#[tw: adult content-
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Me rn…
Oh, look! More Relatable Autistic Content!
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holopossums · 3 months
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Breakfast with the Baron
Breakfast is always more enjoyable when you share it with someone. Today you shared one with a certain large, pink sheep man who stole your heart and has the ring to prove it.
Mood music for peak domestic romance
Figured I'd try my hand at writing a Gender Neutral X Reader/self-insert story to accompany the art! (First time ever, ended up being much longer than I thought because of course it is, this is me you're talking about. ~1500 words under the cut.)
WARNING: Story has mild, silly suggestiveness at some points. (It's very PG-13, but just in case loving and goofy descriptions of sheep men's bodies are not your cup of Dad Fuel.)
Edit: Fic is now up on AO3, you can read it there too!
Sunlight streamed through the window in your bedroom, its rays falling on your form, and you stirred from your dreamland. Too early. You shifted so that you were facing away from the blinding light. But it was too late, you were doomed to be awake now. Bleary-eyed, you scanned your room and noted that you were alone. Not a large pink sheep man in sight. But the delicious scents coming from beyond the room indicated he was home, and that was enough to make you rise from bed.
After going through your typical morning routine, you found him exactly where you thought he'd be. Baron Draxum considered himself king of the kitchen, both at work and home, and he was wholeheartedly committed to feeding you well. Early on in your relationship with him, you wondered if he was spoiling you with so much home cooking. In time, you understood that it was his way of caring for your well-being—a love language. Now he made roughly half of your meals and you did not complain.
It was the weekend, so Draxum had gone all out even though it was early. Both of your favorite breakfast foods were on the menu. It was no wonder that you cartoonishly floated into the kitchen by following the waft of tasty smells. In addition to the meal, coffee was already brewed. A steaming hot novelty coffee mug that read "DAD FUEL" sat on the counter while Draxum cooked. Judging by the droopy eyes and a croaky, mumbled “good morning” when you entered his domain, you were sure that he would be drinking most of the coffee pot whether or not you had any for yourself.
Before you sat down at the dining table, you peered out one of the nearby windows. It was a gorgeous sunny day in June, just before the sweltering heat hit hard. These cooler summer days were precious, so you had the urge to have breakfast outside in the garden.
While the old Yōkai had finally adjusted to life on the surface, he still wasn't particularly fond of bright sunlight, as he had lived underground for much of his life. You could already hear his complaints about your idea before you even started. Still, you two had been together long enough that you knew how to effectively persuade him.
Draxum was nearly finished cooking everything. He was working the stove and had his back turned. Even from behind, his unkempt appearance was attractive—nest hair stuck out in all directions, his robe rumpled, the way he tiredly hunched over his workspace. He was like this on weekends when he didn’t have to groom himself and rush off to work. While he cleaned up well, his natural state was just as stunning. You gingerly wrapped your arms around his waist from behind, nuzzled his back, and suggested your idea. Your face was buried in his back so you weren’t using puppy eyes, but you sure were using a puppy voice, a wholly unnecessary “pretty please with a cherry on top” kind of beg. His head tilted as he thought it over. A small smile graced his aging face when he looked over his shoulder. He agreed with a nod. Your loving expression worked like a charm.
Minutes later, the sleepy sheep shuffled behind you, breakfast in hand, to a big wooden picnic table that was partly in the shade of nearby trees. Your bountiful feast was spread out, more than enough for two. Books and other entertainment were also brought along, as you planned to camp out there for the rest of the morning.
With an old man grunt, Draxum plopped down in a white chair on the far side of the table, and you sat opposite him in a matching chair. You couldn’t help but smile at the ways he was handsomely growing older. You wanted to lightly tease him about sounding as old as he looks, but you bit your tongue. With his back toward the sun, it illuminated his form and made him look ethereal. Disrupting the tranquility seemed like a crime.
Draxum was one of those people who didn’t care about much of anything too early in the day. He wasn't much of a conversationalist either, at least until the coffee kicked in, so he did not chat with you at first. Seemingly stuck in a lingering daze, he wasn’t even swatting away the gnats circling him, but every so often one of his ears flicked on reflex when one got a little too close. Again, downright adorable, but you bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from making any comment that would change his awareness. It was a miracle that the man managed to make breakfast as good as he did considering his state. Maybe he put in more effort to be attentive earlier, and now that you were sitting down he was letting his mind wander.
Not wanting to disturb him, you eagerly dug into your food, trying to keep your sounds of pleasure at a minimum. No words were exchanged, but none were needed. The peaceful sounds of nature accompanied you as birds sang their hearts out, squirrels scurried up and down the trees beside the table, and bugs lazily buzzed above your heads.
Perhaps it was the warm gentle breeze or a subtle movement that did it. However it happened, when you looked up from your plate, something changed about him that your eyes fixated on while you mindlessly chewed. You weren't sure how much time had passed, but you snapped out of it when you finally heard his gentle baritone rumble, still a tad raspy from overnight disuse.
"What are you staring at, love?"
Carnelians glistened with curiosity when his eyes met yours. He sipped on his coffee and did not break eye contact, more alert than before. But the tone of his question was adorably dopey and sincere, so it seemed he was still not as aware of the change as you were.
The sheep was so groggy that he failed to notice that his robe had slipped from his left shoulder, revealing half of his ample, plush chest. A nipple and scars underneath his pecs invitingly poked through. Even though you were well-acquainted with his body, the accidental half-reveal somehow made it sexier. Fortunately, there was a table between you and him. If there wasn’t, you might have been tempted to sidle up to him and bury your face in his cotton candy pillows.
It was difficult to avert your gaze from such a magnificent sight, but thankfully something else caught your eye. The wedding ring on his finger sparkled when it caught a ray of sun. It was a pleasant reminder of the promise he made to you: I am yours and only yours.
Married life with Baron Draxum was interesting, to say the least. Though he was an aggravating man at times—his vices could be counted on more than one hand and his flaws on more than two—his love was strong and steadfast. Underneath all that pride and sass, Draxum was a soft man. He liked to challenge you—your mind, body, and soul—yet never made you feel like you weren’t enough for him. Whether in word or action, in his eyes there was no one on Earth as lovely and unique as you. He had quirky ways of showing it, but he always made it known in one way or another.
Despite this, he more than made up for any of your smaller grievances with endearing moments like these.
You took your time to swallow the food you were eating, set down your fork, and think of what to say. A coy smile inched its way across your face. You leaned back and waved your hand. "Oh, nothing. Keep eating."
