to let you inside. Instead of you, he is greeted by Greta. "Forgive the intrusion, your highness. It's the princess she ran away." Greta hands Loki the letter you left.
She sniffles, worried about you. While he reads the note, your father and Odin start planning on sending knights to find you. Frigga comforts your mother. "What does it say?" Thor asks, peeking over Loki's shoulder.
Greta, I cannot marry that pompous ass. I would rather live amongst the pigs. Do not bother looking for me, because you will never find me. Tell mother and father I love them dearly. Thank you Greta, for everything. I wish I could have taken you with me. All my love.
"No need to create a search team, father. I will find her myself." Loki states, leaving the room.
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michelleleewise · 5 months ago
Fire and Ash...
A Long Live the King Tale..
Pairing: King Jotun Loki x Asgardian female reader
Warnings: there be angst here!! Cause it's me....come on lol mentions of labor and delivery (cesarean...not graphic), mentions of alcohol, yelling, crying, swearing, jealousy, assumptions, self doubt,
Summary: Loki is off realm as an unexpected surprise arises....causing you to question your relationship....
A/n- ok so......this is the continuing saga of Loki of Jotunhiem and y/n of Asgard. Because an epilogue wasnt enough lol i hope you all enjoy!!! 💚💚
Part Thirteen--Part one-
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One year after your return to Jotunhiem-
"WHERE IS HE!?" You yelled, gripping your stomach as your knees buckled "I have sent word my queen, he should be here shortly." Alrik said grabbing your elbow "don't touch me!" You yelled trying to steady your breathing "apologies my queen." Alrik said quickly letting go. Bracing yourself on the wall you took a deep breath as the pain passed "a..alrik, will you...hold my hand?" You asked trying to straighten yourself "umm...yes my queen." He said holding his hand out. "We must get you to the the healers, we cannot wait." He said as you placed your hand in his.
"Fine time for a trip to Asgard." You growled clenching your jaw "king thor..." alrik started when you shot a glare at him "I do not give a damn about king Thor!" You snapped feeling another wave coming "His place is here with me, Not galavanting around like some school boy!" You yelled as the pain set into your lower abdomen "yes my queen, you are absolutely right." Alrik quickly said as you doubled over holding your stomach. "If he is not here in five minutes I will Stab him myself!" You gritted "very good my queen." Alrik agreed as you slowly straightened "t..take me to the...the healers, I cannot take this." You said shakely as the pain eased.
"Would you mind if i carried you my queen? It will be faster." He asked watching you intently "and have the men see me as some weak woman!? Not on your life." You said taking a deep breath. "You will walk me there." You said straightening your spine, pushing your chest out trying to look as composed as possible "of course my queen." He said walking to the door he held your hand tightly as you walked into the long hallway. You held your head up, chin out as you walked towards the healing chambers, Alrik taking slow strides to match your pace when another wave hit hard. "They are getting closer, we must hurry." Alrik rushed out watching you double over. "This will happen when I say so." You growled again trying to breath. "I am not sure it works that way my queen." He said seeing everyone looking at them.
"Fuck! C..carry me! I...I can't.." you groaned feeling a tear slide down your cheek as Alrik laced his arm under your legs holding you to his chest he began to run "we need the healers! Quicky!" Alrik's voice echoed through the halls as he maneuved around eveyone "a...alrik..." you panted, gripping your stomach feeling the tears streaming freely "I know my queen, we will be there shortly." He assured you as he sped up his pace "move you oafs!" He yelled to a group of guards standing by the entrance to the healers "if anything happens to the queen you will face Loki's wrath." He growled as they quickly dispersed. "It's ok my queen, we are here." Alrik said setting you down on a small bed.
