#{ interaction: samuel winchester }
keistance · 2 years
samuel: talks
dean: hm remembering killing you is the only thing stopping me from doing it again during this conversation. also jack will get mad
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potentialbreakupscng · 2 months
That had always been Dean's role, the older brother, the protector. It wasn't just that he'd be failing at his most important job, one of the only things he'd ever been good at it, if something happened to Sam. It was that Sam was so much better than he was. He didn't deserve a hunter's life, and there were times Dean bitterly regretted dragging him away from school even as he was selfishly grateful to have him with him. He could have been a lawyer by now, happily married with 2.5 kids or some shit, not putting his life on the line night after night for this thankless fucking job. "Don't touch anything," he snapped, the reprimand automatic with Sam's hands covered in blood. He was lucky Dean let him in the car at all. His gaze lingered a moment on his bloody hair, but he wasn't in the mood for joking, and he decided it wasn't worth commenting on. He didn't say anything else as he put the car in gear and headed back to their shitty motel. The odds were good that they'd both die if they stayed in this line of work, but there was no sense in pointing it out. Sam knew the risks, same as he did. He knew how it usually ended for hunters. They tended not to get a nice, happy retirement. Most of them didn't even live past middle age. He parked across the street out of range of the lights, but didn't get out of the car. "Take the side door. Front desk'll call the cops if they see you like that. You want first shower, and I'll grab some food?" The only blood on him was hidden by his dark clothes, and he was going to be even more cranky if he didn't eat.
It was the instinct of a younger sibling to do the exact opposite of what their older sibling told them to do -- but he found his large hands clenching to stop himself from reaching out and touching the precious leather of Dean's car. He knew they'd be fine eventually, that this is a spat that they constantly had and they'd be back to working just fine together. Despite the urge, he kept his arms folded across his chest -- not daring to touch anything in the car that Dean sometimes seemed to care about more than anything. When they're parked, he looked over at Dean -- teeth sinking into his cheek. "I know how to sneak into a motel, Dean," he muttered with a shake of his head and roll of his eyes. Sam nodded, dark eyes turning to look at his brother with an arched eyebrow. "Just -- get me a salad or something," there was a pause as he looked over at the door to the impala, "Am I allowed to touch your car now? Or are you gonna open the door for me?"
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@vvaywardhunter continued from discord
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htsdfferent · 1 year
Birthday starter for Sam from Zelda!
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❛ Happy birthday, Stanford. ❜ Zelda hands him a tiny box, the contents of which are a gag gift and an actual gift. The first: a Columbia Law School keychain – and the second: an iron dagger encased in a leather sheath. ❛ Something about it just screamed 'Sam' to me. ❜
@decimatlas !
his brows lift slightly, as the box it pushed into his hands. “this is a surprise.” sam glances up to zelda, a lopsided smile pulling against his lips. “you didn’t have to get me anything, really.” his eyes glance back towards the box, as his hand pulls the top off. his eyes find the keychain first, resting atop paper tissue. his eyes roll as he pulls it out of the box, holding it up for her to see. “you’re ridiculous.” he shakes his head, sitting the keychain next to his box. ( he’ll argue with himself about putting it on his keyring when he’s alone. )
he pushes the tissue paper to the side. his brow raise in surprise, as he pulls the dagger from the box. he pushes the box to the side. he leans forward on his elbows, his eyes inspecting the leather sheath. ( he’s not sure if he’s ever been given something this nice. ) he pulls the sheath off, his eyes glancing over the shinning blade. his smile returns to his lips, his eyes glancing towards zelda. “this is really great. thank you.”
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ninii-winchester · 2 months
Unveiled Sorrows (Part 8)
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Pairing : Dean Winchester X Reader, Sam Winchester X Reader (platonic)
Word count : 5k
Warnings : angst, spoilers s6, canon level gore, violence, language, Samuel is fucking annoying, also i made up the signal on my own (it’s not very creative lol)
A/n : This series follows canon plot line but some scenes might happen differently or be completely changed. Check the warnings for each part before continuing.
A/n 2: gif (1) from Pinterest. Credits to owner.
It was a given that Y/n knew Dean wouldn't stay. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt like a bitch. She has been holding on for too long, pretending to be strong. It was time she dealt with her feelings. She would let herself wallow in misery. She didn't know for how long had she sat in her room. She checked that clock it read, 10am. She sighed sitting up against the headboard. She needed someone to be by her side. She didn't feel like crying, too exhausted for tears. She looked at the crib and watched Adeline sleeping soundly.
"I can't believe I'm doing this." Y/n sighed before closing her eyes. "I know this is bizarre, but I'm desperate here. I know you and Dean have a connection and you only respond to him but Cas, I need you. If you hear me please, respond." Y/n breathed opening her eyes. She peeked around her room for the angel but he wasn't there. "Dean's bitch." She muttered turning to lay on her side and gasped when she saw Castiel sitting on the other side of the bed.
"Hello Y/n."
"Cas you scared me."
"You called. I came." He replied flatly. He's back to his angel self and he's emotionless as ever. "You look terrible."
"That is comforting, thanks." She replied sarcastically. "Where've you been?"
"I know you're busy with angel business so thank you for coming."
"You seem to be in terrible condition. And you sounded...anguished." Y/n nodded. She moved and wrapped her arms around his frame and he hugged her back awkwardly. Y/n felt safe and not-terrible. He may not be accustomed to human emotions and gestures but his presence comforted her.
Surprisingly, he stayed with her for more time than she expected. He brought her food as she didn't want to leave the room. Adeline woke up with a loud cry and y/n tended to her. When Castiel held Adeline he had half the mind to brand the child with the sigil but he knew y/n wouldn't let him, she's too small and it would hurt her. He just wanted to keep her safe but he wouldn't do anything she or Dean wouldn't allow him to.
"I have to go." Cas said all of a sudden. Y/n nodded, she knew he would stay if he could. She was grateful that he even came.
"Sure, thanks for coming Cas." She said taking Adeline from him. She didn't even get an answer when Cas disappeared.
It was around six pm when she heard a knock at her door. Y/n tensed at thought of having to interact with anyone. Bobby knew well enough when to leave her alone so either it must be really important or it was Lisa. She opened the door finding, it was the latter.
"Hey, I didn't mean to bother you but Sam called and said you didn't answer when he called, he's worried." She spoke politely. "you've been in your room the whole day and it worried me too."
"It's not a bother at all. I'm just tired." Y/n replied with tired smile. She actually was tired.
"It's not because of me is it? That you're scooped up in your room?" Lisa asked hoping it wasn't the case.
"Oh no not all Lis." The nickname and y/n's light tone made the woman feel a bit better.
"Okay." She smiled. "Sam and Dean left for my place in the morning to track the Djinn. They might be back tomorrow." Lisa informed.
"Alright." She nodded and Lisa turned to leave when Y/n spoke, "I'll uh call Sam. And thanks for checking in."
Y/n closed the door when Lisa left. She grabbed her phone as saw five missed calls from Sam, each with a gap of an hour. He must've been worried. She dialled his number and pressed the phone to her ear. He picked up on the first ring.
"I know you hate me but that doesn't mean you get to leave me worried sick." Was the first thing he said as he answered the phone.
"Hello to you too." She replied.
"This isn't funny. Where have you been? You haven't left your room the whole day, you weren't answering my calls."
"You keeping tabs on me Winchester?" She teased.
"It's called caring." Sam replied, harsher than he intended.
"Sorry I was in my head. I needed space." She replied honestly.
"Take as much space as you need. Next time just let me know you're okay.!!"
"Yeah." She nodded even though he can't see her. "How's it going?"
"We've checked the place. There are three of them. We figured they'd only come out when it's me and Dean alone. So we're waiting."
"You're waiting for three Djinns to attack you while its only you two. Not to mention they're extremely powerful ones who almost killed all three of us?" Y/n sighed at their stupidity. But then, what are Winchesters if not stupid.
"That's one way to put it." Sam chuckled. "But Samuel's backing us up."
"For the record," she softly said, "I don't hate you."
"Uh thanks." He said making her chuckle. "I think i gotta go."
"Be safe, Sammy." With that Sam hung up.
It was around midnight, y/n was in the main room reading, Adeline laid in the middle of the room, staring up at the devil's trap, gazing the the symbols with curiosity. The shapes enticing the little baby. She had a good amount of sleep while being trapped inside the room so now she's wide awake keeping her mother company.
Y/n heard the sound of tires against the road and then Sam's car's horn. She didn't want to see Dean but she couldn't just hide anytime he was around. She knew it was going to be a frequent occurrence now that he knows Sam's back so she stayed seated. Sam and Dean appeared at the doorway and she shifted her gaze from the book to the men.
"How'd it go?" She asked the younger brother.
"Terrible. But we killed them."
"Basically the story of every hunt." She retorted and Sam chuckled walking towards her. He kneeled beside Addy and was going to pick her up when Y/n swatted his hands away. "Clean up first."
"You're mean." He pouted.
"No, you're dirty." Y/n shooed him away. Sam didn't argue and made his way out of the room to get cleaned. Dean, glanced at Adeline and left without a word.
Now that the Djinns were gone, Lisa and Ben were free to go back to their place. That meant Dean will leave too. She wanted to be bitter but she knew the way Dean thought. He dragged them into this, put a target on their backs and now it's his responsibility to protect them. After they left, it was just her and Bobby. Sam had been gone with Samuel again.
"Hey Bobby!" She called out to the older man who was playing with Adeline. "I think I'll move."
"You two are idjits you know that?" His reply made her snort. He was against the idea but he knew she had made her mind.
"It's the company." She teased which earned her a glare from the old man.
"You better be safe, ya hear me?" 
"You got it."
Y/n leased a house in a neighbourhood few towns over. It was her fresh start. No hunting, no monsters, no Dean. Just her and Adeline. The house was well furnished and she didn't have much stuff to set up anyway. She had a spare room for a nursery. She set everything up but she put the crib her own room. With everything she knew was out there, she wouldn't leave her baby alone.
"This is a bad idea." Sam said pacing in her new living room.
"It is not." She replied glaring at him. "Would you stop pacing."
"It's not safe. You're too far from us. We can't reach you in time if something happens." Sam said sitting on the couch.
"Sam I've monster proofed the whole house. There's salt on every window, devil traps all over the place. I've got my gun, holy water, machetes, plenty of silver...Even Bobby checked the whole place." She assured him.
Sam sighed leaning back on the couch. He still thinks its a bad idea. He just wants her to be safe.
"I got out Sam. I'm not a hunter anymore."
"Yeah but that didn't stop that Djinn to come after you. Who knows what else could be after you. You and Addy were safe at Bobby's." Sam tried to argue. "I know you left because of Dean but he won't be going over. He stopped hunting for good." She gave him a look but he continued. "He did. He made Lisa and Ben move. And he told me he's done. He won't hunt with me or anyone."
"Look, i know you think I'm unsafe but I promise you I'll be fine. I'll call you even if I doubt anything in the slightest, I swear."
"Okay." Sam accepted defeat. "Get me a beer."
"Hey, don't order me around." She kicked his leg lightly, a smile on her face. "Go get it yourself. And get me one too." This might actually be a good start. She felt happy. She could start fresh. Or could she?
She had been living under one of her aliases, Emma Parker. And her daughter Adeline Parker. The neighbourhood was decent and people were good. It had been smooth sailing for the past two months. Until she heard the news of six months old babies disappearing from locked homes and their parents being brutally murdered. It was happening too close to her location. However she didn't think it was some sort of supernatural gig, even if it was she was prepared to fight whoever it was.
Y/n's phone rang and she sighed knowing who it was and what they're going to say. She answered it begrudgingly.
"Y/n you need to go back to Bobby's." Sam told her while driving his car.
"Sam that's bullshit and you know that."
"I don't care whatever it is. You need to leave. Addy turned six months a week ago. They're killing parents and taking babies. Even if it's not our kinda thing it's not safe." Sam argued.
"Sam how long am I going to keep running? I can't lock myself at Bobby's. Addy's gonna grow up, she's gonna go to school. She's not growing up in this life Sam, I'd die before I let that happen."
"It's not safe considering what's happening in your town."
"Just because I don't hunt anymore doesn't mean I don't know how to fight. Be it a human or a monster. I'll kill anyone who tries to harm my baby." Sam didn't speak for a moment. He sighed before agreed.
"I'm in town investigating this thing. So I'll see you soon yeah?"
Sam went around investigating the murders and disappearance of the children. He went to Y/n's house and the two of them brainstormed MO's, reasoning and potential suspects.
"You don't have anything to do with Harper security, do you?" Sam asked y/n who brought him a beer, with Adeline on her hip.
"Nope, why do you ask?"
"All of the houses had their services. That's the only thing in common." He said standing up and grabbing his jacket.
"Where are you going?"  She asked as he stood up abruptly.
"Well I'm on this case, as a Fed or a Hunter. Can't stay here long. It'll put a target on you." He said grabbing his things. He kissed Addy's head and then hers. "Lock the windows and doors. Stay safe." With that he walked out of the door.
