#[pinches bridge of my nose] i can do whatever i want forever. OKAY
istherewifiinhell · 1 year
hang on. hang on. okay. IS THIS A SAFE SPACE. is it a god damn safe space to say on my blog [prev post] DITTO............ U_U
that IS in fact. a transcendently good piece of writing actually grappling with the politics and ideological of a war. evocating visuals and emotions that are so fucking resonant and completely true the very alien prespectives they come from.
it is quite literally a claustrophobic story though the nature of claustrophobia filtered through beings who dont worry about suffication or starvation as matter air and food but a matter of geological eras and what i can only assume some atomic grade power sources.
there is poetry. and there are notes about the intranslatablity of poetry that literally cannot be experienced by a human brain.
HUH? yeah. and the dorsal port fucking.
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softguarnere · 1 year
Hi, Dove!
It’s been awhile! I hope you’re doing well!
Sending in an request, idk where this is going😂
Okay so female reader with Liebgott and something along the lines where one of them yells “BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, YOU IDIOT!” in the middle of an argument. I’m not really sure about the rest of the details, so you can do whatever you want😂
Have a great day!
Hardheaded At Best
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Joe Liebgott x reader
A/N: Hi lovely! Thanks so much for another wonderful request! I hope you enjoy it, and that you have a great day as well 💕 (This is written for the fictional depictions from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) Warnings: language, mentions of war
When was the last time that you felt this angry, this fired up? Some distant part of you wonders as white-hot wrath courses through your veins. Your nails dig into the soft beds of your palms, barely containing yourself as you stalk through the hallways, boots echoing off the walls of the remnants of Haguenau’s buildings. Although you think you’re doing a pretty good job of appearing calm, the people who pass you by give you concerned looks as they watch you go. Is it that obvious?
Either it’s not, or Liebgott is good at pretending. Because when you stomp into the room, he only glances up at you. He doesn’t look ready to fight, or even to throw a witty remark your way.
For a moment, you just stand before him, spluttering as you work out what to say and gasping as you try to catch your breath over the adrenaline caused by the anger surging through you. Finally, you manage to spit out the simplest question you can manage. “Joey, what did you do?”
The two of you are the only ones in the room. There’s no one else around. No one else to look cool for, to perform for. Yet Joe continues calmly smoking his cigarette. He blows a smoke ring, as if you haven’t just demanded an answer, then grinds out his cigarette and looks up at you, completely neutral.
“I did what I had to do.”
“Am I the only person in second platoon not going on this patrol?” You wonder aloud. “Tab said that you volunteered to take my place.”
Joe shrugs. “Yeah.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose, forcing a lungful of air to try and calm yourself. You don’t want to yell. Hell, you and Joe were so competitive back in Toccoa, half teasing and half not as you competed against each other in everything, that you’ve been determined not to argue since you finally became friends back Holland. But this – this is testing your resolve.
“Why would you do that?” You ask slowly, emerging from behind your hand to look at him again – still infuriatingly casual.
“(Y/N), the war is almost over.”
“So they say.”
“I’m not risking losing you over there,” Joe says. “We’ve been watching each other’s backs forever now. But we’re too close to making it out of this thing to risk it all now. Besides, what’s the point of having two translators?”
He’s not risking losing you over there? “But what about you, huh? I don’t want to lose you either, Joe.”
“Had to be one of us.”
He’s right. Someone has to be able to communicate with the prisoners that will be taken. But if someone has to go, you would prefer that both of you cross that river. Then one of you wouldn’t be waiting anxiously all night. You could watch each other’s backs, just like you’ve been doing.
Any points you might make to refute his lodge in your throat, sticking there while you fumble. Liebgott is hardheaded at the best of times; you don’t know what to say to make him see this from your perspective.
The conflicting emotions must show on your face, because Joe cocks an eyebrow in question. “Why does this bother you so much, anyway? It’s not like this is the first time only one of us has gone on a patrol.”
No, but it’s the first time that this has happened since you became friends. Since you started caring about him. Since you started worrying about losing him . . .
That’s when the realization hits you. The emotion that underlies all of your internal conflict isn’t anger – it’s fear. Fear of losing someone you’ve grown to care for.
“Joe, I can’t let you go alone. I’ll talk to Speirs myself. I – “
“(Y/N), no!” In a second, Joe jumps up from his chair and places a hand on your shoulder to stop you. His eyes are wide, and he’s got an expression that you’ve never seen before, and that you can’t quite place. “I got you taken off that patrol for a reason.”
“Well, you shouldn’t have,” you retort, a renewed wave of anger sweeping over you. “It wasn’t your choice to make.”
“I did it because I love you, you idiot!” Joe exclaims. Then he blinks, as if stunned by his own words. Perhaps they did not have his permission to be spoken. Or maybe they weren’t planned, or he doesn’t know where they came from.
You certainly don’t. Don’t know where they came from, that is. Joe never seemed interested in anything romantic with you. You, however, have occasionally allowed your mind to wander to a place where your friend is something a little more – a place where he holds your hand and reserves all his warmest smiles just for you. You never would have imagined that his mind had wandered in a similar direction. “You – you what?”
Joe hesitates, then nods, confirming his words to both you and himself. “I love you, (Y/N). That’s why I got you taken off the patrol. So that I don’t have to worry about you.”
“That’s why I want to be on the patrol – with you! So I don’t have to worry.”
“Oh.” Joe blinks again, taking it all in. “I tried to protect you. You tried to protect me. We both fucked up.” He tilts his head, studying you. “Do you really?”
“Love me?”
“Yes,” you answer with no hesitation. It’s strange to say it out loud. To realize it, here, in this moment, at maybe the same time that he did. And right before the patrol places you on two different sides of that river, where God knows what will happen.
Gently, Liebgott takes your hand. His lips are warm when he presses them against your knuckles in a sweet kiss. “Then I have a reason to make it back across the river.”
Your heart trips over itself in your chest. How cruel is fate, to let it happen like this. “You better. Joseph Liebgott, I swear to God, you better come back from the patrol.”
But maybe fate isn’t cruel after all. Because you’ve hardly left the room, hardly stepped outside, when Major Winters stops the two of you and informs you that Joe will not be crossing the river – he will be staying firmly on this side to provide covering fire, with you.
The major walks away like nothing happened, leaving the two of you confused, but smiling. You can’t help but laugh as you take it in. “What happened?” You wonder aloud. After all, how are they going to take German prisoners without a translator?
“No clue.” Joe squeezes your hand. “But I ain’t complaining.”
It’s brief, but from across the street, Webster catches your eye. The Harvard man gives you a nod. He’s a writer. A romantic, even.
You return the gesture, wondering if Joe saw it as well. “Yeah. Me neither.”
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
The Cookie Jar: A Growing Pains Drabble
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Summary: You attempt to scold your husband for using a colorful euphemism during your earlier conversation with the girls. Takes place right after the events in The Announcement. Andy Barber x Black!Reader, Bianca Barber, Katrina Barber
Warnings: Fluff, Protective Andy Barber, Anxious Andy Barber, Smut, Dominant Reader, Pregnant Reader, Cursing, Light Cum Play, Face Slapping (light), Light Daddy Kink, Jamie Fraser, Minors DNI
A/N: Written in part for @elle14-blog1 and @birdie-girl - Part of my Growing Pains Series. I look forward to everyone's feedback if you feel like giving it. All mistakes are my own.
Previously in The Announcement…
“No, no, Y/N.” Your handsome husband stops you. “They’re making some valid points. Can I just tell you both that you have made Daddy so happy right now? Because you’re right. Boys are completely, totally, and unequivocally gross.” 
You turn to stare at your man, who’s eyes have since glossed over with…was that joy?
“Which is exactly why you don’t ever need to date. Because these gross boys are only ever after one thing.” See, it was times like these when you worried about Andrew Barber.
“What thing?” 
“Yeah! Whaa’ fing?”
Andy looks at you and then coughs into his big fist. “They, uh, um. All boys, um.” He coughs again. “They all want access to the cookie jar.” 
Both your girls appear confused. 
“But we no have cookie jars, Daddy.” Bianca informs him.
“Good.” He growls before turning to look at you. “Please do everything in your power to ensure that it stays that way.
Later that night…
“I still can’t believe he said that to them.” You mumble under your breath as you begin to tie up your hair for the night. “What the hell was that man thinking?”
“What was who thinking?” The subject of your ire asks as he strolls into your bedroom. 
“Yes, Andrew, you.” 
Confused, he comes up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist. “What I’d do now, baby girl?”
“You, husband, told our two daughters that all boys are gross and only after their…their cookie jars.” You turn to face him. “Now, what do you have to say for yourself?”
“What?” Andy simply shrugs his broad shoulders. “I told them the truth – that boys are nothing but trouble and that they should stay away from them.” He offers you an unapologetic smile. “Forever.”
Pulling away, you roll your eyes so hard that you almost lose them in the back of your head. 
“Come on, Y/N. Who better to warn them about the dangers of boys than me? Afterall, it’s my job to protect my Bianca Boo and KitCat from unnecessary threats.”
“You do realize that you are a boy, right?” Sometimes you really did worry about your husband and his overprotectiveness, especially when it came to you and the girls. Andy takes off his shirt and tosses it in the direction of the hamper. He misses, of course. 
“So? That just makes me an expert in all cookie-related matters. These grubby little delinquents –”
“Honey, please remember that we’re talking about little children. Like five years of age and younger, okay?” Your fingers go to pinch the bridge of your nose.
God, grant me the patience. 
“Fine. Whatever. But I’m telling you, these prepubescent hoodlums want what they want when they want it. Today it’s juice boxes and animal crackers, but tomorrow it could be some slap and tickle. Mark my words.”
What? Who the hell says slap and tickle these days?
“So, since you’re suddenly willing to spill all of the tea I guess that kind of makes you the exception here, huh?” You scoff as you go to pick up the discarded garment.   
“Yep.” Your man scrubs a big hand over his beard before traipsing into the bathroom to brush his teeth. “It sure does, Y/N. Because, I wanted all of you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I was after the whole package, baby girl. Not just your cookie. Or should I call it your honeypot?”
You stare at his shirtless, sculpted body as he takes care of his business at the sink.
“My honeypot?” Your hands go to your hips. “Please tell me you haven’t been –”
“Reading up on my competition, Jamie Fraser? You’re damned right I have. All your lusting after a fictional highlander has me ready to invest in a fucking kilt and set of bagpipes to keep you interested.” He wipes his mouth with a towel and winks at you.
“You planning to dye your hair and speak with a Scottish accent too while you’re at it, sweetheart?” 
Jesus, you needed to find your dog-eared copies of Outlander and Dragonfly in Amber and hide them from your man.
“Aye, my bonnie wee lass.” He replies, tossing you another wink. 
You sigh before sitting off the bed and toeing off your slippers. “As sexy as you sound, my love, we need to be preparing ourselves and the kids for the possibility that we might be bringing home a baby boy, or two." 
“Or, fate is going to punish me by giving me more girls, ensuring that I never get a good night’s sleep ever again.”
“Oh my God, Andrew.” You fall backwards onto the covers. “And why exactly won’t you be sleeping?”
“Because all of my girls are beautiful. Bianca and Katrina are sure to be knockouts, just like their Mama.” His big body is suddenly looming over your own. “And none of them will be allowed to date until well after they’re married and – you know what? Scratch that. I’m sticking with the whole convent idea.”
And now your man is on top of you, his soft lips claiming yours. His tongue sweeps into your mouth, tempting and teasing as he does. Groaning, he pulls away and rolls both of your bodies so that you’re now resting atop his brawny chest. 
Fuck, your man always smelled so good. Like cedar and bergamot and something else altogether uniquely Andy. 
“But once again, I would like to remind you that we could also be saddled with a pair of boys, you ridiculous man. And if that happens, I’m going to be stuck fending off throngs of rabid girls, but you don’t see me worrying.” Yet. “I’m not walking around mentally wringing my hands.” Yet.
“Your point?”
“My point, Andy Bear, is that you are an overprotective ogre." Sitting up, you move to straddle his hips, taking a moment to grind your bare pussy against his rapidly hardening length. “Which means it’s up to your dutiful wife to calm your anxious mind.” 
Gripping his wrists, you tug them up over his head and instruct him to take hold of the headboard. 
“Let go and I stop.” You slide even farther down his body before dipping one small hand into his shorts to free his thick cock from his boxers. Flashing him a wicked grin, you begin working him up and down, making sure to pay special attention to his glistening mushroom head. You watch  him throw his head back against the pillows as you use your thumb to tease his crown. God, how you loved the sight and feel of his impressive body tensing beneath your own. 
“Is that helping, Big Man? Are you starting to loosen up a bit?” You ask him as you whip your lavender nightie over your head, leaving your bouncing breasts bare to his deep blue gaze.
“Uh huh.” He growls as he watches you lewdly lick your palm before continuing to pump him up and down, using your saliva mixed with his precum as a natural lube. 
“Need you to cum for me at least twice baby. Once on my tits, and then again in my tight little cunt.” Your free hand goes to toy with his heavy sac, gently squeezing and kneading as you do.”
“That’s right, Big Man. You’re gonna cum all over my fucking chest before you fill me up. Want you to mark me good, just like you did here.” You take a moment to rest your left hand on the gentle swell of your abdomen. 
Andy’s eyes stray to your newly pregnant belly, his cock visibly twitching as he does. Your man loved you in all ways all of the time, but when you were pregnant…
Good luck keeping his hands off of you. 
Of its own volition, your hand lightly smacks him in the face. “Hey, my tits are up here, sugar. Now if you want this wet ass pussy, you had better do as your told and –”
You let out a whine when a frustrated Andy lets go of the headboard and flips your bodies so that you’re once again trapped underneath him. 
“No fair!” You pout. “I wasn’t done being in charge yet.”
“Quiet." He grunts, as he fists his dick and begins jerking himself off. You can tell he’s close. “I’m going to give you want you want little girl, right, ungh, fucking, shit, NOW!” Andy roars as he cums, painting your throat and chest with thick ropes of warm cum. 
Breathing heavily, Andy leans down to kiss you, only to pause when he feels your hand wrap itself around his spent member once again. 
“You interrupted my fun, Daddy. So I’m going to give you five minutes to recover before you make it up to me.”
“Whatever you want, baby girl.” He tells you as he begins to massage his seed into your heated flesh. “Whatever you want.”
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vixensheart · 1 month
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It’s a phone call that pops the peaceful bubble around Angel and Husk. 
Sharp and shrill, it pierces the silence while they’re at the table eating breakfast. Husk’s fork clatters onto his plate, and he reaches for his phone with a grumble, flipping it to glance at the screen. The irritation drops from his face into something almost weary, and he sighs. “What?” he says, brow knitting as he listens to whatever the person on the other end tells him. Angel watches with raised brows, chewing on his toast and dropping bits of egg on the floor for Nuggets to snack on. Husk’s ears go flat, and he sighs again. “Yeah, well, you can tell them I’m out for—” A pause. “Of course they don’t wanna reschedule.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Fine. I’ll be down shortly.” 
Angel lowers his own fork. Husk tosses his phone back onto the table, lips curled in disdain, and huffs again. His gaze finds Angel and it fills with guilt. 
“I’ve gotta head down to the office. Some asshole apparently’s decided they’re important enough to demand a meeting.” 
Well, shit. Angel tilts his head. “How long d’ya think it’ll take?” 
A low growl rumbles from Husk, tail swishing against the floor. “No idea. As short as fucking possible.” 
And, that gets a snicker from Angel. He props his chin on a hand, lips curving into a smile. “You’re real cute when you’re pissed,” he teases. Husk glowers, and Angel’s smile only widens. He slides a hand across the table, catching one of his—his boyfriend’s (holy shit, they’re boyfriends now), and gives a squeeze. “S’okay, baby, I’ll be fine, promise. ‘Sides, maybe I can start lookin’ into the security footage ‘n stuff. Figure out who the mole is.” And skin them. He doesn’t say that part out loud. Then again, he doesn’t think he’s gotta. Husk is more than aware of how itchy his hands are for his knife and gun when it comes to finding the bitchass mole. 
Husk’s frown seems to etch deeper into his features. “You sure? I can always tell ‘em to fuck off.” 
“Positive. I’ve been holed up long enough, anyway.” 
Four days. It’s been four days since Angel’s been back at the casino. Four days since he stabbed the shit outta Val. Four whole days of re-weaning himself off Val’s shitty venom, of laying around curled up in Husk’s arms, of just existing, again. And, Angel could easily stay hidden away for longer, in this tiny little bubble of theirs. But as much as he’d love to hide away from the realities of existence forever, he can’t. Or, shouldn’t anyway. 
And he really wants to catch that motherfucker. 
“Okay,” Husk says, quiet and a touch reluctant. “I’ll take you down to the security office, then.” He grabs his fork and stabs at some eggs, apparently determined to finish breakfast first. “Just…don’t do anything too stupid.” His hand gives Angel’s a squeeze, the worry leaking through the cracks of his false levity. 
Angel rolls his eyes, but affection sparks in his chest despite the minor annoyance. “Yeah, yeah, I won’t. Promise.” Been there, done that. He tugs his hand free, grabs his own fork. They eat in relative silence, after, silverware scraping against their plates. Fat Nuggets nudges at Angel’s leg with his little wet nose, eyes wide and pleading when he spares his piggy a glance. Angel bites the inside of his cheek to quell his smile and drops him another chunk of egg. 
“You spoil that damn pig.” There’s a fondness in the shape of Husk’s words. Angel snorts and shoots him a look. 
“Yeah, well, obviously. He’s my baby. What’s your excuse, huh?” 
New chapter up! Read the rest on Ao3!
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mysicklove · 1 year
ok I don’t have enough of an idea to make an actual fic so I’m gonna put what I do have in your ask box so you alone can see and judge it on your own time.
Yuji has never known there to be a music room in any of the buildings. Even as he wanders, he never seems to get closer, the music forever out of reach, always faint and muffled by doors, always the same distance away. His intuition guides him to the door now, even though his ear tells him that the music is still much too far away for this to be it.
Quietly, gingerly, he slides your door back to find a room much bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. And here you are, music much louder than before, and as he turns around to leave so as to not disturb you, finds there is no door through which to do so.
It must be the work of a technique. What kind, then? Did you do this on purpose?
You’re clad in a student’s uniform, he notes, so it must be practice. He truly does hate to interrupt.
But when he reaches for you, just to politely tap you on the shoulder, he finds you to be untouchable. A barrier exists between the two of you, something that doesn’t quite feel like you pushing him away, but him pulling himself away.
“Uhm, excuse me-“
“Oh!” You yelp, the jarring and abrupt slip up on the keys sending the vision of the room shattering with your concentration. The dorm is like any other; he notices it even lacks the piano at which you sat just moments ago.
“What was that?”
“Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2. What are you doing in my dorm? Who are you?”
“Itadori Yuji! I, uh…” he halts before saying that much. Perhaps it’s poor form to tell a girl he likes girls like Jennifer Lawrence.
“… was just trying to find where the music was coming from.”
“Okay, yeah, whatever. How did you get into my domain?”
“That was your domain? I was about to ask how to get out.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose, muttering something to yourself that he can barely pick up on. Something about having worked on that, or about thinking you had fixed that problem.
“Hell with it. I think I’m done for the day anyway. Want some tea?”
It would not be the last time he sat in for a performance.
sigh. this idea is so so so so so sooooooooo cute lune. i love it so much. he is so perfect i need him
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sunshines-and-rain · 9 months
When Marina and Sol became Friends Forever Pt. 2
[At the Student Clinic on Campus]
Sol: *leg is bouncing up and down because he hasn’t been having the best luck with getting help from “credible” adults*
Marina: *sees this and puts a hand on his knee to silently reassure him that she’s here with him and smiles* My friend took a shift here today. We’ll ask them what to do! They know just about everything! *stands up with purse* Do you want anything from the vending machine? I know my crackers and candy won’t exactly fit that strict diet you’re on, but maybe a snack from the vending machine will do!!
Sol: *scans the vending machine to see there’s nothing in there that’ll fit his diet, but he smiles when he sees Marina’s outstretched hand and comforting smile* You know what? I’ll take you up on that offer, but only because I didn’t bring my purse.
[Together they stand up and walk to the vending machine. Sol elected to get a water bottle while Marina got trail mix for them both to share. Unfortunately for Marina, a tall figure ran past her and knocked her and the trail mix down. Marina fell on her hands and knees as she tried to check up on the mysterious person. Sol tried to help Marina up, but Marina focused on the mysterious figure.]
Marina: *reaching over to the mystery person* Hey, are you okay? Sorry I guess I di-
Mystery Person: Ughhh, whatever! I just need to go! *pushes Marina’s hand away and abruptly gets up*
Sol: Look, man. You’ve got to apologize. You bumped into her and spilled all the trail mix she just bought for us.
Mystery Person: Didn’t mean to ruin date night for you. Now if you excuse m-
Sol: No. *pushes the mystery person up the wall* Let me tell you what’s going to happen. You’re going to apologize to Marina, you’ll give her money for new trail mix, you’ll apologize, and then I will let you go.
Mystery Person: *huff* And if I refuse?
Sol: *slams Mystery Person’s back to the wall again* Then I guess I’ll run through it again.
Marina: *separating Sol’s hand from the Mystery Person’s shirt* Sol!! Let hi-this person go!! *turns to the mystery person* I’m so sorry. Clearly you have other things to do! He’s new and he just transferred, guess they do things differently there! *Marina noticed the Mystery Person did not emote at all, just continued to stare. Not at Marina, but like through Marina. Deciding this is awkward enough, Marina put her hand out and decided now’s as good a time as any for introductions* Hi! I’m Marina, by the way! This is Sol. And you are…?