"What has happened?" One of the healers, Norendra asked rushing over "it is time, you must assist her!" Alrik said walking to the side of the bed grabbing your hand "but...this wasn't supposed to happen for weeks." She said calling over the other healers "well it did!" You yelled making her jump. "I...I'm so...sorry." you panted laying your head back against the pillow "it is alright y/n." She said offering a soft smile. "You, quickly retrieve me the pain elixir from the cabinet." Norendra said grabbing your other hand "all will be well soon, keep taking deep breaths." She cooed rubbing the back of your hand "w...where is L...loki." you asked taking a shaky breath "I am unsure my queen, but we will get through this." Alrik smiled dabbing your forehead with a damp cloth. "I...I need him." You said, unable to stop the sob that escaped you. "He will be here y/n, I know he will." Akrik said trying to calm you.
The other healer came over, handing the elixir to Norendra before joining the other healers fluttering around the room. "Here, drink this and all will be well." She smiled holding the vial to your lips you leaned up drinking it all before settling back down. You felt your eyes droop, sleep calling your name looking up Alrik "t..thank you...for everything." You smiled feeling the pain cease "anytime my queen." He smiled back "i...I love you...your like the brother I never had." You said squeezing his hand "sleep well...sister." he smiled as your eyelids slowly dropped, sleep taking you. "We will have to perform surgery." Norendra said to the other healers making Alrik look up "what? Why? Everything has been fine." He said taking a step towards her "it is in the wrong position, we must act now." She said bringing everything to the side of the bed.
"And since the king is off realm and you are her guard you must stay." She said sternly pointing to a chair in the corner. Alrik sighed, bringing the chair over he sat it down next to the bed grabbing your hand In his "loki...I will get you for this." He growled rubbing your hand with his thumb he averted his eyes as the healers prepped you
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Loki sighed, gripping the handle he swung the door open walking into the tavern. He made sure his asgardian illusion was in place as he glanced around finally spotting the massive blonde he had been looking for. "Thor!" He yelled making his way around servers and patrons "ah Loki there your are!" Thor bellowed standing up. "Mother said you needed to see me?" Loki asked looking around at the drunken revelers and their half naked aquantinces "yes! I wanted to introduce you to my friends seeing as whenever you are here you never come out." He said taking his seat pulling a voluptuous red head into his lap making Loki roll his eyes as he sat down "volstagg, fandral, hogun and of course the lovely lady sif." Thor said pointing to each one as he introduced them "everyone, this is Loki, my brother." Thor said clapping him on the back.
"I was not aware Thor had a brother." Sif said eyeing him. "Yes well, we only fairly recently discovered it and Odin was not my father." Loki said waving a server over "ah I see, well it is a pleasure to meet you." She said smiling as the others lifted their glasses "here here!" Thor said downing his drink "another!" He yelled throwing it to the ground shattering it making Loki jump. "So brother tell me, how are you enjoying Asgard this time of year?" Thor asked wrapping his large arms around the red head in his lap "it is fine, I only wish it wasn't so stifling." Loki said as the server set a drink in front of him "Well we will make it worth your while won't we?" He asked the small group of friends as they started cheering and laughing, loki looking around at them seeing sif giving him an odd look "drinks all around!" Thor yelled as a group of servers decended on the table. "Drink up, the night is young." Thor winked at Loki making him sigh. "Only one Thor then I must retire, I return home tomorrow." Loki said sitting back "we shall see." Thor said giving his friends a sly look as they all picked up their tankards.
Several hours and drinks later Loki stumbled back to his chambers, much to his chagrin Thor had coaxed him into drink after drink as the revelry bled long into the night. "Norns what was in that mead?" Loki sighed leaning his head on the door to his room he pushed it open stumbling inside. "That oaf will be the death of me." He said peeling his tunic off he tossed it onto a chair by the fire before slumping down on the chaise across from it. A smile spreading across his face at the memory of you and him on the one in his sitting room when a faint knock sounded at the door. "No Thor! I am done for the evening." He said resting his head on the back of the chaise when his door opened "oh come now, you cannot be tired yet." Thor said walking inside closing the door behind him. "Well I am so if you don't mind." Loki sighed pinching the bridge of his nose as Thor plopped down on the chair across from him "or have a seat I suppose." Loki snarked sitting up. "I only came to offer a night cap." He said wiggling a flask back and forth "and possibly offer some company this evening." He smirked and winked making Loki's brow furrow.
