#^ still obsessed with a character who died 15 years ago.
mohavegecko · 2 days
if angel was raised on pandora it means that she and jack lived as residential settlers during dahls occupation. grogmouth likely worked for the flynts who, being a high status family at the time, in turn worked for dahl. baron flynt was the warden of thor, a dahl mining rig that doubled as a prison. the companys sole interest in pandora to begin with was to extract eridium and find alien relics, so a siren would be a priceless bargaining chip for their efforts. all of this to say its very possible that the flynts were the ones who sent out the order for angel to be kidnapped.
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stephaniebrownslover · 5 months
Can I ask about Creepypasta ages headcanons in your main AU??
Okay thank you so much for asking, you guys are literally spoiling me, like I'm having a little heart attack whenever someone asks me something.
I don't want this post just be numbers so I'll give a random fact about main characters' most important birthday day and something about non-human characters, hope you don't mind. It's mostly angst and I'm so sorry about that.
I know most of the ages sound ridiculous but it's really hard to attach them all together :(
Characters' Ages And Facts About Main Characters' Most Important Birthday
Au's ships: TicciWork, NinaKate, MaryJane and Bloody Angel(probably should've said this earlier)
Current year: 2014
Main characters
-Jeff The Killer: 20
Jeff got burned at the age of 15, at his most important birthday. His parents were seeing a therapist while Liu was still in prison, and his therapist made a suggestion to Jeff's parents to organize a birthday party for cheering Jeff up. Jeff can never forget the day he was burned alive because his whole life was shaped by it. That's why he hates his own birthday and attacks if anyone tries to celebrate besides Liu.
- Clockwork: 20
Clockwork's most important birthday is the 18th age. Because that was the first year she wasn't on her own. Jeff, Toby, Nina were close friends of Clockwork at the time and each had their own small-scale celebration. For the first time, Clockwork didn't hate her own birthday. That's how she got into the habit of celebrating other people's birthdays, if she felt good about something stupid like that, the people who cared about her might also deserve to feel good in a stupid way, or something like that.
- Hoodie: 25
According to Brian, the most important birthday is the one he celebrated at the age of 10. His family had taken him to see a theater as a gift, and little Brian was so impressed that he was literally obsessed with theater performances and musicals after that show. Even though 10-year-old Brian is the reason why he is where he is right now, Hoodie never blames him for following his dream.
- Masky: 26
His most important birthday is the 20th, when he started working under Slenderman's orders. The year he realized that his life would be like this and that he would have to spend more than he hoped in this job, that fighting would only cause him to die sooner. Obviously, he didn't care about himself, he'd rather die than live this way, but he didn't want to leave Brian alone.
- Ticci Toby: 19
15th birthday. The last year he celebrated with Lyra and his mother since he was a proxy at the age of 16, he celebrated rest of his birthdays as a proxy. Toby doesn't remember all of his memories, and although most of the time his memories are more like pieces, he knows that two women named Lyra and Connie are worth worlds to him. And every time the fragments of that birthday come in front of him, he feels nothing but happiness.
-Eyeless Jack: 21
↺Actually, if he was still alive, he would have been 34. Because he was 21 when he died during the ritual in 1980.
The most important birthday is the year he received the letter of admission to medical school at the age of 18. He had received this a letter a few days ago, and he and his family had thrown a big party to celebrate it. Although he spent his 19th birthday, his first year of studying med, with his family, the most important thing for him is his 18th age.
-Jane The Killer: 22
21, when Mary proposed to her on her birthday. Jane was in a very emotionally repressed state after all her trauma, and Mary could no longer control her feelings for her. While Jane and her lover Mary were sitting in a fashionable restaurant, Mary proposed to Jane. And when there was a lot of opposition because the age group was generally old due to the cost of the restaurant, Jane kissed her on the lips so as not to discourage Mary. The best birthday of her life.
-X-Virus: 17
7th age. That year, he had gone to the zoo on a school trip and celebrated his birthday with the animals there instead of people. This is the biggest proof that he prefer animals' existence to humans. Of course, he might have been happier if a monkey hadn't stolen his food, but little Cody wasn't mad at the monkey then. And when the monkey saw that Cody was upset later, he gave him some of his food anyway.
-Nina The Killer: 19
16th birthday. She and Jeff hadn't made up yet and it was a day when she was really hurt emotionally by him. Her close friend Kate, who saw this, tried to kill Jeff. Although Nina could hardly stop her, Kate was convinced later and they went to hang out at Kate's special place together. Kate was a really special friend to Nina, and she liked that she knew that Kate opened herself up so much. And when Kate dropped her home in the evening, she found Toby and Clockwork were clumsily trying to celebrate her birthday, she cried because of cuteness.
-Kate The Chaser: 20
The first year she spent with Nina as a lover, 20th age. They had become lovers a few months ago, and unlike other proxies, Kate did not remember anything about her past, so she had no memories to miss. Nina had known her since she found Jeff at the age of 15 and was after him. They became close friends when Kate was 17 and Nina was 16, and they started dating when Nina was 19 and Kate was 20. Their relationship began when Kate took pity on Nina and helped her, and Nina helped her during difficult times where Kate tried to expertize in proxy work. The year they became lovers, Nina organized a special day just for the two of them, knowing that she wouldn't want a big party, and Kate's favorite moment was when they watched the sunset with one head phone.
Main supporting characters
-Homicidal Liu: 18
-Sally: 13
↺If she was still alive, she would have been 55 years old. She died in 1972.
-Ben Drowned: 12
↺If he had continued to live, he would have been 32 years old. He died in 1994.
- Puppeteer: 23
↺ If his heart was still beating, he would have been 37 years old. He died in 2000.
-Zero: 24
-Nurse Ann: 27
↺If her heart had been alive, she would have been 33 years old. She died in 2008.
-Bloody Painter: 17
-Judge Angels: 17
-Mary Vaughn: 22
Supporting characters
-Lulu: 16
-Laughing Jack: 214
↺He was produced in 1800.
-Nightmare Ally: 15
↺If she was still human, she would have been 55 years old. She died in 1974.
- Kagekao: 29
↺If he was still a human, he would have been 34 years old. He died in 2009.
-Rouge: 32
-Jason The Toymaker: 134
↺He was produced in 1880.
-Laughing Jill: 114
↺She was produced in 1900.
Background characters
-Slenderman: 2500+(?)
↺It is not known exactly when he was born, some say that there are drawings of him even in ancient Egypt.
- Emra: 25
↺If she was still alive, she would have been 37 years old. She died in 2002.
-Dr. Smiley: 33
-Cat Hunter: 30
-Zalgo: ?
↺It is estimated that his existence endured back even before the earliest times of humanity.
-Weeping Forest: 16
↺If she had not undergone this change, she would have been 56 years old. She died in 1974.
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medpocketer · 1 year
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i haven't posted oc's in a while LOL,,,, sorry for that hahwjdawndfd
anyweyzzzzzzzzzzzzz,, meet ryuuzaki mato (竜崎 マト) and uruwashi hazuki (雲類鷲 晴月) !! (he/she for mato, any prns for hazuki)
“these two never go a day without plotting something together, but no one in seishou's soccer club can deny that their presence somehow keeps the entire team sane.”
rambling under the cut!! if ure in the inablr disc server then uve probably seen some of this
first of all, i'd like to say that i used picrews as references for them, but i only made slight changes for mato (the og skin color was too dull.... </3)
okay so. mato. he's genderfluid, bisexual, and uses he/she pronouns (already stated that on the top of the post)! she prefers being called by her given name rather than her surname (take into account the name order in japan)
and yes, they're both managers! i figured i wanted to make male manager ocs, and these two were the result,, i KNOW mato looks like a girl but let him (and ME) be plz :3c
((also also they R dating. but they do not know that yet))
she isn't usually seen wearing the prescribed blazer for seishou, but i like to think that they (seishou) aren't too strict with the school dress code. although that was the case, mato still promised she'd (mostly) wear vests or cardigans that had similar colors to the blazer. at first, she was a bit nervous about going to school with a yellow cardigan, but seishou allowed it, so she's safe!!! wow!!!!!!!! also whether he wears a skirt or pants to school depends on his mood
my guy is obsessed with vests and cardigans so everyone just kinda immediately associates those clothes to him whenever they come across them. some examples of how his casual outfits usually look like: these pins. might have slight modifications depending on how diligent i am
now, about his past, why he wears an eyepatch, and how his sister died........
a random fact about her is that she owns a toy piano from her unfortunately deceased older sister, and has a youtube channel dedicated to making covers with it, occasionally accompanying them with a xylophone and/or her voice. figure one: final duet.
