#oh look more relatable autistic content (facebook)
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 years ago
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Me rn…
Oh, look! More Relatable Autistic Content!
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diagnosed-weird · 3 years ago
When I first started my journey into whether I could be on the spectrum a few years ago, I scoured the internet looking for people I could relate to. Not medical blogs by doctors that pathologized my life. Real people who could tell my story, or similar stories. I would LOVE to include more than just the YouTubers below, so if anyone has anymore Autistic bloggers, vloggers, or social media persons you'd like to add, share this and add them or let me know and I can add them to my master list.
Stephanie Bethany
Amethyst Schaber
Purple Ella
Agony Autie
Yo Samdy Sam
Neurodivergent Rebel
Olivia Hops
Ellen Jones
Indie Andy
Mom on the Spectrum
Indie Andy
Paige Layle
Oh, That's Just My Austism; Stories of a Midlife Autism Discovery
I found this one on Spotify, but I'm sure you can find it on other podcast streaming services, as well.
Facebook Groups:
The Zebra Effect
Neurodivergent Rebel - https://www.facebook.com/NeurodivergentRebel
Autistic Professor Facebook Group
r/aretheNTsOK (for a bit of humor and fun)
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disabledprincesses · 3 years ago
I was on facebook today and found one of my posts had been screen-shot (with my username) and that makes me really happy that my posts are finding lots of people and really helping
(Shout out to Rachel Ann from Oh, Look! More Relatable Autistic Content!)
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rotationalsymmetry · 3 years ago
I think there is maybe a connection between understanding “you can read things with problematic content while being aware of how it’s problematic, it doesn’t have to be ‘either this is without problems or I can’t read it’” and “you can use a social media platform that has problems and be aware of its problems” like — there are problems with how all social media sites are set up. Some of those problems vary from platform to platform. But Tumblr has more in common, upsides and downsides, with Facebook or Twitter or Reddit or Instagram than it has differences.
On tumblr, as with other forms of social media, if you don’t pay money you are the product: your views and clicks are being sold to advertisers. That means tumblr is invested in creating a platform that you will spend as much time on as possible, it is invested in you getting other people to spend as much time on the platform as possible, and it is invested in getting you to identify yourself in ways that will allow them to effectively target their advertisements to you. Whether that’s political ads, mobile games, Pride flag merch, health care related stuff, cute hand-painted glass teapots, someone else’s clickbaity website that runs on ad revenue, or something else.
Tumblr, as with other social media sites, doesn’t really care whether you keep coming back because this is where the other autistic nonbinary people are, because this is where the other anti-capitalists are, or because this is where the other fascists are. What it cares about is that you come back, and that they can sell ads. It is neutral about your mental health, so long as you come back and they can sell you ads. It is neutral about whether you live authentically, whether your politics are fundamentally harmful to other people or the world, whether you are damaging other people’s mental health, and whether being on tumblr makes your life better or worse. It does not care whether you come back because you think it’s worth doing, or because you think it’s not worth doing but you can’t seem to stop yourself.
It is also: a place for self expression and figuring out identity, finding people like you, sharing fan content, sharing political ideas, sharing tips for living with specific chronic illnesses, etc. It’s a good place to go looking for people who are hard to find offline. There are good things about it and there are bad things about it, and whether the bad things are worth the good things is going to vary a lot from person to person, depending on their life circumstances.
I think it is unnecessary and unhelpful to attempt to understand tumblr, or any other social media platform, as either entirely positive or entirely harmful.
In particular, I don’t think it is necessary or helpful to avoid acknowledging the downsides of tumblr. The way it is not interested in protecting users from harassment. The way it is very much set up to make it as easy as possible to keep using it on autopilot, without thinking about it. The way it is set up so that it can take up all of your free time if you let it. The way that posts that cause you to feel oh this is really urgent and important and a lot is at stake and I have to stay engaged are good for the site in the sense that they support the advertising revenue goals, and posts that send you somewhere else or cause you to log off and go for a walk or something so you can process a particularly complex idea, are less good for the site, in terms of its advertising revenue goals. The way that people being overly attached to getting likes and reblogs very much helps the site, and people getting some perspective and allowing the site to be a small, occasional part of their lives is less helpful to the site.