The old sheep squinted at you. Whether or not he could sense your playful lie, he was still too out of it to probe further. He simply responded with a soft grunt into his coffee mug, set it down, and dug back into his food.
The cotton candy pillow continued to hang out all breakfast long. Either he did not notice at all, or he did and didn't bother to fix it. If the latter, who knew whether it was out of pure laziness or because he knew giving you an eyeful was a treat. Regardless, you were not eager to point it out and ruin the fun. It was hard to call it a wardrobe malfunction when the warrior's robe seemed to be functioning exactly as the universe intended in that little moment.
A sweet domestic life with Baron Draxum was never bland. Ordinary days and regular routines were marinated with the spice and zest of the love you shared. It was your secret hope that flame would never extinguish.
You had woken from your deep slumber from the night before. At least, you thought you had. But that morning felt so heavenly and blissful that you could never be completely sure it wasn't a dream.
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writer-by-the-sea · 7 days
julien your so sexy i love the idea of you being so much older than me...
I'm flattered..
Anon, I don't know how old you are; but please, for the love of god, be careful.
If you ever meet a man who is significantly older than you, and he actually shows interest in you?
I'm sorry, but, to a whole ass adult like me; there is NOTHING attractive about young people. As you age, your taste age with you. It's not, "I keep getting older and they stay the same age." No. Just no.
If an older man is ever in your inbox, calling you young and beautiful or handsome-- they are grooming you. RUN.
Again, I'm flattered. Enjoy your little online crush.
Just don't interact romantically with anyone "so much older" than you.
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 month
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"But I don't think I made the wrong call, back then."
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queenuchiha89 · 1 year
*** NSFW ***
*** 18+ MINORS DNI ***
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Stu loved to watch her squirm under him, helpless as he took her over and over again. He craved the way her body shook for him every time he forced another mind shattering orgasm out of her, and the cute little moans and whimpers that escalated into tears and screams from the constant overstimulation. He said not a single word as he sank into her, his sizable cock stretching her open like a flower of pain as her swollen and abused walls strained against the girth of his cock as he forced himself into her.
Oh, how he loved to watch as he slowly killed the free will in her little by little, grooming her into the perfect little fuck toy and accomplice . She would do anything he said once he broke her to the point of loving him. She would have no choice if she wanted to live after all. He ran the tip of his blade down from her neck to her tits, and dug the tip into her flesh before pulling down swiftly, her flesh opening up and blood spilling down her naked and chain body. Her muffled groans and whines of pain sent him over the edge as he shot rope after rope of hot cum deep inside her womb. "I own you now babe... You're going to birth all my babies whore." Stu growls as he starts to go soft inside her before slowly pulling out, watching as a stream of his potent seed began to flow out of her. He took his gloved fingers and pushed it all back inside. He couldn't waste a single drop after all. "Be a good little cum slut and lay there while I clean up... Not like you can go anywhere after all." Stu said before walking out of the room and locking the door behind him. Oh yes... She would never dare to try to escape ever again.
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ravenzeppeli · 5 months
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🩸Twisted Fate |Yandere Ghiaccio x Reader Angst|
Warning: strong/violent language, threats, kidnapping, murder [random men], physical abuse, dark thoughts [thoughts of - noncon, abuse, torture], verbal abuse, torture [broken bones, choking, beating]. Extremely dark - MA.
Ghiaccio's POV
Ghiaccio could clearly remember the day that you vanished away from him eight years ago, your entire family, as well as you moving away. For years, he's tried to track you down, searching for you, for any signs of your existence so he could return you back to himself. You belonged to him, and one day, he felt as if you would return to him.
As the years passed, he started to lose hope, his mafia affiliations being no help in tracking you down either. How could someone just up and vanish? The pain of losing you was hard for him, his sadness turning into a permanent, icy rage that he could no longer control. How dare you just up and leave him after he promised to marry you once the two of you turned 18. You've wasted so much of his life with you, and now he's going to be all alone forever. All alone because you fucking left him.
Months had finally passed since he'd last continued his long search for you. Despite him thinking of you every single day, he tried his best to distract himself heavily with work. At night when he got home he would pull out an old picture of you, staring at it until his eyes were fucking blurry and watering. You were permanently burned into the back of his mind. All he was left with was one single fucking picture of you as a reminder of what he lost forever. A reminder of a perfect love that he thought that he lost forever.
As a folder with your picture appeared on the mission table, Ghiaccio's heart nearly jumped out of his chest as he snatched up the folder. Instead of lying to his capo Risotto he explained who you were and how much you meant to him, how you were his high school sweetheart that he lost once the two of you hit adulthood due to you vanishing. Lying to his capo was something that he never did, Risotto was understanding when it came to his men. He was a great captain and someone he trusted deeply.
The man who placed a hit on your head was a random male, a male having no ties to the mafia, but it seemed that you had ties to a completely different mafia organization, a new organization that was trying to rise above the rulings of Passione. The group was small, only five men and you in total, and he planned to fucking kill all five of those bastards. In fact, Risotto gave him permission to kill not only those five men but the man who placed a hit on you as well. As fate would have it, you would be returning to him after all. He would be allowed to keep you. To have you as his again.
Risotto made it clear to Ghiaccio that he would have to complete this on his own, and that if he messed up he may just lose his life, but it was a risk that he was willing to take. It was a risk that he was always willing to take, especially now, considering the stakes were so high. The stakes of you being all his again, rather you fucking liked it or not. You didn't have a choice. You belonged to him, and he would make sure that you would never leave his side again.
It only took him one day to take out the pathetic hitman team that you were a part of. Smaller mafia families always disgust him, and the fact that his beautiful beloved was a part of that? It pissed him off, and it pissed him off even more when he realized that you actively were living 30 minutes away from him. Right under his nose.. for years you've been fucking right here, right under his fucking nose, purposefully avoiding him. How dare you. Why would you not want to be with him?
Tracking you down now that you had no protection wasn't hard. In fact, it seemed as if you were waiting for him. He entered a cheap apartment complex, the dim lights flickering as he pushed into the apartment complex where you lived. One of your fucking teammates ratted out where you were in exchange for his own life. After the man disclosed your location, Ghiaccio blew his fucking cock off with three quick shots, watched him bleed out, enjoying every second of it. That's how he killed all five of your teammates as well as the man that placed a hit on you, feeling enraged with the fact that those men were around you while he was stuck without you for the past eight years.