"We have some of the most exquisite pleasure maidens in all the nine." He said sitting back "and I am certain one would be more then happy to spend the evening with the king of Jotunhiem." He said giving Loki a knowing look "I beg your pardon?" Loki asked taken aback "oh, we also have men if you prefer or maybe a bit of both eh?" Thor asked wiggling his eyebrows "no Thor, you know of my relationship with y/n." Loki said sternly looking into the fire. "I only know you took her back with you. You haven't spoken much of her...although mother tells me she is expecting your child?" Thor asked taking a drink "yes she is, I care for her deeply." Loki said taking the flask from Thor "well from the sounds of it she is no more then a concubine carrying your heir." Thor shrugged "she is more then that brother." Loki growled glaring at him "I love her." He continued taking a drink. "Well then why have you not married her? Made her your queen then?" Thor asked holding his hand out "well i...we just haven't...you don't understand..." loki stuttered handing the flask back.
"Loki you needn't explain anything to me, I was only offering you company for the night...help relieve your stress." Thor said taking a drink "your trips here seem to be becoming more frequent and your stays longer, is everything alright between you two?" Thor asked eyeing him. "You wouldn't understand thor." Loki sighed sitting back "I was not expecting y/n to be with child so soon, i...I am not sure I am ready." Loki said titling his head back "well it's a bit late for that." Thor laughed "have you spoken to y/n about this?" Thor asked "no, I have not. She has not been quite herself as of late, the child has not been easy on her." Loki said closing his eyes "I have not wanted to burden her with my troubles as well." Loki said sighing. "So your solution is to leave?" Thor asked making Loki's head shoot up "because it seems to me that is going to cause more problems then lessen them." He said shaking his head "as I said brother, you would not understand." Loki said standing up "now if you will excuse me I am quite tired." Loki said pointing to the door. "Alight I'll go, but I truly feel you are digging yourself a hole you won't be able to get out of." Thor said standing up holding his hands up.
"Thor..." loki started when the door to his chambers flew open, frigga walking inside "I have received word from Heimdall your child is on the way." She said looking between them "what!? We are weeks away!' Loki yelled grabbing his tunic "apparently not." Thor laughed "good luck brother, and congratulations." He said patting Loki on the back as he left. "Heimdall is waiting for us at the bifrost." Frigga said quickly turning and leaving "norns help me." Loki said righting his tunic following her. Silence hung heavy between them as they walked to the bifrost, Loki's anxiety rising the closer they got. "Son, what troubles you?" Frigga finally asked making Loki sigh "what if I'm a terrible father? What if I become like Laufey?" He asked looking up at the golden dome "Loki, you have a good heart...you will not be as he was." Frigga said looking over at him "but i..." he trailed off looking up at the stars "no buts! You will be an excellent father." Frigga said sternly as they walked in seeing Heimdall ready "but, whatever is happening between you and y/n you must repair it." She said grabbing his elbow "I know you have been hurt and your are scared but do not shut her out." She said offering a soft smile seeing him nod.
"Heimdall, king Loki is ready to return to Jotunhiem." Frigga said sternly seeing the man nod "when you are ready." He said sliding the sword into the podium "I will return to tell you of y/n and the little one." Loki said hugging frigga to him "take care Loki, lest you lose everything." She said hugging him back. Loki pulled back nodding, flicking his wrist his illusion dropped, his skin fading from ivory to azure. "Be well my son." Frigga said as loki stepped up to the opening "be well Mother." He called back as Heimdall turned the sword sending him home.
