#{i see magic in your eyes || Bert}
sweetillusicn · 2 years
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Bert’s outfit for the Winter Masquerade Ball
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janeyseymour · 8 months
As per your request! I just copied and pasted it from my comment!!
Also. Love your stories. Love it when you post them. They’re just always so short!! I’m so greedy! I always want more!! I’m always full of ideas so if you need any just ask. (I feel like you don’t need them though you do so well writing!) I’m far to ADHD to actually write any of them so happy for you to create the magic lol
They randomly meet a few weeks/months later in a coffee shop and sit down and chat… or she just happens to Bert her bestie Ava at the school hoping to get a glimpse of her!!
I dunno. You’re the artist! As long as it’s happy and smooshy!! 🥰
Thank you for your sweet, sweet words! As requested, here is part 2! I definitely didn't follow the prompt at all, but this is what I came up with, and I hope it's okay!
Enchanted- pt 2
Part 1
WC: ~2.4k
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You went to text Ava the next day after meeting Melissa, but you just couldn’t find the courage. So here you are, still just sitting at your desk job, thinking about her. Your mind is filled with what she could be doing right now- actually you know what she’s doing: it’s 11 am on a Monday morning. She’s at school, probably teaching her second graders. You sit there for another half an hour before it’s finally time for your lunch break, and you take the walk down to the Wawa around the corner like you usually do. 
Melissa opens up her Tupperware container, only to let out a loud groan at the odor that comes out of it.
“What the hell is that smell?” Ava scrunches her nose up as she walks in.
“I knew it was a risk bringing this today,” the redhead grumbles as she dumps the contents out into the trash can. “But I thought I could get another day out of it.”
“Damn, girl,” the principal laughs. “That sucks. Wawa lunch for you, I guess.”
“Anyone want anything?” the second grade teacher asks as she slings her bag over her shoulder. Jacob goes to say something, but he’s cut off by Melissa loudly announcing, “Alright, if no one wants anything, I’ll be back in twenty minutes.”
She storms her way down to the convenience store- the same convenience store that you’re currently standing in. She sees you as soon as she walks in.
You’re not nearly as dressed up as you were the other night when she saw you, and you look to be in deep concentration as you decide what you want for lunch that day. She chuckles as she watches your furrow your brows deeper than she ever thought possible. She’s absolutely enamored.
“For Christ’s sake, Y/N,” you chastise yourself quietly. “Just pick something.”
She stands behind you and laughs softly. “You know, you can’t go wrong with their quesadillas.”
You nearly jump three feet in the air. You weren’t expecting anybody to come up behind you, and you certainly weren’t ready for the woman that has been occupying your thoughts to be there.
“Oh my…” you take a deep breath as you look at her. She looks… wow. Your cheeks instantly heat up. “Hey, Melissa.”
“Hey, hun,” she chuckles. “You forget lunch today too?”
You don’t really want to admit this, but you aren’t about to lie. “I usually take a walk down here everyday for lunch.”
“Like clock work,” you tell her, as you still mull over what to get for lunch. “It’s so bad most of the employees here know me by name.”
As if on cue, one of the workers there looks up and gives you a grin. “Hey, Y/N! The usual today?”
“Usual?” Melissa smirks.
“Aw, yeah!” the employee grins. “Homegirl comes in everyday!”
“Damn, you weren’t kidding’,” the redhead mutters, smirk still written on her face. She hip checks you lightly, effectively making you move over. She hits a few buttons, and then looks at you expectantly. You just stand there, not quite sure what you’re supposed to do.
“Oi,” the woman rolls her eyes. “Put in your order before I order for you.”
“Oh, no,” you stumble out. “I- I couldn’t ask you to pay for my-”
“You didn’t ask, I’m just doin’ it. And I ain’t gonna hear any arguments,” she tells you sternly.
“Melissa, I-”
“Hey, kid!” the teacher calls to the employee that greeted you. “What’s her order?”
He rattles it off as Melissa taps through the different screens, and you give him a look of betrayal. She prints off the ticket, wanders over to the drinks and grabs a raspberry tea before heading for the register.
“Melissa, you really don’t have to,” you try again.
She’s already handing the ticket over to the man behind the counter and pulling her card out of her wallet though.
“At least let me give you cash… or Venmo?”
“Absolutely not,” she rolls her eyes. The two of you stand and wait for them to make your meals, and when she hands in the printed paper and gets your food, she hands it to you with a smile. “Enchanted.”
With a hair toss, she makes her way out. The entire walk back to your office, you grin. She bought you lunch. She said, ‘enchanted’ again. Then, you mentally kick yourself because you didn’t ask her out, you didn’t ask for her number, you didn’t tell her you would get the next meal, you didn’t even reply with that one word that seems to be your thing now.
You eat your usual order from Wawa, and there’s something about it… it just tastes so much better.
As Melissa struts back into the school, she has that confident smile on her face.
“Damn, what happened to you in that Wawa, girl?” Ava laughs as she watches the redhead settle back into her seat and take a bite of her hoagie.
“Oh, nothin’,” the redhead shrugs. “Just saw a friend there.”
The next day, Melissa doesn’t come into school with a container full of her own cooking like she usually does. She doesn’t even enter the staff room when lunchtime rolls around. Instead, she grabs her bag and heads down the street to hopefully run into you again at the Wawa. 
You’re standing there again, ordering your meal, although you look a little frustrated today. She doesn’t know that your frustration is because you had been standing there for ten minutes, hoping she would come in. You had just admitted defeat and decided to order when she waltzed in.
“Rough day?” the redhead saunters over and asks you.
Your eyes go wide, and the mental fog is lifted when you hear her voice and smell her perfume. “Hey.”
“Rough day?” she repeats.
You shake your head. “Just a little tired,” you tell her as you move to the side so she can put in her order. “I can’t focus on anything at work.”
She taps away on the screen, ordering hers and then also yours. 
You swallow hard. “You remember my order?”
“Course I do,” she shrugs. She hits the button to print the ticket, but as she goes to grab it, you take it first. You make your way over to the drink stations, grab a diet coke, and gesture for her to get her own drink. She grabs a raspberry tea again and then follows you to the register. As you go to hand your card over, a gentle hand slaps your card out of your hand and to the ground. She’s standing there with a smirk as she goes to hand her own card over.
“Aye, Schemmenti,” you playfully growl as you bend over to pick your card up. “It’s my turn to buy.”
“Nah, I got this one,” she chuckles. She also goes to hand her card over, but you smack it out of her hand and throw your card at the employee- a man who is used to seeing you come in and actually checked the two of you out yesterday.
“It’s her turn,” the man shrugs with a cheeky smile as he takes your card, although he does slightly cower at Melissa’s glare. Then the redhead turns to you and immediately turns softer.
“Thank you,” she places a gentle hand on your shoulder. “But I got next one.”
“Alright, alright,” you laugh as the two of you head over to the counter to wait for your meals.
“So, you forgot your lunch again?” you ask her.
“Yeah,” she sighs. “Had it out on the counter and left it.” It’s a complete and total lie. She knew she had to test fate to see you again.
The two of you chat while they get your order together, and once again, she’s bidding you a goodbye with a gentle, ‘enchanted’. This time, you get to say it back, and your smiles and blushes are quite similar to each other. 
This continues for the next few weeks, until one day she doesn’t show up at the Wawa like she usually does. Your day sucks. And you’re supposed to meet with Ava after the school day to go get your nails done. You know she’s going to be onto you when you show up in a bad mood.
“Damn girl,” she rolls her eyes and raises a brow. “What’s got your panties in a twist?”
“Nothin’,” you roll your eyes back. “Let’s just get our nails done and gossip.”
“You know I’m always down for that shit,” she laughs.
The two of you talk for a while as the ladies do your nails before it the conversation turns to your love life.
“Well, who is it this week?” your best friend asks you.
“No one,” you sigh.
“Well no wonder you’re in a bitch mood- you need to get some!”
“Girl, you make me sound like I’m with someone new every weekend, and you know for a fact that I am very much not like that,” you roll your eyes.
“You have to have your eye on someone,” the principal says. “Otherwise you would be out at the bar looking for someone!”
You mull over telling her, and before you know it, the words are spilling out of your mouth, “Well, I do have my eye on one person, but it’ll never happen, so…”
“Ooh, girl! You got tea! Spill it!”
“It’s really not a big deal,” you tell her, hoping she doesn’t pry. Of course she does, it’s Ava, so you have to go about describing Melissa without Ava being able to catch on.
“She’s a little older than us, she’s tough on the outside but has a soft spot for me,” you tell her. “Easy on the eyes, smart as a whip.”
“Girl, why didn’t you tell me you were practically dating someone?! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re describing Schemmenti."
“I’m not,” you roll your eyes. “I really just see M- this woman when we run into each other at Wawa.”
“What’s her name?” the principal wiggles her eyebrows, all too interested in your love life.
“Enough about my love life,” you shut her down. “Anything interesting happen at school today?”
“I had to cover Schemmenti’s classes today,” Ava tells you. “Woman sounded awful today when she was calling out.”
It clicks in your head that that’s why she wasn’t there to meet you at the Wawa like she usually did, and it isn’t like she has your number to let you know she wasn’t going to meet you. You instantly feel a bit of relief that she didn’t just decide not to come- but you feel bad that she isn’t feeling well.
“Oh?” you try to hide how you actually feel about it. “Is she alright?”
“Nasty cough,” your best friend tells you. “But she assured me she’d be back tomorrow… Red never calls out, so I knew she was feeling pretty shitty.”
“That sucks,” you sigh softly. “Hopefully she’s back tomorrow.”
“So you can ‘run into her at Wawa’?” your best friend blind sides you with her casual remark.
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say quickly, hoping to cover yourself.
“Oh, please,” she waves the hand that isn’t being painted right now. “I saw the eyes the two of you were giving each other at the fundraiser, and Melissa has been going to Wawa everyday since the one day her lunch went bad. I know she’s going to the same Wawa you go to everyday, and she always comes back in a better mood. I put it together about a week in. And you just confirmed it.”
“I did not.”
“Girl, remember, I’ve known you since we were five. I know when you’re lying. Listen, she’s your type, your hers. I say go for it.”
“Maybe I will… if she’s feeling better and at school tomorrow.”
“If I know Schemmenti, she will be,” Ava rolls her eyes. “She might be half asleep, and an absolute bitch tomorrow, but she’ll be there.”
Melissa looks like hell as she drags herself into the Wawa, but to you she still looks gorgeous as ever. When she spots you, her eyes light up.
“The usual?” she asks you as the two of you head to the ordering stations. Her voice is barely there.
“Mel, you should be home resting,” you tell her pointedly.
“I’m fine,” she grumbles. “Besides, I can’t miss. The kids have important tests coming up, and-” she interrupts herself to cough. It sounds awful.
You lay a gentle hand on her shoulder and rub it soothingly. Once she’s finished coughing, she sighs. 
“Soup instead of your usual hoagie?” you ask her, already pressing buttons to order her a chicken noodle soup.
She looks defeated but nods. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
You insist on paying, telling her to let herself be taken care of. She begrudgingly listens, mumbling about how she’s a Philly girl and she can handle herself. You roll your eyes, but you assure her that she’s still a tough Philly girl- that it’s okay to lean on someone else. As the two of you are standing there, she coughs a few times. Again, you lay a gentle hand on her shoulder. When she’s finally done coughing, she quite literally leans into your body just slightly.
“Sorry I ditched ya yesterday,” she wheezes out. “I couldn’t drag myself out of bed.”
“No need to apologize,” you assure her. “I’m glad you were home getting some rest.”
“I just kept wishing I had a way to tell you,” she mutters.
“Well, why don’t I just give you my number, so if that happens again… or you want to get something besides Wawa with me, we can text?” you shoot your shot with the woman.
“That sounds… enchanting,” she smiles softly. “When I’m feeling better, I’ll make us dinner? I’m one hell of a cook.”
“I’d be enchanted,” you tell her warmly.
As the two of you separate, you get a text from her. Enchanted.
By the time the end of the work day is over, Ava has texted you too. Bitchhh! I’m assuming you shot your shot. Red came back into the school practically dancing.
Yeah. You’re just starting this chapter of life- that one night was truly enchanting, and it really was the very first page. 
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blues824 · 1 year
Can we get an octavinelle reaction to a Mary Poppins like reader?
I just imagine they're working at the monstro and floyd in a mood swing but then is entranced and distracted by the reader singing "a spoon full of sugar"
I forgot I had this in my inbox until I started writing the requests I had motivation for. Gender-neutral Reader who is not Yuu, but is based off of Mary Poppins.
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Azul Ashengrotto
He absolutely agreed that you were “practically perfect in every way”. You made for a perfect waiter, as your kind and polite disposition made for a relaxing time for guests of the Lounge. Not just that, but you were very nondiscriminatory toward everyone.
You were very diligent in your classes, and he was often caught staring at you. To him, you were the equivalent of an angel. As you were clocking in to your shift, you would even give him some tips on how to reel in customers so that they sign more contracts. 
However, after the First Years defeated him when he overblotted, you were the one assigned to look after him in the infirmary. You were strict, too. He could have sworn that you had eyes in the back of your head with how vigilant you were. Your nanny instincts took over, and when you fed him some medicine, you poured it out of a bottle.
The thing was, it changed color because it looked to be a dark green in the bottle, but when it went onto the spoon, it was a pink color. It tasted like candy, which was very surprising to him. After he asked where you got the magic medicine, you responded by asking “what magic?” This literally drove him crazy.
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Jade Leech
He was very happy to hear that his crush since freshman year was looking for a waiter job at the Mostro Lounge. The two of you actually made for great entertainment, as you both had similar dispositions. The eel was aware that you loved to dance, so whenever both of your hands were empty, he would place his hands upon your waist and twirl you around so as to not harshly bump into you.
You didn’t seem to mind his more intimidating nature either. What was funny was that you brought out your trusty tape measure and measured the very tall eel, and it said “Tied to nature and Y/N”, which made you a little flustered. He made a comment about the measurement not being wrong as he took your hand in his and placed a kiss on the back of it.
When the two of you are on the closing shift, you often use your magic to tidy up so it wouldn’t be too late for him to walk you back to your own dorm. You were very graceful in grabbing your carpet bag and the umbrella, and you placed your arm in his as he accompanied you.
Eventually, you did show your strict side when Jade got sick after hiking in the rain. You poured some medicine out, and he prepared for a bitter taste only for it to taste like a sweetened green tea. He didn’t mind being pampered by his beloved, but whenever he tried to sit up you would make him lay back down.