Mystery Person: *looked back and forth between Sol and Marina* Not up for this. *pushes past them to continue walking down the hallway*
Sol: If I ever have to see that guy again, it’ll be too soon.
Marina: Sol, I appreciate that you didn’t want anyone to disrespect me, but you need to understand that we can’t just shove people up against a wall and threaten them. *Sol looked to the ground with remorse akin to a labrador retriever who knows they did wrong. She pinched the bridge of her nose underneath her glasses and took a big sigh* Ay Dios, let’s go see if my friend is taking their shift. *suddenly stops and turns to Sol with a bright smile* Thank you by the way! I appreciate you standing up for me!
Sol: *taken aback because wasn’t she JUST reprimanding him? How can she just smile so brightly after that? And thank HIM?* Y-you’re welcome? Thank you for being willing to share your trail mix with me.
Marina: Of course!! That’s what friends do!!
Sol: *visibly taken aback by this statement. Surely they’re not truly friends. She hasn’t even seen him on the field yet! She doesn’t know what he’s like at his absolute best. If anything, she’s only gotten to see him be shy and clueless and stupid. But she’s not looking at him like he’s shy or clueless or stupid. Hell, even when he struggled reading she didn’t look at him like he was stupid. Without her, he wouldn’t be at the clinic right now trying to…get some help? He’s not entirely sure what he’s trying to do here, but she seems so confident that he can’t help but follow her lead. She doesn’t seem like she has some ulterior motive.* I’m glad to have my first friend here. *pulls her in for a hug that Marina quickly returns*
Marina: *turns and sees who she’s been looking for* ¡¡Oyé!!
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
What The Stark Spangled F**k?
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Trouble Tin Paradise: A Stark Spangled Forever One Shot
Summary: Rori is causing chaos in the kitchen…
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Katie Stark (OFC)
Warnings: bad language, Rori being a brat…nothing else specific
Disclaimer: this is pure fiction. I own none of these guys bar Katie Stark and any other OFC mentioned. I don’t give anyone permission to use or repost my work. Reblogs are cool though. MINORS DO NOT ENGAGE.
A/N: been sat on this for a while…but here’s some Rogers-Stark chaos…
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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“Where’s Mom?” Jamie asked, wandering into the lounge. Steve, who was led on the rug helping Flossie slot brightly coloured bricks through the corresponding holes, looked up.
“If you’d have been listening at breakfast instead of messing with whatever was so important on your iPad you’d know the answer to that question.”
Jamie rolled his eyes and folded his arms. “Humour me.”
Steve laughed and shook his head, “She’s taken Harry to soft play, then said she might head to the tower to see Auntie Pep about some work. She’ll be back for dinner.”
“Okay, so I actually did know that.”
“Why you asking then?”
“Coz I wanna know why she didn’t take Rori.”
“Take it you didn’t hear the shouting before?”
“Had my head set on. I was kicking Uncle Bucky’s butt online. You know, for someone who used to be in the army, he is so crap at shooting games.”
“Okay, two things. What have I told you about saying that word? And two… me and your mother are gonna have a discussion with Bucky about the kinds of games he’s buying you for that damned PlayStation.”
Jamie sighed, “fine, whatever, but what was the shouting?”
“She back chatted your Ma one too many times. This morning she refused to put her coat on, said she hates it. When your mom told her there were kids all over that would be grateful for such a nice jacket, Rori told her to, and I quote, ‘wrap it up and give it to them as a present’.”
“Oh.” Jamie grimaced.
“Yup, so she’s in her room…”
“Yeah, no she’s not.”
“What?” Steve blanched and felt his stomach flip.
“Don’t panic… or actually, maybe do…”
“James, what the hell-“
“She’s in the pantry… and…”
“Oh for the love of- watch Floss.” Steve jumped up as Jamie swapped places with him and he jogged down the hall.
“Rori? Aurora? What are you-“
He stopped dead in the doorway between the kitchen and large pantry and blinked. Rori was sat on the counter side, having pulled half of the tinned food cans Katie kept in one of the cupboards out and had liberated them of their labels.
“Hi, Daddy.” She grinned at him, as she flicked a label from a can of kidney beans off her finger.
Steve looked at her, then to the damned cat that seemed to be wherever she was, as it sat on the side, currently swatting at a label from a tin of tomato soup.
“What. The. HELL do you think you’re doing, young lady?” Steve’s voice was loud and stern. Rori blinked and then shrugged.
“Taking the labels off these tins.”
“Yes, I can see that!”
“Then why d’ya ask?”
Steve looked at her, as she stared back before he groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fine, let’s try a different question. Why are you taking the labels off the tins?”
“Because Mommy annoyed me. And I want to make Erica a paper dress, because she needs one for the cat-walk.”
“Because Mommy annoyed you.” Steve repeated.
“You know, right now you’re really annoying me.” Steve looked at his daughter. “Shall I go start pulling labels off all of your things? Or how about I go and pull all your drawings off the wall in the play-room?”
At that Rori’s eyes widened. “No, Daddy, that’s-“
“And what do you think this is, Aurora?”
Steve’s anger was now starting to boil over. He loved his kids, every last one of them, and he would also happily admit to anyone who asked, one of his favourite things about Rori was that she was a total sassbag like her mother. But sometimes that sass got too much, just like it did with Katie, and now was one of those times.
“No, no, this is naughty. And your mommy shouted at you this morning because you were naughty. You didn’t get to go to soft play because you were naughty. And now, you’re here, being equally as naughty by trashing the pantry, because Mommy annoyed you by punishing you for being naughty in the first place. Can you see the flaw in your logic?”
“What’s a flaw?”
“Oh. What’s logic?”
“Reasoning. Something you use when you decide if something is a good idea.”
“Oh.” She pondered for a moment, then shrugged. “But I can use the labels!”
“Oh, you can use the labels huh?” Steve strode forward and ignoring the yells of protest swept them off the side and scrunched them into a ball in his large hands, “not anymore!” He stalked over to the garbage and tossed them in. “Now get down from there right now and go to your room.”
“I don’t wanna!”
“Well right now I don’t wanna look at you…”
“Go back to the lounge then!”
And that was it, Steve’s final shred of self control snapped. He gently gripped his daughter by the arm, ignoring the screams and yells and lifted her off the counter, slinging her over his shoulder. She screamed and hit at his back with her balled fists in an out and out tantrum as he carried her upstairs and dumped her on her bed.
“Stay here, and if I hear so much as a foot step, I swear to God I’ll put every single one of your toys in the garbage too!”
Rori glared at him, through her angry tears, sobbing loudly as she wiped her eyes. “I hate you.”
Steve swallowed, he’d never heard that from her before. Jamie had uttered it once or twice but been quick to take it back but it still cut him to the core. However, not wanting to show weakness he simply swallowed, hands on his hips. “That’s fine, because right now, I don’t particularly like you either.”
Closing the door on her cries, Steve leaned against it, banging the back of his head on the wood lightly as he did so. He took a deep breath to calm himself, before he headed back down to the lounge.
Flossie grinned up at him, holding her hands up, “Daddda.”
He picked her up and smiled as she pressed her palms against each of his cheeks. “You gonna turn out to be as much as a diva as her?”
“Course she is,” Jamie shrugged, “she loves Rori.”
“I’m too old for this crap.”
“Language!” Jamie grinned and at that, Steve chuckled before he groaned.
“Your mom is gonna go mad.”
Steve chewed the inside of his lip before he placed Flossie down and flopped onto the sofa. “Find me a seven foot block of ice I can freeze myself in again, will ya?”
Katie stared at the array of tins on the side and groaned.
“I was gonna put em away,” Steve sighed, “but I didn’t know what to put where or…”
“No, it’s okay. Little shit.” Katie shook her head as she picked up a tin and shook it. “So that’s soup of some kind…”
“Oh, I threw the labels…” Steve groaned, “Doll, I’m sorry.”
“Steve, it’s fine.” Katie turned to him, “this isn’t your fault, it’s hers.”
“Well, I unloaded on her, big time. Enough for her to say she hates me.”
Katie snorted, “she says that to me at least twice a week.”
“She’s never said it to me before.” Steve hung his head a little and Katie moved, her hands sliding up his chest and coming to rest on his broad shoulders.
“Because she’s a Daddy’s Girl, soldier, and has you wrapped around her little finger.”
“Hmm, wonder where she gets that from.” Steve arched a brow and Katie popped a shoulder.
“It’s a talent I’ve perfected, I’ll give you that.”
He chuckled a little as she stood on her toes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Don’t worry about it, just go make sure Harry and Floss are okay and I’ll start dinner.”
Leaving her to it, after offering to help and being waved away, he headed into the play room and spent some time with his youngest son who told him all about his day in a very enthusiastic manner. An hour or so later, Katie called them all in for dinner which turned out to be one of her exceptional lasagnes, a huge salad and some garlic bread. Rori stalked into the room, not even looking at Steve and sat down.
“This looks great, Mom, thanks!” Jamie helped himself as Steve dished up a smaller portion for Harry and Rori, Katie giving Flossie a few crackers to keep her occupied, the tot having been fed earlier.
“I don’t like lasagne.” Rori mutinously stated as Steve set the plate down in front of her.
“For the love of-“ he began but stopped when Katie held her hand up.
“Since when? You are it last week.”
“Since now. It’s boring.”
“Okay.” Katie replied, her voice calm, “how about I fetch you something else?”
Steve and Jamie exchanged a glance, neither of them sure where this was going. Katie was normal the hard ass when it came to things like this.
“What else?” Rori asked.
“It’s a surprise.” Katie said, mysteriously and Rori grinned.
Katie left and momentarily returned with a label-less can and true can opener.
Immediately, Jamie roared with laughter as Katie grinned and began to open the can.
“No, I don’t want-“
“But you don’t know what it is yet!” Katie looked at Rori before she opened the tin and face an “ooooh” before she clapped her hands together. She grabbed a spoon, stuck it in the tin and slid it over. “Your favourite!”
Rori grabbed the tin and looked inside before she pushed it away and glared at her mother. “I hate peas!”
“Well…” Katie shrugged, “I couldn’t tell what was in it on account of you taking the label off.”
Rori blinked, then looked at the tin before she looked down at her plate. “I’m sorry.” She sniffed and then a tear fell down her cheek.
“Thank you for apologising.” Katie spoke gently. “And I think you need to apologise to someone else too, huh?”
Rori nodded and raised her head to look at Steve. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I don’t hate you. That was mean.”
Her voice broke on the last word and Steve sighed, moving so he could pull her into his lap. She wrapped her arms round his neck and sobbed as Steve gently rocked her side to side.
“It’s okay, and Rori, it’s alright to be angry and feel mad but it’s not okay to do and say things like you did today. Do you understand, Princess?”
She nodded and sniffed again.
“Okay, now, you gonna sit and eat your dinner?”
She nodded again and Steve kissed her head before she shifted and sat back down.
The room was silent for a few seconds as everyone tucked in, the happy mood restored in the Rogers’ household.
And then, a little voice spoke from Harry’s seat.
“Momma? I like peas.”
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takamishinko · 3 years
could I pls request the bakusquad with a close FTM friend . their friend is pretty insecure about his chest . he’s also insecure about what people would think of him being trans . how would the bakusquad react if someone Mineta said something nasty to him ? if you’re uncomfortable w/ this request , feel free to ignore it , I don’t want to make you uncomfortable
have a wonderful day / noon / night 💞
sure u can! hope u have a wonderful day/noon/night too :)
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a/n: this is my writing content for ftm readers i hope i don't offend anyone!
pronouns: he/him, ftm!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of pre-transition, transphobic phrases, sexual harassment, and mineta
you were pretty close friends with the whole bakusquad, close enough to the point where they would not hesitate to throw hands if someone messed with you. they know about your situation and they completely accept you for it. 
they all took the news better than you expected. mina was super excited when you first came out to her and even though she had a big mouth she kept yours a secret because she knew how important this was to you, plus you might have not been comfortable about others knowing about it yet. sero was super chill about it and kirishima called you manly right after you came out to him. kaminari on the other hand was having an internal war with himself since he thought you were both pretty and handsome before and after. last but not least, bakugou hit you with a "ha? i don’t care as long as you’re still strong." after you told him.
all the reassuring comments your friends gave you made you feel a lot better about yourself. you had also told some of your other friends in the class like midoriya, uraraka, iida, and asui. they all supported you and since class 1A is pretty open about subjects like this you had nothing to worry about. 
however, just because most people have reassured it didn’t mean that you’d just suddenly  feel better right away. in a way you still felt different. you were still insecure about what other people around you would think about you, especially your chest area since your hero costume made them very obvious that they've gone through transition before. harsh comments from insensitive bastards still scar your mind deeply. their hurtful words pierced through your heart and mind.
"you'll never be a real boy."
"you're not normal." 
words like this break you down bit by bit and destroy your self esteem until you're left feeling worthless and defeated. people like this played a big role in why you never confided anyone in your secret. you feared that they would repeat these words, especially your dear classmates.
after school,  sero, kaminari, kirishima, and bakugou had left to do some training while you, mina, and some other people had stayed behind to help clean up and chill in the classroom. it was a nice way to ease yourself. mina was cheerful and funny teasing uraraka about deku, while you and tsuyu were chattering about the test that you took and guessing what mark you both received. 
you decided to stay behind a little in class after everyone returned to the dorms. you hummed while watching the sunset. it was a good environment to do some studying in, quiet and peaceful, seeing as there was an important test coming up.
you were just about to start packing up after finishing the last question on the review page until you saw a short purple figure pop up next to the door. it was mineta, the class pervert that everyone tried to stay away from. you didn't like mineta obviously, no one did. you didn’t exactly want to talk to him but you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he wasn’t here to be grotesque.
why was he just standing there eyeing you up and down? an uncomfortable pricking sensation washed over you so while packing up, you decided to speak to break the awkward silence. "hello mineta, can i help you?" 
mineta wore a smug look before the corner of his lips lifted into a snide grin.
"hey~ d/nnn." he mocked, holding the last letter of your previous name.
your heart fell into your stomach at his words. why the hell was he bringing up your deadname? you balled your shaking fists and tried to calm down before you mauled the smug grape with your quirk.
"it's y/n, and if you don't have anything to say i wanna go back to the dorms." you speak with feigned courtesy as you finished backing up, scooting out of your chair.
"alright alright y/n whatever. say~ what are you doing by yourself all alone in the classroom at this time. perhaps you were waiting for someone?" mineta sing-songed while walking closer to you.
"i was just trying to get some homework finished,” you grit out. “do you mind moving? i would like to leave-" 
before you could even finish your sentence you see drool coming out of minetas mouth and his hands doing the signature grabby grabby while his eyes practically drowned in your chest area.
"you’ve probably got a nice pair of boobs huh? even if they’re flat." 
mineta mentioning that certain body part broke you. the tears immediately started to accumulate under your eyes, on the edge of spilling. you could've easily pushed mineta away due to how much smaller he was than you, but you didn't have the strength to. you felt even weaker than him and didn't have the will to fight back, your limbs being reduced to jelly. you felt helpless.
mineta on the other hand felt powerful, someone like you with a strong quirk being reduced to something akin to a quivering rabbit gave him a sick sense of pleasure. just when mineta was about to place his hands on you a certain spiky haired blonde rushed into the room and lifted mineta away from you.
"OI SMALL FRY! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOUR HANDS GOING HUH??" bakugou snarled at the midget followed with a strong blast.
kirishima, kaminari, and sero quickly ran into the room. mr. aizawa followed up upon hearing the commotion. his eyes scanned over your distressed form before looking over at a shaken mineta. he assessed the situation and let out a sigh, hands pinching the bridge of his nose.
"mineta, my office, right now." he spoke, voice lacking any sort of amusement.
"b-but" mineta stuttered out.
mineta froze at the tone of mr. aizawa's voice and left the room with him, his head down. before aizawa left he gave you an apologetic look and told you he'd come back later to talk to you. kaminari followed them out to listen in.
kirishima grabbed your arm gently and sat you down on the chair. "y/n you okay man? he didn't touch you anywhere right?" he questioned worriedly.
"i’m gonna turn that guy into a cocoon, i swear." sero followed up.
you were incredibly surprised at what just almost happened. you almost got harassed by a midget grape but thank goodness your friends were there to save you from him.
"thanks guys." you muttered out while wiping away stray tears.
"of course man! we're always here for you, bakugou heard mineta all the way from across the hall when we came back to grab our stuff and immediately rushed over! you should've seen him, it was like he was running for his life!" kirishima said, chuckling. 
bakugou rolled his eyes. "shut up shitty hair, he's in need, of course i’m gonna sprint over. if he ever says that shit to you again, i’ll beat that little fucker up again. 
"well you won't have to worry about that anymore because i went to eavesdrop and mr. aizawa said he’s under house arrest for a long time for attempting to sexually harass a classmate." denki’s cheery voice rings out as he walks into the classroom while pointing finger guns at all of you. 
your eyes lit up from hearing the good news.
"hey y/n if anyone messes with you be sure to let us know ok?" sero smiles as he puts a hand on your shoulder.
"you're like a brother to us and we won't hesitate to fight anyone who dares to do something like what mineta just did." kirishima spoke, grinning.
"you're perfect just the way you are y/n, and we love you for that! who the hell cares about what others think of you. just be yourself and everyone else will love ya." denki followed up with a smirk.
"dunce face is right, don't worry ‘bout anyone else, not even us if you don't want to. if you're still feeling down i can blast dunce face if you want." bakugou said while chuckling evilly. 
the room filled with laughter at kaminari’s protests.  thanked your friends for being there for you. you couldn't have asked for a better friend group than them. after a while, the five of you walk back to the dorms. you smile to yourself while the other four bicker and laugh, you wished to live in this moment forever.
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bloodwrittenballad · 3 years
Greatest Weapon | Kaz Brekker
Summary: you’re Kaz’ greatest weapon, but he refuses to use you for one of his most important heists. angrily you question him for reasoning as to why and find out you’re not just his greatest weapon, but his greatest weakness too.
Warnings: fighting, slight angst, mentions of death and injuries, swears, shitty writing, little sweet at the end. readers gender isn’t specified. also please note i’m dyslexic so if there’s any mistakes please be kind about it!
let me know what you think! it’s rushed i know and probably not great but feedback is always appreciated! - parker
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Kaz sat at his desk, head resting in his gloved hands as he mulled over the conversation he’d just had about the largest mission with the crows. It was no doubt going to be a tricky one, and with your help the other were convinced it’d work. However, Kaz was not entirely too sure about that.
“I’ve said it before and I will say it again. We are not asking for their assistance.” Kaz muttered bitterly at Jesper, who was wide eyed at the suggestion of using your gifts. “But why not?” Inej pressed the matter. She’d seen you in action before, she knew you were more than capable of pulling off heists, especially one of this risk. “They’ve got talent, Kaz. Skill. We need that, especially now. Why can’t we use them?” Asked a desperate Inej.
“Because I said so!” Kaz had snapped, not meaning to come off as harsh, especially to Inej, but the subject of you had always round him up. “We are not using Y/N for this mission, and that. is. final.” The other crow members nodded, jaws slightly clenched and eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but nonetheless they listen to their boss and dropped the subject.
You, however, would not give up so easily. As soon as you had gotten to the Slat to hear the latest update on the mission, only to find out from Inej that you weren’t to be apart of it, all thanks to the ever so lovely bastard of the barrel, you saw red. Inej barely got to mutter out anything else she may have had to say, before you were stomping up the stairs to Kaz’s office.
You didn’t bother knocking like you usually would’ve, instead your soft hand met the cold metal doorknob, and ripped it open with great ferocity. The sound of intense creaking and Kaz’s name being spat broke him out of his thoughts, his cold and tired eyes snapping up to your angry ones. He stood up at once, his tall body standing still before your seething shorter figure.
“What is the meaning of this, Y/N.” He spoke in his usual authoritative edge. You scoffed. “Oh please, like you don’t fucking know exactly why I’m here. Instead why don’t you tell me the meaning of why you aren’t allowing me on this next mission? Huh? Why’s that, Kaz?” Your voice was harsh as you all but spat your words in his face, like they were venom seeping off your tongue in waterfalls.
Kaz wouldn’t lie and say he wasn’t slightly surprised by your aggressiveness, yet of course he wouldn’t admit out loud or show it. Still, the spite in your demeanor towards him in this moment was like nothing he’d ever witnessed before. Sure you were as stubborn as could be, there was no denying that, and as his greatest weapon, he knew more than anyone just how fearsome you were. You’d just never directed it at him.
Until now. And Kaz could see just how much these jobs meant to you. However, regardless of the fact, his mind was made up, and that was final. You were not to be joining this mission, instead you could stay there with any medical supplies they may need ready in case anyone got injured. But he couldn’t risk you being the one in possible need of help in the unfortunate case you got hurt if you went.
And that’s exactly what he told you, not that final part of him not wanting you get hurt though of course. You let out another scoff followed by the fakest laugh he had ever heard. Actually, come by think of it, that was the only time he’d ever heard you laugh in general. What a pity it wasn’t genuine.
“Oh so what, is this a demotion? Or do you suddenly just not need me anymore, is that it? I thought I was your stupid ‘Greatest Weapon’. What changed that?”
‘My feelings for you!’ Kaz’s mind seemed to yell at him. Instead he just clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes at you. “It’s not a demotion, it’s protection.”He claimed. You rolled your eyes. “Bullshit. Protection against what exactly? You know better than anyone else that I can handle myself. Been doin’ it since I was a kid, I’m more capable than most when it comes to fighting.”
“I wasn’t talking about your protection.” Kaz hissed. Lie. “I’m talking about our protection, me and the other Crows. You’re reckless, you get hotheaded, that puts us in danger. I can’t afford you putting any of our lives on the line anymore, especially on this job.”