After Sam left he went to watch another house that had Harper security. He watched as a man entered the house, he followed him inside. The man turned to attack him and Sam fought back, he nicked the man with a silver knife and his hand burned. It was a shifter. He left the place and Sam checked the place and found a baby. He sighed.
"Dean i need your help." He said into the phone as he got into his car.
Dean met up with Sam and sighed as he saw a baby in the backseat.
"You need help with a baby? Haven't you been around Adeline to know all the baby stuff." Dean rolled his eyes at his brother.
"No. Not most of the time. Besides I'm working a job here." Dean sighed knowing Sam's right.
The two of them headed to a store to get necessary supplies for the baby and they ran into the shifter. It took the baby pretending to be a nice old lady. But Dean watched the woman in the cctv cam and noticed her eyes were like those of shifters. Sam and Dean fought with the shifter and grabbed the baby and ran out of the store. The two of them were in a motel room Sam was going through the papers while Dean was watching BobbyJohn. Sam stopped his work to watch Dean.
"You're surprisingly good at this." Sam commented.
"I've done this before." Dean replied vaguely.
"Last I remember Ben was a full grown child." Dean glared at his brother.
"I put Addy to sleep. Once." Sam raised his brow in curiosity.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"No." Dean immediately replied.
"Alright, you stay here with Bobby John and I'll go see what i can find out." Sam said getting up. Dean just nodded.
Sam was driving to meet with one of the babies' father, who was not at home during the attack. After talking to him, he reached to a conclusion that the shifter cloned himself into the husbands, knocked up the wives and is now collecting his own babies. He needed to tell Dean the baby is a shifter. He retrieved his phone from his pocket to call Dean but before he could, his phone rang.
"Hey." Sam answered.
"Hey, how's it going? Did you find anything?" Y/n asked.
"Actually, I found everything." He told her everything he found out. He just left the part where he was working with Dean.
"Well that's great. Now you have nothing to worry about since Addy is Dean's daughter and not some psycho shifter's." She said over the phone.
"Yeah I'm relieved over that." Sam responded.
"Yeah, how about you come over for dinner tonight?"
"I can't y/n, I'd love to but I've got one of the babies with me and I've got to take him to Samuel." Sam explained. "Look, I have to go but I'll call you."
Sam went back to the motel and saw a sherrif dead in the motel room and Dean carrying a baby that looked like the baby on the diaper box. He shifted.
"We've gotta take him to Samuel."
Y/n was in the kitchen when she heard the doorbell ring. She opened the door to see Sam in standing there. She knew it wasn't Sam. He was on his way to Samuel. And she knew a shifter was in town so she knew what she was dealing with.
"Sammy hi." She invited him in. She knew she had to attack when he least expects it. "I thought you were too busy to drop by."
"Yeah uh, I did. But family first you know." Family my ass Y/n thought to herself.
"That's amazing, you staying for dinner right?"
"Sure." He replied taking a seat on the couch. She watched as he kept eyeing Adeline who was crawling throughout the living room. Ever since she learned how to, she hasn't stopped.
She has to do something quick or else she'd regret it. She can't risk leaving Addy alone with the monster so she subtly grabbed a silver knife from the cabinet behind her and put it in the back pocket of her jeans. Her gun was taped under the table in the living room and it was stocked with silver bullets. She cringed at the idea that crept in her mind. The shifter doesn't know the relationship between her and Sam.
"You know..." she walked towards the shifter who was pretending to be Sam. "It's been a while since we had some fun." She dropped herself in his lap and he immediately grabbed her hips. Yep not my Sam. She thought to herself.
"I think so too." He breathed as he felt her up. She was internally cringing so bad, first this was a slimy shifter she was straddling , who on top of that was wearing Sam's face. Her best friend. She was hating the feeling of his hands on her body. She lifted her shirt over her head and he immediately distraced by that.
Men, she rolled her eyes.
He was eager to latch his mouth to her skin and she knew she had him. She slipped the knife from her pocket and stabbed him in his chest. The creature groaned and Y/n immediately jumped off him and went up to pick Adeline from the ground. The shifter removed the knife from his chest and threw it away. He grabbed her by the ankles and threw her against the wall, blood trickled down her head. He went for Adeline but y/n pushed him.
She grabbed the knife and lunged at him but he grabbed her arm and twisted it. He made her stab her own side. She screamed in pain as blood gushed out of her side. She knew better than to remove the object so she elbowed him in the neck and crawled towards the table and grabbed her gun.
He had picked up Adeline who was now wailing in his arms. She knew it was risk shooting him while he was holding her daughter but she knew she couldn't let him take her. She took a deep breath and steadied her arm. She's done it a thousand times before, she can hit moving targets. It should be easy. She gripped the gun tightly in her hand and shot twice at his vacant shoulder on the side he was not holding Adeline.
"Tell her father I want what he has. I'll be in touch." With that he ran out of the house.
Y/n watched in horror as he left with Adeline. He should've been dead. She shot him with silver bullets. What does Dean even have that the shifter wants? She clutched her side as she grabbed her phone and dialled Sam.
"Sammy. He took Adeline." Sam slammed the brakes, hard.
"What the hell Sammy?" Dean asked as Sam reversed the car and drove past the speed limit. Sam was breathing hard as he clutched the steering wheel tightly. "Would you tell me what's going on?" Dean demanded.
"Dean shut up." Sam said aggressively. Dean was shocked at his outburst. It was only a matter of minutes before they arrived a house, which Dean had never seen before. Sam ran out of the car and Dean watched as his brother kicked the door open to the house. He grabbed the baby from the back seat and followed Sam.
Sam entered the living room and the whole place was bloody, The whole place looked like a mess, shattered lamps and photo frames. A bloodied Y/n was on the couch holding a kitchen towel to her side. A bloodied knife and gun was placed on the table. He rushed to her side.
Dean walked inside the house hesitantly, unsure of what to expect. The moment he stepped inside his heart stopped. Out of everything in world this is the last thing he expected.
Y/n was barely holding onto consciousness and Sam patted her cheek to keep her awake.
"Hey stay with me." He looked down and removed the towel to see blood gushing out of her wound. "You need stitches. Dean grab the medical kit." Sam looked back at Dean who was frozen in place. "DEAN." Sam yelled.
Dean shook himself as he watched his biggest nightmare come true. The love his life barely hanging to life, bloodied. He jumped into action when Sam yelled his name, he ran inside the kitchen and checked all the cabinets. He found the box in the cabinet above the sink. He grabbed the box and another clean towel from the shelf. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey that he luckily found. He re-entered the room handing the box to Sam. She was already shirtless so it was easier for Sam to patch her up. Dean poured the alcohol on her wound and Sam cleaned the area. Y/n hissed in pain as he did so.
"Bite into it, sweetheart." Dean said place the clean towel inside her mouth. She clenched her teeth as Sam stitched her up. Her scream was muffled by the towel inside her mouth. Dean clutched her hand in his as she withered in pain. "Almost done, baby."
When Sam was done he placed a gauze over the stitches and closed the wound. Now that the blood was not oozing out her body she could keep herself awake. She removed her hand from Dean's grip and threw the towel on the floor.
"Son of a bitch." She gasped sitting up. "Give me that." She grabbed the whiskey from Dean and gulped down the liquid. "He took Addy." She tried to blink back the tears. "He said, tell her father I want what he has and he'll be in touch." She cried. Sam wrapped her arms around her as she sobbed.
At her words the two brothers immediately eyed the baby in the carseat.
"Tell us everything." Dean said. She told them everybody that happened.
"It should've died, i shot him with silver bullets, twice." She cried.
"I think it was the alpha." Sam replied.
"The alpha? As in the very first of their kind?" Y/n asked and Sam nodded.
"It would've hurt him but only shooting him in the heart would kill him." Sam added.
"I thought about it, I would've done it had he not have Addy in his arms." Y/n sobbed.
"You should've called us." Dean stated.
"Excuse me?" She glared at him.
"You shouldn't have taken on him alone, should've called us." Dean replied.
"And you think he wouldn't have noticed me calling Sam, when Sam was clearly sitting in my living room and last I remember you were busy playing house." She snapped back.
"You could've gone to the other room." Dean argued.
"And left my daughter alone? Like you did?" She yelled. This made Dean and even Sam flinch.
"Hey.. calm down. Fighting isn't going to bring Addy back." Sam intervened.
"Sammy please do something, bring her back. I don't have any reason to live besides her." She cried in Sam's chest.
"We'll get her back. I promise." Sam rubbed back in a comforting manner.
Dean watched as his brother was comforting her. He wished it was him in his place telling her that it'll be alright, they'll get their daughter back. Hell he wished it didn't happen in the first place. It was all his fault, He should've been here, he should've.... His train of thoughts was broken by the ringing of a phone. 
Sam answered his phone, it was Samuel calling.
"What?" Sam exclaimed. "Tell him we agree. Yes we'll be there. Is she okay?" Dean and y/n heard the one sided conversation. Sam nodded as he hung up. "The shifter has taken Addy to Samuel, and he's bargaining. Addy for that child." Sam said gesturing to the child. It was the first time she noticed that child's presence.
"Let's go then." She said standing up.
"I don't think you should come with, we'll bring her home." Dean said fuelling y/n's anger.
"What makes you think you're in position to give orders? In a situation regarding 'my' daughter?" She sneered, emphasising on the word 'my'.
She grabbed her shirt from the floor not caring it was stained with blood. She grabbed her gun and stuffed it in her jeans. She put on her jacket and limped towards Sam's car. Sam and Dean followed behind her, Sam put the carseat with the baby in the back. Y/n rounded the car and opened the passenger's seat door.
"I'm not sitting beside that thing or I might break its neck. Baby or not." She said sliding inside and slamming the door shut. The two men nodded and got inside the car. Dean sat in the back while Sam drove.
They reached Samuel's warehouse in a few hours. The three of them walked inside the place, the carseat in Sam's hand. Christian took them to where Samuel was. The old man stood from his seat and glanced at the shifter baby.
"Where is he?" Sam asked.
"He didn't come himself, he sent a message. He said to signal him when were ready to deal." Samuel replied.
"And how do you do that?" Y/n asked shifting her weight on her legs.
"Sacred shots." Samuel said.
"Sacred shots?" Dean asked.
"Yeah there's pattern while shooting. First you shoot left in the air then right and then twice directly in the middle." Samuel explained. The three of them nodded. Y/n watched Mark, Gwen and a few unfamiliar faces walked inside the room.
"Now we need a plan of action, Mark-"
"What plan of action?" Y/n interrupted Samuel.
"To catch him of course."
"Oh hell no. You're not using my daughter as bait for whatever sick plan you have." She said sternly.
"Y/n, I know Adeline is your daughter and I adore that kid but we have to catch him, he's the Alpha." Samuel explained. "We will get her back."
"You will not. You said you made a deal. You lied to us to bring this child here." She yelled.
"I did what had to be done."
"Samuel. This isn't-" Sam started but his grandfather cut him off.
"Sam i know she's your friend," he gestured to y/n "and you care for her child but this is neces-"
"That's enough." Dean yelled. "You will give him this child and get Adeline back." He told his grandfather. Samuel walked towards Dean, staring him down.
"And why would I do that?" Samuel challenged.
"Because she is my daughter." Dean yelled. "and you will not play anymore games, do ya hear me?" He growled staring into his grandfather's eyes.
The room fell silent at his confession and the old man took a step back. Y/n watched Dean's face turn red in anger and his adam's apple bobbed as he stared up at Samuel, daring him to go against his word. The aforementioned man nodded his head in agreement.
They had decided that it would be Dean who would go out and deal with the shifter. He went to the backyard and fired the sacred shots. He kept the baby on the ground who was still strapped in the car seat.
"I'm here." Dean yelled. He heard the leaves crunching underneath someone's steps. He turned to see an unfamiliar man walking towards him with Adeline crying in his arms. Dean's skin crawled as he watched his daughter in a stranger's arms. "I've got what you want. I'm here to deal. No games." He said to the man.
"You know it's you humans who don't stick to your words. I'm just here to get what i want. I haven't touched a single hair on your daughter's head." The man replied.
"That better be the case." Dean replied. He grabbed the car seat and walked towards the man. He set it beside the man and held his arms out for Adeline who was still crying.
"No games?" The man asked.
"No games." Dean nodded. The shifter placed Adeline in Dean's arms and he sighed in relief having his daughter back in his arms. The shifter leaned down to pick up car seat and looked around suspiciously, still not trusting Dean. He picked the seat up and when nothing happened, he walked to where he came from.
"Daddy's here, baby. You're safe, my love." Dean cooed at his daughter. Tears pooled in his eyes as his heart was beating profusely in his chest. He bounced the little baby in his arms, Adeline curled herself in his chest as if she recognised his warmth. "It's okay, angel daddy's got you." He walked back to the warehouse and Adeline had stopped crying. He opened the door to Samuel's study where everyone was waiting, Y/n ran towards him and grabbed Adeline from his arms. Sam sighed in relief at the sight of his niece. Y/n clutched her daughter to her chest, crying and kissing the little baby all over her face.
