#{ The broken wind }
chrisrin · 5 months
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jackwhiteprophetic · 6 days
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silentagecinema · 4 months
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oh to cry is to feel
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weepingtalecowboy · 22 days
Fanfic prompt : considering that Tune is probably the only character who actually knew what Cia wanted to do in Hyrule Warriors because he overheard it when time and Warriors were talking about the war and how Tune was the most bad shit insane soldier of the entire army
Because children are always underestimated but because of that they usually know most of what is going on because the adults hide the information poorly
And Wind would probably absolutely hate Cia before he even met her
He would have had years to hate her and prepare to beat her up just waiting till he can join the war
Then when he does eventually gets dragged into the conflict
He just rushes Cia on sight with the promise to not let her close to his older brother no matter what happens
He also definitely breathed down Lana's neck the entire time she as much as decided to get close to Wars
Because he already knows the entire plot of the story and he will manipulate it to his advantage by all means possible
The entire army probably would just fear him because he also forced the fierce deity to cooperate with Mask (nobody knows what he did exactly but the deity just avoids him at all costs at any given opportunity it is free the command melody is just that powerful)
He also shadows Wars as much at possible to avoid leaving him defenseless because his brother seemed haunted by Cia despite having managed to escape her hands
And considering that Tune is an older and much more powerful wind (who already was capable of wielding the skull hammer with little problem and hold an entire struggling pig over his head with absolutely no problem and then yeet it into the sun)
If someone wants to complain about not handing Wars over he can always go and punch the meeting table in two right in front of them (and probably make the whole floor collapse if he really tries hard enough)
The entire army thinks he has anger issues but he really just wants to destroy furniture for intimidation
Because both versions are gremlins and Tune will do anything to protect Wars
And breaking stuff is fun
The fight With Cia is a literal one sided smack down from Tune and whenever she appears on the battlefield he is ready to throw her out a window and jump after her out said window just to keep her away
Also the wind waker always him to do whatever he wants to do
Suffocating people
Creative use of hurricanes
Mind control
Being an evil person and repeatedly change day and night to drive people insane
Change the directions of the wind to have a harder time getting found because the wind is in a favorable direction
He was not aware that the entire army and even Wars and Mask were nervous around him in case he breaks another floor through or rips out a door to protect them or tortures a monster with the command melody (they knew he wouldn’t hurt them but the amount of money that would have to be spent on repairing and replacing the things he broke is way to expensive)
He just thought that he was a bit mischievous
Not that he was considered a lose canon of mass destruction
Even when linked universe happens nobody will ever forget how tune broke the entire second floor and made it collapse in itself
Nobody wants to mess with a smaller version of tune
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tonythr · 1 year
Picking up Monarch Wings triggers Infected Crossroads and there is a lore reason for that
Another interesting fact that (in my opinion) is not talked about enough is that the Infection doesn't corrupt the crossroads after we take monarch wings just because it's a convenient point from a gameplay perspective to introduce the player to stronger enemies, or to show us the passage of time. It's because taking away the wings from that specific location directly affects the spread of the Infection.
In the game, we can clearly see how a specific segment of the Ancient Basin is overrun by the Infection. I'm talking about two big rooms in the western part of the Basin, one where we fight the Broken Vessel and the other where we encounter the Mawlurks. There is a third one near the Basin tram station of the lower line, but I assume it's just part of the same thing, just the Infection seeping through the ceiling of the main room. There is also the room that contains Monarch Wings, which is completely free of the Infection, but I'll get to it.
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Those glowing bubbles and pulsing vines and orange clouds of fog are indicative of severe corruption by the Infection. Before Infected Crossroads, we see them only in special places (like the Glowing Womb aspid nest) where the Infection had a lot of opportunity to become gas, then liquid, then flesh for one reason or another (with the aspid nest that reason is probably the symbiotic relationship between aspids and the Infection itself, where the aspids act like carriers of the disease that help it spread).