Sitting right on a worn-out dark leather couch was you, your head raising slowly, body immediately going stiff once you saw him. You looked so much older, so much more beautiful than he remembered.. that pissed him off, his hands balling into fists as he slammed your apartment door shut as he stepped in, locking it with a swift motion.
The tension was so thick that it could be cut with a knife, a knife that he wanted to slice across your soft skin as punishment for leaving him. Your soft, beautiful flesh.. he wanted to fucking tear into you for leaving him. He wanted to beat you bloody, bruise up your pretty little face and break your nose. He wanted to make sweet love to you, filling your cunt with his seed. So many things.. he wanted to do so many beautiful things to you.
"You fucking cunt," Ghiaccio growled, his heart skipping a rapid beat as he approached you. With no hesitation, he pulled out his gun, pointing it straight at you. "Eight fucking years.. I've been waiting eight long years to see you again. Where the fuck did you go!?" He pressed the barrel of the gun to your forehead as you raised your head to look up at him. You couldn't fucking run away from him now, he would blow your goddamn brains out if you tried anything stupid. Or he would crack your head open with the gun, whichever he was feeling.
A tad bit of fear washed over your cute little face, your eyes slightly widening as he pressed the barrel of the gun deeper into your forehead, forcing you to look up at him further. "Ghiaccio," you whispered, venom dripping from your voice. How dare you not speak to him with love. "I didn't want to marry you so I left. We were graduating in a week so I panicked and left, I left you a note behind." The disrespect.. he couldn't believe the disrespect that he had endured for so long.
A dry laugh escaped his lips as he dropped the gun from your forehead, a small circle imprint being on the center of your forehead due to how hard he pressed the gun against your forehead. His free hand balled into a tight fist, crashing into the side of your head with force, your body limply falling to the side. "NO!" He screamed, rage filling his body. "Your shitty note only said bye and nothing else, you dumb cunt!"
Anger completely took over his body in this moment as he climbed on top of you, his fist raising, crashing into the side of your face, making a low pop sound, a pained cry escaping your lips. "Cry, fucking cry you unloyal whore! I know you let those men fuck you, they said you didn't but I know they're lying! You're mine, you're fucking mine!" He raised his body slighly, his fist raising again.
A sharp sting across Ghiaccio's cheek caused him to freeze up, his glasses flying off of his face, making a light thump sound as they hit the ground. In the past, when he beat you up, you would cry and beg for mercy. Never did you hit him back in the past. These eight years have changed you. They've made you unclean. He didn't like the feeling of not having control over you. He expected to slip into immediate control.
"Fuck you," you spat up at him, your blood coating his face. "I hate you, I never loved you!" Tears were rolling down your face, that causing a grin to appear on his lips, despite your words and you slapping him, your tears meant that he was breaking you again. What he was about to do to you, he would take much joy in it. He would enjoy this so fucking much, because as beautiful as you are, as much as he wanted to marry and impregnate you, you needed to be hurt. If he hurt you badly, he would just fix you up. It was fine, he could fix you up and buy you things later on once he finished destroying you mentally as he did oh so long ago.
Your entire face was bloody, blood pouring from the side of your head, your entire left side of your face sporting a large purple bruise that had blood seeping from a small cut the middle of the large bruise. Your bottom lip was slightly rolled out, swollen with little bite marks from where you bit down on your lip. You must have done that to muffle your pain. How fucking pathetic.
He grabbed the hand that dared to slap him, bending three of your fingers back until he heard three snaps. "Dumb cunt, think I care about your love!?" He snapped, low sobs escaping your mouth, your body finally trembling beneath him as he held up your hand, your three broken fingers starting to swell and turn purple. "I will rip your fucking fingers off and shove them down your throat if you ever slap me again! Now apologize before your entire arm gets broken, you brainless bitch!"
"S-sorry," you gasped out, his other hand quickly wrapping around your throat, beginning to squeeze.
Killing you would be so easy, so easily he could squeeze your fragile little throat until your body went limp. He could leave you here to rot, leave your body in this dump of a place for the rats to pick at you. No.. he's waited this long. He's waited for you to come home with him and marry him. You belonged with him, he couldn't just end your life. Ending your life would mean that you would be gone forever. He wanted to kiss and fuck you, he wanted you to be his property again.
He continued to squeeze, watching the life slowly drain from your eyes as you weakly wiggled beneath him. "Come back with me or die." His hand squeezed harder as your mouth muttered 'die', his other hand raising, beginning to repeatedly punch you in your stomach, not using his full strength so that you could still answer him. "Come back with me! Marry me! I'll beat you to death, I'll strip you naked and beat you for weeks until you die! I know how to keep someone alive for a long time, I've tortured countless men to death!"
Pained moans escaped your lips, your tears mixing with your blood, staining your neck red. "Fine!" You cried out, blood spilling from your mouth. "S-stop, I'll do it!"
He let go of your throat, leaving a dark bruise behind, the blood that coated your neck caked onto the side of his hand. He didn't mind. After all, you deserved this beating. You deserved to have your throat fucking slit for leaving him those many years ago, but he would push that from his mind. After all, he loved you. He didn't want to kill you, he only wanted to beat you so that you would love him and be submissive. He would beat all of the ignorance out of you, beating his love into you.
"I love you baby," he muttered, his throat sore from all of the yelling that he's done all day. He's yelled more today than he's ever has in his entire life, and that was saying a lot. "I've searched for you these past years, I'm so happy that you'll be returning to me." He let himself lean down, his body leaning over you as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling your limp body into a tight hug. "My sweet girl, did you think I wouldn't find you? It was fate, we are meant to be!" That folder showed up for a reason. Fate wanted you to be his. The universe had brought you back into his arms, and he was so grateful.
"P-please," you sobbed, but he didn't know why you were sobbing. Shouldn't you be happy that he found you again? "I don't wa -"
"I don't give a fuck!" He snapped, raising his hand, roughly smacking the back of your head. "Now hug me back. I'm your fiancé now, and soon I'll be your husband. You'll be beaten and fucked until you are perfect."
Weaky, your arms wrapped around him, sobs escaping your mouth as you clung to him. You said nothing, and he liked that you weren't saying anything. You just needed to shut the fuck up and accept his anger. You being submissive and kind will get you treats, fighting back and being mouthy would get your teeth knocked down your throat. Either way, he would get what he wanted. All he wanted was you, he found you beautiful with or without a fucked up face and missing teeth. The choice was up to you.