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Floyd Leech
For everyone, you were a godsend. Whenever Floyd’s mood was down in the dumps, you would be called to help out. He was just so freaking in love with you that just seeing you made him brighten up. There was one time where he was having a bad day, and you sat with him and sang to him a song that you had sung to some kids you babysat a while ago. Needless to say, it made his day much better.
Your strict nature definitely showed whenever the eel wanted your attention while you were trying to serve guests. You would remind him that working hours are for work and you would cross your arms as you turned your back to him to emphasize your point. He would think you were joking at first, but quickly realized that you were 
This man is the Bert to your Mary. He’s goofy, he’s clumsy, but most of all: he cares. He might not be as keen about singing or dancing as you, but he can make you laugh more than anyone else ever could. He loved that he was the reason for your smile, and he made it a point to make you smile multiple times a day.
One time, he came to you complaining about sore muscles after basketball practice. So, you made him sit down on his bed as you prepared a few ice packs as well as started massaging his shoulders. The pure intimacy this displayed made the eel super flustered.
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scandistar · 1 month
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A short fic based on one of my older sketches of Rolan and Charrelin. Thought it was sweet, so I had to make it into something.
”What?” She turns to him after blowing a mellow puff of air into her singed hands. ”Oh- Oho no, don’t worry!” she waves him off, smile still easy on her face. ”I can fix this myself.”
”I am aware, just give me your hands.” He walks over, tentatively brushing a light touch to the back of her left hand for a quick inspection. The backfire had blazed her skin down to her flesh and blisters have already began to build up. ”It’s better if you don’t waste your energy on blisters when I have perfectly good potions.” She doesn’t have the same fire resistant skin as an Asmodeus teifling like himself, judging not only from what he knows, but what he sees. Zariel tieflings are a lot more flammable, or at least this one is.
He didn’t have to see her face to know that grin of hers grew more gaiety. Her exaggerated gasp was a good tell.
”The wizard insistin’ on usin’ mundane means?” she raised her eyebrows at him. ”What has become of the world we live in?” She listened to the clinks of bottles when he rummaged through a small crate he had left by his desk. With a peek, she sees healing potions and ointments, as if he was already prepared for this. She’s not sure whether to feel grateful or slighted, but is it ever that simple with him?
He huffs at the comment, pulling out a yellow-ish clear balm and a cloth. ”I can assure you.” he starts while he returns to her, flashing a slightly prideful smile. ”I don’t solve everything with magic exclusively. I’m proficient in more ways than one.” He uncorks the bottle, dipping it swiftly over the cloth to dampen it, then places the bottle down on his desk beside them.
”I think I’ve underestimated you, then.” she says with a chortle.
”Nothing out of the ordinary, I see.” he smugs back at her.
He offers his free hand to her and she responds by laying hers in his palm. He grabs hold and begins to gently dab the cloth onto her sores. It stings, that’s hard to get away from, and she can’t help the wince as he strokes the balm a bit to hard into a blister, but at least he learns to be more mindful.
After a moment, the pain isn’t all that bothersome. Her whole body swirls with warmth as she relishes the gesture. Not many insist on doing such things for her, or perhaps she’s never really let them. There is a comfort in only relying on your own devices, to never lean on others for support as you can never know when you’re a burden, so after a while, you no longer realise how much you might need it. If not for your survival, then for your soul. Standing here with that soft feeling in her chest, she realises how much she’s been needing this, even if it might just be a bit of balm on her singed skin.
She just blew up one of his chairs. It caught fire and was reduced to kindle in a matter of seconds, and it was nothing but a simple fire bolt. She’s not equal part as scorched, but he still turns to her instead of the black pile still simmering on the floor. She had expected a bit of a chewing out for such an error, but he barely mentioned it aside from an annoyed sigh. Honestly, the silence did make her far more nervous than if he had started yelling, but then he sought to her hands and that tension in his face had almost vanished.
In the silence that settled between them, where her eyes follow the dabs and circles he presses into her palms, she cracks a laugh. ”There really is a sweetheart behind that grouchy exterior, isn’t there?”
”You’re surprised I’m a decent person?” he glances up past his brow to meet her eyes. He doesn’t look burdened in the slightest.
”No, you’ve made that apparent before.” She says with a shake of her head and a pleasant curve in her smile. She tilts her head to the side and squints at him, enough to make the wizard scowl bashfully and turn slightly maroon. ”I just find it sweet.”
(Note: If I’m honest, they remind me a bit of Bert and Ernie if they were color-swapped)
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latibvles · 1 year
beautiful, magic // to you, three years from now.
you'll come back when they call you, no need to say goodbye
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TAGLIST:@liebgotts-lovergirl , @softguarnere , @brassknucklespeirs , @monalisastwin , @mads-weasley , @eugene-emt-roe
SUMMARY: James Clarke is packing to catch a train to Parris Island in the morning — Daisy sees how vastly unprepared he really is.
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March 1942
Daisy stares at the paper in front of her with a scrutinizing look — wondering if she can will words onto paper by staring at it rather than having to punch them into her typewriter. She’d hoped to knock out this paper before she had to return to school — evidently she would probably be taking a trip to the campus library after all. She throws herself back into the cushion of her chair unceremoniously, staring up at the ceiling and letting out a groan.
Her eyes hurt from staring so long at tiny words in the stack of books next to her, at her paper outline, and at the paper itself.
Just two more months, she tries to remind herself, two more months and then you’re done.
She’s got two months until she’s done, so she can afford a ten minute break to grab a snack and give her eyes a break. And she’s pretty sure there’s leftover shortbread from the loaf Mrs. Speirs brought over that evening. And there’s only so much she can say about nursing philosophies before she starts sounding like a broken record.
Daisy pulls herself out of the chair, rolling her shoulders and trying to loosen her stiff muscles from hunching over the typewriter for hours.
She steps out of her room, making her way down the hallway, then pauses.
Warm light pours from James’s room, even though logically, he should be the one sleeping. He’s the one with the train to Parris Island in the morning.
Curious, Daisy makes her way towards the door, and pokes her head inside. She snorts at the sight before her.
“What on Earth are you doing?”
James is sprawled out, spread eagle on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Surrounding him are his open suitcase, and all the articles of clothing that are supposed to go in it. He looks up at her, like she’s the weird one who’s just asked a stupid question.
“Packing, what does it look like?”
“Like you’re giving your best starfish impersonation,” she doesn’t wait for him to invite her in, walking in and sitting on his bed. “I don’t think that’s a marine requirement. Maybe Navy.”
“Did you come in here just to take the piss out of me?”
“I came in here because your light’s on and you have a bad record of not getting up when you’re suppose to,” Daisy corrects, nudging his limp arm with her foot,  looking over the mess on the floor and scrunching her nose. “What’s all this for, then?”
“Well you see Dais, at boot camp you’re required to wear these things called clothes—”
“James.” Now it’s her turn to narrow her eyes at her brother, who’s propped up on his elbows now. While usually he’d smile at her irritation, he just presses his lips into a thin line, breaking eye contact. James pushes himself into a proper sitting position and then runs a hand through his hair, disheveling it further.
“I’ve got no clue what I’m doing here. I’ll figure it out, don’t wo—” But Daisy’s already sliding off the bed to go through what he’s picked out. She picks up a pair of slacks, smooths them out, then starts to fold them.
“No shorts or jeans. Bert shipped out in a suit so I think that’s a pretty safe bet,” then, looking around, she rises to her feet and makes her way over to the closet, grabbing a nicer jacket. “You might need this too, did you take out that polo?” James nods, reaching for the white collared shirt and starting to fold it. He grimaces as he folds it. She sets the pile on his nightstand for tomorrow, and hangs his jacket on the hook behind the door.
“You don’t have to do this, y’know.” He mutters. Daisy just rolls her eyes, nudging him with her foot before she grabs his beaten up track sneakers.
“It’s a good thing I want to, then. Besides, it’s good practice.” He looks up at her through his lashes, then takes the sneakers, putting them in the suitcase.
“So you haven’t told them yet?”
“There’s nothing to tell until I graduate anyway. Besides, might soften the blow,” she resumes her seat on the floor, balling socks to toss them into the suitcase. “And I don’t even know if I’m… going… yet.” James looks at her with a furrowed brow. “Why?”
“Why wouldn’t you?”
“Cause you’re already leaving. I’m pretty sure they’d like at least one kid at home.”
“You’re nursing, Daisy, not manning a goddamn tank,” James refutes, grabbing his rosary from his nightstand and tossing it in flippantly. “It’d be a waste keeping you here anyway. My buddies say they just pick random guys to be medics by taking their rifles and giving them bands. Someone’s gotta fix it when we fuck up.” James grins at that, toothy and playful, and she rolls her eyes. She knew that — from letters home from her friends’ brothers and boyfriends. Although she figures not everyone can go through years of medical school or something adjacent with a war on — she isn’t sure she’d trust James if she had the misfortune of being shot.
She didn’t even think James would trust himself if anyone was shot and he was the first-aid.
“Did you just call me smart?” Daisy hums, and he reaches over to shove her lightly.
“Of course that’s what you hear,” he mutters with a small chuckle. “Did you tell Ronnie yet?” she shakes her head. James presses her lips into a line. “Well I bet if he knew he’d say the same thing. The wounded aren’t here. They’re on tiny islands and in North Africa. So I’d say go there.”
Daisy doesn’t have much to say to that, but she looks over the contents of his suitcase with a scrutinizing gaze.
“You’re missing something. C’mon. Up.” She springs to her feet, heading out the door to his room and down the stairs. She can hear James hot on her heels as she turns on one of the lamps in their living room.
“I don’t think Dad’s gonna let me take the family typewriter.” She rolls her eyes at that as she skims the bookshelf until she finds what she’s looking for, grabbing the book and pulling it from the shelf, and then sitting on the couch, patting the spot next to her. James throws himself back into the cushions, before adjusting to peer over her shoulder as she opens it up.
“Frankie’s boyfriend has a picture of them together to carry around when he’s missing her. But I’m assuming that lady at the dental office still isn’t giving you the time of day,” he pinches her arm in retaliation. Daisy squeaks and he grins as she glares at him. “Anyways you should pick one. To take with you. Of… mom and dad, maybe. I bet they’d like that.” James takes the photo album from her lap, pulling it into his own to flip through its pages. The first page makes her snort.
Neither of them knew quite how to smile, so they’re baring their teeth at the camera with glee — no older than three or four and sitting in front of the family Christmas tree.
“Hated that sweater,” he mutters, and Daisy snorts.
“What’s wrong with it? I think it’s cute.”
“You like everything that I hate.” James huffs. She rolls her eyes as they flip through old photos.
She rests her cheek on her brother’s shoulder, watching him flip through and occasionally pointing at pictures. He denies each of her suggestions with some sort of commentary on why — like how his legs look too skinny in a photo, or how their mother wasn’t looking at the camera. They’re nearing the end of the album when he pauses, running his thumb over one of the photographs.
She and Ron are laid out on the floor on their stomach, between them is a game of Monopoly. Ron has one of those cone party hats on, the ones she knows he would never put on willingly. He takes the photo out of its place, and turns it around. New Years Eve, 1938, written in her mother’s neat script.
Daisy quirks a brow at him from her spot.
“Why that one?” James shrugs, jostling her as he moves to point at her in the photo.
“My little sister, who’s gonna be off doing her nursing thing and keeping all of us alive,” and then, pointing to Ron, “And my sister’s boyfriend, who is a very frightening and athletic accountant. So no one asks to meet you.”
Daisy moves abruptly and swiftly strikes James in the rib with her elbow. He grunts and shoves her towards the opposite end of the couch as her face flushes.
“You’re the worst.” He snickers, then eyes the other albums with a certain level of reluctance.
“...But I’m not sure yet so… you should help me. Look through the other ones, I mean.”
He rises, and she watches him go for another album, still gripping that picture tight between his own fingers. As she’s gotten older, she’s gotten better at reading her brother — who’s so skilled at putting on a brave face he could probably be an actor in another life. But she doesn’t miss how tight he holds onto that photograph, like someone might take it from him. He isn’t looking at her. She says nothing of it.
“So indecisive,” Daisy teases, and waits for her brother to slowly unstiffen once again.
She doesn’t remember how many old photographs they looked through, smiling and snickering at old memories but never picking another candidate. It didn’t matter. She leaned against her brother’s side until her eyelids grew heavy and she found herself falling asleep slumped in into his side — a warm and familiar spot. He doesn’t move her and that morning they wake up on the couch, an album in his lap, an infant in a little boy’s arms in the photo that they left off on.
In the morning she gets dressed while he shuts his suitcase, and when she comes down the stairs, Ron is on their front porch and James with him.
Their conversation looks serious. Daisy lets them have it, only approaching when James pulls Ronnie into a tight hug, roughly clapping him on the back and muttering something when they separate. She doesn’t recognize the looks on either of their faces, but Ronnie nods and looks at her. He cracks a smile and gives her a wave.
“You’re headed back to school after this, I’m guessing?” Daisy nods, rubbing the nape of her neck.
“For a few weeks. Lots of… papers, coming up.” He reaches forward and gives her arm a gentle squeeze.
“Catch me before you leave then.” Daisy nods, as their dad and their already misty-eyed mother exit the house. Her father clears his throat and gives Ronnie a nod, then looks at James.
“Aunt Marie and Uncle Allen are meeting us at the station.” James cocks his head to one side.
“And the kids?”
“They’ve got school, James. Mary’s responsible enough.” Daisy almost flinches at the stern tone he takes, then tries to rationalize that he’s probably lecturing him now while he still has the chance. Soon, there won’t be any sons for him to lecture — not for a while at least. But still, her father takes his suitcase with care and presses a hand to her brother’s shoulder, coaxing him towards the car. She gives Ron one last lingering look, and reaches out to squeeze his hand for a moment, mouthing a silent ‘See you’ as she walks with her mother towards the car.
James behind her mother’s seat, her behind her father’s — she reaches out to take his hand and hold onto it, committing the roughness of it to memory, and gives him what she can only hope is an assuring smile.
He looks sick to his stomach, slumping in his seat to remain out of the frame of the rearview. She wishes there were words she could say, something to provide him with a little relief. James’ gaze is trained on their mother’s head, as it always has been — always looking at her. She doesn’t have to say it.
Daisy squeezes his hand — tight and certain — trying to convey all the promises she’s making to him, all the ones she can’t quite put into words.
James squeezes back, tight as ever, and she knows he understands.
He forgoes the seatbelt, slides across the seats to rest his head on her shoulder. Daisy feels his breath even out and doesn’t dare to wake him.
