#[oc] paperclip
tereox · 1 year
Warmup #13
Rating: T
Summary: Coruscant is haunted. The ghosts aren't bothering the Corries so they just go with the flow. What are they gonna do? Assassinate- oh.. Oh. Good riddance.
Fox picked up his mug of caff and paused when he realised that it was still warm. He could have sworn he'd put that there hours ago.
He looked around the glorified storage closet that was his office. "Vor'e." He whispered to the empty room.
He went back to work, the mug warming his hand.
"Kriff, I need-" Thread shoved his arm into the cabinet he knew was empty. He'd checked it several times but he needed that bacta, the vod'ika sprawled on the medical cot wouldn't make it.
Against all odds, his hand caught on something solid. He tugged the item out of the cabinet and spared only a fraction of a second to stare at the bacta. Then he threw himself out of the storage closet and held up the bacta like it would bring them salvation.
It would, for this particular vod'ika.
"You have no idea what I'm capable of." The senator sneered, tugging their fancy cape away from Grizzer. "I will have that beast put down."
Hound carefully tugged Grizzer back, pushing down the panic rising in him in the same motion. "Sir, she's trained to detect illegal substances and you-"
The senator whirled around to face him and their foot caught on something.
There was an aborted attempt to reach for them, but Hound could only watch as they tumbled off the platform. If there had ever been a good place for a railing on Coruscant, it would have been there.
… he should call that in.
Thire's patrol route was the same every Taungsday. It was a security risk, but with how scheduling worked it was difficult to change.
He caught a glint out of the corner of his eye and grabbed his patrol buddy's arm, wrenching them behind cover.
Paperclip stayed down. "What did you see?"
"Glint, might have been a sniper."
Thire reached for his comm and called in backup. Better safe than dead.
There ended up being no sniper. However, several blocks further, an ambush had been laid. He should ask Fox to have his patrol route adjusted.
Fox placed down his stylus and ran a hand down his face. He was dead tired. There were.. way too many things he still had to do before passing out in his bunk for a couple hours. He couldn't allow himself to stop now.
He grabbed one of the more important datapads and reached for his stylus. His fingers touched the empty desk.
Fox frowned and looked over. His stylus wasn't where he'd left it. Maybe his desk had gotten slanted from the constant pressure of hundreds of datapads and pieces of flimsi on top of it.
He leaned over to check and did not find his stylus. That sucked, it had been his favourite stylus. Oh well.
He went to open his desk drawer to get a new one but it wouldn't budge. Something slapped him in the face and that was his stylus!
Fox jumped up in a vain attempt to grab the floating object but he only got a wave of nausea rolling through him.
Maybe.. maybe he should go to sleep.
"The security cameras show it flew across the room and embedded itself right in the Chancellor's heart. There was no one who could have thrown it. The Chancellor was in his office by himself."
Fox silenced the thought of his floating stylus and nodded dutifully. "We'll keep an eye out for an invisible assailant."
Even a CorSec officer should have caught the sarcasm in that.
Mando'a vor'e - thanks vod'ika - little sibling
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pire333 · 2 months
TW // Canon×Oc
[If You Don't Want To See It, Just Scroll]
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kyoobot · 6 months
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Samson Drawings over the past few weeks :]
oc interactions, outfits and some jokes :D
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thebuginyourwalls · 1 year
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I was meant to be doing refs for these ocs for artfight, but I got too busy to participate again 😭 Oh well, at least they'll be ready for next year. Pls enjoy this little skrunkly in the meantime 💉🐁
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Dw-dwagon ???
Have Paperclip(ErrorInk) as a dragon !!
⊹ Credits !
Paperclip is by - @jayssillycreativitybox
Wings of Fire is by - Tui T. Sutherlands
⊹ Info
- Has the ability to release dangerous toxins..
- pretty boio :3
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plasmahallucigenia · 1 month
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br1ghtestlight · 4 months
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btw here's some drawings of blue as a baby w/ their family based on reference baby photos of actual septuplets...... there were supposed to be a lot more of them as older kids etc but i kinda gave up on the project and im probably gonna do it differently if i start this again so i might as well post these lmao
reference pics ⬇️
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troubleandtans · 1 year
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funfettikatz · 1 year
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please don't use / reupload
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There he is :D
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chemicalcain · 2 years
PLS tell me more abt paperclip he looks like he chews on live wires for stimulating electrical fun
you understand his vibe perfectly. thank u for asking about my oc haha i will ABSOLUTELY tell you more about paperclip.