ah wait. before i talk abt his past, i wanna talk abt etymologies!!!!!
first of all, the ryuu in her surname 竜崎 (first kanji/character) is from 竜座 (ryuuza), which means draco constellation! this is supposed to be in line w how they name seishou characters (aka they name them after constellations). as for mato, i just took that from the first two syllables of matoro juka's surname and wrote it in katakana LMAO
his sister, ryuuzaki yostuha (name not final), died at 15 years old, which is basically fresh outta junior high (bc she was turning 16 that year). apparently, she had a stalker who had been planning to kill her since 2 years ago, and they murdered her on her birthday. mato was 9 at the time.
mato's initial reaction was shock and denial, since yknow. yotsuha's his sister. and she's one of his closest... friends? relatives? ever.
it's been 3 years since yotsuha's death, and mato's now in junior high. he noticed how his parents' attention suddenly turned to him, and how they started giving him so much affection the same way they did to yotsuha, and it kinda irked him a bit. she knew? she should be grateful since her parents actually "care" about her now, but on second thought, it's probably because they're coping with losing their eldest daughter.
okay NOW on why she's wearing an eyepatch. in her last few days of being a first year in seishou, same stalker who killed yotsuha suddenly showed up on her way home and attempted murdering her too, but only ended up stabbing her right eye. stalker ended up retreating but got arrested later lolz
and Finally. the general gist of his past as of now is that he grew up being neglected by his parents until his sister died and all the attention and affection they gave to her suddenly turned to him. then on one fine day, stalker who murdered older sister pulled a funny and stabbed his eye. okay that's it
next up, uruwashi hazuki! they're also genderfluid, unlabeled sexuality (still not sure about this) and they use any prns (stated already at the top of the post but yk)!
she basically wears the girls' seishou uniform Except:
she wears those tight shorts or whatever theyre called (whatever terumi wears in her og zeus uniform)
her blazer is unbuttoned and the polo? shirt is untucked on one side (usually the left)
as for his casual outfit.... well, the picrew i used just clearly depicts his usual casual outfit lol
a random fact about him is that he tends to collect a lot of space-related stuff, especially if it's something connected to constellations, stars, and the moon. i mean. moon is literally in his name (月(tsuki/zuki) = moon)
for etymologies, the washi in her surname 雲類鷲 (third kanji/character) comes from 鷲座/わし座 (washiza), which means aquila/eagle constellation!!! same thing as a while ago, and also i wanted to give her a moon typa motif so i put 月 in her name HAKALSJAH (also fyi i took her surname from uruwashi karuta ayakashi akashi 😭😭😭😭😭)
as for their past, i'm still thinking about it. for now, it's just something along the lines of being raised by a seemingly ordinary family in a broken village.
i plan to expand that idea maybe by around the end of the week since moratorium is this week which means i'll get really busy... 💔
anyways, i'm glad i still had the time to write this! i'd like to remind you again that half (if not more or less) of the info i jotted down in this post aren't completely finalized yet, and are therefore subject to change in the not-so distant future!
if you reached this part of the post, then thanks for reading, and i hope you enjoyed me rambling about my sillies!! cya!!!
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kerryweaverlesbian · 3 months
It was last night I watched the episode and I didn't comment on it at the time but Sam saying, about how he can't just get back on with hunting after losing Jack and Rowena, that "I still think about Jess. I can't just get over them."
And I can't stop thinking about how it just rings false. In a way that him saying in Baby that he sometimes dreams about Mary didn't. Why did the latter turn me into a Samgirl and the former make me go "okay fanservice 🙄"?
I think it's that
a) Mary has been A Character even before her resurrection a season later, whereas Jess hasn't been mentioned since what? Season 4? Season 5?
b) Sam doesn't have a real relationship with Mary to reflect on, so just saying "I think about mom" is enough to highlight what was missing in his life without her. He DID have at least a year (?) with Jessica that he could have been prompted into reminicing about at any time. He could have told Jack about her. Hell, the very next episode highlights how they're *not* the same as they were in s1 - they try to use IDs with old pictures and are treated with skepticism, they've "upgraded" to devils trap bullets that are effective against Lilith - AND it's about 3 recent college graduates who look like teenagers alongside Sam and Dean.
c) the Mary one came first and in the context of Sam having an unsettling vision of young John (thematically relevant, parents, went on to give deeper insight into their respective relationship with their parenrs) whereas the conversation here was about their very recently deceased communal son and Rowena, Sam's ? best friend?? Is she is best friend? What a lonely boy jesus christ. Anyway. It doesn't offer new insight into his relationship with either of them or with Dean. It's brushed past.
and of course d) she wasn't even on the previously on. She is irrelevant to Sam's character here in season 15. She wouldn't recognise him - she didn't even know his real life!
Just. Why have him say it at all? Why suggest that in 15 years Sam has not been able to become more settled in any aspect of his life? It recontextualises Sam's character for him to have significant longing, still, for Jess. He expresses *in this episode* that he has contempt for the middle class white picket fencers, which Dean correctly points out that Sam used to be obsessed with joining. Jess was part of that dream for Sam, so, what, has he been lying all the way from season 10 every time he said he was settled into hunting and happy with where his life is? Or, is he lying here, that he still lingers on the idea of getting out [with Jess]? Why would he be lying here? He doesn't need a trump card of loss, they JUST killed their close friends.
Any real life human person, of COURSE they can still be caught up on feelings for someone who died 15 years ago, even if they don't talk about it or visibly show that missing feeling. But on a tv show, the dead need to be a presence if they're still being grieved.
Recontextualising the show to say "Sam has been thinking about his dead mom for a long time and her memory and family hangs heavy over the show" makes me go ough. Sammy. Recontextualising the show to say "Sam has been thinking about his dead girlfriend for the whole show he just never mentioned it but I promise he was" makes me go. Hm. Liar.
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sixofsol · 11 months
@johaerys-writes tagged my main (@heypax) for this, but since ive talked about my fics more on this blog i decided to do it here instead !
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mean, I haven’t written anything for anything but six of crows since like year back… But! I do miss writing patrochilles, and tsoa is the fandom i’ve written the absolute most for! If we’re looking back, I’ve written hadestown, steven universe, haikyuu!! and a bunch more years ago.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
we were shotgun lovers // I’m a shotgun running away - six of crows, wesper, 772 kudos
like moss climbs a tree - song of achilles, patrochilles, 446
i want someone to try, and let me down easy — six of crows, wesper, 405 kudos
from the outside looking in - the song of achilles, patrochilles, 371 kudos
twisted roots and sunny days, the song of achilles, patrochilles, 363 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES if i dont miss when i get them (i dont have the email motifs on) i always do ! it means so much someone commented and i always love having a lil conversation about this thing that i wrote.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
as much of an lover i am of hurt no comfort i very rarely write it lmao but a lot of my tsoa fics had sad endings. autumn’s coming around is the first one that popped into mind, but that’s at least slightly open ? i’ll hold your hand while you drown, less so.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I feel like a lot of my fics have equally happy endings haha, the one that came to mind was our hair tangled in the breeze, simply because its a happy ending canon complaint tsoa fic which is a feat lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope the closets ive ever come was when i was 12 and people were like nice story but god your grammar and spelling is terrible! which was fair!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nah I’m a fade to black kinda girlie
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I never anymore but well,, Once upon a time i was 14 and obsessed with glee and sherlock and well….
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as far as ik
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope !
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nope, but I would enjoy trying!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
…this is hard because wesper has been running around in my head for a year but simply cause ive been obsessed with patrochilles longer im still gonna say them
15. What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’d love to continue for everyone im about to prove wrong, and I think I even have a mostly finished chapter lying around somewhere, but I’ve just not had the inspiration rip.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m good at writing characters in general, especially when it’s from their pov. first person pov my beloved.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m not really a person who uses a lot of metaphors of writes flowery language, but i wish i was!! i love very beautiful language and poetic writing but i just don’t do that that much im pretty straight forward, which isn’t a bad thing but I wish i could expand a bit more.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
takes me out the story way too much, it’s fine if it’s like one word every now and then but nah. ive read a couple of young royals fics, and as a swedish speaker its a bit jarring to suddenly have swedish words there lmao
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If non published count, harry potter. if only published, glee!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
i’m gonna be fair to myself and choose one for soc and one for tsoa.
autumn’s coming around for tsoa and a fire died last winter for soc, which ironically are my least popular fics in the respective fandoms!
thank you !! and im tagging @leglesslouie @jackwolfes @wesperbrekkered @deathless--aphrodite
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icarus-suraki · 3 months
Book asks: 8, 15, 42, 46, and/or 48
8) What is your favorite opening line? "A screaming comes across the sky" is iconic. The typesetting for "Stately, plump Buck Mulligan..." is iconic (in my edition of Ulysses especially because the S takes up the entire page, as it should). "See the child" is magnificent. But I really think the opening line of 100 Years of Solitude is my favorite:
Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.
