#{ ask game }
orbbo · 11 hours
Fanon swap Tango as eldritch or fox? :>
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Why not both? :3 (click the image for full effect)
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penaltyboxboxbox · 2 days
pierresteban + prideful?
"Ah, you see it says right here-" Pierre pressed his finger into the flimsy page of the magazine, it's cheap ink smearing with the sunscreen he'd reapplied as directed. "Look, 'Virgos are ridiculously and unrepentantly prideful. They're meticulous perfectionists who view themselves as the most intelligent person in the room.'"
"Pff, and I am sure it is nothing but glowing reviews of you, hm?" Esteban's eyes closed beneath his sunglasses, stretching back into his chair. "Why do you even read this nonsense."
"Oh, oh is it hitting a nerve there, Este?" Pierre teased, reaching a sandy foot over to prod at Esteban's knee. "Scared of a little beach read?"
Esteban frowned, wiping the sand off his knee with a quick hand.
"Read yours." Esteban insisted again. "If it's so not scary."
Pierre rolled his eyes, scanning the page for-
"Aquarius. Aquarius likes to think they can be the kind of person who is open-minded enough to listen to what others have to say, but, in reality, they're much more likely to cover their ears with their hands and pretend they can’t hear you."
"Sounds about right-" Esteban laughed, out loud, the magazine already sent hurling in his direction.
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astrocafecoffee · 1 day
How to know if you will get married in a specific year or not?💫
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✨For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
✨Note: source from you tube.
☀️ Steps to follow:
First of all calculate your personal year number. Now , how to calculate it? Just pick your D.O.B and that specific year when you want to get married. For example : if person A's D.O.B is 15/08/1999. now don't take your birth year , instead of it take that specific year you want to get married and add all of this. Let's say person A wanna know if she will get married in 2025 or not? So her personal year number will be : 1+5+0+8+ 2+0+2+5 = 23 . Now add it to get a single digit , in this case it is 2+3= 5. So, her personal year number is 5.
Now, if your personal year number in that specific year comes out to be as 2,3,6 or sometimes 4, then there is great highly chance/ 90 % -95%chance you will get married that year.
If your personal year number comes out to be as 7,8,9 , then there is 70-80% chance ,you will get married that year.
1,5 - chances are low.
✨Note : remember, you will get married or not is also depends upon you... It's just highest probability/ chances to get married that specific year.
Thanks for reading my lovelies 💕
- Piko ✨
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puddleorganism · 2 days
How about intersex&snail for the flag&creature game?
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Nobody else requested snails I was just so enamored by this drawing that I made more.
All are free to use as an icon with credit!
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forestdeath1 · 1 day
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
Thank you 🫶
1.The Prank was a hurtful episode in the Marauders’ friendship. I think it was never a big deal for the Marauders. James wasn’t upset with Sirius, etc etc. The fandom made up cheap drama where there wasn’t any. “James was the moral compass of the group,” “James was angry with Sirius for two weeks/six months/a hundred years,” “James thought it was the height of dishonour to betray his friends and he thought Sirius betrayed Remus” – no. James was always on Sirius’s side, and that’s one more reason why Sirius was so fixated on James. James was the only person who fully accepted Sirius, with all his flaws and strengths, which no one else did.
2.James and Sirius were like brothers and treated each other as such. It’s clear to me that Sirius loved James and didn’t even realise it. Sorry for my Prongsfoot agenda, it’s not me, it’s canon. It’s just a fact, as much as the sky is blue, and the grass is green.🫶
3.Wolfstar is canon. I love Wolfstar and it can fit into the canon (I write Wolfstar myself), but it’s as canon as my grandmother being the Queen of the UK.
4.Dumbledore is a manipulative power-hungry evil. I’ve already written about this.
5.Of course, there’s a popular theory that Regulus was forced to become a Death Eater. BS.
And so on.
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rainbow-nerdss · 1 day
Hi Sorcha!!
oh my god this is SO MANY
So, the uh... *checks math* 51 sentences of AU-hopping did wrap up one AU and start a new one, so I won't share all of that if you don't mind, but here's the start of AU number two - Colorless!