Another lie. You weren’t any of those things. You were one of the most skilled he’d ever seen or known, he just had to say these things to get you to back down. You however, being the stubborn pain in the ass you always were, still wasn’t buying it, even if you were slightly hurt by what he said.
“No. No Kaz I’m buying that. I’m not reckless, I never have been. I’m your best shot at bringing home the big win for this heist and you know that! Everyone fucking knows that! So tell me, truthfully, why aren’t you letting me do this? Is it punishment? Or could it be that you’re jealous? Is that it?”
Kaz drew in a deep breathe as he listened to you rant, which stopped you short in your tracks. “That’s it, isn’t it? You’re jealous. Oh Saints, is the Kaz Brekker jealous of his Greatest Weapon? Is that why you don’t want me going, because you’re afraid I’ll best you?”
His dark eyes glared at the mention, but remained silent. You just smirked, thinking you had figured it out. “Well then,” you hummed. “I guess now that we’ve gotten to the bottom of this I can go, can’t I? Unless you don’t mind me telling everyone why you had such a hissy fit over me joining...”
With that, you turned to leave his office, satisfied thinking you won and could officially go. But before you reached the door, Kaz’s voice calling your name stopped you in your spot. You froze, shocked by the tone of his voice. Not because it was harsh, not because he was snapping at you, but... because the way he spoke was so soft it was like a whisper.
That was something you’d never experienced before. Kaz had never sounded so, desperate? You turned on your heals to him, your boots creaking on the floor as you came face to face with him. And that’s when the real shock of this situation set in.
In front of you was no longer your boss, the barrel of the bastard that so many feared. Instead, in his place was a boy who looked like he’d seen a ghost. “Y/N,” he began, it came out in a croak. “Kaz?” You questioned, unsure you took a few steps closer towards him.
He looked up you, with shiny eyes that looked like they burned with tears waiting to be shed. “Kaz, I- Whats going-,” you began, but he held up a gloved hand, silencing you.
“Y/N,” he started once more. “I- I’m not doing any of this out of jealousy, o-or because I think you’re reckless. I’m going this because...” his voice goes quiet, and he looks like he’s trapped in thought. “Because...?” you questioned, eagerly awaiting whatever it was he was going to say.
Kaz inhaled heavily before exhaling, pinching the bridge of his nose and tightly closing his eyes. “Because I can’t lose you.” he finally concluded. And now it was your turn to inhale sharply, shock overtaking you once more.
“W-what do you mean, lose me, Kaz? I-I dont-,” he interrupts you. “This heist is dangerous, Y/N. It’s not like our usual ones, this one could mean certain death for some. I cannot let any of those be you. I won’t. I can’t. You may be my greatest weapon, but you’re also my greatest weakness. W-without you I- I can’t think of what I’d do without you. You’re all I have left, Y/N. The only person I’ve had by my side since I was a child that I have left and I can’t jeopardize that more than I have. So please, please I’m begging you, stay here. For me.”
Your eyes went wide and glassy as he spoke, all the words that tumbled out of his mouth hitting you at full speed while you tried to process what this meant. You rose your bowed head to look him in the eyes, they mirrored your own. Glassy and wide, but with a mix of something you hadn’t seen in ages.
Childlike hope. The same hope he had in his eyes the day you promised you’d be by his side forever when you were both children. His only hope left was to keep you safe, that’s all he wanted. And that’s when you agreed, “okay.” your voice was shaky. “Okay, I’ll stay. But just for this one, deal? As long as you promise me you’ll be okay without me. Promise me you’ll come back to me.”
Kaz felt many things in this moment of what he had just revealed, but mostly he felt relieved at your agreement. If he could ensure you’d be safe for even just an extra day, then he’d make it his mission to make sure this heist went perfectly so he could make it back home to you.
“I promise. I’ll come back to you, Y/N. I always will.”
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
The Island | KTH (Four)
Summary: You’re just two strangers waking up in a room on a lonely island where a company in the business of love has placed you. They believe that thanks to their in depth research you two are destined soulmates. What happens when your ‘soulmate’ and you want nothing to do with each other but falling in love is the only way to leave?
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, very slight enemies to lovers, soulmates au, roommate au, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, slight crack, and drama.
Word Count: 11k
Warnings: swearing, sexual tension (?) implied sex
Notes: this is not a reflection of Taehyung’s art! Just saying lol But anyway, hope you guys like this chapter. Tae and oc sure have a lot of moments huh. let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, or send an ask if just want to chat about the stories!:)
Taglist: @ggukkieland @707sblog @peacedreamer14 @dopedreamfireparty @everythingnamjoon @taebae19 @typicalgenzworld @mooniyooni @getmemyfries @helenazbmrskai @justinetingball @jpeachytaev
© taestefully-in-luv
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Month 4
“What the fuck is that?” You point accusingly towards the paper Taehyung is excitedly holding up.
“What do you mean,” he grins. “It’s you!”
“…throw it away.”
“What?! No! I worked hard on this!”
“I look like a god damn frog.”
“In the painting or in real life becau—"
“THE PAINTING!” You leap towards Taehyung and reach for his atrocious artwork. Can he even call this disaster art? No offense, no actually, full offense but its ugly as hell. Taehyung lifts it high above his head.
“Listen, listen…don’t you think this hurts my feelings a little y/n? I worked hard on th—”
“I swear to God Taehyung…if you don’t burn this—"
“OKAY OKAY! No need to put out threats!” he pouts almost theatrically. You eye him up and down, waiting for him to make a move towards a trashcan but he just stands here.
“Well? Go throw it away.”
“Yeah, no.”
You close your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose, “What do you mean no?”
Taehyung narrows his eyes at you and laughs under his breath as he steps closer to you.
“First of all, you don’t tell me what to do. I prefer if it’s the other way around.” He smirks, “And second, I am still going to keep it. For the memories.”
You chew on your lips for a few moments, letting his words sink in. But for the memories?
“For the memories? Why would you want to remember any of this?”
Taehyung frowns at your words, he looks genuinely offended.
“I might not like our situation but…”
“But what?”
“Fuck, don’t make me say it.” He says while turning red. “You know, I still want to make good memories with like, you.” He admits softly.
You finally give in, gently reaching for the awful artwork. Don’t get it wrong, Taehyung’s art is usually so beautiful. He does landscapes and abstract pieces and they absolutely blow you away. But his portraits of people? Disgusting.
“Fine…” You smile down at the painting in your hands then look back at him, “But if I see this hung up anywhere I am burning it myself.” You smirk. “And I will take great pleasure in that.”
“Oooooh please tell me more about your pleasures.” Taehyung wiggles his brows at you.
“You’re the worst.” you smile, “Anyway, do we have a deal?” you stick out your hand for him to shake.
“Deal!” Taehyung cheeses, slapping your hand down and going in for a quick hug instead. You’re surprised to say the least, you kind of guessed Taehyung was the affectionate type but you didn’t expect to be on the receiving end of it. “I’ll be in my art room most the day. Movie night though?”
“Yes, movie night.” you oblige.
“Yay.” He chirps happily, skipping off to his art room down the hall. You can’t help but smile as he disappears from your sight.
But then your heart pinches in your chest. You want to feel happy. Are you just ungrateful? You should be happy. Taehyung is finally being himself around you and you finally feel like you aren’t as alone. But it’s all a façade technically…he’s got no one else, just like you have no one else. In the real world…if you two met would you become friends like this? Or is this all forced? Is your entire friendship fake? You feel your heart sink to the bottom of your stomach, you hate these thoughts.
He’s so different than you thought he would be…he’s lighthearted, he’s funny, he’s silly, he’s talented, he’s human. And don’t even get started on flirty Taehyung…You really thought he was some closed off asshole but as time goes on and he becomes more and more comfortable you see the real him, and you really enjoy it. And you hate that you enjoy it. What are you like? Are you still a brat? Does he still think that? You chuckle to yourself, he probably does. Has he grown so comfortable with you that he’s not as angry about being stuck here with you? No, you imagine he’s still really upset about this whole thing. He just doesn’t voice it to you as much anymore. Maybe he’s avoiding the subject. You can understand why. It’s awkward. This place wants to get you two together but neither of you are interested in the other romantically. You just don’t see it happening.
Taehyung is just relaxing in his room on the verge of a glorious nap, he is finally dozing off, eyes slowly closing when his head snaps up in reaction to a loud crash coming from downstairs. Now what the hell could that be? Panicked, he rushes to his feet. He flies down the stairs in record time trying to find the source of the loud bang. He stands in the living room, glancing around the area for any sign of you. Are you okay? Where are you? Shit. Frustrated, he runs his fingers through his hair and as calmly as possible calls out for you. But nothing. Fuck. Your name slips past his lips in growing panic.
He decides he is going to charge each room in search for you, when he reaches the door to his art studio. He can hear muffled words on the other side of the door.
“Shit. Damn. Fuck.”
He instantly roll his eyes to the back of his head, literally so far back all that’s seen is the white of his eyes.
“Such foul language for such a pretty mouth.” He whispers to himself, slowly creeping the door open, exposing a distracted and distraught you.
“Motherfucker!” you huff, your hands on your hips, eyeing the mess you made. God damn did you make a fucking mess. On the floor is a canvas, brushes scattered and a rainbow of colors splattered all around.
“What. Are. You. Doing.”
Your head whips in his direction, your face turning many shades of reds. He stands at the doorway making his presence known, looking at you expectantly, judgement in his eyes. At least he hopes you can see the judgement in his eyes. Because he is definitely judging like hella hard.
You continue to stand here, your blush deepening. He is too frustrated to find it anything but annoying. You begin to stutter out words he can’t make out. You are trying your best, that much is obvious. You’re trying to explain yourself but he can tell you’re only becoming more and more flustered at the situation. He is sure his annoyed expression doesn’t help your ability to speak. Whoops.
“I-I was…well, you said, well remember you said…” You try. You really try. He almost wants to laugh, but not quite.
“I-I said? I said what?” He keeps his stoic demeanor intact, just stressing you further. He’s almost having fun with this. Almost.
“Well, Taehyung…listen,” you try again. “You said,”
“I said?”
Your eyes scan the room as if there’s something here that will help you.
“Words y/n. I need you to use your words.” He demands, maybe having a little fun stressing you out. He sees your blush become such a deep shade of red that even he feels embarrassed.
Finally, you releases a long breath and words begin spilling out of your mouth.
“You said you wanted to keep that frog picture—“
“Your portrait, you mean.”
“Yes, yes whatever. Anyway, you wanted to keep it for the memories, right? You…you…you’re sentimental like that or whatever.” You pause to take a breath. “And and…”
He raises a brow at you, taking a few steps forward, mindful of the mess you made.
You raise your head to look into his eyes. You’re staring so intensely that he wonders where you got this wave of confidence from. He stares back just as seriously. Your eyes are the same as usual, dark, plain, boring. For the most part.
“And…I decided that maybe, that maybe I want to…paint you…too?” you step forward. “You know, for the memories.” You tear your eyes away from him. But he sort of wishes you didn’t.
His brows pinch together at your little idea. You want to paint him ? He studies your face seeing if maybe there’s anything else. You look tense under his gaze, he admits that makes him feel kind of good. Is that mean? You look so incredibly shy, and it is so fucking...something, he doesn’t know what but it’s something. He continues to observe you and your shy expressions.
He looks down at you and breaks into his best shit eating grin, his hand reaches down to ruffle your hair.
“Yes!” he lightly chuckles, “Let’s make lots of memories!”
It looks like you’re in a daze, his reaction catching you off guard, he guesses. Taking a moment to collect yourself, you look up into his eyes again.
“Yeah, lots of ‘em.” your smile slowly begins to fade, “We won’t be here forever, so we have to leave with lots of memories.” you mutter.
Taehyung feels himself go soft at your words.
“y/n…” he slides his fingers down to cup the back of your head, fingers gently massaging your scalp. “When this is all over…we can still be in contact, you know?” Your eyes travel to the floor, eyeing the mess you made. He’s still getting over that.
“I know…but Taehyung, I still feel like I don’t even know basic things about you! Like what even is your favorite, uh, I don’t know, animal? I can’t tell you how long I have been wondering that and—”
“Then let’s have a whole night dedicated to that. Let’s drink some wine, paint some pictures and learn everything there is to know!” he moves his hand forward, his fingers playing at the ends of your hair, “Like, what shampoo did they give you because your hair is soft as fuck.”
You give him an unimpressed look,
“I know you steal my shampoo sometimes, I’m not dumb.”
“Don’t know what you are talking about.” He cheeses.
“But okay,” you grin at him, “Let’s do that.”
“I love Koalas and sloths!” You��re laid out on your stomach, swinging your legs above you while sipping on your red wine.
“You can’t choose two!”
“I just did.”
“Fine. Mine is…drum roll…its…” he pats the floor repeatedly.
“Oh come on! Tell me! I’ve been dying to know!”
“Its…lion!” he lays next to you, resting on his side. He eyes the painting you are working on. It’s supposed to be him…supposed to be.
“I like lions too.” You add more color to the background of the canvas. He can hear the smile in your voice.
“Sheesh…and you think I am bad at drawing people…”
“Stop being a hater!”
“ME?” he stares at you incredulously.
You and Taehyung are a few glasses of wine in already. He can tell its hitting you harder than its hitting him, you’re extra talkative and all giggly. He’s painted a picture of the beach while you’ve worked on a portrait of him, it’s amusing to say the least—the portrait. Pretty quickly glasses turned into bottles. Bottle number 3 has been opened and now he is also talkative and all giggly. He’s a giggly lil thang when he’s drunk, and he is drunk.
“Okay,” he sits up, sitting on his legs. “First impression of me, go!” he laughs, for literally no reason.
“I thought you kidnapped me.” You state plainly, “So like, a creepy person.”
His jaw drops.
“I’m offended!” He lays his hand over his heart. “You thought I was creepy?! And there I was thinking you were just some hot chick I hooked up!” Yes, he called you hot to your face. He is drunk, he is allowed to do that. Yeehaw.
“Okay to be fair, that thought crossed my mind too.”
“That I was some hot chick you hooked up with?”
“I never said hot.”
“But you were thinking it, right right?” he wiggles his eyebrows in the most exaggerated way.
You smirk before chugging back the rest of your wine, reaching for a new bottle.
“Okay, maybe I thought it.” You admit, your sly smile growing.
“Want me to open it?” he gestures towards the wine bottle.
He reaches for the bottle of wine, his hands brushing against yours. He hates that he feels a quiet fire in his insides when he touches you. He hates how when his skin makes contact with your skin there is an automatic heat that lights up and warms him, burns him almost.
“Do you have someone? That you like?” You slur out, curious about Taehyung’s love life.
“…Yes.” Taehyung admits softly.
“I am what they call a ‘Dilf’” Jin states confidently. The rest of the boys share a look of confusion.
“You literally aren’t a dad?” Jimin looks at Jin with a puzzled smile.
“But you can’t tell me I am not a ‘dilf’ though.”
“Okay Jin, you’re a dilf.” Namjoon rolls his eyes, going back to his book.
“I wanna be a dilf too.” Jungkook whines and Taehyung nods his head in agreement. Jin shakes his fingers at the boys and speaks up.
“You have to earn the title.”
“Yeah, by being a dad.” Jimin deadpans.
“Let the man have his dreams.” Yoongi says before putting his ear bud back in his ear and nodding along to whatever song is playing.
“My dream is to finish this assignment.” Hobi groans into his pile of papers on the table.
“This is your fault for going back to school for your masters!” Taehyung teases. He has just recently dropped out of school and he is loving it. He watches as his friend works night after night on paper after paper and Taehyung no longer has to worry about things like that. He can just focus on the music.
“Are you guys using this chair?” Taehyung hears a sweet voice cut off all their chatter. He looks up to see this gorgeous girl with light brown hair that reaches her waist and eyes as bright as the sun.
“Uh, no.” Taehyung clears his throat, “You can take it.”
“Thanks.” She smiles at Taehyung and then at the rest of the boys before she’s dragging the chair to the table next to them.
“Holy shit.” Taehyung whispers to Jungkook, “She’s so pretty.”
“That’s Hana.” Jungkook looks over his shoulder at Hana and her friends. “I have a class with her.”
“Bro, introduce me!” Taehyung begs. “You literally owe me.”
“From what?!”
“I let you fuck that one chick like 2 years ago even though I saw her first.”
“Oh? You let me? Really?” Jungkook rolls his eyes. “But anyway, sure. I’ll introduce you.” He says nonchalantly, picking up his drinking and taking a sip.
“Taehyung?” you wave your hand in front of his blank face. “Taehyung?” “Huh? Yeah?” he starts snapping out of his memories, “what’s up? What did you say?”
“I asked her name.” you smile awkwardly, “The girl you like.”
“Hana.” He quietly clears his throat, “What about you? Do you have someone?”
“After my ex? I am staying away from men for a while.” You laugh, “Like, can you blame me?”
Taehyung can’t help by frown at your words.
“Don’t close yourself off…” Taehyung whispers to you. “You’re too pretty for that.” He slurs out and you blink at him repeatedly.
“I’m pretty?”
Taehyung scoffs and rolls his eyes playfully.
“Like you didn’t know.”
Hours pass you two by, more wine has been drank and you two are giggling like school children. Taehyung is folded over, laughing a storm as you do your best impression of a dolphin. You can’t help but fall over and laugh your head off as well, the alcohol obviously has made you two crazy.
Taehyung finally calms down and looks at you with soft eyes, “So, what’s your biggest fear?” he asks, leaning forward.
“No!” you laugh. Fucking laugh. “Listen, we can go back to our serious convos another day…right now I wanna…” you slur your last words, “wanna talk about fun stuff.” you give him the most sleazy wink he’s ever seen. It kind of works for him though.
“Okay.” He agrees easily, “Tell me the story about how you lost your virginity? Don’t leave anything out”
Your eyebrows shoot up, “Wanna know the dirty details huh?” you part your lips and smile.
“Dirty? I bet it was as vanilla as vanilla gets.”
You frown at his words, “I’m not vanilla. I’m fun, I swear.” you pout.
“I didn’t mean it as boring babe. I just mean you probably lost it to like your high school sweetheart, your first love, blah blah blah. The romantic shit.” You exhale a short breath…babe? You like the new friendly nickname, you admit.
“Actually it’s the opposite.”
“The opposite?”
“First year of college. Random guy from a bar. Total one night stand type of situation. I didn’t even tell him it was my first time. I think he probably just thought I was really inexperienced. “ You laugh to yourself. Sounds like a situation you might regret but there is no bitterness in your tone.
“Oh wow. y/n the cry baby can do one night stands?” he teases.
“I’m full of surprises you know.” The glint in your eye tells him he’s going to find out eventually.
“Well then what are the dirty details?” he pries further, leaning into your space again.
“Hmm, don’t think I am drunk enough for that.”
“Oh, I can grab another bottle of wine.” He teases, “But fine.”
“About your comment about me being vanilla…” you begin but Taehyung is cutting you off with the shake of his head.
“I didn’t mean it bad—”
“Are you into vanilla sex?”
Taehyung’s eyebrows crawl to the top of his forehead and his mouth falls open.
“Why are you asking that?” he breathes out, his eyes darkening.
“They paired us together, you know? We probably have more in common than you think…my guess that means sex too.”
“I know we have that in common.” He smirks, “I’m guessing you never looked in the other room?” he quirks a brow at you. “You might find it interesting.”
“The other room?” you tilt your head to the side, “Oh? The one upstairs next to your bathroom? Yeah, I stuck my head in there once…I saw it’s just another bedroom.”
“Is it really just another bedroom though? You didn’t have a look around?” his sly smile grows on his stupidly handsome face. “Like I said…you might find it interesting.”
“What are you talking about?” you slur, “Why would I…?”
Taehyung rises to his feet, walks towards you and leans down until he’s softly gripping your arm and pulling you up.
“Let’s go explore.” He chuckles, “I want you to see the room.” He’s guiding you out the art room, you two stumbling through the door.
You both begin to make your way upstairs, his hand never leaving your arm as you two walk. You keep bumping into him and he only laughs, squeezing your arm every few moments. You guys walk through the hall until you’re standing outside the bedrooms door.
“Go on.” He looks at you with a smirk, “I want you to explore this bedroom.”
“You’re being weird.” You giggle, opening the door.
And just like you thought, it’s just a bedroom. There’s a large bed in the middle of the room against the wall, and a couple of dressers, a closet, a huge ass mirror and other normal bedroom things.
“And?” You glance at Taehyung.
He looks at you with an amused smile. “Explore.” He commands.
You give him a weird look before walking through the room, your hand slides against the dresser that holds the extra large mirror. You catch your reflection and smile at how drunk you look. Taehyung walks behind you and eyes both of your reflections, he steps close to you and chuckles.
“I like this mirror.” He whispers. “Great view of the bed.”
“Uh yeah?” you look at him through the mirror, “I guess so.”
“Explore the drawers.” His evil grin makes you nervous…you look down at the drawers and open the first one on the left, there’s multiple things inside but you can’t tell what they are. You stick your hand inside and grab the first thing it can find. You pull this object out and bring it closer to your face, your drunken vision making it hard to identify what it is. Then your eyes are expanding and you drop the object in the drawer, the loud thud making you jump.
“What was that?” Taehyung whispers, “Something you know right?”
A dildo. Your eyes scan the rest of the drawer only to see more, along with other toys. You quickly slam the drawer shut and turn around to face Taehyung, who is standing so close behind you.
“What the hell?” you stutter out, turning red.
“That’s not all. Check the closet.” He says quietly, pointing towards the closet. And you listen, you walk forward until you’re standing beside the sliding door. You open it and see various articles of clothing.