"Oh Baby you're okay. I'm glad you're okay." She said to her daughter as if she'd understand her.. Holding Adeline in one arm she turned to Dean and wrapped her arm around him. "Thank you Dean." She cried. "Thank you for saving our daughter." She sobbed in his chest. He wrapped his arm around her back and pulled her closer.
"You don't have to thank me, baby." He kissed her head, cherishing the moment. He pecked his daughter's head, grateful that she was okay.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
@s0urw00lf @monkey-d-hoshizora98 @deans-baby-momma @fullbelieverheart
@riah1606 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @hobby27
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apocalypseornaw · 1 year
Meant to Be (Pt 3/5)
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Taking a breather at Bobby's house calms your nerves but makes Dean start to consider how his own feelings for you are beginning to change
@lacilou s idea I ran with
Bobby is alive in this and there's a lot of cursing
You knew your way around Bobby's kitchen probably better than he did. The counter was lined with different herbs for the arache antidote you were making for Xavier along with the dreamwalking serum for Alyson and you were cooking some breakfast in the meantime and had coffee brewing.
You'd gotten up before the rest of the occupants of the house, summoned by the fed line ringing damn near off the wall and hadn't been able to fall back asleep after that. Back to back calls had come in so you were doing the brewing while Bobby did some research. You'd sent Sam and Dean to town after some breakfast ingredients.
You were listening to the Playlist you had blasting while you poured the now cooled antidote into vials. You probably wouldn't have heard Sam come into the kitchen behind you had it not been for the loose board he always seemed to forget about. "I haven't seen you in this good of a mood in weeks" he spoke and you spun around with a grin "Samuel! Did you get my vanilla?" He held up the bag "Of course"
You took the bag and went to work finishing the croissants Bobby had asked for before slapping them in the oven. You nodded to yourself "Dreamwalking serum will be done in ten, croissants should be done around that time too and I need to put on another pot of coffee" you could feel Sam's presence behind you and part of you didn't want to acknowledge it but the other part knew he wasn't going to go away "I'm fine Sam, really"
Hs stepped up closer to you and touched your shoulder gently "Are you sure?" Before you had to respond "You shook me all night long" came on so you turned towards him with a wide grin "Oh no" he muttered and tried to escape but you grabbed him before he could "Oh yes"
Dean heard your laughter as soon as he stepped in the house. He cut his eyes at Bobby who was sitting at his desk reading over a large book "She's cooking and has music. Next to killing monsters, that's her favorite place"
He laughed as he headed towards the kitchen. When he got closer he could hear Sam's voice and when he made it to the doorway of the kitchen he hadn't expected to find you and Sam dancing to AC/DC.
He leaned against the doorway silently for a moment. He'd never seen you dance too much, you always shied away when anyone asked you at a bar. The way you and Sam moved with each other looked almost choreographed, if he didn't know better he would've pinned you two as having been lovers at some point in time.
Friends didn't know each other as well as you and Sam did and they damn sure couldn't move in step together like that. He felt a small flicker of what he had to admit was jealousy, he'd never gotten to see you like this. You were relaxed around him yeah. Hell you'd known each other for plenty long enough but there was still pieces of you he'd only get to see slivers of from watching your interactions with Sam.
He had been finding himself craving move of those slivers and disappointed when the only thing he got in turn was you pulling away from him even more. He hadn't done anything wrong, had he? He couldn't think further because Sam went to spin you and both of you caught sight of him. The squeal that had fallen from your lips was nothing short of adorable, you turned to bury your face in Sam's chest "I didn't realize there was an audience!"
You could feel the fact that your entire face was warm. Why hadn't you paid better attention? Dammit now Dean knew the truth when you'd turned him down or any other man citing you couldn't dance.
The truth was Jess had roped you and Sam into classes that she always conveniently scheduled for when she knew you'd be in town. You had always deep down assumed it was her preparing for hers and Sam's wedding. It had seemed a given at the time that they'd marry and have lots of little gorgeous, smart babies.
"Didn't realize there was an audience" you muttered hiding in Sam's chest, trying to smoothe your hair down some and suddenly feeling self conscious over your old jeans and t-shirt. "Don't mind me sweetheart. I was just admiring the fact that I've been cheated out of quite a few dances by believing the lie that you couldn't dance"
You were saved by the timer going off on the oven. You stepped away from Sam and grabbed the oven mitt to retrieve the pan out. You glanced back at Dean "Tell Bobby the croissants are ready please? I've got to bottle the serum"
Dean motioned to Sam "Sammy go let Bobby know they're out how about it? I'll help Y/N with the serum" Sam cut his eyes at you so you gave the barest of nods. If you made a deal out of Dean helping you he'd want to know why and you didn't want to have to deal with those questions.
You heard Sam walk out so you glanced back at Dean "Wanna grab the corks out of the drawer next to the sink?" He nodded and moved to grab them while you started placing bottles across the table. You felt him move before the heat from his body being close hit your back "Here sweetheart"
You turned to grab them but ran into his chest "Shit" you muttered and he half grinned "Sorry Y/N" you blinked a few times trying to make sure you thought before speaking considering he'd grabbed your hips to steady you and was still holding onto them "I need the funnel out of the sink" he nodded slowly "I'll grab it"
He stepped away from you and you turned back to the bottles, trying to convince your hands to stop shaking from such an innocent touch. You needed to get a grip on your feelings for Dean, he didn't feel the same about you and never would. You took a deep breath at the same time he tapped your shoulder "Funnel" you took it and nodded towards the stove "Hand me that red pot"
He handed it to you and the two of you worked in silence for the next few minutes, you filling the bottles and him coming behind him to cork them. About the time the last cork went into the last bottle Bobby walked in with Sam in tow "You've been busy ain't ya Y/N" you nodded "I like using my hands" Sam raised an eyebrow at you and you felt your cheeks warm. "Bite me Sam" you threw at him and he started laughing.
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Bobby's house was a safe haven from hunting, from seeing Dean with women hanging off of him but as with every safe haven it had to come to an end. You probably would've stayed with Bobby had it not been for the fact that the Banes twins needed backup. You were close with both Alicia and Max.
You were sitting in the backseat of the impala, regretting leaving your car at Bobby's. "You good sweetheart?" Dean asked so you looked up at him in the rearview mirror "I miss my damn car" he grabbed his chest "Ouch sweetheart, I'm offended for baby"
You shrugged "You know I love the impala but it's easier on me and Sam to have a second car when we get ditched" he looked from you to Sam "Oh cmon I don't do that all the time" you and Sam shared a loaded look before Sam said "Yeah you do. Last town me and Y/N went to a double feature so we didn't have to listen to it"
Dean cut his eyes back up at you "listen to it?" You turned to look out the window refusing to meet his eyes even as Sam said "Yeah" "Look I'm sorry, both of you" "It's fine" you answered a little too quickly. Maybe you should stick with Alicia and Max for a while? Just to get this whatever this was out of your system.
As if he could read your mind Sam looked back at you and mouthed "No its not" "Please" You mouthed and he looked a mixture of pissed and defeated before nodding. Either Dean missed your interaction or chose to ignore it. If he was as clueless at hunting as he was at your feelings for him he would've been long dead. You finally let out a breath then said "I'm going to sleep. Wake me when we get to Washington"
Dean watched you lay down then glanced towards Sam who had his nose buried in his phone. The two of you seemed to be getting even closer than before. Were you sleeping with Sam?
The thought of that made his head hurt. Yeah he'd seen you go off with men from bars, you had a few exes that were hunters but since you started hanging with him and Sam you hadn't really went home with any guy or given any guy attention.
His fingers dug into the steering wheel harder than he'd meant for them too. He realized the idea of you with Sam or any other man didn't set right with him. What the hell was he supposed to do now?
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minalblood · 2 months
The Winchesters 1x13 Review
Let’s just dive into this, it’s been a looong time coming:
-I completely forgot that John had had no idea what to do until he got the letter. I wonder if this is something that may have happened in OG SPN? Also, adding to this, we know that when Henry leaves in SPN, the Winchesters are still in Illinois, but in TW they are already moved. I want to know if there is a thread that matches the OG universe and if so when exactly it diverges. Like, did SPN!John have this feeling of complete loss of purpose when he returned from war? We have some hints to tell us yes, but ultimately we don’t know. Did SPN!John know Murphy? Did Murphy die/was his death impactful to John in SPN as it is in TW? I wish we had a bit more details about the similarities and differences in the universes.
-The fact that TW!John called Dean “sir” hurt me as much as it hurt Dean. You can see the pain. I also want to know how Dean left so quickly. Like suspension of disbelief is fine, but considering we have pictures of him in 1970s Lawrence in his car going place to place makes me think he’s at least somewhat constrained to physicality. So did he just dash? Also how did he get upstairs so quick also? So maybe he isn’t as constrained as I was picturing?
-Speaking of, how did Dean get that letter? I may be misremembering things here cuz it’s been a while since ep 1, but I always assumed that Dean would’ve gotten it from the MOL clubhouse prior to him deciding to interfere right? Is did we ever get this answer? If so though, I want to know how long Dean’s been in TW universe because it’s much longer than I remembered it being and how long did he ponder whether to interact with one of his folks? 
-I fully believe Dean lied about the “one last hunt” to Bobby. There are reasons for this and I will mention it a bit later, but for now I want to mention that he can keep this promise and claim a loophole if he so chooses. He hadn’t left Heaven to hunt, he went searching for something personal and stumbled upon the Akrida. He’s still Dean Winchester, there was no way he’d be able to walk away and not at least try to help, nevermind the Akrida showing up because he and Sam defeated Chuck and he’d likely feel even more responsibility.
-I know this ep is coming full circle on all of aur characters growth, but I need to shout out Samuel here for asking Mary and actually backing away once she clarifies her own uncertainty despite his clear shock. The Samuel we met in the beginning of this wouldn’t have stopped until this devolved into a huge fight because Mary isn’t doing what he wants from her. Same to Millie, she just subtly prompted John about Mary leaving hunting and how he’s dealing without badgering or pushing. I also deeply appreciate both Samuel and Millie here inquiring about their kids’ emotional states, great progress. 
-Joan mention! I cannot wait to get into this once she shows up fully.
-And speaking of growth of characters, I also love that for all we see everyone having evolved and developed, they are still to some degree who we met: case in point Mary’s knee jerk reaction if to withhold information. She ends up not really doing this, even trying to have a proper conversation with John later, but her reflex is still to withhold. It’s just that now she’s aware enough that she’ll change her approach.
-Adore the foreshadowing for the Akrida’s defeat “anything not of this Earth”. Especially with the sheer focus on Dean from both in-universe from the Scoobies and out of universe from the fans. 
-Speaking of things I love though, can we just give a full round of applause for Ada not lying and keeping the secret about the spell from everyone? How many times has stuff exactly like this led to worse outcomes exactly because people didn’t communicate? And what’s more, it’s exactly because she mentions this that Lata gets a head start into a solution (second round of applause for this, especially since it’s so rare that we get actual contingencies set up before the really risky move is executed rather than scrambling for a patch work after the fact) and they don't end up using the spell until it’s really unavoidable which leads to the third round of applause for Carlos who prevents Ada from preemptively using the spell (hello direct answer to Jack turning himself into a bomb for Chuck and the plan derailing completely cuz they jumped the shark with it).
-Something to note though: souls function differently in TW apparently. In SPN the closest similar spell we have to what Ada has is Lily Sunder’s angelic magic which also uses fragments of soul as fuel, however unlike SPN where Lily burns piece by piece but ultimately still has the remaining soul after the spells, in TW they clarify that Ada’s soul will slowly dissipate if they take a fragment of it. It's so interesting to see the difference. I wonder why? Maybe souls evolved differently here, maybe the spell, by virtue of being one of Rowena’s (be it her own making a la soul bomb to kill Amara and save the sun or Book of the Damned bomb using your own life as sacrifice to close hell) makes it act differently? I really want to know. 
-The bar being filled with Akrida possessed people is such a call back to the demon filled bars of SPN days and I love it.
-I do think that Joan knowing Dean couldn't interfere too much/make waves is very interesting. Especially since the Akrida are a Chuck designed failsafe.
-Also how did they get him into the portal? I need to know. 
-Joan saying “his body will be torn to shreds for centuries” is doing multiple things for me. One, it’s recalling hell - especially having it be connected to Dean in pain for an extended period. Two, it’s giving us a hint of how Dean will survive while maintaining the stakes for the Scoobies (and to some degree for us since at this point on a 1st run through since we didn’t know how the portal would interact with Dean - dead or not he had a body that could be interacted with).
-“I’m not Akrida. I was human once” is sooo much fun to consider. Joan is very much this amalgamation of so many things, her former humanity, her ties to the Akrida and all that monster essence, and she’s essentially done it to herself, created Frankenstein’s monster outta Frankenstein. No wonder it went off the rails. She and Cuthbert Sinclair are two sides of a coin for me to be honest in this regard.
