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Teddy received a text from Reverend Mike a few minutes after seven.
[text] Hey. Heads up that Miriam and Percival summoned a ghost last night and that he’s here to stay. His name is Cas and he used to be a deacon. I’m leaving for my mission right now but I’ll get you an anti-possession talisman when I get back. So until then try to get along with him. He can be a pretty decent guy, shouldn’t be too hard.
[text] If you feel the need to leave tailoring duties early, please do so if it means avoiding Sam.
[text] 👍
[text] Is there anything else I should do?
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What in Glorn's name is your issue now?
My heart has been TORN FROM MY CHEST!!!!! Oh he wants me dead dearest Percival!!! Slaughtered!!!! Tossed!!!!(๑•ૅㅁ•๑)
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What did the glornists do to peepers?
How did you NOT see the fight!? Because he used some weird magic to humiliate him in front of the ENTIRE SHIP!!!
Annnnd whatever lead up to them duking it out. Like I keep track of his drama.
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Shamura looks around the sudden change in scenery with fascination, they really couldn't tell where this was magic or the strange technology that the watchdogs had, maybe even a mix of both. They look out in eager fascination at the garden but their attention is quickly caught by Gloria addressing them. Shamura nods dutifully and got to work spreading the towels, being careful and neat in their arrangement, making sure they covered the surface completely.
Upon entering the foyer, a small wave of calmness washed over Miriam. While she never liked to go out of her way to ask if she could visit, Miriam loved any chance she could get to be invited into Gloria’s cushy planet and house. To Miriam, she somehow felt more at home during these sparse visits than she ever did during eight years of living in the Glornch. She followed the group into the spare bedroom. She nodded at Gloria’s instruction and waited until the bed was covered with towels before placing Lola down. The priestess leaned close to her face and whispered the same string of strange before flicking her forehead. “Oww…” Lola groggily muttered as she stirred awake. “Uurhg… Where am I? What is this beautiful room? Ah man, did they send me to The Heavens instead of The Hells? Was I not evil enough?"
Once they had spread out the towels Gloria gave Shamura an affectionate pat on the head. "What a helpful youngster," she said as she pulled a palm-sized bundle out of her pocket and placed it in their hands.
"Here, take this as a reward." Then she paused to rest her hand on her cheek and sigh. "...And your much needed snack. It's a shame this commotion delayed your dinner."
While Revenard Miriam woke Lola up Gloria double checked that the door was shut and curtains were closed. Surely this Glornist would be especially whiny if she found out that she had a mansion large enough to comfortably fit all of them.
If Lola found out, so would everyone else. Annnnd that would jeopardize her ability to leave whenever the Glornists became too troublesome to deal with.
When Lola woke up Gloria giggle. "How sweet of you! But no, this is but my humble bedroom." She let out a lightheaded scoff. "As if Revenard Miriam would carry you to The Heavens."
Then she sat down in the chair next to bed and offered Lola an orange cookie from the platter on the bedside table. It was pumpkin shaped with a piece of chocolate serving as a steam, with a big friendly smile stretched across it.
"How are you feeling, dearie?" Gloria leaned in to rest her hand on Lola's forehead. "That mushroom was forbidden for a reason."
As she gave Lola the friendly grandmother routine she used her feet to pull a garden bucket out from under the bed and nudged it to Miriam.
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I need a new mitre. ASAP.
Such rudeness!! I make your robes for you so gracefully , you could at least say please, sí?
Two weeks, unless you pay extra!
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How many diseases are ya carrying? Flicked any fleas on anyone lately?
im healthy clean perfect . bishop detected . you are gross . go away . attack. attack. attack.
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Professor Trismegistus had just gotten settled in with their high plate of fluffy pancakes and an interesting scientific journal, only for a stranger to interrupt their routine by demanding social interaction. They let out a confused hum while giving them the side eye.
After a moment Tris perked up and smiled when they realized that this watchdog shared the same intonation as Cas. They pushed the chair across from them out with their feet as they said,
“G’day Cas!” Then they put their hand on their chin before giving their mate a wicked grin.
“Have you ever tried to The Commander Peepers? Bet that unlucky bastard you have here would love to deal with the consequences!” Tris paused to shrug. “Or you could see if they still have deep fried ice cream.”
It had been a fruitful hours-long research session for Cas and Cyrus. The two of them were busy figuring out how to open a portal to the afterlife without the use of magic. And they were onto something good; maybe a device or machine akin to an interdimensional door powered by the mysterious energy of souls could do just the trick! There was only one problem— neither of them knew how to build things…
But that was an easy hurdle to overcome, because they knew someone who could! And not just someone who could build things, but someone who built weird, dangerous, fucked up devices for a living! And that someone was Professor Trismegistus.
