#ravenzeppeli la squadra
ravenzeppeli · 5 months
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🩸Twisted Fate |Yandere Ghiaccio x Reader Angst|
Warning: strong/violent language, threats, kidnapping, murder [random men], physical abuse, dark thoughts [thoughts of - noncon, abuse, torture], verbal abuse, torture [broken bones, choking, beating]. Extremely dark - MA.
Ghiaccio's POV
Ghiaccio could clearly remember the day that you vanished away from him eight years ago, your entire family, as well as you moving away. For years, he's tried to track you down, searching for you, for any signs of your existence so he could return you back to himself. You belonged to him, and one day, he felt as if you would return to him.
As the years passed, he started to lose hope, his mafia affiliations being no help in tracking you down either. How could someone just up and vanish? The pain of losing you was hard for him, his sadness turning into a permanent, icy rage that he could no longer control. How dare you just up and leave him after he promised to marry you once the two of you turned 18. You've wasted so much of his life with you, and now he's going to be all alone forever. All alone because you fucking left him.
Months had finally passed since he'd last continued his long search for you. Despite him thinking of you every single day, he tried his best to distract himself heavily with work. At night when he got home he would pull out an old picture of you, staring at it until his eyes were fucking blurry and watering. You were permanently burned into the back of his mind. All he was left with was one single fucking picture of you as a reminder of what he lost forever. A reminder of a perfect love that he thought that he lost forever.
As a folder with your picture appeared on the mission table, Ghiaccio's heart nearly jumped out of his chest as he snatched up the folder. Instead of lying to his capo Risotto he explained who you were and how much you meant to him, how you were his high school sweetheart that he lost once the two of you hit adulthood due to you vanishing. Lying to his capo was something that he never did, Risotto was understanding when it came to his men. He was a great captain and someone he trusted deeply.
The man who placed a hit on your head was a random male, a male having no ties to the mafia, but it seemed that you had ties to a completely different mafia organization, a new organization that was trying to rise above the rulings of Passione. The group was small, only five men and you in total, and he planned to fucking kill all five of those bastards. In fact, Risotto gave him permission to kill not only those five men but the man who placed a hit on you as well. As fate would have it, you would be returning to him after all. He would be allowed to keep you. To have you as his again.
Risotto made it clear to Ghiaccio that he would have to complete this on his own, and that if he messed up he may just lose his life, but it was a risk that he was willing to take. It was a risk that he was always willing to take, especially now, considering the stakes were so high. The stakes of you being all his again, rather you fucking liked it or not. You didn't have a choice. You belonged to him, and he would make sure that you would never leave his side again.
It only took him one day to take out the pathetic hitman team that you were a part of. Smaller mafia families always disgust him, and the fact that his beautiful beloved was a part of that? It pissed him off, and it pissed him off even more when he realized that you actively were living 30 minutes away from him. Right under his nose.. for years you've been fucking right here, right under his fucking nose, purposefully avoiding him. How dare you. Why would you not want to be with him?
Tracking you down now that you had no protection wasn't hard. In fact, it seemed as if you were waiting for him. He entered a cheap apartment complex, the dim lights flickering as he pushed into the apartment complex where you lived. One of your fucking teammates ratted out where you were in exchange for his own life. After the man disclosed your location, Ghiaccio blew his fucking cock off with three quick shots, watched him bleed out, enjoying every second of it. That's how he killed all five of your teammates as well as the man that placed a hit on you, feeling enraged with the fact that those men were around you while he was stuck without you for the past eight years.
Sitting right on a worn-out dark leather couch was you, your head raising slowly, body immediately going stiff once you saw him. You looked so much older, so much more beautiful than he remembered.. that pissed him off, his hands balling into fists as he slammed your apartment door shut as he stepped in, locking it with a swift motion.
The tension was so thick that it could be cut with a knife, a knife that he wanted to slice across your soft skin as punishment for leaving him. Your soft, beautiful flesh.. he wanted to fucking tear into you for leaving him. He wanted to beat you bloody, bruise up your pretty little face and break your nose. He wanted to make sweet love to you, filling your cunt with his seed. So many things.. he wanted to do so many beautiful things to you.
"You fucking cunt," Ghiaccio growled, his heart skipping a rapid beat as he approached you. With no hesitation, he pulled out his gun, pointing it straight at you. "Eight fucking years.. I've been waiting eight long years to see you again. Where the fuck did you go!?" He pressed the barrel of the gun to your forehead as you raised your head to look up at him. You couldn't fucking run away from him now, he would blow your goddamn brains out if you tried anything stupid. Or he would crack your head open with the gun, whichever he was feeling.
A tad bit of fear washed over your cute little face, your eyes slightly widening as he pressed the barrel of the gun deeper into your forehead, forcing you to look up at him further. "Ghiaccio," you whispered, venom dripping from your voice. How dare you not speak to him with love. "I didn't want to marry you so I left. We were graduating in a week so I panicked and left, I left you a note behind." The disrespect.. he couldn't believe the disrespect that he had endured for so long.
A dry laugh escaped his lips as he dropped the gun from your forehead, a small circle imprint being on the center of your forehead due to how hard he pressed the gun against your forehead. His free hand balled into a tight fist, crashing into the side of your head with force, your body limply falling to the side. "NO!" He screamed, rage filling his body. "Your shitty note only said bye and nothing else, you dumb cunt!"
Anger completely took over his body in this moment as he climbed on top of you, his fist raising, crashing into the side of your face, making a low pop sound, a pained cry escaping your lips. "Cry, fucking cry you unloyal whore! I know you let those men fuck you, they said you didn't but I know they're lying! You're mine, you're fucking mine!" He raised his body slighly, his fist raising again.
A sharp sting across Ghiaccio's cheek caused him to freeze up, his glasses flying off of his face, making a light thump sound as they hit the ground. In the past, when he beat you up, you would cry and beg for mercy. Never did you hit him back in the past. These eight years have changed you. They've made you unclean. He didn't like the feeling of not having control over you. He expected to slip into immediate control.
"Fuck you," you spat up at him, your blood coating his face. "I hate you, I never loved you!" Tears were rolling down your face, that causing a grin to appear on his lips, despite your words and you slapping him, your tears meant that he was breaking you again. What he was about to do to you, he would take much joy in it. He would enjoy this so fucking much, because as beautiful as you are, as much as he wanted to marry and impregnate you, you needed to be hurt. If he hurt you badly, he would just fix you up. It was fine, he could fix you up and buy you things later on once he finished destroying you mentally as he did oh so long ago.
Your entire face was bloody, blood pouring from the side of your head, your entire left side of your face sporting a large purple bruise that had blood seeping from a small cut the middle of the large bruise. Your bottom lip was slightly rolled out, swollen with little bite marks from where you bit down on your lip. You must have done that to muffle your pain. How fucking pathetic.
He grabbed the hand that dared to slap him, bending three of your fingers back until he heard three snaps. "Dumb cunt, think I care about your love!?" He snapped, low sobs escaping your mouth, your body finally trembling beneath him as he held up your hand, your three broken fingers starting to swell and turn purple. "I will rip your fucking fingers off and shove them down your throat if you ever slap me again! Now apologize before your entire arm gets broken, you brainless bitch!"
"S-sorry," you gasped out, his other hand quickly wrapping around your throat, beginning to squeeze.
Killing you would be so easy, so easily he could squeeze your fragile little throat until your body went limp. He could leave you here to rot, leave your body in this dump of a place for the rats to pick at you. No.. he's waited this long. He's waited for you to come home with him and marry him. You belonged with him, he couldn't just end your life. Ending your life would mean that you would be gone forever. He wanted to kiss and fuck you, he wanted you to be his property again.
He continued to squeeze, watching the life slowly drain from your eyes as you weakly wiggled beneath him. "Come back with me or die." His hand squeezed harder as your mouth muttered 'die', his other hand raising, beginning to repeatedly punch you in your stomach, not using his full strength so that you could still answer him. "Come back with me! Marry me! I'll beat you to death, I'll strip you naked and beat you for weeks until you die! I know how to keep someone alive for a long time, I've tortured countless men to death!"
Pained moans escaped your lips, your tears mixing with your blood, staining your neck red. "Fine!" You cried out, blood spilling from your mouth. "S-stop, I'll do it!"
He let go of your throat, leaving a dark bruise behind, the blood that coated your neck caked onto the side of his hand. He didn't mind. After all, you deserved this beating. You deserved to have your throat fucking slit for leaving him those many years ago, but he would push that from his mind. After all, he loved you. He didn't want to kill you, he only wanted to beat you so that you would love him and be submissive. He would beat all of the ignorance out of you, beating his love into you.
"I love you baby," he muttered, his throat sore from all of the yelling that he's done all day. He's yelled more today than he's ever has in his entire life, and that was saying a lot. "I've searched for you these past years, I'm so happy that you'll be returning to me." He let himself lean down, his body leaning over you as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling your limp body into a tight hug. "My sweet girl, did you think I wouldn't find you? It was fate, we are meant to be!" That folder showed up for a reason. Fate wanted you to be his. The universe had brought you back into his arms, and he was so grateful.
"P-please," you sobbed, but he didn't know why you were sobbing. Shouldn't you be happy that he found you again? "I don't wa -"
"I don't give a fuck!" He snapped, raising his hand, roughly smacking the back of your head. "Now hug me back. I'm your fiancé now, and soon I'll be your husband. You'll be beaten and fucked until you are perfect."
Weaky, your arms wrapped around him, sobs escaping your mouth as you clung to him. You said nothing, and he liked that you weren't saying anything. You just needed to shut the fuck up and accept his anger. You being submissive and kind will get you treats, fighting back and being mouthy would get your teeth knocked down your throat. Either way, he would get what he wanted. All he wanted was you, he found you beautiful with or without a fucked up face and missing teeth. The choice was up to you.
"Good girl," he muttered, sitting up as he pulled you into his lap, placing a kiss on your forehead. "I'm so glad to finally have you back. Isn't fate perfect?" He got no reply, a satisfied hum escaping your lips as your head weakly rested on his chest, your low sobs providing him with comfort, a smile appearing on his lips as he listened to you sob and shake in his arms. He was so happy to have you back, so relieved. Relieved because now you were his again, and he wouldn't ever let you slip away from his grasp again.
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bambinaamor · 1 year
If I can be extremely honest the reason why I got Tumblr was to read content I can't normally get on ao3 or wattpad I was reading this story called claimed by @ravenzeppeli and to be honest it was one of the best fan fictions I ever read but when I started really paying attention to their post it got me thinking about there actual mentality and there strong emotions about that fic like about people stealing and reposting there story on other platforms and I to be extremely honest just thought they were complaining over nothing when the most recent chapter came out I was extremely excited to read it just to find out I had to pay to read it so I commented " Well I guess I'll never know what happened then because bills are more important and tbh it's not worth it" something like that and I wake up to realize that claimed has been destroyed I get that people have very strong feelings over there content but I never knew it could go to that degree overall I wish I could read claimed once again I just wanted to state my opinion on the whole situation
If you are reading this @ravenzeppeli I mean no harm I hope you are well and one day claimed can come back you were an excellent writer and I hope you know that
With love barbieann
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i2joots · 2 years
La Squadra Claimed Series Masterpost
These writings are not from me but from the original author @ravenzeppeli who had their story Claimed deleted by Wattpad.
Introduction || Sideshots || Other Works
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25
Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35
Part 36 Part 37 Part 38 Part 39 Part 40
Part 41 Part 42 Part 43 Part 44 Part 45
Part 46 Part 47 Part 48 Part 49 Part 50
Part 51 Part 52 Part 53 Part 54 Part 55
Part 56 Part 57 Part 58 Part 59 Part 60
Part 61 Part 62 Part 63 Part 64 Part 65
Part 66 Part 67 Part 68 Part 69 Part 70
Part 71 Part 72 Part 73 Part 74 Part 75
Part 76 Part 77 Part 78 Part 79 Part 80
Part 81 Part 82 Part 83 Part 84 Part 85
Part 86 Part 87 Part 88 Part 89 Part 90
Part 91 Part 92 Part 93 Part 94 Part 95
Part 96   Next →
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ravenzeppeli · 4 months
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Two Sides of The Same Coin |Yandere Pesci x Yandere Prosciutto Fluff|
Warning: strong language, yandere relationship (consensual), light threats. MA.
Commission for @johnnybwanny
Prosciutto's POV
An annoyed sigh escaped Prosciuttos' lips as he stared at his watch, it being two hours past Pesci's usual curfew. It was frustrating having to sit and wait up for him each night, despite Prosciutto demanding that he get his ass home on time each night. All night, he's been up waiting for him to get back home to their apartment without even so much as a phone call! What was he thinking, staying out so late without letting him know?
With a steady tap of his fingers on the armrest of his leather recliner, he pursed his lips, the expense leather chair faced directly in front of the door. Eagerly, angrily, he watched the door, his tapping increasing as the second ticked by. For fucks sake, how many times must he explain the rules to this stubborn man? He was tired and wanted to go to bed, with Pesci tucked into bed right next to him. Was that too much to fucking ask for after a stressful day?
Without Pesci in bed next to him, he had trouble sleeping. That was why Pesci trailed him everywhere, obeying Prosciuttos every command and being their when he was ready to fall asleep next to him at night. He assumed that he had his boyfriend trained well, but this was the seventh time he's been late this month!
Finally, the front door slowly creeped open, Pesci's large form appearing in the door. Immediately, his face went red as his eyes locked on an awaiting Prosciutto, whos chair was positioned comfortably right in front of the door, only being a few inches away so that he would have enough room to step in and close the door.
"Prosciutto!" Pesci exclaimed, quickly stepping in the front door. As he closed and locked the door, he turned his back to him, his entire body stiff. "I'm sorry I'm late again! I got caught up with Melone again."
A scoff escaped his lips as Prosciutto stood up, getting right in Pesci's face as he spun around. "I told you to be home two fucking hours ago! Dinner is freezing, ruined because of you!" Why would he waste his time eating without him, when he expected Pesci to do everything with him? Food didn't taste good unless he was sitting right next to him, enjoying it with him.
Beads of sweat formed on Pesci's forehead, his eyes as wide as saucers as he raised his large hands up in defense. "I'm really sorry, I lost track of time, and my phone died! Melone and I have been really busy on this mission that we've been working on together!" He pleaded with him, eyes seeming to beg. "Please don't be mad at me. You promised you'd never get mad at me for work related things!"
"Melone looks at you like he wants to suck your fucking face off!" Screamed Prosciutto, not being able to contain his jealousy. It was fucking annoying that Pesci was spending his time with another man, work related or not, Prosciutto preferred it when Pesci worked alongside him and him only. Why couldn't Melone just fuck off and bother Ghiaccio? He was going to have a fucking word with that whore next time he saw him!
Slowly, Pesci raised his hands, attempting to wrap them around Prosciuttos waist. He stepped back, a chill running down his spine as Pesci's fingertips brushed up against his waist. Denying his touch was difficult, his body craving having those large hands around his waist, but he was still upset with him.
The frown on Pesci's face deepened, his hands awkwardly dropping to hang at his sides. "He looks at everyone on the team like that," pointed out Pesci, "including you!"
With a wave of his hand, he turned away from Pesci, feeling annoyed with his excuses. "You're done working alone with Melone. For now on, you'll permanently be trailing behind me every single day." No way in hell would he let that creepy bastard steal his lover away from him! Pesci belonged souly to Prosciutto. The entire team knew that by now. He'd beat the fuck out of any man or woman that dared approach what what his.
"You can't make that decision for me!" Pesci whined, the annoyance thick in his tone, causing Prosciutto to swiftly turn back around, a warning glare appearing on his face, his eyes daring his lover to tell him no so that he could start yelling. "I mean.. you can make that decision for me, but I wish you wouldn't! I was having fun working with Melone."
Prosciutto made every single decision for Pesci, even picking out the clothes that he wore each morning. So easily, he slips into that submissive boyfriend role too, gladly letting Prosciutto bark commands at him publicly and privately. It was his way of keeping him close and dependent on Prosciutto.
"Having fun?" Questioned Prosciutto, a look of disgust appearing on his face. "So, while I'm home with dinner ready waiting for you, you're out having fun with another man?" In complete disbelief, he stood, an unnecessary rage bubbling deep within his chest.
Pesci nodded, the red on his face heating up to a dark cherry red. "Let's just have dinner together now! I can warm it up, and it'll taste just as good, we can still have a nice night together. I really missed you today!" As his voice softened, a smile appeared on his face, his head raising. "You missed me a lot! Look at you all jealous! So cute!"
A scoff escaped Prosciuttos' lips, his arms crossing over his chest. A small smirk dared to appear on his lips at how adorable Pesci looked when he was excited and all worked up. "Stop making me jealous on purpose, I should smack you!" That was an empty threat, given he would only ever smack Pesci when his work was sloppy or if he did something that really pissed him off. "I made homemade pizza. It isn't going to be as good reheated!" Next time, he would personally show up at Melones home to drag Pesci's ass home.