She knows that the last thing he wants is for her to see him cry.
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bishop-percival · 5 months
(prev) Teddy’s eye widened when Mike said it would take years to perfect the recipie ourselves. As in, it was possible to brew potions without being able to use magic! “Wait! We can-!?” Yet no matter how excited Teddy was Bert’s yell was enough to bring his rare outburst to a screeching halt. If his terror wasn’t enough, Mike’s indirect verdict on how much of a reckless fool he was made him sink lower and lower until he flinched at his ribs’ protest. So he immediately forced himself upright while clenching his eye shut. Then after a long pause he fiddled with his bowtie as he said, “What if..,” Teddy paused to nervously glance at Bert. “…we got another artifact and hid it before he could confiscate it?” Once he finished he snuck another glance at Bert to seek his approval. And because he was the only one who had a secure place to put it.
Bert didn't seem to have any objections or input and looked up at Mike, awaiting his response. 
Mike nodded. “Uh, sure. I’d have to track one down and secure it, which who knows how long that would take, but yeah, I can see this going somewhere.”
He also didn’t miss Teddy’s spark of excitement about potions and wanted to touch back on that briefly. So he looked at Teddy and said,
“And look, about potions… While I wish it was as easy as saying yes to your “We can-!?,” there’s  a bit more to it than that. I’ll talk to you more about it later.” 
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(Previous) Bert steeled himself as he patiently waited for Teddy to explain. He looked at the initiation scar on his hand and grimaced. He thought of the scar on his own shoulder. And some various other scars he had, but they were so old they probably weren't relevant to Percy's blood magic. But the moment the words “gain magic power of my own” hit Bert’s ears, all of that steeling was for nothing as his eye widened in absolute horror. Wow. Ok. If Teddy’s admission of overstepping to kill Bishop Percival didn’t spark Bert’s anger, this certainly did. He jumped from his stool and (somewhat accidentally) blurted out “A-A-Are you DENSE?!” Bert started his own pacing as he clutched the sides of his head. “Rrrrrrrr!! Why in a million years would you ever—! Especially when—!” Sherri Jr, who had been watching the two from the floor, became attuned to Bert’s distress and scampered over to him. She stood up and leaned her front paws against him as she sniffed his face. Bert took a minute to breathe while he pet her. “He’s… he’s fine, kind of. He’s alive. He’s sitting right in front of me. It’s alright,” he murmured to reassure himself. Bert turned around to face Teddy and almost clapped his hands on his shoulder and shook him before remembering that’d probably hurt his injuries. “You’ll never do that ever again, right? You learned your lesson, yes?,” he said with urgent intensity. But that intensity faltered and he looked away once more. “I-I-I can’t go through that again…”
Teddy was stunned that this was what made Bert explode. When Bert called him dense he blurted out in return, "Haven't we already established that!?" Everything related to this was a constant chain of horrible decisions was! And, frankly, he thought that the demon summoning was slightly less stupid than going through with the initiation.
But at especially when Teddy had got an inkling of what made this, specifically, more upsetting than joining the Glornists. Teddy swore he would rather die on the spot than think about how he was gradually becoming more and more like Bishop Percival.
"I..," Teddy shrunk in on himself as he fiddled with his bowtie. "...got desperate..." Then he worked up the courage to look directly at Bert. "But I promise I didn't— and never will— sacrifice anyone!"
When Bert turned around with a face as blinding as a thousand suns Teddy squeezed his eye shut and leaned away as he defensively raised his hands in front of him. He rapidly shook his head to reassure him.
Yes! He did! And he knew just how lucky he was to make it out alive while only losing the contents of his spend account! (Which was fortunately— with his habit of only transferring enough to reach five hundred Haterzoids from his savings account when it dipped under one hundred— only about three hundred Haterzoids.) Still, having three hundred Haterzoids blown on flarping cheese, of all things, was a cheap price for his life.
Bert's sorrow was still far worse than his rage. Teddy hesitantly cracked his eye open before standing up and pressing both hands to his chest. "I'm sorry. I promise I'll never become like him. Yet..." He took a long, shaky breath before looking to his feet and saying. "...I understand if you'd rather not see me again."
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i-am-still-bb · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 - No. 3 - A hair's breadth from death
Fili - T
The World Next Door: A Chrestomanci AU (Tumblr / Ao3)
“Only five books this time?” the librarian teases.
“I still have 4 at home if that makes it any better,” Fili laughs.
“Hmm,” the librarian narrows their eyes. “That might make it okay.
“So how are your studies going?”
“He keeps me busy all hours, and when I should be sleeping I am reading.” Fili gestures to the books. “But I don’t mind.”
“As long as you’re getting some sleep. Sleep is necessary for the brain to grow.”
“I’ll try.”
“Do more than try.”
“I’ll try,” Fili repeats with a wave. Then he is out on the street, wide with the redesign project that had destroyed many historical buildings. He was old enough to remember the outrage, but young enough to not be concerned. The wynds still curved and if you were not familiar with the city it was difficult to determine where it would drop you at the other end. Many shortcuts became long-cuts that way.
Tucking four of the books in his leather bag, Fili flipped open the cover of one book with its spine cradled in his palm. And he started to read. With half his gaze fixed on the book he would give the street a deeper look every few words. The newly stone paved pedestrian streets were still smooth, lacking the corners that seemed to pop out of nowhere to trip the distracted.
He is beneath the towering hill topped with the rust-toned castle when he bumps into someone. “Sor—” he starts, looking up.
His words, cut short by a blow to his shoulders. Drops to his knees. His book falls to the ground, pages open and bent against the pavement. It is kicked out of the way.
Fili starts to make a gesture with his hand, a soft word on his lips. Another blow knocks him sideways. The fabric of his jacket gives way when he hits the ground.
“Are you sure this is him? He don’t look like much.”
One of them grabs his hair and yanks his head back. A soft, surprised noise escapes his mouth. His head is hauled further back, bending his neck and back at an unusual angle.
A gloved hand grabs his jaw, fingers digging in to the soft flesh of his cheeks. A piece of paper is held next to Fili’s face.
A sharp nod. “Yeah. It’s him.”
Caught off guard by the sudden release. Fili barely catches himself. Bits of stone and dirt tear into his palms. The stone beneath his hands has a smear of blood. He opens his mouth to speak.
“None of that.”
He is sprawled on the ground, hands clutching his side before he can even think to say that he was not trying any magic. But now he can see the faces of the men who had stopped him, but he cannot place them in the rush of thoughts, pain, and fear that are roiling within.
An order is barked. “Make sure he can’t conjure up any shit or escape.”
This time Fili sees the blow coming and everything goes dark.
“I think you hit him too hard, Bert.”
“Did not! It’s not my fault if the baby enchanter has fragile bones!” a voice snaps back.
Fili keeps his eyes shut as he starts to wake up. Multiple spots on his body ache and burn, but none as badly as his head.
“Does he even need to be awake?”
A deeper voice, not one that Fili had heard on the street, responds, “Maybe not, but why not have him be awake for it?” There’s a twist of amusement at the end.
He cannot remember any of the spells through the spinning of his head and stomach.
But he stiffens when he recognizes a sound that just now comes into focus. The rasping, whizzing of a knife being sharpened.
“Tom, how much blood do we need?”
“The book just said an ounce.”
“But does that take into effect the 9 lives thing?”
“Good question, Bill.” The deeper voice is back. It reminds Fili of the oozing ends of worms on the pavement after a rainstorm, things crawling in the earth with too many legs.
The voice continues. “We could just take it all.”
Fili pulls at the iron chains that bind his wrist. At the clink of metal the voices stop.
“Is he awake?”
A rough hand turns Fili onto his back. Dark eyes stare down at him from a rough face. “Yes.”
“Then get him up,” the voice orders.
“It’s Tom isn’t it?” Fili asks the man hauling him roughly to his feet, the chains weighing him down and getting in the way.
The man grunts. He shoves Fili forward to a table under a single bare lightbulb.
Fili can’t make out the figures around it. But he knows the one with the voice.
“You don’t have to do this,” Fili says hurriedly.
“Shut your mouth,” Tom snaps.
Fili thinks it is Bert who grabs the chain hanging from his wrists and yanks him forward. He stumbles, but cannot stand back up. Bert has fastened the chain to the table’s leg. Fili gives an experimental tug, but he slides instead of the table.
“On your knees,” the voice says.
Fili straightens as much as he can and squares his shoulder. Ignoring the pain in his shoulder, side, and head and the churning in his belly.
And then he makes the connection. The iron on his wrists. They had just started practicing with thin bracelets so he could concentrate through the haze. But these were thick and heavy. They cast a pall over his memory, he couldn’t not draw any spells to mind.
He stares at the man who still stands just out of sight.
“You will not get away with this. Not really,” Fili says, his voice steady, calm. “Chrestomanci will find you.”
The man steps forward into the light. A mirthless smile is on his lips as he speaks, “He hasn’t so far.” Then he addresses Tom. “Get him on his knees.”
A foot on the back of his knees, one at a time, drives Fili down.
Then the man is behind Fili. For as thin as his hands are, his grasp of Fili’s hair to drag his head back and expose his throat is strong, inexorable.
“Bert, the knife.”
Fili closes his eyes. What a foolish way to be down to seven lives. All because he could not wait until he was home to start reading.
When the sharp edge of the knife settles against his throat and everything is still for a brief moment, Fili wants to smack himself. On an exhaled breath he says, “Chrestomanci, Chrestomanci, Chrestomanci.” He does not dare to move, but his words are drowned out by the man’s chanting.
For a second Fili worries that his words were not loud enough, that there was not enough breath behind them.
But then Chrestomanci is there in his dove gray suit looking dreamy and distracted. Something that does not change as he takes in the scene in front of him.
“It’s been a long time,” Chrestomanci says. “I thought you were in Greece.”
The hand holding the knife shakes and a drop of blood runs down Fili’s neck and soaks into the collar of his white shirt.
“I was,” the man says tightly.
Chrestomani hums, “And I see you found some new friends.” He looks to Bill, Bert, and Tom languorously. “I think they’ll find that they’ll regret their new found friendship with you.
“Now. I would appreciate it if you let my pupil go. I really am quite fond of him.”
Fili’s head is pulled back further. And then he is shoved forward into the table. A curse, and a quick spell and Fili can feel that the man is no longer there. Bert, Bill, and Tom look shellshocked.
Then Chrestomanci is at Fili’s side. A quick word and the chains fall from Fili’s wrists and Chrestomanci’s hands are holding him steady.
“Next time maybe call me before you have a knife to your throat, hmm?”
“I’ll try,” Fili says with a relieved laugh.
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(prev) Teddy shrugged as he carefully reached over to pet Sherri Jr. “Decent? She hardly interacts with acolytes.” Then he paused to sigh while averting his eye. “Not that I blame her…” How could he when he distanced himself from Thomas and attempted to do the same with Shep for what was likely the same reason: To reduce the emotional impact of their inevitable ritual sacrifice? Teddy kept silent as he wondered if she assumed that he was next on the chopping block. Probably.
“I see…” Bert rubbed his head. “Do you think she would help you with your magic research?”
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flyteofthenoldor · 2 years
Rereading Septimus Heap as an Adult™ Part 2: Magyk, Chapters 14-28:
When DomDaniel was ExtraOrdinary Wizard, it was mentioned that he focused on his own goals and didn't care much for the population of the castle. I would love a short story from the perspective of an Ordinary Wizard during that time. It would be an interesting perspective, given that what we know so far is from Alther's retelling. I'd also love to hear more on the reception of Alther's ascension to EOW, since it seemed to most that he pushed DomDaniel off the Wizard Tower.
Do we ever find out why Alther agreed to be DonDaniel's Apprentice? It's clear that Alther doesn't care for his practices, politics, or personality (understandably so). What was his motivation?
Speaking of DonDaniel's goals, he was determined to gain as much power as possible as well as achieve eternal youth. However, since it took a while to sort that out, he ended up achieving "eternal middle age." This is another detail I find much more funny now than I did the first time. Angie Sage's writing is once again amusing in a way that appeals to readers of all ages. The fact that younger readers can understand the jokes that aren't fully appreciated until adulthood is the mark of a talented author.
I love the fact that Alther is determined to make DonDaniel's stay in Marcia's rooms as difficult as possible. Man becomes a poltergeist (affectionate) as a post mortem "fuck you" to the most difficult bastard he met while living. Ghost goals.
(This is the same man who called out Marcia for making the Hunter swan dive into the freezing river lol.)
Aunt Zelda and her Cottage
Aunt Zelda has a hen house that is a boat. She has Bert, a cat that is a duck. Absolute icon. 10/10 would visit even if I had to eat cabbage sandwiches the whole time.
The Dragon Ring
We love magic rings in the house 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
At his failed wedding to Lucy Gringe, Simon was kidnapped and subsequently tortured until he gave up Jenna's location. The Supreme Custodian thinks Simon would make a more useful ExtraOrdinary Apprentice than Merrin. Knowing how the story goes, I'm curious why Simon is so keen to be DonDaniel's Apprentice, since he didn't seem to have an inclination towards Darke Magyk before.
Apparently Simon resents his family for their perceived lack of ambition. We know he wants to be the EOW's Apprentice. It would be fascinating to see Marcia's visit to the Heaps' room from his perspective. I think his reaction to the EOW being in his house would be a) incredibly interesting, and b) provide more insight into his motivations.
Stanley the Message Rat, my beloved. Always Certified Confidential in my eyes.
When his wife Dawnie tells him not to involve himself with wizards, she brings up her friend's husband, who was trapped in a pot in the Wizard Tower. In an earlier chapter, Marcia mentions Endor finding a rat in her pot, from, she assumes, the rubbish chute. The way everything is inexplicably connected makes it much more amusing as well as more relatable. Crazy coincidences happen, and while not as frequent and fun as they are in Sage's writing, they are believable enough given the fantasy setting and the fact that most people have experienced something similar.
I would love more information on Charms written on toast 🍞 That is all.
Wizard Green Eyes
How much/how long after exposure to Magyk does it take for wizards to develop green eyes? Marcia revived Boy 412 at the Wizard Tower, had him practice a spell at Aunt Zelda's cottage, and gifted him a Charm when she asked him to be her Apprentice. Not to mention Boy 412 found the dragon ring. I noticed there is no mention of his gray eyes turning green, so I'm wondering what the exposure level/time frame is for something like this.
Morwenna Mould
She knew about Sep. She spoke to Sarah about her THREE children at Aunt Zelda's, even though Sarah only knew about Jenna and Nicko.
