#[i heard him talk at a con about how shocked he was at how different every cosplay and fanart was]\
musickgeek · 8 months
Shadows [Alastor x Reader]
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Enemies to lovers? Warnings: Allusions to death and murder
You and Alastor can't stand each other, but your shadows beg to differ (1.1K)
In life, I was a mastermind of manipulation. A con woman who could sweet talk anyone into anything. I had money, I had influence, I had control. People came to me when they wanted something, but it always came with a price. For some, their lives. Some people just have no respect for the hand that feeds them. They called me the Shadower because they could always feel me watching. I had eyes and ears everywhere. It was only a matter of time before someone else got the upper hand, and shot me right between the eyes. The circumstances of my death make me so angry, I choose not to think of it much.
When I arrived in Hell, my surprise was brief. No doubt that I belonged here, but I didn't expect it all to be real. I didn't expect to have such dramatic changes in my appearance. My teeth became sharp, my eyes crocodilian, my nails became claws. I looked scary, and I liked it. Was I supposed to give my old ways up? Ha! As if. I built my empire from the ground up before, I could easily do it it again with all my knowledge. And now, I had real magic power, and I could really be a shadow. I was accompanied by a sentient shadow, a helpful friend in my business. I had a quick rise to power, becoming one amongst the Overlords.
They didn't seem to know what to make of me, and I was addicted to their intrigue and fear. Who could be next? They didn't dare cross me and find out. I didn't care much for the others besides a general sense of respect for each other's strength. But there was one, Alastor, who I could not stand. His smug smile, his stupid static voice, his ego. He always had to be the center of attention, and just couldn't stand that he was no longer the talk of the town.
"You don't even have your own gimmick."
"Just mad I do it better, Smiles?"
"Ha! Are cheap words the best you've got?"
"Ha ha, at least my words are audible. And I'm not the one with a tacky bow tie."
"Ha ha ha! I hate you."
Despite our animosity, there was one thing we could agree on. It's infuriating how much our shadow creatures love each other. The first time we'd met, our shadows bounded for each other as if they were old friends. His eyes widened in shock, but his smile never faltered. I hardly quirked my eye brows at the scene. It was like two dogs playing at the park. The red demon tilted his head at an awkward angle as he inspected me. "My, my! What a playful friend you have. You must be the new arrival everyone is just buzzing about. I am Alastor, the Radio Demon. I'm sure you've heard of me." He introduced, offering his hand. "Not in the slightest." I said, shaking it. His eye twitched, but his smile widened.
Ever since then, at every meeting, we had to pretend our shadows didn't fly together like magnets. It almost would be amusing if it weren't attached to that piece of shit. I simply don't understand it. Is it comfort in knowing there is another like them? Or is it all just a game to piss us off further? It's hard to tell. Sometimes it seems like they don't notice anyone else in the room, but sometimes they seem like they're sat together, gossiping about us like old ladies. Every time we left each other's presence, they seemed to reach for each other, not wanting to be torn apart. I have no idea if Alastor has noticed it. That would require him to have half a brain.
One night I decided to go to a speakeasy I frequent. I sat at the bar alone, but I could feel the fearful eyes on me. I smile behind my drink. I thought tonight was going to be a good night, but I was wrong. I didn't even know Radio Boy was around until I felt my shadow slipping away. They were dancing freely to the upbeat swing music, having the time of their lives. I scowl, and flag the bar tender for another drink. Maybe if I turn around, I can pretend it's not happening. Alas, the radio static fills the room, overlaying the music. I feel a presence behind me, but I already know who it is. "Alastor." I say, still facing away. "Why (Y/n), I never expected you to have enough class to visit to such an establishment."
"You came all the way over just to say that? You must be more obsessed with me then I thought." I say calmly, refusing to give him the satisfaction of me turning towards him. I can feel the comment burning up inside him. I smirk. "I could say the same. It's almost as if you were following me. You must admit, this does seem more my style." Finally I turn around with a shrug. "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
His eyes narrow. "An interesting turn of phrase." Our shadows join us, seemingly swirling around people us excitedly. My shadow forces me out of my seat. My glass falls to the floor, shattering, and my body collides with the deer. "Watch it!" I growl at the two incorporeal beings. Alastor seems just as angry, his static getting louder and his limbs growing. I hiss with hostility at the act, letting my claws out. In the blink of an eye he returns to normal. "Coward?" I ask. "No. I simply came here for a relaxing night, not a fight. I can't be ruining my favorite place after all." I notice the bar has mostly cleared out save the employees and musicians. When it looks like two Overlords are about to have a turf war, you don't want to be around if you're the little guy.
