#{  ma'am i would let u kill me  }
reapcrbunny · 2 years
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marvelanddcrper · 8 months
She Totally Wants Me
Y/n: See told you none of you can compete with my level of intellect and my combat
Nat: Watch
Y/n: Yes ma'am
Kate walks in wearing a purple t-shirt saying Date me Y/n or I'm killing you with a iron man and arrow symbol interloping.
Y/n: Hey Kate!
Kate: Oh hey Y/n
Yo`u glance down at your phone as the others stair at Kate
Tony: Squirt-
Clint: Kate take that off
Nat: We actually let him beat us...
Peter: God I wish someone would wear that for me
Bucky and Sam just laugh
Y/n: What is it guys?
they all just shake their head, Kate looks like she's gonna blow
Y/n: Kate are you ok? Need some more hugs from me
Kate: Sure
You jump up and put your arm around Kate while smiling at the others
Tony: He totally has her
Clint: Kate...she's gonna realize that she has to say it
Nat: What in the actual fuck how did he beat us, but not know that
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Masks Up, Fake Out
Brichester Polo Center, Brichester, Pierreland
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Druzar U-18 Polo Team Member: You came home late last night there Hampton. You end up scoring? Theodore: Oh for sure! You know how it is with the ladies Elias. They can’t resist trying to change a Druzarian. Druzar U-18 Polo Team Member: You end up picking up that one chick right? The one with the insane tatt?
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Theodore: Hell yeah. You know how it is gents, flash a smile, say the right words and suddenly you find out where that tatt travels and lemme just say, I would not mind tending to those roses again. She was insanely good. Vance was right about these Pierrelanders, fucking freaks in the sheets. Druzar U-18 Polo Team Member: Shame we lost to them though. You gonna try and get some face time with the Crown Prince? Theodore[snorts]: My father would kill me if I didn’t. See you lot back at the hotel?
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Theodore: Excuse me Miss. Do you happen to know where the Crown Prince is? Maria Aisha [dryly]: He’s upstairs on the terrace. Though, you’re probably going to be frisked by their security. Theodore: Okay…sounds normal? You know anything about-- Maria Aisha: Look…I gotta go.
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Theodore: Minerva! It’s Theo! I’m sorry about this morning but I was wondering — Maria Aisha: Why wanting to know if you could pick me up again? Think you can just flash a smile and say some words and I’ll just fall in your bed?
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Theodore: You weren’t meant to hear that- Maria Aisha: Really? Cause you were bragging about your conquests pretty loudly a couple minutes ago. Are girls in Druzar really so blind as to find guys like you attractive? Theodore: You weren’t saying that last night. Maria Aisha: Last night you is completely different than the you that’s standing here. Frankly, I don’t know if he’s fucking real.
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Theodore: You know how guys are. We say stupid shit. Maria Aisha: Really? Cause the guys I know at least have the decency to brag about their sexual escapades in private, if they do at all. And…oh yeah, can use the fucking brain attached to their neck. Theodore: Watcher, you’re all the fucking same aren’t you? From Axoiria to Trenton, you all think—
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Maria Aisha: That we’re worth something? That we should give a damn about ourselves? Then yes. Maybe there’s hope for Druzarian Women’s Rights after all. Theodore: Our women are perfectly liberated thank you very much. I do have a sister. Maria Aisha: Really? Liberated women? Tell me Theo do you feel comfortable with your sister having to survive in a world where your King is such a rampant misogynist that he could change out wives like he does his underwear.
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Maria Aisha: I thought you were different Theo. But you’re living up to Druzar reputation. Theodore: Minerva. Please. Give me another chance— Maria Aisha: To be what? Some toy? A notch in your belt? No fucking thanks. Maybe you do deserve to be under your dad's foot for a bit longer. Let that prefontal cortex mature a bit more.
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Theodore: Fuck you.
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Maria Aisha: You already did. Have a safe flight back to Druzar.
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Theodore: You’ll miss me. Maria Aisha: Yeah, I miss the guy from last night. If that guy decides to be permanent ….lemme know.
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Bodyguard: Ma'am...shall I go get the car? Maria Aisha: No...my brother is letting me use his. We'll meet back up at Princess Magdalena's. Bodyguard: Ma'am, the Crown Prince said no one is to-
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Maria Aisha: I think I'm good without security for a while too. Don't worry. Bodyguard [mumbling]: They do not pay me enough...
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HIII THABK U FOR THE TRIVIA AND ASHE SONG before i take forever 2 answer those or forget here is a blank ticket to please please talk about prime defenders and their AWFUL emotional literacy and processing skills i would literally love to read that essay so much ive also been thinking about it incessantly. big eyes staring up at u.png. ok ok peace out GOODNIGHT !!!! <33
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i lied actually im not going to bed im judt thinking about this ans listening to St. John on a loop now. hello catkiss.gif i forgot how youve filled me with so much joy. that cat is so fuckign cute
anyway. hi :) prime defenders huh. this is gonna be less of an essay and more of a sleepy ramble but ohhh i have so many thoughts. they all process things so differently and none of them are good at it they all need therapy so bad. ms.g where is the hero therapy why didnt you build that into w.a.t.c.h ma'am
vyncent is probably the best at actually processing things out of all of them, he just internalizes everything to the point where he wont talk about it unless hes pushed past the breaking point. vyncent is actually very.. emotionally intelligent? i want to say mature but that feels like im singling him out because hes the oldest. i just feel like because he grew up on Fauna and had to be in basically survival mode in a world full of monsters trying to kill you.. that makes a person grow up quicker than they should. i think vyncent had a good childhood and for the most part his parents took good care of him but just.. living in that world doesnt seem like it leaves room for a whole lot of expressing emotions. vyncent is good at quick analysis of a situation, but unless a problem directly interferes with the current goal he doesnt externalize it to everyone else. but bottling up his feelings and emotions just builds up pressure over time until something like the lich makes him blow up and let it all out at once, usually in a dramatic monologue format bc condi is really good at those god damn it. also they played off the fact that vyncent said all of that to the lich and then missed his attack as a funny thing but i like to think of it as. he got too overwhelmed w his emotions and lashed out too soon it made his fighting messy. vyncent is so angry and honestly after what hes been through he deserves to be !!!!
william wisp. my boy. god hes just like me fr so much so that it physically hurts sometimes. anyway. i always think back to the scene where theyre all in the cabin talking about themselves/sharing backstories and william keeps desperately trying not to talk about himself. the fact that hes so ashamed of his powers he hides wisp form every time. two of his powers are LITERALLY a) turning invisible and b) turning intangible, usually as an excuse to leave whatever situation hes in ("accidentally" falling through the floor at opportune moments in season 1) . theres. a thing that happens at the end of episode 13/beginning of epidode 14 that youre really close to and i wont spoil yet but god it has to do with this so extremely much please come back to my inbox when you get there. youll know what it is trust me. um. yeah. so anyway. i think a lot of this comes from a place of. he doesnt want anyone to be scared of him. williams not stupid hes incredibly smart and insightful he knows his powers are objectively SCARY. hes scared of himself constantly, he doesnt want anyone else to feel that way about him, so he shifts focus whenever those aspects of himself are brought up because if someone were to think about it for any amount of time theyd realize the truth that hes scary and dangerous to be around (<< william logic. hey remember how one of the reasons he originally left deadwood was because the monsters there were attracted to the wisps and therefore Him so he left to keep his friends/family out of danger)
i think a lot about williams death and the immediate aftermath, i dont know how much you actually know and how much of this comes later but . how does he go home after waking up from that. his parents know about his powers, so they MUST know what happened. what do you think he told them when he god home muddy and dirty and broken and probably bloody after being missing for. god knows how long. how does he look his mother in the eyes and tell her her little boy is dead. but hes also not because hes standing right in front of her. how the fuck do you think he felt the first time he went into wisp form and saw his body laying there !!! of course he wouldnt want to talk about that!!!! youre gonna have to pry william wisps emotions from his cold dead hands !!!!!!!
dakota's response to the ashe situation was to run away in the woods and do nothing but train for 10 months. he didnt think about it for 10 months. i dont even have a whole lot to say about dakota other than like. stunned silence whenever his inability to process trauma is brought up because grizzly does such an incredible job at being like "you ask dakota how hes doing and his face is just blank" << paraphrased actual quote from an episode i cannot remember which one. either 11 or 12 ?
also because im thinking about him im including ashe in this. we didnt get to see a whole lot of his canon reactions to extreme emotional situations so a lot of this is just coming from My Mind but ashe seems like hed be the type to repress a lot of his emotions too. being alone in your house/in your room for extended periods of time will do that to a guy. i think he feels a lot of things and will probably very openly cry/scream/get angry when hes alone but as soon as he knows another person is there he can immediately flip the switch to turn it all off like nothing happened. very much a deadpan "im fine." if someone asks how hes doing, even if hes got like. the remainder of tear tracks down his face. cannot physically express his emotions in the presence of someone else
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You're killing me
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Warnings: 18+, smut!!, strap-on, name calling, mommy kink, whatever else I forgot (tell me!)
Me and Ellie had been out on a run to get supplies for the farm. I had to get something certain for Tess, a pregnancy test. I've known Tess since I was little she used to babysit me, so of course when she said she needed me to get her something on a run I agreed she's done a lot for me so it's time I return the favor.
Once I find it I walk to the back to find Ellie. I finally spot her and head over to her, "Find whatcha need?" She asked me, "Yes I did," I responded. "Well let's look around to see if we can find anything else," she stated.
I looked around the small little store and when I saw what was laying on a shelf I was in complete fucking shock. I picked it up, "ELLIE!! COME LOOK AT THIS!" I just stood there jaw slack frozen in place.
"What is i-, where the hell did you find that?" Shock clear on her face. "Just here on this shelf..." She took it from my hands and examined the strap-on. "Might as well put good use to it!" She said nonchalantly.
A blush rose across my face. "W-what?" I ask stuttering. "You heard me pretty girl, we should put it to good use. Get it out of this box and a use it," she smirks.
"U-um I-I-," before I could finished she grabbed my face and started to kiss me. I hesitated momentarily but soon enough I pushed into the kiss.
