#{Guest Muse; (Solstice)}
futuregleaming · 8 months
Olympus Tournament - Solstice vs Gouki
The two fighters stood opposite each other in the arena, unfazed as the terrain was prepped. They'd both watched the previous fights, they knew what to expect. It gave them time to exchange a few words before the fight began at least.
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"Gouki. Awfully presumptuous to call yourself the 'great demon'."
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"So you're familiar with my tongue. A sentiment I can not say I've seen reflected much outside of my homeland."
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"I've learned a great many things in my time on this earth. Most of all how to recognize overconfidence whenever it crops up."
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"An ironic statement coming from one such as yourself. 'Solstice,' the longest day of the year. Or is it perhaps the shortest in this case? Regardless, your words fall flat so long as you obscure yourself behind that mask like a coward."
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"Better obscured than overexposed. Do they not teach decency in Kwailai?"
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"Oh, I will enjoy crushing you."
The match began, Summer immediately making a move to close the distance, and Fumiko responding with a smoke bomb. Caught in the middle, Summer shifted to a defensive stance, listening for motion. She could hear sounds of things landing around her, and then faintly, cutting through the smoke, a chain unwinding. That was her quarry. She shifted around to face the sound just in time to block the overhead swing. Though she still couldn't see, so Fumiko followed up with a kick to knock her back.
Summer stumbled into the mine that had landed behind her, triggering a shockwave that knocked her into another, resulting in an almost comical series of bounces as she ricocheted through the field, each one helping to clear up the smoke.
Fumiko capitalized on the disarray, rushing in on her discombobulated opponent. Summer, to her credit, after suffering the first blow, was able to stumble back into a state of balance and deflect the followup strikes with her knives before delivering a swift kick to the ronin's gut. Fumiko grit her teeth as she slid back, now on the defensive.
Summer's assault was faster than anticipated, and Fumiko could only keep up with her swings so much before a few slipped through. They carried a surprising amount of force behind them. She had to get away, a straight fight was not in the cards for her. She managed a block, then fired her grappling hook from her empty sleeve to hook onto a tree and pull her away from the engagement. Once separated, she disappeared around a corner, prompting Summer to follow.
She darted after her opposition, turning the corner to be greeted by a blinding flash, ringing ears, and the pommel of a sword knocking against her jaw. Fumiko was pressing her advantage now. Sword still sheathed, she cracked the scabbard against the other woman's legs, managing to drop her to her back and quickly securing a position overtop her and pressing the edge of the scabbard against her throat, leaning her entire arm against it for leverage.
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"Submit before I'm forced to try," she growled.
Summer braced her arm against the scabbard, clearing enough room to allow her to breathe. With her other hand, she slipped another knife out of her sleeve, quickly jabbing it at Fumiko's side. At the wince of pain, Summer kicked up to free herself, grabbing hold of the other's arm and spinning her around to lock her with a dagger at her throat.
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"I could say the same," she hissed back.
Fumiko scowled, pain leaking from her side. She breathed in, and on her exhale, a grenade dropped from her right sleeve. Summer leapt away, allowing Fumiko to do the same. The grenade went off, yet another shockwave device, seemingly not lethal like the mines. The ronin had little time to get her bearings though, as she could already see that Summer was charging back in. With little other choice, Fumiko finally drew her blade and let out a guttural war cry as she activated her ability. The pain she felt faded. She had to finish this quickly now. The longer it went on, the worse for wear she'd be at the end. But it seemed like she'd hardly made an impact on her opponent. What was up with her anyway?
The next several seconds were a frenzy of clashing blades and limbs. Summer's two weapons were doing their job, creating and exploiting the openings in Fumiko's defenses, but now she was simply shrugging off the pain. Every cut, every bruise, it all faded into nothing as she traded blows. The blade itself rarely found purchase, but several jabs with the pommel end struck true, though neither fighter seemed to be flinching anymore.
They traded blows like this for some time, blades clashing and impacts pushing them around the battlefield as they danced ever closer to the edge. After some time, Fumiko began to fatigue, and her ability waned. The pain was bleeding back in, more severe now, and it was slowing her movements. She tried to push through, seeing an opening to force her opponent out of the ring. She ducked under a strike and resheathed her blade, taking her scabbard and hooking it around Summer to push her out of bounds.
Summer caught the trick however, cracking the pommel of her knife against Fumiko's hand and forcing her to drop the weapon. She then retaliated with a headbutt, smashing her mask into the ronin's face, and then grabbing her by the throat and lifting her into the air. After the initial stun wore off, Fumiko wormed her right shoulder out of the sleeve of her kimono, pointing her augment at the other woman's face and firing her grappling hook at it as a last resort. Summer only needed to tilt her head a bit to send it sailing past her, then grabbed the chain with her free hand to prevent that same trick from being used again.
Fumiko held on with her good hand, trying to keep herself from choking in the other's grip. To her credit, and to her observation, she noticed that Summer wasn't squeezing more than necessary to hold her aloft. Her face was twisted into a scowl as she looked into the stoic, silver eyes peering through the mask.
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"What... are you?" she gasped out, fingers still clawing at the wrist that held her.
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"A warrior that time forgot." It was a simple answer, no strain or emotion permeating its tone. Her skills had spoken enough already. There was a slight bend in her arm before she extended it fully, gently tossing her defeated adversary out of the arena. There was no need to exert herself any further. This battle had been won long ago. And with that done, she turned to make her way out of the arena.
Winner: Solstice
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iona-tully · 1 month
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LITHA, THE SUMMER SOLSTICE — Plot drop 2: The sun wheels
Sun wheels crafted out of twigs and flowers have been crafted, ready to be released into the river. For an hour or so, people gather and write down wishes, or even secrets. They set on parchment whatever they wish to see accomplished soon, secrets or guilty feelings they hope might not haunt them anymore. As it is custom, those pieces of paper are released with the sun wheels to float away in the Tumblestone River. Whispers begin soon after. Messages that were not meant to be known by others, have been revealed...
Some people have begun spreading the word on what they have heard, thus beginning a chain of potential misinformation. There have also been torn pieces of parchment found, scattered in different areas: near the archery field, inside the ballroom, in tents. It is unknown if these parchments are original messages written by guests, or if some prankster has planted them to cause a little chaos. Either, way, gossip is spreading.
Here are some of the pieces of parchment that were found, causing speculation as to who wrote them:
[torn parchment] Blackwood is to blame for such an atrocity. Only that cunt could do such [torn parchment]
[torn parchment] if Lady Brianna could only grant me one dance without mockery.
Let Harrenhal be the prize I gain for everything I have [torn parchment]
[torn parchment] to have a family of my own. I hope the gods can grant me that wish after [torn parchment]
[torn parchment] to find a husband who will be worthy of all I have to offer.
[torn parchment] what is just, and I can be reunited with my [torn parchment]
There have also been some whispers that have been going around, after the parchments were written:
Princess Mellara's bastard is in reality the son of someone who is in attendance at the Litha festival.
Prince Casimir's peaceful demeanor is a ruse, he intends to take over the Riverlands throne when the time is right.
Lady Ayca Mallister's bad temper has scared off a recent suitor, bringing some shame to her house.
Lady Brianna Bracken is the source of much temptation amongst many a lord, not only in the Riverlands, but beyond the realm.
King Cedric's mistress has an unnatural influence over him, some claim, perhaps due to her Targaryen blood
Prince Rhys Arryn only bothered to attend because he's desperately seeking a royal match and hopes to find it in one of the Tully sisters
Lord Lysano Roote aspires to remain close to Queen Iona only for personal gain, perhaps even to be considered a worthy match for the queen.
Lady Emira Mallister has a secret admirer who has been doting her with attention and gifts, all of which she gladly accepts, content that it was her and not her sister who caught the man's attention.
Some doubt, some are quick to believe. Some, even spread more words to defend themselves, to throw blame elsewhere, or for the mere fun of the chaos that has ensued.
OOC Note:
Feel free to play around with whether or not your muse believes these whispers/parchments to be real, or just something fabricated to cause a little chaos.
You can add more parchments or whispers, only write them in the comments of this post.