(Also how have you guys been pronouncing "Mould" in your heads? Pretty sure I got it wrong as a kid, and now I'm not sure what to do 😅)
I'm in love with the idea that ghosts coexist with the living. I truly adore the idea that ghosts are able to get a glimpse of the thoughts of the living if they pass through them. This is not a concept I have seen before/since, but it is an absolutely fantastic take on the afterlife.
Supreme Custodian
He's baffled that Simon doesn't know exactly where his Aunt Zelda lives. Meanwhile the Supreme Custodian's aunts wish that he didn't know where they live 😂
Knowing the Hunter's name is Gerald and calling him that as much as possible is genuinely hilarious and admirable.
Yeah, I forgot these fuckers existed. They sound even worse than the first time around, haha.
Sorry for the long read. I had significantly more opinions this time 😅
I'd love to hear your thoughts too! Send me a Message Rat 🐀
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rwprincess · 3 years
Head Over Feet (Brian Johnson x Fem!Reader)
Word Count: 4.8k
Synopsis: What’s that sound? It’s another anachronistic Brian Johnson songfic! (Based on Alanis Morissette’s Head Over Feet) You’re one of Bender’s trash-punk friends and things change drastically when he brings the scrawny brain from detention with him to meet you all. Set up in snippets, your relationship develops with Brian, even if you weren’t really looking for a relationship.
CW: Teenage smoking (including reader), swearing, parental abuse (being being kicked out), sexism, angst and fluff
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“This is Johnson,” Bender indicated the boy he brought along to your group’s spot under the bleachers.
“Brian, please.” The kid corrected. You eyed the gangly youth from top to bottom; in his sweater over a crisply-ironed collared shirt and khakis, he definitely didn’t fit in here with you all. You’d be called grungy punks at best. You didn’t think any of you even owned an iron and crisp definitely wasn’t your style. You blew out a puff of smoke, exhaling the nicotine from your lungs and shifted your gaze to Bender, wondering what he was at with this. He wasn’t the best guy, but pranking this preppy little nerd by bringing him down to your hangout? That seemed beneath him.
“You, uh, running some kinda charity here, Bender? We’re not exactly Make-A-Wish material, kid.” Scorch told the blonde dweeb and you snorted at the thought.
“Shut the fuck up,” was all Bender said in response. The rest of the twenty minutes of Brian Johnson standing there was of course, incredibly awkward and it was clear to everyone that he didn’t fit in. But that didn’t stop him from coming back a week later. And again a few days after that. And again and again until, well, that dork had grown on the lot of you. While he didn’t partake in cigarette smoking like most of you, he did take Bender up on his weed on several occasions and was actually really funny while high. He did weirdly spot-on impressions and had a sense of humor that none of your group had anticipated.
And, as much as you would vehemently deny it, you liked him when he was sober, too. He was incredibly smart and helpful and while his jokes were different without marijuana in his system, he could be amusing. That first awkward encounter was back in March, maybe April. But now you spent time with him without the convenience of school pulling you together. Now it was June and you sought to spend time with him, even without the group. Tonight, you were laying in a field not far from the high school, just the two of you. You liked to listen to him ramble on about the constellations and the myths about why they were named as they were. You remembered liking that as a kid, but you didn’t remember most of the stories. You knew you could ask him questions about the actual stars, too. Like, the science of it, and he would know. But you’d rather let him ramble and tackle one subject at a time. Even though he focused more on science and math, he was a pretty good storyteller, and right now that provided you with more of an escape than talking about the chemical composition of a star. When he finished his retelling of Ursa Minor’s story, however, he remained silent and didn’t start up a new piece of lore. After a moment, you looked at him to see what the hold up was, but you just caught his eye as his gaze was already fixed on you. Your heart started pounding in your chest because you knew what was coming.
“You know, we could go on an actual date some time.” Brian suggested, breaking the silence. You closed your eyes, almost wincing at the words. He was generally more subtle than this, but the same idea had been brought up before. It wasn’t that you didn’t like Brian. In general, you did, and in the honest depths of your soul, it was as more than a friend. But, every time it came down to this subject, you panicked. You had never been serious with anyone and the thought of dating was completely foreign to you. You had messed around with some guys before but you never had feelings for them. You didn’t know how to depend on another person, to have an actual relationship with them.
I had no choice but to hear you
You stated your case time and again
I thought about it
You sighed, your eyes still closed. You didn’t know what to tell him. Before, he always left it as more of a hint and it was easier to dodge. Now he was just coming out and saying it. Basically asking you out, so you would actually have to turn him down this time. The terrible thing was, you didn’t really want to. The conscious side of you wanted to agree and go out with him, on a proper date. But your subconscious kicked you into fight or flight mode and if you weren’t in the middle of a field, you might have picked flight and walked away. But that didn’t seem to be an option.
“Look, Johnson. It’s not that easy. Just...don’t waste your time on me.”
“I’m already wasting my time on you.” He pointed out, but when you took a peek at him, he didn’t seem upset about it. He was actually grinning about it. “We’re already wasting our time out here. Or at the library, or under the bleachers… So why not like, a movie theater or dinner, or my house?”
“Oh yeah, your mom would love having me around.” You joked, humorlessly. The smattering of times you had met Brian’s mother hadn’t gone swimmingly. You could read the derision in her voice and knew she did not approve of her good little baby hanging out with a ne’er-do-well like you.
“She’d come around. You’re different once someone actually gets to know you.” He meant it as a compliment, but you took it as your out.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You leapt up, indignantly and he just gaped at you like a fish out of water.
“I didn’t mean anything bad by it, I swear!” He put his hands up defensively as you looked down at him. “Forget it, I’m sorry.” You had victory, he dropped the subject and your friendship could last another night and you could try to pretend like he wasn’t right, that you two weren’t meant to be something more.
You treat me like I'm a princess
I'm not used to liking that
You ask how my day was
For the most part, working at Bert’s auto shop felt worthwhile and valuable. Other days, it chewed you up and spit you out. It was hard being in such a masculine environment and not fitting into that type. Customers (mostly men, but even the women too) thought that you were less knowledgeable and handy than your cohorts. Bender’s teasing didn’t help that image, either.
Now you slid into the booth at Gino’s pizzeria utterly deflated and defeated. Of course, Brian took notice right away. “Rough day?” He inquired, pushing a menu towards you even though he knew you ordered the same thing every time.
“That’s not even the half of it. Why does Bender hafta be such a dick all the time?!” You asked, incredulously but sincerely, diving right into your problem.
“I don’t know. I think he thinks it’s part of his charm? Maybe it is. I mean, we’re still friends with him.” You nodded at his point, but clenched your fists just the same.
“I just wish he knew when to back off sometimes. Like, he never realizes he’s taking it too far and digging you further into a shithole.”
“What did he do this time?” Brian’s gaze on you was unbroken; it made you feel important, like your opinion, your story, was the only thing that mattered.
“So we got this old guy in the shop today. Beautiful car, so of course he was hesitant with me touching it.” You began and his eyebrows furrowed, already not liking the direction this was going. “And I’m trying to prove myself worthy to work on this car, even though I would just be doing an oil change, which isn’t like a big deal anyway, right? Simple stuff.” You looked to him to get acknowledgement to move forward.
“I mean, I guess. I don’t really know about oil changes or anything about cars. But I know you do.”
“Right, so Bender has to go and make a crack to the old guy about how they won’t let me near it and I’m just the secretary for the shop or whatever. Just a total dick move. But of course the guy believed him and laughed with him and sent me to go get him a cup of coffee? I mean, what the hell is that?”
“That’s not right. And you wear a mechanic’s uniform at work, why would he think--?”
“Because macho man Bender told him I was! He was more believable than me.” You sank back and put a hand up to brace your forehead as the waitress approached the table. You prepared to order your drink when she set down exactly what you would have ordered in front of you and walked away, promising to come back in a few minutes. You blinked at the cup as if it magically had appeared.
“I uh, figured you’d get the usual and you’d need it when you got here, so I ordered for you. I hope that’s okay.” Brian said and then looked away, suddenly embarrassed by the idea. Since he wasn’t looking at you anyway, you allowed your lips to twitch up into a smile threatening to break out on your face...but only for a moment.
“Yeah, whatever. So anyway, Bender…” you carried on, pretending nothing happened, but secretly cataloguing his gesture in your memory.
The only thing worse than arguing with Brian or him pissing you off was him making you laugh. There were times that you would go home with sore sides and itchy eyes from the tears that formed while laughing so hard. Then you would always, always reflect on the hours you just spent together, feeling the warmth and butterflies tickle your insides and a nervous heat would prickle your skin as you thought about how happy Brian made you. He never pushed you to do anything; he liked you the way you were. Sure, he would drop hints here and there about how you should stop smoking or give you advice when you had a particularly bad argument with one of your friends, but overall, he just accepted you. And you knew how hard that was to find.
You had never been popular and when junior high rolled around, you accepted that you never would be. You found your own little group of outcasts who understood what it was like to be kicked down time and again, and now he had somehow joined that group too. You knew he understood how it felt. Even though he looked different and came from a very different social circle, he had been looked down upon by his peers all his life. You were guilty of judging him the same way when you first met him, but now you couldn’t imagine life without him. He was cut of the same cloth and you could see yourself in him, which is why you just clicked. And he was so kind and so patient with you. You tried to push him away dozens of times, to put up the barriers and the walls that worked so well for everyone that came before him; you couldn’t be hurt if you never got attached. Where most people gave up and only saw the cold, distant bitch you gave them, Brian always saw something more. He didn’t give up in breaking down those walls, and even accepted just being your friend. That made you love him even more.
Shit, wait. Did you just think about loving Brian? A crush is one thing. Having a buddy to fool around with is one thing. Being in love was quite another.
You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault
Mercedes Johnson was all about keeping up appearances, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t hear her arguing with Brian on the other side of the door, about you. Again. You had known from the second you met her that she didn’t like you. She was instantly worried about the influence you’d have on her son; it was a common reaction from parents based on the way you looked and the company you kept. You would think you’d be used to it by now.
However, it truthfully bothered you more because this was Brian’s mother. You were hoping that she would be different and see the person underneath like her son had, or at the very least, that she would eventually warm up to you. You had no luck with either.
“I’m not comfortable with having her over at the house right now.” You could hear her tell Brian.
“She’s my friend, ma. Of course she’s going to come over--”
“I’m aware of that but you know I wish she weren’t. I would prefer that you keep the company of other friends.” The formality of her sentences while she was still cruelly putting you both down made you cringe.
“You don’t know her because you won’t give her a chance. She’s not that different from my other friends.”
“You have friends in the Physics Club, from Knowledge Bowl, Honor Students. You don’t need the association with a hoodlum like that or John Bender and I don’t know why you keep insisting on bringing them into my home when I have repeatedly told you no. I don’t want them around your sister, or even you!”
“Fine. Then we’ll leave.” You heard the door swing open harshly and Brian was motioning for you to follow him out of the house.
“Brian Ralph Johnson!” You heard his mother cry after the two of you. Brian held open the front door for you and you looked at him cautiously before rushing out. You knew you weren’t wanted there, but you were worried that he wouldn’t come with you. You were even more worried that he would. “You are not leaving this house.” Mercedes put on the most intimidating tone you had witnessed her use.
“No, I am. We are. I’ll see you later.”
“Don’t bother coming back tonight if you walk out of this house!” She was now pink-faced and losing all of the reserved, polished look you had seen her have. She had never been so...uncomposed.
“Don’t worry. I won’t.” Brian said and grabbed you by the elbow as he escorted you down the driveway to your car. He immediately got into the passenger seat and as you sunk behind the steering wheel, you glanced at him.
“Brian, this is stupid. You don’t have to---you shouldn’t do this.” The whole situation reminded you of the many times you had been kicked out of your house. This was just another home you weren’t welcome in.
He clenched his jaw in response. “Let’s just go. I’ll figure it out later. Please, just drive.”
Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole
You're so much braver than I gave you credit for
That's not lip service
“Your mom gave you a choice, you know. It’s not like she told you to get out. She actually told you not to leave.” You said as you both sat on the trunk of your car, looking out across the field that was slowly turning to a golden hue, both from the afternoon sun and the change into autumn. Neither of your houses were really an option to go to, so you just chose the empty field that you would look at stars in during the summer.
“It’s not like it was really a choice though, was it? I’m tired of her trying to control every part of my life. I need to start thinking for myself, doing things for myself. She needs to understand that I’m going to do what I want, and like who I want to like.” He looked at you meaningfully for a moment, but you looked away quickly. It was too heavy for you to process right now.
“That’s a big step. I’m really impressed with you for standing up for yourself.” You told him, and he gave you an appreciative, heart-stopping smile in return that caused your cheeks to flush. Your parents had shouted at you to leave so many times before, any time you were ‘inconvenient’ for them, that it was hard to relate to someone who chose not to stay. But you wanted to support him and you did feel proud of him today. You thought back to the most recent event in which you had been dismissed from your family, and how you had tried to take it out on Brian:
You slammed your locker and watched him almost jump out of his skin. “I don’t want to talk about this.” You growled at Brian.
“I understand that, but you need to. You can’t just--”
“Just what?”
“You can’t just act like nothing happened or run away from it...run away from here.” You had been disciplined at school yet again and your parents had had enough. You had a big fight with them the night prior and did not sleep in your own bed. The tiredness racked your body today and you were stiff from sleeping in your car. If it weren’t for the social aspect, you wouldn’t have bothered coming to school. But you quickly realized you weren’t in the mood to talk to anyone, and you were only making the situation worse.
“Like hell I can’t.” You stated, quickly turning to walk away.
“Y/N, don’t. Come on, talk to me. Tell me what happened. We can figure it out together.”
“There’s nothing to figure out, bucko. I’ll be fine. I’ll do this on my own. I’m used to that anyway.”
“But you don’t have to be alone, Y/N. That’s what I’m saying! That’s my whole point: I’m here for you!”
“I didn’t ask you to be, Brian.”
“No, because friends don’t have to ask.” His words scared you. Nobody had so adamantly offered to be a safety net to you before.
“Yeah,” you scoffed, “we’re great friends. We’ve bonded so much in the, what, four months you’ve known me?” You rolled your eyes, trying to make him feel uncomfortable, to drive a wedge between you. You only knew how to put up walls, how to run.
“You know we are.”
“Yeah, sure, right. Friends. Not like you want to sleep with me or anything.” You tried to drive another knife into him, to play it off like he was following you only because he had a crush on you, one you tried to pretend wasn’t reciprocated. “It’s not going to happen, Brian. So just accept that we’re not friends.”