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And the western part of Basin is the most unique place in that sense, because, aside from the crossroads, it's the only place where 'that flesh came to life'. But what is the reason for that? Why don't we see those glowing blobs and lightseeds in any other part of the map, even though it's clear that even the most remote parts of Hallownest were influenced by the Infection? What is so unique about this part of the Basin?
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It's the wind.
The picture doesn't show the vines and particles moving around that much, but anyone who played the game probably remembers that badass storm that we see and hear the moment we enter the room after the big spike tunnel. The orange glow of the Infection also makes its first appearance in this particular room (if we're talking about this specific part of the Basin, of course). That leads me to believe that the wind is somehow connected to the spread of the Infection in the confines of this area. And we already know why this wind is there in the first place.
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The room where we pick up the Monarch Wings is the only one in this area that holds no sign of the Infection whatsoever. The wind in this room also feels much stronger, and it blows with a unique sound specifically near the Wings statue. But most importantly, it stops the moment the Knight consumes the Monarch Wings.
After that, the whole area actually becomes less infected. The changes are rather subtle, but visible.
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And, despite the common misconception, it's consuming the Wings that serves as the in-game trigger that sets off the Infected Crossroads. You can literally kill BV without picking up the Wings, and then return to the Crossroads to see that it's still (relatively) uninfected. It's a solid proof that Monarch Wings and the wind that they create is what affects the spread of the Infection.
After we pick up the Wings, the Infectious mass partially leaves this part of the Basin and moves to the Crossroads, since that's when we see all those drastic changes. Now, that might give us some interesting implications about how the Infection actually works. Possibly, reuniting with its main source inside the Black Egg Temple gives it more power, resulting in total corruption of the Crossroads, since we see that Infected Crossroads has way more bubbles, lightseeds, vines etc. That actually leads me to believe that the Infection actually may have very specific physical limits, and that the total mass of the matter that it can create is finite and measurable (at least as long as the Sealed Vessel is still intact and holds the source of it inside itself).
Like, why doesn't it spread all throughout Hallownest even when the Seals are broken and the door is open? Even when the Hollow Knight is unchained, the Infection doesn't spread anywhere beyond the Crossroads, it stays exactly the way it was with only one Dreamer taken down or only Wings being picked up. So yeah, my theory here is that:
Picking up Wings and killing a Dreamer triggers the spread of the Infection in different ways (Wings lets another part of the Infection's mass give power to its main source, killing a Dreamer loosens the door's Seal and lets the Infection out), but ultimately leads to one result, that being Infected Crossroads.
The Infection doesn't spread past Crossroads because Hollow Knight, despite its failure, is still strong enough to hold it at bay.
The Infection operates like some kind of shapeless mass that can be gas, liquid, solid and sentient. It's basically a matter that holds a will (that will, of course, belongs to the Radiance).
That is why destroying the Infection (instead of sealing it away) was deemed impossible.
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Although that leaves many questions about the Pale King and his relation to the Radiance. Did he know that the source of the Infection was his old pal Moth Goddess? Did he deliberately choose not to confront her, but instead try and seal her away? Was he stupid? Or did he have some secret internal motives?
...That is not exactly what this post is about. I would like to get back to the Wings thing now.
Another thing that led me to believe that it's that particular Infectious mass from Basin that corrupts the Crossroads after we pick up the Wings is the movement of the particles inside that part of Basin. Particularly, the Void particles. Before we pick up Wings, those particles follow the wind. After that, they start to slowly rise upwards, just like in the rest of the location. That gives us two interesting conclusions:
After we pick up Wings, the Basin Infection escapes upwards, eventually reaching Crossroads.
The Void that resides in Basin is also affected by the Monarch Wind.
By the way, another interesting fact: the orange fog that we see spreading throughout Infected Crossroads actually moves according to its position relative to the Black Egg Temple.