....sorry about the angst
Buck died. For three minutes and seventeen seconds, Buck was dead.  And Eddie didn’t notice, not in the panic and the rain and the fear, he didn’t notice until they got to the hospital, but he noticed when they wheeled Buck through those double doors promising to do their best. The world was grey. Eddie saw color for the first time the day Christopher was born. He didn’t know what to do about it, at the time, but he knew what it meant.  He didn’t understand as a kid, when people would talk about colors he’d never seen. He would look at the world, and it was all he’d ever known.  He saw beauty in the world, in Shannon’s laugh, in the way the sun reflected off the water and in the delicate translucence of a butterfly’s wing.  Until Chris was born, and it all paled in comparison to golden curls, pink baby cheeks, and bright yellow daffodils in a vase in the hospital room. Eddie cried, and he finally understood what it felt to love, truly and unconditionally.  He was so blinded by the shades of yellow and pink he’d been gifted by Chris, that he hardly noticed the day he met Buck, when it wasn’t just pink birthmark and a yellow stripe on his uniform, but also striking blue eyes and the green of a blade of grass. He didn’t notice that until later. And he didn’t know who had given him those colors—he met so many people that day, so many people he’d grown to love deeply. He suspected, yes, but he didn’t know for sure. Not until it was gone.
aaaand here's some FWB smut to recover from all of that with:
He eases his first finger in, and Eddie’s mouth goes slack. Buck kisses his cheek, brushes his hair back, works him open with practiced ease. He finds his prostate, stroking it until Eddie makes a choked off sound, jaw clenching, and Buck pulls back before it can send him over the edge. “All good?” Buck asks. “If you don’t hurry up and fuck me, I’m gonna—” Buck shuts him up with a kiss, but he does slide his fingers out and reach for more lube. He pours it into his hand, then slicks up his cock, grunting slightly at the touch.  He hasn’t touched himself at all through this, and he’s almost painfully hard now. He gets lost  in it for a second, running a hand over himself, eyes falling closed as his thumb grazes over the slit. Eddie moves on the bed, spreading his legs wider, and it brings Buck back to the present.  Right. Yeah. This is about to be so much better than touching himself.  “You’re gorgeous like that,” Eddie says, before he can move.
Make me write!
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virtualgirladvance · 14 hours
Ask you anything I'm curious about? Okay
Who the fuck where the sea people and why did they want to collapse the bronze age???
Im not saying Atlantis but I'm not not saying it either. And have you felt the heft of bronze? That stuff is fantastic I need it carnally
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bebemoon · 13 hours
I would love a look, thank you 💙🌊🐟🪼
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juana martín<3
if you are a mutual and you would like an aw24 couture look, let me know in my inbox, and i'll reply with a runway look picked just for you<3
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nethhiri · 1 day
Hello!! :"D For the drawing meme thing, would you wanna do either Kid in 2E, or Zoro in 5B? :O
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I did both and got carried away. Plus bonus warm-up Kid. Sorry they aren’t clothed (except I’m not)
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longing-for-rain · 3 days
Ask Game: make a poll of at least five of your all-time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's fave.
Thanks so much for tagging me @broadwaybalogna and @eponastory !
Let’s see, favorite characters…
I guess I have a thing for morally complex characters and evil women 😅
Tagging (no pressure): @lonelymoonlightlover @ekwolfwriter-blog @arithwomancer @man4jiro @ciieli
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penaltyboxboxbox · 2 days
gladiator au, maxiel
(i know nothing about ancient rome sorry in advance)
"I didn't think the shield would look so shit when I ordered it."
"How much did you pay?" Max pursed his lips in the mirror, diligently adjusting the laurels on his head. "It is just a silly halloween costume..."
"The full getup was like sixty bucks!" Daniel scratched at his hairline, shifting in his polyester tunic and clunky foam armor. "Be honest. Does it suck?"
Max turned from the mirror to look, reveling in the sweep of his long purple cape that was totally historically accurate and definitely not curtains he found on clearance at the Home Goods. He squinted, quirking his mouth into a small frown.
Daniel struck a little pose, cheap shield on one arm, a fluttering jazz hand on the other. His best sarcastic smile plastered across his face.