The shadows begin dancing along the walls as the music returns. "Hm. Perhaps we should follow their lead." Alastor suggests, holding a hand out in a gentlemanly fashion. "What's your play?" I ask skeptically. "I'm simply suggesting to have a little fun amongst our banter. After all, it's been awhile since I've had a worthy dance partner." I smile coyly at his words, and take his hand. "Alright, but I think this proves who's obsessed with who."
"Keep dreaming, my dear." He says, twirling me to the beat. "Are you sure you can keep up with me?" I ask, matching his rhythmic kicks and skips. "Don't forget who grew up doing this. You don't know everything." For once, our words aren't laced with so much hostility. I guess tonight will be a good night after all.
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 4 months
Different Universes (Hannibal)
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Description: Y/N ends up in the Hannibal universe and Hannibal falls for her
Warning: Smut, Cheating (sorta)
Word Count: 2,526k
Request: could you write a fanfic where the reader is a big fan of the Hannibal series, just goes about her day normaly,falls asleep and then wakes up in the Hannibal universe. She tries to figure out where she is (without knowing that she is in an alt. universe) and witnesses an actual murder, but manages to escaped unscathed with her knowledge of the Hannibal universe. After that she is contacted by the FBI, who want to interrogate her and this is how she ultimatly meets Dr.Lecter, who will be her therapist.(with her realising who he is).He quickly gets intrigued with her and wants to get to kniw her. Would it be possible to end it with some smut? Sorry, if this a really odd request.
Author’s note: I changed some things up but I really like these sort of requests. Also I work all day tomorrow so I will post two fics today.
Being married to a celebrity had it’s pros and cons. Cons being that fans were everywhere and so was paparazzi. You could never get a break. But the fans are what made Y/N’s husband who he is today and his talent of course. Pros being that the one person everyone thirst for on the internet you have. They love you and that it makes you feel like the luckiest person in the world. And of course when you see them on TV it’s like watching your husband. Oh wait, it is. Y/N and Mads have been together for 5 years, married for 1. They were 20 years apart but that didn’t mean anything to them. Y/N is a fan of Hannibal and watches it all the time, like right now.
She always wondered what it would be like to be in the show. It was something that crossed her mind often. She even read fanfic about her husband’s character. She would give anything to be in that universe even for a day. So When she wakes up outside Hannibal’s house, she isn’t too upset. At first she didn’t realize where she was, but it looked familiar. It took a minute but she gasped so hard she started choking once she realized it. She was outside Hannibal Lecter’s house. She looked around in awe, she couldn’t believe that she was here.
She walked around his house for a little bit, exploring the place. “Can I help you?” She heard it was her husband’s accent. She turned towards the voice and gasped. It was Mads except it wasn’t, it was Hannibal. “You look lost.” He stated as she looked at him in awe. She couldn’t say anything, too shocked. “Can you talk?” He asked after a while of silence. “Yeah I uh yes.” She said, making the man chuckle. “Are you okay?” He asked. “I don’t know.” She answered, she really didn’t. “Come inside. I’ll make you something to eat.” She got excited at first but realized that Hannibal was a cannibal.
“Uh I’ll just take some tea.” She said as they walked in his house. His house looked like it did on the show. He poured the tea and she watched him. “Can you tell me why you were outside my house?” He asked as he handed her the tea. “I actually don’t know. One minute I’m on the couch in my house watching TV, the next I’m here.” He hummed at her words. “So you sleep walk?” He asked. She shook her head, “No.” He looked at her as she drank from the cup. She was beautiful and he felt like he knew her. “I feel like you do and don’t realize it. Have you ever woken up in a weird place before?” He asked, she shook her head. “No. This is a first.” She said.
He got up and walked upstairs leaving her there in her thoughts. Moments later he returned with a notebook. “I thought I recognized you. You’re my new patient. Y/N.” She looked at him confused. “Patient?” She asked. “Jack Crawford assigned you to me after you witnessed a murder.” She had no memory of this. “Um okay.” She said still confused but realized that she had woken up in this universe and this wasn’t a dream. She was a part of this show. Though she had no memory prior to waking up outside his house. “Right. Sorry I just forgot.” She lied. He nodded and opened the notebook. “I guess we can start our session now. Wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow.” He said. She looked at him as he wrote some things down. “Okay Ms. Y/N tell me what you remember about the murder.” She was fucked.