Lingerie and outfits. Maid, nurse, etc. You stare at the clothes in disbelief.
“What is all this?” you turn to face Taehyung.
“You tell me.” He says chuckling, “Seems like we like the same stuff.” He shrugs. “Maybe you can,” he walks closer and is touching the maid lingerie, “wear this next you’re cleaning the house.”
He’s teasing you. Your stomach twists and turns, your heart is jumping out of your chest and you feel so fucking warm.
“S-Shut up.” You lean back on the door.
“Oh baby, I think you and I both know who tells who what to do here.” He breathes out, not looking at you as he still plays with the material of more lingerie.
“Taehyung,” you sigh, “The cameras can’t hear you in here.”
“Ah,” he turns to face you, “Right. Should we head back downstairs?”
“Yes.” You slur out, feeling quite dizzy.
Month 5
It’s the bright white screen you know all too well…it has you releasing a shaky breath as you wait for the black letters to eventually appear.
“Hey Taehyung…” you call out for you roommate who is making something to eat in the kitchen. “I think we have an incoming message from our,” You pause, huffing out. “Our little friends.”
“Oh. Oh shit.” You hear Taehyung whine from behind you. “I thought they were finally starting to back off…” he sighs out. “Let’s see what these fuckers want.”
Skinny dip for 1 hour. Must be within a foot of one another.
Ex-excuse you? Ex-fucking-cuse you? Skinny who what for when what? Your eyes bulge out of your head. This has got to be some sort of joke.
“Hell no!” you yell out, not even sparing Taehyung a glance.
Voice full of panic, Taehyung is quick to bring up the alternative.
“The penalty!” he rushes. “What’s the penalty? We will just do the penalty!”
No power or running water for 3 days.
“No pow—what the fuck?” Taehyung shakes his head, disbelief written all over his face.
“Wait! And no running water? Like, we can’t flush the toilet for 3 days? That’s bullshit!” you drag your hands down your face, “And wont the stuff in our fridge go bad?”
Several long moments pass between you two and not in a cool way. There’s nothing cool about this shit. There’s tension filling the air around you both. Awkward tension.
“Isn’t this too much?” Taehyung finally says, obviously not able to tolerate the silence any longer.
You both exchange worried glances with one another before Taehyung says some shit you don’t like.
“Let’s just do the request.”
Your eyes basically pop out of your head.
“Are you out of your mind—do the requests? How could you say that so easily!” you mumble, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“I feel like it’s the best choice.” He gives his honest answer. “Plus, you’ve never seen a naked man before? We will get over it y/n. Knowing me and you, we will be laughing about it in a couple days.” He finally turns to face you, throwing a wink your way, “You know it’s true.”
You mull over your options and hate that he’s right. You very timidly respond with a quiet ‘okay’ and avoid his eyes. His dark, intimidating eyes.
Your heart is racing, No, that is an understatement; your heart is on the verge of explosion. Your nerves are scattered and pounding from the inside out. You are freaking out. Naked with Taehyung? And he seems cool as a fucking cucumber.
“Let’s meet outside once it’s completely dark out.” You suggest.
“Read my mind.”
“…Of course I did, we’re” you roll your eyes. “Soulmates.” you laugh bitterly to yourself, “anyway, I’ll just see you tonight.”
“So you’re just going to avoid me until tonight?” Taehyung asks, “It’s not like they’re asking us to fuck.” He sways on his feet, “Just keep your eyes on my eyes and we will be fine.”
“Right.” You choke out, “Because it’s that easy.”
“Are you saying it’s impossible not to check me out?” he teases and you feel your cheeks heat up.
“Shut up.”
Night fall approaches sooner rather than later. You wish it would have taken a million years to appear but nope, here you are. You stand outside with Taehyung in front of you. You’re in an oversized t shirt and loose shorts, keeping it simple since they’re coming off anyway. Taehyung wears his usual sweats and a white tee. You two are standing next to the pool, knowing the time has finally come. After leaving Taehyung earlier this afternoon, you took a much needed nap to clear your head.
“Don’t let your eyes linger.” You mumble, nodding your head in his direction.
“Ha, I was going to say the same thing to you.” He pokes his tongue out. Taehyung looks fucking comfortable as fucking always. Like, this doesn’t bother him in the least.
Luckily, the tension is tolerable. So you decide to make the first move. You begin unbuttoning your shorts—
“Woah! Woah! Woah! Wait!” he yells. His arms flailing, trying to stop you.
You scrunch your nose in annoyance, “What?” you ask, not too pleased since you are just trying to get this over with. If you got told 5 months ago that you would be in a hurry to get naked in front of this guy you would ugly laugh. Yet here you are.
“It’s just-it’s just…we should go at the same time.” Taehyung rushes to say.
“Oh, okay. Pants first, let’s go—”
“No! that’s awkward.” He shakes his head, “shirt first.”
“Okay, okay.” You oblige, “weirdo” You whisper loud enough that he can hear you.
The two of you begin with your tops, you try to focus your eyes elsewhere but they naturally skim the skin of his chest and abdomen as his shirt comes off quickly. Taehyung doesn’t even try to look away as you undress, his dark, intimidating stare causing you to feel chills. You slip off your pink t shirt, exposing your bare torso that is laced with a pretty black bralette. His gaze doesn’t waver.
“Okay, next is our bottoms right?” You gulp. He only nods.
You continue the job on unbuttoning your shorts, letting them fall to your feet exposing your matching black panties. Yes, you wore a sexy matching set on purpose. If he’s going to see you like this why wouldn’t you want to look good? You would do that for anybody. You can feel him eyeing you as he slips off his sweats, leaving him in nothing but a pair of blue briefs.
Finally, you are left in nothing but your underwear. You eye him over, his body is so fucking nice it makes you feel bad for even standing next to him. His briefs are a light blue, leaving little to the imagination. You can literally see the outline of his—you know what. Is he sporting a semi, right now? You do an up and down of your own body when you realize you have more clothes than him!
“Hey this is unfair!” You whisper, covering your chest with your arm. “I have to strip my bra off and you what, just get to watch?”
“Oh? So I am allowed to watch?” he responds playfully. It’s that same teasing tone you’re still trying to get used to.
“Well, you’re obviously going to see…” You grumble, lowering your arm. “Welp, here goes.”
Taehyung swallows rather hard, his eyes trailing your body pretty shamelessly. You reach in front of you, unhooking the bralette and letting the straps fall off your shoulders before letting the whole thing fall to the ground.
“Uh, okay.” Taehyung clears his throat. “Now our underwear.”
“Right.” You say while reaching for the band of your panties, pulling it back a bit and letting it go, the material slapping against your hips. You swear you see his dick move at that.
“Okay.” Taehyung’s breathing is heavier than before, “On 3? 1…2..”
“3!” you shout in unison.
You both begin stripping away your last piece of clothing. You’re the first to be fully undressed. You let your panties drag down leg by leg until they join the pile of clothes at your feet. It’s not that you’re trying to do this in a sexy manner, but if it comes across sexy—then so be it. Taehyung pauses mid action, his eyes scanning your body again. God, you are starting to get really nervous again. His gaze absolutely thrills you, you can admit that. You’d live a life of torture to have him stare at you like this all the time. You see him lick his lips then shake his head. You didn’t just imagine that right?
“Hurry up.” You plead.
Taehyung finally drags off his briefs. By the looks of it he looks mostly hard, as his cock springs free. Holy Fuck. Your last ex—Ben—was not this…blessed. Taehyung has every right to be as cocky as he wants, he’s earned it. His dick is long in length but he also seems to have girth. How is one man blessed this much? You would have to have your hand wrapped around it—or your lips—to really know how thick he is. Jesus fucking Christ, what are you saying? You think your best excuse is that you are dick deprived. Also…how long have you been staring? You will say long enough by the look Taehyung is giving you. It’s that shit eating grin that just screams he is one cocky bastard.
“Okay,” you clear your throat, forcing yourself to look into Taehyung’s eyes. “Let’s get in the pool.”
“You got the timer?” Taehyung chuckles.
“It’s laying on the ledge.” you point at it, walking closer to the pool. “Ready?” you look up at him, waiting for his response.
“You look beautiful by the way.” He says out of nowhere. “I mean, as always.” He winks.
You blush pretty fucking hard at that, you can feel all the heat rush to your cheeks, lighting you on fire.
“Are you-are you ready or what?” you grumble.
“Always.” He grins, reaching for you hand. “Let’s go.”
You two tip toe into the water, pausing every few seconds to get use to the temperature of the water. You stop once the water reaches your collarbones, you walk towards the wall, lean against it and face forward. You turn the timer on and you both exchange a few words but you remain mostly quiet, You don’t think either of you know what to say. Every minute that passes (about 15 to be exact) has your nerves spiking.
You hear Taehyung sigh deeply as he inches closer towards you. Now why would he do that? He inches so close that your shoulders are touching, he sinks a little further into the water and then surprising you, he rests his head on your shoulder. What the fuck is he doing?
“We can have a foot of space between us.” You remind him awkwardly.
Taehyung remains quiet, you only hear his soft breaths.
“You know how hard it is going to be to get the image of you naked out of my head?” He whispers with a chuckle.
“Don’t start using me as masturbation material.” You joke, your eyes looking out at the water. It’s calm and bright from the lights inside the pool.
“Start? You think you haven’t entered my mind before?” he jokes back. At least you think he’s joking.
“Stop playing.” You laugh awkwardly.
Taehyung is quiet again and you can feel the tension that always visits you two starting to build.
“Do you…have you…have you thought about me before?” you manage to slip out, surprising yourself.
“You’re asking if I’ve—”
“If you’ve thought about me when you have ‘alone’ time’ ya know?”
“Do you think I haven’t?” he lifts his head and stares at you. “y/n…I’m a guy. And you’re kind of the only person I see.”
Oh. It’s not like I see anyone else. His last words repeat in your mind. Of course, that makes sense. He’s stuck with you, of course you’ve entered his mind, probably against his will or whatever.
“I see.” You say softly. You step to the side, getting further from him and he frowns.
You two stand here, barely speaking. Maybe another 20-30 minutes pass when Taehyung dramatically huffs out.
“Listen y/n…about earlier.” Right earlier. When you made a fucking fool of yourself. Asking your friend is he has ever jacked off to you before! Before he can continue you slap a finger over his pouting lips, shushing him.
“Do you really think now is the time?”
“We have time to kill—”
“—okay! So let’s talk about something else!” you happily offer.
But you guess Taehyung isn’t having it, he steps closer and rests his head on your shoulder again, his breathing picking up. Why is he breathing so hard?
“Just hear me out, okay?”
You only stare ahead, exhaling deeply. What to do…maybe there’s no harm in hearing him out, right? Oh wait there is harm! The feeling of fucking rejection. Why does it feel like rejection? You don’t know. Why the fuck you care? You don’t know that either. But he’s fucking sulking, like a baby. You thought you were the baby here? You guess he needs to have a turn every now and then…
“You probably,” he sinks in the water just a little deeper, “hate me, right?” you don’t hate him…”Me, your friend, has had dirty thoughts about you, yada yada,” he closes his eyes.
“ wait what—” This is because he has had dirty thoughts about you?
“So about what I said…I’m sorry…”
“Taehyung it’s fine,” you rush to say in embarrassment, “I don’t know why I asked! Seriously, it was stupid. I crossed a li—”
“Wait why did you ask?” That’s when you freeze. Yeah why did you ask?
“Why?” he stands up straighter, his head tilted towards you.
“I was just curious Taehyung.” you defend. “It’s not that deep.”
“Curious? About me?” he raises he brow, he pauses while thinking over his words. “Like, sexually?” he finishes, caution in his voice.
Fuck. What did you get yourself into?
“Taehyung…I already said it was stupid. Plus,” you decide to be bold again, “Hearing it was only because I’m the only one here or whatever didn’t do great things for my ego.”
“Wait—” you hear him stifle a chuckle. “That’s what you’re mad about?”
“Well…” you drag out the word with a pout. You don’t mean to be such a baby yet here you are.
“Wow! I thought you were mad because I’ve thought about you impurely, not because it wasn’t a good enough reason why…wow.” He laughs! He’s basically laughing at you!
“Oh my God, y/n. You’re joking right? I can’t just say I have the hots for my friend now can I? That’ll just—”
“Do you?” your voice is much smaller and quieter than you anticipated, like it barely escaped. Taehyung stays quiet for a second too long that it makes you ten times as nervous.
“Are you…” Taehyung looks at you with a look on his face you can’t quite place, “I’m naked in a pool with you right now and I am going crazy. Absolutely crazy.” Taehyung sighs out heavily, a frown taking over his face. “You’re ability to be so naïve just…baffles me.” He admits, defeated.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re a beautiful girl y/n. Of course my mind has wandered. It doesn’t mean I—fuck. It doesn’t mean anything deep or anything like that. But yes, being with you and your fanfuckingtastic tits is giving me some trouble.” He says darkly. “And don’t think I haven’t noticed you checking me out either.” He smirks. “We are human.” He finishes.
A long, deafening silence accompanies you both. Its sitting in the water between your bodies. Just lingering, waiting for one of you to break it in half and drown it in this very pool. But no, it remains. And that person won’t be you. But several minutes have passed by and he is still fucking quiet. Maybe you should be the one to say something? You’re about to you swear , but you hear Taehyung grumble something under his breath.
“What’s that?” you say.
“I said, it’s only fair if I ask too.” Ask what? Oh. Wait. That?
“Ask what?” you ask, pretending you don’t know.
“You know what.”
“Nope.” you say, popping the ‘p’.
“y/n.” “I’m not answering that.”
“Come on.” He leans his face towards your neck, his breaths hitting your wet skin. “It’s only fair.”
“Okay what?” he pushes on. “Come on y/n, have you thought about me when you get yourself off or not?” he asks, his voice really low. How does he get his voice so deep? Fuck, it sends a shiver down your spine.
“Maybe once or twice I have thought about you too.” You admit, feeling a rush of adrenaline as the words leave your mouth.
“Once or twice?” he repeats lowly, “What did you think about?” his words crawl on the side of your neck as they leave his mouth.
“I’m not answering that.”
“I want you to tell me.” He sounds so breathless while being so demanding.
“You’re no fun.” He chuckles. “Aren’t you curious about what I think about?”
“Not really.” You lie. “Don’t worry about my imagination. It’s the only action I’m getting anyway.” You laugh.
“When’s the last time you had sex y/n? Please tell me it wasn’t with your ex…”
“Yeah it was.” You admit and Taehyung pushes his head back, not liking you admission.
“Why haven’t you?” he asks.
“I felt so betrayed Taehyung…it’s sort of hard to trust anyone after that.” You sigh, “He hurt me bad. I’m…”
“You’re what?”
“I just don’t feel comfortable.” You say softly, “I don’t think I will for a while.”
“I see…I’m so sorry. I wish that didn’t happen to you.”
“It’s in the past now.”
Ben holds you close as he comes, his hands leaving behind their marks on your body from how tightly he holds you.
“Fuck yes.” He groans, “Did you come?” he asks quickly, breathing hard into your neck.
“It’s okay.” You sigh out, “As long as you feel good.”
“I felt amazing honey.” He kisses the side of your neck over and over. “Shit, we gotta get going. We’ll be late for work.”
“Do we really have to take separate cars?” you whine.
“Just for now babe.” He promises, lifting himself off your body, leaving your pussy aching for more.
“He look so handsome today as usual…” you hear Layla talking to some of the other girls. “I’m telling you…he’s going to ask me out. He’s been eyeing me lately and complimenting me.” She gushes, catching your interest.
“Who?” you ask, setting your belongings down on your desk.
Layla turns to face you, waves her hand and smiles.
Ben? Like your Ben? Her boss Ben?
“Ben who?” you blink at her and the other girls laugh.
“Obviously the only Ben we know!” Layla giggles and you feel your chest tighten.
“You think he’s going to ask you out?”
“Yes girl! He comes to my desk a few times day, calls me gorgeous, so on and so forth.” Layla says quietly so only you girls can hear. You feel your heart drop.
“I don’t think so.” You speak up. “Ben wouldn’t. He’s already seeing someone.”
“Oh really? Who?” Layla scrunches her brows together, “Because—”
“Me.” You blurt. “He and I are…”
The other girls stop their giggling and look at you with shocked eyes.
“There’s no way.” One of them says.
“y/n, are you serious?” Layla blushes, feeling a little embarrassed now.
“Yes, for months now.” you admit. “But we weren’t telling anyone…yet.”
“Wow! I can’t believe this!” another girl says, her hand coming to her mouth.
You then in a hush hush voice tell the group of girls yours and Bens story. You tell them how he pursued you, you finally agreed and how you two have been dating for over 6 months. They gush and gasp and giggle. It feels good to finally tell people, you think.
But unfortunately for you, it wasn’t good at all.
“y/n?” Taehyung knocks you out of your daze. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Fine.” You sigh, feeling weak. “I’m okay.”
Taehyung looks at you with pity, his eyes full of it. He stands tall and floats until he’s standing in front of you.
“I’m going to hug you.” He states calmly, “I really need to hug you.”
“Taehyung…” you step back until your back hits the ledge. “Now isn’t really appropriate.”
“I don’t care. I’ve already seen you naked.” He says nonchalantly. “C’mere.” He opens his arms wide for you and you shake your head.
“I said, c’mere.” He inches closer and closer. “Or I’m coming to you.”
“Taehyung.” You whine, but you let him get closer to you.
His wet arms reach out for you, he’s gripping your shoulders first before his hands easily slide down your arms until they’re under water holding on to your waist.
“C’mere.” He repeats. And you slowly inch closer towards him, your arms hesitantly circling around his middle. And then he’s pulling you in to his chest…he sighs when he feels your budding nipples graze his skin, he sighs when he feels the fullness of your breasts being pushed into him, he sighs when he feels you.
You release a long breath as you hug him, maybe you needed this. This type of human contact. You pull back and look up into Taehyung’s dark eyes, he’s already gazing at you.
“Thanks.” You mumble.
“I think of you because you’re cool. And really pretty.”
“Huh?” Why is Taehyung suddenly complimenting you?
“When I’m—you know. I think of you because you’re cool and really pretty. I could think of anyone ya know? That’s how an imagination works. But I still think about you.”
You’re sure your face is a dark crimson, with how hard you are blushing. How are you supposed to take this new information?
“W-Well,” You find it hard to look into his eyes. “I guess, same.”
“Because I’m pretty?” his tone is lighter all the sudden, you roll your eyes.
“What do you think? Timer should be going on any minute now.” Taehyung throws a glance over his shoulder towards the timer.
“Hmm…” You turn, reaching for the timer, your wet hands getting ahold of it. “Less than 5 minutes.” You read it.
“Oh.” He sings, “If you have a secret, share it now!” Taehyung chuckles into the water, his lips creating bubbles on the surface.
“You want to know even more about me?” You stand a little taller, the water reaching the tops of your breasts. You see Taehyung’s eyes linger for a second before meeting your eyes again. “If you wanna know anything, just ask.” You reach your arms over your head, releasing a yawn.
“Okay…” He places his fingers on his chin, “It’s about me though.” He stops, his fingers dragging down his neck. “Ah, never mind.”
“No, it’s weird.”
“Aren’t we passed weird?” you giggle.
“No, it’s really weird.” He sighs out, sinking down into the water until his head is fully under.
You watch as he rises back up, the water cascading down his golden skin, the water from his hair dripping onto his shoulders.
A few moments pass, Taehyung stands here thinking to himself while you just shamelessly watch. You watch as he chews on the inside of his cheek, his eyes upward, scanning the stars. He hums some tune to himself, deep in thought. Honestly, you love when he does this. He looks so…good. Not in a sexual way, you swear. He just looks so him. So Taehyung. He goes from chewing on his cheek to his bottom lip, his teeth digging into the plump flesh. You gulp, God he has no idea how good he looks like this.
“Well?” You ask impatiently. Trying to wave away any more of those thoughts you were just having.
Taehyung releases his bottom lip from his teeth as his lips form into a pout, his eyes closing.
“I’m thinking…”
“Less thinking, more asking.” You feel way too curious about whatever it is he wants to say. And the minutes are passing you by.
Taehyung opens one eye to look at you, he exhales, and faces you.
“Does it sound like I’m in love with Hana?” he says quietly.
“W-What? You’ve only really brought her up once…”
“But when I talked about her did it seem like I have deep feelings for her?”
“She thinks I only like the idea of her” Taehyung mumbles to Jimin and Namjoon. “She doesn’t think I like her as much as I say? Which is so stupid!”
“Isn’t she right though?” Jimin asks with a frown, “You only ever talk about how pretty she is…”
“Jimin means you don’t really have that much in common with her, do you?” Namjoon questions softly. “You don’t…you don’t seem as into as you have been in the past. Are you sure you actually like her?”
Taehyung stares at his friends in disbelief, not believing his ears for one second.
“What are you guys talking about? I fucking like her.” He grits out.
“Are you sure you aren’t just lonely—”
“I don’t want to hear this.” Taehyung stands up from the couch, “I’m going to go see her.”
Taehyung makes it to Hana’s apartment but her roommate answers the door and frowns when she sees Taehyung,
“Uh, I’m here to see Hana.” He gestures inside the apartment.
“Right…” the roommate stands off to the side and lets Taehyung in. “She’s in her room.”
Taehyung walks through the apartment and down the hall until he’s knocking on Hana’s door. She opens it quickly, hugging him and pulling him inside.
“Hey you.” She smiles at Taehyung and he smiles back with his teeth.
“What brings you here?”
“Just came to hang out, maybe watch a movie?” Taehyung sways from side to side, trying to not make this awkward.
“Sure, you can choose the movie.” She goes to her desk, grabs her lap top and gestures towards her bed. “We can watch in my bed.” She says shyly.
