#lowkey scared this will cause controversy
plansexualford · 1 month
As a long time billford truther (this blog may be new but I’m not.) I’m so happy to see the revival of a ship that was once so misunderstood.
Below is my not so little rant about my frustrations with “but it’s toxic” people and the disservice it does in undermining not only fans’ intelligence but lowkey the writing of the content we’ve been given. Also, a bit on how fandoms in general seem to dismiss the use of ships (unless canonized/written directly into the story) as a medium to tell complex, and sometimes uncomfortable stories.
The frustration I have towards the people that act like they’re high and mighty for saying “billford is ironic, you shouldn’t actually ship it cause it’s toxic” or some variation of treating it as a joke or untouchable that piss me off for multiple reasons.
1. We know, you are not smarter or superior for acknowledging a fact that is crystal clear to see and is literally the most common way that dynamic is explored. Like wow, congrats on providing such valuable insight that none of us saw before. The only times I ever see it not explored in that way has maybe been through pre-betrayal interactions and what ifs.
Not to say there are NEVER clear misreadings (not aus/or fixits/etc. just poor understandings) of their characters that are devoid of what makes them—them, but I fear I truly dgaf and just wince and move on.
2. It is in my opinion, infinitely worse (edit: and honestly a sign of immaturity) to want the allusions to a toxic relationship to be jokes instead of simply accepting that a relationship did happens in canon, whether it happened platonically or romantically (though there is more subtext that 12 y/o me would have never I’d ever imagined reading as an adult for that latter recently.) It should be taken seriously, given that the book clearly wants us to, otherwise the allusions in the book and thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com would not exist in the way that they do. Why would you rather something like that be a joke instead of allowing yourself to sit with and accept discomfort?
Ultimately billford is twisted, it’s horrifying to imagine, it’s a tragically awful train-wreck we can’t look away from. After all that, Ford’s resolve is honestly healing. And if we see interesting, complex stories/art/musings to tell from this dynamic, what’s wrong with that?
Lastly, the source material is a Y7-V Disney Channel show that premiered over 10 years ago, we’re (I assume mostly) adults now. Unclench.
P.S. I’m being unserious when I say this but “toxic yaoi/yuri ” is apparently trend and y’all can’t handle a yellow triangle demon and a grown man from a Y7-V series? Smh. Take every variation of that phrase out your tumblr bio immediately, you don’t deserve it.
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lorelite333 · 5 months
Musician AU Headcannons for the Redacted Cast
(if you know me, no you dont. ik i said i would post it sooner, but i lied- i never post here but its wtvs, credits to Moxy for the question) Shaw Pack David, Milo, Asher, and Christian are a band; they make music similar to Arctic Monkey Christian is that one bass guy who people call controversial and has issues with teamwork, but the team loves him anyways and he tries Milo used to do more indie folk music, like Noah Khan but branches out into more of a Hozier (the growls- sorry ur girl dying here) The band used to be a garage band before everything started, David is lead, Milo is vocals/guitarist, Asher is drummer, and Christian is the bassist. DAMN Crew Freelancer used to be a choir kid, which sprouted them into doing contemporary music in their early years but gave up on it for their dream profession. Their music was just a hobby and they knew it would never go mainstream.
Damien was a band kid, he'd be take a lot of inspiration from Ghost or The Googoo Dolls
Huxley would totally be into drums, but it never got far enough into his hyperfixation to actually become a focusing hobby, let alone a profession.
House of Solaire (ft. Baz)
Vincent & Porter would take inspo from Evanscense and The Frays, they were a duo but had a falling out which caused them to stop their music careers and focus on their own things. William used to play the violin and cello, but stopped when he became a vamp Alexis was a ghost singer, she would sing for an old friend of hers until they double crossed her. She vowed to never sing another note for those who dont deserve her voice. Baz can play electric guitar, not for any professional reason, but they learned for a hobby and even played in few local shows, but never took it any farther. Sovereign State Avior used to actually CRUSH with his vocals and guitar skills, he was really popular before he "went missing", some speculate that his disappearance was staged and covered up by the media, local theorists use his "tragedy" as a way to scare people off. He's called The Rockstar Poltergeist.
Contemporary (ft. Anton, James, and Geordi) Geordi plays the ukelele, taking inspiration from TheBoyWithUke Anton and James used to play acoustic guitar, and did a few local shows as well but kept it lowkey. It was never supposed to be something to impress people. Guy and Honey were a duo, I personally think they strive towards something like Willow or Halsey. Ollie used to busk during his teenage years, playing at small cafés
(I got lazy tryna tag everything- anyways you can use my box to ask my any questions and I'll give you my headcannons!!)
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i know that its largely a bad decision to rob Ruby of even MORE narrative relevance in her own fucking show, but i can't help but think it would be thematically cool if Yang was the one with Silver Eyes like the Light theming is already there. Like I imagine it's a thing where her eyes turn silver instead of red, which people in-universe remark is really unusual, but actually kind of handy because it makes her power a bit less identifiable. and the whole "you have to want to protect people" thing goes hand in hand with being a big sister. I imagine her tradeoff for the unusual "not always silver" trait is that her powers aren't necessarily weaker, per se, but they are less "stable", and she has particular issues with control. Which ties into her pre-existing issues with poor control in other aspects of how she conducts herself, and at least provides a stronger excuse than the show gives Ruby for being so slow to improve the Silver Eyes. the emotional aspect of using them could also be used to dig deeper into Yang's motives, like, have her start actively reflecting on how her initial reasons to be a Hunter are not necessarily *bad*, but they're kind of shallow and self-centered, being more about her own sense of freedom and excitement than anything else. And giving Raven Silver Eyes would actually be pretty damn interesting IMO. That whole Darth Vader-ish vibe of "You were basically the Chosen One, and you completely fucking blew it", along with at least *sort of* making up for how in canon, she basically hemorrhages most of her cool points and comes off as way more pathetic by the end of V5 (Also, Cinder would probably be lowkey scared pissless of her, which would ALSO be fascinating) Meanwhile, I think Ruby's continued relevance would actually *stem* from this change. Have Ruby know this is a big deal before the show even starts, because Yang awakened them to protect *her*. Have this basically serve to put Yang on a higher pedestal in her mind, which has the tradeoff of making her try harder and have a bigger desire to prove herself in exchange for being more of a psychological burden on her. (Also, giving her a chance to talk about this with Weiss and having them realize they have something in common because this increases Yang's parallels to Winter a bit could be interesting, and I don't even ship Whiterose all that strongly) Speaking of Ruby proving herself, it could be interesting to see her introduced with more focus on this increased desire to prove herself conflicting with a desire to "be normal". Which, when combined, I think basically becomes a sort of perfectionism caused by a somewhat fragile ego: "I want attention and praise, but I'm also terrified of rumors and controversy, and don't want anybody getting the wrong idea about me"
Oh look... another Weiss connection... even if it is really more like "doing different work to arrive at very outwardly similar conclusions" And simultaneously a means of being a Blake foil, as I imagine Blake here is sort of the opposite, perfectly willing to be an unsung hero and let people think what they want about her, at least to an extent. (the extent's limits being that she is initially still worried about that going so far as to legitimately threaten her safety and peace of mind, hence the ribbon)
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giggly-squiggily · 6 months
Fruits basket for the ship ask?