After the session was over she realized that she probably couldn’t stay here even though she hadn’t had a place to go. “I will see you next week.” He told her as she walked out of his house. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She had no memory of anything that he said. So she certainly doesn’t remember where her home would be. As she left his house she thought of what she could do. Thought of going back and falling asleep by his house but what would she do for a week? She huffed as she walked back to his house and rang the door bell. He answered and she sighed, “Can I stay the night?” 
It was beyond her why he agreed without explanation. She sat in the bed that he gave her and just thought. Thought about how crazy this was and how apart of her wants to go back to her universe. As she sat on the bed thinking she heard a knock. “Come in.” She said and Hannibal walked into the room. He saw how distraught she looked and he sat by her. “You okay?” He asked, concerned in his eyes. She looked at him, god he looked so much like her husband. She knew that he basically was but he wasn’t. “I don’t know.” She whispered. “Is this about not having any memory at first?” She wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him the truth, that she wasn’t from this universe and that she’s married to his actor but he would probably think she’s nuts. But she couldn’t live in this world alone.
“I’m gonna say something and it’s going to sound crazy but I need you to bare with me.” He nods. She lets out a sigh and looks away from him. “I’m not from here.” She says. He looks at her confused, “What do you mean?” “Like this universe. I’m from a different one and in that universe this is a tv show called Hannibal. If i’m not mistaken given what you’re wearing this is season two and Will Graham is in prison for crimes he did not commit. You committed them but don’t worry I won’t tell. And your actor is my husband Mads Mikkelsen.” His jaw dropped and he looked at her in shock. He wasn’t quite sure he believed her. But how did she know that he was the killer? “Mads Mikkelsen?” He asked. She raised an eyebrow at him.
That’s really what he got out of all of that. “Yes that’s my husband, that’s you just in a different universe.” He didn’t know what to say, she sounded crazy. “I know I sound crazy.” “Well I wouldn’t say that.” He tried, she rolled her eyes. “But i’m telling the truth. That’s why I don’t remember anything from here like the murder or the FBI.” “But you told me the story.” “I lied.” He nodded. “I’m sorry Hannibal. I know this is a lot to hear.” “I’m a TV Show character and my actor is married to you and you are well aware that i’m the killer.” He summed up what he could.
She looked at her hands, “You have to believe me.” He looked at her. She had to be crazy, none of it made sense. Though he could read people very well and she didn’t seem like she was lying. “Do I ever get caught?” He asked. She looked at him, “Yes but you escape.” He nodded. “With Will. I mean you two are basically in love.” He gave her a weird look. “I’m not in love with Will.” She looked at him with a “really?” look. “I’m not.” He said. She shook her head, “yeah whatever you say.” “Does he love me?” She chuckled at the question but nodded. “One might say he does but you guys don’t get together. You almost kiss but that’s it. You might be together after the show ends. There isn’t a fourth season.” She tells him. “This is unique.” He told her and she laughed. “I know but it’s all true.” “So since the man you call Mads? Plays me do you find me attractive?” He asked. She looked at him, red in the face.
“I mean yeah. Of course I do.” She said. “So then if I kissed you, you’d be okay with it?” Her jaw was on the floor. “I uh I mean yeah. Yes, I would like that.” She said. He leaned in and kissed her. She was shocked that it came down to this moment but she wasn’t complaining. She kissed him back and cupped his face. Their lips moved in sync as thoughts were racing through both of their minds. This was all crazy. She got up and straddled him, pulling him closer. His hands were placed on her hips as she deepened the kiss. Her hands ran through his hair. “Have you always wanted to do this?” He asked against her lips. She nodded out of breath. “Yes.” He smirked and ran his fingers over her lips. “Have you thought about having sex with me?” She nodded and pushed him down so he was laying on the bed. His hands went under her shirt and she pulled it off her body revealing a red lace bra that she had on. His hands immediately went to her boobs. “You’re so beautiful.” He tells her and removes the bra.
