#IC Update
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fbiartist · 4 months ago
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"Please don't store human biological material near food stuff. It's highly unsanitary."
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lastbennettwitch · 4 months ago
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"Don't touch those, they're still cooling." It's the only warning given before the spatula swat is the next one. Yes, there are a couple dozen cookies cooling on a rack.
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marshalforgotten · 16 days ago
Deep in one of Uganda's many jungles lied a certain veterinary clinic. Rustic and encompassed by trees, a woman was positioned in front of its entrance; humming as she moved.
A gainer back handspring was done across the overgrown, uneven tree root. Her movements were done with experience as long dress and terrain did little to hinder, disguised primate. Suddenly a tired voice caught attention, halting movements.
"At least one of us seems cheery."
Alkebu-lan looked up, her countenance beaming to greet the familiar voice of vet, but then delight faded upon seeing dark woman's disheveled form.
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"Oh, I do not know about that," she replied, before clearing throat. "More importantly, you look like you have had a busy day."
"Another earthquake happened, again."
At this, Alkebu-lan frowned; her brows furrowing. Maya in turn, sat down on a rock and buried her face in hands.
"There were so many bodies. The poor villagers didn't have a chance, with how their houses are built. And how could they have been? These quakes... something about them feels... unnatural."
There was a silence betwixt them, before Maya looked up; her voice pleading. "Do you know... any creature which might have caused this?"
Upon this question, Alkebu-lan touched her chin.
"I cannot say anything for certain, but one theory springs to mind."
Looks like some investigation was in order. Yet, a part of Alkebu-lan hoped it was not true.
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hopes-memorial · 5 months ago
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"Takara...what... what even is this?"
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"Well, obviously, it's a golden retriever, duh," he says as the puppy let's out a loud bark, making him awww and reach down to pet the little guy.
"I can see that, all right, but... why did you get a dog?!"
"Do I have to spell this out for you? It's a golden retriever! I got him to retrieve gold! I did this for all of us."
There's a pause as Kohaku debates... seriously debates killing him for a moment. On one hand, a pet would be nice to have. They had one their whole lives before everything went to hell, but on the other hand, it's a lot of responsibility and time to train a dog, time that none of them had. She's about to tell him to take it back when his biggest supporter comes into the room, drawn in by the other two siblings arguing.
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Shinju gasps at the sight of the puppy, immediately going over to pet it. "Takara, is this... what's his name?"
"I'm so glad you asked, Shinju, this is my new assistant, Kin. Kin, this is Shinju, my little sister." The puppy, Kin, let's out a bark making Shinju laugh and greet her new best friend while Kohaku sighs and just adds puppy chow to their grocery list, knowing she wasn't going to win this fight.
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the-forsakenlegionnaire · 5 months ago
The unity purrs, its engines sleeping as it floats lazily into the night sky. At times, one could think that Lien-da's vessel was alive, following orders only she knew about.
They have approached a place the grandmaster both hoped and feared they'd ever reach.
Albion. The first bastion of the echidna race. Survivors or not, Lien-da knew, deep within her heart, that as many questions would be unearthed as would answers.
But she was not among those chosen to enter this sacred city. And so, she pondered how to even reach it, without a word, sat down on the beach and watching the waves strike nearby rocks.
In times like those, she almost understood why Glenndolyn enjoyed these long lonely treks so much. Almost.
Keep thinking, Lien-da. Surely an answer will come to you.
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castillon02 · 8 months ago
Jet Twimbly, head chef at the Six cafeteria, works frantically. A lot of agents are on their way home and they've hinted that the Big Snooze may be close to an end, which means...
They need to make the big adjustment from serving glucose bags and snacks to serving an international menu of delicious meals again!
Jet Twimbly is proud of working with the B Team. It's been a crazy month but it's been fun!
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reactivatedrockstar · 8 months ago
It was kind of a weird sentiment. Bonnie was seldom the type to be so vain that he felt the need to have all the attention on him. However, when the company, historically, had thrown an annual week-long birthday event for him in Bonnie Bunny's Birthday Bash, it was... strange to see zero mention of it.
Even more so when older patrons would ask about it, and employees would sweep it under the rug, as if the events of the past never happened.
He supposed it made sense. He wasn't an active character anym... right now. Since he hadn't been fixed yet, it didn't make sense to throw a party event for a character who couldn't publicly show up. It was completely understandable...
...and yet it still stung. He didn't understand why, but he knew it stung, like a pang to the part of his chest that didn't hurt. It didn't exactly feel great to be forgotten, least of all on the anniversary of the day he was very first activated.
...At least... he could find solace in knowing that his friends wouldn't forget. They probably had something planned for him once the Pizzaplex was closed, and all the guests were gone.
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stardusted-hearts · 2 years ago
┉┅╍─ ✨ ─╍┅┉
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What started out as a quick run through the forest had suddenly taken a dangerous turn for Sonic. At the very corner of his vision he saw the glint and shine of glitchy red cubes. It stopped him dead in his tracks as his heart jumped into his throat, quills and fur on end.
"No... no you're seeing things," Sonic tried to assure himself before shaking his head, but the visions kept popping up.
"I'm still in the cage." There was so much sadness in his voice.
"NO! I'm not- don't-" Hands clasped the side of his head, shutting his eyes tight.
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"I'm still in that damn cage, I never got out…" Star continued to mumble to himself repetitively as he opened his eyes again, but they were horribly distant.
Lost in his confusion he began wandering aimlessly, the hallucinations becoming stronger with every step. Even the trees that normally brought him such comfort began to distort and resemble the bars of a prison cell.
Then he froze. Staring at a phantom of his greatest fear. All the color and warmth drained from his face, dizziness washed over his mind... and then he fell.
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years ago
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He's going to continue watching you all today.
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dsh-bangladesh · 5 days ago
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ডায়াবেটিসে কাদের আক্রান্ত হবার ঝুঁকি বেশি?
• যারা নিয়মিত হাঁটাচলা বা শারীরিক পরিশ্রম করেন না
• অলস বা অনিয়ন্ত্রিত জীবনযাপন করেন
• নারীদের গর্ভাবস্থায় ডায়াবেটিস রোগ হতে পারে
• যাদের হৃদরোগ রয়েছে
• রক্তে কোলেস্টেরল বেশি
• উচ্চ রক্তচাপ রয়েছে
• পরিবারের কারও ডায়াবেটিস থাকলে
• অতিরিক্ত ওজন
• অগ্ন্যাশয়, পলিসিস্টিক ডিম্বাশয় সিন্ড্রোম থাকলে
• ৪৫ বছরের বেশি বয়স
ঢাকা স্পেশালাইজড হসপিটাল লিঃ
৭৮, গাউসুল আজম এভিনি���, সেক্টর-১৩, উত্তরা, ঢাকা-১২৩০
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fbiartist · 5 months ago
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"Ride or Die is strictly for besties." This is why she usually ends up dating people who she's been friends with for years. It's both a perk and a problem.
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lastbennettwitch · 4 months ago
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"Can I have a nap? Just like, a small one. Five minutes, it's all I'm asking."
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lilbluespeedster · 9 months ago
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"The day just sneaks up on you, doesn't it."
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uchihasavior · 1 year ago
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the-forsakenlegionnaire · 6 months ago
Lounging, she ponders the direction her life has taken, as of lately. She warms herself up with the burning remains of the papers she was given to sign and look into (not necesserally in that order), leg crossed as the faint light of the evening outside provides a comfortable atmosphere.
Only aurora knew if this was meant to last.
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buabloomed · 2 years ago
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lifeblooms: Making cinnamon rolls. Don't they look so darling?
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