It was messy, teeth clashing, hands grasping at anything in reach, tounges fighting for dominance. She soon pushed me into a shelf, "mmm" I moaned.
"Such a pretty sound baby, so pretty." She said between kisses. Her kisses traveled down to my neck trying to find my sweet spot, "E-Ellie," I moaned. I could feel her smirk against my skin knowing she found it.
She sucked harder into the skin, her tongue grazing against it here in there causing me to let out more moans. "Shh princess don't wanna attract the living or the undead now do we?" I shook my head no. "Words slut!" "N-no ma'am" I moaned out.
She then continued to break the kiss and in a feverish lust filled heat she grabbed the hem of my shirt quickly pulling it over my head. She basked in the fact that she had a clear look at my boobs considering I had no bra on.
"Some pretty tits you got here love. Been hiding these long?" She then pinches one of my nipples between her fingers before connecting her mouth to the other one biting it with a lust worthy force.
I moaned as her mouth and fingers worked magic. "Mmm e-ellie feels so good," I moan out in pleasure. "I know baby I know being so good for mommy, such a good girl." Her words had me squeezing my thighs together desperate to find some relief.
"Aww what's wrong pretty girl? Need something in ya?" She asked while removing her shirt and pants along with my pants too leaving her standing in her bra and underwear and me in my underwear.
"Yes.... I need you. But I can't be the only one braless here." I reach over and unclasp her bra and watch as it slides down her arms revealing her pretty tits to me.
"So pretty baby..." I say in a light tone then take one of her tits into my mouth in the other in my hand just like she did to me. As soon as my teeth graze her nipple she moans out my name, "y-y/n."
"That's right baby. My name sounds so pretty falling from your lips." She then pulls away and backs us up into a wall where she then rips my underwear off, "Ellie!" I screamed, "Why would you do that!! I don't have anymore!" I pout. "It's fine babe you can borrow a pair of mine," she winks at me.
She then takes off her underwear and tosses them into the pile of our clothes. She grabs the strap-on, and straps in around her beautiful hips, "You ready baby?" I nod my head to flustered to speak .
She brushes the tip of it against my clit and I moan, "Sound so pretty baby... So, so, pretty." She mocks my earlier statement and then starts to push the pink strap-on into my hole.
"O-oh Ellie... Mmm..." I counted to moan as she speeds up her pace pounding into me faster and faster. "Look so pretty for me. Look so good being fucked dumb by cock hm?" And you do, you have drool from the kisses leaking down the sides of your mouth, your breasts bounce with every thrust she does, and eyes practically all the back in your head.
I nod not being able to form coherent sentences. I can feel my high reaching it's peak, "Gonna come mommy. Pleaseee." I beg and plea hoping she lets me.
"Go ahead princess come on mommy's cock." And I do I release all over the strap, my cum trickling down it and towards her cunt.
She pulls out and takes the strap off. I drop to my knees and connect my tongue to her sweet bundle of nerves. She ruts her hips onto my face. "Y-y/n" she releases a breathy moan.
I remove my face and insert two fingers, "God baby taste so good... Never wanna stop tasting you." I fasten the pace of my fingers speeding up and curling them inside of her.
"G-gonna cum baby," she moans out rutting her hips faster. "That's it love cum for me," I remove my fingers and replace them with my tongue. Soon enough she's spilling her juices all over my tongue and face.
She pulls me up and kisses me, "Fuck baby that felt so good, but like all good things it must come to an end." She smiled and handed me my clothes from the pile.
"I don't have underwear anymore remember?" I asked looking at the remains of the underwear that I had. "Gonna have to go commando till we make it back to the farm and you can have a pair of mine," she smiled sweetly at me.
"You're killing me," I groan and roll my eyes but chuckle at her remark. You and Ellie finish packing up your supplies including the strap-on and head for the door and then home hand in hand having no idea what's next for you.
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Hunger 2
Notes: There will 100000% be a delicious part 3 at some point if I forget one of y'all has to remind me plz plz
This is heavily inspired by @marvelmusing and her gorgeous soft Billy vampire fic. I read it and immediately needed more. Thank u for ur service to Billy Russo girls everywhere ma'am.
Tagging: @idaoftheburningmind too hehe
Pairing: Vampire! Billy Russo x Vampire! Fem! Reader
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, sub! Billy, soft dom! reader, a tiny smidge of dacryphilia, swearing, oral sex
You can hear everything when you wake. The hum of distant traffic, the squeak of floorboards from somewhere below you, and the rustle of the sheets next to you. At this last sound, your eyes fly open, darting around the room. You're still in Billy's room, but the curtains are closed tightly, letting only dull splinters of light into the room.
You take stock of how your body feels, of the dull ache in your pussy from Billy's torment last night, of how sensitive your skin feels, and most importantly, how fucking hungry you are. It burns in your throat like nothing you've ever felt before, and the intensity scares you. At this realization you sit up quickly, watching the room spin as you move too fast.
"Hey, shh, it's okay." Comes Billy voice from right beside you.
He's whispering, but it's too loud, the sheets are too soft, the soft light is too bright and you moan is discomfort, putting your hands over your ears.
Billy's hands are on your shoulders, trying to comfort you but the feeling of hands on your oversensitive skin drives you insane and you jerk away from his grip.
"What's going on?" You slur, voice muddled from sleep.
"You're okay." Billy soothes, and you feel the bed shift as he slides towards you to place himself in front of you.
"What. Is. Going. On?" You grit, begging for him to explain.
"How do you feel?" He asks, leaning towards you, his dark eyes wide and trained on your face.
You close your eyes, trying to breathe through all of the feelings attacking you at once.
"Bad." Is all you can muster.
Billy chuckles, "You're gonna have to give me more than that, angel."
"'M Thirsty, everything is too loud, there's too much, Billy." You whine, shaking your head.
In the back of your mind something is taking root, a memory that feels so fuzzy and distant that you're not sure it's real. Billy is on top of you, and suddenly everything is going dark, but not before you taste metal on your tongue.
You have a terrible feeling about what this all means.
"Billy...did you do something to me?" You ask, sitting up from where you were hunched over and removing your hands from your ears.
He has the grace to look guilty.
"Y/N, I-"
"Oh my god, oh my fucking god, no you didn't!" You yell, jumping off the bed and and backing away.
Billy looks panicked, eyes wild as he moves towards you.
"Don't! Stay the fuck away from me!" You cry.
"You can't leave." He answers, looking pained.
"Why the fuck not?"
"You need to eat." He explains, inching towards you.
"Eat...blood." You state, unable to process the information coming at you.
"Yes. You haven't eaten yet. You'll feel better when you do. I just need you to come with me." He pleads, arm outstretched to reach for your hand.
"Why did you do this to me?" You ask, eyes watering.
You're so confused. Why would he do this without asking you, without a good reason? He fucking killed you!
"Answer me!" You shout, the first tears spilling over.
"Just please come with me, baby. Eat and I'll explain." Billy reasons.
"Tell me now." You argue.
Billy sighs, dropping his hand.
"You need to come with me willingly or I'm going to take you. Decide."
"Like you decided to kill me?" You shoot back, fists clenched.
Billy looks like you just hit him, his own eyes watery and red. You feel bad for a moment before you remember where you are and who you're with.
"Okay." Is all he says before he lunges, scooping you up into his arms and throwing you over his shoulder.
"Put me down, Billy!" You grunt, writing on his shoulder.
"I will when we get to the kitchen." Is the only answer you get, Billy resolutely moving forward.
Drinking blood is like nothing you've ever experienced. Billy gives you a mug full of it, fresh and warm and you can't resist smelling the sweet, rich aroma before you're gulping it down until Billy pulls the mug away, slowing you down. You yank it away from him, continuing to drink until you reach the bottom, slamming down the ceramic on the counter.
"More." You demand, impatient.
"Give it a second, baby. You don't wanna get sick." Billy reasons, reaching to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You jerk away, refusing to look at him, anger still simmering under the surface.
"If you're gonna make me a vampire against my will you could at least feed me."
Billy sighs, relenting.
You're too afraid to leave after that, unwilling to trust yourself around so many beating hearts full of fresh blood that you'll pass on the way home. So you hide, taking over one of the guest bedrooms in Billy's penthouse, only coming out to eat. This goes on for days, and you purposefully avoid Billy's sad eyes and soft sighs as you ignore him day after day.
It's getting harder to, though.
Billy had told you about sires once, about the connection a vampire could have to the person who made them, a bond that was only strengthened by sex or physical touch.
He'd made you, fucked you right before and now you haven't even brushed hands in days. You can feel it, the tug in your chest telling you to seek him out, to let him take you like he used to. But you're still angry. He'd taken away your choice. He'd killed you in a way, changed the structure of your entire life in the span of a few hours.
And yet.
An idea begins to form, a way you can get everything you want growing in your mind until your body is feverish with arousal, all of your mugs of blood working to keep you warm.
He's in the living room when you go to find him, reading a novel in the early evening light streaming in from the large windows. The light won't kill you, but it does make your skin itch if you're in it for too long, something you learned when you fell asleep with the windows open a few nights ago.
Billy looks up when you approach, his eyes soft. He puts his book down, sitting up.
"Hey." He says softly, cognizant of your sensitive hearing.
"Hey." You reply, coming to a stop in front of him.
He's got on a soft gray sweater and jeans, his socked feet below on the plush carpet. He looks...soft. If this were a normal day you'd crawl into his lap, pushing your head into his neck, breathing in his rich scent as he holds you tight. But now...
"Y/N?" He calls, and you realize you've been staring.
"Sorry, um, can we talk?" You ask.
He nods, sliding over to give you some room. Your whole body aches at the distance between you and you wonder if he can smell it, how turned on and desperate you are. He waits for you to start, hands on his thighs. You wonder what biting them would feel like.
"So...you're my sire." You begin.
"I am." He answers, a small, proud smile peeking through when he says it.
You nod, avoiding his gaze.
"Can you tell me why you did it? Please?" You ask quietly, eyes darting up to get a glimpse at his gorgeous face.
He sighs, leaning back into the couch.