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 year
c3e56 thoughts & musings--spoilers ahead
savalirwood exploration! very excited to see where we go. we’re shifting back into the plot moving action from the last few eps of team bells being more rp based.
new art!!! it looks so good. i love the fits, the poses--i can’t wait to see what the team hells redesigns look like. these look fantastic and really hit on everything they described including the werewolf sweatpants.
oh this is immediately a disaster, they’re going to be so silly goofy. i cannot believe that the reasoning for not having pants is a ho never gets cold. my god.
imogen coming in clutch with that telekinesis on these giants. envisioning a sledding pack of giant goats, followed by a giant who’s been walloped by stones is so silly
the fucking goat boat. chet & deanna making the boat together.
the shovel talk!!! fcg being nice and deanna trying to find what she wants
casting commune with avandra!!! no more coin flipping! she’s here! present but distant. oh god why is it hair
faith in the people more than the gods--it’s still faith
dreaming of laudna!!!! i get why they can’t do it now, and the fact that the solstice is perpetual means it seems like it isn’t going to get any easier.
fully insane gnomes shearing a dead goat. do you ever think about what drew deanna to chetney the first time. because i think we’re seeing it.
rollerblade warthog & finally having the werewolf conversation
fey energy????? it’s a (frog) bog mound
really feeling how team bells is affecting their new companions. deanna’s really getting into the feral energy--or maybe that’s just been there the whole time and we haven’t seen it. i think this episode is really showcasing what each guest came to do; deanna’s views of faith being a foil to fcg’s first commune with avandra, the aeormaton intimacy obviously, chetney & deanna digging into the past and really seeing what she brings out in him as well as what he brings out in her. we’re finding out a lot about his past experiences and seeing how he doesn’t actually share everything about his lycanthropy.
while i get the lycanthropy angst, they do have the possibility of remove curse for frida. i think both deanna and fcg can possibly prep it. also it is a blood curse--so anything they’re waiting to see about is based on how their interpreting the robot werewolf and how the players & matt want to see this through.
fun little battle sequence that they handled very efficiently. and fearne talking to that fish was quite funny. the wolf-king feels like a set-up for a molaesmyr encounter.
frida & deanna praying!!!!! in the wake of the gods retreating, two robots are finding faith.
so far they’ve left the goats and the raft. any time they would have saved by going by river is going to be made up as they make their way back. there isn’t even a barrier in front of the goats or anything--they had the wood to make a baby gate. anyway. there will not be a single goat when they come back, i’m calling it now.
and we’re finally seeing molaesmyr! i can’t wait to see what they find here lore wise. i have a feeling next ep is going to end up being exploration survival based to start and then shift to combat with whatever shows up. that elk spider is not something i wanted to envision. at all. ugh.
it’s like the aeor exploration but less crazy magic and more cursed beings! can’t wait to see what nonsense they have yet to find on this little trip into the savalirwood. my guess is that they’ll encounter the wolf-king, defeat/kill it and then run into the claret orders who were pursuing it, if they want to tie in each part of chetney’s backstory.
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thewolfisawake · 10 months
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Point of clarification, apparently. All hunts are their own night. There is only one hunt on any given night. It is only plural because there is a hunt every night for the month of December. This means EVERY ride is its own. So that guests can have their own attention on them. And it prevents a security risk because no way would all generals be absent from the palace while their king hangs back.
So in theory there are a total of 30 slots but I do not expect to do that many (this is an observation, not a challenge) since I have a limited amount of a rolling table. The Winter Solstice is the only exception where no one is allowed on as an outsider unless there is some express permission given. It is the closest to a 'holy day' for the Unseelie and they do not allow for screw ups on that day.
This also allows for various interactions to occur without certain muses being around.
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lgcmanager · 10 months
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( important note: for 2023′s year end ceremonies, this is split into two parts so this part will be for the ACTORS & MODELS. )
with the year end season happening, all of the LGC artists ( idols/actors/models ) will be attending various events during the months of december and january.
for this year’s gala, the theme is ‘SOLSTICE DARKNESS & LIGHT’ ( as a reference to the idea of winter solstice, where it is the darkest day of the year and the days get longer and brighter after that ). all of the people in LGC AGENCY ( ACTORS & MODELS ) are invited and required to attend the event, which will be held on DECEMBER 21.
all of the ACTORS and MODELS will be having meetings during their free time with various local fashion designers to create an outfit that best matches the theme requirement ( guests must dress in dark and light colors; gold and black are ideal colors for this ) and their personalities.
on the day of the gala, each of the models and actors will be walking on the red carpet as the press interviews some of the lgc agency artists to talk about their outfit ( eg. inspiration behind the outfit ) and recent accomplishments they’ve made thus far. the interviews are quite short ( lasting less than 5 minutes each ) so the artists aren’t expected to have long conversations with the press and if so, they will be guided by one of the staff members to head inside the venue.
( important note: for open event 006 [ fansites ], you can post fan/press photos of your muse wearing the outfit or attending the year end gala during the month of december and it will count for the fansite points. )
inside the venue, non-alcoholic beverages and hors d'oeuvres will be served in the meantime by waiters and waitresses until it’s 8pm when the ceremony starts as managers NAM JINHO and CHOI INYOUNG give their speeches ( along with announcing that AECHA has given birth to her second child yesterday [ hence her lack of appearance in the past few acting and modeling missions ] and the success of martine corporation, ratings wise ). by the time the two of them are done, there will be clips shown of all of the projects that the lgc agency artists have participated in 2023 ( eg. bullet inquiry, planet influencer season 2, lgc spring boys, model brand projects, modeling gigs [ for the models ], hogamnote videos/youtube short films, martine corporation ). 
while everyone else will be having dinner and celebrating the event, each of the models will be called separately to a different room in the venue, where there is one camera, an ornate christmas tree, and some gifts surrounding it. each of the gifts represents what they’ve given to each other, so the model will be asked to get the gift with their name listed on the tag and before opening/unwrapping their gift, they will have to guess one person they think could be the sender of the present. once they’ve mentioned one name, they will open the present and give their initial reaction. afterwards, they will be told that after the event ends, they can carry their presents back home.
in the meantime, the acting managers ( BYUN MIDO, HAN YOOHWA, KIM DONGSUN, SEO HEEJUNG ) will be giving each of the ACTORS a small present ( a mug with their name and a cute drawing of the actor [ or the character they have portrayed if they are a part of bullet inquiry and/or martine corporation ]) as a token of appreciation.
after the gift giving and secret santa is done, the lgc agency artists can have fun taking photos in the photobooth, dancing, and/or chatting with fellow actors and models until the party ends ( which is scheduled to end at around 12am ).
as usual, all of the idol groups ( and some of the models and actors ) will be attending several year end award shows. listed below are the ones the actors and/or models will be attending.
you can click over HERE for a more exhaustive list of the awards and year end shows. since some of the lgc debut artists ( idols/actors/models ) will be hosting a handful of these award shows, they will be given some time the day before to review through their scripts.
SD&L GALA OUTFIT: write a 250+ word headcanon post about the outfit that your muse would be wearing for lgc agency’s year end gala for +5 MODELING and +4 NOTORIETY ! for this specific task, feel free to reference outfit images or include a moodboard to get a general idea of the outfit.
SD&L GALA: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies ( minimum 8 lines; 2 per mun ) thread with another actor or model about anything related to the event ( eg. appearing on the red carpet, being interviewed by some of the media press during the red carpet, socializing with other actors/models, secret santa reaction for the models, etc. ). completing this will earn you +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +8 NOTORIETY !
YEAR END HOSTS: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies ( minimum 8 lines; 2 posts per mun ) thread with another host from the awards/music show as your muse about preparing for the show, behind the scenes, presenting the awards, or watching the performances for +5 MCING/HOSTING and +4 NOTORIETY ! ** only for JISOO, HANBYUL, and JIEUN **
2023 REVIEW: write a 300+ word headcanon post ( minimum ~60 words per each question ) or solo about your muse reviewing through everything that has happened to them during 2023. if you choose to write it as a solo, it will be done as the muse having a one on one meeting with their manager as they discuss their performance reviews and goals for the upcoming year. with either option, it must include at least 4 of the following components/questions: “what were some of your greatest accomplishments this year and out of all of them, which one was the most memorable one for you?”, “what area(s) do you think you’ve personally improved on since the beginning of this year? [please list out the skill(s) and reason(s) why]”, “what are some of your personal goals for 2024?”, “out of all of the actors/models, what do you think makes you stand out from all of them?”, “aside from your main career path (actor/model), are there any types of gigs outside of it that you would be interested in doing in the future?” completing this will earn you +7 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE !
use the hashtag lgc:yearend2023. make sure to submit your points before JANUARY 20, 2024 at 11:59 EST to the lgcpoints blog:
MUSE NAME · YEAR END CEREMONIES 2K23 - SD&L GALA OUTFIT: +5 modeling, +4 notoriety [ LINK ] - SD&L GALA: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +8 notoriety [ LINK ] - YEAR END HOSTS: +5 mcing/hosting, +4 notoriety [ LINK ] ** only for jisoo, hanbyul & jieun ** - 2023 REVIEW: +7 ( skill points distribution ) [ LINK ]
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makwandis · 1 year
♨ : Does your muse have good table manners? How do they feel about bad table manners?
