#{if disney does pietro wrong}
sailforvalinor · 10 months
Oh yeah, I finished S1 of Bia—here’s an update:
So I forgot to mention this, but throughout season 1, Chiara had been taking cooking lessons from Pietro, and their friendship was very cute and they got up to all sorts of hijinks. (She also gets him to start a YouTube channel with her, it’s a long story in which he’s conflicted because he doesn’t know how well that would jive with going on to be a lawyer and people taking him seriously in the professional world, which I have to emphasize is a legitimate concern?? But it kinda gets swept under the rug, so whatever.) Chiara realizes that she’s developed a crush on him, further complicating the love triangle (square?? Pentagon???). Don’t ask what the age gap is, the show does not volunteer this information.
Daisy and Jhon crash and burn when Daisy’s birthday rolls around, and Pietro and Jhon both give her their gifts. She doesn’t know whose is whose, opens one and it’s one of those music sampler pad things and she’s like “??? I have no interest in music, who would get me this???” And Pietro jumps in at the last second to save Jhon and is like “haha, that was me, I got it as a joke, I thought it would be funny 😅.” And then she opens the gift that’s supposedly from Jhon but actually from Pietro and it’s a famous prima ballerina’s pointe shoes (HELLO??) that it probably cost an arm and a leg to get, and she’s absolutely overjoyed that her boyfriend knows her so well! Until she finds the receipt for the pointe shoes with Pietro’s name on it. She confronts him about it and is like “bro you have never gotten me a joke gift in your LIFE you take picking out the perfect gifts for people so seriously, how did I fall for that,” and he’s like “haha yeah 😅.” And the thing is, Helena had said earlier about the pointe shoes that “only someone truly in love could have picked out a gift so perfect,” and Daisy goes “man, Helena was COMPLETELY wrong, huh!” And Pietro is just like “Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Yeah. 🥲” THIS POOR GUY. Anyway Daisy confronts Jhon about it and breaks up with him because he really doesn’t know her very well, and the thing is she’s right but you do feel bad for Jhon, he’s clearly heartbroken—he’s just not the most mature guy ever.
In true Disney fashion, Chiara writes a song to express how she feels about Pietro, and then is like “hey Pietro will you listen to this song I wrote and tell me what you think?” And he says that he likes it a lot, and that it reminds him of someone that he likes but that he’s not sure will reciprocate his feelings, and Chiara is like “sure she will!” thinking he’s talking about her, and then he confesses that he likes Daisy. Yowch.
Meanwhile Jhon has been asked to go on tour with a famous YouTuber and is going to leave in a couple of days, and Celeste has just managed to admit to herself and her friends that she does like him, but wasn’t going to do anything about it because he was still with Daisy. But since they’d broken up, when she goes to say goodbye to Jhon, she kisses him. IN A BATHROOM. Like, I get that her arc was about overcoming her anxieties and learning to talk about her feelings, but girl???? Anyway we don’t see the aftermath of that, but Celeste is just happy that she could work up the courage, so…okay, I guess
Manuel’s mom, Lucia, shows up from Spain on the pretense that she missed him, but actually she came to confront Manuel’s “uncle” about the fact that he promised he would tell Manuel that he was his father but still hadn’t. Manuel’s “uncle” (Antonio, I’m just gonna start calling him by his name) is a lying liar who lies, and keeps promising that he will, but doesn’t seem to ever have any intention to. Meanwhile, Manuel’s aunt is not pleased because she of course hates Lucia’s guts, but then it comes out that when Antonio had an affair with her, HE TOLD HER HE WAS SINGLE. HELLO?? Manuel’s aunt then leaves him and asks for a divorce. But then she comes back? But I think she still wants the divorce. I’m confused.
I cannot emphasize more here that Victor and Alex truly have no idea what is going on or why their parents are fighting.
Manuel’s aunt and uncle confront Bia’s parents for some reason (I genuinely do not remember why—oh wait I think it was because Alex did a video with Bia?? It’s complicated and it doesn’t matter), and it did not go well, Manuel’s aunt somehow accidentally pushed Bia’s mom and injured her arm. (I cannot overemphasize just how unhinged that woman is. She desperately needs psychological help.) Bia’s parents do seriously consider calling the police on them, so I guess the police do exist.
Because of all this, Lucia doesn’t want Manuel living with them anymore, and tells him that he’s coming back to Spain with her. He is of course not a fan of this, he’s all like “BUT MOM I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND” (and there’s Victor, he is concerned about Victor). He and Bia really had JUST gotten together, but after a lot of convoluted stuff he works it out so he can live in the apartment building that Thiago owns. I’m skimming over a lot of stuff here, mostly because it’s nothing to write home about, but it must be said that the chemistry between Manuel and Bia is off the charts. Have you ever seen a fictional couple so cute that you wanted to throw up 😂
Oh yes it must be said though, there’s this running thing in the show where sometimes we get what I’ll call “Bia-vision,” where we’ll see the environment drawn over with her drawings and doodles as if it’s how she sees the world? Anyway, she has these little anthropomorphised hearts with faces that she draws a lot, and whenever Manuel is in the “Bia-vision” the little hearts start blushing or have heart-eyes. It’s absolutely adorable.
The acting across the board in this show is pretty good, but I feel like the guy playing Manuel is a notch above the others? He’s very gifted in subtlety. Gets this kid in more projects.
Oh yeah also Thiago kissed Helena, but then tried to play it off as him getting caught up in the spur of the moment or something. It wasn’t very convincing. Anyway, he later confesses that it wasn’t spur of the moment, he loves her, he’s loved her for a very long time, he’s probably loved her since the first time he saw her (OKAY), but tells her that she doesn’t need to give him an answer right away. We love a gentleman! Anyway, Helena is conflicted.
There is a lot of plot stuff with the YouTube channels that I’m skimming over here because I don’t care about it all that much, but the last major thing that happens in the season is that Bia actually runs into Helena in the park. And you’re like “GASSP they’re gonna reunite???” And then you find out in the beginning of S2 that Bia didn’t recognize her. Just…ouch, that’s devastating.
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vole-mon-amour · 2 months
maaann, the Only You and Bye Bye Bye in the first 4 minutes of the movie is so 😂👏.
on another note, watching Loki series pays off. otherwise I wouldn't be able understand those orange portals.
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the Forbes journal with Pepper. the toy that she loved, but that always drove a tiny WILD.
"He no longer does this."
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The Pic of Tony/RDJ with Peter/Tom and the helmet that Peter wore and Tony saved him. Ahhh. I see some many of those items. Some are a little bit one the nose ("The proof that Tony Stark has a heart" and even the shield), but still. ♥️
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Wade is such a messy pansexual.
"Is that supposed to be scary? Pegging is st new for me. But it is for Disney. (winks)"
Wade fanboying over Steven Grant Rogers is so <3. Me too, Wade, me too.
Wait a goddamn moment. Was Wade THIS close to meeting Loki when demanding to meet the boss?
NO FUCKING WAY?? I heard the voice and I was like, "Steve??? No, wait, that can't be, he seems to be dead?"
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"Stay close."
"Ay ay, Captain. You've got this."
ME TOO, WADE, ME TOO. I'm not even mad it's you and not Bucky (but Bucky wasn't allowed to do this, wtfff). The Steven Grant Rogers fan in me can't fucking believe this. I can't stop smiling and squealing.
"How long was I asleep?"
"Not all parts of you were asleep."
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Can we get at least ONE kiss? That would be so Wade.
"That was my favourite Chris. You know what he was doing to the budget."
Me too, Wade, me too. :( I miss Steve SO much.
"Fingers are inside me, but not in a good way."
"Almost done WHAT?"
"Getting my mind out of your borrocs. Get your mind out of my pants. I'm telling Blake."
The fourth wall is being smashed every 3-5 minutes.
"Have you been checked for ADHD?"
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"Oh, we're just getting started, bubba."
Guys is it gay when?
Wait a moment, the Quicksilver is also dead in this X-men universe? That's not only fair, but also kind of cheap. Give me my Pietro back. Give WANDA her Pietro back. And how the hell is Daredevil dead here as well?
"You're all fucking dead."
"My god, read the room."
"Whoever you think I am, you've got the wrong guy."
"You were always the wrong guy."
"They brought Hugh back. They're gonna make him do this until he's 90."
I'm afraid there might be some truth to it.
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fasterthanmydemons · 4 years
(possible spoilers for WandaVision?) OKAY SO I was so hyped about Pietro being mentioned in WandaVision, I tried to find out more, I checked ATJ's Wikipedia page and in english it says nothing, BUT I checked it in spanish, my first language (I'm from Canarias hi lol) AND his spanish Wikipedia page has WandaVision in his filmography as Pietro!! I mean anyone could have edited it and I don't wanna set myself/the mun/people for disappointment but GUYS- my fingers are crossed I love ATJ's Pietro.
