#The Truth
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mrfroag · 10 months ago
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Whoa check out this full unreleased extra from the Fullmetal alchemist manga guys-
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tak-angina-jasne · 8 months ago
because i ve seen a lot of people talking about starting discworld
here they are
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noirandchocolate · 8 months ago
He knew about concerned citizens.  Whoever they were, they all spoke the same private language where ‘traditional values’ mean 'hang someone.’
Terry Pratchett, “The Truth”
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ruushinynerve · 7 months ago
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This fma scene is so heartbreaking and I just wanted to try to draw it.
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ithrowupwhenimnervbous · 8 months ago
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mcytblrconfessions · 10 months ago
All ships are toxic because dating isn't real
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potato-lord-but-not · 10 months ago
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you’re not the son I raised
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is-nino-actually-luka · 5 months ago
I've decided to go back to my roots and reveal the truth about secret identities in Miraculous Ladybug again because I think I might have found some compelling evidence that Ladybug = Gabriel Agreste
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kreybocchieriq · 2 months ago
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thatsherastro · 7 months ago
Random Astro Notes Part 2: Water Sign Edition
If you are sensitive this post/ page may not be for you. These are general observations, aspects & houses matter. xoxo
Which element should I do next ? Fire , Air or Earth?
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Cancers can be so sweet. These are the type of people to make sure that you are comfortable and wake up and cook you breakfast.
Pisces venus can attract partners who are questionable , drug dealers , criminals or maybe even a little mentally unstable
Nobody does emotional manipulation like a cancer. They will make you feel bad for what they did to you.
It may seem like your scorpio placement friend is paranoid but trust them sometimes when they give you a warning. These ppl have seen some of the worst parts of life. They know how dark things can get.
Pisces Venus & mars can have a foot fetish or be completely disgusted by feet lol no in between
Scorpios are dying to tell you their business lowkey. They really just want to build that trust and security first before taking you to their underworld.
Pisces can be really charitable.
Hey, scorpio mars remember:
Sex ≠ true intimacy
Ok please don’t throw tomatoes at me just yet 😭 but some pisces can be such kleptos & please don’t let gemini be in the mix of that chart. Go ahead & hide your wallet.
Cancers tend to hold onto toxic people because of nostalgia.
Pisces hold onto toxic people because they feel pity for them and want to save them in someway shape or form
Scorpios hold on to toxic people because in a way they feel that love is pain. These people are truly dedicated to suffering because of their loyalty.
Having Pisces in the 2H can really bless you financially. It’s like you make money in your sleep but be mindful that neptune aspect gets tricky. These people will spend all of their money before they even get it. Also STOP GIVING PEOPLE YOUR MONEY!!!
Thank you for reading 🫶🏾 Like & Follow for more
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mortispoxi · 6 months ago
The only time we ever got an age range for Drumknott is when he's described by William de Worde as being a young man in The Truth, which by its definition means he was anywhere between 18 and 25 years old during the events of the story, but it's never specified how old he actually is.
Drumknott canonically being a young man is wild to think about since we also know The Truth takes place approximately 4 years after the events of Men at Arms, which is when he makes his first introduction to the series as just a regular palace clerk. So, with all that in mind, it is not entirely out of the realm of possibility to think that Drumknott started working under Vetinari when he was an older teen and then became his secretary when he turned 18.
Granted, Drumknott is excellent at what he does so he was always a shoe in for the position, but even so, Vetinari really hired this kid and then later went "Yes, I trust this teenager with my life. I’m going to promote him to be in charge of all the files."
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stupidphototricks · 6 months ago
Nobody's doing it like Otto Chriek. He's a vampire who has sworn off drinking b-word. He likes hanging out in cellars and hanging from chandeliers. Photography is his passion, and his passion is painful and comes with a high risk of discorporation. He experiments with dark light and philosophizes about the nature of time. He figures out how to create photo plates with hardly any effort. He invents the three-color printing process. He designs a method to auto-reanimate himself. He lays down his life for the team (but then picks it up again*).
*(yes this is a joke from the book, all credit to Sir Terry)
William caught Sacharissa's gaze. Her look said it all: We've hired him. Have we got the heart to fire him now? And don't make fun of his accent unless your Uberwaldean is really good, okay? -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
"Vell?" he said sternly. "Vot you all looking at? It is just a normal reaction, zat is all. I am vorking on it. Light in all itz forms is mine passion. Light is my canvas, shadows are my brush." "But strong light hurts you!" said Sacharissa. "It hurts vampires!" "Yes. It iss a bit of a bugger, but zere you go." -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
William vaguely remembered something someone had once said: the only thing more dangerous than a vampire crazed with blood lust was a vampire crazed with anything else. All the meticulous single-mindedness that went into finding young women who slept with their bedroom door open got channeled into some other interest, with merciless and painstaking efficiency. -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
"Good mornink," said Otto. "Do not movink, please, you are making a good pattern of light and shade." -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
"I cannot promise an absolutely vunderful job first cat out of zer bag, off course." -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
"Bodrozvachski zhaltziet! …oh, sorry, Miss Sacharissa! Zere has been a minor pothole on zer road to progress…" -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
"Zer philosopher Heidehollen tells us zat the universe is just a cold soup of time, all time mixed up together, and vot we call zer passage of time is merely qvantum fluctuations in zer fabric of space-time." -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
(Sounds kind of like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff...)
"It [dark light] is a light without time. Vot it illuminates, you see . . . is not necessarily now." -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
"You vanted color, I gif you color," said Otto sulkily. "You never said qvick." -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
A couple of bits that are more spoilerish under the cut:
That thing where Otto screams and (sometimes) turns to ash when he takes a picture is particularly funny if you imagine it from the point of view of the unwitting photographic subject, in this case Cheery Littlebottom:
"Ah, a vonderful framing effect!" said Otto, who'd been on the other side of the door. Click! William shut his eyes. WHOOMPH. "Ohhbuggerrrrr . . ." This time William caught the little piece of paper before it hit the ground. The dwarf stood open-mouthed. Then she closed her mouth. Then she opened it again to say: "What the hell just happened?" "I suppose you could call it a sort of industrial injury," said William. -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
And the scene where Otto goes up against William's father is just a thing of beauty.
"Ve have people like you back home," he said. "Zey are the ones that tell the mob vot to do. I come here to Ankh-Morpork, zey tell me things are different, but really it is alvays the same. Always zere are damn people like you! And now, vot shall I do with you?" [...] "You think I bite him? Shall I bite you, Mister Lordship? Vell, maybe not, because Villiam here thinks I am a good person." He pulled Lord de Worde close, so their faces were a few inches apart. "Now, maybe I have to ask myself, how good am I? Or maybe I just have to ask myself… am I better zan you?" He hesitated for a second or two, and then in a sudden movement jerked the man towards him. With great delicacy, he planted a kiss on Lord de Worde's forehead. Then he put the trembling man back down on the floor and patted him on the head. -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
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reality-detective · 10 months ago
Dr. David Martin 👆 doesn't use notes, he knows what's going on and has done years of research on corona virus 🤔
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vintage-tigre · 2 months ago
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beaulesbian · 2 months ago
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The Truth, Terry Pratchett
(after reading a lot of the City Watch books, now reading The Truth with another character's view is both refreshing and priceless, especially when William is speaking with any of the Watch members)
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