"Good girl," he muttered, sitting up as he pulled you into his lap, placing a kiss on your forehead. "I'm so glad to finally have you back. Isn't fate perfect?" He got no reply, a satisfied hum escaping your lips as your head weakly rested on his chest, your low sobs providing him with comfort, a smile appearing on his lips as he listened to you sob and shake in his arms. He was so happy to have you back, so relieved. Relieved because now you were his again, and he wouldn't ever let you slip away from his grasp again.
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xxm1ch3113xx · 1 day
Tempted to fast until Friday. Need to ruin my body so I can’t get pregnant.
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starlightbiscuit · 2 months
I LOVED Gakuen Alice as a kid and rereading it now feels ... Like a slap to the face. Like don't get me wrong, I still love big parts of it but like ...
TW Sexual Assault & Inappropriate Age Gaps/Pedophilia
The Amount of times Sexual Assault is not only portrayed (and done by characters we're meant to like mind you) but played for laughs is ... Absurd. Especially done by a 10-year old who is supposed to be the love interest. The infamous panty scene that is played as a gag for like 20 more chapters after. Natsume looking into Mikan's neckline. Him lifting up her skirt. Him touching her chest. And not just him but Narumi too? Using pheromones on children and "joking" about kissing a 10-year old boy is not funny. And let's not forget about Tono. He's 18 and while at least Tsubasa is trying to keep him from Mikan, it's again played as a joke how he's such a womanizer towards any female regardless of age.
Age. Right. The age gaps are a number on their own. I talked about Narumi and Tono but it does not stop there. I mean most relationships are innocent enough, heck I'll forgive the kids having crushes on their teachers cuz as long as it isnt reciprocated that's pretty normal I guess. But it doesn't stop there. Mikan's parents are a pretty obvious choice but the way my jaw dropped when I learned Nobara ends up with Segio just ... It gives me flashbacks to Rin and Sesshomaru. And it's a lot more than just age. The power imbalance makes it worse.
Please don't think I'm trying to shame anyone who likes it or to cancel it!!!
This manga started around 22 and ended 11 years ago, what good would outrage do now? And heck I myself still am a bit attached to it because of nostalgia but it's kinda shocking to revisit something so dear to me and just ... Be utterly disturbed by such themes being treated as normal or jokes.
I'm a little relieved we nowadays view these things a bit stricter because fiction absolutely does affect reality. I myself because of such manga actually viewed it as perfectly normal to have a friend of mine (14) date someone who is 23. It's a bit sad to know Japan only recently (just around 10 years ago) made possession of CP illegal and while I don't wanna generalize it seems to have a big problem with pedophilia as a whole. And no, I don't think the author is one, I just assume she wrote what she knew.
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ravenzeppeli · 6 months
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Stained Red |Yandere DIO x Reader Dark Lemon|
Warning: strong/violent language, threats, extreme physical violence/abuse, noncon (forced, violent), dark themes, emotional abuse, verbal abuse. MA - read with caution.
As soon as your fiancé Dio Brando entered your room, you were met with a harsh slap, causing you to fall back on your bed. You could only assume that he was upset at you, his golden eyes holding pure anger as he stared down at you with disgust and rage.
"When I give you an order you fucking listen. I told you to not go outside and you snuck out when I was asleep and you disobeyed me completely," he spoke to you harshly. His undead bare chest heaved up and down, hands balling into fists as his blond locks stood wild and untamed. "How dare you. How fucking dare you!"
You tried to push yourself off of the bed, but you were greeted by his fist crashing into your left cheek, blood spraying out of your mouth as you fell to your right hand side on the mattress. "Y-you.." Tears of pain filled your eyes as blood leaked from your mouth. A deep purple bruise formed on your cheek, his punch almost breaking your jaw.
"Don't you dare fucking move! Stay on this bed and bleed out a little.. I promise you that you'll be in a lot more pain soon." He stood close to the bed now, knees pressing against the mattress as he watched you bleed onto the white sheets, staining them red.
You lifted a shaky hand, ripping the diamond engagement ring off of your finger. You threw it at his face, the ring bouncing off of his forehead before hitting the floor. "I.. I will not marry you!" You screamed at him, taking advantage of the shock on his face as you scooted away from him, making your way down the king-sized bed.
        For the first time in your ten months of knowing Dio, this was the first time that you ever saw him shocked, frozen as he stared at you in utter disbelief. You felt his fingers wrap around your ankle, yanking you down the bed. "I'm going to hurt you.. I'm going to make you regret doing something so foolish! That was the worst thing that you've ever done."
You tried to kick him, but his reflexes were too powerful. He caught your other leg with ease, letting go of your other leg as you felt your dress rip off of your body. "No! No.. I don't want this! Get the fuck away from me!" You yelled at him, making him even angrier.
He flipped you over, forcing your back to arch as your underwear was ripped off and thrown to that side. "You're going to get punished like a whore.. you are not going to get any joy from this." Without warning you felt his hands spread apart your ass, his hard erection forcing its way into your tight asshole. "I wasn't going to punish you like this but you will not throw things at I, DIO!" He yelled at you, pushing fully inside of you as his hands smacked across your ass, leaving red handprints.
"A-ah!" You screamed out, hot tears spilling from your ass as he stretched your tight hole out forcefully. "P-please!" You screamed louder, sobbing weakly as he began to move in and out of you, a sharp pain behind every single thrust. Why was he doing this to you? Hurting you.. it wasn't love.
"Begging isn't going to make me stop or go easier on you.. that ring was expensive, and you throw it in my face?" He questioned, disbelief thick in his tone as he wrapped his hands around your waist, fingernails digging into your side as he moved at a rapid pace, ignoring your cries of pain. "I dare you to try and fight back.. you can even use your stand. I fucking dare you to try you bitch."
He was taunting you.. he knew damn well that you nor your stand could fight him off. Slap sounds filled the air as he slammed himself in and out of your tight hole - you didn't feel an ounce of pleasure. All you felt was pain and a deep heartbreak.. you thought that he was going to change.
Instead of fighting back like he dared you, you pressed your face into fur soft mattress, muffling your screams as you felt blood running down your legs as his nails cut into your flesh. His nails were as sharp as knives, drawing blood from you easily.
"Come on.. fight me you little bitch. I bet this is so painful and embarrassing but you're big and bad, right? Stop me," he taunted you even further, rolling his hips as he pressed your body fully onto the bed, removing his fingernails from your sides. "See? You'll never be able to fight me. From the moment I laid eyes on you.. I claimed you. You are my property."
