#{ Also.. I'd love to try some Halloween stuff.. }
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inzuinzudesu · 5 months ago
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Please zoom in to see small Kakashi! 😭 He kinda disappeared 😭😭😭
Text translation: "Infinite Tsukuyomi" (無限月読)
Drew these in mid-July - when I started doing digital again actually 🤔
Took inspo from the Balut - a street food in my country; I hear a lot of people are grossed out by it?? Don't know if this is controversial, but I personally love the dish. Essentially grew up with it after all!
Wanted to draw something that feels a bit creepy but still has a sense of mysticality to it???
Meh, don't know if the feeling got across or not
I thought since Halloween is coming up, might as well post this haha
About the process of drawing these!
These were very fun to draw! I messed around a lot with photoshop to achieve this glowy dusty effect?? From the brushes to the blending options, and maaan the filter gallery 😭😭 Such fun tools to play with.
The main brush I used to achieve the dusty effect is called "KYLE Bonus Chunky Charcoal", in the Kyle Dry Media brush set. If you can, I recommend checking it out! There are definitely other ways to achieve this sort of effect, though. You can probably just use some sort of scatter texture brush and it'd work just fine. Studying is all about trying things out, right? This is like my first experiment with this type of effect, and I was happy at the time. Now looking back, these could most definitely turn out better, no? I really went overboard with just the effect and forgot everything else. The blood and the plate looks horrible man. If you look closely, you can see the sketch lines haha! I got lazy!
Also, for Obito's pose, I relied heavily on a reference I found on pinterest 😭 I wish I'd changed the pose more tbh, it looks really boring.
And I gotta say, these just look underwhelming in this smaller size. Like reaaaaaally underwhelming. Would love to show you the big version, but oh well! 😭😭😭
Brain vomit time!
I love the prospect (??? is that the right word) of Obito being all god-like and powerful after Tsukuyomi, having control over everybody's dream worlds?? And like he jumps from dream to dream, but stops at Kakashi's and picks it apart???? Observing and tormenting Kakashi with his childhood form that has both sharingan???????
Kakashi would probably be confused with Obito's appearance at first, asking questions like "What are you up to this time, Obito?", but then wouldn't receive any answers??? Like little man would just stare at him creepily, and Kakashi would push this to the back of his mind for a while???
Umm below is the technical stuff, I guess??
My headcanon is that the time span in the dream world is the same as the real world. Meaning, 30 years in the dream world feel incredibly real, with no gap of memories. It's essentially a different timeline. Whether this makes sense or not, who knows haha!
Let's talk about the dream events and how they affect Kakashi! Due to Sakumo and team Minato still living, this Kakashi probably wouldn't be as lax nor sad as in canon?? The relationships and personalities would be different huh???? I'm having a headache thinking about this, so let's just say that: 1. Sakumo lived because the villagers weren't as harsh, but the animosity still remained. Kakashi still developed this obsession with rules, but he doesn't blame his dad as much. 2. Kannabi happened, Kakashi was given the sharingan, along with Obito's ninja way. Team Minato thought that Obito died for a while, but Obito is 'rescued' by Madara, same as canon. 3. Rin would still be targeted by Madara, but Obito came in time to help with the situation, blocking Kakashi's chidori from connecting with Rin's chest, but also knocking Kakashi away. Then, a Mist enemy took advantage of the situation to attack Kakashi, injuring him gravely, to the point where everybody thought he died. With this, Obito activated his Mangekyou and exploded on the Mist enemies, killing them all. Meanwhile, Rin tried to heal Kakashi, just barely saving him. As Obito had dealt with the enemies, there was no need to rush back to the village, and the Sanbi wouldn't be released till then. And so, they waited for Minato to come and help with Rin's seal. (About Obito's Mangekyou activating with Kakashi's death - would that be too far-fetched? My reasoning is that Obito would think that it was his fault Kakashi died, because it was Obito who knocked Kakashi away into the enemy, no?) 4. Because there's no one to become 'Madara' now that Obito came back to the village, Naruto is born, Minato and Kushina live.
5. The Uchiha massacre doesn't happen.
(Everything is incredibly convenient, because I don't have the brain power to make it otherwise, please help 😭😭) -> In conclusion, this Kakashi resembles the Kakashi of the real world, but less depressed and self-destructive??? He loves his living comrades. My man still has a massive obsession (more like crush lol) with Obito by the way, just like in canon. He just doesn't show it.
-> About Obito of the dream world (I'mma call him Dreambito), he is all sunshine and brightness, but he exhibits some dark thoughts and deep rage from time to time due to the residual effects of Madara's seal on his heart. The seal has been removed though. And he has this obsession with Kakashi's safety, as he almost pushed him to his death once, albeit accidentally.
-> I was debating whether to just start this dream world at the point where Obito got crushed, or to start it at the beginning of Kakashi's life. In the end, I went with the latter, cuz ya know, I like the idea of Kakashi living through a whole life all over again, just to finally come to the realization that it's all a dream. Does that make any sense at all??
Obito (child form - 13) first appears in front of Kakashi at the start of the Naruto series, when Kakashi has officially become the teacher of team 7. (Let's not change this okay, my brain would fry haha I'm not gonna deny that the idea of Obito and Kakashi becoming co-teachers of team 7 isn't incredibly fun though)
After the first encounter with this child Obito, Kakashi begins to have flashes of memories from the real world, and he hallucinates about people's deaths - mostly about the members of team Minato. This young Obito is always in the corner of his vision, most of the time silent, sometimes saying things like "You trash" to Kakashi whenever he encounters Rin, who is whole and grown up in this world.
Kakashi exhibits more destructive behaviors as this goes on, the line between the dream events and the real events slowly blurring. He takes more dangerous solo missions out of the village, and shows strong signs of PTSD, just like in canon.
The two Obitos would contrast each other?? Like Dreambito would be all concerned with Kakashi's decline in health (both mental and physical) and goes to confront and comfort him, many times over because that's how it is with them??? Dreambito might even move in with Kakashi, being the obsessive and protective Uchiha that he is. Meanwhile young Obito would be an absolute asshole, saying all these horrible things to poison Kakashi's mind haha
At this point, Dreambito'd be in the last stage on the journey of becoming Hokage, gaining the all the trust from the Uchiha clan, the village elders and the villagers as a whole. I don't know about Rin, though? Should she be romantically involved with Dreambito or no? Would Kakashi dream that??
I think Kakashi's dream would somewhat focus more on Dreambito being happy and satisfied, to be honest. I know there's Sakumo and team Minato as a whole, but as a degenerate shipper, I love the obsession between them🥺
I don't think Obito would directly interfere with what Kakashi is dreaming about, i.e. changing Dreambito's behavior, or like the political situation of the villages (?). But he would most definitely insert himself in Kakashi's psyche, no? Mess it up real good.
Kakashi would slowly realize that he is living a dream world, after all the flashes of memories that Obito generates in his mind. He would most definitely deny it at first though, I think? And then it would reach a point where Kakashi remembers everything from the real world, but he has also lived through 30 something years of the dream world, meaning he'd be in his 60s?? Does that make sense or no?
And so, while Kakashi now knows that everything is a dream, his feelings for everybody in the dream are real. If that's the case, is it really that important anymore that he escapes the Tsukuyomi? Can this dream world really be called fake at this point? Is there even anything in the real world for him to return to?
What's to say 'the real world' isn't a dream at this point?
-> Kakashi would completely close in on himself after this. He still does things that he would normally do, but it'd be all an act. He would feel completely isolated.
-> Dreambito would notice and confront him again, now that they live in the same house??? Kakashi would like say everything is fine and try to act more convincingly, but Dreambito would still know something's wrong????
-> Obito is observing from afar, who knows what his motivation is at this point.
Because this is Kakashi's dream world, I suppose he would have the power to change this world to his will, now that he's aware? This is like a lucid dream situation???
The people in the dream have their own will up until this point, but Kakashi can somewhat change their behavior if he really wants to, whether it's subconsciously or not??? Example: He can probably will Dreambito to kiss him or something lol
So on and so forth!
Man, I'm having waaay too much fun imagining the pain. There are probably like a thousand things that doesn't make sense haha! I do wonder how this sort of storyline should end though, does anybody have any ideas? Personally, I prefer slow burn with a (sort of) happy ending, but ya know, angst all the way is good too! I can't write, but I love thinking about all the things that could happen 😭😭 English isn't my first language, so this might have felt weird to read at some point haha
If anybody wants to develop this, please feel free to do so! And if you've read this far, thank you for reading this absolute brain vomit of mine! I love to yap, as you can tell haha Have a good day!
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fleshandregret · 6 months ago
Skully headcanons (both general and relationship stuff)
The parts with the reader are gender neutral, also there is a point that could be considered nsfw I think but it's really just general stuff so nothing much really.
-English isn't my first language so sorry if there are errors and other stuff that simply ain't right and I hope you enjoy :)
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+So first of all we know that he isn't from the world that hosts Halloween town, meaning he doesn't dress like that... probably. Personality wise I'd say that he only has energy when he is 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 excited about something, usually a topic that he really likes, but other than that he'd probably be kind of laid back. Like the Kaworu Nagisa type of laid back, he talks and stuff, nods and smiles but doesn't really express emotions in a really... 𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘺 (this phrase makes sense in my head please bare with me).
+Now I fully believe that he probably dresses in two ways, no in between. We can have the fancy version of him, probably on those days where he feels motivated enough to wear something nice, and those are the only times where he wears some type of goth outfit, then we have the 𝘶𝘴𝘶𝘢𝘭 version of him, the one where he's probably wearing a random cardigan with the most hideous Halloween design anyone's ever seen in their entire live. You know those 90s cardigans, the hand knitted ones with the different patterns randomly sprinkled on the base, yeah, those beauties.