Anyways, I saw a post about Squid Game funko pops and capitalism, and it is right, and also this too is a product.
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An Autistic Blogger's Origin Story! Muhahaha!
It's 10:02 PM and I vowed I would create a blog a day. Today, I almost didn't make it! But, here I am! I started at Medium. I tried out Blogger. Now, here I am bumbling around Tumblr like the Geriatric Millennial I am!
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At the end of 2019, at the age of 35, I figured out that I am Autistic by watching a YouTube video. It was initially jarring for maybe five seconds. But, immediately after that five seconds, it was a huge sense of relief! I was not crazy or broken! I just run on a different operating system than most people. And that comes with a lot of benefits and a few things to accommodate.
In at the end of 2020, my findings were confirmed. I joined several Facebook groups for Autistic adults. I felt like the BumbleBee Girl from that "No Rain" video by Blind Melon! I was finally "seen" for the first time and finally found a group of peers who "got" me!
On February 6, 2021, I came out as Autistic. No one was shocked! I received a lot of love and support from my family and friends! I never want anyone to every feel alone or broken like I did for so very long! That is why I started a Facebook group called Oh, Look! More Relatable Autistic Content! Which has grown to over 2,200 members. I also run More Relatable Autistic Content on Twitter! And a storefront of Neurodivergent inspired designs on Tee Public!
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An Autistic Blogger's Origin Story! Muhahaha!
It's 10:02 PM and I vowed I would create a blog a day. Today, I almost didn't make it! But, here I am! I started at Medium. I tried out Blogger. Now, here I am bumbling around Tumblr like the Geriatric Millennial I am!
Tumblr media
At the end of 2019, at the age of 35, I figured out that I am Autistic by watching a YouTube video. It was initially jarring for maybe five seconds. But, immediately after that five seconds, it was a huge sense of relief! I was not crazy or broken! I just run on a different operating system than most people. And that comes with a lot of benefits and a few things to accommodate.
In at the end of 2020, my findings were confirmed. I joined several Facebook groups for Autistic adults. I felt like the BumbleBee Girl from that "No Rain" video by Blind Melon! I was finally "seen" for the first time and finally found a group of peers who "got" me!
Tumblr media
On February 6, 2021, I came out as Autistic. No one was shocked! I received a lot of love and support from my family and friends! I never want anyone to every feel alone or broken like I did for so very long! That is why I started a Facebook group called Oh, Look! More Relatable Autistic Content! Which has grown to over 2,200 members. I also run More Relatable Autistic Content on Twitter! And a storefront of Neurodivergent inspired designs on Tee Public!
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mycraftylittlestitches · 6 years ago
Disclaimer: I may use affiliate links in this post.
My very own little poser!
Hello to all you lovely people and welcome to my first monthly update. I know, I know… I’m a teenie bit late to the party on this one; being a four-month old blog. However; as I am really enjoying myself, I figured that it was high time that I started to set myself some monthly challenges. Don’t fret guys, it’s nothing too exciting. I haven’t suddenly gotten an overwhelming urge to sky dive or walk a tight rope across the English Channel, instead I am keeping to simple goals that surround my blog and my own little family. I have always been more of a good cup of coffee (with two kids all I can say is thank God for its existence) and a tantalising book kind of girl but I guess we shall see what the future holds… Probably more coffee, despite my best intentions.
Why am I posting these challenges up on my delightful (if I do say so myself) blog you ask? To answer that honestly I should start by admitting that I have very little confidence and have a tendency to give up at the first hurdle. Add that to my arsehole internal voices that just luuuuuuve to tell me how rubbish I am at everything and you have a recipe for not getting a whole lot done. So in short; by telling you guys what I plan on doing I am giving myself the motivation to get my lazy arse in gear and get things done. In theory. Especially when you consider that I have just returned to the day job after nine months off on maternity leave. What an amazing time its been and yes, I do in fact know how lucky I am to have had the opportunity to spend all of that time with my girls. Very lucky indeed.
My eventual aim is to turn this blog into my main source of income, facilitating my dream of staying home with my daughters as a full-time mummy. I miss them way too much while I work. It’s like leaving a piece of my heart at home and I have an overwheming fear of missing out on all of their milestones and cute moments. It all goes so fast! I am also quite disabled; as in three times over. Epilepsy, dyspraxia and shortened tendons with a fantastic mix of mental health issues to add some much ‘needed’ complications to the mix. Eventually I will probably reach a point where I will be unable to work anymore and I feel that it is wise to have a back up plan of action.