Ayo, this will be the last ask I'm answering for the game! :3 (Unless someone sends me Black Clover or Blue Lock- what who said that? jk, jk, just making jokes)
I've gotcha anon! :3
Ask game
lowkey otp: Hatori and Mayuko! They're beyond adorable, and I'm such a Hatori fan; but their relationship isn't that far up for me in terms of favorites. It's amazing, don't get me wrong- I just have a few more I really like above them.
highkey notp: Akito and Shigure. I'm happy for them, but they're not a ship I wish to explore any more than what we got in the show.
[softly] don’t notp: This might be controversial but Katsuya and Kyoko. I'm happy they're a thing cause we get Tohru, and when you first watch Prelude, they seem like a really sweet couple that genuinely loved one another. It's when you peel back the layers and really think about it things get....dicey. Like Akito and Shigure, I'll leave it at the show and not delve into it further. 😅
highkey otp but i’m scared of saying it because it’s not a very popular choice: I don't really know if any of the fruits basket ships are unpopular? I don't really have any alternate pairings beyond what the show gave us; so I'm gonna have to skip this one- sorry!
highkey otp and anyone on my tumblr knows it: Tohru and Kyo! They're just so dang precious and sweet and lovely and deserve the world and some! Also Yuki and Machi- they're cute too! I just really love them both with my whole chest <3
Thanks for asking!
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xplrvibes · 2 years
Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I fell in love with Buzzfeed Unsolved because it was the first time ghost hunting ever looked kinda fun. Every other show I’d ever seen was so overly dramatic and serious and clearly trying to pull something out of nothing a lot of the time but Shane and Ryan kinda brought it down to earth for a lot of people. Sure, maybe that had bad ripple effects for the paranormal community cause now everybody’s trying to get in on it and to some, it is a very serious subject that shouldn’t be messed around with but it was the first ghost hunting show that I remember being really entertained by that not only allowed for humor and jokes at the absurdity that ghost hunting can be sometimes but also felt real considering they usually didn’t get much evidence at all. To me, a lot of people tend to get tired when ghost hunters manage to get evidence at every place they go to even if the backstory of the location is controversial and maybe not true (and to be honest snc are lowkey starting to feel this way to me). And again, it was just so fun! I think that anon was right in terms of it coming out at just the right time when ghost hunting shows were being perceived as kinda stupid. It was that genre - for lack of a better term - a new life. At the time, it was a different type of ghost hunting show and a lot of people seemed to really grasp onto that. Shane and Ryan’s dynamic helped an insane amount too considering they play off of each other so well and both have an insanely quick wit that make for some hilarious moments. I doubt it would’ve become as popular as it did if the guy before Shane had stayed on or if Shane and Ryan’s dynamic wasn’t so enjoyable to witness. Shane also brought this vibe that didn’t seem to be allowed on ghost hunting shows at the time. He questioned things but usually wasn’t completely illogical. He was a big reason as to why skeptics were suddenly interested in a ghost hunting show. It was just two dudes who happened to be a believer and a skeptic going on little ghost hunting adventures together. That’s just my opinion and I say all of this while happily admitting that I heavily preferred the true crime series lol
I don't think that's an unpopular opinion at all, anon! The beautiful thing about the paranormal world (and everything in life, I suppose) is that it's not monolith. There's so many layers to it, so many facets. Some people enjoy the high drama of it all, more than the actual true evidence being caught. Some people don't even watch any of these shows, not even Shane and Ryan, because they think it's all too disrespectful and/or fake. There are people who prefer actually going out and joining paranormal societies and trying to get answers on their own, vs living vicariously throigh others. Some people scare easily; some people don't scare at all. Some lean more towards believing in the psychic/empathic side of the paranormal, while other prefer to see the scientific equipment show them proof.
Everyone's different, and everyone wants different things from their paranormal content because of that.
And the other beautiful thing about it is, with the invention of youtube...there's going to be someone out there who's show is catered to your need and preferences and desires. Back in my day, you had two choices- Ghost Adventures, or Ghost Hunters. Now, I watched GA for the lol's, cause Zak is always a party and a half...but if I wanted something that genuinely made me go "oh wow," I'd turn on Ghost Hunters.
But now, there is a choice for pretty much every one of those endless layers as mentioned above. Your preferences will almost always be able to align with someone.
Clearly, judging by viewcounts, I think the two most popular preferences these days are the more scaled back, fun and sarcastic but not really over the top, skeptical approach type of content that Shane and Ryan produce; or the balls to the wall, turned to 11, believing in the paranormal and the psychic and the science of it all approach that Sam and Colby take.
Are either wrong? No! It's preference.
I love Shane and Ryan's humor and their calmness, but I personally prefer someone at least showing me something (that I can then try to debunk myself lol) that makes me feel like there's something out there, you know? So that's where I fall on the spectrum. Like, I'll watch Shane and Ryan for the lol's, but I'll watch Sam and Colby to scratch a "there must be something out there" itch. But it's a spectrum, and not a constitutional law, so we're all kinda gonna be all over the place.
Did I answer your question? I don't think I did. I haven't had caffeine yet. 🤣
Oh, I remember the other half now! Shane and Ryan and their dynamic!
I think their dynamic plays another huge part in their success- they have a great chemistry and rapport with one another, and they are clearly fond of one another. They also play off each other well in terms of the push and pull that goes on between a believer and a non-dickish skeptic lol.
And now that I think about it, it's kind of funny that the two really big youtubers in the genre right now (I know there are tons and tons more, but these two seem to be the upper echelon right now), are both comprised of duos who became really great friends and sort of fell into this weird ride together. Shane and Ryan are the 100% less codependent version of Sam and Colby, which is just interesting to me.
Genuine friendships, chemistry, and comraderie go a long way, I guess.
Ok, now I'm for real done lol.
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caprisun-venus · 3 years
my friend is simping for childe so i’ve decided to start a gofundme for their therapy
pls donate they need serious help for simping for a cishet white ginger gemini man.😐
and that goes for the rest of the tartaglia nation as well😐
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yemilnisu · 4 years
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nisu entries:
a part two because i said so 🥴 i really enjoy these and you guys seems to enjoy it too i assume 💀 and i may or may not have a part 3 in my drafts ksksks
warning: swearing
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「part 1」
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Kenma: i don’t think anybody wants to spend any time here (earth)
Kuroo: that! so they (aliens) just blow it up.
Kenma: oh. *shrugs* if that happens, who cares?
Kuroo: i care because i live here!
Kenma: yeah, but then everyone's dead so nothing matters and that's kinda cool. i mean, what a privilege it would be-
Kuroo: you sound like a movie villain right now!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Suna: i'm not even thinking that. i'm tweetin' and i'm streaming. wait- do i have my significant social media followers?