"It'll be perfect cold or hot," Pesci quickly replied, the red toning down in his cheeks. "Everything you do is so perfect, I'd eat the pizza raw and still love it simply because you prepared it!" He batted his eyes, stepping towards him to close the small gap between the two.
As he looked into his lovers' soft, dark eyes, a smirk finally appeared on his lips, him not being able to contain his satisfaction front the sweet words that he was hearing. So easily could his lover butter him up with compliments, making all of his anger evaporate. Fuck, why was he even mad? He couldn't quite remember anymore. "Oh really now?"
Pesci wrapped his arms around Prosciuttos waist in a haste, arms tightly wrapped around his slim waist, his lovers face burying in his chest. "Yes, really!" He cried, rough fingertips pressing into his back. "I'll only work with you for now on, I work best when you're telling me exactly what I need to do! I wouldn't know what to do without you."
It was so cute how dependent Pesci was, never being able to show an ounce of independence. Both men were two sides of the same coin - the only difference between them was that Prosciutto was the one in charge, and Pesci was the one that followed Prosciuttos every command. He was making his lover a very respectable and strong man, all while keeping him right where he could see him at all times. Every waking second, he always knew exactly where Pesci was and what he was doing. Hell, he even knew how many times he used the bathroom each day. It was his job as the dominant partner to protect, command, and plan every part of his lovers life!
A huff escaped Prosciuttos' lips, his right arm wrapping around Pesci's waist. He closed his eyes, taking in his sweet scent as he buried his head further in his chest, the sweet smell of spiced vanilla mixed with black cherry filling his nostrils, the scent that he picked out for his lover to wear each and every day. "Good boy," he praised, always pleased with Pesci's submissive behavior. "Go take a shower and wash Melone off of you. I know he hugged you, and I don't fucking like it one bit. I'll try my best to make the pizza fresh again, but it's been ready for over two hours!"
"It was only a quick hug!" Gasped Pesci, quickly pulling away from Prosciutto. "I'll take a quick shower so we can eat! I'll make sure to keep the door open in case you want to watch me. Or to bathe me, I know you like to do that a lot." He placed a kiss on Prosciuttos' lips before heading to the bathroom.
With a shake of his head and a faint blush to his cheeks, his made his way to the kitchen, hoping that he could restore the dinner that he worked so hard on! He licked Pesci's lingering spit off of his lips, a satisfied hum escaping his lips as he heard the shower water turn on. Well.. maybe dinner could wait a little while longer.
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ravenzeppeli · 4 months
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Close to You |Ghiaccio x Male Reader Fluff|
Warning: MA.
Commission for @johnnybwanny
With all of the courage that you had in you, you knocked on Ghiaccios door, a medium-sized blue bag wrapped around your fingers, dangling at your side. It's been a few days since you've seen your friend and work partner since he dislocated his arm during a mission. All you could think about was how bored he must be, being stuck at home on rest until Risotto sees fit that he's able to come back. So badly, did you miss working with him; you've been stuck working with Sorbet and Gelato lately, and it made you really miss your partner.
The loud screech that always came out of his mouth every time he was displeased, the almost permanent scowl that he wore on his face, it was cute. His outbursts never scared nor embarrassed you in public, those outbursts instead making the two of you closer. Beneath his screams, he was making a lot of sense. Never once did you overlook his intelligence, sensing from the moment you met him that he was a sweet man under all of that anger, so long as he trusted you, and you had a strong feeling that he did trust you, considering he gave you his number and address.
The front door creeked open slowly, Ghiaccio appearing in the door frame. Lazily, he red square-rimmed glasses rested on the tip of his nose, his blue hair a curly short mess on top of his head. His right shoulder was wrapped with a tight cloth, making a firm spica wrap to heal his dislocated shoulder. The tight black tank top that he wore clung nicely to his ripped body, his toned pale arms fully exposed, ripped completely with muscles from years of going to the gym.
"Y/N," he mutteted, giving you a small nod, stepping back a little, giving you some space to step into his home. "I didn't know you would be stopping by today. I would have worn something more appropriate and less casual."
You stepped into his home, sliding your shoes off by the front door, knowing how much he likes cleanliness. Thank God you wore a matching pair of socks today. "My apologies for not calling in advance. I was just in the neighborhood and wanted to drop something off for you and see how your arm is." You sat the gift down on the wooden table next to the front door, being mindful of his injured arm. "It's just something small to pass your time."
He closed his front door with a slam, locking it. He took a few steps to his left, closing the gap between the two of you. "That's very.. nice of you." He took the book out of the bag, a bookmark already being placed inside. "This is my favorite author. Thank you, Y/N. My arm is fine, I wanted to go back today, but Risotto told me to rest a few more days. I'm fine, though. It doesn't even hurt."
You smiled as he flipped the book around, reading the back as he stepped closer towards you, his uninjured shoulder now pressed against yours. "I'm off for the rest of the night," you commented casually, causing him to look up at you, his lips inches away from yours. Fuck - did he mean to be this close? You enjoyed being so.. near him. "I can stay the night. Just to keep you company, not because you're hurt! Because you said you aren't, of course. But.. I could sleep on the couch."
Damn it, you sounded like such a blubbering fool! You couldn't help it, he just made you so nervous, the good kind of nervous. Was it wrong of you to ask to stay over, as if he actually needed a babysitter? What if he needed something? You knew that Ghiaccio was a very strong and capable man. You just wanted to take care of him. You wanted to help him and be whatever he needed.
A satisfied hum escaped his lips, a small smile appearing on his lips. He hardly ever smiles. He must like you back! "Fine by me, I was about to order a pizza. You can stay." He shrugged, turning away from you, the book still in his hand. "Let's sit in the dining room. You can fill me in on what's been going on at work while I've been away."
Ghiaccio's POV
Ghiaccio stared at you as you slept on his couch, your body stretched out, a smile spread across your lips. A small smile appeared on his own lips, not expecting for you to actually stay the entire night like you'd promised him you would. Ever since you've joined the team and been spending more time with him, he's found himself actually experiencing happiness. Being with you made him a better man, and he felt as if he was making you a better man also.
Under his guidance, you were becoming a very strong and respected man! You've always had something special about you from the moment that he laid eyes on you, that was why he personally pulled Risotto to the side and asked if he would be able to train you and work alongside you. Thankfully, Risotto agreed, only caring if the job got done, and it always got done. It was just nice having you with him. He couldn't wait to get back to work so that he could spend more time with you.
Everything about you made him not want to punch you in the face. He's wanted to punch every person he's met in the face at least once throughout the progression of his friendships and work professional relationships. With you, he never felt any negative feelings. As you infected his life, you brought along nothing but happiness and positive emotions out of him. He may not show his emotions, but he just wasn't the type! He had a feeling that deep down, you knew how he felt.
You were so kind to Ghiaccio, bringing him a brand new book and bookmark because you knew that he loved to read. Then you volunteered to sleep on his couch in case he needed anything, actually staying throughout the night! Guys always sneak out the front door while Ghiaccio slept, never wanting to stay the night with him. He wasn't that bad. He liked for things to always go a certain way, the right way. If it wasn't perfect, then it wasn't done right! Simple as that! You were very perfect, he didn't have a single complaint about you!
Your eyes fluttered open, a lazy smile spreading across your lips as you gaze up at him with your soft eyes, causing his heart to flutter at your immediate attention. "How's your arm? Don't you worry, I'm going to make you breakfast so that you can rest your arm."
The first thing that you asked about was him when you woke up, asking if his arm was okay! That was it. This was the final straw. His heart could only take so much! You made him so happy. He needed to make a move, and he needed to make one fast before someone else realized how great you were!
"No!" He spat out, letting a small smile appear on his lips, not being able to contain the rare delight that he was feeling in this moment. Quickly, you sat up, your sleepy eyes on him as he spoke. "I'm going to take you out on a breakfast date!"
"Date?" You questioned, voice immediately perking up. "What does that mean?" An innocent smile rested across your face, eyes resting on his.
"It means that we're going to go on a date," Ghiaccio replied, his voice light. If anyone else were to have asked him such a stupid question, he would have snapped at them. What else could a date possibly mean!? "Unless you don't want to." Maybe he misread your signals. Damn it!
You shot up from the couch, a small little smile appeasing on your lips as you walked over to him. "I'd love to go on a date with you, Ghiaccio. I've liked you for a long time. I'll just need a few moments to freshen up for you before we leave!" You were always so considerate of him. Yeah, he's definitely going to ask you to be his boyfriend after breakfast. He'd be a fool not to romantically presue you.
"You know where the bathroom is," he commented, a faint blush flushing across his cheeks. "I'll be waiting right here. I'm going to take you to my favorite café."
Ghiaccio watched as you vanished down his hallway, feeling a sense of euphoria as he imagined the life that the two of you were going to have together. You were so good to him, bringing him a gift and staying overnight on his couch. In return for always being kind to him, he would love and cherish for you for the rest of his life.
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ravenzeppeli · 3 months
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After Work Relief |Prosciutto x Pesci Lemon|
Warning: strong language, dom/sub relationship, dom/sub sex.
Commission for @johnnybwanny
Pesci's POV
Pesci could always tell when Prosciutto was feeling overwhelmed after work, his blue eyes immediately locking onto Pesci as soon as both men entered their shared apartment together. Out of caution, Pesci locked the front door, his eyes finally meeting Prosciuttos awaiting glare as he turned to face him.
"That son of a bitch," sneered Prosciutto, his hands balling into fists as he wildly shook his head in disbelief, shock in his sharp tone. "To have the audacity to run from me? As if I wasn't going to still shoot him dead in his scum face!"
Pesci walked over to Prosciutto, proceeding with caution. "Hey.. you still got him! And we still finished on time!" He was going to continue, but the sharp glance that Prosciutto suddenly gave him silenced him, his head dropping. He knew that nothing could make Prosciutto feel better once he was upset except for one specific thing. Something that only Pesci could do for him, and he was always up for that task.
With a huff, Prosciutto unbuttoned his darl-colored jacket, tossing his jacket in the armchair that rested in the corner of the room. "Doesn't fucking matter Pesci," he snapped.
"Yes, you're right, Prosciutto," muttered Pesci, immediately agreeing with him, just as he always did, never finding himself disagreeing with his partner. "You're always right."
Letting out a dry laugh, Prosciutto slipped his shoes off, walking over to stand by the edge of the bed, his stern eyes not once leaving Pesci's gaze. He unfastened his leather belt, sliding the thick leather through his belt loops. "And don't you ever fucking forget that, Pesci."
Pesci slipped off his own shoes, taking his jacket off in a hurry, tossing his jacket on top of Prosciuttos as he made his way over to him. Already, his body could sense what was about to happen to him, or rather, what Prosciutto was going to command be done to him.
After a stressful day at work, Prosciutto liked to bend over the bed and get roughly pounded by Pesci, Pesci always being the one to submit despite being the one that was doing the fucking, Prosciuttos tight ass always being such a huge weakness. In secret, he actually enjoyed when Prosciutto had a rough day at work, knowing that his anger and screaming at work was only going to lead to a rough night that would leave Pesci panting.
"Are you eager to get my mind off of this stressful day, Pesci?" He muttered, voice dripping with a low dominance as he looked Pesci up and down, eyes slowly tracing every inch of his body. "You better not be fucking tired! You are a man, and you need to fuck like a man, no whining or moaning!"
Almost too eagerly, Pesci nodded, immediately going hard at those harsh words, the words cutting into him, making the blood rush to his cock. "I-I'm not tired! I.. can fuck you like a man tonight!" The strong confidence in his voice was masking how nervous he was, a bubbling excitement mixing into that nervous feeling.
Rolling his eyes, he took his shirt off, revealing his toned abs and slim, muscular form. "You always say that," he proudly sneered, "just be a good boy and fucking listen."
Prosciutto lowered his pants and underwear, his large 8 inches springing to life. As Pesci stared in awe, Prosciutto turned away, slipping his pants and underwear off. As he bent over, Pesci noticed a metal anal plug shoved deep in his ass, resting between his pale, thick cheeks.
In anticipation, Pesci shuddered, keeping his eyes on the anal plug as he stripped his own clothes in a hurry, scattering them across the bedroom floor. It was always so hard for him to contain his excitement, face blushing a bright red as he felt his cock twitching. Prosciutto was such a beautiful sight to take in, every inch of his toned body being absolutely perfect in Pesci's eyes.
"Well," Prosciutto snapped, impatience creeping in his voice as he crawled onto the bed, arching his back, "Hurry up and fuck me. You always waste so much time staring. I didn't tell you to stare, I told you to fuck me like a man!"
Pesci felt himself losing control already as he approached Prosciutto, sliding the thick anal plug out of his awaiting ass. His waxed asshole was perfectly agape, greedily awaiting to be filled up to the rim. Leaning down, Pesci licked Prosciuttos ass, his tongue diving into his hole, tasting him. Low moans escaped his lips, his tongue slipping in and out.
"Pesci!" Snapped Prosciutto, causing Pesci to immediately lift his head up. "Slam your cock into my ass now! Be the strong man that I know you can be!"
"O-okay!" Cried out Pesci as he climbed onto the bed, getting behind Prosciutto, licking his lips as he lined himself up with his partners entrance, shoving his cock inside of him. A low gasp immediately escaped his lips, warm tightness throbbing around him, feeling a sense of instant euphoria wash over him.
"Good, Pesci!" Cried out Prosciutto, his hands firmly grasping the sheets. "Sliding in is the easiest part, though! Don't be a whiney little bitch, I'll have to get on top if you do!"
Despite loving when Prosciutto glared down at him and rode his cock, he wanted to show his partner how good he was at listening to him! With a steady pace, Pesci thrusted himself in and out of Prosciutto, his hands locking around his bare waist, feeling his smooth skin.
"I can hold myself in place!" Prosciutto yelled out, Pesci's hands immediately falling from his waist. "I'm the one that wraps my hands around your waist! Go faster, I'm not a delicate doll, I'm a goddamn man!"
With haste, Pesci began to pump his cock in and out Prosciuttos hole, staring at his still neatly placed golden hair, biting down roughly on his own lip, fighting the urge to scream out his name. He felt so fucking good, so amazing, he loved being under his partners full control. He'd go as fast as Prosciutto wanted, only caring about pleasing his partner.
"Good job, Pesci, that's how a man thrusts!" Prosciutto gave his small praise, it being an encouragement for Pesci to keep going.
Not being able to contain himself, low moans spilled from Pesci's mouth, Prosciuttos tight walls sucking him in greedily with each violent thrust that he made. Fuck, he wanted to fill Prosciutto up with his cum so badly, but he wouldn't come unless he was given permission, willing to hold himself back. Placing his hands behind his back, his kept an iron pace, his cock throbbing with satisfaction.
Prosciutto let a low grunt escape his lips, ass pushing into Pesci's cock. "F-fucking beg. Beg to cum inside of me Pesci, you need to earn the privilege to cum," he barked out, voice laced with a thick dominance, hands still tightly grasping the sheets.
"Please," he begged, voice pleading, thusts becoming sloppy, the cum almost daring to spill from his cock without permission. Prosciutto's tight hole was so warm and tight, it was so hard to contain himself. He wanted to fill him up so badly. "P-please let me cum inside of you!"
Prosciutto let out a shaky scoff. "P-patheic as always, Pesci! So quick to beg for me! Cum, then!"
As soon as Prosciutto gave the okay, Pesci gave five rough, sloppy thrusts before filling Prosciuttos ass with cum. He pulled out, a low whine escaping his lips as he watched the cum spill from Prosciuttos abused hole, tears filling his eyes. It was just so perfect.. he loved seeing it, he could stare at his cum dripping from his partners ass all night.
Prosciutto got up quickly, "Get in the damn shower with me." In a rush, he entered the bathroom that was in their bedroom, slamming door shut. Immediately, the shower turned on. "Hurry, I won't wait all fucking night!"
Pesci stared down at the sticky white cum that Prosciutto left behind on the sheets, a smirk appearing on his lips as he rushed to the bathroom. "Coming, Prosciutto!"
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ravenzeppeli · 5 months
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Eternal Star |Prosciutto x Male Reader Fluff|
Comission for @johnnybwanny
      "Happy anniversary," Prosciutto grumbled as he grabbed the cup of coffee that you offered him, his head giving you a little nod as he took a sip. With his other hand, he reached into his pocket, pulling out a thick black box. He held it towards you, dark blue eyes scanning your face carefully. He sat his coffee cup down on the counter, his other hand burying in the deep pocket of his black slacks.
      Happily, you took the box. "Thank you." Your eyes landed on his wrist, noticing that he was wearing the new personally engraved rollex you bought him, the date the two of you married carved onto the back of the watch. Due to your excitement over the gift, you gave it to him a few days early. Ever since, he hadn't taken it off his wrist. Even in the shower, he wore it, and that made you feel good.