"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry," you cried out, voice muffled. Pain shot through your body as he moved faster, each stroke more painful than the last. "I'm sorry.. I promise.. just please," you didn't even know what you were saying. You just wanted the pain to go away.. that's all you wanted.
"I promise that the next time you cross me, this will seem like child's play. Let this happen again and I'll beat you to a pulp and then fuck all three of your holes for hours. I'll tie you to the bed and torture you," his voice was low, warning as he gave you three more painful thrusts before cuming deep inside of your anus.
You felt something press into your anus, plugging up the tight hole and assuring that his cum wouldn't leak out of you. Your cheeks and ass held sore.. blood still pouring from your hips and staining your legs with deep red. You felt so disgusting and you were so embarrassed.. you were never going to forget this day. You fucking hated him.
"That was your last warning.. keep my cum inside of your ass for the rest of the night as a reminder. I'm going to go run you a bath because you're filthy but don't expect special treatment tonight. You don't deserve to be kissed or cuddled." He walked away, heading to the bathroom and leaving you a sobbing mess.
You sat in the bathtub, red staining the water as tears filled your eyes, rolling down your bruised cheeks. You disobeyed him again.. you upset him, and he attacked you. So easily did he hurt you, and you couldn't stand it anymore. So badly, did you now want to escape his evil grasp, knowing that despite how much you love him, he'll never change.
You felt his cold golden eyes peering at you as he sat across from you on the toilet seat. He didn't take his eyes off of you, and you wished that he did.. you wished that he would just leave you alone. Why you? Out of everyone that DIO has encountered, why did he pick you to be his? You now feel like the unluckiness woman in the entire universe.
"Why must you always upset me? Why do you always force me to hurt you?" His voice called out, tone filled with thick anger. "You have no choice in the matter of staying with me. You are my property, and you will marry me and spend eternity with me."
You brought your knees up to your chest, burying your face in your knees as sobs escaped your lips. These sobs weren't low. They were loud and pained as your body shook in the warm water. You couldn't contain yourself in this moment.. your tears couldn't be silent because you were truly hurt - you finally cracked. He finally broke you.. and it hurt so fucking bad because you thought that he changed.
You felt his cool hand appear on your back, and you flinched away, "Please don't.. please don't hurt me anymore! Please," you cried out, voice cracking at the end as you held yourself tighter. "Just.. kill me. Please k-kill me," you said in a shaky voice. Death was terrifying, but it would end the pain.. you wouldn't have to spend an eternity in fear.
His hand stayed frozen, an unsettling silence filling the air as you felt his eyes peering down at you. "Despite what you may think of me, I would never kill you, so don't you ever ask me to again," his voice dropped to a whisper, warning you. "If you act obedient that I wouldn't have to hurt you. You did this to yourself."
"You.. you beat me, and you force me.. you.. you," you shook your head, tears filling your cloud of vision. You couldn't do this.. arguing with him will make things worse, and having to say these painful truths aloud was breaking you into even more pieces.
"When you disobey me and disrespect me, then you will suffer the consequences. As your man, it is my right to be in control of you. The sooner you fully accept that, the less that I have to hurt you." Oddly enough, his voice was now soft and soothing. He was like a switch, switching from one emotion to the next when it came to you. It was terrifying. "If you want to go outside, then I will go with you when the sun sets."
The hot water was now turning warm. All of the blood was now clean off of your sore body, but you couldn't get up. You were in so much pain that you didn't want to move, knowing that moving would make things worse. "Okay," you whispered, just accepting your defeat. You had no more fight left in you.
You blinked, shock filling your eyes as you felt the bed beneath your nude body, water still dripping off of your body as you sat on the edge of the bed, soaking freshly changed sheets. You don't understand Dio's stand a single bit, but you knew that he could move you without you knowing.
     He stood in front of you, soft white towel drying your body gently. He patted the towel on every inch of your body, ignoring the embarrassed blush that appeared on your lips as he dried your breast. "Don't make me hurt you as badly as I hurt you today ever again.. just listen to me to the best of your ability and communicate with me."
"I'm scared to talk to you," you said in a low tone, hanging your head in shame as he dry patted your back. Your fear of Dio was so strong sometimes that you're afraid that you'll die of fright. Do people die of fright?
"I'm not going to hit you if you ask me for something. As your future husband, I am your provider, and it is my job to provide for you," he said softly, towel dropping to your womanhood as he spread your legs, patting the area gently. He was being extra careful, not wanting to cause you anymore pain.
Did he not realize that you were never going to forgive him deep down? You felt deep resentment at even his soft touch, fighting the urge to flinch away from him. "Okay," you repeated, feeling as if that was now going to be your go-to word for now on. You didn't know what else to say, but you knew that you were ashamed that you couldn't just leave him and escape his abusive grasps.
"I love you. I truly do love you, and I want you by my side for eternity." He finished drying you, tossing the towel casually to the side as he slipped a silk red nightgown over your head. "Tell me that you love me back."
"I love you too," you said softly, gently pulling away from him as you crawled weakly into bed. You rested your head on the fluffy pillow, feeling much too weak to pull the covers over your body. Your eyes met his soft one.. the life in your eyes was gone, and you could tell that he could notice.
The silk sheets were pulled over your body. "I'll be back before the sun rises. Vanilla Ice is currently on high alert, so don't do anything foolish." His eyes lingered over yours, tall form towering over the best and casting his dark shadow over you. "See you soon.. I will miss you."
You blinked once, and he was gone.. his dark shadow that towered over you, vanishing with you. A shaky sigh escaped your lips as you slowly turned to your more comfortable side, a pained groan escaping your lips as pain shot through your entire body. You let your eyes close, welcoming sleep as swiftly as you could in hopes or waking up in less pain tomorrow. You hoped tomorrow would be a better day, but the hope that Dio Brando would turn into a good man completely left your mind.. you were never going to see him the same again.
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ohno-the-sun · 3 months
What's the story behind the black swan au? Is it like the movie itself or different in someways?