Osamu: you don’t have any following at this point 'cause you're suna rintaro in the timeline where you're at nasa.
Suna: …oh. i don’t even wanna live.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Matsukawa: you know, this was supposed to be the season of respecting ghosts and every time i've tried to do that, you yell at me to disrespect them.
Oikawa: i'm telling you to be true to who you are.
Matsukawa: i mean, that is certainly valid.
Oikawa: (laughs)
Matsukawa: 'cause i am living a lie otherwise because we're talking to air!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Akaashi: oh, i see it. there's a bird right there.
Bokuto: oh, there's a bunch up there. hey, bros.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Nishinoya: you know, i didn’t walk down west cell block.
*nishinoya humming and walking to west cell block*
Nishinoya: it's nice over here, i like it.
(high pitched whistling)
(distant thudding)
Nishinoya: *stops*
Nishinoya: if that's somebody up there, make that noise again in your cell.
(distant thud)
Nishinoya: ha-ha i fucking hate this place. i really do.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Voice: (whispers) atsumu.
Atsumu: who is that?
Atsumu: *looking around for the voice* *lowkey scared*
Osamu: do you hear the little whispers?
Atsumu: please.
Osamu: oops. (laughs)
Suna: *behind the camera snickering because he was the one who suggested it*
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Lev: oh fuck, i forgot the spirit box, shit.
Kenma: go get it!
Lev: my hands are full 🥺
Kenma: well, try your best.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Bokuto: *baby voice* it's a little cockroach. you seen any ghosts up here, fella?
Kuroo: (laughs)
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Ushijima: do you feel like you have someone else's thoughts?
Tendou: sometimes.
Ushijima: that wasn't the question. i think you misunderstood me.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kuroo: so right now, we’re in the captain's quarters.
Kuroo: is there anybody in here that wants to speak to us?
Bokuto: spill your beans, buddy.
Kuroo: what did you do on this ship?
Bokuto: he probably commanded it.
Kuroo: you know, i was asking him.
Bokuto: what'd you do on this ship?
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Tanaka: if you'd like us to leave and shut up, which frankly almost anybody who interacts with us for more than five minutes would like us to do, move something.
Nishinoya: spank us on the bottom!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Sakusa: i mean, this sink is absolutely disgusting. this is maybe the scariest thing i’ve seen in all six seasons of this show.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Oikawa: *waving at his reflection*
Oikawa: always nice to see a friendly face.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Sakusa: i don’t know why people think darkness is actually scary because i can’t see anything. it was scarier when the lights were on 'cause i could see you know filth, things falling apart.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Semi: (knocking) let's boogie, folks! little guy needs a win. ghost, that would be great. if you got a mummy or a vampire, also good. i think he'd also count that as sort of proof of the supernatural.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Tsukishima: please haunt me! i’m begging you to haunt me! scare the shit out of me! do something! (laughs)
Tsukishima: how many times do i have to plead with air, with nothing? i’m speaking to no one right now.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Shirabu: if you don’t pop out, then i’ve wasted several years of my life. i mean, i went to college, and my major was not ghost hunting.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Osamu: what's 'tsumu doing in there? who the hell knows? he's probably gonna take out his little spirit box.
*meanwhile at atsumu*
Atsumu: i’m gonna fire up the spirit box now. i am shaking 'cause i’m so scared 😄
*back to osamu*
Osamu: it’s probably gonna say something that doesn’t sound like any words any human's ever spoken.
*back to atsumu*
(spirit box blares)
Spirit box: "do it"
Atsumu: oh shit!
*back to osamu*
Osamu: he'll probably respond to it like he's sitting across the table from a friend, playing scrabble.
*back to atsumu*
Atsumu: did you say ‘do it’ or 'tsumu?
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Sugawara: old timey jails, very fun to visit... and that’s all i’ve got to say about that *sips coffee*
Asahi: (chuckles) nothing about the ghouls?
Sugawara: there will be no ghouls, there will be dust, there will be noises that you, you know, pee your pants over.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Matsukawa: oh?
Hanamaki: ooh, a nice little drum hit.
Matsukawa: yeah, we got a beatboxing demon in here?
Hanamaki: oh, shit, another one!
Matsukawa: *starts beatboxing*
Hanamaki: 🎶 my name is makki and i’m here to say. we’re the baddest ghost hunters in the usa. hunting demons and ghouls too 🎶
(unintelligible sound from the spirit box)
Hanamaki: what?
Matsukawa: *beatboxing*
Hanamaki: wait, hold on, we actually got a response!
Matsukawa: *still beatboxing*
Hanamaki: stop beatboxing! (laughing)
Matsukawa: huh, oh, sorry.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Koganegawa: *whispering* choo choo pickle pie.
Futakuchi: (wheeze) choo choo pickle pie, what the f--?
Koganegawa: i don’t know. i’m just thinking of a funny thing a ghost could whisper
Futakuchi: (wheeze)
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Tendou: and by the way, if you want a little more one-on-one time with the tsutomu here, he'll be here alone soon enough.
Goshiki: …
Tendou: *backing away while keeping eye contact with goshiki *
Goshiki: it’s a long way to back out. you gonna keep that speed going?
Tendou: is the door behind me?
Goshiki: it’s close.
Tendou: *still backing away but carefully trying to avoid the door without looking behind him and eye contact still on goshiki*
Goshiki: did that work out the way you wanted?
Tendou: *still backing away*
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kageyama: you gonna sit in that chair? we’re not allowed to.
Hinata: oh, yeah.
Kageyama: but we are the internet's paranormal bad boys.
Hinata: (chuckle) that’s right, were controversial.
Kageyama: we’re planning cheek to chair, baby. you ain’t gonna stop me.
Hinata: i’m sitting in that thing bare ass.
Kageyama: i’m gonna give that thing a high-five with my butt cheeks.
*later at the location*
Kageyama: yeah, not gonna happen, i’m not sitting on that.
Hinata: that looks like a death trap.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Shirabu: the human mind, if it’s looking for something, it'll find something. and he's going to find something. and it will destroy him.
Goshiki: holy shit. it felt like something walked past me twice, one from the right side, once on the left side.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Akaashi: it’s gone quiet now and i’m afraid he’s dead.
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just answer this form to be added to my tag list!
