#[thats so cute but you know ..you just unlocked the trauma in him.
convxction · 5 months
Rebecca was in the second trimester of her pregnancy. The couple had been waiting for signs of movements to come from the baby that usually occurred during this period. It had been a little rough on the mother to be as she had to reduce how far or how fast she could walk with the pain in her legs that came from the pregnancy.
It was the middle of the night when Rebecca first was awoken by a kick from the baby. She sat up in their shared bed and then felt another kick. A wide smile crossed her face. The baby was moving! She leaned over to Chrom and gently nudged him to stir him away.
“Honey, wake up, the baby has started to move!” She softly whispered.
If there was anything he could go to make this whole process easier for her, Chrom would do it. If he can take the pain she is feeling, he would--(not that Tharja didn't suggest that but uh, it could be risky; not on him but on the baby so big fat no. He'll consider it when she masters the hex.)
That night, Chrom tucked Rebecca in bed and circled quickly to sleep beside her. He carefully touched her belly. To think ... their child is there. And the knights have the audacity to say women aren't strong. No wonder why Sully is so headstrong about proving they are strong in any situation you put them. He knew that, but now...he is a believer--100%.
"Wake me up if you need anything, okay? I don't care what time is it, promise me, honey." and a soft kiss to her lips then he wrapped his arms around her, making sure he does not bother her and the two fell asleep.
Later that night, Rebecca had gently nudged him awake. His eyes are still fighting to stay closed, he mumbling incoherently at first. "mm...what...? what moved ...?" squeezing his eyes then he opened them to see her sitting up. "moved....baby..--!?"
He pushed himself up, all the sleep was gone now. His brain is loaded with thousands of ideas--picturing this child growing up, running, laughing and all that. That's so crazy!
"Y-you mean!" he arched closer to her, afraid at first to get that close. This is a life! Now he thinks about it ... What did his Father felt when he was born? When Emmeryn and Lissa were born? Was he happy? ...
His own hands had killed so many people. Is it ok for him to touch this pure life? Was he allowed to? Was it right to have a kid of his own?
All these chaotic noises in his mind were dispersed when Rebecca took his hand into hers and gently placed it over her belly. The sudden movement caught him off guard.
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"This-- ... They're...moving ... " he looked up at Rebecca, still in shock. He tried to hold back his tears but there is nothing he could do when he felt the baby kick again. This is his child--their child! He does not care if it is a boy or a girl--this is his child! This is his proof that he loves his one and only love, his wife, his partner and best friend, Rebecca. Their proof that their love is indeed strong and wouldn't crumble like how many hoped for it.
"I....this is...ours?....really?.....o-our baby? ... Gods.... I can't believe it ... " he cradled rebecca's belly gently between his arms, sobbing quietly. if only she was around, too ...
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kill us kindly~ | always accepting | @pieman1112
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dirtbagcore · 3 months
HELLO im thinking about your saiki k / spyxfamily au...... im so fascinated by this family dynamic. does kuriko still have all her powers, or just telepathy? in your comic it looks like she still does the telepathic communication which i LOVE. pairs well with anyas constant yapping...... also, if kuriko does have all her powers, how powerful is she? id imagine she'd be about at the level of 16-year-old saiki with limiters, since in the time travel episode he was a bit older and a bit stronger (but he also didnt have glasses so i guess he didnt have the power to turn people to stone yet? i wonder if there are other powers he unlocks later. its probably in the manga but im only halfway through 😭). man, just imagine the shenanigans those kids would get up to..... even just putting kuriko in anyas place would be hilarious, but then also throwing anya AND kuusuke into the mix???? these kids are gonna accidentally destroy the world lmfao
but im also fascinated by the dynamic of. anya and kuriko being siblings and knowing about each others powers, but no one else knows about them (except probably kuusuke?). cause like. kusuo originally can use his powers at home, so now he can use them less freely, but anya originally had NO ONE who knew about them and now she has 2 siblings who do, so she can use them more freely. which would probably result in an even more reserved kuriko and an even more outgoing anya. plus kuusukes inferiority complex would be doubled..... loid has no idea what he just got himself into lmao. just absolutely insane family dynamics all around im obsessed
ANYWAY sorry for yapping in your inbox but i would love to hear any other thoughts you have about this au..... if you wanna share.....
^((TLDR; [in my S×F / Saiki K crossover AU where kuriko & anya are twins] what are kurikos powers? what's the new family dynamic?))
HIII! ( ≧∀≦)ノ THANKS 4 THE ASK!!! v happy to answer, i was thinking kuriko would:
1. still have all her powers, and
2. they would be weaker than in canon since she got her limiters early⬇️
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this obv includes the fact that she can remember all her time as an infant, so thinking of that (considering the vague experiments anya went thru in canon) i deffo think ur right about her being even more reserved ( ´,_ゝ`) </3 tho tbf anya being kuriko's voice and seeming (from an outside perspective) to always just KNOW what she wants, no matter how specific, sounds really freaking cute ( T∀T)
i imagine her other powers coming up in little scenes (+ prob main plot stuff but im not writing allat for a thought experiment lol)⬇️⬇️
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overall, i think the family dynamic would be like this⬇️⬇️⬇️
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kusuke wouldnt be threatened by anya cause all she can do is read minds, shes no genius on top of that. his relationship with kuriko tho, i feel like would be similar to how it was in canon, except that since kuriko is more fragile here, id imagine that she'd be less willing to indulge kusuke's games- leading him to harbour more genuine resentment, in turn leading her to kinda fear him. it'd make their dynamic more angsty than the og, but tbh i feel that that lends well to the new setting/kusukes new role.
i dont think kuriko would mind loid or yor, but since she can remember their bio parents (kuniharu & kurumi) better than anya, i dont think she'd be able to accept them as her parents right away, especially yor.
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the only other thing i wanted to mention was:
how did kusuke get into eden without parents, you ask? (you didnt but--) YOU ASK?? well obvi its cause he's a super genius and probably achieved something so crazy that the schoolboard REALLY wanted him as an alum, so he completely skipped over the regular admission process. he would live in the dorms and probably avoided talking abt his parents entirely (cause who would share their personal trauma with ants??), leaving a very convenient spot for loid to slip into lol
anyway! thats basically it!! thanks again for the ask, hope at least some ppl appreciate our wall of text!! (me n you are like this 🤞 btw. YAPPING 🔛🔝🔥) ☆(゜∇^d)!!
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I'm trying to just get my thoughts out because HOO BOY
Lloyd, my baby boy, how on EARTH did the writers fill him with MORE trauma - im pretty sure hes going to explode soon - Sam Vincent's voice acting WAS SO GOOD, the geniune panicky breathing put ME on edge and the way he sounded in AGONY everytime another vision came OUUUCH - AND AND his vision/fear thingy from the trials?? Devastating how could you let Wu say the words, writers when I get you - also he was trying to be so helpful to Arin please he's just a little guy trying to parent I love him so much
the SECOND we got told about the warrior wolf masks and them shattering the good inside people in order to get strength/Spinjitzu/power etc my IMMEDIATE first thought was "Arin..." and then they bring up the fact that HES SO GOOD SO OF COURSE THIS MEANS THAT HE WOULD GET SO MUCH POWER AND THEN HIS RUN IN WITH RAS AHHH (also while I know it was a weird like knock-out vision, seeing him see Nya and Lloyd as his parents was cute to me (NOT IN A SHIP WAY DONT BE WEIRD) - Nya has been very "Mama Nya" so far and I'm loving it <3) - Arin's arc has been PAINFUL (in a good way) and THAT LAST BIT WITH SORA HELPING HIM DO OBJECT SPINJITZU DONT I KNOW THATS GONNA COME BACK TO BITE THEM IN THE ASS
Nya,,, and Kai,,, AND WYLDFYRE MY BABIES OOOUGHHH HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO THEM - seeing more childhood stuff for Nya and Kai is ALWAYS a delight they were so small just little babies and the way that it was how BOTH of them unlocked rising dragon OOOUGH THEY LOVE EACHOTHER SO MUCH - "My big brother is my hero, and now he's the world's hero, again." 😭😭 genuine agony - especially with Nya and Wyldfyre's hug afterwards - the little sob Nya let out DONT TOUCH ME - they miss him so much, that's his sister and daughter ooooughhh
JAY??? JAY!! what a pleasant surprise - oh jesus how are you traumatised with no memories - he was so terrified to have it revealed that he can use lightning my boy im so sorry - I hope he recovers from the agony of desk jobs soon <3 ALSO THE FLASHBACK WITH COLE AND JAY??? THEY'RE NERDS, THEY'RE SUCH BIG NERDS I LOVE THEM AND MISS THEM PLEASE BRING THEM BACK I MISS THEM THEY'RE BEST FRIENDS YOUR HONOUR - I'm not even gonna think about the fear/vision thing from Nya in the trials because OUCH
Cole and Geo <333 and their family <333 my babygirl Bonzle i love her so much 😔 - WHEN (if) Kai and Bonzle escape that maze thingy they BETTER come out friends - as soon as he meets her he calls her kid??? That man needs to stop being a dad to every breathing that crosses his path
Ras was as awful as always, hate him with every fibre in my being I hope he perishes /pos /pos - Jordana was GENUINELY tweaking out at the end there, can't wait to see her go insane and absolutely rock the Ninja's shit <33
SPEAKING OF ROCKING THE NINJA'S SHIT - CINDER???? godDAMN - what a ruthless little man actually genuinely I want to wipe that dumb smug smirk off of his face /pos - I enjoyed Sora trapping him in a box like a feral cat, deserved <333 (I will say, hearing his voice for the first time was... interesting 👀)
Sora is as wonderful as always, I love her so much <33 SHE WAS SO EXCITED LEARNING SPINJITZU WITH RIYU THEYRE SO CUTE YOUR HONOUR - she's so silly I love her epsecialy since all she wanted to do was hype up Arin because thats her best friend who she loves so much dont talk to me <3
I think that's it?? Just goddamn what an EXPERIENCE - I love Dragons Rising - I can't wait for part 2 <3
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cupidscrule · 10 months
GEGGEGE NEW FANFIC!! Leon kidnapps you !!1!1
Tw noncon + drugs + past trauma
Poorly written short smut lol
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"Honestly Leon you really are impressive, lucky guy" Chris had always said, lucky? Really, is that the fucking word to describe someone with a crippling alcohol addiction and depression. Yeah, lucky. Leon Scott fucking Kennedy, the lucky guy. Got stuck in raccoon city, lost all his friends, chasing after a girl who won't EVER come back. Ain't he just the DEFINITION of lucky, hell he got forced to work for the government ain't that just lucky. No love life, never being able to sleep without thinking someones gonna kill him, yeah, lucky. It didn't matter anymore, he knew Chris wouldn't get it, hell no one understood. Claire, Jill, even little rebbeca they all just sucked it up, they saw horrible things, went through so much but they just pushed through. Not Leon though, not little old Leon, he couldn't suck it up, he couldn't just look the other way.