“G-Good idea.”
“So how did you like it?” Taehyung asks excitedly. ‘Castaway on the Moon’ just finished and he is so happy he got to show her his favorite movie.
“Honestly?” she chuckles awkwardly, “I didn’t really like it.” She admits. “it was weird.”
“It’s not weird! It’s amazing,” he pouts and she giggles.
He does feel really disappointed that she doesn’t like his favorite movie…is that a red flag? No, he’s just being dramatic, he thinks.
“Next time I’ll choose the movie.” Hana cuddles closer to Taehyung. “Okay?”
“Taehyung…” you begin, “Where is this coming from?”
“She doesn’t think—my friends too—don’t think we have a lot of chemistry. That I’m forcing myself to like her, but that’s not true! But sometimes I feel confused. And I thought I could get an outside opinion.” He admits, “But this was stupid you don’t have to answer.”
You can tell him you believe in his feelings or you can tell him you don’t think he’s even talked about her enough that you take his feelings seriously. But will that hurt him?
Beep beep beep beep beep beep.
The fire place is turned on, creating a safe and cozy atmosphere. The gas lit flames burn a hole in the tension that fills the room. What sort of tension? Not sure.
Taehyung and you are sat comfortably on the sofa, sitting with crossed legs facing one another, your knees just barely touching. A bowl of popcorn rests between you and blankets wrapped around your bodies. Separate blankets, of course.
Taehyung and you have decided to move the party inside (with clothes: on) and continue talking.
The ringing of the timer didn’t completely ruin your conversation only delaying it.
“And I don’t know,” he takes a handful of popcorn and stuffs it in his mouth. “I think we would make a cute couple.”
“Yeah but like I asked, what sorts of things do you two talk about? Not if you guys are a cute couple.”
“We talk.” He states.
“You aren’t helping your case.” You sigh out, biting your lip. “I want to believe in your feelings Taehyung but…”
“I know.” He cuts you off, “I know.”
“So why are you forcing it?” you reach for some popcorn yourself, “Why do you want to like her so bad?”
“I don’t know….” He admits softly, “I really don’t know.”
“You’re unsure of your feelings.” You say bluntly. “That’s what it seems like.”
“Maybe I am.” He wraps the blanket around his shoulders tighter. “I’m like you…I don’t know what love is.”
“And just like me, you’ll find it someday.” You promise him with a sweet smile. “Right?”
“You will for sure.” He breathes out, “I think I’m a ….”
“God, I don’t even want to say it.” He throws his head in his hands. “But I think I am a hopeless romantic.”
“I just want some cute love story with a cute girl. And Hana is perfect.”
“But does she thrill you? Challenge you? Make you laugh?”
“She’s…” fuck, he doesn’t even know. Does he even know Hana that well?
“Hey y/n…” Taehyung looks up at you, his eyes finding yours and you shrink in your spot.
“Can we watch my favorite movie? I’m curious what you might think about it.” He gazes at you and you nod your head slowly.
“Sure Taehyung.”
“Also, you can call me Tae.”
“Holy fuck.” You sob into your hands. “The fucking noodles.”
Taehyung looks over at you with a soft smile as he has his own tears falling down his face.
“I know right?”
“He finally felt like he had purpose Tae,” you look at him with a pathetic scrunched up face, tears still leaving your eyes.
“EXACTLY!” Taehyung wails, “EXACTLY!”
“This movie was amazing, and how everything turned out...wow…and how she…and he…my goodness. I’m still crying.”
“I told you!! I am so glad you enjoyed it.” He moves closer to you on the sofa without thinking.
“Only lame people wouldn’t like this movie!” you basically yell out and Taehyung scoots even closer, his shoulder bumping yours. But you barely notice, still too invested in the movie.
“Yeah.” He agrees with a smile. “You really must be my soulmate.” He jokes with an awkward smile. “No one else really likes this movie.”
“Ha-Ha.” You roll your eyes, “But anyway, that’s crazy since it was so good.”
“Stop praising it or I’ll have to marry you.” He jokes again and you start turning a rosy pink.
“Stop.” You whine, swatting his shoulder.
“Let’s call it a night, yeah?”
You and Taehyung clean up the kitchen and living room and head upstairs for the night, he walks you to your bedroom door and lingers.
“Tonight was crazy. I saw you naked.” He brings up the request and you go redder than red.
“We can literally never talk about it again…”
“Am I allowed to think about it at least?” he winks, his voice low and making you feel tense.
“Goodnight Taehyung.”
Month 6
Today is one of those days…Taehyung is in a bad mood and you’re being a brat. He hates how much you’ve been teasing him today…he is sorting through his feelings for Hana but you insist on walking around with small shorts and low cut tank tops, claiming it’s ‘hot’. He finally has you cornered though, he’s finally had enough. He’s got you pushed up against a wall, his face so close that your breaths mingle with one another.
“You’re really pushing me today…” Taehyung leans closer, his warm breath fanning over your face. “Today’s not the day y/n.” he warns.
“How am I pushing you? I’m literally not doing anything.” You jut your bottom lip out and look to the side.
“You’re being…such a fucking tease.” He decides to say, “Which is giving me a real headache.” He leans down, his arms on either side of your body.
“So I give you a headache?” Your eyes look up into his and you smirk. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
“You are real annoying, you know that?” he can’t help but chuckle, but then he’s exhaling a deep breath and rolling his eyes. “Ask for forgiveness.”
“Ask for forgiveness?” you scoff. “Seriously? And what am I asking forgiveness for?”
“You’re lucky I’m not telling you to beg.”
“Beg?” you scoff again. “Who do you think you—”
“y/n.” his dark eyes gaze into yours. His hand slides down the wall and then it’s at your waist. He pulls you in and leans his head down closer to your face, you feel the lump in your throat grow as you ty to swallow it down.
“Ask for forgiveness.” He tells you again, this time much more softly.
“And if I don’t?” You stare up at him and he chuckles.
“Do you really want to find out?” his gaze doesn’t waver as he looks at you…the way he stares at you makes you feel bare in front of him, like he’s stripping you of your clothes, of your skin, everything.
“And if I do?” you whisper. “What happens if I do?”
Taehyung narrows his eyes at you as he licks his lips repeatedly…you’re really testing him aren’t you? He can’t tell if you’re toying with him because of the cameras or if it’s because you’re a brat.
“y/n.” he says your name like the sound of a slow breath. It feels intimate, the way he calls out for you. You can’t help but gulp as you blink up at him.
“You want to beg, don’t you?” he smirks, he pokes his tongue out as he eyes you. You can see the amusement in his eyes. “You want to…” the words are dying on his tongue because what can he say? Everything he wants to say would probably be deemed as inappropriate.
“I want to what?” you tilt your head up, your eyes scanning the entirety of his face and he leans further into your space.
“Just do as I say, tell me you’re sorry and we can move on.”
“Do as you say?” you lean back until your head is lightly hitting the wall, “You think I would really listen to you?”
“Such a brat.” His hand doesn’t let go of your waist as he leans back as well. “Why do I deal with this? And yes,” he rolls his head back. “I think you would very much enjoy listening to me.” He pauses and bites his lip. “If this company really thinks we’re a match made in heaven then I am sure you can assume what I mean.”
You silently gasp, a blush painting itself brightly on your cheeks.
“Ah,” he leans in again, “So you do know what I mean.”
“Taehyung,” you mumble, “Sometimes your flirting for the camera is too much.” You whisper quiet enough the cameras can’t hear.
Taehyung leans down until his mouth is at the shell of your ear and you can hear the smirk.
“Who says it’s for the cameras?” he leans away from you again, he finally drops his hand from your waist and is about to turn to leave when your hand flies to his shirt.
“Wait.” You blurt out, “I’ll…” you look off to the side. “I’ll say sorry”
“Oh?” Taehyung looks amused to say the least, “Go ahead, then.”
“Only if you tell me what’s wrong today.”
“It’s nothing.”
Your hand goes from the middle of his shirt to his shoulder and you look up at him with big, doe eyes as he blinks down at you over and over.
“What?” he whispers.
“Please.” You whisper back, “I’ll be good,” you promise in a low voice.
Taehyung feels his chest get warm, the heat traveling from there to his toes. He looks at you with his serious expression and softens.
“You are good.” He breathes out. His gaze intense as he stares into your eyes.
“Then…” you pause. Taehyung keeps his eyes on your eyes until he’s not. His eyes slowly travel down your face until he’s staring at your lips. He notices how plump they look, how your tongue darts out to wet them. He feels himself being drawn closer to you, leaning in further and further.
“…Taehyung.” You say breathlessly and Taehyung blinks repeatedly, clearing his throat as he leans back again.
“Fine, don’t apologize. Brat.” And he’s stepping away from you and you watch his back as he walks away.
Taehyung. Is. Such. A. tease. And it drives you absolutely insane. You’re sure the company that watches you is having the times of their lives as you suffer. Why does he have to go this far? It only makes you want to challenge him and go even further yourself. There was a moment, right? Where he acted like he was going to kiss you? Of course he wouldn’t actually do that. This is just for show but god, it still drives you nuts.
Taehyung rushes to his bedroom, slamming the door shut as he rests against it. What the hell is wrong with him? He’s just frustrated. He misses Hana. But why do you have to be so infuriating and you know, hot. And it makes him angry. He wasn’t actually going to kiss you, of course. But there was a moment of strange tension that he…he can’t describe. Taehyung slides down the door, falling to the ground. He remembers his first kiss with Hana, it was sweet and nice but like, he doesn’t remember it being intense not like how it feels when he gets close to you.
“Taehyung!” Hana giggles as she pats his back as she’s thrown over his shoulder. “Put me down!”
“Never!” Taehyung laughs just as much as he runs around in circles. “Ugh, so heavy though.” He jokes.
“Hey!” Hana hits his back, “Come on, put me down.” Her giggles softly relax and he’s setting her down back on the ground, her feet finally planted on the ground as she keeps her arms loosely thrown around his neck.
“You really love carrying me.”
“Holding you is fun.” He smiles, “And you’re not actually heavy. Actually you weigh nothing.”
“Yeah, right.” She playfully rolls her eyes.
“So.” Taehyung chuckles awkwardly, looking into Hana’s eyes.
“So…” she steps closer to him, tightening her hold around her neck. “We’ve been hanging out a lot …” she flutters her lashes, “And..”
“I kind of want you to kiss me.”
“Oh.” Taehyung’s eyes widen. He was not expecting that. He smiles at her and nods his head. “Yeah, I can do that.” He teases, leaning in until his lips are against hers. He pulls back but she pushes herself forward to kiss him more and he sighs in her mouth, loving the feel of her lips.
“We should do that more often.” Taehyung breathes out and Hana giggles.
Taehyung groans into his hands, recalling his memories. He does miss Hana but he feels like every time he thinks of her…he somehow is also thinking about you too. But it’s not like he’s thinking of you like that but yeah, you’re on his mind. And he’s got to chill out. He stands up from the floor and walks to his bed, throwing himself on it with a bounce. He’s still so frustrated. He recalls dinner yesterday, how he…
“I’m staring at you because you have sauce on your lips.” Taehyung says from across the dining room table.
“Should I get it for you?” he teases, standing up from his chair, the sound of it screeching against the floor makes you flinch.
“No, no.” you shake your head, “I can do it myself.”
“What if I want to help you though?” Taehyung tilts his head with innocent eyes. “I’ll clean you up.”
Taehyung walks to your side of the table and bends down until his face is level with your face, he smiles at you and raises his thumb up to your lips. His thumb brushes across your bottom lip slowly, the heat of his finger making you sigh out. He leans in closer as he finishes wiping the sauce off your mouth. When he finishes he takes a moment to look into your eyes like he’s searching them for something. He’s not sure what though. You feel yourself being hypnotized by his gaze, you, yourself stare back at him just as deeply…you think he’s going to lean away any second but instead he brings his hand between your faces and brings his thumb to his mouth. His thumb pushes past his lips and he’s licking it clean, the action purposely agonizingly slow.
“There. Got it.” He breathes out, “All clean.”
Your eyes widen just the slightest…he’s a tease. A fucking tease.
Taehyung’s eyes light up in amusement when he watches how you flush under his hard stare and he starts laughing.
“W-What?” you spit out, your embarrassment has you stabbing your food with your fork. “What’s funny?”
“You.” He says with a grin, the air is starting to thin out as he laughs. “You make me laugh.”
“Glad I can entertain.” You roll your eyes.
You’re so…fuck, you’re so sexy. Taehyung has been wanting to admit that for a while, but god, he has to really fucking control himself. But he’s trying to keep these thoughts at bay because he needs to figure out what he’s doing about Hana.
He lays here thinking of all the moments he has flirted with you for the camera, he groans into his pillow when he has the hardest realization. Is it really for the camera? The tension between you two is so fucking thick, the air is suffocating, making it hard to breathe. The intensity…the thrill. You are the only one who makes him feel like his world is burning with a passionate fire. Hana is nice but you? You’re you and he’s realizing how much he likes that.
He’s realizing a lot. It’s been 6 months and he thinks he is ready to admit that this is beyond what he signed up for. He signed on to get along, but this? This is a whole other journey he’s going on.
Taehyung sits up in bed, his face gone pale as he makes his realizations. His mouth hangs open as his mind races. Does Taehyung just want to fuck you? Or….does Taehyung like you?
Suddenly, there’s soft knocking on his bedroom door, his head snaps in that direction and he knows it’s you—well duh, who else would it be? He scrambles off the bed and he’s opening the door. You’re wearing yoga pants and a long sleeve shirt now with an innocent smile on your face.
“I turned the AC down.” You say. “Now I won’t make your life hard by wearing hardly any clothes.” You’re teasing him and he’s going wild for it.
“Oh really?” he breathes out, “Are you going to say sorry?” he teases back, his breathing picking up.
“Should I ask for forgiveness?” you mock him and he raises a brow at you.
“I’m going to make you beg y/n.” he says lowly, “Keep this up and I’ll be carrying you to the other bedroom.”
Your smile drops at his words. What does he mean by that? He’s taking the acting too far…
“You ever begged before baby?” He walks closer to you, making you uneasy. You step backward further into the hall and sigh out.
“From now on, you’ll only ever do it for me.” He says so low, that you barely hear him. But you do hear him and you shudder.
“Taehyung.” You warn softly, you push him by the shoulders, backing him into his bedroom. Once inside you close the door and look at him expectantly.
“What?” he rolls his eyes at you.
“You’re being too much…” you whisper. “But fuck, I gotta admit you’re good.” You breathe out roughly, “It almost feels real.”
“I wasn’t kidding earlier.” Taehyung walks towards you, his hand reaching out to touch the ends of you hair, “Who says this is for the cameras?”
You glance up at him, clearly confused.
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh y/n.” Taehyung feels his heart start to race. “This just got a lot more interesting.”
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bloody-bee-tea · 3 years
How about "admit it, you had fun today" mingcheng?
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This does not only fill the ask prompt, but also the Ikea prompt on the MDZS Bingo.
Nie Mingjue pinches the bridge of his nose. He feels like at this point succumbing to a fit of rage would be the easiest, but he doesn’t want to yell. Not yet, anyway.
“Absolutely not,” he says, his voice tightly controlled, not for the first time and Jiang Cheng hums.
“Mingjue,” he says and Nie Mingjue has to take a deep breath so that he doesn’t lose it right then and there.
“Wanyin,” he gives back, because two can play that game.
“It fits perfectly,” Jiang Cheng tells him for at least the third time in the last five minutes and that’s it.
Nie Mingjue has had enough.
“Just fitting is not enough!” he says, and when a few heads turn their direction, he realizes that he’s speaking way too loudly, but he doesn’t care. He will not allow this. “There is no way in hell we are going to put this monstrosity into our bedroom! Do you even know how much dust there is in the bedroom? This has open shelves, which are bound to gather all the dust! Plus, it’s shiny white, that thing is not coming within ten miles of our bedroom!” he rages, feeling better now that he finally says what he really thinks.
He only realizes belatedly that Jiang Cheng is smiling at him.
“What?” Nie Mingjue snaps out and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
“You said ‘our’ and ‘we’,” Jiang Cheng says with a dopey smile on his face and Nie Mingjue immediately deflates, his anger absolutely useless when faced with Jiang Cheng’s happiness.
“Of course I did,” Nie Mingjue gives back, still trying to maintain his frown, because his point stands. “It’s our apartment.”
“It is,” Jiang Cheng softly says and takes a tiny step closer to Nie Mingjue.
He doesn’t outright demand a hug or any physical contact, because he never does, despite Nie Mingjue telling him again and again that it’s okay, and so Nie Mingjue takes the hint and pulls Jiang Cheng into his side. Jiang Cheng perfectly fits under his arm and Nie Mingjue wants to do this forever.
“So, the closet?” Jiang Cheng asks after a minute and Nie Mingjue fights the urge to retreat his arm.
“It’s not even a closet,” he hotly says. “It doesn’t even have doors!”
He only realizes that Jiang Cheng is teasing him when he chuckles lowly and Nie Mingjue loves him so much, it threatens to swallow him whole sometimes.
“Can we please just move on and choose something sensible for the bedroom?” Nie Mingjue asks with a sigh and fights his knee-jerk reaction when Jiang Cheng looks at another totally impractical piece of furniture.
“You’re better doing this on purpose,” Nie Mingjue grumbles and pulls Jiang Cheng along, away from the way too stylish and way too impractical pieces.
“And what if I’m not?” Jiang Cheng asks, following obediently along and Nie Mingjue can see the glint in his eyes, so he knows that Jiang Cheng is just playing with him.
“Because your own apartment is furnished in very sturdy, very sensible, very useful pieces. None of this nonsense you would find here.”
“My mother’s interior designer chose my furniture.”
“Then maybe I should go shopping with him,” Nie Mingjue sighs out and then scrubs a hand down his face. “Tell me again why we can’t just take your closet with us?”
They are moving together into a new apartment at the end of the month, and Nie Mingjue would love to do nothing more than skip all of this. They should just take whatever they like from their own apartments and make it fit somehow. Hell, Nie Mingjue has spent so little time in his own apartment in the last half year that he doesn’t even remember how his bedroom looks. He’s perfectly happy with Jiang Cheng’s furniture.
“Because we want to start building our life together and taking old pieces with us would just ruin the whole fun of that,” Jiang Cheng gives back, with the patience of a saint, because Nie Mingjue has asked this question a lot in the past three hours.
“We can take some old pieces? I mean we already have a completely new kitchen, and most of the living-room, so why not bring something familiar with us for the bedroom?”
“Because you’re just trying to get out of this and I am not having it,” Jiang Cheng shoots back, clearly enjoying this much more than he should and Nie Mingjue knows that he has already lost.
“I want something warm, something sturdy and big. None of this,” he waves a hand at the furniture around him.
“So you just want to go somewhere else,” Jiang Cheng says, trying to hide the fact that he’s laughing at Nie Mingjue.
“I hate Ikea,” Nie Mingjue agrees with feeling and Jiang Cheng bursts out laughing.
He has to laugh so hard that he bends over, trying to steady himself on Nie Mingjue’s arm, and Nie Mingjue would be annoyed, if he wasn’t so happy to see Jiang Cheng like this.
It had taken him a while to be this free around Nie Mingjue when they first got together.
“I love you,” Nie Mingjue says, meaning it with every fibre of his being and Jiang Cheng rights himself to narrow his eyes at Nie Mingjue.
“You better not be proposing in a goddamn fucking Ikea of all places,” he hisses and not for the first time Nie Mingjue wonders if Jiang Cheng did find the ring he’s hiding at home.
“Please,” Nie Mingjue huffs out. “I would rather propose to you in a bathroom than this hellhole.”
“Please don’t do that either,” Jiang Cheng says and pats Nie Mingjue’s arm.
“The bathroom or the proposing?” Nie Mingjue asks, because he can’t help himself.
They did not have a serious talk about marriage yet, after all, and while Nie Mingjue is reasonably sure that Jiang Cheng would say yes to him, there’s always a little bit of doubt.
“The bathroom, you idiot,” Jiang Cheng immediately says and moves in for a short kiss. “I’d love to get proposed to.”
“Hopefully not by some stranger,” Nie Mingjue grumbles, but he slides his hand in Jiang Cheng’s back pocket and keeps him close, brushing his lips over the faint blush on his cheeks.
“You’re a complete moron if you believe there ever could be anyone for me but you, my soul,” Jiang Cheng gives back and leans against Nie Mingjue.
Instead of answering Nie Mingjue only presses a lingering kiss to Jiang Cheng’s hair and then they stand like complete idiots around for a minute or maybe even three.
“Wanna go somewhere else?” Jiang Cheng asks after a while.
“Gods, yes,” Nie Mingjue wholeheartedly agrees and Jiang Cheng chuckles.
“I mean another store, not home,” he teases him and Nie Mingjue rolls his eyes.
“We’re not going home before we have decided on a stupid closet. We’re also not going to have sex until our bedroom is complete,” he adds as an afterthought, whispering the words into Jiang Cheng’s ears and he can feel him shudder.
“That’s so mean, we have a perfectly functioning bedroom in my apartment,” Jiang Cheng whines and Nie Mingjue shrugs.
“No closet, no sex,” he decides and then walks away from Jiang Cheng, leaving him to scramble after him.
“You’re so mean to me.”
“And you like it that way.”
Jiang Cheng’s telling silence is answer enough for Nie Mingjue, who smiles as he makes his way out of Ikea as fast as he can.
They do end up at another store where they find a closet exactly as Nie Mingjue likes it, and even though Jiang Cheng puts up a token protest simply to be difficult, they end up buying it. Jiang Cheng is glowing with happiness when they leave the store.
“Can we please go home now?” Jiang Cheng asks after they paid and Nie Mingjue raises an eyebrow at him.