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dolokhoded · 3 years
me starting to actually write this even though it still very obviously has some plot wholes
that ralbert au where race commits war crimes
i think it's really cute
so pulitzer is the big bad guy here for i'm basic reasons
has created some,, weird ass dumb ass evil empire
destroyed a couple towns
caused some battles
divided the world
y'know. stuff like that.
starting off with some spicy unfinished plot 🤩 but lbh it doesn't really matter anyways we're all just here for ralbert
anyways, race and al's families? pretty big part of that.
they're both supposed to take over their fathers' jobs when they grow up
said jobs basically being,, in charge of,,, unleashing people to raid entire towns and burn them to the ground
they grew up side by side, have always been best friends, never seen without each other
but understandably when they started growing up and understanding what was going on around them it,,,,,,, troubled them
and they dealed with it Very Differently
albert did Not like it
he was angry, and he was sad that this was what he was supposed to become and he was already never close with his family so it wasn't really hard for him to decide he didn't want anything to do with them anymore
race,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, okay look
deep inside him race knew what was going on was,,, s o wrong
but race was also from a big tight family, it was so much easier for him to just,,,,,, shut all of that out and pretend he was just doing what was better for them
it was hard for him, it was his family
still you can understand how well it went for them when albert left and race refused to go with him
they were 17 at the time
people against pulitzer's whole thing were obviously not very,,,,,,,,, well appreciated?
the moment albert ran away he was art of the defiance. he was a traitor.
but he was also still dasilva's son and they wanted them on their side, so they wouldn't seriously hurt him
doesn't mean they stopped looking for him
he shared an apartment with romeo and finch for a while, it was in a pretty lowkey neighborhood and they covered for him
and through them he met the rest of the newsies :) who actively helped in trying to help people who's homes were destroyed by pulitzer
there were people actively fighting him too but the newsies were mostly in charge of that
well, until albert and his non-existent impulse control arrived anyways
cause look,,,,, race was being trained for a reason, and eventually he took over
so when you see this ur ex-best friend who you're in love with but have a lot of repressed feelings for, both good and bad, that you decide to dump in the 'im angry' pile and just pretend you hate him and no longer care about him,,,,, fighting occurs
and there was a bit of controversy about albert joining them because "it's the dasilva boy romeo he was specifically trained to kick our asses" but that slowly turns into "yea ok he's very legit but for the love of god someone s t o p him the next time he tries to kiLL SOMEONE-"
that's a hyperbole, of course. even as rivals, albert wouldn't kill race. he barely even hurts him.
if anything, he even kind of looks out for him
he knows he's not supposed to but somehow he still can't bring himself to let race get hurt
besides let's be honest, most of their encounters are just an excuse to bitch at each other, they'd never do anything they know would seriously hurt the other
they know each other pretty well, they grew up together, they know each other's strengths and weaknesses
which is a pretty big advantage for them, honestly
enter,,,, albert dasilva's galaxy brain and the newsies' favorite game
Is Albert A Strategic Genius Or Is He Just In Love With Race
"no i've got this i know race!! i can use that against him!!!! i can guess his every move!!!! that's how well i know him!!!! i can recognize him in a room of like a billion people!!!!! it's my ultra strategic mind!!!! i can tell the sound of his voice from miles away!!!! it's because im so invested!!!!"
specs is like "in the mission or in race"
"you're chronically dumb"
"S T R A T E G I C M I N D."
albert really came in like well race's plan's gonna be ruined cause IM IN LOVE WITH HIM >:) what a fuckin loser
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all this aside,,,,,,, albert never stops trying to get race on their side .
now RACETRACK,,,,,,,,,
we have a WHOLE LOT of being an asshole as a defense mechanism from this boy
in race's eyes, albert abandoned him
in race's eyes, he was given up on. he just wasn't enough to keep him there.
he can't see anything but that and never in a million years would he bring himself to believe albert still cares about him
he'd be getting his hopes too high and letting down his guard, and he can't afford to do that.
race doesn't notice albert trying to help him, he doesn't notice albert very carefully avoiding injuring him, he doesn't notice how albert will never say anything that would hurt him
albert's always protective of race, regardless of if he's beside or against him
which leads us to how once race eventually does get hurt, seriously hurt, literally no one bats an eye when albert returns with race unconscious, demanding they get him help
which they do, cause albert has not shut up about race for like one second, the newsies might as well know as much about him as albert did
naturally when race woke up he,,, had questions
and then he saw albert
he was sat on a chair next to him, sleeping
and this is the first time he's seen him like this in ages
and he gets a little chocked up because holy shit he almost forgot albert was,,,,,like,,, a person
and it wasn't necessary to only see him when fighting
he still had a life and friends and people he loved and he wasn't just this dude who left them because he didn't give a shit about anyone
he could genuinely care for people and he could love people and race just remembered how much he wished he could be one of those people
and how much he wished he could be albert's favorite person again and just sit and talk and laugh with him like they used to
cause that's a part of albert he'd forced himself to just forget about
and then al wakes up and he sees him looking up at him and he's like
"how're you feeling"
and then he's sad cause it's much harder to know albert is a good person with real feelings and he's capable of loving so much and race thinks he's just one of the people who will never get that side of him and he just
"fuck off"
they fight
because of course they do
they're not really sure on what terms they are at this point, and there's so much they need to get out there
at first race is just,,,, stubborn
he won't listen, he demands they let him go back
"we can just let you go, idiot, i shouldn't have ever brought you here in the first place!"
"then why did you?"
and al just shrugs it away as if he hasn't been in love with him for years and would never forgive himself if he left him there to bleed
they just go yelling at each other back and forth for a while until inevitably albert's non-existent impulse control makes his return
and he,,,,, very angrily tells him he loves him
and everything just stops cause that's the one thing race though he'd never hear him say again
and race is literally holding his breath cause he's scared he'll ruin it if he moves in the slightest and it'll all turn out to be in his head but it's not cause when he tells albert he loves him back he's still there and he just,,
takes race's face in his hands and kisses him so softly it's like they weren't just screaming at each other's faces
romeo just fuckin pokes his head in like "i heard yelling but i also heard i love you so i'll assume some of those unresolved feelings were let out and we're all ready to have a nice long healthy chat, yeah? :D"
so they do
they talk. for,,,,,,,,, a long time.
needless to say, race stays
he loves his family and maybe he'll be back for them, maybe he'll help them but he recognizes what's the priority here
plus it's a little clearer now that he doesn't have all those feelings to worry about, and it's been a while since he was actually accepted and loved, which the newsies did instantly. it's pretty obvious where he belongs now.
this au still has,,,,, SO much to unpack, holy shit, but i decided to leave this post here cause,,,,, i can't do all of that now. i might at some point though, if people actually are interested, there's a lot of hurt/comfort from this point. there's the nightmares part which is v soft and i adore it, THERE'S JUST A LOT TO UNPACK. so yeah, i'm finally posting this, ralbert stans, come get y'all's juice.