-It’s also here at the bar that Joan’s main strategy for dealing with the Scoobies gets shown, trying to appeal to the versions of them she has info on. Something that to be honest would’ve worked at the beginning of the season, even maybe halfway through the season might’ve worked. She tries with Samuel first, bringing up the hunting legacy of her family, then with Mary and John. Then when she gets to the clubhouse she goes for Lata, and in the final fight she once more hits John, Samuel and now Carlos. And she clearly pushes very specific trauma triggers for each, focusing most on John’s anger and Mary’s disillusionment with hunting because I think those are the ones she most relates to. Meanwhile with Lata and Carlos she almost pushes opposite by trying to point out how their changes are detrimental. By this I mean, with Mary and John she’s trying to reignite those feelings in them because she can tell they are still there to some degree (as mentioned they’ve both grown but still have a while to go) meanwhile for Lata and Carlos their growth was more foundational since they actively tried to heal versus Mary and John’s pushback against the healing. I hope this makes sense to y’all.
-Having Joan’s motivation be keeping hunters alive initially is so much fun to dig into. Everything she says to them about why she’s doing what she’s doing is something we’ve heard people talk about before, especially in SPN, especially Dean tbh. We’ve seen Dean struggle with the endless loss, with the weight of the responsibility to keep humanity safe, the toll saving the world took on him. Having Joan act as this dark mirror was a great choice. But also Dean would have never reached this point. Even at his darkest moments, he always drew a clear line about what he’s willing to sacrifice - yes, he also never had to deal with the loss of literally everyone everyone, there was always at least one thread, one person, but still. 
-Lata fighting against the Akrida possessing her? Absolute queen behavior! Love her so much. Also Joan reducing her choice to be a pacifist as a black or white thing is very in line with what I was trying to say above. I can exemplify better here though so bare with me. Lata’s pacifism is both a very personal choice that means a lot to her and gives her personal meaning, is a part of her values. But it also used to be a literal blockage for her before ep 11 where any type of violence coming from her side reminded her of her father especially and of that trauma. More specifically, Lata also felt she had to be a pacifist otherwise she would be exactly like her abusive father. Ep 11 had her confronting her trauma and coming to terms with it, something she was already trying bit by bit to do, and re-evaluate what pacifism means to her. So Joan trying to reduce Lata attacking her to say that hunting has tainted Lata, is to completely ignore the complexity of Lata’s choice to be a pacifist and to ignore the very complicated relationship that Lata has to fighting. In this instance, Lata choosing to fight is a testament of how rooted in her sense of self she has become. She can fight back and not feel the guilt she used to, not feel like it’s a failure on her side to do so because anger and fighting do have a purpose and are important sometimes - like when your life is being threatened. 
-Having Joan’s lover be the final thing that got her down the path of destruction is absolutely a choice on the writer’s side that I adore - definitely tying into the SPN!John of it all. I also find it interesting from another perspective. When I 1st watched the bar scene, Joan’s like of “that’s the John I know” had settled into my brain very differently to the point that I was almost certain they were going to reveal that Joan is actually another version of Mary a la Apocalypse world Mary who lost both her family and John, but much earlier. Basically, Joan is continuously this amalgamation of multiple things at once, the worst parts of each.
-Humanity wasting their second chance speech is giving Jigsaw to me tbh. I vibe.
-I love them figuring out that they can use the journal to bring Dean back, but imagine the version of this story where unsteady they use the journal to defeat Joan. It would’ve been hilarious.
-Love that the one Akrida that has had it out for John especially is the one possessing Lata btw. It makes the vitriol feel more personal and makes me think of both the Leviathan’s who hated playing Sam and Dean and of the disdain Lucifer has for humanity, but especially the Winchester brothers. I love this being another creature who is so pissed to deal with Winchester adjacent people that it’s begun just personally having a vendetta against all of Earth. 
-“How many Campbells and Winchesters have to die” goes so unbelievably hard. Especially in the finale of the show now rewatching, but even on 1st watch I remember being hit right in the heart by that line. It’s the fact that I actually completely understand that reasoning and even agree with it that makes the Akrida and Joan especially so fascinating to me. She does have a point is the thing, especially considering the very personal interest God has had in the Campbells and Winchesters bloodlines. And following this up by talking about how history and legacy are playing a heavy role in this continuous suffering is also fantastic, because it is true, but it’s not the whole picture either. It’s not the only legacy and history the Campbells and Winchesters have to tell.
-And once again Chuck had done what he does best: created another world ending being that he then locked away to ensure the world doesn’t get destroyed ahead of time. He did this with Amara, Lucifer, the Leviathans, the Shedim, angels and demons getting thrown in the Empty counts too, the monsters being thrown in Purgatory also falls under this pattern of behavior. He really is a one trick pony on every level.
-Adore that Ada didn’t even hesitate to use the spell to save Lata. And even more love for the fact that everyone is sharing info so they can make a plan together, no one going off on their own like a moron, god the satisfaction of seeing this is unmatched.
-Cutting off Mary before she can say anything to John as they’re saying goodbye essentially, after he more or less poured his heart out? A choice on the writers part that I wholeheartedly agree with. Love the implications here.
-I also adore that it’s a swordfight. This show has gone out of its way to ensure minimal gun use and I think it was a great choice. Also love that all three of them, Samuel, John and Carlos get attacked at once by at least 2 Akrida. 
-BABY!!! (this was the only reaction needed here - just BABY!!!)
-I wonder if Josie existed in this universe? Like did Joan just get rid of the MOL before Henry and Josie went to the church and meet Abaddon? Does Abaddon just not exist in this timeline? Did Henry even try to do field work in this universe? I have questions!
-Dean saving Mary will never not make me emotional ok? That’s what he’s wanted since he was 4! 
-I also love that we have the most roundabout way of referencing Sam here. I will go into more detail why I especially love it, but just know I do.
-I do hate though that Dean still looks surprised that he got into Heaven and the reminder that he’s dead. I hate remembering that 15x20 is a thing that happened still. 
-Living for Dean instantly jail-breaking Heaven though and then basically breaking his parole to interfere when he found the Akrida. Of course he couldn’t help himself, it’s Dean, he has never been able to ignore when something is wrong and he can help.
-Jack saying it’s time for Dean to return to his own story… I don’t disagree but I do object to the “there’ll be peace” mainly cuz Dean clearly isn’t done. And now I need t go into this a second. Because Jack is treating this situation with the Akrida as though this was Dean’s goal here. But the Akrida are the side quest, the thing that derailed the actual thing Dean’s been looking for when he took off from Heaven. Dean isn’t done. This may have helped him make peace with a chapter of his story, but that’s just it. It’s a chapter, the one about this parents’ tragedy. But he’s still looking. He didn’t leave heaven cuz he was looking specifically for John and Mary, he left the second he say Baby with no clear objective but the knowledge that he had to go. He found some meaning in his restlessness by looking for a version of his folks where they’re happy, but that’s just part of it. And you can see it by how he responds to Bobby in the beginning, how he talks to Jack here at the end. He isn’t done. 
-“They’re family” is one of my favorite moments in this finale tbh. Because not only does he say this explicitly, he does so after introducing them by name. Which brings us back to what I was saying about Sam. In choosing to not name Sam to the gang, but explicitly naming Jack and Bobby who are Dean’s chosen family, it narratively sends a message that goes in direct opposition to what 15x20 was pushing. And to be clear, we do get Sam mentioned by name too, because Sam isn’t important to Dean just because he’s blood related to him, Sam is just as much part of Dean’s chosen family, but Sam is mentioned to Jack and Bobby, who, like us the audience, already know this information about Sam’s importance as opposed to Jack and Bobby who (and I am aware we the audience is aware of their importance too) are representative of all the other chosen family that gets pushed aside in 15x20 in favor of the blood relations. Sam here is important because of what he as a person means too the 3 of them, not because he’s Dean’s blood relative, but it does bare repeating that Jack and Bobby, not blood relatives, occupy the same level of importance in Dean’s life. This went so far in patching up some of the bullshit 15x20 peddled imo. I love it.
-I do gotta say I still think Jack was changed by the god power and I still don’t like it. Chuck won theory or not, Jack is visibly acting different from what we’ve become used to in SPN and that is a sadness I cannot begin to explain to me. He also deserved to live his life free of all this responsibility thrust upon him since he was conceived.
-Oh, I am so emotional about Dean imparting his journal to John and the Colt to Mary. I was mentioning earlier about legacy and history and this is exactly the part that contributes to that discussion. John, the MOL legacy gets the journal - the theoretical help more or less, especially with Dean’s journal having focused, as opposed to SPN!John’s very practical entries, on the emotional and mental side of hunting and how to handle all that hunting will throw at you. And Mary, the Hunter legacy gets the gun - the practical help, but even here, having the Colt be one of the only guns in the series makes it stand out without you needing to know the full significance of it being the Colt, and moreso, Dean is giving it as a protective measure as we the audience know it’s the only thing that can kill the yellow eyes demons. More than that, he is also actively healing with these both of the trauma’s SPN!John and SPN!Mary impart to him - with John the emotional absence and with Mary the physical absence while still helping these versions of them John with his still existing anger issues and Mary, as she’s navigating this no-hunting life, having the means to ensure she survives it. And on top of this, he is reclaiming the legacy/history of SPN!John’s journal and SPN!Mary’s death this way. I love everything about this choice.
-Now the ending scene. 1. The fact that we full on get to see that Ada will eventually be fine, adore it! 2. The reference to the famous beach episode wth, unmatched joy about it. 3. Mary and John actually compromising and finding a way to meet in the middle with everything? Fantastic. 4. Millie letting John go easily? Such a departure from the acidic words she’d thrown his way at the beginning of the show. 5. Samuel actually letting Mary know he’s going and saying he’ll keep in contact? Same vibes as Millie, love to see it. 6. Mary’s iconic baby blue car? I have missed it so much!
-And now, Ramble On closes us off and what a fantastic choice that they got it. It truly is the perfect song for this story. Because it makes it clear that this isn’t an ending. It’s a moving on to something else once you’ve finished whatever/wherever you were at. Dean’s story here has come to a close but he’s moving on to something else, he’s still behind Baby’s wheel searching. John and Mary’s story has ended for now, especially this chapter that had interference after interference from on high (Chuck’s especially via the Akrida and then Dean’s trying to clean up Chuck’s mess) and they can move on both from Lawrence geographically and from this predetermination that said interference was pushing via calling back to SPN as much as it was, now they can live their own lives, like Mary said, she saw every possible version of her and chooses to make her own path instead. (I do wonder what Dean saw, he was there much longer than her). So yea, the story has ended and the story goes on. Perfect choice for song closer.
-EDIT: I forgot to add about the title... oops! Basically, it's kinda tied to what I was saying about the song choice as well aka it's not an ending so it's not a goodbye per se. Something you have echoed actually by Mary and John twice in the episode. And it works as a pushback toward 15x20.
And so I am done too and figuring out what I’m moving on to! I’m sure there are still things that I can come up with to say about this show, and probably will continue to for a long while yet, but the reviews are done now and I’ve said most everything I wanted most to say so til I get something else I feel like mentioning, see y’all in the reblogs! Hope this was fun for you and I deeply appreciate all those who have been patient and stuck around to hear my opinion on this. Bye bye!
@shallowseeker, @noybusiness,@inspnity17, @pleaseraisemefromperdition, @doctorprofessorsong
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Hihi!! Can i req for kinktober 8. fuck or die with sam Winchester or castiel (idm) the readers dying and only there onsolved feelings for sam or cas is the only way to save (if you get me 🙇‍♀️🩷)
Thank you for the ask, Anon! ❤️❤️❤️
I was already planning to do a similar version but I like yours better. Here ya go!
Warning: heterosexual sex (p in v), unprotected sex, wrap it up, kiddos! nipple play, tw: love curse, tw: physical pain, tw: person dying, schmoopy, Angst and Fluff and Smut
Day 8: Sex Pollen/Fuck or Die, (Ask request)
“Sam, it hurts.”
Y/n looked pale as he held her in his arms with his cell phone pressed between his ear and shoulder.
“Hello, Dearie.”
“Rowena, Y/n got hit with a curse…” Sam proceeded to explain the events that led up to now, including Castiel being unable to heal her or affect the spell cast on her.
“Oh, Darling,” Rowena trilled. “You’re gonna need to make love to the lass.”
“What?!” Sam squeaked. He’d had a crush on Y/n since meeting her, nearly a year ago, finding her cute, and kind, and they seemed to have similar interests in books and research. From the first time he saw her smile, he was caught in her web, and she had no idea.
“You heard me, Samuel.” She paused for a few moments, realizing the situation as Sam remained silent. “You have feelings for her?”
Sam eyed Y/n, who was wrapped in a blanket in his arms, dozing.
“Yes,” he confirmed, quietly on the phone. “I can’t let her die, Rowena.”
“Oh, you poor boy. I told you what you have to do, but there is a catch, Samuel, darling.”
Sam silently waited.
