#anyway. Justice for Pietro he deserves everything
sailforvalinor · 10 months
Oh yeah, I finished S1 of Bia—here’s an update:
So I forgot to mention this, but throughout season 1, Chiara had been taking cooking lessons from Pietro, and their friendship was very cute and they got up to all sorts of hijinks. (She also gets him to start a YouTube channel with her, it’s a long story in which he’s conflicted because he doesn’t know how well that would jive with going on to be a lawyer and people taking him seriously in the professional world, which I have to emphasize is a legitimate concern?? But it kinda gets swept under the rug, so whatever.) Chiara realizes that she’s developed a crush on him, further complicating the love triangle (square?? Pentagon???). Don’t ask what the age gap is, the show does not volunteer this information.
Daisy and Jhon crash and burn when Daisy’s birthday rolls around, and Pietro and Jhon both give her their gifts. She doesn’t know whose is whose, opens one and it’s one of those music sampler pad things and she’s like “??? I have no interest in music, who would get me this???” And Pietro jumps in at the last second to save Jhon and is like “haha, that was me, I got it as a joke, I thought it would be funny 😅.” And then she opens the gift that’s supposedly from Jhon but actually from Pietro and it’s a famous prima ballerina’s pointe shoes (HELLO??) that it probably cost an arm and a leg to get, and she’s absolutely overjoyed that her boyfriend knows her so well! Until she finds the receipt for the pointe shoes with Pietro’s name on it. She confronts him about it and is like “bro you have never gotten me a joke gift in your LIFE you take picking out the perfect gifts for people so seriously, how did I fall for that,” and he’s like “haha yeah 😅.” And the thing is, Helena had said earlier about the pointe shoes that “only someone truly in love could have picked out a gift so perfect,” and Daisy goes “man, Helena was COMPLETELY wrong, huh!” And Pietro is just like “Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Yeah. 🥲” THIS POOR GUY. Anyway Daisy confronts Jhon about it and breaks up with him because he really doesn’t know her very well, and the thing is she’s right but you do feel bad for Jhon, he’s clearly heartbroken—he’s just not the most mature guy ever.
In true Disney fashion, Chiara writes a song to express how she feels about Pietro, and then is like “hey Pietro will you listen to this song I wrote and tell me what you think?” And he says that he likes it a lot, and that it reminds him of someone that he likes but that he’s not sure will reciprocate his feelings, and Chiara is like “sure she will!” thinking he’s talking about her, and then he confesses that he likes Daisy. Yowch.
Meanwhile Jhon has been asked to go on tour with a famous YouTuber and is going to leave in a couple of days, and Celeste has just managed to admit to herself and her friends that she does like him, but wasn’t going to do anything about it because he was still with Daisy. But since they’d broken up, when she goes to say goodbye to Jhon, she kisses him. IN A BATHROOM. Like, I get that her arc was about overcoming her anxieties and learning to talk about her feelings, but girl???? Anyway we don’t see the aftermath of that, but Celeste is just happy that she could work up the courage, so…okay, I guess
Manuel’s mom, Lucia, shows up from Spain on the pretense that she missed him, but actually she came to confront Manuel’s “uncle” about the fact that he promised he would tell Manuel that he was his father but still hadn’t. Manuel’s “uncle” (Antonio, I’m just gonna start calling him by his name) is a lying liar who lies, and keeps promising that he will, but doesn’t seem to ever have any intention to. Meanwhile, Manuel’s aunt is not pleased because she of course hates Lucia’s guts, but then it comes out that when Antonio had an affair with her, HE TOLD HER HE WAS SINGLE. HELLO?? Manuel’s aunt then leaves him and asks for a divorce. But then she comes back? But I think she still wants the divorce. I’m confused.
I cannot emphasize more here that Victor and Alex truly have no idea what is going on or why their parents are fighting.
Manuel’s aunt and uncle confront Bia’s parents for some reason (I genuinely do not remember why—oh wait I think it was because Alex did a video with Bia?? It’s complicated and it doesn’t matter), and it did not go well, Manuel’s aunt somehow accidentally pushed Bia’s mom and injured her arm. (I cannot overemphasize just how unhinged that woman is. She desperately needs psychological help.) Bia’s parents do seriously consider calling the police on them, so I guess the police do exist.
Because of all this, Lucia doesn’t want Manuel living with them anymore, and tells him that he’s coming back to Spain with her. He is of course not a fan of this, he’s all like “BUT MOM I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND” (and there’s Victor, he is concerned about Victor). He and Bia really had JUST gotten together, but after a lot of convoluted stuff he works it out so he can live in the apartment building that Thiago owns. I’m skimming over a lot of stuff here, mostly because it’s nothing to write home about, but it must be said that the chemistry between Manuel and Bia is off the charts. Have you ever seen a fictional couple so cute that you wanted to throw up 😂
Oh yes it must be said though, there’s this running thing in the show where sometimes we get what I’ll call “Bia-vision,” where we’ll see the environment drawn over with her drawings and doodles as if it’s how she sees the world? Anyway, she has these little anthropomorphised hearts with faces that she draws a lot, and whenever Manuel is in the “Bia-vision” the little hearts start blushing or have heart-eyes. It’s absolutely adorable.
The acting across the board in this show is pretty good, but I feel like the guy playing Manuel is a notch above the others? He’s very gifted in subtlety. Gets this kid in more projects.
Oh yeah also Thiago kissed Helena, but then tried to play it off as him getting caught up in the spur of the moment or something. It wasn’t very convincing. Anyway, he later confesses that it wasn’t spur of the moment, he loves her, he’s loved her for a very long time, he’s probably loved her since the first time he saw her (OKAY), but tells her that she doesn’t need to give him an answer right away. We love a gentleman! Anyway, Helena is conflicted.
There is a lot of plot stuff with the YouTube channels that I’m skimming over here because I don’t care about it all that much, but the last major thing that happens in the season is that Bia actually runs into Helena in the park. And you’re like “GASSP they’re gonna reunite???” And then you find out in the beginning of S2 that Bia didn’t recognize her. Just…ouch, that’s devastating.
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sunshine-on-my-mind · 2 years
That wasn’t my plan
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Stark!Reader
(reader is tony stark’s adopted daughter)
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words: 4.8k
warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI), Violence (getting hit by a bullet), Mentions of Hulk Attack. Angst, Fluff, Making out (no actual smut/graphic details) Kissing, Crying, Blood. This mostly very very angsty with some fluffy moments
a/n: Hi!! So this is the first time I wrote for Pietro, but this idea just came into my mind and I had to work on it. some things might not make logical sense but please go with it 👀 I really wanted to focus on how the loss of their parents affected the Maximoffs and how they wanted justice against the wrongs. Also I’m very upset we just got to see so little of Pietro because we deserved MORE!! Anyway, I’m in my Pietro phase now (and Bucky) so expect more stories with them. This might be not very good but I really got emotionally invested in the story. Hope you all like it.COMMENTS AND REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED.
taglist for this fic: @tangerinesgf @swiftly-heart
The Maximoff Twins lost everything, even most of their own identity. After being experimented on by Strucker, they fought for their freedom and succeeded. Now they had only one mission, to get justice against the Avengers, especially Tony Stark.
It would not be easy, they knew that. Even with Wanda’s mind controlling powers, getting close to the Avengers won’t be that easy. But what if they could reach someone very close to the team, especially close to Tony Stark.
They did their research and that’s how they came to know about you, Stark’s adopted daughter. You were always very close to your father, sure he was a complicated man but he always made you his priority.
The New York Attack had left a huge impact on your father, his team and even you. The world had changed. Tony was always over protective of you, and after the attack he preferred to have every little update about you, regarding your safety.
The twins had divided their different targets, and you were Pietro’s. Wanda felt she could use her powers on you but Pietro felt you are not that important and she didn’t need to get involved, she could take care of bigger targets, maybe Banner. And you? Pietro was more than enough for you.
