#{ this is not about anyone specifically but I wanted to put this out there }
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Do you think “Moon Sailor” was a bit, on the nose?
it was intended to be! i made the pilot while keeping in mind that the magical girl genre is actually somewhat niche
i wanted to make sure people like my parents or my girlfriend's law school peers or people who don't watch anime at all could easily follow and understand what's going on. if i asked my parents to name a magical girl anime, they'd be like "what is that" but if i asked them what sailor moon was, they'd be like "oh yeah i've seen those characters before!" sailor moon undoubtedly iconic and people IMMEDIATELY know what it is upon hearing it. "moon sailor" is VERY OBVIOUSLY a parody of that so it's easy to get in that one second of time i have before moving on.
the tricky thing about doing a pilot is the setup and the trickier thing about doing a SUBVERSIVE pilot is that you have to set up what you're subverting on top of everything else. that's why zira's dialogue and language is also a bit expository and on the nose during the "gasp" part. there are people watching who don't know the magical girl genre and its tropes! like how is someone supposed to know that aika anticlimactically poofing into her magical form was a joke if they didn't even know that a magical girl transformation was SUPPOSED to happen? i thought i spelled out hoshi's whole thing pretty well or didn't really need to go that into it but i saw a lot of people confused about what they were and why they were there at all (until zira tells us that they're a magical mascot).
back to "moon sailor," it's a silly one off joke meant to quickly signal to the audience that zira likes manga/anime and the magical girl genre specifically as well as circumvent copyright. i also personally just like on the nose bits hahaha. like on big city greens whenever we parody a brand we usually just put a "B" in front of it. one of my favorite being "blego blocks"
this turned into unsolicited writing advice and definitely more than what you asked for but i hope its helpful to anyone out there looking to make their own shows!! clarity, spelling stuff out and sometimes handholding is important especially in a pilot. even though it can feel stilted sometimes, it's better than completely losing your audience or leaving them with questions. but now that the pilot's done it's job, any following episodes i might make will be unburdened by too much expository language haha
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Do you object to the fact that prisons you go to for robbery are cages? Do you blame people who want robbery to be illegal for the abuses of prison?
Actually, no. Let's scale that back. What do you think about jail? In America, the terminology is that prison is where you go after being convicted and jail is where you go before you've been convicted. (This is not because America is the only place that puts you somewhere before you're convicted, every country upon the Earth does that, the terminology just isn't consistent.) They arrest you before you're formally charged with a crime because that's how linear time works, and they have to put you somewhere while they figure out if you should be charged with a crime at all, and if you are, sometimes they need to put you somewhere until the trial. These places should not be torturous! They shouldn't keep you very long and should only keep you before trial if you're a significant flight risk! But the need to have a place to put someone until you know what's up is obviously valid because if you did do something wrong you're probably gonna run and it will always take more than zero time to figure out if you're the guy who's gonna run. If you think it's invalid, you need to argue that, and that's an uphill battle you can't just win by smugging at it!
If an alternate universe version of ICE was like "there's a problem with your visa, we're gonna put you up in a hotel for a couple of days while we sort it out, we'll provide a note to your employer, it's probably nothing, you get we just gotta be thorough," then it would still be a pain in the ass but it would be hard to muster much of an objection to, as their interest in doing that is obviously legitimate. And they'd still be doing exactly the thing ICE is supposed to be doing, so obviously ICE's brutality has nothing to do with its ability to do its job. To argue against that specifically and say it's always wrong because it's a "gilded cage," you can't just appeal to the idea that it shouldn't be illegal, you gotta make the argument that they can't put anyone in a place for a little bit while they figure out if they might have done something wrong. Are you willing to do that?
Also, the only people in this discussion who have come out in support of a caste system are the people who are against border enforcement. Can you repeat that back to me so that I know that you know it?

Story below the cut to avoid a paywall.
There was no explanation, no warning. One minute, I was in an immigration office talking to an officer about my work visa, which had been approved months before and allowed me, a Canadian, to work in the US. The next, I was told to put my hands against the wall, and patted down like a criminal before being sent to an Ice detention center without the chance to talk to a lawyer.
I grew up in Whitehorse, Yukon, a small town in the northernmost part of Canada. I always knew I wanted to do something bigger with my life. I left home early and moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, where I built a career spanning multiple industries – acting in film and television, owning bars and restaurants, flipping condos and managing Airbnbs.
In my 30s, I found my true passion working in the health and wellness industry. I was given the opportunity to help launch an American brand of health tonics called Holy! Water – a job that would involve moving to the US.
I was granted my trade Nafta work visa, which allows Canadian and Mexican citizens to work in the US in specific professional occupations, on my second attempt. It goes without saying, then, that I have no criminal record. I also love the US and consider myself to be a kind, hard-working person.
I started working in California and travelled back and forth between Canada and the US multiple times without any complications – until one day, upon returning to the US, a border officer questioned me about my initial visa denial and subsequent visa approval. He asked why I had gone to the San Diego border the second time to apply. I explained that that was where my lawyer’s offices were, and that he had wanted to accompany me to ensure there were no issues.
After a long interrogation, the officer told me it seemed “shady” and that my visa hadn’t been properly processed. He claimed I also couldn’t work for a company in the US that made use of hemp – one of the beverage ingredients. He revoked my visa, and told me I could still work for the company from Canada, but if I wanted to return to the US, I would need to reapply.
I was devastated; I had just started building a life in California. I stayed in Canada for the next few months, and was eventually offered a similar position with a different health and wellness brand.
I restarted the visa process and returned to the same immigration office at the San Diego border, since they had processed my visa before and I was familiar with it. Hours passed, with many confused opinions about my case. The officer I spoke to was kind but told me that, due to my previous issues, I needed to apply for my visa through the consulate. I told her I hadn’t been aware I needed to apply that way, but had no problem doing it.
Then she said something strange: “You didn’t do anything wrong. You are not in trouble, you are not a criminal.”
I remember thinking: Why would she say that? Of course I’m not a criminal!
She then told me they had to send me back to Canada. That didn’t concern me; I assumed I would simply book a flight home. But as I sat searching for flights, a man approached me.
“Come with me,” he said.
There was no explanation, no warning. He led me to a room, took my belongings from my hands and ordered me to put my hands against the wall. A woman immediately began patting me down. The commands came rapid-fire, one after another, too fast to process.
They took my shoes and pulled out my shoelaces.
“What are you doing? What is happening?” I asked.
“You are being detained.”
“I don’t understand. What does that mean? For how long?”
“I don’t know.”
That would be the response to nearly every question I would ask over the next two weeks: “I don’t know.”
They brought me downstairs for a series of interviews and medical questions, searched my bags and told me I had to get rid of half my belongings because I couldn’t take everything with me.
“Take everything with me where?” I asked.
A woman asked me for the name of someone they could contact on my behalf. In moments like this, you realize you don’t actually know anyone’s phone number anymore. By some miracle, I had recently memorized my best friend Britt’s number because I had been putting my grocery points on her account.
I gave them her phone number.
They handed me a mat and a folded-up sheet of aluminum foil.
“What is this?”
“Your blanket.”
“I don’t understand.”
I was taken to a tiny, freezing cement cell with bright fluorescent lights and a toilet. There were five other women lying on their mats with the aluminum sheets wrapped over them, looking like dead bodies. The guard locked the door behind me.
For two days, we remained in that cell, only leaving briefly for food. The lights never turned off, we never knew what time it was and no one answered our questions. No one in the cell spoke English, so I either tried to sleep or meditate to keep from having a breakdown. I didn’t trust the food, so I fasted, assuming I wouldn’t be there long.
On the third day, I was finally allowed to make a phone call. I called Britt and told her that I didn’t understand what was happening, that no one would tell me when I was going home, and that she was my only contact.
They gave me a stack of paperwork to sign and told me I was being given a five-year ban unless I applied for re-entry through the consulate. The officer also said it didn’t matter whether I signed the papers or not; it was happening regardless.
I was so delirious that I just signed. I told them I would pay for my flight home and asked when I could leave.
No answer.
Then they moved me to another cell – this time with no mat or blanket. I sat on the freezing cement floor for hours. That’s when I realized they were processing me into real jail: the Otay Mesa Detention Center.
I was told to shower, given a jail uniform, fingerprinted and interviewed. I begged for information.
“How long will I be here?”
“I don’t know your case,” the man said. “Could be days. Could be weeks. But I’m telling you right now – you need to mentally prepare yourself for months.”
I felt like I was going to throw up.
I was taken to the nurse’s office for a medical check. She asked what had happened to me. She had never seen a Canadian there before. When I told her my story, she grabbed my hand and said: “Do you believe in God?”
I told her I had only recently found God, but that I now believed in God more than anything.
“I believe God brought you here for a reason,” she said. “I know it feels like your life is in a million pieces, but you will be OK. Through this, I think you are going to find a way to help others.”
At the time, I didn’t know what that meant. She asked if she could pray for me. I held her hands and wept.
I felt like I had been sent an angel.
I was then placed in a real jail unit: two levels of cells surrounding a common area, just like in the movies. I was put in a tiny cell alone with a bunk bed and a toilet.
The best part: there were blankets. After three days without one, I wrapped myself in mine and finally felt some comfort.
For the first day, I didn’t leave my cell. I continued fasting, terrified that the food might make me sick. The only available water came from the tap attached to the toilet in our cells or a sink in the common area, neither of which felt safe to drink.
Eventually, I forced myself to step out, meet the guards and learn the rules. One of them told me: “No fighting.”
“I’m a lover, not a fighter,” I joked. He laughed.
I asked if there had ever been a fight here.
“In this unit? No,” he said. “No one in this unit has a criminal record.”
That’s when I started meeting the other women.
That’s when I started hearing their stories.
And that’s when I made a decision: I would never allow myself to feel sorry for my situation again. No matter how hard this was, I had to be grateful. Because every woman I met was in an even more difficult position than mine.
There were around 140 of us in our unit. Many women had lived and worked in the US legally for years but had overstayed their visas – often after reapplying and being denied. They had all been detained without warning.
If someone is a criminal, I agree they should be taken off the streets. But not one of these women had a criminal record. These women acknowledged that they shouldn’t have overstayed and took responsibility for their actions. But their frustration wasn’t about being held accountable; it was about the endless, bureaucratic limbo they had been trapped in.
The real issue was how long it took to get out of the system, with no clear answers, no timeline and no way to move forward. Once deported, many have no choice but to abandon everything they own because the cost of shipping their belongings back is too high.
I met a woman who had been on a road trip with her husband. She said they had 10-year work visas. While driving near the San Diego border, they mistakenly got into a lane leading to Mexico. They stopped and told the agent they didn’t have their passports on them, expecting to be redirected. Instead, they were detained. They are both pastors.
I met a family of three who had been living in the US for 11 years with work authorizations. They paid taxes and were waiting for their green cards. Every year, the mother had to undergo a background check, but this time, she was told to bring her whole family. When they arrived, they were taken into custody and told their status would now be processed from within the detention center.
Another woman from Canada had been living in the US with her husband who was detained after a traffic stop. She admitted she had overstayed her visa and accepted that she would be deported. But she had been stuck in the system for almost six weeks because she hadn’t had her passport. Who runs casual errands with their passport?
One woman had a 10-year visa. When it expired, she moved back to her home country, Venezuela. She admitted she had overstayed by one month before leaving. Later, she returned for a vacation and entered the US without issue. But when she took a domestic flight from Miami to Los Angeles, she was picked up by Ice and detained. She couldn’t be deported because Venezuela wasn’t accepting deportees. She didn’t know when she was getting out.
There was a girl from India who had overstayed her student visa for three days before heading back home. She then came back to the US on a new, valid visa to finish her master’s degree and was handed over to Ice due to the three days she had overstayed on her previous visa.
There were women who had been picked up off the street, from outside their workplaces, from their homes. All of these women told me that they had been detained for time spans ranging from a few weeks to 10 months. One woman’s daughter was outside the detention center protesting for her release.
That night, the pastor invited me to a service she was holding. A girl who spoke English translated for me as the women took turns sharing their prayers – prayers for their sick parents, for the children they hadn’t seen in weeks, for the loved ones they had been torn away from.
Then, unexpectedly, they asked if they could pray for me. I was new here, and they wanted to welcome me. They formed a circle around me, took my hands and prayed. I had never felt so much love, energy and compassion from a group of strangers in my life. Everyone was crying.
At 3am the next day, I was woken up in my cell.
“Pack your bag. You’re leaving.”
I jolted upright. “I get to go home?”
The officer shrugged. “I don’t know where you’re going.”
Of course. No one ever knew anything.
I grabbed my things and went downstairs, where 10 other women stood in silence, tears streaming down their faces. But these weren’t happy tears. That was the moment I learned the term “transferred”.
For many of these women, detention centers had become a twisted version of home. They had formed bonds, established routines and found slivers of comfort in the friendships they had built. Now, without warning, they were being torn apart and sent somewhere new. Watching them say goodbye, clinging to each other, was gut-wrenching.
I had no idea what was waiting for me next. In hindsight, that was probably for the best.