“If you think we’re having sex tonight you’re mistaken, your Ikea trip sucked all the energy out of me,” he says and while it’s meant as a joke, it’s not completely wrong.
Today has been exhausting and Nie Mingjue is honestly not in the mood for anything more than cuddling.
Jiang Cheng flushes a bit, like he always does when Nie Mingjue speaks so bluntly about sex in public, but he doesn’t complain as he laces their fingers together.
“Honestly, I just want to cuddle on the couch,” Jiang Cheng says, sounding drained himself.
“I can get behind that,” Nie Mingjue agrees and drags Jiang Cheng off to their car.
The ride home is silent and they don’t exchange any words when they change out of their street clothes either and it’s only when they are cuddled up on the couch, Jiang Cheng in Nie Mingjue’s arms and his head on his chest that Jiang Cheng speaks again.
“Admit it, you had fun today,” he says and Nie Mingjue hums in consideration. “Don’t even pretend,” Jiang Cheng says with a light slap to Nie Mingjue’s stomach and Nie Mingjue sighs.
“I hated every second I spent in Ikea,” Nie Mingjue starts, “but I had fun today because we were shopping for our apartment.”
“You’re such a sap,” Jiang Cheng sighs, but he also snuggles closer to Nie Mingjue, so he knows he’s happy about it.
“I would go to Ikea a thousand times if it would make you happy,” Nie Mingjue tells him and it’s not even a lie.
He can endure white and horribly impractical furniture as long as it makes Jiang Cheng laugh like today.
“Mh, it only makes fun if I go with you,” Jiang Cheng mumbles, clearly already sleepy and Nie Mingjue slides them deeper on the couch.
They are just a little bit too old to spend an entire night on the couch like this, but for now that’s okay.
He’ll make sure they get to bed eventually.
“I love you,” Jiang Cheng whispers, apparently his last conscious thought and Nie Mingjue wonders if proposing at breakfast the next day would be too soon.
He figures there’s only one way to find out.
“I love you, too.”
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
right where you left me ↠ f & g weasley
━ “i like you for you, you know that.”
summary ━ Y/N is heartbroken when Fred breaks up with her and leaves her at Hogsmeade and she feels like she’s frozen in time. Until someone snaps her out of it.
warnings ━ angst, fluff
a/n ━ no twincest. also no hate to angelina or fred. Loosely based on ‘right where you left me, by taylor swift. Also may make a part two if i’m up for it.
word count ━ 2.3k
tags ━ @risingtripletaurus @hey-there-angels @lindsaytriestowrite
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Before the war everything was fine between Y/N and Fred. They were in a relationship ever since their 4th year. Fred Weasley and Y/N Y/L/N were hopelessly in love.
Then the war came. Everything changed after that.
Y/N knew that Fred must be going through a tough time since a wall almost crushed him to death. She was there when he woke up screaming from a nightmare. She held him while he cried. Comforted him when he needed it.
She suggested a therapist where he can talk his problems out. Fred immediately declined not even thinking about it for a second.
They no longer went on dates where they could spend time together. Laugh and be in love. Fred put his focus on the shop which Y/N could understand since she worked there as well.
Before the war Fred would cheer Y/N up whenever she was sad, angry, frustrated or even when she had a bad day. Fred would there to cheer up, making her smile and laugh.
But now when she had a bad day Fred didn’t even know. Not even when she was sad or angry. It was like he was falling out of love with her.
Y/N would usually shake those thoughts out of her head not believing it.
Fred worked longer than she did and always came home late. Y/N assumed it was work getting to him. Also him not wanting to sleep because of the nightmares, which she completely understood.
She didn’t want to make Fred worry at all since the war so she tried doing her best with everything. Cooking, cleaning, doing laundry so he didn’t have to do it.
She assumed this was the normal. Y/N was happy for the moment. She was here with Fred and everything was okay. It would’ve been much worse if Fred had died she told herself.
She was content for the moment.
Everything was fine. Until it wasn’t.
Fred told Y/N that they would be going on a date tonight which made her really excited. It’s been awhile since He took her out.
She got dressed in her favorite dress and put on makeup to make her look presentable. When she was done finishing putting her earrings on she looked at herself in the mirror.
She smiled at herself. She felt so happy at the moment. Fred might be coming back to her and that was the best thing in the world.
Fred took her to this really nice restaurant where she ordered some salad while Fred ordered some steak. He was being very quiet which confused Y/N.
“What’s wrong Fred are you okay,” Y/N asked worriedly while she put her hand on his. It surprised her when jerked his hand away from her.
“We need to talk,” Fred says, not looking at her in the eyes, this makes her heart sink into the bottom of her stomach.
“About what,” Y/N asked as her voice wavered a bit out of nervousness. She dropped her hands to her lap and picked at her nail wondering what he was going to say.
“I think we need to break up,” Fred blurts out making her eyes widen.
Many emotions are running through Y/N. Confusion, sadness, a bit of anger. Her lip trembled when she met his beautiful eyes.
“Who is she,” Y/N sighed tears brimming her eyes as she looked down at her lap. She didn’t know if he cheated, she just wanted to know if she did. Fred let out a sigh.
“Angelina Johnson,” Fred answered. Y/N could feel the tears falling as the name slipped out of his mouth. Angelina has a crush on Fred in Hogwarts but Fred always reassured Y/N he never liked her.
“Of course,” Y/N scoffed, tears finally falling down her cheeks. He didn’t love her anymore. She thought they’d be together forever. The mascara must be wearing out from the few tears that came out which probably made her look like a freak show.
“Also I think you shouldn’t work at the shop anymore,” Fred says softly. It took everything for her not to cry. She was losing her boyfriend and her job in one day.
Y/N nodded not looking at him. Fred got up putting the money on the table and walked over to Y/N kissing her forehead. The contact made her flinch.
“I’ll come pick up my stuff tomorrow,” Fred softly says before leaving Y/N in the restaurant. She tries to finish her salad to get something in her stomach but she just couldn’t.
She finally got up wobbling on her legs. Putting a tip on the table before leaving the restaurant.
The cold air is a sensation that made her flinch as soon as she stepped out on the sidewalk. She walks home as tears slip out of her eyes as reality sinks in.
Fred doesn’t love her, he loved Angelina.
She puts her hand over her mouth to cover up the sobs so people don’t look at her weirdly. When she finally gets inside her flat she falls on the ground sobbing into her arms.
Y/N pulls her knees to her chest and rocks herself back in forth. What did she do wrong to make Fred not love her anymore? Did she not love him enough?
She got up after half an hour of crying and put her pajamas on. She looked inside her closet and saw Fred’s quidditch Jersey.
Y/N pulls it to her chests as more tears fall out of her eyes. Her heart feels like it cracked in half from the heartbreak.
“Why?” She whispers to no one. She starts to get angry. She did everything to help Fred, she comforted him when he had nightmares, suggested a therapist to help him and even offered to pay for it. Y/N did everything to help Fred but apparently Fred didn’t care anymore.
She crawled into bed as she let a few tears fall until the exhaustion finally hit her like a freight train. She fell asleep hating the fact that Fred would never love her again.
Y/N woke up early the next morning so she could pack up Fred’s stuff so he wouldn’t be there for long. She didn’t want to look at him if she didn’t she would break down in front of him and Y/N didn’t want to do that.
She got some boxes and threw all of his stuff and put it on the kitchen counter waiting for Fred to show up. Y/N thought about what job she could get since Fred fires her.
A knock on the door startled her. She sighed paddling towards the door and opened it reluctantly.
“Your stuffs on the counter,” Y/N walks him to the kitchen where she stares at her feet not wanting to look at him.
Fred nods and notes that she’s not looking at him. “Just so you know I will never stop caring about you,” He walks himself over as he holds the boxes.
Y/N scoffs, “Whatever.”
Fred sighs, grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze to reassure her. She closes her eyes until she hears the door close and when she opens her eyes again tears start pooling again.
Y/N never wants to see Fred Weasley ever again.
For the next few weeks Y/N stays in bed wallowing in her own misery. She cries herself to sleep every night wondering what went wrong.
The only reason she gets out of bed is to go to eat, shower, and read the paper to see if there’s any jobs out there. She watches rom coms where they get the guys in the end and wishes it was her.
One particular time she’s sitting at the counter eating someone bangs on her door.
“Y/N open up, it's been weeks,” George yells, continuing to pound on the door. He’s been here everyday since the break up wanting her to get out of bed.
Y/N sighs angrily walking up to the door opening it letting George in. He walks in and turns around to look at Y/N.
“You look like hell,” George comments, putting his hands into his suit pocket.
“Thank you, you always know how to make a girl blush,” Y/N sarcastically replies rolling her eyes. “What are you doing here,” She says more seriously.
“I’m just worried about it,” George says worriedly. “You’ve been in bed for weeks, it's not healthy,” George states.
“You don’t have to worry about me anymore,” Y/N coldly replies.
“I will always worry about you, you are one of my best friends and Fred is an asshole for cheating on you,” George sternly says.
“I can’t even look at you without crying,” Y/N says looking at her feet on the hardwood floor. George pinches the bridge of his nose.
“I’m not Fred,” George sighs.
“I know but you look exactly like him,” Y/N counters back.
“Well no Fred has that birthmark-,” Y/N interrupted him.
“Okay you can stop,” Y/N snaps holding her hand up.
“I’m just saying I’m not Fred and I want to be there for you,” George tried to reassure the girl.
“Why Fred’s your brother,” Y/N finally looks up at him with a confused look on his face. She doesn’t understand why he wants to be there for her.
“Yeah and he’s a prat for cheating on you and for firing you,” George scoffs. “But I still love him and that doesn’t stop me from not caring about you,” He explains.
“Fine if you want to see me be miserable,” Y/N accepts. George gives her a smile before walking in the flat further and following him.
For the next six months George kept coming to her flat everyday to see how she was doing. He stayed for dinner and if he couldn’t come he’d call her before.
George was being so nice to Y/N and she felt a crush forming on him. But she didn’t want that because Fred would probably accuse her of using George.
But she didn’t want George to think bad of her. Him thinking that she only likes him because he’s Fred’s twin is something she does not want.
Whenever she feels particularly down George drops everything to come and comfort her. No matter what.
Y/N doesn’t want to go to the shop because she’ll see Fred and she doesn’t want to run into him or Angelina. George understood knowing how bad it could hurt her.
They would sit on the couch watching shows and movies laughing and joking with each other. She felt so comfortable around him and she felt her heart race around him.
Y/N would never have thought she would have feelings for George Weasley since she was with Fred. But her feelings change when Fred doesn't want her anymore and now she sees George in a different night.
On one particular night she was cooking some lasagna and waiting for George to show up.
“I got breadsticks,” George yells as he walks in the door with a smile on his face.
“I knew you would,” Y/N giggles pointing her spatula at him. George sets the bag on the table and walks around the counter to go next to Y/N.
“You always make the best food,” George groans smelling the lasagna. “Fred moves in with Angelina today,” He blurts out.
Y/N nods biting her lip getting the food out of the stove and setting it on the table. George told her a few months ago that Fred might want to move in with Angelina.
“That’s great that means I can come over to your flat now,” Y/N teases, getting plates and setting the food out on it.
“I thought you’d be more upset about it,” George’s eyes furrow as he takes a bite of the food.
“I did too but I guess if he’s happy I’m happy,” Y/N sighs leaning against the counter poking at her. “You want some wine,” she asks, getting the glasses.
“Sure I love getting drunk,” George accepts with a smile. Y/N pours the wine and hands the glass to George and pours one for herself.
Only in a few hours George and Y/N are drunk. They’re making out on the couch and neither of them knew how this started. But at the moment they don’t care, they only care about getting their clothes.
Y/N rubs her eyes when she wakes up in the morning feeling the sunlight in her eyes. She feels someone pressed up against and she looks up to see George laying there sleeping.
“Oh my god,” Y/N whispers, getting up out of his arms to go and change into something more comfortable. She sits on her bed before walking out and shaking George awake.
“Give a guy a break Y/N,” George grumbles, rubbing his eyes as the sun peaks in through the blinds.
“We had sex last night,” Y/N snaps.
“Why are you so mad about it,” George asks sitting up.
“Because we’re friends,” Y/N states wondering what George is going to say about it.
“We’re more than friends and you know it,” George snaps at her getting his clothes and putting them on. “Are you telling me that you don’t have feelings for me,” He asks as he stands up.
“Maybe,” She whispers, crossing her arms over her chests. “But it’s be wrong you’re my ex boyfriend's twin. I don’t want you thinking I’m only doing this because you look like Fred,” She explains.
“Is that what this all about,” George asks, his eyes softening. He brings his hands to her cheeks and cups them.
“I like you for you, you know that,” She smiles at him, her arms wrapping around his neck.
“I know love.”
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You and Me
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,649
Warnings: Angsttt, slight swearing, mentions of harassment and violence (all show-like, tho).
Summary: Jay and (y/n) were trying to navigate their secret workplace romance when an unexpected event agitates their feelings about it.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: No, I am not very sure of what exactly this is, sorry! I think it turned out kinda messy but, being honest, I just really wanted to write their interactions within that kind of angst! 
Anyways, I hope this isn’t too bad and I am very sorry about dropping this kind of imagine instead of something good enough to help us heal from the finales.  
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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It had been about 20 minutes since you finally convinced Kevin that you were okay and that he should go home when you heard someone knock on the door. You knew it was him. It had to be him. You needed it to be him. So you quickly moved to open, after checking the peephole. As soon as there was a hint of an opening, you felt Jay’s arms around you, his breath on your neck, and his voice cracking with concern.
"Oh my God, baby, I was so worried about you!" He sounded absolutely desperate, his arms enveloping you in just the way your own despair required him to.
"I know, I know... I just... I-" You tried to let out but couldn't continue because you'd started sobbing. Around Jay, it was inevitable for you to put your walls down. And, almost as soon as your tears started to fall, your boyfriend brought you even closer; holding you tightly by the waist with one arm, the other stroking your hair.
"Shh, it's gonna be okay, princess. You're okay now." He told you, but the truth was he wanted to cry as well. Not only had those past days been pure agony for him — a lonely agony —, but, also, because, even with you like that, you both knew that Jay wouldn't be able to keep a promise to stay the night if he got a call from work. Because no one knew that he needed to stay by your side. That you needed him there. Because no one knew how much all of that was hurting him, too. Because no one knew anything.
"I'm just- I just came so- so close this time, you know?" You tried to let him in on how you were feeling, pulling away a little so you could see his face better.
"I know." He replied, letting out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "And it all happened so suddenly, I felt so stupid, powerless..." Jay confessed, as he remembered the operation that’d gotten you abducted, leaving the entire team with no clue on how it happened. 
But, for your boyfriend, it was pretty clear, though: the two of you were covering one side of the building and, afraid you might get upset with him for hovering, he didn’t have your back the way he should have. It was his fault that it all happened to you.
"Jay... That wasn't your fault, okay?” You stated firmly, as if you knew exactly what he was thinking. “None of us could've guessed that it would turn into something that, um, bad..." You said, not being able to stop the shiver that ran through your body, which made Jay go back to holding you close.
"Still, I should have done a better job at protecting you-" He started to mutter quietly in your hair, but you stopped him with a disapproving look.
"Stop, okay? Just stop! I'm a cop too, I have been a cop for about the same time that you have and I never needed or had a boyfriend protecting me in some special manner on the job!" He just stared at you, shock and hurt in his eyes.
"I know that, okay? I do know that." He told you quickly, as his hands went up from your sides, in a sign of surrender. "And I'm sorry if it came across as if I thought any differently. I'm sorry, baby. It's just that-" He paused for a moment, looking so hurt while sighing deeply, "It was really hard to not know what was going on with you, even after you went to the hospital... I mean they called Kevin to go stay with you in the hospital!" Another sigh, this time, an annoyed one. "And, seeing that, I guess that I just- I just wished that none of it had happened?"
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be saying this right now. I'm making this about me, when it's actually about you, geez." He reprehended himself while pinching the bridge of his nose.
"No, no! It's okay. Because this is about you, too. And I'm glad you're telling me how you feel." Hearing that, he just looked at you and wondered about how on Earth he had managed to snatch someone like you. "First things first: what happened to me wasn't your fault. I don’t say this often but: as great a partner as Kevin is, I love working by your side. And, I do it without any fear or concern because I know you'll have my back. One hundred percent." You assured him while giving his hand a gentle squeeze, "now, the second thing: you do know that they only called Kevin because he is my partner, right?"
"I, uh, I do know that," yet another sigh.
"Okay, Jay. I love you and I really need you right now. But, if you don't stop sighing and just say what you wanna say already, I will kick you out of here." At that, he couldn't help but to let out a soft chuckle. God, you loved his smile.
"I don't wanna upset you with this. Especially now. But, I guess, I just would have liked to be the one they called." Seeing the instant frown you made, he clarified: "Not as your partner. As your boyfriend."
You had to admit that, even though you knew going public with your relationship was something Jay thought a lot about, you weren't expecting him to say that at all. Not at that moment, at least. And, being the not-so-calm person you were, the conversation quickly took a turn.
"What the hell? I just got back from the worst moment of my life and you wanna use that- pry on that to pressure me into going public?" God, that was harsh. You knew as soon as the words left your mouth. You regretted it as soon as the words left your mouth. But you didn't dare to open it again, as you watched his face go from hurt to annoyance and then a hint of anger.
"You're kidding, right?" You didn't answer. "Please, tell me you're kidding?"
"Babe, I'm-"
"You're what? You're sorry? Because, man, that shit you just said? That hurt!" He stood there in silence for a moment before continuing: "do you have any idea of what these past days were like for me? You think I'm bringing this up now just because I wanna shout to everyone that you're my girlfriend? Claim you as mine or whatever bullshit reason you think I have for wanting to go public?” You still couldn’t say anything, so he went on, “well, it's not any of that. I'm talking about this because you were missing for two entire fucking days that felt like forever to me, but I couldn't tell anyone how I'd die if anything happened to you because, hey! I was respecting your wishes! I felt guilty about the operation and thought that the least I could do was keep my pain all to myself. Which is kinda funny because you're always telling me not to bottle up my emotions!" By then you were crying, just because you were too mad at yourself for making him feel like that, and he paused but only to take a breath: "But, you know that all of that wasn't even what hurt the most? The worst part was when I got a text from Burgess on the chat group saying that they'd found you and had taken you to Med, but that we could continue doing our surveillance on one of the offenders because Kev was already on the way there!" He shouted this time, which made you wince a little — even though he looked more hurt than angry, really. Running his hands through his hair, Jay completed: "and, now, that I'm finally able to be with you- to- to know for myself that you're okay! You suggest that I was-" He couldn't even finish the sentence, which showed even more just how distraught he truly was. "I guess I just- I just can't believe that you don't see that all I wanna do is be here. With you. Taking care of you. Which is all I wish I could’ve done at the hospital, too…"
"I know, Jay." You whispered with a weak voice. Unsure that he'd heard you, you tried it a bit louder: "I know, Jay. And, trust me, I am so sorry for what I said! I don't- I just… I just wish it didn't have to be this complicated…" You knew what that sounded like. And, God, you were terrified about it. How could not you find anything good enough to say?
"Maybe I shouldn't be saying this… Maybe I shouldn't be trying anymore…” Because it sure looks like you gave it up, he wanted to add, "but I- I need to at least ask. Why does it have to be so complicated?"
"Jay, babe-"
"No! Don't do that! Don't try and stall me with that soft tone! I just wanna know why!"
"You know why, Jay!"
"I don't! I really don't! Or have you forgotten that all you did so far was give me half-ass excuses about privacy and being shy?"
"Okay! You wanna know why?" You half-asked, half-barked at him, "it's because I am scared of what will happen! That's why! Throughout all of my career, I've had to prove myself, then I got this sort of arranged job at Intelligence which not only threw all of my hard work to hell but, also, never lets me rest because it never really feels like I'm a part of that so-called family you guys have! And Voight? Every single day I still feel like he's testing me! Giving me the silliest assignments and being overly mad whenever I get the lead on a case! But, somehow — as messed up as it may sound —, I don't wanna lose that job! I don't wanna risk going back to the unit I came from, where I was constantly harassed and intimidated!" You blurted it all out, only stopping to take a breath while Jay simply stood there looking completely shocked. "And you, Jay, as great as you are — and you're literally the best thing that's ever happened to me —, you can very easily put all of that at risk." Now it was your turn to sigh. You could only hope that you sounded as defeated as you felt: having to give up the guy who was probably the love of your life just to not go from one toxic work environment back to an even more toxic one. Your mouth tasted sour after that realization, which just made you remember how sweet Jay's always was.
"You never told me any of that." He muttered quietly, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"I know and I'm sorry. I just… Thought it would get better. Eventually."
"You know I could have helped, right?" He stated sadly, then adding with a shred of hope: "You know… Maybe I still can?"
"Jay… Let's just not make this harder. Please."
"Just hear me out for a second: you are a part of our family." At that you just scoffed and looked the other way, making him pull your chin to connect your eyes again. "You are. I said I was going crazy with you missing but they all were too, including Voight."
"Yeah, right."
"It's true! Why would I lie to you about this? He looked truly haunted and, if I'm being honest, I think he just hoped he wouldn't get too close to you, to keep his head on straight in case something like this ever happened." He gulped harshly before continuing, "in case something worse happened. I think he simply can't handle losing anyone else, (y/n/n)."
"Y- you really think that?" You asked him and, you'd be lying if you said that you didn't get just a little hopeful.
"I do, darling," he told you in a soft tone. "And I'm not making excuses for him here or anything, okay? I'm just tryna tell you that we can deal with Voight. We can deal with rumors. I swear I will fucking kill anyone who dares to even touch your name on that stupid department!"