      Prosciutto was a good husband, and you loved him deeply, and you knew that he loved you, but he was very reserved. Hardly ever did a laugh escape his lips, never did he talk to you in a sweet voice, and he wasn't as romantic as you'd like. Still, you loved him despite that, deciding to keep your mouth shut about his flaws and accept him for who he was.
      You opened the box, revealing a brand new wedding band. Instantly, your heart began to skip a rapid beat as you stared down at the beautiful band. The band thick and golden, having a powerful shine to it. "Wow.. I love it, Pros," you mused softly, staring down at the ring in awe. "Thank you so much."
      He told you he would replace your wedding band once the two of you reached three years of marriage. You were honestly surprised that he remembered, given that he made that promise four years ago when the two of you went out on your third date, when you were much younger and had no clue that he would be the man that you would soon marry a year later.
     With delicacy, Prosciutto raised his right hand, sliding your old wedding finger off of your ring gently. A small heart was engraved in your finger, the ring having a small metal heart underneath so that when you took off the ring, it was still known that you were a married man. The ring was designed to leave a permanent imprint on your finger, and as he lifted the new ring from the box, you noticed that the little metal heart that your last ring had.
     "There you go, darling," he spoke as he raised your hand, slipping the ring onto your awaiting finger with no hesitation. "That looks very nice on you."
       You leaned forward, placing a kiss on his lips, tasting the lingering taste of cinnamon. "Well, you have great taste," you added, letting your arms wrap around his waist.
      "I wish I could stay, but I have to go to work today," he muttered, thick sadness in his tone. "I should be back tonight."
     You sighed, nodding your head in understandment. His job always took him away from you, but it was also another thing that you've had to learn to accept over the years. At times, he would vanish for weeks at a time, and you would only get phone calls from random burner phones. His job stressed you out so much. Why couldn't he just have a normal job? You'd still love him if he was a plumber or worked in an office.
      He wrapped his arms around your neck, placing a soft kiss on your nose. "I'll come home to you as soon as I can, I'll try my best to hurry."
       "Don't hurry," you replied softly, burying your head in his chest, the smell of spiced vanilla hitting your nostrils. Why would you want him to rush through a potentially unsafe job? His safety was your main concern. "Just please be safe, I don't want you getting hurt."
       A scoff escaped his lips, "I'd never get hurt. You worry too much." He placed a rushed kiss on your lips, slowly unraveling his arms from around you. "Wait up for me. I promise that it'll be worth it." He waved at you with his free hand, walking over to the front door and opening it. With no other words, he stepped out the front door, leaving a lingering excitement in your heart as you wondered what he wanted you to wait up for.
      As the day turned into night, you found yourself sitting on the wooden steps of your back porch, staring at the freshly cut grass that you cut today to pass the time. It was around 10 at night, the sky pitch black and filled with an array of beautiful stars. The moon was a crescent shape, it being right above your head as you looked up.
      You let out a relaxed sigh, the porch letting out a low creak as you leaned back on the steps. Dinner for Prosciutto was already warm and still waiting for him on the stove. You also decided to wait to eat dinner with him tonight. No matter how late it was, you always waited up for him if you knew that he would be arriving home. You would wait for him all night if need be.
       Thankfully, tonight, you wouldn't be waiting long for him, the sound of the back door pushing open. You rose to your feet instantly, your heart skipping a rapid beat as the soft eyes of your husband met yours.
       Prosciutto had on a tight black t-shirt that hugged around his slim but toned figure, jogging pants around his waist. His blonde hair was damp, resting on his shoulders and free from the four tight braids that kept his shoulder-length hair tied back. "Hey darling," he spoke, his voice softer then usual, a softer tone that you weren't used to but instantly warmed up to. In his right hand, he held a piece of paper, pulling it behind his back as soon as you attempted to examine it. "I've missed you today. You look so handsome. Look at you. I missed that face so much today."
     A wide smile appeared on your lips, you practically cheesing from his praise. "You look handsome as well," you replied, ignoring the heat that was rushing to your face. Even after three years of marriage, he still could make you blush. Your mind still drifted to that paper, wanting to reach out and playfully snatch it from him, but you didn't want to ruin the element of surprise. "How was your day? Did work go well?"
     "My day was well, and work went very well," he told you, nodding his head as he walked past you suddenly, going down the four back porch steps. "Come stand next to me and look up at the sky."
      With no hesitation, you followed him down the steps, a surprised hum escaping your lips as he stepping behind you, his right arm wrapping around your waist as he held up the sheet of paper to your face. His chin rested on your shoulder, right arm locking a little more snug around your waist. "What is it?" You questioned him, eyes setting on the paper.
       "It's something that'll last for all eternity," he spoke, his soft tone leaving, the normal dominance in his voice returning. "It isn't a big deal. Just read the paper and then look up at the sky. I'm ready to have dinner." And there he was, there's the hardened man that you loved. The sweetness was rare, but it was fine by you. He was a good man either way. "Please." Now that was new. He actually said please to you? That was nice.
       "Okay," you replied softly, leaning into him as you read what was on the paper, a look of surprise appearing on your face. "You named a star after me?" You looked down at the black and white close-up picture of a single star circled red, a bunch of stars scattering around it, the paper explaining that a single star was named after you. You looked up at the sky that was filled with millions of stars, not being able to find yours, but knowing that a star was actually named after you meant a lot to you.
    "Yes," he replied, placing a kiss on your cheek as he snatched the paper away from your vision. "I already have a frame for this paper picked out and ready to be framed. Our love is eternal, and now your name will be eternalized in the sky with my last name attached behind."
      You quickly turned around, throwing your arms around his neck as you hugged him tightly, peppering his jawline with kisses. "You're such a good husband! Thank you, babe, it's amazing!" This was the best gift that he could have ever given you, a permanent symbol of the love that he had for you. You never knew that he could be so sentimental. You've always just gotten jewelry and money up until now. This was truly the perfect anniversary gift.
     "Yeah yeah," Prosciutto grumbled, his arms locking around your waist, lifting you up off of your feet, carrying you up the stairs "Come on now, I'm ready to eat and celebrate our anniversary a little more."
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ravenzeppeli · 7 months
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Chapter 1- Different |La Squadra x Reader|
Warning: strong language, sexual conversations, threats. MA.
Living a life of violence and crime was a thing that you've grown accustomed to living in Naples, Italy, for so long. You yourself committed crimes, using your stand to cover up and evidence, but now you found yourself an active member of the underground criminal underground. Activity: You were a part of a hit man team, being given a few offers you couldn't refuse.
Refusing.. you found yourself refusing, but Risotto kept his composure. All the men seemed to as you were convinced to not only join this team that consisted of six members and one leader, but you seemingly got roped into being a girlfriend to all seven of them. Then you got moved out of your apartment, your stuff being packed as Risotto permanently moved you into the base. You weren't afraid. You never felt fear towards them. You felt annoyed to be dating seven men, and you were annoyed to be forced to work as a team now. These men.. if you didn't hold your own, they would walk all over you. That was clear.
"So Y/N," Formaggio muttered as he leaned forward, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth as he looked at you, green eyes red and gloosy due to his after work celebration. "How the fuck you know Leaky Eye Luca girl? You need to tell us stuff about yourself, we wanna know you." He smirked, taking a puff of his cigarette, blowing the smoke towards you.
You sat across from him, your eyes on him as you slightly wrinkled up your nose, not being a fan of the thick smoke cloud that wrapped around your face. "I used to sell drugs for him," you told him, causing Formaggio to tilt his head to the side slightly, seeming intrigued suddenly.
"You ever fuck him?" Illuso questioned, a smirk appearing on his face as he looked you up and down.
"No," you replied, more annoyance than calmness in your tone as you spoke to Illuso. After being here only a few days, you already hated Illuso, being annoyed at Risotto for making you date Illuso too. Most of these men really annoyed you so far. You weren't really clicking with anyone aside from Melone, the crazy clingy men always being what you usually went for anyway.
"You can only fuck us now anyways, don't let me catch you cheating. I would hate to have to knock your teeth down your throat," Illuso told you, his threat causing you to roll his eyes. "Girl, watch the attitude. I mean what the fuck I say."
"You were literally at the strip club last night, and I know what happens at those low lighting strip clubs," you told Illuso, causing him to glare, cutting his red eyes at you. "You idiot."
Melone suddenly piped in, his hand clamping down on your thigh. "You aren't going to hit her Illuso, and Y/N isn't going to run around and cheat. Just trust her, and don't put ideas into her head." He always seemed to step up and defend you. That's why you already had sex with him.
You've already had sex with Risotto, Melone, and Formaggio. With Illuso and Prosciutto you’ve just given them head. Ghiaccio and Pesci.. nothing, which was fine. You didn't really find yourself having any meaningful relationship with these men anyway. This was.. business, you saw this as simply business. Of course you would be loyal, you've only fucked two men in the past before getting involved in all of this, being awkward with men and preferring sex toys or the occasional rare escort. You were kind socially awkward, even when selling drugs or committing disgusting crimes you kept quiet tried to be as quick as possible.
"The strip club is what men do in our profession, alright? It's where we conduct business. You just fucking stay here and mind your business like a good little housewife should," Illuso snapped at you, his smirk appearing back on his lips. "You're a woman.. stay in a woman's place alright?"
"I'm not a fucking housewife," you snapped at him. "You know, I've killed people before. I could be taken ser-"
"Women shouldn't be in the mafia, out with all the men doing dirty work. It isn't good for business," Prosciutto chimed in as he walked into the base living room, shutting you down as he always seemed to. "Your stand is very strong, useful, but your work is behind the scenes, and it'll stay that way." He sat down next to you. "Risotto told you that you wouldn't be killing anymore. You killed due to lack of self-control. Also, your refusal to even show your stand.. come on Y/N. Be happy with your place."
You turned to face him, cutting your eyes at him. You didn't kill because you didn't have any self-control.. well, sometimes you killed due to your line of work. These men outside of the mafia that buy drugs have tried stuff on you, so you kill them. If you read the paper and you see a rapist got out, then you kill them. You see a violent homeless man? Kill him. A man cuts you in line? Follow him home and kill him. The funny thing is you've only ever killed men. No woman ever tried to hurt you or short change you. Still, you made sure never to fuck with the mafia, Risotto finding you was a mere stupid mistake on your part. You should of tried to run, but he didn't try and hurt you so you just let him take you.
You were a fighter, but not with these men, really.. you kind of picked your battles, and Risotto mentioned to you that Prosciutto was second in command, so you didn't want to argue with him unless necessary. He was.. too dominant, too bossy for his own good. Formaggio told you Prosciutto had three ex-wives, and they all filed to leave him.. you could see why. Prosciutto was hot, but he was extremely conservative, thought the men call it "old school," whatever that means.
You wanted to say something smart to Prosciutto, but you couldn't think of anything. You also felt intimidated by him. Prosciutto intimidated you more than Risotto did. Maybe it was because you found him highly physically attractive. "Whatever."
Prosciutto seemed to be annoyed with your reply, but he ignored it, instead deciding to continue, "Well, you are our.. girlfriend now? I guess it could be called that, and that means you need to stay home and listen to us. Be good and be submissive."
"First key to submission is to take your clothes off and strip for us," Illuso told you. You heard the flick of Prosciuttos lighter as he lit up a cigarette.
"Slow your fucking roles," you snapped at them, causing Prosciutto to smack your thigh. You felt a dull sting but you had no reaction, the smack causing only a slight tingle to your pussy. "Don't be like that."
Prosciutto sat back, puffing away at his cigarette. "This is just how things have always been, and it's how things should be. You'll be fine, we're going to take care of you."
You did not want to be taken care of - you missed your old studio apartment and how lonely you always were. But, you had to look at some pros. You got better weed now. You could be happy about that, and you really liked Melone a lot. Also, you had a feeling Risotto would let you kill pretty soon, and that made you feel another tingle.
You shrugged, causing Illuso to let out a laugh. "Fuck you're so quiet, you need to learn how to speak to up more. Why don't you tell us about all those crimes you committed? You are ours now after all, we wanna know you," Illuso told you, causing you to glare at him. "Still nothing? You can't just keep only telling Melone shit. How are we supposed to trust you? You could be wearing a wire right now." It was clear Illuso wasn't being serious, wanting to mess with you.
"She's not wearing a fucking wire, Risotto knows everywhere she goes. Stop talking out of your fucking ass," Prosciutto told Illuso. "No cop is gonna fucking be suspicious of her, they'll just think she's a clueless girlfriend."
You turned your head towards Ghiaccio, his eyes on his computer as he busily typed away, not paying the group any attention. Risotto was in his office, and you had no clue where Pesci was, but you assumed that he was in the dining room as he always was.
"Who's staying here with her tonight? I'm going home tonight, I gotta go to the dentist tomorrow," Melone spoke, causing you to instantly look at him, seeming upset. "Well, I can take you with me. Want to come with me? I would love to take you. Just come home with me."
You were close to saying yes when Prosciutto suddenly spoke up, "You've been with her every waking second for the past five days. Take a break, I'll stay with her tonight." Your frown deepened. "Oh, stop with that pouting. You need to be a girlfriend to all of us, not just Melone."
"I call dibs tomorrow night," Formaggio replied, putting his cigarette butt in the crystal ashtray that rested in the middle of the dark wooden coffee table. "She likes me. See how she ain't frown more?"
You shrugged at Formaggio, causing him to give you a grin. "I don't really care who stays with me if it isn't Melone." You then turned towards Prosciutto. "I want to be an assassin. Behind the scenes is boring."
"Didn't I say no or are you fuckin' deaf?" Prosciutto snapped. "Goddamnit woman, when the man says no it means no."
"Is the man right here in the room with us?" You questioned, causing Prosciutto to immediately smack you upside the head. "You literally just concussed me." You felt a dull ache, but you were just being dramatic. He didn't concuss you.
"Stop being dramatic. That hardly hurt. Learn to watch your mouth, you keep pissing me off," Prosciutto snapped at you as he stood up. "Now stop questioning me, I'll be back in a few hours."
As Prosciutto began to walk away, you spoke, "Where do you think you're going? I don't remember you asking for my permission." Maybe if you showed him how annoying it was when he controlled you, he would stop.
He froze, turning back around as he looked down at you, his feet slowly starting to step back towards you. As his hand balled into a fist, Melone stood up, blocking Prosciutto from getting to you. "Just go Prosciutto, she's kidding."
"I am a grown man, I am in charge of you. You aren't in charge of me. You are beneath me in every way," Prosciutto snapped at you, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're a woman. You're our woman, meaning you just shut up and listen always. That's your job. Understand that girl?"
You shrugged your shoulders at him, causing him to glare at you one last time before turning away, walking out the front door and slamming it shut.
"Goddamnit Y/N," Formaggio snapped at you, pointing a finger at you. "You've gotta stop pissing him off. If you wanna fuck with someone fuck with Illuso or Ghiaccio."
"Don't tell her to fucking bother me," Ghiaccio suddenly snapped, his dark eyes glaring at Formaggio. "She's not bothering me at all, I want to keep it that way!" He turned his attention back to his computer, completely ignoring your existence. In Ghiaccios eyes it was as if you weren't even a person, just a prop that he seems to not be interested in. Fuck it, fine by you. He seemed like a total jack ass.
"Bother me, and I'll stick my dick in your mouth," Illuso told you, causing you to immediately stand up. "Come on, I'm joking around!" As he reached forward to grab you, you shook your head, walking past him, shaking your head once more as you felt his hand smack your ass, a loud pop sound filling the air.
"Stupid," you called out as you walked into your bedroom, softly closing the door. You let a low sigh escape your lips as you walked over to your desk, sitting down at the leather rolling chair that was slightly pushed out. You sighed, closing your eyes as you leaned back in the chair - this new life was definitely an adjustment for you. Aside from Melone and Formaggio, these men were not very likable. Maybe you were judging too hard. Or maybe you were right. Or maybe you were just insane.
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ravenzeppeli · 7 months
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The Summer of Winter |Yandere Ghiaccio x Reader Angst|
Warning: strong language, physical abuse, unhealthy relationship.
Seether- Walk Away From The Sun
It was the summer of winter- that much you remember. You remembered every single detail as the summer leaves fell to the ground, the grassy grounds that you laid on freezing from underneath you, halfway freezing your body to the icy grounds. You tried to lift you head up but you couldn't, the freezing ice chilling your body to the core.
"I remember the day I first met you," you heard Ghiaccio say, his shoes crunching against the frozen ground. He was getting closer to you, "it was a warm sunny day.. you were so vibrant as you sat at the bar. You looked at me and you automatically smiled.. your smile warmed my cold heart that night."
You stayed silent, not daring to say a thing to him. When he's like this... you can't do anything but stay frozen in sheer terror. You hated when he talked about the moment the two of you met- it was a day that you now grew to hate, to envy the person that you were before you met this monster.