Our next stop was Arizona, the San Luis Regional Detention Center. The transfer process lasted 24 hours, a sleepless, grueling ordeal. This time, men were transported with us. Roughly 50 of us were crammed into a prison bus for the next five hours, packed together – women in the front, men in the back. We were bound in chains that wrapped tightly around our waists, with our cuffed hands secured to our bodies and shackles restraining our feet, forcing every movement into a slow, clinking struggle.
When we arrived at our next destination, we were forced to go through the entire intake process all over again, with medical exams, fingerprinting – and pregnancy tests; they lined us up in a filthy cell, squatting over a communal toilet, holding Dixie cups of urine while the nurse dropped pregnancy tests in each of our cups. It was disgusting.
We sat in freezing-cold jail cells for hours, waiting for everyone to be processed. Across the room, one of the women suddenly spotted her husband. They had both been detained and were now seeing each other for the first time in weeks.
The look on her face – pure love, relief and longing – was something I’ll never forget.
We were beyond exhausted. I felt like I was hallucinating.
The guard tossed us each a blanket: “Find a bed.”
There were no pillows. The room was ice cold, and one blanket wasn’t enough. Around me, women lay curled into themselves, heads covered, looking like a room full of corpses. This place made the last jail feel like the Four Seasons.
I kept telling myself: Do not let this break you.
Thirty of us shared one room. We were given one Styrofoam cup for water and one plastic spoon that we had to reuse for every meal. I eventually had to start trying to eat and, sure enough, I got sick. None of the uniforms fit, and everyone had men’s shoes on. The towels they gave us to shower were hand towels. They wouldn’t give us more blankets. The fluorescent lights shined on us 24/7.
Everything felt like it was meant to break you. Nothing was explained to us. I wasn’t given a phone call. We were locked in a room, no daylight, with no idea when we would get out.
I tried to stay calm as every fiber of my being raged towards panic mode. I didn’t know how I would tell Britt where I was. Then, as if sent from God, one of the women showed me a tablet attached to the wall where I could send emails. I only remembered my CEO’s email from memory. I typed out a message, praying he would see it.
He responded.
Through him, I was able to connect with Britt. She told me that they were working around the clock trying to get me out. But no one had any answers; the system made it next to impossible. I told her about the conditions in this new place, and that was when we decided to go to the media.
She started working with a reporter and asked whether I would be able to call her so she could loop him in. The international phone account that Britt had previously tried to set up for me wasn’t working, so one of the other women offered to let me use her phone account to make the call.
We were all in this together.
With nothing to do in my cell but talk, I made new friends – women who had risked everything for the chance at a better life for themselves and their families.
Through them, I learned the harsh reality of seeking asylum. Showing me their physical scars, they explained how they had paid smugglers anywhere from $20,000 to $60,000 to reach the US border, enduring brutal jungles and horrendous conditions.
One woman had been offered asylum in Mexico within two weeks but had been encouraged to keep going to the US. Now, she was stuck, living in a nightmare, separated from her young children for months. She sobbed, telling me how she felt like the worst mother in the world.
Many of these women were highly educated and spoke multiple languages. Yet, they had been advised to pretend they didn’t speak English because it would supposedly increase their chances of asylum.
Some believed they were being used as examples, as warnings to others not to try to come.
Women were starting to panic in this new facility, and knowing I was most likely the first person to get out, they wrote letters and messages for me to send to their families.
It felt like we had all been kidnapped, thrown into some sort of sick psychological experiment meant to strip us of every ounce of strength and dignity.
We were from different countries, spoke different languages and practiced different religions. Yet, in this place, none of that mattered. Everyone took care of each other. Everyone shared food. Everyone held each other when someone broke down. Everyone fought to keep each other’s hope alive.
I got a message from Britt. My story had started to blow up in the media.
Almost immediately after, I was told I was being released.
My Ice agent, who had never spoken to me, told my lawyer I could have left sooner if I had signed a withdrawal form, and that they hadn’t known I would pay for my own flight home.
From the moment I arrived, I begged every officer I saw to let me pay for my own ticket home. Not a single one of them ever spoke to me about my case.
To put things into perspective: I had a Canadian passport, lawyers, resources, media attention, friends, family and even politicians advocating for me. Yet, I was still detained for nearly two weeks.
Imagine what this system is like for every other person in there.
A small group of us were transferred back to San Diego at 2am – one last road trip, once again shackled in chains. I was then taken to the airport, where two officers were waiting for me. The media was there, so the officers snuck me in through a side door, trying to avoid anyone seeing me in restraints. I was beyond grateful that, at the very least, I didn’t have to walk through the airport in chains.
To my surprise, the officers escorting me were incredibly kind, and even funny. It was the first time I had laughed in weeks.
I asked if I could put my shoelaces back on.
“Yes,” one of them said with a grin. “But you better not run.”
“Yeah,” the other added. “Or we’ll have to tackle you in the airport. That’ll really make the headlines.”
I laughed, then told them I had spent a lot of time observing the guards during my detention and I couldn’t believe how often I saw humans treating other humans with such disregard. “But don’t worry,” I joked. “You two get five stars.”
When I finally landed in Canada, my mom and two best friends were waiting for me. So was the media. I spoke to them briefly, numb and delusional from exhaustion.
It was surreal listening to my friends recount everything they had done to get me out: working with lawyers, reaching out to the media, making endless calls to detention centers, desperately trying to get through to Ice or anyone who could help. They said the entire system felt rigged, designed to make it nearly impossible for anyone to get out.
The reality became clear: Ice detention isn’t just a bureaucratic nightmare. It’s a business. These facilities are privately owned and run for profit.
Companies like CoreCivic and GEO Group receive government funding based on the number of people they detain, which is why they lobby for stricter immigration policies. It’s a lucrative business: CoreCivic made over $560m from Ice contracts in a single year. In 2024, GEO Group made more than $763m from Ice contracts.
The more detainees, the more money they make. It stands to reason that these companies have no incentive to release people quickly. What I had experienced was finally starting to make sense.
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love at twenties ? - reader x ni-ki
warnings : suggestive content, explicit language, etc.
note : you can also read [snitch] first before reading this.
for all the years you've known each other, ni-ki likes to say the dumbest things just to see you smile. he would always do shit in because he knew that would make you playfully hit his arm, and shake your head at him, or you would struggle to hold back your giggles.
and if there's one very specific moment when he realized he has feelings for you, it had to be the day you showed up at his house wearing those tiny little shorts.
you're comfortable, legs were stretched out on their couch, smooth and toned, really impossible for anyone not to look. your toes were painted red, tapping on the cushion, and for some reason, it made his throat feel tight.
sure, he likes to make everyone comfortable and laugh with him but he also knew now that you weren't just his friend or his sister's best friend.
now, you've... grown.
he didn't know what to do with that realization 'cause he had always been a little shy to you.
he would always ask his sister first if she had eaten, just so it wouldn't be too obvious that he really wanted to know if you also ate already or he would buy snacks if he knew you'd be around, ones they didn't even like. "i don't eat these," his sister would pout. while you're there, eyes lighting up in excitement. ni-ki will smile slightly, knowing exactly they were all your favorites.
he needed for you to notice him.
he started being annoying. he would poke you, cutting into your conversations or blasting really loud music, and just kept trying to get a reaction from you in any way possible.
and to him, you probably thought he was just being a brat or something like an emo teenager. you would sigh, pout, or roll your eyes every time, maybe shove him away sometimes. even with all his antics, you were so nice and patient with him.
you would mess up his hair, brush him off, and you would even kiss his cheek when you're about to leave and go home.
as he age, his body started going through a lot of changes, he grew taller. way taller than you, taller than his sister, just taller than everyone.
his voice also got deeper, his shoulders broadened, and he started to feel like what he always wanted to look like too, but unfortunately for him, it also changed the way you've treated the younger friend.
you don't kiss his cheeks anymore, you don't include him in girls conversations like you used to, you became more careful and you don't seem... nice to ni-ki anymore...
"you're too dumb to enter a beauty pageant," he teased.
you rolled your eyes. "i wasn't even gonna join, i was just voted, you dumbass!"
...oh did he mention that you're also fighting back now too?
but to be fair, you're only treating him different not because of the changes in his appearance, it was also because ni-ki had started making jokes about fucki- uhh sex, and couple other horny stuff.
hello? he's not the only one going through changes, you're growing and you also have those raging hormones too! so every time he's making those jokes, your heart-brain just can't and won't stop going crazy.
and fuck, this is your childhood friend. not to mention, your best friend's brother.
one day, he saw you washing dishes, standing by the sink, and completely unaware of him.
his sister was nowhere to be found so it's just you, wearing a sundress where the hem keeps riding up your thighs every time you move.
ni-ki grinned before leaning against the kitchen counter, just watching you quietly.
oh, thank you God, thank you for whoever invented dresses. it was so short, if he just kneel down, he could peek and see—just a little.
watching your back, he kinda wanted to know what it would feel like if he hugged you on your waist, what if you just let him put his big hands all over you the way he always imagined late at night, alone in his room...
ni-ki bit his lip, then you turned around and jumped, startled.
he saw your boobs bounced when you did-
"you freaking scared me…" you breathed, pressing a hand to your chest.
he raised his brow at you, his face doesn't even look scary.
you frowned slightly. "you need something?"
yes, you but "just… water," is what he muttered instead.
you nodded before glancing at your watch. "i gotta go."
"where are you going?"
"just a date."
ni-ki straightened up immediately and furrowed his brows. "with who?!"
he suddenly didn't want a water anymore.
"huh?" you asked, confused on why he's asking.
"who?" he repeated.
"with the one yo-" you barely got the few words out before he cut you off with:
"who cares?"
later that night, you had to call ni-ki because his sister wasn't answering, probably asleep. you can't just go home drunk so you came back to their house, a little tipsy, he was the one who opened the door.
you lost your balance, and stumbled forward, straight right into his arms.
his hands caught your waist to steady you. your body is pressed against his, it's warm and dizzying but somehow you can't stop giggling in his arms.
ni-ki scoffed after, then smiled as he held you tighter. he asked, "why did you drink?" trying to sound like he was irritated.
you hushed him with a finger to his lips. "shhh. i don't wanna hear your shit."
he sighed, guiding you inside without letting go, walking with you towards the couch where you plopped holding his wrist, just trying and keeping him close.
he put your legs, his favorite legs, on his lap.
you tipped back your head slightly to rest, the tie of the dress slipped off your shoulder, so ni-ki reached out automatically to fix the strap.
"do i look good today?" you asked suddenly.
"…yes," he admitted quietly, "you probably heard that a lot of times today…"
"i did." you smirked, leaning against his arm.
"so why'd you even ask me?" he murmured.
you blinked at him, slow and heavy-lidded. "ju- just to make sure."
just to make sure you actually look good? or just to make sure he knows you look good?
"what if i'm lying?"
"well..." you hummed, smirking, "you're a kid, so-"
"i'm not." he said before pulling you closer. "and fucking stop treating me like one."
"what? now you suddenly wanna be a man or something?" you tilted your head and gave him a naughty smile. you like to tease him even when you're just a bit older than him. "cause you're not-"
he chuckled in disbelief, pressing his tongue against the inside of his cheek before saying, "oh, y/n..." shaking his head, "you know i'll let you check just how big i've gotten,"
he was serious, both of you were just looking into each other's eyes, faces moving closer and closer together, but then his sister suddenly appeared, rubbing her eyes. "what are you guys doing?" she yawned.
you pulled back, making ni-ki roll his eyes in annoyance.
you looked at him for a moment before standing up without a word, and as you walked away, ni-ki straightened up, his eyes following your figure. he tried to call you out, trying to get you to finish what you've started but you just ignored him.
and when you finally acknowledged your feelings for him, he became unstoppable, he did all the things he always wanted, but still remainedーno, he became even more respectful to his sister.
he didn't barge into your conversations anymore, didn't stay when you wanted spend time with her, he gave you space, and let you have your moments without him but when his sister is not around, he would text you:
(•ө•)♡: come here :p
(•ө•)♡: gimme a kiss
(•ө•)♡: please, i miss you
and would pull you into his room just to make out very quick.
"we should really go somewhere just the two of us." he panted.
"do you wanna go to my place or should we book...?"
he kissed you, "okay, let's do both." before letting you go like nothing happened.
and the first and only time you ever fought is when he thought you weren't claiming him.
like that one valentine's day... he went all out and bought you every single gift that girls were gettingーbig flowers, chocolate, jewelry, red dress, bedroom and those fancy bath with rose petals...
he thought you would love it.
and yeah, you didn't post any of it in your stories.
he was watching everyone else's but he couldn't find yours. it's okay not to post him actually, but at least show everyone else that you're also being appreciated by your, according to his words: "secret" boyfriend, so he just sulked.
but then he saw that you have his selfie as your wallpaper, his polaroid picture on the back of your phone case, his small ID picture in your wallet and on the back of your school/work id... it made him stop moping...
ni-ki's eyes widened slightly for a while, then smiled slightly as he wrapped his arm on you. he kept hugging you like a baby, burying his face on your neck. "can you say it one more time?"