Yeah, I'll play the 100 Years of Solitude drinking game (take a shot every time someone is named Aureliano) but I really love that novel and I really love that opening line.
15) What makes you close a book and walk away forever? Really cringy, weird, awkward phrases. Let me give you an example or two:
I tried, I really tried, to read the first Elric of Melniboné book (Michael Moorcock) but I got to this one line where the main character and his lover ride out to a cave on a beach whereupon "they tethered their steeds." I was just so done at that point. I tried, but I just couldn't do it.
Likewise! I was working at a Barnes & Noble starting around Thanksgiving 2004 (baby's first full-time job after undergrad) and that was the era of Dan Brown and The Da Vinci Code. We sold so many copies of Holy Blood Holy Grail--shit was so cash. So it seemed like it would behoove me, professionally, to read The Da Vinci Code. Once again, I tried. Oh my God, did I try. I even got ahold of a super fun illustrated edition with pictures in the margins like some kind of weird Eyewitness Book but for Paris and Jesus conspiracies. So I started reading and I got into the first chapter and it…wasn't great, but I was going to do my best because it would benefit me professionally. And then I got this one line--this is 20 years ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday--about the male protagonist which described him as having "a thicket of dark brown hair." And I close the book and I never looked back. It was just Too Much.
42) Do you read one book at a time, or several at once? Generally speaking, I'll read one at a time. I might fool around with another book or two, but I usually read one at a time, though not fixedly. I tend to get hooked on one book and not want to read others. It's not a conscious decision.
46) Who is your favorite author? This is tough because it has changed through the years. In high school it was mostly Ray Bradbury, and I like to joke that Fahrenheit 451 got me into college and I wept openly at my library job when he died. But J. D. Salinger started edging in there in high school after my mom gave me her copy of The Catcher in the Rye. By college it was J. D. Salinger, up to and including my senior project, but James Joyce was swiftly encroaching on his territory (a teacher got me to read Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and I was doomed). By college graduation it was definitely James Joyce, and he hung around through a decidedly disastrous trip through Europe until I got back to the States and started reading Haruki Murakami (in translation) and Murakami was moving up in the ranks. And then plucked up the courage to read Gravity's Rainbow (I bought it with my own money from that same B&N) and I think it was a tie between James Joyce and Thomas Pynchon. I finally started reading Cormac McCarthy when I was in graduate school and Blood Meridian made me want to fucking bite things it's so good.
And this isn't getting into all my favorites as a kid (Roald Dahl, Norton Juster, Susan Cooper, among others) nor any of the poets I obsessed over in college lmao.
Right now I'm honestly not sure. I don't know that I have One Favorite Author. There are a lot that I really like. There are a lot that I'll read when they have something new published. I've been reading a lot of Japanese authors in translation. I wish there was more a works-in-translation market here in the states. Anyway, If someone mentions a book that's "really fucked up" or "weird" or "too hard to really read," I will seek that out. I love fucked up books. I love "transgressive literature." And if something wins the Booker Prize, I also will probably love it.
48) What line has stuck with you for years? "The heaventree of stars hung with humid nightblue fruit."
Happy Bloomsday. This line is from the Ithaca chapter of Ulysses. Stephen Dedalus and Leopold Bloom are outside pissing in Bloom's back garden and they look up and witness the night sky. And that is a pale description of the scene, but you understand.
Like, I'm not into tattoos. But if I were to get a tattoo? It might be this line. (And/or the Doodles Family from Finnegans Wake and/or a Muted Posthorn. My mother would kill me and then disown me lmao.)
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krysmiss · 10 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday!!
Thank you pocket friends for tagging me! @mybrainismelted @such-a-barbarian @skylerwinchester @jrooc @lingy910y @dynamic-power @juliakayyy
1. which character from any media would you like to have as a father? Jack from This is Us. I need to rewatch but from what I remember, I think I'd like him as a dad. (Even though he dies when they're still kids)
2. if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have? A big cat. Either a tiger or lion.
3. what is your Chinese takeout order?  Usually something very basic like sesame chicken. Usually with lo mein unless I actually like the fried rice from the place.
4. what's your favorite emoji? I’m currently very into 🫠 and 😂
5. would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house? Yes.
6. what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly? Ohh so many. I loved Arthur, The Berenstain Bears, Reading Rainbow, Liberty Kids... to name a few.
7. what was your tumblr like when you first joined? Oof that was so long ago lol. My Tumblr is basically a synopsis of my obsessions and interests throughout the years but is also full of random shit that I choose to reblog. I think that I'm alot more active and interactive with people now though.
8. what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself? Eh I don't really pay attention to clothing styles tbh.
9. if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best? Mmm since I'm currently watching it, Bob's Burgers. Or SpongeBob. With a refresher, I think I'd do pretty good around Hogwarts too. Also maybe BOTW.
10. what is your favorite piece of art? I seriously considered putting a picture of Noel and Cam for this because I think that they are both gorgeous pieces of art but I won't. I don't have an answer to this though so...
11. do you have a water bottle? what does it look like? I have a few actually that I switch out. I usually always have one for home and one that I take and use at work though.
12. what fanfic trope is a quiet fave? Probably slow burn.
13. do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it? A basic crossbody bag. Uhh idk how weird it is but I have crystals in it that I carry with me.
14. if you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be? Probably Carl because they’d be absolutely ridiculous together.
15. what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did? I don't normally venture outside of my normal tropes (canon compliant, smut, fluff and angst) but I am currently reading LRPD for fic club and I am so glad that I am. It has been SO good so far and I'm upset that I don't have as much free time as I used to have to read more but I'm making my way through it. So alternate first meeting? Slow burn? Whatever trope LRPD is - that.
16. Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian? I don't think so but I think that Mickey has tried. (I just thought of something so fucking sad about Ian being in a downswing and Mickey tries to carry him to bed but he realizes that he can't anymore and he gets mad at himself because he feels helpless. Fuck 😥)
17. who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house? First person that I thought of was Carl but idk if that fits him anymore since he's a cop now. Ohh but I'll stick to that. It's not really used anymore though he just has it hanging up at the Alibi as more of an ode to his childhood and the Southside.
Super late but tagging a few peeps: @gallabitch73 @depressedstressedlemonzest @softmick and @jademickian unless you've already done it or don't want to - if so then here's a kitty for you 🐈 😊
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prismatoxic · 1 year
anyway, fun story:
so @captainfkingmagic got into mgs sometime in 2008. we've been together for like 8 or 9 years now and he's mentioned it a lot (and made me watch metal gear awesome a whole bunch) but you'd be surprised how much media you have to share with each other when you get into a committed relationship. there's still a decent handful of things we haven't gotten around to
so, anyway, this year (like 4 months ago?) he got a hankering to play mgs1 again. he has the ps3 collection, and that seemed the best way to play, and he got somewhere after the ocelot fight when our ps3 (which had been having issues previously but we had repaired) started overheating again. to the point of shutting off. now, this ps3 was my ps3, and his ps3 had already bitten the dust some years prior for similar reasons (exacerbated by it being a launch version with bad soldering). so you can imagine how frustrating this was.
well, we had enough money at the time for him to just go ahead and get us a slim ps3. which took like a week to arrive, and, you know, by then i think he could be forgiven for not having the energy to go through mgs1 again up to the ocelot fight. i don't remember when he decided to try anyway; if it wasn't the night the ps3 arrived then it wasn't too long after.
so he finally gets to show me mgs1. all of mgs1. sans the meryl ending, bc fuck that, he went otacon. i mean, i had to see it, right?
needless to say, i was pretty hooked. i liked it a lot but, admittedly, wasn't super jazzed about mgs2 conceptually bc i knew raiden took over. he said he'd wait a few days to start it, then started it like. 1 day later. gamers amirite
anyway, mgs2 was great. hooked me also. but then i wasn't super jazzed about mgs3, bc it wouldn't be about snake and otacon.
anyway, mgs3 was great. hooked me also. but then i wasn't super jazzed about mgs4, because otacon cheats on snake and also snake gets old and dies.
anyway, mgs4 was... fine. like, it wraps up the solid snake arc pretty well, but it's also fucking batshit and there were several plot points and characters who i just found grating. (naomi. i found naomi grating)
so we finish mgs4 and like, okay, that's the solid snake story. fuck rising, and mgs5 is its own whole beast. so i finally said: hey. you wanna rp otasune?
and of course he did, he's been into otasune for like 15 years but never really got into the fandom aspects of it back then. so here's where things get amusing...
see, i've had trouble getting him to agree to fandom rps in the past, or if he does, had trouble getting him to stick with them. he's too oc-brained. which is fine, but after 4 games i was obsessed and i really doubted i'd find anyone better, more interesting, or more willing to put up with my bullshit. so i was like, okay, let's ease into this. we can do a silly little high school au so the pressures of the canon setting aren't present. and, of course, i'd let him play otacon.