His footsteps stopped, staying out of your eyesight. "To think that such a warm smile, such a heartwarming smile could try to leave me once more. I told you what would happen if you ran from me again.. didn't I tell you what would happen to you?"
You swallowed hard, closing your eyes shut as you remembered the deadly threat. That damned fear.. it was already coming, your teeth chattering as your frozen body struggled to shiver. He was going to freeze you to death- slowly watch the life drain out from your body for daring to run away from him. The threat of death always lingered around him.. it always haunted you.
"In this open field we are all alone, and I know how to get away with murder Y/N.." his voice trailed, footsteps picking back up. "A slow and painless death would be easy, something that you don't deserve."
You slowly started to finally believe that death would be easier, despite what he said even a slow death would be quick compared to all the pain that he made you endure the past few years. Death would be a sweet gift- a sweet escape from the monster that you call your boyfriend. He was such a deadly stand user, so delicate but ruthless with his practice. How could a monster such as himself claim to love you at all? You never understood.
Ghiaccio finally crouched down next to you, his squared red glasses resting on the edge of his nose as his face was like a blank canvas- showing no remorse or personality in his features. His usually swirled blue hair was unkept, resting shaggily on top of his head. His dark black irises stared deeply into your soul- hinting deep danger.
"Your lips are turning blue.. you're freezing to death, slowly and painfully as I promised." He let his cool finger graze your cheeks softly, fingertips running across your red cheeks. "I told you not to run away from me. How dare you disobey me again."
Your lips chattered as you slowly felt your body shutting itself down, your eyes darting to stare up at him. "I remember when I said I wanted it to snow on our first date. It was a hot summer night but snow fell directly where we were standing. It was so beautiful.. the way the snow stuck to your swirly blue hair.. the smile on your face. That was the man that I ended up falling for, not this.." you recalled the day like a dream; he hasn't been the same person he was for an entire year. He only showed rare glimpses of the man that he was- the man that you desperately clung onto.
"You are so detailed, aren't you? You remember all of the details like it happened only yesterday." Ghiaccio was always impressed with your picture perfect memory- you never forgot a thing. You held onto the good and also the bad parts. "If only you remembered just the good. You see every bad part of me more clearly."
How could you not see every bad part of him? He was trying to take your life for simply trying to leave him and his crazy ways behind, craving a life where you didn't live every day of your life in fear. The fear was driving you absolutely insane, making every day a place where you are trapped in your own personal hell.
You felt your heartbeat slow down, your breathing hitched as your eyes darted up to the dark sky. Thousands of stars lined the sky- thousands and thousands of beautiful little stars. You let a tear escape your eyes, only for it to freeze to your chilled cheek. You felt your end coming, your final moments would be spent with Ghiaccio.
The ice surrounding your body quickly melted, freeing your body from the icy hell that you got trapped in. With quick ease, the blue haired man picked your up bridal style, his thin eyebrows pushing together as he glared at you, finally showing emotion on his face. "If I wouldn't have stopped.. you would have died in three minutes. Let that be a lesson.. you can not run from me. You can not hide from me; I will always be able to find you."
You closed your eyes, body shaking as you tried to warm yourself up against him. You hated this but you pressed your head and hands against him, actually finding warmth as you buried your head in his chest. "I.. I'm sorry." But you didn't mean it, you were only sorry that you ended up getting caught.
"Good.. don't make me do that again. Stay submissive to me and everything will turn out fine. My perfectly submissive wife, that is your role," he muttered as his arms tightened around you. "You are mine.. and you will always be mine Y/N."
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ravenzeppeli · 4 months
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Chapter 40 - History Finds Itself Repeating|Formaggio + Illuso x Reader Angst|
Warning: strong/vulgar language, cheating, stalking, physical abuse, verbal abuse, noncon threat, choking [murder attempt], extremely dark chapter. MA.
2 Months Later
Formaggios POV
"Thanks," Formaggio muttered, tossing two 50s on the ground next to the random blonde that just finished sucking him off. "Make sure to keep your fucking mouth shut. Last bitch told my girl, she don't need to know this shit." He turned to the side, sliding the condom filled with cum off of his cock, letting it fall to the ground. The condom made a plop on the ground, his sticky white cum spilling out all over the alleyway floor.
"I'll keep my mouth shut," the girl muttered, snatching the money off of the ground. "Your cock is like, so amazing. I wish that you would be my boyfriend. You're so handsome."
A laugh escaped his lips, his eyes rolling. "You don't gotta compliment me for more money, honey. You did okay, I'll give you a little tip." He slid a 20 out of his pocket, this time handing it to the young woman on her knees in front of him. "My girl never fucking compliments me."
"I'm sorry," she replied, taking the 20 and shoving it in her bra, along with the two 50s. "If you're ever looking for a girlfriend, I would compliment you every day. A strong man like you deserves to be loved."
Money was a little tight, as it always is. The boss hardly paid him shit, but this little honey was feeding into his ego hard. Being complimented by a woman felt so nice. Why couldn't you compliment him like this? It'd be nice to hear how sexy and strong he was from the woman he loved instead of some random honey.
"Just take the rest of the night off, honey," he replied, slipping a 50 out of his pocket and handing it to her. "Buy yourself something pretty. And remember, if you run into my girl, walk the other way immediately. I don't wanna hear her pretty little mouth bitching me out for having fun." Fun, it was just harmless fun. Harmless fun that you wouldn't find out about again.
Formaggio never felt bad about his personal affairs. What a man did in their private business was their business alone. He took good care of you, and he made sure that you were happy. Sharing you with six other men also made him feel less guilty about getting his dick sucked. It's not like he was fucking these girls and spending time with them. It was just a way to relax after a hard day. What's the harm in that?
He planned to approach you as soon as he entered the base, but you were already outside as he walked over to the front entrance. Illuso was standing directly beside you, his hand having an iron grip on your waist.
"I'm going to tell him what you've been doing," Illuso immediately snapped at you, unwrapping his arm from around you, his eyes locking onto Formaggio. "Are you fucking clueless? Am I fucking clueless?" He questioned, red eyes filled with a mix of panic and anger.
A feeling of anger quickly washed over Formaggio, looking past Illuso to land his glare directly on you. "What the fuck did you do?" He had no fucking clue what you could have possibly done, considering you were a pretty low maintenance and well behaved girlfriend. Never did he have to do much of anything with you unless he wanted too. He couldn't even recall a time where you've ever asked him for anything.
"I didn't do anything," you muttered, eyes dropping to the ground. "Just drop it, Illuso. You don't need to bring Formaggio or anyone else into this. We've all done bad things here, and my thing is less bad."
"Shut your fucking mouth," Illuso snapped at you, turning back to look at you. "It doesn't matter what the fuck we do! You mind your goddamn business like we mind ours when it comes to you! You fucked up, you crossed a goddamn line!"
"Fucks going on?" Formaggio questioned, stepping forward, feeling completely fucking clueless. What could you have possibly done that was so fucking bad? That would actually cause him to give the slightest fuck? "You cheating on us? That what it is?" A scoff escaped your lips, his eyebrows immediately shooting up in surprise. "Illuso, what did she do?" He didn't take his eyes off of you.
Illuso walked past Formaggio, hand reaching forward as he grabbed your jaw, his fingers tucking under your chin as he yanked your head up, forcing you to look at Formaggio, "She's been fucking following us. Watching us. For goddamn three months."
"What?" Formaggio questioned, more shocked than angry. How did he not know that you were watching him? This had to be a misunderstanding. You weren't capable of anything. For fucks sake, he never even let you use your stand, he just made you drive them around while they did the heavy lifting. All you were was just their pretty little girlfriend, you weren't capable of successful stalking anyone. Suddenly, he laughed, shaking his head. "If you caught her doing it once then it doesn't mean that she's done it before." Fuck, Illuso was an idiot.
At times, you were a little sneaky. He'll give you that. During the night, you always seemed to slip out of his bed before he woke up. It's been months since he's woken up, and you've been next to him. Even when he clings to you, you still find a way to sneak out of his bed and go sit on the couch or in the dining room. Maybe you were just good at walking on your toes, he didn't fucking know.
Illuso let out a dry laugh, "She's been paying the girls that have been sucking our dicks." His grip seemed to tighten as the amusement suddenly draining from Formaggios face. "Wanna know how I found out? It was pure fucking luck, all because I mark the money that I give Y/N." His eyes immediately cut over to you. "You think you're so fucking smart, don't you? Think you're smart enough to embarrass us and never get caught?"
"You only got caught because you do what he does," you spoke calmly, giving your shoulders a gentle shrug. "It's more complex than that."
Formaggio felt as if his heart was about to explode out of his chest. With disbelief, he stared at you, shocked that you actually did all of this without getting caught. "How did you catch her?" He muttered, not taking his glare off of you as he stepped closer, leaning down slightly so that he was in your face. "More complex?" He felt like a goddamn idiot. How could he not have realized you were watching him? How did he not know that you were aware of his cheating? Goddamnit!
"I went to get my dick sucked this morning. Asked the girl for change, and she pulled out a bunch of 20s," Illuso spoke, shaking his head. "When I give Y/N money, I mark the right hand corner with a small red x to see if she ever uses the money I give her. When I threatened to blow the girls brains out, she spilled the beans and told me everything. Says our little girlfriend approached her and some other girls, paying them to give us longer and better blow jobs."
"Why the fuck would you want us to cheat on you?" Formaggio snapped, his hands balling into fists. "Y/N, what the fuck?"
You said nothing, your eyes dropping to avoid his glare. Visibly, you were stiff, uncomfortable with how close he was. How close they both were. Nearly 8 months together, and still you couldn't stand him. Still you made him fuck you with a condom on as if he had a fucking disease. All this was starting to really get under his skin, and he had a feeling that Illuso felt the same way as him.
"She's trying to get us to fall in love with another girl," Illuso muttered, his hands dropping to your throat, jaw locking. "That fucking bitch told me everything Y/N. How you approached them and were paying them, telling them be extra nice to us and compliment us. I was wondering why all these random cunts were saying my dicks amazing and I'm fucking attractive. You fucking little.. you.. you fucking..." He seemed to be struggling to find the words, his hand grasping tighter at your throat. "How dare you humiliate me!"
Formaggio stepped back a little, not being able to take his eyes off of you. This was insane. He had no idea that you were capable of doing something like this for months without getting caught. On top of that, all these random women now think that his girl hates him! This was a tricky situation because both Illuso and him did tell you that they wouldn't cheat on you. So your lie was just a reflection of their lie, so what the fucks he supposed to do?
"Can't we just be coworkers?" You questioned softly, that getting you an instant slap across the face from Illuso. "Is that a yes? We can just coexist together. You can do your thing, guys, and it'll be fine. I just feel like it would be better if you both broke up with me." The slap didn't even make you flinch, the red handprint mark staining the side of your cheek, your head remaining in place.
"You're gonna get a beating," Illuso snapped, raising his hand, Formaggio immediately noticing that it was a fist. Quickly, he grabbed Illusos fist, dragging him away from you. "Man, what are you doing!? We need to beat her ass! She's been doing crazy shit all because she wants us to dump her!"
Beating you was something that Formaggio so badly wanted to do. Of course, he wanted to punch you in the face and bend you over his lap. So badly, did he want to scream at you and threaten you for stalking him, scare you so badly that you throw up all over yourself like you did last time. When you acted up, you deserved a good beating. That's just what happened when you crossed lines. But a different idea suddenly crossed his mind.
"You know, a lot of times you've stalked Illuso and I, it's been at night," Formaggio added in, causing Illuso to immediately freeze. "Doesn't Ghiaccio have a certain rule that forbids you from going out at night all alone? One that will get you in trouble with him?" You weren't the only one that fucking knew things.
Dread washed over your face, a smirk quickly spreading over Illusos. "I think I should give Ghiaccio a call and tell him," Illuso added in. "I bet he would be so fucking pissed at you. It would probably ruin your relationship with him."
Formaggio let Illuso go, staring into your eyes and finally seeing that you were nervous. This was his chance. "We aren't going to be leaving you. In fact, I think it's time you tell us something very important." He placed his hands on your shoulders, forcing you down to your kness. "Get on your knees you stalking cunt, don't say shit or I'll call Ghiaccio."
You let him force you to your kness, a smug look appearing on Illusos' face as he stepped forward. "Look up at us." Grabbing a fistful of your hair as he leaned down, he snatched your head back, forcing you to look at them. "You're so smart, aren't you? We'll turn you into a dumb bitch."
"Don't hurt me," you muttered, "I didn't do anything wrong. If anything, I was helping you both out. I don't love either of you, I want you to spend more time with those other girls. The less I see you both the better." How are you still not fucking scared of them? You should be begging not to get beat, not pushing them further!
"You disobedient bitch," snapped Illuso, but his grip loosened on your hair. "I love you, you clueless fucking cunt! I fucking love you! That was the first time in two months that I cheated!"
Formaggio smacked Illusos' arm. "It's not cheating if it's condom blow jobs! It's not cheating if we fucking pay for it!" He raised his hand again, wanting to slap Illuso, but that was mainly due to his frustration with you. "Illuso, fuck this bitch. Fuck her. She doesn't love us. She never will. She's just pussy, that's all she'll ever be in this family."
"I'm a part of this team, and you'll never be able to get rid of me," you spat out, your blank face turning dark. A glare that he found more cute than threatening spread across your face, your eyes locking onto Formaggio. "You are a garbage excuse for a man. I hate you, and I hate you more than I hate Illuso. Laying down next to you at night makes me feel sick. I hate when you fucking touch me. I'll never care about you cheating, it just makes you look like a jackass. Enjoy never being cared about by me, I can't stand you bitch. Call Ghiaccio and tell him. I don't give a fuck."
A man can only take so much before they snap. Fuck it, he didn’t give a fuck. Fuck holding back and not hitting you. With all of his force he raised his fist, cracking it into the side of your skull. He didn't care about damaging you brain. In this moment he found himself wanting to fucking rip you apart. If only he was allowed to use his stand on you. He would shrink you and finally make you feel fear. Risotto knew all of them so well, it was smart that he forbid the men from using their stands on you. If he didn't respect and secretly fear Risotto then he would break that rule, but he wouldn't dare cross his capo.
Your head roughly jerked to the side, blood beginning to pour from the side of your skull. If it wasn't for the grip that Illuso had on your hair, then you would have probably collapsed. Illuso immediately let go of your hair, your back leaning against the brick wall as your head limply hung. Silence came from you, your body still as a rock despite the drops of blood that puddled in front of you.
"You want me as an enemy, you fucking bitch!?" Formaggio yelled at you, pushing back Illuso roughly as he tried to grab him. "You got one now. We are done, just like you want. You aren't my girl anymore, and now that I have no reason to protect you I'm going to make your life a living hell! I'm going to break you, I'm going to destroy you!" He dropped to his kness in front of you, hands tightly grasping around your throat, forcing you to look at him. Forcing you to show fear. "CRY! YOU FUCKING CUNT, CRY!"
With speed, you spit in his face, coating his face with your bloody spit. A forced smile suddenly spread across your lips, and that smile was meant to taunt him. "I'm free from you. Why cry?"
"If we fuck her up too bad then we're fucked," Illuso quickly added in just as Formaggios hands tightly locked around your throat. "Let go of her throat man, you're going too far." He felt Illusos hand on his shoulder, attempting to pull him back.
Just as he was about to let go, you said something that completely stunned him. "You drove your family to suicide," you gasped out, your voice hoarse. "You're a curse!"
The consequences were clear and laid out in front of him. If you died because of him, then his death would follow. Hell, even Illuso might end up dying. Killing you would be him outright betraying his entire team as well as the little bit of love he had for you. He did love you, in his own sick and twisted way, but he didn't have self-control right now. Not after what you just fucking said to him. Today.. all three of them were going to die and he didn't care. He wasn't afraid of death. Fuck this. Fuck everything. How dare you bring up his mom and sister.
"I LOVED MY MOM AND SISTER!" He screamed, beginning to squeeze as tightly as he could, watching the life drain from your eyes. Good. Die. "Die, die you fucking cunt! I hope you burn in fucking hell bitch!"
"Formaggio, no!" Illusos fist suddenly cracked into the side of Formaggios face, his nose immediately leaking blood as he let go of your throat, his nose making a weird popping sound. "She's my girlfriend too! You can't fucking kill her! Want us all to die!?"
"FUCK HER!" Formaggio snapped, quickly getting off at you, ignoring your low gasps for air. He grabbed his nose, giving your stomach a rough kick as he got up, a satisfied hum escaping his lips as you finally yelped in pain. "Look at you now.. pathetic as you were the last time I beat the fuck out of you!"
Temporarily, he let his anger turn towards Illuso. He raised his hand to punch Illuso, freezing when he felt your hands suddenly wrap around his ankles, weakly attempting to pull his leg back. What the fuck?! You should be crying in pain and begging for his mercy!