The Maximoff twins knew you were adopted so technically it wasn’t your fault that Tony Stark was so horrible, but you lived a life of luxury, all because of Tony and his money, so yes, you were somewhat at fault, and it wouldn’t even matter in the long run any way.
That is what Pietro reminded himself when he spotted you in your favourite coffee shop. You didn’t have a lot in your everyday schedule so it wasn’t very difficult to track you. Plus he was fast.
You ordered your favourite drink and were about to come out of the coffee shop when felt like you were pushed but you couldn’t really see anyone, you were about to fall down when a stranger caught you.
“Are you alright, miss?“ He had an Eastern European accent, silver blonde hair, and such pretty eyes. Oh you shouldn’t stare at a stranger but how could you not?
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay thank you.” You stood up properly but your drink was spilled. A frown came across your face.
“Can I buy you another?” The man offered.
“Oh no, please. It wasn’t your fault. Just not a good day I guess.”
“Well then how about I make it better? Let me buy you another, I insist.” You probably shouldn’t have accepted. But you did.
Pietro charmed you off your feet, literally. The two of you sat down in the coffee shop and started talking.
“Your accent it’s-“
“It’s Russian” Pietro clarified. You smiled. For such a horrible person’s daughter, you looked quite sweet. Maybe because you were adopted. Still, Pietro thought living the luxurious life you have, you would be some snob. You were sweet.
“Thank you again, you really didn’t have to buy me another drink but I appreciate it.”
“Of course, hope I could make your day better. Wouldn’t be fair if a sweet girl like you doesn’t get to enjoy her day.” Your cheeks heated up and you looked down to hide your flustered expressions. It would be easier than Pietro thought to win your trust.
If they couldn’t attack Tony from the front, they would break him and his team from the inside. It was very simple, Pietro would create problems for you and your dad, and hit Tony hard on his sensitive spot. Stark should get a taste of his own medicine right? See how it feels to lose everything?
“I didn’t get your name by the way, I’m Pietro.” Maybe giving out his name was risky, but nobody knew much about them. After they escaped Strucker’s lab, the twins made sure to erase all data from their files.
You gave Pietro your first name. Somehow your last name often changed people’s perception about you, when the connected the dots about who you actually were.
And when Pietro asked for your number, you hesitated but something in you told him to trust him, and you did.
Pietro texted you. Just a hi at first, but soon it developed in a full conversation. You learnt that he was new in the city, he came from Russia and was currently looking for a job. You thought about suggesting Stark industries but no it was too soon. So you just wished him luck.
He didn’t waste much time to ask you out on a date. He was fast, you thought. You didn’t know what to do, the logical part of you was hesitant, you barely knew him, but then again, that’s what dates are for right? to get to know people, that’s what your heart told you. So you went with that.
“Where are you going?” Your father’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. You lived alone in your own apartment but he visited from time to time to check in, and he couldn’t have had a worse timing.
“Just going out, probably will go to a book shop, get some coffee.”
“Yes Dad!” You didn’t like lying to your father but, if he got to know about Pietro he would ask too many questions, you wanted to keep things simple. Besides the date might not even be good, so why involve your father in such an early stage?
“Alright, take a car.”
“No I wanna walk.”
“Sweetheart…” He used his fatherly voice.
“Dad…” You mimicked his tone.
“Ugh, fine but be careful okay? and call me-“
“I know I know. Alright then, see you later.” You gave him a hug and went out.
You both met at Central Park, it was a beautiful sunny day.
“You look beautiful.” You smiled.
“Thank you, so do you.”
“I’m so happy you said yes to the date.”
The two of you walked around the park. You asked him about his life in Russia, and he seemed sad.
“Well my parents they- they passed away, and I felt like my life there made no sense any more, so I decided to come here.”
“Oh I’m so sorry to hear about that.” Must have been really hard on him. Pietro looked at you with an expression you couldn’t exactly read.
“Well, that’s why my focus is to now get a job and do something good.”
“That’s great. I’m sure it will all work out.” You smiled. You had such a genuine smile, Pietro thought to himself. You told him about your father and who he was. Pietro maintained a neutral expression at his mention.
The rest of the date went pretty well, you got some food and then walked more, you sat down on a bench to watch the sunset.
“There’s something about you, I can’t help but admire you.” Pietro told you. “From the first moment we met, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” You felt all warm and flustered listening to his words. “Maybe coming to New York was meant to be, just like meeting you was.”
He gently took your hands in his.
“I had a great time, hope you did too?” Pietro asked.
“I did. It was really good.”
“Would you like to do it some time again?”
“I’d love to.”
After the date, all smiley and giddy you went back home. There was a missed call from your father but you opted to text him back a reply, he might understand the excitement in your voice so it was better to avoid it.
The next few days, you both kept texting about this and that. Few days later he mentioned about getting a job interview.
You: That’s great, good luck
Pietro: Thank you, beautiful ❤️
The heart emoji made your heart flutter a bit.
You really hoped it worked out for Pietro. Later that day, you got another text from him.
Pietro: So, I don’t think I’m going to get this job. The interview didn’t go well
You: I’m sorry Pietro, I’m sure something will turn up soon.
He doesn’t reply, so you text him again.
You: I was thinking, would you like to meet? We can get ice cream?
Pietro: I’d really like that.
You both meet up to get some ice cream, you give him a treat to cheer him up. Mentioning Stark Industries was something you were still hesitant about, but you didn’t like seeing Pietro sad.
“You can try for Stark industries, I can talk to my dad-“
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“I appreciate it, but I still have some other interviews lined up. Let’s see what happens.”
You took his hand in yours. Maybe this was a slow plan but it was already working. Pietro could feel it. He tried to ignore how soft your hands felt.
Later he walked you back to your apartment. You thanked him, but before you could go in, Pietro held your waist softly and kissed you.
It had to be done, Pietro told himself, to make sure you got attached to him.
“I um- I’ll see you later then?” You asked him, still giddy about the kiss. “Good luck with your interviews.” You smiled so sweetly at him. “I- I don’t know if this is the right time to say it but, I really like spending time with you. And.. I really like you”
“The feeling is mutual, дорогой” Pietro didn’t realise the nick name would sleep up so easily from his mouth.
“What does that mean?”
“It means- darling” Pietro admitted with a slight blush.
You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before going inside.
The plan is working. The plan is working. Pietro kept repeating it to himself.
“What happened?” Wanda asked immediately when Pietro returned.
“It’s all going accordingly.” Pietro avoided eye contact, not that it mattered with Wanda, she could see through him.
“You kissed her?”
“Don’t read my thoughts. And yes I did, it had to be done. Now I know she is totally attached to me. She even mentioned Stark Industries today, I think soon I can get to turn on her father if needed.”
“I hope you’re not the one getting attached” Wanda remarked. Pietro scoffed.
“I may not be as talented as you sister but I know what I’m doing, I’ll hurt Stark where it hurts. His precious daughter is now wrapped around my finger.”
Wanda decided to not engage on the topic and let Pietro do his work.
Your father called you up to meet him. You were nervous, you had been avoiding talking to him for a few weeks, just texting.
“What is going on with you?” Tony asked. You tried to be oblivious.
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
“I’m not. I was just busy.”
“With what? or with whom should I say?”
“Look, just be careful, how many times-“
“Hold on a second, are tracking me or something?”
“No I haven’t… yet”
“Are you serious right now? Dad I can take care of myself. I’m not answerable to you for every little thing am I.”
“Look, I don’t want to fight, I trust you, I just don’t trust the world. You’re too nice, for your own good.”
“I’m done with this conversation. See you later, father.”
Tony sighed. You were clearly hiding something, avoiding his questions, you didn’t usually get angry with him.
You were upset, to think Tony literally said he might track your movements if needed. You realised he is concerned about your safety but what about your private life? And to think you actually considered telling him about Pietro. But no, you won’t let you father’s opinions decide how to feel about Pietro, so you decided you weren’t gonna say anything about that.