+Now let's be sincere, he's probably autistic. He seems to not really understand "standard" social cues, like when he kisses everyone's hand and they are basically disgusted, also when in Halloween town he hugs grim and Epel(?) just because of how excited he is and they are 𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘺 dying inside but he doesn't even seem to notice lol. Now the most noticeable part is also the one where he only talks about Jack and the related festivity, it literally feels like a special interest, the kind that sticks with you for all your life and you can't really get out of your sistem. Also we know that no one really likes him or talks to him in his real world, which is unfortunately the reality of many neurodivergent people, often considered weird or annoying by others. I mean all the neurodivergent people I've met always had similar experiences, me included so yeah, I mean he also basically states that so.
+With this said I imagine him to be the type of person that tries to keep his interests to himself but fails horribly every time someone gets close enough and he thinks he can finally open himself up. Now we all know how that would end (not in a nice way) , meaning that he probably hides himself in the realities from different books and movies he likes. I firmly believe that the reason he was so happy to finally be in Halloween town was because he imagined so many times to live there without the trouble of other negative people that he felt as if he actually belonged somewhere for once.
+Now since this is getting depressing I'd say that if he had a partner he would probably need someone that either shares the same type of interests as him or simply has enough time to listen to him rant about his hyperfixations. I'd say that the first one would probably still be better because he'd feel as if someone finally understands him and gets why he likes certain things so much.
+Probably collects weird and creepy things, could be old stuff he found in a thrift shop or taxidermies he made himself or bought from some shop on Etsy lol. I see him as the type of guy to yes, love Halloween, but only a certain types of decorations, I mean the old/vintage type would be perfect but if you ever try to get him close to a basic plastic pumpkin (like the basket kind for trick or treat) he would probably start talking in an annoyed and frustrated way about how society ruined the original version of the holiday and stuff like that.
+Type of guy to listen to those long ass YouTube videos with the low quality image as thumbnail that last for more than two hours but include old songs that no one ever listened to, probably including the ones that 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘦𝘥 those songs.
+If he actually had a partner he would probably be clingy af, not in an annoying way but like a cat that's always around you way. I don't think that in public he would display that much affection, probably afraid of other people seeing him and judging once again, but when in private he would probably be constantly near you or touching you somehow, be it hugging you when watching a scary movie on the couch or if he's helping cooking something and suddenly you feel him speak in you ear, scaring the shit out of you because he somehow doesn't make any noise when walking.
+Has the worst eye bags you've ever seen in your life, the type that even if you put a red base and then the green and concealer or whatever they 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 fade away. They would probably only make him look good considering that be surely (to me at least so sshhh) wears at least a little eyeliner or eyeshadow. I dont think he was dry lips, even if the og image gives that impression I have a feeling that it's like those cracked type of lipsticks that you put on in layers and stuff.
+One again, if you share interests he would probably sing various tunes with you, be it the songs form the nightmare before Christmas or things like confrontation form the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde musical. I can see him dramatically move around his room while singing a certain part and then looking at you like you hung the starts in the sky when you start singing the next part, even if you suck it doesn't matter really.
+I don't think that he's asexual but at the same time I don't think he'd be really interest in sex stuff anyway, like maybe sometime but more like vanilla things, he doesn't even look like he has the energy to keep up any fancy type of performance let's be fr. Would kiss you and whatever, sometimes make out if you have the time and actually feel like doing something like that, but generally I don't think that he would care much about there things.
+Probably has a pet, not sure which one but the possibilities are: a cat, more cats, rats (named Jack and Sally obvs) or some type of ferret. Not really a dog type of person even if he likes Zero. He probably doesn't have the energy to keep up with an animal like that even if he wants to.
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deepinthegroves · 27 days ago
shifting exercise (pt. 2) ✧˖°
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answering for my spiderverse reality (when i shift in).
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i prefer an in between to heavy and soft makeup. part of my everyday look is black in my waterline with mascara and (slightly smudged) eyeshadow, my favourite blush and lip gloss.
an artist i'd love to watch play live is probably Chase Atlantic. I know they're a band, but they count right? If not them, I'd say Childish Gambino.
is my life dangerous? well... yes. kinda. being Spiderman obviously puts me in danger but i like to think i'm well equipped to deal with all that with my powers and all. it's enough to worry my loved ones if they knew, at least. other than that, the regular amount of danger that comes with being famous.
if I were to change an aspect of my life, I'd change the canon events. i know things will get messy and miguel yaps a lot about how canon events NEED to happen but if i could change it with no consequence, i'd prevent the deaths. we can keep the happy ones, like falling in love. only question is, how am i going to deal with liking hobie if i'm with peter??
how do i dress? i don't have a specific style, and it changes a lot from day to day. i don't like fitting in boxes, so no specific aesthetic for me! i just wear whatever i like and whatever i feel like wearing, of course, i make sure i look good first <3
am i popular? i like to think so! (and the millions of people following me on social media platforms should answer your question). i have a fanbase that has been built up over the years from my acting projects to my fashion magazine. they're really sweet too, and are willing to consume any project i put out there, no matter how experimental it is.
my mbti is either INTJ or INFJ. i think i swing between thinking and feeling a lot, and they are both important to me so yeah!
my favourite season is autumn. i like that it's cooler at that point, with pretty reds and oranges decorating the environment. halloween also happens in the fall, so there's that to look forward to.
am i an organised person? i'd say i'm in the middle. if everything is too messy, i'll lose my mind (and procrastinate forever). it overwhelms me when there are piles of stuff everywhere, and i hate it when they crash over – i respect those who survive in such mess but personally, i'd crash out. if things are too neat, however, it's going to end up in me not doing anything too. i'd be too caught up in trying to maintain the neatness that i wouldn't really dare to touch anything, and everything also wouldn't feel personal. i stay in the comfortable middle, where things have some order to them, but you'll also see a random stack of magazines hanging out on my nightstand next to a pile of necklaces hanging off of a lamp (i wear them everyday and it's just easier like that).
my occupation is that of a student and uh a celebrity? i guess? i'm not sure how to put my role into words but i act, sing, and run a fashion magazine while i'm in uni, studying writing and literature. it's a lot (especially on top of my Spiderman duties) but i love it. acting and singing has been on the back burner lately though, since i've put it on pause to focus on the other stuff.
an attractive aspect i admire is either creativity or smarts. i think they're both really important, and i love creative people. they are amazing, and are constantly cooking up ideas in their heads that are sometimes genius, and sometimes... not so genius. either ways, being creative is a trait i love in people. smarts-wise, i admire smart people so much. the way their brains churn, the way they catch onto things swiftly, it's just really amazing to me, especially when they see things from a pov i cannot.
i know how to play the piano and guitar. i've learnt the piano since i was around 3, since my parents sent all of my siblings to learn it because it was supposed to help with cognitive development, etc. etc. they never forced me to take any exams i don't want to (exams stress me out), so i never really ditched piano. i have grown too busy for lessons however, and my piano sits back in the family home where my siblings can play. mostly inspired by hobie and the want to play it since forever, i'm currently learning how to play the guitar. i pick up instruments really easily though (thanks to me scripting that), so it's really helping.
do i have a partner? a crush? it's obvious lol, but i've got a crush on hobie. i have a suspicion (and am terrified) that he is aware of it, but i don't know. i'm chill with being his friend for now though, and we're really close. i'm in love with him.
biggest ick? when someone tries to act all superior and traditionally masculine... it makes me throw up in my mouth a little. in my spiderverse reality, most people don't act that way, but there is a small demographic that still thinks this way and these weirdos randomly crawl into my dms or fangreets and it makes me wanna puke. oh and when they recognise me in public and are convinced i'd fall in love with them because they're amazing or something?? i have to resist the urge to get a restraining order each time.
what is a song that describes you? no idea. i have absolutely no idea. i have no kins and no song that describe me. i haven't found things that i relate to 100% so far.
something i carry 24/7 would be my lipgloss and keychains. the lipgloss is for when i need to top up, obviously, but i have very specific keychains i carry about. i have one that is basically hobie's guitar but as a keychain hooked up to my wallet, alongside a four-leaf clover keychain gifted by my parents. i also have little keychains of fictional characters i love on my purses, whether bought or handmade.
look into your bag/purse, whats in there? is it messy? organised? what bag is it? my purse is lowkey messy... i know what is in there, with my wet tissues to wallet and other necessities, but i have to dig around to find stuff sometimes. other things in my bag are: lipgloss, phone, notebook (with pen), perfume samples (i throw them in and never take them out), sweets, and sometimes a book.. i have no idea what kind of bag it is so i'm ignoring that question lol.
where do i spend most of my time at? either my apartment or my university? i mean, i go to school on weekdays and go home on the weekends, and i rarely visit my actual office because most work can be done remotely. other than that, maybe hobie's houseboat/ dimension and the spider society? idk, i hang out at a lot of places.
a person i feel safe(st) with would be hobie. not to make everything about him (which is hard because he consumes my thoughts...), but i really do feel safe around him. i know that he's got my back if need be and truly wants the best for me. he also lets me just vent to him sometimes and he is amazing at helping me work past problems so there's that. i hope i return that favour back. if not hobie, probably my family members – like with hobie, i know they've got my back.
a person i dislike would be miguel. i know, i know, i've said that every single time someone asks who i dislike but i stand by it. i understand where he is coming from. i do. i understand the fear and the need to keep things safe. but he is so stubborn and so insistent on his own views that it is infuriating a lot of the time. i only stick around to save people, i just tolerate him.