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This means that Team Cherry does put deeper meaning into how they make background particles move, and it means that I'm not insane for reading this much into that! Yay!
Now, back to the Void being influenced by the Wind. Like I said, the part of the Void (which, probably, is also a matter that has its own mass, albeit maybe not as measurable) that resides in that part of Basin is also influenced by the Monarch Wind along with the Infection. It might imply that, like the Infection, the Void is trapped inside that area.
Or maybe it's not trapped. Maybe it just circulates there, so that something else can be trapped inside its currents. Ancient Basin is basically the Void's home, so I really doubt that whatever is going on in that area affects the overall condition of the Void as a whole. But we don't know that. What we DO know is that the Infection there is certainly trapped, unable to reunite with its source, being forced to slowly find ways to adapt, becoming gas, then liquid, then flesh, then reviving the corpse of the Knight's Lost Kin.
So what if that was the whole point?
Ok, we know that Pale King was looking for ways to fight off the Infection and eventually decided to harness the power of the Void to do so. He created Kingsmoulds, Wingsmoulds, probably experimented with the Void inside his workshop, eventually coming up with the idea of a Pure Vessel... But what if what we see in the Monarch Wings location is another part of his struggles to come up with a plan to lock up the Infection?
See, we KNOW that the Monarch Wings were Pale King's deal.
We know he wore one of those.
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We know that those flies that (presumably) give the Knight those Wings are called the Monarch Flies (or rather Monarchflys? I dunno, I wouldn't trust those mushrooms on how to spell things).
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And we also know that the Pale King has some connection to the wind.
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So perhaps that area is a place where Pale King was trying to contain the Infection without trying to put it inside a live Vessel. Maybe it was the first prototype for his plan to see how the Void, being channeled with his monarch power, would keep the Infection at bay? Maybe there was another reason as to why that part of the Infection should have been sealed away?
Whatever it is, my overall theory is this:
The Monarch Wings contain some kind of power that is strongly connected to the Pale King. This power creates a magic Wind that makes the Void residing in Ancient Basin move and circulate, resulting in a part of the Infection (perhaps one of the remaining parts from the first time it started destroying Hallownest) being trapped in the area of that Wind's range, isolating it from the outside world and making it start to form gas clouds, liquid puddles, bubbles and lightseeds. Once the Knight removes the Wings, consuming them for its own purposes, the once trapped part of the Infection reunites with its main source at the Black Egg Temple. As a result, the Infection's will becomes stronger, and it starts corrupting nearby lands (although it's still being held back by the Sealed Vessel), creating what we know as Infected Crossroads.
Ok I'm actually done. I hope this is comprehensible enough to read and not too boring or too obvious. I just REALLY wanted to talk about it, since everything about this part of the game gives me chills.
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beatcroc · 3 months
Ever think about joining Team Dark? I hear they have another Eggman created robot that wants him dead.
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silverskye13 · 1 year
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He is a creature to me do you understand?
@lindentree @helsknight-daily
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joshuamj · 2 months
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Child of the wind and sea
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sapphire-to-the-rain · 2 months
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happy wednesday have some sparkly eyed nymphias
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stickstone · 8 months
my prediction for how shit’s gonna go down in wind:
splashtail says at the next gathering that he’s obtained his nine lives and is now splashstar. some are willing to believe it, riverclan’s fully behind him, but frostpaw insists that he’s lying. some characters take her side, some characters believe her but don’t want to throw riverclan into chaos again, etc.
frostpaw’s going to convince tigerstar and squirrelstar to help her do something about splashstar, resulting in a big battle at the end of the book.
someone’s able to get the upper hand in a one on one fight with splashstar and land a killing blow. he falls to the ground and dies…… and everyone stops to hold their breath and see what happens next.
frostpaw is filled with relief, the battle is over and splashstar is dead. now she can go back home and fix everything. she can finally start to heal.
And Then Splashstar Stands Back Up.
he has his nine lives. despite everything, splashstar accepted them (he is a massive hypocrite after all). and despite everything frostpaw went through. starclan gave them to him.