"riki, daisuki," you smiled. "i said it correctly, right?"
he pressed his lips together in an effort to contain his grin because you said it so cutely that his heart started aching. "yes..." he nodded, "daisuki."
you both kept saying it back and forth with your voices getting softer and softer. giggles slipped in between, until you finally burst into laughter, all while leaning into each other.
he's so naturally funny, he would open those hard-closed lids for you because he's strong, send you songs and you'll create playlists, just listening to all of what he likes/recommended only...
you rested your chin on his shoulder, ni-ki grabbed your hands, intertwining his fingers with yours before wrapping them snugly around himself.
then you decided to bring ni-ki along to one of your family gatherings.
they whispered among themselves, their eyes kept darting between you and him like you're their newfound curiosity as you walked with each other. his sharp features and towering height made everyone murmur in surprise. "such a fine young man." they said as they swarmed him, asking questions, and forgot you're their actual kin.
so you left him there, sorry, rikiーjust for a breather.
you wandered inside the house, searching for somewhere quiet. you spotted your favorite baby nephew sitting on the couch, watching kids show. he's so cute so you wasted no time pulling him into a hug. "you missed me?"
but ni-ki found you right away and sat next to you too. "yo," he greeted, grabbed your nephew's attention with a soft smile.
the kid's face lit up after seeing a very cool uncle.
he was giggling then started rambling, telling ni-ki all about his school, his favorite cartoons, and the "secret" adventure he and his friends had.
your boyfriend listened and nodded attentively. he actually loves kids, maybe a little bit more than you do.
you pouted unintentionally and held ni-ki's arm.
so you were met with a coldest stare out of nowhere, you blinked, confused. "oh? what's wrong?"
your nephew's face scrunched up, ni-ki playfully glared at you too like, why are you teasing him? tapping on your thigh lightly.
you didn't backed down, "but he is mine!" you continued, he raised a tiny fist and threatened to swing at you so you tugged your boyfriend's arm again, dramatically bickering with the kid, "go find someone else!"
you argued with your nephew while ni-ki watched and laughed, completely adoring his girl—maybe, just maybe even wondering what his own would look like one day.
in the end, you sighed, holding your hands up in surrender. "okay, okay. i'm sorry, bro. my bad."
the little guy gave you one last suspicious look before accepting your apology.
you moved behind your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his waist as you cuddled into his back. your nephew went back into his arms too, continuing his story as if nothing happened.
you buried your face in ni-ki's shoulder and whispered, "me next, okay?"
"love you."
more notes : can't believe i just made a part two of my favorite fluff, snitch [here] song is still replay - shinee ^^
check : マスターリストm.list
taglist 𖤘: @dolliewon @ziiao @17ericas
#enhani ki fics !!#enhypen ff#enhypen imagines#enhypen fanfiction#nishimura riki#enha#ni ki#enhypen niki#enhypen scenarios#enhypen nishimura riki#enhypen fic#ni ki fluff#enha fluff#enhypen fluff#enha nishimura riki#nishimura riki fluff#nishimura riki fic#enha riki#enhypen riki#enhypen ni ki#enhypen reactions#enhypen#niki x reader#ni ki x reader#ni ki imagines#enha reactions#enha x reader#enha scenarios#enhypen soft hours#kpop imagines
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I'd love to see an AU where Jason is tossed into the pit and while his wounds heal, he is forever stuck in the body of his 15 year old self.
For Bruce, I think it would be more devastating being confronted by the 15 year old boy he lost. There isn't the physical disconnect of Red Hood Jason and Robin Jason. He was so small when he died, so full of life but now he's come back with so much anger and hatred. And how could he say no to his pleas. That was the body he had to carry, the one he had to bury, and the one immortalized in the Batcave. It's the same face he sees in his nightmares. That was his baby that he failed and he miraculously has been given a second chance.
For Jason, I think this only reinforces his belief that nothing has changed. His life and his death had no impact on anyone or anything. The work he put in as Robin to serve justice is meaningless when Gotham is still a hellhole. Batman and Robin fight the same rogues who are in and out of Arkham. The clown still walking. A death is meant to be the finale, an ending so permanent which is why they can't kill. But here he is again. No wonder he disregards the lives of scum, his had no weight.
And if Jason realizes that isn't the case he will only spiral move. Because everyone has moved on. He got replaced in months. Bruce is no longer smiling at him like the dad he remembered. Dick is actually here for his brother. They got to grieve, mourn, and move on but he is still stuck as his deathbed. He can't have a normal public life anymore and his vigilante life was taken away from him. What exactly does he have left?
Also an odd question you don't have to answer, but are you caught up on asks? I worry that I might have deleted an ask of a relationship/character analysis without sending it and would want to actually send it. But I also don't want to flood your inbox.
oh. my. god.
this is, like, one of the angstiest concepts of Jason about his return. i vote for adding *a little* body-horror, where not only his body didn't change, but some of his wounds are still phatomly there. not visible because the Pit does a good job of that, but not *only* felt by Jason. like sometimes his bones just slightly snap. or his shoulder is dislocated. random blood starts streaming out of his nose, ears, or mouth. he coughs with it. it doesn't *change* anything you see — he still functionates normally; he can and will simply snap his shoulder back, and return to work.
but the fact that even this doesn't change anything for him.
not his death, not his life, not his wounds, not any of his sacrifices — there is nothing that would change what he went through. isn't it just maddening?
answer to not-so-strange question: i didn't have any specific analysis/long posts in asks except for this :(
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sypnosis; after ellie had a nearly heated argument with seth over something he said about you, your best idea was to take her home, but you get caught up in the car—relieving her anger. cw; angst, smut, sub!ellie, soft dom!fem reader, oral sex, strap use (referred to as a cock), multiple orgasms, fluff, e!receiving all, not proofread, men and minors dni. a/n; can i just say a HUGE thank you for 1k on my obsessed fic, i was really not expecting it to reach that 😭💞 i love you all! basically i have ALWAYSSS wanted to write car sex—its just so hot to me so i had this specific idea💋 and im in the midst of writing lots of requests rn so they will be released soon! anyways hope you enjoy!
➝ masterlist
seth had already spat out a nasty comment your way as you walked off hand in hand with ellie. she initially tried her best to ignore the fact seth had basically told you both to leave for kissing anyway, but his next comment sent ellie off the rails and you weren’t expecting it.
a loud-mouthed dyke.
ellie let go of your hand and whipped around like someone had just thrown something at her, and her eye twitched. you watch as she walked away from you and towards seth, her finger raising to point at him, her brows knitted together. “the fuck did you just say?!” she spits out as she storms towards him, the only thing you could do was step in front of her and press your hands to her chest, holding her back.
your eyes look up at hers that were burning into seth as she never lost eye contact with him. “ellie, ellie—no!” you warn, her still moving towards seth as you spoke and had your hands on her chest, but she eventually stopped once you pressed her away firmly. her eyes finally broke from seth, falling down and inking into yours, her gaze instantly softening as soon as they met. she knew by the stern on your face that she’d better stop, especially since everyone was already staring.
before you knew it, you were hand in hand with your girlfriend, walking out of the bar, your eyes looking at hers from the side and you could practically see the steam coming from her ears. you sigh as you both walk to the car, letting go of her hand as she gets the keys from out her back pocket, unlocking the car and getting in the driver seat and you got in the passenger side.
she started the car, the engine roaring as she pulled out of the car park, driving off. the ride home was awkwardly silent—you were just in utter shock, and ellie was still very much angry. so angry that she hadnt even put her hand on your thigh while driving, which she normally did every single time—the fact that she didnt want to touch you made her anger prominent enough.
you notice ellies face, too. eyebrows knitted together, nose slightly scrunched, lips pursed and her cheeks flushed slightly, eyes narrow as they stayed on the road infront as she drove. nothing but the sound of the engine between you both, but, you decide to break the silence, feeling as though the awkwardness was swallowing you whole.
“why did you do that, ellie? we could have just walked away and ignored him.” you say, your voice low and tone soft, making sure it didnt sound like you were scolding her as you didnt want to make her more angry than she already was. she rubbed her brow, letting a sigh flow past her lips as she pouted them a little.
“well, who else was g’nna shut him up? dickhead had no right to call you that. you know i hate it when—” she says, her tone very firm, her anger obvious in her words, but you cut her off.
“i know, i know. i get it.” you sigh out, rubbing your eyes. you knew ellie was very protective of you, no matter how much of a loser she was she’d never let anyone fuck with you, she drew the line there. her hands were gripping the wheel tightly, her teeth finding her bottom lip. you found that after you’d said this, she had started to rant about it to let her anger out, but it didnt seem to work.
she rubbed her eyes with one hand as she rambled on, curses, groans and insults leaving her mouth. all this, and an idea still managed to swarm your head. how about you release her anger for her?
“he’s such a fucking—“ she rants, but you stop her by your confident words. “stop the car.” you say bluntly, with a hint of something else behind those words. her brows furrow further as she suddenly goes quiet from her rambling, her eyes meeting with yours for a split second. “huh? why?” she asks, confusion in her voice.
“pull over, ellie.” you whisper, your tone firmer now, almost seeming to stun her but she does comply, the fact that you were so strict with what you said making her pull the car over quickly and urgently. she was very much confused, parking the car on the side of the empty road. you grin to yourself, opening the glove box. “get in the backseat, baby.” you tell her.
she raises on eyebrow as she eyes your every movement, but somehow she doesnt seem to want to argue, and instead unclips her seatbelt slowly, manoeuvring into the backseat as she sits in the middle with her legs spread, seeming to get a small hint of what you were doing. especially when you were in the glovebox.
of course—ellies strap was in there.
you grab it in your hand and unclip your seatbelt, getting into the backseat. ellie reaches her arms out to you, grabbing your arms and then your hips, placing you on top of her lap as your legs rest either side of her waist. she was probably thinking you wanted her to fuck you. little did she know it wasnt like that. her hands caressed over your hips, her thumbs rubbing soft circles. “mm, y’want me to fuck you baby? right now?” she hums softly, her lips against your ear. however, you just laugh softly.
“no—you’re the one getting fucked, princess.” you grin, pressing your lips to her ear now, mimicking her own movements. you giggle to yourself as you could practically feel her smile faltering, her eyes widening and her legs spreading further. you move your head back, making eye contact with her puzzled face, your nose brushing against hers. “let me rail that anger out of you, hm?” you bite your bottom lip, watching the way her eyes pretty much fill with desperation.
she remained silent but she blinked, feeling herself getting wetter and wetter by the second, before you know it, you’d moved her to lay down and you hover over her, her jeans and boxers on the floor of the car—your skirt and panties in the same place. there was something so ironic about using ellies strap to fuck ellie with it. seems like the perfect way to go.
you strapped it on, not being able to help the moments that flush in your mind of every time ellie had fucked you senseless with this. you let the clear, veiny silicone brush against her already dripping folds, her head leans back on the car door at the first bit of contact, her eyes rolling back and her mouth opening in a silent moan.
you grin as you watch her face contort—starting to lift her shirt and move her flannel up, your lips finding her stomach. you kiss down her pretty waist, the way her stomach flattens with the sharp breaths she takes due to your soft movements, your lips pressing softer kiss on her hip bones as they arch up.
you meet with her folds, your tongue darting out to lick up her wet slit and swirl around her puffy clit. her arms lean back to grip onto the door, her hips arching up. “fuck! oh fuuuck—don’t stop. ohh, goddd…” she whines, swallowing hard as her eyes roll to the back of her head, her hips fucking themselves on your tongue.
you refused to praise her aching hole with your tongue, you wanted to save that for your cock and make her take it like a good girl. you gave her soft kitten licks, swirling your tongue over her bundle of nerves and up and down her slick heat, paying the area in particular that made her whine the most.
you could slowly feel her body shake, already teetering on the edge from your tongue on her clit, now she was sensetive wasnt she?
her hand instantly reached down to grab a fistful of your hair, fucking her pussy on your lips as she pushed your head in further. “fuuuuck baby—g’nna cu—oh god…!” she cries out, her hips grinding on your face as she fiercly cums all over your tongue. your quick to react, taking all her juices into your mouth and swallowing it up like it was flowing gold.
you pull your face out of her heat, seeing her eyes shut in ecstasy. the windows of the car had steamed up and it felt awfully hot. before ellie could even open her eyes, you had her flipped over and pulled her hips up so she was on her hands and knees on the seats, your hands curling around her hips. “you’re gonna take this like a good girl, ain’cha, princess?” you speak, voice low and seductive. you knew she was no longer angry and that you’d likely relieved her stress, but you wanted to fuck her nastily.
she bows her head, nodding quickly. “y-yes baby. shit—i—“ you instantly cut her off by rolling your hips forward, your cock completely bottoming out inside of her tight hole, which made you groan—having to stretch her needy cunt.
“uuuhhh! s—shit—“ she whines, her hand slamming against the steamy car window along with her other one, trying to steady herself as you begin moving in and out of her throbbing pussy, her ass smacking against your hips causing it to ripple as the noises echo throughout the car. any normal person driving or walking by would’ve seen the car rocking.