...now you may be looking at my icon. and all my otacon posts. and wondering what that was about. well, see, he likes snake and otacon both, and hadn't expressed to me at any point just how much snake was his favorite (or if he had i had glossed over it). so because otacon was my favorite, i think i just assumed otacon would be his favorite, and even though he knew that wasn't true, he agreed anyway. (maybe i sounded like i really wanted to play snake? in truth i was trying to excite myself about it; i wanted otacon, but if i couldn't have otacon, i wanted to want to play snake).
he did say maybe we could switch it up sometime. i thought maybe he just didn't know who he really liked best, but i was happy to agree.
the first rp was fine, but fizzled out fairly quickly, which made me anxious. despite all my careful approaching, it seemed like we wouldn't be able to stick with it. maybe it was for the best; i found snake hard to capture. i wrote a fic in the high school setting to try and satiate myself.
well, eventually he brought up that he'd like to do something in canon instead. he'd been concerned with living up to canon settings in the past, but mgs was so zany that he figured he could handle it. so we picked after the tanker to set a rp. he asked if maybe he could play snake this time.
i found otacon way easier to write, though i was still feeling out what i wanted to do with him. within days we had a new idea. and then another... and another...
and we're still doing otasune rps. the first one started july 12th. at some point he finally said, hey, i never wanted to play otacon, he's not my favorite. and i was like. oh. well i feel silly now. but i have embraced otacon as my little blorbo now that i know i don't have to compete for him, lmao... love is all about sacrifices! it's also about being a fucking idiot sometimes
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sideshow-wolfie · 2 years
Hey, so why am I showing restrictions on certain roleplays through pretty much all the media platforms now?
// cw + tw: suicide, harassment, NSFW mentions, drama, mental health issues
- School has previously gotten into my way reguarding roleplay, along with preparations for community college and so-on, which starts to make me limit things a lot.
- Only Roleplaying with very close friends, so if younger followers (under 15 or very younger) are only following me for a roleplay on either old art or a fandom I'm not into, I will NOT rp, and there will be no exceptions. (Do not force me either, because I've had one of them understand that I don't want to do them, while in the next day they full-on spammed me with roleplay startups with no plots at all)
(Close friends = Besties, even if we met already lol)
- Random Roleplay plots I've shown on older artwork don't seem to amuse me anymore, it's also due to the fact I used too much of a certain term (finding out who's a monster, along with basic/generic ideas).
- The roleplays I've been in with other friends have caused many people from a very manipulative fandom to randomly harass me for an old comment (one of them have something to do with interests, and one of them is about my roleplay startup idea, even ideas and theories), because apparently nobody minds their damn business now...
If you really see a comment that someone has gotten over, due to the fact they aren't comfortable anymore (we're talking MANY YEARS AGO), LEAVE IT!
- Several People (some were close too) have have ended friendships with me too, due to roleplays involving people taking their own lives, constantly repeating werewolf stories with random startups (please don't do this to anyone, because I certainly learned that lesson, even if it wasn't pretty), multiple people complained that my roleplays we're either too depressing to do, or that it's too dramatic to roleplay about, due to how the plot is written out.
(My other friends truly enjoy the drama and I pinch the fun in it too, so I don't get dramatic all the time, unless the story gets to the point where there's complicated things. and people seemed to hate that from me.)
- Self-shipping (along with oc x character) is apparently a "problem" to everybody, because certain individuals had called me obsessive with one character I truly liked (I used to, until drama happened), while others saw me as a kink person (you can't just call people that, especially the relationship wasn't sexual).
- Werewolves are constantly called furries (Werewolves are literally wolf monsters, while furries are people expressing themselves as an antropromorphic animal or alien species of an animal, which I was mostly harassed for being "kinky", when I was actually trying to do werewolf ideas and aren't furry related (none were sexual either)... Plus that's just plain Beastiality if you see that Werewolves are just for kinks.. like JESUS EW, why are you obsessed with telling people that... Another note is that NOT ALL FURRIES ARE SEXUAL!)
- Others have something to do with past drama, trust issues, moving on, rejection, and so on.
Do not be alarmed! I'll still manage to roleplay, but only for close friends (even if me and the guy just met)... My friends are the same when it comes to roleplaying or no roleplay.
Please note that people wanna stop role-playing or at least set limits on roleplays, because they either want to move on from a topic or that they've also had issues with roleplaying with the friends they'd had.
If they don't want to roleplay anymore, that's okay!
If they have limits on RP ideas or have just limited RP ideas, that's also okay!
If they don't roleplay... that's fine. ^w^
If they roleplay slow (due to other things), that's okay, even if it dies out... plus, don't attack them over a roleplay, because that's just being a douche.
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blochnessm0nstr · 2 years
Way too much info about me!! (Warning, word vomit)
My stats:
Height: 5’7
Sw: 184 lbs
Cw: 156 lbs
Lw: 151 lbs
Gw: 96 lbs
I’ve been bulimic since March but last night i binged and could barely purge, scared me right back into ana. I was ana for about a year before that though.
It’s currently 8 AM and i haven’t slept, but i don’t wanna sleep through christmas eve so i’m too scared to go to sleep now, oh well I’ll pull another all nighter
Kind of? addicted to getting high on benadryl which is really stupid but yknow. Trying to stop because last time i dosed i had 35 (875mg) and barely hallucinated at all and if i dose again i’ll probably want at least a gram which scares me, don’t want seizures. Was alcoholic when i was 14 but passed out behind a closed down bush’s chicken (blood alcohol level was 0.27) and had to go to the hospital, haven’t really drank since. Been hospitalized once for benadryl as well, took 35 before my tolerance was very high (like it is now) and was speaking gibberish and my mom found me :/ went to the psych ward after that one.
Been to 3 psych wards in the span of 2 months for various reasons, was diagnosed w a lot but i don’t trust them because they diagnosed me w BPD even though i’m only 15? Off all my meds too because fuck em.
Dad recently shot up my house then killed himself so that’s fun. Happened 8? days ago i think. He had a little psychotic break. He had pretty bad bipolar disorder so honestly he wasn’t really acting out of character.
Obsessed w butterflies and ready to make it my whole personality. The color purple too.
This is mostly for my own well being because i really need somewhere to vent/blog and why not make it public?
I love piercings sm, and will be getting more hopefully in the near future. I currently have 4 lobes, both daiths, 2 helixes, 1 nostril, smiley, frowny, tongue web, and a vertical labret. I really want snake bites, medusa, other nostril, and dimples, as well as a shit ton more on my ears. Have to wait until after my dad’s funeral though, his family is very conservative and my mom doesn’t want to be judged.
I really like working out and have a bit of muscle, but i wanna be way more toned.
Still unhealthily obsessed w my ex who dumped me right after i got out of the psych ward the first time (and ditched me to drink alone, which is when i almost died) he was good to me before the end, I think he’s in jail now though, not positive. He just kinda disappeared.
Mom keeps trying to send me to a ed clinic, rehab, or RTC so if i disappear i probably didn’t die.
Came from twitter but it’s shit now so i’m here, i like it so far.
I used to self harm a lot, like a lot. Used to have a shtwt account but we don’t do that anymore, it made me feel special because i could cut to beans 😬. I won’t post any gore on here. If i ever post my body (unlikely for a long while) be warned there will be scars.
edit: I’m also depressed asf if u couldn’t tell 😭 barely hanging on by a thread. I need to clean so bad i’m considering overdosing on sudafed to give me the energy.
I live w just my mom, my brothers in college, and my dads dead (obvi) probs gonna have to move now that we only have one income.