She lets it fall off her before she throws it with her shirt. Her hands travel down his white shirt that he was in. He looked so good in PJ’s. “Take this off.” She tells him. He leans up and takes the shirt off, throwing it with her things. He didn’t have abs per say but he was still the hottest man she’s ever seen. She gets off him to remove her panties and he removes his PJ pants and boxers. She straddles him again and looks down at him. He looked up at her like she was his whole world, in her universe she was. His hands pulled her hips closer to where she was almost lined up with him. She looked down and saw his hard dick. Same size and thickness as her husband. He watched her as she lined herself up and slowly sat on his dick. He felt her walls taking him in like they were made for each other. She let out little moans until he was all the way in her.
His hands held her hips again and she began riding him. She went slow at first building up the pleasure. They didn’t break eye contact as her jaw dropped. It felt so good. He could feel her walls clenching him and it made him groan. How was he supposed to be in love with Will when she was here? Her hips started moving faster and faster making the pleasure more intense. Both of them making noise now, enjoying the moment. She leaned down and kissed him, silencing her moans. Their lips moved together in a sloppy kiss. It wasn’t a neat kiss, it was tongue and teeth and everything was put into it. Hannibal’s hands gripped her back as he felt himself getting closer. She gasped into his mouth as she felt her high near. Her eyes rolled back as her hips went faster.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her face, it was like a pretty painting that he longed to see. She was so close she could taste it. “Are you going to cum, pretty girl?” He asked her. That’s all it took. She was cumming all over him with whines of his name. Seeing her cum, made him cum even harder. With a groan of her name he released inside of her. Her hips slowly move to ride out their orgasms. Her moans die down and her hips stop. She looks down at the man still shock that he’s Hannibal fucking Lecter. He stares back at her with a look in his eyes she knows all too well. It’s the same look her husband gives her. Is this man in love with her? 
She had to get back to her universe. This was so nice but she didn’t belong here. She belonged with Mads not Hannibal but since Mads plays Hannibal she does love him. But the time she has spent with him has been amazing and she didn’t wanna leave but she also wanted to get back to her life. Hannibal was a killer after all. She knows how this story ends and she truly thinks Will and him are meant to be.
As much as she loves him she doesn’t wanna change that. But these past few weeks have been amazing. She laid her on Hannibal’s chest as they just talked. “Is your universe different from this one?” He asked. It kinda was in a sense that the issues going on in this universe were the only focus and in her universe they aren’t just main focuses like that. Everyone has got their own problems. “It feels the same but from watching it on TV no.” Will’s powers that he has as well. “And Will’s visions.” “Now I definitely believe you.” He joked and they both laughed. This was nice. Not having any actual problems besides to get back to her universe. “When does Will get out of prison?” He asked. She shouldn’t tell him. “Soon.” Was all she said. 
She sat at the table as she watched him make dinner. It was like a routine. She loved doing it but as she watched them cook, she realized that this was the stuff that her and Mads did. They had a life together and this reflected that. “I’ve really enjoyed our time together, Hannibal.” She said with a smile as she drank from her wine glass. He smiled and gave her a plate. “I have to.” Her smile dropped slightly as she looked up at him. “I uh wish I could stay.” She said. “You can.” He told her. “I can’t though. I have a husband and life to get back to.” She told him. “I’m your husband though. I mean technically.” She looks at him and sighs, “You are but you aren’t. My husband isn’t a cannibal. He just plays one on TV.” “So I’m just a TV character to you.” That knocked the wind right out of her.
That was something she never thought she’d ever hear. She loved fictional characters so much and they were so much more than that but hearing that question made her sick. “No Hanni you’re not you’re so much more than that but you gotta look at it from my perspective this wasn’t supposed to happen. I don’t even know how it happened.” She told him. “To you it wasn’t. But this to me was a blessing.” He took her hands. She looked up at him from her seat. “Stay with me, Y/N. I can give you all he can.” But he couldn’t and they both have different endings that don’t include each other. “Hannibal you’re amazing but we aren’t meant to be together.” She said. “Then how come you’re here?” She didn’t have an answer for that. She truly didn’t know. Luck? She didn’t have an answer to his question but all she knew was that she had to get back to her universe
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diejager · 7 months
If you might be taking requests at all, I was wondering if you'd be up for the idea of a fic with sleazy König or Ghost in an arranged marriage to the reader. Reader isn't quite happy with the marriage, but they are. It could be dark or cute, but I'd love to read a fic about an arranged marriage where reader is completely against it meanwhile their new husband is not. They've been hoping to marry reader for a while and now that they have, reader is all theirs in more ways than one. Scares off any men reader tries to date on the side and is hell bent on showing their lovely spouse that this marriage is perfect and that they truly do belong together.