You: Can you come to my apartment? I- I’m not feeling good.
Pietro: What’s wrong?
You: I don’t want to talk about it via text, Could you please come? Unless you’re busy… I get it.
Pietro: I’m not busy, I’ll come soon.❤️
When Pietro arrived you hugged him. You didn’t know why but his presence always calmed you so much, made you feel everything is gonna be okay. You didn’t even know him that well but you trusted him.
“You want to talk about it now?”
“It’s about my father.” Wheels started turning in his head, this was his chance.
You both sat down on the sofa. Pietro held your hand.
“He- he is always trying to control my life. I know when I say it like that it seems he is a controlling person, I know he is not, he just wants me to be safe. But I can make my own decisions right?”
“Of course you can дорогой”
“I don’t like fighting with him but-“
“I understand.”
“Why are you so nice to me Pietro?” The question took him aback for a second, did you doubt him? No no you didn’t, you were just too nice.
“Because you deserve it, you are so nice so sweet. And because I really like you.” You smile back but Pietro’s expression changed slightly.
“But now- hearing about your father, I’m afraid he might not approve of us being together. You know I’m not rich or anything.”
“That doesn’t matter to me.”
“Well I’m sure it will matter to him. He wants the best for you-“
“I just want you.” You told him earnestly. “And if my dad can’t understand that, then…”
“Then?” Pietro almost had you.
“I- I don’t want to think about that now.. please.”
“It’s okay. I’m really happy to here you care about me so much.”
“I do, and I want you to be happy. I see how much you’re struggling with your current situation. Plus I can’t even imagine what you went through after losing your family.” You hugged Pietro tightly. No- no this wasn’t supposed to happen.
“I’m really so sorry. You are so nice Pietro, I’m sorry life is being unfair to you. I don’t know if it means much but I’m here for you, I promise. You always make me smile and I want to do the same.”
It felt like Pietro’s body was working on its own. You felt so warm. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. In that moment, he forgot about his rage and the need for revenge, he just let himself feel the loss, and how much it truly affected him.
“I just, I want them to be proud of me, you know?“ Pietro murmured against your neck and you softly pulled away, touching his face softly with your hand.
“Of course they are proud of you Pietro, you’re working so hard to get a better life. I know they are proud of you. And so am I.”
Next what happened wasn’t something you were expecting, Pietro pulled closer with one swift motion, capturing your lips and practically taking your breath away. Things got heated pretty quickly. You both ended up on your bed. No words were exchanged, only looks.
Pietro kissed your neck, as if learning your body. You softly tugged his hair. Pietro simply couldn’t stop himself. He became addicted to your touch, and how you felt against him.
Before things could go any further your phone started buzzing with notifications. And Pietro’s phone rang up as well. It brought him back to reality.
“Um- I should get that.” It was Wanda, he excused himself. You nodded and decided to check your phone. You had received several messages from the Avengers, you quickly opened Clint’s text, which was latest.
Clint: Get to the tower ASAP. There has been a Hulk attack. It’s out of control. Tony and Nat are at the scene. It’s a messy situation. Get here now.
How could it happen? Bruce was much bette at controlling his rage now. You went out to look for Pietro.
On the other hand, Pietro heard from Wanda that she had succeeded to reach Banner.
“The world will now see who the Avengers truly are, as they destroy everything.” Wanda told him over the phone. Too much was going on in Pietro’s mind. He could imagine the destruction, and somehow his rage was subdued by his other emotional instincts.
“Wanda- did we do the right thing?”
“What do you mean? This was the plan. To show the world who the Avengers truly are. To let them destroy each other.”
“But we caused the destruction. Does that- does that make us the same as them?” There was silence at the other end. You came out and Pietro hung up. Quickly shooting Wanda a text that he would talk later.
“I don’t know if you have heard but- there has been a Hulk Attack. I have to go, my dad- I have to go.” Pietro stood there silently as watched you. You were worried.
“You can come with me Pietro. You’ll be safe.”
“I can’t”
“I really can’t. I have to go, and seems like you do too. I’ll talk to you later.” And he left, instantly, too quickly you thought, or did you just imagine it?
When you arrived at the Avengers tower, Tony and Nat had already returned, and Bruce was back as himself again.
“I didn’t know how it happened- but the world saw the real Hulk again.” Bruce told everyone. He was shaken.
“No buddy, I’m telling you, I saw your eyes. It was all different. They were red.” Tony argued.
“That’s right Bruce, I’ve become quite good with the lullaby, but nothing worked till Tony knocked you out. Something must have happened.”
“Mind Control.” Clint spoke up. “Happened with me, so I know it.”
“You guys would wanna see this” Agent hill comes in. “The attack left the media all over you guys and I’ve been trying to find out Hydra’s possible involvement but something else came up. Remember that Strucker was killed some time ago? And almost nothing was found about it? Well data has come up regarding the involvement of two of Strucker’s own experiments.”
Hill went on about more details. She said she tried to track down more information about the two.
“The two enhanced have been identified as Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins, originating from Sokovia. We don’t know their agenda but they have been seen in the city. The girl has mind controlling powers.” Hearing the name Pietro, made you look up. It was just a common name right?
“Find out about their whereabouts.” Steve told Hill. Just on cue the alarms in the building started going off, Tony’s A.I. informed there had been a breach.
Pietro and Wanda entered the Avengers tower, they realised their identity might be out any moment, so it was better to take matters in their hand. It was now or never. They had to come in light. Pietro knew your were gonna be there. But he had a much bigger goal than thinking about you.
“You stay here, Clint is gonna be with you. We-“
Before Tony could finish, Wanda and Pietro came directly in front. Everyone took their weapons out. Steve got his Shield and Tony called for his suit.
“Easy there, we are unarmed, or is that how you Avengers go on with it? Kill unarmed people?” Wanda asked.
“What is it that you want?”
“Justice” Pietro told with conviction.
You couldn’t believe what was happening, that was him, your Pietro.
“Pietro?” You asked him, still not grasping the reality. It didn’t make any sense. He looked at you but didn’t say anything.
“You know him?” Tony asked.
“He- I- Pietro what- what is this? who is she?” You were hopelessly looking at him for answers.
“We are Pietro and Wanda Maximoff and we are here to get justice for the death of our parents.” Wanda told everyone.
“Either give us justice by taking accountability all of your wrong doings, for the destructions you have caused, or we will do it ourselves. The world doesn’t need fake heroes like you, who kill innocent people.”
“Your father is a murderer” Pietro finally talked to you. “And he will pay.”
“What are you saying? The Avengers help people, they don’t-“
“Shut up. You’re either too stupid or delusional. Your father kept you in this protected world while people like us suffered. I wouldn’t expect you to understand, Miss Stark.” You were taken aback by his harsh tone. Was that really your Pietro?
“Is that what your think of me?” You asked him with tears in your eyes.
“Don’t you get it? It doesn’t fucking matter. You don’t matter. You were just a means to get closer to the Avengers.” Pietro informed you harshly. “But my sister accelerated things and I think that was for the best. My plan was too slow.”
“Was that all I was to you? Just a plan? Everything else, a lie?” You knew the questions were rhetorical but you couldn’t help yourself. It all felt so real? The way Pietro looked at you,. the moments you shared, how could it all be a lie?
Pietro couldn’t look into your teary eyes. Why did it affect him? It didn’t matter if you were hurt. No. He didn’t care about you. That wasn’t the plan.
“Tell me Pietro, look into my eyes and say that not even for a second it was real to you.”
“You are so fucking self obsessed that you can’t even focus on the reality.” Pietro knew it wasn’t true. You were nice and caring, empathetic. “This is so much bigger than you and your feelings. Fuck I should have just killed you instead, that would have taught your monster of a father a true lesson, he would have realised how it feels when you lose someone so close.” Pietro was in the flurry of rage.