He let you get about three steps away before you heard him say, “No. I know what you’re doing, and it’s not going to work. Sure, part of me wants something more, but...I care about you, Y/N. And if we can just be friends, I am happy with that, I swear. But don’t do this to me. Don’t try to shut me out or walk away or act like you’re fine. I know you well enough to know you’re not.” When you turned around, you could see that he had tears rimming his eyes, threatening to fall, which made your own tears spring up as well. “I am your friend. I’m not going to just let you go and do something stupid. You are going to talk about this. If not to me, then someone else. But you can’t just run away or sleep in your car or, or…”
“Okay.” You said, softly.
“Fine, let’s talk about it. I screwed up again and my parents kicked me out. So what do I do?”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. I...we’ll think of something.” He began to tell you, but you bit your lip and drowned him out in your own sobs. Everything crashed in on you at once; you hadn’t escaped in time. You slid down your locker wall and sat on the floor. Brian joined you and put his arm around you tentatively.
You are the bearer of unconditional things
You held your breath and the door for me
Thanks for your patience
After that day, you knew he wouldn’t let you go. You tried your best to brush him off, to hurt him, to land irreparable blows. But it was all in vain; he stuck by you. You admired how he stood up for you, for your relationship, whatever that meant. He didn’t back down, even though you knew he genuinely cared what you thought. He was willing to put everything on the line just to be with you, in whatever capacity you would allot him. And today, he had chosen you again. He had picked a fight with his mother and chosen you. He placed you above being safe and comfortable and at home right now.
“I’m sorry, this must seem so stupid to be complaining about. I know I don’t have it that bad, it’s just that--”
“No, your problems are valid, too. Your mom sucks.” You told him and he laughed, “But I would be lying if I said it wasn’t...weird to have someone be given the choice to stay instead of being yelled at to get out and that you’re worthless and---I’m sorry. I don’t mean to make this about me.” You said softly, looking down at your hands.
“No, I get it. It’s gotta be on your mind a lot, the uncertainty. Plus, I don’t mind talking about you.” He nudged your shoulder with his own, trying to be playful but you knew he meant that. He always put you first. You couldn’t help your next impulse as your hand shot up to cup his face and you leaned in and kissed him roughly. You weren’t entirely sure why you had done it. It would probably change everything and you couldn’t tell if you were doing it selfishly to feel like someone cared or to keep him around or because you truly wanted to. Of course, he kissed you back, and the feeling it gave you pushed a lot of those doubts from your mind.
You're the best listener that I've ever met
You're my best friend
Best friend with benefits
What took me so long?
The kiss in the field still didn’t mean you were “together.” Realistically, it complicated things for a while. You avoided Brian for a couple of days and didn’t discuss it when you finally caved in to your desire to see him. He didn’t bring it up either, even though there were many times he would look at your lips like he wanted to make a move again, but you never talked about it. Things began to look “normal” after about two weeks. You spent time at the record shop, or under the bleachers with your friends or in the library with his friends. He nagged you about giving up smoking and you finally listened, much to his surprise.
“What made you finally decide to quit?” He asked, looking at the nicotine patch on your arm. You shrugged, not wanting to tell him the truth.
“I guess I just finally got tired of you being a broken record, mother hen.” You teased him, but he just smiled because he was happy with your choice. The truth of the matter was, you had done it for him. While you weren’t with him, you wanted to be. You didn’t want to keep doing something that bothered him so much, but you also knew that eventually, your habit of smoking would cost time with him and you didn’t want that. You lied to yourself that you didn’t want a relationship and weren’t thinking about a future with Brian, but you were. Every time he helped you study or encouraged you to do your best, the time your parents were out of town so he had made you his “specialty” of spaghetti in your kitchen, when you drove him around singing songs together on the radio...you thought about doing those things with him forever and instead of the fear you used to feel at such a thought, you felt happiness. You anticipated a future with him, something to look forward to.
I've never felt this healthy before
I've never wanted something rational
I am aware now
I am aware now
“It’s kind of weird, yeah. But they’re cute together, I guess.” You had just returned from a movie with Bender and Claire. You were surprised at how long their relationship had lasted, especially since you had hated Claire at first. You assumed she was dating Bender as a statement, but it had been over six months and they were still together and it just seemed to work.
“It must be nice to have someone like that. Even if they don’t make sense, they care about each other. It just must be a nice thing to have a relationship like that.” Brian looked at you for a moment before backpedaling, realizing he must have made it sound like he was guilt-tripping you. “Don’t worry, I won’t ask you out again. I really just was complimenting them--”
“Well, maybe you should.” You cut him off.
You realized how rare a find like Brian truly was. He always put you before himself; he listened to all of your problems and knew when to offer solutions and when to just listen. He was endlessly supportive, and kind. He kept taking giant risks just to be with you, to show you that you mattered to him. You knew, without him saying it, that he loved you. Why else would someone go to the lengths he did, just to make you happy? You had tried everything to shake him, to get rid of him so neither one of you would be in too deep to get hurt. But he stayed, and now, you wouldn’t want him to go anyway. It was too late; you were both already in too deep.
He just blinked at you, sure he had heard incorrectly. “Wh-what?”
“I said, maybe you should. Ask me out again.”
“Y/N, do you want to go out with me?” He asked, unsure. It felt like a setup, but he knew you wouldn’t do something so cruel to him.
“Yes.” You replied, softly.
“Why?” He asked with furrowed eyebrows.
“I don’t know. I guess you won me over.” You chuckled, but he failed to see the humor in it, so you changed to a more serious tone. “Brian, I thought that these feelings would go away, that you would go away. Lord knows how hard I’ve tried to push you. But...you didn’t and the feelings didn’t. I-I love you. And I’m pretty sure I’m going to keep loving you, I don’t want to waste my time with anyone else. And...And I think that you love me.”
“I do.” He breathed quietly, with zero hesitation.
“So, why fight it any more? I was afraid that I would hurt you, but I think I’ve already done that and you’ve stuck around.” He nodded in confirmation of that fact. “And I was scared that I would get hurt but...but I’ve realized that you won’t do that to me, either.”
You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault
He took your hands in his, “You’re serious? You really want this? Because, you know how I feel. How I’ve always felt.” You nodded in response, tears quickly filling your eyes, which was a rarity for you. He leaned in towards you to kiss you, for the first time since your conversation in the field over a month ago. He waited for you to be ready in every aspect of your relationship and you had never known so much love and respect before. It took some adjusting to, but he had pulled you in and made you fall for him again and again.
Just gonna tag my buddy...
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shyrose57 · 3 years
AU(s) where all the mod videos Tommy does, along with some other videos, are all alternate universes, and their residents end up in the SMP. Chaos ensues. 
Voice Mod AU:
Universe where nobody talks aloud. They telepathically communicate, and the closer you are, the clearer and louder you are, unless you have the control the lower your mental voice.
Post-apocalyptic world(because Tommy said welcome to the new world at the start, and I too that and ran with it). They’re the new versions of humans, created after life returned on the planett, and the telepathy is a survival method, because outward noise draws predators, inner noise does not. 
This also means they possibly have some other features similar to that. Like maybe Quackity’s duck wings being from some newly evolved duck species in the new world, Wilbur being a bit abnormally tall, or similar. I’m not sure. 
Oh hey, no, Wilbur can be like a tree hybrid or something, cause Treebur. 
Basically, evolution and telepathy.
Wilbur has a horse named Bert, he is speedy, and spends just as much time dragging his owner out of trouble than he does riding him into it.
The gang is basically just traveling the lands, exploring what’s about.
There are fish-horses, ender-horses, spider-horses, silverfish ponies, and horses that are somewhat like a breed between llamas and sheep in the world.
There are a lot of new horse breeds.
The Quackity of this universe wears clothes a lot like Manhunt Dream’s, hoodie-wise, but it’s all bright blue, and his mask has the :] face on it.
Size Mod AU:
Universe where people can shift and change sizes, though only to certain ones.
For example, Wilbur’s stuck small. He can shift to the size of a small dog, height wise, or that of a flower, but he can’t get big. Quackity can go smaller than Wilbur, or literally bigger than the Enderdragon. Both Tommy can be normal sized, or big, and Phil’s can be about the size of a tree, or become the size of a small mountain. 
They all live in a nice house in the plains and spend their time terrorizing the locals.
Wilbur has a little house within the house, and he uses his size to cause havoc more often than not. Quackity is equally guilty of this.
Sometimes when the kids are being particularly bad, Phil puts the smaller ones in a compost bin and holds Tommy off the ground until he starts behaving. 
Quackity’s a follower of the Blood God. Not to Techno’s length, but he goes and kills rabbits for him, and dedicates the chaos his giant form causes to the guy. In return, the four always have a flourishing harvest, and Quackity’s absolutely mean in battle. 
Wilbur sleeps in one of Tommy’s old shoes that he stole and made into a bed.
Honestly, Wilbur’s kind of like the house mouse. He steals stuff and vibes in his little home in the walls. The cats that occasionally slip in try to eat him a lot too.
Wilbur and Quackity are bird hybrids, Tommy’s a zombie hybrid(cause he’s fighting a zombie and saying ‘I burn’ at that little bit), and Phil’s an iron golem hybrid.
Quackity and WIlbur have little bird-houses set up around the area for them to dart into and hide if anything comes after them.
They all met when tiny Q and Wilbur tried to rob Tommy and Phil. They succeeded with Tommy, but Phil was less than impressed at the attempt. Somehow it resulted in them all sharing a house.
Dragon Mod AU:
Universe set in more medieval-themed world. Phil, Quackity, and Tommy are dragon hunters. Wilbur’s a mischievous dragon sorcerer who enjoys shapeshifting into a dragon to mess with people. The hunters were originally sent after him, but spent more time frantically running for their lives while he laughed at them.
Wilbur’s actually good friends with the actual Enderdragon, who he calls Keithette. It was with her blessing that he decided to pick on the hunters.
He just spends all of his time messing with them. That’s all he does. He messes with them. It’s originally more malicious, which means they had a ridiculous amount of deaths, but they eventually all grew fond of each other, so now it’s more playful. 
He helps them find treasure and scares off rivals. 
Tommy’s a trained medic. 
Quackity and Wilbur are...something? It’s a Skephalo situation. They could just be very affectionate friends, or they could be dating, or they could be messing with everyone. Nobody knows, and everytime they think they’ve figured it out, the two seem to magically know and do something to throw them off.
They’ve confused many, many people with their antics. 
(They’re probably messing with people though, because they definitely know what they’re doing)
When the actual Enderdragon and her egg mysteriously went missing, Wilbur rounded up his friends and asked for their help in finding her-so now the group is on a quest to find her and return her to the End.
Natural Disaster Mod AU:
Universe where world ending natural disasters just keep happening. It killed off a lot of people, but honestly, at this point, it’s been going on for years, and those that remain are pretty used to it.
Tubbo and Wilbur are followers of the Mule God, and were brought together by him. Jack and Tommy are two good friends who came together to survive. And Phil’s a top-tier survivalist who keeps an eye on the four, mostly because he’d feel bad if they died too often while they live in the area.
Though they’re all three different groups, they stick together and help each other out.
Tommy and Tubbo were childhood friends before the disasters separated them. A young Jack found Tommy and took him in, and Tubbo was saved and blessed by the Mule God. They’re still friends, but have somewhat grown apart with their differing lifestyles. 
Tommy’s a penguin hybrid. 
Tubbo and Wilbur have been known to try and scam people passing by, and they have tried this with everyone in the area too-the difference is the ones who stick around know better than to buy it. 
Whenever Tommy wants to hang out, he declares he’s rescuing Tubbo, and steals him from whatever he’s doing. Wilbur has long since accepted that occasionally Tubbo is going to be stolen, and doesn’t even blink anymore. 
Tommy wears green, and Tubbo wears red. 
Storm riding is a favored sport of Tubbo’s, where you grab a hang glider and get swept up into the storm. Jack hates it, but often gets dragged along anyway. 
Morph Mod AU:
Universe where shapeshifters are more common, and Tommy, Charlie, Phil, Schlatt, and Wilbur are all a clan of them. 
They co-exist with humans, and actually protect the local villages they live close too. 
They also spend a lot of time messing with people outside said villages, but that’s unimportant. 
Charlie and Wilbur prefer to be aquatic creatures. while Phil transforms into whatever works better for the environment he’s in. Schlatt just does whatever, and Tommy usually sticks to human form, only shifting when he’s bored or he needs too. 
Wilbur tried to transform into a horse once, while in fish form. He’s not sure what exactly happened, but long story short, he’s the reason for the myth of the hippocampus.
They have a house in the village, one out, and then general little areas meant for them in animal form. 
Because shapeshifters are strongly group-oriented, they prefer to shift in pairs or groups. Charlie and Wilbur typically pair up, as do Schlatt and Tommy. Philza doesn’t really have that instinct as strongly, so he just stays close to them instead. 
Laser Eye Mod AU:
Universe set in a futuristic setting, where, due to an ancient void deity becoming malicious, Tommy, Phil, Charlie, and Wilbur are selected to become plasma wielding cyber warriors(futuristic magical girls, basically) to fight back against such threats.
These four’s cybernetics were embued with magic to produce specific plasma that would be effective against threats.
Phil wields divine plasma, and it’s fired out from his cybernetic wings, which were implanted as a military experiment. He can even detach a feather to act as a plasma covered sword.
Tommy wields phoenix plasma, and it’s fired out of his cybernetic eyes, which were transplanted into him when he was in an accident young, rendering him blind. They allow him to see by scanning out the outlines of objects and areas, and feeding the image into his brain.
Wilbur wields soulfire plasma, which is fired from his prosthetic legs, which have a kind of mermaid-motif, with fins and all, and make him a fast swimmer.
And Charlie wields greekfire plasma, fired from his cybernetic arm-it can also fire slime-like globs that rapidly grow and incase the area they’re attached too. 
Wilbur was actually the first selected for the program, but he went missing shortly after, stolen and controlled by the void deity, who turned him into quite the obstacle for the others.
They eventually rescued him from it’s control, and after he recovered, he joined the fight. 
Endermen and endermen hybrids are common minions of the void deity-it seems to have End-based origins, being able to control them.
Lava Ravine Mod AU:
Universe where Phil, Charlie, Wilbur, and Tommy are all strangers, who get a mysterious invite to an unknown world. It seems like a lovely vacation at first, strangers aside, but things turn deadly when a seemingly normal ravine in the ground begins to grow, the lava inside it begins to rise, and our heroes find themselves unable to leave the world.
They soon realized they may have been selected for their ability to survive, but to do that, they’re going to have to all work together.