{out of breath} Not the day this blog is scheduled for replies, but I couldn’t leave this bandaid on... gotta rip it off and get the pain out of the way. Potentially big WandaVision spoilers ahead!
I’m... going to dash a lot of hopes here, including my own, but I am 99% sure Pietro is returning for WandaVision..... and also 99% sure he will NOT be played by ATJ. Instead, he’ll be played by Evan Peters, the actor who played a mish-mashed-up version of Quicksilver and a another super hero, named Peter Maximoff. Sorry to all ATJ-version lovers. I love his version of Pietro too. But... it’s just not going to happen. =(
How do I know this? Aside from ATJ’s own admission in multiple interviews that he has no intention of ever returning to the MCU (which he seems very serious and adamant about), I have read in several different articles from several different sources (here is one of them if you would like to read it for yourself) that a recent leak has pretty much confirmed that Evan Peters will be playing Pietro in WandaVision. What happened was... the voice actor who dubbed the Spanish-language version of the X-men show that Peter Maximoff is in posted a tweet that basically said he’d be reprising his role for WandaVision and it would be the second time he did the Spanish dubbing for Quicksilver, and he attached a picture of Evan Peters. Shortly after it was posted, the tweet was removed, but by then it had already been shared and screenshotted.
Which then makes perfect sense as to why you would see the character listed for the Spanish version but not on ATJ’s filmography. So... It seems we are getting Pietro the character back (or maybe he’ll be called Peter now? Because everything in WandaVision is Americanized?), but he will be played by a different actor.
I... could almost be okay with this... if it was maybe someone going into Wanda’s little dream bubble (the same way Geraldine/Monica did) to maybe pose as Pietro to get Wanda to remember things. OR... if it was some strange alternate version of Pietro. I mean, I still hate it. So much. And I wish they would just leave the character alone rather than screwing him up. But I could almost see this and be able to deal with it...
...what I really hope doesn’t happen... but it’s looking more and more like it is... is that they recast the original Pietro and essentially retconned that Evan Peters was him all along. That would piss me off on so many levels and just honestly ruin a lot for me with regard to the character. Imagine Wanda acting like EP was her brother all along? Nothing against EP’s version if you like that one at well, but ATJ’s MCU version is soooo different in style and background and just everything. If this is what they’re going to do, then I am going to have serious problems with it and have to really sit down and figure out what I’m going to include in my own version of Pietro’s canon and what I’m going to just basically ignore.
Of course none of us actually know what is going to happen until it actually happens... but this leak I talked about combined with what you’re seeing listed on the Spanish Wiki pages seems to confirm our worst nightmare for Pietro. It’s such a shame, and I wish they hadn’t done this, but we’ll just have to muddle through it. Maybe we’ll get lucky and all of this will turn out to be wrong/fake/misunderstood. I guess that’s our last hope at this point. =(
I am truly sorry to everyone reading this whose bubble I just burst. I guess I would rather not see people get their hopes up super high when I had information to the contrary. I hope I’m wrong. Let’s all hope for that.
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taibhsearachd · 3 years
Frankly, one of the things that makes me angriest about the post-MCU tumblr era is that you all want to act like Avengers Tower was made up out of wish fulfillment and Disney movie marathons.
Even setting aside that, at the end of Avengers, Tony was clearly planning that... uh... this is straight comics canon. This developed not out of fanon, but out of literal comics canon. In 616 canon, the Avengers only moved their base of operations to Stark Tower after the Avengers Mansion was destroyed.
Since the Avengers era of Cap and his delinquent children (ie, the second generation of the Avengers, starting with Cap, Pietro and Wanda, and Clint), many Avengers have lived in the same building. As the team grew, obviously, many of them had their own places... but a lot of them still fucking lived together, for years. This wasn't fandom fantasizing based off of college dorms, this was literal comics canon.
So acting like "2012 MCU Fandom" was stupid for writing as if Avengers Tower was a thing... I mean, it was called Stark Tower in the comics, but it existed as a thing in comics for years. Still does, actually, if nothing catastrophic has happened in the last few years since I stopped paying attention. Clint goes there to play video games sometimes. I'm convinced Tony's programmed all the games to lead him into absurd and impossible scenarios.
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...look this is the most "2012 Avengers fandom" thing I can think of, actual comics canon. Whether or not Avengers live in the Tower, they regularly come there to chill. Your condescension about the way MCU fandom wrote post-Avengers.... dude, the actual movie guided fandom in that direction, it aligns with comics canon far more than the weird distanced vibe we've got going on in current MCU... And I don't blame anyone who's managed to retain their love for the MCU for wanting to cling to that. Because frankly, it's a lot more fun and interesting. The reason we don't have the fun, interactive, deeply interconnected MCU that was implied at the end of Avengers (2012) is contracts and capitalism. That's it. Fandom was never delusional, they were responding exactly as expected. Turn your frustration to Disney/Marvel Studios for baiting the dynamic we get in comics when they never would have been able to provide that, instead of acting like fans who jumped on the ideas presented to them (AS FANS DO) are cringy and wrong by default.
If we're gonna gatekeep here, the MCU is the one that's really out of line. Just saying.
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flying-nimbus-cloud · 4 years
Aight Peter Maximoff stans, I want to point out some plot holes and unanswered questions about "Ralph Bohner"
WandaVision Spoilers:
(I am in currently listening to Sweet Dreams/80s music while writing this very drunk, determined and in immense denial. 😁🤘)
(Pls read, my drunk smol brain worked hard on dis 😘👉👈)
Ralphs name. Why doesn't Ralph Bohner have a hex name and a real name? Unless "Pietro" was essentially his hex name. But I truly believe that Wanda unintentionally or otherwise wouldn't name some random civilian "Pietro", right? Like how Sarah was named Dottie at random, wouldn't that be the case for Ralph also? From what was shown it made it out to seem he's called Ralph Bohner in and out of the hex.
From episode 1-5 Agatha spoke about Ralph like he was her husband for some reason. Why did he only appear in episode 5 if she had Ralph under her control to use to her benefit from the very beginning? It's just odd.
Agatha's abilities. Agataha had shown Wanda that can perform illusions(like how she turned a bug into a bird). So... why didn't she make Ralph look like Wandas brother if she can make illusions? Especially after going through the trouble of picking a guy that acts nothing like Wandas brother and giving him powers? Agathas power scale confuses me so much.
Why did Wanda recognize Ralph Bohner when he showed up at her door? The explanation "Cause magic" would feel so cheap. I seriously don't understand this. Wanda despite her fragile mindset would be like, "Who are you? You don't look like my brother. You don't act like him. He's dead(Wanda definitely knows that internally.) The only thing you both have in common is the superpowers. Y'all move fast." Now if it was Peter Maximoff from another universe I'd assume that Wanda can sense he's her sort-of brother but not really. Almost like somethings a little off....at least that's what I thought, but nope. He's a random person apparently, so there isn't that instinctual connection. So then why the recognition at all?
The alarm. In episode 5 right when Ralph appears at Wandas door some random ass alarm goes off at Swords base outside the hex. Why?? Peter Maximoff fans and myself thought that was him possibly entering the hex somehow. But apparently not...so what was that exactly?? Of course that was never explained.
Ralphs superspeed. So, y'all telling me that Agatha had not only forcibly put a necklace on Ralph to control him to be her "eyes and ears" BUT ALSO gave him LITERAL superpowers?? All of that is completely glossed over. Mf at Marvel will probably say, "Cause Magic" smh.
Jimmys missing guy. There's unfortunately a lot to debunk this theory, but I could still see it being a possibility. Jimmy along with Monica and Darcy all saw the TV when Ralph was on it, but Jimmy never said a word. An interesting point though is the fact that this witness protection person was never brought up again, which is really fucking weird. More shit left unanswered. Could it be "Ralph"? We don't know.
The house. Ralph Bohner is supposedly a struggling actor. At least that's the explanation many have said is the reason as to why he has a random headshot of himself laying about his man cave. But then how does he live in that big ass family home? Plus that house ain't actually Agathas, she came into WestView looking for Wanda to find answers about the hex. That wasn't originally her house. With Ralph looking like the broke ass himbo he is...how could he afford to live there if he supposedly lived as a civilian in that town to begin with??? Make this make sense lol.
Ralph chuckled at his name. Aight aight I know this is a stretch, but hear me out; If you had a dumbass name that sounded weird, you'd probably be used to people making fun of it or saying it wrong, right? You'd maybe even get tired of hearing the silly name your entire life. But when Monica said Ralphs name, he chuckled like one would at their silly fake name and not their real name. That's at least how my dumbass would react to someone saying a funny name I choose for myself. And honestly "Ralph Bohner" truly sounds like a name that Peter would choose lol. Unless WandaVisions writing team said, "Evan, we want you to laugh at your name like you've never heard anyone pronounce Bohner like Boner before." Or maybe Ralph didn't know his own name because he was under Agathas control still...or something.