“Pietro…” Wanda could feel Pietro was fighting a battle within himself. Things were getting messy.
“Enough!” Tony shouted. “Your fight was with me and the Avengers, you shouldn’t have got my daughter involved.”
“Scares you doesn’t it? Knowing I could have killed your precious daughter? Fucking hurts doesn’t it?”
Tony took out his blasters and Pietro attacked him as fast as he could, Wanda used her powers to throw Steve and Clint away, Thor took up his hammer- It all happened so quickly.
Before you knew what was happening, you felt your body move, Nat shot a bullet towards Pietro who was fighting Tony, and you came in front of him. Taking the bullet yourself. Immediately you fell to the ground.
“No!” Tony yelled. “Take her to the medic, Honey why did you do it? Why?” Everyone rushed to you as Pietro stood their in shock. Did you jump in to save him? Did you take the bullet for him?
“Why?” Pietro asked as he looked at you on the ground, in Tony’s arms.
“Because I know you’re not the bad guy. You’re a victim of an accident.” You were losing too much blood.
“Looks like you’ll get your wish Pietro, I hope you’re happy after this.” You managed to speak out before losing consciousness.
Pietro pushed everyone away and got close to you within a second. Tony was about to push him away when Pietro took you in his arms.
“Where is the medic?” Pietro asked while carrying your unconscious body. “WHERE IS THE MEDIC?” He yelled.
“Third Floor.”
“Call the doctors to be ready.” And in an instant you rushed to the Medic with you in your arms. He put you on the medic bed.
Everyone else came as quickly as they could, Clint and Nat had their eye on Wanda. Tony was too broken to fight with either Pietro were Wanda.
“You both will face the consequences.” Nat told them.
Wanda moved closer to her brother who was intently watching the doctors operate you through the door.
“She took the bullet for me. And I said I should have killed her. I don’t want that Wanda- I don’t her to die. None of this was her fault then why did I get her involved? Did we really become that driven by the need for revenge?”
He couldn’t stop his tears. “She comforted me you know. Listened to me. And for a second it was real. Fuck who am I lying to? You and me both know it was real. I know that wasn’t the plan but it happened. And now she is lying unconscious. Because of me. She protected me.”
After a whole agonising 24 hours, you gained consciousness. Meanwhile Nat and Clint interrogated the Maximoffs. Pietro didn’t speak a word. To lost to say anything. His mind only had one thought. You.
Wanda answered some questions. Told them the details about their parent’s death.
“We only wanted justice. We didn’t want to physically hurt any innocent people. But I guess the Hulk attack changed that. Suddenly the reality set in on us. The consequences of the destruction. We were too driven by rage. But we couldn’t back down.”
“Look Kid, these people who you hate so much, give everyone a chance for redemption. Trust me. You’ve got powers right? Do you know how many people you can help with that?”
They talked to Wanda more and as soon as Pietro heard about you gaining consciousness he was in front of the room you were in. So were the rest of the Avengers, including Tony.
“Don’t even think about going inside.” Tony told him.
“I just want to know she is okay.”
“She is. Now go away before I do something to you.”
“Kid, you should back away.” Steve told Pietro.
One of the doctors came out and informed them you have requested to talk to Pietro. Even against Tony’a wishes, Pietro finally got to go in.
“I-“ Pietro didn’t know what to say.
“I’m sorry you didn’t get to hurt my dad by seeing me dead.”
“Don’t say that please.”
“That’s what you wanted right?”
“I thought it’s what I should do, to give my parents justice. But if they saw what I did, what we did, they would have been so disappointed.”
You kept quiet. Facing away from him.
“Losing someone close always hurts, and I don’t think I can do that again.” Pietro confessed as he sat down beside your bed
“You were right, it was real, what we had. That wasn’t the plan but it just happened. I didn’t want to admit it. Didn’t want to divert from my goal.”
“What matters is what you do now”
“I’m in too deep now, I became what I wanted to protect the world from. It’s too late.”
“It isn’t. You were a victim, consumed by rage you did everything. There is always chance for redemption. You have powers right? You want to protect the world right? The people you hate so much are trying to do the same. Maybe I don’t agree with all of their methods, you don’t have to either. But they are not bad people.”
“Will you- will you give me another chance?”
“I don’t think I can trust you again.”
Pietro deserved that.
“Take care дорогой”
Wanda and Pietro were taken in by the Avengers. The twins realised, they themselves had been manipulated by various people. If they had received the powers, why not use it for good.
You hardly went out anymore. Nothing felt right. You were happy to hear about Wanda and Pietro, but you felt like part of yourself went missing forever.
Few months later, one day you decided to go to your favourite coffee shop again. Maybe you had to start living again. Things were better, even if a little. Ordering your favourite drink, you sat down in a nice spot beside the window.
“Is this seat taken?” Your eyes went up to the silver haired man. You shook your head.
“If you want, you can always throw your drink on my face.” He spoke nervously. “At least that would give me a chance to buy you another.”
You couldn’t help but smile. The memories of your first meeting flashing in your mind, but also a reminder of the beginning of the lies.
“I know you said you can’t trust me. I understand that. Can you at least give me a chance to try to win your trust again? No matter how long it takes. I’ll keep trying.”
“I’m an Avenger now.” He said proudly. “I guess they are not too bad. Better than Hydra and the rest of the lot at least.”
“I’m happy to hear that.” You told him with a small smile on your face.
“We stopped a Hydra attack recently, saved some hostages, an old lady thanked me for saving her life. You have no idea how good that felt.” Your smile grew bigger.
“Your parents would be proud.” Pietro looked at you trying to control his tears, and stopping himself from taking you in his arms.
“Please дорогой, please give me one chance.”
“You- you won’t hurt me again.”
“Never. I only want to make you happy.”
You smiled and pushed your cup gently towards him. He took a sip.
“Sweet. Like you.” You smiled again.
“We can go out for Ice Cream, maybe?”
“It would mean the world to me дорогой”
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doyelikehaggis · 3 years
10 Favourite Female Characters From 10 Different Fandoms
(List your 10 favorite female characters from 10 fandoms, then tag 10 people)
Thank you so much for the tag @a-lil-bi-furious !! ❤️
1. Malia Tate from Teen Wolf
Starting off strong — literally, she has the strength of, like, a bear and the temper of one! My angry girl!! I just loved her from the very first second we were introduced to her after turning back. She went through so much, and it clearly had a big impact on her, and we got to see her grow through most of it (but not all of it because the writers suck a bit) and work to become a pack member instead of the lone coyote she had gotten used to being. Also, she insanely pretty and cute so she’s allowed to growl at people every so often!
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2. Liv Parker from The Vampire Diaries
My angry and extra sassy girl — witch edition! There’s just something about her that I love. I really understand Tyler; she could insult me and blast me across a room with magic and I would fall in love with her. But we know that a lot of her mean-girl attitude comes from her family issues, and it’s more of a defense mechanism than anything. So, it was nice to see a softer side of her around both Luke and Tyler — and Jo, on occasion. She knew she was the “weaker” twin and as much as the thought of dying scared her, she still stood strong and tried to find a way to save Luke from having to live with that guilt by finding another way — just as she saved Tyler from triggering his curse by killing someone (who was already dying because of him) for him. And then in the end, knowing she was going to die anyway, she saved him again. She deserved a way better ending and more of a chance to grow since we definitely were not done with her story, so I will be forever bitter but I love and appreciate the time we had her for!
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3. Hope Mikaelson from Legacies
Is it cheating if they’re from the same universe but not the same show? I just love this little Tribrid so much. She’s gone through a lot her entire life — literally, she had people trying to kill her before she was even born. She lost her mum, and then her dad, and her uncle. Not to mention the, uh, killing a bunch of people in between and also finding out your first boyfriend helped kidnapped your mum in a plot to kill her and you (that he didn’t know about, given, but still). And having virtually no friends at school. But she still tried to be so strong all the time, to a point where she really should let more people in it and see that soft, vulnerable part that’s still in there. Her anger is justified, and sometimes out of her control due to her family, and I wish they’d let her get real help for it. She shouldn’t have to be the “hero” or the “saviour” all the time and I wish they would just cut her a break, let her rest, and have a moment of happiness that doesn’t end with her feeling like she didn’t deserve it.