I doubt anyone read this but that’s my whole life basically. I’m really sweet but get so scared ppl r judging me when they interact so i may not answer 😭
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ourlastbastion · 18 days
Some Archmage character deets
Phoenix: current physical embodiment of the limitless potential of Magic. Goes from happy kid to angst and anger distancing himself from everyone, but by the time he’s an adult, he’s literally run away from the responsibility of his blood, went into hiding in a remote Romanian village that doubled as a cult to Baphomet. The hollow hole in his chest eventually closed and he learned to be genuinely happy again working as the only servant for one of the apostles of Baphomet, the reclusive Maria Constantin. They fall in love. It’s very sweet.
Zoe: Phoenixs best friend, human who learned sorcery (magic that uses the mana of other creatures /ingredients as opposed to your own energy) despite Phoenixs aversion to it. She and Phoenix had very cute mutual crushes on each other, but then Phoenix got trapped in the fae realm and when he finally escaped he was still 15 and she was 19 going on 20, so that romance died before it could start. Remains his staunchest supporter. Somehow befriended the asshole who cost Phoenix his arm and got him trapped in the fae realm when he ended up her roommate at magic school. It’s complicated.
Aeron: the asshole who made Phoenix lose his arm due to necrotic magic and got him trapped in the fae realm. Is actually an okay-ish guy, doesn’t have any malicious feelings towards the heroes, he’s just doing what his mother tells him because obedience to her is all he was allowed to know. Is also Phoenixs cousin, sort of. He was conceived two hundred years ago by Phoenix’s many-times great grandfathers oldest son. Rather than get born, he was put in a stone and was hatched a few years before Phoenix was born. Got to be his mother’s favorite test subject in working g with eldritch horrors, as such his magic is wack. Loves animals more than people. Has a complicated history with Carmilla and ends up marrying her. It’s less romantic than it seems, she kidnapped him, told him he has to marry her, and him not knowing what to do now that his mom /master was killed and having no ambitions of his own just went “okay”
Carmilla: vampire nobility, youngest daughterof a countess. A few hundred years old. When Aeron was 8, she got injured in a winter storm in her bat form, Aeron found her as said bat, nursed her back to health, and she developed an obsession with him, deciding he was the only good human, and that he has to stay by her side. Kidnapping attempt got thwarted of course, and for the next twenty years or so, she remained obsessed and possessive over him in her very violent way. When their paths finally crossed again, she kidnapped him and told him he had to marry her, and he agreed. So now their husband and wife, and she will gut anyone who she thinks is making a move on him.
Maria Constantin: One of the four apostates of Baphomet who rule a remote European village. Has severe social anxiety and is reclusive, village rarely sees her, and she never speaks when they do. Has even more crippling abandonment issues. Once she comes to like someone who’s entered her life, she is terrified of losing them and becomes incredibly possessive. Is a very soft spoken woman. Phoenix is the first person outside of her adoptive “family” with the other apostles who entered her life and refused to leave no matter what. They fall in love and are very cute together.
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meine-dunkle-materie · 5 months
About 15 years ago I saw a magazine with an anime character on the cover. I was 13 and I had never seen anime before (aside from Ghibli movies and ATLA, if that counts), and I was mesmerized by the character design.
I told a classmate about what I saw, who then told me more about it and let me know that there's actually a German TV station that was playing the episodes. I was delighted and quickly got invested.
That same year I signed up to a local chat site and looked for likeminded people to share my passion for anime with.
I met a guy who was a few years older than me, with bright purple hair, a checkered scarf, a pair of colorful mitts and dozens of bracelets and necklaces. We became friends, and he explained that he's really into aJapanese subculture called Visual Kei, and recommended some bands to me.
I started out listening to some An Café and Miyavi, but quickly downloaded more songs of various bands he recommended, eager to learn more about them.
One day I went for a walk with my parents. I think it was a weekend in early spring, so it was still very chilly, but the sun was out and shining through the branches of the trees. I didn't have a good relationship with my parents back then, so we didn't talk, instead I wore my headphones and skipped through the small selection of music I had downloaded.
And then, Cassis came on.
It was the first The Gazette song I ever listened to, and I instantly fell in love.
When I got home, I looked them up on youtube, and immediately started downloading more of their music.
And after watching hours of videos, and clicking through tons of pictures, I definitely had picked a favorite band member.
I fell deeply in love with the band and was so excited when I got to preorder DIM in the summer that followed. I even went on holiday with a friend who was equally obsessed with the band, and we spent a week nerding out about them together.
I connected to so many people through them. I made friends through them, and have so many little memories connected to them still.
And even though certain albums didn't quite hit for me and I started prioritizing different bands, I never stopped loving them. To me it truly felt like they'd be around forever.
The Gazette was my first ever favorite J-rock/VK band. Reita was my first ever honmei. A big piece of my life, and an irreplaceable part of my formative years.
I always assumed I'd still have enough time to go and see them live. I wish I hadn't made that assumption and had just gone to Japan to see them some time within the past few years instead.
Today, it truly feels like part of my youth died.
Rest in peace, Reita. You were, and still are, so loved.
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cmrosens · 2 years
SF-X 003 - Cursed Hearts & Coronets [Part 3]
Welcome back to Secondary Fantasy world X-Files... The previous posts set out the setting, influences and the "Scully" character Eirlys. This part introduces the "Mulder" character, Briac.
The Characters (continued)
BRIAC [pronounced bree-yah] is a cursed ruler from a ruined castle deep in the Greenwood, whose curse was never lifted and now remains as a Beast. The curse was laid on him by the last surviving member of his family. We're talking big, leonine, fanged, clawed, horned, tusked, the whole thing.
(This is where the title comes in... it's the basic plot of KIND HEARTS AND CORONETS starring Alec Guinness) His mother was cut off from the family for marrying for love, and died in poverty after begging them for help. Briac became a conman, and ended up arranging a series of 'accidents' for his family members as revenge, leaving him the sole heir of the castle. Unfortunately, he got cursed by the one elderly relative who figured out it was him. She understood the vendetta and his anger - she had been his mother's only ally in the family and hated the way she'd been treated - but also felt he should be punished for the 15 murders. The curse was time-sensitive: he had to confess his crimes within a certain amount of time, connected to the blooming of a certain enchanted bush in the castle grounds, or he would remain a Beast forever, bound to the castle. Fifty long years pass, the bush eventually withers and dies, but Briac does not age or grow ill, and he cannot die until he confesses. He saw the castle as his ultimate reward - until it crumbled around him after the bush died, and he was left alone in its cellars and dungeons, the only parts that remained structurally safe. He remains bound to the castle until he confesses, but the confession is now too late and will only allow him to leave. It is now too late to lift the transformation curse. After another 50+ years, he is discovered in the cellars of the castle by a sheriff, GWENDAL, chasing outlaws as per his orders, getting horrendously lost and taking refuge there in a storm. Gwendal took Briac back with him in chains as Briac confessed his crimes, but it was so long ago and he has essentially served his sentence, some measure of dignity was restored to him by the Queen Regent, who recognised that some of her subjects would prefer to have their stranger cases heard by someone more familiar with dark magic, but also someone familiar with confidence tricksters and can root out hoaxes and charlatans. Briac is very open-minded and has developed a lot of very odd ideas during his hundred-year confinement to the castle, which makes him hard for most people to deal with or take seriously (their mistake). One of them is that he's become obsessed with the idea that there is a world without magic, and that people from this world have crossed over into theirs in the past (and may still be doing so) and their interference has disrupted the balance of the magical ecosystem. He also blames them for disappearances and abductions. He believes that if he finds this world or these people, they may be able to lift the Beast curse from him via some "anti-magic" force. Since magic is a naturally occurring force, this is clearly nonsense, and since you can't use either magic or alchemy to access other worlds and realms, they would have to have a superior magic to achieve this, and that's a contradiction in terms. Eirlys is very skeptical of this, and Gwendal is initially, but may end up having his own Close Encounter with the Non-Magical kind that even Eirlys can't explain. He deals with cases that cannot be easily solved by the sheriffs and the shire coroners: anything weird, magical, dark, all gets passed on to him, from supernatural serial killers to rains of frogs over barley fields. The Queen Regent hopes that Eirlys can assist him in these cases and perhaps also find an alchemical cure for his curse in the process. Gwendal is his only close associate: Gwendal/Briac are slowburn antagonistic strangers with chemistry to frenemies with benefits to ride-or-die soulmates. Ultimately there is no need for Briac to change back, the sheriff is very into him as he is. Eirlys/Briac have a growing ride-or-die sibling dynamic, with a possibility of a queerplatonic relationship with both Briac and Gwendal (but a different dynamic with each of them, unsure how this will develop, let's see!)
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casualvoidobserver · 2 years
Our Desires♪
The Corinthian x Reader
AN: I haven't written fanfic in over 8 years. I binged The Sandman a few days ago and I'm obsessed. I used a character I've been writing for a short story as the backstory for the reader.