Lucky man Leon, Leon s fucking Kennedy luckiest man alive, had no one, other then the men twice his size at boot camp, and well just say that wasn't pleasant when you're soft and pretty. He was alone, until today. It was a late night, he was just walking through the dim lit streets looking up and down the alleys, he had nothing to do in Washington. What go to the white house and  suck up grahm? Fuck no, so he just walked, he walked everywhere, seemed to calm him in some weird way. He was lost in his throughts just feet moving without him asking them too, just dragging along side. Until he stopped, and noticed you , a nice looking girl, standing by a building talking to someone on the phone. "Dad- no I don't need anything else- hey com'on pa don't buy me anything else. I'm serious I'm fine- ah okay- Bye I love you too!" She was speaking, geez what woman would think it's smart to just stand out In the middle of fuck no where late at night. Leon was just gonna walk past you but something just snapped, you were beautiful - like he means BREATH TAKING, beautiful long hair, thin waist, pouty lips, hell you were wearing a cute ass fluffy white coat and white matching boots, who wouldn't fall for you? Leon just stopped walking, just started at you as he thought, thought what to do with you , 'Just walk away' 'no she's too pretty to let go' 'fuck' 'i need her.'
His mind landed on the last one, y'know no hard feelings but he couldn't just let his sleeping beauty slip past him like her , fuck no. But he didn't really know what to do "Hey I've been watching you wanna go back to my place and fuck?" Of course not, that's the creepiest thing to say- well not that Leon wasn't creepy but yknow he didn't want you to freak out and be all confused. Actually no that's a lie, he didn't fucking care how you feel, he just wanted to take your stupid little body back home, y'know for safe keeping. Fuck it, I'm just gonna grab you, only problem. I don't fucking have ANYTHING, what just knock her out? Don't wanna kill her, thad be no fun now would it. Fuck think fast Leon before she starts walking away, you seemed pretty small, and if he had gone up against tyrants you'd be no problem. THAT'S IT, just choke her out, good job Kennedy. Finally thinking of something, just walk up to her, put his hand over your mouth and choke you out, rough, but hey it's fine.  Not that really matters what happens to you not like he cares.
And thats how you ended up duck taped and tied together in a basement, a dim light just like on the street. Your clothes removed, pretty little mouth also taped shut. PANIC all you felt was panic. Frantically squirming around like a scared cat, a muffled scream for help, which wasn't a good idea. Because that's when he realized you were awake, huh didn't last very long. Honestly thought you'd be out faster, Leon had thought, already relaxed as if he didn't just kidnap a college girl, lucky girl you are. He unlocked the basement door, walking down. He was wearing a nice black shirt and baggy jeans, y'know at least you weren't kidnapped by an ugly guy, but that's besides the point. He came walking down the concrete steps, it was an unfinished basement so it was pretty ugly, no bugs thankfully just dark and dull. A small tv was in the corner, some boxes just collecting dust, a little bathroom, to be honest it was pretty good it could be like a little home. Or at least bedroom. Back to the point, you looked up with tears in your eyes, confused, scared, why you? Why did it have to be you? What did you do? Well nothing, in all reality you just got unlucky that's funny, you're whole life was luck, now your confined in rope and tape wearing nothing but panties in some guys basement. Leon rips the tape off your little mouth, tossing it to the side. Tears still staining your roesy cheeks you muffle out a pathetic sentence "w-what are you doing" stuttering and blabbering. Jeez nothings even happened yet, acted like a fucking moran, already crying? How are you a grown adult, can't even handle dick from someone?
It didn't matter, really nothing did in this moment, Leon didn't respond just stared at you, as if he was judging you for being a baby. Before knocking you out again, it was his first time kidnapping someone so he wasn't gonna just be good at it- but hey he tried. Grabbed some sleeping aids from the bathroom cabinet Doxepin or something weird, wasn't the type to look at the label just prayed it would fucken work and not kill you, the hell he's gonna do with a lifeless corpse, listen he's weird but not THAT weird. Eh enough with the small details, leon was getting inpatient. He untied your sleeping body, flipping you over onto your stomach, face down ass up. Leon's personal favorite position, simple, easy, effective. pushed your white panties to the side, he didn't bother with taking them off too fucking lazy, but back to the point, no need for him to just stare and think about how fucking lazy he is with this shit. He unzipps his pants, damn it's been a while since Leon's been in control, pulling someones hair, him being the dominant one. Choosing your fate, he slams into your dripping cunt, fuck you were nice, fat ass nice tits, grabbing your hips and thrusting in. Maybe life was worth livin now, he nipped at your neck, slamming in an out. He liked it rough, and it's not your unconscious body could care, fuck you didn't even know you were getting a sweet piece of that Kennedy dick, you were drugged out of your mind, limp body hitting into his, no reaction to him roughing you up. Kinda cute, helpless, well more unknowing but who cares about specifics?
Moving on he was still pounding into your dripping your hole, fuck you were hot, he was on the edge of cumming, damn you were tight. Such a nice fucken pussy, with one more thrust his seed leaked into your tight little hole, pulling out the sticky white substance leaking down your pretty little thighs, fucken miracle by god you didn't wake up. By all means that wouldn't have made Leon stop, hell he would've loved it even more. Jesus Christ though afraid he killed you, whatever just means he doesn't have to try and keep you hidden, not like anyone would suspect Mr Kennedy of anyone? Leon Kennedy the man who saved the presidents daugther? Kennedy the one who takes it up the ass like a good boy? Leon with the pretty little fuck face? Of course not, no, no Leon's the one who takes it like a goodboy he's not going around raping the girls in Washington.
But that's enough about Leon, to be honest he really didn't wanna kill you, but hey it doesn't matter. Well- it does but he doesn't care at the moment, just had a good fuck so he didn't have a care in the world, he put a shirt over you just incase you were y'know still alive and zipped up his pants getting the fuck out of there. A few hours went by, Leon didn't sleep, he can't sleep. He went down to check on you though, just to make sure you didn't actually croak, he was back in the right headspace, what the fuck was he gonna do with a dead body? Plus your pussy was too good to just die like that yeesh. He unlocked the basement door and walked down the steps again, however you weren't on the mattress on the floor?
No-no, you had woken up a few minutes before, hiding behind one of the concrete walls holding a piece of broken glass from the bathroom mirror, Jesus how the fuck did you pull that off so easily. Honestly you didn't have that much faith in yourself, your hands were a little bloody, y'know didn't really think it through- but hey all that matters is you have a shirt that barely covered your cunt, tear stained face and a dinky piece of glass that probobly couldn't do anything but hell you're trying.
"The fuck -?" Leon says looking around, before being cutoff by you running at him with your stupid little glass knife, much to your surprise that does shit all and suddenly you're pressed against the wall, hands above your head with a man's leg between your thighs. Jeez you didn't think it would work that bad, y'know your plan wasn't that shitty. Wait for him to get close enough and start swinging, a flawless plan I do say, if we ignore the unpredictable factors but hey who fucken cares about that?