"P-pussy," you spat out, voice hoarse and weak. "I.. would have.. finished the job!"
Formaggio reached for his gun, Illuso grabbing his hand, stopping him from blowing your brains out. "Let's just fucking leave. She's supposed to be spending the night with me. We'll just leave her at the base. Fuck it," Illuso told him, keeping his eyes on him. "Please don't fucking kill her. Just chill man."
You let go of his ankle, your hand grasping the brick wall as you began to slowly rise to your feet, your face completely hidden from him. From a gap in your hair, he saw a dark bruise on your neck, a pool of blood surrounding you. "Just.. fuck off.. let me be.. alone," you whispered, slowly moving towards the door. "Both of you.. no more.. relationship. Break up forever." You were hardly making any sense, but he could get what you were trying to say.
"I didn't break up with you," Illuso snapped at you. "And I never will! You are my girl, and you are a Formaggios girl, whether you like it or not! Go be a good girl and clean yourself up and go lay the fuck down!"
"Scum," you spat at him, a sigh immediately escaping his lips as he reached past you, opening the base of the front door with one agressive twist and push. "Bitch."
"Go to bed," Illuso commanded, pointing inside of the base. "We love you. Don't you fucking forget that. Families fight but they stick together."
"Neither one of you are my family," you muttered, this coming out more clear as you shuffled into the house. "Dumb fucks."
The insults were pissing Formaggio off, making him want to attack, but he was holding his composition. You were too far for him to successfully be able to prick your finger and shrink you without Illuso striking, and maybe killing you was a bad idea. In so many ways, you provided them with love and comfort. That was something that he didn't want to let go of despite almost taking your life. Fuck.. he made a mistake.
"You're still my girl bitch," Formaggio called out, keeping his eyes on you as you vanished into the base. "And I'll be coming back here expecting an apology real soon! Straighten yourself out cunt, I can do what I want with you! I'll fuck you up while I fuck you! I could fuck you right now if I wanted too!"
"Don't threaten to rape her man," Illuso snapped, his eyes going wide. "Fuck, you need to take a break from her! Stop talking to her, and you shut the fuck up too Y/N!"
Formaggio assumed it was over until he heard your footsteps immediately running back, something immediately crashing into the side of his skull. "Goddamnit!" He screamed as he heard something shatter, his hand immediately raising to the side of his face. Blood leaked from the left side of his face, his eyes trailing down to a broken glass ashtray in front of him. No way. No goddamn way did you actually come back and throw something at him. He was stunned, completely stunned that you dared to throw something at him.
"How about I fuck you!?" You screamed, rushing towards him. "I'll fuck you up! Want me to rape you!? I'll do it, I'll be the one that ends you before you end me!"
Illuso launched at you before you could get to Formaggio, lifting you up. "Y/N, relax! Nobody is raping anyone, for fucks sake! Formaggio, just leave, I'm staying with her!" He dragged you into the base, slamming the door shut. "Hey, do not fucking hit me! Stop it right now Y/N, I'm in no mood to have a fist fight with you!"
Formaggio stood stunned, his eyes wide, actual tears filling his eyes as he realized that he made a big mistake. It didn't matter if Little Feet made no appearance. With his bare hands, he almost murdered you. If Illuso hadn't cracked him in the nose, then he probably would have killed you. Fuck. This was very bad.
The blood pouring from his head and nose indicated that he probably needed to go get looked at. The pain he felt throughout his entire body was sharp, a low ringing beginning form in his ears. Almost killing you should have broken you, but from the banging and yelling that he heard from Illuso inside indicated he might have awoken something very bad in you. This was too far. All you did was stalk them and pay some girls to compliment them. Why does he instantly lose his cool? He just couldn't help it. The fact that you still didn't love him and made him wear a condom to fuck you.. it really bothers him.
Going in there and helping Illuso with you would be a bad idea, considering that you were attempting to fucking attack him. Hopefully he could convince you to keep your mouth shut or come up with a good lie. Fuck, he needed to convince you to keep being his girl too. Thank God Melone and Ghiaccio were out of town for a few days, and Pesci didn't fucking intimidate him. You just could not tell Risotto. Now that he was starting to calm down this wasn't worth dying for, and he might just end up getting fucking killed for what he did to you.
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ravenzeppeli · 4 months
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Chapter 46 - The First Move |Formaggio x Reader Angst|
Warning: strong language, stalking, threats, dark themes, murder mention, sexual themes. MA.
Formaggios POV
"Goddamnit," groaned Formaggio as he stared at Melone's house. "It's been five goddamn days and she hasn't stepped foot outside of his fucking house. Let me shrink down and go get her."
He didn't understand why they couldn't just break into the house, considering Melone was gone for the day and you were all alone. That message you sent Illuso was complete bullshit - you weren't dumping him. Rather, you liked it ot not. You were his forever girl. Couples fight. That's just how relationships work. It's not like he actually would have killed you. He would have stopped after you passed out.
"She peaked out the window two hours ago," muttered Prosciutto, having a somber tone. The 'breakup' was visibly affecting him, his voice holding no authority. "Risotto told us that we needed to wait for her to step out of the home before attempting to talk to her. Breaking in is not a good idea."
This plan was fucking ridiculous - they've all been taking turns, waiting day and night, hoping you would step foot out of the house so they could hopefully run up to you and talk to you. For fucks sake, he would apologize to you. All he wanted was you back in his bed so he could get back to eating your pussy and fucking you. It was very hard staying loyal when you were depriving him of your perfect cunt. How greedy of you. He didn't mean to fucking strangle you!
Waiting around for a woman.. he couldn't believe he was doing this. If it wasn't for Risottos command, he would have broken into Melone's house and talked to you by now. Waiting for you was fucking ridiculous. You were a girl and you had no fucking power over them. You should be thankful that they actually like you. If you weren't their permanent girlfriend your body would of been rotting in the bottom of the ocean by now for the stunts you've been pulling.
An even louder groan escaped his lips, his jaw still hurting from the punch that Ghiaccio gave him five days ago. He was tired of getting fucking punched. If your pussy wasn't so good then he would of dumped you by now, but he was so lonely and you were available. It was fucking hilarious, you had to date them rather you liked it or not. How fucking stupid were you, thinking you had the power to dump them. That's why you're hiding from them now, afraid to step foot out of the house. You know you fucked up, but they had no plans of hurting you. No, they were going to sweet talk your ass into coming back home and acting the way you should.
After five long days of you being locked in Melone's house and an added four days of you avoiding him, you finally stepped out of Melone's home. As his eyes locked on you, he raised his eyebrows. "The fuck?" He muttered to himself, examining what you were wearing. "Why's she all dressed up?"
To his surprise, you were wearing black dress pants and a black button-down top. The buttons were very generously buttoned down. He couldn't help but feel a small surge of arousal washing over him as you began to walk towards the car. As you got closer, he noticed that you were wearing makeup and you wore a different hairstyle, your lips coated with a light pink lipstick and your eyes having a light grey eyeshadow. Your eyeliner was black, matching your business look. Hell yes, he could see a considerable amount of your cleavage! He wanted to dive in.
As soon as Prosciutto stepped out of the car, you made a sharp left, walking down Melone's long rocky driveway. Not once did you bother to make eye contact with either one of them.
Formaggio got out, Prosciutto jogging to keep up to you, his arms snaking around your waist, using all of his force to roughly spin you around, facing Formaggio. "Where do you think you are going dressed so improper?" Snapped Prosciutto immediately, his arms seeming to tighten around your waist. "You need to come back home, Y/N. This isn't like you. You don't misbehave like this."
"Get your hands off of me," you calmly replied back, attempting to wiggle out of Prosciuttos' firm grasp. You just looked silly as you wiggled against him, as if you were actually strong enough to break away from his grasp. "You aren't my boyfriend. You can't touch me like this. It's very inappropriate. Replace me like you said you would."
"You know goddamn well that I didn't mean those things," Prosciutto breathed, voice still lacking the dominance that it always held. For once, he had no power over you, the lack of power and your lack of care seeming to wound his ego deeply. "I acted from a place of anger. You can't hold it against me. You acted foolishly!"
Formaggios shoes crunched against the hard gravel as he moved up the driveway, still deciding what he was going to say to you. The last thing that he said to you after choking you was a blur to him. He couldn't remember what he said, but he just knew it was something stupid. One thing he failed to practice in his relationship with you was patience. The moment you show him that you aren't perfect, his hand might slip across your face in dissatisfaction.
You wore a blank expression on your face, a forced one, your true emotions hiding behind a fake mask of makeup and bullshit. "Get on your knees and beg for me to come back. Maybe I'll consider it then, but I really need to go. I'm in a hurry." Once more, you attempted to pull away from him, to no avail, his grip only tightened even further, your body fully pressed against his as Formaggio now stood in front of you.
"Have you lost your goddamn mind?" Gasped Prosciutto, his eyes going completely wide. "Where do you even think you're going dressed like that?" With a shake of his head, he looked at Formaggio, as if he didn't know what to say.
It was no secret to him that you hated him now. Hell, he'd hate you too if you almost killed him and kept beating him up. You needed to learn, though - this was a man's world that you were living in. Maybe if you were a sweet girl to them and not a little cunty stalker then he wouldn't have to keep beating you up. He still had stitches in the side of his face because of you, and he got punched by Illuso and Ghiaccio. The two of you should be fucking even.
"What do you want, hm?" Formaggio finally spoke to you, a taunting smirk that he couldn't help appearing on his lips as your eyes finally met his. "You and I can talk privately and cut a little deal. I'm sure we can work this out."
With a raise of your eyebrows, you looked him up and down. "I have a job interview I need to go to, I can't be late." With one final attempt, you pulled your body away from Prosciutto, him immediately pulling you back in with ease.
"You're playing a very dangerous game," hissed Prosciutto, the familiar hostility of his tone returning. "If you're not going to come with us, then you might as well march your ass back into Melone's house. I'll fucking burn down any place that dares to hire you."
"It's okay," you replied back, "I'll just go back inside. I remember the guy saying that if need be, I can do an interview over the phone. I'll just tell him my ex-boyfriend is stalking me and won't let me leave."
"Ex?!" He screamed, his grip on you tightening. "Stop saying that, I've told you countless times that you and I are going to always be together!"
"You're still my girl," added in Formaggio, feeling left out, "and I won't do what I did again. Can't you just forgive me and come back home?"
"I am home," you replied. "Please let me go so I can go back inside."
Prosciutto let you go, a stiffness in his body as he glared down at you. "Your home is with all of us, not just one of us."
"You made it perfectly clear that my home wasn't with you," you snapped, walking away from the both of them. "Do yourselves a favor and leave. You're only wasting your time. I'm your ex. You shouldn't be watching your ex. It's creepy."
Prosciutto went to chase after you, but Formaggio stopped him, grabbing his wrist as you stormed into the house quickly. With attitude, you slammed the door shut, a shaky huff escaping Prosciuttos lips, his entire body shaking in fury.
"It's okay man," Formaggio spoke, "soon enough she'll be back home, sucking our cocks again." Or at least that's what he hoped.
Formaggio would sum this up as being a successful day with you, given that he actually got to see and speak with you. Soon you would be right back where you belonged, at the base cooking for them and arching your back whenever they wanted some pussy. It's not like you weren't spoiled and taken care of. Even he gives you money, and he's never given a bitch money for no reason! He always gives you a small cut of his pay, despite you throwing a fit about not wanting it. Goddamnit, he took excellent care of you!
Like it was sweet nector, he would suck on your clit and anus, the taste of you making him fucking cum in his pants without you even touching him. So badly did he crave that again - should he break in and eat your pussy? He was all alone now.. Prosciutto left with Pesci an hour ago. Damn, you were with Melone, and he would never be able to sneak past Melone.
At least he'd be going home soon so that Risotto could take over stalking you. He was going to go home and fucking bust in one of your pairs of dirty parties. He almost called up a random girl to get his dick sucked but it's starting not to feel right anymore. One night while getting his dick sucked by some chick he randomly imagined you being ate out by some random guy. That made his dick soften up real quick.
You were so set on getting them back lately that he was afraid that you would do that, given you've already threatened to. He told you that he didn't care, but he did care, he fucking cared a lot. He would break your goddamn face if you let a random man touch you. Then he would force you to kill the fucking guy.
The fucked up thoughts left his mind immediately as he saw you leave Melone's house once more, to his complete surprise. With a plastic bag in your hands, you began to approach his car, keeping your eyes straight forward, as if you didn't want to look at him.
With a sense of urgency, Formaggio hopped out of his car, slamming his door shut as he made his way over to you. "Hey," he called out, "two times in one day I get to see you now? I feel lucky." This was an attempt to butter you up, him only getting an eye roll in return. "Tough crowd." His eyes trailed down to your pants and t-shirt, making a mental image of your body in his head for later for when he had your dirty underwear wrapped around his cock.
You approached him with no fear, handing him a plastic bag. "What do you want from me?" You whispered, voice filled with an irritation that caused a grin to appear on his face. "I'm not going to keep waiting around my entire life. Do you wanna kill me? Finish the fucking job and kill me then."
A laugh escaped his lips as he took the bag, peeking inside to see three plates wrapped in tinfoil, as well as four water bottles. Quickly, his laugh faded, eyes quickly shooting up to meet your glare. "What's this?" Faintly, he smelt the strong smell of spaghetti sauce, his eyebrows raising. "Why?" Why the fuck are you bringing him food? Are you trying to poison him!? No way, Risotto wouldn't let you get away with that. Right? Fuck! Well.. he would eat it regardless. He was starving.
"You need to eat," you replied, keeping your glare resting on his face. "So, are you going to kill me or what? Illuso is clearly the only reason you didn't kill me."
"Girl, I do not want to fucking kill you," he assured confidently. "The only thing I want right now is you. As in, you in my bed again so I can suck on that clit and play with those nice tits." With a little confidence, he leaned forward, placing a quick, sloppy kiss on your lips.
A low gasp escaped your lips, your eyes immediately leaving his to stare at the ground. "Hey! Why did you steal a kiss from me!?"
"Because you're mine," he replied, his other hand raising, softly caressing your cheek. His eyes rested on your neck, the makeup seeming to cover your bruises earlier. Faintly, light bruises that he caused still stained your neck. "Things got out of hand doll baby, it would never happen again. Please, come back soon. Don't you miss me a little?"
You opened your mouth to reply, stopping as you saw a familiar black car pull up. It was as if your face went completely pale, your head shaking as you quickly turned away from him. "No.. no. I don't want to see him." With a speed that impressed him, you ran back into Melone's house as the black car pulled up next to Formaggios.
"Babe!" He yelled out, raising his hand in the air. "We just want you to come back home, the only thing we want to beat up is your pussy! You like when we do that too! Come on! Babe! Darling! My love! Sweetheart!"
Risotto stepped out of his car, slamming the door shut. He wore casual attire, blue jeans , a tight black shirt, his hair damp, and pressed against his forehead. "That's a good sign," Risotto proclaimed, voice lacking any emotion, "her coming out to talk. When Melone leaves tomorrow, I have a plan to talk to her."
"She made us some food," Formaggio replied, holding up the bag that you gave him. "She was acting out today. She came out of the house wearing makeup and showing cleavage. She stated that she was going to some sort of job interview." This wasn't snitching on you. This was just a way to try and get on Risottos' good side again. He had a feeling that his boss might be a little upset with him.
"Another good sign," observed Risotto. "I'm assuming that neither you nor Prosciutto let her go, correct? We can't have her gaining any sort of independence."
Formaggio shook his head. "Prosciutto and I sent her right back inside. She made a few comments, but she didn't put up a fight."
"What comments?" Asked Risotto.
"She kept saying that we're her ex boyfriends and that we're wasting our times stalking her," he told him, annoyance suddenly washing over him once more. "I think that she actually has herself convinced that she dumped us." The confident look in your eyes was hard to fake. Damn it, you really knew how to push his buttons!
"She's just throwing a fit," Risotto spat out, pointing over at Melone's window. "Look at her.. as we sit and watch her, she's watching us as well. She's hiding from us because she knows that she has no true power. All she can do is hide behind Melone. Soon, she'll give in and forgive us. She belongs to us, and she is bound to us. She knows we're where home is. All of us."
Formaggio nodded his head, watching as Melone's blackout curtains shuffled a little. "She seems to be the angriest at you," he added in, earning a sharp glare that sent chills down his spine. "My bad, I know I'm the one who caused all of this. She's just as mad at Prosciutto and I, too." You didn't seem to be too mad at Illuso. That made him pretty fucking jealous.
"If it weren't for me losing my cool on her and placing that knife to her throat," Risotto began, placing his hand on Formaggios shoulder, "then I would have filled your throat with nails as a reminder not to go too far with her. Her attempting to kill herself saved you some severe hospital time. Both you and I need to be more careful with our anger towards her. Punishments shouldn't result in her almost dying or thinking that she's going to die. Because of our actions, she thinks that we want her dead. That's no good Formaggio, that's no good at all."