I think I put it on one of the previous posts but the basic idea is like imagine the movie Black Swan but replace the characters with Sun and Moon
And there is a bit more identity crises
It’s sort of the most nsfw au I have cause uh- a lot of the events of the movie are followed to a tea
The main difference being Moon is a little more unreal in this- she seems more like just a part of Sun rather than her own person
Like at the end revealed there never was another robot ballerina they were considering for the black swan part
Oh also big difference is they are robot ballerinas
Built to perform and destroyed if they fail
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i've been getting back into animal jam recently and i seriously forgot about all of the chat restrictions on that game. anyway here are some particularly funny excerpts from the AJC slang dictionary i've started
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i purposefully tried to write these as seriously as possible and lemme tell you it is REALLY paying off
warning: the excerpt below the cut contains the f-slur
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fun fact: i saw a group of players discover this uncensored word LIVE during a frat party roleplay. lemme just say it was HILARIOUS to watch all of that unfold in real time
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
Lily Orchard's fans are vile cunts too
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Take that vulnerability horseshit and shove it up your fucking ass, you piece of shit. Go on and fucking side with the goddamn molestor. This isn't about fucking cartoons.
Fuck. You.
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ivehadthatdream · 8 months
I went all day without binging!!! 🎉
I feel so good. I had lunch and dinner, and that was all
I'm going to stop this binge cycle! It's mind over matter
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loubella77 · 1 month
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If you wanna buy a vid of me with them just dm me 🥳 I check here more than OF!
Free OF
(Or if you wanna buy the vibrating clamps… hmu me for the amazon link!! They’re really fun and the vibration is super strong plus there’s adjustable sizes if you don’t want too much pinch… not my thing but you could! 🤣)
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ravenzeppeli · 4 months
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Chapter 40 - History Finds Itself Repeating|Formaggio + Illuso x Reader Angst|
Warning: strong/vulgar language, cheating, stalking, physical abuse, verbal abuse, noncon threat, choking [murder attempt], extremely dark chapter. MA.
2 Months Later
Formaggios POV
"Thanks," Formaggio muttered, tossing two 50s on the ground next to the random blonde that just finished sucking him off. "Make sure to keep your fucking mouth shut. Last bitch told my girl, she don't need to know this shit." He turned to the side, sliding the condom filled with cum off of his cock, letting it fall to the ground. The condom made a plop on the ground, his sticky white cum spilling out all over the alleyway floor.
"I'll keep my mouth shut," the girl muttered, snatching the money off of the ground. "Your cock is like, so amazing. I wish that you would be my boyfriend. You're so handsome."
A laugh escaped his lips, his eyes rolling. "You don't gotta compliment me for more money, honey. You did okay, I'll give you a little tip." He slid a 20 out of his pocket, this time handing it to the young woman on her knees in front of him. "My girl never fucking compliments me."
"I'm sorry," she replied, taking the 20 and shoving it in her bra, along with the two 50s. "If you're ever looking for a girlfriend, I would compliment you every day. A strong man like you deserves to be loved."
Money was a little tight, as it always is. The boss hardly paid him shit, but this little honey was feeding into his ego hard. Being complimented by a woman felt so nice. Why couldn't you compliment him like this? It'd be nice to hear how sexy and strong he was from the woman he loved instead of some random honey.
"Just take the rest of the night off, honey," he replied, slipping a 50 out of his pocket and handing it to her. "Buy yourself something pretty. And remember, if you run into my girl, walk the other way immediately. I don't wanna hear her pretty little mouth bitching me out for having fun." Fun, it was just harmless fun. Harmless fun that you wouldn't find out about again.
Formaggio never felt bad about his personal affairs. What a man did in their private business was their business alone. He took good care of you, and he made sure that you were happy. Sharing you with six other men also made him feel less guilty about getting his dick sucked. It's not like he was fucking these girls and spending time with them. It was just a way to relax after a hard day. What's the harm in that?
He planned to approach you as soon as he entered the base, but you were already outside as he walked over to the front entrance. Illuso was standing directly beside you, his hand having an iron grip on your waist.
"I'm going to tell him what you've been doing," Illuso immediately snapped at you, unwrapping his arm from around you, his eyes locking onto Formaggio. "Are you fucking clueless? Am I fucking clueless?" He questioned, red eyes filled with a mix of panic and anger.
A feeling of anger quickly washed over Formaggio, looking past Illuso to land his glare directly on you. "What the fuck did you do?" He had no fucking clue what you could have possibly done, considering you were a pretty low maintenance and well behaved girlfriend. Never did he have to do much of anything with you unless he wanted too. He couldn't even recall a time where you've ever asked him for anything.
"I didn't do anything," you muttered, eyes dropping to the ground. "Just drop it, Illuso. You don't need to bring Formaggio or anyone else into this. We've all done bad things here, and my thing is less bad."
"Shut your fucking mouth," Illuso snapped at you, turning back to look at you. "It doesn't matter what the fuck we do! You mind your goddamn business like we mind ours when it comes to you! You fucked up, you crossed a goddamn line!"
"Fucks going on?" Formaggio questioned, stepping forward, feeling completely fucking clueless. What could you have possibly done that was so fucking bad? That would actually cause him to give the slightest fuck? "You cheating on us? That what it is?" A scoff escaped your lips, his eyebrows immediately shooting up in surprise. "Illuso, what did she do?" He didn't take his eyes off of you.
Illuso walked past Formaggio, hand reaching forward as he grabbed your jaw, his fingers tucking under your chin as he yanked your head up, forcing you to look at Formaggio, "She's been fucking following us. Watching us. For goddamn three months."
"What?" Formaggio questioned, more shocked than angry. How did he not know that you were watching him? This had to be a misunderstanding. You weren't capable of anything. For fucks sake, he never even let you use your stand, he just made you drive them around while they did the heavy lifting. All you were was just their pretty little girlfriend, you weren't capable of successful stalking anyone. Suddenly, he laughed, shaking his head. "If you caught her doing it once then it doesn't mean that she's done it before." Fuck, Illuso was an idiot.
At times, you were a little sneaky. He'll give you that. During the night, you always seemed to slip out of his bed before he woke up. It's been months since he's woken up, and you've been next to him. Even when he clings to you, you still find a way to sneak out of his bed and go sit on the couch or in the dining room. Maybe you were just good at walking on your toes, he didn't fucking know.
Illuso let out a dry laugh, "She's been paying the girls that have been sucking our dicks." His grip seemed to tighten as the amusement suddenly draining from Formaggios face. "Wanna know how I found out? It was pure fucking luck, all because I mark the money that I give Y/N." His eyes immediately cut over to you. "You think you're so fucking smart, don't you? Think you're smart enough to embarrass us and never get caught?"