Why "Ralph Bohner"? K so lets just say we all accept that they stunt casted Evan Peters and he is and always will be a nobody named Ralph Bohner. Marvel knew- no, knows that fans of Evan Peters Quicksilver and the X-Men would get hyped up bout him when they made that glorious reveal in episode 5. So they really dragged that expectation out for 3 weeks, to leave it off on a dick joke? Nah, Marvel/Disney can't be that stupid right?....right?
They gave us some hope and hefty amount of evidence(that isn't listed all here) that Ralph could be Peter Maximoff because of some Multiverse shenanigans....
But then they left it like...this?
Tis very strange of Marvel to think people wouldn't notice how they kinda, sorta baited fans if left like this.
I literally had no crazy theories for this entire show, everything Marvel I take with stride with almost zero expectations...then my boy Evan Peters showed up and my ass finally had some hope to see my comfort character make an appearance in the MCU...which ironically ended in a dick joke. The universe said, "Nah fam, you can't hope for shit lol 🤡"
Anyways, I'd like if this could give some evidence to those still willing to believe that Ralph Bohner is Peter Maximoff. With so many unanswered questions and plot holes with his character, it just feels wrong for him to be nobody...y'know?
Also I'm sorry if this gives you false hope lol.
Love y'all, Peter Maximoff stans are sweet as heck. 💕
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wandaswigglywoes · 2 years
If you are taking requests, 'Are you crying?' from hurt/comfort prompts.
Hurt/comfort prompts
hewo you didn't give me a ship so i asked the gc and we went with some BROtp with a small side of Bishlova toward the end. c: also it appears my tenses are changing again. anyway, i hope you enjoy. <3
The movie has been over for at least 15 minutes, and yet the tears keep coming. Truthfully when she'd put the movie on, she hadn't expected to get so invested-- it had just been something to put on for background noise while she worked on new trick arrows, but 20 minutes in and she had set her tools aside and moved to the couch to watch better.
Kate hiccups a sob into the pillow she's hugging as she stares at the loading screen, feeling oddly numb and yet, everything at once. Fuck Disney for reminding her of her Dead Dad issues. She's so lost in her sudden grief, that she doesn't hear the door open and close, or the heavy footfalls that she usually associates with Pietro until she hears his voice.
"Are you crying?" Kate's head snaps up to see him standing beside the couch where she had curled into the arm. His face hardens in a way that Kate has noticed when he's fighting the enemy. "Who has made you cry? I'll kill them." And for some reason, that makes Kate cry harder. Pietro's face goes through a comical amount of expressions and settles on uncomfortable concern. "Did Yelena do something?"
Kate shakes her head, attempting to speak only to choke back another sob. Instead, she gestures to the TV, the screen stuck on the movie she had just watched: Onward.
Pietro glances at the TV and Kate watches his face as he reads the description. Recognition and a little relief settle on his handsome face before he plops down next to her. "It might take time, but I can find the writers to this movie and beat them up for you." He smiles that stupid boyish grin that always makes her roll her eyes in affection.
She chuckles and his smile widens. "Would you like a hug?" Kate nods and he opens his arms for her. She leans into his side and tucks her head beneath his chin as his arms wrap around her, engulfing her. Almost instantly, the ache in her chest begins to soothe. He smells like sandalwood and earth, like he'd just come from running through a forest, which-- probably wasn't far off. It's comforting, and she relishes in the feeling of home it gave her.
He was like the brother she never had.
"What is going on here?" Yelena's voice breaks the silence. She's staring at them with raised, curious eyebrows, but then her expression shifts to one of concern. "Kate Bishop, what's wrong?"
Pietro releases Kate and stands. "I was just filling in until you could hug the sad out of her."
"I'm fine," Kate finally croaks, getting to her feet. She smiles as she says, "Thanks, Pietro." and presses a kiss to Pietro's cheek, to which he mock grimaces at, a cry of Gross, cooties! flying out of his mouth. Kate rolls her eyes as Pietro practically flies out of the room, loose papers and other objects falling to the ground in his wake. "I hate when he does that." She grumbles, rolling her eyes.
Yelena steps forward, ignoring Pietro's sudden exit (it wasn't uncommon) in favore of glancing at the screen and then Kate. "Disney again, Kate Bishop?" Kate nods, pouting and Yelena smirks and opens her arms. "Come, I give much better hugs than that stupid oaf." Kate rolls her eyes, grinning, but doesn't object as she steps into Yelena's arms.
Pietro's hugs were nice, but Yelena's were top notch. Though, she could be biased since she was dating Yelena. "Better, yes?" Yelena murmured, pressing a kiss to Kate's temple.
"Yes," Kate agrees. "Much better."
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willowlark369 · 4 years
In the MCU, the Maximoffs are white Christians who volunteered to work for a Nazi organization as well as letting said organization experiment on them. They were adults when they did this. They knew it was Hydra that they were working for. They also weren’t motivated to protect their country. They were motivated by vengeance (even if their target for that revenge does not make any sense if examined for five seconds).
Canon shows all of this.
After their Hydra cell is defeated by the Avengers, they moved onto the next supervillain looking for minions. They showed no issue working for Ultron, even killing for him, until it was revealed that Ultron’s plan was to kill all living creatures. Shockingly, as living creatures, the Maximoffs objected and demonstrated the ability to leave.
For those playing the home game, that’s two villains that the twins had no problem working for until it directly affected their survival.
Then they work with the Avengers.
All without showing any regret for having worked with Nazis or Ultron. All without acknowledging that their revenge plot made no sense. All without apologizing for what they did as villains. A list that included violating the very people they were working alongside.
Pietro sacrificed himself. Sucks, yeah, but Redemption through Sacrifice is a pretty common trope for “purifying” a villain.
But Wanda continued on. We got to watch as she refused to accept accountability for her past as well as “present” actions. We got to see her act like she was above things such as laws and treaties. We got to see her attack a person that she allegedly cared about because he tried to talk her out of doing something that she had previously understood was a bad idea.
Then she’s finally facing a bit of natural consequences for her actions, we get to see her thwart justice yet again. The next time we see her, she is living it up with the person she had violently attacked and both of them acting like nothing had happened. No regret for the attack at all or reference to atonement. No change in action or personality to indicate self-reflection and growth.
At no time since her introduction in the MCU has Wanda Maximoff ever shown regret for becoming a Nazi. At no point, has she renounced that affiliation. She continues to act like she had done nothing wrong, and everyone around her continues to do the same.
Sorry, Disney, but some of us aren’t distracted by the sitcom gimmicks and big dewy eyes.
Some of us still remember that Wanda Maximoff is a Nazi.
Some of us know what needs to be done to Nazis.
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powerbottomblake · 4 years
the P in Penny stands for (V8′s) Protagonist
So Monstra! Interesting name! Reminiscent of Monstro, the name of the whale from Disney’s Pinocchio (1940).
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This confirms that the whale is indeed, here to complete Penny’s Pinocchio allusion. In other terms, Penny is the protagonist of this volume. The main conflict is her conflict; taking down the whale is her endgame and her turning point.
More undercut because apparently I am cursed with not knowing how to make brief and to the point meta
We know that RWBY uses the narrative beats of the original allusions (with some decisive tweaks that align with its overall hopepunk vision and themes), going as far as having direct visual parallels to the source material (Adam vs Bees fight/the original Beast vs Gaston fight anyone?). 
In the original Pinocchio movie, Pinocchio is tested three times before finally achieving becoming a little boy, and I think, likewise, Penny faces three tests before becoming a fully flledged huntress and maiden:
- Setback n°1: Pinocchio, still new to the world, the very concept of morality but eager to “do good” and willing to listen to Jiminy Cricket’s guidance, is tricked by a duo of conmen; in the movie, it’s into captivity, but the original story takes a much darker turn where the evil cat and fox - one pretending to be blind (Emerald and her perception bending Semblance) and one pretending to be a cripple (Mercury) - actually cause Pinocchio’s “death” through hanging (the author abhorred naughty children and was very...extreme about it). This is V3 Penny in a nutshell, discovering friendship and bonds and values through her own Jiminy, which is Ruby, but being set up by Mercury and Emerald to fight a losing battle that ends in her apparent “death”.