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4. Wanda Maximoff from MCU
(First of all, you don’t know how painful it was having to wade through a bunch of Pietro gifs in the process of finding this one.) The version of Wanda in the MCU is very... complex. Obviously there’s a lot of issues With the character, but if I’m focusing solely on who she is in the MCU, then I love her so much. And she definitely has some issues in her life. She starts off as the bad guy, angry and seeking “justice” (and revenge) for what happened to her parents, and in the same movie, we see her realize that the side she was working for wasn’t any better. We see her character develop quite a bit in just her first movie, and then over the course of the next ones, we see more sides to her; her guilt over hurting innocent people through a quickly-made decision, her compassion for Vision and for those other people, her grief over losing Pietro and Vision. And she herself is so powerful! She tries to live with the pain she’s endured but it takes over without her control, because both her grief and her magic are all-consuming. And I add this because I still refuse WandaVision’s change to the timeline: she went through all of this before she was eighteen. She’s so young, and in pain, but she still tries so hard to push through because other people need her, and she doesn’t want them to suffer like she has. Also, I just think it’s pretty when she does those little hand movements to possess people and her eyes turn red.
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5. Nymphadora Tonks from Harry Potter
She deserved the absolute world. Her death was unnecessary, and I hate it, because she should have gotten to live the rest of her life raising her son, happy with her husband, and just generally being alive. She was so full of life and joy, and she tried to be the source of those things in the middle of a literal war when everyone was at their lowest and felt hopeless or angry. Also would’ve loved more scenes of her and her favourite cousin, Sirius, because they would be chaotic and they both deserved that. ALSO also, she’s very pretty, can change her appearance and chose to have pink/purple hair and dresses like how tiny me wanted to dress, so I immediately fell in love, of course.
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6. Kara Danvers from Supergirl
She’s just so kind and compassionate despite everything the world has put her through — but she’s also angry deep down, and she’s hurt and in pain, and some of my favourite moments of hers are when she’s allowed to express that. When she’s allowed to really just lose it and lash out at the people who hurt her because she pushes it down for so long so that she can help everyone else that it finally just explodes.
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7. Jody Jackson from The Dumping Ground
TW: mentions of different forms of child abuse. This girl deserves the whole world but I promise you that the world does not deserve her. The same can be said for pretty much all of the characters in The Dumping Ground, to be honest, but god she has just been through so much. Neglected by her mum from a very young age, abused physically and verbally by her and (presumably) both of her brothers, and it’s implied she’s abused sexually by one of her brothers as well. Of course when we first meet her she is angry and terrified. She still is because the trauma developed and was never fully dealt with, so she still carries it all around in her mouth and fists, until one little thing happens to make her lash out. And she knows she has a problem — she is terrified of becoming her brother, and sometimes her mum, and all she wants is to not hurt the people she loves. Because she loves so much, it’s just hard for her to know how to show it sometimes because sometimes all she can remember is how her family “loved” her. But she’s grown so much since she went into care and she’s getting help at last, and I just have so much hope for her happiness in the next series to come.
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8. Annie Marks from Good Girls
She’s short, fiesty, will make jokes at the worst possible time, won’t stop calling a literal gang leader who has threatened her life on more than one occasion “gang friend”, was incredibly supportive and accepting of her son when he came out as trans, will punch someone when necessary (probably also when not), has a semi-friendly co-parenting thing going on with her ex, and is just all around adorably ridiculous.
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9. Casey McDonald from Life With Derek
Ignoring Derek in the gif — Casey usually does, too. Casey is a perfectionist, and frankly, sometimes quite annoying about it and some other things, and yes, she definitey initiates a lot of the arguments between her and Derek. And that is why I love her. She is in no way perfect, and her striving to be comes from anxiety and insecurities that are partially the result of the instability in her life. I love how, no matter how much she may despise Derek, when there’s a real problem, she tries to help. She cares about the people in her life, and I can’t wait for her to return to as a mum of four!
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10. Ashley Garcia from The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia
Someone give the world TO her, please?? It’s a shame this fandom is so small because she deserves so much love and appreciation. She’s a literal genius but lacks... a lot of social skills at the start of the show. But she learns from her friends, and gets to experience new things, including having a crush for the time (and the second!) and she’s just generally living life as a fairly normal teenager. While still being an absolute genius. I just love this smiley little dork so much!
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Tagging: @pad-foots @donnas-troia @childofsquidward @multifandomlover121 @superarrowverse @dance-is-life27 to participate if you want to, but as always, no pressure! And anyone who wants to do this but wasn’t tagged — you have been now! Go do it!
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fasterthanmydemons · 4 years
How would Alive!Pietro react to losing Wanda in the Snap? I mean, I don't think the two of them would die simply because they're twins. The Snap wouldn't care, it would just tear families apart. And Clint, who is like a father figure to Pietro, would be too busy angsting over his own family in Japan to be there for him. Feel free to go on a long rant if you need to! Your blog does justice to Pietro.
{out of breath} So this is an interesting question, and I’ll warn you right off the bat that the answer is going to be very depressing. Trigger warnings ahead for mention of suicidal tendencies and self-destructive behavior.
If you’re the same person who already asked me about what would happen if Pietro lost Wanda after Ultron instead of the other way around, you can ignore what I’m gonna say next because you’ve already probably read all this, haha, but I’ll draw your attention to these three posts. Two of them are starters and one is an answer to an anon who asked me to elaborate on one of them. Pietro would have one of two reactions to losing Wanda in pretty much every scenario you can imagine, regardless of when it is in his timeline: 1) anger, 2) despair. The two starters deal with each of those overwhelming emotions. So even though it’s not the exact scenario you are asking about, you might find them interesting to read:
“Nothing Left” Starter
Ask Answer About “Nothing Left” Pietro
“Carrying On” Starter
With regard to what you asked about specifically... I feel like his reaction would be the same, but by that point, he’d probably have a lot more support than he would after Ultron, for example. He will have been with the Avengers for... what 2 years? 3 years? I see him staying close to Clint as well as making friends with Natasha. That doesn’t mean his reaction to Wanda dying is going to be any less intense, but it might mean that either Clint or Natasha (more likely Nat given how Clint reacted to his own family being snapped) might try to actively keep Pietro from hurting himself, whether in the literal suicide sense or just by getting into fights and reckless behavior.
Anytime Pietro loses Wanda, no matter the circumstances, he’s going to blame himself. He’s the big brother, he’s supposed to protect her. If she’s dead, then he failed her. That failure would be compounded even more by losing her in the snap, because like all the other Avengers, he’d feel like he failed the world, didn’t try hard enough, didn’t do enough, could have done more, etc. So... huge let down ego-wise and morale-wise, and he’s losing the most important person in his life. It’s all downhill from here.
Anger is a natural thing for Pietro to express at this time, because in a lot of ways it’s easier for him to be angry, explosive, and self-destructive than it is for him to cry and be sad. For someone who grew up with a somewhat antiquated notion of men, Pietro feels like there’s more strength in anger than sadness. So covering up his grief with explosive temper is a natural path for him to go down. Combine that with guilt and him feeling like he deserves to be punished for failing her, and you have a Pietro who is starting fights with everyone hoping to be hurt, doing dangerous parkour to burn off energy and oh, maybe he’ll fall and die. Just very reckless behavior in which he doesn’t care and almost would prefer if he got seriously injured. Because what’s the point? Wanda’s gone, and she was his life.