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You drifted through the haze, pain blossoming in your stomach hearing voices floating through the room "Loki, as a friend you are a complete fool." Alriks voice snapped bringing you back. Slowly opening your eyes you saw Loki and Alrik across the room "you need to talk to her." Alrik's voice sounded again "talk to me about what?" You asked, seeing both their heads snap to look at you "nothing love, we can talk when you are better." Loki smiled walking towards you when alrik grabbed his shoulder "do it...or I will." He growled nodding to you before quickly leaving the room. "W..what was..." you trailed off trying to sit up when a sharp pain shot through you "love lay back, you need to rest." Loki said gently pushing you back when reality slammed into you.
"Whe...where's the..." you started when Loki cupped your face in his hands "y/n, he is fine, he's sleeping." He said nodding to the small bassinet on the side of the bed. You took a deep breath laying back against the pillow "thank the norns." You sighed closing your eyes. "They had to perform surgery my love, he would not come out on his own." Loki said taking a seat on the bed next to you. "Why?" You asked, looking up at him feeling your eyes burn "why weren't you here Loki?" You asked clearing your throat "I am so sorry love, I thought we had time and i was..." you scoffed cutting him off "in Asgard, yes I know." You sneered looking to the ceiling "you are there more then you are not these past months." You said fighting the tears that threatened to fall "y/n my love, i..." loki was cut off as the healer came in "apologies my king but she needs rest, I have to ask you to leave." Norendra said standing at the foot of the bed "very well, just give me a moment?" Loki said seeing her nod and walk across the room.
"My love, you know I only wish to know the family that was taken from me." Loki said as you tilted your head, a tear betraying you sliding down your cheek "am i not your family as well?" You asked watching him look down to his lap "I am sure you have gotten your fill as well...seeing as I could not accommodate you." You snarked looking back to the ceiling "now y/n, that is..." Loki started when Norendra stepped up again "my king I must insist." She said sternly. "We will discuss this later y/n." Loki said, watching you stare unmoving at the ceiling as he stood up "please ensure she has anything she desires." Loki said seeing Norendra nod he quickly turned making his way to the door, glancing back watching you roll to your side your back facing him "I'm sorry y/n." He whispered opening the door stepping out.
"Did you talk to her?" Alrik asked suddenly making Loki jump "no, she is in no state right now." Loki said briskly walking to the throne room "I meant what I said, you do it or I will." He said making Loki stop and turn to him "why are you so concerned hmm?" Loki asked crossing his arms "have you two grown close in my absence?" Loki sneered watching Alrik take a step towards him "if we were not blood Brothers Loki..." he growled clenching his jaw "I care for her a great deal, she is like a sister to me and I will not allow even you to treat her as less then she deserves." Alrik said sternly, his voice rising getting the others attention "you will watch how you speak to me! Brothers or not I am your king!" Loki yelled taking a step towards him.
"And she is my queen!" Alrik yelled "and she deserves to be treated as such, not left alone by the man who says he loves her!" He continued taking another step towards Loki, leaning down he held his gaze "the man you are now..." he trailed off looking Loki up and down "does not deserve her." Alrik sneered standing back up "I will be in my chambers should you need me...my king." He sneered quickly turning walking the other way down the hall. Loki stood speechless, Alrik's words sinking in as he watched him walk away. He's right...you don't deserve her loki thought to himself turning back to the throne room, taking a deep breath he looked down the hall towards the healers deciding where his priorities lie he turned and walked towards your room, slowly opening the door he quietly slipped inside
"my king, what are you doing?" Norendra whisper yelled at him storming over "please, y/n and my son are here...allow me to stay?" He asked feeling the tears well in his eyes "fine, but you will be quiet yes?" She asked as he nodded "very well, come visit your son." She said walking over to the bassinet, Loki following behind her "have you thought of a name my king?" She asked carefully picking him up as Loki held his arms out, cradling his son to his chest "yes...we did in fact." Loki whispered, running his finger along his sons tiny cheek. "Vali Alrik Lokison." Loki smiled seeing his sons lips turn up at the corners. "That's a beautiful name my king." Norendra said grabbing a chair from the corner "here, sit with him...she will wake in a bit to feed him." She said as Loki sat down rocking his son in his arms. "You will be a great king one day." Loki whispered hearing Vali coo "better then I I am certain." Loki smiled when soft snores came from the bundle in his arms.