Oh yeah but back to fact at hand you're pinned against a wall by a man twice your size practically nude crying with blood running down your hand, hell aren't you the lucky girl now? Lost your family, friends, probably gonna die in the cold, alone or be killed. Lucky lucky girl, got that Kennedy dick and Kennedy treatment, every girl's dream isn't it? "Woah short stuff the fuck were you trying to do?" He says releasing your hands and backing away from you, his arms crossed giving you a look of disapproval, catching your breath, you don't even say anything just pant and stare.
Well until a pathetic "why" leaves your smudged lips. Pulling the shirt down trying to cover your leaking pussy.
"I'm such a lucky fucking guy."
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marshmallow--shark · 5 months
I 100%'d Paradise, all without the use of a guide.. mostly. I mean I did try to use one but it was in Chinese so I had to use context clues. The way to get Takara's route is actually interesting because usually the choices will let you know which character it favors but there's none for him. You actually have to get all the previous endings and then start a new game to unlock new Takara choices with new scenes. Funny enough some of these include more Shimada with one of them where Azuma and Shimada just go adventuring together. And the other one is really cute with Takara, Azuma and Shimada playing cards together and Azuma gets tickled as a punishment for losing so bad. I'm not sure if it's the shortest route or if I played the hell out of it, but it went by quick and out with a bang. This route probably has the least amount of choices with only two times where the first part has only two choices and the second has three choices where the endings branch out, I think. Also in this route, Azuma doesn't do either boat building or food gathering and instead ops to help everyone while also doing his own thing. Takara and Azuma flirt around and explore and things are generally really positive aside from the whole trapped and starvation thing. Some new places are found such as two different graveyards with one looking nicer than the other. The tunnel from Matsuda route also gets discovered. The next day, Azuma goes back with Shimada to better explore those areas. Then Kido, Uchimaru, Shimada and Hongou all get sick with supposedly food poisoning. Azuma and Takara go to the tunnel which they heard water in and then its discovered that's where the bodies dissappear to. Mushroom guy's eyes are missing and he has bitemarks too... ooh kinky. They get the water and come back to the gang who think about how the others got sick. Thinking the food is contaminated, Azuma and Takara go to find food. Afterwards they get lost and have to camp in the woods, then while Azuma is trying to comfort a supposedly sick Takara who then pins him down since he's a lot stronger than he looks and bites him, really hard before nonconning him in a really great h scene. I loved the part where Takara relentlessly kisses Azuma, barely giving him time to breathe. You get nice cgs of Takara on top of Azuma, kissing him, biting him and another where he sucks him off. It turns out that Takara is a cannibal which made him 10x better even though I was already starting to like him. Does that mean that some of the people he killed he just, ate? I- Is that why Shimada's body was so mutilated in one of the Mitsugi bad ends? Because Takara ate m-.. him..? Even if not, thats fucking hot to think about and already giving me intense drawing/writing fuel. I need him to eat everyone else, now. Then depending on how you answer, there are three different endings.
There's a bad end where Takara just straight up eats Azuma because he's disgusted at Takara for being a cannibal. Just a really long drawn out death scene but it's so fucking goood with Takara's moans, Azuma's amazing screaming and all the kinky dialogue.. Top scenes for sure, even though no sex happens during, even though I was hoping it would. Also damn, Takara's going to wake someone up screaming about how good eating Azuma is so damn loud..
Then there's another bad end where if Azuma stays silent, Takara just knocks him out and then all of a sudden he's chained up in Takara's house off the island. Apparently Takara killed everyone else offscreen but decided to keep Azuma like he's reenacting Boyfriend to Death. What follows is the slow breaking of Azuma as Takara tortures him using his childhood trauma ie making him eat rotten vegetables and hitting him if he doesn't, cutting off Azuma's back scar and acting like his abusers in general. You get a lot of backstory of Azuma's abuse as he flashes in and out of reality. There's also a very brief h scene, but it's entirely dialogue and no new cgs, sadly. Though this end does give you the wonderful image of Azuma chained up and crying. Then eventually Takara decides it's time to eat Azuma and during Azuma snaps after remembering that he killed his brother to live and attacks Takara, poking out his eyes, which is a cg by the way. It ends with Takara writhing on the ground and crying out Azuma's name while Azuma escapes, deciding to keep living out of spite for the world. It was so fun to hear Azuma cry so much.
Then there's the good ending where Azuma tries to diffuse the situation with a joke, making Takara laugh. Takara then reveals himself as the mastermind, that he's the one who's been killing and that they're never going to be rescued and were all brought to the island to be killed by him. He was going to kill everyone immediatly but because he liked them, he didn't want to right away. Also Takara made Shimada and co. (as they're called several times) sick by poisoning the food storage with arsenic. He apparently also has poison that can kill instantly which probably explains what happened to Kido in Matsuda's route. Azuma is very stupid and takes a long time to process this, but then Takara says that he'll let everyone live if he can find his buried treasure. He'll also kill everyone if he tells them about anything he said. Azuma searches the island desperately for this treasure, he thinks it's the ledger that Mitsugi found but it's not. Takara does reveal that it's an account of the deaths that happened on the island and he initially used it as inspiration of how to kill everyone, which is what happens in Mitsugi's route. Azuma starts to lose hope and starts to doubt himself, thinking about swimming away to leave everyone to die. But then he remembers that Takara wanted to stay around at one of the graveyards and he finds a knife with Azuma's name on it. And Takara keeps his word and the sick people are taken to a hospital and everyone escapes, returning to normal life. Azuma also gets Matsuda and Mitsugi's phone numbers and they remain friends. But it doesn't end there! As he goes along with his life, he gets a text that Kido and Uchimaru were killed in an accident and Azuma realises that Takara is still going to kill them. So they team up to figure out why Takara is trying to kill them, there's even a cute moment with Matsuda, Mitsugi and Azuma having a sleepover..There's an h scene where Takara goes to Azuma's flat just to fuck and tease him. He says he'll spare him if he figures out why he's trying to kill everyone. Timeskip to Azuma meeting up with Takara, who by the way is really rich and the truth is revealed! Apparently the island was an exile for criminals but because it wasn't good for farming they became cannibals. Takara is their descendant. The government knew this but criminals would continue to be sent there because they would due. Because exile Islands and cannibalism is inhumane, the government sends in military to kill the cannibals and it turns out that everyone are descendents of those military people. I actually thought it'd be more a 'let's just throw these hot guys into a desperate situation so they fuck or kill each other as social experiment' situation so I wasn't expecting it to be revenge porn thing. But after this big reveal, Azuma isn't going to let himself or anyone else die and takes Takara hostage so they won't be killed. Takara is surprisingly okay with this and goes along with his plan happily. Azuma takes Takara to a car where Mitsugi and Matsuda and waiting for them and they decide to escape overseas to escape Takara's family. Takara is just having a great time, says that he chooses Azuma over getting revenge and that he doesn't want to eat him anymore. Also Hongou and Shimada apparently got away and went into hiding, presumably together and Azuma wants to reunite with them too!
It was the last route to unlock so Takara good end is probably the true end. I also like to think of it as the harem end since Azuma leaves with Takara, Matsuda and Mitsugi for an eternal roadtrip and implies that he'll collect Shimada and Hongou too which gives it end more true end energy. I think it's a really great end, the main guys don't die and they all basically elope together which is such a surprisingly cute end and just seems so great. And there's also the idea of Hongou and Shimada, the two main guys who dont get a proper route, running away together! What a pairing! Who would even be the dominant? The pervert photographer who's proficient in using drugs or the perverted old man who's into force feminising?
Ahh Paradise was such an amazing sexy titillating game, 9/10!! Not a full score because Hongou couldn't get it up for Azuma like a loser. I already want to replay it both to see the h-scenes again but also to see how Takara acts the whole time, now that I know everything. Oh and you get a special little pastel cg of everyone smiling for completing the game. And new voice lines in the title/extra. Oh and I forgot to mention this really cute detail but when you open up the game, the extra page or close the game one of the main characters talks to you. I love that idea, more of that in games please. I loved this game so much!!
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Life After Snowpiercer: Curtis Everett Series, One Shots and Drabbles
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Moodboard made by the AWESOME @imanuglywombat​. Thank you so much for this! 
A/N- This was my first series and its full of mistakes. Many mistakes. Including descriptions of the reader being white. I need to go through and edit this. And I will be doing that when I have time, its a big project and will need some dedicated time to go through with that. Thank you to those that choose to read it, I do appreciate it. 
Almost Time-  (1) 3k Curtis Everett x Y/N. Days before Revolt, Smut, NSFW.
Breakdown- (2) 5k Curtis Everett x Y/N. Final Day before Revolt, Smut NSFW
Survival- (3) 3.7k Curtis Everett x Y/N. You and Curtis disagree, He leads the mob, you must survive. Dark Subject matter, listed in warning on story.
Still Alive- (4) 3k approx. Curtis Everett (hints of You) Curtis makes his way to the end, and there's a surprise waiting for him. Violence. Note- If you want to know the story Curtis told Nam, Read Past Horrors found below.