“s-shit…take it baby. fuuuck, your pussy is so pretty—taking my cock so well.” you whine, the friction from the strap rubbing against your untouched clit. you knew ellie loved it when you treated her like this, praising her and all—you loved it too, treating her like the queen she was. you grip her hips, although you didnt really have to—she was already pushing them backwards onto your cock as you spoke nasty words to her. her hands left two imprints on the steamy window, placing them somewhere else on the window to steady herself further, leaving two more imprints.
every time you thrusted forward, her pussy made squelching noises from her precum dripping on your cock. your hands gripped her pretty waist harder, slamming the thick silicone in and out of her needy cunt. her head arches back and strident moans fell from her throat. you were panting now, but that didnt stop you. ohhh no.
you take her hips and pull her up so her back meets with your chest and she was basically sat on your lap. a cry escapes her throat at the new angle, her body feeling overstimulated. your hands move up under her shirt, gripping both of her small breasts, giving them small squeezes which caused her to whine at your touch. “f—fucking hell—shitttt!” she whimpers out, bouncing herself on your cock. what a needy princess.
you grin, resting your chin on her shoulder as you fuck up into her, some of her hair that had fallen out of her bun stuck to her cheeks that were covered in sweat. one of her hands remained on the window, her other one came to cup your cheek. “m’close. gonna cum baby…ahhh!” her head fell back against your shoulder as she whined this—her mouth staying agape.
“thats it, thaaaats it, cum all over my cock sweetheart. doing so well f’me—mmm…” you groan, fucking up into her further as your words only egg her on, her body beginning to shake again as you repeatedly slam the tip of your cock against her spongey spot.
she shudders on your lap, and you swore you could feel her walls pulsing around you. her eyes squeeze shut, brows knitting together and with a final jolt and a slurred, whore-ish whine emitting from her throat, her cum leaks out of her pussy and all over your cock, a loud gasp following.
“ohhh my fucking god…” she sighs out, her hand slipping off the window which caused a streaky handprint, her head falling onto your shoulder. you give her breasts one last squeeze before you let go and lift her shaky body off of the silicone and she sits against the door while you crawl inbetween her legs to lay there, her hands finding your hair to play with it.
you smile contently, “feel better?” you whisper, voice croaky as you close your eyes, feeling proud. she laughs, her hands gently playing with your hair as she speaks, her tone soft and her voice quiet.
“fuck yeah. i should be pissed more often.” she kissed your hair, letting her words linger. “think we should go home, cuddle in bed. how’s that sound, princess?” you ask, looking into her eyes now.
her eyes soften at your words, looking into yours. “i’d love to, baby.”
taglist: @valeisaslut @elliesfavtoy @ttspenny @ellieswrath @willurms @slutt4ellie @stvrluvrrpres @elliescoochieeater @les4elliewilliams @eveyuyy @starwilliams @eriiwaii @vahnilla @ellieputellas @vampirq @067supremacy2 @se4ttlellie @edenspoem
#ellie fanfic#ellie smut#ellie the last of us#ellie tlou#ellie williams#ellie williams oneshot#ellie williams smut#ellie williams x female reader#ellie williams x reader#tlou ellie#ellie x reader#ellie x fem reader#ellie williams fic#tlou smut#tlou fanfiction#tlou2#tlou#the last of us x reader#the last of us part 2#the last of us fanfiction#the last of us#wlw smut#smut#fluff#angst#wlw post
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I get my ideas for posts from a lot of random sources. Some of them are from doing research, like articles / books / etc. about different manners. Some of them are from suggestions people have sent to me or asked me about on this blog. Others are based on experiences.
The doing research is one of my main sources. But I don't think I've talked about before how I don't just post any and every manner I find, I put some effort into curating them, because not all the manners I find make the cut. Some just seem like bad ideas, some are hyper specific to one region or culture and would be considered rude in many areas outside of this one region or culture. Some have no good reasoning other than "this is just what's been considered polite for centuries so do it."
But in case anyone has been curious what are some of the ones who haven't made the cut, here's some of them and why:
If you're scraping ice off of your car, scrape off your neighbor's car too. I've come across this one a few times and have never posted it for a reason. It's a nice thought, if it was icy and my neighbor had scraped off the ice from my car without damaging my car at all, I would personally be grateful. But the problem and why I've never posted it is because of the risk you run of damaging your neighbor's car in the process. If you damage someone else's property while doing a favor they never asked you for, you bet they're going to be really unhappy with you and likely make you pay for damages. Now I have posted about shoveling your neighbor's driveway or walkway, because the risk of damaging a driveway or a walkway while shoveling is much much lower, if anyone has ever managed to damage a concrete driveway or walkway while shoveling please let me know how you managed that. But I also imagine it's less of a problem than a damaged car.
2. Calling service workers by their first name if they're wearing a name tag I worked the service industry for many years, and was lucky enough to never have to wear a name tag. It was already unpleasant enough getting hit on by people three times my age, or getting yelled at and chewed out by strangers daily, and I'm grateful I was afforded some anonymity. The last retail job I had we didn't have name tags, but for some reason beyond me the receipts would print the name of whoever did the sale, and I personally hated it when people would look at the receipt then call me by name and go "that is your name, right?". You encounter a lot of creeps and hostiles in the service industry, so many people prefer feeling anonymous. To each their own, maybe some people in the industry like it when customers use their name, but I never posted this because I know it's not universal.
3. Take off your hat while you're inside The reason is because I have never been able to find a good and logical explanation for this one, most of what I can find is based on outdated concepts like "back in the era of knights it showed trust and vulnerability for knights to take off their helmet while in someone else's residence" or "back in the day women wore huge and elaborate hats that would block the view for others" but nothing on why I can't wear a simple plain beanie indoors. Maybe I'm just personally salty on this. I have a skin condition that causes scalp issues for me, and I find wearing simple and breathable hats like beanies helps me. But when I was an au pair many years ago the host mom would scream at me and call me rude if I wore a beanie indoors because I was "setting a bad example for her children" by doing something so rude as wearing a hat inside. But I never did get a good explanation on why it was so rude and such a bad example for her children. I just wanted to ease my scalp problems. If you have a good reason, please do let me know because I would like to know. I'm sure there's more, but these are a few I can think of off the top of my head that I've encountered a few times but never posted. In case anyone was curious about what does or doesn't make the cut.
A few others are things that are more etiquette that manners like "make sure that x utensil is always to the right of y utensil" and I don't want to dunk on anyone who is big on etiquette rules and finds them fun or interesting, but it's the same problem as the hat problem. The focus of this blog is manners that have meaning and I can give a good logical explanation for how/why it benefits you and others.
And to be perfectly honest, sometimes I post things and later go "Actually, I don't fully agree with that now that I think about it more." But also, I trust that all of my followers are able to think critically on their own, so if they come across a post of time that's actually kinda unnecessary or they just don't agree with, they can think for themselves "actually, I don't want to do that or think that I need to" or even just "this might apply to other people but doesn't apply to me or my circumstances."
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It’s 10:50 pm
“Hey, how did it go. Are you alright with the kid or do we need to sleep with one eye open?”
“We’re good now”
“Although now I owe Sebastián a favour”
“Huh? Was he there?”
“Ah, well, he cleared some of my points”
“Man, perhaps I really should hire you as my social situation interpreter”
“Oh baby, for you it’s all free”
“You’re insufferable”
“Eepy time, then? Two Mimir? Did you brush your teeth on the way? I’m already done with my skincare routine”
He puts on his pyjama and sits for a little while.
“What’s wrong?”
“Ah, nothing. I just… been thinking”
“About your dad again?”
“About the house.”
“Did you… feel something?”
“No but, what if this is, let’s say, some kind of evolution?”
“A sneakier house?”
“Remember when we analysed the doctor’s investigations? The feeling we proposed it might be?”
“I fear that. If we or our friends or the other passengers or by accident…!”
“If someone breaks the current purpose, could we…?”
“Could someone accidentally give it a new one with their grief?”
“Are you thinking of someone specifically? Nina, maybe?”
“Ah, well, this thing is hosting a ton of people so, possibilities are not zero”
“Oliver. Do you think you…?”
“No. I have nothing to grieve for. It’s been plenty of time already.”
“It’s not even been a month”
“I know. But by any means, I shouldn’t be grieving”
“Grandma lived a long and fulfilling life. She had her chickens. She had her family. She had just enough to be happy.”
“She never had to worry about the city life, content with the wonders of the south”
“Everyone got to see her at the hospital. And she died in her sleep. The most peaceful way to go”
“You even got to meet her. To talk to her. To know her. And she liked you”
“She liked you enough to ask to come by next year...”
“And she would’ve hated for us to be sad. She would’ve wanted us to throw a party instead of a gloomy funeral. To remember her as she wanted to.”
“By all means, I have no reason to be sad.”
“…But then why it still hurts so much…?”
The pressure in his chest, silently present since that day, grew tenfold.
He felt his as if his heart was painfully pumping tears out of his eyes.
It hurt. Even deeper than his chest. His heart. His soul.
For a second, he feared getting completely engulfed on it.
A heart next to his, separated by a pair of ribcages.
“It that happens. I’ll fix it”
“I’ll buy this whole train if necessary. I’ll live in it. I’ll change it.”
“Grieve as much as you need. I’ll take care of the rest”
“So, don’t bottle this up any longer, okay?”
He thought he couldn’t cry any harder. He was wrong.
Grasping into Ángel, as if trying to completely unite their hearts, he let himself feel.
He misses her. He misses her. He can’t visit anymore. He doesn’t know what happened to the animals. He wishes he did more.
But the pain doesn’t eat him whole. There is a warmth to it.
A warmth embracing him, shielding him, applying a new pressure. A welcome one.
When he looked at that sunrise, he imagined a bright future. A perfect future.
One where Mozilla didn’t get sick. One where he wasn’t afraid of heights. One where he didn’t have nightmares.
One where everyone he loves lives forever.
Accepting reality used to be easier. When he wasn’t fragmented.
When he wasn’t haunting any buildings.
He should’ve spent more time with her.
He should’ve known, more than anyone, the importance of time.
He feels a kiss on his temple
“We’ll visit her, yeah? Every year. We’ll bring the prettiest flowers”
“She gave me her lemon pie recipe. I know I’m not the best, but”
“I’ll do everything to make it perfect”
This is the reality he lives in. And it’s the best it has ever gotten.
His pain might never pass. Part of him doesn’t want it to.
But it will always be cushioned around strong arms.
Accompanied by another beating heart, two ribcages away.
One day the pressure will be lighter, accompanied by joyful nostalgia. That day is clearly not today.
But he will look at the sunshine once more. Even if it’s cloudy.
He can be brave.
Because he knows that there will be times where he doesn’t have to.
His tears are not yet done with him, so he stays.
Ángel gently sways him side to side. It makes him sleepy.
Who could’ve thought that a busy day travelling and emotional turmoil would make him tired?
He closes his eyes and dozes off.
It’s 11 pm
#all for today#if i dont cry while writing a sad scene then its not working.#also. dont worry about the timeskip. dont worry about it. just dont worry.#detective beebo overnight train
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i know that i’ll probably receive hate for this, but as a fanfic writer, i have to point this out:
if something like race or gender isn’t plot relevant, then don’t include specifics.
i usually make gn reader with sometimes female reader if it’s necessary to the plot, but i never make any fanfic race specific. i can’t tell you the amount of times im super excited to read a fanfic, and then suddenly, its “character x _______ (certain race or ethnicity) reader”
i am a poc myself, being east asian and chinese in america. however, if it is not specific to the plot (ex; the reader is getting discriminated due to race), then literally don’t include it. there is no reason to purposely include “their ____ skin gleamed under the moonlight”. literally just say “their skin gleamed under the moonlight”, it’s not that hard.
i understand that people are proud of their race or prefer to self insert themselves into their fics, and i know because i self insert all the time. but to purposely exclude others’ reading experience just because you’re too petty to understand that people of all races and genders and sexualities can enjoy fanfics literally just makes you seem like a toddler.
so for anyone who does this, please stop. it’s annoying, and if you’re going to put your talent and hard work into a fanfic simply because of your race, then you might as well just not write it. i know so many incredible fanfic writers who would actually be perfect if it weren’t for the fact that they can’t understand that everyone wants to enjoy fanfics.
thank you for reading this far, and if you feel offended by this, just ignore it. i won’t apologize for speaking up about subtle racism or sexism.
#blue lock#blue lock x reader#bllk#bllk x reader#blue lock x fem reader#blue lock x yn#blue lock x chubby reader#blue lock x female reader#blue lock x gender neutral reader#blue lock x y/n#blue lock x you#bllk x fem reader#bllk x yn#bllk x female reader#bllk x y/n#bllk x gender neutral reader#bllk x you#blue lock x oc#bllk x oc
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Section 1 -
How does it feel to be a MagiKey user?
Misaki: “It makes me feel kinda weird though atleast I can train to help my fellow magical girls,boys, and people.”
How popular are you in MagiKey rankings?