who is my closest friend? + description.. harry osborn is my best friend. i've known him since childhood, since our parents were business partners and casual friends, and i've grown up with him. i can never tell if he's blonde or brunette, and if you ask him, he just shrugs and tell you it's the lighting, the asshole. according to him, there's no "correct" lighting which is annoying because i'd be laughing and joking that he had a blonde moment and he'd say he's brunette so it doesn't apply, and yet when i ask him why he's doing some stupid shit, he shrugs and says he's blonde. we have a very interesting history lol – he's someone i'd throw my couch pillows at but he was also my first kiss so idk. harry osborn's my best friend.
my favourite time of the day would definitely be night. it's when i'm the most creative, and it's so peaceful. there's this sense of home? comfort? belonging? when i'm just chilling out in the dark, with just enough lighting that my eyes don't die, and doing my own thing. it's as if night keeps me company. i also used to talk to the night sky when i was younger.
if my friends described me in 5 words, they'd say.. passionate, creative, lowkey crazy, weird, and loving.
if i were to describe myself in 5 words, i'd say.. passionate, weird, loyal, creative and loving. scripted that my friends have accurate perceptions of me so we don't have this weird misunderstanding of who each other are and expect things that we can't fulfill.
someone i admire would be my mom. she's gone through a lot, and i get so infuriated at how the paparazzi treated her in the past, acting as if she doesn't deserve privacy just because she was pursuing her dreams of being a model and actress. she deserves every good thing that happens to her, and i honestly really look up to her because of how hard she worked to get to where she was.
what am i known for? i'd say my projects + being my mom and dad's child.
if i could broadcast a sentence to everyone in the world, i'd say to just love each other. while i believe that humans are made to love and hate and that both are important, love just really unites us all and allows us to extend empathy and grace and kindness to other human beings.
if you have an s/o, how'd you meet them? i met hobie at the spider society. he had spikes on top of his mask and i was intrigued by him. seeing how he was, talking back to miguel and stuff, i got curious (and built up some courage) and approached him. we hit it off then and became friends <3
a fond memory i have is family night with well, my family. its a compulsory event where one of my family members have to host and we'd all spend time together doing whatever and chatting. it makes sure that we don't drift apart and we can bring whoever we want (it'd be a serious thing though).
my biggest pet peeve are people who chew with their mouths open and when i can hear them smacking their lips. it just icks me out and i really hate it. it's why i can't watch asmr videos, i am simply overcome by disgust by the sounds and visuals.
the favourite item that i own would maybe be my journal maybe? it's gorg and has everything i want. or any of the luxury items and other stuff that i bought for myself that i really like idk.
for my pets, i actually have 5. i have four cats (damian, ebony, maddie and charlie) and a doberman (rocco). damian and rocco are currently staying with me because they are the ones who need the most personalised care that i know how to deal with, and the other three are staying with my siblings because without peter, i can't take care of them all fully with all the shit i'm juggling (mostly spiderman duties...).
i don't really have a favourite piece of clothing.. i just make sure i love my whole wardrobe and i'm not wasting my money buying things i can't wear and have to throw out after.
my favourite animal would be a fox, especially corsac or sechuran foxes. they're so cute!! and i love when they bark (?).
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notes: wow this ended up really long.. if you read all the way to the end, i love you (/hj). and yes, i did skip over the fame questions because i think it's too long and i've yapped too much about that alr (it'd just end up being repetitive).
this is the shifting exercise by @zaddizu
div. credits: @jiyascepter
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cillianhead · 1 year ago
Some sub!Neil Lewis would save my life right now I think 💋😋
Oh my gosh! Ask and you shall receive. I'm so excited this is my first request <3
(Also I'm so sorry if you didn't want this to be smutty, I'd be more than happy to also write some fluffy stuff!)
Pussy-Whipped || Sub!Neil Lewis x Reader
summary: When Gumshoe Video hosts a small Halloween party, Neil can't help but feel disappointed you're not there.
Warnings: SMUT!!! 18+ Minors DNI, pussy eating, vulgar language, possibly poor writing from me (barely edited.), let me know if there is anything else I'm missing!
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Neil had gathered a decent sized group of people to have over at the store for Halloween night. It was nothing too major but it was definitely a good sized party. There was plenty of snacks and drinks, couples making out against walls, people debating on whether Christmas was better than Halloween. Really, it was a perfect little party, people were having a great time. Halloween music played, fake cobwebs lined the walls, fake spiders, you know, all that jazz. Later on at Gumshoe Video, there would be a couple of scary movies playing to really celebrate the occasion. Well unfortunately it was missing one key feature.
It left Neil feeling easily irritated and whiny all night. He was all dressed up as Dracula from the 1931 film. The most important piece was missing to him of course. Lucien and Jonathan would tease him for being so grumpy.
"You'd probably give up this store just to see her again, huh?" Lucien was grinning at him, enjoying seeing Neil suffer.
"Shut up, man," Neil just smiled uncomfortably, sick of their teasing, nudging Jonathan with a huff.
"You're pussy-whipped." Jonathan said before Neil slipped into his office, which was strictly off limits during the party.
You had already made plans with some of your friends, weeks prior. Some halloween party that was also a birthday party for a good friend, you promised Neil though that you would show up to the store afterwards. He was starting to doubt you would.
Neil always worried you thought he was too lame or you were way too out of his league. You would roll your eyes every time and just give him a reassuring kiss.
Feeling down, he sat in his office chair, swivelling around and twiddling his thumbs. He missed you, it had been a few days since you had seen each other, both busy with work, he was shaking with anticipation at even the tiniest possibility of seeing you.
To be honest, Neil was a needy little thing. He struggled going even a day or two without seeing you. And oh how fucking his fist could never compare to fucking you. God, even just thinking about your pussy, he could feel his trousers tighten and he threw his head back with a groan.
A zip and a tug could be heard as he slipped his hand down his pants, teasing the tip of his pink cock with his thumb. Whining quietly, precum staining his cotton briefs. Fuck, he didn't expect to be walked in on, touching himself like a pervert.
"Neil?" Your voice. He quickly swivelled his chair back around, facing the doorway to look at you like a deer that had been caught in headlights. Neil just coughed, trying to act casual, trying to pretend he hadn't just been thinking about having your tits in his mouth. But he knew you knew.
"H-Hey!" He looked you up and down, a sheepish smile and flushed cheeks as he looked at what you were wearing. A white corset, laced up tightly, hugging the perfect curves of your body. A sorry excuse of a dress tightly clinging to your skin underneath it, your hair had been pulled down out of the hairdo you had it in previously so it fell messily over your shoulders and white stockings adorned your thighs. He could cum looking at you then and there. He wasn't really sure what you were supposed to be but he didn't really care at this point in time.
"What were you up to, my love?" Sauntering over to him and rounding the table to get closer to him. Neil looked up at you like a lost puppy as you sat down on the edge of the table. The smell of your perfume made him feel like he could pass out, you were intoxicating. "You miss me?" "Yeah... yeah... I did..." Neil nodded dumbly, looking at your pretty lips that he hadn't gotten the chance to taste in oh so long. "Missed you so much, you've all I've been thinking 'bout." You held onto his chin, smiling at him knowingly.
"Looked everywhere for you, thought you'd be out with the rest of the party, Neil baby."
"S-sorry... I just..." His head hung low, feeling embarrassed for being so needy. "I just really missed you... didn't feel like hanging out with any of those people..."
You just kept smiling at him sweetly and his eyes watched as you casually shimmied down your panties, sticky and wet as you tossed them behind you. The skirt of your dress didn't cover the sight of your bare cunt and as you leaned against his desk, spreading your legs for Neil to see better in the low light of his office, he didn't hesitate to dive right in, knowing what to do. Desperate to taste you, like a dog that hasn't eaten in weeks. He moaned at the taste, eyes rolling back in his skull as he was gifted with your wet pussy against his face.
"That's fuckin' it," You moaned, letting your head lean back as he made out with your pussy. "Show me how much you missed me, Neil..." Your mouth was agape, he always ate you out like his life depended on it.
Your fingers in his hair, pushing his face deeper into your soaking core only encouraged him further, causing him to groan into you. Your clit fit perfectly between his pretty lips as you desperately ground your cunt against his face, his nose just perfectly caressing you. His tongue poked inside you, flicking up to the spot where you needed him most.
"God! Fuck... you're such a good boy... so good for me...!" Gasping out. This was all Neil needed, he didn't care if he wasn't allowed to get off for the rest of his life, as long as he had you, to touch and to taste, he didn't care, you were all he needed. The sound of you whimpering loudly made his cock throb, he felt like he was close to cumming himself. Neil always described it as heaven on earth, when you came on his face, he felt like he had accomplished all he was good for. "Want me to cum on your face, pretty?" You let out, sensitive and so turned on seeing Neil down on his knees, looking so content with life as he sloppily ate you up.
"Please..." He mumbled obediently before letting you continue to fuck his face. His tongue was pressed flat against your clit as you came, further wetting his face, what makeup he had on for Dracula now smudged across his face and your inner thighs. He kept slurping your juices up until you tugged his face away. Glistening and a dumb dopey smile on Neil's face was the sight that met you.
"I missed you so much, baby," Still recovering, you leaned down and gave him a gentle loving kiss. His tongue flicked out to the corners of his mouth, licking the juices that were still on his face. "You did so good." He blushed at the praise. You always thought he could never look prettier, red cheeks, big blue eyes, and your cum dripping off of his nose and chin with that big satisfied smile.
"I love you..." He whispered, placing a small kiss on your clit before standing up and connecting your lips once again. "Love you so much..."