- Setback n°2: Pinocchio is embarked on a trip to Pleasure Island, an apparent playground especially catered for everyone to be happy! and have fun! but oh wait they’re actually being turned into jackasses geared for labor or sold to the Dust I mean the salt mines! You’ve guessed it, this is Penny’s V7 arc. Atlas Academy is Penny’s Pleasure Island, masquerading as a safe place where  but the veneer of Ironwood’s civility and apparent conflicted utilitarianism finally cracks to reveal how it’s ultimately a place of indoctrination, producing no actual people-serving Hunters but perfect soldiers concerned more with following orders than doing right, and where the disadvantaged and the poor are ostracized, taken advantage of and ultimately sacrificed. Pinocchio escapes Pleasure Island with Jiminy’s help, but not unscathed, having grown donkey ears and a tail. Likewise, with Ruby’s help and constant strong supportive presence, Penny proves herself fit to receive the maiden powers and escapes Atlas, but she’s still not completely free of Ironwood’s hold, still having to grapple with his and the AceOps’ manipulation tactics, still not sure what her role, who she is and how she fits really are. Which bring us to the third and last test:
- Setback n°3: the Whale. In the original movie, Gepetto gets swallowed by the whale when he tries to follow Pinocchio to Pleasure Island to save him. Pinocchio then dives in, saves Gepetto and, in the process, apparently “dies”, before finally earning his existence as a “real” little boy after that show of bravery and self-sacrifice. And I think these are the beats to look for in Penny’s V8 storyline. As of Episode 3, Penny is about to join Pietro and Maria, and there have been strong hints (and by that I mean we were basically hammered over the head) that she’s about to be “hacked” by Watts. How do the original narrative beats play out? Here’s how I think it fits:
Gepetto is swallowed by Monstro: After Penny is effectively “hacked” and by that I mean that while her soul and spirit remain unchanged, Watts hacks into the mainframe and forces her to surrender control over her body the same way we’ve seen her do (but willingly) for Pietro. Penny essentially ends up trapped inside her own body as it follows Watts’ commands. I suspect Watts will force her to take Pietro and Maria (who’s of interest to Salem by being one of the last remaining SEW, and I strongly suspect her soul/aura could be used to make more of whatever the Hound is, but this is a whole other matter to delve into in a separate post) to Salem.
Pinocchio dives in to save his father and takes down the whale: I think Pietro and/or Ruby will appeal to Penny/be in enough danger that she will snap out of Watts control on her own, effectively reclaiming her bodily autonomy on her own and then creating a mayhem big and terrible enough with her powers that will take down the whale and give everyone else enough time to escape. This will be Penny’s heroic moment and her stand. Right now, everyone is making the mistake of having people protect the maiden powers. Penny realizes what makes her a maiden is to use those powers to protect the people; it’s a decision she makes on her own that cements her as a true Maiden and a hero of the people.
Pinocchio “apparently dies” but is then granted his wish and becomes a “real” little boy: Here I think Penny takes down the whale but goes down with it. We don’t see her die again onscreen (I think it would be overkill to show her “corpse” a second time and would cheapen her dying at all. In general I am wary of the resurrection trope being overdone or coming without a cost because it severely undercuts the emotional payoff of a death), but I think by the end of V8 she’s MIA (which would make her the second person Ruby loses that way, but also the first to return to her so). I think Penny uses her powers to stall Monstra, and I’m willing to bet good money that whatever Penny does next has to do with the Gravity dust that keeps Monstra afloat. The thing with Gravity dust is that, it does push things off the ground, but it can also pull things towards it. I think whatever number Penny pulls on the gravitational field ends up pulling her down in that sillage as well.
I know the popular theory is that Penny “dies” again and Pietro sacrifices his life to resurrect her one last time, and I can see it happening, but here’s the thing: RWBY subverts popular tropes, exploring new (and more hopeful!) paths. Just look at Qrow: RWBY said, oh the mentor figure, scarred and haunted by his past? is not just another stepping stone whose death cements the hero on his journey, but becomes a character with a drive of their own, and an arc of their own, and who gets to pass the torch and live to see it burn well and bright and to the end. Gepetto lives and mourns the apparent death of his son but is there to welcome him home when, rewarded for courage and abnegation, Pinocchio earns the right to become a human boy. I think Pietro, too, will live, and get to welcome a Penny that has finally earned the right to call herself Mantle’s Protector, no longer Ironwood’s puppet (heh) nor an extension of her father but an actual established hero of the people, around whom Mantle can rally and who can work with the right people (Robyn and the Happy Huntresses) for the right reasons and outcomes, people and reasons she herself chooses and decisions she herself makes and a power she’s reclaimed and accepted and knows how to use. 
Penny’s quest has always been one of identity, slowly transforming from getting her bearings and realizing what makes her humanity is her soul, her ability to develop and deepen and protect her bonds to people and her natural empathy and kindness (V3′s ”am I worthy of calling myself human, too?”); to navigating morality, the nuances of doing good and the need to make her own calls and judgement of what is right and wrong (V7′s “who should I protect? what should I follow?”); to now, having established that she’s worthy of being one, Penny still has to find how to be a maiden, what that role entails for her and how she can finally fit as herself and into this new role, 100% reclaiming herself, her body (even from Pietro!!), her title and her mission. V8 (and maybe onwards) is the culmination of Penny’s identity journey, and I see it playing very much as an Iron Giant moment.
“You are who you choose to be,” says RWBY (and Ruby!) to Penny.
“Superman A human, and a hero, and a maiden” will be her answer.
And just like the Iron Giant, Penny saves the world, and rises again.
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littlefanthings · 4 years
Wandavision Episode 5 Thoughts
• Ugh Director man you are being THE biggest cliche stop it. How many times are we going with “the boss is actually a quasi-evil asshole” bit? I say “quasi” because we don’t know if he’s ACTUALLY evil or just a dick. Either way, it’s overdone and annoying as hell.
• Monica’s tests are “blank”? No, no, you’re reading it wrong, Monica is clearly now testing positive for Superpower-itis. ✨
• Monica seems to have issues with Captain Marvel and doesn’t want to talk about her. (Insert jokes about step-mom issues here). My previous hopes that Carol came back to visit once in awhile are quickly diminishing. That or she and Monica had some kind of falling out, but all clues are leading to Carol going AWOL on Maria and Monica. Poor Lt. Trouble.
• Lol Kevlar does not work that way but okay, why not, point made.
• We’re finally breaking down the rules of Wanda’s world. Wanda IS aware she’s messing with reality, at least she’s aware at the moment. I believe her when she says she doesn’t know how this started. If you look back at episode two - just before the talent show Wanda tries to talk to Vision about weird things happening. Not something she would have done had she knowingly been in control. Someone’s definitely manipulating her somehow.
• EXCUSE ME WTF WAS SWORD DOING WITH VISIONS BODY THAT IS SKETCHY AS HELL (PS I don’t know why Jimmy was talking about Vision’s “living will” considering a living will is for use when someone is still alive but seriously incapacitated not - yknow....dead. Dead dead. That’s just a regular old will.)
• So Wanda can manipulate the world around her but not create new matter, which explains why she stole Vision’s corpse and why she hadn’t brought back Pietro. She would have needed his body (and if you think Corpse Vis was scary...). Which also brings us to...
• ...Where the hell did Billy and Tommy come from? They’re actual new people, which we’ve just established as beyond Wanda’s abilities, so where did they come from? That’s a rhetorical question, obviously whoever is messing with Wanda created them somehow (again - more horrifying connotations that I will not dive in to because ick and also I think that’s too far for a Disney show).
• Yes, thank you for the exposition, Darcy! I am so glad for the line “She recast Pietro” because it will cut down on the insane amount of annoying discourse over how and why they ...well, literally recast Pietro.
• I’m also feeling like “Pietro” is not Wanda’s doing. Vision was getting close to breaking through to Wanda and I think that whoever the mastermind is sent Pietro in as distraction and to re-establish control. Which also makes me wonder if New Pietro is another Westview citizen under Wanda’s control or if he’s in league with the big baddie or actually the big baddie himself (don’t make me say the M-name 👿 guys. we all know). Possibly Jimmy’s missing person?
• I can’t believe they killed the dog how dare they. Kill all the rando FBI agents you want but leave poor Sparky alone!
• Lol at Billy and Tommy thinking it will be easier to deal with emotions if they age themselves up. Good luck with puberty, kids!
• Is whoever is in charge of all this nonsense doing things to purposely cause the kids to age up? Do they need them to be older for some reason?
• Where the hell ARE the other children in Westview?? It wouldn’t make sense for there to be NO children at all pre-Wanda shenanigans and I’m pretty sure we see kids in the trailer during the Halloween episode, so where have they been and where will they come from?
• Evan Peters’ over the top Jersey accent is peak 80s sitcom, I love it
• Kathryn Hahn’s Cher wig. That is all.
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brawltogethernow · 4 years
oh one hand YES on the Peter age reveal shenanigans. But otoh, last I read comics 616 Peter was what 5-6 years younger that the older Avengers at best? Like the "old"/1st-2nd gen Avengers were all early 20s/late teens when they first started heroing too - they were just also considered 'grown ups' because it was the 60s. Jan had her 21st b'day about when she married Hank which was some way into V1, and Clint, Wanda and Pietro were 18-19 when they joined up... Hank, Bruce & Don were older tho
Yeah i just checked, peter was in college already at ESU when he attended the Hank-Jan marriage crossover issue, so he's at best a couple years younger than jan , who is at best a couple years younger than tony and Steve I think. actually i feel at this point 616 peter comes off as YOUNGER than he actually is because of a stagnation into teenage mentality - IRL because "teenage" Spidey iconics, but i guess in-universe it still conveys because non-stop quips
This is true (and thorough!). Or, like, some of it is and none of it looks flagrantly wrong; my knowledge of these characters is variable. If Tony was actually like 23 in the sixties that kind of fucks me up, I'll be real. I certainly fucking hope Bruce “six doctorates” Banner was older lmfao.