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greene-rph · 5 years
sometimes I just feel invisible
no one asks me how I'm feeling
life’s not fair
I could try to scream, but it don't matter how loud
no one cares, no matter what I do
I’m wearing all camo
can't tell if I just really blend in or if you're ignoring me
just 'cause I look like a tree, why you gotta be a bitch?
dude, I think it looks good
I don't really see the issue
and I'm also in a bush
gettin' dumb on that hood shit
we gettin' loose and poppin' pills
I can't walk straight and the whole room spinnin'
now he's givin' me a shove
tryin' to catch my balance but I end up fallin' down the stairs
I'm fallin' real fast
now I'm scared
fell asleep and now it's light
there's no time for shoppin'
it's a whole ordeal
I try to pray to Jesus, even he don't want to take the wheel
now I have to make a tricky decision
after meditating on it I came up with a plan
it's never been this bad
I don't wanna watch, but I can't stop
I've never seen him this sad
I just saw my own birth
thought this night out at the club would be fun, but it's the worst
don't do drugs
I’m the real deal
I got every car a man could want 
honestly it’s getting kinda boring
I bought a train
I sold all my cars and bought a 90-year-old train
you might think it’s lame but your boy just changed the game
I am not insane
As long as there's train tracks near there, we should be fine
he kicks me out if I ask too many questions
It's deafeningly loud, and it takes two miles to stop
I always show up fashionably late
wait, is that a damsel in distress on the tracks?
I also bought a blimp, for overseas trips
Did I mention my farm? I also bought a farm
I also bought a dolphin 'cause I thought I could ride it
i also bought a submarine
like an underwater limo but it's super cramped inside
now I'm dead
why do girls like 'em bad?
they following me home after school
I don't know what to do
I'm a certified bad boy
why's my mommy always on my case
I'll use karate if you're acting rude
Fuck the dentist, he's a scary dude
I always been bad
might fuck around and skip class
I don't respect my dad
I am bad to the bone metaphorically and physically
I don't fuck with milk, got that calcium deficiency
It would take a month to read my medical history
I'm bad at things that most people could do behind their back
I am good at watching paw patrol
I'm bad at getting mad, don't even know how that's possible
bad at tying shoes, so I got those velcro straps
you caught my eye by the way you dabbed
you really slayed and you really snapped
tryna turn you from my bae to my fam
lowkey I think that we're highkey goals
I really ship this
you snatched my wig sis 
my wig's been shipped, sis, it's on it's way to the philippines
that's the tea
you distracted me and I almost lost
I deadass think you're a lit-ass dude
I deadass think you're a fat-ass mood
I deadass think that you're a sicko mode guy
I got a lot of haters
you're supposed to hate the game, not the player
you pay me so I can buy shit and then you pay to watch me buy shit and then buy my shit and then I brag about my nice shit
I've been causing tons of beef, and giving people tons of grief
they try, but ain't no stopping me
Is selling gambling to kids really that bad?
I don't give a shit about if you think I'm nice, I just care about the clout
I ain't got a conscience, kicked him out
spent $40,000 on a couch
all my friends would turn around and stab me in the back
controversy is my shit
most people don't like it, but my scandals have been lit
spent 40k on my watch, 100 grand on the car, 8 milly on the house, 0 minutes on myself
people think I won't change, 'cause I won't
they say I keep messing up, I do that on purpose
they'll give me one more chance, that is very dumb of them
I'm pretty sure I'm right, and every other single person on earth is wrong
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monochrome-monarch · 5 years
Tthis took longer than expected buuut
Guess who finally gave in to making fankids again?
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Am I being original yet, ma? Also, Idk how to draw babies so here have hem at their adult forms with little bad doodles of them as babbies
I know, The names aren't the best but they're stand ins until I find better names. Except Alphard. Alphard sounds cool and has meaningful name all over it, dude.
Anyway, here are some notes regarding these kids:
- Name is from the name Lepidoptra, the order where Moths belong to
- She's a bit bigger and bulkier than Mothra and sadly my art doesn't portray it well but still significantly smaller than Godzilla.
- Probably has gills but wings are definitely water resistant. Larva stage likely has gills, tho I guess
- Dorsals, Eyes and Wings light up when charging up and firing
- Might get a fankid sibling if I'm feeling productive or creative. However, regarding her parents' canon children, Lep is sorta like the Megan to Minya and Mothra Leo's Drake and Josh. Still cares about them, tho
- Rather peaceful and keeps to herself. Almost borders distant as she ignores humans and has no interest of starting a cult (however she is kinda interested in continuing her mother's cult) but doesn't mind them as long as they don't provoke her in anyway. Has a pretty long fuse so it's hard to piss her off, though.
- Isn't much to interfere with human affairs and mostly ignores them, unless A) One or Both parents are involved and/or B) Her mother's followers are being threatened or attacked.
- Plays peacekeeper/tired mom friend with her mom but will fight when desperate times call for desperate measures. Prefers intimidating the enemy into standing down but, again, will fight if necessary.
- Mommy and Daddy's Little Princess but they will call her out when she steps out of line
- Loves lamps and other bright lights
- Either fires atom blasts or light blasts, whichever works but will stick with atomic blasts for now
- Can reincarnate like her mom
- Has an unexpected friendship with the Three-Headed Heir with a lot of expected reactions and controversy buuuut Lep doesn't care much. Also is more or less the trio's impulse control. Will still kick their ass if they do anything destructive
All Three
- Name is from the name Alphard, the brightest star in the Hydra constellation. Also, the word Alpha is there so
- Is small compared to Rodan and Ghidorah but they're still growing. Derecha is impatiently waiting lol
- They're gonna be three-headed because I wanted to be unique but I added a two-headed option because I was feeling a bit curious
- Strangely, the heads look different from each other. Then again, could be because they're a hybrid
- They either breath fire or gravity beams, might change but will kinda stick to fire for now
- Can regenerate but strangely, Izquierda's horn is regenerating in a slower pace than usual
- Speaking of Iz's broken horn, the three of them refuse to spill on how it got broken
- Can so far only start up hurricanes when they fly but there are hints of lightning there so there's a chance that they can start up storms
- Heads spend more time bickering than doing anything serious or destructive but when they agree on something, they would put their heads together haha and make for a scary team until something goes wrong in an also sitcom like fashion
- Can survive intense heat and is seen lazing around in lava more than once
- Has an unexpected friendship with the Little Princess with a lot of expected reactions and controversy buuuut the trio doesn't care much. Also is more or less her bodyguards(???).
- Name is the Spanish word for Right
- The one head that takes after Ghidorah more
- Angry and aggressive, jokingly referred to as his parents' combined rage in titan form. Will fight anyone, even his parents and other heads but he never wins, especially against his parents since his other heads don't have a death wish. Also the only head who would gladly fight Godzilla at the Area 51 parking lot. Respects fighters, even if they lose, though.