End of the Line- (5) 5.8k approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Curtis finds out Matt is still alive, had to make a decision to Wilford's proposal. You are dealing with your attackers.  Warnings- Non con implied, mild.
Whos Left?- (6) 5.3k approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Curtis with Yona and Timmy make their way towards the tail end, finding an unexpected survivor. You are stuck in a situation not easily able to escape. Violence.
One Problem At A Time- (7) 5.3k approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. You and Curtis reunite and work on bringing the people in the valley back up to the others. Tension between you and Curtis. Violence.  
Tell Me Please?- (8) 4.9k. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Still tension between you two, Curtis insists on finding out what happened. Finally back to the front with a confrontation coming. Trauma. Violence
Finally Free- (9) 6.2k. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Matt is finally contained and you have a moment. Curtis starts stepping into a leadership role with the help of Edgar.
First Order of Business- (10) 6.6k Curtis Everett x Y/N. Dealing with the captured Front Enders and you take up working with the Doctor, discussing your predicament. 
Adjusting to The Everyday Life- (11) 5.4k Curtis Everett x Y/N. The new way of life is becoming routine, and your starting to adjust. Curtis does his best to help you along. Warnings- swearing, hints of smut, talk of pregnancy.
To Good To Be True- (12) 6.2k Curtis Everett x Y/N. You are ready to be intimate with Curtis again after the assault. Edgar is told something from the past that shocks him, makes his world come crashing down. Warnings- Sex, mentions of assault, talks of cannibalistic survival, violence. NSFW. 
Dragging Up The Past- (13) Curtis x You. Matt’s escaped and Curtis goes with a team to search for them. You figure you could talk to Edgar, maybe make him understand the circumstances of the past. Warnings- mentions of cannibalism, Smut, violence, swearing, all that good stuff.
Just Get Back Home- (14) 5.9k Curtis x You. Cutis and the group go to retrieve Matt and his group, with a warning from Yona to be extra cautious. Warning- Violence. 
The World Is Changing- (15) 6.5k Curtis Everett x You. This is it, the end of Wilfords reign on the Survivors lives, and time to embrace the future, whatever it may hold for the group. The Final Chapter. Warnings- Violence, mentions of rape, executions, smut, swears. 
Life on the Snowpiercer- (drabbles/one-shots)
Past Horrors- 1.4k Approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Curtis recalling past deeds. Warning, very dark subject for survival.
Taken (Early Years)- 3.7k Approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Loss of will to live after tragedy strikes, Curtis insists on keeping you alive. Angst
Stay Safe (Early Years)- 3.7k approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Curtis is prepping for riots with McGregor, and is told what his role is. It makes him think about his feelings for you. 
Act of Rebellion (Early Years)- 7.7k approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. McGregor Riots end with heavy casualties, and new alliances form. Warnings- Violence, Mass Death, Smut, Loss of Virginity, Female receiving Oral. Just some smut involved. Death and Smut. There ya go. 
Curtis Everett, A Damn Tease- 5.6k Approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Oh just smut. The whole thing. Little bit of convo plot. But thats not what we’re really here for.
The Internet is for What?- Short Read Curtis Everett x Reader, Group Setting. Discussing what the internet was for.
Surprise- short. Curtis Everett x Y/N. You wanted to give Curtis a gift, but what? Sweet, fluffy, just warm feeling.
Its A Party- 2.8k. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Everyones bored, how to entertain? Fun, NSFW
Morning Conversations- Short Read.  Curtis Everett x Y/N. You and Curtis enjoy an early morning wake up. Smut. NSFW
Tension- 4.6k. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Curtis breaks up a dispute and it affects him. NSFW. Alternate Ending available in story.
Games- Curtis Everett x Y/N. 449 words of the floofiest floof ever. Curtis and You play with the kids.
Dont Know Why- Curtis Everett x Y/N 1k Curtis just needs a moment to spend with you.
Interrupted- 6.5k Curtis Everett x Y/N, Illness has been sweeping through the train, but it seems to be gone. Finally, you and Curtis have time together, maybe. Smut
Nightmare- 2.4k Curtis Everett x Y/N. Warnings- Non Con references. Dealing with the aftermath of Y/N trauma in Survival. Curtis mentioned in flashbacks only.
In the Dark- Short drabble. You recognize Curtis anywhere when he comes for you
Curtis Request- short drabble, you have been teasing Curtis all day, and now he pays you back for it. Smut. 
Not Leaving- Short drabble. Still plagued by nightmares of the assault, Curtis is right by your side, refusing to let you face them alone. Set Between chapters 10 and 11. 
Just This Forever Moment- 3k Curtis Everett X You. Early morning moments are to be appreciated and Curtis does just that when he wakes up to find you still asleep. NSFW. Smut. Oral. Sexual. 
To The Sound Of... Ooh Laa-  3.8k Curtis Everett x You. You find a surprise in one of the cars but is having difficult getting it to unlock. Yona insists you take it to Curtis, that he will be able to unlock its secrets. 
Curtis Loves Blankets- cute short piece about Curtis accidentally stealing the blankets from you. 
Curtis Sensory Prompt- Curtis and You are having a snowball fight with the kids
Deleted Scene- 
What You Deserve- THIS IS NOT A PART OF ABOVE STORY, I CUT IT. 5.7k Curtis Evertt and Y/N. Early Years. You sit with a dying member of the train and listen to her talk about her late husband, and the idea of Soulmates crosses your mind. Do they exist? 
Curtis thoughts- just my thoughts and possible use for fics later
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Symbiote  (Lucifer Morningstar) (Ch. 10)
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Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Symbiote! GN!Reader  Words:2.0K+ Warning(s): Talks of trauma, gore warning A/N: Heyo sorry for the l o n g wait, but life is life. heres the next installment of Symbiote~ Sorry if I miss anyone on the taglist, there are a lot of people asking and its hard to keep track. Chapters: Chapter 1, | Chapter 2 |  Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 |
There was a moment of brief, heavy silence before a soft spoken answer was received: "Sure thing."
Lucifer watched as (Y/N) immediately melted into a deep sleep and he expected Venom followed in suit. It was a cute site, he would be lying by saying their sleeping face was not cute. The way their lips were slightly parted, the soft snores, the way you were gripping onto and holding onto the pillow...
He shook his head, taking one last look before he moved himself away from the bed. There was a strange feeling that swarmed and filled up his chest. It was a feeling he had only felt a few times before in his long past. He couldn't quite place his finger on the strange sensation but tried to shrug it off. That can be saved for his future visit with Linda.
It was an interesting twist to his life, meeting (Y/N) and Venom. He thought the only thing was Chloe making him vulnerable but it seems like his time on Earth is adding more spice to his life.
Lucifer pulled out his cellphone and sent a quick message for Mazikeen, telling her to come to the pent house in the morning. After hitting send he closed out of the app and swiped towards his camera. Him taking a picture wasn't for black mail purposes, but his impulse to have some sort of silly photo on his phone was high. Lucifer crouched down near his bed and held up his phone, taking a rather adorable selfie of him with his tongue and (Y/N) asleep.
Lucifers head snapped in the direction of his elevators and the sound of an all too familiar, angelic brothers voice.
"Luci, I need to talk to you."
"Oh no." He gulped. He was panicking internally and lightly pulled the covers over his sleeping body guard as he figured out something to tell his brother. "Stay. Here." He gritted his teeth and made his way to his brother. "What is it Amenadiel, I was in the middle of something."
"I heard you were working with the human; the strange one that we aren't entirely sure is human."
"And what about it, Amenadiel?"
"You shouldn't mess with-"
"Let me stop you there. Were you not the angel to work with a devil and to work with me?"
"Yes but-"
"Listen, I have met with them and gotten know them. They are completely harmless."
"Are you completely sure?" Amenadiel stared down Lucifer with an intense look. "Are you sure they won't harm humans."
Lucifer went to speak but had to watch himself. He knew that (Y/N) and Venom were virtually harmless to good humans, but he also knew that Venom ate humans. Granted they were criminals, so basically almost harmless.
"They won't harm bad humans." Lucifer rolled his eyes when Amenadiel gave him a look. "You allow me to do the same thing: punishing the bad." That seemed to shut his angel brother up for a moment.
"Just be careful, Lucifer. You don't fully know them or what they are capable of."
"Thats the fun of this whole experience." Lucifer devilishly smirked while Amenadiel rolled his eyes. His brother didn't say anymore and just left. The King of Hells smirk fell to a more relaxed expression before he went back to his bed to make sure that (Y/N) was still in bed. He was expecting them still there, not an empty bed.
"Shit!" He exclaimed, although he kept his voice low. He listened carefully for any sound in his penthouse. Lucifers head perked when he heard a sound coming from the bathroom; it sounds like there is water running. He stepped to the bathroom in his bedroom and leaned his head close to the door,and it definitely sounded like the shower was running.
"(Y/N) darling, are you okay?" He was hoping either Venom or (Y/N) were sober enough to what they were doing.