It's not a secret that I think this trope is overdone and mostly misplaced. Though I've got to let it slide to a certain degree since at 25 when I encounter someone four years younger than me in real life I'm like It’s The Youths. It’s interesting, but the whole concept does nudge the content in a more nonsensical and generally worse direction the more it's perpetuated (by non-fannish sources, though Disney definitely took a MAGNIFYING GLASS to fandom last decade and lifted well-performing ideas to feed to their money harvesting machine, which has an efficient dreams/oil hybrid engine). It's also just weird, generally, like, Peter has been in a love interest role for a lot of these people? Stop making it weird? Stop calling them his aunts after you leave the MCU corner you're making me feel gross.
I can't singlehandedly banish this being a Thing though, so I'm going to squeeze fun out of it where I can. Also you're the ONLY person who's commented to take things more in a "they're all peers” direction instead of less. I've been expending great effort into not getting sarcastic at cute additions from enthusiastic people misinterpreting my stance on this for three weeks so thanks.
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afor-abyss · 4 years
[01x05 Wandavision spoilers]
I need to rant, none of my friends have watched it. Omfg what?
I find it really weird that the video of Wanda stealing Vision's body just came up? It was nine days ago and no one did anything about it? It wasn't like Wanda was subtle about it either. So, I agree with people saying that S.W.O.R.D. was weaponizing Vision's tech and now they are trying to cover it up.
So, Wanda probably found out about it and well, stormed in to rescue Vision's body. Wanda said she wasn't in full control and "she doesn't know how any of this started in the first place". I picture she was alone with the remains of her dead lover and someone took advantage, showed her the kind of life she wanted and Wanda was pulled into this pocket universe. 
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Don't get me wrong, I think she has a lot of control over how things run in there and I actually think she powers the place. When she re-entered Westview it seemed like the wall was absorbing her energy??? And idk if she just undid the spell on the soldier but it seemed like the moment she left her powers stopped working on the outside???
So, whoever helped Wanda create this universe probably taught her how to manipulate it since that wasn't an ability she mastered before.
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If S.W.O.R.D. did try to weaponize the tech, that would also explain the hostility Wanda showed towards them, and specifically towards Director Hayward. (I know it was also about the missile but it just seemed like that was something else there. Like she knew something more, you know? She even turned to him...)
The twins seem to be very aware of what is going on.... I don't know what to make of that. Maybe because they are kinda an extension of Wanda??? Idk im just confused
Now Agnes... she's really sus ngl. She never found it strange when Wanda used her powers but was really surprised in that scene the twins were asking Wanda to bring the dog back.... It seemed like she was almost tempting Wanda to test it out too. 
I remember one trailer where Agnes asks Vision if she's dead because he is. She supposedly does this because Vision "wakes her up" but.... she never needed waking up! When Vision "wakes" Norm, he was aware for a second and then went back into his role. 
But Agnes is already aware of what is going on. She has a really active role in the show, always brings exactly what they need, she knows they are in a sitcom ("should I take it from the top"), etc... She just overall has a different connection with Wanda compared with the other residents. 
Agnes also seemed to be eager to kick out Monica even before Wanda thought about it. She started the gosip… why would she do that? If she wanted them to get rescued why would she frame Monica of not belonging there? 
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Last thing, Pietro Maximoff. Dude, I'm bummed it wasn't Aaron but well.... I think it's kinda interesting how he showed up exactly when Vision was talking to Wanda and convincing her that what she's doing is wrong. As if someone doesn't want her to leave so they had to put a pawn there to keep Wanda entertained... 👀
Wanda would never ‘recast’ Pietro... This pocket universe, or whoever is behind it all, either created a brand new one or he’s just someone random in that neighborhood to keep Wanda in the fantasy. 
I also have this tiny feeling Disney wanted to flex on buying Fox, so... yeah, there’s that.... 
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I feel like (by the trailers), at some point Vision will try to leave and it won't go well (bc of obvious reasons). So, Wanda will probably be alone for a period of time??? I guess? Idk
I believe Wanda and I still think that she isn't in total control of reality. But even if she loses it and becomes an actual villain, I will support her. love my girl, bye
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worldspinsmadly · 4 years
OKAY! This is going to be an extreeeemely long post with my various WandaVision theories! SPOILERS ahead for episodes 1-5, so tread carefully if you haven’t seen them yet! Also, buckle in for a lot of reading haha...
- Agnes is Agatha Harkness
This theory is pretty widely accepted but in case you haven’t heard it yet/need a reminder of what the theory is: Agatha Harkness is a witch in the comic books. She is an agent of Mephisto (basically the devil in the MCU, a sorcerer who is super powerful & does trades/grants wishes but in a monkey’s paw kind of way) and also acts as Wanda’s mentor when she is training. She is there to help Wanda realize her full potential. Reasons for this theory being accepted are:
1. Agnes = AGatha HarkNESs
Pretty self explanatory, this one.
2. One piece of evidence everyone likes to point to is that Agnes is ALWAYS wearing a brooch, much like Agatha. 
In a similar vein, Agnes dresses up like a witch in the Halloween episode (which we get tonight!!). The third comic-y reason is that she says her anniversary with Ralph (whom we NEVER see) is June 2nd, which is the start of the Salem Witch Trials. Agatha Harkness was one of the witches at Salem.
3. She (especially in episode 5) keeps showing up at the exact right time to help Wanda however she needs it. Examples include her showing up to welcome Wanda to the neighborhood and plan the dinner with Vision, bringing her along to the neighborhood planning committee, helping Wanda with the boys (showing up when they’re crying, the doghouse). She is always there, basically acting as a guide for Wanda in the town.
3. She knows that this is a fake world and that Wanda has some control over what happens. This is most clearly evidenced in episode 5 when she says “Do you want me to run that again?” She also doesn’t notice/care that Wanda has magic, which anyone else in the town would. Also - anyone else notice how she overacts constantly? (In a good way - I love Kathryn Hahn)
Which brings me to theory two:
Agnes/Agatha Harkness is the one in control, not Wanda - or at the very least, is using her power to try to influence Wanda’s actions.
1. Agatha is an agent of Mephisto. I think that she is acting on his orders to make this town and Wanda’s life in it the way that it is. Multiple reasons for this, but the main one for me is episode 5 (On A Very Special Episode), she clearly has control over/intimate knowledge of what’s happening inside the WandaVis household. How else would she know to show up when the twins are crying, or when they bring in a new dog? Other sketch things:
2. The boys only ever age up (or attempt to age up) when Agnes is there. I think that she is the one who is making them do that. If she can control every single person in town’s actions and speech, who’s to say she can’t control and manipulate the magic twins’ powers as well?
3. She clearly* killed Sparky, likely in order to try to help Wanda realize how powerful she really is and bring in the idea that she can bring people back to life. It may even be possible that Agnes wants to bring back a specific person but can’t without Wanda’s powers. *To me, it’s clear, because when she walked into the kitchen, Sparky almost killed himself with the electricity but didn’t, and then of course she “found him” in her azaleas.
4. Norm never specifies who “she” is that’s in his head.
SWORD and (Acting) Director Hayward are sketchy as fuck, and likely are doing some evil shit and trying to pin it on Wanda.
I don’t mean this to say that SWORD is the organization that put the town in the hex, or is the one that is controlling everything that's happening, but I think it's very clear that there's something going on behind the scenes that they don't want us to know. There are lots of different ways that you can see this, but some of the ones that are most important are as follows:
1. SWORD is clearly developing weapons which Monica highlights when she says, “it also says observation and response on that door not creation.” This is apparently against the mission of SWORD itself, which does not lead to a super trustworthy organization.
2. Director Hayward is clearly trying to place blame on Wanda for things she either didn’t do or didn’t control. The clearest example of this is when he is giving his speech in Episode 5 after Monica comes back, and Jimmy Woo was speaking. Hayward keeps interrupting to explain how Wanda is evil - she joined Hydra (as Jimmy says, it’s more complicated than that), she purposefully hurt people in Lagos (it was an accident), she fought against the Avengers (before gaining their trust and joining them). (Also, side note, I love Jimmy Woo and how kind he is. We need more Jimmy Woo in the MCU). 
3. The video that he shares of Wanda breaking into SWORD...not a single. person. in the SWORD lobby turns, notices, or reacts at all to Wanda walking in, violently throwing open doors, and basically stealing a corpse. I don’t know about you, but if I worked in a secure and secretive government facility, and a rogue Avenger that’s been gone for 5 years just suddenly appeared and was using her powers to break down doors and steal a secret project, I’d probably at LEAST turn and look. 