❀ : What is your muse’s opinion about flower crowns?
♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?
📐 : Is your muse good at math? Do they like it, or do they hate it?
♞ : What is your muse’s favorite animal?
♨ : Does your muse have good table manners? How do they feel about bad table manners?
Gilbert..... has learnt table manners over the years. He is a "take your hat off at the table" and "be polite in company" sort of guy, very much an old school manners guy and will think you are fucked in the head if you use your phone at the table. However if there's more than one set of cutlery and in the presence of royalty, best just not invite him as his conversational manners are horrible imo. He is neutral about bad manners but will think you're disrespecting him personally if you do weird shit at his table haha, but he doesn't often have guests so it's not something he cares much about. He's just an old man!
❀ : What is your muse’s opinion about flower crowns?
I think he has fond memories of wearing flower crowns at old festivals and ceremonies waaaaay back in the day. Catch young Gil at a solstice ceremony covered in flowers!
♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?
He is not....ever going to win an award for his singing but he can kind of hold a tune and knows a lot of songs especially folk songs. So while he should keep his day job, I think he does enjoy singing a lot! He sings in the shower, in the car, to annoy people and when drunk.
📐 : Is your muse good at math? Do they like it, or do they hate it?
He's fantastic at math! And he really likes math! He just gets it. Human calculator. Loves architecture
♞ : What is your muse’s favorite animal?
I think he is a big lover of dogs and he loves horses too, he enjoys training animals!
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firstrainofficial · 3 months
Superlative Gallery Exhibition
Holy smokes.. I just had the honor that one of my photographies was part of an exhibition/art show for the very first time in my life with Yazane Studio in Istanbul.
And now? Now I just got the news that another photography of mine will be part of an exhibition in the Superlative Gallery and I'm just speechless because.. this.is.huge!
You can see my photography in the Superlative Gallery in Bali, Indonesia, from June 16th - 30th as part of the "Solstice Snapshots - A Summer-Centric Photography Exhibition".
This exhibition is powered by HUG and will be "guest-curated by National Geographic and Forbes-published wildlife photographer Frank Liu and 3x BAFTA-nominated Sound Designer Ruanth Chrisley Thyssen of Muse Hive".
I'm so stoked to be part of this exhibition but I, for sure, still need a bit time to process this. I'm a little overwhelmed here. ^^'
But big thank you to HUG for this opportunity! Truly!
The photography
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The gallery
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And once again I'm asking.. could you please take pictures for me if it happens that one of you will be there? ^^'
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familylightfox · 4 years
     “[Tillie, what did I say about giving her sweets all night?]” Volt looked over from where he was sitting on the couch, to where Harmony was most happily chewing on a candy came given to her by their friend. The twenty year old only grinned at him and went back to carrying on her conversation as if he hadn’t said anything. 
     “[Oh let them have fun. They’re only young once and it’s not like the village isn’t used to hearing her howling in the middle of the night anyway.]” Augustus chuckled as Volt looked at him next and shrugged his shoulders before going back to messing with the collar around his neck. Even though the hybrid pair had arrived at the home for dinner as they had been asked, the older wolf was dead set on getting the device off before the holidays ended. 
     “[Yeah, but you’re not the one who has to stay up all night with her.]” A fair point, but it was ignored with a smirk and Volt settle back on the cushion, wishing he had his other arm in order to cross them across his chest while pouting. But he soon was finding himself letting out a startled sound as...
     “[Finally!]” The shout brought the attention in the room to the two males, Volt bringing his hand up to his throat and taking a deep breath. Another breath and the older hybrid explored his neck, trailing the lock that had been pressed against his skin for just a bit too long. Augustus had been quick to remove the collar fully, and moved out of the way for Harmony to join her father on the couch as he closed his eyes in relief. 
     When they reopened and looked to Harmony, the preteen was smiling at seeing the bright color that she was so used to one again. It didn’t take long for her to throw both of her arms around his neck and hug him for all he was worth on the couch while the rest of the canine family gave them a moment before interrupting. Mostly because Heidi had something important to give as a gift. 
     “[I’ve been working on this while you both were recovering... I couldn’t get it to line up completely so I had to add some fabric, but I know how much this meant to you.]” Harmony had sat down beside her father as he looked down at the black fabric laid on his lap. His only hand quickly fell onto the magenta emerald symbol embroidered in the middle before looking up. 
     “[You didn’t have to Heidi...]” Anything else he would have said caught in his throat as she lifted the garment so he could get a full look at the repaired hoodie. It was only an inch of fabric that had been used to attach the sleeve to the rest of it, magenta in color to match the emerald on the front, Volt stared at it for a minute and then reached out while trying his best not to let the small amount of tears in his eyes fall. The woman only smiled as he brought it to his chest. 
     “[I might not have had to, but I wanted to. We all know the reason you have kept that hoodie for as long as you have and I don’t intend on having you lose it. Happy Yule Voltage.]”
     “[And don’t think we forgot about you Little Fluff.]” Tillie added as she grabbed the package she had stashed by the tree. Once in the preteen’s hands, the paper didn’t last long and she looked at the large satchel with stars in her eyes. “[We thought that maybe the one you had was getting a little small, so this might be just a bit better to carry all your stuff.]”
     They expected the preteen to show her appreciation for the gift. The coywolf just hadn’t been expecting to be knocked on her backside to be hugged for it. 
     “Thank ya so much Aunt Tillie! And Grammy Heidi and Grandpa GusGus! This is awesome and I’m gonna take really good care of it!” But it gave her parents and Volt a chance to laugh so she would deal. After a moment, Augustus gestured towards the dining room. 
     “[I think now would be the best time to eat our dinner then and we can all head back to the Inn after. I heard Greta was opening her newest batch of schnapps.]” He watched Harmony do just that with his wife and daughter in tow before offering a hand to help Volt up. One that was taking with a firm squeeze. 
     “[Happy Yule Augustus.]”
     “[Merry Christmas Voltage.]”
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starsgivemehp · 5 years
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What if Papyrus is Sans and Gaster’s child, but Sans lies about it because Gaster fell into the core and got forgotten
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sweetestest-ninja · 6 years
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“I’m so PROUD of myself!” Asugi cried with glee. “I did so well and--”
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“Azura’s boy scored better than you by a full second. Your score was barely average. Try not to sound so pleased with yourself, boy.”
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Well, there went his good mood. 
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westerosoliviapope · 2 years
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After blasting onto the political scene on campaigns for the likes of Selwyn Tarth and Robb Stark, Sarella Sand is rising through the ranks of crisis consulting to become one of the republic's best-known fixers. While she refuses to dish on her top clients, she chats with us about her dual heritage, sisterly bonds, how she got into politics, and free advice to help celebrities avoid scandals.
On Her Heritage "I take great pride in having two homelands." But don't expect her to reinforce any reductive stereotypes about the Dornish or Summer Islanders. "I, unfortunately, dealt with a lot of coded language about my 'spicy' and 'inherently sensual' background when I first came to Westeros, but that's not what I take from my heritage," she says. "Growing up in two rich and distinct cultures taught me to be more open to the world than people who strongly identify with being one thing or another."
On Being Raised by the Ultimate #GirlDad "A man with my father's reputation shouldn't have been enthusiastic about raising a brood of girls," Sarella says of Dornish Prince Oberyn Martell, who famously fathers eight high-achieving women. A friend once said I grew up in a 'training camp for badass girls.' He wasn't entirely wrong."
On the Importance of Sisterhood "It's like being born into a sorority," she muses. "We have matching tattoos. We do an annual Solstice Eve sleepover with just the eight of us. As we speak, I'm packing for the King's Landing Tennis Open [her sister, Elia Sand, is the early favorite]."
On Keeping Her Cool in Tense Situations "My mother [Summer Isles High Court Judge, Jolona Qo] and her mother are extremely poised, some of it is genetic," she says. "Years of archery practice help, too," she answers. "You can't hit your target when you're panicked."
On Her Jump from Academia to Politics The former history and linguistics student credits her Citadel advisor, Maester Marwyn, with changing the course of her career. "He was big on tying his expertise [ancient cultures and anthropology] to the present day with guest lecturers from outside academia."