"Fiiiine." A long, drawn out reply came from the other side. That reply did not sound sober. "Venom is still knocked out."
"What are you doing?"
"Gonna wash me and my clothes."
"Why don't you come out before you do that and wait until tomorrow."
"No!" After that shout he heard a thump on the floor. "Ow I fell..."
"I'm coming in, (Y/N)." He didn't waste time to open the unlocked door, but hoped that they weren't fully unclothed. Usually Lucifer wouldn't mind but in these circumstances he would like to respect his employee. He saw them sprawled on the floor with what looks like a cut on their forehead.
"Hnng..." They moaned out as Lucifer rushed to them.
"Your forehead..." There was a lot of blood, although he knew the alcohol had a part in that.
"Don't worry, Venom can heal it in the morning." Lucifer watched as they pushed themselves off the ground. "I gotta- I gotta lay down."
"Just lean on me, I will walk you to the bed." He wrapped an around their waist and slowly moved them out from the bathroom and onto the bed. "I will get a towel to clean all the blood on your face alright?" He helped them sit on the edge of the bed before darting back to the bathroom for a hand towel.
"I'm not usually like this." (Y/N) said quietly, their words still slurred but they sounded much more sober than earlier. "Don't ever give us alcohol like that again."
Lucifer didn't respond, he had no idea what to say. He began dabbing the cloth on their face, trying his hardest to be gentle while wiping away the blood on their cute face. Lucifer blinked... Cute? He mentally shook away that thought and continued to swipe away the blood.
"I'm sorry." They muttered. "We don't mean to be trouble."
"No trouble at all, especially compared to me." Lucifer chuckled. "Now before you go back to bed, are you sure your cut is fine? It looks pretty bad."
"Yea, like I said: Venom can fix that. He can fix a lot, he is currently fixing me right now." The drunk (Y/N) slightly giggled.
"What does that mean?" Lucifer felt a little bad for prying, but this was a prime opportunity to learn more about the host and the alien.
"I'm a perfect match, but on scans my body basically looks like it is actively dying, like complete organ failure. Venom is preventing that from happening." They sighed and looked downwards towards their chest. "He heals physical wounds too."
Lucifer was about to interrupt them when he saw their hand tug at the collar of their shirt,but when he saw just a small portion of a jagged, dark scar he almost froze. He has seen many horrid things that do not affect him, but this affected him in a sympathetic way. He had barely met the two but he knew (Y/N) and Venom were decent people compared to a lot of humans on Earth.
"If he can heal a gaping hole through my body..." They yawned, and continued. "He can heal a cut. Anyways, I sleep now." They laid their head on the pillow and almost instantly they fell asleep.
Your head was pounding when you were awoken by sunlight. You were sure this was a hangover and definitely sure you were feeling Venoms too. You didn't have to look around to know you weren't in your apartment, the feel of the silk sheets against your skin was a dead give away. Letting your eyes investigate your surroundings you could conclude this was Lucifers pent house. You couldn't piece much together after you fell asleep (the first time that is) but there were strange memories that were popping up; like going to the bathroom and Lucifer helping you a second time to bed.
You swung your legs over the edge of the bed and took a moment before standing up. You took steps to the bathroom, which gave you a sense of a deja vu, to freshen up a bit. When you got to the bathroom your (e/c) eyes widened at the site in the mirror. There was a nice sized gash on your head, starting from yohr hairline to barely above your brow.
"Venom buddy, are you awake?" You spoke, although your voice definitely sounded raspy from just waking up. "I need you to heal this." No response, the alien still must be asleep. As irritating as it was because you needed him, a small break from constant chatter was nice.
You sighed, and spent time with the rest of your appearance. You definitely had bedhead hair but it wasn't too much of a struggle to neaten out. You splashed some cool water on your face and took advantage of the bottle of mouth wash that was on the counter. With a stretch you left the washroom and bedroom, hoping to find Lucifer.
Right as you entered the main room the elevator doors slid open and there was the Devil you were looking for.
"Ah good your awake." He grinned and set down a bag and coffee. Here is breakfast for you. We have another case so eat fast."
"O-okay." You yawned while talking, opening the bag and taking out the bagel he got.
"I wasn't sure how you liked your coffee, or if you liked coffee, and bagel."
"Don't worry about it, I just hope the food helps with the hangover." You begin to chow down fast, hoping the food would stir Venom. "Venom is still asleep so he hasn't healed the cut. Which I want to ask if you know how I got it."
"Oh right. You went to take a shower with your clothes on and you fell and hit your head on the counter."
"Ah... Well I hope you forgive my behavior."
"Trust me, I have seen you humans act way worse while not under the influence."
"Nibble... No more alcohol..." Venoms voice finally was heard.
"Good morning Venom. Can you heal up my forehead please?" You heard grumble from him but you could feel him start to pull your forehead wound close. You could feel his goopy self start to enclose the wound before sinking back into you.
"Less subtle than I was expecting." Lucifers face looked almost impressed. You quickly finished your bagel and grabbed the coffee.
"I can drink this on the way. Do you know anything about the case your joining?"
"Only that it pertains to our killer." Lucifer made his way back to his elevator and you quickly join him.
"The Stalker case? This is a quick escalation from the last scene."
"Well according to what Chloe briefly told me, the crime scene confirms its Gene. And that we got the reports back from his prison he was released on parole but he killed his officer."
"Well shit."
You and Lucifer arrived at the crime scene in around 10 minutes after leaving his place. Thankfully Lucifer lent you his sunglasses to help with the headache. Venom thought they looked cool too which was a plus. Officers eyed you as you stuck close to Lucifers side; they eyed you more than they did last time. You rolled your eyes and continued following Lucifer into the toy store.
"Detective!" Lucifer greeted loudly as he approached his partner. You slid the sunglasses onto the top of your head since the room was fairly dim.
"Another dead body..." Venom growled.
"Lucifer, (Y/N)." She greeted Lucifer with a look of annoyance but gave you a small smile. Although you can tell she seemed to be hiding something... Call it a journalistic hunch. "I need you both to see this. Now." She brought you both to around the counter where the store clerk would usually be, but there you saw a dead man.
The words 'stay away' were carved into his arms and you noticed the same two words were written next to his body.
"I take it our killer finger painted more in a different room?" Lucifer asked humorously.
"Yes he did in the store room." Detective Decker glared at him. "But he broke his pattern; he left these." She handed you two evidence bags, both with paper in them. One was a piece of college ruled paper with what seems to be an address.
The next was a picture of you outside the last crime scene with Lucifer laughing.
"Looks like he knows your investigating him again, (Y/N)."
"Well... Shit."
Tag List: @cassiopeia-barrow @fandomsstolemylife00 @child-of-awesome647 @fairtaldes@ishipmybed@lazysaint101 @thetrashwriter @geek-girl9902@alexwinchester23@justanotherfanpassingby@miraculousincorrectquotes@kaatsuko@not-your-average-url @no-ninya-here @gaiatheroyalrabbit @singleandlonely @lazysaint101 @the-silentium@bladedscope@zakgba @hearts-creed @nightshade-nebula @dudeitwastotallyyou@ghostlyrose2@sexylingerielover69 @kickasskittie23 @whovianayesha @professionalunicorn15​ @migirl323@collectionofmadnes @alfoos@fangirlanotherjust @hearts-creed @kaatsuko @spirithorse100@roxytheimmortal @nightshade7117 @night-girls-world @erinkellyxxx @iheartaomine @that-idiot125@wooseokee @peachysinnermon @izzy10718 @mrcaptain-crunch-sir @gamerdot @no-regrets-just-confusion @abigailredgrave @babyxbb @socially-unaccepptable-dameron @truthdaze @villian-friend @myfallendarkness @elscones @duhitztrinidy @donteatmycookiesplease @voluptuouspelko @inumorph​ @1scarlet-ruins3​ @lonely-burger​ @tilldeathdosblog​ @bithepowerofgay​ @ xxbeckybeexx-blog @perfect-trini-choices​ @eprilin​ @justaproudslytherpuff​ @ who-da-hell-is-alphie @ bee-wrecker   @ greens-and-emoshit @ adidassneakers-andcigarettes @ iris-iiridescent @ ashthebootyholetickler  plxstic-rose @elle-r​
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S1E1: Pilot
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2. The fakest looking fire TM
4. Now Dean GO!
5. Sam and Jess are both hot my pansexual heart
6. Easy Tiger jfc
7. My boys fighting mfhhhh
8. Dean flirt Winchester TM
9. I'm a hoe for 2 Winchester boys.
11. Ghost girl, also vv pretty.
12. Ugh I miss my happy boys.
15. Noooo stop fighting!!!!
16. LoveDean trying to @ Sam for not telling Jess hes a hunter
17. "Well thats healthy." yoU NEVER TOLD CASSIE EITHER U JERK
19. They are nearly the same HEIGHT AWE
20. Dean fucking flung himself into the mud I'm
22. "You smell like a toilet."