Sleazy husband!König Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, sleazy!König, arranged marriage, age difference/gap, scent kink, crusty balls, hairy König, tell me if I missed any.
König was a family friend, someone you’d seen a few times in your life, but had heard of many, many times that he was a commodity in your life, a subject you became familiar with without actually knowing the man. You’d caught glimpses of the giant when you accompanied your father to the military base for a quick visit, how he towered over you as a child and even more so now that you were an adult in your early 20s. You thought him an acquaintance, a trusted friend of your father, but you’d never thought of him in any other light. You saw him as someone dedicated to his duty, prideful and hungry for power and money, unbeatable and strong with his broad shoulders and gigantic stature. You wouldn’t have anything to do with him in your life, seeing how he barely glanced your way when you crossed path, he dutifully ignored you every time as if you were a plague.
And yet, you found yourself married to him; an arranged marriage. The colonel who avoided you and never seemed to like you had a private marriage with only your immediate family and a few men and women from the Company assisting to watch him embrace and take you home. A home you had no recollection of and were a stranger to. It wasn’t his flat, or the studio apartment you went to with your father. This big house was new and old, a newly bought house in with fresh paint and untouched furniture, in an old Austrian land with a beautiful and lush forest surrounding it. You didn’t even know the man, but you were married to him so quickly - in a month’s worth - that you were still too shell shocked to do anything about it. 
How could your mother and father agree to it so easily? To marry you off to someone you didn’t know. Then you remembered how close your father and he was, life companions that had fought battles together, bled for one another and would die to save the other. That was the reason you were promised without your consent or knowledge until it was too late. 
“Mein Herzchen,” he rasps, peering down at you, cold blues glowing under the darkness of his hood, “Come.”
König - your husband - was a man of few words, but wouldn’t stop talking if he found the right topic to touch, speaking your ears off about it. There were a lot you didn’t know about him, a mystery you didn’t dare try figuring out, but were forced to. You learned he was a dirty and immoral man, to have you marry him despite him being almost twice your age. He could’ve been your uncle, a man who’s age was near your fathers. You learned that he liked jerking himself to the sight of your open pantie drawers, an unwashed and stolen lace pressed into his face, the soft gusset pressed into his mouth and nose as he huffed and growled. You were repulsed by it, finally understanding why some of your underwearswere slightly crusty. 
You learned that he never shaved after your first night, consummating your marriage in the bed you later slept on. You were shocked to find that his chest and arms were as hairy as the tuff around his cock, wild and unruly, a messy bush crawling up his abdomen and spiraling around his chest and covering his paler tint in auburn brown. You learned that he never showered after a sweaty and stinky work out, his musk stinking up the house wherever he went and that he loved pressing you against his naked and sticky chest, smothering you in his thick smell that nearly had you gagging and choking. You couldn’t find the words to describe a man like König, as big and burly as he was hairy and smelly, he was unmoving in his resolve and liked to touch you whenever he wanted to, whether you liked it or not, his word was law.
Your husband was a sleazy man and you couldn’t do anything about it, the golden bound diamond ring on your finger was more so a chain than a wonderful promise.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry
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kabie-whump · 2 months
what if at some point Athos decided to punish Ventis with a drug that makes him PAINFULLY aware of all that's happening, in contrast with the way the nighspill makes him numb?
It's okay if you don't write it, I just needed to share it
(I'm sorry if my english is bad, it's not my first language)
ooo I just got back from vacation and I am thrilled to see this in my inbox! This is a very fun idea! Also I love it so much when people talk to me about my stories.
Decided to do a little bit of writing from Athos's POV, just to shake things up a bit.
// Non-explicit rape/non-con, forced drug use, sensory play (hot wax, ice), burning, bondage
Athos was getting bored.
The intimate moments he shared with his dear, sweet Ventis were pleasurable every time, sure. The genasi was good at what he did, even while he was dazed out of his mind off nightspill. But still, Athos couldn't help but wonder if there could be more.
Yes, Athos could do whatever he wanted to Ventis without worry of him putting up a fight. He did an amazing job lying there, making just enough noise to keep his master entertained, but there was never any enthusiasm on his part. It was all an act, a display in the form of soft moans and fists clenched in blankets, but there had been the occasional moment where he slipped and Athos could see the true numbness behind his eyes - the way he fought to stay awake.
Sometimes Athos found himself wishing Ventis would put up a fight, would show any indication that the things his master did to him genuinely made him feel something other than boredom.