- Despite his firey nature, he cares about his loved ones and would fight tooth and claw for them even if he does fight them a lot. Reacts even more erratic and angrier when anyone the heads gets beheaded. Loyal af, however, will follow you no matter who the Alpha is or what the Alpha says. He's never much for obeying authority, anyway
- While he's wild, he does, reluctantly, follow Centro's orders but will gleefully participate when Centro and Izquierda are in a mood for destruction
- Distrustful towards anything that doesn't remotely look like his parents or siblings. Hates humans and has breath fire at any humans or human vehicles that come too close or was at the wrong place at the wrong time
- Not the smartest head but he is by no means stupid and is actually quite a quick-thinker and makes decent, pragmatic decisions
- Doesn't care much about ruling the monsters or destroying/terraforming the Earth, he just wants to fight. Becoming king of the monsters or destroying the Earth is merely a bonus
- Is pretty annoyed that he isn't center head/leader and makes it known. Dislikes Centro's 'passiveness' and 'laidback' nature and wants him to show his true colors and act on his destructive tendencies more. Encourages Iz's trigger happy tendencies but does feel bad if he goes too far. Has no idea how to calm him but tries
- Name is the Spanish word for Center
- The head that's a nice balance of both parents or well, I hope he does
- Is seemingly the 'nicer' head. He seems pretty easygoing and laidback, uninterested in wrecking havoc. Doesn't pick fights with any of the other titans or attacks any human settlements, hell, he's even friends with the Princess. Doesn't even mind humans approaching him. Seems to be rather indifferent and content with minding his own business.
- However, He doesn't mind wrecking havoc, either, especially if he and his heads would get some benefits from this, even if it's something as petty as relieving boredom. He doesn't care how much destruction they cause, if they get something out of it, then who cares? He does, however have some standards but its mostly just "We won't get anything out of this."
- Openly cares about his loved ones, especially his brothers, even if they fight a lot and he wants to dunk their heads in lava
- Is rather laidback in how he reigns in Der and Iz. He mostly lets them do their own thing but he does pull them by the horn when they're getting too wild/stupid, mostly Der. He's usually the one that calms Iz down, especially when their parents aren't around
- Interested in becoming King of the Monsters and maybe terraforming the Earth, having no interest in destroying their only home, but is waiting for the perfect time to strike. Is also lowkey kinda scared of Godzilla but hahaha, as if he'll ever admit it
- Name is Spanish for Left
- Head that takes after Rodan more
- Curious if cautious, wants to explore but is paranoid, knows very well that in any moment, they might die because of their parentage. Thinks everything and everyone is out to get them. Is rather trigger happy because of it but luckily, he only fires really, really close warning shots
- The incident where his horn got broken made it worse, especially as his horn is growing back slower than normal. Really adamantly refuses to say how his horn got busted
- Feels safer and calmer when around family and friend. Lepittra is the only outsider he trusts. He's calm around his brothers but if they're both beheaded or if he's the only conscious head, he'd start becoming erratic and get closer to a breakdown.
- Is more cheerful and calm when not being scared. Chatty too, only shuts up when he gets scared and paranoid again. Also shown to be focused and a quick-learner when not panicking.
- The mediator between Der and Cen's arguments, as Der only encourages fights between Cen and Iz and Cen doesn't intervene immediately. . . But that is if Iz isn't arguing with them too. Then Leppitra is called in. And butts their heads together
- Distrustful towards humans. Has seen what they can do and speculated on what they are capable of but isn't stupid enough to kill. Only warning shots. Not destructive but will still participate if Cen is on board
- Kinda interested in becoming King of the Monsters? He knows it's their birthright or whatever but he's definitely scared of Godzilla. More interested in terraforming the planet, though but well, he can't if he's not king of the monsters so "Ugh, fine!"
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izahi-an · 5 years
I am pissed and proud and worried
The story goes like this. I woke up at 4am this morning to go to work and, since I had 15 minutes to spare before actually having to get out of bed, I checked tumblr after two days of ghosting social media because of the aforementioned work and not feeling so great lately and to say I was shocked is the understatement of the year.
SO. Let’s backtrack a little.
I don’t think I have ever made a post on his blog ever since I created it (like 5? 6? years ago... maybe even more, can’t remember) for like&reblog purposes only, for the times when depression would kick my ass and I would look for the smallest of comforts.
This being said, I am only writing this to VENT!
I remember it as clearly as if it was yesterday, my first brush with k-pop, SHINee’s Sherlock on TV. That was what got me interested in the music, what made me look it up and hear more, watch more but I still remained a lowkey fan. I kinda had an on-and-off relationship with k-pop as a whole, dipping my toes into fandoms for a while then backtracking as soon as things got too intense, and by intense I mean fandom wars, which is something I do for every fandom because seriously I just want to enjoy something I like without getting mood poisoning from it. So I have seen my fair share of k-pop scandals, hate, controversy, and whatnot, followed some of the issues and got myself bump of the forehead from the amount of facepalming every time an issue was raised because an idol showed any trace of being actual humans and not mystical perfect entities.
With this premise let me tell you, in and out so many fandoms I can say one thing for sure. I have never seen more chill fans than MONBEBEs.
Admittedly I have only entered this fandom not too long ago, although I have known of MonstaX for more than a year now, but kinda kept my distance like I have done with BlackPink and BTS in which I am now much more invested into (as one can see from the amount of Suga on this blog). ‘Cause I liked the music but was scared of the fandoms and the mere thought of fandom wars made me shiver - like can’t you just love them all or just love one and leave the rest the fuck be. So I just listened to the music (which, by the way, totally has the kind of vibe I like and damn me for sleeping on them for so long), looked at some pictures, learned the names, seen a couple of interviews, watched the MVs and tried to learn the lore, nothing too drastic. 
Until I stumbled upon some random interactions between the members and the fans. What left me flabbergasted were not the boys loving their fans, because a lot of bands do, but the fans, the MONBEBEs, y’all, being the coolest people on the planet as it was proven in the past few days. Therefore, as Jooheon and Changkyun slowly lured me in (because I have a soft spot for rappers and it shows) what actually made me join this fandom were the other fans, the amount of support and love they give to the group and the chill atmosphere ESPECIALLY. 
So I started to watch interview after interview, clips, shows, lives performances everything I could get my hands onto. And I started to love all of them for the amazing people they are. I had one image in mind of each member initially, based on the MVs and their general concept in photoshoots (imagine my shock when I saw Monsta X-Ray for the first time) and they were all completely shattered afterward.
I remember seeing Wonho as the muscle playboy show off with a permanent smirk on his face (don’t kill me I got that impression mainly from him doing rude things with his face on stage and mainly being shirtless at some point during performances) and almost getting whiplash when I saw how he usually is when is not giving people heart attacks. The gap and duality are serious with him and I loved him instantly when I realized how big of a heart he has inside such a big body. 
Wonho is one of the most loving and caring idols toward his fans I have ever seen. Even I can tell despite being here for a short time now and I cannot believe what is happening right now.
So I woke up this morning at 4am and coincidently had time to check tumblr before work and I was FUCKING PISSED.
This morning there was already the news about Wonho quitting. I went from heartbroken to outraged in the 10 minutes it took me to get a first grasp of the situation. It only got worse as the day progressed and I read more about it, getting a grasp of the timeline of this whole fiasco (yes, I ignored my work most of the day because I could not focus on anything else that wasn’t finding out what the hell happened in the couple of days I didn’t use google). I was floored by how quickly things progressed with this situation. 