"I just wanted to belong to you." He answers honestly.
You raise your eyes to meet his, melting into his firm gaze and he takes your face in slowly.
"You were...are mine. You were before this. What changed?"
He raises a brow at your choice of words.
"I want you forever. I want to be tied to you forever." He explains simply.
"Why not just ask me?"
"Isn't this easier? It's done, we can adjust, I can teach you what you need to know."
"So you took my choice away for convenience?" You can feel the anger brewing, but you try to keep your calm.
Billy looks at you for a long time, a small frown on his lips before he finally responds with deliberate worlds.
"I didn't want to give you the chance to leave me."
"What? I wasn't going to!" You reason.
"What if you woke up one day and realized that I kill people, that I wasn't like you and you left? How am I supposed to live without you? And then you were there, so fucked out and pretty and I...I did it like I've always wanted to because having you angry is better than not having you at all." He finishes, eyes wide.
You ponder his words, realizing just how desperate losing you makes him. You haven't been together that long, but you wonder how much that really matters. You think back to all the expensive dates and lavish gifts, to every late-night make-out on your couch where he'd cook you breakfast the next day. To the way he'd give you his coat and open every door for you and trust you with his secrets. You think about the bond you now share and how it just feels like an extension of what you already feel for the man sitting on front of you. It's a while before you speak again.
"Okay. Do you wanna fix this?" You ask, remembering your idea from earlier.
"Of course I do." Billy replies quickly, turning towards you fully.
"You're gonna have to make it up to me, and then I can forgive you." You say, a small smile on your lips.
Billy seems to catch your meaning, sliding forward to reach for you.
"Ah ah!" You berate, stopping him. "I'm calling the shots here."
He raises a brow. You know Billy has a submissive streak, something soft inside of him that wants to be praised and take care of. Your plan is to let him make it up to you, make him feel like he's good again.
"Okay. Tell me how to fix it." He prompts, waiting with his hands in his lap.
"All you have to do is be good for me, do you think you can do that?"
"Yes." He promises, eyes already glazing over.
You grin then, feeling everything settling back into place. you're right where you need to be. In your element, with Billy ready to drop to his knees in front of you.
"I missed you, you know that? I missed kissing you, talking to you, and most importantly I missed that big cock." You purr, settling back into the pillows and Billy swallows hard.
"It's been right here the whole time, angel." He replies.
"Mmm, but you were bad, remember? I think you should apologize." You berate gently.
"How? I'll do it." Billy pleads quickly.
"Get on your knees. Down here, baby." You point him towards the space on the carpet between your legs.
He goes easily, hands using your thighs for balance as he settles at your feet.
"Such a goof boy." You praise, running your fingers through his hair.
His eyes close as a shudder goes through him and you smile, continuing to pet him.
"Oh, my love. Look at you, so sweet for me like this. I know how you struggle to make the right choices sometimes, so I'm gonna help you, okay?"
He nods, eyes trained on your face. You lean down to press a hot kiss to his mouth, savoring the taste as he breaths out hard at the feeling. When you pull away he tries to follow, and you hold him back with a smile.
"Perfect. I want you to put that gorgeous mouth on me and open me up for you, just like I know you can."
Billy obliges instantly, hands moving to slide down your shorts and panties. The newfound sensitivity of your skin makes you tingle all over, the soft brush of his strong hands already making you squirm. You gasp when he stops moving, staring at your bare pussy like he's never wanted something so badly before. He leans in and you internally beg him to out his mouth on you, but he makes you wait, leaning further to take a deep breath of your scent.
The action makes you moan and you rapidly feel yourself losing control. You grab the back of his head, using your newfound strength to urge him forward.
"Oh! That's it, baby." You praise when his tongue meets your slit, drawing lazy lines up and down your folds.
He works you over slowly, taking his time to savor you for the first time in days. Billy's tongue is expert, sliding over your clit in tight circles before he uses his lips to suck on it, drawing a harsh cry from your lips. Billy looks up at you and you smile down at him, rolling your hips into his mouth. He moans against your clit, causing you to gasp at the sudden vibration.
"So good for me, Billy, making me so happy." You moan as you keep rolling your hips, practically riding his face now.
He shudders at the praise, gripping your hips hard before he slips a finger into you, pumping slowly in time with the suction of his lips. You have his hair in a death grip, knowing how much he loves when you pull it.
After a few moments he adds a second finger, pausing his sucking to meet your eyes again. His pupils are blown, making his dark eyes pitch black in the light. They're glassy and wet and you know he's in that sweet headspace you want him in. The looks on his face asks you how he's doing, and you clench down hard on his fingers to let him know.
"So close!" You cry, head falling back onto the couch.
He pumps faster, brushing the sweet spot inside of you as his mouth returns to its ministrations on your clit. It's only a few more seconds and you're bursting at the seams, white hot pleasure tearing at any composure you had left and leaving you limp and just as hungry ad you were when you woke up a vampire. This time, the hunger is for him.
He's still on his knees when you grab him by the shoulders, pulling him onto the couch with you. He goes easily, just happy your hands are on him.
"Need you right now." You say hoarsely, pulling him closer, hoping to touch as much of your skin to his as possible.
It makes you shiver, the close contact. Between the skin sensitivity, how turned on you are and him being your sire, you're not apt to last much longer. From the way his cock leaks onto your thighs, Billy isn't either. He moans deeply as you take him in hand, pumping him slowly as he pushes his hips into your fist. You press another kiss to his mouth, reacquainting yourself with his tongue as you lick into him. When he does it again, you pull back.
"Ah ah! Shh, let me touch you, you're not done apologizing sweet boy." You chide, leaning in to nip at his earlobe.
He groans, arms in a steel grip around you, holding you to him so tightly you think it would've broken your bones if you were still human.
When he starts to moan wantonly, hips stuttering you let go, smiling at the way he chokes out another hoarse moan. You push him away, letting him fall back until he's under you, legs spread just the way you want them. When you straddle his hips he grins, throwing his head back.
"Won't last." He warns, eyes squeezing shut.
"I know." You smile.
You'd gotten him worked up on purpose, knowing you were only going to hold out for a few more minutes yourself. You waste no time, taking his cock in hand to sink down onto it quickly. Billy grips your thighs, trying to fuck up into you. You slap a hand onto his chest, the other gripping his jaw gently. When his eyes meet yours they're half-lidded.
"I didn't tell you to fuck me." You point out and he whimpers, making you clench.
"'M sorry, don't stop, don't stop." He mumbles, hips twitching.
"I won't, you're such a good boy, Billy." You praise, hand leaving his jaw to pet his hair.
He smiles slowly, grunting as you begin to ride him in earnest, wasting no time on teasing today. The sound of your skin slapping together fills the room as you clench around Billy's cock as it fills you just the way you like. You get lost in it for a while until you hear it, the tiniest sniffle coming from beneath you and you look down at Billy again. His eyes are wet, tears spilling from them as he attempts to keep control for you. You smile, bending down to lick the salty tracks from his face, savoring the salty taste on your tongue.
"You cryin' for me?" You ask, tracing the tear tracks on his face.
""M sorry, just wanted you to stay with me." He gasps as you bear down with your hips, rolling them into his.
"I know, baby, I'm here. I forgive you." You say sincerely, suddenly struck with just how much you need him, how much you don't ever want to leave.
"Promise me." He begs, eyes fully open, one hand on the back of you neck, the other grabbing at you fingers to intertwine them with his.
"I'm here, as long as I'm alive I'm here." You promise, squeezing his fingers.
That's all it takes for him to come, hips pushing up into yours as he releases inside of you, a gravely moan sounding in your ear. You follow right behind him, gasping for air as the familiar sweet ache settles in your pussy and you slump forwards into his chest.
Billy pets your hair as you come down, holding you tightly to him. You're used to the lack of heartbeat in his chest, but the silence in your own startles you. Where there used to be pounding in your chest after sex with Billy there's now just silence, a simple calm overtaking you. When you shift Billy squeezes you, afraid to let you go too far.
"Shh, no leaving." You reassure him, rubbing your face into his chest.
"Will you move back into my bedroom?" He asks, voice muffled from where he's moved to press his face into your hair.
"I will." You giggle, grateful to be close to him again.
There's a comfortable silence that stretches on into the evening as the street lights come on and the last dregs of light drain from the sky.
When you speak again it's near a whisper, unwilling to break the moment.
"You know I need you too, right?" You ask him.
He grunts, shifting to look into your eyes.
"You mean that?"
"I do. Who else is gonna teach me how to be a vampire?" You tease, grinning.
He rolls his eyes, a soft smile on his lips before he kisses you, firm an teasing. When he pulls away he answers.
"I'll tell you anything you wanna know, angel."
"You know what'll happen if you don't" You raise a brow in an empty threat.
"I thought you wanted me to tell you?" Billy jokes.
You nip at his chin as he laughs, hugging you against him. When you both settle you feel it again, the pressing need you've gotten used to.
"Hey, Bill?"
"I'm hungry."
His laugh echoes through the penthouse, filling the space with the life it had been missing.