"Sleep well little one, you have much to discover." Loki cooed leaning back in the chair he looked up at your sleeping form, regret filling him at not being here when you needed him. "I will be better...for you...for our son...I swear it." He whispered closing his eyes. He leaned down kissing his sons forehead humming to him as he rocked him back and forth. "I swear it.." he whispered again, a tear streaming down his cheek as he gazed at the most precious things in his life.
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@lokistoriesblog @hyperlokilover @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @simplyholl @lokidokieokie @mjsthrillernp @violethaze @dryyoursaltyoceantears @loz-3 @commanding-officer @stupidthoughtsinwriting @high-functioning-lokipath @jaidenhawke @lokiandbuckysdoll @littlespaceyelf @lastlovesong17 @ladyofthestayingpower @homesickloki @glitterylokislut @avoliax @yelkmelk @mayjaysthots @buttercupcookies-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @her-glorious-purpose @nate-ate-hate @chantsdemarins @ladymischief11 @usagishira @princess-asgard @honeyg19 @goblingirlsarah @cabingrlandrandomcrap @mochie85 @silverfire475 @smolvenger @loki-laufeyson-1054 @marygoddessofmischief @animnerd @texmexdarling @fictive-sl0th @jin0x0 @vbecker10 @eleniblue @lady-rose-moon @pics-and-fanfics @kittiowolf210 @kats72 @asgardianprincess1050 @crimson25
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vbecker10 · 1 month ago
No Stabbing!
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You ask Loki if he still stabs people when he's bored but the prince of Asgard is more curious about why you want to know.
Warnings: idk... vague mention of a terrible date and overly protective Loki (who doesn't love that? Lol)
A/N: Came up with this idea pretty randomly so hopefully it's good lol enjoy! 💚
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"Loki, do you still stab people when you're bored?" you ask as you walk into the common room, interrupting a game of chess the two brothers are playing.
The younger prince stares up at you in confused silence, his attention shifting to his brother when Thor clears his throat.
"I'm sorry Y/N," Thor says politely. "Fury made it abundantly clear to my brother that stabbing people who irritate him is not something that will be tolerated while he is on probation."
"Oh... right," you mumble and look down at your shoes. "We'll never mind then," you turn to leave.
"Why do you ask?" Loki finally speaks when you've taken a few steps away from them.
"No reason," you respond quickly turning to face him.
"Y/N," Loki says in a slightly stern tone.
"My date tonight was awful. He was so handsy," you explain, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Handsy?" Thor repeats the unfamiliar term with a raised eyebrow. Loki looks at you and you can tell he's just as confused as his older brother.
You sigh and make a grabbing motion with both hands towards the princes.
"No stabbing!" Thor shouts at his younger brother as he gets up, knocking over the few remaining chess pieces.
Loki gets up quickly, his favorite dagger appearing in his hand with a green flourish. "You were with the new tech from Stark's team," the God of Mischief states, no hint of a question in his voice. You nod as he walks angrily past you into the hallway.
"I am simply going to talk to him," Loki insists, his pace not slowing.
"With your dagger," Thor rolls his eyes when he catches up.
Loki smirks, "Yes."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @mischief2sarawr @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @ash-muses @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-asgard @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv @glitterylokislut @biodegradable-glitter-fest @wolfsmom1 @simone818283 @hopefuldreamers-world @blackhawkfanatic @sabspoetic @anukulee @lovinglokilaufeyson @beaniemoon @peaches1958
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olderman-enthusiast · 2 months ago
Loki Headcanons
This is just my opinion on how I imagine Loki!! Fluff with just a hint of smut 🤭
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He loves simple physical touch like when you take his face in your hands and be gentle with him, forehead kisses and running your fingers through his hair. He just wants to be taken care of. 🥹
He’s very needy when kissing you, he can’t get you close enough to him.