Hope you enjoyed :)
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the-artist-grimm · 4 months ago
stopping by to say a few things. one, i love your crimson angel au. it's a fun and different take on how things work with canon and how things can be changed accordingly. two, love your art style. i can't explain it, but i just really like the way everyone's drawn. three. AWWWW short lamb! no worries anthea, i'm short myself, so you have good company! four. has anyone challenged anthea, nona or narinder to a cook off? five. fave type of music for everyone? like ballads, etc/ have a good day!
First off, thank you so much!!!!!!! I'm glad you're enjoying my stuff :D And hehehe-the idea of someone super short taking on and winning against 5 massive gods is just very funny for me, I like tiny but mighty protagonists
Now hm a cook off-I think no one would dare trying to face off against Nona-cooking is her domain. Probably only Heket eventually would try, and even then lose to the old lady's might.
Music (Just doing the cats and the lamb for simplicity's sake XD. Also adding links so people can you know...check out all the reallyyyyy good songs hehehe):
The Lamb, Anthea: Indie-Folk (Anything Crane Wives (Never Love an Anchor, Allies or Enemies) Alternate/Indie Pop (Live Cinema, Espresso, Cabo, Snow) Vocaloid-y? Like the kind of depressing/sad-ish tracks you come across in vocaloid type songs (Kokoronashi, Rest in Peace, Soundless Voice) Narinder: Progressive Metal and Rock. I personally think he'd love Sleep Token with how heavy their lyrics are, Euclid, Atlantic, and Alkaline would likely be some of his favs. The band Starset too with Perfect Machine, Alchemy, and Die for You. Aym and Baal: Nightcore and especially Vocaloid. They're 11 year olds that's like starting middle school age, there's a reason they were Rin and Len for Halloween XD . When I was in middle school I'd just discovered Youtube and was recording those songs onto my 3Ds via the camera to listen on car- trips since I didn't have an MP3 LOL. For specifics: -Aym: Leans to more edgy/loud tracks but sometimes the sillier ones too. Tokyo Teddy Bear, Matryoshka, Death Should Not Have Taken Thee, Ghost Rule -Baal: Leans to more happy and energetic tracks. Popipo, The Snow White Princess , Tell Your World, Drop Pop Candy
...I definitely didn't just give them all my music tastes what are you talking about (trips and falls over playlists)
Anyhoo...have a good day to you as well! (and my apologies for the delay KEKW)
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thetownwecallhome · 5 months ago
TNBC showerthought #10: Sally is her own Doll
((OOC: So I saw because of @tnbc-thoughtsandheadcanons that there's a new comic coming out that's a 'what if' if Sally had been the one to find the holiday doors and not Jack. I'll admit the idea intrigues me...but I'm a little cautious.
Now's not the time to go into it but I get a little peeved with how Disney is utilizing fan-fic ideas and concepts like AUs and mecha crossovers in their spinoff material. But, besides that fear, I'm cautious for another reason. I'm noticing a lot more stuff trying to feature Sally more and more. While I like that, I'm also kind of annoyed with it.
Among the many problems I have with "Long Live the Pumpkin Queen", one of them is I feel like they're trying to make Sally more of a female alt to Jack, rather than her own unique character. LLTPQ had to retcon Sally into being a princess from another kingdom the way Jack is already a 'King'. Which, to ME is deeply insulting.
Part of what makes Sally impressive is that she is 'just' a ragdoll. She was created, not born or 'died', and she also happens to be smarter than her creator and even the king of her town. There doesn't need to be some explanation for her being the way she is and that's what's cool about her. It's very, Ozian, for lack of a better word. It's such a cute idea of an inanimate-object-brought-to-life becoming a ruler and being thought of as their own person. It's cute and even a little empowering in a way.
While I'm not scared that this new comic will retcon anything like LLTPQ did (really, it's supposed to, given that it's an AU), I'm still worried that this new comic will give Sally the exact same reaction Jack has to Christmas and have the plot of the movie try and go on but with Sally in Jack's place...and I really hope that's not what happens.
Sally is not Jack. That's what's adorable about her. That's what we the audience love about her and that's what Jack falls in love with her at the end for. Sally wouldn't do the things Jack does with Christmas because Sally is her own person and her situation and social status is different than Jack.
AUs of this kind really kind of put into perspective the kind of characters you're working/messing with. The whole reason the story of TNBC happens at all is because Jack is the kind of person he is while he finds Christmas; extroverted, peppy, self-absorbed, ostentatious and manic depressive. Jack is the king and everybody wants his approval and attention even if he thinks no one actually listens to him. The only reason Halloween ends up doing Christmas at all is because Jack is the king and is used to doing what he wants and getting his citizens in on his plans.
If Sally finds Christmas Town or any other holiday world and comes to her own self-discovery, she better not go back and try and tell the people of Halloween about it. Sally's whole deal in the first half of the movie is she doesn't want to live with Dr. Fink; she's trying to escape. She'd probably stay in the Holiday worlds because she has no one back home desperately looking for her besides Dr. Fink. She wants to be away. If anything she has a way better reason than Jack or anyone else in town to run away. And, if Dr. Fink did make a big deal and ask people to help him look and then THAT's how Halloween first finds Christmas-- that would be something. I'd really like to see an alt. Jally-romance take that direction; Jack starts a search party for Dr. Fink's missing secretary he's seen once or twice, he follows a party personally to the outskirts of Halloween land, finds the doors and Sally and SHE'S the one to introduce HIM to the other holiday worlds. That'd be so cool!
tl;dr: I hope the 'what if' comic has Sally functionally going on her own journey and being a different character and not her functionally going through the beats of the story Jack did but just Sally in place of Jack. Sally is not Jack.
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silkscreaming · 1 year ago
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I made a volume 10 trimax vash cosplay for MAGfest and I am SO proud of how it came out :) Some process stuff below! Warning for image and text heavy.
Truthfully this cos is only about 85% complete—I’d purchased a bunch of hardware to really go in on a volume accurate version of his undersuit and belts, but simply ran out of time before the con. It was the first cosplay I’ve sewn since 2017 and the first wig styling I’ve done since 2020, so I’m not gonna beat myself up too much!
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(This is all purse hardware off Etsy and some buttons from M&J trim)
This was my first time ever making a muslin mock-up, but I knew it was going to be necessary to get the coat to lay the way I wanted it to. I really wanted to try and create proportions that elongated the legs/torso and widened the shoulders by placing the coat tail splits appropriately and raising up the shoulders with some padding. And of course arm and leg details that I’ll get to someday lol.
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I created two mock-ups. One of basic muslin that helped me go from an existing pre-bought pattern to something more Vash-shaped, then a second one on a slightly sturdier scrap fabric with my finalized torso proportions with padding so I could accurately pattern out the sleeves and collar.
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I was tracing my pattern pieces onto newsprint and vellum as I went, so once all of those were finalized, it was time to cut my fabric! I used a heavy cotton twill from B&J fabrics and two kinds of fusible interfacing from Mood (I’m spoiled by being local to the fashion district these days). A smarter person would have bought a thinner fabric to line the inner torso with, but I did not feel like getting that complicated with my first ever muslin-drafted AND lined project, so I simply cut double of every pattern piece in order to create a lining.
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Sleeves were done by interfacing and cutting into a top panel, carefully snipping at the cutout portions, ironing and fabritacking in place, and then top stitching the whole piece to the main sleeve. I later added some leather backing squares and interfacing behind the larger eyelets for aesthetic while keeping the ventilation in tact. Ideally in the future I'll also add a strip of fabric to the gun arm that creates a slight bunching effect since that sleeve is a little more ruffled over the cuff. Photos below also include three shoulder pads pinned together on each shoulder, but I ended up forgetting not using them on my final wear.
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Unfortunately at this point I was approaching con time, so I started cutting some corners that I made easily replaceable for future upgrades. The coat tabs are just painted craft foam cut to the size of the buttons, tacked in place where the button pierces through the tab and where it wraps around the edge of the front panel. The straps that attach to the lapel and wrap under the arms also were just decorated with some silver trim instead of hardware, and I skipped the side button panels at his hips for pattern-making simplicity and time. They'll be added later! I'd also love to do some weathering, but don't think I can quite bring myself to riddle the coat tails with bullet holes as some people do haha.
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Gun arm attachment was also a quick and dirty addition, just some vinyl trim on eva foam attached with contact cement and a decorative button. First time working with contact cement somehow, but I look forward to also being able to upgrade this at a later date to a more accurate shape with the full belt attachments!
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I was also hoping to update the shoes a bit by making some boot covers for them and rub-n-buffing the soles to disguise the platform a bit, but I love my pick for the cleat-look that Vash has! Some good ol' Demonias in classic vash fashion :)
Last but not least: The Wig. My pride and joy.
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I got lucky enough to nab an Arda sale, I think right before Halloween, and picked up the Morpheus lace front in black, along with some extra wefts in pale blonde. (I also bought a whole separate pale blonde Morpheus wig, boldly thinking I could swing a normal trimax vash wig lol. It made for a convenient Eriks wig in the mean time.)
Since I was aiming for the end of volume 10 post-Wolfwood death look, I started by trying on the wig, roughly tracing out my hairline, then gently unweaving that portion of black in order to re-ventilate it with blonde.
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After I replaced that whole strip of plucked hair, I tried on again to finalize where I needed to ventilate to cover my own hairline, and completed my outline with both blonde and brown-black wefts (i had them on hand lol). All in all, I ventilated more than 4 square inches of blonde, and at least a solid centimeter extension of the black hairline across the whole front of the wig. Probably close to 30 hours of work in the ventilating alone, but I am a little slow since I haven't ventilated in a few years and didn't keep clear track of time.