She planned to become a professor/researcher until she attended a guest lecture by political consultant Wyman Manderly in her third year. "I think it was called 'Mythology in Modern Politics' or something similar. And it helped me see how the seemingly abstract topics I studied still play out in modern power structures. I was hooked."
On the Craziest Problem She's Ever "Fixed" "I make problems disappear, so I'll never tell." But she's willing to share a recurring issue: celebrity sex tapes. "Just don't do it," she advises. "They always land in the wrong hands. I've seen too many of you [famous Westerosi] naked."
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xxxlovedandlostxxx · 2 years
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41% Intellectual The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks. Learn more and download free report
35% Creative The Creative appreciates all beautiful things, in art and daily life. The creative act is essential to who they are. Learn more and download free report
24% Caregiver  Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the Caregiver finds their reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.  Learn more and download free report
tagged by - @taintedone​ Tagging - @adsagsona​  , @wolfxdayz​ , @lostxndbroken​ , @wehavefoundthestars​ , @iincantatorum​ , @not-born-heroes​ , @solstice-muse-collective​ , @boywebbed​ , @quiprava​ , @travelingroseboy​and anyone else who sees this!
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 year
c3e54 thoughts and musings/liveblog
who are we going to see today? i’m hoping for laudna, ashton, and orym so we can get a good look at what’s going on closer to the blast site, see the guests, and follow up with some of the npcs that we don’t yet know about. team wildemount bells has had a fun time and they’re at a relatively same and comfortable place right now--having released umudara, they don’t have any super pressing commitments. that being said, based on matt’s tweet, whichever team is present is working with sketchy history--that could hit chetney, but also ashton. this is the big backstory arc for both of them.
wherever they are, whichever half of bell’s hells is present, it’s going to be tricky to navigate.
okay it’s team wildemount bells. anyway. missing team mom friend hells. i’m feeling more of an rp episode, maybe shopping?
edit: i was wrong.
yay for cool parades. royal recognition like i expected--this is their luxon-bright queen moment.
sending still isn’t working--maybe message instead? it’s transmutation, but maybe the distance aspect is really what’s being regulated.
deanna’s house! i love it! deanna & imogen bonding! the room arrangements and little character interactions. it’s lovely. the completion of the tonal change of being away from the solstice planning.
do aeormatons dream of electric sheep? christian created this character to be in platonic love with deanna and tell fcg the world is round. Humanoid legs???? a child??? embedded in their body??? spiritual hug? the eyes glow? i was meant to protect this boy! omg frida i love you. finding the old programming and using it as a source of hope and something to tie back to.
fcg’s power of friendship. aeormaton bonding. i’m excited to see where sam and christian go with this from here--the mortifying ordeal of being known in your dreams and sharing in the experience of finding someone who you identify with uniquely is so cool to explore.
deanna’s breakfast. all of the time they spent in her home. this is shaping up to be fun and very silly, with lots of shenanigans coming--i can feel it. good ol’ drixlitch (dick licks) & oltgar (old fart), and macaroni retconned to parmesan
we found santa! he’s sad! he’s lost the meaning of winter’s crest! he’s oltgar dredagon! All of the petty nonsense is so good. i feel for oltgar, and i do hope that this works out for chetney. D&O’s seems like a predatory business relationship, and i hope that they have a chance at getting rid of drixlitch. also, the ‘war wound’ & brand of castigation combination is so funny.
battling again! a few things to consider: swarm tactics from the bugs, and the objective of keeping the worm in its larval stage. really highlights the guy’s idiocy--anyone could have popped a dispel in the store at some point and then where would you be. i’m assuming the bug is guaranteed to die before the enchantment goes up, unless they’re just releasing the firebugs on the populace when the enchantment fades.
lots of fun tactical moves: imogen with telekinesis, deanna’s blindness & dawn, all of the snares, the flyswatter, good uses of feats and mechanics from christian, and that crucial polymorph from fearne that turned into just a hilarious slaughter. that’s the second beast bell’s hells has released based on something fearne did.
meanwhile all of them are looting. by my count they have a bunch of the toys, lots of quality wood, the paperwork, enchanters’ gloves, and two boxes of extremely angry firebugs, as well as 400 platinum in payment.
edit: i somehow forgot that frida straight up walked out with a chair. just right out onto the street. i have to assume they’re still carrying the chair as team bells heads to the citadel.
they came into uthodurn, immediately started their time there with the procession and of a divine bull. then proceed to have some crazy aeormaton interactions in dreams. the next day, as they are on their way to a noon appointment with the diarchy, they just casually walk up to chetney’s old place of work, defeat a bunch of released bugs and a transformed baby worm, find out about the child labor scheme the owner was running as well as other general bad guy nonsense, and then loot the place for supplies. chetney then reconciles with oltgar, a guy he’s held a grudge against for the entire campaign so far, and successfully intimidates him into leaving uthodurn and becoming exandrian or at least wildemount’s santa, who has a shithead and okay list instead of naughty and nice.
all in all, lots of shenanigans, very funny episode, and some real callbacks to the origins of chetney. my prediction for next episode is that they meet with the diarchy and generally finish their pressing business in uthodurn. the episode after that, i think we’re looking at a return to laudna ashton and orym. maybe. it depends on how they want to apportion their episodes based on the break week and guest availability.
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eclipsebythedawn · 3 years
Smothered Flames & Shadows (Part 1)
Hi guys! So this is my first fanfiction ever, and I’m honestly not sure if it’s even good but I thought I wanted to share some Gwynriel with you all :) I have a sort of story planned out and this will likely have more parts. I’m pretty sure I will continue this story since I have more stuff planned out (hence the part 1) but right now it’s just some Gwynriel crumbs. Hope you guys will enjoy it and stay safe wherever you are. 
(How are we gonna wait like ten years for the Gwynriel book because I believe in you SJM you MUST MUST give us Gwynriel ??!) 
Ps. This is the updated version, I added a new chunk for Azriel’s reaction. (Updated on 26 April 2021)
Azriel's wings flapped as he patrolled the skies. The dense cloud cover as well as the fading sunlight disguised his presence and he needed minimal effort to remain hidden. His shadows could taste the looming chaos and flitted around him warningly.
Be careful, be careful.
He could hear through their thoughts and saw through their lingering words. All was quiet here, it seemed. He would much rather preferred to be stationed at the ethereally beautiful Dawn Court, their High Lord serene but with an inner strength that was unflappable, instead of... here.
The Autumn Court held no such delights. Yes, the scenery was more than picturesque -- its flora suspended in eternal autumn, the golden-brown leaves swirling leisurely through the air, their russet color so much like a certain male that was mated to a certain girl he could never have.
Allow me to make one thing very clear. You are to stay away from her.
Unbidden, his brother's fury-driven words cut into his muddled thoughts. Azriel knew that he was old and cranky and Rhys didn't deserve his anger and resentment after what he went through for all of them, but he was... gods, he was so damn tired.
The first female outside of Mor who had caught his eyes -- of course she had to be denied from him. Cauldron knew that the Mother had never shone its light on him, not that he even deserved to be embraced by Her warmth.
His mind finally allowed him to remember the beautiful brunette always on the back of his mind. Her doe-like eyes, sweet smile and that alluring scent, so pure and innocent and arousing and --
Azriel adjusted himself, his pants stifling and uncomfortable. Shit. He was in deep shit. But he couldn't stop himself from fantasizing about how she would taste, how she would look when he made her come.
Rhys's words from the other day, during solstice so many months ago, hadn't helped. Azriel's desperate lust had only grown even more to the point that he was actively avoiding the second Archeron sister so she wouldn't scent his arousal.
For that matter, so his two brothers wouldn't catch him lusting after her especially after the warning he was given.
And she seemed to be avoiding him too.
Azriel made one more round in the skies, the night as chilly and familiar as his own shadows that seemed strangely subdued now. His thoughts continued to stray towards...
Beautiful, clean, pure, worthy Elain. He was none of those things, he knew that. Had resigned himself to it after five centuries of futile pining for a female that never returned his desires. He did not blame Mor. Could not blame Mor. He was tainted and she deserved someone better than him.
But when he saw Elain... Their unlikely friendship had gradually turned into something more. It had only continued to develop after Elain was Made High Fae and he became even more attuned to her, constantly sharing the same space. And for the first time since Mor, he wanted. He wanted to have what his two brothers had. It was wrong and it was selfish, but he saw Rhys and Cassian and he wondered --
Maybe the Cauldron had made a mistake. Three sisters of blood and three brothers of choice. Two thirds fulfilled, and somewhere deep down inside, he had been uselessly, worthlessly holding onto hope.
