elbdot · 1 year
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In honor of posting my SEVENTH Fairy type yesterday it felt only appropriate to make this meme
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crezz-star · 11 months
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So… I finally made a One piece OC.
All due to the idea I've been imagining today. A what if Luffy and the crew met someone who, very uncanny, looks and sounds like Ace.
Thus… Jean was made. ✏️✏️✏️
Info at read more ( it is a messy ramble format so beware. )
He was born as a slave to the celestial dragons, after his parents was caught while his mother was pregnant to him.
He grew up with an isolated understanding that he really was just that. A slave, until he died. his parents would die just a few years in from the torture done to them. While Jean still lives on. He would meet Boa and the others who was like him telling him that there was more to the world than their servitude. But he was way too unmovable with his mentality that he will die like that, that he thinks they're just being dumb he would get depressed as time passed, so when the freeing of slaves at Mary Geoise by fisher tiger came, he was too weak to even move and being mistaken as already dead, he was left there.
but he is still alive and would later then be dumped on auction houses by his current owner. where he would, surprisingly be given better treatment by his fellow slaves as well as taken care of.
he would meet different kinds of people in the auction houses. where he would learn about the world and eventually wanting to be free.
Jean is at the auction house at sabaody, the place where luffy destroyed and punched a celestial dragon. he's in his cat form. and thats the moment he finally achieved freedom.
he hears about the man who freed them and made it his missiong to thank him. maybe even join the adventures of his savior if allowed the two years he spent wandering around, would be the time he would stumble upon the graphite graphite fruit, which what would also help him get stronger, learning to fight on his own as well.
once he deems himself strong enough, he would seek out luffy and his crew to finally and hopefully thank him and ask to join him. hoping to be able to create drawings of the landscape in the places they would visit.
how he met the crew:
after punk hazard. on the way to dressrosa ( they arrived at a small island where Jean is currently in, to restock ). Jean saw their ship, transformed into his cat/tiger form and went into the ship.
once the crew left the island. he's already there. and when everyone saw him. they just though he was some cat.
chopper was the first who was talking to him and chopper thought he was a stray and Jean just went with it for a while.
everyone treated him like some pet. until one morning where he poofed back to his human form.
everyone was in panic. but when he showed that he was their pet. ( he was VERY PROUD to be called the pet of the strawhats ) everyone was a bit freaked not because of that but he looks and sounds like ace.
everyone is very shaken especially luffy and thught he was some evil guy using ace's face
jean explained that they saved him at sabaody, that he was one of the slaves at the auction house.
he would always use his cat form after seeing how shaken luffy is with him. not minding being in cat from one bit. so long as he lets him join them.
luffy does eventually let him join. at first only referring to him as 'pet cat' to finally calling him by name 'jean'
Jean is part of the mature group of the crew.
he does have similar personality as Ace but he likes to tease the younger ones a lot. especially making Zoro feel jelly by being too close to Luffy
yes this is ZoLuccentric
Jean is pushing Zoro and Luffy to realize their 'feelings' for one another.
Jean is 28
Jean loves hot chocolate as it reminds him of his mother. the only thing that his mother ever made him.
Jean's weapon of choice is his foot. making his battle style a bit similar to Sanji ( careful not to harm his hands anymore, wanting to paint )
but he does still use his hands when he uses his devil fruit. he fighs like a martial artist'
Jean's devil fruit is a good conductor of fire so he always have a lighter with him. he sets fire to his graphite which creates the illusion that he uses fire. ( another thing that makes him unsettling for Luffy and the crew.
his devil fruit is logia type. his graphite can be sand like crocodile and or liquid ish like candle and or can be solid as well.
Jean would most likely always be found at high places in places they visit, to paint / draw
jean is 6'5"
he and usopp get along well because of their artistic side.
he can do recon missions well because of his ability to transform to a cat
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plansexualford · 1 month
As a long time billford truther (this blog may be new but I’m not.) I’m so happy to see the revival of a ship that was once so misunderstood.
Below is my not so little rant about my frustrations with “but it’s toxic” people and the disservice it does in undermining not only fans’ intelligence but lowkey the writing of the content we’ve been given. Also, a bit on how fandoms in general seem to dismiss the use of ships (unless canonized/written directly into the story) as a medium to tell complex, and sometimes uncomfortable stories.
The frustration I have towards the people that act like they’re high and mighty for saying “billford is ironic, you shouldn’t actually ship it cause it’s toxic” or some variation of treating it as a joke or untouchable that piss me off for multiple reasons.
1. We know, you are not smarter or superior for acknowledging a fact that is crystal clear to see and is literally the most common way that dynamic is explored. Like wow, congrats on providing such valuable insight that none of us saw before. The only times I ever see it not explored in that way has maybe been through pre-betrayal interactions and what ifs.
Not to say there are NEVER clear misreadings (not aus/or fixits/etc. just poor understandings) of their characters that are devoid of what makes them—them, but I fear I truly dgaf and just wince and move on.
2. It is in my opinion, infinitely worse (edit: and honestly a sign of immaturity) to want the allusions to a toxic relationship to be jokes instead of simply accepting that a relationship did happens in canon, whether it happened platonically or romantically (though there is more subtext that 12 y/o me would have never I’d ever imagined reading as an adult for that latter recently.) It should be taken seriously, given that the book clearly wants us to, otherwise the allusions in the book and thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com would not exist in the way that they do. Why would you rather something like that be a joke instead of allowing yourself to sit with and accept discomfort?