This is porn with plot. Contains voyarism, dub con kissing, mouth eyes, daddy issues, little bit of mind control... Maybe?, no actual smut! I was too shy to actually write it but if people want it I might amend the fic. This is fluff with some allusions to smut.
You pace your apartment attempting to make sure you had the perfect place for a seance. You throw a black t-shirt over your sports bra and tug on some jeans as you clear off your junk table. Though normal people would call it a kitchen table. But of course, you are not a normal person in the covential sense at all. Lethe is what people called you Millenia ago, you dwelled in a river in the Underworld and souls would drink of you to forget.
Though years later, the Underworld fell into disrepair, as gods died and were reborn over and over you decided to step into the sun. There you were discovered by your father, and you lived a long and happy time in his realm until you grew bored. Like a flowing river you let your heart carry you elsewhere.
But that was a long long time ago. Today is March 15, modern mortals called this day The Ides of March, this was the day you and your brother would always meet by the River Styx. You'd talk for days, sometimes even months before you would return to the surface and continue your life. However, this year the gates of the Underworld were locked and they refused to open for you. So, you must resort to an old friend called Madilane. If you couldn't go to your brother, you would bring him to you.
You grabbed a hair tie to fix your hair when you smelt thick smoke coming from the kitchen.
"Shit!" You hiss as you rush into the room, one hand clutching a half formed ponytail and the other turning off the burner. You lift the pan, obviously brand new with the tag still hanging on the handle. You place it on a towel next to a cookbook. You of course don't eat, but it is only hostly to prepare something for a guest... Even if they too do not eat. As you took care of the kitchen situation you finally heard a knock on the door.
"Come in Madilane!" You called without thinking, "The doors unlocked!" You look down to notice that some of the burnt sauce spilt on your jeans, "Shit." You mumble as you return to your bedroom. How rude not to greet a guest in the doorway, you tell yourself, but you hear the door open and Madilane enter.
"Sorry Mads!" You call to her tripping over the junk chair in your room, "I'm just changing! Be out in a minute!" The footsteps in the enterance were hesitant, slow and quiet. You kick off your jeans and toss them in the pile of your other discarded things. Madilane didn't answer but you didn't expect her to, she is a woman who seldom speaks.
"I only have sweats, love. I hope this is ok!" You say a bit embarrassed as you throw them on and come back out, "I'm afraid my seance attire is at the dry cleaners." You laugh as you turn the corner and your eyes land upon a figure who is clearly not Madilane.
Your blood runs cold as you see a blond man sitting at your junk table facing away from you. He wore a light tanned suit and lounged in your chair like he was in his apartment.
"Interesting." His said, his voice like velvet, "It seems I have the wrong address..." He mused, holding up a slip of paper between his fingers like a cigarette.
"Get out of my house." You say, shocked by your own sudden forcefulness. He turns around to face you and you stare into his dark, round sunglasses. He has a look of surprise before his lips curled into a cruel smirk.
"Getty?" He said standing up quickly.
Getty, a shortening to your more modern epiphet Forget.
"The Corinthian." You respond, swallowing hard but trying to hide it.
"Isn't this a stroke of luck? I haven't seen you in what? 300 years?" He takes a step forward and you take a step back, "What if it's not luck. Maybe your ol' Uncle Destiny is at work here?" His smirk returns, he's toying with you like prey.
"I said, get out of my house." You repeat, trying to keep firm.
"Oh Getty, don't be that way. We have so much catching up to do." His hand went into his jacket and removed a thin dagger.
"You can't hurt me." You say assuredly, "You're just a dream." Your eyes glance over to an old clay pot on your counter, hidden behind mail and random knickknacks.
"Oh you'd be surprised how much I've changed since my time in The Waking World-"
You lunge for the pot but The Corinthian grabs the back of your neck and pins you against the counter roughly. You struggle for a moment but you quickly realize the futility.
"Hmm..." He muses, "With a reaction like that, I think there is a possibility that I could hurt you." He said tightening his grip as he leans forward and retrieves the clay pot. He examines it, tosses it up and catches it again.
"Did you think your waters could make me forget?" He tuts at you as he releases his grip. You spin around with your back against the counter, watching him carefully. He watches you as well as he removes the lid of the vessel and drinks its contents hungerly.
"Aah!" He sighs as he finishes the liquid and licks his lips. You look away quickly when he turns his attention back to you, "The taste of home." You hear him toss the pot onto the couch but your eyes are focused on your socks.
"What do you want?" You finally ask, meaker then you were before.
"Weren't you listening?" He says in a faux exasperated tone, "I didn't mean to come here. This was chance, us meeting today." He mused as he looked around, admiring your apartment, "I have no plans for what happens next..." He put his thumb on his chin, "Maybe we'll go to a cafe and eat soup while discussing our mutual distaste for your father." He said innocently before laughing and taking a step forward, "or maybe I'll cut you up and send the pieces to your father bit by bit."
You gripped the edge of the counter. He approaches you boldly. One hand cups your cheek and the other plays with his knife absent-mindedly. You watch yourself in the reflection of his glasses.
"I think you'll need a bigger knife, unless you want to be at it all day." You say dryly as he gives a small laugh in response. He opens his mouth to say something but he is interrupted by a third voice in the room.
"Oh deary me? What have I stumbled in on?" A dark, warm voice asked. You and your intruder both turned to a red velvet chair that has suddenly appeared in your livingroom. Sitting upon it was an androgynous blonde in a tight black costume with politician's wife earrings and dark red lips.
"Who are-" Corinthian stepped away from you.
"Desire." You cut off the Nightmare and tighten your jaw.
"Oh! Forget The Forgetten," They teased, "Don't be so hostile, can't I come visit my favourite niece?" They stood and moved like a predator stalking their prey, "and on the day of our anniversary." They reached out and stopped just short of your cheek when Corinthian had just touched.
"Hmm," you mused, looking into their golden eyes, "Yes, and that day is the reason you cannot touch me... Uncle." Your voice dripped with venom.
"I am your Uncle, little one. You can trust me." Their voice echos in your memory.
"Oh, don't tell me you're still upset, Little Brutus-"
"-Do not call me that." You asserted, nearly stamping your foot like a toddler.
"Hmm." The Corinthian smirked again. You turned, nearly forgetting he was there, "How interesting."
You swallowed again.
"What do you want, Uncle." You said taking a step forward making them take a big step back. They smirked at this and threw their hands up.
"What ever could I do?" They said in false-surrender, "The last time I tried to have fun with you I got in big trouble, didn't I?" Their voice turned much more tense and their gaze startled you, "I only stumbled in on my favourite niece alone in her apartment with her father's rogue nightmare. And in an embrace no less!" Desire let out an exaggerated laugh.
"I'm confused?" You frown at them, "You mean to vex my father, with what? A rumor?" You let out a small laugh, "If only we all had your amount of free time, Desire." You shake your head but they just continue to look at you with their gold eyes and cruel smirk. You let out another laugh and ready to take another step towards them when something grabs your arm.
You turn to see your reflection in The Corinthian's dark sunglasses, you pause a moment confused.
"I- I don't get it." You stammer, "Are you working together?" You look down at the knife in Corinthian's free hand but he drops it and instead catches your chin between his thumb and forefinger. You are now at a loss for words at you stare at yourself in the reflection.
"I..." He begins, "I... desire you." He says. You tense up, your mouth goes dry. You hear Desire laugh like a banshee as they fall back into their red lounger.
"Enough, Desire." You say firmly, "I get it. Now let him go." You voice falters a bit at the end and Desire continues to cackle.
"But I'm not controling him! I'm just unshakling him and letting him give in to his desires, little dove." Desire nearly growls from the chair.
Corinthian leans in to kiss you. You pull away quickly and look at him perturbed. He kisses you again and again you recoil. H kisses your cheek softly, then he trails kisses down your jaw until he reaches your neck.
"Stop." You whimper, trying to push him away but as he starts kissing your neck more passionately he holds you tight against him, "Cor-" he catches your mouth with his and kisses you deeply. Your hands clutch his white t-shirt and you feel yourself overcome by fear, confusion and... excitement? In all your time in the human world you've never sampled the mortal passtime of love and the process of making it. Your body responds without knowledge of what you're doing. He pulls away but you pull him back. You kiss as if you're both starving beasts that crave each other. His left hand glides under your shirt and his right wraps around your waist and pulls you as close as possible. Your hands twisted into his blonde hair and the smallest moan escaped you.
Desire snaps their slender fingers.