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If there's one thing I should be used to by now about Arda wigs, they are THICK. There is zero teasing in this wig. None. Just got2b, a blowdryer, and a prayer. And a good load of bobby pins. The wig was also sadly a last minute hotel room mad dash, and I do hope to restyle it under less duress, but I do think I successfully achieved the Trimax swoop and am very proud of it! It was unbelievably windy on the walk from our hotel room to MAGfest, so the photos in the start of this post show a bit more droop than my initial styling, but I think I'll be able to touch things up next wear.
And of course, shoutout to my partner for gifting me the official glasses for Christmas :) And thank you to my roommates who barely saw me for a month and a half except for when I needed help with a hem lol.
All in all, I am unbelievably proud of this cosplay, I can't wait to put some more love into it and wear it again!
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paper-starz · 1 year ago
HUH?? A surprise Welcome Home Update???
Ohohohoho! You know yours truly loves lore! And oh boy... Theres a lot to unpack here.... So buckle your seatbelts folks! I might've discovered something BIG
Ok, first things first, THE THEORY
I might've figured out who the main antagonist could be, and it's not Wally or Home. In fact, it has been staring at us the entire time, we've just never realized it.
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I think the main villain of Welcome Home could be the spooky swirly void living inside of Home.
"WHAT?!?! This early on in story??" I hear you say! "This couldn't be possible!"
ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE DEAR VIEWER! And truth be told, there could be multiple antagonists in Welcome Home, but all evidence points to this swirly guy being the source of everything wrong thats happening. Also, from now on, I'll be calling it the Entity. (Spooky swirly man sounds so silly!)
EVIDENCE 1: It makes people sick.
It seems like the Entity emits some kind of black "ink" that makes people sick once you touch it. It also seems like the WHRT knows about this too! Going into great lengths to order everyone to wear gloves.
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Writing on sticky note atop vinyl glove box reads: Put on gloves before handling ANY art. Call me if we run out!
Not to mention that think ink also seems to effect anyone psychologically, making them want to discover more about Welcome Home, even if it harms their own health.
In the ABOUT US page:
When I unwrapped the first letter, I felt it. I heard it. Open. Open. Open. I want it out. I’m going to get it out.
In the STAFF ONLY page:
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Everything is so disgusting to touch. Sometimes the mail doesn't come for weeks. I want to rip into everything I have. My head feels so muddled too. Ever since I opened the envelope.
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I keep getting phone calls, now. Or at least, I assume that's what's happening. I keep hearing it ringing. All day, sometimes. I check my phone and there's no new messages. I thought maybe some of the site staff were pranking me, but I tore up the workspace and couldn't find another phone that might be ringing. All that was there were the toys for the exhibit, and obviously those couldn't be ringing. But I kept hearing it anyway. The phone ringing and ringing... ...I keep digging and digging. I've poured over every recovery the WHRP has given me access to, every inch of their website, and the things I find make less and less sense. If I didn't know better I'd say everyone was coming together to pull an elaborate prank on me. I can still hear the phone ringing now. I don't know how to answer the phone. I need to answer the phone.
The NEWS PAGE also mentions ringing! (This could be the same person who has been affected by the ringing)
So many guest signatures… So many of them are trying to communicate. What are you telling me for? Do you think I can answer? What are you trying to do to me? I’m closing that guest book, I’m not playing this game anymore. The ringing is enough.
And even affecting them physically as well!
What is it, I hear you pleading! Clawing at your screens just as we have! Coughing, headaches, nausea- I know. I know. It will take a lot of cleaning, preparation, and polishing on our part, but it is a worthwhile labor of love.
Coughing, headaches, nausea.... The Restoration Team is growing sick, yet they are completely obsessed with restoring more evidence for Welcome Home.
They even know that they are growing sick, they wear gloves, they clean, they prepare, they polish the artwork over and over and warn anyone NOT to touch the ink, but it's not enough. They need to restore Welcome Home, even at the cost of their own health.
Heck, the entire page (and studio) is literally dowsed with black ink!
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And it seems to be growing too...
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Theres more stuff on the walls I keep hearing phones ring.
"More stuff" as if he's surprised, as if there were less ink on the walls than before. And he keeps hearing phones ringing... Its growing...
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And it made its way into the real world....
Ah yes! Some evidence from the Halloween Update! This time, from Sally Starlet’s Macabre Menagerie of Monstrous Mischief Making! Specifically, I want to analyze the "noticeable gap" in the audio, the only part where the WHRT did NOT transcript. (This was written by yours truly btw!)
SALLY: What?! No, no, and no! …It is because this town is rumored to have visitors at night… Something from deep within the forest, far beyond the hills and mountains… No one knows what it wants or where it’s going, just that it is persistent… Just that it arrives here. So many stories have risen about their origins… But I know what it is searching for. It is looking for neighbors who have stayed past the daytime, to gobble them up whole. That is why so few live here. It moved through the streets at night, but it doesn't break into homes. However, on rare instances, it will find itself with an appetite left…. unsatisfied by its aimless wandering. Even the occasional unfortunate insect that has crossed its path is not enough… Those who have lived through the night say it isn't quiet about it either. They always say you can hear when it gets closer to you. Do you know what sound it makes? I hear it. Every. Night. You can hear it too, if you listen. Especially if you wait next to your window. First, theres rustling in the bushes. Then, A scratching on the pavement and the walls as it crawls up. Finally, if you're quiet, you can hear its guttural sound…
Now, I know what you're asking. Why even bring up this little story at all? What does this story have to do with the Entity?
Context, my dear viewer. If you listen closely, the audio is too clear. No static, no nothing. This segment is also the only part where it didn't get transcripted because it was "inaudible". Which is strange, because you and me and you and that guy and me can hear it just fine! And THAT is why it got me theory senses tingling.
Plus, the story is about a monster too! Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
So let's analyze!
"…It is because this town is rumored to have visitors at night… Something from deep within the forest, far beyond the hills and mountains… No one knows what it wants or where it’s going, just that it is persistent… Just that it arrives here."
This could be talking about the Entity. We don't know what exactly the Entity wants, just that it looks like it's determined to reach a goal that we don't know much about.
"It is looking for neighbors who have stayed past the daytime, to gobble them up whole. That is why so few live here."
It feels like this is talking about the portal-like properties the Entity has. "Gobbling" up neighbors whole and sending them to another dimension, ours.
Sally also states "That is why so few live here", which makes me question how many neighbors used to live here before. Perhaps Julie's siblings, Howdy's family, Barnaby's mom? Were they sent to another dimension? Where are they now????
Not only that, but Sally makes it clear that it goes after neighbors at nighttime. And what time does Welcome Home usually update? 7 PM (*Now, this time could be different because of timezones, but the updates usually happen during the night)
"It moved through the streets at night, but it doesn't break into homes. However, on rare instances, it will find itself with an appetite left…. unsatisfied by its aimless wandering..."
"First, theres rustling in the bushes. Then, A scratching on the pavement and the walls as it crawls up. Finally, if you're quiet, you can hear its guttural sound…"
I think Sally is giving us an EXACT description on how the Entity managed to break into Home.
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1st, theres rustling in the bushes. Home does have bushes surrounding him.
Then, a scratching on the pavement and walls as it crawls up. The Entity could've broken into Home by either climbing through the window or through the roof.
Finally, a guttural sound. Now... where did I hear a guttural sound in Welcome Home before.... Oh yeah! Wally. <- Click this handy-dandy clip and you can hear something quite monstrous right below Wally's voice!
"Wait a minute.... Did you say Wally has a guttural voice???"
I did, dear reader. I did.... Which brings me to my next point:
Throughout our inspection of the Welcome Home website, we've seen countless times of Wally becoming more and more distressed as each update comes out.
But we've also seen a lot of inconsistencies regarding our lil' Darling! In fact, I even compiled these into a theory in which there could be 2 people hacking into the website!
And while that I still do believe there are more than 2 people hacking into the website... I don't think the Question Answerer is the one doodling. He's still hacking onto the website, but unlike Wally, he writes it out.
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The last piece of evidence just proves its the same guy writing this! The Question Answerer!
I want to rip into everything I have. My head feels so muddled too. Ever since I opened the envelope. (see above)
Ok but if the Question Answerer isn't the other guy doodling... then who is making all of the inconsistent doodles??
Why, the ENTITY!
Not only are the doodles inconsistent, but even the sound of Wally's voice sound... quite off if you compare enough audios.
For example! Compare the interview audio with the newest Happy Haunting audio, do you notice anything peculiar about Wally's voice? Especially in the Happy Haunting audio? (If you have trouble finding it, compare these few timestamps below)
It sounds... off. Robotic even! It's slow, and the articulation is way different from the interview audio. In the interview audio, you can hear how happy Wally sounds! Even in this audio (and this one too), you can hear Wally growing increasingly frustrated. Yes, its still monotone, but you could hear emotion!
But the Happy Haunting audio, it's neutral. Yes, it IS monotone, but it feels like someone doing an impersonation of Wally rather than Wally actually speaking himself. In fact, the audio reminds me of the phone audio right here. It has the same pauses and neutral tone, save for the very audible growl right underneath Wally's voice.
But speaking of the phone audio.... Did you catch that?
...Do you know who I am? [The heart beat and ambience resume.] [Gasp.] Oh no. Well that’s not neighborly at all. We’ve never met before. But don’t worry. Even though you and I haven’t spoken before, I’ve seen you... Every time you have looked into my eyes. I want to know… What did you see? [Silence.] I hope you saw a friend, but I’m not sure you saw a name... Stand still. Let’s start over. Ring ring ring. Click. Hi, I’m Wally. I’m so happy to finally meet you, I think you’re the absolute most.