He had not dared to whisper it out loud until Rhys caught him just before their kiss. And Rhys reaction had only served to remind him why he was wrong for her. Why Elain deserved someone else.
But for the first time in his life, he wanted to throw caution to the wind.
Deciding that all was well and not wanting to remain a second longer, Azriel gathered his shadows and prepared to winnow back to home. He frowned when his shadows flittered over him... disapprovingly?
Yes, that was disapproval. His lips tightened as they swirled around him angrily.
What the hell was wrong with them tonight?
Azriel yanked on his petulant shadows. They continued to ignore him, some even going as far as to ignore him.
He scowled. His shadows were stepping out of line more and more frequently as thought something was bothering him.
Or someone.
He shoved aside the image of tendrils dancing and singing around a certain redhead, her bright teal eyes laughing and --
Azriel forcibly winnowed and dragged his disobeying shadows after him, leaping across the miles between the Autumn Court and home within a single step, resigning himself to a lonely night -- as always.
The night was alive.
It was a comforting blanket draped over her, Gwyn mused silently.
But she felt dead.
It was going to be one of those nights, then. Those nights when she woke up screaming, drenched in sweat only to realize it was just another nightmare. That reality was like a noose tied around her neck, dragging her further down into the pits of Hell where she belonged.
She would never meet Catrin even in death. Because her lovely, beautiful sister who had shone like the brightest star was amongst the stars in the heavens. That single thought was the only thing pushing her forward on the worst of nights.
On nights where flinging herself out of a high balcony on the impossible chance that she would see Catrin again seemed possible. Gwyn had thought that that was before.
Before Nesta, before Emerie, before meeting her Valkyrie sisters whom she knew would and had walked with her through pain and darkness and led her back.
But even after so much training, nothing had changed. She was still the cowardly, timid, broken doll she thought she had left behind.
Gwyn sighed even as sadness and pain, always so much pain, swelled inside her. Logically she knew she wasn't thinking straight. If Nesta or Emerie were here, they would be chiding her for her thoughts, the former sharp but mindful, and the latter firm but gentle. A small smile came onto her faces at all the memories they shared.
The cutting of the ribbon. Winning the obstacle course that served as the Blood Rite Qualifier. And then winning the actual Blood Rite itself while Nesta -- unyielding, unflinching -- held the lines for Gwyn and Emerie to be crowned as Carynthians.
And now, Nesta and Cassian's mating ceremony. Despite everything she was feeling, Gwyn was happy for her friend.
Her sister by choice.
She knew Nesta deserved Cassian as he did her, and she felt genuine happiness for the pair. It was obvious during the long months of initial, grueling training that there was a spark between the two. An attraction that could not be denied.
She longed to find that love though in truth Gwyn knew she might never be ready for it.
Her point was further proven yesterday when Nesta had invited them during a break in training to her mating ceremony, held in a week's time. Gwyn knew that preparations were already underway and she was as honored and grateful as Emerie to be invited, but still she had hesitated, especially at the list of invited and accepted guests.
It wasn't mortifyingly long since Nesta only wanted close friends and family and Cassian only wanted the High Lord, Rhysand and Azriel, but the guest was filled with important names that made Gwyn nervous just to hear them.
The High Lord and High Lady were enough to make her dizzy. And then there was the High Lord's Second and Third, both formidable females in their own right. Gwyn thought wryly though that Emerie had seemed flustered and even blushed a little when her ears caught on a certain someone's name in the list Nesta had shared.
She was happy for her friend too. Emerie deserved friendship -- and love, if that relationship could blossom. But she knew better than interfere when her own relationships were so precarious.
The Prince of Adriata was coming, along with Mother above, the High Lord of the Day Court, Helion. Nesta's younger sister Elain was on the list as well though Nesta's face had clouded a bit when she read her name out loud. And then there was her mate -- Lucien Vanserra.
The supposedly exiled son of the High Lord of Autumn, who had ties to numerous Courts and was a valuable ally.
It was silly and stupid but amidst this sea of important names, Gwyn had wondered on more than one occasion what she could even do there. She had immediately scolded herself mentally, that she would be attending the ceremony for Nesta and even Cassian, who had become a bit of an older brother figure to her, and she would have Emerie with her.
She knew Emerie would fight anyone who dared to even look at her the wrong way.
But the larger part of Gwyn was scared. So many people would be attending, especially the males. It wasn't as if Helion or Lucien would randomly pounce on her, and that her fear was irrational, but she couldn't stop thinking about them. Couldn't stop thinking about that day where so many males surrounded her, where that hateful Hybern commander had ordered her held down, had pummeled into her as silent tears fell down her face, had laughed in her face and --
Gwyn counted the stars in the sky in time to her quickened breathing. Deep breaths, she told herself. When she couldn't sleep on nights like these she would train until nearly the breaking of dawn. She should get up from her position on the ground.
But lying on the cold floor of the training area atop the House of Wind was a refreshing change. After having been coped up in the library for two years, she had finally decided to join Nesta in her morning training sessions with Cassian.
It was quite possibly the best decision she had ever made.
But still... But still, the doubt lingered. It festered. It thrived on her pain and self-hatred, quietly growing on nights like these.
It thrived at the fact that Emerie had accepted the invitation immediately, but Gwyn, worthless, selfish Gwyn had not. Was she so pathetic that she couldn't even congratulate her friend on her special day?
She should really get up. Perhaps train a bit more, instead of lying here wallowing in her dark thoughts.
Then a tiny tendril of shadow-kissed power gently prodded her arm. She startled, turning around and half-getting up.
She already knew who would be standing before her with his usual contemplative silence.
He was before her and she froze for one second. A twinge of fear crept in at his closeness, at the nearness of another male, so suddenly and unpredicted --
Azriel took a step back, saying softly, "I'm sorry if I surprised you."
Gwyn blinked. The shadowsinger was nothing but the epitome of manners and he had likely scented her fear.
"It's fine." And that was true. Her fear had instantly washed away as abruptly as it had arrived upon realizing who was here.
Azriel would never hurt her, Gwyn was sure of that.
She cleared her throat, trying to get rid of the awkward silence that had descended.
"Are you here for something?" She winced slightly at her choice of words. This was his home. She had no right to even utter such a question when she was the outsider.
Before Azriel could reply, another shadow darted out and wrapped itself around her arm before rushing back to its master. Gwyn felt the corners of her lips twitched up as the shadowsinger blinked once, twice in... shock.
"Did you forget your favorite dagger again?" She teased and was rewarded with a faint blush on his cheeks. His lovely and if she dared say, adorable shadows had given her the courage she needed.
To her surprise, he played along. "Have you seen an eighteen-inch dagger anywhere?"
Gwyn burst out laughing at the ridiculous statement.
"May I remind you that it's a dagger you have misplaced -- not a sword?"
"Forgive me if my memory fails sometimes." Was she seeing things or was there a twinkle in his eyes?
"Well, you do seem to forget things rather easily." Oh, she was certain! Amusement ran deep inside his hazel eyes and Gwyn felt breathless for a second, mesmerized by the beautiful male.
Staring into his eyes... She smiled at him, a genuine crinkling of her eyes. He had lifted her mood within seconds of his arrival.
Azriel seemed to freeze for a second, his usual stillness somehow magnifying. Intensifying. His shadows writhed around and she had the odd feeling that he was struggling to control them.
She blinked, and the moment passed.
"Were you training?" Azriel motioned towards her sweaty body. She nodded mutely, still caught up in what had occurred. Was it just her imagination? Looking at the stoic Illyrian standing before her, Gwyn decided she was just too tired, and her mind was playing tricks on her.
"...My help?"
Gwyn snapped out of her thoughts, head jerking up. "What?"
Azriel cocked an eyebrow at her obvious inattentiveness and she felt herself blushing. She chided herself mentally.
"Do you require my help?" He repeated the question, that faint amusement still dancing in his eyes.
"Wait. Are you asking to train me?" Another eyebrow raise.
"Were you expecting me to teach you the benefits of lying on the cold floor in the middle of the night?" He replied dryly.
Gwyn scowled and immediately stood up.
"Uh-huh. I was expecting you to fling your arms about and start serenading me."
"Is that a demand?" Azriel chuckled quietly. Gwyn thought that might be the most heavenly sound she had ever heard.
"Is that a challenge?" Gwyn shot back, not missing a beat.