The way Risotto was always so casual with his threats kind of scared Formaggio. He's had his ass kicked by Risotto before, and he almost died because of it. That was something that he did not want a repeat of - until his dying breath, he would be loyal to his capo, out of fear as well as passion for his work and loyalty to his team.
Formaggio nodded, trying to hide his fear as Risotto glared at him, his dark eyes seeming to dilate as his face moved closer. "I'm so fucking sorry," he choked out, voice lacking all dominance. Fuck, he felt like such a pussy right now! "It isn't good, and I.. would never dare kill her."
"I know that," he whispered, voice dropping to a threatening purr, "because I'd torture you to death if you ever kill her. Do you want her dead? If you'd like, you can leave her. I'm sure she wouldn't care if you broke up with her, considering her little mind has tricked itself into thinking that she dumped us."
"I want her alive, sir," he mutteted, losing all the base in his voice. "I.. like having her as my girlfriend. I didn't mean to go too far, I lost my temper."
Risotto was now so close to him that he could feel his hot breath against his face. "I understand the need to discipline her, and I know that sometimes she needs to be smacked or screamed at. Maybe even a beating on her ass and breasts, that's acceptable. What we can't do is scare her so badly that she thinks we want her dead. She doesn't think like a normal girl. She's insane and lacks fear."
Illuso was seconds away from spanking you, but Formaggio stopped him. That was something that he regretted. If he didn't share you, then he could handle you as he pleased, but he was sharing you with six other men so he had to be fucking careful. Spanking you would have caused way less drama. At least when you got your ass beat you fucking listened. He wanted to beat your ass now for putting him through all of this bullshit, but he couldn't put his hands on you for a while now. Damn it.. he really regretted choking you out. At least he got away with punching you in the head and kicking you in the stomach.
"I'm going to stay here all night and all day tomorrow," Risotto added in. "All I need is to speak with her and fix this. She's assuming I wish her dead, but that isn't the case. She brought harm upon herself by sticking a gun to her head. With one pull of that trigger, her life is gone. She needed to understand how dangerous that was, and I had no choice but to scare her."
"I agree with you," he replied, nodding his head a bit. Your fingers were broken by him due to you harming yourself with a knife. Suicide was a thing he hated, his mother's deas corpse flashing through his mind, then his sisters. Then, for some reason, your lifeless corpse flashed through his head, causing his heart to rapidly skip a beat, a sick feeling washing over him. "I'll do better with her boss, I promise. I.. care about her. Will you forgive me? I won't choke her ever again unless she asks me to."
Risotto finally let Formaggios shoulder go, stepping back a few paces. "My forgiveness is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is getting her back home. I have just the way to do it, too. Come sit in my car, I'll fill you in before you go."
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ravenzeppeli · 4 months
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Chapter 44 - Awkward |Melone + Ghiaccio × Reader|
Warning: strong language, heavy sexual themes/situations, dark thoughts/themes, murder mention. MA.
"You need to eat more," Melone lightly commanded you, pointing at your plate. "These eggs haven't been sampled yet. Do you want me to make you something else?"
"No," you replied, giving your shoulders a shrug as you stared down at your plate, having no appetite whatsoever. "Why did Pesci really leave in such a hurry? I know you know Melone." The nervous feeling in your stomach all but dissolved your appetite, your mind drifting back to Pesci.
Fuck, you hoped that Risotto wouldn't be mad at Pesci. If Risotto or anyone else hurt Pesci you would have to hurt them. As scared as you now were of Risotto, you wouldn't let anyone push your sweet boyfriend around! Pesci was a good man, he listened to you and seemed to actually care for you. For him, you would glady risk your life to protect him. After all, he's never given you any problems. Why couldn't the others do the same?
Sticking Prosciuttos' gun to your head was foolish, but you were really scared. Admitting that you now had these fears of being killed by these men that you were supposed to trust and care for was embarrassing. You were already seen as beneath them. If you admitted to all of them that you were scared, it would be used against you. Lately, everything seemed to be used against you. Even Risotto, who you actually loved, turned on you.
You never imagined that he would stick a knife to your throat and threaten to slice your head off if you attempted to harm yourself again. What if you got mad and punched a wall? What if you cut yourself on a piece of glass? You didn't want your head to be sawed off. That knife that he was holding to your throat was dull! All you wanted was to be comforted and loved. Instead, you were tossed aside like garbage. You wouldn't just forgive this. You never wanted to see them again.
Ghiaccio picked up your fork, stabbing it into the eggs. "Pesci needed to go to the base and start on a mission that he will be going on with Prosciutto and Formaggio. They'll probably be going out of town in a week soon." Gently, he raised the fork to your mouth, a heaping load of scrambled eggs on the fork. "Open your mouth and start eating. Come on, you need to clear your plate."
"I don't need to be fed," you replied, taking the fork from his hand and taking a bite of the eggs. Chewing the salty eggs, you swallowed the bite, stabbing your fork into the small pile of eggs. "You're a good cook, Melone."
No way in hell would you let Ghiaccio feed you as if you were a child. That would be embarrassing. You could stomach down food that you didn't feel like eating. After all, Melone prepared eggs and sausage for breakfast. You shouldn't be rude and not eat his cooking. What kind of lover would you be to him? A very bad one, and Melone didn't deserve that. Neither did Ghiaccio. The least you could do was pretend to be okay for them.
A satisfied hum escaped Melones lips, his fingertips lightly caressing your cheek. "You're so sweet, aren't you? You taste as sweet as you are." His fingertips continued to caress your cheek as you took another bite of the eggs. "Taking care of yourself is very important, baby. Skipping meals is never good unless you have to skip a meal."
Chewing your food, you swallowed, sitting back in your chair as a dirty little idea creeped into your head, replacing all the negative ones. Being alone with Ghiaccio and Melone, being sandwiched between them, it made your mind wonder to the thought of them both fucking you on this dining room table. You weren't in any physical pain anymore, and sleeping in Melone's arms last night helped you get a decent night's sleep. You felt safe, despite a small part of yourself telling you that you'll never be safe.
The fact that you've only had a threesome with Risotto and Prosciutto bothered you, considering how they now hate you and want you dead. It was supposed to be a special thing that bonded the three of you together. What happened to the love that Risotto and Prosciutto claimed that they had for you? They lied to you. They.. broke a promise to you. You didn't want to be bonded with them anymore.
"My love, I can tell when you are even even slightly bit aroused," blurted out Melone, causing your eyes to widen from embarrassment. "If you eat all of your eggs, then I'll eat your pussy. How does that sound?"
Ghiaccio cleared his throat, almost choking on the bite of sausage he just took.
"I want you both," you whispered, a nervous giggle escaping your lips. Fuck, why did you just say that?
Ghiaccio grabbed his glass of water, taking a sip, his face going beet red. Once he sat the glass down, he stood up. "Y/N, what does that mean!? What do you mean by wanting us both!?"
"We're already yours, baby," whispered Melone, his fingers trailing down your cheek, gently caressing your hair. "Ghiaccio, we need to come clean to our beloved. Share a little past truth with her."
"Fuck!" Snapped Ghiaccio, placing his hand on your shoulder. "Melone, I do not want to lose her! We've been talking about this for months, I told you that I wanted to wait a little longer to share this with her!"
Confusion was the only emotion you felt, searching your brain for any clue of what they were talking about. Damn it, you hated when Melone hid things from you! Well.. considering how you've hid things from him, you had no right to get upset with him, especially considering how good he was to you. How bad could their secret actually be?
"Why do you always talk like I'm not here? I'm literally staring right at you," you teased Ghiaccio, earning a sharp glare in response. "You wouldn't lose me, I'm technically not allowed to go anywhere." Shit, you couldn't just get up and walk out the door, go around town as you pleased.
Dating seven men meant that one of them would always be trailing you, and given everything that's happened, you didn't want to see four out of seven of your boyfriends ever again! You were going to put your foot down. You were going to piss them off and get them back! Of course, you'd be mindful of your other three boyfriends, making sure not to do anything that would upset or hurt them. Cheating or running away was definitely out of the question, so you had to get crafty.
Ghiaccio nodded his head, squinting his eyes at Melone. "Whatever. Go ahead and tell her, Melone, since you feel that it is so important that she knows of something that happened way before we met her!" The annoyance in his voice was increasing by each word, his jaw clenching from dissatisfaction.
"Please just tell me." You turned your attention towards Melone, poking your lip out a bit as you stared into his eyes, knowing that he'd immediately give in and tell you. "I'd never get mad or anything. You and Ghiaccio are good boyfriends, I don't have a right to get mad at either one of you." Damn it, you sounded too submissive! You needed to tone it down.
"We love you so much, you know that, right?" Mused Melone, causing your heart to skip a beat. "Before you, I only had sex with one woman one time, that is true. But I also have done things with Ghiaccio as well. I've tasted Ghiaccio's spirm multiple times and have enjoyed sucking him off long before the both of us got together with you." His fingers continued to caress your cheek, voice as smooth as silk.
Without thinking, you turned your head away from Melone, nodding your head as an unexpected laugh escaped your lips. Aha! See.. you knew that the two of them had chemistry!
"Why the fuck are you laughing!?" Ghiaccio suddenly screamed. "You think this is some kind of joke!? You think we're less than!?"
Immediately, your laugh vanished, your attention turning towards Ghiaccio. "No!" You cried out, standing up from your seat. "I don't think that at all! I was only laughing because I had a feeling that the two of you had chemistry! I had it figured out." You didn't technically, but you've had a tough week. You needed a win. "That's so hot that Melone sucked you off. He's good at giving head."
Ghiaccio turned away from you, shaking his head. "I - so you aren't mad!? You don't care that multiple times I've been orally intimate with Melone!" A laugh escaped your lips, causing Melone to actually cut you a small glare, warning you to stop laughing. Laughing makes Ghiaccio.. sensitive. "See, you're laughing at us! I can't believe you!"
"She's not laughing at us, Ghiaccio!" Protested Melone, standing up, pushing his chair in. "You just said orally intimate, that probably made her laugh!" You felt Melones arm snake around your waist, giving your side a small squeeze. "She loves us, Ghiaccio."
Ghiaccio kept his back turned towards you, stepping a few paces towards the front door. "Secrets fuck relationships up!"
Lately, you felt as if you could sense that Ghiaccio and Melone liked each other as more than friends, but you could have never fully imagined this. It didn't bother you. It only bothered you that you weren't able to guess that they've fooled around. Damn it, and you always thought that you were so observant! Melone loved hard. Maybe a part of him wanted to be with Ghiaccio as well.
The secret longing glances that you've noticed Melone give Ghiaccio, and you sometimes noticed that Ghiaccio would return those glances. The idea of the three of you being a couple popped into your head, your eyes meeting Melones, who was already intensely staring down at you.
"I'm not giving you two permission or anything," you began, causing Ghiaccio to immediately spin around, his eyes locking onto yours, "but if you wanted to explore the possibility of all three of us dating, I'd be very open and eager."
As soon as you finished your statement, Ghiaccio rushed over to the door, walking in heavy strides. "I need to go to the base," he called out, "Be safe and stay in the house at all times Y/N. I'll see you both later." Before either you Melone could reply, he was gone, hurrying out the door in a rush.
When the door slammed shut, you felt hot tears forming in your eyes, feeling embarrassed by Ghiaccios reaction. You didn't mean to upset him. You just assumed that he would have wanted to be with Melone as well! You were such an idiot, always fucking things up! You wanted Ghiaccio to stay with you and Melone today. He said earlier that he didn't need to go to the base!
A low sigh escaped Melones lips, "Don't be upset, baby. Ghiaccio isn't mad.. he's just being himself." Gently, his other hand snaked around your waist, pulling you into his chest. "I personally love Ghiaccio almost as much as I love you. I'm fine with whatever decision Ghiaccio makes, but if he never brings this up again, then you need to just drop it."
"Why?" You questioned, laying your head on his chest, your arms wrapping around his waist, returning the affection. You always make sure to return affection to your nice boyfriends, the ones that don't hit you and attempt to murder you deserve to be loved and treated well, even if you were still terrified of them turning on you one day.
"He may not feel the same way I do baby, and I don't want to pressure him or make him feel as if he needs to be with me," he told you, his voice low as he rested his chin on top of your head. "Are you okay with listening to me? I hope I'm not asking for too much."
"Okay," you replied, nodding your head, feeling his pointy chin on top of your head. "I don't mind listening to you, babe. You never ask for too much. Ask me more." Fuck, you really loved him so fucking much. He was so cute clinging onto you. You felt your tears start to dry, he always had a way of making you feel safe and loved. Being with him makes dealing with the others (aside from Ghiaccio and Pesci - of course) worth it.
"How much do you love me?" He questioned, his fingertips gently tracing circles on your back, sending chills down your spine. "Answer me that, then please finish your breakfast, and I'll give you my tongue for dessert."
You pulled away from Melone, pressing your lips into his. As his lips parted, you slipped your tongue in his mouth, exploring his mouth as your hand traced down his back, squeezing his firm ass. "I love you so much, baby," you whispered into his lips, "more than anything." You said that with confidence, feeling a strong, intense love for him that was only increasing with each passing day. When you were alone with him, you found yourself becoming a much softer person.
"Fuck the eggs," Melone snapped, a thick lust filling his voice as he grabbed you, tossing you over his shoulder. "I will make you a fresh batch of scrambled eggs after I show you how much I love you. Fuck, you're so sexy, I just want too - hey! Did you just pull my pants down and slip your tongue in my ass! Ooh - I'm going to fuck you good and hard baby!"
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ravenzeppeli · 4 months
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Chapter 43 - Damage Control |La Squadra x Reader|
Warning: strong language, abuse mention (heavily discussed), murder mention, dark themes. MA.
Ghiaccios POV
"She's fucking scared," snapped Melone, his jaw locked as he stood on Pesci's porch, pacing. "Even with Pesci going to get her, she's still fucking scared. He said that she was on the floor crying, that Risotto had her in front of a mirror and a knife was in his fucking hand when he answered the door!" He shook his head, racing towards Pesci's door, hand reaching out for the doorknob.
Ghiaccio grabbed Melones shoulders, pulling him back. "We need to be fucking calm! If she's scared, then we need to be calm with her!" His voice was raised in a panic, his hands staying clasped around Melones soft shoulders. With a huff, he tried to force a calmness over himself, ignoring the fact that he was pissed off.
Fucking idiots, even Pesci was a fucking idiot for allowing you to be over there for so long. With his shitty excuse of being busy with work, as if he couldn't of made time for you or brought you to his home. Being angry with you was unnecessary, despite you calling and interrupting their work Ghiaccio was glad to release his stand and let Melone disband his own. Lately baby face had been rebelling, resulting in the missions lasting longer then necessary. What Ghiaccio could finish up in hours, Melone stretched into days.
"Why the fuck was he holding a knife!?" Melone practically cried out, a crack in his voice. Fuck, he was losing it, his entire body beginning to shake in a rage, head dropping. "She has marks all over her neck, as if she was choked. All of her clothes were all over the fucking grass as if she isn't a person! Goddamnit, Ghiaccio, I'm tired of having to trust them with her! She's.. she's.. not theirs anymore!"
Ghiaccio sighed, keeping a firm grip on Melones shoulders, wanting to calm him down. So deeply did he care for his partner. He just would never admit those feelings. Why the fuck should he? "Has she told Pesci anything about what happened to her?" The anger inside of him was boiling, but he forced himself to remain calm. He just couldn't imagine why any of the men could want to beat you. How could they raise their hands at you and choke and punch you after laying with you and promising to protect you?
"No," muttered Melone in defeat, "and she's not going to tell us. She keeps lying for those fucking pricks and I'm tired of it. It's like I'm the only one that loves her!"
Ghiaccio took offense to that, considering he did love and care about you. Never once had he slapped you in the face or hurt you; around him, you feel completely safe. Why would he do anything to hurt you? You're his girlfriend, and more importantly, you are a part of the team. He may not see you as an equal, and he would never involve you in his work, but he saw you as his lover. He rushed through his mission and nearly got himself killed earlier in attempts to get to you faster, for fucks sake.
He let go of Melone, a thick bitterness entering his tone. "Melone, let's just see how badly she's hurt before we assume anything." This had Formaggio written all over it, that fucking prick. "With all three of us questioning her, she'll slip and tell us something." It was a cruel tactic he used on you, berating you with questions and commands until he milked some truth out of you. Always did it make him feel so guilty, but with you actively lying then they had no choice.
"Don't yell at her tonight," muttered Melone, his hand wrapping around the metal doorknob. "Please. No matter what happens. We need to be here for her, and you need to understand that she doesn't mean any harm." He spoke as if you were hiding some sort of secret from Ghiaccio, making him immediately feel suspicious. Why the fuck wouldn't he? You are very fucking sneaky, maybe that's what angered the other men.