...That's strange, isn't it? We definitely HAVE met Wally, not formally, but we do know about him (this fandom is proof of that!) So how come Wally is saying that we haven't?
Especially when in another audio, he says that we DO 'know him'.
…Why won’t you answer me, neighbor. Why can’t I hear you. You know me. You do. Please open. Let me in.
Contradictory, isn't it? We can't both know Wally and NOT know Wally at the same time. That's impossible....
Unless the phone audio Wally isn't our Wally... its the Entity.
Technically, we DON'T know about the Entity. It's not a character in Welcome Home and the things that we do know about it are just mere theories and speculations. It is our 'first' formal meeting with it.
Then why did it introduce itself as Wally? WELL BECAUSE ITS POSSESSING HIM! It's trying to convince us that it is Wally, using his signature catchphrase and even saying 'I hope you saw a friend'. Besides, if you were a weird portal monster, I doubt you would introduce yourself as one if you wanted to trick someone.
And if this possession theory does turn out to be true, it does explain the major inconsistencies happening in the website! Such as the doodles!
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The Hearts!
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THATS NOT WALLY'S HANDWRITING! He writes in CAPITAL LETTERS and in RED (not all lowercase and in blue!).
But if you still need a bit more proof to convince ya, here's some more!
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W a L L y: You won't write back Wally: You're looking for me. Silly. Silly.
I think W a L L y is our Wally! He's getting desperate, but he knows that we won't be able to write back. Wally on the other hand is the Entity, it knows that we are looking for the main big bad antagonist, and it knows. It even mocks us.
And I think we've seen evidence of these possessions before. Look at none other than the bug audios!
In every single one of these bug audios, we are in the perspective of Wally himself. But in these bug audios, Wally doesn't say anything at all. Rather, he sits unmoving, listening into the conversation whether he has been invited there or not!
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In this bug audio, Wally has been listening in on Sally and Howdy's conversation the entire time!
But thats not all! All of these bug audios are connected according to the conversation between Barnaby and Home! Which means that all of these bug audios are happening on the same day at a very short period of time, which is concerning on just how frequent Wally appears to be disassociating. Or if that's even Wally at all!
If that is the Entity controlling Wally, it feels like he's observing them, studying them. Perhaps that's why the audios always cut out whenever a neighbor says Wally's name, it snaps him out of that trance and reminds him that he is in fact the real Wally!
Which brings us to our latest bug audio (and by far the most worrying one), the Candy Spider! The Halloween Bug?? Idk it's this one <-
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We've just gotten proof of Wally munching on an apple. This would've been fine and dandy in any other situation, but remember viewer! Context matters! Especially if we put into consideration that that is not Wally.
BARNABY: ‘Ey, how’s my little devil doin’ over ‘ere? You guardin’ my apple for me, pal? [There is a brief pause. What is he doing.] BARNABY: Oh— heh, I guess ya didn’t do a very good job at it. [Barnaby calls out to the room] Hey! Who took a bite outta my apple? I think I see some fang marks, Frank!
Yeah that SURE is definitely not worrying. Nope, none whatsoever!
Oh boy... I think that's everything. Well, not everything everything. I still don't think the Entity is the only bad guy, just the main one! The Playfellow Workshop is very suspicious, and while I do believe Wally and Home are most likely victims of everything that is going on, I don't think I should say that they are quite innocent yet.
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In the banner, they are the only two NOT separated by hearts! It seems to me that they are working together to give out more evidence to the WHRT.
And Marlo... another company that is VERY suspicious. What did their logo look like again?
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A house logo with an eye in the middle.... Why does that look so familiar?
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Well that's clearly not suspicious!
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eliotlime · 5 months ago
End of October Update
There's got to be a less clunky way for me to title these things but maybe I'll figure it out after a few posts.
Anyway at the top of the order I want to say that uh... the Abacelsus zine is not happening by halloween unforch.. I just started school part-time and it being part-time is still kicking my ass! So tentative release date will be on 11th November unless something else happens....
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On the plus side I'm done with the cover so all that's left is the back page and cramming all 24 pages full of drawings 👍
-> As I've said at the end of my previous post I want to make more blog style posts so here's me trying to do that, more under the cut
🔐Abacelsus Zine
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I'm still deciding on whether i want to print it A5 or B5 but I'm leaning towards A5, though for the digital release it doesn't really matter lol
As mentioned, I'm done with the main cover so I just need to fill this entire thing with stuff, I said 24 pages but really the total page count is 30. I'm just not counting the cover and the blurb stuff.
I'm half taking a break with this at the risk of burning myself out and half paralysed with starting it. Plus I've kind of been more into Axl & I-no hilariously but I'll always love A.B.A. I think the lack of any real info really lends her well to interpretation which is always fun.
I've never really been one to engage in fandom so I'm probably going to be doing my own thing. That being said if anyone has any suggestions feel free to drop them in my strawpage or ask box :)
🥤 Strawpage & General Socials
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The bugs make my pages so decorative, I gotta draw more bugstyle guys.
Speaking of strawpage, I made one of those! It was really fun, I have a short OC info tab with descriptions of some of my main guys. I'd love for you to check it out.
This kind of acts as my ask box for twitter since there's not one there and apparently it's basically my main social media site these days so I'm just mirroring my experience here over there too.
Hilarious timing considering that it's basically collapsing on itself once again, I'll probably still be on that damn site until it implodes but I also have a Bluesky account for those that care about it.
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The sky follower bridge extension is really useful for bulk following people from twitter to bsky
I'd love to post there more but there's not a queue function and that's very important to me as someone who is not American and lazy to remember optimal timings.
Did you see? I also have a new pinned for this blog! Wanted to make a new one for a while now, always thought the old one was so freaking long. All the old info is still on my about and faq page though I don't know who actually looks at those.. a relic from years past..
☹ School
Sigh, like I mentioned earlier I'm doing school again! At my big age, but I'm having fun so far! It's part-time but it's still kicking my fucking ass! It's the main reason why I'm a little disoriented this month honestly.
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Do you like it? I spent an entire Sunday making my class miro board look niceys and then proceeded to get nauseous from cybersickness afterwards LOL
I'm doing a UI/UX course and I have to say the funnest part about it is making personas, it's like making OCs. Don't particularly like writing though.. but also that's a lie considering the numerous amount of paragraphs in this blog post alone haha
🎁 Merch
I've also gotten confirmation that I'll be boothing again next year in Febuary! So I gotta start locking into making more stickers and general merch. I say this a lot but I do need to look into opening an online store because I just have tonnes of stickers and stuff lying around waiting till the next time I do a convention which is kind of a shame.
Oh, but I will say that if you are from Singapore and would like anything from my previous convention catalogue feel free to shoot me a DM on instagram and I can mail it to you locally, shipping's $2 SGD.
➰Closing Thoughts
All in all, been kind of busy this month with school and various loose threads from September but overall I think I'm doing better! I've also been cooking lately and truthfully that's my biggest achievement this month haha, been also getting really into canned fish. Yummy!
Oh and a last thing is that I've been itching to animate again so I'll end this post with a WIP of a gif I did last night/morning. I almost always never finish my animations but here's hoping this one actually makes it to the colouring stage haha
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No prizes to anyone who can guess who these two because of course.
Thank you for reading! I know I can't expect everything to be done in a single month but I just wish I could do everything without getting tired or cybersick! If you'd like to support me, here's my ko-fi page and my itchi.io & gumroad as well.
If you have any questions or just generally want to talk to me, my DMs and askbox is always open! Any professional enquires can be sent towards my email as well: [email protected]
XOXO, Stay weird!
-Eliot :)
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notnights · 5 months ago
your gangle cosplay is really cool, do you have any tips for someone trying to make their own?
Thank you! I appreciate it. And it depends on what you're going for with it! I've seen a lot of different Gangle cosplayers with different interpretations which are creative and fun to make I imagine! So I can't really advise any specifics on crafting etc since I don't know what you're going for.
For me when I cosplay I want to get as "accurate" as I can with the character design. I unfortunately am not very good at sewing and shaping and stuff but you can see that didn't stop me, I made it as well as I could. And Gangle is obviously one of the more difficult characters I've ever decided to cosplay so wasn't ever going to be accurate with her unless I did like... a puppet method or something. (From my understanding this falls under the "creature" cosplay category?)
Idk if these will help at all, but it's good to start with visualizing ideas you want to try for before hand:
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Ideas for a Navi, Bill Cipher and Gir from Invader ZIM cosplays that went no where.
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Thinking outside the box also helps in the sense of, other forms of crafting, skills or items, you wouldn't think to use might help with what you're making!
I used fursuit methods to help build my NiGHTS cosplay, I also used quilting methods to help make Gangle's ribbon limbs.
When making Circus Baby I wanted an exhaust fan that actually spun, turns out there are plenty of tutorials on how to make your own fidget spinners so used that method to make a light weight one out of cardboard and pennies for that piece! When making Gangle 2.0 to keep the shape I wanted to infuse wire into the edges of the ribbon limbs. The best method for this would have been to hand sew floral wire to an extra piece of fabric with fishing wire, then sew that one in with the edges of the the limbs. I however was only 1 and a half week away from a con and still had a ton of pieces to finish so I got a bunch of cheap wired ribbon, and infused those inside the limbs. (Kept the shape well enough but I'm at the point where I want to remake them again lol.)
Instead of using traditional adhesives like hot glue, maybe something like silicon adhesive can be used and other more hardware based unities can be used. Hardware stuff in general helps. Similar stuff they sell at craft stores can often be found cheaper at hardware stores. I've had the benefit that my father is a handyman so I grew up with a lot of that tool usage, and loved going to hardware stores with him because sometimes I'd find something that would make me be like "WAIT I CAN USE THIS For that art project I've been trying to do."