It’s a very sad outlook, but as I've said many times in the past on this blog, I have always headcanoned that Wanda is stronger than Pietro emotionally. He’s stronger physically... and he appears to be stronger emotionally, but we all know Wanda can survive without Pietro. I headcanon that there is a good chance Pietro would not survive losing Wanda. Suicide is a real thing he would consider, unfortunately, and it would take very persistent and patient intervention from someone he trusts (Clint, Nat, maybe Sam or Steve if he got close with them) to help him through his grief in a more constructive manner.
Let’s say he is helped by Nat or Steve or a similar friend in the Avengers. Fights will probably happen, both shouting matches and physical ones. They might have to kick his ass a few times or at least tire him out to get him to calm down and listen to them. It sounds cruel, but this actually isn’t a bad way to get Pietro to listen, as long as he isn’t seriously injured in the fights. It tires him out, expends a lot of that rage he’s using as a coping mechanism, and gets past it. He’s more likely to break down and cry once he’s tired/spent enough, but that’s actually a good thing because he’s not suppressing his sadness anymore. At that point, he’d be more conducive to listening to them. What would they say? It’s not his fault. That they’re all in the same boat, they all lost someone they cared about. Maybe that they’ll work to find a way to reverse it. That Wanda wouldn’t want him to hurt himself or to just self-destruct because of her. Things like that. It would take several times of getting him down to a more open and vulnerable state enough to learn that they’re not going to judge him, take advantage of him, or mock him in that condition. That’s when the healing begins.
But before we get too optimistic, I will say that even if Pietro is able to be saved from himself after losing Wanda, he will never be the same. Ever. A light, a happiness, a spark he had inside him will be gone forever, and even if Wanda is brought back to him after the events of Endgame, something will still be broken in him. He might be able to get back to 95% of who he was before, but the scarring and traumatic experience of losing his sister is something that will permanently effect him, even if he gets her back.
Now... there is one more way he could be saved from his rage benders and other destructive behaviors. Well, sort of. He does trust and respect Clint as a father figure by this time (I headcanon anyway, that their relationship would only deepen the longer Pietro is with the Avengers), so he might follow suit when Clint decides to go rogue and become Ronin. I could easily see them bonding over their grief by basically adopting a “screw everything” kind of attitude. Like, they’ve lost their families and there’s a feeling of well... we don’t care what happens to us, we may as well make various assholes pay. I can see Pietro jumping on that bandwagon real fast and helping Clint take down various mafia, Yakuza, crime syndicates. They’d become a duo, taking matters into their own hands and staying off the grid.
That would be a satisfying outlet for his anger, however, not a healthy outlet for his grief overall. Like Clint, he would be suppressing things like grief, sadness, and guilt in favor of anger, self-righteousness, and a misguided sense of vigilante justice. It might serve to keep Pietro from becoming completely suicidal, but it also will do next to nothing to help him process his grief and begin to move on in a healthy fashion.
Okay, so I think I’ve dished out most of my headcanons on this topic, but if there’s anything else you want to ask or if I raised more questions in your mind, please feel free to send in more. I love asks like this because they really help me to flesh him out if I don’t have headcanons on the subject, or to get them all written out “on paper” so to speak so that I don’t forget them. Thanks for sending this in! =) Also thank you do much for saying I do justice to Pietro! That’s the best compliment the mun of a canon character can get. <3
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macbetha · 6 years
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Bad people get lucky. 
Haru endured overdoses, gunshots wounds, and complete devastation only to wake up to a new life with an angel of a man smiling down at him. He was given a soul that he never deserved but he tries to live up to the excellence of purity, like Makoto, though it’s like trying to rival God – perfect. But God takes care of old dogs, drunks, and devils. Justice for all just isn’t fair. The women’s prison in Iwatobi makes for brutal living conditions, especially for those on Death Row. Capital punishment is new to the city, especially for females, and Haru would be conflicted about it were he not sitting in the outdoor visitation center with someone who deserves to die far more painfully than lethal injection. Miho Amakata survived like a Lazarus of her time. Corro’s bullets didn’t hit the right organs and Haru’s gun couldn’t land home in her brain. The fall from the rafters might have paralyzed her but she sits in her wheelchair like a throne and Haru hates her for it. His only solace is that she’s doomed to agony as long as her heart keeps beating - bones didn’t heal right and his bullet might not have killed her but it left her with a forever-migraine, which is worlds of satisfying. Her delusions are a nice touch, too.  She mulls over their conversation, taking a pull of the cigarette Haru gave her as a bribe. She lost an arm to amputation – it was mangled from burns, shriveled up. There’s no left foot and she lost layers of skin on one side of her face, leaving behind bubbled scars. One iris is moonlit with blindness. An eye for an eye. After a minute, she says, “Nah, you’re not a good man. People can’t do what you’ve done even with what you’ve been through. But you try. That’s all that matters. Don’t see why you do it though.” Haru works his jaw, chin scrunching. “Wouldn’t expect you to.” Miho’s eyes flit upward. “You know better than anyone that you don’t win fights by being soft. That’s all life is – a fight.” She rolls her cigarette between two fingers, holding it more gently than she ever did her own children. “We’re all just pigs in a slaughterhouse, all of us.” When she faces him, Haru sees that she’s peeled every lash from her waterline in a fit of nerves. Miho’s voice falls to a dreamy whisper of grandeur. “But imagine being the wolf. That slaughterhouse is suddenly an endless feast that’ll last you forever.” Haru physically resists the urge to recoil, but he never cowers away from her stare. “What happens when the farmer barges in with a gun? He’ll shoot the wolf, not the pigs.” She snorts, pursing her colorless lips around the cigarette. “Those pigs will die anyway and they won’t go out as nicely as a bullet to the jaw. They spend their little lives miserably, packed together so tightly in trucks that their guts pop out of their asses.” She says this like she’s imagining it, but not in the disturbed way that she should – it’s as if she’s admiring a profound piece of art. “They’re considered the lucky ones if they make it to that slaughterhouse where they’re burned alive in a scalding tank.” She shakes her head, entirely pleased. “And all that wolf got was a bullet.” Miho watches him in half-lidded pensiveness as she takes another drag, her eyes sunken and swollen all at once. She keeps looking at him even as she taps out her ashes, and he watches them fall like snow into the yellowed grass. “Must be hard for you,” she sighs. “Knowing I’m going to die so quietly by a sweet little injection when all you want to do is gut me in the street. I bet you fantasize about it – I see it in your eyes.” Her voice is not that of antagonizing smugness; it’s a strange indifference that speaks of faint curiosity. Haru has thought of nothing else for so much of his life, but thinking the world was rid of Miho only to be sitting across from her years later – it’s violating beyond comprehension. He says, “There’s no point in wasting my thoughts on you.” Though he does every day – he’s trying, at least. Miho gives a considering hum, a shrug in her mouth. “Don’t know anything better you have to think about.” She looks him over, the breeze struggling through her matted hair. “You’re not the type of person who trusts peace; that’s just the calm before storm after storm.” She gazes at the tree line beyond the towering fence, squinting in the beating sunlight. The glare beats off the chrome in her wheelchair and sweat creases her frown lines. “Peace is such an empty promise. You won’t get anything as quick as a gun to the mouth if you trust it.” A hazy smirk twitches her lips. “You walked into the scalding tank the moment you walked into your husband’s arms.” She snorts, taking a pull and croaking through the smoke, “Well, more like he did.” A wave of heat clenches his muscles, hugging his lungs from all sides. “Don’t you fucking talk about him.” “Fine, sorry.” He