23. Im waiting for the scene where we find out just how willing Dean is to be bent over.. did i say that out loud.
24. Sam can pick locks sam can pick locks sam can pick locks
26. "Alright, Jerk""bitch"
27. Sammy wanted to say sorry oh my god i love
28. The photo sam looks at, lil sammy is blonde and Dean has a short brown mullet???? Or thats what it looks like.
32. "Dude 5-0 take off."
33. "You got anything thats real?" "My boobs." dEAN STOP
35. does dean fantasize abt being fucked over the hood of his car he is too damn happy to be bent over like that.
37. Sam is so cute im dying
38. Hes so SOFT I LOVE HIM
39. 😢😢😢😢😢 I fell in love with Sam Fucking Winchester the moment he said "Do I have to?" And every moment of this ep rekindles that love.
40. God dean is so sweaty and hot
41. Whats happening to me,, hes handcuffed to a table and DAMN
42. That resourceful son of a bitch. Paperclip to unlock the cuffs.
44. Thats the scariest part of the ep tbh.
45. "You can't kill me I'm not unfaithful." Fuck i love loyal Samsquatch
47. Okay but like why does her touch only damage the t shirt? Like, wouldnt she have to go through the hoodie too????
48. Poor baby, the impala deserves better. Also i think i know why Dean doesnt let sam drive his car often after watching that.
49. Oh dresser to the crotch thats gotta hurt
50. "I'll tell you another thing if you screwed up my car, I'll kill you." plus Sammys grunt/laugh of discomfort equals hng fuck
51. Deans so hurt and sad by Sammy not wanting to go my hEART
52. Ugh i love their brotherly relationship.
54. Oh he thought she was in the shower and he was so happy :(
58. The anger in Sam I'm,,,, he is such a resilient powerhouse.
Final thoughts:
• Jess could've been such a good character I'mstill pissed they killed her off so fast.
• I love my shitty little brother Sam trope and y'all van pry it from my cold dead hands.
• Young! Winchesters are still hot asf.
• No offence to my John lovers but really, what the fuck John.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 years
I just thought of something cute. In the Inu!Anti au, like a month or so later, the reader finds a Neko!Marvin who is Anti's brother/littermate. Like, maybe one parent was an Inu and the other a Neko. Just a happy little family reunion with purring and tail wagging. I'll leave it up to you if the other egos show up at some point as siblings too, maybe nekos and inus have litters of kids like animals do or something.
Okie! I adore this idea so much!
Hope you enjoy teh story!
It’s been about a month since Anti winded up on your doorstep.
And since then, he’s been so much happier and energetic as ever. It took you some time to help him recover from the trauma his former, abusive owner put him through.
You had to reteach him that it was okay for him to lay on the couch or on a chair without worrying about getting fur everywhere.
You had to reteach him that he could get excited about things without fearing that he was “stupid” or “annoying” for liking them.
It was a long healing process, but it was well worth it.
He did finally open up to you about other things regarding his past. One of those being that he was actually an offspring of Inu and Neko parents, and that when they passed, he and his Neko brother, “Marvin”, had to go their separate ways.
But he had no clue where he could be now…but wherever he was he hoped he was in a safe place.
Whenever the subject of his brother was brought up, Anti would get emotional to the point of tears, and you felt so bad.
You really wanted to find him now. But the only piece of information the Inu was able to give you was that Marvin loved reading about magic and aspired to become a street magician.
You’d probably have to search all over Brighton for him.
Hopefully he hasn’t gone too far.
One evening, you were on your way home, earbuds in as you carried a small bag from your favorite fast food restaurant in your hand. You picked up something for Anti, too.
You took a different route than you usually did just to avoid the busy crowds of people coming home from work. Sure it was longer but Anti would understand.
Somewhere down the line of buildings, between them you could see a large, soggy cardboard box standing up on its side.
And someone sleeping in it, a torn, black blanket wrapped around him. He had long, greasy dark green hair and some kind of white cat mask on with card suits and whiskers drawn on it with what looked like marker. But there were a few cracks and specs of dirt on it.
Beside him was a cardboard sign that crudely read “Will Perform Card Tricks for Food or $$”.
You frowned slightly, feeling bad for this guy…until you read the sign once more.
‘Card tricks? Does..that mean he performs street magic? Wait…’  You’re hit with realization as you recalled Anti’s words. ‘….is this…could this be his-?’
“O-Oh..hi there…”
Hearing the meek voice, you looked and saw the man waking up, yawning a bit as he set his blanket down, revealing that he was wearing a black hoodie, worn jeans, and fuzzy socks that had a few holes in them.
“..hey,” you smiled softly, sitting down in front of him. “You do card tricks?”
He hummed in reply, taking out a small deck of cards that were tied together with a rubber band. “Been doing them for a few years now. People…like it..although not many are willin’ to get anywhere near…a hobo and a freak like me..”
“Have you eaten at all today?”
He tensed up, blinking in surprise at your words. But then he sighed depressingly. “No. Unfortunately..luck wasn’t on my side today..or yesterday…” He then showed you a small bowl he had, which contained a few pennies and a dime. “But..there’s always tomorrow, I guess.”
You frowned slightly, before you remembered the food in your bag and dug into it, taking out a small box of chicken nuggets you ordered for yourself. “Here. Take this.”
“Wh-Wha…really?” He stammered, eyes wide behind his mask. Instead of taking it, though, he just looked up at you with an expression of guilt. “But..I-I didn’t perform any tricks yet..or-”
“That’s okay,” you told him. “No one deserves to go hungry for that long. You need this more than I do.”
Hesitantly, he took the box from you and opened it, staring at the nuggets like they were diamonds. Then he looked up and smiled shakily at you, tears in his eyes. “Th-Thank you…this..r-really means a lot to me…wh-what’s your name?”
“Thats..a-a nice name.” With a sniffle, he took out a nugget and ate it, savoring the warm and juicy flavor.
You smiled gently and waited until he was finished before you continued. “So..you said before you felt like..a freak. But you seem like a normal guy to me.”
Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, the man set down the box, wrapping his arms around his torso. “Man..that definitely beats living off of gum. But…” He looked back at you. “..I’m..not really what people consider to be “normal”..”
“What do you mean?”
“…..d-do you really wanna know?”
“Yes,” you nodded. “You can tell me or..show me. Either way I’m not gonna leave you. I promise.”
“…alright…” Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and pushed his hood back, revealing to you his brown cat ears that had white splotches on them. The tips of them were nicked, as though he had been through some rough fights several times before.
You gasped lightly, realizing that your previous assumption was correct.
“Freaky, right?”
“N-No it’s..not that,” you muttered. “You…wouldn’t happen to be…Marvin, would you?”
Marvin blinked in surprise once more, clearly not expecting that sort of reaction. “I-I..am…” His eyebrows furrowed. “..how..did you know?”
“Well..tell me this,” you shifted closer to him. “Are you related to….an Inu? Because he’s been living with me for a month and he mentioned something about-”
You nodded. “Yes. He ended up on my doorstep badly hurt, but he’s okay now. You wanna go see him?”
His eyes watered up as he nodded his head eagerly. “M-More than anything..” Hiccuping softly, he lifted his mask up to wipe away the tears that fell down his pale, sunken cheeks.
You could see that his eyes and eyebrows were marred with several scars…probably the reason why he wore the mask even as he slept.
“Then we shall. My house isn’t too far. You might as well ditch all of this stuff, because you won’t be coming back here again.”
“..w-wait..what?” Marvin gawked. “Y-You’re…gonna let me stay with you…a-and brother..?”
“I don’t see why not,” you shrugged. “You two..have been through so much. The least I could do is reunite you guys and give you a safe and warm home to live in.”
For a moment, he was silent as he took in all of your words. Then he gave you a shaky smile, a whimper escaping his lips as fresh tears spilled down his cheeks.
You brought him into a hug, allowing him to rest his head on your shoulder and cry as you rubbed the back of it, stroking his long hair despite the greasiness. He just thanked you repeatedly between his small sobs.
Once he calmed down, you two discarded the cardboard pieces, the blanket, and whatever he didn’t need. Then the two of you made your way out of the alley, heading home as the sun went down.
Meanwhile, inside, Anti was relaxing on the sofa, chewing on a rubber knife toy you got him from the local pet store. He often used it whenever he got nervous or jittery, especially if you get home later than usual.
Like tonight.
The small squeaky sound it made caused his ears to perk and his tail to wag with amusement.
Although it didn’t last long as he looked at the clock and frowned slightly, wondering where you were. Soon enough his glum expression vanished when he heard the door unlock.
Then he turned and saw you entering the house, smiling and shutting the door. “Hey, Anti.”
“Welcome home,” he greeted, standing up to walk over….only to stop and gasp as he saw who was behind you.
They both stared at each other once more, before they ran to one another and embraced, shedding tears. The Neko could only purr loudly, too happy to even talk, and the Inu’s tail wagged faster than it ever did in his life, as they held each other close.
After a solid minute, Anti was the first to let go. “Wh-Where have ya been all this time, ya nerd?” He chuckled, ruffling Marvin’s hair.