"Jay!" You started to reprehend again, even though you knew that he was just trying to lighten the mood. "That is exactly the kind of stuff you can't even think about doing after we go public!" You told him while spatting his arm.
"Ouch! Wait a second, did you really just say after we go public?" The way his eyes twinkled at that moment was enough to get you to agree with anything he wanted, really.
"But, hey! Don't get all exci-" You couldn't finish your sentence as he had already swept you off your feet and started kissing you all over. It hurt a little, due to your bruises, but it's not like you actually gave a damn about it.
"Don't get excited? Lady, I'm already over the moon!" He told you with the biggest smile you’d ever seen.
“Oh, God. You look so damn cute right now!! I can’t believe that I-” You cut yourself off because your voice started to crack while a big amount of sorrowful tears rolled down your cheeks. Seeing you like that, once more, made Jay start panicking a little, scared that maybe you were backing down on your relationship again.
“Baby? What’s wrong? Talk to me, please, (y/n/n).” Hearing the confusion in his plead sort of brought you back to say:
“I- I just can’t believe that I said the things I said to you! I hurt you! I hurt you in the kind of way I was scared you were you gonna get hurt when it seemed like I was gonna-”
“Don’t you dare complete that sentence, okay?!?” He half-asked, half-begged you, letting on so much heartbreak, “first of all: nothing could have ever hurt me in the way you being gone did. No matter how hard you might have tried, you just wouldn’t be able to get there, girl.” He said more casually, shrugging his shoulders in a way that made you crack a small smile. “And, second: I don’t want you thinking about me, in any way, when you're out there in the field. You just can't, love."
"I know, but at that moment, I-"
"Look, princess, you need to promise me that you will try your best to never do that again, okay? Because if you do, if the people we chase see any weaknesses they'll take advantage of it. And, then... But I know it's hard. You're the first thing on my mind whenever something goes south too, but I just- I love you too much to face the idea of losing you! So you need to promise me that you will keep your head one hundred percent focused on whatever is at hand, please, babe!" He begged you with such urgency in his voice that new tears started rolling down your already marked face.
"Oh, Jay... I love you, too, okay? More than anything in the world! But you know that, when we're in that kinda moment, our minds sometimes just wonder..." Seeing his concerned expression, you decided to add: "However, if you promise me you'll try your best to focus on your work, in the same way, I'll promise it too." At that, he gave you a cheeky smile.
"Deal. Now let's get you in bed cause it's been a long couple of days, detective." He said, picking you up one more time and carrying you to your bedroom.
"Oh my God! Jay, put me down!!" You squealed out, though you didn't really want him to put you down, ever.
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thisissirius · 3 years
my version of the “ok but in the finale eddie gets shot, right?” fic
to touch the sky [ao3 link] eddie/buck, finale speculation. major injuries. mentions throwing up. 
Eddie can see the sky. 
Is he supposed to see the sky? His ears are ringing and there’s a hazy quality to all the noise, like it’s coming from a long way off. 
Move, Eddie tells himself. 
There’s a dull ache beneath Eddie’s breastbone, a tingling in his fingers, and he’s finding it hard to breathe. Something about that should scare him, but it’s too hard to focus. He grunts, remembers his training; pinpoint one noise, one feeling. 
Sirens. Eddie winces, wants desperately to cough but can’t. 
A voice. Buck.
Choosing Buck’s voice is easy; Eddie focuses everything on it, on trying to move his head, but he doesn’t need to. The sound of something scraping and then Buck’s head appears above him, eyes wide, panic in his expression.
“Eddie,” Buck says, but it sounds murky. Eddie blinks, licks his bottom lip as he tries to solidify Buck’s face. Instead, his eyes drift down his body and he notices that Buck’s not wearing his uniform. Why? It’s something Eddie should know and he’s frustrated that he doesn’t. What’s happening? “Eddie.” 
“I’m fine,” Eddie tries to say; but it comes out a gurgled mess. There’s blood on Buck’s hands when he touches Eddie’s face. He looks scared. Eddie hates it when he looks scared. “Shit.” 
“Don’t swear,” Eddie tries. Again, it doesn’t make sense even to him. He can’t focus on why that is, just the terror in Bucks eyes. 
Buck is still touching him, hands wet and red, and he’s shaking. “You hold on for me, okay?” 
Can do. Not that he knows why he needs to. Eddie’s done it before. Thinks if Buck asks, he’d hold on forever. That sparks something in him; he is waiting for Buck. He’s been waiting, but about what drifts just out of reach. He wants to—
Pain explodes in Eddie’s chest and he makes a noise, one that makes Buck’s face screw up. “I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Eddie tries. Some of it must slur out because Buck’s gaze sharpens, a little hope. “You’re bloody.” 
Something crumples in Bucks face. Eddie thinks it’s the worst thing he’s ever seen. 
“It’s yours,” Buck says, his voice high. “Eddie, it’s yours.” 
Oh. That doesn’t sound good.
Drifting for a while, Eddie stares up at the blue, blue sky. It’s bright, sunny, and it’s a nice day. The park. Eddie’s supposed to be taking Chris to the park tomorrow, his day off. Alone, because someone else, someone who comes with them somtimes, isn’t there anymore, but the name drifts away, just the image of a smile, a name he doesn’t like. 
It’s a lot of effort to move his head but Eddie does. Buck’s crying and Eddie wants to reach out, wipe the tears away. His fingers are still tingling and all he can manage is a weird jerk of his fingers. 
“Stay with me, alright? I need to get you on the basket so it’s gonna hurt.”
“Nothing hurts,” Eddie tells him, but for some reason that makes Buck close his eyes, take a few breaths. “Okay?” 
A laugh, sad. “Yeah, Eddie, I’m okay.” 
Eddie groans when pain shoots through his chest. He ignores Buck’s muttered apologies, focus on the way the sky tilts, his eyes taking in a building, the side of another. 
“You got him?” Chimney. Chim’s here? 
“We at work?” Eddie asks. Buck doesn’t answer for a moment. “Buck?” 
Eddie can’t help the way his tone banks into panic. 
“Easy,” Buck says immediately, and his face reappears. “I just had to get the harness on, Eddie, alright? I’m still here.” 
Eddie stares at him. Harness? Nothing about this makes sense. When whatever he’s laying on sways, he feels sick. “M’gonna throw up.” 
“Shit,” Buck says. “Alright, Eddie, do what you gotta do, okay?” 
“M’kay.” Eddie blinks. “Glad you’re here.” 
Buck laughs and again, it sounds funny. “You and me both, buddy.”
There’s a lot more swaying, and nausea bubbles up until it’s overwhelming. “M’sorry,” he mutters as he throws up, chest flaring with pain until it’s all he can focus on. 
“Hey,” Buck says, his voice cutting through whatever’s whining. “Eddie, listen to me, Eddie, you need to focus, okay—HOLD THE FUCKING WINCH—sorry, I know that was loud.”
Eddie closes his eyes, embarrassed, but there’s a hand in his hair. 
“Eddie,” Buck says, his voice gentle, and the swaying is less. 
“Buck,” Eddie manages, and the whining’s stopped at least. “Feel funny.”
A pause. When Eddie opens one eye, he can see Buck hovering over him. He’s wearing a helmet, blood on his forehead, his shirt, but he’s there. He touches Eddie’s face. “I know. We’ll be at the hospital real soon.”
Hospital. For Eddie?
“Yeah, for you,” Buck says, voice cracking. 
“’kay,” Eddie mumbles, and closes his eyes. He can feel the rocking, the noises filtering back in, but Buck’s hand is on his forehead the whole time. 
“Don’t sleep,” Buck says more than once.
Eddie tries. He tries so hard. “Just a little—”
“Eddie,” but Eddie can feel the tug of sleep taking him over. 
Buck’s hands are shaking. 
“Hey,” Hen says, resting a hand on his thigh. “You need a coffee?”
“No,” Buck says immediately. He’s staring down at his sneakers. They’re covered in blood. Eddie’s blood. Like his hands—he’s tried cleaning them—like his shirt, his everything. “How long—”
Buck’s phone cuts through the silence, Chris’ familiar ringtone drifting out of his pocket. A couple of people glare at him, but Buck ignores them, grits his teeth as he answers. “Hey, buddy.”
“Buck,” Chris says, sounding scared. “Abuela said Daddy—”
“He’s hurt,” Buck says, not wanting to scare Chris more than he has to, but he’s not lying. “I’m in the hospital right now, okay?”
A pause. “Can you come home?”
Buck closes his eyes, pinches the bridge of his nose. Home, like he lives there. Like there’s not been a steady distance building between him and them for weeks. “I need to be here for your dad, alright? As soon as I know anything, I promise I’ll FaceTime, okay?”
“Okay,” Chris says quickly, which means he knew. “You’ll hold his hand?”
Ana will, Buck thinks viciously. Out loud he says, “Both of them. For me and you.”
Chris doesn’t stay much longer; Isabel takes the phone. 
“I’m sorry,” Buck starts. 
“Don’t be silly,” Isabel says, in the way only she can. “Eddie is strong. He will come back to his family.”
“Yeah,” Buck breathes. 
Isabel makes a frustrated noise. “To you.”
“I don’t think,” Buck starts. 
“To you,” Isabel says again and hangs up. 
Staring at his phone, Buck wonders if Isabel knows about Ana. She must? Eddie’s not the kind of guy to not tell his family and he’s met Ana, so surely—
“Buck,” Hen says, tapping his leg. 
He looks up, sees the doctor walking towards them and abruptly realises they need someone here, Isabel or Pepa, he should have kept them on the phone. He realises, with growing dread, that Ana might be Eddie’s emergency contact. 
“Is there a Mr. Buckley here?”
Buck startles, almost drops his phone. Hen and Bobby share a look. “I’m Buck. Uh, Mr. Buckley.”
The doctor nods, approaches. “Is it okay to have a private word, Mr. Buckley?”
“You can,” Buck starts, frowns, doesn’t know what to say. He looks pleadingly at Bobby. 
“I’m sorry,” the doctor says, with a sense of urgency and patience that Buck doesn’t think he could ever master. “You are Mr. Diaz’s agent, are you not?”
Buck almost says no, but he’s too surprised, too shocked to do anything but stare. Hen pinches his thigh and he nods in reaction, says, “yeah.”
“Good,” the doctor says. “We’re about to take Mr. Diaz into surgery to treat the pericardial tamponade. I need to confirm whether there’s a DNR in place?”
Buck doesn’t know. 
“I,” Buck starts. He thinks, tries to recall Eddie ever saying—
"I don’t have a DNR,” Buck says. “Do you?”
“Are you kidding?” Eddie snorts, nods at Chris. “Neither of us is allowed to go anywhere, Buckley.”
—“No,” Buck says. “Please, he doesn’t wanna die.”
“Alright,” the doctor says. He says something else, something Hen and Bobby are listening too, squeezes Buck’s arm and disappears.
“What’s a pericardial tamponade?” Buck asks, he knows, but he needs them to say it. 
Hen doesn’t look at him. 
“Compression of the heart,” Bobby says instead, approaches slowly. 
Buck’s glad of that a moment later when his legs almost give out.
“Easy,” Bobby says, lowering him into a chair. “Breathe, Buck.”
“Why am I,” he gasps out. “He made me his POA, and I can’t—”
“Of course you,” Bobby says carefully. He squeezes Buck’s hand and Buck squeezes back, probably too hard, but he needs something to ground him. Eddie’s got a fucking heart compression and Buck knows that’s bad, so bad, but he can’t—
“Listen to me,” Bobby says. “Of course it’s you. That man loves you—”
“Don’t,” Buck says. “Please. I know you mean well, but Ana.”
There’s a silence Buck can’t explain. 
Hen sits down next to him, looking concerned. “Buck, Eddie broke up with Ana this morning. He didn’t tell you he was going to?”
“No,” Buck says, unable to comprehend. They didn’t speak that morning because Buck’s phone went off and he was with Taylor and they’d gone for coffee. “I’m gonna throw up.”
Someone moves something close and Buck throws up, feels guilt and horror well up in his stomach. Eddie’s in surgery, a doctor asking about resuscitation, and Buck didn’t know he’d broken up with Ana because he was celebrating Taylor’s promotion. 
There’s a steady beeping in his ear (hospital) and a rustle of sheets (his own?)
He tries to open his eyes. Nothing. Making a noise of frustration, he tries again. 
“Hey,” someone says in his ear. “Eddie, you can do it.”
Something is clogging his throat and he can’t speak, it hurts, something thick and it hurts. 
Someone says something, but his chest is tight, his panic palpable and then nothing.
When he next wakes, his throat hurts but he can breathe. He wants to sob with relief. This time, he can open his eyes. The lights are too much and he abruptly shuts them, makes a noise in the back of his throat, and shifts. 
“They’re off,” someone says quietly, and he feels a hand in his hair. “You wanna open them again for me?”
Eddie wants to say no but his mouth won’t cooperate so he makes a noise. 
The voice is trembling. Afraid? Eddie doesn’t want anyone to be afraid. He cracks open his eyes, grateful when the lights are off. He turns, ignoring the floaty feeling in his head, his body. 
“Buck,” Eddie croaks. His throat hurts. Buck must realise, because he holds out an ice chip. Eddie takes it, sucks on it gratefully, but can’t look away from Buck. He looks exhausted, a cut on his forehead, and his clothes look rumpled and bloodstained. “Okay?”
“Fuck,” Buck mutters, letting out a watery laugh. “Of course you’re asking if I’m okay.”
Eddie doesn’t know what that means. “Awake before,” he manages, before Buck’s shoving another ice chip at him. 
“Slowly,” Buck admonishes. “I need to alert the doctor.”
“Stay,” Eddie says, sudddenly panicked. 
Buck abruptly moves, puts his hand in Eddie’s hair. “I’m not leaving. Just pushing a button, okay?” Eddie nods and Buck does so, but he doesn’t move away. “God, you scared me.”
“Sorry,” Eddie says. Then, “woke up before.”
“I know,” Buck winces. “They intubated but didn’t know you were gonna wake up so soon. They had knock you out so they could take out the tube.”
Eddie tries to focus on that, but the words drift away like smoke.
“You had a cardiac tamponade,” Buck continues, as if he can’t see Eddie’s confusion. “They weren’t sure you’d be safe to consciously handle—”
The doctor interrupts him, striding in and taking over.
Eddie tries to focus, to pay attention to what the doctor’s saying, doing, but he just clings to Buck, hopes Buck’s paying attention. 
“I got it,” Buck whispers in his ear. “You can rest if you need to, okay?”
“Stay?” Eddie says, scared.
Buck leans down, kisses Eddie’s forehead. “I’m never leaving you.”
Eddie falls asleep with those comforting words in his ear. 
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Adoption Papers
Rating: Gen, General Audiences
Part 2 of Camila is Hunter’s Mom Now
Camila officially adopts Hunter and Vee
Might be a little hard to explain where they came from, though.
Direct Sequel to “Another Shot at Life”
“What’s a social security?”
“What do you mean an ID?”
“Why do we have to do a bunch of paperwork to live here? Luz just lived in Eda’s house for months!”
Camila pinched the bridge of her nose. “Things work differently here than in the Boiling Isles. And if the two of you don’t want me to get arrested for kidnapping, we have to fill out paperwork, and I have to officially adopt you.”
Vee sniffed the papers. “But I’ve already been living here!”
“Yeah, pretending to be me,” Luz reminded her, “Gonna be a liiiiiitle hard to explain why there’s two of us.”
Hunter squinted at the documents. “I used to do paperwork for the coven. But I have no idea what any of this says.” It was all a lot of technical stuff—with a lot of words he didn’t know the meaning of.
Camila sighed. “I’ve filled out most of it, but… we’re going to need to explain where the two of you came from. And ‘wandered in from another dimension’ isn’t something I think we can tell people.”
Luz bounced up. “Ooo! I’ve got it!” She waved a hand. “Vee is my twin sister, separated at birth!”
“Luz, sweetie, the hospital records will say otherwise.”
“Okay, okay, how abooooout… we say that Vee was a home birth, maybe a year younger than me, but Dad took her away with him when he left, and we assumed he’d do all of the registry, but apparently he didn’t? What are they going to do, track him down and ask him? They haven’t managed that yet. We can say that Vee ran away and came home to us.”
“That might work. What about Hunter?”
Luz grinned at him. “We found him living feral in the woods, he was raised by a pack of wolves.”
Hunter stuck his tongue out at her.
“Yeaaah… I don’t think that one’s gonna fly.”
“How about we tell them the truth?” Vee asked, “We say he ran away from a bad situation, and we’ve been taking care of him.”
“What if they start investigating? They’ll ask him questions, definitely, and if they try to figure out who his family is-!”
Luz jumped up and down. “Oooooo, tell them your horrible family chased you, and tried to push you off of a cliff, but they slipped and fell off and died!”
Hunter felt sick. “Pass.”
“Let’s stick to something simple. You and your… uncle… traveled, didn’t have a home, and you slipped away one day. You were camping out in the old abandoned house to hide, Vee found you there and brought you home, and you’ve been living with us ever since.”
“What if they try to figure out who his family is?” Vee asked, “I mean, uncle sounds a lot like he might have just kidnapped him.”
Hunter shrugged. “I’ll tell them my whole family was already dead. Freak boating accident, bodies never found. They were recluses, no one noticed they were missing. I’ll say uhhhhhhhh, I don’t remember their names, because I was a kid, and my uncle never told me our last name.”
Luz squinted at him. “What is your last name?”
“No idea.”
Camila sighed. “This is getting complicated. What if they start trying to figure out where your family lived?”
“Mexico,” Luz said immediately, “But Hunter was born over the border.”
“Does he look Mexican to you?”
“Okay, fine, Canada, whatever!”
“Let’s just… keep it simple, okay, Luz? Hunter, what do you think? This is your story, you have to be able to tell it.”
His story. Okay, who did he want to be? “I think… I think Vee’s idea is good,” he said slowly, “Ran away—I’ll just say he was my uncle. And we were homeless, so there’s nowhere they could track him down to. Even if they DO start looking for my birth family, it’s not like they can actually pull anything up, because I’m not from here. Okay. So, I ran away, made my way to Gravesfield, camped out in the abandoned house for a bit, then Vee found me, uhhhhh…”
“A week ago,” Vee offered.
“Okay, yeah, a week ago.”
“And if they ask for details about your uncle?”
“I’ll just talk about Belos. It’s not like they can find him.”
Camila nodded. “Okay! The closest adoption agency is out of town, but I already scheduled an appointment for tomorrow. First hurdle, guys!”
“First?” Hunter echoed.
“Oh, yeah, we have to get the two of you enrolled in school—”
Luz laughed. “Ohhhhhhh, you’re gonna hate it, Mr. Prodigy.”
“I don’t need school!”
“Yeah? Do you know how to do algebra? How about chemistry? Physics?”
“No?” Hunter looked to Luz. “Those are fake, right?”
She shook her head. “Unfortunately, they’re all very real.”
“I don’t need those.”
“We’ll discuss it later,” Camila interrupted, “For now, let’s just… focus on the adoption, okay?”
She looked… nervous. Which made Hunter nervous.
“What… what happens if they don’t believe me?”
Camila rubbed the back of her head. “I… I don’t know, mijo. If they dig deeper, I… but it will be fine.”
Still, Hunter didn’t sleep that night, his mind running through every possible way that this could go wrong. The next morning, when they loaded up in the car, he could see dark circles under Camila’s eyes, too. It did not make him feel better.
Hunter tossed his palisman gently out the window before they set off, the bird fluttering around his head. “You can’t come with us. Stay here and protect the house, okay?”
The bird chirped in affirmation, flapping back to sit on the roof.
Vee fell back asleep, leaning against him, and he resisted the urge to shake her awake and demand to know how she could possibly not be worried about this.
Hunter hadn’t ever gone outside of Gravesfield, and it was hitting him just now how… huge… the human realm was. He watched countryside flash by outside the car window, and even still, they didn’t seem to be getting anywhere.
And then buildings loomed in front of him, huge and imposing. Hunter pressed his face against the window. “Is this the capital of the human realm?”
“Ha. No. We’re not even in the capital of Connecticut.”
Hunter watched the streets go by. This world was enormous, and he wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about it.
They had the key on this side, and since he was here, Belos was down one coven head—hypothetically, his uncle couldn’t complete his day of unity plans. But if he did, or if he managed to get back through, somehow…
Hunter was almost confident that this world was big enough for him to hide in.
They pulled up to an office building, and Camila took a deep breath. “Okay. Here goes nothing. Come on, kids.”
They all followed behind her into the building, and Camila approached the desk. “Hiiii. I’m Camila Noceda, I have an appointment about a couple of adoptions?”
The desk attendant glanced behind her at the three of them. “Down the hall, first door on the right. Right on time.”
Camila gave the attendant a nod. Hunter and Vee both crowded close to her as they filed into the office. “Hello?”
The woman at the desk looked like she hadn’t slept in a week, a thermos on a table covered in papers. “Hey. Paperwork.”
Camila tentatively handed her the packet, and she disappeared into a back room, coming back out after about ten minutes.
“So, neither of these kids is in the system?”
Camila shook her head. “Neither.”
The woman squinted at Vee. “Certainly looks like your other daughter. Why didn’t you report her father taking her?”
“We… we were separating. We thought he’d already filed everything.”
A grunt. “Alright. You. Other one. Hunter. C’mere.”
Hunter looked to Camila, and she gave him a little nod. He followed the woman into the other room, where she read over his form again. “Tell me about your uncle.”
“What? Why?”
“We need to see if we can find him.”
Hunter’s blood chilled. “I’m not going back!”
“Hey, it’s okay. We need to find him because we just don’t know enough about you—not even your last name. So we need your uncle for more information.”