The corners of his lips twitched up. Gwyn wanted to wipe that smirk off his face, her competitive streak setting in. She was also excited for this match because truth be told, she had been training everyday in anticipation of wiping the floor with the shadowsinger. It was her secret fantasy.
Not that it would happen anytime still but... Still.
"You can help me with my training. But on one condition."
Azriel contemplated her more seriously before he nodded his head.
"We fight now. Hand-to-hand."
The night was alive.
And Gwyneth Berdara was the full moon that accompanied it, shining brightly even amidst the darkness. She was so lovely, yet he sensed something pure and burning thriving inside her. His shadows yearned to flit around her, touch her, dance and sing for her. He had to keep them on a tight leash, and they were unhappy.
Little tendrils of darkness swirled around him petulantly. They wanted to go to Gwyn. Would have gone to her without his intervention. One stray thread snuck out and nearly coiled around Gwyn's wrist before he snatched it back in time. He could have sworn his own shadows growled at him. But he had bigger things to focus on.
Like the fact that Gwyn had just challenged Azriel to a duel.
Once again, his shadows had failed to mention that she was here. There was no quick escape that didn't end in awkwardness so he had stayed -- and so far he was... contented. Being around her seemed to have that effect on himself.
She was humming to herself as she stretched, preparing her body before their fight. His shadows buzzed around excitedly, seeming to forget about their earlier disagreement. He supposed there was no question who they were rooting for.
"Ready?" He asked Gwyn. She nodded, then held up a hand.
"Wait." She retied her ponytail, not letting even a single strand of her coppery chestnut obstructing her vision. He admired her competitiveness, her courage and strength in always fighting for the best.
Meeting her by chance here again reminded him of solstice, and his mind wandered to Elain before he slammed down his thoughts.
Focus. He had watched and trained Gwyn enough to know that she was a threat: an emerging dark horse that proved unpredictable and cunning. He also knew she had silently studied his fighting style enough to know more than just a few of his preferred tricks.
They circled each other, neither one of them making the first move.
He had drilled into her what signs to look out for, what feints and what blockings would be an unexpected yet effective counterattack that he was more than a little wary.
Still, he decided to make the first move, which was so out of his usual style that he hoped she would be unprepared. He had the feeling that she already knew he was going to attack first though as she sidestepped him and threw a punch.
Like he was expecting. He grabbed it and pulled her towards him to jilt her balance, but she was already expecting that and swept out her leg, forcing him to move unless he wanted to end up on the ground. The next move he had perfected to mastery.
He pretended to feint left when he was actually aiming for the left. A cheap shot, but he had also taught her that no real fights were clean and honest. She twisted her body but they both knew she wouldn't dodged in time.
At the last moment, his shadows decided to move and --
Capture his fucking hand. They wrapped themselves around him and his eyes widened as he was stopped mid-throw by his own shadows. The scenario would have been laughable if he wasn't in so much disbelief. They had never outright hindered him in any battles before.
He cursed, barely dodging the next kick Gwyn sent his way. They broke apart again and Gwyn asked, "Something wrong?" She glanced towards his wayward shadows and he had a strong feeling she knew.  
He shook his head, glaring at his swirling shadows. They just blinked up at him innocently.
Don't hurt her. Don't hurt her. Lovely mistress lovely mistress lovely mistress.
He gritted his teeth. Their fancy for Gwyn had reached the point of obsession but she didn't seem to mind. In fact, she squinted and then broke into a grin.
"Aha. I thought I saw your little friends earlier." At her words, his shadows flew towards her joyfully, happy to be recognized. Azriel rubbed his neck as his shadows neared Gwyn, knowing that she had to secretly hate them for being so ugly and tainted and unworthy --
Gwyn bent down. What she did next would stay in his memories forever. Holding out an arm, she let his shadows coiled around the entire length, wisps of midnight trailing her as she walked towards Azriel.
His shadows were happier than he had ever known them to be. He could feel their joy with every step she took, sense the way they were telling him to look look look look.
Then Gwyn smiled at him, her teal eyes so clear and large.
"Your shadows are beautiful."
"Your shadows are beautiful."
Azriel stood still. His entire body was frozen, and even his heart seemed to cease its beating.
Gwyn took a step back at whatever expression was on his face. What she said... Did she understand that what she said -- no one had ever deigned to voice before?
Did she look at his hideous soul and scarred hands?
Did she see how truly stained he was?
He wanted to believe she did. He had never wanted something more than Gwyn seeing him, truly seeing him be true. But if it were true...
How could his shadows be beautiful?
"I'm -- I'm sorry for stepping out of line." She stuttered out, her eyes wide.
Azriel glanced up sharply, snapped out of his trance. She looked horrified and was stammering out another apology, her pitch high and wobbly.
Before he could process what he was saying, words tumbled out of his mouth, aided by the push of an impatient shadow desperate to right all things wrong.
"It is I who should be apologizing." His voice was a soft whisper in the night breeze. Gwyn paused halfway through her long speech and she stood there gaping at him.
"I am sorry, Gwyn." Azriel truly was. He could feel the shame gnawing at him. Yet another mistake. Yet another disappointment. He was a lowly half-breed bastard. His "little friends" curled around his tightening fists anxiously. He could not quite meet her eyes as chagrin dragged him down and whispered,"I should not have reacted the way I did."
He did not know what to expect. The infamous spymaster that was Azriel could never anticipate any of Gwyn's actions. She was an enigma, a mystery that constantly evaded him, the light at the end of the tunnel that shied away from him at every twist and turn.
He saw Gwyn take a deep breath from his peripheral vision and steeled himself. He gathered the remnants of his scattered mask, ready to return to just the High Lord's spymaster.
And then Gwyn spoke.
"I... I do not know your story. I do not know the dark tales that define your past. But I know you. And I know that whatever it is... It does not define you. It does not define the male I see standing before me. It cannot define the male who saved my very life, who --" Here her voice caught and she had to stop for a moment.
Azriel's heart clenched painfully. He did not know why but... He wanted to hug her and show her that her past had never defined her. Not for him, not for Nesta or Emerie and he wanted her to know that it shouldn't for herself.
"Who placed that cloak upon me with such gentle hands." She continued softly, gazing down at his scarred palms. And for the first time in a sea of forever, Azriel did not feel the urge to hide his shadow-kissed hands. Those same shadows began to swirl towards Gwyn and she did not flinch.
She only continued staring at him with those eyes that could see through everything. Did he want them to see through him? Yes.
She sees. And she is not afraid. Azriel's shadows basked them in a cocoon of living darkness.
"I refuse to let your past define you. I do not accept that. So fight. Your story... even if it never comes to me, there is nothing it can tell me that I don't already know. You are brave, thoughtful and so, so kind. You and Cassian trusted me to survive and conquer the Rite as you two had trusted Nesta and Emerie. If not then both of you would have stormed in immediately, and no law could have overruled you. So please... Please believe in me like you did. Just this once, if nothing else." Gwyn finished a little breathlessly and he knew she had rushed through the last part because she was nervous.
But somehow the bit that stuck out to him was her thinking he used to believe in her. He did, but used to? He still did. And he wanted her to know that, more than anything. He wanted Gwyn to know that he had never stop believing in her.
And seeing Gwyn's crestfallen face as each second passed and he still remained silently, he knew she was thinking the worst.
He wanted her smile back. His shadows wanted that too.
But more than anything, they both wanted her to sing again. And looking at her dispirited expression, at that moment even his shadows were unsure whether she would find her voice again.
She had spilled her thoughts to him, and he was standing there like an idiot.
Your words, Azriel. Use your words.
His shadows were begging him to say something. Anything, please please please.
As she turned to leave, he finally found his voice. The voice she unknowingly helped him find.
"Gwyn, I'm sorry -- please wait." She paused, hesitating as her eyes met his. Azriel did not know what to say. He was incapable of saying anything but "sorry", that word so pathetic and useless. Sorry was not enough when Rhys was captured by Amarantha. Sorry was not enough when Feyre was forced to sacrifice herself for their -- for his sake. Sorry was not enough when Elain was taken away by the Cauldron in the middle of the night.
Sorry had never been enough and never would be. Azriel was a stupid, foolish idiot.
"Azriel." Gwyn spoke his name softly. He tore himself away from his useless thoughts and looked at her.
She... did not look upset. She did not look angry, nor sad, nor frustrated. Instead, understanding lay in those warm teal eyes.
"I'm not pushing you to share about yourself. You are not obliged to just because I rambled on about my thoughts." Gwyn's eyes were indeed filled with apology and remorse though she had a small smile.