Max's expression cracked with huff of laughter through his nose. He held out a bold thumbs up.
"Yeah, mate it's..." He flicked his wrist. Thumbs down. "It's a bit shit."
"Nooooooo...." Daniel crumpled to the floor, eyes closed, playing dead. "How could you, my liege...or whatever the fuck they said back then...your majesty..."
"I'm pretty sure not that." Max laughed. "You look fine. We're going to be late!"
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nananarc · 13 hours
33 or 34 or both whatever ship <3 🔮🍋
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Thank you for sending prompt >:)
Prompt can be found here https://www.tumblr.com/nananarc/754334490372046848?source=share 33. A kiss to a scar, birthmark, injury, or other marking 34. A kiss after a bite
Since I'm having intense Solas brainrot, here is 'An getting a wolf bite then a healing kiss! I dunno if i'm doing this right or not but yeah lmao the point is to have fun rite?
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bonus licking peepaw's tiddies kiss Abelard's chest scars
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thegoldencontracts · 19 hours
M R T for Jamil?
Ofc! For the SFW Alphabet Asks, check it out if you're interested!
M | Mouth: How do they kiss? Are they a good kisser? Do they enjoy kissing at first? Would they rather kiss, or be kissed?
Jamil isn't a frequent kisser, preferring more non-verbal methods of displaying affection. When he does kiss you, however, he's rather good at it. It does take him a while to warm up to styles of physical affection like kissing, though, and at that point, he'd much rather kiss than be kissed.
R | Romantic: Are they the romantic type? Or are they more cynical when it comes to matters of love? What do they think will happen if they try to date others?
Jamil is definitely the cynical type. He's often had to bear witness to the loveless marriages of others, the sickly little smiles they feign while cheating behind one another's backs. Those banquets were the worst ones. He has no doubts about his own desirability, but he has many fears pertaining to the Asims and his own workload that may come to fruition if he chooses to date.
T | Tease: How do they react to being teased? Are they the teasing sort themselves?
Jamil himself is the teasing sort with a partner, admittedly. He'll rather smugly take in your blush, cooing at your flustered state upon him saying how cute a certain expression of yours looks. It's hard to get him back. However, it's hard, not impossible. If you do manage to catch him off guard in turn, Jamil gets rather embarrassed, hiding his face behind his hoodie and mumbling to shut up already. It's rather cute.
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If you need asks, I can get the rest of the Anonverse to join us.
-Multiverse Anon
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He means yes 😋
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w1ngedv01d · 1 day
Fun ask game: Send me 2 characters from the Life Series (feel free to specify season), and/or Hermitcraft, and I'll tell you my thoughts on their dynamic, whether or not I ship them, and a fun facr/extra thought
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For the ship ask game:
Cross Guild Poly- Who's the more nervous flyer?
Overall depends.
Initially, Buggy is very nervous, nearly panicking. Planes are lowkey terrifying and I think he's the type to be like "if I study this and understand the components, I'll feel better", only he stumbles across all the aviation horror stories and simply Perishes.
On that note however, he's also pretty quick to calm with the right help - contact, assurance, distraction - it can be stim toys or an arm around his shoulder or a project to work on. He really enjoys math and balancing his equations and outlining experiments for certain chemicals or explosives. He's initially the most nervous, but does wind up really calm.
Unexpectedly, the longer the flight is, the more Mihawk gets nervous. He isn't a fan of relying on others, and he heard all of Buggy's panicked rambles about how things go wrong. The longer they're in the air, the tighter he's gripping the armrests and the tighter he's clenching his jaw. Doesn't even want wine.
He can be distracted, though, and Crocodile and Buggy both are very talented at getting him out if his own head - bonus points, if Croc can get Buggy INVESTED in an experiment idea, he'll infodump and that keeps Mihawk's attention because they had Autism To Autism Communication.
Crocodile quite literally doesn't care At All. Worst case scenario, plane crashes and he uses his abilities to get him and his out safe. And if there's water that crash into, then he's got one of those fancy little raft thingies. They'll be fine. He's just on Keep Partners Chill duty.
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