3a. I’m honestly not even sure that that’s Wanda vs. a body double, like, there’s a reason that the only power they showed was her opening a door, breaking glass, and gently coming down into the room - all things that can be easily faked. You’re telling me that SWORD, in all their advanced tech, space travel, science, money, you’re telling me that the best visuals they have are 1. barely in color 2. blurry and 3. don’t show close-ups of her face? I think that it wasn’t Wanda who took Vision’s body, and I think the footage was fabricated. 
4. CLEARLY - SWORD has been experimenting on Vision. Whether to revive him, recreate his technology, whatever, it is explicitly stated that that is against his living will and the Sokovia Accords. IF (and I think it’s a big if...) Wanda did violently break in to steal his body, it would likely be to protect him and make sure he is being honored, not make him into a weapon. 
VISION IS ALIVE - and no, Wanda is not just puppeteering his corpse (this is one of the worst theories I’ve heard about WandaVision and I hate it and if I never hear it again it’ll be too soon)
1. I have several reasons to think this. First, if he weren’t alive, why would we have so many scenes of just Vision, or scenes where Vision is figuring out that something is wrong?
2. In the trailers, we see Vision leaving the boundaries of the hex (to be fair, I haven’t watched any of the new trailers, because I don’t want any spoilers) - BUT - how could he do that if he weren’t his own being?
3. I genuinely do not think that Marvel is going to make us watch Vision die again. Not a third time.
How is he alive? I think that there’s obviously an extreme amount of Mind Stone energy within Wanda, and I’m sure that there’s a world in which she could transfer some of that energy to Vision and help bring him back. Not entirely sure of the methodology to be fair, but I just have a feeling in my heart.
1. Monica came out of the Hex with powers - my only reasoning being that her brain scan and her blood draws were both inconclusive/blank.
2. Wanda isn’t lying when she says she doesn’t know how this started or what’s happening. I think she has more control than most people in town, but I think that’s more that she is a little tuned in to the frequencies of the town than that she started it all. But I really think that Agnes is in control.
3. OH PIETRO - He’s the Evan Peters Quicksilver instead of ATJ (rip) because Agnes had to search through the multiverse for him - she can’t bring people back to life (Wanda can though...ATJ i’m holding out hope...). So anyway, she just searched through the universes and found the closest thing to Pietro that she could.
4. Aerospace engineer that Monica knows might be Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic. (The Fantastic 4 and the X-Men have a long history with Agatha Harkness, so it would make sense to bring those characters in now that Disney is able to)
5. Dottie is also a witch - she’s not identified on the magnet board with the other townspeople, she’s in control of some things.
6. Hayward might be Mephisto in disguise, who knows.
7. Magneto is going to come back at the end of the series i have no real reason to believe this
8. I don’t trust the post man.
OKAY THAT’S ALL I have to go back to work and this is way too long please send me all your theories :)
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doux-amer · 4 years
The reason Wandavision ultimately was a big disappointment was that it didn’t say anything new or add any depth to Wanda. Some people have argued that we shouldn’t have expected much because this is the MCU we’re talking about, but I hate that logic for two reasons: 
Marvel is using the Disney+ series to expand upon characters and plots that they couldn’t/didn’t get to explore in the films
This dismisses the existence of MCU works that have, while dealing with the trappings of being a blockbuster/studio film or “just” a superhero film or show, tried to go beyond that with their stories and characters
You can’t ignore Marvel’s goal with D+ nor can you paint all the works with the same brush.  
This was Marvel’s opportunity to give a side character who has been given such shoddy writing the growth she sorely needed. We didn’t get that. Wanda is very much the same person she was in Age of Ultron; we still barely know anything about her besides the fact that she’s powerful and traumatized. She is very much defined by that. Who is she outside of that? Who is she outside her grief? Why, for instance, does Vision love her so much? We know why she loves Vision. In fact, I’d argue that the star or at least the heart of Wandavision was Vision because we learn more about him and see him grow. 
There’s no movement, either positive or negative, here. Wanda continues to behave the same way, never learning or truly being shaped by her actions for good or bad in any significant way, and the MCU refuses to commit to making her anything. She isn’t a good hero. She isn’t a good antihero. She isn’t a good villain. They want to make her someone complex, but we’re left not understanding if we’re supposed to root for her despite her troubles or see that this is a troubling evolution towards emotional and moral corruption. Is she a messy hero? Or is she a sympathetic villain?
As a recap, here’s what we’ve seen of Wanda and why I’m saying she hasn’t had any meaningful growth:
Wanda volunteers for Hydra. You know, Nazis? If you want to quibble about whether they’re “technically” Nazis, whatever; they’re still a terrorist organization, and Wandavision explicitly states it as such. Here was a chance to address the awful decision Whedon made, but we get a white woman nonchalantly excusing her voluntary involvement with the world’s most famous terrorist group with a blasé “We wanted to change the world.” This is the most we get from her about this.
Wanda mentally violates and assaults the Avengers. She forcibly traps them in their worst nightmares. She coerces Bruce into transforming into the Hulk against his will, ripping him of his agency and sanity. When Bruce confronts her about this later in AoU, she straight up refuses to apologize. Wanda has yet to apologize to any of the Avengers.
In her thirst for vengeance, she decides to use the Hulk to hurt innocent people, most of whom are black, in Johannesburg. The only reason people aren't killed is that Tony tries to get people out of harm's way, get Bruce away from civilians, and help Bruce regain control before subduing him when he fails. We never see Wanda thinking about what she did in Johannesburg.
Wanda knows Ultron is evil and follows him, standing by as he hurts Helen Cho, yet another innocent civilian POC. She only cares about Ultron’s destructive nature when she reads his mind and realizes he wants to commit global genocide. Wanda is also arguably one of the Avengers most responsible for creating Ultron. Without her, there is no Ultron. Without her interference, we get Vision. We don’t ever see her grappling with her culpability. This is not the case with the others who made Ultron.
Wanda therefore plays a huge role in the destruction of her home country of Sokovia and the countless resulting deaths including Pietro’s. We see her sad, but we don’t see any guilt. We don’t even see survivor’s guilt.
Because she can’t control her power, Wanda commits manslaughter, killing innocent black people in a Lagos hospital. Other than seeing her react in horror at the scene and turn away from the video that Ross shows later, we don’t see how this impacts her or the way people treat her as an individual. She’s briefly detained under house arrest, essentially grounded, a logical response to what happened. 
Despite the damage she caused, she flees the compound with Clint to the airport even if Clint doesn’t give her a valid reason for doing so, not before slamming the person she cares about the most, Vision, through dozens of feet of concrete and earth.
Rather than seeing Wanda be reluctant to use her powers after learning she doesn’t know how to control herself, we see her chiding Clint for being soft and taking it easy on the other side. The Avengers are doing that because they’re fighting against their own teammates and friends; they’re acting to escape or subdue. She doesn’t care if she gets people hurt while trying to stop them as evidenced by what she says to Clint and her actions thereafter. 
Wanda takes a whole town hostage and mind controls them. All of the people whose identities she wipes and whom she turns into her puppets are in extreme pain. While what occurred happened instinctually rather than as a deliberate, conscious choice, she becomes aware of what she’s done at some point (Dottie’s cry for help, Wanda’s refusal to listen to Jimmy’s message, Monica breaking free of her conditioning, Vision bringing it up, etc.). She doesn’t let them go. She refuses to believe that they’re in pain even when she’s told that. Only when she’s backed into a corner does she let them go. She then never apologizes or even speaks a word to them. (It doesn’t matter whether or not she thinks they’d accept her apology; you don’t apologize on the condition that you’re heard and forgiven. You do it because you should, even if it doesn’t change anything for the people you hurt. She only apologizes to the one person whom she knows will accept her apology/be lenient on her.)
When Monica starts to remember the real world, Wanda gets hostile and slams her through multiple houses, past the ends of town, and through the reality boundary.
When Vision becomes aware of the problem at hand, she repeatedly gaslights him and tries to control what he can/should and can’t/shouldn’t do. She gets upset when he doesn’t act the way she wants him to. She doesn’t apologize to him beyond saying she should have told him earlier which is only part of the problem.
Wanda tells Agatha the difference between them is that while Agatha did what she did intentionally, she didn’t. This isn’t true.
What Agatha says about Wanda is true; she’s cruel. For the third time in a row, Wanda decides to violate someone’s mind and control them. She essentially murders Agatha, even if it’s bloodless and reversible (and she only says she’ll reverse it if she wants to use Agatha).
After the fight is over, she decides to leave Westview rather than face any consequences or help clean up. She leaves the Westview residents with all their trauma and the destruction of their town without a word to them.