This admittedly also comes from my doll customization hobby, which believe it or not, has a lot of power tool usage to make those pretty little dolls! Some of these things I used for my Gangle. Making cute ribbon outfits or bows for dolls, you have to burn the edges of the ribbon you've cut, least it fray (in Gangle 1.0. each ribbon you see has been lovely burnt by candle LOL) when Gangle 2.0's ribbon fabric it would run after getting snagged on stuff, I made a "sealer" I'd use for making doll wigs. Watered down glue (this case Modge podge because its already watery) and painted it over any places that would receive a lot of friction as the solution admitted made the satin a tiny bit duller so didn't want to paint the whole thing with it.
Sometimes you can use the methods/shapes from existing clothing to help you make what you want. When I made my NiGHTS cosplay I found a little decorative halloween jester hat which I used as a reference to make a pattern for NiGHTS' hat/horns.
Speaking of, and also in relation to that hardware thing. Thrift shops are a great way to find random pieces of stuff you think can help with your project especially if they're going to be items you cut up/modify anyways. I wanted the illusion of floating when making my NiGHTS and musing about a Tatsumaki cosplay so wanted to use tacky clear platform heels to make it happen lol. And thrift shops have a ton of used shoes. I only needed the platform part and remove the straps so didn't need anything brand new. While I didn't find clear ones at the time I did find other platforms that helped with my NiGHTS, the feet were so big on the costume it shadowed the heels anyways and kept the illusion. (bonus concept of that Tatsumaki idea)
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When I needed a squeaker for a cosplay piece I just bought a 99 cent dog toy and disemboweled it for one. In the same kind of "cheat" I just got a wielding mask, removed the mask part, and attached my Gangle mask to it to make a way method to take it on and off.
Anyways that was a lot of examples, but they're times when my dumb dumb brain was like "wait!!! I don't have to do this the hard way and get what I'm looking for!!" and it saved me from said hard way of getting what I wanted.
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gotham-daydreams · 5 months ago
How are you?
Busy, unfortunately!! Started college not too long ago, and all that - won't bore anyone with the details, though!! Sorry if I worried anyone with all the silence - I didn't even realize how long it's been! Wow!
Few things!!
I'VE BEEN TRYING TO CATCH UP AND COME UP WITH SPECIALS BUT OH MY GOD... There are so many of you!! And you all come in so fast!! It actually breaks my heart a little only because I haven't shown my best yet (or definitely feel like I haven't), which will definitely change! You guys deserve so much better! Though I'm still unsure what to do for specials... so ideas would be nice! I'd like to also do some late ones- since you guys 100% deserve it, and they're still milestones!! Though for 3k, I'll do something in the spirit of Halloween!... or fall if I'm late again- 😅
Regardless! I'm so happy for all the support!! It really is something that so many people see my posts, no matter how old, and interact with them! It's overwhelming, honestly, but I deeply appreciate it! Even more so when I have a habit of going to get the milk for a while, before coming back with a few cookies - LOL!
2. I've been seeing that my work has inspired a lot of people to make their own stuff, and it's super endearing and heartwarming!!! Really, even if I don't really comment and only interact with the posts on my main account, I still see them! And I love them!!! I'm honestly really surprised how much the Not [ ] Series has inspired others or served as inspiration for their work. It baffles me but I'm also really glad I was able to do that for someone! It's still insane, especially since I really don't see the series as my best work by a long shot, but I do still really admire and appreciate how people still took inspiration from it :]
To which, yes! I do read all of the works people tag me in LOL! I may not say much! But I do see it!! You're all amazing writers and I can't wait to see what you all make in the future!!
3. I will definitely try to catch up on asks! There have been a lot of them - which I'm very happy to see! So now that I have some time, I'll start to tackle them! I have a break coming up, so if not now, then definitely then! So, soon!
4. YES. CHAPTER 4 IS IN THE WORKS!! I doubt it'll be longer than 3 - I learned a lot during that, and I plan to not repeat my mistakes and take what I've learned. Though we'll see how it goes in actual execution!! I already forget what I've said on that end, and thanks to time I have made a few adjustments to the original plan, though the ending remains the same! Very... eventful!!
5. I AM TRYING TO GET A NEW SERIES OUT!! Because damn it do you guys deserve some quality on this blog!!! I'm not the best writer, obviously, but again, the Not [ ] is a farcry from what I can really produce, and even if I view it as a taste of what's to come - still!! Been also thinking of making it one of the romantic stories I had planned (seeing as a lot of platonic stuff has come out, which is cute!), but we'll see! 'Waiting' Reader has been on my mind... I'll say that much! Though maybe don't hold your breath...?
Overall, a little tired as usual, but glad to be back, and really kick start writing again! 💛... I say, at 5:30 am, like every great author!
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crappy-writings · 6 months ago
WIP and Ideas List
Main Masterlist | My Fics | Recced Fics
So, I have a few ideas, but don't know which ones to focus on. Figured I'd put it up for a vote. I've always been bad at summaries, but below are the concepts, let me know which ones y'all would be more interested in :D
Most of them are Marvel because apparently my Marvel brainrot never left
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Keeper of Shadows | Wanda Maximoff x Reader | Series
(Series) Summary: An odd series of fatal attacks in Upstate New York piques your interest, especially when they seem to be related to the strange powers you received when you were 10 years old. By some stroke of luck or misfortune, the Avengers too are investigating the case, and you are their number one suspect. In a temporary alliance, you work together to discover why people are dying, unraveling a line of love, secrets, and betrayal.
Masterlist link is here!
The Run and Go | Natasha Romanoff x Reader | Series
Summary: You, an ex-Red Room graduate turned mercenary, take up an assignment to retrieve some sensitive information from the Triskelion. You run into Natasha as you escape, much to your anger. You can’t seem to escape her after this first encounter as different circumstances force you to work together.
First part is here!
Those Were The Days | Monster Hunter!Natasha x Monster!Reader | Medieval Fantasy AU
Idea: Maybe they were a monster hunting duo and reader gets bit. Instead of telling Nat, they just disappear and Nat thinks the reader died. Few years later, Nat takes up a contract to kill a creature that’s been stalking a local town. Nat tracks them down and is about to kill the creature until she realizes who it is. Fic is placed in medieval-ish times. Unspoken feelings, some angst. [This was supposed to come out on Halloween but that didn’t pan out. There will be a vampire version and a werewolf version with 5 endings total].
Link to an early draft here!
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Little Bee | Hope Van DynexReader | Fluff Oneshot
Summary: Sparring with Hope was fun. Teasing her while doing it was even better.
Late Night Shots | Ronin!Clint Barton x Barton!Reader | Angst Oneshot
Summary: You mourn those who were lost to the Blip, including the ones who are still around. [Or Clint takes off shortly after the blip, leaving behind the only surviving Barton child, much to their anger and resentment.]
Sick Fic | Natasha Romanoff x Reader | Oneshot
Prompt: You're sick and don't want to tell Nat. She still finds out and takes care of you when you can't. It's kinda angsty, lowkey, but also really simple, and it's halfway written.
Pitfalls of Devotion | Natasha Romanoff x Reader | Miniseries maybe?
Prompt: Follow-up to "Orpheus and Eurydice." It's not fully thought out, but its sort of supposed to be a parallel to the myth, going after her, maybe in the soul stone somehow and trying to get her back? Maybe, probably, end in angst?
Night's First Star | Wanda Maximoff x Reader | Fluff Oneshot
Prompt: You were told that the first star in the night sky will grant you a wish but you have all you could ever wish for with her.
S.T.R.I.K.E. Out | Steve Rogers x Reader | Oneshot or Series
Prompt: A Captain America and the Winter soldier fic where the reader is a STRIKE agent that’s not in Hydra and is helping Cap out. The elevator scene is where the reader finds out everything is wrong and stays in the strike team to get more info. After the mall scene, the reader gets found out and is captured and lowkey tortured. Hydra send in the Winter soldier to get more info out of them but instead, he asks about Steve and why Steve knew him. The reader tells him about how they were best friends and stuff and bucky does the “he used to put newspapers in his shoes” but he’s horrified cuz he finds out his whole existence as a hydra “agent” is a lie. [Or basically a slow-burn reader insert of Captain America and the Winter Soldier]
Untitled | Avengers x Reader | Oneshot/Mini series
Summary: You've gone rogue, having left the Compound in the middle of the night and no one knows where you've gone. You return a few days later and call for a meeting despite the heavy injuries you have.
Untitled | Kate Bishop x Reader | Angst Series
Summary/Prompt: After Eleanor Bishop's mysterious death, Clint and Kate begin to investigate, finding ties to the not-dead King Pin himself. [Or a spy-thriller type fic where everything will go absolutely wrong]
Untitled | Matt Murdock x fem!Reader | One-Shot
Prompt: Matt, for all his skillsets, doesn't realize his next-door neighbor is also a vigilante. [Basically had a stupid idea of the reader coming in at around the same time as Matt to their apartments and the reader smells of blood and they are denying it by blaming her period or something, idk]
Untitled | Daisy Johnson x Reader | Mini-Series
Prompt: You, an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., have been on an undercover mission at a Hydra base, reporting on a secret project they have been working on. After one of your calls is intercepted and are made out, Daisy and the team work to get you back. [Basically the Whump troupe again, sorry, it's one of my favorites]
Prompt: Would love to write a spider-person!reader but have no idea what story I'd want to tell nor who to write it for.
Prompt: Would also love to do a choose-your own path type fic, but also have no idea what the story should be or who to write it for.