"Fine," huffed Ghiaccio, a stiffness washing over his body as Melone opened Pesci's front door and stepped in. Seeing you hurt always made him uncomfortable, it was something that should never fucking happen in the first place. Beating the shit out of your woman never solves a damn thing.
"I'm going to talk to him," Pesci snapped as soon as Ghiaccio entered his home. "This isn't adding up. None of this is! I know Prosciutto won't lie to me, he'll tell me what happened!"
"Prosciuttos a fucking cunt," you mumbled, a gasp escaping Pesci's lips. "Don't talk to him, none of this concerns that piece of shit."
"Y/N," gasped Pesci, "That's very harsh language. I've never heard you talk like that about anyone." He had his hand on your thigh, full attention on you, not seeming to notice that Ghiaccio and Melone walk through the door.
Before Ghiaccio could grab him, Melone rushed over to you, pulling you immediately to your feet. Invading your personal space, his hands tilted your neck back, closely examining. "Illuso and Risotto have large hands. Their bruises would be higher up. Formaggio did this. He strangled you, but I saw a small little cut on the right side of your neck. It's very faint, but I see it. It doesn't look like a scratch at all, and Pesci informed me that Risotto had you on your knees with a knife in his hand. Was a threat made against your life, aside from Formaggio strangling you?"
In pure disbelief, you stood, staring up at Melone with wide eyes. Immediately, Ghiaccio knew that Melone had everything figured out, given how stunned you were.
"Why didn't you call me?" Asked Pesci, standing up, disbelief in his eyes. "I would have helped you."
"You should of fucking helped her without her having to ask," snapped Ghiaccio, Pesci's face immediately going red, his head dropping. "Fuck them. Between the three of us, we'll keep her the fuck away from them."
With a gentle firmness, you pulled your head away from Melones grasp, your eyes cutting towards Ghiaccio. Visible bags were under your eyes, light bruises staining your neck - you had a sadness in your eyes, a sadness that wasn't their when he left on his mission. "Pesci didn't do anything, Ghiaccio. He's a good guy."
A wave of annoyance washed over him as his eyes locked on yours. "What made Formaggio snap? What upset Risotto?" He questioned, ignoring your attempts to defend Pesci.
"I'm sorry," you quickly spoke, a stiffness forming in his body. Why the fuck were you apologizing to him? "I've been stalking all of you, and I did some other stuff. Illuso found out and told Formaggio and he got mad."
"You've been stalking me?" Pesci questioned, his eyes widening. "Well, that doesn't make me want to hurt you! That's no excuse to hurt you! You're our girlfriend. It's your right to stalk us!"
Why did you feel the need to apologize to him? Your eyes still lingered on him, a guilty look spread across your face. Why would you.. no, it couldn't be. He's been watching you very carefully. No way you've been stalking them at night. It had to be during the day. You promised to follow his one simple fucking rule.
He dared to ask you, "At night?" He stepped towards you, standing beside Melone as your eyes dropped to look at the ground. Goddamnit! You fucking disobeyed him again! "Hm. I see. Very well then." He wanted to fucking scream at you, but what kind of man would he be if he screamed at his hurt girlfriend? A fucking shitty one!
"I had a plan," you began, your eyes locking onto his. "I didn't mean to disrespect you. It was a matter of urgency." He could sense actual fear on you, your body having a small shake as he reached a hand out towards you, resting his hand on your shoulder.
For the first time in his life, he was going to keep his temper calm. He wasn't ashamed of expressing his feelings, and he certainly wasn't afraid to scowl you, but you were beat up and clearly exhausted. Maybe in your exhaustion, you'll give them the truth.
"Just don't fucking do that dumb shit again," he snapped, a little hostility in his voice that made you step away a little, him hanging onto your shoulder by his fingertips. "Whatever, who cares about that. Y/N, are you okay? Did Formaggio try to kill you? Did Risotto try to kill you? Spill it!"
Melone stepped in, moving to your side, his arm snaking around your waist. "With Risotto, we wouldn't be able to say anything to him. He's our capo, so if you told us, we'd only be able to listen." He guided you down on Pesci's red leather couch, keeping his arm locked around your waist as he sat next to you. "Just tell us something. Anything. I am so worried about you, I can't stop thinking about how I don't know why you called me scared. Please tell me."
Pesci sat down next to Melone, leaving a space open on your right for Ghiaccio to sit. "Risotto told me exactly what he did as soon as I stepped in the door. I've never seen him so angry before, and Prosciutto was outside drunk mumbling to himself and picking up Y/Ns clothes off the grass when I pulled up. It was all.. it just wasn't right. I almost said something."
Ghiaccio scoffed, but you seemed to shoot Pesci a glare. "You didn't almost say something Pesci, you made a comment that pissed Risotto off further!" Your voice raised, causing Pesci's face to turn completely red. "Listen, what he did doesn't matter. What happened doesn't matter. I just want to stay away from him for a while."
"We'll make sure you're away from him," promised Melone, his eyes glued to your face, unmoving since the moment his eyes set foot on your face. "Pesci, tell me what Risotto told you."
Pesci sighed, his face suddenly going pale. "Risotto told me that Y/N stuck Prosciuttos gun to her head and almost blew her brains out. Prosciutto got mad and threw her out. Risotto.." he looked down, shaking his head. "He forced her to her knees in front of a mirror with a knife to her throat, threatening to cut her head off if she tried to harm herself again. He told me that he had to do it in order to protect her from herself."
Ghiaccio felt his entire body tense up, his eyes staying glued to your face, his head shaking. "Y/N, why would you put a gun to your head?" He sat down next to you, feeling weak in his knees. "Instead of helping you, they fucking hurt you more? He fucking threatened to cut your head off? Put a knife to your bruised throat?" That.. made his blood fucking boil. The fact that you put a gun to your head was a cry for help. In no fucking situation was putting a knife to your throat helping you get better. Goddamnit, that piece of shit!
Melone's grip on you seemed to tighten, his entire body visibly shaking. His lips trembled, but no words came out, his face pale with a rage that caused alarm to spread across your face.
"Why do you feel the need to kill yourself Y/N?" Ghiaccio questioned, keeping his voice low and friendly in a desperate attempt to get the truth out of you. He wanted to help you. No, he would fucking help you.
"I want to kill myself before one of you kills me," your reply came out in a low whisper, your head instantly drooping. "It's the only choice that I have. I'll be safe if I'm dead."
"What?" He questioned, immediately grasping your chin, forcing you to look at him. "Why would you say that to us!? What's your deal!? You can't ju-" he stopped himself as he saw the tears forming in your eyes, a deep sense of shame washing over him. "You are safe here. None of us would ever hurt you, and we never will."
"Don't be scared," Pesci added in, "I've never wanted to hurt you. I really love you, Y/N, and I'm sorry that I haven't protected you. I regret it."
Melone suddenly stood up, causing you to immediately grab his wrist. "You know what I must do Y/N. You think I don't love you and want to kill you because of them. Formaggio and Risotto.. I'll go see them. And what about Prosciutto and Illuso?"
"Illuso saved me," you quickly spat out, a look of regret immediately washing over your face. "Damn it, Melone, I'm fucking tired! Fuck Pesci, you did protect me! Stop saying you didn't!" You suddenly screamed, the tears that you held for so long finally running down your face. "What do you want from me!? Goddamnit, all of you are annoying me!" You stood up, pushing past Melone as you rushed to the front door.
"Hey hey hey," Melone called out, running up behind you to grab you by your waist. "I'm sorry baby, what do you want? I'll give you whatever you want."
"I want to run away," you snapped, attempting to break away from his grasp with no success. "I can't take not feeling safe anymore! Let me go, I'm going to go somewhere safe!"
It was clear that you were exhausted and in pain, the lack of sleep and discomfort you were dealing with being very visible. All three of them seemed to understand that you didn't mean your words, that you were tired, confused, and scared. Goddamnit, he wanted to punch Risotto and Formaggio square in the nose! Prosciutto and Illuso could get it, too, for all he cared. Fuck all four of them!
"You're safe here!" Pesci yelled out, standing up. "All three of us love and care for you! You will not be hurt by us, and if you want to sleep, then you can go to sleep! We are going to keep you safe, so please don't accuse us of terrible things!"
"I love Risotto, and he hurt me!" You yelled out, the pain in your voice making Ghiaccio look away, his heart tightening. "And Formaggio is waiting! Prosciutto already told me I'm not important, that I'm worthless and replaceable! I know the truth!"
Ghiaccio immediately got up and rushed over to you, stepping in front of you. For once, he wasn't mad with your words but understanding. You didn't act like this. You were always calm and a little snappy. Whatever they did to you, it was worse than what he was putting together. You were so scared right now, scared of being hurt again.
"Hey," Ghiaccio muttered, his hand raising to caress your cheek. Fuck - you were burning up. "You're safe here. Okay?"
"But Prosciutto and Risotto live 10 minutes away from here," you whispered, shaking your head. "They can do whatever they want. Risotto said he was going to come here and get me tomorrow."
A scoff suddenly escaped Melones lips, "Then we'll take you to my house." He nodded, keeping his eyes on you. "Pack a bag Pesci, you're coming to stay the night with me. Ghiaccio, I'm sure you can fit into my pajamas."
"What?" Questioned Pesci, raising his eyebrows.
"Y/N wants all three of us," Melone proclaimed confidentially. "My house has three bedrooms, and I have a place to hide our beloved if need be."
"I didn't mean to yell," you muttered, "I'm just really tired. Well, you're probably more tired than me. Sorry."
Ghiaccio sighed, not caring if Melone and Pesci were present in this moment - he had to comfort you. Aside from hand holding he liked to keep all intimacy in privacy, but he wanted to comfort you so badly, seeing you so badly hurt was fucking with him. "You probably haven't slept in days," he pointed out, his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you into a tight hug. "I.. I, um, got you. It's okay. Just.. feel safe? I.. do care about you a lot! You're my girlfriend, and I mean that! This isn't pretend, and I would never hurt you! You've never done anything wrong to me!" Fuck.. he wasn't supposed to yell but he keeps yelling. He promised Melone that he would remain calm.
"I'm sorry," you repeated again, as if you were a broken record. Your arms wrapped around his waist, head burying in his chest. "All of this is my fault. I should have listened to you."
He nodded his head, earning a glare from Melone. "Stop apologizing," he mutteted, "let's just go to Melone's house. You can relax now, you're safe with us." He could speak for himself as well as Melone and Pesci confidently, knowing that they wanted to keep you safe and healthy just as much as he did. For as long as it was necessary, he would make sure that Formaggio and the other jackasses stayed far away from you for as long as he could keep them away from you.
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ravenzeppeli · 5 months
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Chapter 34 - Two Become One Pt. 2 |Ghiaccio x Reader Lemon + Fluff|
Warning: strong language, sex, scratching. MA.
Candles were scattered all over the room, the candlelight reflecting off of Ghiaccios' naked body. Awkwardly, you stood in front of him, your clothes mixed with his tossed aside on his bedroom floor. His eyes traced your body up and down, his face heating to a bright red as he stepped closer, his eyes resting on your breast.
A shaky sigh escaped your lips as you stared at his massive erection, not expecting him to stand this large. At 9 inches his cock proudly stood erect, the thickness causing your pussy to tingle. Rapidly, you felt your heart skipping a beat, not being able to remove your eyes from his massive length.
"Do you like it?" He muttered, closing the gap between the both of you with one final step, his hands slowly tracing across your stomach, sending chills down your spine. "You're so pretty." The softness of his voice was different, soothing, almost instantly calming you down.
The nerves were something that you still felt, but you also felt a new emotion washing over you. This actually felt right. With Ghiaccio, things always seemed to feel right once the two of you sat down and talked. He took his time with you, getting to know you and be with you. It was a nice feeling, and you felt something for him. Something that made you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Something that you weren't ready to admit to him.
"You're very attractive," you mumbled under your breath, letting your hand run up his toned chest, resting on his heart. You let your hand press against his chest, being able to feel the rapid beat of his heart, his heart beating just as rapidly as yours. "I.. don't know what to say." You've never felt this nervous in your entire life, and you let your two most intimidating boyfriends fuck you at the same time. This felt different. You were genuinely scared that you wouldn't please him.
"Don't be nervous," he spoke, his voice a whisper, "I think you're beautiful. I always have, and I'm going to make you feel so good." You could sense that he was nervous too, his palms sweaty as he quickly removed them, face flushing red. "I'm sorry about my hands. I.. they don't usually do this."
A low hum escaped your lips as you grabbed his hands, placing them on your bare breasts. Sweaty hands weren't going to turn you off. If anything, him being just as nervous as you made you feel a little better. "I don't notice anything." You kept your hands on the back of his, biting down on your lip as his hands began to softly massage your breasts. Despite the wetness of his hands, you felt yourself growing turned on, extremely turned on by his touch.
You stepped closer, letting his cock rub the front of your slick entrance. With no hesitation he pressed his lips into yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth, exploring every inch as he pinched your erect nipples. A low moan escaped your lips, the slick wetness quickly forming between your legs as his hands slid down your body, grasping your waist, pushing you towards the bed. He kept his tongue deep in your mouth, interlocking with yours.
As he gently guided you onto the bed, he kept his lips firmly pressed against yours, his tongue leaving your mouth. You felt spit trailing down your chin, his soft lips pampering your own lips with kisses. With a delicacy you weren't used to, his fingertips softly traced down your nude body, sending chills down your spine. You moaned into his lips, his hands resting on your stomach, inches away from your soaking pussy.
Never had your body craved someone so much before, your hand reaching out for his cock, grabbing his long length. Softly, you pumped back and forth, his lips finally pulling away from yours.
"You're.." he let his voice trail off, his right hand finally meeting your clit, rubbing gentle circles with three fingers, "actually all mine. You're actually mine." He nodded his head a little for reassurance, his glasses sliding halfway off of his face.
"Yes," you spoke softly, your hand massaging his smooth cock, other hand reaching up, pushing his glasses back onto his face before they fell off. A low whine escaped your lips as he fingers left yours, your eyes immediately going wide when he lifted his fingers to his mouth, your juices flowing down his three fingers as he stuck them in his mouth, tasting you.
"You taste as good as you look," he muttered, face heating up, his cock twitching in your hand. "Do you.. want me to use a condom? I have some in my nightstand, they're latex free. The cashier recommended them."
Ghiaccio wasn't like Illuso or Formaggio. He wasn't going around cheating on you, letting random women suck them off. The trust that you felt right now was strong, and you wanted to feel his bare cock pushing in and out of you. Birth control and at times plan b were your best friends, you would just pick up a plan b in the morning like you usually did. You did not want to bring a child into this mess. Who would the kid even call dad? All seven of them?
"It's whatever you want," you replied, a glare immediately appearing on his face. "What?" You frowned a little, letting go of his cock.
"It's your call," he muttered, a sigh escaping his lips. "You're allowed to decide things with me. We're a team. I want whatever you want right now."
"No condom," you spoke quickly. Your pussy was throbbing, you could feel it throbbing, leaking from his hot touch. "I really want you Ghia." Your voice was whiny, almost desperate. You were embarrassing yourself.. fuck. Why must you do this to yourself?
The glare immediately left his face, a smirk appearing on his face. Not once had he ever smirked at you before. "Aw, aren't you beautiful? You don't need to want what you already have. You can have every inch of me." The sudden excitement in his voice made you even hotter, your eyes staring down at his cock as he lined himself up with your hole. "I.. really.. deeply.. care for you. More then I'll ever be able to show you."
The three words almost slipped out of your mouth, your heart rapidly skipping a beat as you almost blurted out that you loved him. Did you love him? "I care about you too."
"I'm going to slide in slowly." He nodded his head once. Slowly, he began to slide in, your slick wetness providing natural lube. Halfway, he froze inside of you, his hips moving back and forth at a slow pace, dark eyes locked onto your face. "Do you want more? Are you okay?"
"Yes," you whined, your hands softly tracing his back, "I want you deep inside of me." Your pussy was already tightening around him, feeling a since of urgency to have him inside of you.
With a quick thrust, he fully pushed himself inside of you, a quick moan escaping his lips as he began to quickly thrust, wasting no time, almost as if the sense of urgency washed over him as well. "Don't tell anyone I moan," he gasped out, hands raising to grasp your breasts between his palms, massaging more rougher this time.
With each rapid thrust, you felt a sense of euphoria wash over you, low moans escaping your lips with each thrust. You weren't usually this vocal during sex, but you couldn't help yourself. The moans couldn't help but pour out of your mouth. Words wouldn't escape your mouth, despite you wanting to cry out his name and how good he was, all you could do was moan.
"Scratch my back," he commanded softly, "dig your nails into my back and mark me up. I want you to fucking mark me all over. Go on, do it now!" He pinched your nipples, giving them a pull, his lips brushing against your neck as he leaned down, clearly not satisfied with your now frozen fingers on his smooth back. "Come on baby. You can do it for me. Mark me up."