He’s a whining mess when you kiss his neck, give him back scratches and lightly pull his hair.
Loves giving you kisses on your palm of your hands especially in public
In the morning waking up with you he’s very clingy and handsy kissing you anywhere and everywhere he can. Won’t let you go, he’ll keep pulling you back into bed.
He’s a attention seeker, when your busy doing something he just loves to give you kisses to your temples and the sensitive places on your neck to try and distract you and give him attention
He always has a grumpy mad face but Whenever he see you walk in the room his face lights up with the cutest smirk.
He loves foreplay, loves taking his time with you. Kissing every inch of your body tell he has you begging him for more. He’s definitely a huge tease.
He loves aftercare, he loves to take care of you; he’ll run the shower for you both, clean you up, gives you a massage and cuddles in bed tell you both fall asleep.
Loki loves going down on you while he’s wearing his helmet; so you can hold onto the horns. 😏
His pet names for you include “kitten” “my love” “darling” & “princess”
When he’s away on missions he carries a picture of you in his suit that he’ll glance at when he’s missing you, But won’t ever admit it.
Loki has a way with words but with you he stumbles on his words, distracted when you look him in the eyes, makes him blush.
He loves giving you gifts for no reason except that he just loves you.
He loves to watch you read, He finds it fascinating and adorable how your facial expressions change with each page.
He LOVES to cook for you, he’s a very good chef.
Loki could listen to you talk for hours, he loves the sound of your voice so much
He loves to make you blush by his words and actions. He gets a kick out of it; like i said he’s a big tease, he is the god mischief.
When you wear green it makes him go feral, he automatically gets horny.
He’s very protective over you and can get jealous easily. If anyone just tries to hurt/touch you, they're DONE.
He loves how you can see through his facade and understand the pain and loneliness that he feels. You’re the only one he can be vulnerable with.
You both Understand each other without needing to talk, you know each other so well.
He loves when you lay your head in his lap while he reads.
Loki likes to sneak up on you, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around you.
He is desperate for your Moans. He loves to hear you Scream his Name
Loves to take showers together, He especially Loves to wash/brush your hair. But he definitely loves shower sex even more.
will always Express how happy he is that your his "You're everything to me" “Your my world” “I don’t know what I do without you my love”
Lokis kinks
- Praise Kink: when you praise him he loves when you call him a good Boy and when he praises you “your doing so good for me, kitten” and “You Look so good under me”.
- Knife Play: using his Knife to free you from your Shirt/Bra. Using the cold side of the blade on your skin. But he could never hurt you.
- Love bites: He loves leaving hickeys and bite marks everywhere, especially where everyone can see so they know your his.
. ๑・° ⊹ . + ° . ๑・° ⊹ . + ° . ๑・° ⊹ . + . ๑・° ๑
For more writings/fics check out @joelmillermylove & @olderman-enthusiast 💕
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Last Updated: 2024-10-06
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Loki stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✑ She's the Boss (Secretary!AU) by lokisprettygirl • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: You're a strong and independent [...]. Fortunately for you, your assistance, later CFO, Loki is more than happy to obey your every command...
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✑ Cum Fly with Me (Pilot!AU) by wheredafandomat • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: {…}
✑ Devil's Advocate, the (Secretary!AU) by clandestineloki • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: "Nothing could have possibly prepared you for the sight of [you're boss pleasuring himself… not to mention moaning] your name."
✑ Naive (Secretary!AU) by lokisprettygirl • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: "Being Loki's secretary is not the job for the weak of hearts. He was rude, had a temper sometimes and he was a womanizer."
✑ Secretary (Secretary!AU) by bakugousaysdie • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: "Loki [is] pleased with you, the over-eager assistant that was definitely had a crush on him... You were bright-eyed and secretly naughty, he just knew it."