he runs a pawn shop/thrift store type place called "one man's trash." he partially stocks this store through the usual means (consignment, estate sales, etc) but most of his stock comes from dumpster diving and wandering through the junkyard. he has a list of favorite dumpsters around town
he has multiple ear piercings that i usually forget to draw and always pulls his hair back into a ponytail. he almost exclusively wears black v-neck t-shirts also. listens to a lot of nine inch nails. he doesn't explore often when it comes to his musical or fashion taste, but he'll try anything once, and tbh he'll try almost anything twice if a friend talks him into it
things paperclip has done on a dare:
eaten a rock (from the ground)
slashed a cop's tires
stacked 8 textbooks on top of his head
climbed a modern art statue (40 feet tall) so he could yell at a seagull
given himself an ear piercing (got infected)
things paperclip has done of his own accord with no outside influence:
licked a battery to know what electricity tastes like (the answer is that electricity tastes like pain which tastes mostly like blood)
thrown a nintendo 64 out a third-story window to see what would happen (it worked fine afterwards)
burned the entirety of ouran highschool hostclub on several dvds and watched them until the discs died
eaten straight salt (doctors hate him)
as thanks for asking i drew paperclip and testimony digging in the trash behind the goodwill
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tereox · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Original Clone Trooper Character(s) & Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), CC-1010 | Fox & Original Clone Trooper Character(s) Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), CT-04-8745 | Xat (OC), CT-04-8740 | Fib (OC), CT-4490 | W (OC), CT-34-7723 | Paperclip (OC), Coruscant Guard Clone Troopers (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Drawing, not an actual drawing but the fic is about drawings, Coruscant Guard (Star Wars), Planet Coruscant (Star Wars), Coruscant Guard Troopers as Family (Star Wars), Coruscant Guard Troopers-centric (Star Wars), Coruscant Guard Troopers Deserve Better (Star Wars), Clone Troopers Speak Mando'a (Star Wars), Coruscant Guard Troopers Need Hugs (Star Wars), Trans Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Nonbinary Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mentioned Clone Commander Thorn 
Summary: Xat loves drawing. What he loves even more though, is easing the pain his fellow Corries have to go through by drawing for them. He leaves the drawings in the medbay, on bunks, for the shinies before their first patrol. And sometimes he sneaks into Commander Fox's office to leave them there.
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Can I request a one shot with a reader that managed to pick the lock and escape the hospital? (Dr.Kry)
Escaping a madman
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Doctor!yandere OC x reader
Summary: you pick the lock and escape doctor Kry. You don't know that he knows exactly where you live and decides to go get you back.
Warnings: yandere, drugs, obsession, mentions of killing, threats, non consensual kiss, kidnapping
Word count 1.9k
"All tucked in nicely?" he smiles, feeling the duvets with his hands.
You nod.
"Okay, good", the doctor continues. "Alright then, sleep well, Y/N, I will be back in an hour or so to check up on you. If there’s anything you need, just press the button on your bed and I'll be here in a heartbeat."
Doctor Kry thinks it's just one of your normal afternoon naps. If only he knew what you have planned. The very second the door closes behind him, you can hear the lock turning. You sprint up from your bed and over to the desk. You open drawer after drawer with your weak hands, already feeling how your head is spinning with all this movement and fear. Dr Kry could come back any minute if he suspects something and then he'll catch you red handed. Maybe that's why he started locking your door?
You can't take more of him. He's like a parasite that feeds off of you and he doesn't seem like he can get enough. You need to get away before he sews himself together with you.
Gosh, how you miss your family. Dr Kry barely tells you what day it is, so you don't know how long you've been separated. All you know is that it's too long.
You rummage through the small drawers until you find a paperclip. If you bend it enough, maybe you can use it as a lockpick?
You don't wait to find out. Quickly, you run to the door and insert the little metal stick into the keyhole. You poke around, trying to find the right trigger. Something has to be pressed to unlock the door.
You sit there for a good ten minutes before the lock gives in and clicks open. With a small, relieved smile, you open the door. You sneak out into the corridor, carefully looking around. You've barely left your room since you've come here. The only times you've been let out has been by Dr Kry’s side (and the few times you managed to run down to the cafeteria). The cafeteria is close to the entrance, right where you have to be. You know the way down to the cafeteria wonderfully.
You decide to take the elevator. Less people will see you that way. You only need once glance in the elevator mirror to grow cold. If you've ever seen a walking zombie, that'd be it. This hospital has turned you into a living dead.
As soon as the box you're in stops moving and the doors open, you brace yourself. Be quick, unnoticeable and brave. Don't stop if anyone asks you something … and if Doctor Kry sees you … run for dear life. He has to be the reason why you're looking and feeling like you do. Thankfully, no one seems tk bat an eye. Everyone is so busy with their own things that no one seems to see the person walking out the entrance in a hospital gown. Your heart is beating in your throat. Bare feet touch the asphalt and you gulp. You're free! You're outside! The fresh breeze caresses your body, welcoming you out, congratulating you for finally escaping.
Tears run down your cheeks as you run over to the payphone in the middle of the parking lot. You have to call your parents and have them pick you up before Dr Kry realizes that you're gone. Only problem? You don't have any coins. Desperately, you look around and find that someone must have dropped there on the ground. You pick up the two shiny coins and push them into the slot. Fingers shaking as you press the number buttons. A few signals pass by before it breaks off.
"Hello?" a familiar voice says.
"Mom!" you breathe out, near tears again.
"Y/N?! H-How are you feeling, you haven't let us see you-"
"No, it wasn't me, I promise. I-Ill tell you everything, just please come pick me up! Hurry!"
"I'll be there soon."
And so she hung up. You sink down on the asphalt and start to bawl. Feeling overwhelmed would be an understatement. Hearing your mothers voice again, being outside, about to be picked up, being noticed by doctor Kry … it'll end your poor heart.
Fifteen minutes feel like two years. Your mom's car finally slides into the parking lot with a screech and is close to hitting another car. It stops right in front of you. Your mother jumps out without bothering to close the door behind her. She throws herself over you and you cling onto the woman as if this is the last time you'll ever see her. The familiar smell is hypnotizing, it makes you think of a better time, a time that feels so long ago. It's summer now and when you went into the hospital the snow was falling heavily from the gray sky. Either it's been a year and a half or six months. It feels more like the first alternative, but your mom hasn't changed at all, so you believe it's only been a couple of months.
She brings you into the car while asking a million different questions. You answer them all, but your body starts to lose the adrenaline. You slump back into the seat. Normally, you would be sleeping at this time and your body has adapted to your different nap times.
As soon as you come back to your childhood home, an immense feeling of exhaustion washes over you. You're home, you're finally safe.