Star Wars
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Prompt #1: Reader is a pilot squad leader. They lost their entire squad on their last mission and is, naturally, heartbroken. They have to write letters to their families and tell them that they’ll have no bodies to mourn. They’re taking it out on a space punching bag or somethin’ until they collapse and they scream. While trying to catch their breath, two hands reach from behind them, the hands feeling so familiar. The hands pull the reader back gently and the reader sinks into them and grip onto the person holding them. [Don't have an era nor a character in mind, tbh]
I'll take care of you. | ReyxReader | Oneshot
Summary: Rey gets hurt after a scavenging trip to one of the Star Destroyers deep in the Jakku desert. You promised to always take care of her.
Prompt #2: SW fic where reader was part of a shut down trial where they implemented chips similar to what happens to the clones in the prequels. Reader defected and joined the rebellion. The chip is somehow activated and reader starts attacking the rebels but is trying to fight the programming from within. [I was picturing either the originals or sequels era]
The Walking Dead
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Prompt: Takes place during and/or after S3 ep7 and reader is working a lot harder cuz they feel guilty about what happened to Maggie? Idk, I started rewatching the show recently and was reminded of my huge crush on Maggie. Anyways, I'd like to write something zombie apocalypse but don't have any ideas, so.
Prompt: Maggie returns to the farm years after the horde overtook it.
Most of these ideas and prompts aren't fully thought out yet, but I'd work on them as I'd go. Anyways, thought I’d put these out there, so let me know what y’all think!
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pebblesthedrag · 3 months ago
Hello anyone who will read this!
I have never used tumblr before so I am more confused than I should be on how to make a good page and what's happening here...
I thought about trying this out cause I just read solitaire by Alice Oseman and Tori's blogging may have inspired me...
I also just want a form of social media to say or talk about whatever I want without irls seeing it or being addicted to scrolling. Please talk to me or ask me questions or anything like that! I want to talk to people about things!
About me:
I am in high school
Any Pronouns
I really enjoy marching band (trumpet) and indoor drumline (snare) so DCI, WGI, and stuff such as this I would love to talk about and hear about people's experiences!!! I also play drumset and take lessons
I am getting into the Oseman verse currently and would love talking about that!
I love alex G, syd matters, radiohead, foo fighters (not as much anymore) although i'm not really a superfan of any musician
I have a betta fish named Harvey whom I love so so so so much as well as two mystery snails, a nerite snail, some pygmy cories, and red cherry shrimp!
I like video games but honestly just haven't had much time for them because of school and band.
Books I have the same problem with but I'm trying to find time for them and just find ones that interest me. I usually go for dystopian novels or relatable teen novels that are like 350 pages or less
I'd say I like star wars but I'm not really a super nerd about it lol I just really enjoy casually watching the movies especially the prequels and would be interested in becoming more involved with fans. I was also Anakin for halloween!!!!!
I also like the last of us but again am not really a super fan? I don't even own the games actually lol
I have many interests but none I am a super fan of... other than band
if that makes sense
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yuurivoice · 6 months ago
Halloween Alphonse!!! Just,,, any Halloween Alphonse!!!
I'm trying to come up with something! As much as I'd love to do something that incorporates some new art, I've had to accept that it isn't a likely option, so the next best thing is just celebrating the season with Alphonse!
Also, some people don't even know this, but there is a canon Halloween audio with Alphonse and Boo that actually has some pretty big lore implications! Maybe something to do with that would be neat.
For those unfamiliar, basically Alphonse and Boo run a market stall for the town's Halloween festival and it was...I think...the first time Alphonse really makes it clear that a lot of his growth as a member of the town and opening up to folks is thanks to Boo's influence.
Then they go to the spot Seth & Al would camp at, and Al bent them over literally on the tree that he and Seth carved their names into. Which is WILD to think about given those implications.
So...Halloween! Candy! Healing! Butt stuff in the woods!
It's gotta happen.
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strangerthingsfanworkrecs · 2 months ago
Artist Highlight: Talanashta
This week, we're highlighting @talanashta! All recs this week will be for their work. @talanashta writes, and makes graphic designs at @talanashta-graphics. If you want to see all their work, check out their website! (which they also designed and maintains) We're highlighting Talanashta for their incredible Stobin dynamic.
We strongly recommend checking out their UnderTale crossover fic -- Fallen Down, which they also did a bunch of fantastic graphics work for. Talanashta answered some questions about their creative process and their work under the cut
Why Stranger Things?
I had read a few Stranger Things fics way back when the show first came out and knew a bit about the show, but at the time I hadn't been drawn in. (This was immediately post-season 1.) But then as the show continued, and Steve became a bigger part of it, and Robin was introduced, I got sucked in fast. I love both of them so much!
What's your favorite ship (platonic or romantic) to create for?
Stobin. They are my OTOTP, above any other pairing in any other fandom, and I'd like to think that comes through in my works. I have so many emotions about these two, it's ridiculous. Pretty much if I've got both Steve and Robin in one of my fics, that's it; they're the main focus.
What's your typical writing process like?
I have a bit of a hodgepodge of styles. It really depends on if I have a plan in mind or not. Sometimes I'll write with a super detailed outline and stick to it, but most of my works I just go with the flow and write where my creativity takes me. If you ask anyone, though, I'm a notes person. Any of my fics that involve actual planning end up with pages upon pages of notes.
What got you started on making graphics?
For the things for my site, I just wasn't finding resources out there that were what I wanted, so I started making my own. Plus I wanted my accounts to have my own creative touch on them, instead of someone else's.
What's your typical designing process like?
Vibes. 100%. I have a couple styles I like, so I pick a theme or color scheme and just build on those. Like for my seasonal stuff, I'm just like "What's Halloween-y? Pumpkins? Toss some of those in there then!" I use Canva (the free version) for making most of my graphics, but I use Krita for anything Canva can't do.
What has been your favorite project so far? Why?
Fallen Down is for sure my favorite. It's very fun to see these two familiar characters going through a very new situation like this, interacting with other characters I love. It's got a bit of mystery, some adventure, friendship, the works. I also have a very loyal fan of the story who leaves me very detailed comments that always make my day!
What has been your hardest project so far? Why?
Kinktober. I've been doing creative writing for over 15 years now, but I only recently dipped my toe into occasionally writing smut, and boy, did I struggle with it. It's like any skill, and I just didn't/don't have a lot of practice. I ended up only filling a few prompts for it and called it good.
Have you ever had a creative block? How did you get over it?
I don't have too many issues with that, in general. I feel I'm a pretty creative person. Over the years, though, I've learned a few tips to help when I come across a stumbling block. If the story isn't flowing, I go back a few paragraphs and try again. Usually, the direction I'd been taking the story in just wasn't the right one, so I don't force it.
Is there a big source of inspiration for you? Books? Art? Games?
Stranger Things isn't my only fandom, so some of my inspiration comes from what's going on in other fandoms. I read a lot of fanfiction if I'm being honest, and that shapes a lot of my ideas.
Is there an upcoming project you're particularly excited about?
My Eddie Munson Big Bang fic! I don't want to spoil anything, but it follows middle-school Eddie just after he moves in with Wayne. In the fic, their neighbor at the trailer park owns a dog. It's a very "horse girl" fic, with Eddie and this dog and their developing friendship. It's got some angst, but it works towards a lot of positive feelings and a happy ending.
Is there anything we didn't ask that you'd like to add?
If anyone out there reading this ever wants to talk about any of the things I've put out there (my site/coding, my fics, my art) or ask more questions, feel free to DM me! I'm always happy to chat.
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rawvnoisevcruster · 2 years ago
(I'm finally doing the thing I said I'd do)
How to be punk
Distros! Distros! Distro!
What are they, why are they integral to punk, and why I love them
1. What is a "distro"? A in the punk scene (although not exclusive to punk) is a store/seller that distributes merch and or jewelry whether official or bootleg. They can be both done my a physical shop/seller or more now a days a online store front. Often time a distro makes there own products but some will sell office merch or will act as a hub for the artists items or sell general items ie, studs, laces, non band shirts, etc
2. Why I think there good, first it's good to support non music artists in the scene. They make are gear, shirt, tapes, and big bags of studs, they are a big help to people who can't diy certain items, bands to sell merch, and artists to make a life of there art, and its just a great way to get shit you like. Diy or die and all that but we'd all be hypocrites if we said we'd never bought a band shirt, or a bag of studs or a pin. Plus the quality and craftsmanship ship of these item is much more professional as these people specialize and have heavy duty equipment for there products
3. But where do I look? First (if you live near a major city) look around your scene and see if there are ones near you, support your local scene first if you can.
If not there look online as there are many online. I find it best to look on ig/Facebook/Twitter as many have a social media, then look through recommends, mentions in there posts, other shops they follow, and the such.
Next try etsy, there's a large amount of them on etsy as it's a great hub for distros, look up for specific band or items like "black flag patch" or "cone stud belt" and look for one you like a check out the shop for stuff you might also like.
It just a thing you need to set aside some time and you will learn some
But I'm going to tell you some now (note you might need to add distro or etsy at the end of these to find them) I'll be making more of these up the note distro list
Black squeegee
Maggot death
Flip the record
Pin up 77
Celtic rockers
Insult to injury
Machine cuisine
Drunk with a press
Pogo shop
Portland distro
Crust punk dot com
Punk tribe
Pin head
Iron lung
Cash 4 chaos
Tank crimes
Head noise
Black crow
Gay Halloween
Criminal medals
Chaos tribes
(Tw for sh reference in the name but this distro is super cool)
Slit wrist distro
Please like and reblog
I hope you have a nice time with this and stay punk you fuck
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