In the post-credits scene, she has fled the country and is isolated in a remote cabin, reading a book she doesn’t understand about concepts she doesn’t understand instead of seeking help when she has a terrible track record of self-teaching or understanding her powers.  
When you put all of this together, everything screams “villain,” but as I said, the writers refuse to come out and say that she’s that. They refuse to say anything, and maybe you can argue that they don’t have to make it clear right this moment. You can argue that Wanda should be allowed to be messy, just like many other characters in the MCU are. 
The thing about that line of reasoning, though, is that those other characters who are messy? The writing acknowledges that, and we see them deal with the ramifications of their actions and they’re held accountable to them. We see them apologize. We see them try to be better people. We see them work to make up for their mistakes or sins. We need to see Wanda do that if we’re supposed to see her as a hero. Or if she isn’t (and there’s nothing wrong with that! Wanda doesn’t have to be a hero, and in fact, she could be a compelling antagonist or villain which can be exciting), well, she still needs to face consequences. 
She doesn’t. She is, by far, the uncontested champion in getting away with what she does; yes, we get some handwaving for certain things other characters do, but no other character has nearly all of their deeds and behavior ignored to the extent Wanda does. It’s extremely frustrating to see. We keep seeing a cycle:
Wanda is full of anger/vengeance and/or grief. 
She acts from a place of trauma and prioritizes her desires. 
Something bad happens.
Often, it’s something she didn’t mean to happen or she didn’t mean to go that far.
She’s horrified or sad.
Very occasionally, she gets a slap on the wrist, but it’s so brief and doesn’t actually change anything that it might as well not have happened. Most times, it’s as if she never did anything and the story never brings up what she did again (unless it’s to show how she’s sad or powerful).
She doesn’t do anything. She does the same mistakes/crimes again. Wash and repeat.
It’s so unbelievably vexing and tiresome. Despite all my issues with Wanda up until Wandavision and, most importantly her casting, I wanted to like Wanda, whether it was as a hero or villain or someone in between. BUT WE GOT NOTHING NEW. I don’t know anything about Wanda even now beyond “vengeful, sad, powerful white woman who is traumatized and clings to family because of that”! This is the SAME EXACT THING we’ve been dealing with since the beginning, and it’s so frustrating. Wanda deserved better.
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praisethepizzagods · 4 years
WandaVision Theory
Okay so this contains some spoilers (mostly specculation really) from wanda vision so... spoilers below cut.
We have all seen the casting for Spiderman 3 & Doctor strange 2.... It includes people like: Andrew Garfield (spiderman) Tobey Maguire (Spiderman) Xochitl Gomez (America Chavez) Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) Tom Hiddleston (Loki) Among others.... lots of universes being mixed here guys. So I have a theory... Blame my friend for this thing being birthed she had to listen to this as it came out. Peter/Pietro (since xmen pietro is called peter, but wanda knows his as pietro) maximoff is Loki, last we saw loki he had the tesseract and was fleeing, loki is trying to find out the state of the awvengers post end game, and yeah loki likes to fuck with thor & in the comics he lovveeesss just winding people up (God of mischief ffs), so he is trying to find out what the fuck is going on, he is curious about wanda's level of powers (like she is one of the most powerful mcu characters, hes gunna be curious), wanda as we know has a town hostage and is controlling everything, this is similar to avenegrs where loki wanted to rule earth, so hes seeing if she could be of use to him/try figure out a way to get his end goal. End of wanda vision season 1 - wanda looses complete control, she snaps. She breaks the multi verse because she has been believing this pietro is her pietro but with a different face... she finds out it is loki in pietros body which causes her to loose total control and snap a rift in the multi verse OR sword cause her so much stress, vision is questionign everything/realises what wanda did (Sees the footage maybe?) or she has to watch him die again and wanda is so torn over by emotion that she looses control, pietro/loki then realises that oh fuck this is about to go down and wanda uses her powers to try control more and either knocks pietro loki back into loki for or loki shifts just before to do a reveal, he may even try and fix this and help wanda because he knows intense powers and notice she is going insane????? But this ends in her bringing in all the spidermen into the MCU. Bringing deadpool with em. Bringing america chavez with them (She lives in a paralel universe and thats where she got her powers so wanda drags her into MCU because hey, she snapped). Doc strange 2 happens which is about the multi verse. Strange appears at end of wanda vision kinda like "Oh no...." like he's seeing what is about to happen and sees wanda is about to cause he doesnt see this coming,  So doc strange 2 is now begining wanda has lost control and merged all theses universes into one - sony,fox,the new characters universe etc etc etc are now all in the MCU universe there is many spider men now (Like into the spider verse) kidna like that level of how it happens they just got ripped into this reality. In spider man 3 this is also playing a part because all the spidermen are still here (Showing this could be a long winded issue/they cant get back to their universe because wanda doesnt know how she did it, doesnt want to do it/cant do it again) Back to doc strange 3 - this movie will be directly dealing with the immediate backlash of this, the many spidermen, deadpool, america chavez all appearing, strange realising what has happened, trying to fix this, loki also there because he doesnt even know whats happened but DAMN is he interested because THIS level of power.... thats interesting to him. Loki's disney+ series happens after the multi verse of madness/during it (like loki's show is bought up in it like "lokis fucking president?!?!?!" like thats another thing thats gone wrong from wanda's melt down and destroying the multi verse, and another thing for strange to to and do damage control on. wanda cant fix this, shes now gone fully off rails, if she watches vision die twice she wont be coming back from that we know. so strange is also trying to help her on how to use her powers as she never reallllly has had training, strange might know people who can help her deal with this insane amount of power. Strange cant fix this alone he needs wanda to try and fix this, and the issue could be a permenant one ( i recon it will be permenant and all wwhat phase 4 & 5 will be about) Doctor strange 2 sees them going between thesee multi verse's they have discovered (maybe strqange & wanda, maybe strange & wong, maybe wanda and someone else who knows... but they are trying to find out how far this damage has gone End of doctor strange is them realising this isnt a quick fix, the world has gone insane as there is all these new ones, ("WHY ARE THERE 3 SPIDER MEN!" - JJJ shouts (cause hey he was in the tobey mcguire spidermen ffs we get him with this package too) spider man 3 then happens & tom holland (The spider men will be refered to by their actors names) see's that um theres another spider man??? what the??? he finds him and they all find out they are the same spider man. This movie plays out similary to into the spiderverse but they dont all go at the end of it because this is a long winded issue. But... now we have america chavez, shes just been bumbling round the MCU being a hero cause she's here.... Monica as you rememebr from wanda vision has her internal sequencing rewritten each time she goes through the hex, this gives her powers cause she has gone through the hex so much at this stage in wanda vision.... So Monica = Photon America Chavez Cassie = Stature Kate bishop = Hawkeye Tom holland = Spiderman How did kate get here and Cassie? KATE So clint stepped down, hawkeye disney+ seems to be like fractions, clints training kate (maybe his family left after end game because jfc clint is probs a wreck, or clint didnt stop so hsi wife left.... maybe they live in iowa happily who knows) Clint was going solo for a while in newyork, when he met this other hawkeye (Hey maybe kate got dragged through the multi verse or maybe she was just a great archer rich kid in newyork who saw hawkeye had fucked off after the blip (maybe she was working during the blip, but towards the end? in comics she took hawkeye mantle while clint was off beign a depressed noodle and he then found out there was 2 hawkeyes and confronted ehr and agreed to train her so maybe somehting simialr to this is what happens in hawkeye) But anyway Clints training kate in new york and yeah shes good. CASSIE Scott after end game & Hope continue being antman and the wasp, but cassie eventually takes over the suit from them (Maybe something happens in antman 3 quantamania that means neither scott or hope can use the suits any more because it will tear them apart, like hank cant use the suits because it takes too much of a toll on his body now and he wouldnt surive it really...) so cassie has taken over the suits and is now operating under the code name stature. This then begins the next arc for the avengers now they have got people powered up, and atleast 1 person from this destruction of the multi verse (America chavez) but we may have more that are discovered over the course of phase 4 that were bought through with the multi verse. So, where does this go??? The young avengers is the next big arc.... Maybe wanda (&peter maximoff? not sure how that would work as young piettro (evan peters one) was from the 80s or something in xmen so is an adult not a kid like he is in wanda vision, which adds to my this isnt pietro but loki thing) But maybe wanda is leading them, maybe not. But the multi verse cant be fixed so they have these heroes now and the avengers kinda died after end game cause tony died and steve fucked off. Sam helps train but hes off with bucky alot too doing a buddy up thing together, but as sam is the new cap he also heads up this young avengers kinda as a mentor for them. Now... right now your pronbs thinking "Morgan stark though" Morgan has a suit... but morgan is still even in 2030 (hawkeye is 2025...) morgan would only be 7..... so she isnt really old enough.... But who else had an iron man suit in the comics? who may of got dragged through the multi verse? Enter riri williams aka iron heart. That takes us up to about end of phase 5 with the rise of the young avengers & champions maybe??? Hi and thanks for coming to my ted talk
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peacensafety · 4 years
This is everything about WandaVision up to Episode 5, with most of it concentrating on Episode 5. I have seen Episode 6 at this point, but I will respect the one week spoilers rule that is part of Nerd Culture.