“You won’t find him.”
“Uh-huh. Let us try, at least. Physical description?”
Hunter sighed. “Tall. Blond but greying, long hair, blue eyes. Old.” Face creeping with slime, occasionally turns into a puddle of goop, can’t miss him.
“His name?”
“There’s one you don’t hear every day. Last name?”
“Right. Of course not. Where was the last place you saw him?”
“I don’t know.”
The woman sighed. “You’ve got to work with me, here.”
“Because this whole adoption will go a lot more smoothly. Where was the last place you saw him?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay. Fine. How long ago did you see him?”
Hunter struggled to remember. Kind of hard to tell when he didn’t know how much time he’d lost falling down into a cursed prison of darkness.
But according to Luz, that had only been for a couple of hours, even if it had felt like forever.
“Two weeks,” he said softly.
Two weeks since he’d been rescued. Two weeks since the worst time of his life.
“And you… ran away?”
“Can you explain why?”
Hunter shuddered. “Because I was miserable.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“We can’t take you away from your uncle if he wasn’t a bad parent, Hunter. If we don’t have any indication he did anything wrong, then he can reclaim you any time he likes, and we are obligated to try to find him and return you to him. I understand that it may be painful to talk about it, but we cannot proceed without information about your past life.”
“Fine,” Hunter snapped, “He hurt me, and he locked me up, and he made me run errands for him and would punish me if I failed, happy?”
A slight pause. “What kind of errands?”
Hunting down palisman so he could drain them of their magic. “Uh… picking up medicine for him.”
“Medicine? What kind?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
“I just picked it up. I didn’t ask questions, it wasn’t encouraged.”
“But you ran away, ended up in Gravesfield, where Camila found you a week ago?”
“Okay. Wait outside, send Camila in.”
Hunter shuffled out. “She wants you.”
Camila nodded, disappearing into the other room, closing the door behind her. Vee nudged him. “Are you okay?”
“She was asking about Belos.”
“I’m sorry,” Luz said softly.
Hunter paced back and forth. “What do you think they’re talking about?” He crept closer to the door, pressing his ear to the door.
“Hunter,” Vee hissed, “Get away from there, it’s rude!”
“I want to know what they’re saying,” he hissed back, “Shhhh!”
He pressed his ear to the door again. The voices were faint, but he could make out what they were saying.
“Obviously, if Vee is your biological daughter, there isn’t any reason for us to keep her from you. I don’t think there will be any difficulty with the transition. But Hunter… Ms. Noceda, you may be rushing into more than you can handle.”
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t know him well. We don’t know where he came from, or what he’s done.”
“What he’s done?”
“He’s a liar, ma’am, you wrote that he was homeless, but he claimed his uncle would lock him up. Those two aren’t exactly compatible. He very obviously isn’t telling us everything—and I suspect he may have been part of a drug delivery system without knowledge. If I can believe him that he didn’t know what his uncle’s ‘medicine’ was.”
“Okay, well, let’s just say that I am really, really, really determined to adopt him anyway.”
“I’m really advising you not to. Let us get him into the system, foster him out, see how he does before you go all in on adopting him. He might not even be separated from his uncle—they might be planning to rob or hurt you and your family.”
“Hunter,” Camila thundered, “is not going to hurt us. And I don’t think it’s a good idea to foster him out.”
Hunter pulled back from the door, feeling sick. “Luz, what’s fostering?”
Her face paled. “It’s… it’s when they sort of send you out to different families to take care of you.”
“I don’t want to go to a different family!”
“You won’t,” Luz soothed, “Mom won’t let them take you away. And you can just run away if they do.”
Hunter started to pace, his chest getting tight. “I can’t start running away here, too! That’ll just make all of the adoption stuff harder, right?”
Vee grabbed his hand. “Hunter. Look at me.”
He did, the fingers of his free hand tapping restlessly on the side of his leg.
Vee gave his hand a squeeze. “It’s going to be okay,” she said firmly, “We aren’t going to leave you behind. Promise.”
He took a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Good. Now sit down, and just think about other stuff. Like school.”
“I don’t want to go to school.”
“I’ll teach you algebra,” Vee promised, “They had a whole course on it at summer camp—it’s not so bad. And I’ll introduce you to my friends, too. You’ll be a couple grades older than us, but that’s okay.”
Luz bounced up. “Speaking of school, Hunter, is there any chance I can borrow Red? I know we’re worried about using the portal, but Eda and Amity and King and Gus and Willow will all be so worried about me!”
“Use your little…” Hunter clicked his fingers in the air. “Your little yellow thing.”
“My—you think that will work between dimensions?”
He shrugged. “Worth a shot. Might as well try before we open the portal and risk Belos getting in.” Hunter tapped his fingers against the chair. “If there’s natural titan’s blood veins in the Boiling Isles, then there’s a place here where it connects, right?”
“Right. That’s how Phillip—he wrote the diary I was using to figure out my portal—got into the demon realm in the first place.”
“So we might not need the key portal if we can find a place on this side where the worlds intersect.” Hunter’s stomach roiled. “Except that if we can do that, that means Belos has another way to get blood.”
“If I can just get in contact with Eda, she might be able to figure out my portal and then we don’t have to—”
The door to the other room burst open. Camila grinned, her hands behind her back. “Okay, Vee, Hunter, close your eyes, and hold out your hands!”
Vee did what she said, and Hunter followed suit, a little more hesitantly. Something paper settled in his hand. “Okay, open your eyes now.”
Hunter blinked at the paper in his hand.
Hunter Noceda.
Vee bounced up and down. “We did it!”
“They’re still finalizing everything—social security, birth certificates, all of that will take a bit more time. But you two are legally part of the family and under my care, now!”
Hunter Noceda.
The words felt… odd, in his head. But a good kind of odd.
Luz slung her arms around Vee and Hunter’s necks. “Whoo! Two new siblings! I didn’t use to have… well, any! I mean, I had you, but legally!” She shook Hunter slightly. “See? Nothing to worry about, I told you Mom could handle it!”
“Hunter Noceda.” He had a last name, now. A family name. “Vee Noceda.” It felt more natural to say her name—but then, she’d already seemed to be part of the family.
Luz cackled with glee. “Aha! You know what that means? Now the two of you have to wear ugly sweaters for family Christmas card pictures!”
“Ugly sweaters?” Vee questioned
“Christ-mas?” Hunter echoed.
“Ehehehe. Welcome to the Noceda family. You two have a lot of family tradition to catch up on.”
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sunmoonandeddie · 4 years
have you seen baby?
pairing: bucky barnes x reader x natasha romanoff
word count: 3,196
summary: You and your two lovers haven’t gotten to spend much time together.  Also, sex pollen.
warnings: Bad words.  Filthy, filthy smut.  Sex pollen.
a/n:  Thank you so much to @cake-writes for this commission!  I loved writing it and I really hope you enjoy it!
It’s late.  
Well.  Relatively late.  Nearing three in the afternoon, and Natasha hadn’t seen you.  Of course, that barred that morning when she woke up to your pretty face still sleeping beside her.  Unfortunately, Bucky was on a mission, otherwise she’d get to see his equally as pretty face on your other side.  It was disappointing.  There was just something so sweet about waking up to the two loves of her life.
But now, it was almost three, and you hadn’t even emerged from your lab for lunch.
Which is why she headed down two floors to the huge lab that you, Tony, and Bruce shared.  You kind of played as an inbetween for the both of them, wanting to know it all and then some.  It was precious.
But it also meant that you had a bad habit of getting lost in your work and not emerging for hours or sometimes days.  You had been getting better about it, if only because Bucky and Natasha were always on your ass about it.
Which is only because they love you.  So much.  Like.  So so much.
“Have you seen Baby?” Natasha asked Sam, who was wandering through the kitchen after his workout.
He had a protein shake in his hand, sweat dripping from his brow.  “No, can’t say I have.  And you know you can call her by her name when it comes to other people, right?”
She rolled her eyes and gave him a look.  “Her name is Baby.”
“To you.”
“To Bucky and me,” she retorted.  “And besides, she doesn’t even respond to her name when it’s coming from us anymore.”  A small smile crept up on her lips.  “It’s adorable.”  But she was on a mission.  She had a little box that came in with the mail that’s a present just for you.
And sometimes Bucky, depending on how he was feeling.
But Natasha didn’t like being touched.  She liked to give, but never to receive.  Her therapist said it had to do with the various traumas that she’d taken on while growing up in the Red Room.  Her body had never been her own during that time.  She’d been hurt over and over and over again, to the point where someone touching her body in a sexual way sent her into a panic attack.
Bucky was mostly the same way.  He had a hard time with sexual touch, though he’d gotten a lot better about it.
It was just one of those things that Natasha had to deal with.  Not that it was hard.  She loved taking care of you with Bucky’s help.  Their little pillow princess.
You were always the smart girl.  Some could argue that you were smarter than both Bruce Banner and Tony Stark simply because you knew both fields and then some.  You tended to become… obsessed.  You had to know more about everything just for the sake of knowing more.  But with that, your mind was always going a million miles an hour.  Which is why when it came to the bedroom, it was really nice to just be able to let go and not think for a while.  You got to be their dumb little baby girl.  It was always about you when it came to sex.
When it came to who needed cuddles and affection, that was when it was their turn.  You slept in the middle of them, cradled between them like a precious pearl.  You fought off their nightmares for them, their fears.  You made them see that they were more than the weapons they had been crafted into.  You provided relief for each other in different ways.
Before you had come along, Bucky and Natasha’s love had been volatile.  They were missing a piece of the puzzle, even if they hadn’t realized it.
And then their precious little princess had been hired on as a scientist, and their lives were forever changed.  They knew immediately that you were the one for them, their missing piece.
Of course, it had taken a while to get you to understand just what they wanted.  You might be the smartest in the lab, but when it came to relationships…
Which is what brought her to today.  You’d been a little… off lately.  Of course, that could be because her and Bucky had been on back to back missions for the past few months.  There hadn’t been a lot of time for the three of you all together, which was always frustrating.  It was the longest amount of time the three of you hadn’t gotten to all be together since becoming a triad.
And they felt even worse when they both had to leave on missions and leave you all by your lonesome.
Maybe they’d get you a kitten.  You wouldn’t have time for a puppy, but a cat?  You’d love that.  A little lab buddy.  Or maybe they’d get you one of those senior cats with three legs that was deaf in one ear.  Yeah, you’d love that.
But then it would die a lot quicker than a kitten, and they’d have to pick up the pieces because that would destroy you.  But then you’d also be so happy that you got to give the cat a really good few years at the end.
Whatever.  She’d talk to Bucky about it when he got home and they could make a decision.
But the little box.
The elevator down to the lab seemed to take forever, the silence mocking her since Tony absolutely hated elevator music and refused to let it play in the Tower.  But was even more unsettling was the fact that you weren’t in the lab.
“Hey, have you seen Baby?” Natasha asked Tony, who was fiddling with something on his tablet.
“It’s still weird that you call her that to everyone.”
“It’s her name.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yes, it is.”
“Her name is—”
“Baby,” Natasha said, glaring at him.  “Yes, I know.  Have you seen her?”
“You disgust me.”  The man sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as his eyes squeezed shut for a moment.  “I think she went down to the spare testing room.  Something about an unknown vapor.”
An unknown vapor?  You hadn’t mentioned that.  Then again, you’d been kinda quiet lately.
She headed down another few floors, bearing the silence as she went through a mental list of things she needed to get done.  It was your birthday soon.  She needed to make sure all three of you could get off, and she’d plan something really special.  You deserved it.
The testing room you’re in has all floor to ceiling windows for walls, but she can’t see you.
“Strange,” she muttered under her breath.  She headed for the doors, and her eyes widened as she saw you through the glass.
You were lying on the ground, sweat dripping from your brow, with your hand in your pants.  From the… rapid way your hand was moving, there was no mistaking what was happening.
But why the hell were you touching yourself right there where anyone could walk by and see you?!  Not that she didn’t like it.  She loved watching you touch yourself and she often ordered you to when she was in a dominating mood.  It was so much fun watching you edge yourself.
No, it was the whole public thing that was confusing her.
You looked up as she started to push the doors open, her eyes widening.  “N-Natasha, no!” You shouted.
But it was too late.  A sickly sweet substance filled her nose, and seconds later, she felt a strange heat creeping up over her.  What the hell was happening?  And why did her skin feel so warm?
“N-Natasha,” you whimpered, rolling on your side.  Your fingers were still rubbing desperately at your clit, trying to find some kind of release.  “Nattie, it hurts.  It hurts.  M-Make it stop.”
And god damn it.  Her precious lover begging her to make whatever it was stop hurting?  She was gonna figure out a way to make it stop hurting.
She crawled towards her, frowning as she saw a broken test tube on the floor.  “What the hell is this?”  She couldn’t read the label on it, the ink smeared.  Tossing it to the side, she finally made it to you.  “W-What hurts, Baby?  What hurts?”
Your glassy eyes were wild as your hips bucked up in the air, a vein on your forehead popping out.  “F-Fuck me.  Fuck me, Nattie, please,” she begged, whining desperately.  “Oh, my god, I need it.  I need it.  Please.”
“H-Here?  Baby, wha—”
“Natasha, please, I am literally beg… begging you.  Please,” you cried, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Well.  It’s a good thing she brought the box with her.  She ripped it open, pulling out the new harness that she ordered with it.  “Okay.  Okay, angel, but you gotta let me get my strap on, okay?”  She asked sweetly as she stripped down.  She didn’t care who saw.  She had to help her baby girl.
Your response of a weak whimper only made her go faster.
She practically ripped off your clothes, a groan tearing its way out of her throat as she spread your legs.  You were so wet it was obscene, your poor little clit swollen.
“Oh, pretty girl,” she cooed as she ran her fingers through your slick folds, slipping two in with ease.  “You didn’t ask permission to touch yourself, sweetheart…  But I think I can let this time slide…”  With her one free hand, she pulled the new dildo out of its packaging, smirking at the whimper that escaped your lips as you saw it.
It was pretty.  Really pretty.  Eight inches, made of that realistic feeling silicone, and a gorgeous opal color.  Her and Bucky ordered it especially with you in mind, since opals are your favorite.
“N-Natasha, please…”  You grinded against her fingers, your pussy clenching as you tried to get more.
“Oh, good girl…  You look so pretty, Baby.”  She used her one hand to attach the dildo to the harness, her eyes flicking back and forth between the heat between your legs and her fumbling fingers as she finally got it secure.  She ran it through your folds, getting it nice and slicked up.
That’s when the doors opened again, the familiar sound of size twelve boots coming towards them.  “What the hell is that smell and why are you two—”  Bucky broke off as he felt the heat.  “Oh, shit.”
Natasha grinned as she looked over at Bucky.  They were both clearly feeling the heat that the mysterious substance had caused, but not nearly as bad as you were.  “I caught our little baby touching herself without permission… out where anyone could walk by and see her.”
The third member of your triad was already working on undoing his belt, tearing it off so quickly that it ripped a few of his belt loops, leaving little holes in his pants.  “Has our baby been a little naughty?” He asked as he stripped down, kicking off his boots.  He grasped your face with his metal hand, the cool digits a welcome reprieve to the heat that had overwhelmed you.  “Princess, have you been a bad girl?  Huh?”  He lightly slapped your cheek, just enough to get you to answer.  “When I ask a question, I expect an answer, sweetheart.”
You nodded, whining as you nuzzled your head against his cool hand, the angle hurting your neck a little since you were still on your back.  “Yes.  Yes, Bucky.  I’ve been so bad, I’m so sorry…”  You looked up at him with glittering eyes, your cheeks tear stained.  “I need you.  Please.”
His blue eyes were soft as he leaned down, stealing a soft kiss from your swollen lips.  “What’s your safeword, Baby?” He asked, his free hand wrapping around his swollen cock.
“And if you can’t talk?” Natasha probed, still sliding her strap through your folds.
Your hand wrapped around Bucky’s wrist, squeezing twice.
“Good girl,” he said, kissing you once more.  His strong hands flipped you over easily, placing you on your hands and knees.
Almost immediately after, Natasha’s hand came down on your ass, causing you to jerk forward.  “You better suck Bucky’s cock, Baby,” she said as a smirk curled up the edges of her lips.  “If you want me to fuck you, you better put that pretty mouth to good use.”
“Did she stutter, angel?” Bucky asked as he grabbed her chin, forcing you to look up at him.  “Tasha gave you an order.  Are you going to be a good girl and listen?”  His flesh thumb ran over your plump bottom lip.  “Don’t you wanna be a good girl for us?  Huh?”
Fuck.  Yeah, you did.  You always wanted to be a good girl for your two lovers.
Matching moans fell from Bucky and Natasha’s mouths as your tongue flicked out to slide up his length, circling around the head.  You always gave absolutely filthy head, your eyes watering as you choked around his length.
As you took him all the way, Natasha slid her strap into your wet heat, all the way to the hilt.  You let out a choked moan, your eyes wide as she started to thrust in and out of you.  Her fingers dug into your hips deliciously, the acrylics she kept at a relatively short length leaving little crescent moon indents.  You loved it.  The pain felt so fucking good.
“We should’ve made you wear your butt plug, Baby.”  Bucky’s jaw clenched as he reached to gather some of your slick on his finger, before circling it around your tight hole.  “Could’ve had you waiting for us to fuck you proper while I was on a mission all week…”
Natasha’s hips slammed against yours as she pressed her lips to Bucky’s.  “We don’t use the diamond one enough considering how much we paid for it.”
You pulled off of Bucky’s cock with a pop, glaring at the two of them.  “Is this the time to be talking about how often we use the butt plug?”
“Did I say you could stop sucking my cock?” Bucky growled as he grabbed your face and started throat-fucking you.  “It’s been too long since we put you in your place, angel.  You’re getting mouthy.”
“She’s always been mouthy.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks as Natasha and Bucky’s thrusts sent waves of pleasure through you.  The heat that had consumed your body was faded, and all you could think about was making your doms feel good.
All the background noise that had been in your mind over the past few weeks was gone, drowned out by the praises coming from your lovers.  All the self-doubt that coursed through your mind was gone when they loved you like this.
You choked around Bucky’s cock as you came suddenly, the release coming over you like a wave.
It only seemed to spur them on more as Natasha fucked you that much harder, Bucky’s fingers scratching soothingly against your scalp as he got closer and closer to the edge.  You could always tell when he was close by the way his thrusts got more and more sloppy.
Natasha’s hand reached down and around to rub your clit, the pretty opal dildo sliding in and out of you with ease.  She wished she had her phone if just so she could record the moans falling from you and Bucky’s mouths.
Hell, she’d make it her fucking ringtone.
It wasn’t long before Bucky came with a shout, spilling down your throat.
He groaned, his head falling back as he felt you licking him clean.  He let you finish before pulling out, getting on his knees and kissing you sweetly.
Your eyes were dazed, a little bit of cum you hadn’t swallowed dribbling out of your mouth.  You looked so damn pretty like that.  Dumb from pleasure.
“You gonna cum again for us, Baby?” He asked sweetly, holding your face in his hands.
A nod, your lips starting to move to form words but not quite getting there.  Adorable.
He watched it coming.  Watched as your breath hitched and your eyes rolled back in your head before you let out a cry.  You blacked out as your second orgasm ripped through you, violently like an earthquake.  A force of nature.
“Seriously?  In the lab?!” Tony demanded, glaring at them from the entrance.  “What the hell happened?!”
Bucky and Natasha were very blasé faire about their own nudity, but they didn’t like anyone else seeing you.  The redhead reached for the little test tube that she’d tossed to the side when she’d first gotten there as he covered you up with his leather jacket, cradling your exhausted body to his chest.  He pressed soft kisses to your forehead as he rocked you back and forth.
“I think it was whatever was in this,” Natasha said as she looked at it curiously, trying to make out what the writing on the label was.  “... Sexus… Pollinis?”
Tony grumbled as he walked over and grabbed the tube, looking it over.  “It’s literally Latin for sex pollen.  Which probably means exactly what we think.”
“Is that what the smell in the air was?” Bucky asked.
Natasha nodded.  “I think most of it spilled on her, which is why she was so affected but we weren’t.”
“Okay.  I’ll… clean all this stuff up,” Tony said.  “Get her out of here and in a bed.  Or a bath.”  He shook his head as he started to call for the robots that mopped the floor.  “Animals.”
You came to in your shared room, curled up between them in your giant tub.  “Wha’ happened?”
“Hey, baby girl,” Bucky cooed, his fingers massaging your sore shoulders.  “How do you feel?”
For some reason, you started crying.  It just came over you.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Natasha said, cupping your face and wiping your tears.  “Baby, what’s going on?  Huh?  Talk to us…”
“I-I’ve just been f-feeling so alone a-and this is the first time w-we’ve all been together in two m-months,” you whimpered in a shattered glass voice, barely able to string together a full sentence through your hiccups.  “A-And you’ve been gone s-so often that all I can think is m-maybe I’m j-just here because you’re both d-dominants and needed a s-s-submissive!”
Bucky and Natasha’s faces both fell and they squeezed you that much closer to them.
“Oh, Baby, no,” Natasha said.  Her heart hurt as she realized that that’s why you’ve been so off lately.  “We love you so much.  So, so much.”
“I think it’s time we stopped going on so many missions anyway, Baby,” Bucky added, his fingers tickling up and down your back.  “I’m tired of not being home with my girls.”
“Really?” You asked softly, looking at him like he’d just told you he’d give you the moon.
“Yeah,” Natasha said, bringing your hand to her lips.  She pressed a kiss to your left ring finger as her eyes met Bucky’s, a knowing look on his face.  Maybe soon there’d be a ring on that finger.  “Really, Baby.”
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