You want to tell your family everything that has happened, but you think that you're going to faint if you don't get to sleep in your own bed again. They help you up to the second floor and place you gently into the bed. Everything around you is as you remember it. It smells like it usually smells, it looks like it usually looks and it feels like it usually does. You're home.
A weird noise wakes you up. Something sounding like a door creaking open. You open your eyes, but to your surprise, you can't see anything! You must have slept longer than planned. The moon is up outside your window.
You look around, noticing a figure in the darkness. As you're about to gasp, a hand slaps over your mouth. Only by the scent, you're able to identify the person.
"Shh, my little one", Dr Kry whispers and holds his other finger over his lips. "If you make any noise I'll kill them."
You don't have to ask who he means. Terrified, you shake your head as quickly as you can. He sighs, looking down into your pleading eyes.
"Why did you have to run away, hm?" he says sadly. "It was supposed to be the two of us. Don't you understand how scared I got when I walked into your room and saw that you weren't there? I looked at the security footage and you and so sheepishly walked out! I knew that you'd go here. You missed your family so much, didn't you, little one?"
Tears start to run down your cheeks, flooding down on his hand.
"Don't cry", Dr Kry whispers and bends down to lean his forehead on yours. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'll remove my hand, okay? Remember that if you make any noise, I'll kill your parents. You don't want that, do you?"
You shake your head just as quickly again.
"Good", he whispers and removes his hand.
Your bottom lip trembles tremendously and you're about to let out a sob, but you bite your lip to prevent it.
"You're so pretty", Dr Kry whispers.
You shake your head. You saw your reflection in the mirror. Whatever he's done to you, it's anything but pretty.
"Yes, you are", he whispers and cups your cheeks softly.
His cold hands make you shiver. You pray that this is a nightmare. A side effect from the lack of drugs he's given you. But his touch, his breath, it's all too real.
Suddenly, his lips meet yours in a gentle kiss. You gasp and stare at him, too shocked to push him off.
Dr Kry pulls back and picks up something from his pocket. You notice how he's not wearing his doctor clothes. He's wearing a sand colored jean jacket and a pair of jeans. You can't tell what he picks up from his pocket, but it looks like a cloth.
"Take a big breath", he urges and presses it to your face, covering both mouth and nose. "Come on, sweetheart. Can’t you do that for me?"
You start to turn your head back and forth, but you can't escape his claws. The cloth follows your every move. You hold your breath and glare at him. He seems to be as calm as ever. He knows that you’ll have to breathe sooner or later. You can’t win. When you can't hold your breath anymore you're forced to breathe it in whether you like it or not. A dizzy sensation enters your brain, numbing it.
"There we go", he cooes. "What a good little thing you are, darling. Big breaths, good job. Don't be scared, when you wake up, you'll be where you belong again and we can pretend that this never happened."
The last thing you see is Doctor Kry’s blue eyes staring right into yours.
When you wake up, the sun is shining in your eyes. The groggy feeling in your head is making everything harder. You can’t seem to move or think. With half open eyes, you look around, finding that you’re back in the hospital. You lift your hands to rub your eyes, but your right hand stops. You look down. He’s handcuffed it to the side of the bed! In panic, you start to move your hand, hoping to get out of it.
The bathroom door opens and Dr Kry comes out, fixing his white lab coat. You freeze and stare at him with wide eyes. He smiles slightly.
“Oh, darling, don’t look so scared”, he says and nods at your cuffed wrist. “I had to do that to make sure you don’t go rummaging through my drawers again. If you can pick the door lock with a paperclip, I don’t want to know what more you can do.”
“L-Let me go!” you shout.
“No, I won’t.” He sits down on the side of the bed, right by your knees. “You need me as much as I need you … it’s just a matter of time before you realize that. You’re sick, Y/N, you can’t be out in the large world. Don’t you see that I’m protecting you? You need me to protect you. You can’t survive without me.”
“I hate you. You’re such a piece of shit!”
“You’re just frightened. I know you don’t hate me. You like me when I’m nice and I’ll be just as nice as you want me to be, but then you need to be a good little patient and not run around when you’re not supposed to. Promise me that you’ll never try to run away again. I didn’t touch your parents this time, but if you ever try again, I’ll burn down their house. Remember, Y/N, I’m good at making murders look like accidents.”
“No …”
“Yes. Promise me now. Promise that you’ll stay here for the rest of your little life and that you’ll never try to leave me again. Promise me.”
“I can’t …”
“I know where you live, I know where all of your friends live-”
“I promise! I promise to n-never leave you again. Please, just let everyone be. I’ll do whatever you want if you just let everyone else be!”
Dr Kry smiles cockily and kisses your forehead. You shiver and close your eyes. Can you ever escape this madman?
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kyoobot · 11 months
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Halloween Samson stuff and oc interactions :D
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thebuginyourwalls · 2 years
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OC drawing dump. The scientist changes every time I draw him but he's a shapesjifter so it's ok
(Last image without the text below)
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jackiequick · 2 months
X-Men Evolution — OC 🎸
~ Is this just to fuel my desire for more X-men content? Yes, yes it is. Plus I adore the cartoon I wish it got more traffic because it’s pretty good!
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Full name: Hailey Meredith Rose Wright
Nicknames: Hail, Mere, Rosy
Sign: Virgo
Birthday: August 29th
Age: 17-25
Height: 5’5
Parents: Kisa Wright (mom), Charles Xavier (father), Erik Lehnsherr (father-figure)
Personality: Hailey is a deep thinker, modest, rather picky, analytical, clumsy on occasion, and pretty supportive. However she has a pretty gentle demeanor, kind, very inpatient and soft spoken. She’s often very quiet compared to others, however she doesn’t need to say anything because her behavior and facial expressions say it all.