With that in mind, I have a very cheeky request. If you are going to buy anything from Amazon UK then please follow this link (I know it’s to one of my favourite books) and then search for your item. It will give me a few pennies of commission, regardless of what you buy, at no additional cost to yourself. This will move me closer to my dream of being a mum boss and staying home with my girls, without the addition of irritating adverts, which I’m hoping to keep at bay for as long as possible! Thank you, it means a lot to me.
What I’ve been up to this month:
Incy wincy spider.
A rainbow cake!
I have been sorting out a cake recipe for Autistic Rainbow Magazine. Their first issue will be available from the 10th September and can be downloaded from their website and you can also find them on Twitter. I will also be releasing the recipe on my blog at the start at October, just in time for Halloween!  Super exciting times guys and it also means that I get to help to support those family’s that are affected by autism. A wonderful cause and a perfect excuse to bake a colourful and very over the top cake. How could I have possibly resisted…. My waist line was a little less thrilled than my taste buds but as I’ve been mostly avoiding sugar it soon forgave me. Kind of….
I have also started doing reviews and have a crochet series being worked on in the background. This is proving to be slightly trickier than anticipated because of the toddler and cat taking it in turns to pinch my yarn… Le sigh! There is also going to be a video on YouTube to match each post. The problem with that being; I suck at talking while trying to crochet, most of the outtakes are me giggling or getting myself confused (partly epilepsy and partly the fact that I’m a grade A numpty) . Oh well…. At least the written and photographic side of that misadventure is coming along nicely. Watch this space —–> [            ]
My epilepsy has been giving me plenty of problems. Thanks brain. Its antics have ranged from chucking a glass halfway across a room in a crowded restaurant (still feeling the embarrassment now) to making me collapse and perform my super cool epileptic dance moves in random and inconvenient places. Hey everyday is a party when your brain decides to go into full-blown disco mode! Due to the headaches and other glorious side effects from this wonderous display of arsehattery, I’ve not really been functional enough to have a lot of screen time and my poor blog has felt the effect. Hence most of my posts being easy and relatively lazy recipes or quick chats about easy subjects. Hopefully I will be back to my normal self this month and you will have the exciting and lengthy posts you deserve. Fingers crossed!
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
My aims for the next month:
Write at least two blog posts a week, ideally three. One recipe and maybe two miscellaneous; that will probably be parenting/ crafting/ review related.
Finish at least two more crochet tutorials, including video. I won’t be posting them up until I have at least ten ready then it will be a weekly event, posted on a Sunday for your viewing pleasure. Ready yourself for the broad Northern English accent.
Set up my YouTube account and make it look both pretty and functional. Only one video on there so far….
One crochet pattern typed up and posted with photos. I have an idea for a lacy scarf. We shall see if it pans out the way that I hope it will.
Hit 300 followers on my Facebook page.
Spend at least 10 hours a week creating content and write at least 500 words a day.
Get an honest update and new set of aims ready for the first of October.
Real life
Finally start learning how to draw.
Spend more time playing with the girls.
Try and prevent days of low mood. This will perhaps be my most difficult task but hopefully I can at least inject some positivity.
Read at least one book a fortnight.
Give up caffeinated coffee. Tea can stay for now.
Cut right back on the sugar and eat less junk food. Pizza I’m looking at you (while drooling).
Find a better work/ blog/ family balance which benefits myself, my daughters and my partner. I love them so much!
Talk more openly about my emotions.
Tell myself five things that make me great every morning and another five that make me so very lucky.
I will keep you all posted on how I get on. Here’s hoping for a fantastic and productive month.
If you enjoyed this post then please consider following me on Facebook and  Twitter. I would also LOVE it if you would sign up to my blog’s email list. Thank you all so much for reading!
  September's plans. #blog #plan #mumlife #lighthearted #bloggerswanted #newpost Disclaimer: I may use affiliate links in this post. Hello to all you lovely people and welcome to my first monthly update.