I have had time to think and form my opinion on this and what I think is: I don’t care. As in, even if all the accusations turn out to be true, there will be literally no change in the way I see Wonho and it will not change the fact that I think he is a good person with a big heart, who loves his family, members and fans more than he loves himself. If anything this scandal made me love him more, because he is a human with a past, with mistakes behind his back, from which he tried to move on from and tried to be better to respond to all the love and support he has received. 
I know SK has a more conservative way of thinking and is hard to forgive even rumors any illegal activity, but I also wonder how can they be so blind to people whose names come up only when some scandal is involved, because really what has HSH done relevant that isn’t trying to ruin people life? ‘Cause I only heard this name when some scandal was brought up. The other thing is the timing of this news is a bit too convenient. Right on comeback when it will do the most damage and put more pressure on the band and the fans. Seriously, if the claims were true and so important why wait for so long? If it had to be 2019, why right during comeback? For what reason has no one taken action against HSH until now and when will someone do something?
I have so many questions and so little answers but I am FUCKING PROUD of all the actions and efforts that all MONBEBEs have made so far. I hope they will not give up anytime soon. Because this is not just about Wonho anymore, this has become about all idols who have suffered such treatment before and to stop this from happening to other idols in the future. These haters need to know not to fuck with fans just because they are bored and this time they have seriously fucked with the wrong fans. The quiet ones are the scariest, no joke.
I stand with you MONBEBEs and with Wonho because he deserves this and much more. And now that I have reached the end of the day I can’t help but be worried for him and for the members. I can’t even imagine what he must be going through. I hope he is well and can find some comfort in all the love and support we are trying to give him. 
I hope we will at least have some news about his condition in six hours now when it will be 4am again and this time there will be better news when I wake up.
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ofsvges · 5 years
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cailin russo. cisfemale. she/her.  /  sage morrissey just pulled up blasting girl anachronism by the dresden dolls— that song is so them! you know, for a twenty-three year old singer/songwriter / AGT judge, i’ve heard they’re really -cavalier, but that they make up for it by being so +self-reliant. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say lipstick-stained cigarette butts, irreverent lyrics screamed into a microphone, and neon lights reflected on pavement. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble! ( cailin russo, kiiara, & the dresden dolls/amanda palmer vc )
hello angels it’s ya girl lainie w my Edgy gay daughter !! i haven’t played her in a hot minute n i’m so.....excited come hmu for plots or like this and i’ll come @ u. also this got rly long i feel like so i apologize in advance yfteygrhujs
tws for: death, drug use/abuse, minor mention of/allusion to child abuse
so FIRST of all, sage is marnie’s half-sister; when their dad left marnie’s mom, it was because the other woman he was seeing in secret--sage’s mom--had already had a kid two years ago, and he was just narcissistic and gross enough to decide at that point that he didn’t wanna deal with kids from marnie’s mom too, thus leaving her to fend for herself while he finally prioritized (if that’s what you want to call it) sage and her mom. sage had no idea growing up that somewhere else in new york, her father--whom she hated--had an entire family he’d chosen to neglect in favor of making sage’s and her own mother’s lives hell.
he was an angry, aggressive person, and though he'd never done more than squeeze sage’s arm too hard when he was mad, he often threatened to, and the way he screamed at her was traumatizing. the whole thing scared the hell out of her when she was little and she developed a deep loathing for him because of that and because of the way he treated her mother. it was just wildly misogynistic and demeaning and even as a kid sage felt it in her bones that it was wrong.
he passed away when she was eight years old and it fucked sage up big time. not because she loved or missed him, but because she felt relieved. she was glad, and it scared the shit out of her to realize she could feel that way about her own father's death. for a long time it caused huge internal conflict and sage spent her teenage years acting out; she was having sex and doing drugs at a young age, ditching classes, doing dumb shit and running from the cops, etc etc. meanwhile her dad hadn’t left them much money and her mom was estranged from her own parents, leaving her to work two jobs and deal with sage’s rebellion on her own. 
she’d been teaching herself to play guitar since she was eight and piano since she was eleven and in high school, sage’s teenage angst and inner demons finally pushed her to start writing music as a coping mechanism and outlet. it wasn’t until she was twenty, however, that a girl she was dating got her to start putting that music online; long story short, she got discovered on youtube, had a huge first hit with her single “gold” (kiiara), another with her second single “pink sand” (cailin russo), and the debut album itself went platinum. she’s grown up a lot since high school but still retains that rebellious fuck-you aesthetic and is known for the biting sarcastic wit of her lyrics and the chaotic way her sound jumps from one style to another. like her Pop music is the kiiara and cailin stuff and her more irreverent (and probably less popular) stuff is the dresden dolls/amanda palmer stuff. they’re all mixed up together on the two albums she’s released which i have yet to sort out yfgdhjs
she laughed so fuckingugyfsegdhus hard when she got asked to be an agt judge this season but then she did it ??? and she gets such a kick out of it. she’s so ruthless but like. ya girl keeps it real
she doesn’t do hard drugs anymore; she did two stints in rehab, once when she was 19 and then again at 21, and the second time it actually stuck. she smokes a huge amount of weed so she can be kind of spacey but it rly just....keeps her grounded oddly enough. part of it ofc is that she still hasn’t fully healed from everything with her dad--and then finding out about his second family--but she’d never admit that and has talked about it in interviews MAYBE once very vaguely.
big top energy
she can come off like kind of a pretentious bitch but like she’s actually not tsyyeguhs lowkey she’s v non judgmental and chill she just like. has an attitude sometimes idk. she’s extremely extremely independent, doesn’t like relying on other people, needs to feel like she’s in control of her own life. i see her having had problems with record labels bc of that
overall she’s a rly good friend if she’s invested in the relationship but if she gets annoyed or starts catching the wrong vibes she’s pretty quick to cut someone out of her life. some of that is an actual maturity where she’s able to do what she needs to do for herself to be emotionally healthy, but part of that is also a defense mechanism and can end up ruining relationships that could have been fixed
also she’s very close to her mom now (they had problems when she was a teenager but after her second time in rehab, they put the effort into healing the relationship through a lot of therapy) and takes care of her now so she doesn’t have to work. there’s some part of her that feels like she needs to make up for what her dad did and tries to make her mom’s life as comfortable and luxurious and stress free as possible. her mom is a cute supportive twitter mom getting excited about sage’s music
connection ideas
music collabs!!! pls!!! and people she’s toured with maybe?? gimme all that stuff
a past pr relationship from when she was still newer to this whole Fame thing and thought it was a good idea, but it probably just ended rly badly bc eventually sage was like ???? lmao no
a good influence ! somebody who’s always there encouraging her to stay off the hard stuff and do her best :(
also a bad influence i love angst
someone SHE’S a bad influence on. either in the past w hard drugs or currently where it’s just like......they’re too soft for how wild and blunt and controversial sage tends to be
ex girlfriends thank u. also maybe a........guy she dated in hs before she came out. it would be so soft if they were rly good friends now 
fwb, ewb, one night stands that turned angsty (or not), literally anything along those lines
her RIDE OR DIE she would literally do anything for and would probably be her roommate too
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freshberries · 7 years
runaways! for the ship thing
lowkey otp: Karo/Xavin cause they were great! I just wish that the circumstances of their relationship was better and that Karo was better at dealing with Xavin’s gender identity, cause while its not my place as a cis person to say, I do think Karo was real pushy about it at times.
highkey notp: Anything with Molly and the rest of the Runaways (besides Klara I guess but even then I don’t exactly ship that?)