Suddenly you are standing there dazed, cold and wanton. Corinthian has retreated two feet away and you brace yourself against the counter. You watch him wipe his mouth and lick his lips in confusion. Desire's laugher draws your attention back to their red chair which they stretch out in languidly.
"That was fun," They insist, "Dream will squirm when I tell him about this." Desire writhed with glee in the wingback chair, "Hell, he's be furious when he finds out I even came within six feet of his little river, won't he?"
You can't bring yourself to look at either of your intruders, your eyes are glued to the kitchen tiles.
"Don't look so glum, Brutus." Desire was suddenly leaning on the counter next to you, "Come on, I didn't even have to urge you. You were so ready and willing, you little slut." They purred as you both look over at The Corinthian who turns away. Desire sighs dramatically.
"Fine I got what I came for and pillow talk does bore me." Desire mimes pinching your cheek and blows a kiss before fading away into a pink, perfumed cloud, "Toodles."
The apartment fills with silence, a fog of awkward tension hangs between you. A knock at the door finally snaps you back to reality as you jump and you quickly rush past him to the door. You crack it open half way and see the elderly Madilane waiting.
"Oh! Madilane!" You shake away the daze and rub the bridge of your nose, "Sorry, something's come up. We'll have to do this another time."
The old woman looked up at you with vacant eyes. You sigh and step away from the door to grab a pouch from the mantle. Digging through you remove 10 different coloured coins and deposit them in the old woman's hands. She gives a crooked smile and nods her head as she walked off down the hall jingling her coins as she went.
You close the door quickly and take a deep breath.
"I'm sorry," You search for the words, stammering as your brain churns in embarrassment and guilt, "Desire seems to relish in torturing me-" You are cut off by lips colliding with yours once again. Corinthian pins you against your front door and kisses you with more passion then before. One arm coiled around your waist and the other grabbed a fist full of your hair. Your hand searches blindly for the lock and you turn it. You push off the door and the two of you stumble kissing and moving down the hall. He picks you up and you wrap your legs around him as he carries you to the kitchen and sits you down on the countertop. He pulls away and you open your eyes. He grabs the edge of your shirt and begins to pull it up but you stop him.
"I-" you swallow and try to slow down your thoughts, "This is you, right?" You ask him earnestly. He laughs and you see your reflection in his glasses frown.
"This is all me." He says pulling your face into another tentative kiss as if he were trying to prove it to you. He knits his eyebrows at you and kisses you again. You grab his cheeks and pull him in. The two of you return to the flow. You crash against each other like two forces of nature, you push his suit jacket off and he lifts your shirt above your head. You continue to kiss, your mouths locked together like your lives depended on it. You pull his white t-shirt off and collide, your flesh pressed against his as he lifts you again. You wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist as he stumbles around your apartment blindly looking for the bedroom.
"The sliding door on the right." You break the kiss for an instant and The Corinthian nearly growls as he claims your mouth once more. He slides open your bedroom door, nearly ripping it off its poorly installed track. He trips slightly over your junk chair and drops you down on the bed. He pulls off his belt and undoes his pants while you watch him from a reclined position. With a swift movement he swipes off your sweatpants and he mounts you on the bed. He slyly places a hand on your underwear and leaves it there, giving you a chance to command him otherwise before proceeding. You pull him closer to you, you wish to be completely cloaked in him. With a flick of his wrist he pulls off your underwear and you moan in excitement. You interlock your ankles behind his back and pull him closer but he pushes you back against the mattress. He laughs softly at your wantoness before he licks his lips and begins to probe your enterence. You gasp a little louder than you intended and you cover your mouth quickly. He laughs again, you love seeing him smile. Suddenly, as if compelled to do so, you reach up for the corner of his glasses but he catches you quickly, out of instinct. His grip tightens on your wrist and he frowns at you.
"Its- it's ok," you say breathlessly, "I know you, you don't need to hide them." You say with a earnest smile. He swallows and looks at you for a long moment before removing his sunglasses and placing them on your nightstand. Where his eyes would be are two shinning sets of white teeth. He watches your reaction carefully in silence. You pull his face down and place a delicate kiss upon his eyelid. You look at him kindly before he captures you in a kiss once more. Renewed with an increased fervor he feasts on your lips, tasting every inch of you as you fall under the spell of pure ecstasy.
"Your desire," you sit on the bed watching him dress, "It wasn't me was it?" You pull your knees to your chest defensively, afraid of what the answer will be.
"What do you mean?" He exhaled like he was amused by the question.
"The desire that you succumbed to..." You looked away, embarrassed to be asking, "It wasn't me. You desired to spite my father."
"Are you asking me or telling me?" He inquires as he retrieves his glasses from the side table. You look away silently.
"Can't it be both?" His attention is focused on turning over his glasses in his hands, "I wanted you and pissing off Morpheus is a nice... Side benefit."
"I suppose." You look up at him and look away again. He comes closer and takes a lock of your hair and twists it around his finger.
"Did it feel like I didn't desire you?" His tongue peaked out and licked his lips. You blush bright pink and go to look away but he catches your chin and looks at you intently.
"...No." You finally said, barely a whisper. His thumb strokes your jaw and you smile. He swoops down and kisses you gently, "The next time you come," you take his hand and examine his palm, "Uh! Over. The next time you come over that is..."
"I'll try not to threaten you." He snorted as he pulls you up into another long passionate kiss, "But no promises."
You blush again, gosh you must look like a school girl.
"I look forward to it." You smile coyly.
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cowboylikeghost · 3 years
Here are 73 fact about me that nobody ask for but i need validation
1- I love Reading, drawing and plants even if i always kill them
2- I'm a whore for Jane Austen
3- I love when people prove that a conspiracy theory is false
4- I have a weird passion for geology and paleontology
4- I probably have undiagnosed ADHD because of my mother
5- I'm bad at frienship, every of them have to be special
6- My love language is talking about my passion and learning everything about the person, people think it's weird, i have nobody
7- I'm hopeless romantic even if i act like i'm not
8- I hate being touch and i hate hug, they feel weird to me
9- I hate when someone is next to me and their arm or knee touch me, it's make me feel anxious
10- I'm an introvert with diagnosed social anxiety, i'm also an infp and a sagittarius
11- I'm bi and disgusted about the idea of having s*x with someone, i think i'm ace, nobody will ever love me like i do
12- Autumn is the best season and i basically live for rainy day, if it could rain forever i will be the happiest
13- I love academic validation but i suck at school, my only way to work is to pretend i'm Chilton Rory Gilmore
14- I read non stop for 6 month and after i go on a reading slump for the rest of the year
15- I don't have a stable personality
16- I write sad poetry
17- I'm sad and this is my main personality trait
18- My family said that i'm basically sadness from this Disney movie
19- I want to move in a cottage in England with a lot of mountains so i can found cool rocks
20- I have a no self control and a big problem with my emotions
21- I get angry very easily
22- I only have 3 friends and one of them is my sister
23- I have commitment issues
24- I broke up two times in two years with two different girls that lives at more than 8h from me
25- I hate what the french language became even if i can't write a sentence without any fault
26- English is my fav subject at school
27- I hate eyes contact, it's make me uncomfy and i feel like people judge me
28- I feel like i'm better than everyone
29- I feel like everyone hate me
30- I feel sorry for every teacher
31- I love being in my bed, scrolling on my phone or reading but i hate sleeping because i feel like i'm wasting my time
32- Sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night because i feel like i forgot something for school, even if i'm in vacation
33- I hate people at school because i get bullied
34- People don't like me but i would kill to have someone like me in my life so i don't understand
35- I don't understand every jokes, i just know it's suppose to be funny so i laught, i just understand that
36- Taylor Swift is my only religion
37- I Iove more Harry styles songs than Harry styles himself, i found him arrogant and he always date problematic women, Stan Niall
38- I would do anything for Ben Barnes and Tom Hiddleston or any british men in their 40 who have a degree in literature
39- I relate to Spencer Reid in a way that nobody could ever understand
40- I love true crime, my favorite stories are about cult
41- My love for my cat is not healthy, if he died, i have to follow him
42- I alway stop watching Gilmore girls when Rory finish Chilton because i hear that she became annoying but she's one of my confort character so i don't want to see it
43- I prefer the marauders over the golden trio
44- I'm a Remus Lupin kinnie and a James Potter Simp
45- I hate Dumbledore with my whole heart i could talk about it for hours
46- I started all the young dudes, i like it but i cry at every chapter so i stoped
47- I hate my brother but if he died i would be destroyed
48- When i was little i have an obsession with panda and now i have panda everywhere in my room
49- I don't know if i want to live alone forever because i like the idea or because of any other reason
50- I alway need adults validation
51- When i was a kid i was sleeping with my socks on because i liked it but i learned that some people think it's weird so i stoped
52- I eat my cereal with no milk and i don't understand the debate, for me it always taste the same: disgusting
53- I hate touching food that isn't mine ( like when someone ask if you want to taste their meal, or if you have to clean something that someone else eat in, it's just make me want to threw up)
54- I have to sleep with no sound, if you breath a little to loud i will not be able to sleep, i'll be angry and probably hit you, one time my sister breathed too loud and i cryed
55- When i was a kid i hated turtle neck, it maked me feel like i was chocking but i learned how to support it even if it's still uncomfy
56- I hate when a shirt, a dress or a blouse show too mutch of my skin, i don't like it
57- I always wear a tank top with my t-shirt and if i don't i feel naked
58- My first panick attack was because i had a fight with my brother and my dad was yelling at me and didn't see it (i'm not mad at him)
59- When i was little i acted like i couldn't read because i was scared my mom will not read story to me anymore
60- I had my first phone at 13 but i wish i didn't
61- When i was 11 i started reading sm*t on my DS and it became an addiction, i wish everyday i forget what i read
62- I realise i was bi because of Millie Bobby Brown in Stranger things
63- I didn't realise my feminisme wasn't good until a 12yrs old insulted me in a comment section, i said thanks to her after
64- I love kids, i think they're cute and i'm jealous of their innocence so i act like i hate them
65- I want to raise a kid alone in the forest
66- I'm sure that my grandma in my dad side is a lesbian and that my mom is bisexual but have internalised homophobia
67- I hate when boomer joke about hating their husband/wife, just divorce
68- I still have my babies plush even if they're disgusting and look possessed
69- I sleep with my fairy lights on because three month ago i had a sleep paralysis
70- My parents are responsible of 80% of my insecurities and don't even know it
71- I love when it's get dark earlier in autumn/winter
72- I'm an Amy March simp
73- I just made a liste of 73 fact about me
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
To light a candle is to cast a shadow
Dannymay Day 9: Candlelight
TW: Major Character Death
Danny had never been to a funeral before. Never in a million years would he have imagined this one would be his first. He was surrounded by his classmates and teachers and friends. His parents were sniffling quietly off to the while Jazz was a little more open with her grief. He felt so much, like he was a balloon ready to burst that he’d circled back to numbness. All he could do was stare at the gentle flickers of the candles people were holding. And like a candle, Danny was acutely aware of how quickly a life could be snuffed out.