reels when he should be adapted to her disturbing mood swings. Miho lifts her brows. “I’m not saying he’s a bad person – he’s good and that’s why you’re wrong for him.” Haru won’t argue with that but he doesn’t want to hear such words coming from the devil herself. Miho leans back, rolling her wrists on the armrests. Haru could slit those dark veins open so easily, so quickly. Miho says, “I think about him almost more than I do you. What kind of person could have a heart so hungry that they’d rip themselves open, just for you?” She gives him a knowing look. “A good person. Just another little pig.” The acidic burn of nausea rolls up his throat because he can’t do this, he just can’t. But his whole reason for coming here was to protect Makoto, and that is the only way he can stay composed instead of collapsing to scream into the dirt. “But anyway, to answer your initial question,” she says, “I don’t know anything about a gang that used a scorpion as its figurehead. Iwatobi’s always had a system: Bloodhounds owned the outskirts, Rough Rabbit claimed the railways and the slums, Honeyblade had all the pussy in the city. Freebird was the blood of Iwatobi – veined every alleyway with floods of the best vice, and Diamond Back simply did whatever they wanted, but not too much of it. They’d rather have their hand in a little bit of everything than pool their fortune into girls or drugs.” His shoulders drop. “So there’s never been any others?” “Not with our level of influence, no.” Her voice tightens in gleeful depreciation. “There were brief tries: the Bladefang bears, the Redback gators. All attempts were as pathetic as their names. The streets were painted in thug guts and they were quickly forgotten.” “But no scorpion.” “Not from what I remember, no.” Her eyes crinkle in a smug squint. “And I know everything.” She takes a drag and hisses out the smoke through her teeth. “You sound like you haven’t even considered that this could be a new gang.” He shakes his head, at a hopeless loss. “There’s no gangs in Iwatobi anymore. Nobody would be brave enough to try something like that after we all fell years ago.” She startles a laugh that makes him jump. “No gangs in Iwatobi?” Her chuckle tapers off with pity. “Oh, you broken little bird. There is no Iwatobi without gangs. We are our own world.” She tips her head, considering. “This is actually the easiest time for a newcomer to rise to power now that all of you are out of the way.” In a last desperate attempt to find clarity, he says, “Have you ever heard of Hiyori Tono?” “No and I’d remember if I had.” She casts a glance at the prison’s silhouette. “Remembering is all I do nowadays.” Remembering the thirst for blood, Haru’s sure. “He’s a distant relative of Pietro’s. He just came to Iwatobi.” “Then he’d have nothing to do with any gang that isn’t Diamond Back, dear. Even if he doesn’t want it, his loyalty is only in being a viper; it’s in his blood no matter how ‘distant’ he is.” She sucks the last pinch of the cigarette. “If this new gang is threatening enough for you to ask me about it, I’d advise that you get ready; doesn’t seem like they’re intimidated by the fall of the old gangs. They’ve learned from your mistakes – possibly. Time will tell if they’re in it for shortfall glory or if they were made for this life.” He’s too defeated to say anything; he hopes that he’ll be able to stand under the weight of devastation, but the heat has drained him. Makoto told him to be careful about getting hot when his iron is so low. Haru should have listened – he always should have listened. Miho’s frown grows anxious but it’s merely her wearing the expression as a mask of learned behavior, just like all sociopaths do, but the worry in her voice is… confusing. “Are you afraid of the threat or what you’ll have to do about it?” “I’m not doing anything about,” he snaps. “I’m done with all that, with – all of it.” She rolls her eyes in exasperation before sobering up. “You won’t die,” she promises. “When the time comes, you will do what is necessary without hesitation.” He flinches when she cups his cheek, her thumb rasping over it. She smiles. “Because I made you. You’re my little wolf. You will die so sweetly with your husband and it will be everything you always dreamed of – when you’re old, when you’re sleeping.” “You said he was a pig.” “Mm, not with you,” she says. “Not when he’s got you like this.” His eyes widen as she leans closer, her whisper that of a mother’s fondness. “You will die like a wolf. I’ll make sure of it.”
When he gets home that night, the dog rushes him as usual - Tango yips and scrambles up so fast that he trips on his three legs, but he snuggles up to Haru’s knee and he chuckles. He pats his ears before toeing off his shoes, balling up his jacket and tossing it in the direction of the coat rack because he is just too tired to unearth a fuck to give. He adjusts Makoto’s flannel tighter around his middle, hugging himself as he rounds the entry corridor. He follows the soft flush of gold lamplight to the living room and is greeted by a gentle surprise.  Makoto sits on the floor with Namiko, her back to him as he frowns at the iPad screen. He squints behind his glasses. “Nami-chan, how’d you even find this braiding tutorial? This is like, thirty minutes long.”  She kicks her feet with an impatient huff. “Papa said I could watch somethin’ on his iPad and I heard Gou-chan talkin’ ‘bout how Daddy used to braid her hairs, so I want it too.”  “Hair, just hair.” Makoto snorts, a grin twitching his mouth as he weaves his fingers through the complicated twists in her white curls. “And what did Daddy say when you told him that you wanted him to braid your hair?” “He cried. No, Nami baby, just come color my tattoos instead! He felled on the couch like a princess. Papa tried, though.” “And?” She puffs out her chest and scrunches up her face, hardening her voice. “Nami, my hands are too big for this, you know Papa can’t do these pretty things. C’mon, let’s play with your dollhouse. I think he likes dolls more than me. He likes my ponies mostest.” Makoto sings a laugh, eyes crinkling shut. Haru leans on the doorframe, tipping a dreamy sigh with affection all warm in his chest. Makoto pinches his tongue between his teeth and ties off her hair, saying, “Well, you’re lucky I’m the braiding champion of Iwatobi. I’ve been doing Ran’s hair since she was little like you.” He flips the braid over her shoulder for her to see and she grabs at her hair with absolute stars in her eyes. “That good enough?” “Yes, yes!” She looks up at Haru and kicks her socked feet, pointing the end of her braid at him. “Hi, Haru-chan! Look!” “I see,” he grins, padding over to them. Makoto smiles from the floor and squeezes Haru’s ankle in greeting before Haru bends down to peck his hair, cradling the back of his head. Namiko makes grabby hands for him and he props her on his hip with a grunt, knees wobbling before he braces them. “You look very pretty.” She’s fit to burst into light, she beams so hard. Makoto leans back on his hands and one of the cats makes use of the open space in his lap, curling up as Makoto glances at the clock. “Namiko’s spending the night, so I think it’s time she goes to bed. Rin left her some pajamas in the bathroom.” “No,” she groans, flopping onto Haru’s chest with every bit of Rin’s dramatics. Haru hides his smile in her hair and takes her to the bathroom, leaving her to change. When she comes out and he takes her hand to lead her to the guest bedroom, she tugs him to a stop. “Wanna sleep with you.” She digs her toes, clad in footie pajamas, into the carpet. His brows crease, cradling her hand a bit firmer. “Are you scared?” She worries her lip messily, big eyes cast to the floor. “I like sleepin’ with Daddy. He comes 'n gets me out of bed when Papa goes to work so I sleep with him.” He frowns. “Rin comes and gets you at 3 in the morning?” Haru’s brother is working a brutal shift right now. She blinks and replies with the matter-of-factness only a child possesses. “I don’t know. I’m 6. I can’t read clocks.” Haru chuckles to himself and leads her to the master bedroom. “Fine,” he sighs, picking her up since she’s not tall enough to climb the mattress herself. “But don’t steal my blankets.” Namiko sticks her tongue out and snuggles under the covers, hugging Haru’s pillow to her, of course. Before he can leave, she perks up. “Can I play your phone?” “You need to –” “Just ten minutes! It’ll make me sleepy.” Haru gives her a flat look and she whines, “It’s Saturday, please-zuuh.” He rolls his eyes before tossing his cell at her. She catches it with a wicked gleam in her eye but pouts at his home screen. “You don’t have Toca’s Hair Salon?” “… huh?” “It’s a game Papa keeps on his phone for me.” She wiggles back into the pillows with a huff. “I guess I’ll play Candy Crush.” “Don’t beat my high score,” he says, and she smiles. Namiko never looks like her mother when she smiles, but Haru never saw Ookami happy much. He wanders back into the living room to plop in the floor with Makoto, resting