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houseofpendragons · 2 years
Thoughts on Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.5
PeTeR wAiT" why she say it like that😭
Peter's line would've made way more sense if the Nogitsune was actually giving him illusions (maybe one's about the fire, or being trapped in a coma again, or hell maybe stuff about the desert wolf bc I mega curious about their relationship)
He's playing lacrosse 🥍
Sir should've just dove out the way, he basically told u it had wolfbane on it
"Wolfsbane" reminds me of gerards "Mountain ashhhh!" Lmao I make myself laugh
How'd she knock him out so quick with just an elbow to the face, he's a werewolf
New plot idea, nogi could've made him hallucinate the fire and make him see Kate everywhere so when he sees Allison (as Kate) he's fed up with the illusions bc it's fucking him up. I'm a genius, Jeff Davis hire me 😎
um just cause it looks like her doesn't meanit us her...doppelganger's anyone? (Yes I know different show bit still) or she could be possessed
ur a zombie chica 🧟‍♀️ 😁👍
Not Peter being big baby and having Melissa take care of him in the back😭
Chris what's ur gun gonna do against black smoke, u know it ain't the oni bc the sun's still out
"I've killed oni before" yeah and then they killed you ma'am
Malia "I don't do speeches" Tate, proceeds to give a speech 😂
🎶If we go down then we go down together🎶
Lydia:🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊 Allison:👏📸💏☺😍🥰😂🧍‍♀️👭👫😭💋🏃‍♀️🤣😊🏹😘
Don't think I didn't notice you left out Stiles and Isaac in them flashbacks😑
Oop it's night night time now 🌃
um they belong to themselves, you know free will and all, c'mon it's 2026 in ur universe so get eith the program honestly so canceled 🥱
Also if you were gonna have him say they belong to me know you could've had them possessed by the flies again like in 3b and made him fight his own friends. It'd be good emotionally and for the plot bc we wouldn't know if he'd be forced to kill them or not
oooo and if Stiles was here Nogi takes over his body again and let's Allison go bc he's sacrificing himself for them, there rising another issue but Stiles has full faith that Scott will bring him back
"I'm still standing, I'm still the Alpha!" Sounded a whole lot better in the trailer
also would've been cool if Derek was forced to be on Nogi's side bc he has Eli hostage
"Please don't make me watch my friends and my family die - I can't do that again" is what should've been the line💔
Um that was 3 arrows not 1, thought you were supposed to be a perfect shot, you letting out some pent up rage on my boy Scott? 😶
When did Eli get tied back up? Would've been cool to see it happen telekinetically
I love hikari but it just would've made more sense for Kira to save him. She would've been more powerful by now, she'd have complete control bc of the skinwalkers, and there's the emotional connection that's established between them
Or at the very least if it had to be Hikari they could've done my earlier suggestion and made that little girl and her dog a flashback of Scott saving Hikari bc then it would've been like you saved me once and now I've saved you 👍
Looked cool af thou 🔥
Damn, headshot 🎯
Hold up, now wait a minute, you're suddenly a perfect shot again?😂
Hold up Parrish where your clothes at and what underwear you buying bc all ur other clothes burn up but ur undies are fireproof?!😭
Heyyy, I love whoever idea it was to give mama McCall a crossbow 😎👌
Not Peter now using the wolfsbane ring dagger that just poisoned him🤦‍♀️is he good by the way lol did Melissa have a lighter on her or something
Yeah, you motherfucker *copies Peter's dramatic hair flip*💅
Stab stab flip flip
Yeah Jackson and Lydia takedown we deserve
Stiles taught her how to use a gun and he'd be so proud of his wife right now😁
Would've been cool if it was, like I said earlier, Stiles being the one at gunpoint and Jackson comes to save them (Stiles would be so annoyed😂)
oh he wasn't tied up, he was just hiding again
Eli you little liar you already done the glowing eyes and the fangs
Awwww yes! Eli and Derek are my favorite part of this movie, I could watch a whole series about them🥺
Love how they roared together, like Derek was giving him strength and encouragement in that roar
Love the wolfie faces, though I do think the shows looked a little bit scarier, the eyes are really good in this one thou🐺
Baby Eli and Daddy Derek to the rescue
Now we all got our guns back that ig Parrish was hiding in his underpants 🙈😭
pow pow mf
I thought it was impossible to be both a fox and a wolf🤔
This supports my theory that this is just another illusion and none of it's real. It looks real and feels real but it's not
Ugh you was ugly ass mf wolf-fox🤢
Why his eyes glowing green? shouldn't it be a more yellowish green for a firefly 🤨
He looks like a mole deadass💀
🎶we're all in this together🎶
Why aren't Peter, Malia, Liam, Hikari, and Parrish going with them...
Eli honey, I love you but...why you running like that, you look like ur about to fall🤭
I like how the lighting in each room reflects their eyes
Well obviously its not real
You know my dumbass would just be in their yelling "echo" bc it'd be funny to me😭
Well that was very rude of you Nogi
What was Harris's goal, I'm still confused 😕
Should called him a pup instead of a child, it just would've been more pleasing to me bc it's a funny tease to say to a werewolf idk why
"Start with me" Nogi said okay say less 👍
Now you see me, now you don't
Scott this is kind of embarrassing for you bc Duke taught you how to fight using all your other senses when your sight won't help you...
you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man 🤪
So what did everyone else see? Did they just see them all on the nemeton looking ridiculous or did they do a disappearing act snd magically appear out of nowhere
Also why didn't nogi mess with them at the same time, seems a waste if you ask me to just leave them to come up with a plan, then ur just asking you get defeated but oh well🤷‍♀️
Oop well Eli's out the game again but Parrish is putting himslef back in, there's a good man (there's a nice demon😂)
Nogi's laugh made me laugh 🤣
Hell no, don't you dare. I know that look Derek Hale, don't you fucking do it. Bad werewolf, very bad werewolf! not infront of ur son! NO, HE IS NOT APART OF SCOTT'S PACK NOW IDGAF THAT HE'S THE ALPHA
So much for only a true alpha only every few hundred years, BUT IT WAS FUCKING EARNED DAMN IT😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
The way Eli said dad😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Okay let me be serious, I don't think Derek's dead. This was was all on layer of the illusion, it looks real, it feels real, but it's not real!
Idk where Derek or the Nogitsune are but neither are dead, bc you can't even kill a Nogitsune so where is the fly like at the end of S3 hmmm🤨
He's not dead no, nope, i refuse
Poor Peter, Derek and him were really close, even though they had their differences they were still all they had left 😢
Ew Scott shouldn't be giving the speech it should be Peter or Eli
Where's Isaac (his first beta), Cora (his sister), and Stiles? You can't tell me they wouldn't be there for his funeral
Actually the first the first thing he said to you was "What are you doing here? This is private property"
AWWW Papa Stilinski coming in clutch🥺
This is where Lydia answers Stiles would renew their vows
Um isn't she still technically 17🤨
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Helluva boss death in the family part 2 pony edition
"When octavia got shot by a bleesed bullet, blood saw hope of one day bringing her back to hell with her family"
Octavia: *wakes up in a hospital bed* ugh......w-wat? W-where am i?.... dad!!!!!!
Blood: *appears in her room with food* ur awake, my dear. How u feeling? *gets tackled by octavia*
Octavia: Who r u? Where am I? Where's my dad?!
Blood: names blood the dead god ur in heavens hospital and ur dad sad
Octavia: h-heaven.......so......im really dead, am i?.........
Blood: For now, but eat ur food and come find me, my dear. *disappears*
Octavia: Wait..........i.......wanna go home......... "her stomach growled, but she didn’t know how she would make it vack home, but that pony said he could help she started eating to build her strength back up, and then a pony came into her room"
Red octavia?
Octavia: *gulps* yes ma'am
Red: im red blood personal doctor he told me to check ur bullet wound
Octavia: My?..... "her head started hurt, having a small flashback of her mom shooting her with a blessed bullet she then looked down, seeing her chest wrapping in holy bandages"
Red: *uses her magic to cut the bandages off* Hmmm *writes on her clipboard* Miss octavia rate ur pain level plz?
Octavia: ....0....
Red: hmm ok but don't worry, octavia blood has plans for u to take u back home. *looks inside octavia bullet hole wound* Hmmm, odd ok, eat up, my dear
Octavia: Wait, can this blood actually help get back home
Red: god works in mysterious ways, my dear *walks out*
"Octavia was finished eating she walked out of her room, looking around, then Ark Angel spotted her so she ran she ran into a building. Seeing a pony cooking the pony seemed like he didn't notice the door was open, didn't even notice octavia in the room, so she walked to the pony"
Blood: *sticks a spoon in her mouth* Let me know wat u think, my dear *smiles going back to cooking*
Octavia: *shallows the food* blood is it?
Blood: u remember my name good now, Miss octavia, u may have questions, and I'll answer them, but can u help me cook? My kids will be home soon
Octavia: *gulps helping blood cook* blood am i dead?
Blood: Some say when a hell demon gets shot by a blessed bullet, they die but answer me , "Do u feel dead?"
Octavia: .....no......but how am i not dead? I got shot?
Blood: *giggles* octavia blessed bullet don't kill they send them here for a second chance
Octavia: But how? Why a second chance?
Blood: Because god knows anything deserves a second chance once and a while, even if their from hell, by the way, how is my brother?
Octavia: Brother?
Blood: Satan?
Octavia: he's ur brother?!
Blood: mhmm their a story to tell their i know, but u must've seen Satan before, right?
Octavia: No, not really
Blood: hmmm well ur dad stolas is probably stumping into a meeting right now
Octavia: ......he always was protective over me.......
Blood: All dads r my dear octavia i was a nervous wreak when my first daughter was born. i wanted to keep her safe and happy, but what I'm saying is ur dad will always be there for u no matter wat
Octavia: ........i miss him.......i miss my friends......i miss my family i had........ *starts crying, getting held by blood feeling warm*
Blood: octavia *whips her tears away* im going to get u back home. u deserve this second chance. Are you still young u still have ur life ahead of u
Octavia: ......when can i go home?
Blood: When i take the blessed bullet tip out of ur chest
Octavia: ........will i really be home after?
Blood: *smiles nodding using his holy magic, taking the blessed bullet tip out of her chest*
Octavia: Just like that?
Blood: *tilts head* ?? Wat u mean? *grabs his bag* Ready, my dear? *summons a portal to hell*
Octavia: Wait?.... im actually going back home?
Blood: mhm *walks in portal, taking her through* see hell
Octavia: i.....i-i really am home.....
"Alarms go off sigaling satan that god is in hell then surprise jr and stolas was with him"
Octavia: dad?!.......
Stolas: "he ran for his daughter, hugging her tight* b-but how? I-i saw u.......
Octavia: i thought i was dad......but blood saved me
Stolas: ur holiness im forever in ur debt thank u
Blood: No debt plz just let ur daughter do wat she wants, and u let ur dad know what you're doing. Where ur going and when you'll be back because friends and family are everything right, little brother?
Surprise jr: mhm stolas, can i talk to u for a minute?