Fidgets with Objects: Hailey often plays with small metallic objects, like paperclips or coins, subconsciously bending and reshaping them when deep in thought or nervous.
Facial Expressions: She communicates a lot through her expressions, often making her thoughts and feelings known without saying a word.
Powers: Magnetism. Or as Hailey likes to put it, “It’s like telekinesis but with metallic objects.”
In other words, she can push/pull metallic and magnetic material (ex: attracting a smartphone or repelling metallic robots).
Another instance is bending and manipulating magnetic materials (ex: bending a string of paperclips then reshaping them into tiny hearts or crushing a handful of computers into striking pieces).
Sensing Metal: Over time, she has developed the ability to sense the presence of metal in her surroundings, giving her an edge in unfamiliar environments.
—Personal Skills
Problem-Solving: Hailey's analytical skills make her a natural problem-solver, whether it's figuring out a complex situation or coming up with innovative uses for her powers.
Listening: Her supportive nature and ability to listen make her a trusted confidante among her peers, often helping others work through their issues.
Appearance and Style
—Clothing Style
Casual Wear: Hailey prefers comfortable, practical clothing nothing too tight or fancy use to her sensitive skin. Think fitted jeans, simple graphic t-shirts, tank-tops and leather jackets. She often incorporates subtle accessories like a big hoop earring or bracelets.
Accessories: She wears a locket that belonged to her mother, made of golden marble, so she can always keep it close using her abilities. She has a handful of earrings and rings in a box, often changing up her appearance with multi-hoop earrings or multiple stylized rings.
—Distinctive Features
Tattoo: Hailey has a small, discreet tattoo of a lightings bolts.
Scars: She has a few minor scars from training and past missions, but none are particularly prominent.
Jewelry: She often wears a small sliver nose ring
—Signature Color Combination
Primary Color: Maroon.
Accent Color: Bronze/Brown.
—Background and History 🖼️
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Years ago, during a visit to California for a conference on genetic diversity, Charles Xavier met a woman named Kisa Wright. Kisa, an associate director for the media, was working at the conference, providing information, filming, and reporting back to the editor for the magazine she worked at. She lived in North Carolina but had flown to California a few months in advance to prepare for the conference. Kisa had tan skin, short brown hair, and a darling smile. Charles found her attractive, kind, and intelligent, often watching her work behind the camera.
During the conference, their eyes met several times, sparking a mutual interest. Once the conference ended, Charles invited Kisa for a cup of coffee. She accepted, and they talked for hours at a nearby coffee shop. Over the week, they continued meeting for lunch, their encounters feeling like dates. Charles flirted, and Kisa smiled at his compliments, though he kept some distance regarding his private life. Kisa respected his boundaries, understanding his busy life.
As the week concluded, they returned to their daily routines. A few weeks later, Kisa discovered she was pregnant. Not wanting to burden Charles, whom she assumed wouldn’t want children, she decided not to inform him. Despite attempting to write to him, the letters never reached Charles for various reasons. Nine months later, Kisa gave birth to Hailey Rose.
Hailey grew up in North Carolina, loving baseball, photography, and fashion. She often accompanied her mother to the studio, watching the behind-the-scenes action of filming, interviewing, and high-quality photography. Life was good until her mother’s career demanded more travel, leaving Hailey often staying at a friend’s house.
When Hailey was 16, tragedy struck. One afternoon, while at a friend’s house, police arrived with devastating news: there had been a bus crash, and multiple people were injured or killed, including Kisa Wright. Hailey, in shock and disbelief, struggled to accept the news, despite her friend’s mother’s comforting words. Just moments earlier, her mother had called, promising to see her soon. Now, she was gone.
—Aftermath and Discovery 🔬
Grief and Struggle
Emotional Turmoil: Grief took over Hailey as she struggled with the loss of her mother. A part of her felt responsible, believing that her encouragement of her mother’s career might have led to the tragedy. Her mother’s career had inspired Hailey to consider becoming a photographer, but after such a shocking experience, she refused to entertain that idea for herself.
Coping Mechanisms: Hailey often cried herself to sleep and found solace in her mother's belongings, frequently wearing an old-fashioned jacket that had belonged to Kisa. These items provided a comforting connection to her lost mother.
Support System: Hailey’s friends’ family, being close family friends, took her in and supported her through this difficult time, knowing that Kisa would have appreciated their care for her daughter.
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— Discovery of Powers 💎
One afternoon in mid-June, Hailey was visiting an old house near a lake, under the care of her mother’s best friend, Ophelia. The location was serene and a welcome escape from the city’s noise. Ophelia, noticing Hailey’s continued struggle with her emotions, suggested she take a moment to stand in the lake and confront her bottled-up feelings. Though hesitant, Hailey agreed.
Emotional Release: Hailey brought her pens, papers, a blanket, and other personal items to the lake. She removed her shoes and waded into the water until it reached her knees. There, she stood, speaking to herself, crying, and eventually letting out a deep breath before screaming at the top of her lungs. Her scream was filled with confusion, pain, anger, and frustration over the past few months.
Manifestation of Powers: As she screamed, her hands open and heart pounding, Hailey felt a sudden burst of energy and a strange sensation between her fingers. When she looked, she realized her necklace, which had been on the blanket behind her, was now in her palm.
To say the girl was shocked and scared would be an insult to her own words.
“What the..?” She mumbled under her breath.