“She has to have feelings for you in return. The spell is a sort of curse and love spell. If the other doesn’t reciprocate, it kills the one who is cursed. You have 24 hours at most from when the spell is cast upon them, and you both have to admit your feelings for each other.”
Sam felt the blood in his face drain away at the realization they were extremely short on time. It had been six hours already as he had scoured the library’s card catalog before calling the witch.
“HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT? SHE KEEPS FALLING ASLEEP AND CAN BARELY EAT!” Sam quietly yelled through gritted teeth, waking Y/n who looked up at him; however, he didn’t notice.
“Samuel.” Rowena quietly informed, “The spell will allow you to make love once things…get going or said. Trust me. This is the only way to break the curse. You can do this. While I haven’t met her, I’m certain she has feelings for you too.” Rowena almost sounded as if she was lamenting.
“Thanks, Rowena,” Sam replied quietly as he contemplated how to save Y/n.
Dean saw Sam hang up and looked at him expectantly.
“I’ll explain later. I got this,” Sam informed Dean.
Sam looked down to the now awake Y/n, who watched him.
“Are you ok?” she asked softly. Her weakened state making even talking troublesome.
Sam’s face softened—amazed that she was worried about him despite her dying—and nodded. He kissed her hair. “Yes. We need to get you to your room and settled in bed.”
Without a word or warning, Sam changed his arm placement and picked Y/n up bridal style causing her to yelp. He grinned at her. “I’ve got you, Y/n. Nothing is gonna hurt you if I can help it.”
Dean and Castiel secretly smiled at each other and held hands under the library table.
While Sam walked to Y/n’s room in the bunker, he thought back about his interactions with Y/n, wondering if she feels the same way about him. They’d been spending more time together over the last few months. They'd been texting each other daily and Y/n would always text good morning and good night to him. He began to feel confident that she felt the same way, but getting her to admit those feelings might be harder.
By the time Sam put Y/n down in her bed, she had fallen asleep again. Her body was shutting down. He sat down next to her and gently caressed her face, calling her name.
Y/n blinked a few times before awakening to see Sam smiling at her, and she smiled back and placed her hand on his hand on her face. “Hi,” she greeted, her eyes soft and her cheeks barely pink.
Is she blushing? Sam wondered.
“Hi,” Sam returned.
“What did Rowena say?”
Sam dropped his hand away from her face as he spoke. “She said it was a love curse.”
Y/n looked at her lap. “Oh. What does that mean?”
Sam sighed and clarified, “Rowena said that you would need to admit your feelings to who you’re in love with and…and…make love.” He could feel his face heating up as he looked towards her nightstand, then back at her.
Y/n eyebrows rose into her hairline, her slightly pinkened cheeks darkening. She remained silent a moment, then winced and whined at the pain in her abdomen. “I don’t understand how, Sam.”
“She said the curse will allow you, once things start going. If there is someone we need to call or get, I’m sure Cas will go get them.”
She smiled widely and looked at him, placing her hand on his cheek.
“Sam,” she gently chided. “There isn’t anyone else.”
His heart raced on his chest as his cooling face began to heat up. “What do you mean?”
Y/n knew if she was going to live, it was now or never as her heart rate increased. Her chest started aching but she ignored it. “You.” she explained, her voice trembling. “Ever since I met you, it’s been you.”
Sam took this as permission. He leaned down and brushed his lips, chastely, against hers. His stomach fluttered with butterflies and bees. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down on top of her. Her chest warmed and tension faded away. It was so much easier to breathe. He bracketed her in with his arms, knees between her legs, tangling his fingers in her soft y/c hair. The kiss reassured her as her body felt to be tentatively improving. She tightened her arms further as her strength returned, crushing her lips against his, and moaned. He slid his tongue against hers and a dance ensued as they devoured each other.
Y/n captured Sam’s moans as she pushed her chest against him. Pulling away from him, she looked up and smiled. “I think we should, um…” She looked away, unable to complete the sentence.
“Right,” Sam agreed, realizing what she meant. He sat on his haunches, removed his plaid, and pulled off his shirt. Y/n turned to watch him at his words with an eyebrow raised and chewing on her lower lip. “Y/n.” He chuckled at her watching him.
“Right,” she agreed. She grabbed the front hem and pulled off her shirt revealing a spaghetti strap undershirt.
“You don’t wear a bra?” Sam asked.
“Do I look like I need to wear a bra?” She asked incredulously, and grabbed her breasts through the undershirt. She giggled, “It’s not like I got a lot here.”
“I don’t know. I think I need a better look to judge for sure.” he teased, acting playfully thoughtful.
She pulled off her undershirt revealing her chest. Her breasts, while on the small side, seemed to be the perfect size for Sam, just enough to fill his hand. He squeezed slightly and grinned. “I think you’re perfect.”
Y/n could feel her face heat up at the compliment.
With his other hand, Sam tilted Y/n face up to him and tenderly kissed her. Y/n pushed him away, frustrated. “Sam, we need to speed this up. I’m already starting to feel…weird.”
“Weird, how?”
“I don’t know. Not like myself. Just like before. Off.” She couldn’t figure out how to explain it but remembers a similar feeling hours earlier before the pain started. Determined to get the show on the road, Y/n repositioned herself to be kneeling and pulled Sam down to her. She skipped his lips and went for his neck, sucking marks in his skin across his jugular then his Adam’s apple. Sam gasped in surprise, then moaned, causing her to chuckle.
You’re mine, Sam.
Sam was stunned at her directness and desire for him. His hands sat at her hips. She moved slowly from one side of his neck to the other.
And I’m yours.
Sliding her hands down his arms, squeezing and feeling their strength and definition, she grabbed his wrists, slid one to her ass, and the other to her breast, squeezing his hands. He finished rebooting and pinched her nipple, gently rolling it between his thumb and forefinger while he massaged her asscheek. Y/n moaned into his neck, then nipped and licked his shoulder.
She slid her hands down his chest, stopping to trace his defined abdominal muscles. The feel of his muscles went straight to her core and she could feel that she suddenly soaked her panties. She had a muscle kink and never told anyone since it was very superficial. She went to his belt, unbuckling it blindly while she nibbled his collarbone. She popped open the button, then slowly pulled his zipper down.
Surprised, he glanced down, seeing her finger the edge of his boxer-briefs. “Y/n, you’re moving fast.”
Y/n pulled back. “Sam, take off my pants,” she commanded, then hesitantly asked, “Can I take off yours?”
She grinned and worked his underwear and pants down together. His large cock sprung out and she stopped to stare. “Holy shit.”
Now it was Sam’s turn to blush. He had never gotten that reaction before. He worked to remove her pants and she helped. Once they were both naked, they took each other in for a few moments.
“Is there anything you don’t like?” inquired Y/n.
This was not going how he imagined it but answered anyway. “Uh…not that I can think of right now. If you do something I don’t like, I’ll let you know.”
“Same,” she confirmed.
“You?” he asked.
“Um, no penetrating my ass this time around. Need to clean up.”
Things stalled a bit for Sam but not for Y/n. She wrapped her hand around his girth, stroking his length. Sam practically growled at her action. She bit her lower lip and giggled. She leaned forward, licking the underside from base to tip then engulfed the tip in her mouth. He growl-groaned at the sensation. Since she was unable to communicate, she grabbed his hand and placed it on the back of her head. He instantly grabbed the back of her hair, pulling her off.
“If you keep that up, I’m not gonna last.”
She failed to hide her grin, never having had someone react so strongly to her. “Then fuck me, Sam.”
Sam leaned forward and picked her up as he sat back on his heels. Y/n’s breath trembled and a shiver went down her spine at the change. He cocked a brow at her but she just held on to his shoulders as he did the same to her thighs and ass
“Y/n, I need to tell you something.”
“Sam,” she begged and squirmed in his hands and arms. “Please.” She wrapped her legs around him and he lined his cock up to her entrance, lowering her.
They both groaned the moment he began to penetrate her hot, wet heat. The burn from Sam’s large size felt amazing, especially once he bottomed out. She took a few slow, deep breaths, having never felt so full.
“Are you ok?” Sam asked, concerned.
Her pupils were dilated with barely any y/e/c shown. “So full,” she panted and squirmed on his cock. “Please, Sam. Please fuck me.”
Sam slowly thrust into her soaked channel at first. Throwing her head back, she closed her eyes and moaned. Once he started to speed up, she panted and whined. “More,” she begged.
He gently laid her down on the bed, bringing her further up his thighs, and thrust into her with force. The strength of his thrusts sent lightning down his spine to his groin. He knew he was close. She screamed with pleasure, encouraging Sam to continue. She brought her hands to her nipples, rolling them around and pinching them. He pressed open-mouth kisses across her chest and left marks from his teeth on the inside of both her breasts with licks from his tongue.
She carded fingers through Sam’s hair, damp from sweat, and scratched his scalp, causing him to groan. Her hand goes rubbing her clit. He gasped at her walls clenching around him and this pushed her over the brink, crashing and burning as she screamed through her release. The sight of her — beautiful and sexy— was such that he, too, grunted and exploded, filling her full.
Sam bracketed her in again with his hands on either side of her shoulders. He huffed and panted, trying to catch his breath. She smiled blissfully at him. She raised a finger and lightly touched his cheek. “How are you?”
He huffed a laugh. “Great.”
Her hand dropped to her chest and she panted, “Me too.”
He leaned down, brushing his lips against hers, and rubbed his nose against hers. She lightly giggled.
“I love you, Sam.” She told him like it was an everyday thing they told each other.
He smiled widely, “I love you, Y/n.”
The next afternoon, Y/n was in the library reading in Sam’s lap, snuggled against him.
“How are the lovebirds?” Dean teased.
“We’re good,” replied Y/n. She grabbed her cell, looked at it, then put it down. “Five more minutes,” she informed Sam.
He kissed the top of her head. “Ok.”
“Five more minutes until what?” asked Castiel.
“We’re making sure the curse is broken and there is a time limit on it. While we don’t know the exact time, we have an idea of when it was, give or take, so just waiting it out to make sure.”
Dean and Cas chuckled. “Mind if we wait with you?”
“Of course, the more the merrier,” replied Y/n. Dean and Castiel sat down next to each other. Castiel on Dean’s laptop and Dean on his phone as they held hands under the table
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shallowseeker · 1 year
There is...one more Cas-adjacent car to discuss, but I don't quite have it all straight in my head.
LOOK! It's not the same tan sedan, but it IS interesting. (4x03 & 13x01) Isn't it? Let's ramble:
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Look at this cute little tan sedan that Dean drives in 4x03 In the Beginning!
This is one of his very first interactions with Cas, and our first on-screen date car drive.
They've interacted very little at this point! Previous appearances with Cas n' Dean were 1) their first meeting in the barn and 2) the very tense middle-of-the-night meeting in the dream kitchen.
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Anyway, this is the vehicle Dean drives throughout the episode. It's our first car ride with Earth and Heaven teaming up.
Dean is ghostly as he bears witness to the tragedy of Samuel Campbell's death (stabbed in the gut, just as Mary was before she burned), Deanna Campbell's death (broken neck), and John Winchester's death (broken neck).
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Azazel is killing all of Mary's support system to better weaken her resolve and entrap her in a deal.
Young—afraid—alone—distressed. Mary would have taken any deal, surely.
(Mary's Fate is not unique, exactly, but it's definitely got its own signature. It's an off-rhyme parallel in Supernatural. She did not, in fact, barter her soul, or go to Hell, as John and Dean will eventually do. No, she unknowingly Rumpelstiltskin'd her second child.)
Mary looks sadly over her shoulder at Dean, who was unable to help her. Then, John breathes in air with a shuddering gasp—returns to life.
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Dean gasps, too, and Cas returns to his side. They disappear together, leaving only mysterious tan sedan in their wake.
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Mary turns to look one last time, and we now have the setup of the scene: John—Mary—tan Cas Car (lights on)—black Dean Car.
Mary’s voice was so small when she asked if Azazel would revive her parents, “M-my parents, too?”
(Of course Azazel said no. Mary has to take what she will get, and she may have made a terrible mistake, but she knew enough not to barter her soul.)
So, Mary gazes at her father—the protector—lost as he failed to protect her, just as she will fail to protect Sam. (Oh, and her mother? She's dead, too. Mary's world has shrunk. And the world is so, so much scarier after your father dies. He’s supposed to be invincible.)
This failing of his child will haunt Samuel Campbell beyond the grave and entangle him in a demonic deal of his own. (Just as Cas, too, will be drawn into an Empty deal for Jack, post-resurrection.)
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"I'll tell you one person that you're not gonna save. Your Granpappy."
Deanna, very nearly victorious in her bid to go for the gun on the ground, gives herself away with a grief-stricken scream:
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We've seen this ghost before. The demon comes through the door. It kills the protector. Then it seeks to kill the second line of defense, before moving onto the rest of the vulnerable family members.
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Now, we come to 12x23 All Along the Watchtower and 13x01 Lost and Found. And well, it hurts.