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indelicateink · 4 months
the way this episode started out in dubai with aggressively smitten loumand adoration after their screaming match that evidently resolved in some of the most unhinged bdsm sex the planet earth saw in that particular 24 hours makes me think we haven't even grasped the finest edge of the warped sexual power dynamic these two have shaped over the past eight decades
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yrli8 · 2 years
ranking all of cillian’s film roles
@a-mushroom-cloud​ and I finally completed Cillian's filmography! In this presentation we report our learnings by ranking all his roles, using a methodology that is ABSOLUTELY scientific, objective and statistically sound (lol nope)
// Overview //
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We’d love to hear what you think! Also, head over to this poll to vote for your favorite!
looong post w/ detailed analysis under the cut
(🍄= @a-mushroom-cloud 🐙= @yrli8 )
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That's a wrap! Thank you for making all the way to the end. Let us know your hot takes and don't forget to vote in this poll!
8/8/2023 EDIT: updated Oppenheimer slide
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Everyone arguing about Stannis, JonCon, Jaime, god forbid Jorah being the 1000th commander of the NW….when it will be Jon again 🌚
#btw this is not stannerism like i do have legitimate reasons why i think it will be jon at the end#i think an interesting part of jon’s politiking as LC is him realizing how deep the rot is in the watch#he spends an entire book - agot - realizing that he institution he spent his childhood idolizing is not so glorious#he spends the next book directly confronting the issues that come with being a good man ( helping gilly#and being a true man to the watch and starting to notice the cracks in the system#and then asos is like the turning point you know?#adwd is him trying to fix the watch from within but failing imo because as i said the rot is far deeper#it doesnt matter how many people you replace the watch needs an overhaul - a complete uprooting to the core#which is why i dont like theories of him being a passive bystander as the watch crumbles#its just too narratively juicy if he takes a part in the destruction of the watch coz yknow some things need to be cleansed w/ fire n blood#a nice lil parallel to dany and what shell be doing in the east throughout winds#i like him as the 1000th lc because its a nice round number and thats a bit silly but its also signifying a renewal#Its a blank slate which is essential to jon because he does have a vision for the watch and the wildings!#and he can start from the ground up - and like one of the most underrated themes in jon’s arc is nation building#ive said before that i think the show kinda got it right….like we’ll see a weird mesh of lc of the nw and kbtw as jon’s endgame#I wont get into that now….but i know a lot of jon stans dont want him back at the wall because it seems needlessly cyclical and i get it#and i get that the watch isnt the most glorious place to be…but i really do think its meant to be a vehicle to explore themes of rebirth#and renewal which appear in jon’s arc -think of jon’s messianic framing and the watch being his “new earth” after all is said and done#not so much a place of punishment but a place to find new meaning and exist beyond many societal frameworks#for the cripples bastards and broken things….anywayyyyy lmaoo#asoiaf#jon snow
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Alderheart my beloved is here!!! FINALLY my first MC on this blog! He's such a cutie patootie, and I'm in love with how the design turned out!
9/1433 (as of August 23rd 2024)
(Extra tags for blog search that I couldn't include because of the limit: #The Place of No Stars #A Light in the Mist #The Apprentice's Quest #Thunder and Shadow #Shattered Sky #Darkest Night #River of Fire #The Raging Storm #Clanless)
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reds-skull · 5 months
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Finished the batch of animations I downloaded last time, might do some with Ghost next because I already have his model...
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liverbiver9 · 2 years
everyone always has modern!wwx playing the flute and other classical instruments but you can’t make me believe that he would choose a FLUTE over the harmonica or kazoo.
that man would make everyone hate his motherfucking guts the moment he figured out he could play I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston on the harmonica. He would be known as “the kazoo guy” in high school because he was never seen anywhere without his kazoo, playing All Star nonstop on repeat.
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