She couldn’t understand how the necklace had moved to her hand without her touching it…
The next few days, Hailey stayed indoors, trying to forget what happened and not speak about it to her Aunt Ophelia in fear she might want her to experience or explore this newfound discovery. Hailey that she was seeing things, as she tried to stay calm and away from the lake, in confusion and frustration of could possibly have caused that.
She knew that the ocean was full of unknown objects and creatures, but she knew that wasn’t it. She thought she was seeing things. As calm as she tried to stay, it seemed like it wasn’t working, as small items next to her start to wiggle around a bit.
She thought she was going nuts when she pointed to her headset that lay on the couch, screaming for the headphones to stop shaking, but it only made it move even more as she flicked her hands, resulting in her headset to go flying backwards hitting the wall instead. To her relief, it didn’t break.
Ophelia heard the noise and went to check on her, as Hailey hurried to pick it up and quickly pulled herself together, telling her that her headphones accidentally fell. Ophelia just nodded and went back, to the kitchen to finish washing the dishes.
Hailey knew she needed to get out of the house, clear her thoughts and grab something to eat, as she grabbed the extra pair of keys and ran.
Meanwhile at Xavier’s Institute, Cerebro picked up movement of a possible mutant wondering the streets of Upstate New York. Cerebo slowly turned to its analysis on this mutant’s behavior. Xavier assumed it to be Erik, as he knew the man was one to travel, as well as the only other mutant with whom can control metal without their knowledge. That he knows of, that is.
However Cerebo picked it up to be a young female, around 17 years old, who decided to make a run for her after discovering that something different was happening to them. Intrigued and concerned, Charles went Jean Gray to get meet the girl and possibly bring her to the mansion before she can cause any damage to herself or her surroundings.
Jean went and picked up on the girls location, finding her near an empty parking lot, sitting at the curbside picking at her nails listening to music, trying to figure out what to do next. But when Jean tried to carefully confront the girl, she just tried to ignore her and leave, as Jean did her best to avoid any wondering eyes trying to showcase that Hailey wasn’t alone.
Hailey refused to believe her, think Jean was just crazy and stumbled away from her, as Jean tried following her. Hailey found herself in the middle of the parking lot surrounded by objects such as trash, street signs, loose change on the ground and etc.
Jean was trying to ease Hailey and tell her that everything was gonna be alright, but Hailey was scared and uncertain about everything, shouting at Jean to leave her alone as the loose change such as coins went flying and hitting Jean Gray as she tried to block every single one of them.
She didn’t want to hurt anyone or cause an damage, she just wanted to make it stop and yes, Jean was doing everything in her best interest to help her calm down, she could tell that Hailey was impatient and terrified.
She accidentally pushed a coin straight at Jean Gray’s forehead, leaving a small brutal cut. Hailey hissed and winced at the sight, then puffed up her jacket running down the parking lot and into a corner, taking a breathe. However Jean caught up her and with one gentle sigh, she raised her hands in defense in a gesture to showcase she doesn’t want to fight her. Hailey’s hands balled into a tight flaring fist, looking at Jean and took another breath, deciding to give her a chance to hear the women out.
Soon enough, after a few moments, Hailey nodded at the redhead and decided to reluctantly follow her to the school.
There at the school, she was met with plenty of questions and different faces who past her. She saw teens and young adults using their abilities, some were blue, some had crawls and the list went on. Kids running around and others chatting with each other, meanwhile Hailey noticed there were a couple of teens were left to their own devices sitting alone doing an activity.
Jean guided her to entered a room that held a brunette with light eyes sitting down at his desk dressed in a causal suit, while speaking to a young brunette teenager who was wearing a set of deep red sunglasses to cover his eyes. The one with sunglasses stood up from the couch and gave her a kind smile, greeting her, calling himself Scott Summers. The man at the desk wasn’t far behind, genuinely curious and kindly welcomed Hailey, as he said his name was Professor Xavier.
They explained to her about mutants and how they are all different yet unique, that it’s hard however the powers they hold aren’t curses but gifts. Professor Xavier could tell that she was a little shy and trying to take it all in, however he gently encouraged her to try to showcase what she can do.
Hailey hated the several eyes on her, as she requested some space and just have one person in the room. In result, Jean and Scott left, leaving her and Charles to their own devices. Charles slowly turned around to give her his full attention to show him what she believed she can do. Hailey then looked around his desk and reached out her hand to move the small set of paper clips around a bit then pauses.
“Impressive, dear..” Charles said with a soft smile.
She shrugged, “It’s nothing, Professor…it’s uh, been a lot..”
“Ah, I understand. Our machines here picked up on the day your powers first began and sense how anxious you were. And that’s perfectly normal, because it’s a lot to handle. But I promise you, you will get a hang of it.”
“Thank you.”
“Cerebo picked up on what I assumed is your first name, but it didn’t get your full attention..may I asked, what is your name?”
Hailey told him her full name, and who she thought she was. Professor just smiled and nodded, trying to get a sense of the girl, especially due to her last name sounding oddly familiar to him.
—Truths to be found 🗝️
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Time went on, Hailey Rose Wright started to live at the mansion with other students, such as Kitty Pride, Rogue, Evan Daniels and others. She was even being treated well and taught to not be ashamed on her newfound skills. When she wasn’t going to classes and training, which often led to her and the others kids teasing Logan and Storm during lunchtime, she was hanging outside on the basketball court.
A few weeks later, a tall man named Erik Lehnsherr arrived at the school, greeting Raven and other students out front before entering the building. He was walking around, wearing a black turtleneck and dress pants, holding a pair of sunglasses. Hailey was sitting next to one of her friends, Ethan, on the stairs writing with her notebook as she noticed the man make an b-line.