Tommyinnit originates from the world of RLcraft, Phil grew up in Hardcore Mode, Charlie is a fallen god from a world of chaos, and Wilbur has lived through a world like this before.
They build a giant glass and stone dome, and live within there, using their various skills to survive. 
Wilbur pretty much knows how this world works to a T, and is able to predict when the lava will raise and how quickly. He knows how to survive and work around the heat.
Tommy and Phil have a variety of skills from their lives before, not limited to first aid and cooking.
And Charlie’s got a bit of godly power he can put to good use here, as well as many out-of-the-box ideas for what to do.
Charlie brought a card-game from his old world, and teaches Wilbur how to play. It becomes a favorite past time of theirs. 
Jump Mod AU:
Universe where enhanced individuals have recently begun to exist. Tommy, Wilbur, and Quackity are some of many who choose to use their new abilities for their own gain, becoming thieves. They were taken under the wing of master thief Philza, who was in the game long before he gained his new powers.
Or, well, they were thieves. A job gone wrong resulted in them being caught by authorities, and forced into a deal. Once thieves for their own gain, now they’re agents for the government, stealing back what was stolen from their country. 
All of them are generally more physically enhanced, with agility, endurance, and all that jazz. But they also have other abilities. 
Tommy’s faster than anyone. Wilbur can refract light, essentially becoming invisible. Phil can communicate with birds. And Quackity can change the density of anything he touches, himself excluded. 
Philza was actually caught because he stayed behind for his new partners. He had realized someone was looking into them, and didn’t want the younger ones going into that alone. 
Universe where everyone is a mob hybrid, and they live divided in tribes. Tommy, Phil, Charlie, and Wilbur are a tribe/keg of creeper hybrids, who protect their territory, and cause havoc for any trespassers who happens upon them.
No one dares settle there, because these four are just as likely to swear a village’s protection as they are to laugh as they set it ablaze. It’s purely up to how they feel at the moment, finicky keg that they are. 
However, there is a reason some do venture here. 
Every tribe/(name for grouping of specific mob) guards a certain treasure. For the creeper boys, it’s an orchard of apple trees that grow, not only red apples, but gold ones too-and rarely, a god apple.
If you do happen to stumble upon their territory unintentionally, your best bet is to appeal to Wilbur, as he does have a soft spot for people-of course, you’ll need to make sure none of the others think you’re taking advantage of that soft spot, lest they slowly and painfully kill you for even considering it.
Creepers are very friendly to them, and see them as one of their own. Other mobs, not so much.
The orchard is surrounded by a dense forest, that’s abruptly lets up to a clearing that rings around it. This is where the keg lives, in high tree houses all connected to one another.
Their forest is their pride and joy, and it’s filled with many exotic trees and plants from around the world. Bringing them an addition for it is a sure way to assure your survival, and even gain an alliance, if it’s a really good addition.
Likewise, messing it up even slightly will immediately get you murdered.
Black Hole Mod AU:
Universe where the sun exploded and became a black hole that’s slowly consuming the world. Though many perished, some survived, with the advanced technology in the future.
Wilbur, Charlie, Phil, and Tommy are some of those survivors. 
Charlie is a scientist, studying the black hole to see if there’s anyway to perhaps stop it, or survive within it once it consumes them.
Phil’s a former mercenary who came to the lab with Tommy, after finding the young student stumbling about the remains of a city.
Wilbur’s the former on-board scientist from the crew that first encountered the black hole. He was originally presumed dead, but suddenly reappeared one day, and was found nearby by Phil, who dragged him to the lab. He’s...different. He’s seen things.
Charlie and Wilbur graduated from the same university, and were actually working in the same lab before Wilbur joined his crew in space for an up-close study.
Philza has a bad habit of adopting any creature he finds, and it’s become something of a joke by the four. He adopted Tommy, he’s adopted Wilbur and Charlie, and he has quite a few birds and other creatures that followed him back.
Body Shuffle Mod AU:
Universe where glitches a common sight, and humanity has evolved alongside them.
The world basically...well, I wouldn’t say revolves around? But glitches are a large part of life at this point, and players have specifically evolved to be able to work with them.
A common glitch includes the Body Glitch, where random body parts will seemingly vanish off a person without causing them harm or effecting them.
Tommy and Charlie are Takers, people who have a special, glitch-specific gene that allows them to take a glitch effecting a being or item, and pull that effect from said being/item, and upon themselves.
They’re equally loved and hated, considering the rarity of the gene, and what uses it could be employed for.
The two have a business that they use this ability to take and relocate glitches for various purposes.
Philza and Wilbur are the two’s bodyguards turned friends, who protect them from less savory people, and suss out the ones with bad intentions.
Gas Mod AU:
Universe set in a modern fantasy world where a mysterious gas suddenly overtook the planet. Many died. A few survived-but for some of them, that was the crueler fate, as the mysterious gas began to make them monsterous creatures that sought flesh and blood.
Tommy, Charlie, Phil and Wilbur are the scattered survivors in a city overtaken by the gas, banding together to fight back the monsters born from the green fog, and stay alive. 
Wilbur was formerly a cartographer on a ship. He’s also half siren, and his most priceless possession is a diamond dagger given to him by his former captain.
Charlie is a doctor, as well as a wizard. His magic pet is a slime-like dragon. Yeah, he’s not sure where the little guy came from either.
Phil got a whole cocktail of heritage, but most are sky-related, so he’s got a strong grasp on air magic, which he uses to create safe bubbles for the gang to breathe freely.
And Tommy’s a low tier human-turned demon after death- an imp, basically. He causes havoc.
They all have to wear gas mask, which are heavily enchanted to keep the gas from affecting them.
The group basically just has a weirdly domestic life in the abandoned city, after they cleared out an abandoned apartment building to chill in.
Surgery Mod:
Universe where the gang are the experiments of a mad scientist having escaped.
Tommy is a poison-based experiment, Wilbur is a Nether-based one, Philza is an End-based experiment, and Charlie is an Over-world based one.
They were all grouped together in a cell because the older three are part of the Dimension Project, and Tommy accidentally imprinted on Wilbur when he was created, meaning he would have died if he was separated from him.
The four eventually decide that they hate this life, and stage a break out with the rest of the guys experiments. 
Once they escaped, they decided to travel the world as a family, exploring everything they’d never had the chance to see, and finding where they belonged in this place.
Lava Floor Mod AU:
Universe where all the oceans in the world have been replaced by lava. For Ninja, Tommy, Wilbur, and George, their get-along vacation goes south when they’re stranded alone on a chain of distant islands, far from any sign of civilization. 
If they ever hope to survive, they’ll have to put their issues to the side and work together to get to the one place unaffected-the Nether.
Tommy ‘Smokes’ Notfound, and Wilbur ‘Soot’ Fortnite are the two children of the struggling couple George ‘Specs’ Notfound and Ninja ‘Bow’ Fortnite, who haven’t seen each other in years, despite still being married.
The two, knowing how close their kids were, agree to meet up so the two can hang out, which is why they ended up on this vacation on the first place. 
Wilbur and Smokes would really appreciate if their parents could get along too-it’d make vacation a lot nicer without all the tension. And yes, they could worry about all the oceans turning to lava, but they won’t. Instead, they’re going to be gremlins who try to get their parents to make up, whether that means divorce, or becoming a happy couple again.
Rising Void Mod AU:
Universe where the planets are being eaten by the void. Tommy, Philza, and Quackity are all aliens who managed to escape the demise of their home planets, and crashed landed on Earth, with the intention of warning them of what was coming.
Unfortunately, the only guy around for miles is Ranboo, a conspiracy theorist who prefers his isolated mountain cabin to the city...and also is in complete denial about the existence of aliens, even if they’re standing right in front of him. 
Quackity is from a planet where ores and gems have a large part of fashion culture.
Tommy’s planet was the first to fall. However, Quackity was the one who was closest to be touching, and it leaves side effects-like him occasionally hearing it’s eldritch whispering calling for him to surrender himself to it and stop fighting-
But, y’know. It’s fine. It’s all good.
(Although he does happen to be the most aware of their inevitable fate, and uses humor to cope with the knowledge that no matter how hard they try, he and these people he’s grown to care for are going to die, and there’s absolutely no way to stop that)
Sky Grid Mod AU
Universe where Ranboo is a young, lonely god born to a grid-formed world. Though he has made many interesting creations, he decides he wants someone like him. Who can listen, and answer, and love, and hate.
And the universe loves him, so it answers.
It finds two souls who’ve died too young, and puts them into his hands to mold as he wishes. One, he creates in colors of green, like grass, and emeralds, and poison alike. The other, he creates in colors of red, like lava and poppies, and warm beds.
Their names are Tubbo and Tommy, and they’re different than what he thought they’d be. They cannot be controlled or remade, but they can bleed, and they can laugh, and most importantly, they can make choices.
And they choose to love him, taking him in their embrace as a friend, treating him kindly, and as one of their own, regardless of his power or abilities. 
The three make a home in the gridded world, finding themselves and never fearing the fall, because the world loves both it’s godling, and the people made within it.
Terraforming The Moon AU:
Universe where the remains of humanity have fled to the moon upon the destruction of earth. They unintentionally awake age-old space deities, who, luckily for them, feel like lending a hand-mostly. 
Wilbur is the only actual deity of the moon, but the rest of the SBI spend more time there than they don’t, because humans are interesting.
Tommy’s the youngest god, a deity of the stars within their young galaxy-it’s a position that was passed onto him by the former star deity, Clara.
Technoblade is the deity of both Mars and Venus. He’s actually been to Earth a few times before it’s destruction, and finds their cultures fascinating-particularly the Greek and Romans.
Philza is the god of the End. The oldest, he’s not just a deity, he’s a primordial of the end of all things. Truthfully, it was the very end of Earth that awoke him from his slumber, and it’s former inhabitants interesting lives that keep him awake.
They all pick a human to favor, and help out. Changes on the day.
Honestly, they aren’t necessarily malicious? They don’t really consider the fact that humans don’t have the same limitations and powers as them, so occasionally they fuck something up that somebody worked hard on, and don’t understand why they don’t just fix it already, not realizing that the humans actually have to take awhile to do that.
One Hundred Player Laboratory AU:
Universe set in modern time. 
Wilbur and Technoblade are two university students trying to do a study for their finals-unfortunately, the rats they were supposed to use are both oddly sentient, and incredibly chaotic.
Techno and Wilbur are doing a study of behavior, and other scientific things. To do this, Techno has built a large, complex maze/building thing.
And Wilbur purchased a bunch of rats-except, he probably should have been a bit more careful who he bought from, becomes these rats definitely understand human speech, are all not normally colored, and desire to be as annoying and detrimental to their grades as possible.
To put it lightly, it’s not going well.
George’s If You Laugh You Lose Rematch AU:
Universe set in a chaotic, light-hearted world.
Sapnap, Karl, George, and Dream are some of the world’s residents.
Karl and Dream are chaotic shapeshifters who enjoy messing with George.
Sapnap’s a mischievous nether spirit who likes to team up and help them do it.
Karl can shift into objects, and Dream can turn into animals. 
The whole world is comedic, and all it’s residents have a permanent case of the giggles-to the point of making a game of how long one can hold off laughing.
Sapnap usually takes the form of an enderman or enderman hybrid 
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Regained Passion - Harry Hook x Reader - Part 2 - proper meeting
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Harry let out a slow breath as he stared into the void in his history class, it had been a full week since he started the dance classes, and almost every day Bert mentioned putting him into a higher experienced class due to his flexibility and the fact that Harry was already a good dancer. But again, Harry wasn’t into the dance class that much, he liked dancing, it's just he didn't like being forced to dance.
His counselor had tried to ask about his first week but Harry was stubborn as usual, even glaring at her during it. She had sighed and rubbed her nose “I can't help you if you don’t open up to me Mr. Hook” Harry had only glared again, he didn’t want or need her help, yeah, he was a little fucked up in the head but if he wanted therapy or a consular, he would get it, not something FG forced on him.
After history finally ended, Harry grabbed his backpack and walked out of the room, sighing in relief as he realized he only had one class left, and it was his favorite, history of sailors and the seven seas. It talked all about pirates and sailors, particularly one of his favorite pirates, Jack Sparrow. One of the few pirates that had escaped isle imprisonment, due to him being pardoned of his crimes after it was discovered that his branding of a pirate had been connected to his freeing of hundreds of slaves.
Harry froze as a now very familiar face stepped into the hall he was walking in, she was looking down at her book, her black backpack hanging off her shoulder, bringing her denim jacket down with it off her shoulder, revealing her gray t-shirt. She suddenly looked up, her sparking (e/c) eyes once again locking with his.
Harry felt the butterflies flood his body again and he ducked into the next hall, away from his class, and pressed himself against the wall, sliding down as he closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands ‘what am I doing?’ he thought, gritting his teeth ‘hiding from a pretty girl? What the hell?’
“Are you hiding from me?” Harry jumped and slammed his head against the locker behind him, looking up to see the girl, who had covered her mouth in shock from Harry's sudden motion “Are you okay?”
“Me? Hiding? No-no I don’- I don’t hide” Harry laughed off his embarrassment, standing from the floor and rubbing the back of his head, wincing slightly “I don’ hide from anyone” the girl smirked and rose her brow as she tilted her head.
“I looked up and as soon as I made eye contact you leaped behind the wall, and then stayed there until I came around the corner, I think that classifies as hiding.” Harry pouted at her, his heart going crazy as she laughed. “Now why would you hide from me? Im, not my brother mind you” Harry rose his brow at that.
“Who’s yer brother?” Harry asked, smirking as she made a sour face.
“Chad” Harry grimaced, relaxing a bit as she laughed again.
“I’m so sorry” her eyes widened a bit and she laughed even harder.
“I accept your condolences, he’s not a fun person to be related to, it took me a month to convince half the school that Chad and I are very different even though we're twins” Harry looked at her up at down, she didn’t look like Chad? “I know, fraternal twins though”
Harry hummed, nodding along, he remembered a couple of sets of twins on the isle, and even when they were “identical” twins, they didn’t look exactly like each other sometimes. “You’re Harry Hook, right?” Harry nodded again, ignoring the flutter of his heart as she said his name “I’m (y/n), (y/n) Charming” (y/n) held out her hand, giving Harry a warm smile.
“Dinne think yeh would even say hi ta me, considering wha’ yer brother has probably told yeh ‘bout meh” he took her hand, stilling for a moment as he felt a small shock ran up his arm and through his body. Shit what the hell was going on with him!?