Despite their rocky introduction to each other, Cas had taken quite a liking to the professor as they shared a passion for supernatural studies. Cas had told Cyrus to hang tight in the library while he went to go search for Tris. He made note of the day and time to enhance the efficiency of his search.
Given it was a quarter to 6 am, Cas’ first guess was that Tris might still be sleeping. He didn’t know where they slept, but took a quick sweep of the sleeping quarters anyway; to no avail. As it was getting closer to 6, Cas then figured they must be getting up and ready, or heading to breakfast. But while he was there at the sleeping quarters…
Cas looked around for the sleepiest, most disheveled looking watchdog he could find— and speedily possessed them. Still getting re-used to the finer parts of motor functions, Cas had a little bit of trouble climbing down from the beds… and fell about 10 feet to the ground with a thud. But still he was able to get up, flip off the watchdogs who were awake to witness it and made fun of him for falling, and hoofed it to the food court (with a slight limp).
His target really shouldn’t be too hard to find. Tris wore the thickest glass Cas had ever seen. After searching for a little bit, he finally found them and took a seat across from them.
“Hey there, Tris!” Cas chimed from this rando he’d possessed. “What’s good to eat for breakfast here nowadays?”
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(Previous) [text] …If you don’t think he’ll be a liability, sure. [text] In other totally unrelated news, I will be sending Amy off on her month-long study abroad as part of her ordination soon.
[text] Ideally he’d stay at a distance while I keep their attention on me.
[text] Would you like to help?
[text] I’m sure Amy’s excited.
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The Glornch’s congregation had swelled after Bishop Percival beat Commander Peepers. Yet the vast majority of them were only curious onlookers. As the year went by interest dwindled until only a small fraction of watchdogs remained, who were genuinely interested in the Glornch. (Although with how small it was it still experienced significant growth.)
Professor Trismegistus was the first new member. They rushed over immediately after the fight, only to be turned away and given visiting hours. But they were back on Monday!. …Only to fruitlessly camp out at the entrance until visiting hours ended. Then they fruitlessly spent a few more hours trying to break in before deciding to come back on Tuesday.
Why were they so desperate? It was because they were fully prepared to spend the rest of their life chasing after the faint remains of the supernatural, all in hopes of gaining magical power. But who would do all that when they could get close to a wizard and learn his secrets? Or a witch? Or a scholar? Or another scientist who proved that even an otherwise powerless watchdog could summon demons with the right knowledge?
Professor Trismegistus quickly became a dedicated member of the Glornch despite their questionable faith in Glorn. Once they were initiated— and given access to the library— they passionately threw themselves into studying magic. And when they weren’t doing that they were rushing towards any supernatural occurrences they could find.
That is why they had to speak to Mike before he left: Because he was both the most knowledgable about the Glornch’s going ons and the most powerful member who was unlikely to brush them off. Fortunately, they happened to spot him right as he was pulling suitcases out of his room.
“Ah! Reverend Mike! It's so good to see you!” Professor Trismegistus yelled and waved as they trotted up to him. ���Would you like help with your luggage?”
They made no attempt to conceal their ulterior motives. Yet they had a hunch that he won’t mind.
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Percival can do no wrong.. he is glorn incarnate, he is very evil and good at being evil.. please accept his apology he is very evil….
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??? do you have photo evidence of one?
If you died, would you want to come back as a ghost?
ghosts don't exist 👎 I have NEVER seen any evidence of ghosts, so no
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[[Drawn before I realized that there's no way Peepers would be conscious if Hater barged into the Glornch with him during a service (which starts at 4am.]]
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(Previous) Lola spoke slowly as she tried her hardest to think coherently. “Uuuh… What time is it? You said good morning? Morning… Uhh, I think Miss Mir goes to bed at… Morning. But maybe if we’re lucky she’s still in her chamber. Sometimes she pulls all-nighters.... All... Dayers?"
Gloria sighed before resting her hand on Lola's forehead to steady her while she took a good look.
"Oh dear, you have a concussion, don't you?" She grabbed her hand to guide her along as she started to walk. "We should really take care of that first..."
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( ´Д`)
I almost feel sorry for @bishop-percival for having to deal with such an embarrassment worsening his already abysmal reputation!
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How do you feel about the Skullship being haunted now?
Oh please. I highly doubt that he managed to summon a real ghost.
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Teddy received a text from Mike not long after Bishop Percival published that last anonymous ask.
[text] Hey would you put killing Wendell and Glendale back on the table if I offered my help?
[text] Mike, I’m not killing people over delayed vision care and atrocious bedside manners.
[text] Especially not when I could get rid of them simply by reporting their absences and arrogance.
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