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First of all, some basics about this series. This is an homage to different American sitcoms. Why American sitcoms when the main character is Sokovian? No one knows.
In the comic books, Wanda Maximoff is a mutant, not a science experiment like in the MCU. She and Pietro are the twin children of a Mutant named Magneto and a human named Magda (who is sometimes a Romini, and originally from Transia). Magneto is referred to as an Omega level mutant. Wanda is born with mutations, able to control Hex Powers, which is whatever the comic book writer needed to move the plot along. Sometimes her original powers have to do with probability, but like, 30 years ago, they started calling it chaos magic, and then she had extra reception to magical powers, and basically, it’s all very vague and ill-defined. She’s like the only one immune to Phoenix powers, and that’s a huge deal. She is not considered an Omega Level Mutant because she does not have completely mastery over her powers, not because she isn’t powerful enough. In the comic book series House of M, she is powerful enough to rewrite the entire universe, that was retconned in The Children’s Crusade, but then her powers are called Mutant Magic in A vs X and she’s got cosmic chaos magic. She’s supposed to serve The High Evolutionary at this point, which has made her more powerful. In the MCU, she was genetically altered by the Mind Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones. So when Wanda, AKA The Scarlet Witch, is in a story you can expect it to be about ridiculous amounts of power.
The assumption that you can make pretty quickly in the series is that Wanda Maximoff is in charge of this alternate reality, and quite possibly created it. Knowing what we know about Wanda, we assume it’s because she broke after the death of Vision and couldn’t deal with that death after the death of her parents (because of the Sokovian civil war) and Pietro, her twin brother, who was killed by Ultron. It’s stated pretty early on that Wanda could have defeated Thanos by herself (this is most likely true, one time in the comic books she decided to remove every mutant power in the known universe and she did for a couple of years. Is she more powerful than Jean Gray? Sit down with some nerds and listen to them argue, because that call will never be settled in a peaceful manner). Wanda has brought back Vision (who was killed by Thanos before he made his wish on the Stones, making him dead dead instead of mostly dead like half of the population of the universe) and in the MCU, this makes almost sense as her powers were given to her by the Mind Stone which brought Vision to life in the first place, with some interference from Tony Stark (Iron Man). In the first couple of episodes, they bring in Billy and Tommy (Speed and Wiccan) and the twins make themselves grow up pretty quickly.
Other characters that come in and play a part are Monica Rambeau (from the Marvel Comic Book Universe and the movie Captain Marvel, who is also the future Captain Marvel), Darcy Lewis (MCU character last seen hanging out with Thor), and Jimmy Woo (another MCU character, an FBI agent in charge of Scott Lang’s house arrest from Ant-Man and the Wasp).
Let’s also talk about some background about where Disney plans to go in the next 5 years. First of all, they have already acquired rights to do an X-Men series. If you have DisneyPlus (which you do unless you’re pirating this series), you know that the X-Men movies have mostly been added to the Marvel Channel rather quietly and unobtrusively. Also, there are rumors that all three movie Spidermen have signed on to the next Spider-Man movie (Toby McGuire, James Garfield, and Tom Holland). Also also, Disney has made a statement that Deadpool will be in the universe pretty soon. So we know that the endgame for Disney is a combination of all of the Marvel Comic book universe.
Things that I have noticed that are fun about this series: all of the commercials are nerd shout outs. The commercials all have something to do with time, with two being blatantly about clocks or innovation. The commercials for the most part have the same two actors in it (are they SWORD agents?). The first is a Stark toaster, which is weird, but okay, and it is the first time we see color (red, maybe an Iron Man shout out?) used in the series. The second is the Strucker watch, a blatant time reference, and Strucker if you recall from the movies is that dude who was experimenting on Wanda and Pietro when they were in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. In the comic books he’s Wolfgang von Strucker, or Baron Strucker, a former Nazi officer and agent of Hydra, and he never ages, and he shows up to try and do a genocide in the books all the time. The third commercial is about taking a break? HydraSoak bath powder. We all get the willies anytime Hydra is mentioned, so relaxing with Hydra is something we don’t want to do. This is also the first time that I think maybe this isn’t all Wanda? Also, this isn’t time appropriate (and this might be an influence from my real world job, and not some intentional message from Marvel) but mixed-race kids on a commercial in the 70s? That would have never happened. Are things starting to unravel, because this would have been super weird at that time and Marvel has been strict about time appropriateness so far, even so far as including gender roles. The last commercial is Lagos, the paper towel commercial. Paper towels are about cleaning up, right? Because these folks in the commercial spill everything. Also, we see the first incident of gender roles not being respected in WandaVision, because we see a dude wipe up his own spill. Anyway, Lagos is that Nigerian city where Wanda killed a bunch of people, including the King of Wakanda, on accident in Captain America: Civil War.
So in episode 2, SWORD is teased with the little logo on the beekeeper’s outfit at the end of the episode when he comes out of the sewer. The group outside Westview is verified to be SWORD in episode 4. Let’s talk about them a bit. These dudes in the comic books were all about space and going into space and doing space things, but then Thanos does a snappy thing. After the snappy thing (and this series is set 5 years after the Snap) they start doing nanotech and AI. In the comics Maria Rambeau is in charge, and after she dies, dude named Tyler Hayward takes over. Watch Tyler Hayward. I personally do not think he is actually Tyler Hayward, and if someone is acting and looking like someone else, we know which villain has probably just inserted himself into the show (if you’ve been watching the interviews, Tom Hiddleston shows up as a call-in fan of the show and demands to know why he didn’t have a series because he’s been dead a couple of times and Vision is stealing his Schtick). I don’t know that for sure, it could be sloppy writing? Maybe they ran out of character archetypes?
At the end of episode 5, this is when the next five years of the MCU comes into play. Wanda is missing her twin, probably because of her sons, and the doorbell rings. Standing there is Pietro Maximoff. Now the crazy part of this is that he is the wrong Pietro Maximoff (the better one, not the one that has been in the MCU movies, the X-Man Quicksilver). He’s standing there and does the weird Uncle Jesse thing from Full House, (which, if you’re paying attention to the real world, Wanda Maximoff is played by the younger sister of the Olsen twins who played Michelle on Full House in the 80s), but Wanda recognizes that he is the wrong Pietro. Darcy, who is watching the broadcast from outside the Hex, states that Wanda has recast Pietro. But has she? This woman is incredibly powerful, why would she bring back the wrong Pietro? What if she is not in charge? Wanda is really freaked out by this, and that is when I realized I needed to write everything down.
Here are my lingering questions: We have all seen Into The Spiderverse a dozen or so times. Is this how Disney is going to handle the Multi-Verse? Is Pietro the wrong Pietro because of Miles Morales and his rag-tag group of Spidermen? Does this mean that Nicholas Cage is going to be in the MCU? Is Wanda as in charge as we think she is? Can we expect to see Magneto (Wanda’s and Pietro’s dad in the comics) show up to either support his children in the Hex or fight on the side of SWORD? Maybe Professor X will come and get Wanda, Pietro, Timmy, and Billy? Will we finally see if Jean Gray is more powerful than Scarlet Witch (she’s not). Is Hayward a problem of inconsistent writing or is he Loki? Is a multi-verse a way to address Chadwick Bosemen’s death for a proper replacement of Black Panther? Hurry up and watch Episode 6 so we can talk about this stuff!
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mac-darf · 4 years
I know I've been posting about the MCU vs X-CU a lot (it's appropriate since Marvel reduced that entire universe into a single unfunny boner joke) but I'm really wondering, IF Doctor Strange actually explores the multiverse in Multiverse of Madness, will Peter Maximoff appear? And if he does, how fast will MCU rip off his head, break his spine, pop his knee caps and spit on his grave because she believes him to be a trick?
Or do you think she's going to ignore the events of her own show and act like she's never seen that face claiming to he a Quicksilver before?
Maybe Evan Peters won't even appear at all in that movie or ever again and the only reference to Peter Maximoff was that unfunny boner joke. But if he does, Wanda would want him dead. Do you now see the story issues with this?
Marvel has alienated X-Men movie fans by calling them Boner Lovers and even IF they try to correct the wrong they've made, they've set up the story for their strongest "hero" to instantly try and attack Peter.
Oh what you don't believe Marvel would so violently disrespect a character they now hold the rights to? You don't think they'd destroy the legacy of a film franchise that helped pave the way for the MCU? Well they already turned it into a dick joke so why not just finish it? Kill that entire universe even, who cares? They're all fake anyway. Peter Maximoff? More like Fake Pietro Boner ammirite Disney? You happy you corporate fucks?
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