Misaki: “At least in a mid section due to how “secretive” I can be”
Which MagiKey would you rather have than your own?
Misaki: “If I had to choose I would choose either Layla’s (@/laylakongg) or hittako’s (@/hittisbuzzing) due to how their powers and personalities kinda relate to me the most”
Why did you become a MagiKey user?
Misaki: “Well…I don’t remember clearly but I was about to get run overhead by a car but a gem appeared and it turned into a key then a white explosion happened and now I am here in this magical world..”
How long have you been in MagiKey
Misaki: “I don’t count the years tbh but I think about 2 years, that’s why most people don’t know most of everything about me.”
Section 2 -
What is their motivation to keep being a magical user?
Just to survive and be in the background. Misaki hates doing something that she never wanted but it is what made her survive…
How are they usually in a battle?
Misaki is the type to fight due to how she trains but knows when to stay back when they sense danger. They have a high alert system and tells the people who are beginning out to get out the way when danger lerks by. Misaki normally uses her powers
Misaki’s first ability, “blindly shine” can temporarily blind a specific target with a blast of light and the target can be anyone she chooses but she chooses to only use this ability when she is critically wounded.
Her second ability, “thorny heart” can control people with a mask : 🎭. But if she puts it on too much people, it is harder to control them and it is normally in a small amount of time but she normally does this when she is the only one left standing…
Her third ability, “sealed” can trap anyone in the vicinity of Misaki. Though it would be inclose range and if the opponent is strong willed then they can be able to break out and can easily hurt misaki.
Her fourth and final ability, “my dear dandelions” is her most powerful ability right now and this ability can tie anyone up no matter what but of course every power needs a weakness so this weakness is that if the person she ties up is strong willed the then can break out of it no matter if they are weak physically or strong physically.
How are their daily lives?
She normally just reads in a corner with some of the people she likes and walks around the school with tsukiko (@/yumaandyukitaka), Misaki sees tsukiko as a younger sibling to protect but won’t tell them just to make sure no one knows a single weakness in her.
What is their opinion on other MagiKey users in general?
She secretly care about them (but pretends to not care as much) and does see them all as new found family due to her “real” family not really care for her mental and physical health.
Section 3 -
What are your OC's struggles as a MagiKey user?
It’s mainly herself. Due to how when she is in her magical form. Their are voices in the back of her head telling her that everyone she cares about will eventually know about her lying and hate her for it and she can sometimes she visions of what with happen in the next few minutes.
One time when tsukiko first followed her, Misaki thought they were trying to make her open up which lead to a misunderstanding and Misaki yelled at tsukiko but then saw their terrified face and misaki apologized and said she just wasn’t ready… Misaki felt bad and wanted to apologize profusely due to that terrifyed look… it looked just like how she did when she was younger… a terrified child. Misaki gave tsukiko a gift just to make them happy and let them just follow her around..
She also doesn’t trust shin (@/liyuviq) as much due to their ability of showing the truth. Misaki often blames themselves for all the mistakes she has done and knows she is a bad person and doesn’t deserve what she has now. She doesn’t deserve to had another chance at living…
What is their favorite color?
A reddish pink but also likes yellow and purple.
Section 4 (extra things I wanted to add)-
Theme song
top of my school - by Katherine Lynn-Rose
What she think of other MagiKey users:
Qix Trix/Quartz (@/quartztwst)
Misaki: “They're quiet but at least they are more peaceful then the other chaotic people.”
Fragaria (@/quartztwst)
Misaki: “she’s…energetic? I don’t know how to explain it.. but atleast she good with talking to.”
Layla (@/laylakongg)
Misaki: “she is my favorite. She is quiet and our powers work very well together though she does tend to work alone like me but not all the time”
AJ (@/karamatsuboy-aj)
Misaki: “he’s very weird sometimes.. but his singing is good, I could listen to it. If he wasn’t so… energetic..”
Shuu (@/oya-oya-okay)
Misaki: “she is quite… interesting?”
Yuu Ni (@/thatsadguymochi)
Misaki: “she is pretty new so it’s best to not really get too close to her but I trust she won’t betray us.”
Hittako (@/hittisbuzzing)
Misaki: “She very interesting but she’s alright.”
Tsukiko (@/yumaandyukitaka)
Misaki: “she’s like a lost child. But she is nice company to be around with.”
Luna (@/waitlexist)
Misaki: “we don’t talk…but I think she is alright”
Undine (@/juchioris)
Misaki: “I don’t pay much attention to her but she is cool, i guess”
Kogane (@/kogane-twst)
Misaki: “one day she might get stuck in a tree just because a cat looks cute… but atleast the cats go to me once they jump down.”
Yuubeni (@/bunniehunn)
Misaki: “she’s weak, yes but atleast her magic ability are an high endurance of her soon getting more powerful and stronger…mentally.”
Yuka (@/chaotic-snow)
Misaki: “she is quite stubborn and has an innocent that will fade if she doesn’t learn about real life but I get why and I won’t ruin her childhood by telling her all the real things that happens in the real world.”
Yuu Fontaine (@/allykakamatsu)
Misaki: “they are alright. A knight in shining armor, that’s what I nickname them.”
Yuya (@/cheerleaderman)
Misaki: “I would like if they could tell me what space looks like due to how i haven’t really cared to look at the facts of it.”
Liánhuā (@/lafashionlsta)
Misaki: “I help her around the school when I am not in my form”
Alistair "Ali" (@/sunnysidesevenup)
Misaki: “they are quite chaotic but I don’t quite like that they have mind-reading due to my thoughts being… anyways.”
Yuuel "El" (@/stxrgazingattheclouds)
Misaki: “her personality is like a galaxy. Messy yet beautiful.”
Elay (@/dgiterart)
Misaki: “she’s pretty and is highly skilled”
Shin (@/liyuviq)
Misaki: “I don’t like them. It’s not like I want to kill them because I hate them. It’s jus that… they can reveal the truth about someone so I rather stay way from them…”
Rika (@/rinxleona)
Misaki: “she is a maid but she does it in an interesting way.”
Yuue (@/blueberriesblueberrie)
Misaki: “she looks like a ballerina tbh but atleast she is a good opponent.”
Yurena (@/ranas-twisted-wonderland)
Misaki: “I don’t know much information about them but they are a bug…”
Evelyn (@/h0neybane)
Misaki: “she looks like the moon so I always call her moonlight like my creat-.. wait what was I going to say?”
Airinniz (@/hanizmiyu)
Misaki: “she is beautiful and I would love to know more about her which I’ve already have.”
Akshara (@/twistedtalestory)
Misaki: “she is certainly diverse but we don’t talk much and her powers are certainly destructive as well..”
Yae (@/fi1nn)
Misaki: “she is in the support class but we sometimes hangout and get along well.”
Yuina (@/doe5dollars)
Misaki: “I relate to her and she is an amazing person in general.”
Vinny (@/cephalotyrant)
Misaki: “he is my son now. Anyway, I play card games with him(btw I let him win just to make him happy).”
Iris (@/lficanthaveloveiwantpower)
Misaki: “she’s cool and kinda nerdy. We get along well, we also read together”
Yumi (@/marinahavik)
Misaki: “energetic. She always wants to talk to me but I didn’t want another Tsukiko event to happen so I let her talk to me.”
Kirara (@/shinysparklesapphires)
Misaki: “she is basically the opposite of riddle. Which, i am not complaining tbh.” (Btw misaki doesn’t not like Kirara like that and sees Kirara as a sister)
Satori (@/soupidee-doo)
Misaki: “quite easy to manipulate them tbh but atleast they have strength to save themselves.”
Belladonna and Schneider (@/ieatfriedeggs)
Misaki: “I think belladonna is quiet? I guess but Schneider is easy to talk to…”
Yuurei (@/universaln0b0dy)
Misaki: “I think she is almost insane.”
Nova (@/nivvetsworld)
Misaki: “she is a definitely a god like a deadly one…”
Chiz (@/chizramue)
Misaki: “she is basically like Red and White Flowers Together(bad omen, representing blood loss and death) which I like due to how I am like Black Dahlias(symbols of betrayal).”
Bya-Chan (@/starlee246)
Misaki: “the way he use blot is quite.. interesting.. but it is still fairly dangerous to use blot.”
Mia (@/happilybeingthenerd)
Misaki: “she’s kinda stupid for leaving the team a lot but I don’t blame her. I do it too. Also is she Zeus?”
Alenna (@/the-dumber-scaramouche)
Misaki: “I prey with her every now and then.”
Hisui (@/ghostiidasponk)
Misaki: “I haven’t got the chance to hangout with her yet but I got some time to hangout with her now and I’m going to cook some delectables for her.”
Kimiko (@/slumberingrose-fandom)
Misaki: “I do wonder if she has read a bit too much Snow White and Adam and Eve stories…”
Yuki (@/galacticstationsblog)
Misaki: “i like to draw frequently with her and we normally like doing drawing challenges”
Euphelia (@/artarmy24)
Misaki: “we don’t talk as much but sometimes we hangout under a tree.”
Vee (@/heyhellohihowareyou)
Misaki: “he’s very energetic… like the others”
Nepeta (@/nepeta-and-co)
Misaki: “weird. But at least they are unique then the others…”
Vizzie (@/twistedwonderlandshenanigans)
Misaki: “they are dangerous. I stay away from them fo that reason. Best to now get on their bad side.”
Ko Mallory (@/croshelee)
(When Ko Mallory was alive)Misaki: “she is adorable. She is also my new child now!”
(When Ko Mallory died)Misaki: “… I…I don’t want to talk about it…it’s just.. let me leave for a moment…”
Lamiyre (@/schweindivine)
Misaki: “I think she is cool just because it is quite funny to get teleported to some random place”
Lillian (@/iluvmusicxoxo)
Misaki: “she is a type of jester to kill you if you don’t hangout with her…”
"Messenger" (@/dollie-ballerina)
Misaki: “I have nothing to say tbh.. she normally keeps to herself…”
(Btw this took too long to do😭😭😭😭)
Overview(all together):
Misaki: “some of them are quite overpowered and could easily kill anyone while I have my powers with flaws🥲”
Redesign with scythe(misaki’s weapon):
Questions for the MagiKey Users!
(Quartz and Yuu are examples!!)
(Please copy and paste the questions!!)
Section 1 - Your OC Answers!
1. How does it feel to be a MagiKey user?
Quartz: "God, it feels awful honestly but I ain't got much to do at home."
Yuu: "I really like helping people with our powers! I also get to meet so much people!"
2. How popular are you in MagiKey rankings?
Quartz: "I'm not that popular honestly and I'm glad."
Yuu: "A lot of people seem to know me but I'm not really a fan favorite when it comes to top 10."
3. Which MagiKey would you rather have than your own?
Quartz: "Uhh.. What's her name? Metamorphosis (@/lficanthaveloveiwantpower). Yeah. I think her power is neat and cool. It's probably more unique than what I have right now. I wanna make cool psychological illusions too."
Yuu: "I like Divinity's (@/nivvetsworld)! Their abilities look so powerful! Aahh! It's so cool! The weapon and everything!"
4. Why did you become a MagiKey user?
Quartz: "Yall act like I had a choice. That fucking bird that i hate."
Yuu: "Quartz was one and I was suddenly given a key years later haha! I just wanted to spice up my life a little!"
5. How long have you been in MagiKey
Quartz: "Three years. I'm pretty old but it's cool I guess."
Yuu: "Only a year! I'm still learning from Quartz and others. I wish to develop more of my abilities so I can help others!"
Section 2 - You explain!
6. What is their motivation to keep being a magical user?
Quartz genuinely has no idea. She doesn’t have the energy to go through Crowley's bullshit but she also doesn't know if she's able to stop now. She's three years in already.
Yuu just thinks it's fun and exciting. In the foundation that they were raised in, not a lot of things were fun as this. They also really like to help people and seeing people being happy. They genuinely wish to see people live.
7. How are they usually in a battle?
Quartz doesn't really like attacking and likes to support other MagiKey users but if she has to fight by herself, she will. She's actually really quick on her feet and disappears too easily like a rabbit. Her goal is to catch you off guard so she can strike you down but she doesn't usually have well calculated strategies.
With her first ability, she uses the scarves as a tool to restrain her opponent right after she makes them confused by pulling them out of their mouth. She can use the scarves to potentially choke and tie things to the opponent.
Her second ability let's her to summon anything out of her hat. She can even summon people. YES. PEOPLE. If someone is in trouble in a different area, she can summon them out of her hat. They might get dizzy after. She also can summon explosions made out of confetti and basically anything except actual weapons like guns, bombs.
In her final ability, she can blind people with her other eye. She can only use this in the beginning of a fight so she can land the better attacks.
Yuu doesn't really do most of the fighting but they can swing the heavy basket at an opponent to do heavy damage. They're mostly there for support as well with their energy boosting strawberries. They actually have really bad stamina but with the everlasting supply of strawberries, their stamina is boosted a lot. They are the one who tries to pull the MagiKey users together to fight.
Their first ability is them swinging that heavy ass basket at an opponent. In their early fights, they used to be super stiff but now their moves are fluent with them easily throwing the basket at an opponent and being able bounce it back to their hands. No one is able to pick up the basket but Yuu because it feels super heavy to others.