Stolas: Yes, my lord *walks to surprise Jr*
Octavia: Blood, how can i repay u? Honestly,
Blood: *gives her a scroll* When in doubt, I'll be there always keep ur heart open, my dear, and follow ur heart be urself nothing else promise me on that *smiles*
Octavia: *hugs blood kissing his cheek* Thank u, i promise
Stolas: r u serious, my lord? Really?
Surprise jr: mhm tell the others i want u guys for dinner tonight
Stolas: w-we'll be there, my lord. Thank u again octavia hurry we need to get packed
Octavia: Huh dad? *follows her dad*
Blood: i got to u again, huh brother? *lights a blunt taking a few puffs*
Surprise jr: kinda i been watching them they been spreading chaos everywhere in hell, and the surface in their realm so i decided to make them apart of my family
Blood: family is key, right brother
Surprise, Jr.: mom always knew it would solve problems.
Blood: Yeah, why don't u come up and see her, bro? She's not mad that u almost killed me she was scared u ran away or worse dead
Surprise, Jr: i'll be up someday, brother i want to
Blood: Bring your new family too, brother
Surprise jr: *giggles* deal brother *smiles*
Blood: Good, see u around, brother
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pan-de-queer · 2 years
warrior nun ep 3 live blog
she floating like in those horror films I don't watch lmaooooo
Bea saying "you need to calm down" while she herself is very clearly confused af is hilarious actually
ooohhhh warrior lady!! i wonder if the areala actress auditioned on horseback like did she just ride in like "I would like the part"
love how all the other crusaders just standing around when an angel arrives like I'm p sure the Bible made angels seem more winged and eyed up and blinding I think
why is the ocs named so long is it bc os is a computer term
ava's face!!!!!
can the girls closing the gate even hear the father or was it just time to close the gate u CANNOT tell me that wasn't practiced
ava sees bitches fighting and smiles. she just like me for real
the merc's accent is so funny to me lmao SHOOT HIM MARY
YES BITCH!!! love u Mary
kristian and Jillian watching the tapes like "these bitches NOT subtle" lmaooo
did ava just- SMELL the baton??
ooohhhh THIS is mother superion
i love mother superion's vibes
ava is a giggly stressed baby and I love that for her
the way ava just slides closer alskslsklsks
the slow way Bea smiles as she starts talking about shannon 🥺😭
the way Bea is looking at ava like she understands!! this bitch patient af!!
"these are my girls" ookkkaayyy mother superion
"bit wordy isn't it" AVA BABE U GET ME!!!
"maybe she wanted to die on the battlefield that day. maybe she thought she earned it." OKAY I HAVE!!! THOUGHTS!!! but later
oh it's the con kids again. OH IT'S JILLIAN
idk like it doesn't seem fair to put all this responsibility on a child who was dead, was a former quadriplegic who JUST got control of her limbs again after more than a decade, who NEVER signed up or was even so much as TAUGHT any of the shit they're going thru, and then expecting TRUST when u all haven't even told her shit!!! ure preaching trust without giving her faith!!! tf!!!!!
also that is the WORST question to ask a depressed kid ma'am some us HAVE wanted to die actually!!!! and the fact that she can finally live and isn't hating herself as she does is magic in itself actually!!! WOW I AM HATING SO MANY OF THESE OCS SCENES ALSKSLSKSL (it'd only ep 3 tho I'll fight thru)
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kethabali · 2 years
kate is so annoying i think i like her the least out of all his lovers. so let me get this straight: she's friends with some of the worst people to ever exist. starts dating joe despite the fact that she hated him at first and had a bad feeling about him bc.. what? he was hot and available?? and then her melodrama about her rich daddy making her life easy and nice boohoo sorry but i don't give a shit about rich people problems at all. sucks that her dad is manipulative abusive whore but that's a separate problem and youknow what i still dont feel bad for her bc i just dont give a shit ab her lMAOO and idk her entire vibe is so off she just doesnt question joe after he says hes KILLED PEOPLE like you not gonna ask for any details?? no context on why?? bro what the fuck... shes so delusional and in her own little bubble doing whatever makes her happy not to mention she was dating malcolm who is openly a sexist pig and she didnt seem to have a problem with that either. also why does she act like a bitch all the time on purpose. i know she said its bc her mom abused her but im not excusing it bc u couldve gone to therapy ma'am or done any type of healing instead of being bitchy and emotionally guarded her entire aura screams "i dont give a shit about anyone genuinely i just do whatever is fun bc im rich even tho i like to pretend im self made" what was with her entire rant ab everything she achieved not being hers. even if she did do it all without her dads influence there is no such thing as achieving everything on your own everything she did there was people working for her not getting paid enough under capitalism there is so self made success someone is always being exploited or taken advantage of for someone else to win but ofc she doesn't know that why would she take time to read about capitalism when she can sell art to rich douchebags and pretend shes doing something amazing
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blkkizzat · 3 months
Haiiii babes!!!! Hope u been well 😙
(Literally just came from rereading plug choso once again to keep it fresh in my brain hehe) istg i love him so bad but….nicki was right, trauma is the way. Him sharing that blunt with gouda bitch has me steaming every time smh. I would fuck cho infront of her but she dont deserve to see the dickk!
Venus in gemini and mars in aries HELP HSJKSKSK NO OKAY U and toji would be so good for each other 😭 yall can play games and he drag u back in so u dont get too bored hehe. My mars is in leo and my good friend studies astrology and she deadass do be saying thats the corruption kink placement hehe, plus i got some virgo in there too so my shit is obsesseddddd with corrupting purity whoops (and obsessive + possessive AF like i wanna be someone's first and their everything) which is so true cause i be fucking with ppl to make em obsessed with me and ion even want them jdksks. I js cant do virgin reader bc i have a SA trauma which sucks bc there are so many virgin reader fics and i gotta sit em out which is why i flock to shit like otaku!gojo where the man is a virgin like that heals me so much u have no idea lmao (even tho this pussy can squirt by itself, i would show virgin gojo all the tricks hehe) Yes ma'am i do fuck w astrology, and recently tarot a lil bit 👀 got me a lil reading and erthing hehe
Tbf i dont feel like u have a truly irredeemable character because they all have some sort of bg story (okay lets ignore reader from gf!choso literally killing a man bc DAMN when i say the dialogue you gave him had me stressing tf out, like i almost had an angry cry when he was airing out shit at the party. The bat scene from there was so iconic tho) like even plug choso, reader is a brat but i rlly feel like its bc shes an overachiever which i vibe w soooo hard. She's the definition of "honey u need to get some dick and RELAX" bc she trying to do it all and none of it is for herself. Im similar so i see her bratiness as a defense mechanism iykwim. Ngl the ending of pt 2 had me scared bc like i can dish it out, but i cant take it LMAOOOOOO like choso shared a blunt w some other bitch and i was already in tears istg he gon have to make that up to me smh. YESSSSSSS i love with the characters are still downbad for the reader even when she's a bitch like, thats the kinda ride or die i wantttt.
I feel u bc i cant do angst that effects the reader lol.
Guestprofessor yooooo i love that dynamic!!! I rarely read gojo (or geto too) bc i rarely find a version of him that doesnt turn his charisma into fuckboyness like it just aint for me, but w.e the girlies enjoy :p
Ohhh i do need to check out those websites even tho i have nowhere to go rip. I love me a gown but they almost never reach past my shins 💀 got that damn amazoness genetic smh
LMFAOOO ur so real for that. Tbh cho could be a virgin and id still talk to him like a two dollar hoe 😭
Sending u all the good vibes frrrrr its always fun chatting w u too kali babes 😚
🍒 anon
Awe you are so sweet reading it again. I hope I can get the next part out tonight for u, I’m getting 2 people to read so once they are done I will make changes and post. 
LMFAO im crying cause you are like the 3rd person who told me that part had them heated. But hehe funny you should mention fucking him in front of her…. *shhhh*
Yeah no I would need the games to keep me interested lmfao. Oooh corruption kink!  you know until Choso I never had one of those but I just want to ruin him dskhfkjhdkHSa. But relatable, sometimes you just flirt because you can LOL
Oh no, im so sorry to hear about your SA trauma. I completely understand. While I don’t necessarily have drama, I think another reason I lean towards bimbo!reader is I don’t like how society places a woman’s value on virginity. It’s a totally different thing that wanting to be someone’s first or even corrupting, cause im into those kinks too. I don’t like when it seems like the whole value of them is their virginity if it makes sense. 
I actually own a tarot deck too! But I haven’t studied it enough to do it on my own. I’ve had mine done by friends before though!
Lmfao yeah gf!choso reader is also a bit crazy, when I eventually do the p3 to that, it will go into more of how she doesn’t have bloodlust like choso, and actually wants him to slow down a bit so he doesn’t get caught (gf!choso finds himself not needing to kill as much bc he has reader as a stress release). But she doesn’t have qualms with blood or the fact he’s a serial killer lolol. She kinda slow lowkey lolol. Her mind: “killing is bad. But I love Choso and he loves me so Choso is good too.” I mean she joined his major cause she watched Dexter so she aint the brightest bulb. jhdfkhdskjfhsd. <3 Unlike plug!choso sorority bimbo tho, she is never ashamed of Choso and wants him to come to frat parties as her date (which he reluctantly goes to because he’s whipped and jealous as all hell). Ahhh I rambled about this too much lol
Oooh how tall are you if you don’t mind me asking? Im 5’7 and some of the gowns I got from there drag a bit so maybe you’d have more luck with them!