"You will always be my friend. And I will wait for you, even if the day you want to share about yourself never comes. Because I know you will do the same for me."
Somehow, in that moment when even time seemed to have held its breath, when even the Mother seemed to be watching, Azriel felt something in him shifted. In the distant, he could have sworn a phoenix's song filled his veins, a song of smothered flames and shadows.
"Besides, I think the silent, brooding type fits you better than Cassian's I-wrecked-one-tiny-unimportant-useless-building hotheadedness." Gwyn teased.
The distant calling seemed to grow louder, and Azriel could have sworn --
He could have sworn that a faraway glow beckoned him. And his shadows were more restless than ever, nearly tearing away from their master in their excitement.
So when Gwyn grinned at him, he smiled back.
The stars twinkling overhead seemed to beam back too. For the first time in a long while, Azriel felt contented. It was a feeling he had not experienced since... Since solstice. And back then he was with Gwyn, too, he realized abruptly. It was this female before him who had brought him not once, but twice such longed-for peace and quiet.
Gwyn was wrong. It was not his shadows who were beautiful.
It was her.
It was the Valkyrie who had walked beside Death -- and never cowered.
Never feared, never faltered.
Gwyneth Berdara was a secret, lovely beauty.
Sorry for any grammatical errors (or just errors in general) since I’m writing on my own right now. Thanks for reading and stay tune for part 2 <3
Updated comment: Hi guys, so I added a new bit about Azriel’s reaction. I was planning out the whole story so it’s taking a while and I’m sorry about the wait. I’m nearly done with planning things out chapter-by-chapter so part 2 is on its way. Thank you for staying with me 
Dawn ~
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kingandfireheart · 3 years
A/N: this one had been sitting in drafts for a while, but it a part of my whole "Sarah robbed of us two months of HAPPY Nessian" thing, so enjoy, I guess!
'Summary: This one is basically all the scenes that could have happened instead of in addition to the Amren apology on Starfall. It's fluffy. It's a lot of the Inner Circle. There's a Mor apology. There's a sweet Az moment. And of course happy established Nessian. Clearly all of these things wouldn't happen in one night. But its fanfiction, so you know. Mostly canon-compliant.
Words: 2274
A few minutes after Amren left her side, Nesta felt two people approach. She didn’t need to turn her head to know exactly who it was.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it” Elain spoke, her voice full of awe.
“It’s beautiful” Nesta rasped, as her sisters came to either side of her.
“Did I ever tell you two about my first Starfall?” Feyre asked.
Nesta shook her head. “It was before I had accepted the bond. Rhys and Mor didn’t tell me what to expect at all, so when some of this,” she gestured to her silver streaked cheek, “landed on my face, I thought I was going to lose an eye.”
“Rhys wouldn’t stop laughing at me and I nearly chucked him over the balcony. But... this view and his laughter made me realize that I wanted to paint again. That after everything that happened under the mountain and with Tamlin, I was ready to accept this life... to live.”
“I think that’s why Starfall is so special, right?” Elain said, “it reminds of the beauty of this life, even if it wasn’t what we originally planned”
“The Priestesses said there are spirits passing through or something, but I like your explanation much better” Nesta said, chuckling softly.
“I know things have been tough between the three of us, and I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. And I’m glad that you’re both doing better and that we're together." Feyre said, laying a hand over her stomach. "All I want for him is to be surrounded by family, and to give him the childhood we never had.”
“He will be very loved,” Elain said, happily.
“By both of his aunts” Nesta added. “We can teach him to read, and dance, and garden.”
“And how to deal with his annoying uncles” Feyre added, looking over Nesta’s shoulder, at where Cassian and Mor were dancing.
Nesta laughed. The idea of Cassian playing with a child was... exciting, adorable... and something she would have to think about later.
“Enjoy yourself” Feyre said, pulling Nesta, and Elain, into a hug.
"I missed this” Elain said quietly. "Come find me if you need anything."
Then both sisters smiled, disappeared into the crowd.
Nesta turned back to the view before her, taking it in, appreciating her sisters and Amren, and how far she'd come.
“Five hundred years, and I’ll never get used to the sight” Mor said from behind her, startling her back to reality. "I thought you could use some refreshments" she said.
Nesta laughed, turning to her, and accepting the cup of water he extended to her.
"Thank you." she said,
"I suppose I could have dressed up for the occasion" she shrugged.
“I would have loved to dress you up again, but it’s not like we won’t have more occasions for that” Mor said. "Plus, it doesn't feel right if someone isn't in leathers." She added.
Nesta smiled softly, unsure what to say.
“I wanted to apologize” Mor said suddenly. “For what I said, how I treated you. I thought I was being protective and you deserved better than that. I’m really sorry”.
Nesta shook her head in disbelief, “I judged you before getting to know you, and I’m sorry for that.” She said sincerely.
“I heard you cut the ribbon and completed the blood rite qualifier. That's impressive." She said. "I would have loved to see the look on Devlon's face."
"He didn't seem pleased" Nesta said. Mor was one of the best warriors out there, Nesta assumed this was a part of her training too, "I've seen you in battle...Have you never....?"
"Only as a training exercise, but I never beat it on my own. You need a unit to win something like that. I hear you have a pretty impressive one."
"They're wonderful. I think you'd like them."
"Maybe we can get to know each other better during training?” Mor offered. Nesta saw it for what it was. A peace offering. They would put the past beside them for Cassian and Feyre.
“I’d like that, Mor.” Nesta said, and she would.
Mor squeezed her shoulder, and said, “The dress I got for you should be in your rooms, if you want to wear it later” she said, and then sauntered off. "
“Here,” Azriel said, extending the plate to her. “The party will last until sunrise, so you should eat ”
Nesta nodded in thanks as she accepted the plate. Was Azriel... fussing?
"You seem to be enjoying yourself." Azriel said, elbowing her softly, as he moved toward the railing."I prefer this version of you. Real. No masks or disguises."
Nesta added dryly, “And covered in sweat" Azriel laughed at that. "I don't know how Feyre wears the crown, I hated it."
Azriel laughed, mischief in his eyes, "They do say heavy is the head that wears the crown."
"I prefer you without masks too, Az". Nesta said before she could stop herself.
Azriel smiled softly, and gestured to her food. She picked up a few berries and cheese.
When she was finished, he asked, "Would you care to dance?" extending his hand to her, his siphon gleaming in the light.
Nesta took his hand, and let him lead her to the crowd, where the others were dancing.
Even as exhausted as she was from training and the stairs, she enjoyed every moment of dancing with Azriel, as she had done on Solstice. Azriel led her, easily.
"Is it always like this? the party? she asked after a few moments.
"Mostly. We didn't use to have guests from other courts, but since the world knows about Velaris, I think Feyre and Rhys saw it as an opportunity to share."
"I like it. I think you were right about holidays" Nesta said, into Azriel's shoulder.
"I'm glad." Azriel said.
He was right. Feyre was right. This was life, this was living. The music. The view. The friendships. Her family.
She didn't say anything else, comfortable to enjoy the music and Azriel's company as they danced.
At some point, Helion had stepped in for Azriel.
"Lady Nesta." Helion greeted her.
"High Lord" Nesta responded.
"Interesting attire for a party" he said.
"Training ran late" Nesta said, shrugging slightly.
"Is that what Cassian is calling it nowadays?" Helion joked. Nesta blushed. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The General Commander and Lady Death." he mused.
Nesta said nothing in response, just returned his gaze, as if to say your point?
"I didn't quite believe the stories about your dancing, Lady" Helion started.
"What kinds of stories?" Nesta asked.
"I heard you brought Eris to his knees at Solstice." Helion said.
"I may have danced with him." She responded smugly.
"Is that a part of your training? Bringing commanders and high lord to their knees by way of dance? When you aren't too busy wielding Made objects?"
Before she could respond, she felt claws, scrape against her shields. While Rhys's were usually like midnight, Feyre's were different. She lowered her shields enough to hear her sister.
If you would like someone to save you from Helion, say the word. He's rather persistent tonight.
I'll let you know.
Nesta snapped closed her shields before responding, proudly. "I'm actually training with a small group of female warriors."
"Ah yes, your sister mentioned to Vivianne that you're resurrecting the Valkyries" he said as he spun her.
"We're combining Illyrian techniques with Valkyrie ones." she said.
"Impressive" he said. "The Valkyries were formidable. Once you're organized, perhaps you'd enjoy seeing the Day court's female forces. Lady Vivianne has been helpful since the war." He said, looking where Kallias and Vivianne were dancing.