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bartroberts · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on Black Barth News
New Post has been published on http://blackbarth.com/kim-dotcom-goes-knew-seth-rich-involved/
Kim Dotcom Goes All In: 'I Knew Seth Rich... I Was Involved'
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Kim Dotcom; hacker, serial entrepreneur – and for a while the #1 ranked Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 player in the world – may be the key to the entire Seth Rich saga. From testimony in the Wikileaks investigation to Rich’s still unsolved murder – and facing extradition – Dotcom is ready to go nuclear…
To bring you up to speed
Last week, Private Investigator Rod Wheeler appeared on Fox5 news in DC with an update in the unsolved murder of DNC IT expert Seth Rich, claiming proof exists on Rich’s laptop proving he was Julian Assange’s source for leaked DNC emails during the 2016 election – an account in direct conflict to the Russian hacking narrative based on a discredited IT firm’s report.
Wheeler walked back his statements the next day, however the fuse was already lit… Weaponized autists on Reddit and 4chan began furiously digging back into the Seth Rich case for clues in the still unsolved murder – and they went deep.
Among the findings were Seth Rich’s Reddit account, email addresses, and Twitter accounts – one of which was in support of candidate Bernie Sanders. As an aside – before joining the DNC, Rich moved to Washington DC to take a job with polling and research firmGreenberg Quinlan Rosner – whose founder Stanley Greenberg was a senior advisor to President Bill Clinton.
Reddit’s the_donald goes dark
As Seth Rich posts reached a crescendo Friday night – dominating the front page of /r/The_Donald, the Conde Nast-linked website shut the ‘subreddit’ down for around 12 hours following a moderator’s unrelated declaration of war on the rest of Reddit over censorship – completely killing the Seth Rich momentum. When The_Donald was reopened, ‘officially’ to aid the Seth Rich effort – the offending moderator had been banned and two other mods were removed from their positions. Seth Rich posts, however, are notably sparse. Oh, and Reddit edited Seth Rich’s account during the lockout.
Meanwhile in New Zealand
Kim Dotcom is pissed – and has been plotting revenge against Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Hollywood after being targeted in the biggest copyright infringement case in history – which included a massive illegal (and then legal) raid on his New Zealand mansion by 76 armed officers and two helicopters.
Also seized were giant screen TVs and works of art, US$175m (NZ$218m) in cash, the contents of 64 bank accounts world-wide, including BNZ and Kiwibank accounts in New Zealand, Government bonds and money from numerous PayPal accounts.
Police said last night up to $11m in cash was restrained in various accounts. –stuff.co.nz
Dotcom was arrested and thrown in prison for almost two months, and has been fighting ongoing court battles and pressure to extradite him to the USA ever since. In December of 2016, New Zealand’s district court announced Mr. Dotcom was eligible for extradition – a decision upheld on appeal by NZ’s High Court.
The Mega founder has stepped forward to offer proof that Seth Rich was one of Wikileaks’ sources during the 2016 presidential election.
I knew Seth Rich. I know he was the @Wikileaks source. I was involved. https://t.co/MbGQteHhZM
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 20, 2017
I’m meeting my legal team on Monday. I will issue a statement about #SethRich on Tuesday. Please be patient. This needs to be done properly.
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 20, 2017
Stay tuned. Public invitation Kim Dotcom to be a guest on radio and TV. #GameChanger Buckle up destroy Trump media. Sheep that u all are!!! https://t.co/3qLwXCGl6z
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) May 20, 2017
If Congress includes #SethRich case into their Russia probe I’ll give written testimony with evidence that Seth Rich was @Wikileaks source.
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 19, 2017
Democrats destroyed my business, attacked my family, stole my assets in a pay4play strike for the @MPAA
Counterstrike: Trump Presidency ☑️
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 19, 2017
Essential reading about my case:
About the corruptionhttps://t.co/3X6XEAK9pi
Legal opinion by Harvard Professorhttps://t.co/X3E8b3H56Q
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 21, 2017
Turning back the clock – hinting at hacks
In December of 2014, Dotcom kicked off a series of tweets foreshadowing events to come – beginning with the claim that he was going to be “Hillary’s worst nightmare in 2016.” In a subsequent Bloomberg article from May of 2015 which used Kim’s threat in the headline, Dotcom revealed that Julian Assange was about to unleash hell on Hillary Clinton – with Dotcom clearly involved;
“I have to say it’s probably more Julian,” who threatens Hillary, Dotcom said. “But I’m aware of some of the things that are going to be roadblocks for her.”. Assange has access to information, Dotcom said -Bloomberg, May 2015
Now take a look at a few of Dotcom’s tweets from December 2014 on…
I’m not a pirate. I’m not a fugitive. I’m not a flight risk.