The energy boosting strawberries are their second ability. These strawberries can boost mood and performance in battles. They never run out of strawberries and they can make it rain strawberries with a swing of their basket.
Their last ability is a giant scary Grim popping out of their basket. They don't actually have to place the basket on the ground. They can carry it and let Grim attack opponents or scare them. Grim is SUPER hungry so anything he sees that is not an ally is TUNA.
8. How are their daily lives?
Quartz and Yuu don't really do much but go to school in their foundation. After that, they head to MagiKey's secret training school.
9. What is their opinion on other MagiKey users in general?
Quartz thinks they're cool. Nothing much to say but she's always curious on why other people would even agree to being a Magical User considering how young and risky the job is. But she's a hypocrite since she is one of them.
Yuu finds them amazing and super cool. They love to see other user's fights and cheer them on.
Section 3 - Deeper Level (might get emo)
10. What are your OC's struggles as a MagiKey user?
Quartz always thinks of herself as one for not thinking a lot but the thing is that she does. She absolutely tries to stop these thoughts from roaming into deeper territories but how could she not?
In her three years of experience, she has encountered dead magical users and ones that died after corruption but she never tried to pay attention to it. She refused to because that is what is sacrificed when you do these duties: your life.
She always wondered why mostly children are chosen to defeat these so-called enemies in secret and how messed up it sounds but it's just a thought. It's just a thought.
When Yuu encountered their first intense battle which was with a corrupted magical user, their whole perspective changed. After defeating the corrupted user, the corpse of a young magical girl was left behind and it scarred Yuu completely.
It felt like a joke. It felt disgusting.
It felt like a dumb joke because what are you saying these monsters are just kids with problems? Couldn't we have found another way? If they knew that this would happen, wouldn't they recruit different people for this job? And what about their family? What will their family think seeing their child dead because of "unknown" reasons?
Yuu has tried to continue on after that but no matter what, the memory of the cold, limp body of that magical girl from that day keeps eating them alive.
11. What is their favorite color?
Quartz has no favorite color
Yuu likes yellow
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I'm glad you're doing better and I hope it continues! If you're still up for a prompt, something in Elysium's Tears or anything in the story (can't remember the name of it) where the Circle members' children are forced/arranged marriage to downworlders and Alec marries Magnus but then helps him with the antidote to a poison one of his fellow arranged marriage shadowhunters took.
thank you! i had a pretty painful procedure yesterday and slept a lot to recover and am now cackling at my bf's chromebook because I love plotting this fic and poor Magnus is having a Time with his shadowhunters spouse.
the verse you're talking about with the arranged marriage is the bitter trap of truth and is a fairly intense universe because Shadowhunters/nephilim marry downworlders in accordance to a treaty but really for the sole purpose of sowing discord and killing themselves and Alec is just like.... 'uhm no one said my spouse would be a husband? and that he would be this magical so i'm disrespectfully resigning from the clave and can no longer complete my mission to die. i need to live so I can be the best lair-husband ever.'
in the meantime, Magnus is keeping his gorgeous, shadowhunter husband if he has to fight the clave, death and etc to do it. he also (very understandably) has a hard time trusting Alec, his actions and motivations because what if this is an elaborate plot. Magnus would be devastated and while he'll keep Alec either way he also just doesn't want to do anything that will put him in a position of Alec betraying him.
i hope you enjoy <3
tw suicide/murder mentions/idealation (specifically in service to the clave)
the bitter trap of truth
“Magnus, I can just stay here. I don’t actually need to go with you.”
Alexander’s voice breaks through the dark turn Magnus thoughts have taken and he looks over to see his husband lounging on the window seat. The book he is reading lies lax, threatening to slip from his fingertips as his attention focuses on Magnus.
The weight of Alexander’s gaze is nearly as delicious as the thrum of Magnus’ blood claiming Alexander from within. It flows through his body with a possessive fervor that often leaves Magnus greedily reaching to caress the imprint of Alexander’s being upon his senses.
Alexander continues to break every possible expectation Magnus dares to have of him, even in matters like this. Alexander should want to go, he should be pleading and cajoling and manipulating Magnus into taking him as this evening will be one of the rare places he’ll be around and allowed to interact with other nephilim. Magnus has heard horror stories of just the kind of arguments and cold wars refusing to bring a nephil spouse to these banquets can incur.
Yet, since the invitation first arrived in a flare of fire Alexander has been downright docile about the topic. The first moment Magnus showed hesitancy in taking him, he’d seemed more pleased than upset, more interested in finding a new book to read than finding out who he could connect with.
“If it were that simple, we’d both stay here.” Magnus sighs and reaches out to feel the pulse of his own blood in Alexander’s veins. “And yet the Elder’s have requested I bring you,” he explains as he studies Alexander. “I think they expect me to make you something of a statement or a possible moral booster.”
It goes without saying that Alexander is the highest ranking shadowhunter who married out and is still alive.
Alexander is quiet, soft amusement in his eyes as he follows Magnus’ every movement.
“Despite how often you like to dress me up, you rarely have me meet anyone besides those closest to you.” It’s not a question but Magnus hums in agreement, it would be ridiculous and disappointing if Alec pretended he wasn’t aware. “You can tease that it’s because of how much you want to hide me away, but we both know the target I’ve had on my back since we married. Events like these are almost always when a nephilim dies. By their own hand or the so-called mercy of another nephilim. I know why you’re worried, Magnus.”
Every time Alexander speaks so openly, Magnus is stunned all over again, his heart racing with freshly piqued interest even as the thought of death claiming Alexander from him chills his blood.
“You think I’ll let you die?” Magnus asks, voice low and harsh with the surge of anger that overtakes the fear filling him at the thought. He closes the space between them and reaches out, cupping Alexander’s jaw and tilting his head up to meet his eyes. “Do you think, Alexander, that you are allowed to die without my permission?”
“No.” And Alexander turns into his grip, lips pressing in a soft, reverent kiss to his palm. “But I think it’s what everyone else expects and something that you have a right to be concerned about. Regardless of my own wishes, it wouldn’t be surprising for an attending nephilim to try and offer me mercy. Either by orders of the Clave or their own misguided sense of kinship.”
Alexander is both soothing Magnus’ ire while simultaneously fanning the flames of his rage.
“If I have to go, then you should do whatever you need to do to feel confident and secure in my safety. In the fact that I won’t leave your side or willingly place myself in danger. That I won’t go anywhere you can’t follow or watch over me.”
“Oh? Whatever I want?” Magnus asks, curving his tongue around the delicacy of the offer, the knowledge that Alexander will simply let Magnus do as he wishes.
“Anything, Magnus. Whatever will help, I’m already yours aren’t I? Do you think I mind that being proven to the world? That I’ll mind the entirety of the Shadowworld understanding where I stand? My position in this relationship was made clear the moment I survived both our wedding night and the month that followed. The Clave has figured out by now now that I want to survive, that I want to live as long as it’s with you.”
alec: more than happy to stay home and read up on how to clean a magical lair and feed your incredibly handsome warlock husband
magnus: one: I don't want to leave you alone for longer than ten minutes and two: i'm supposed to show you off. the problem is showing you off while letting everyone know 'do not approach, do not look at, don't talk to, don't breathe near etc...'
alec: sounds more than reasonable. so why don't you just do whatever you need to feel better about my safety
magnus: .... whatever?
alec: yeah, anything that you'd like
magnus: ... no take backs!
#lumine writes#writing wednesday#writing wednesdays#the bitter trap of truth#malec#shadowhunters#magnus bane#alec lightwood
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anyone else kind of put off by how they write makoto scaring her friends? idk maybe its just me
like, okay, in tactica especially there are multiple "comedic bits" where they mention how strong makoto is and that she does martial arts. like, they're praising and admiring her skill, or just commenting on it in general. but at one point someone (morgana, i think. and later futaba) specifically say she is "scary" and "terrifying" and it shows them being scared of her. when she reacts to most of their comments like this:
and you know how theres that bit where joker can imagine what it would be like to marry a phantom thief of their choosing? and the makoto in his head gets angry at him for a conclusion she jumped to about joker having someone else? and when joker comes out of the daydream he backs away from makoto and she says he looks pale.
theres a lot of these bits in tactica, but strikers and even the base game isnt saved from this altogether. theres that god damn 'peeping at girls in the hot spring trope' that comes up in every modern mainline persona game. its meant to be funny? apparently? but after the 5th time we see it we're not like. haha dumb teen boys get beat up by angry teen girl over a misunderstanding. we're like. oh. this again.
(i feel like this same 'girl beats up dumb boy' trope spawns from the same place the 'girls beat up ryuji after he almost dies for them' scene comes from. and maybe thats part of why it makes me do the frowny emote.)
p5r dodged the obligatory hot spring scene, but Strikers did it instead. and makoto beats up the guys even though it was a honest fuck up and they tell the girls they weren't peeping and we the audience know they weren't but makoto beats them up anyways?? and exclaims "fist of justice!!!" ("HAHA MAKOTO SCARY LOL" ???????)
meanwhile she gets annoyed in any other instance when her friends try and reference her fists of justice?? (ryuji tells toshiro to watch what he says if he doesnt want to get pummeled, when he tried to compare makotos punching power to fist of the north star and she gets pissed) sigh. what is this writing. why would she having issue with it? this is a girl who gets so excited watching Yakuza movies that she sits on the edge of her seat with her fists clenched. shes started reading action manga more and actually enjoys it.
even if makoto wants to come off as being serious and put together, and even if she naturally is (moreso than her other friends) she is not immune to the sillies of teenagerhood. she would compare herself to it gladly and wouldnt hit or scold her friends if they did either. because its fuckin awesome. because shes awesome.
like. i'm not the biggest fan of makoto. she's got the lowest blorbo status in my brain out of the whole squad but i don't hate her. there is a good character there, its just. the writers. make. decisions.
makoto spent so long being alone and feeling isolated and like. she says during her confidant that a lot of people just thought she was some kind of cold. robot. so i certainly don't think she would want her friends to think she was in any way unapproachable. or unable to handle the bits.
and i dont think she would want her bit to be 'lol violence funny' (at the very least not to this extent.) i don't think she would want to give her friends any reason to think that she would hurt them. making a "strong woman" character does not mean this character. has to crack her knuckles at her friends and imply shes going to hit them if they say something a little too silly. and play it off as a bit??
like. idk. maybe im thinking about this too much or not explaining this with the right words. but its just one of the many things about the writing choices that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. to me this is completely different from them making her serious about studying and having her get on her friends asses if they dont do well. and her friends not wanting to get a makoto lecture. like oh we better study because if we fail we'll have to face Militant Academic Makoto Niijima because she will organize a tutoring/study session like it's the fuckin navy.
when ann and ryuji first say 'oh man shes scary i dont want to get on her bad side' right after makotos awakening, makoto seems more embarrassed than anything else. and i feel like this is. more true to her character. she lets her anger out in the metaverse and she can do amazing things with it as her drive but shes embarrassed about expressing it. but she comes to embrace this about herself. that shes powerful. and shes proud of it. but that doesnt meant she leans into being someone her friends think is. genuinely scary.
makoto is a terrifying fighter and brilliant tactician in the metaverse but in real life she is not all serious business! she is capable of fun!! makoto is a nice girl!! makoto is a girl who had to grow up too fast and mask her way into the good graces of the adults in her life! so she's awkward around kids her age!! and in situations that arent serious business (that she cant script as well) she isnt always sure how to best interact with her peers! but shes growing! shes going out of her way to experience new things! she wants to better embrace her anger because it means freedom for her!! after a childhood full of holding her tongue!! but she doesnt have a temper that makes her friends the victim of her misplaced aggression! and shes not a buzzkill!
#persona 5#persona 5 royal#makoto niijima#p5#p5r#p5 apotelesma#apotelesmeta#ch. makoto#the Biggest issue i have with makotos writing is that she still wants to be a cop at the end#me when atlus makes their “strong girl whos into martial arts and cares about protecting people” a cop: 😡#ESPECIALLY IN THIS INSTANCE WHERE ONE OF HER FRIENDS IS A VICTIM OF POLICE BRUTALITY#ma'am....
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Please enjoy this short clois proposal fic that I specifically wrote to spread my "lois is the one to propose to clark" agenda!!
Despite planning this for a good six months, Lois actually puts everything into motion by thinking fuck it at 11:27am on a Tuesday. Clark, when not eating at his desk, usually takes off for lunch around noon, and what she needs to get done shouldn’t make him more than, say, 10 minutes. She is, after all, expecting a quick answer. She’s also expecting a positive answer, and if she doesn’t get one, well. It will be good to not see Clark for an hour after.
Slipping the (lead-lined) box into the interior pocket of her blazer, she crosses the whole five feet of bullpen to get from her station to Clark’s. With a quick knock on his annoyingly well-organized desk, she tells him, “Kent. Roof. Fifteen minutes.”