Mwahhmwahhh babes <3333
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f0reversharky · 6 months
jealous - Thomas
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sorry for not posting for a while but im back into my maze runner phase since it came on netflix im getting the books tomorrow im so excited so be prepared for alot of maze runner fics
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
I PAIRING: Thomas x Alexa
I SUMMARY: since Teresa came up into the box Thomas his attention has gone to her
I WARNINGS: insecurities, cursing, lemme know if i forgot something
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡
"damn girl who u gonna kill with that look" i heard fry say next to me, i turned my head to look at him with a small sigh "its just Thomas ever since Teresa came up into the box, the only thing he can do is look and talk to her" i said with a frown
i turned back to Teresa and Thomas seeing them laughing and sitting very close to each other "did u even tell Thomas that u lke him" fry said
"i mean no not really but he had to know the way i look and talk to him" i said with a shrug off my shoulders while i heard fry chuckled and shake his head "you know what stay here ill be right back" fry said
he got up and walked over to Thomas and Teresa, i tried grabbing fry in a panick but i was too slow and i quickly stood up from my place and walked over to minho and the other runners
i sat behind minho to kind of hide me from Thomas, ben turned to me confused and said "why are u hiding behind minho"
i quickly shushed him and pointed towards Fry,Teresa and Thomas
"i think fry is gonna tell Thomas that i like him" i whispered and i heard a chuckled behind me "damn right Alexa u have been head over heels for him its about time someone tells him" i heard newt's british accent from behind me
i turned around and glared at him "shuck you newt", newt just chuckled and sat next to minho "guess whos coming our way" i heard minho say and then i heard ben say "whatsup thomas"
"hi guys, i have a question have u guys seen Alexa maybe i need to talk to her" thomas said
i could practically feel newt and minho theyre smirkand they moved out of the way so i was visible, i quickly stood up "heyy thomas" i said awkwardly
"hey Alexa, could i talk to u please in private"
i sigh and nodded quietly and he lead me away from the bonfire near the homestead "uh what do u wanna talk about" i said nervously
thomas looked at me and then at my lips i looked away laughing nervously i felt thomas out his point finger under my chin so i would look back at him "Alexa may i kiss you" he whispered staring into my eyes
my eyes widen and i pulled away "But you like Teresa" Thomas chuckled and shook his head looking down "no i dont i have always liked u "
i raise my eyebrow "yeah and why was all ur attention on her then huh u barely even spoke a word to me thomas"
thomas frowned "i know and i feel bad okay he only reason why i spoke to her that much is because i have been getting visiond with her in theyre and she has the same
i hummed quietly "are u sure u dont like her, i mean the way u look at her u dont look at me like that" Thomas sighed "Alexa just shut up and let me kiss u, i dont like teresa and ur just to blind to see how i look at you"
i raised my eyebrow "excuse me is that how u talk to a women" i said jokingly but also kinda meaning it
"sorry ma'am, may i please kiss u now" thomas muttered and i chuckled and pulled him in a kiss laying my arms over his shoulders and playing with his hair softly while his hands laid on my waist
i felt thomas picking me up and my legs wrap around his waist, thomas started moving down his lips now onto my neck and i moaned softly
"oh shit" i heard someone say quickly realizing it was chuck and i gasped jumping down from thomas his waist "Chuck, u werent supposed to see that" i started saying but he ran away already
smilling and yelling "Alexa and Thomas where kissing"
i chuckled shook my head turning to thomas and he looked at me with a smile "thats it for tonight lets go to bed" i said and grabbed thomas his hand leading him to my hut
considering i am a girl i have my own hut alby and newt didnt trust a girl with atleast 50 boys
i laid on the small bed made by hay and thomas layed next to me wrapping his arms around my waist and he kissed my head
"goodnight baby"
i smiled and said goodnight, darkness quickly taking over my vision
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡
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trashlie · 1 year
(FP 235 spoilers ‼️) "if you won't let me have you" 🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️💥💥💥💥💥 *car brakes screeching* *glass shattering* *explosions* *sirens going off* *cats meowing dogs barking* *more explosions* MISS YOO MA'AM did you seriously just say that... do you even hear yourself..... maya was gagged we were all completely gagged i actually have no words. there is nothing to say. except for thank you maya and hopefully that bite doesn't leave a mark gfhsdgjfk
shinae about dieter: so nice :) so comforting :) teddy bear :) shinae about nol: HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE I'M GOING INTO CARDIAC ARREST YOU FUCKER I WILL KILL YOUU
also alyssa? is shinae.. jealous bc he's with alyssa? is it that unbearable that he's hers and not yours?? even tho the relationship is fake??? oh my god she really is down so so soooo bad. not that it's surprising it's just different to actually see it yk. listen i knew she'd match nol's energy/intensity (bc mirrors and all) but i was NOT expecting her to hit the ceiling like that and be *this* fiery. but i absolutely love it.
just had to get it off my chest because GSHADGSHJGK i'm sure u understand <3 -lil anon 😼
oh. it's insecurity too isn't it. bc now she's subconsciously comparing herself to alyssa. pretty, talented, successful alyssa and ;A; babygirl don't go there... 💔 i've actually been wondering if/how shinae's insecurities and low self-esteem would play into this, remember how she said she didn't understand why dieter would even like her. AAAAAH :(( at least hopefully she'll remember what he said about this "relationship" last night. AHHHHHHH. ok sorry for the spam i'm gonna go lie face down in the sea now byee -lil anon 😼
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Honestly you sum it up SO WELL i will NEVER be able to top it so honestly hats off to you Lil Anon you get it YOU GET IT YOU GET IT SCREAMS AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GET IT THIS IS HAPPENING?!
I CANNOT HANDLE THE LEVEL OF MIRRORIN THEY ARE DOING LIKE holy SHIT simultaneously figuring this out, HER ENTIRE REALIZATION MIRRORING HIS!!!!!!!!!! the same feral fucking energy lmao the next time she sees him.......... alfjafkakfjjkafjkafkakjfajkf someone NEEDS to hold her back she is SOOOOOOOOOOO DOWN BAD SOOOOOOOOOOO BAD OH MY GOD LAFKJAKJFJAFKAFJK
Someone recently messaged me with a question from quim's curiouscat that had asked if anyone in ILY is possessive and BOY FUCKIN HOWDY DID SHINAE GIVE US HER ANSWER HUH?! GODDDDDDDD
I think it's both jealousy and insecurity, though. Jealousy because SHE can't have him but ALYSSA can? EVEN THOUGH SHE JUST LEARNED THE NIGHT BEFORE THAT THE WHOLE RELATIONSHIP IS FAKE IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING HE DOESN'T FEEL THAT WAY. But in that moment, as Minhyuk basically describes all the things Alyssa is - she's good looking and talented, look at that body, she's famous now, she's got what she wanted - everything Shinae ISN'T. And like WE know that NONE of that means anything to Nol, that it's instead all the things Shinae is that Alyssa isn't - compassionate, empathetic, grounded, the way SHE sees Nol.
But in that moment she just feels so pale next to Alyssa, what could he EVER see in her and SHE DOESN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE IT FOR WHAT IT IS. SHE'S SO JEALOUS AND GETS SO ROCKED BY IT THAT SHE /LEAVES WITHOUT EATING/!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She wants him SO badly - wants to see him, all of him!!!!!!!!! And Alyssa gets something she doesn't?!
But yes I also very much think it's the insecurity. She's not thinking rationally here or she'd remember what he told her about Alyssa and instead the part of her that knows, the part of her that's been acting on this, what's between them, sees how she stacks up against Alyssa and how, at face value, she can't stand against her!
I'm hoping that maybe getting some sleep will bring back the pragmatic side of her brain but hey, if she has to... charge in to Nol's room this evening after she wakes up and confront him in order to be reminded then HEY BE MY GUEST SHINAE. GO AHEAD ALFJKAKFJFAKJAFKJAFKAKFJJAKFJKAFJKAF LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Ngl there's a part of me that SO BADLY wants and NEEEEEEEDS Shinae to have a moment of jealousy that slips out, the whole "if I can't have you" the "she gets to?" something that makes him remind her that Alyssa has none of him, that she never has, and that if anyone has him it's HER IT'S SHINAE THE ONE STANDING RIGHT THERE THE ONE WHO TOOK HIS HEART WHEN HE WAS LOOKING THE ONE WHO'S ROCKED HIS WHOLE WORLD.
Have you ever stopped to really consider the fact that like.... Nol just woke up from NEARLY FUCKING DYING and the first thing he does is realizes "OH MY GOD I HAVE FEELINGS FOR SHINAE" lmfao like. DUDE ALMOST DIED AND HE'S JUST HAVING AN AWAKENING OVER HERE LMAO
They're both going through ALL the stages of puberty in one go (don't think I missed those smutty mangas I HAVE EYES) and it's SO FUNNY. The moodiness, the irritability, incapable of handling their too big emotions, denial, embarrassment, the "I DON'T HAVE TIME TO HAVE FEELINGS".
Maya really was us she really got up to bat and hit it home for us. "I like this part" BITCH YOU SAID IT, WE DO, TOO. It was SO meta, sooooo good. "MY BOY PROBLEMS ARE REAL, HELP ME!" absolutely BROKE ME. One day Shinae is trying to pretend she doesn't care what people say behind her back and suddenly she is yakking poor Maya's ear off about a boy who IS SO CLEARLY STUPIDLY HEAD OVER HEELS FOR HER AFKLKJAFKJAFKJAFKJAFJLKAFJKAFKJAFJKAJKFAJFK
the way she just. LOOKED at Shinae and KEPT WATCHING HER rant and rave SHE IS US AND SHE DID THIS FOR US HURRAH also yes i hope ur feral cat Shinae bite mark heals fine lkjfkjafkjafkafkj LMAO
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asahicore · 2 years
come to the conclusion i apperently didnt read this fic. SO HEAR U GO
That weekend, your parents ask you to do something about the cherries slowly starting to spoil in the fridge, so you put on your headphones and listen to an audiobook for entertainment, then get to pitting. It feels wrong to listen to The Kiss Quotient and its many smut scenes when your parents are coming and going out of the room, but what they don’t know won’t kill them; you just try to keep your reactions to a minimum during the extra spicy scenes.
HELLO ?!??!! SHES SO LMAOSHSKS. NAH I LAUGHED okay me personally enjoyed kiss quotient and rest of the three series. specially the next two talking about the struggles of autism or the how broad spectrum of autsim was. it was a good read for me from 2022. yeah... back to this tho. omg i might try this recipe off topic. It sounds good but ill end up eating the cherries cuz i love them.