“Who’s that?” She asked, gesturing to the man.
Ethan looked up from his notebook and shrugged, “My dad..don’t mind him.”
“The fu-“
“Long story.”
Charles and Erik were in the office, catching up on things, laughing at each other’s jokes, making suggestions to the staff members…among other things of course. When it came to the students, Charles was hesitant about talking about his latest student but Erik was able to sniff it out of him, having hear from Raven about a new student who shared a similar skill set to him. Charles eventually let it rip, telling him about he believes that Hailey Rose in his daughter, because he recalls meeting her mother once during a conference years back.
Erik almost chocked on his drink at the moment and scoffed, trying to hold back a little smirk. Charles didn’t seemed pleased with his response and Erik grunted, telling his oldest friend to take a moment to reflect and tell this young girl that he’s her father. Erik knows from experience how it is not to tell someone your their parents and how difficult parenting can be, but still he tries.
Two days later, Charles requested for Hailey to meet him in his office, for an important conversation. The brunette thought she was in deep trouble, ready to blame it on Bobby if things went south, as she wondered what was so important. But to her surprise, Charles led the conversation with nothing about school or her powers, but onto who she is. He asked if either of her parents are mutants, because the x-gene sometimes gets past on mainly from the father, as Hailey shook her head.
From what she knows, her mother and father were young, as it was a very short relationship that barely lasted a month. And her mother, Kisa, tried to make contact with her father once or twice by sending letters but they never arrived to her father. Charles nodded, surprised himself about everything he was supposedly hearing as he tried his best to explain things. Hailey questioned whether it was important to know this information, as Charles slowly ripped off the bandage and told her what he assumed was the truth.
That he was her father.
Hailey was in shock and disbelief, listening to Charle’s side of the story. He explained how he met her mother, how he cared for her and how brief their relationship was. He didn’t even know that he had a child in the first place and if he did, he would’ve went searching for her. Hell, Charles even told her how he never received any letters from her mother, assuming they got lost in the mail or something. He apologized for not telling her sooner but he would like to get to know her.
The two had a long conversation in that office regarding the situation at hand.
Hailey was skeptical, confused and vastly concerned about the new information given to her. She had no clue who her father was growing up and often asked her mother, as her mother would always say he was a kind teacher and very intelligent, but he was also a charmer who dazzled him that day. But her mother never said anything about who exactly he was.
Somehow a part of Hailey was pleased with the fact that what her mother said was true, and even though it hurt that they both found out now, she was oddly at ease. She got lucky that her father was an understanding individual, who tough a school for children like her and not some mutant-hating-asshole!
It took an awful long time for Hailey to get used to but due to Charles openness, patience and understanding, the two of them too it slow. And if Xavier had to be honest, he was pretty excited about having a chance to be a father to such a kind young girl.
—A Family Of Mutants 💿
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Over time, Hailey and Ethan became closer as friends, treating one another almost like siblings. The two were rather loner kids when they started out, rather hanging out by themselves and practicing their skills together. As neither one of them truly wanted to be there at first. Often times, you would find the two friends sitting by the courtyard chatting or binge watching Pixar movies together.
Logan would sometimes find the two sneaking off late nights to the kitchen for a midnight snack or to sit on the porch watching the stars. The two eventually did start interacting with other students such as Petra Summers, Rogue, Kitty Pride, Boom-Boom and the others.
However they often get roped into trouble, like when Bobby, Meira, Cole and Jubilee decided to steal The X-Van for a drive as Hailey and Ethan had to stop them.
It was not fun! Thankfully Kurt was able to lend a helping hand and get everyone to safety.
Even if it was wild, they were a family of friends!
Speaking of families, one afternoon Hailey got home from shopping with Amara and the others when she spotted Charles and Erik sat on the couch alone chatting. She knew her father and Erik were old friends, some may even associate themselves as old flames, especially with Erik staying over a lot more often because of help with the students. But this was actually charming to see. She ushered the group to quietly across the living room, having to hush Kurt and Tabitha’s giggles to do, making their way to the kitchen.
Weeks went on, as she noticed the two got closer every visit. Ethan and her found it oddly enough satisfying to see their parents rekindle their old relationship. Because that meant they would be spending more time together and less time telling the students to go study.
The two friends made a silent promise to act like nothing happened and everything was right in the world every single time their parents hung out together. Other days it was obvious Charles and Erik were pleased to see one another and some days it seemed that they were hiding it very well. But everyone knew if their Professor
“Good morning, my darlings.” Charles said, rolled in one morning into the kitchen to get himself some coffee and smiled.
Hailey sat next to Amara sharing slices of bacon and replied, “Hey, what’s on the agenda for today?”
Bobby exclaimed, “Please no training with Scott! Logan at least makes us play outside!”
Kurt joked, “My tail is itching to go play in the pool later!”
“You just want to be around Tabitha again…” Ethan muttered biting into his toast.
Charles smiled and hushed their voices, “Now, now, children. I know we all plan on different activities for today and we will get to do the. But first Mr. Lehnsherr is coming over to have a language lesson for you all to practice.”
“Why do we need to learn another—ow!” Bobby exclaimed but was cut off by Ethan who elbowed him in the chest.
“You will all need learn to pick up another language besides English, because you never know where your next assignment would take you.” Charles explained smiling before rolling away, “Enjoy your breakfast!”
Some of the students all shared a few giggles and looks watching the professor roll away to his office. It was gonna be a great day!