Nothing is one-to-one in Supernatural. All parallels are based in the specter of missing bonds and of lost love—whether that's a child, a comrade, a sibling, a parent, or a lover. It's a symphony of harmonizing pain. :(
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So, in 12x23/13x01, Cas dies. Dean and Sam are stunned speechless.
In 12x23, it's Mary who leaps into action, and Dean can only stand, a paralyzed witness to Jack's twin fate of The Lost Parents. (Jack's mom, Kelly? She dies. Dean can't save her. Jack's chosen father, Castiel? He dies, too. Dean can't save him either.)
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(Both Deanna and Kelly die with their eyes open.)
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But Mary is triumphant. She is a Doomed Child fighting back. She protects Jack from Lucifer, even though she could not protect Sam from Azazel. (Echoing this, Crowley serves as an inverse: he spurned his mother's protection from Lucifer and bit off more than he could chew to further the security of his career/position. His death, surprisingly, tears Rowena in two and unfreezes her heart.)
But thanks to Mary's heroic efforts here, her own kids are spared this time, and Jack, too. (From here, Mary will go into another world where she never made her deal, and she will make peace with her past.)
Of course, Dean bears witness to his own off-rhyme parallel fate to Mary, The Death of the Lover, at the hands of a Luciferian figure. Cas falls at his feet, and Dean falls to his knees.
Dean is also like John. He can only watch as his loved one's sacrificial debt comes due, with no hope in sight, like how Mary's sacrifice came due--those cosmic consequences.
(And later, Jack, in a painful echo of Azazel, will resurrect The Lover but become destined to kill Mary.)
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Later, still in North Cove, Dean pleads with God on the landscape of his broken dreams—Washaway beach, (a cruel nod to the beach trip he will never take), a valley without people or friends in it, and a car.
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Like Mary, he looks over his shoulder to find a mysterious tan sedan (but its lights are off & it's enshrouded in darkness).
And there's nothing for Dean here. No miraculous resurrection. No deals that can be made. Not for Dean. Dean's happiness, and the happiness of his loved ones isn’t important enough. The universe turns a blind eye. The father doesn't care if he lives or dies, and his happiness certainly never mattered to Him.
It isn't fair.
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His voice shakes, and his lip trembles. "Please. Please, help us."
But God's not listening. "He doesn't give a damn."
And we're left with a similar setup to Mary's tragedy, another off-rhyme: we return to the lakehouse and we have...a black Dean car. A tan Cas truck, at cross positions to one another, as they were in 4x03.
But like John, Dean is now left with just Sam n' Jack, and he's ill-equipped for parentally supporting either of them.
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But Dean just keeps looking and looking and looking. Hoping.
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He looks like he's about to faint, actually.
(A kitchen. A dining table. An empty chair at its head.)
But this is how it goes with Cas. Dean tries to stop him from walking away, and in reality, he's powerless to stop him from going anywhere.
Having faith when miracles happen and when they don't? What good is it? It just hurts more.
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prophetsvessel · 3 months
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𖬺͟. i’m just trying to take this —— this curse [ … ] and make something good out of it. because i have to .ᐟ an independent, au, private and selective portrayal of samuel w. winchester from cw’s supernatural, mostly early seasons. the boy king turned hell’s own prophet, a copy of heaven whilst locked out from peace. as written by august ( they / them, twenty — three, ast / adt ). medium activity, minors can interact. psds used are lilith and eve by @vendettapsds, pinned graphic is by @hiscoven. also @demonsdagger, @portalsfled & @wildeswitches. affiliated with @hiscoven & @lycaneis.
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impala-dreamer · 1 year
Captives of The Court - Chapter Thirteen
A Supernatural Series
~Strange things are brewing in Connecticut, so Dean and Y/N go check it out. After stumbling through town, they fall into something that’s been going on a very, very long time. Can they put an end to the bloodshed and make it out unscathed or will they need a little help this time?~
Starring Dean Winchester x Y/N Y/L/N
Series Warnings and Info may be found on the Masterlist Here 
Thank you to those of you who have read and commented/reblogged. I was very proud of this and excited to share it. Those that have interacted- you have my heart <3
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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There wasn’t much time to rest. They took turns showering and chugging massive quantities of electrolytes while Rowena tinkered with some magical bombs.
Dean was last in the shower, as usual, and Y/N collapsed onto the bed, near to crying with exhaustion.
“Hey, Roe?” She popped up on an elbow to look at the witch.
“You know I don’t like that, Y/N…”
She cleared her throat. “Sorry. Rowena-”
“What were you doing there tonight? I doubt you were just randomly in the neighborhood.”
Rowena smiled gently and looked over her shoulder at Y/N. “Samuel called me and I was nearby. He said that neither of you had returned his calls in a few days and that you might be in need of help. When I saw where you were… Well, I had to come.” She shivered a bit and looked off at the wall, remembering.
Y/N sat up and grabbed another bottle of red stuff. “I take it you know that Bronwyn bitch.”
“Aye. Long time ago we were friends.” Rowena sighed and busied her hands with the bombs. “Well, not friends, exactly. Hard to be friends with someone who’s almost always got their knife against your throat.”
The orange cap twisted off with a crack. “Yeah, I get that.”
“She is incredibly powerful,” Rowena went on. “Very clever, too. Always pushing boundaries and finding new ways to do things. She was never one for classic spells. She preferred to create her own.”
“Sounds like you admire her a bit.”
“No, child. But I can admit when someone is clever beyond what is normal.”
Y/N nodded and took a long drink. “She’s going to be hard to kill.”
Another shrug; red hair tumbling down her back. “Perhaps. If she’s on guard, yes. These bombs will distract the others, and you two can slip in and deal with Ms. Cromwell.”
Y/N thought for a moment. “If we kill her, does the town… I mean, I know the people that directly benefit from her magic will suffer, but the town seems… innocent. There are so many families here, happy people.”
Rowena spun in her chair to face Y/N directly. “The town may fall, yes. But… everything can be rebuilt. I’ve seen cities burn to the ground and pop right back up again. It takes time, but it can be done.”
Guilt washed over Y/N and her shoulders caved inward.
“Do not worry about the town, Y/N. Everything comes at a price, especially magic. I think you’d have learned that by now. It may not be their fault that their homes were built on the backs of blood sacrifices and murder, but there’s nary a place in this country that wasn’t. They’ll be fine.”
The bathroom door opened and a clean and refreshed Winchester emerged. He ran a hand through his wet hair and squinted at Y/N.
“Oh, no. Why are we doing the sad face?” he asked, grabbing a fresh flannel from his bag.
Rowena chirped up. “She’s having a moment of guilt.”
Dean cocked his head and smiled lovingly. “You’re too good for this gig, baby. Too innocent.”
Y/N growled and stood up. “Screw you.” She went to the table and picked up one of the bombs, bouncing it in her hand. “I’ll show you who’s innocent when we get in there and I kill the bitch.”
Dean grinned. “That’s my girl.”
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The ride back was quick. The Impala flew over the blacktop as the moon shone down upon the black paint, bounced off the chrome.
“What if they’re gone?” Y/N asked, leg nervously jumping up and down against the door.
Rowena pulled in a deep breath, settling. “They’re all still there. Eating and drinking and making fools of themselves. They won’t be ready to continue until well past midnight. Timing is everything.”
The clock read eleven fifty-five.
Dean pressed the gas pedal to the floor.
Y/N chewed her lip. “What if she tries something witchy? Even back in the shop, I was kinda distracted by her. And I kept… smelling… bread.”
Dean’s face twisted and he looked over at her. “I smelled apple pie. Cinnamon. Lots of cinnamon.”
Rowena leaned forward and rested her hands on the back of their seat. “That would be her seduction spell. It smells like whatever makes you happiest.”
Y/N laughed. “Huh. Kinda like in Harry Potter.” Dean hummed in question, but she waved him off and looked back over her shoulder. “So… what if I smell bakery stuff again?”
Rowena patted her shoulder. “Then you’re in trouble.”
“That’s so helpful, Rowena. Thanks.” Y/N rolled her eyes and pressed her forehead to the window.
“I’ll be there to help,” she promised.
Dean eyed her in the rearview. “You better be.”
Offended, Rowena sat back in her seat. “Have I not proven myself to you Winchesters time and time again?”
He sighed and sucked his teeth. “Yeah, well, just know I’ve got your number. You pull anything and one of these bullets will find its way through your skull.”
Rowena looked into the mirror, daring him with a slick grin. “Deal.”
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A banquet was laid out on the long table, crisp linen and shining crystal goblets lined the top. Candles glowed off of every flat surface and beat shadows against the walls. Silverware clinked against antique china as they ate their fill, drank wine until their bellies were sloshing and full.
If they knew what was coming, they seemed unaffected, uncaring of the danger lurking just outside of the dining room.
Bronwyn looked up when the door opened, gray eyes following a small handmade bomb as it rolled across the antique hardwood floor. She stood, kicking back her chair, and turned away from the scene, alerting no one else, fleeing as the bomb went off.
Gray smoke flooded the room and strands of magic popped through the cloud, striking anyone that moved.
Seven were stunned as they moved from the table, dropping to the floor as the tranquilizing spell worked on their muscles.
Dean kicked the door open and Y/N followed him in, guns on the ready, heads clear, tempers triggered.
When the smoke cleared, they counted ten bodies and broke apart, each stalking down a different corridor.
Rowena hung back, searching the library for Bronwyn’s written treasures.
Dean met with Lydia and Mrs. Putnam in the kitchen trying to escape out of the back door. Two shots rang out and blood splattered on the pristine white tiles.
The Sheriff was stalking Y/N just as surely as she was stalking him, and he attacked from behind as she entered the living room. She screamed and kicked, threw herself forward over the sofa, bringing him with her. They tumbled in front of the roaring fire and she came up the winner, pressing her pistol to the bridge of his nose.
“You can’t kill me,” he warned. “I’m the Sheriff. Do you know what the penalty is for killing an officer of the law?”
“Actually, I do.” Y/N laughed under her breath. “But- don’t care.”
She pulled the trigger.
They met up at the door that led down into darkness and Y/N went first this time, pecking Dean on the cheek before rushing down the steps.
Bronwyn was waiting for them in the circle, unarmed and calm. Her mask was gone, her cloak was thrown aside. She looked stunning in the warm glow of the candlelight but Y/N grit her teeth, pushing the idea away.
“Anyone left alive upstairs?” the witch asked.
Dean sucked his teeth. “Sorry. All dead.” He held up his gun, showing it off. “Got a few more rounds with your name on it, don’t worry.”
Bronwyn laughed, loud and confident. “Oh, Dean. I am far from worried.”
She took a step and blew a heavy breath that crossed the room with preternatural speed. Struck in the face by the magical air, Y/N and Dean swayed, their eyes blurring, heads swimming.
“Why don’t you put your guns down?” Bronwyn said, her voice tumbling through their heads like a seductive song. “You had so much fun as my slaves.”
Y/N sucked in a deep breath and saw herself on her knees, face shoved between Bronwyn’s perfect thighs, tongue deep in her sweet pussy. Dean was cradling Bronwyn’s head, his mouth locked to hers, his big hands toying with her breasts.
“No!” Y/N pushed it away, jamming the thought into the back of her head. She looked over at Dean, who was lost in the same moment, and stamped down hard on his foot. “Stay with me, Winchester,” she grit.
He shook his head and advanced, taking a step closer to the witch. “Enough of your games, bitch. There’s no way out of this and no freakin’ way we’re gonna be your sex slaves or whatever.”
Bronwyn’s smile was beautiful and Dean jerked back, shocked by the pull he felt in his gut.
“Oh, but you already are my sex slaves, Dean. Don’t you see?”
She moved closer and let her fingertips brush down Dean’s cheek. He gasped and his shoulders fell as memory took him back.
Y/N ran forward and let Bronwyn have it. She cracked the witch’s jaw hard and the woman stumbled backwards.
She pulled herself together with an aggravated growl as Y/N tried to wake Dean with an equally jarring slap to the face.
“Can’t you just- give in!” Bronwyn raged. “You were so happy to be mindless for me! To be obedient and silent!”
Y/N reached up and twisted Dean’s left nipple hard through his shirt and he jolted awake, falling back against the altar.
“Don’t you want that again?”
Y/N turned back to Bronwyn and looked her over, seemingly defeated.
“It sounds nice,” she said honestly. “Not to have to worry about things anymore. Not to force myself to be happy or find ways to be funny as we’re covered in blood and monster crap day in and day out.”
Bronwyn smiled. “I can give that to you, Y/N. To you both.” She looked over at Dean, who was still a little stunned and hurting.
Y/N chewed her lip, deciding. “I bet you could,” she said softly. “But honestly-” She sighed and lifted her gun, her features hardening as the hunter in her took over. “Hard pass.”
The bullet flew and Bronwyn fell, her body crumbling to ash over the stones.
Out of spite, Y/N spat into the pile of cinder and kicked it with her boot, scattering the mess.
Dean, free from the spell, came up behind her and touched her shoulder. She jumped and spun, ready to knock it out, but he grabbed her instead and kissed her hard.