“Well,” (y/n) laughed, once again sending butterflies through his gut “after almost 18 years of dealing with his dumbass, I've learned to not trust his word, if he says you’re a ‘filthy pirate’ then you aren’t all that bad” Harry smirked and shook his head, not seeing (y/n) freeze for a moment and stare at his lips.
“Yer somethin’ else I’ll tell yeh tha’” he laughed, biting the inside of his cheek as (y/n) looked away from him and fixed her backpack strap. “What’s yer next class?”
“Um-“ (y/n) started, pursing her lips a bit as she thought “Oh! History of sailors and the seven seas!” Harry couldn’t help the smile that grew on his lips.
“Same ‘ere, shall I escort yeh yer highness?” (y/n) gave him a look, then smiled.
“You may” (y/n) laughed, taking his arm as he offered it and they chatted quietly as Harry walked them both to class.
Harry threw his pencil on his table as he finished his English homework, leaning back in his chair and sighing. “Hey, Harry?” Uma started, looking up from her magic homework (a new class that FG had made for the magic endowed vks that needed to learn how to control their magic safely)  “You made goody-goody with Chad's sister right?” Harry looked over his shoulder to her, raising his brow.
“Aye? Why?” a devious look overcame Uma’s face, and Harry sat up “Uma” Harry started, a warning tone to his voice, they had just gotten to Auradon two months ago, at the start of the school year, and he loved Uma with all his heart but if she was trying to plan to overtake Auradon by using (y/n) he would have to put his foot down (which he didn’t know why he would defend the girl so eagerly, even turning against his oldest friend like that)Auradon was a lot nicer than they thought and he’d rather not lose the comfy bed and fresh food he had just gotten.
“Oh chill!” Uma scoffed, waving her hand and rolling her eyes “I’m not planning any takeovers or whatever, I wanted to know if she gets along with her brother or not” Harry mentally sighed in relief and leaned back in his chair again.
“Um, no, I said sorry to her that she was his sister and she accepted my condolences, called him a dumbass too” Uma smirked again, a glint in her eye…he knew that glint, it was the glint of pranks “Oh! Do yeh want me ta-“
“Yes,” Uma interrupted him, rubbing her arms together as he saw a plan forming in her mind “ask her if she wants to help us prank Chad, fucker decided to ‘accidentally” Uma used finger quotes “spill grape juice all over my new jacket, and we all know that shit stains, didn’t even apologize either” Harry grit his teeth. Chad, one of the very few teens at Auradon prep that still harassed the vks, he was a bully and a thief, something Harry could respect on the isle but even on the isle you didn’t bully Uma without getting Harry’s hook to your face.
“I’ll ask ‘er when next time I see ‘er, we don’ have a lot of classes together, and her dance class ends after mine” Uma smirked at that, leaning into her hand.
“How are those going by the way?” Harry just let out a raspberry, and Uma fell back on Gil’s bed, laughing away.
The next day, after Harry's dance class, he waited outside (y/n)s room, standing awkwardly and out of place as others passed by him, some looking at him oddly while others ignored him or simply glanced at him.
There were one or two flirtatious looks but Harry ignored those, continuing to wait for (y/n). about fifteen minutes of waiting, the class finally ended, and as (y/n)s fellow dancers exited the room, many of them stared at him, whispering amongst themselves for a moment before one turned to him. “(y/n)s talking to Esmerelda, she’ll be in there for a moment” She had a strong French accent and Harry nodded in thanks, the group finally moving on as the girl who had spoken up pushed them away from the room.
After a couple more moments of waiting Harry got impatient, walking up to the door and peeking in, seeing (y/n) standing in front of Esmerelda, looking down at her feet “(y/n) your posture is perfect, your leg is always perfectly straight during the Penché, everything you do during practice is perfect but…there's just no…passion (y/n), where is it? You are only doing the steps, you aren’t feeling the music, where is the love, the sorrow, the yearning? This is a dance to convey two people falling in love (y/n), and I don’t see any of it coming from you” Harry felt his chest hurt as Esmerelda sighed, looking away from (y/n) who stayed silent. “(y/n) if you can't find the passion I need for the piece…I’m going to have to switch you out, I’m sorry” (y/n) looked up at that, and Harry couldn’t see her face but he could tell there were tears in her eyes “You are one of my best dancers (y/n), but without passion, you are doing nothing but following the steps.” (y/n) nodded slowly. Esmerelda smiled and took her chin “You just have to find your spark again, I know you can do it…I’ll see you tomorrow” (y/n) nodded again, turning to grab her bag.
Harry ducked out of the doorframe and went back to lean against the wall, looking down at his converse as he waited for (y/n). “Harry?” he looked up, (y/n) walking toward him from the door and tilting her head “What are you doing here?”
Harry smirked, it turning to a smile as (y/n) smiled back. Good, that meant she wasn’t super down from her talk with Esmerelda. “I was wonderin’ if yeh wanted ta help Uma n’ I prank Chad~” Harry had hardly finished his sentence before (y/n) grinned, stepping even close to him.
“Hell yes!” Harry shared her grin and offered his arm again, walking her out of the building and back to the dorms to Uma’s room, where Uma would tell them her plan.
Two days later, Chad’s hair was puke green. And he didn’t suspect a damn thing, even as (y/n) held her laughter as she stood next to him, sharing a sly thumbs up with Harry and Uma as they cackled at him.
“You’re definitely cut from a different fabric princess” Uma chuckled, Harry moving to the side of the bench he and Uma were sitting on as you walked over to them when Chad bolted off screaming after realizing his hair was green (for someone who stared at himself almost all day it took him a while to notice his hair) (y/n) grinned in thanks and plopped down next to Harry, not noticing Uma’s smirk as Harry scooted closer to (y/n).
“I’ll take that as a compliment” (y/n) laughed, leaning against the table and looking towards the door “How long do you think it’ll be before Chad suspects us?”
“Three days” Gil decided, suddenly appearing and sitting down next to Uma. And as usual, holding a bowl of grapes “I give it three days”
(y/n) hummed at that, tapping her fingers on the table “Well Chad is smart,” (y/n) laughed a bit at Uma and Harry's look of ‘really?!’ “I know shocking…well less smart more cunning, but I say he’ll either figure it out by the end of the day or he’ll bolt up in the middle of the night and then figure it out, can't say which or when, but it’s one of those”
“By the way,” Gil interrupted (y/n), pointing his finger right at her “who are you?” Gil had been out of the room every time (y/n) came over to Uma or Harry and Gil's room to plan for the plank, so oddly enough he had yet to meet (y/n) before today.
“Gil!” Harry hissed through his teeth, Uma smirking once more at his reaction. (y/n) laughed and held out her hand.
“I’m (y/n), (y/n) Charming, Chad’s sister” Gil took her hand and shook it, giving her a sympathetic look.
“I’m so sorry” (y/n) laughed again, unknowingly sending a flurry of butterflies through Harry again.
“Harry said the same thing a couple days ago, I accept your condolences” Gil released (y/n)s hand and went back to his grapes as Uma intertwined her hands and looked at (y/n)
“So you and Harry go to the same dance school, right? Do you ever dance together?” Harry felt his cheeks turn red at the question and he pouted at Uma, not really wanting to bring up the topic of the classes he hated so much.
“I guess? Different classes but same building, I’m a ballet dancer, been one since I was a kid. Harry, I think is still in the beginner class but Harry?” He glanced at (y/n) with a raised bro and a hum “You said Bert’s thinking of upgrading your placement?” Harry huffed and leaned on his hand.
“Aye, somethin’ bout me being a higher level than beginner, I dinne kae I din’ listen more than tha’” both Uma and (y/n) hummed at that. “I din’ even wan’ ta do the damn classes in the first place so I don’t see why I should level up or whatever” Harry grumbled, pouting at nothing.
Uma forced the grin off her face. Harry, ever since he had made friends with (y/n), started to be more…enthusiastic when going to the studio, no longer dragging his feet. And after the first time he picked up (y/n) from her class he did it the next day, and the next. Uma knew Harry and she knew he was catching feelings for the princess, even if he himself didn’t realize it yet.
Harry had only known the princess for about a month now, but Uma could tell when Harry liked someone, and he really-really liked (y/n), he wouldn’t admit it until he knew what words to connect his feelings yet but, Uma could wait.
Now, Uma wouldn’t do anything to push Harry and (y/n) together yet, she didn’t know if (y/n) shared any feelings about Harry, but once Uma did find out? Oooh, it was going to be fun.
But for now? Uma watched (y/n) and Harry talk, smiling behind her hand at the sparkle within Harry's eye, she would sit and watch their relationship bloom.
-end of part 2-
part 2~ hope yall enjoyed and like (y/n) so far, and i do want to put a *sprinkle* of angst in this so it'll come with (y/n)s struggle to show feeling in her dance and maybe some Chad shenanigan's anyway~ yeah i think this will be a 10 part series at most, and im liking where its going atm.
anyway im gonna draw a blue ballgown now because i don't like any of the designs i found on google or Pinterest
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
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@remembered-license​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @rintheemolion​
@imtryingthisout​ @verboetoperee​ @jatp-rules-my-life​
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
My One And Only - Chapter 15
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My gosh, wow! Thank you so much for 100 followers! I never expected to reach this far. And with this chapter, we’ll have finally caught up with it on wattpad!
TW: Injuries being described
The situation in Paris was much, much more serious than they assumed.
Red. He saw red. Ladybug, his Angel was hurt, stabbed, for all of Paris to see. He couldn't stand there and do nothing, oh no. He wouldn't. Damian had to think quickly but logically. 'Father told me I wasn't allowed to bring my Robin uniform but even if I did the citizens would be suspicious. That means...' His eyes landed on the silver ring that was laying peacefully on the coffee table. He reached out and placed it on his right ring finger. It turned a dark grey as a black blur escaped the ring with a green light. It was another kwami, similar to Tikki but it was black and more cat-like. Damian presumed this was 'Plagg', the kwami Tikki talked about earlier. The black kwami yawned and assessed his surroundings in a flash.
"Who are you? Where's Pigtails? How'd you get the miraculous? Do you have any cheese? I'm hungry" Plagg interrupted. The Robin vigilante wasted no time.
"Damian, With an Akuma, She tasked me to take care of the ring and we have better things to worry about your hunger!" He shot back, his voice getting louder after each statement.
"What could be more important than cam... men... bert..." the kwami's voice trailed off as he noticed the screen. Césaire had stopped recording, thank god, but the screen still showed the last frame of the video, it was extremely far from a pretty sight. "This is bad" the kwami panicked.
"Yes, there's no time to lose! Tell me, what do I need to do" he looked at Plagg straight in the eye, showing that he could be trusted.
"To transform you say 'Plagg, Claws Out!'. You have a power you can call upon, 'Cataclysm', and you'll be able to destroy the first object you touch. But it only works once then you have five minutes before you transform back, Make it count!" The kwami was frantic, nothing like this had ever happened before in previous battles.
Damian was already making his way to the balcony "Plagg, Claws Out!" A dark green light engulfed him. He was covered in a black suit, black boots, black gloves with sharp retractable blades, 'Oh how much fun that'll be using them'. He also had a black cape with a hood similar to the one with his Robin costume but instead he had cat ears poking through, a dark grey baton appeared in his hand as well. Almost instantly, he mastered the weapon and launched himself in the direction that Ladybug went earlier. 'I'm on my way Angel. When I get my hands on Hawkmoth, I'll make him suffer. I promise you'
Ladybug had the situation under control. She had. Something had changed. Hawkmoth must've found a way to boost his powers, it was the only acceptable reason. Otherwise there was no way to penetrate the indestructible suits that the miraculous provided. Yet here she was, forced to watch the horror on her citizens face as a long blade protruded through her chest. The blade held her in the air as she was stabbed from behind. Their expressions, being outsmarted by Hawkmoth and the pain from the injury itself was unbearable for the spotted heroine. She then came to the conclusion that the blade was slowly draining her energy. Hawkmoth planned to have Guerrier collect her miraculous only after watching her suffer. How sickening. 'Hawkmoth, you bitch'
She had to get out of there. She needed to get out of there.
Mustering all the strength she had, she swung her foot at the figure behind her in a strong, hard kick. The long blade was quickly sent back along with the Akuma and Ladybug stumbled forward, one hand on her chest the other swinging her yo-yo to create a shield. Since she was weakened, Guerrier was only sent back a few feet but her kick not only had strength but pure determination. While the Akuma was distracted she looked at the distraught citizens around her.
"For your own safety, please, leave this area!" She tried to sound controlled but instead her voice had a big edge of fear. All the citizens, nonetheless, left. Though, she could see them peaking behind the buildings. Suddenly, Guerrier regained his footing.
Ladybug's eyes shot back in his direction, the nad on her chest clutched into a fist. The miraculous magic was healing her, but it wasn't healing fast enough. She was losing blood. Fast. She tried to use her own powers but that too was draining her energy, the energy couldn't afford lose. She could feel her heartbeat in her ears, she could hear it slowing down. She was panicking, she needed energy to call upon her Luck Charm, she needed energy to fight the Akuma and she needed energy she heal herself. She didn't have enough energy for any of that.
As Guerrier began to approach, her blood was luckily never on the blade, she braced herself for another fight and her vision started to get blurry. just as he was about to go for another swing, a dark grey pole shot out of nowhere, sending the Akuma far from Ladybug. Though she couldn't quite see, she recognised the aura that surrounded the black-hooded figure who was now standing defensively in front of her.
'Damian' she didn't have the strength to speak, she hoped that whatever telepathic link they had the other day would appear again now.
'How are you holding up?' The sound of his voice made relief wash over her like a waterfall. She stopped using her energy on her yo-yo and focused on healing her wound instead.
'Better now that you're here' she stumbled onto her knees, knowing it was safe to do so. 'Remember not to hurt the Akuma too much, Hawkmoth is the real villain here'
'I know' his voice echoed in her ears, 'Speaking of the Akuma, where is it?'
Ladybug's eyes snapped open, observing the fight between the cat and Guerrier. She remembered the blade. The blade that the Akuma was holding. The blade that impaled her. 'It's in...' Now filled with an unusual amount of spite, she snarled "The sword, Noir"
The black-cat themed hero understood immediately and, swiftly but carefully, aimed for Guerrier's hand. In the mean time, Ladybug had enough energy to safely call upon her Lucky Charm. She was given a piece of equipment that she had seen Sabrina's father have. She wasn't sure how to use it as it was still in 'testing phase' as said by Officer Raincomprix. Her Ladybug vision then kicked in and the item as well as Guerrier lit up, she knew what to do.