— Live Action vs Comic Look 📰
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Anyways let me know what you guys think 💭
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ereardon · 3 months
Golden Hour || Ch. 10
[Bob Floyd x Bradley Bradshaw x OC]
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A Bob Floyd & Bradley Bradshaw AU [Hart of Dixie inspired]
Synopsis: Willow, Georgia. Barely even a town, just a speck on a map that you tried to wipe off, mistaking it for a crumb. You’re the outsider: a fancy New York doctor, fresh out of a failed engagement, with zero primary care experience. You’re also the new town doctor, taking over for a recent retiree who was beloved. His son, Bob Floyd, is the other physician at the practice, and takes an immediate dislike to you. But you were looking for a fresh start, and Willow doesn’t seem all that bad if you can get past the fact that there's only one restaurant in town. It helps that you've caught the eye of Bradley Bradshaw, the town attorney, despite the fact that you vowed to take a break from dating. How long until you start to make friends in a town where social circles have been set in stone since elementary school? And what will it take to make Bob Floyd see you’re not as bad as he wants to believe you are?
Pairing: Bob Floyd x OC; Bradley Bradshaw x OC
Tropes: Love triangle, enemies to lovers
Warnings: Angst, cursing, alcohol
Chapter summary: Bradley invites Bob and Olive to dinner. Olive and Bob have a real conversation following their spontaneous kiss
WC: 2K
Masterlist here; previous chapter here
The office was busy by the time you showed up. You were late on purpose, because the earlier you showed up the more likely you were to run into Bob. 
“Dr. James.” Molly was frazzled. You frowned as she showed a handful of paperclipped charts in your arms. “You’re late. We have five patients waiting for you.” 
“Give me two minutes and then send the first person in.” You turned, trying not to look up as you made your way into your office. Closing the door, you collapsed into your desk chair. On the other side of the wall, you heard Bob’s voice, low murmurs. A shiver crawled up your back. 
And then the door swung open. “Doc!” 
“Mr. Peterson,” you said, standing up. “What’s bothering you today?” 
He grunted and sat down, heavily, on the exam table. “This bum hip, like always.” 
You snapped on a pair of gloves and turned to him. “Alright, let’s see what’s going on.” 
The day was chock full of patients. Mr. Peterson’s arthritic hip, two cases of spider bites, one kid with pink eye, an ice cream shop worker with carpal tunnel. 
It was well after seven by the time you stood up and inched your door open, peering around. The hallway was empty, Molly was gone. You breathed out a sigh of relief, grabbing your purse and shutting your office door. But just as you turned, a shadow crossed the floor and you looked up. 
Bob looked like a deer in headlights. He had one hand on the doorknob to his office, his hair tousled. “Dr. James,” he said, voice low and rough. You remembered what his hands felt like on your neck, his lips on yours. 
Your voice gasped a little. “Bob.” 
His blue eyes flashed for a moment and you weren’t sure if it was excitement or anger flooding his features. And then all of the light drained out of his eyes and he turned, breezing past you, practically running out the door once again. 
You were sitting on a barstool at Breakers, nursing a glass of white boxed wine, when a pair of hands wrapped around your shoulders, causing you to gasp. 
Bradley spun you around on the chair, a grin spread wide across his face. He leaned down and kissed you, in front of everyone, leaving you gasping for air as he pulled back. 
“Hey there, Doc,” he said, settling onto the seat next to you. “Miss me?” 
You crossed your legs, hooking one heel into the bottom bar of his stool and Bradley placed a large, warm hand on your bare thigh. “Of course.” 
He grinned. “What did you get up to while I was gone?” 
You hesitated. On the other side of the bar, Phoenix was watching the two of you, polishing a glass from a few feet away, her dark hair swept up in a ponytail. You shrugged. “Oh not much. Just work, you know. Lots of patients, had to do some filing and admin.” 
Bradley frowned. “Admin? I hope Floyd isn’t pushing you too hard.” 
The memory of Bob’s kiss flitted across your mind. The way his hand had felt on the back of your neck, tugging you forward with reckless abandon. “No,” you whispered. “He’s been great.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “Great? So the two of you are finally getting along?” 
“Um, yeah, I think so.” 
Bradley pulled his hand from your thigh and smiled, tugging his phone out and placing it on the bar. “Perfect. Then let’s do dinner, the three of us. My place.” 
“Oh, no, I—”
“He’s a good guy,” Bradley interrupted. “And we’ve been friends for a long time. So I’d love if the three of us could hang out.” 
There was something finite about his words. He had made up his mind. You nodded. “OK, sure. Dinner.” 
Standing at Bradley’s doorstep, you raised one hand to knock before taking a deep breath. And then you lowered your fist and let out the breath. 
What the hell were you doing? Why was this so uncomfortable? You had slept with Bradley once, and kissed Bob once. Did either of them mean anything? You weren’t exclusive with Bradley, you weren’t even dating. You weren’t sure what you were. 
On the other hand, Bob Floyd acted like you didn’t exist 99% of the time. The other 1% of the time he was actively hating you. 
So why should you care if it was weird for him to see you and Bradley together? 
“Are you going to knock, or do you expect the door to fly open through telekinesis?” 
You whirled around. Bob stood a few steps down on the pathway, holding a bottle of wine. HIs face was unreadable. 
“I was going to knock,” you said. 
Bob stepped closer and you caught a whiff of his soap – minty and herbal – and leaned over, knocking on the door sharply, his eyes never leaving yours. 
The door swung open a second later, Bradley standing barefoot with a kitchen towel slung over one shoulder. “Hey guys, come on in.” 
Bob held out a hand and you stepped inside first, the sound of your heels clacking against the wooden floor. To your surprise, Bradley leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. A blush crept over your face and neck, and you averted your eyes from him or Bob. 