If this were a cartoon or a 2012 teen show, you’d probably drop the pie tin, but thankfully, your hands aren’t that sweaty, and the shock of the man from the other day at the store being your neighbor isn’t that great, because of course, of course he’s your neighbor. You’re Y/N, after all; the almighty gods above would never let you have a boring, uneventful summer. Of course the hot new man in town is your neighbor.
can we talk bout these descriptions its so accurate like you just out do yourseld everytime ma'am. Its so attention grabbing. damn i regret not listening well during english lessons. i just wanna say to a masterpiece like this is SLAY THIS WAS SO GOOD SCRWAMINGSJSK i need to be able to go indept like how my eng teacher goes into dept about anytype of writing.
A walking wet dream. That’s what this man is. He’s walked right out of your deepest Wattpad-induced fantasies and into the house next door. Probably doesn’t help that you’d been listening to literary porn just fifteen minutes prior. 
SEE ITS SO PRECISE???? SO REAL??? hes so cute nervous plss
“My friends and I used to make stories about how this place is haunted, you know,” you say jokingly.
"We’ve been more roommates than a couple for the past six years. And you know, we kept on living together for Chaer mainly, but she’s found a new boyfriend and I wanted to have my own place. Which has led me here.”
its nice to see them on not bad terms
Your hot new neighbor was actually a DILF, you realized a bit inappropriately, perhaps. Cherry on top.
not the right time BABE 😭😭 BUT GO OFF
“You any good with kids?” he asks, leaning against the doorway with crossed arms and a smirk that makes your heart flutter.
“No one’s asking you to be that girl’s mom,” she says, dishing out some meat for the three of you. “I’d go get that man, if I were you.”
One afternoon, you’d made sure to go and sunbathe in your bikini at the exact moment he was doing some work outside, and even then, he merely gave your body a one-over and disappeared a few minutes later inside his house.
It doesn’t help that you see his flexing, working muscles and beads of sweat on his hairline everyday.
he said two can play the game 💪💪
“I-I’m sorry, Y/N, I don’t know what came over me. We shouldn’t do this, it’s not- I shouldn’t have done that,” he sighs, looking defeatedly at the ground.
omg he :(( NO but i understand his pov on this moment omg
“If you swallow it, a tree will grow inside your belly and make you puke out cherries,” he’d lied when it was just the two of you at the outdoor table. 
every parent ever. i accidentally sallowed some seed and almost cried cuz i thought a plant will grow out of me ? I MEAN INSIDE OF ME 😭
Finally kissing him, and the next afternoon, you were browsing through the endless aisles of your local IKEA, holding his daughter’s hand and pretending like you hadn’t kissed her daddy.
nah babe yall are a couple now also. look at that "FAMILY" outting at IKEA...
He’s a really good dad, and that does nothing whatsoever to stop your DILF fantasies, although now, it’s really Sunghoon that you want, and the fact that he’s a dad isn’t a dealbreaker, it just makes him that much better.
“Are you sure about this? ‘Cause if you tell me that you want me… then I’ll be all yours, Sunghoon,”
If you concentrate you can hear me scream lose my shit over this line. Crying bleeding losing fighting throwing up climbing walls and umm drinking water. yes i feel extremely normal about this sentence.
currently scrwaming btw. im PMFYDHDJB AHHHVDIDIEK yes.
“That’s a good girl,”
So, tell me, what’s your favorite position, princess?”
“Of course not. Is Heeseung your new dad?” he asks, mentioning his ex’s new boyfriend. Chaer shakes her head.“No. He’s Mommy’s boyfriend.” “Exactly, and Y/N is Daddy’s girlfriend. Isn’t she?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at you, smirking.
this part was funny hehehe
“My girls,”
🍓 anon
🍓 anon as i type this i am buying a diamond ring to ask u to marry me..... OH MY GODDDDD
fun fact the whole kiss quotient audiobook thing is from my life lol i listened to the book and didnt love it.. literally loved stella but the male lead i forgot his name was so bleh just typical overprotective romance lead or wtv so i wasnt really planning on reading/listening mroe.. but if u think its worth it i might give it a shot
IM SO HAPPY U LIKE THE DESCRIPTIONS OMG <///3 i dont go into like detail or anythign ever but i do try to add funny (?) things or small descriptions here and there.. !!!!
ur right sunghoon asking her if shes good with kids on their second meeting is kinda wild 😭😭😭 mans has his priorities straight
"If you concentrate you can hear me scream lose my shit over this line. Crying bleeding losing fighting throwing up climbing walls and umm drinking water. yes i feel extremely normal about this sentence." this made me laugh soooo much oh my god
NOT THE WEEKND PLAYING DURING THE SMUT SCENE😭😭😭😭 ur fbi agent watching a little bit too closely at ur online activity
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applesooyoung · 2 years
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NSFW!ATEEZ KINKS! Contains: [ Fem reader! Hand jobs, cock slapping, BDSM themes, daddy/mommy/sir/ma'am/master/mistress kink, pet names, overstimulation, dry orgasm, femdom, pegging, and other nasty shit cuz this post is pure filth (featuring my odd and corny humor) and mentions of insecurities (keep it up my little bunnies, you're all pretty in your own ways, ilyssm <3)]
(A/N: Alright sluts, here we go again + no pics/ gifs this time! trying to do minimalist this time :P oh and I made it Dom and Sub aspects for my lovely dommes and subs out there!) (A/N 2: This is a long-ass so ya guys better buckle up bc I didn't hold back this time so hope u enjoy this ~!)
{Now playing: Motive — Ariana Grande ft. Doja Cat}
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. . .] Seonghwa
-Oral (giving) I believe in big dick Seonghwa and I just feel like he's the type to do oral when he is forcing them to submission. If you ever give him a head, please deepthroat the shit out of him... He loves the feeling of his dick deep in your mouth.
-Sir kink Boy oh boy, this boy loves it when you call him sir. Whenever you call him that even outside of sexual aspects, you could feel his eyes darken and the aura of him being turned on.
-Bondage Seonghwa likes to tie you up, especially when you are being naughty. He would tie you up so you can't do anything more stupid because teasing Dom!Seonghwa will make him punish you more.
-Temperature play If we talk about Sub!Seonghwa, he loves temperature play. Just rub an ice cube on his nipples and he would be instantly hard or freezing a porcelain/glass dildo then inserting that in his pretty puckered hole and he's satisfied.
-Fingering This baby just loves things that fills his needs and most importantly his hole so he is no stranger to his love for fingering. Just let him be fingered before his bedtime and this boy would cum a ton and will have a good night's sleep unless you let him sleep that night ;)
-Humiliation If Seonghwa is being a naughty slut and you need to punish him, always humiliate him... He fucking loves it. Just simply fuck him with the curtains and windows open and he would be a whore for you even more.
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. . .] Hongjoong
-Daddy kink Just like Seonghwa, he loves it when you call him daddy it's because he feels like you're giving your power to him and turning into submission when you call him daddy.
-Overstimulation Shit, Hard dom!Hongjoong is killing me. Okay, so he would do this every.single.time like every time you guys just do casual sex. He would keep thrusting in you even though you've already cummed if not faster.
-Public sex He's a freak, to say the least. If he's really needy and you two are in public, he won't hesitate to grab your wait and take you somewhere less busy and we all know what'll happen next ;:j
-Size kink God, as a 6'0 ft girl, I just wanna see him cum untouched by just looking at me before I could even fuck him. To be honest, he doesn't really care about the size or your height... He just has the kink
-Body worship With him being amazed by your measurements, ofc he would worship on how fucking pretty you are. Just seeing or even having just a slight glimpse at you would automatically send him into sub space and he will be willing to submit to you and only you.
-Choking Choke him... Please, partnered with his pretty moans and his eyes rolling at the back of his head is an experience you must feel. If you want to put a collar on him, feel free to do so but he likes your hands gripping his neck while you rail him.
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. . .] Yunho
-Praise kink (giving) He'd love every single thing about you, he thinks you deserve everything (especially if you are being the good girl you are) he likes complimenting you on how good are you and how you make him cum.
-Voyeurism He once caught you masturbating in your room because you forgot to lock the door then that is where he found his kink. He just loves the view of your hair down, naked, head thrown back, and playing with yourself. He knows what you did so you know what's going down from the time you got out of your room.
-Dirty talk (recieving) He would be so turned on when you do that and he's hard for that... He'd groan on every filthy word that spills from your mouth because it makes him wanna ruin you even more. Overall, hahahaha Jung Yunho rail me :]
-Service top No guys- hear me out, please! But, the thought of him just pleasing you and being the very good puppy he is would be a brainrot for me, he just wants you to feel good alright? That's it, I'm not even talking anymore.
-Blowjobs With him handcuffed at a chair, his pants down and you on the floor, milking the shit out of Yunho is just so UGHHHHH + his pretty pity-worthy susurrations bouncing off the walls while he's on his high-
-Dry orgasms Contrary to what I said about him being a service top, I feel like Yunho is also the type of sub who just focuses on themselves feeling the pleasure (and this is where he gets his bratty tendencies) so sometimes, he would just randomly hump a pillow solely for the pleasure of his pretty prince parts to be pleasured.
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. . .] Yeosang
-Master Kink Iono, mate-- but it's the thought that counts because imagine him punishing you just because you call him by his name and not "master" and you'd be on your knees because you also have been a naughty bitch so, Yeosang would literally spank you until those legs of yours are shaking
-Degradation It's not the degradation you'd expect, actually, it was more of a slightly shaming you because I feel like Yeosang is a soft dom. He won't go through your limits because he is aware that you're lowkey insecure about things and you're sometimes sensitive so he's always cautious of the things that would come out from him.
-Rim job (giving) Eating ass would be his personality no joke. He would be so skilled at rimming you that just the thought of him eating you just makes you wet as fuck and that's about it I guess... Lesson of the story,, let him eat your ass (I must be stopped I'm so sorry you guys 😭)
-Deep throating (recieving) Just like Yunho with his love for blowjobs but on steroids if you catch my drift heh. The feeling of his thick lengths deep down your narrow throat just takes this baby on cloud nine and bonus points when you made him cum on your throat bc he would be too shy to do that to you even tho you reassured him abt that a million times already.
-Nipple play This would be one of his hidden/secret kinks because he's a tad bit shy to tell you about it; scared of being judged with him being pleasured by simply grazing at his nipples.