[softly] don’t notp: idk I don’t think I have many notps in this fandom, or at least non controversial ones.
highkey otp but i’m scared of saying it because it’s not a very popular choice: Victor/Chase I guess? I feel like we don’t talk about Victor/Chase enough.
highkey otp and anyone on my tumblr knows it: Deanoru ofc
a different shipping meme
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mysplaced-pen · 7 years
Hey~ can you do hc of the rfa + v and saeran discovering that mc is a master theif please
hi there~ of course I can! sorry this is kinda late; also sorry this is so long…i got carried away;;; 
some spoilers!! requests are open!
edit: took the cut away cause there were some problems with it >.>
actually found out on the phone with mc while playing LOLOL
he was describing what was going on in the raid to them 
they offered advice like “no no, sneak into the back window. Don’t bust it open either, use your knife. left corner.”
he followed them instinctively, but then paused it. “wait…how’d you know that?”
*cue mc’s nervous laughter* “it’s..a side job…I’m kind of like..a thief”
*yoosung confused emoji noise* “like..in a game?” no, yoosung
becomes hella worried but doesn’t ask them to stop bc he didn’t know how
his main concern is them getting caught bc he can’t bail them out
he’s broke
starts taking classes hella seriously bc now he wants to open the hospital asap 
“so you won’t have to do it anymore!”
in the meantime, he visits the nurse and the bio club often to be prepared
jokingly asked if they could steal test answers once. don’t tempt them
when Seven pranked him again, mc managed to steal almost half his hbc stash
Seven was both impressed and devastated. Yoosung laughed so hard he cried
he hasn’t pranked Yoosung since, making Yoosung incredibly happy
still pls mc its dangerous 
found out through the background check
confused as to why V let them join 
he’s very suspicious at first
but they joke along with him and seem so positive 
it hits him that they could be like him
cue Stress™
really pushes them away now
“I’m a very dangerous person, mc” “ok me too what’s your point”
but he still fell for them 
they were so nice and genuine, doesn’t let their job affect them too much
when he lets go of avoiding them, there’s a lot of questions
which leads to a lot of stories 
its their form of couple bonding 
take the “agents 606 and 707″ thing very seriously 
even after they eventually both quit their dangerous jobs
the rest of the rfa is lowkey scared of them but they know how lucky they are to have this dangerous, but positive couple
is Very Stressed 
found out when she was compiling info on the rfa members 
figured that’s why she didn’t trust them at first. baehee has great intuition
tells them they should quit before they open the cafe 
but suddenly a lot of the things they talked about made sense
like when mc said all those crazy things. “just shave elizabeth 3rd lmao”
manages to get mc to switch jobs and fully take on the cafe
but one day they found someone trying to break into the cafe 
oh boy
not only were the rest of the rfa infuriated jumin was honestly so pissed this would happen there’s bodyguards around the whole block now
but jaehee allowed them to do it just once more
*evil mc grin*
they didn’t steal anything, but they sure did get them back by messing up their house
ok they stole one thing
it was their coffee maker….look it was a keurig 
normally, jaehee doesn’t really like those 
but they help out on busy mornings at home or lazy days
she feels guilty but then again, the cafe was never in that situation again
remember that april fools phone call? (”you’re a thief” “yea, i am”)
that’s how he finds out
except he doesn’t believe them. just had to tell him during april fools, huh mc?
finally believes them when he they were going through pics and he saw one of them before going on a raid. they were all dressed for a mission
asks about it cause he was confused and they were like “i told you already gdi zen”
is Shocked™
“but princess, that’s so dangerous!” “says the one who used to be in a gang!” 
almost demands they quit for safety (he’s also kinda broke and can’t pay bail)
they tell him they already did because they were worried it would give him hella bad publicity 
is so touched rip zen 
they still steal one thing though…merch. and tickets(technically cause zen always gives them one)
jaehee says she disapproves, but always takes mc up on their offers
they talk about their dangerous pasts while cuddling
his new favorite pickup line is “are you a thief? because you stole my heart how disgusting
brags about having a badass significant other 
oh boy
mc didn’t wanna bring it up because this would be really bad for him
but when Elizabeth ran away, they walked around the penthouse and pointed out the most likely used escape route 
jumin was impressed, but also a little confused
mc forgets he doesn’t know for a minute and starts rattling off about escape routes that are in the penthouse and which one they’d take
jumin is even more impressed
and worried because they could sneak out
“were you planning on leaving, mc?”
oh snap 
“no no no! I was just giving an example, i won’t leave you jumin!” 
*internal sigh of relief* “but..why would you know that then?”
time to come clean, mc 
he’s so? surprised?? 
mc promises they’ll quit because of all the controversy that’s bound to happen 
which makes him relieved but also kinda upset cause they can’t do something they probably enjoy
hence why there’s a new room in the penthouse that makes mc feel like a spy to cross all these obstacles
jumin failed it like three times now 
was worried about letting them join when he heard from 707
but this had to be a sign because they were there 
so he let it happen
reads through the chat room more often than he did before to see how they were all getting along and if mc was really dangerous
but they weren’t, which made him feel better
he still found himself coming back, though
he hadn’t seen the rfa so bright and active in a while 
made him smile 
when he met mc at the party, they had a talk. especially cause mc figured he knew 
they were both glad there were no problems and then the conversation went to awkward, lowkey blushy territory
*cue both 707 and jumin snickering in the background*
mc offers to help with the whole Mint Eye situation 
at first, he refuses. it’s dangerous and he’s the only one who should be in danger 
so they steal those special glasses of his (that help him see a bit better w/his left eye)
the two of them reach a compromise: they’d do it together. 
V gives them all the info and finally tells the truth while mc goes in and shuts them down i want the rfa happy ok
he knew because he’s a stalker i mean also background check
thought they’d help just steal the info he needed
but they were cute… 
dammit saeran
still thinks they’d be the perfect candidate for Mint Eye though
and he imagined the rfa’s faces when their new member is actually a thief
hahah that oughta show them 
when he breaks through the window, mc is half scared-half “you could’ve done that so much better” 
mc it’s not like you’re on the first floor
they start to bond over his tattoo and leather jacket
if he stays in Mint Eye, they become The Scariest Couple oh my god
if he doesn’t and he stays with saeyoung, mc decides to quit as a thief to help him out and kind of show him that he could get over the hard past too
when he has nightmares, mc tells him stories of what they did before 
the stories are really no less scary, but imagining them doing all that and getting out alive make him feel better
especially cause they’re so nice
they keep their matching aesthetics though  
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