✑ Thrill of Coffee, the (Barista!AU) by iamnotoriginalphil • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "You hate your new Barista..."
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✑ Big Tip (Server!AU) by simplyholl • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
✑ Classroom OTP (Educator!AU) by lokiodinsonofasgard000 • 〔F〕 •
✑ His Pretty Angel (Secretary!AU) by clandestineloki • 18+ • 〔E᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || Loki Master Index
Authors: @bakugousaysdie || @clandestineloki || @iamnotoriginalphil || @lokiodinsonofasgard000 || @lokisprettygirl || @simplyholl || @wheredafandomat ||
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oliwrites · 1 year ago
relationship: loki x fem!reader
genre: smut
summary: loki cant help but overhear your conversation with natasha
warnings: smut (18+) unprotected piv, fingering, thigh riding, squirting, soft dom loki??, multiple orgasms, loki being nosy
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“I dunno, Nat��� I love him to death, I really do… it’s just…” You say as you run your fingers through your hair. You didn’t like the idea of talking ‘bad’ about Loki behind his back, but this is the only way to get the emotions and thoughts off your chest.
“What is it? Stop beating around the bush! C’mon, I’m good at keeping secrets” Natasha replied, sipping on her beer.
“It’s kind of TMI but—”
“Oh please, TMI is nothing in this friendship and you know it, just spit it out!”
“Well… when Loki and I get… y’know… everything starts out great, but he just gets all soft and vanilla-y and I just wanna—” You start to explain, but stop when what you really want to say gets caught in the back of your throat.
What you and Natasha didn’t know is that Loki had walked out of the bedroom. His ears perked when he heard you say his name, so he walked towards Natasha’s room and listened in.
“Go on…” Natasha said
“Well… when we get frisky… he gets all soft and shit… like all mushy and gushy. Don’t get me wrong, I love it when he’s sweet to me… but I really just wanna be fucked. Not ‘made love to’ but ‘fucked so hard I can’t walk’ y’know?” I explain, a feeling of guilt washing over me as I finally say it.
“Have you tried bringing it up to him?”
“No… I want to, but I just don’t know how or when”
Loki frowned. Was he really boring you that much? You seemed pretty into it when the two of you were in action.
“I mean, when Bruce and I first started out, he was all mushy and stuff, all up until I sat him down in his bedroom and just told him how I felt. Ever since he’s pretty much been Hulk smashing me,” Natasha explained. I roll my eyes at her ‘Hulk smash’ comment
“What if I hurt his feelings?”
“He literally terrorized the city of New York and Stüggart, killed 80 people in 2 days, almost killed the entirety of the Frost Giant race, and faked his death 2 times. I don’t think he’ll be offended. Honestly, he might be more offended if you don’t tell him,” Natasha explained.
“No buts, you’re literally the love of his life, and he would probably do anything to make you happy. Just trust me, babe, Loki isn’t going to be offended or mad, just communicate,” Natasha cut you off
Loki agreed silently. Natasha was right. He wasn’t offended or upset. He would climb the highest mountains and cut through every forest just go make you happy, if you asked. He decided to gather a plan, and he walked back into his room.
“You’re right. Thank you, Nat,” I smile and start to stand up, grabbing my beer bottle, and taking another drink of it, “I’m gonna go talk to him about it,” you smile, trying to ignore the anxiety bubbling within your stomach.
“I would say tell me how it goes, but I’m sure I’ll be able to tell if you have a limp tomorrow or not,” Nat snorted, you flipped her off playfully and started to walk out of the room.
When you entered the hallway, you heard your phone buzz. You took it out of your pocket and saw a text from Loki.
Loki: come visit me if you can, my little dove
You smile at his text. The nickname “little dove” always made your heart flutter. You pocket your phone and walk towards Loki’s room. You don’t even bother knocking, considering he was expecting you.
What you weren’t expecting was Loki to practically jump you the second you walked in.