“T-Trying to survive out on the streets,” he mumbled as they both went to sit on the couch. “It’s been-”
“Hey..ah..sorry to interrupt.”
The pair glanced at you, confused.
“But um..you should get freshened up first, Marvin,” you said. “I’ll go start up a bath for you in a few, okay?”
The Neko nodded in response, smiling at you. “Thanks…[y/n]. Just..th-thank you for everything.”
“Yeah,” Anti nodded as well. “Thank ya for..helpin’ us and lettin’ us stay together.”
You smiled and walked over. They let you sit down between them, and the moment you did they both hugged you tightly.
And you wrapped your arms around them, reassuring them that they were safe and sound under your roof.
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b--zus-blog · 6 years
  Alright so where were we? 
   After my friend Yessy took me in that night, the next morning we went back to my place. I was so happy she was down to come, knowing I could not interact with B. Yessy actually called her friend D to join us and she came right away, We were in my room, laughing talking chilling, and I think planning something. Oh by the way,  they actually skipped class to make sure I was safe. ( I was really grateful ). B then knocks on my door, we all go silent. I looked at them and told them I can’t , and wont open the door. D noticed my shaking, if you ever heard CheddaTheConnects - Flick of the Wrist - that was my right wrist. I honestly wish I could have controlled my shaking at the moment, it was making me so vulnerable. Yessy and D read my vibe and called their boyfriends to come through. Both of them came within minutes . .  . I admired, and envied that so much. If there was anything I wanted so bad from my ex who we will refer to as Lucifer , was protection. Those men came after hearing their girls worried, and I knew I wanted that some day. So since they were all here B actually stayed in her room. D who was held at knife point one time at the club has always carried pepper spray on her since then. She gave me a cute little pink pepper spray keychain. (Listen at this time I either forgot , or assumed pepper sprays were legal if there was a certain amount of peppa in the spray. I know mace, especially military grade mace is illegal. This fucking pink keychain in no way shape or form did I think was illegal).  I took it. Fuck it. I’m sorry I knew my roommate wanted to beat the shit out me because I called the cops on her boyfriend. I will fight for my life, I don’t give a fuck. 
  After everyone was in the room, we were getting hungry. D & her boyfriend left. So I became third wheel with Yessy and her boyfriend. After we ate, I went home alone, but I was on the phone with a friend because I still felt uneasy about shit. 
  I  was sitting on my couch, when B knocked on my door again. I didn’t answer. She kept on knocking and then says “Yo, I’m missing $400 and my card”. I said “No B, sorry I am not opening the door and I have no idea what you are talking about.” I kept the door close. She kept knocking for me to answer, and I continued to ignore her and the last thing she said was “Iight don’t open the fucking door.” 
Literally 2 minutes after she said that. My main entrance opens , and I got up so fast and gasped for air, like what the fuck, because all I saw was a hat and man, so I thought it was honestly Bobby. No, it was Lucifer. You see, to rewind time for a bit Lucifer semi moved out a month prior to all this mess. He moved back to his mothers house, but heres the catch with the apartment. His grandmother owns the whole building. So he was able to come in and out as he pleased. 
You know what I actually said? I actually said “Thank God.” But for a second I was allowed to feel safe, before Lucifer screamed at me with every amount of hate he had in his body; “WHO EVER YOU ARE ON THE PHONE WITH, HANG UP AND PACK UP YOUR SHIT BECAUSE YOU ARE OUT OF HERE! - WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO CALL THE COPS!?” 
Lucifer: “THEY COULD KILL EACH OTHER FOR ALL I CARE, THEY ARE PAYING THE RENT YOU AREN’T” ( Which was a fucking lie I actually did have the rent already, fucking asshole, but yes he’s helped me out at times. People do like to throw shit in your face after they help you.) 
 After he stormed out of the room, my body was reacting to past trauma , and abuse. Lucifer, has dragged me out of rooms before, and for some reason all I saw in my head was him dragging me out of the room by my hair or something, especially in front of B. Maybe to prove a point. So I locked him out. And he banged on the door so hard, I was just so fucking scared. I unlocked the door because he was slamming it so hard asking me who the fuck I was. He then stormed in the room then chased me out the main entrance. Then I went on FB live. I never felt so fucking mentally ill in my life. Lucifer. Who I spent 5 years with, spent an endless amount verbal, mental, emotional abuse. Secrets that I kept, holding it down, to just  for him not give a fuck. He did not ask me anything about the situation. He did not care. He never did, if anything if he couldn’t accomplish killing me to hide his secrets,using these crackheads to get me the fuck out of the apartment was the next best move. It worked. It broke me down so bad. My friend Xtina saw my FB Live and ordered me a Lyft right away. I left with the clothes on my back and my purse with my lap top.
In the cab, I was crying like a blubbering idiot. Trying to let it all out before getting to Xtinas. With my head leaning against the window, the sun was out and all I kept thinking about was California. I was trying before all this to book a flight and I was going to, didn’t know when , and did not know how. But I kept saying in my head “California, California, California.” I finally got to Xtinas, and she embraced me with a huge hug and place to stay on the couch, She has been there for me before through all of Lucifers, bullshit. She’s never wanted me to go back to him, and I am so glad she never gave up on me for doing so. I just remember feeling super low. Writing this out I can feel where I was, and it was broken. Thats all I could describe it as. Fucking broken.
Since I already had my mind set going to California, my cousins ex girlfriend JonQuiii actually was the one to reach out to me and was like “Dude please contact your cousin, we are here for you and will help you”  I finally worked up the courage to contact my cousin. I remember walking in the night chilly as fuck, walking in Long Island City, to the Roosevelt Island waterfront and called her. I told her “Listen, this is going to be hard for me to ask, because I am going to tell you things my best friends don’t even know.” I let out everything. I told her EVERYTHING Lucifer has done to me, and I wish I could go into it at the moment but I am honestly not ready to write it out without the right therapy. so we will just leave it at that. She was like “You need to get out of that negative environment, and those negative people.” and for once, in a really long time I was able to sigh in relief. I told her I would let her know when I book a flight. Then hung up. 
I returned to Xtinas, we smoked, chilled out and she kept talking to me, reassuring me I will be ok. She has been through this before in different circumstances, and that I will be ok. It was like I’ll disappear in a daze and she would be able to bring me back to this dimension. She wouldn’t judge me for crying, she hugged me when I needed it, and would put on Love and Hip Hop to make sure I am still comfortable and in my element. I just felt, numb, and she was there to make sure I knew I was still existing and that my “feelings aren’t real”. We were in the middle of a show, while I was texting another friend who I will call, JC. JC lives in California too, we had a past, a good one I would think, we were both in the ARMY and from the same town, and we reconnected through this as he was concerned watching my live videos. Before I proceed with this story JC is married, and has children. Our convos have always been nothing but platonic and respectful. He came across asking me about California and how the conversation went with my cousin. 
He asked me whats stopping me from just booking my flight to LA. I told him I knew someone in the airlines who could probably hook it up, and if not I was going to start a go - fund - me account I swear. He then sends me a text. 
“I will pay that for you right now, just to get out of that shit hole and recuperate. It leaves April 17th.” 
I look at Xtina like this. 
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I’m like what do I say!? She was like “SAY YES!” 
He booked me the flight, and sent all the info. Without wanting anything in return. Just for me not to miss the flight. 
So I did. I told my cousin,  and all she said was “Shit that was fast.” 
As amazing as that blessing was. This story is still not fucking over.  Stay tuned for part 3. 
Getting my shit, getting arrested and how the next two weeks of hell were. Stay tuned . 
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Sports Festival Arc
Okay so I’ve just decided to talk about each episode individually since so much happens in them and I have a lot of things to say that nobody cares about ANYWAY MOVING ON here you go!
Episode 14: That’s The Idea, Ochaco
•Can we talk about how Todoroki had the prettiest animation in the intro please???
•Aizawa shows up like I LIVED BITCH we love one grumpy crippled old man (reminds me of this English teacher I had who showed up to class after breaking 3 ribs and couldn’t laugh or move and was in visible pain while teaching, Professor Saunders if you ever see this please just take a day off my dude)
•Mido: “Mineta don’t you know how important the Sports Festival is?”
Mineta: “yes but I just don’t want to get MURDERED”
...you know what he has a point
•Jirou to Kami: “most people miss their chance and end up just staying sidekicks. You know what that’s probably what’ll happen to you. You’re kinda dumb” BRUH SHE DIDNT HAVE TO MURDER DENKI LIKE THAT
•Kirishima being so excited for the Sports Festival is so cute I’m gonna cry
•Ojirou and Hagakure are so fucking ADORABLE
•Uraraka getting all pumped up/ ragey and Mineta being ✖️Mineta✖️ and Tsuyu just straight up SMACKING HIM IMMEDIATELY I LOVE HER COLD BLOODED ASS
•“YOUNG MIDORIYA!!!...do you want to eat with me?” I LOVE DADMIGHT
•Todoroki eavesdropping on Uraraka and Iida talking about Mido/All Might: Secret Child Theories activated
Episode 15: Roaring Sports Festival
•TESTUTESTU!!! loving the other classes showing up like fuck y’all 1A bitchass nerds right now honestly
•Kiri stop thirsting for Bakugou when he’s being an ass we get it, you’re gay and love an angry Pomeranian also WHY ARE YOU JUST STRAIGHT UP JUMPING OFF A BUILDING BOI WHAT IS YOU DOIIINNNNGGGGG ROCKS CAN STILL B R E A K
•Todoroki you dramatic hoe I love you but just. Take a nap. “We’Re nOt hEre To MakE FriEnDs” bitch you soft, shut up
•I’m genuinely curious what exactly is Midnight’s quirk? She’s the “R rated Pro Hero” but like...what is it? Is she just Super Sexy? Is it the pheromone thing that makes people think she’s sexy/ feeling aroused? Like what is her power exactly?