Five years ago, his reaction would’ve been entirely different. Confusion, worry, maybe even confusion. These days, there’s a twinkle in his eye and the shadow of a smirk, because he knows he’s either getting some interesting information for a story or simply, ah, getting some. Maybe she’s not been the best about professionalism since they’ve gotten together, but what else are supply closets even for?
This time, he’s wrong. She had an inkling that he’s going to enjoy the surprise nonetheless.
Fourteen minutes and thirty seconds later, the rooftop door opens with the same grating squeal as always. The top floor has a deep resentment for anyone that pops up here for a smoke break, but she figures their lazy asses could bring up some WD-40 if it was really that big a deal. There’s a moment of irritation when she thinks of the passive aggressive email she’s almost certainly going to get from Janice, but it fades near instantaneously as she sees Clark, smiling, relaxed posture, so utterly comfortable around her. Ugh. This “being in love” shit is utterly ridiculous. She’s already smiling back at him like it’s been weeks instead of minutes since she last saw him.
Whatever. This is something that she should be smiling for.
Before he gets the chance to say anything, or even go in for a kiss, she says, “I know these sort of things usually have a preamble, but you know me. Ask questions first, elucidate second.”
Ah, there’s the confused expression that always reminds her of showing a five month old puppy a new toy, tilted head and all. It’d be fun to let him linger in it for a bit, obfuscate her intentions, but she wants an answer more than she wants entertainment.
Rolling her shoulders and letting out a long breath, she pulls out the box and gets down on one knee in one smooth motion. She presses the little button on the front, making the lid pop open and reveal a, in her humble opinion, a rather stunning white-gold (near indestructible custom titanium-carbon alloy, courtesy of star labs, but who’s counting?) wedding band. “Superman, Kal-El, Clark Kent, any name you want to go by, will you marry me?”
Here’s where there’s supposed to be a Yes!, maybe mixed into a combo of laughter and tears and smoochin’. Instead, Clark’s eyes go wide, and his first response is, “Oh shit.”
That’s. Less than ideal.
To be fair, he immediately follows up with, “No, wait, that sounds, uh, I just mean, are you sure?”
Still less than ideal, but, you know, less less than ideal. She sort of looks around, starting to feel ridiculous with the cold cement pressing into her knee and a giant gold globe right above their heads. This translates to her snorting and telling, “Yeah, um, pretty fucking sure, dude.”
God, they really are the height of romance. Gene Kelly eat your heart out.
“You know, um, that you..you wouldn’t just be marrying..me. But. Also Big Blue, right?”
She rolls her eyes. “No, I don’t. I am completely unaware of your stupid double life, hence why I called you Superman when I popped the question. 30 fucking seconds ago.”
And, god help her, Clark is literally wringing his hands. “Ah. Yeah. Right. That. On the flip side, I wouldn’t, like, be able to wear my ring in uniform.”
“Well, it would be funny, and I’m sure Cat would have the time of her fucking life if she got to speculate about Superman getting hitched, but in general, I Figured.”
“We’ve also both talked about wanting kids. We almost certainly can’t actually have kids together.”
She shrugs, and starts to grin, despite the soreness that’s starting to develop from holding this position. “So we adopt. Or get a donor, hell, you and Bruce look close enough, I’m sure he’d throw us a bone, as it-”
“-What! I’m just saying, there’s work arounds.”
This get a puff of laughter through his nose, and Lois feels a rush go through her entire body, Oh yeah, she’s got this in the bag. He scratches the back of his neck, and raises an eyebrow at her, sheepish in a way that somehow loops back around to shockingly confident. She has yet to figure out how that works, and she’s excited to get to spend the of her life poking at that puzzle. He keeps going, stating, “You’d be married to an alien, like a bad tabloid headline.”
“Technically speaking, you are also going to be married to an alien, I’m sure the Kandor press has their own shitty tabloids to run about that one.”
He finally, finally steps closer to her, eyes warm and soft and perfect. “You’ll probably end up living on a farm for at least a little bit.”
“Fat fucking chance, Smallville. You can commute to the city just fine.”
One more step closer. “I also thought you were, I believe, fundamentally against marriage as an institution.”
“Oh my god, Clark, I love you, I like you, I want to spend the rest of my fucking life with you, I miss you when we have to take separate commutes to the same goddamn job, and I’ll swallow some of my past words because I want a receipt and a trinket and a party to celebrate that! Now either say yes or fuck off so I can lick my wounds, I’m starting to cramp here!”
Suddenly, there’s the laughter. AND the tears. His voice is watery and bright as he replies, “Yes. Fuck, Lois, you’re the love of my life, of course yes!”
She gets as far as, “See, that’s more-”, in “see, that’s more like it,” before she’s being pulled up into a spinning kiss. It’s a messy thing, mostly because they can’t stop laughing against each other’s lips, giddy in a way that she only really gets with him. Oh, crap, there’s also a lit bit of snot, because she’s also crying as she’s laughing, and Clark has them both floating, literally. She doesn’t think he even realizes he’s doing it, too swept up in the moment. God, she loves him. She loves him, she loves him, she loves him, and he’s just accepted her loving him for the rest of her days. All in all, almost certainly one of the best Tuesdays she’s ever had.
When they finally come down from the hysterical joy of the proposal, she still has her arms around his shoulders. He’s staring into her eyes, his own red rimmed, and he looks wrecked in the best way possible. Being who she is, she decides to break the silence between them with, “So. Lunch?”
There’s that sparkling laugh again, the one that makes her, soppily, think all is right with the world, and he presses his forehead to hers. “I could do lunch. The bagel place on 40th?”
He pulls away instantaneously, hands on her upper arms, checking her over with worry. “What, what’s wrong?”
“I should’ve proposed at the bagel place on 40th. They probably would’ve given us free schmear.”
He goes loose-limbed and as happy as she’s ever seen him. “I love you, Lois Lane.”
She ducks her head and realize her cheeks hurt from smiling. Taking his hand into her own and swinging it between them like they’re 16 and not 30, she replies, “Love you too, Clark Kent. Now let’s go grab some grub.”
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At one point in the middle of the Gelboys finale I texted the groupchat "I'm going to die." The next scene I wrote "help I want off this ride" - which for me, famous lover of angst, is a LOT. But I made it through and the ride was soooo worth it.
I'm eagerly awaiting others' commentary on things like the cinematography, which I'm bad at observing... although I did get a little visual-language boner over the focus on Baabin's toes at the end of the opening scene, and the way the previous episode had clearly set that up to contain a specific meaning and tell us where his heart is even if he couldn't admit it.
Mostly what I want to talk about is empathy and learning to be a person, which is what the final resolution was all about. These boys spent seven episodes shredding each other's hearts not because they're bad people, but because they're young and starved for love and still figuring out how to be people in the world. So I love that the story turns on the moment when Bua, heartbroken, finds Chian and says "I get what I did to you now, and I'm sorry." Then Chian, who's been pushed to the sidelines for the last two episodes, gets his own ass in gear and goes to confront Baabin on behalf of his friend. And Baabin finally tells Fourmod the whole truth, and Fourmod finally puts someone else's feelings before his own.
Being a good person or a bad person isn't about a single act: it's about the habits that get engrained over time. In critical moments, do you habitually go for honesty and compassion, courage and patience, or for avoidance, selfishness, and cruelty? All of these boys ran the whole spectrum in this story (with sweet Baabin delivering the most BREATHTAKINGLY cruel words of anyone in the show), because they haven't settled into lifelong habits yet. And they do care about each other, and so honesty and empathy can spread through the group just like callousness and cruelty did before.
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Hi this is important news I think so I'm putting it here so it can be posted instead of just dming! Also because I'm scared of dming people.
I FOUND THE LIKE MINDS PLAYING CARD SET! Technically Reddit found it. I asked on a playing cards subreddit and someone knew somehow.
Over here http://a.trionfi.eu/WWPCM/decks07/d05524/d05524.htm It's the 5th row. It's listed as Sands & McDougal, an Australian company, and a different brand called Invicta. Either way, it's from the 30s. I tried to see if I could find any sales links but none of them show the backing sadly.
I only saw these, along with the original black one you posted, but if there's a black, blue, and red, then there's probably a green out there somewhere. I really hope this helps!!
Bless subreddits full of people with extensive knowledge on their special interests, and bless you for thinking of asking them! This is spectacular little bit of research, and thank you so much for sharing!
Ironically, I had that site (World of Playing Cards) bookmarked, but never thought of searching specifically for Australian cards. I did a little digging around after you sent this ask, and I found a few articles about this manufacturer, Sands & McDougall. They issued cards under several different brand names, including Invicta and Tiger. Tiger was part of their budget line, as evidenced by the court cards being rendered in two colors rather than four.
If anyone wants to play along at home, here are the links:
Sands & McDougall Sands & McDougall Court Cards Sands & McDougall Aces & Jokers Australian Court Cards (includes some Sands & McDougall designs)
In addition to the image you included above, here's another from the Tiger deck, c. 1935. Sadly no Jack of Spades example attached, but the style of the court cards--including the two color red and black theme--seems to fit the JS card used in the movie. I was really hoping to find that specific card because that Jack seems to have a rare version of the symbol that Nigel points out. I haven't found any other cards so far with that exact same design.
Sadly, I was unable to find this particular deck for sale on Ebay or Etsy at this time. (If I do, and it's reasonably priced, I absolutely WILL purchase it.)
Another image from the McDougall Aces and Jokers article gives us a sample of the green that might have been used on our deck. Although this sample is from a couple decades earlier, it seems like a good bet that the green version of the Tiger deck may have been the same or a similar shade.

Some individual images if anyone wants them.

It's very possible that the black backing I found originally is a photoshop job, given the extreme aging/parchmenty color of the white areas. Impossible to say until/unless we find an extant example of a black backed card or the image source itself.
To explain further re: the symbol I'm referring to ("it's written here, for eternity") as it appears on the film card:
And below is the style pulled from the same archive as the card backs linked above. The archive doesn't specify which deck this Jack is from, but comparing it with the movie card, the design is almost exactly the same--apart from the interlocking loops/infinity symbol.

Zooming in and sharpening the image a bit, it looks like perhaps the prop dept simply altered the existing card by sort of drawing over the top of the symbol, but there's always the possibility that a variant of the court card was used for that deck. I can see them wanting to really emphasize the connection between that symbol and the one for the order, and also to make it very clear on screen.
Fantastic work from @j4ck0fspades, I cannot thank you enough!
Final note: No one should ever be shy about DMing me (although I love asks too!) I am always happy to hear from anyone with questions, thoughts, resources, or requests. I'm glad you sent this as an ask though, since it allows me to include your original text as well.
Link to the first Maraclea card post here [Like Minds Masterpost]
#teamwork makes the dreamwork friends#like minds#like minds ask#nigel colbie#alex forbes#murderous intent#like minds 2006#like minds annotations
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For the interview crowd
Q. I know you, and many others, keep saying that the interviews are meaningless, and I get that to a point, but they can't be completely useless or they would simply stop doing them. So it's not entirely unreasonable for them to make us anxious or unsure.
A. It's absolutely unreasonable that they make you all spiral every single week. They literally cannot answer half the questions they get asked. The interviews this week were a hot mess. Complete word salads all the way around. And they're only going to get worse. Answering the questions honestly spoils the entire storyline and they're not ever going to do that. The expectations you all have for these interviews are simply unrealistic. You want Oliver, Ryan and Tim to tell you outright that Eddie is going to discover/admit that he's really been gay this entire time and he and Buck will be a couple by the end of the season. They are never going to do that. And every week when they don't do that you all doom spiral. You convince yourselves that what the episodes are very clearly showing don't matter because Oliver didn't explicitly state that 'Oh absolutely Buck is head over heels in love with Eddie and we will explore that more in the coming episodes'. He cannot say anything close to that, but come on guys. The video of that interview told you everything. He smiled every time he had to lie. He is the worst liar. They are at the beginning of a storyline they have clearly put effort into setting up. It's not their fault you don't have the patience to allow it to unfold.