Ultimately billford is twisted, it’s horrifying to imagine, it’s a tragically awful train-wreck we can’t look away from. After all that, Ford’s resolve is honestly healing. And if we see interesting, complex stories/art/musings to tell from this dynamic, what’s wrong with that?
Lastly, the source material is a Y7-V Disney Channel show that premiered over 10 years ago, we’re (I assume mostly) adults now. Unclench.
P.S. I’m being unserious when I say this but “toxic yaoi/yuri ” is apparently trend and y’all can’t handle a yellow triangle demon and a grown man from a Y7-V series? Smh. Take every variation of that phrase out your tumblr bio immediately, you don’t deserve it.
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a-leg-without-fear · 9 days
Grumpy Man
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i found a white colored pencil. i am UNSTOPPABLE
(example below cut)
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smittenskitten · 4 months
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Is this Sun Jae in the new future where he continues his swimming career!!!!
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huimangi · 2 months
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3x06 | 3x08
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rookfeatherrambles · 3 months
Martin SEES Jon for the first time ASMR
The first thing Martin notices is that the high ceiling is open to the night sky, strewn impossibly with a billion stars and the distant, round moon. It steals his attention as surely as anything, and his stomach swoops with sudden vertigo as he struggles to understand the impossibility presented to him. After a few seconds of staring, it clicks that it's a painting, an immaculate rendition of the heavens done with a skilled and loving hand.
He tears his eyes from the nightscape and looks at the floor beneath his feet, but feels no better. The floor is polished black marble as smooth as glass, and Martin blinks rapidly, trying to dispel the irrational fear of drowning in it should he step foot into the room. He can see his reflection in it, faint and dishevelled. To distract himself, he casts about the room for something that makes sense. There’s lamps on the bare rock walls with crystal shades that cast the space in a soft, inviting electric glow, even though electricity should not be running this far underground, varying pieces of furniture, curtains but no windows, and every wall is covered in bookshelves that are packed from top to bottom. Martin inhales, and the faint scent of aged paper and cardamom fills his lungs. 
Is he dreaming now? Did he hit his head somewhere when he was running, was he actually lying concussed in the tunnels? Because…this just doesn’t seem real. The quiet rasp of a page turning has him jumping almost out of his skin. He’s not alone, but he’d entirely missed the thin figure draped comfortably over the chaise lounge in one of the corners.Their long, elegant brown fingers turn the page again, and Martin stares. He’s never seen someone so…pretty and it stalls his thoughts to a grinding halt. So it is a dream, then.
The person has long, curling black hair shot through with what Martin’s poet heart can only describe as ‘starlight’ grey streaks, and the white clothing draped over their form is styled in a way that seems both effortless and also consciously done. They lift a hand to gently brush a twisting lock of hair from their face and the fabric, which Martin is realising might just be a sheet or other loose garment, slips down over their slender shoulder. They seem so engrossed in the book, that Martin doesn’t know if he should clear his throat or make an ungraceful exit. He just takes in their face in silence, their high cheekbones, soft looking lips, long lashes, aquiline nose and heavy eyebrows drawn down with concentration. Their eyes are dark brown, almost black, and again, it might be the poet in him, but they bring to his mind ponds of murky water. Peaceful but perilously and deceivingly deep. He watches their irises dance back and forth across the pages and feels some kind of way.
Another page turns, and then the person shifts, lets out a soft breath and Martin’s attention is drawn to the soft grey blanket he thought had been laying over them. Then it moves. The wing shakes itself, lifting up off their hip and extending in a stretch, revealing subtle green and blue grey eye spots decorating the feathers, like the most modest of peacocks, and Martin’s mind refuses to comprehend what he’s seeing. He’s frozen in place as the angel props themself up on the chaise lounge, their hair falling down like ink and silver waterfalls, and he watches them grip the page they were reading and in one smooth motion, tear it free. 
The ripping sound breaks Martin from the spell. He makes some kind of noise, and the figure stills what it is doing, which is placing the small, folded page onto its tongue. They lift their head and stare directly into Martin’s eyes, jaw working smoothly, chewing. Martin feels pinned by the intensity of that stare, and his lips part to apologise for intruding, or to demand to know what the hell is going on, to say something, anything, but he can’t. The angel swallows, Martin tracking the bob of their throat, and registers dimly that it ate the page. And then, after a moment of staring, a look of confusion and uncertainty crosses the creature’s face, and it speaks, voice soft. “...Jonah?”
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the-bi-fangirl-biatch · 11 months
i bet mobius talks loki thru it.....
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ritsmew-sakunya · 1 year
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👍💗 aaa
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
guys the fact that i was writing a mini character study of Eurylochus and the thunder saga just confirms it all for me!!!!!
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granolora · 5 months
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soullistrations · 2 months
um, woah?
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 6 months
You said in a previous post that Kai is Olivia's confidence. How would she react if something really bad happens to him (like almost dying or something) and the same goes for Kai (We know that they're pretty close even if they frequently end up fighting when they're together).
(lol you sure jumped on that one quick–)
And I actually can't go into specifics for this because spoilersssss aahahahahaha :'D
Buuuuut given both their general dispositions, I doubt either would react very well. A very "this could have been avoided" sort of thing, perhaps?
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thebroccolination · 1 year
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disabled-dragoon · 1 year
Today I got my first archery achievement 🥳[partying face emoji]
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oldwomanyuri123 · 2 months
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