against his side with a long sigh, trying to purge the day’s tension out in a breath. Makoto nuzzles his cheek against the top of Haru’s hair, rubbing a comforting hand down his arm on the way to intertwine their fingers. Haru’s very heart gasps when their rings click together. “How was work?” “It was work,” Haru huffs, snuggling deeper into Makoto and hugging his arms around him. Haru closes his eyes as fingers play with his hair, ghosting across the back of his neck with pleasant shivers. “Why’d Rin bring Namiko over here so late?” Makoto grimaces as he unwinds his hearing aid cord to rub the sore spot behind his ear. Haru pushes his hand away to rub it himself and Makoto’s shoulders drop with a hum, leaning into the sweet touch. He mumbles, “I offered, actually. Him and Sousuke needed to go out and have a break with everything going on. Sorry, I know you’re stressed out –” “It’s fine.” Haru continues to caress the soreness, contentedness sinking over him in the safe quiet of their home. “It’s good to hold a kid every now and then; makes me feel better.” Makoto smiles, eyes tired but always shining for Haru. His voice hushes to a conspiring tone and Haru leans in because he loves nothing more than husband-gossip time. “Rin seems really worried about that Mikoshiba girl.” “Sei’s sister? Why?” Makoto shrugs, tracing Haru’s hawk tattoo as he does every evening. “She’s just really out there and you know how protective Rin’s been of Gou like – well, her whole life, but especially since she turned sixteen.” He straightens his right leg, adjusting his prosthetic with a wince. “Gou’s spending the night with Ran tonight and Ran wouldn’t lead her wrong but she also knows what it’s like to grow up kind of isolated like that.” Haru mulls it over, sneaking a hand under Makoto’s shirt to rub his back, the skin bumpy with rivers of scars. “Maybe it’ll do some good.” “That’d be nice,” Makoto chuckles. His smile stays even when his laughter fades and his eyes are already closed when Haru leans in, guiding Makoto’s jaw down to find his lips. At the touch of his mouth, Haru takes a slow, deep inhale through his nose, his pulse drumming like a song. Makoto catches his mouth again with a soft smack that sounds so intimate that Haru’s face flashes hot. He pecks the swell of Makoto’s lower lip once more before leaning back just enough for their noses to brush, his eyes dark and half-lidded. “You still feel –” He swallows, breathes, “So good.” They close their eyes as their foreheads rest together, a smile curling Makoto’s whisper. “Some things never change.” 
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salarta · 8 years
What Polaris did for me
I’ve ranted and complained a lot lately about how Marvel (really meaning Brevoort) has treated Polaris.
What I don’t think I’ve explained is what she’s done for me. How she’s changed my habits. How she’s altered my perspective in good ways that would never have happened if not for her.
I’m certain I’ll miss some things as I write this. It won’t be a perfect list, but it’ll be a meaningful one. I invite other fans to share similar experiences if they have them.
1) Got me to go to comic book stores
Before Lorna, I almost never went into a comic book shop. It was an exceptional rarity. That’s also true right now... because Marvel won’t let her be in comics anymore. But when she was in ongoings, I was going to comic book shops at least once a month, sometimes twice per month. No character anywhere, ever, got me to do that.
2) Got me to buy Lego video games
I didn’t care about Lego games at all. They seemed fairly boring to me on the face of it. Even when I played the demo for Lego Marvel Super Heroes, if I had gone by that demo alone, I would’ve passed entirely.
But I bought Lego Marvel Super Heroes anyway. I bought it solely because Polaris was playable in it. She didn’t even have any story aspects to her appearance, and she didn’t even have a unique color to her power set (cloned from Magneto).
I bought the game anyway, and because I bought and enjoyed it, I bought and played other Lego games. Pirates of the Caribbean. Star Wars. The Hobbit. Lord of the Rings. Jurassic World is pending. They were all fun, enjoyable experiences. None of them would’ve happened without Polaris appearing in Lego Marvel Super Heroes.
3) Opened me up to playing mobile phone games
Maybe I would’ve eventually played mobile phone games anyway. Maybe I’m giving too much credit on this one. But at the time that the Days of Future Past game released, with Polaris as a character added later on, I wanted absolutely nothing to do with mobile phone games. Mobile phone games seemed awkward, not as fulfilling as playing games on consoles or PC.
Since then, I’ve played Phoenix Wright HD on my phone, and I’ve been playing Terra Battle for months. I don’t think I would’ve been as willing to try these games out on my phone if Polaris hadn’t been in the Days of Future Past game.
4) Got me to care about her family - Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, especially Scarlet Witch
Here’s the entirety of how I perceived the Maximoff twins before I discovered Polaris: X-Men Evolution. That’s it. That’s all I saw and knew about them. To me, Scarlet Witch was a goth girl and Quicksilver was some cocky brat. Neither seemed worth my time.
Polaris changed that.
Through her, I learned Wanda had two kids (Wiccan and Speed). I came to truly understand the awful ramifications of M-Day, because I saw how that day affected Polaris, how it changed the course of the character’s life. I also saw, for the first time ever, a female duo that I could really like and get behind. Their sisterhood seemed so perfect, so ideal, in ways that duos like Supergirl with Batgirl or Poison Ivy with Harley Quinn never managed to pull off for me. There have been so, so many possibilities, and the surface was hardly even scratched with Jeff Parker’s Exiles.
I also saw Quicksilver. I learned he had a daughter, Luna Maximoff, with the Inhumans. I learned about Crystal. I discovered Pietro’s struggles with responsibility, the playful sibling banter they could have (even before they knew they were siblings), the protective and caring guy always lurking beneath a facade of (sometimes cocky) indifference.
Neither of these characters would have been known to me if not for Lorna.
5) Got me to care more about Marvel than DC
I grew up on DC properties. I grew up on Reeves’ Superman, Keaton’s Batman, the Justice League cartoon. As far as I saw it growing up, DC was the only superhero/comic book company that mattered. Everything Marvel had to offer - X-Men, Spiderman, Avengers - meant nothing. The most I got out of the Marvel side growing up was one Avengers video game and action figures of Wolverine and Cyclops. That was absolutely nothing compared to whole playsets of Batman and Superman toys, Batman costumes, so much else.
Then Polaris came along. I bought the Women of Marvel calendar because Polaris was in it. I bought a minifig of her. I checked out Marvel books I normally didn’t care about because Lorna appeared as a cameo in them. I gave Marvel way more money over the past 8 years, even with them sabotaging and undermining her, than I ever would’ve given them over the past 8 years and next 10 without her.
6) Exposed me to a stronger sense of fan communities than I’d seen in the past
My last point may read like I was a DC comic book fan, but really, I wasn’t. I was a casual DC fan with no interest in Marvel. My REAL interest is, and always has been, video games.
That interest has led me to interact with other fans in the past. I joined fan groups for Final Fantasy in particular. But before Polaris, I hadn’t looked much at or really cared about cosplay. Before Polaris, cosplay seemed to me like a fun quirk that could look impressive. I hadn’t fully grasped that it lends to a stronger sense of community. I understood it intellectually, but I didn’t really understand it. I didn’t recognize how two people cosplaying as related characters and going out together can be a deep, meaningful and special experience.
I’ve also chatted with people I otherwise never would have met. Some of the people I talk to regularly in opposing the worst elements of our current times, I don’t think I ever would’ve met if not for Lorna.
That’s all I can think of right now.
When I talk about how amazing Polaris is, how she has so much potential, and when I complain about Marvel refusing to make real use of what she has to offer, this is where I’m coming from. Polaris is a character that literally changed my life and opened me to thoughts and experiences I never would’ve had without her.
When she’s put down and undermined by people that hate her for no good reason, for me, those actions are essentially an attack on everything she’s done for me just by existing. She deserves so much more than the raw deal Marvel’s given her for decades. I know this for a fact because of what she’s done for me despite how absurdly little she’s been given.
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