Everything that is happening now is for the benefit of the general audience. Not the shippers. There is no way they can tell this story in a way that will please every shipper. Zero chance of that so they're not focusing on us. Their priority is getting the general audience on board. That is what these last 3 episodes have been about. They have to put the general audience in a position to start looking at their dynamic in a different way. Look, they could put Eddie in a basket, send him down the river and have him pop out and declare the water made him gay and I literally would not care. It would be ridiculous and embarrassing but I wouldn't care. I would be like 'great! Let's go!'. Don't care. Many shippers on the other hand have very specific ideas of how Eddie's arc should go. And they will refuse to allow themselves to enjoy his arc going any other way. Prior to 8x11 I was convinced that Eddie would be unlabeled. I was almost sure that they were going to go the route of saying Eddie was in love with Shannon and now he's in love with Buck. No more, no less. Because they have doubled so far down on Eddie's love for Shannon, to the point that they made him borderline obsessive about it last season, that making him gay is now an awkward writing choice. But they went so far in the opposite direction in episode 11 with the constant declaration that he's straight, and that kind of thing is just such a massive he's actually gay warning sign, that making him gay now seems like something the show might be doing. But I don't care what he ends up declaring about himself. I only care that he ends up with Buck. And the reality is that that's all the show cares about as well. They haven't even bothered to let Buck label himself as bisexual yet. The label is not what they care about. They have to get both characters out in order to put them together. That's what the show cares about, and the show will go with whatever storyline is easier for the general audience to buy. Period. They have been very consistent with letting this Buddie storyline play out as the B plot in multiple episodes, which is such a good idea. It allows their relationship to stay at the forefront of the audience's minds, and I look for that to continue. That means the interviews will only get more convoluted because they are going to stretch it out over several episodes. There's nothing I, or anyone else, can say to you all at this point. We explain it weekly and every week some anti on Twitter convinces you all that it's all a massive gotcha by the show. It's not. But you're going to continue to believe that it is, and I'm not going to keep trying to tell you otherwise anymore because you clearly want to believe it at this point. Prepare yourselves now though because Tommy is probably coming back for at least one more episode because his plot device role has been made clear now. He's the safe choice for Buck. He's the embodiment of Buck's pattern and the show will need to establish Buck actively choosing to break that pattern by actively choosing Eddie. Tommy gave himself away last night. He's willing to be who Buck settles for. He's made himself the safe choice which means Buck has to show his growth by rejecting that choice.
Thank you Nonny! Much appreciated!
Yeah I agree. These interviews are fun, but ultimately meaningless. Watch the show and draw your own conclusions. It'll tell you so much more about where this is all going, than reading all the interviews that just beat around the bush.
And yeah... that Oliver video? Come on! The man cannot lie. It's so obvious where this is going.
As for the Buddie storyline? I don't care either how they get Eddie out and get Buddie together. I am past having any kind of expectation about this storyline. I am simply SAT for every single episode and I will consume whatever it is they want to feed me. Even more, I'll be happy about it, because it'll bring them together.
I genuinly don't care anymore. I've been here for 7 seasons now, doing this slow burn Buddie dance. I just want them together, because it is what they deserve. I love these characters so much. They deserve the kind of love they can only give each other.
I do think they might still keep Eddie unlabeled though. I'm not convinced they'll actually make him say that he is gay. Only time will tell what Tim has decided to do with Eddie and I'm willing to wait it out.
Buddie canon soon you guys. Trust! 🙂↕️🙂↕️🙂↕️
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
#anonymous blog I love#nonnies galore#911 8b speculation#buddie#buddie speculation#911 abc interviews
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Dazzling Starlet [S. Snyder x Reader]
''I don't know who he is.''
[name] was stuck in a weird situation in general. With what happened last night, Ryusui knew that she is hiding something and it could be the main reason why she seemed to be spacing out more than usual.
''He?'' Ryusui asked, quickly pointing out what she had said, ''You mean that a man was the one who shot us last night?''
The team had begun to brainstorm on their next possible move. Now that they had confirm that the American lands have residents who managed to survive on their own and is years ahead in terms of weapons, as great as the news is, it's not great for them. Senku had made it clear that their goal for this travel is to find the specific species of corn that is native to the U.S. which they did but someone is there and guarding the lands.
Everyone is on the edge about who the mysterious person could be and if the place has more in store for them. [name] is still stuck on the same conversation with Ryusui, in which he was very adamant that she is hiding something from him. He wasn't one to be suspicious or meddle with her life but it's not just her life is on the line, it's along with everyone else.
And if she does know something, it's better for her to tell them before things escalate beyond their control.
''Look, that person is well-trained, we saw that last night.'' [name] began, her brows furrowed as she explains her case, ''They were camouflaged and had set a trap -''
''And I saw it." Ryusui said, interrupting her sentence. He was certain with what he saw with his own eyes, and that is [name] hesitating to do something she was trained for. "Do you know them or not?"
"I don't know."
[name] isn't exactly sure what Ryusui wanted her to say or admit it to everyone else. She doesn't know who it was and has her own suspicions about who it could possibly be but since she's in the dark along with everybody else, that means there's nothing else they could do.
The rest of the team who is on the lab was quiet as they try to maneuver the tension between the two. Senku knew that they are close but Gen recognized the way that Ryusui is leaning towards [name] he wanted her to take initiative about something, or probably because she is older than him.
He's pushing her too far... Gen thought to himself.
He knows the danger that lies within pushing the boundary of people and with [name], her loyalty may lie with the team but she's not exactly agreeing with their plan about reviving the world.
For now, they don't know what the reason is but [name] may commit treason sooner than later.
"So there's another science-user." Senku stated as he stared at the damage caused by the machine gun.
The scientist was quick to change the subject into something else, which is something that won't cause Ryusui and [name] to have a conflict since it's not the right time for such thing.
"Just like Senku, on the other side of the world? Someone who revived their own?" Taiju asked.
"Heh heh heh. It's not like I put a patent on that." Senku replied with a pinky finger on his ear. "And scientific knowledge is free for everyone around the world. Anyone can learn, if they want to."
"And like dear Senku, did this person start from square one with a dinky stone axe all the way up to the machine guns?" Gen asked in disbelief. "That's hardly simple enough for everybody."
They turned to the h/c nette, who is still on the lookout for anything that could attack them at any moment.
Ukyo, who is a sonar technician for the SDF Navy, added, "This is all conjecture until we make contact but what I know for sure is, this is a scientist who managed to revive on their own, plus...."
"Their science is a teeny bit more advanced than ours." Senku continued which made the others shocked. "At least in terms of weaponry."
"Teeny bit?" [name] asks, a little harsher than it should have been. She looked at Senku who was looking more tired than usual, probably from last night's attack "Senku, the gap is immaculate! I work with those types of guns before and that one had been innovated and —"
"There's one more refutable fact." Ryusui announced. "This person is eager to see us dead!"
The archer gasps in surprise upon hearing a very familiar sound. "That's..... The sound of an engine."
"They're pursuing us?" Kinro asked.
"No." Kohaku said sternly. "I've been vigilant and even with my eyesight I haven't spotted a thing."
[name]'s e/c colored orbs scanned the entire area they are in until she looked up. She froze upon seeing what it is, and not only that, the armor of the person who is operating the plane is wearing is something she found somewhat familiar.
"Wait.... That sound..." Ukyo mumbled.
"No freaking way...!" Yo said.
Everyone looks at where the sound was coming from, the people in the modern era knew exactly what it was, a plane.
Senku's eyes widened upon seeing the aircraft, Taiju's voice managed to somehow snap him out of his trance.
"Senku! What now? Should we try to greet them and make contact?" Taiju asked as he shook Senku.
"Or perhaps waving the white flag is our best option for now. This is our only chance to talk it out and make friends...." Gen suggested.
"Hah? With an enemy who shot us in sight?"
"Unfortunately... They wouldn't be flying so dangerously low if they don't intend to attack!" Ukyo stated, his eyes not leaving the plane.
"Ryusui!" [name] yelled as the blonde smirks.
"Of course! Just grabbed onto something cause we'll be getting out of here full speed ahead!"
The person aim for everyone who is onboard, and Matsukaze got shot on his shoulder while saving Ginro.
"Ouch!!! Owwww!!" Ginro wailed.
"Never fear-tis but a scratch." Matsukaze reassures them.
"Protect me, Matsukaze!"
"You're not even hurt." Kinro commented.
The door of the lab opened as [name] jumped on the waters to where the others are and grabbed the gun from Yo's hand, who is shooting but missing the target all together.
"You're just gonna keep missing. So stop wasting ammo." Hyoga said.
"What other options do we have? There's nowhere to run!"
The h/c nette grabbed the gun from Yo's hands and pulled the trigger but it's already out of bullets. She then reached out to her belt where she kept her sword attached, but realized that she left it in the lab. With no weapon, [name] think of another plan they could do and get one in mind.
"Kirisame! If Senku throws you something, aim for the engine." She whispered as the woman nodded, following [name]'s orders as she swam to where the rest are.
The boat was destroyed and all the warriors are on the waters and if anything, they are right out in the open. [name] aimed on the engine but it hit the frame instead and the bullet was deflected, "Shit. There's no ammo left."
"Up on the front!" Kohaku yelled.
"They'll keep coming back... until we're sleeping with the fishes!"
Senku then mixed something in the bottle and threw it in the Kirisame's direction as she easily caught it, "You've got one heck of a throwing arm! Whaddya needs to put in good use!"
"I need stable footing." Kirisame answers. "And some rope..."
Chrome gave her a rope with a loop and with the help of Kohaku, Taiju and Kinro, she was able to throw the bottle in the engine of the plan, successfully knocking it down.
"We did it!!" They cheered as Kirisame looked at the water bashfully.
"But how exactly?"
They managed to knock out the engine with a little move. Stanley had no choice but to jump out of the aircraft as it got stuck between the branches of the trees. Xeno then proceeded to explain that they used acetylene gas, harmless to people but it can stall an engine in a mere one percent concentration. The scientist mentioned how this is an elegant way to bring down an aircraft.
"So it's made with pyro-whatever weapons? I feel like I've learned about this."
"Pyrophoric, yes."
"Looks like being petrified for thousands of years is gonna cause some memory lapses."
"It can be compounded from a simple mixture of water and carbon carbide. And carbon carbide can be obtained by burning charcoal and seashells and....."
A sigh escaped his lips as he reached out on his pocket, "Sure, got it. It was a good lesson." The man said as he lit up a cigarette. "Now we know that our enemy has a sharp-witted science pro just like you."
"What if they decided to come back with their friends? We better skedaddle while we can!" Ginro tried to reason with them though Ryusui, Senku and [name] already made up their mind.
"Run away?" Ryusui asks with a weird smile on his face.
"What're you saying?" Senku said with the same smile. "We're gonna do the opposite of that."
"I'm not letting the opportunity of owning a plane slip by." [name] added. "Besides, we gotta thank them for this little gift that they left for us!"
The blonde sailor nodded in agreement. This is a chance they shouldn't waste. Actually, he just wanted the aircraft.
"Nobody is here." Kohaku stated as she checked the plane which is stuck on a tree. "Do you think whoever it was ran away? We could've interrogated them for some information..."
"Oh well... Looks like they left something behind." Senku said, not caring if it once belonged to the enemy.
"Indeed. Finders keepers!"
[name] watches as they bought back the aircraft aboard the Perseus. To her, it seems like a normal plane that she would usually see back in the modern world except there's one thing that stood out like a sore thumb. And that is the glass skis on the plane. America is a continent that is vast and does have a lot of resources that is only found in this area. But why would they use glass instead of rubber? Could it be possible that they couldn't find that material anywhere here? Or is it because they didn't search anywhere beyond their territory.
''[name]!!! Look! Look! This is the exact replica of the ones back in the modern world!'' Ryusui excitedly entered the plane and began assessing what they have. It is difficult for him to contain his emotions and these are the type of things that get him working up, ''Damn. They really are more advanced than us.'' He asked the h/c haired woman who only nodded at him in response before cleaning up the engine that they deliberately destroyed.
She took one look at what she's supposed to fix before turning to Senku, ''Just replace this. It's destroyed.''
''Oh yeah. We meant to do that.''
''And you want me to fix this?'' [name] asked, realizing that Senku thought that she could provide all the solutions in every problem that they have. ''No. Besides I have other things to worry about like - Ryusui!'' She yelled at him before catching him right as he was about to lose his footing, ''Told you not to get distracted.''
Gen could only let out a tired chuckle as the group loaded the plane back to the Perseus ship. Just moments before the attack, Ryusui and [name] are arguing and now, they seemed to be fine together.
This must be hereditary...? Gen thought to himself, referring to the fact that their mood goes an entirely 180 degrees when it comes to things that they see eye to eye.
''Like I said, I won't do it.'' You argued with Senku who paid no attention to your concern.
''Nope. Not like you have a choice.'' Senku said, waving his hand dismissively, ''Either you fix the engine or pilot the aircraft.''
With what Senku had learned, [name] despise operating aircrafts. She hated how fast it moves and whenever it travelled on high altitudes, it always made her even more lightheaded than usual. And with the choices being presented to her, the choice was obvious. Create a new engine and replace it.
"Standard practice calls for a tactical retreat immediately after a sneak attack." Tsukasa stated. "But the alternative does involved risks choosing to pursue carries it's own advantage."
Gen was suspicious about Tsukasa's words, "Pursue who?"
"Isn't it obvious? Our new friend, the pilot of that plane." Senku replied calmly. "A whole corn field would be a lucky find that'd save us years of cultivation and propagation. Don't forget why we came all the way-the corn."
"Ahem. I meant...." Gen said then titled his head sideways. "Who will be doing... the pursuing?"
He knew that he shouldn't ask that question, but he still did. Gen was hoping his haunch is wrong, but as per usual, it was spot on.
A knowing smirk makes its way on Senku's face as he thought about who should pursue the unknown enemy... And one of them had happened to present himself before the decision is made.
Dazzling Starlet (Stanley Snyder x Reader) - CHAPTER 02 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1512850928-dazzling-starlet-stanley-snyder-x-reader-chapter?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=_snowpiercer_ - Dr Stone Fanfiction - Follows the main storyline
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