"You only got caught because you do what he does," you spoke calmly, giving your shoulders a gentle shrug. "It's more complex than that."
Formaggio felt as if his heart was about to explode out of his chest. With disbelief, he stared at you, shocked that you actually did all of this without getting caught. "How did you catch her?" He muttered, not taking his glare off of you as he stepped closer, leaning down slightly so that he was in your face. "More complex?" He felt like a goddamn idiot. How could he not have realized you were watching him? How did he not know that you were aware of his cheating? Goddamnit!
"I went to get my dick sucked this morning. Asked the girl for change, and she pulled out a bunch of 20s," Illuso spoke, shaking his head. "When I give Y/N money, I mark the right hand corner with a small red x to see if she ever uses the money I give her. When I threatened to blow the girls brains out, she spilled the beans and told me everything. Says our little girlfriend approached her and some other girls, paying them to give us longer and better blow jobs."
"Why the fuck would you want us to cheat on you?" Formaggio snapped, his hands balling into fists. "Y/N, what the fuck?"
You said nothing, your eyes dropping to avoid his glare. Visibly, you were stiff, uncomfortable with how close he was. How close they both were. Nearly 8 months together, and still you couldn't stand him. Still you made him fuck you with a condom on as if he had a fucking disease. All this was starting to really get under his skin, and he had a feeling that Illuso felt the same way as him.
"She's trying to get us to fall in love with another girl," Illuso muttered, his hands dropping to your throat, jaw locking. "That fucking bitch told me everything Y/N. How you approached them and were paying them, telling them be extra nice to us and compliment us. I was wondering why all these random cunts were saying my dicks amazing and I'm fucking attractive. You fucking little.. you.. you fucking..." He seemed to be struggling to find the words, his hand grasping tighter at your throat. "How dare you humiliate me!"
Formaggio stepped back a little, not being able to take his eyes off of you. This was insane. He had no idea that you were capable of doing something like this for months without getting caught. On top of that, all these random women now think that his girl hates him! This was a tricky situation because both Illuso and him did tell you that they wouldn't cheat on you. So your lie was just a reflection of their lie, so what the fucks he supposed to do?
"Can't we just be coworkers?" You questioned softly, that getting you an instant slap across the face from Illuso. "Is that a yes? We can just coexist together. You can do your thing, guys, and it'll be fine. I just feel like it would be better if you both broke up with me." The slap didn't even make you flinch, the red handprint mark staining the side of your cheek, your head remaining in place.
"You're gonna get a beating," Illuso snapped, raising his hand, Formaggio immediately noticing that it was a fist. Quickly, he grabbed Illusos fist, dragging him away from you. "Man, what are you doing!? We need to beat her ass! She's been doing crazy shit all because she wants us to dump her!"
Beating you was something that Formaggio so badly wanted to do. Of course, he wanted to punch you in the face and bend you over his lap. So badly, did he want to scream at you and threaten you for stalking him, scare you so badly that you throw up all over yourself like you did last time. When you acted up, you deserved a good beating. That's just what happened when you crossed lines. But a different idea suddenly crossed his mind.
"You know, a lot of times you've stalked Illuso and I, it's been at night," Formaggio added in, causing Illuso to immediately freeze. "Doesn't Ghiaccio have a certain rule that forbids you from going out at night all alone? One that will get you in trouble with him?" You weren't the only one that fucking knew things.
Dread washed over your face, a smirk quickly spreading over Illusos. "I think I should give Ghiaccio a call and tell him," Illuso added in. "I bet he would be so fucking pissed at you. It would probably ruin your relationship with him."
Formaggio let Illuso go, staring into your eyes and finally seeing that you were nervous. This was his chance. "We aren't going to be leaving you. In fact, I think it's time you tell us something very important." He placed his hands on your shoulders, forcing you down to your kness. "Get on your knees you stalking cunt, don't say shit or I'll call Ghiaccio."
You let him force you to your kness, a smug look appearing on Illusos' face as he stepped forward. "Look up at us." Grabbing a fistful of your hair as he leaned down, he snatched your head back, forcing you to look at them. "You're so smart, aren't you? We'll turn you into a dumb bitch."
"Don't hurt me," you muttered, "I didn't do anything wrong. If anything, I was helping you both out. I don't love either of you, I want you to spend more time with those other girls. The less I see you both the better." How are you still not fucking scared of them? You should be begging not to get beat, not pushing them further!
"You disobedient bitch," snapped Illuso, but his grip loosened on your hair. "I love you, you clueless fucking cunt! I fucking love you! That was the first time in two months that I cheated!"
Formaggio smacked Illusos' arm. "It's not cheating if it's condom blow jobs! It's not cheating if we fucking pay for it!" He raised his hand again, wanting to slap Illuso, but that was mainly due to his frustration with you. "Illuso, fuck this bitch. Fuck her. She doesn't love us. She never will. She's just pussy, that's all she'll ever be in this family."
"I'm a part of this team, and you'll never be able to get rid of me," you spat out, your blank face turning dark. A glare that he found more cute than threatening spread across your face, your eyes locking onto Formaggio. "You are a garbage excuse for a man. I hate you, and I hate you more than I hate Illuso. Laying down next to you at night makes me feel sick. I hate when you fucking touch me. I'll never care about you cheating, it just makes you look like a jackass. Enjoy never being cared about by me, I can't stand you bitch. Call Ghiaccio and tell him. I don't give a fuck."
A man can only take so much before they snap. Fuck it, he didn’t give a fuck. Fuck holding back and not hitting you. With all of his force he raised his fist, cracking it into the side of your skull. He didn't care about damaging you brain. In this moment he found himself wanting to fucking rip you apart. If only he was allowed to use his stand on you. He would shrink you and finally make you feel fear. Risotto knew all of them so well, it was smart that he forbid the men from using their stands on you. If he didn't respect and secretly fear Risotto then he would break that rule, but he wouldn't dare cross his capo.
Your head roughly jerked to the side, blood beginning to pour from the side of your skull. If it wasn't for the grip that Illuso had on your hair, then you would have probably collapsed. Illuso immediately let go of your hair, your back leaning against the brick wall as your head limply hung. Silence came from you, your body still as a rock despite the drops of blood that puddled in front of you.