Victory was hard won, but it was won.
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They watched Cromwell Manor burn from a safe distance.
Sure, there would be repercussions for the small town, and more questions than could ever be answered, but that job would fall to someone else.
They were hitting the road in a few minutes.
Rowena tucked a few leatherbound journals into her cloak and smiled at the lovers.
“This was fun,” she joked. “I hope we can not do it again sometime soon.”
Dean pushed himself off of the Impala’s hood and extended a hand. “Thank you, Rowena. I mean it.” He licked his lips and shook her hand. “You really saved our asses.”
The little witch laughed. “I sure did. And what an arse.”
She winked at Y/N who hid her face behind her hands. “Thank you, Rowena.” The hug was quick, but it was enough. “I don’t know how we can thank you enough, really.”
Rowena cocked her head to the side, thinking. “Well…” She looked at YN with a twinkle in her eye. “You can always name the baby after me.”
Dean froze, his jaw dropping.
Y/N fell backwards, slamming into the car. “Uh- wh-what!”
Rowena laughed. “Just kidding. You’re fine.” She batted her lashes and turned, ready to be on her way. “But you do owe me.”
Able to breathe again, Dean rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. We’ll send you a fruit basket.”
“I’d prefer a nice bottle of scotch, actually…”
Y/N laughed and sighed, relieved. “Goodbye, Rowena!”
With a backwards wave, she was gone, vanished into the night.
Once alone, Dean turned on his heel and set his arms around Y/N, pinning her to the car. He leaned down and kissed her lips, humming gently when she responded.
“Yeah, baby?”
She gave him a tender shove and squirmed out from beneath him, sneaking the keys from his pocket.
“Hey nothing. You’re trying to get frisky.”
Dean laughed and rubbed at the back of his neck, embarrassed. “No, I’m not… OK… Maybe a little.”
She sighed. “Dude, if you even come near me, my pussy may just fall out. Plop!”
He cringed and set his hands on the roof, looking over. “So… no sex tonight?”
She stepped up into the car and mirrored his pose, hands on the roof, chin down and serious. “I will chop that thing off, Dean Winchester, so help me.”
He grinned, all white teeth and freckles in the moonlight.
“Fine. I’ll find a way to keep it in my pants.”
She smiled. “You better. Or I’m getting my sword.”
He cringed and backed up, sliding into the passenger’s seat. “Yes, ma’am.”
Flames licked at the sky as the Impala turned onto the highway, headed back to Kansas and onto another day of just trying to get by.
It wasn’t an easy life, but they had each other, even if only for a little while. And that was enough for both of them.
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deanstead · 2 years
There Will Be Peace (2): Into The Forest
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Chapter 2: Into the Forest
Chapter Summary: Y/N heads out on a hunt with the Winchesters, but has to face the difficulty of a forest hunt.
Word Count: 1,706
Warnings: canon-typical mention of guns/weapons, blood.
A/N: Back with Chapter 2! Thank you to those who interacted with Chapter 1 and who stopped by to tell me they enjoyed it! Feedback most definitely keeps me writing!
Chapter 1 || Chapter 3
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It had been six months since that day. Six months since you’d lost Leah and Seth. Six months since meeting the Winchesters. Six months since Dean had told you to get out after a week.
You were still here.
You weren’t sure if Sam had managed to convince Dean to let you stay or if Dean just hadn’t had the heart to throw you out on your ass but a week passed, and then two, and now you were on your sixth month.
You hadn’t been idling either. By the second week, you’d started helping Sam with research because as he said, it was the fastest way to learn about all the different kinds of lore. Within that same week, Dean had taken you out to teach you how to shoot. You still smiled when you remembered how his eyebrows ticked up when you’d fired prefect shots. “I was the best shot in the academy.” You told him triumphantly.
You’d pulled your weight and Dean seemed to have relented although he didn’t say much. Sam had cleared out a room for you and you’d forged a pretty good partnership and friendship with the brothers.
After staying back for research for the first month and a half, Sam had pushed for you to go on a hunt with them. Dean hadn’t responded, merely closing the door to the Impala. You’d hesitated until he wound down his window. “You coming or what?”
You still remembered that first time you felt it, a sense of belonging. You hunted with them, you ate with them, you got to come home back to the bunker with them. And you’d be eternally grateful to them for that. Eternally.
Sam walked in with his laptop at that moment, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Hey, I think I got something.”
You nodded, pushing aside the papers strewn across the table that was full of research on demons. Sam gave you a look but didn’t pursue it, instead putting the laptop down on the table.
“We’ve got people vanishing into thin air here.” Sam said, showing you the articles as Dean walked in.
“We got a case?” Dean asked, heading towards the both of you, leaning above you to read the screen, squinting. “You sure this is up our alley?”
Sam pointed. “I think it’s worth checking out.” He paused, “Look, we’re not really heading anywhere with... Let’s just check this out. A case is a case."
Dean nodded. “Alright, we’ll head out in ten.” He eyed the papers on the table before smiling at you. “You good?”
You smiled back at him and nodded.
Dean had intrigued you from the first moment you met him. He’d been a little harsh with his words sometimes, but it hadn't lasted. He’d always struck you as someone who cared deeply about others and you weren't sure when it had begun, but Dean had considerably softened with you.
Sometimes when you watched Dean and Sam’s interaction, it made you miss Leah and Seth so much that you had to tear your eyes away from them.
You looked up to where Sam and Dean were already bickering in the front seat of the Impala now and reached for the tablet to take your mind off anything else.
“Y/N, what do we have?” Dean called, looking at you through his mirror.
You smiled. A part of you knew that he was just asking you to involve you in the case and it was cute that they made such an effort.
“So this guy, Samuel Ross.” You flipped through the papers strewn across the backseat. “He went for a hike and he just disappeared.”
Dean furrowed his brow. “Disappeared, like...?”
You shrugged. “Like no one’s heard back from him for a week.”
Sam looked at Dean. “Doesn’t this remind you of that case at Blackwater?”
Dean just nodded, turning his eyes back towards the road without saying anything.
“Blackwater?” You asked a little cautiously. You were always a little careful about asking questions, just in case.
Sam turned his body slightly towards you and nodded, launching into the story. You liked it when Dean or Sam, usually Sam, told you about their old hunts. You felt like you learnt new things with every story that they told, although Dean said that was impossible since you had to be out on actual hunts to learn new things.
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“Ranger Rory Allen.” Dean flashed his badge. “My partners Jacob Cole and Ava Patel.”
The park ranger on duty frowned. “HQ sent us.” Sam added quickly, as both of you showed your badges as well.
“Why would HQ send another three rangers?”
Dean and Sam looked at each other. “HQ’s concerned about the missing people.” You spoke, as Dean gave you an alarmed look. You ignored him and continued, “Samuel Ross isn’t the only one missing, is he?”
The ranger looked at you, his expression changing to a sheepish one. “HQ doesn’t miss anything, huh?”
Dean flashed you a thumbs up from behind his back and you had to stop yourself from smiling, working to keep a straight face.
Sam and Dean sat down and asked questions as you looked around the room, studying the map that was pinned up in the room.
“I think that’s all the questions we have for now. We’ll head out tomorrow to start a search party of our own.” Sam stood, nodding at you.
“Do you have a copy of this map?” You asked, pointing.
You walked out of the ranger’s office, Sam and Dean leading the way. You were already holding the copy of the map you’d asked for.
“That was freaking smooth in there, Y/N.” Dean commented, giving you a wide smile.
You grinned back. “Told you I can be an asset.”
“Told you she’s a natural.” Sam chimed in.
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The next morning, the three of you had an early start, heading straight for the trail. You’d spent most of the night committing the map to heart so that the three of you weren’t slowed down by having to refer to it.
You paused at the line of the first trees. This was the first time you were coming anywhere near a forest since that night. Your eyes traced the skyline, the tops of the trees gently blowing in the wind.
“Y/N, you coming?” Sam asked.
You didn’t respond.
“Hey.” Dean’s hand was on your back now, his green eyes trying to read you. Your eyes flicked to his. “You want to sit this one out?” He asked gently.
You shook your head. “No, I’m fine. I just… I just need a moment.”
You couldn’t back out now. The boys were counting on you and besides, you couldn’t be dead weight. Not after everything they’d done for you.
“Let’s go.” You announced, tearing your eyes away from the trees. You’d be fine if you just focused.
Dean looked like he was about to say something but nodded as you picked up your steps to catch up with Sam.
Dean watched you jog to catch up with Sam. Anyone else who met you wouldn’t have known or guessed the circumstances you’d been forced into, they’d never have known this girl with sparkling eyes had seen or experienced things anyone else couldn’t have dreamed of.
Dean furrowed his brows a little, worried. You hadn’t given yourself a chance to grieve, to properly process the fact that you’d lost all your family members in the matter of a few months. Dean knew what it was like, of course he did. Whether it be the first time he felt Sam grow limp in his arms, or the time that he literally watched Sam fall into Hell, he knew. He knew what it meant to be the older sibling and feel like you’d failed your younger ones. But above all, Dean knew the desperation of wanting to bury those feelings. So he'd never broached the subject with you, just watching you carefully and making sure he was close by.
“You coming?” Sam asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Dean cleared his throat and moved, heading towards you and Sam. You knew his eyes lingered on you but you didn’t say anything, waiting until he caught up before the three of you headed deeper into the woods.
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“Do you really think it’s a wendigo?” You asked Sam, as you looked around.
You weren’t new to hiking or even camping. Your dad had loved it, he’d been taking you guys out to treks and mountains since you were kids. And you’d always been proud of the fact that you knew how to survive outside. Or so you thought.
You swallowed down the thought and turned your head up towards the sky. You’d been in here for hours, you could already see the color of the sky start to change.
“Where the hell did he set up camp?” Dean almost growled. His patience had been teetering for a while so you weren’t surprised.
“He had a few days start.” You reminded Dean, as you spotted something between the trees. “Guys?” You pointed.
To anyone else, it might have looked like a wild animal had trampled through the campsite, but new as you were to hunting and the whole ‘monsters are real’ thing, you could tell this was no animal.
You took your gun out. It had been a gift from Dean after you’d shown them what a natural you were with a gun.
After being satisfied that there was nothing still lurking around the campsite, you tucked your gun into your pants and looked around at the carnage. There was a patch of blood-stained grass and an obvious tear in the fallen tent.
“This was no wild animal.” You muttered.
Dean nodded, suddenly swiveling his head towards the trees.
“Dean?” Sam asked.
Dean put his hand up.
The three of you listened. There was definitely something. Something that sounded suspiciously like a growl.
“Alright, let’s get out of here first. We have no freaking idea what we’re dealing with. Y/N, do you know…”
You nodded, glad you’d taken the time to memorize the map. “Come on.” You led the way out, picking up the pace as you headed deeper into the forest.
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lovetransaction · 1 year
I know DFF is a few days away BUT I have some brainworms regarding John encountering Soulless!Sam and wanted to know your take on them! How do you think John would feel about it, i.e. would he see Sam as an entirely different person or still as his son just different? Would their relationship actually improve because Sam just doesn't really care about the same things that caused their conflicts in the first place? Or would it be even worse between them?
I had this for a few days but between one thing and another didn't get around to it till now, sorry Dove <333
GOD this is such an interesting question. I think one of the massive major things that would affect however John interacted with soulless!Sam would be the degree to which the other Campbells were involved. If they were standoffish, then John would be caught in a place of thinking that it was technically good for Sam to have a safety net of family, especially who'd understand his soulless ass, plus that would free John up to not have to nursemaid the kid 24/7 (take that with a grain of salt plz lol). So he'd run kind of hot-and-cold, which Sam either wouldn't give a fuck about or it would annoy him but in a way less emotional way than he used to get annoyed, and they'd have some knock-down drag-out fights that were also far more satisfying than the ones they used to have. Soulless!Sam isn't the same as sensitive normal mean as hell when he wants to be Sam, so they could have an Honest Fight about shit.
If the Campbells were wary of him and protective of Sam, THEN John would get possessive. Growling about how none of the fuckin' Campbells were there when they were needed and John had to drag these children all over god's country by himself, and he raised 'em up to protect themselves, and look how good they turned out. Sam would fucking LOVE. IT. Partly because it's fun to see what finally got Dad snarling and snapping to keep Sam close and defend his EVERY move, but also because it would mess up the Campbells' somewhat haughty sense of familial duty, and the whole thing's just a morass of bad blood and nasty imprecations and Sam 100% fucks his dad raw about it.
Which is the point where John has to admit to himself that soulless Sam is, well, soulless. Because Sam has no intention of keeping this quiet and like sits next to John at breakfast at the Campbell stronghold the next morning and starts groping his dick under the table and everyone can tell. John's already a little punchdrunk bc he's still trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened last night, it certainly wasn't tender lovemaking, and the Campbells are all extremely uncomfortable, and then Samuel and John get into a massive fight where Mary gets brought up (never good) and John decides to leave and soulless!Sam is faced with a decision here of whether to stay Campbell or go Winchester, and actually idk what the answer to that would be lol
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jacksonmsmemphis · 2 years
Flights from Jackson MS to Memphis
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Memphis is a U.S. City. It is situated along the Mississippi River, and serves as the seat of Shelby County in the southwest corner Tennessee. According to the 2020 U.S. Census, Memphis is Tennessee's second largest city. 