I’m your Internet Freedom fighter
Hillary’s worst nightmare in 2016!
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) December 1, 2014
(p.s. for all the anons looking for digits, the above tweet’s ID is: 539567677732171777)
Kim was confident Hillary was going to lose back in May of 2015
Hillary Clinton is raising a mountain of cash for her Presidential bid. I think it might turn into ash. pic.twitter.com/Nh8wnyj5AJ
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 16, 2015
Will hackers 0wn the U.S. presidential election and prevent Hillary Clinton? #Wikileaks
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) July 12, 2016
  Dotcom responds to an article from July of 2016 about classified info found on her server – directly hinting at upcoming leaks.
First, let’s review part of the timeline:
July 4th, 2016: Wikileaks tweets a link to a bunch of Hillary emails obtained legally under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
July 22nd, Wikileaks releases around 20,000 emails related to the DNC.
October 7th, The Podesta emails begin to leak, which included emails to and from Hillary Clinton and associates.
October 17th, Wikileaks announced a ‘state party’ had severed Julian Assange’s internet connection at the Ecuadorian embassy.
The day after Wikileaks released the 20,000 DNC emails, Dotcom referred it as “Episode 1”
Episode 1 of the ‘series’ is great. Hillary has lost the Sanders supporters. Can’t wait for season finale in Nov ��� https://t.co/XEN2pzWUEp
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) July 23, 2016
Mishandling classified info is a crime. When Hillary’s emails eventually pop up on the Internet who’s going to jail? http://t.co/zuUNiq26bR
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) July 26, 2015
Kim goes into his beef with Hillary…
Hillary Clinton personally signed the request to extradite me from New Zealand. @HillaryClinton
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) September 1, 2016
Kim reaches out to Google employees
In light of this week’s Reddit / 4chan investigation turning up Rich’s email addresses (which Reddit scrubbed during the blackout), Dotcom is urging Google employees to submit Rich’s email contents to Wikileaks.
To all @Google admins, Submit #SethRich acc contents to @Wikileaks:
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 19, 2017
Questions remain
Why did Seth Rich do it?
Some people believe Rich became enraged after learning how Hillary and the DNC cheated against Bernie Sanders – who Rich supported. Furthermore, Rich worked closely with to the players involved in a suspected setup to make it appear that Bernie Sanders had ‘hacked’ Hillary Clinton.
Others have noted that 11 days after Seth Rich’s death, a post in a pro-Bernie Sanders Facebook group suggested that Seth found out Hillary Clinton was rigging the election through fake polling stations whereby Bernie Sanders ballots were shredded and replaced with Hillary ballots.
How long was Rich working against Hillary Clinton?
Kim Dotcom began alluding to Hillary’s downfall in December of 2014, six months after Seth Rich joined the DNC. Was Rich feeding Wikileaks information since then – or did Julian Assange have other sources? What made Kim Dotcom so confident? Recall that prior to working for the DNC, Seth Rich worked for Bill Clinton advisor Stanley Greenberg’s polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. Is it possible Rich discovered things about the Clintons and/or Clinton Foundation which turned him off?
Seth Rich only accounts for the DNC emails, not John Podesta’s
Ex-Kissinger official and CIA operator Dr. Steve Pieczenik went on record in November of 2016 to assert that rogue elements within US Intelligence agencies – not Russians – passed the information to Julian Assange.
Now consider the official story that the Podesta emails were obtained via phishing email scam, in which John Podesta fell victim to a fake email claiming to be a Google password reset.
Did that even happen? Or were Podesta’s emails in fact obtained by ‘rogue elements’ within US Intelligence who passed them to WikiLeaks in conjunction with Seth Rich’s email dump from the DNC?
I am hopeful the truth will emerge in the fullness of time.
Content originally generated at iBankCoin.com * Follow on Twitter @ZeroPointNow
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