"You want me as an enemy, you fucking bitch!?" Formaggio yelled at you, pushing back Illuso roughly as he tried to grab him. "You got one now. We are done, just like you want. You aren't my girl anymore, and now that I have no reason to protect you I'm going to make your life a living hell! I'm going to break you, I'm going to destroy you!" He dropped to his kness in front of you, hands tightly grasping around your throat, forcing you to look at him. Forcing you to show fear. "CRY! YOU FUCKING CUNT, CRY!"
With speed, you spit in his face, coating his face with your bloody spit. A forced smile suddenly spread across your lips, and that smile was meant to taunt him. "I'm free from you. Why cry?"
"If we fuck her up too bad then we're fucked," Illuso quickly added in just as Formaggios hands tightly locked around your throat. "Let go of her throat man, you're going too far." He felt Illusos hand on his shoulder, attempting to pull him back.
Just as he was about to let go, you said something that completely stunned him. "You drove your family to suicide," you gasped out, your voice hoarse. "You're a curse!"
The consequences were clear and laid out in front of him. If you died because of him, then his death would follow. Hell, even Illuso might end up dying. Killing you would be him outright betraying his entire team as well as the little bit of love he had for you. He did love you, in his own sick and twisted way, but he didn't have self-control right now. Not after what you just fucking said to him. Today.. all three of them were going to die and he didn't care. He wasn't afraid of death. Fuck this. Fuck everything. How dare you bring up his mom and sister.
"I LOVED MY MOM AND SISTER!" He screamed, beginning to squeeze as tightly as he could, watching the life drain from your eyes. Good. Die. "Die, die you fucking cunt! I hope you burn in fucking hell bitch!"
"Formaggio, no!" Illusos fist suddenly cracked into the side of Formaggios face, his nose immediately leaking blood as he let go of your throat, his nose making a weird popping sound. "She's my girlfriend too! You can't fucking kill her! Want us all to die!?"
"FUCK HER!" Formaggio snapped, quickly getting off at you, ignoring your low gasps for air. He grabbed his nose, giving your stomach a rough kick as he got up, a satisfied hum escaping his lips as you finally yelped in pain. "Look at you now.. pathetic as you were the last time I beat the fuck out of you!"
Temporarily, he let his anger turn towards Illuso. He raised his hand to punch Illuso, freezing when he felt your hands suddenly wrap around his ankles, weakly attempting to pull his leg back. What the fuck?! You should be crying in pain and begging for his mercy!
"P-pussy," you spat out, voice hoarse and weak. "I.. would have.. finished the job!"
Formaggio reached for his gun, Illuso grabbing his hand, stopping him from blowing your brains out. "Let's just fucking leave. She's supposed to be spending the night with me. We'll just leave her at the base. Fuck it," Illuso told him, keeping his eyes on him. "Please don't fucking kill her. Just chill man."
You let go of his ankle, your hand grasping the brick wall as you began to slowly rise to your feet, your face completely hidden from him. From a gap in your hair, he saw a dark bruise on your neck, a pool of blood surrounding you. "Just.. fuck off.. let me be.. alone," you whispered, slowly moving towards the door. "Both of you.. no more.. relationship. Break up forever." You were hardly making any sense, but he could get what you were trying to say.
"I didn't break up with you," Illuso snapped at you. "And I never will! You are my girl, and you are a Formaggios girl, whether you like it or not! Go be a good girl and clean yourself up and go lay the fuck down!"
"Scum," you spat at him, a sigh immediately escaping his lips as he reached past you, opening the base of the front door with one agressive twist and push. "Bitch."
"Go to bed," Illuso commanded, pointing inside of the base. "We love you. Don't you fucking forget that. Families fight but they stick together."
"Neither one of you are my family," you muttered, this coming out more clear as you shuffled into the house. "Dumb fucks."
The insults were pissing Formaggio off, making him want to attack, but he was holding his composition. You were too far for him to successfully be able to prick your finger and shrink you without Illuso striking, and maybe killing you was a bad idea. In so many ways, you provided them with love and comfort. That was something that he didn't want to let go of despite almost taking your life. Fuck.. he made a mistake.
"You're still my girl bitch," Formaggio called out, keeping his eyes on you as you vanished into the base. "And I'll be coming back here expecting an apology real soon! Straighten yourself out cunt, I can do what I want with you! I'll fuck you up while I fuck you! I could fuck you right now if I wanted too!"
"Don't threaten to rape her man," Illuso snapped, his eyes going wide. "Fuck, you need to take a break from her! Stop talking to her, and you shut the fuck up too Y/N!"
Formaggio assumed it was over until he heard your footsteps immediately running back, something immediately crashing into the side of his skull. "Goddamnit!" He screamed as he heard something shatter, his hand immediately raising to the side of his face. Blood leaked from the left side of his face, his eyes trailing down to a broken glass ashtray in front of him. No way. No goddamn way did you actually come back and throw something at him. He was stunned, completely stunned that you dared to throw something at him.
"How about I fuck you!?" You screamed, rushing towards him. "I'll fuck you up! Want me to rape you!? I'll do it, I'll be the one that ends you before you end me!"
Illuso launched at you before you could get to Formaggio, lifting you up. "Y/N, relax! Nobody is raping anyone, for fucks sake! Formaggio, just leave, I'm staying with her!" He dragged you into the base, slamming the door shut. "Hey, do not fucking hit me! Stop it right now Y/N, I'm in no mood to have a fist fight with you!"
Formaggio stood stunned, his eyes wide, actual tears filling his eyes as he realized that he made a big mistake. It didn't matter if Little Feet made no appearance. With his bare hands, he almost murdered you. If Illuso hadn't cracked him in the nose, then he probably would have killed you. Fuck. This was very bad.
The blood pouring from his head and nose indicated that he probably needed to go get looked at. The pain he felt throughout his entire body was sharp, a low ringing beginning form in his ears. Almost killing you should have broken you, but from the banging and yelling that he heard from Illuso inside indicated he might have awoken something very bad in you. This was too far. All you did was stalk them and pay some girls to compliment them. Why does he instantly lose his cool? He just couldn't help it. The fact that you still didn't love him and made him wear a condom to fuck you.. it really bothers him.
Going in there and helping Illuso with you would be a bad idea, considering that you were attempting to fucking attack him. Hopefully he could convince you to keep your mouth shut or come up with a good lie. Fuck, he needed to convince you to keep being his girl too. Thank God Melone and Ghiaccio were out of town for a few days, and Pesci didn't fucking intimidate him. You just could not tell Risotto. Now that he was starting to calm down this wasn't worth dying for, and he might just end up getting fucking killed for what he did to you.
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