He closed the door and pressed you firmly against it, kissing you hungrily as he groped your breasts without care. It took you by surprise, but you quickly melted into the kiss, kissing him back just as roughly.
Your guys’ tongue and teeth clashed together as he guided you to his bed, pushing you down onto it, before removing his shirt, and hastily removing your sweatpants and tossing them to the side. Before he flipped you over, setting you on his thigh
“Ride me.” He commanded, leaving no room for discussion. You blush and move your hand to the string of his sweatpants, “Not there,” he said simply.
You blush before experimentally rubbing your panty-clad cunt against his thigh. You let out a shaky moan at the new feeling. Loki growled before he started bouncing his leg. You let out a surprised, but aroused shriek, stopping the movement of your hips.
You let out another shriek when you felt his hand come down harshly on your ass.
“Did I say you could stop?” He asked in a serious tone. You shake your head no, “then keep going,” He said simply, before he started to bounce his leg again.
You continue to grind down on him as he bounce his leg. The feeling of cotton against your clit had you almost screaming as you continued to buck down against his thigh.
“Loki, I—” You started, before you cut yourself off with another moan.
“Soak me,” He said, grabbing your hips and pushing you down harder against his thigh.
Your whole body quivered as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your ears started to ring as you soaked his thigh completely, your juices squirting all over him.
He gave you no time to recover before he flipped you over and ripped your panties off and shoving two fingers inside of you, going at a rapid pace.
“Oh gods, Loki!” You screamed out, arching your back off the bed as his fingers drilled into you.
“You wanted to be fucked, hm? Oh I’ll make sure you can’t walk tomorrow…” He said huskily, before going down and attaching his lips to your clit, sucking it harshly.
His words did not process in your mind, instead you screamed out his name and tangled your fingers into his hair.
He curled his fingers at just the right spot and you came again, soaking his face, fingers, and the bedsheets below you as your arousal sprayed out of you once again.
Loki stood up and took off his sweatpants and boxer before flipping you over so your ass is in the air. Without warning he plunged into you, fucking you at a breakneck pace.
“Is this what you wanted, hm? You wanted to be fucked? Treated like a toy?” Loki growled, before slapping your ass harshly as he continued to drill into your abused hole.
“Yes! Fuck, Loki!” You screamed out, grinding back into his hips, meeting each of his thrusts. The words he said remained incoherent, as, lack for better words, he fucked your brains out.
He grabbed a handful of your hair and tugged it back, using it as leverage to fuck you even deeper. You gripped onto the bedsheets for dear life as he pummeled you with his cock.
He grunted as he felt his orgasm approaching, he reached forward, circling your clit at a rapid pace, causing you to scream out his name.
Your orgasm was approaching quickly as he fucked you swiftly. You tried to warn him, but were caught off by your orgasm as if ripped through your body.
You screamed out in sheer pleasure as you came on his cock. Your orgasm triggered his and he thrusted as deep as he could, spilling his seed deep inside of your quim.
He laid down next to you and looked at you with pure love in his eyes. You adjusted and laid down as well, looking at him.
“I actually wanted to talk—” You started, before being cut off by Loki
“You wanted to be fucked, not made love to… I overheard you and the Black Widow talking,” Loki said with a smile, “I hope I was able to fulfill your dreams,”
“Mmm… maybe another round or so could really fulfill my dreams” You smirked before crawling on top of Loki, starting yet another round
~ The Next Morning ~
You woke up in Loki’s bed, with Loki still sleeping peacefully next to you. You smile and decide to get up and head out to the kitchen for coffee.
You walked down the hallway into the Avengers common area where Natasha sat, drinking her own coffee. Natasha laughed at your limp as you hobbled over to the kitchen
“Oh shut the fuck up”
hayyy sorry for not posting in foreverrrr but i got bombarded with school, work, and family issues, and i haven’t really had the time to write something (even something small) and i also have officially hit a good ‘ol writers block!! if you have any requests please lmk and i will write them!!!
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