The words of encouragement provided you with the courage to actually go through with this, your nails beginning to scratch against his back, your face red hot, and heart rapidly beginning to beat again. You felt yourself tightening around him, your pussy making wet sounds that could only be described as the sound of mixing a cheesy pot of macaroni.
"That's what I like," he whispered into your neck, "goddamn your tight little pussy is so fucking wet. So warm. You feel fucking perfect, keep staining my back with your marks. I want you deeper." He suddenly grabbed your legs, your body completely going frozen as his legs raised up slightly, him dragging you down a little, pressing you into the mating press position with no warning. "I know you're a freak, and that's okay baby. I can be a fucking freak too, but only behind closed doors!"
You've only been pressed in this intense position a few times, you could feel his cock so deeply inside of you, pressing into your g-spot with each deepened thrust. Obeying his command, you let your nails dig into his flesh. "Ghiaccio," you moaned out, feeling yourself becoming close. Fuck, you were so fucking close, he felt so good inside of you. So huge, so fucking hot.
"That's it, baby," he encouraged you, placing wet kisses all over your neck, your claws scratching deeply into his flesh, close to drawing blood, but you wouldn't push that far. Never did you want to hurt him. You loved him so much. Oh fuck, you loved him, you loved him way before the two of you had sex. You were just too afraid to admit it to yourself. "Fill you up or pull out?"
"The first one," you replied, that same smirk as before appearing on his face as he pumped in and out of you more rapidly, the headboard beginning to slam against the wall. You were so wet you felt yourself leaking, tears of pleasure filling your eyes as your hands froze on his back, nails digging into his flesh as you stared at his curly hair.
As if he felt your gaze, he lifted his head, hungry eyes staring back at you, his red squre-rimmed glasses hanging halfway off of his face. "Y/N," he growled out your name with such intensity, his warm cut shooting deep inside of you, filling you up.
You came right after him, your legs shaking as you removed your nails from his back, letting your hands wrap around his waist. When he pulled out, you squirted, staining his sheets with your juices.
He let go of your legs, moving to the side, letting his body fall onto the bed next to you. "I'm just going to be completely honest and say that was the best sex I ever had," he confessed, pulling you into his arms. "Let's just lay here a while. Come on, don't be shy. You can lay on me."
With ease, his hand shot up, gently guiding your head on his chest, placing a kiss on the top of your head, his lips lingering, refusing to move from your forehead. "You were amazing, Ghiaccio," you told him, "I'm sorry about your sheets." You felt his cum mixed with yours still oozing out of you. "I'm still leaking cum."
"I have more sheets," he muttered, "I don't care. Stain the mattress, too. I'm proud I made you feel good." His voice was weak, tired, his grip loose around you. "I.. really.. l.. like you, Y/N."
"I really like you too, Ghiaccio," you confessed to him, not yet ready to confess your love. It wasn't the time. You were too scared to say it. Too scared to potentially mess up what you had with him, so you kept your mouth shut, letting your head cuddle into his chest and your mind drift away as you closed your eyes, listening to the soft beat of his heart.
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ravenzeppeli · 4 months
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Chapter 42 - Shattered |Prosciutto x Reader Angst|
Warning: strong/violent language, suicide attempt, threats, emotional abuse, strong verbal abuse, physical abuse, dark chapter. MA.
The mistake that you made was that you assumed that you were safe here, that these men would at least have the decency to never kill you. Sadly, you found yourself mistake, almost getting strangled to death all for something foolish. Maybe this was all a mistake, maybe being here's a mistake. All of this was becoming too stressful for you. You felt yourself starting to break. You no longer care about your life.
With delicacy, you pressed Prosciuttos gun up to your head, your hand resting on the trigger. If you do this, you'll be free. Once a man tries to kill you, they'll try it again. You had to kill yourself before he killed you. Before they all killed you. You were a fool for thinking that you'd ever matter to any of them. Not even Melone or Pesci cared. It was all an act. You knew it was all an act.
As you felt yourself close to pulling the trigger, your hand was suddenly slammed against the counter, the gun knocking out of your hand and going off, a loud gunshot echoing throughout the house. Before you could even react, arms wrapped around your waist, lifting you up.
"Stupid!" Prosciutto screamed, dragging your body across the floor as if you were a ragdoll. Your feet struggled to keep balance, your shoes squeaking as they dragged across the floor. "I told you never to touch my gun, and you press it against your head!? You plan to blow your brains out after everything I've done for you! Get the fuck out of my house, weak bitch!"
Silence overtook you, your heart shattering inside your chest as you realized how alone you truly were. Prosciutto wouldn't have cares that Formaggio tried to kill you. He would simply ignore it. If it weren't for Illuso stepping in, you would be dead. If it weren't for that piece of shit Formaggio never would have found out about you watching them. Fuck them, and fuck Prosciutto too. They were no good, and they would never understand how badly that they've hurt you. You were growing tired of these negative feelings. You just wanted it to stop.
As if you were nothing to him, Prosciutto roughly pushed you out of his room. You shamelessly stumbled forward, a low gasp escaping your lips as you crashed into a familiar, hard chest. With haste, you were grabbed and spun around, one massive hand wrapping around your throat and one around your waist.
"What happened? I heard a gunshot." Risottos voice filled your ears, voice low but filled with adrenaline.
Prosciutto walked back into his house without answering Risotto, leaving his door wide open. His harsh words cut you like a knife, but you were used to his abuse and ugly words. Prosciutto was in no way a kind man, and he was never the type to comfort you. Inside and out, he was an evil man with no good qualities aside from the fact that he's physically attractive. You couldn't believe that you almost fell in love with him, those past positive feelings being replaced with an even stronger hate towards him.
You attempted to pull away from Risotto, hot tears filling your eyes. "Let me go!" You screamed at him, wiggling violently in his arms. "Let me go now!" The anger you had was misplaced, but you didn't care. You just wanted to scream and be angry.
Maybe Risotto did deserve your anger, considering he was the reason why you couldn't break up with Formaggio or Prosciutto. His unfair fucking rules kept you on a tight leash and you had no choice but to listen to him. Not only was he your boyfriend, he was also your boss. It was so fucking unfair.
"Calm yourself," he muttered, arms locking around you, squeezing tightly, your body practically flailing to get away from him. To have your own free will. "You will calm down and submit to me now! I haven't had to put my hands on you, but I will!"
The sharpness in his yell was harsh, your body instantly freezing, head hanging low. You couldn't do this anymore, you couldn't feel this pain. "You hate me!" You cried out. "You all do!" Despite still yelling, you froze in his arms, your body not being able to help submitting to him. It was like he had you under his spell, hot tears now pouring down your face as you stiffened against his brick-like figure.
Prosciutto came out before Risotto replied, his hands filled with your things - your carry-on suitcase, your toothbrush, your laptop, your phone, as well as your mp3 player. "You'll never step foot in my house again, stupid cunt!" He stepped past you, tossing your things off of the porch, your clothes spilling out onto the lawn. "Dumb bitch! Trying to blow your brains out with my gun, I should fucking beat you! You're lucky!"
"She tried to shoot herself?" Muttered Risotto, a darkness in his tone that instantly brought fear into your heart. "After everything you've been through with us, you were going to blow your brains out in Prosciuttos kitchen? He trusted you in his home and you betrayed that."
In this moment, all you could think of was wanting Melone here to protect you. Like a fool, like he would actually side with you over his team. These men didn't care. They would soon kill you. You knew it. Formaggio won't let his anger go. You knew that he was coming for you. Or maybe Illuso was. You were replaceable. Just a toy. An object. You were nothing.
"Neither one of you love or care about me," you whispered, voice so low that Prosciutto suddenly appeared in front of you, leaning down slightly, his eyes filled with hate as he stared at you. "I don't want to be with you. I never did."
Prosciutto raised his hand to slap you, thick blonde eyebrows pulling down into a scowl. With an open hand, he popped you in the mouth, your teeth cutting into your bottom lip. "Shut your fucking mouth and learn your place, brainless girl! You should be thankful to be here with us, to be taken care of and spoiled! Ungrateful cunt, you're replaceable! Average at best, nothing special! I could pay for better pussy out on the streets, and I have!"
An awkward silence hung between the three of you, your head hanging low, the tears continuing to fall.
"I don't want you," he added in, "you're available. That's the only reason I allow myself to touch you and fuck you. Learn to be grateful, because we are all better than you! You're nothing without us, even with us you're fucking nothing! The only thing you got right was that I don't love you! Why would I love a weak, suicidal cunt!? Fuck you!"
"I want to leave," you whispered, feeling completely defeated by Prosciuttos' harsh words. A small part of you always felt like he loved you. That small part immediately washed away, his words permanently engraving in the back of your mind. Never would you let yourself forget that he hates you and doesn't want you. That would always stay with you, haunting you.
Risottos grip left your body completely your body completely. "Go sit on my porch," Risotto mutteted, "I'll collect your stuff and bring it. Stay exactly where I can see you and keep my eye on you. Sit on the steps." He stepped away from you, walking over to Prosciutto.
Quickly, you turned away, walking down the steps and passed your scattered clothes. Looking down, you saw your phone and mp3, leaning down, you quickly scooped it up. "Y/N, I said now," warned Risotto. "Do you want to anger me further!? You're already going to get it when we step foot in my fucking room for attempting to kill yourself. You've pissed me off. A threat against your own life is a threat against me."
This was a dangerous situation. You weren't safe and only had one thing on your mind. Risotto was going to kill you, just like Formaggio tried, too. He was going to hurt you. You couldn't let that happen. You were terrified of Risotto and what he may do to you.
Moving fast, you began to walk over to Risottos' front porch, flipping your phone open. You went to Melones name, pressing the green call button as you slammed the phone into your right ear.
The phone rang twice before a familiar voice answered, "Y/N! My love, I was just thinking about you."
A sense of comfort as well as dread washed over you. "Melone," you whispered into the phone as you sat on Risottos porch, keeping your head down. "I need you to come get me. I'm at Risottos. I need you to - " You were cut off by the phone snatching out of your hand, Risotto appearing in front of you in seconds.
With a shake of his head, he snapped your phone in half, tossing it to the side, his large frame towering over you, casting a dark shadow over your entire body. "I really do care about you," he muttered, voice thick with venom, "that is why I'm going to have to do this to you. This will hurt me worse than it'll hurt you."
"Please don't hurt me," you begged, a stiffness coursing throughout your body as he grabbed your wrist, roughly yanking you to your feet. "You don't understand! You don't know what was done to me, and you don't even care!" With a sudden rage, your other hand raised, roughly pushing into his chest, causing no impact.
"Oh?" A look of surprise spread across his face, eyes dropping down to stare at your hand. "You know what, Y/N, I've had enough with you lying and hiding the truth from me. I think it's time I show you what happens when you lie to me and attempt to take your own life."
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ravenzeppeli · 5 months
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💜Back in Your Arms |Melone x Male Reader Fluff|
Commission for @johnnybwanny
It's been three weeks since you've last seen your fiancé, Melone, and despite having phone calls and texting him as much as possible, you still deeply missed him. Tonight was going to be the night that he returned, but a few hours ago he called to inform you that he wouldn't be home tonight, promising that he would get home as soon as his job was complete. This happened often, so you were used to it, but it didn't make you sulk for him any less.
Being understanding of his job was a big part of your relationship with him. You learned years ago that he couldn't speed up or slow down the pace of the missions that he was assigned. He was very honest with you once you accepted his engagement six months ago, and you were well aware that he was a member of a hitman squad. You knew he got paid to execute people discreetly, and you also knew that unless he shared something with you, don't ask. Never did your fiancé show you anger. He was sweet and answered all of your questions. You just rather not hear about all his near death experiences. They make you nervous, and your lover always went into explicit detail anytime you asked him a question.
You've been keeping your mind busy picking up extra shifts at your job and filling your free time with mind-numbing tasks that would simply just make the days pass by quicker. Now that it is late at night you sit at your perfectly polished dining room table alone, your eyes staring straight ahead at a picture of you and Melone that rested over your fireplace mantel in the living room. Deeply your heart ached for him, ached for his mere presence.
Sighing, your eyes drifted to the ring on your engagement finger, a tasteful gold band that will soon be replaced with a wedding ring. You wanted one of the same styles, something simple to match your lover. Having matching rings was something that the both of you wanted, it being an expression of the undying love that the two of you had for each other. Equals - despite him being more powerful than you in many ways, he still treated you as an equal. He was a great man to you. You really did adore him.
When you heard the jiggle of your front doorknob, you reached for the gun taped under your dining room table, eyes slightly wide. Melone had always told you that he had enemies, that despite his house being hidden that someone may find him. He even told you that someone may find you and hurt you, so he placed a few hidden guns around the house, and he has a hidden room in one of his bookcases. You hoped that would never happen, but you were cautious, just as he instructed you to be.
As the door pushed open, your heart skipped a mighty beat, your hand gripping the handle of the gun, ready to free it from its duct taped prison and defend yourself as necessary. Just as your lovely fiancé instructed you. Immediate relief set it when you saw it wasn't an intruder stepping in but your lovely fiancé Melone, who you were just thinking about.
You let go of the gun, rising out of your seat, your heart slowing down to a small beat as your eyes fully set on him. Soft turquoise eyes stared back at you, heavy bags under his eyes, despite how happy he looked to see you. "Babe?" You called out, walking over to meet him. "I'm so happy to see you. Is everything okay?" You hoped everything went well at his job. You always wanted him to succeed, knowing how important his job was to him.
"Hello, my love," Melone cooed softly, tossing his leather carry on onto the ground carelessly, his arms extended as he quickly walked over to you. Within seconds, his slender arms were around you, his lips pressing into yours, his breath tasting of coffee and mints. "We finished early, and I decided to travel home to you. Where else would I wanna be?" He mutteted softly into your lips, light pink dusting across his cheeks.
Instead of waiting until the next morning like his other teammates, he would always rush back home to see you as soon as he was positive that he was finished up at work. That, along with a pile of other things, made you appreciate being lucky enough to be getting married to him one day. He was such a loving and kind fiancé. Man.. you really were so lucky.
"If you would have told me, then I would have had you something to eat," you told him, placing a quick kiss on his lips. "I do have leftovers in the fridge, or I could make something fresh for you. Whatever you want, I really missed you, Mel."
A sad smile appeared on his lips as he pulled away slightly, still keeping his arms securely around your waist. "I hate having to go away and leave you all alone in this house for so long. My heart ached deeply for you the entire time I was away, and the smell on your boxers faded when I accidentally washed them. I was so upset."
Playfully, your hands raced to his sides, squeezing gently as you smirked. "Aw, my poor baby. Next time, just pack a few more of my dirty underwear." His eyes brightened even more, you laughing at the sudden perk in his mood. "I'm very glad that you are back. You were gone for so long this time."
When you slept in your bed when he was away, you slept in one of his shirts and on his pillow, taking in his smell as you struggled to fall asleep without him right by your side. You've been with him for years, sleeping with him in your arms, or you in his was always such a comfort when you fell asleep at night. You felt loved and safe in his arms, and when he was gone, you craved that feeling. Not only was he your lover, he was your best friend too. And you always felt a little lost when he was away on business.
"You always have the best ideas," he mused softly, licking his lips as that warm smile returned to his face, making your heart skip a beat. "No need to cook. It's late, but a few diners are still open, we can go grab a bite to eat if you like."
"That sounds great," you replied, nodding your head as you let your arms slowly wrap back around his slender waist. "You aren't too tired? I don't want you to push yourself." You're just happy that he's home. As long as you are with him, it doesn't matter what the two of you do - you just wanted to do it together. Rather, it's going out to eat or staying at home to watch a movie. Every moment spent with him was special to you.
He shook his head, leaning forward, his soft lips pressing into yours gently. As he pulled away, you found yourself leaning into him, your lips pressing back into his, placing soft kisses on his lips. "Promise I'm not too tired," he whispered into your lips as you finally broke away to catch your breath. "I just want to spend time with you, and I love going out with you."
"Okay," you replied, your arms unwrapping around from his waist. "We can go then, it is a really nice night. Why not enjoy it together?"
He let go of you, his hand reaching out to grasp yours, fingers interlocking, like two matching puzzle pieces. The two of you just fit so well together. "Did you miss me?" He always asked this, always needing that assurance because he's been hurt in the past.
"I missed you so much," you confessed, gently squeezing his hand as he led you to the front door. "And I also love you very much, Melone. I'm really glad that you're back home again and safe."
He gave a small nod, pink once again dusting across his cheeks. "I missed you a lot, and I love you more than anything." As he opened the door, he let go of your hand, his arm wrapping around your shoulder as the two of you stepped outside. "Stay by my side."
You smirked, the iron grip that he had on you giving you no way to leave his side. Not that you would ever want to leave his side. "Always," you promised him as the two of you walked side by side, clinging to each other.
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