-Roleplaying He likes dressing up for you... Thank you for coming to my TED talk :7
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. . .] San
-Impact play (spanking (giving)) He likes it rough, hands down... Even in non-kinky situations, he would just randomly grope/give that booty booty a little slap and that would lead into a heated makeout session and would gradually turn to the both of you fucking the brains out of each other.
-Mirror sex Oh, he's straight-up making you cry before he could even part his lips or do anything. He would fuck you from behind and would praise you a lot on how you look pretty when he rails you and how he makes you feel good.
-Lingerie This is not even a kink but dude... San will not stop himself from grinding to you before you could even show him the sexy two-piece wine red lace lingerie you bought for him. His jaw would clench and his member would make a tent on his pants at the sight of you wearing it.
-Mommy Kink Girl, you don't understand how I many times I've stopped myself from putting mommy kink for the other members bc SAN HAS A MOMMY KINK WBK GUYS, WBK. "M-Mommy, San is really close mommy" Imagine him moaning that to your ears- sign me up. Moral of the story: San has a mommy kink :)
-Pegging This is his most intimate kink - w - It just makes him feel like he's closer and well, intimate with you. And matching it with his mommy kink is a heart attack waiting to happen. "Ngnhh... Yes, mommy- Ah~ Go faster, please" I- omg I forgot he makes that pretty sound whenever you hit his prostate it's like a mixture of a whimper, moan and a wail,, I dunno the right word for it but it would sound so pretty.
-Femdom We saw this coming, don't lie to me, Brenda... Mommy kink and pegging were already given and what's good to top all those kinks up? Femdom ofc. He just loves it when you dom and manhandle him... Tie him up, slap him, spit on him, fuck him or simply just be rough with him and he'd be satisfied.
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. . .] Mingi
-Hair pulling Especially when you give him head, good god- The way he'd throw his head back when you suck him on the right spot and he'd gather the roots of your hair and he'd pull it. He's not really open with it and he'd deny it too sometimes but the truth comes out when you two get intimate, he'd unconsciously pull your hair
-Corruption kink He turned you into a slut lol. You two started dating and he was very soft and kind outside but in bed, he doesn't show you any remorse and would fuck the shit out of you SO I guess it is safe to say that he was the one to take your virginity away.
-Shower sex He would just think your whole body being wet while pounding you is just so hot. He'd casually wait for you to take a bath and would hop in after just to see your beautiful body. "Babe, can we shower together?" he'd ask that even tho he's already taking his clothes off before you could even answer.
-Thigh riding He's quite shy about this because he thinks it's too kink but nothing was too kinky for you... He'd start with being soft with you then he'd shyly ask if he can ride your thighs and the next thing you knew was Mingi on your thighs, your hands on his waist, naked and moaning like a slut.
-Marking (recieving) This one is his favorite,, he just wants to feel that you own him and he's only yours. He'd just sit down on a couch with you and would bluntly ask you to mark him. And I could even imagine him flexing his hickies to his hyungs like "You see this? She made this and she's mine" he'd brag about it like a petty kindergartener showing his pokemon card collection to his classmates.
-Roleplay Oh ,dude, he LOVES roleplaying, his favorite is when you just dress up as a nurse and would just rail him in those costumes then you 34+35 all night lmaooo
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. . .] Wooyoung
-Toys Not necessarily you using toys at yourself but when he uses toys to you. The toys most of the time, enters the scene whenever you misbehave because he uses those to punish you but he loves it when you misbehave because again, K I N K.
-Cock warming When he's horny but too tired from work, he'd just ask you for a cock warming. He loves it when his dick is inside your wet and warm cunt. He most of the time moans at the contact of his dick in you because believe it or not, he has a sensitive length.
-Breeding kink As Ariana Grande said "just give them babies" he took it seriously and wanted his babies inside you. He just loves the thought that you will bear his pretty little babies and take care of them like an actual dad that he'd always dreamt of.
-Cross dressing He'd look all dolled up for you to play and pleasure with omg omg omg and imagine him under you in a cat maid costume with the matching cat ears clipped to his hair and to top it all off, a pretty white thigh-high socks was covering his legs.
-Collars Speaking of cat ears, He'd be so into the cross-dressing that he'll as far as putting collars on his just so he can feel the feeling of his role ykwim? It's just so cute fghrtguhtghuitijid.
-Pet play Arrest me or call me a furry; do whatever you want but you can't stop me from thinking that Wooyoung has a pet play kink. I just feel like he just wants to feel intimate with you in a different exotic way... what am I even saying I'm so sorry but u get the point, Wooyoung likes pet play.
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. . .] Jongho
-Anal He likes doing it on the back 💀 I may be crazy for saying this so uh SORRY :) but I feel like it's a "ass > cunt" situation for him. (He also might have a mirror sex kink but yeah, he likes anal.
-Vanilla When it comes to this kind of stuff, Jongho doesn't really care about things. He's just a simple man and has simple desires so he's easily contented by just doing vanilla sex. I mean all he just needs is you and he's satisfied
-Biting (giving) As I said Dom!Jongho is a vanilla type of guy so I guess this and his anal kink would be the kinkiest kink in his encyclopedia of kinks. He loves to see his bite marks on you because it makes him feel more in control and to show people that he owns you.
-Handjob For the love of god, jerking off sub!Jongho at work would be the hottest shit you'd ever witness. He'll just simply sit in his chair and you'd jerk him off like there's no tomorrow (spoiler alert: you have work tomorrow)
-Cock slapping/torture (?) If you haven't sensed it already, sub!Jongho is much more kinkier than dom!Jongho because this little bitch is a potential brat so he spends most of his time on your bed, cuffed and moaning because you were slapping and literally torturing his pathetic cock for moaning in your ears while you're eating lunch with your parents.
-Sensory deprivation Blindfolds is his favorite sex toy. (jESUs, Sub!Jongho is a kinky mess) mix this one with his earlier kinks and it would make the dirtiest of the dirtiest views you've ever seen in your life. Him blindfolded + chained to the bed + you torturing his dick = good soup.
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spicytrashthe1st · 3 years
Obey me boys reation to Mc "heavy petting" them in public
Gives u the look tm.
R u gonna grow meek under his gaze? Fuck no. Double down, ruin him, 10 points if u get him to lose his composure.
Just imagine, y'all r at a student council meetin when u smooth a hand over his thigh until ur hands over his (unfortunately) clothed cock. Give it a good squeeze before u start rubbin at it. Take ur time, the goal isnt to make him cum in his pants in the next 5mins, no, the goal is to lull him into such a relaxed state that he doesnt pay attention to the meetin. Instead his eyes flutter close, pen dropping from his grip as he sinks into his seat. Fuck n when he finally looks at u again only to give u those eyes, those pleadin eyes w such a soft expression that so very rarely graces his face.
*sighs* hes such a sweet thing, its a shame that hes gonna lecture u for 3 hours after this.
Squeaks but denies it later.
If u can get him off discreetly u deserve a reward. Man is a mess under ur hands like fuckin always. But lets just say y'all have been doin this for a while so he's not so jumpy when u get handsy. So y'all r at the casino, Mam's is havin a lucky night n hes got that dumb happy look on his face that makes u go all mushy. So u come up behind his seat, wrap ur arms around him n nuzzle at his neck. Ur hands wander down his chest n torso until ur hands frame his cock. He tenses, bitin his lip as his mind whirls, wonderin how far ur gonna go this time. Will u be content w just holdin him like this? Maybe you'll jerk him off under the table, or maybe you'll throw him ontop of it n fuck the shit outta him. Who knows.
Well, thats one way to kill him.
Says he hates it but asks u to do it again. So u take it slow. Its movie night and everyone has long fallen asleep, everyone except u too. Y'all r cuddlin on the couch, hes little spoon cause how can u not want to hold this man in ur arms? The hands wrapped around his waist start to get that itch, the itch to touch, to caress, to feel the heat of his fleash under ur palm. So u slither a hand up his shirt, his cute nipples r just too inviting so u pinch n rub n twist them until theyre hard. Ur other hand dips under his waistband to wrap around his quickly hardenin cock. Hes holdin his breath, tryin so hard not to make any noise as pleasure shudders through his body.
Proceed w caution, this man is a cat after all.
Usually y'all r in his room w him lyin against ur chest as he reads to u n u thread ur fingers through his hair. But sometimes y'all go to the library, and today this fucker has the audacity to look so fuckin good. I mean sure hes just leanin there readin to his hearts content. But a strand of hair is out of place n he just looks so good. So u grab him by his lapels n drag him into one of the rows, shovin him against the bookshelf before shovin a hand down his pants.
U think ppl bein around is gonna stop this man? Pft. It could be a regular ol tuesday when he gives that look, that look that has u burnin for him. How can u not shove him against the nearest surface?
So, ur a good christian right? U can keep ur hands to urself right? U can watch this man workout for hours, gettin all sweaty w his titties out without goin to have a taste right?
We all agree that the cow bitch has a somnophilia kink yeah? Well considerin the fucker is asleep most of the time feel free to grop to ur hearts content. Pull out his chair durin class n show all the lesser demons what his pathetic cock can do.
Two words, touch, starved.
Would love to have ur hands on him 100% of the time, but he gotta work so that cant happen...unless? Unless u take advantage of his free time inbetween, or u could just walk into one of his meetings order him to get outta his seat so he can sit in ur lap. Do not do this in front of Lucifer, or do, ur funeral...again, anyway, play around w his titties. Rip open his fuckin shirt n let those puppies breath.
Dude doesnt show it but he really likes ur touch, like to the point where he seeks u out.
Ma'am this is a kitchen, u make food here...but u also eat food here to n Barb is lookin like a snac. U dont want to interupt his work but damn. Maybe pull his pants down just a little, maybe pull his hips back n eat his ass a little?
I can be ur angel, i can be ur slut uwu.
Either hed be like "whatre u doin senpai?" Or is the one to put ur hands on him. So desperate for ur attention, he needs u to touch him, make his body sing. Doesnt want to get caught but also kinda does.
He's too composed, mess him up. Is this hard to do? Yes, but its rewarding.
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