It is the fifth-most populous city in Southeast, 28th overall and borders the Mississippi River. Memphis includes West Tennessee, parts of Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri Bootheel, West Tennessee, and the Greater Mid-South region. Memphis is one the most important and historic cities in the south. There are many neighborhoods.
Hernando De Soto, a Spanish conquistador and Spanish conquistador was the first European to visit the area of Memphis in 1541. The Chickasaw Bluffs were created to protect Memphis from the Mississippi. They were challenged by English, French, and Spanish colonizers as Memphis developed. 
When Memphis was founded in 1819, it was part of the United States territory. Andrew Jackson, James Winchester and John Overton founded the city. Memphis was a major city in the Antebellum South due to its rich cotton plantations and river traffic along the Mississippi. 
After the American Civil War, slavery was abolished, the city grew to the 20th century. It was a major global market for cotton and lumber. Memphis, Tennessee, home to the largest African American community, played a key role in the American Civil Rights Movement. 
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated at Memphis in 1968 after he supported a strike by city maintenance workers. The National Civil Rights Museum is an affiliated Smithsonian institution.
  Places to visit in Memphis
Memphis, Tennessee, is a popular city for music and food lovers. Beale Street is home to a variety of music venues, wedding venues and hotels. There are also many romantic restaurants and breakfast spots. 
On your weekend getaway or day trip, visit historical attractions. Memphis Botanic Garden, Children's Museum of Memphis and unique parks are the top places to visit with kids in Memphis, TN.
It is a good idea to call the attractions or restaurants in advance to verify current opening hours.
  1.     Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis, Tennessee
The Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, the oldest and largest art museum in Tennessee, is located at 59th Street. The museum was built in 1916 and designed by James Gamble Rogers in the Beaux-Arts style.
Bessie Vance Brooks donated the funds in memory of Samuel Hamilton Brooks. 1955 saw the addition of a cylindrical extension to the existing building. It includes 29 galleries, a research library and auditorium as well as classrooms.
The permanent collection of the museum includes art from the 20th Century, Baroque and Impressionist periods. The museum houses works by Renoir, Hassam and Homer as well as Gainsborough and Hassam.
  2.     National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis, TN
The National Civil Rights Museum Memphis was founded in 1991 to share the lessons of the American Civil Rights Movement and investigate the influences and shaping of this period in American history on freedom and equality today.
It is also part of the history because it is situated in the Lorraine Motel, where Dr. Martin Luther King was murdered in 1968. It fulfills its mission through numerous galleries that feature historic collections, interactive multimedia exhibits and special speakers. The museum was renovated in 2014. 
It received 40 oral histories, films and interactive media.
 3.     Memphis National Cemetery, Memphis, Tennessee
Memphis National Cemetery was originally called Mississippi River National Cemetery. It was established in the American Civil War, when the Union Army seized control of Memphis.
This cemetery was established to honor interwar veterans who had been treated in hospitals in the Mississippi delta. Union soldiers who had been liberated from Confederate POW camps in 1865 died when the steamboat Sultana exploded. 
They were also buried at Memphis. About 250 soldiers from the Battle of Fort Pillow died in 1867. They were transferred from battlefield cemeteries to this veteran cemetery. It covers 44.2 acres with 42,184 interments in 2007.
It is a beautifully maintained and landscaped cemetery with many notable monuments, such as the Illinois Monument, a granite-and bronze sarcophagus that Leon Hermant created.
  4.     Memphis Rock 'n' Soul Museum, Memphis, Tennessee
The Smithsonian Institution established the Memphis Rock 'n Soul Museum in 2000 to tell the story of the birth of rock music and soul in Memphis. The museum's exhibits show the lives of musical pioneers who overcame all obstacles - whether they were economic, racial or social - in their pursuit of music. Their music changed the world.
The museum is located in the FedEx Forum complex and offers a complete Memphis music experience. The audio tour guide to the museum contains more than 100 songs and 300 minutes of information. 
Visitors can explore the seven galleries of the museum at their own pace. They have access to three audiovisual features, 40 costumes and 30 instruments as well as many other treasures.
  5.     Pink Palace Museum, Memphis, Tennessee
The Pink Palace Museum, a science and history museum, is part of the Pink Palace Family of Museums. The museum was built in 1923 in the former home of Clarence Saunders who founded Piggly Wiggly. He donated the mansion after suffering financial losses from Wall Street.
The museum was originally called the Memphis Museum of Natural History and Industrial Arts. It featured dolls, stuffed animals and artifacts that related to Memphis history. The collection now includes pre-Columbian artifacts as well as dinosaurs, fossils and Native American pottery. It also contains exhibits about Memphis history.
  Top airlines of Jackson MS to Memphis
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American Airlines
1.     Which day is the best for buying airline tickets?
Online tickets are best purchased Tuesday and Wednesday, as weekend flights are in high demand.
 2.     What are the direct flights from Jackson and Memphis?
From Jackson to Memphis, there are 1 direct flights.
3.     Which airlines are most popular from Jackson to Memphis
Delta Air Lines is the most popular airline from Jackson to Memphis.
 4.     Are there vegetarian options in Memphis?
Yes, Memphis is a great place to eat. There are many great vegetarian restaurants in Memphis that serve delicious vegetarian food. If you are a vegetarian, many hotels in Memphis offer vegetarian meals.
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halfpintkay · 2 years
okay so I watched The Winchesters after work and I must admit I love it...like i know they are gonna change lot of what we know to have happened...but Dean in voice over (and Jensen in interviews) said they were gonna change some things up. But I honestly love the characters so far and it’s nice to be back in the world of Supernatural. I must admit it don’t hurt that Tom Welling is going to be Samuel Campbell so I’ll keep watching just to see him...I may need Jack to interact with John, Mary, Carlos, and Latika....
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spneveryseason · 2 years
Here We Go Again, Somehow: The Winchesters Trailer #1 Breakdown
It’s been two years since my last trailer breakdown, and somehow we’re come back to this. Let’s get started I guess.
We start with Dean narrating on a road, standing next to his car.
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I already have questions. When is this supposed to be set? Sam isn’t around, so it’s possible this is set during Stanford era (Dean looks way too old for that, though). It’s also possible this is set between 15x19 and 15x20, where Dean sets off on his own. This doesn’t really track with me though: why would he go searching for answers at this point? Also: “I need to uncover the truth about my parents”? What truth is that exactly?
We then see John and Mary driving through Lawrence, traipsing through a cave, and meeting some kind of monster while Dean speculates what drew them together for some reason. We also see a shot of someone wiping off a dusty book to reveal the title “Men of Letters”
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Clearly John finds out about his dad in some capacity. This indicates some canon inconsistencies, which we’ll see how they deal with.
Dean then proclaims we need to go back to 1972, and we see John returning from the Vietnam War and speaking to his mother (who is a confirmed mechanic!)
We then see the moment John meets Mary and it’s…well.
He’s attacked by a demon (which are supposed to be rare at this time, but oh well), and Mary saves him. What follows is a minutes long physical comedy but where they keep accidentally hitting Mary, who tells John to stop helping her before getting rid of the demon and doing the demon reveal to John. She also tells him he wants no pet in this. The tone is comedic and a little out of left field.
John then indicates that he’s been looking for his dad, and now suspects he’s a hunter. He also now knows what hunters are in this universe, so I wonder how this disparity will be addressed with regards to canon.
Mary is also looking for her dad, who was last seen hunting demons:
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So that’s a Pilot reference right there.
We then get a shot of what I assume is their version of the bunker:
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Before meeting the other members of their team, Latika:
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And Carlos, who helps John with his first hunt.
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We see Carlos hit a demon (another demon!) with a van and shoot holy water at it, before making a joke about staying hydrated with it.
We see John asking Carlos if this is what hunting life is like, and he responds that the only thing worse than how it starts for hunters is how it ends (which I believe is a reference to a much repeated idea in the original show.)
We then flash back to their hunt in the sewers with a lot of quick cuts of them fighting some kind of creature
John indicates he’s all in, then tells a story about his dad and how he told him he could trap the monster under his bed (another pilot reference).
His mom begs him not to go down this road and says he’ll understand when he becomes a parent (wink wink nudge nudge). Which. What a strange thing to do. Reference the tragedy of parenting failures and repeated cycles of abandonment in this tone of a teen fantasy adventure.
John says he’s been searching his whole life for something, then we get The Group Shot
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So that’s John, Mary, Carlos, Latika, and an unknown fifth person.
John then says this is good versus evil, and we see this person:
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Who looks to be in the same sewer thing as Samuel Campbell so this is probably the Big Bad of the season and/or series and what he’s hunting.
We get some more John and Mary banter/interactions, then this symbol:
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Mary tells John she was born into this life and he wasn’t and he can still get out. We then cut to John telling his mom “saving people, hunting things, that’s what I was born to do.”
We flash back to Dean narration saying that his parents past has always been a mystery (no it’s hasn’t) and he says he’s on a new mission to find answers, and the story is just beginning. He drives away.
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We end with John saying “As long as there’s a Winchester alive, there’s hope.”
General thoughts
Original show reference count: 6
So what it looks like we’re going for here is: Mary trying to find her dad who is hunting some big bad (we know Samuel survives this). John and the rest will help her. John is trying to find his own dad against the advice of his mom (as we know he never does). But somehow he is also supposed to forget all this by the time we sync with the timeline in 4x03?
Positives: maybe we get to learn more about hunting culture and the men of letters here, which could be interesting
Negatives: canon inconsistencies, strange tone, strange dialogue
To be honest this trailer doesn’t indicate to me this show will be good, add anything to the story, or worth the time slot. Maybe the actual show will be better but it’s too early to tell. I think maybe we should uncancel Riverdale
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halfmoonshines · 2 years
Anon here! Go for it please 🙏 🥺
Alright ya'll, good luck to all of us. Also sorry it took me so long, I started a new job recently.
Demon!(?)Reader x Sam Winchester
Summary; You had been by Sam's side through the thick of it, but had never made a move despite your feelings. So what right did you have to try and tear his new relationship apart?
If you were in a cartoon, you would have literally had steam coming out of your ears at this point. You worked to keep a calm demeanor against the giggles of Eileen and Sam in the next room, sliding over your skin like spiders.
crack. There went the glass that you'd been attempting to dry and put away.
"Why don't you just talk to him?" Dean's gruff voice sounded from your side, reaching over to help pick the shards out of the sink.
You snorted, shaking your head a bit. "Because you're a poster child for talking about your feelings?"
The hunter shrugged in response, moving to the trash can to deposit his handful. "I'm just saying that I'd much rather have you for a sister in law. Demon or not." With that he left the room, leaving you standing there, mouth slightly agape.
You couldn't simply just... tell Sam, could you? You'd been traveling with the two brothers for bordering on two years. While you and Sam had had the occasionally more than friendly interaction, neither of you had ever broached the subject. Or admitted wanting more.
You were a demon, sure one that didn't kill innocents for pleasure anymore, but a demon nonetheless. It would be downright embarrassing to admit any sort of feelings for the man and get rejected.
Demon falls in love with Hunter, gets her heart broken. How Shakespearean.
You moved to collect the rest of the broken glass and didn't flinch as you sliced your hand a bit, going to discard it before you bothered to wipe off the wound.
"Y/N?" Sam sounded concerned from his place in the kitchen doorway, you hadn't even noticed him approach.
You forced a smile, trying to ignore the flushed look on his face. Probably from all the making out with the human woman who surprisingly hadn't followed him. "Sup, Sammy?"
He walked toward you quickly, his hand taking your forgotten injury into his own. "Are you okay?"
You gave a small laugh, going to pull away but finding his grip tight. "Perfectly fine, accidentally broke a glass and cut myself cleaning it up. It'll heal in no time."
"Do you want my help throwing a bandage on it? It looks kind of deep."
"We wouldn't want to keep your girlfriend waiting, Samuel."
Sam's eyes met yours with a furrowed brow, gaze searching yours for something. "Why don't you like Eileen?"
You sighed and finally managed to pull your hand away from his, the other going to rub the back of your head. "It's not that I don't like her, Sam. I don't like you."
Sam flinched back, confusion coloring his face. "Since when do you not like me? What did I do?"
"No, I don't like the collective you. I don't like Sam and Eileen conquer the world."
"Why not? I thought friends supported each other?"
You clenched your jaw, eyes unmoving from his. "I can't tell which one of us is the dumb one. I haven't considered you just a friend in a long time, Sam. I thought we were at least on the same chapter with that, but I've quickly realized how wrong I was."
He had the decency to seem shocked. "Are you saying what I think you are?"
You brushed past him, not in the mood to fight over anything. "You're the smart one, figure it out."
"Y/N-" His voice was cut off with the firm shut of the kitchen door.
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