"I'll think about it." She said. Maybe she wasn't ready to face the real world yet, but maybe... in a few months, or years even, she could be ready, and Gwyn and Emerie could be too.
"And if you ever tire of the Cassian"
FEYRE, she practically yelled in her head, throwing open her shields. She knew exactly where this was going.
"or want someone else to join you..."
"and your m-"
"I think I'd like to dance with my sister-in-law" Rhysand said smoothly. Before she knew it, Rhysand was sweeping Nesta into the dance, barely a beat missed.
"Think about both my offers" Helion said from behind her.
Rhysand laughed, and in this light, with the silver on his face, Nesta could see what her sister described. A light that had been less present the past few months.
"See. Persistent" Rhysand said. "He made a similar offer to Feyre, Azriel, and Mor within an hour of arriving."
"Why doesn't that shock me?" Nesta said. "I'm surprised you cut in."
"Feyre promises. I deliver." he said. "I'm surprised you came tonight" Rhysand responded.
"I live here. I just climbed the stairs" she said dryly, before deciding to make an effort. "Thank you, for rescuing me" she said quietly. Rhysand seemed a bit shocked to hear her.
"Helion is unrelenting." He explained. "I didn't think Cassian would appreciate another male asking me for you hand... And I thought I owed you...After Eris...And threatening you."
"You did, but thank you nonetheless." Rhysand nodded.
They continued dancing for the rest of the song. Nesta didn’t speak, and neither did Rhys, but his eyes had lit up with amusement, as the song came to an end.
"Mor, you owe me 50 gold marks." Rhys said, as he spun Nesta away.
Before she understood his meaning, she landed in Cassian’s arms, but not in a position for dancing. Cassian’s arms were around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder, as her back pressed to his chest.
"Hi." he said.
“Enjoying the party?” Nesta asked coyly, as she turned to face him.
“I am now.” Cassian said, placing a kiss to her temple. When he pulled away, his lips were covered in the starfall dust. He guided her away from the dance floor, where Mor had taken her place in dancing with Rhysand.
Nesta smiled and stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him, only pulling away when her legs screamed in pain. She supposed completing the Blood Rite qualifier, climbing down and up 10,000 steps, and dancing would have that effect on her calves.
Cassian wasted no time in picking her up fully, cradling her to his chest. Nesta gasped in surprise, and then looked sheepishly out to the rest of the party.
“They’ve seen us do much worse, Nes” She laughed and Cassian joined her, brushing his lips to hers once more, as if he wanted to taste that smile. She may always be a little embarrassed by what had happened when she scried. But things were different then- they were together now, and the way Cassian was looking at her now... it was, well it was better than any wine she'd consumed in the past year.
“I suppose they have,” she said, hiding her face in his chest. She let herself enjoy the moment, savor how it felt to be held by him.
Cassian laughed, "It should be winding down now, but there is a better view, if you would like to get out of here."
Nesta nodded.
Cassian flew up to the higher balcony that overlooked the Verdana. "Rhys and Feyre usually hide up here, but they are too busy playing hosts tonight" he said, before setting her down on a blanket, only to pull her into his lap moments later.
She reached up to brush some of his hair out of his face. "You look nice," she said, running her other hand over his cheek, where the starfall dust collected.
"And you're beautiful" he replied, smiling. It was not too long ago that Cassian had struggled to compliment Feyre, and now he hardly hesitated before saying such things. Nesta felt her cheeks redden.
"You’ve had an eventful night” Cassian said. “I thought I'd barely get a chance to dance with you”
Nesta snorted. “I prefer this” she said, leaning into him further.
“I’m in awe of you” Cassian whispered, as his fingers pulled her hair from its messy braid. “You’ve come so far. Conquered so much”
“Thank you.” Nesta said. “For doing it all with me.” Nesta turned in his lap to face him fully, her hair now falling over her shoulders.
“Always” Cassian said, before bringing his lips to her first kiss. “I’m yours. And you’re mine. No matter how many pretty males you dance with.”
“You could have stepped in at any point in time.” she said.
"The others placed bets on how long it would take for me to step in... and I wanted you to enjoy tonight, for this to be a good memory for you.”
“It is. I'm happy” she said softly.
“You’re happy?” He whispered, a half question. She kissed him in response.
"I'm happy too." Cassian said.
"And you're prettier than them." she whispered. Running her thumbs over the silver that coated his lips, and likely coated hers as well.
"Really?" Cassian asked, almost incredulously.
"It was always you, Cass" she said, as it wasn't even a question, because it wasn't. Since they met they were two forces on a collision course, nothing she could have done would have stopped it.
"And I always knew it would be you, Nes" he said, before kissing her again.
She didn’t know how long they stayed there, but after the stars had stopped falling, and the sun began to rise, Cassian carried them back to her rooms.
Nesta fell asleep absolutely exhausted by the day she had. Her body ached, but her heart, her soul, was happy. It was one of the best days since she’s become fae, likely before that even.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Notus (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Lord of the South Wind by the people of Olympius
The Heat by Chi & Aphrodite
Age- 18 (immortal)
Location- Paros, Olympius
Personality- He's very fiery with a quick temper. He's also very energetic, adventurous, & outgoing. He's straight and currently single.
Being the god of summer (and the south wind), he has many abilities. He has the ability to fly, due to his large bright orange wings. He also has the ability of psammokinesis (to control/generate sand), photokinesis, heat immunity, and pyrokinesis (his flame burning a bright orange). He also has limited hydrokinesis and is innately stronger during sunny days. He can induce heat stroke/dehydration to his opponents & he always emits an aura of heat, making others around him start sweating. He can shapeshift into a pegasus as well as communicate with them.
Notus lives in a spacious beach house (on his own private beach). There's also a nearby horse farm. Inside his house, there's a continuous warm breeze blowing and a thin layer of sand on the light wooden floors. His bed (& those of the guest rooms) are hammocks. There's a MASSIVE kitchen island with most of the furniture being made out of wicker, wood, or being woven.
He loves his brothers and is especially close to Zephyrus (god of the west wind). He's currently estranged from Boreas (god of the north wind). Notus has a good relationship with his mom Eváeros (goddess of air & zodiacs). She's often his cloud surfing companion and he loves when she makes the ultra fluffy ambrosia salad!
Notus has a good friendship with Iris & doesn't want his brother to break up with her. He especially likes when the three of them go surfing with them stopping by The Frozen Spoon afterwards, enjoying strawberry sorbets.
His go-to drink is a bellini. He also enjoys beer, pineapple mojitos, mai tais, and a sex on the beach (a drink made with vodka, peach schnapps, grenadine, orange juice, & cranberry juice). His usual from The Roasted Bean are olympian sized fruit punch splashes & iced tea.
He also loves snacking on strawberries, peaches, and watermelon.
For work (aside from working for Zeus), Notus also models for Bow + Arrow & Cerulean Stone. He has also released his debut signature cologne (Wild Heat).
In the pantheon he's good friends with Delphin (god of dolphins), Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, healing, medicine, archery, plague, light, & knowledge), The Hesperides, Phaenna (goddess of jewels), Horme (god of energy), Chrysos (god of gold & riches), Aphrodite (goddess of love & beauty), Dionysus (god of wine), Méli (goddess of bees & honey), Himeros (god of impetuous love), Eos (Titaness of dawn), Hemera (goddess of the day), Zelus (god of envy, jealousy, & zeal), Eupraxia (goddess of well-being & success), Calliope (muse of epic poetry), Pothos (god of longing & yearning), Auxo (goddess of summer, vegetation, & plants), Adranos (god of fire), Erato (muse of love poetry), Aeolus (god of wind), Euterpe (muse of music & lyric poetry), Terpischore (muse of dance), Polyhymnia (muse of hymns), Thalia, and Euphrosyne.
A favorite trip of his was when he along with Adranos, Zeph, and Zelus rode their go-karts along the sand dunes.
A favorite frozen treat of his is strawberry ice cream!
Notus is well known for throwing some of the best summer parties! One of these parties resulted in a one night stand with Pannychis (goddess of nightlife festivities).
He's also the host of the annual Summer Solstice Ball that takes place at the palace on Mt. Olympus.
His favorite meal is garden vegetable rice (with grilled salmon steaks and avocado salsa). He also loves spicy chicken fajitas, shrimp scampi, & a large margherita pizza.
In his free time Notus enjoys being at the beach surfing. He also enjoys playing his ukulele, swimming, tennis, jet-skiing, playing video games, sunbathing, sailing, volleyball, & football (soccer).
"Everything becomes alive on a summer night."
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