“Is that for tonight?” Bob nodded, handing over the bottle of wine. “NIce, thanks man. Come on in.” 
You scampered behind Bradley, unable to meet Bob’s gaze, wandering into the kitchen where he had a bowl of guacamole out and some chips. Instinctively, you dragged a chip through the green dip and shoved it into your face to prevent talking. Nerves were bubbling at the surface of your skin. 
“How was the trial?” Bob’s voice surprised you. He was a man of so few words, so having him lead the conversation was shocking. 
Bradley stood at the stove, stirring a pot of beans. “Long,” he replied. “Tedious, as always.” There was a pause. Then, “Anything happen while I was gone?” 
Was it you, or did the air in the room shift? You quickly shoved another tortilla chip in your mouth to cover the silence. Bob put one hand on the counter, not too far from where you sat hunched over the bowl of chips. “Not much,” he replied, nonchalant. “Usual Willow drama.” 
Bradley raised an eyebrow. “Drama?” 
You practically choked on the chip. 
Bob looked at you before responding, “The Mayfields are at it again.” 
Relief, hot like vodka, spread through your body. Bradley laughed. “Really? I don’t want to have to oversee the third divorce.”
“Third?” you asked. 
He nodded, but Bob’s voice was the one that cut through the kitchen air. “Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield got divorced probably ten years ago, and then promptly had an affair together and got pregnant. They got married again before the baby was born, but divorced when Anna turned three.” 
“So they’re divorced?” 
“Nope, got together again a few years later. But from the sounds of it, divorce number three might be incoming.” 
“This town should be its own sitcom,” you said, lifting the glass of wine that Bradley had poured to your lips. 
“So have you changed your mind about our little town, Doc?” Bradley asked, turning around pouring Bob another scotch. You hadn’t even seen him pour the first one. 
You shrugged. “It’s no New York.” 
“Nothing is.” Bradley put the wooden spoon down. “Floyd, remember that time you came to visit me at Columbia?” 
You frowned. Bob had gone to New York? You couldn’t picture him in the city. With all the suits and fast walking and snippy baristas. He would stick out like a sore thumb in his jeans and button down shirts, his Southern twang. 
Bob nodded. “I still think about that Korean chicken place you brought me to.” 
Bradley laughed. “Wow, Koreatown. I haven’t thought of that in ages.” 
You leaned on the counter and watched them. There was something so casual and easy about the way they spoke with each other. It was the first time it dawned on you that they had been friends for years. 
And you were getting in the middle of a friendship.
Dinner was delicious, with black beans sauteed with bacon and pork belly tacos and margaritas so strong your head started to buzz halfway through the meal. 
Before you realized it, you and Bob were standing in the doorway again. 
“Thanks for dinner,” Bob said, reaching out and clapping Bradley on the shoulder. 
Bradley grinned. “Anytime Floyd.” He turned to you, leaning in, his lips brushing against your ear. “You should stay.” 
You pulled back, face frozen, head shaking. “I have a lot of work in the morning,” you whispered. “But I’ll call you.” 
He nodded as Bob opened the door and the two of you were ushered out into the cool night. Before you could even squeak out a word, Bob was halfway down the driveway, speeding toward his house next door. You broke out into practically a jog behind him, running up the stairs to his house in heels. “Floyd!” 
He whipped around, eyes wide, one hand on the door. He was silent. 
You crossed your arms over your chest, suddenly cold. “So this is it?” you asked. “You’re just going to run away every time you see me? What the hell is going on?” you demanded. “Do you take it back?” 
Those last words came out as a sharp whisper. Bob reached out, grabbing your arm and pulling you around the front porch of the house to the opposite side, so you were out of view of Bradley’s home. 
Even when the two of you rounded the corner, his fingers didn’t leave your skin. Instead, he stepped closer, until you could feel the heat radiating off of his muscular body. “No,” he said gruffly. “I don’t want to take it back.” 
“Then what?” you pleaded. “What do you want?” 
“Take a wild guess, Olive.” Bob cocked his head to one side. 
“I don’t know.” 
“Yes, you do.” His voice forced a chill through your bones, a tingling settling in between your legs. “You’re a smart girl,” he whispered. “I think you know.” 
Your chest heaved uncontrollably. No one had ever looked at you the way Bob Floyd was looking at you in that moment. Not Bradley. Not Peter. Not any of the men you had dated in the past. It was all consuming. It threatened to swallow you whole. 
“We always want what we can’t have,” Bob murmured, letting his fingertips drop from your arm. “That’s human nature, I guess.” 
“Is that your diagnosis, Doctor?” 
He nodded. 
You shook your head. “In my professional opinion, it’s better to tell the truth than to hide how you feel.” 
“So you’re a psychiatrist now?” he murmured. 
“God, never.” 
Bob grinned. He lifted one arm, placing it on the siding of the house behind your head, creating a triangle with his body, practically pinning you against the house. You looked up, eyes wide. “Bradley is my best friend,” he whispered. “And you’re my business partner.”
“Almond milk isn’t real milk.” 
He frowned. “What?” 
“I thought we were just listing facts.” 
Bob shook his head and grunted. He was exasperated with you. You were all too familiar with that. “Jesus Chris, Livvy, I swear—”
You interrupted him. “Livvy?” No one had ever called you that before. 
His eyes flashed. “I mean Olive.” He flushed. 
You shook your head. “I like it.” 
Bob leaned down, letting his free hand cup your cheek. “Livvy,” he murmured. 
“Shut up and let me kiss you.”  
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