'Get him to attack you in a high guard motion'
The hooded hero understood the demand immediately and used his pole, now transformed into a 'Cat-ana', to get the Akuma frustrated. It worked perfectly as the black fencer had the sword and the blade above his head, ready to swing. Ladybug then used the moment of vulnerability and threw the lucky charm as if it were a boomerang at the Akuma, the two ends with magnets snapped together, holding Guerrier's arms in place. Though she couldn't see his face, she could tell he was mad. Very, very mad.
Not wanting to waste a moment longer, Damian swiftly grabbed the sword by the handle and swept the Akuma's legs so it hit the ground and had no means of escape. "Cataclysm" It was the first thing he had actually said with his voice during the entire battle and Ladybug has to admit, his voice seemed deeper and huskier. The sword in his other hand had disintegrated to dust, the purple butterfly fluttered from the remains. When Damian had first heard of it, he was completely unconvinced something such as a butterfly could cause devastation. But now, he sensed the ghastly energy that reeked from the creature, it was overwhelming. He only broke out of his trance when Ladybug's yo-yo caught the flying organism and he went to the akumatized victim to take the object Ladybug's Lucky Charm had summoned.
He handed her the item and placed his hands on her shoulders to steady her body as she threw it in the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!" A bunch of bright magical ladybugs swarmed around the area, fixing and healing anyone who got injured, Ladybug included. But the pain didn't quite stop, so she clutched her chest where the wound once was. The Akuma, now destransformed, was a person around their age, it appeared that he was rejected from the fencing club. This theory was confirmed when Adrien, Ladybug was too exhausted to notice him, ran about to the boy.
"Maxime! Maître D'Argencourt said you can join the fencing club" Ladybug and the black-cat themed hero didn't bother to hear what the boy said in reply but Damian did speak to Adrien.
"Make sure he gets to where he needs to be, safely, Adrien" the new hero spoke as the ladybug hero fell back with pure exhaustion in his arms. After seeing the blonde nod, Damian carried Ladybug in his arms and not wanting to waste any more time, used his pole to launch them in the direction of the hotel. Adrien watched wearily at the two heroes until they were out of viewing distance.
As soon as Damian landed on his hotel room balcony, both his and Ladybug's transformations fell. He was still carrying her bridal style and walked inside, gently placing her down on the bed, being mindful and anxious about her injury, while Plagg closed the balcony door. Tikki circled her owner who was now drifting in and out of consciousness. He kneeled by the left side of the bed as Tikki used her kwami magic where the wound once was, Plagg slowly floated to hover next to his new chosen. When Marinette's eyes fluttered upon, both kwamis rejoiced and hugged both her cheeks. She moved so that her body was sitting comfortably with her legs in front of her, she then turned her head slightly towards the black-haired boy who was sitting besides her.
He cut her off with a gentle hug and he made his way to sit beside her. "Malaki..." the perturb and pure solace in his voice made a lump form in Marinette's throat. He buried his face further into her neck. "You scared me damn it"
She let out a humorless chuckle, her hand unknowingly reached to stroke her fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry..."
Damian pulled away and lightly placed his hand to turn her face. He crashed his lips onto hers and Marinette melted into the kiss. He then pulled away but kept his forehead on her's, their breaths mingling. "Don't apologize when you are not at fault". He opened his eyes to look straight at her. "I know the wound itself is gone, but what about the pain?"
She smiled lovingly at him. "The pain's subsided, for now" Marinette pulled her shirt down a bit to inspect the area surrounding her injury. All that remained was a fading bruise where the wound once was. The bluenette let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm sorry I couldn't heal it fully Marinette" Tikki's voice cut in. "This is your first physical injury from a miraculous so I didn't want to put any more strain on your body"
"It's fine and, thank you Tikki" Marinette reached out to pat the small kwami's head.
"Well to bring some good news" Plagg butted in. "We found my true chosen"
"Really?" Marinette tilted her head.
"Yep it's Damian, the lover boy here" the black kwami flew over to make himself comfortable in his black hair, ignoring Damian's growl, almost camouflaged completely. "I can feel the destruction in his soul like how Tikki can feel the creation in yours Pigtails"
"Yep!" Tikki chimed.
"Now that's over with, I want some Camembert" The black kwami kept chanting 'Camembert' and Damian sighed while getting off the bed to order some.
"Is food all you ever think about?"
"I can't control my hunger, Sugarcube!"
The bluenette watched the two kwami's banter, amused, and began to fully process the akuma attack. To think she was so close to death made her terrified, but she tried to think of the positives. Like how she and Damian could communicate without speaking, per se, or how he managed to call upon a weapon she had never seen before, his Cat-ana. She concluded it was the work of true miraculous magic and didn't question it further. She had something else she needed to think about. 'How do we fight Hawkmoth now? Obviously he's found out how to make his akumas stronger but he wouldn't go for the strongest one first without testing it. That would just be stupid. This akuma must've been a trial run' The thought worried her to no end. 'We were able to fight him off today but that doesn't guarantee us the win each time just by ourselves'
Soon, Damian returned with some Camembert and, unexpectedly, some cookies. When both kwamis flew to the plate and eat, the black-haired boy sat back down next to Marinette. "What are you thinking about?"
"If the Akuma today was just a test run to try out his new powers, Hawkmoth's akumas are going to get deadlier" The bluenette stated
"Then what do you suggest we do?"
She was silent for a few seconds, contemplating her answer. "I believe we should have some others join us on the field, as permanent holders" Damian nodded. "But we can deal with that later, right now I'm tired. Hold me please" the bluenette mumbled.
Damian adjusted himself so that Marinette could lay comfortably on his chest. "Rest well, mon cœur" he hummed and the bluenette slowly drifted to sleep, listening to his heartbeat. Damian averted his eyes to the ceiling, now was the time he could unleash a tiny amount of his anger. His hands turned to fists as he resisted the urge to punch the mattress. He blamed himself for Marinette's injury. 'Maybe if I could have convinced her earlier to use the miraculous then maybe she would not have gotten hurt' Damian forced himself not to dwell on the 'what if's and instead focused on the now, on Marinette. He could kill Hawkmoth later.
Adrien returned home from fencing class. The newest member, Maxime, was first denied entry which resulted in him getting akumatized. The blonde didn't expect the Akuma to be the danger that it was. Usually he would've jumped straight into battle but since he didn't have his miraculous anymore, he was forced to watch. Forced to watch as Ladybug struggled alone, forced to watch as she got injured. He hated not being able to do anything, not being able to save his friend and former partner. Luckily the new black cat stepped in, that was the only good thing he saw throughout the entire battle, except the end of it when the heroes won.
Adrien watched as the new black cat user stepped into battle, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous that he had been replaced so soon but he quickly pushed that feeling away. He wasn't the true user and this new hero probably was, he had no right to any entitlement of the miraculous. The blonde watched in awe at the new cat's fighting style, he looked as if he had been training his entire life for battle. Adrien also didn't fail to notice how Ladybug and the Cat were communicating, non verbally. There may have been words exchanged but Adrien never heard them as he was watching from behind a nearby building. This assumption was correct when Ladybug spoke to the hero verbally.
"The sword, Noir" the snarl coming from Ladybug was frightening to say the least but she did just get stabbed, he couldn't really blame her. The blonde noticed how some citizens around him shivered at the tone of the spotted heroine's voice.
The blonde watched as the new hero, Noir?, fought, more dueled, with Guerrier and couldn't help but be in extreme awe and admiration of this hero's skill. 'Where did Ladybug find him? He's incredible!' Paying even more attention to the battle, Adrien watched as Ladybug used her Lucky Charm to hold the Akuma's arms in place and how Noir swiftly stole the blade.
'Well damn!' Adrien thought.
"His voice is hella attractive, I wanna marry it" he heard a citizen whisper, voicing his own thoughts. Though it did seem bad that that was the only thing they could think about, they had a point.
The usual actions after taking down the Akuma were done, the bright ladybugs healing everything damaged. Adrien ran up to the deakumatized victim.
"Maxime! Maître D'Argencourt said you can join the fencing club" He wanted to distract the boy from the fact that he had done something very wrong during his time of being an akuma, not as if he can remember it anyway. As he was about to leave, he heard Noir's voice again.
"Make sure he gets to where he needs to be, safely, Adrien" The blonde nodded, seeing that Ladybug was exhausted and probably needed to rest. He watched as both heroes bounded away, his gaze resting on where he last saw them both, only snapping out of the trance when Maxime asked what happened.
Adrien hoped that Ladybug wasn't too injured, she's far too valuable and important to be lost, especially at the beginning of, what looks like, Hawkmoth's new rise of power.
"Something tells me things are about to get a lot more serious from here on out"
Taglist: @little-bluestar, @miracleofadisaster, @frieddonutsweets, @jjmjjktth, @genderfluidmoma, @starlit-dreaming, @icerosecrystal, @lolieg, @kashlyn, @mochegato, @eggadoodle, @walkingthroughonautopilot, @toodaloo-kangaroo, @lady-bee-fechin
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bishop-percival · 6 months
(prev) Teddy chuckled along with Mike as he recalled how Revenard Miriam had unintentionally broadcasted the fact that she snatched the cassock intended for her brother. It was a shame that the embroidered names were a bust. Especially since it took Teddy a long time to identify each Glornist by name. Yet that incident alone made it a success. …Even if he had feared getting burned when she approached him to chew him out. With each stitch ripped out one by one in her rage instead of immediately telling the Glornch’s tailor to patch it. Teddy smiled as he watched Sherri Jr. try to force Mike to accept her unwanted gift. Partly because she was so precious, partly because he was amused by how Mike responded to her. When he caught Bert’s rude remark he momentarily frowned. But this was probably as well-behaved as Bert could be around any of his biggest enemy’s followers. Besides, remarking on it would only ensure that Mike heard it. Teddy smiled at Mike’s magic trick before glancing at his sleeve. Just where Eddie would stuff it during his brief magician phase. And he was about to ask if it was there when the poor distressed rat jumped into his lap. Silly Sherri… “I could stitch it in gold thread on your arm.” Teddy mischievously smirked as he gave Sherri Jr. a hug and stroked her back. “While using it as a seam so removing it would ruin the robe.” Then he looked over to Bert to see how it was going. “The most viable plans are highlighted in the table of contents. Let us know if any interest you.” After a moment he realized that he should start sending the PDFs with the actual plans instead of the overview. Which only had a brief description of each plan, along with several major pros and cons. So he held his phone on the other side of the big rat while pulling up both volumes of the planning notes. The second was made simply because the file size of the original had grown until significant lag made editing an ordeal.
Mike rubbed his chin. “Heh, maybe. Though I feel my name in gold thread would look a bit gaudy on me…”
Bert nodded at Teddy, then went back to skimming. “...Void chalk?,” he muttered to himself.
Mike happened to hear that mutter this time around. He looked down at the scientist. “Magic chalk that makes voids. Neat huh?”
Bert narrowed his eye at the priest. “How does that work?”
“Isn't it right there in the document? You draw a circle with it on a flat surface and it creates an endless, dark void,” Mike explained while pointing to Bert’s phone. 
“...And how does that work? What is the chalk made out of? How perfect of a circle does it have to be? Does the void just immediately appear upon completion of the circle or is it gradual? What happens to the physical surface that the void takes away? Does the void go away? If so, is that surface restored? What exactly is the void? A desolate location in outer space? Some dimension outside of space and time?”
Mike blinked a few times at Bert. “...It’s magic.”
Bert responded with a heavy sigh, and briefly walked away to wheel his cart over.
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(Previous) Mike raised his eyelid as he drifted back over to his step ladder to sit. “You’d do that? That’d be great.” He sighed. “But Glorn knows if Mir found out about it she would steal it.” He chuckled, “Maybe stitch my name on it again and— hm?” Sherri Jr was pawing at his leg. She had caught sight of the fallen cashew and picked it up with her tail and followed him over. She extended the treat toward him. “Ah… You can keep it.” Mike saw how it fell on the dirty floor. But the rat didn’t back down. She clambered up a rung and held it closer to him. Meanwhile, Bert stood in place, distracted by skimming through the document Teddy sent. Ugh, and now the priest had his phone number. Which Bert knew was necessary for the sake of communication, but it still felt icky. He looked up from his phone and wandered toward the desk area when he heard them talking about the priest’s sister, the supposed magical watchdog he spared years ago. It felt too early to say anything about that, so he kept quiet. Except to say, “She won’t stop until she sees you eat it. Not that you deserve a gift…” Though the thought of Sherri forcing him to eat a dirty floor cashew was funny. Mike frowned and took it, holding it in the palm of his open hand for her to see. He balled that hand into a fist and slapped his other on top of it. When he opened both of them back up, the cashew was nowhere to be seen… Sherri’s eyes widened and her antennae shot straight up and twitched in alarm. What the? Miriam had shown her feats of magic before… But she didn’t know Mike was magic too! Regardless, she was a little bit miffed he just disappeared her heartfelt present for him right in front of her. Maybe her father was right about him… She jumped off the ladder and then into Teddy’s lap. Teddy always appreciated her gifts!
Teddy chuckled along with Mike as he recalled how Revenard Miriam had unintentionally broadcasted the fact that she snatched the cassock intended for her brother. It was a shame that the embroidered names were a bust. Especially since it took Teddy a long time to identify each Glornist by name.
Yet that incident alone made it a success. ...Even if he had feared getting burned when she approached him to chew him out. With each stitch ripped out one by one in her rage instead of immediately telling the Glornch's tailor to patch it.
Teddy smiled as he watched Sherri Jr. try to force Mike to accept her unwanted gift. Partly because she was so precious, partly because he was amused by how Mike responded to her.
When he caught Bert's rude remark he momentarily frowned. But this was probably as well-behaved as Bert could be around any of his biggest enemy's followers. Besides, remarking on it would only ensure that Mike heard it.
Teddy smiled at Mike's magic trick before glancing at his sleeve. Just where Eddie would stuff it during his brief magician phase. And he was about to ask if it was there when the poor distressed rat jumped into his lap. Silly Sherri...
“I could stitch it in gold thread on your arm.” Teddy mischievously smirked as he gave Sherri Jr. a hug and stroked her back. “While using it as a seam so removing it would ruin the robe.”
Then he looked over to Bert to see how it was going. “The most viable plans are highlighted in the table of contents. Let us know if any interest you.”
After a moment he realized that he should start sending the PDFs with the actual plans instead of the overview. Which only had a brief description of each plan, along with several major pros and cons.
So he held his phone on the other side of the big rat while pulling up both volumes of the planning notes. The second was made simply because the file size of the original had grown until significant lag made editing an ordeal.
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