•”I just wanna say...I’m gonna win” KACCHAN HONEY WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
•Todoroki freezing EVERYTHING and being unimpressed by the giant robots sweetie you’re so extra
•Birth of Icy Hot Bastard nickname
•Mineta got fuckin MURKED MAN lmao at least he tried
•Mama Midoriya is Best Mom she worries so much
Episode 16: In Their Own Quirky Ways
•KIRI BREAKING THROUGH THE FUCKING ROBOT SCREAMING IM ALIVE HOLY FUCK (Also Testu bursting through too. Intro to the Hard Boi Twins)
•Lets go Sero and Tokoyami!!
•All Might’s little YES watching Mido using the robot part as a launcher for the explosion warms my heart he’s so proud of his boy
•”THIS JUST IN ERASURE HEAD IS A TERRIBLE TEACHER” “wait wHAT” I love 2 chaotic teachers
•Shiggy you’re gross please invest in some cortisone skin cream it majorly helps my eczema it can help you too sweetie
•”the 1st place winner is worth...10 MILLION” Everybody around Mido: Activate Instant Kill
Midoriya my boy rUN
Episode 17: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
•”Wait, remind me of your quirks again. And your names” Bakugou I’m gonna kick your entitled ass square up babe
•Kiri we get it you want Bakugou to top you. Also I love how Bakugou’s just like let’s fucKIN GOOO SHITTY HAIR
•Iida I love your dramatic over-energetic ass so much
“YOURE SO CLOSE TO ME WHO ARE YOU???” Hatsume please. Take a dozen chill pills
•Ah. There he is. Monoma. Rat Boi 3000. Let’s go babey
•Ah. Cue the Daddy Drama
•This game is just Kill Midoriya, huh
•Monoma is a pro monologuer and honestly? I respect that. But then again it doesn’t take much to get Bakugou riled up
Episode 18: Cavalry Battle Finale
•Shouji is a SCARY BADASS and deserves more acknowledgement
•no matter your opinion on him, Monoma is an interesting character and has a REALLY COOL QUIRK
•Endeavor? Just. Shut up
•Bakugou- I am powered by rage and nothing else
•”Has anyone seen Deku?”
Todoroki: tragic backstory time
Episode 19: The Boy Born With Everything
•Yo FUCK Endeavor lives, man
•Mido ”so why did you bring me here”
Todo ”...soooo THIS IS THE STORY ALL ABOUT WHY I’m depressed/ also are you All Might’s secret love child or something?”
•Okay but All Might asking Endeavor on how to raise a powerful child I’m cackling. But the more Enji talks, the more All Might’s just like “what the fuck are you doing to your kid??”
•Todoroki’s whole monologue is literally just him over sharing and rambling about his trauma I love it
•Bakugou why you being such a creep boo
•Midoriya telling his friends/rivals “I’m gonna beat you” is basically just his equivalent of “I have a crush on you” change my mind
•Kaminari. I’m disappointed in you. I expected the uniforms from Mineta but come on dude
•Ojirou is so PURE long live Tail Boi he is also too under appreciated and he is just. So good
•Kendo is best girl Class 1B
•”Uraraka? Who the hells that?” Bakugou don’t be fuKING RUDE
•Midoriya what did Ojirou fucking TELL YOU
EPISODE 20: Victory or Defeat
•Dadzawa activated, time to adopt a Sleepy Boy into the Hero Course
•Complete BAMF Midoriya has been UNLOCKED PEOPLE
•Poor Shinsou when he goes “im used to people thinking I’m a bad guy” I just couldn’t NOT think of Billie Eilish IM SORRY now I have Bad Guy stuck in my head YOU DID SO GOOD BABY IM PROUD OF YOU
•”Spooky IM A GHOST???” God I love All Might
•”Stop rebelling Shouto”
“It’s NoT a PhaSe DaD”
•Todoroki did you have to go so HARD BRUH WHAT THE FUCK YOU DEPRESSED SHOW OFF
Episode 21: Battle On, Challengers!
•Lmao get wrecked Denki
•Mama Kendo to the rescue come get yo kids
•Everyone at Mido, Please. Shut the fuck up and stop being CREEPY
•Midnight. Please stop lusting over your students it’s gross
•Hatsume played Iida like a fiddle and I’m crying baby boy tried so hard
•Poor Momo
•Bakubabe you’re so UGLY I can’t why is your face like that
Episode 22: Bakugou VS. Uraraka
•”Pink Cheeks” Bakugou just learn your classmates names it’s not that hard
•Ochaco is so fucking STRONG
•”like I always suspected. Bakugou’s a total sadist” sometimes Mineta is just. Accurate.
•Can we please talk about how Aizawa was just like “The FUCK are y’all talking about Bakugou is doing what he’s supposed to do in these games it doesn’t matter if his opponents a girl or not y’all are DUMB” like THANK YOU AIZAWA
•Mic has no chill I miss him real talk we don’t get enough Present Mic
•”You’re wrong Kacchan” YOU TELL HIM MIDO
•Bakubitch may be a little much sometimes and I get why a lot of people don’t like him but he does understand his classmates ARE also strong and powerful and you know he respects them in his own weird way even though he’ll never admit it
•We love supportive parents (Ochaco’s parents. Fuck Endeavor. Just leave these kids aloonnneeeee you asshat)
•”I’m not worried about a couple of kids” you’re clearly not worried about your crusty skin either Shiggy learn some priorities
Episode 23: Shoto Todoroki: Origin
•All that power in one little fucking finger what the FUCK Mido also PLEASE STOP BREAKING YOUR BONES “I’ve only got 6 more chances” well there go your fucking hands my dude
•Aaaaand there goes your arm
•”You haven’t been able to put a single scratch on me yet, Todoroki” you’re doing a pretty good job of that by yourself Midoriya
•Baby Shouto kills me every time IM GONNA FIGHT ENDEAVOR
•Shouji grabbing Mineta by the leg so that he doesn’t fly away oh my god
•Endeavor and All Might come get y’all kids
•Midoriya’s fuckin dead rest in fucking pieces you masochist
Episode 24: Fight On, Iida
•Okay but why is Endeavor such a fucking Brick House holy fuck absolute unit of pure shit
•”In his first match he looked so sad. I was trying to figure out why...” it’s because you have a crush Mido
•And the first of many scars appears
•Recovery Girl is right and she should say it
•All Might said Quirkless Rights send tweet
•Highkey completely forgot about Stain OH WAIT THAT MEANS THE INTERNSHIPS ARE NEXT I really forgot the whole timeline wow
•Explosion Boy vs. Shitty Hair I love competitive boyfriends but Jesus Bakugou
•Testu cheering for his new friend tho? That’s the content I love to see
•Legacy Children Battle (Iida vs. Todoroki)
•”I didn’t know he couldn’t kick like that” he is ALL LEGS that’s literally his quirk Denki what do you mean
•Anybody fighting Todoroki: time to drag a Sad Bitch
•Bruh why did Iida tense up like that was your phone up your ass dude???
•Yo Stain is ugly as fuck
Episode 25: Todoroki VS. Bakugou
•Lmao Midoriya literally triggered Todoroki into using his Left Side
•And Todoroki triggered Bakugou by asking about his past friendship with Midoriya these boys are a MESS
•oh look it’s a Fucking Fire Gremlin
•oh my GOD Endeavor shut UUPPPP
•Everyone listening to Bakugou go off at Todoroki: ...please seek some therapy
•The first time I saw this I highkey thought Bakugou actually killed Todoroki.
•Bakugou going feral for winning I can’t he literally looks like a trapped wolf
•We respect Tokoyami in this house
•About Bakugou ”Look at that face” I’d really rather not
•I’m sorry but Mineta sitting on Shouji’s shoulders is actually adorable
•Iida running through the hospital to his brother: It’s Loss
•I love the Iida Brothers so. Fucking. MUCH
•Shouto I’m so proud of you sweetheart
•Honestly I need more family stuff they’re all so interesting in their own ways and it’s a nice reminder that yes these are just kids and they have lives outside of hero school
SO that wraps up the Sports Festival Arc! I’m going to do the second half of Season 2/ The Internship Arc/ Final Exams all in one post so get ready for another long one ✌🏽
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