“Danny, pay attention, it’s rude to space out at a place like this,” Tucker whispered in his ear. Danny squeezed his eyes shut at the sound of his best friend’s voice.
“Sorry, I,” he whispered back, “this is harder than I thought it’d be.” Sam looked over her shoulder at them. She looked worse than he’d ever her, greasy hair pulled back in a low tail, eyes sallow and not a trace of gothic makeup. It would have smudged with the tears anyway. She was wearing black as always but this time out of grim necessity. If it was hard for him he can only imagine how she was feeling right now. 
“Poor Sam,” Tucker huffed. “We should go stand by her, let her know she’s not alone.”
“Yeah just, let’s give it a minute,” Danny said quietly back. “This has been a lot, how are you feeling, Tuck?” 
“Oh you know,” Tucker chuckled, moving around to Danny’s other side. “Larger than life.” Danny bit his lip and looked down at the candle held in his shaking hands. He could see ice creeping up the sides, it would go out entirely if he didn’t keep it under control. He’d already let one light go out due to his negligence. 
“Not now,” was all Danny could say. He kept his eyes low so he didn’t have to confront his friend’s green skin and glowing red eyes. 
“Oh so only the half ghost can make dead jokes?” Tucker said with an audible eyeroll. He floated back around to Danny’s front but he could still see through the ghost to Mr. Lancer giving a weeping statement. “Come on, lighten up. It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to.”
“Tuck please,” Danny pleaded, a sad keening sound that sounded pathetic to his ears. He saw Star turn to look at him and offer a sad, sympathetic smile before turning back to the speech. “Please, just, can this wait until after the vigil?”
“You don’t have to be sad, dude, it’s not like I’m really gone,” Tucker chuckled. “It doesn’t even hurt. I mean it did, alot, for a second there but then it was over with. Easy. Just think of it as Team Phantom upgraded one of its members!”
“It’s not the same,” Danny frowned, “it’s not, things aren’t going to be the same.”
“And why not?” Tuck said with an eerie edge to his voice. “Danny is the same as Phantom, why can’t it be the same for me?” He grinned and his teeth had sharp edges. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous of me again? Afraid I’ll have better, cooler powers as a full ghost?”
“Tuck, you’re dead,” Danny stressed quietly, almost choking on the words he never wanted to say. “You were so brave and so stupid and tried to hack into the school’s PA system while Technus was inside and it... electrocuted you to death.”
“Haha yeah, we really are bros in everything, we even died the same way.” Tucker laughed, watching as Sam was discreetly wiping at her eyes. “Whatever happened to Techy? Things got kinda fuzzy there for a while.”
“Technus is gone,” Danny deadpanned. “When I found you, when I smelled that mix of ozone and cooked flesh I sort of lost it.” He’ll never get that god awful smell out of his mind. He remembered it from his own accident and smelling it again, paired with his best friend’s corpse and Technus’s idiotic ranting in his head. The next thing he remembered was Sam screaming over Tucker’s body and his hands covered in ectoplasm. Technus’ ectosignature had been entirely obliterated. 
“Oh hardcore, shoulda done the scary eyes when you said it. It would’ve had more of an impact.” Tucker turned to him with his beaming red eyes, so close yet slightly off from his normal looks. “Hey that means there’s an opening for a technology ghost around these parts. I gotta think of a name, someway to combine Tech and Tuck. I’ll think of it, I mean I have the rest of eternity.”
“Are you sure you want to stay?” Danny asked seriously, finally looking his dead friend in the eye. He was a new ghost, barely had an ectosignature and wouldn’t for at least another few months. Danny was the only one here who could see the ghost haunting his own candlelight vigil. A boy, a friend, gone far too soon. “You could move on, find your peace. Haunting Amity Park forever hardly sounds like a dream come true, I’ve only done it a year and I’m sick of it.”
“Peace? I’m 15, Danny. Peace was never an option.” Tucker lounged until his was floating on his back. He passed through Mikey and Kwan both of whom shivered at the contact. He playfully batted at Sam’s ponytail and she stiffened, like she was doing everything to hold back tears. Sam might not be able to see him but she knew Tuck almost as well as Danny did, knew what a prankster he was. Or at least they had known him. Now Danny doesn’t know quite who or what he’s looking at. 
“I’ll hang around with you guys until my core’s stronger then I can pick up some of the ghost butt kicking slack. Amity will have two awesome ghostly superheroes. Or at least until you get bored or old or whatever. Then it’ll just be me, Techer.” He made a face, “oh god that’s awful, forget that one.”
Danny almost smiled, despite everything because with Tuck in front of him chatting as usual, he’d almost forgotten. For a second, the smell and the charred, contracted limbs and Mr and Mrs. Foley’s wailing when they heard the news almost seemed like a far away nightmare. Then Tuck floated forward and clapped his hand around  the flame on Danny’s candle, snuffing it out.
“The wax was about to drip onto your hand, you’re welcome, dude,” Tuck preened with his sharpened teeth and glowing aura. “I already got this hero thing down pat.”
“Yeah, thanks,” Danny said wanly. Mrs. Foley got up now and was talking about what a good, considerate son she had. How she was going to miss him every day. Tucker watched her speak with a polite, distant face like she was talking about some character in a story written long ago. He was here, he remembered but there was a palpable disconnect between the Tuck of old and his ghost. Danny wondered how long it would be before his friend was gone entirely, consumed by amnesia and obsession.
“Ugh Danny,” Tuck huffed, crossing his arms petulantly. “Can you cut it out with the waterworks? I’m right here after all.” But he wasn’t, not really. What was in front of him was an echo. Tuck was here but not all of him came along for the ride. The rest, the part that Danny had cherished and relied on for most of his life, was at the morgue ready to be buried in the morning. Closed casket obviously. 
Yeah, his friend was still here but death had changed him, like it had changed Danny. And he was going to see a constant reminder of his friend’s death in his face every day until one of them decided to move on. Moments would pass and feel like normal only for him to realize that something vital had been lost. Like a candle casting a shadow, lacking all the warmth and life of the real thing. 
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