It was the nightspill's fault. It kept Ventis calm, but it turned him into more of a mindless doll than anything else. Athos considered withholding the drug for a day, just to see what it would be like to use him without it, but he knew it wouldn't have the desired outcome. Ventis would be too distracted by the withdrawals to care about anything else.
Besides, Athos only trusted magic suppression cuffs so far, and he did not want to risk being shocked the second he touched Ventis. It would ruin the mood.
Athos needed to make him feel things, without taking away his nightspill.
The solution he came to was simple, really.
More drugs.
It took some research and some mingling with sketchier characters down by the docks, but eventually Athos managed to obtain a substance that should do the trick. It was meant to counteract the nightspill, to make Ventis feel everything.
And feel everything he did.
It was fun to watch it kick in, to see pretty purple eyes blinking hard, pupils shrinking to pinpricks.
"There you are," Athos whispered, his fingers brushing along Ventis's sharp cheekbone.
Ventis jumped, the hairs on his arms standing upright at that one little touch.
"Hm. This'll be fun."
He'd ended up having to tie the boy down. Apparently he just didn't know how to hold still when he could actually feel what was happening to him, and Athos had tired of struggling to pin him to the bed and dragging him back into place every time he made a weak attempt to crawl away.
This was so different from what he had become used to over the last year or so. Athos had always loved the sight of his pet lying still under him, eyes half closed, all sleepy and dazed as he took what he was given.
But this?
Athos watched with a grin as Ventis's body arched against the ropes, his lithe muscles straining. The blindfold over his eyes was soaking wet, standing out a stark silky red against his pale blue skin.
It wasn't sex anymore. Athos had tired of that some time ago and had since moved on to other little experiments - other ways to play with his slave in the hours before the drug wore off.
"Stop!" Ventis wailed as the light of a match flickered against his heaving stomach. "Please!"
Athos chuckled. He'd never heard Ventis be this loud and demanding before.
"That's perfect, treasure," Athos said softly, pulling the flame away for a moment before lowering it onto Ventis's skin once more. "You're doing very well."
"Please-" his voice broke on a relieved sob as the match was extinguished. "Please, no more."
"But you sound so pretty, darling. I never get to hear you like this."
Ventis's chest shuddered as he tried to regain control over his gasping breaths. His skin was covered in droplets of water and wax and little purple burns, all remnants of the sensory experiments Athos had conducted on him. His perfect face glistened with tears and drool.
"W-What did I do? Please, Master. I don't- ah!"
As Ventis babbled on, Athos dipped his fingers into the cold glass bowl on the bedside table, fishing out a fresh ice cube. He pressed its smooth surface to the freshest burn, watching with fascination as his whole body broke out into shivers. 
"Aw, so sensitive. We should do this more often."
@scp-1296 @sapphicccici @acer-gaysimpstuff @morning-star-whump @yeetmyskeet
@sleepyiswhumping @bitchaknso @unicornbeck @wounds-seen-and-unseen @3-2-whump
@looptheloup @lindsay00000008 @rainydaywhump
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
Ardour — Chapter 2
— PAIRING: professor!Tom Riddle x Reader
— SYNOPSIS: Tom got what he wanted, he is the Hogwarts DADA professor. It's more tedious than he envisioned, but his day gets interesting when his favourite student comes to him for help after she is hit with a strong aphrodisiac.
— WARNINGS: smut, hurt/cumfort, fingering, wet and messy (very), sweet dirty talk, age difference (she is in 7th year), dub-con, sex pollen, hints of incest (reader is a distant relative Gaunt, to give Tom something to find palatable about her, ok? I know, but... just go with it)
— A/N: I procrastinated a lot on finishing this, but here it is. You can expect one other chapter, and what it will contain is hinted at at the very end. I hope you enjoy it very much, my dears!🐍💚Again, this was partly written with the help of this lovely AI Tom chat bot.
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He said he was ‘going to have to give her an orgasm’ like he was talking about a pinch of dittany. She stared at him. She was gripped by shock at first, then outrage, then fear, and then a bucket of shame like icy water fell over her.
"I know, Adara," he whispered, an awkward smile on his face as he sat on the floor beside the sofa that she lay on. "It may sound like the most unconventional of treatments, but I assure you it’s very conventional in this case. Not to worry, I’ll —"
He was about to say he was going to be gentle, but that might have come out the wrong way.
"— I’ll… make sure you’re back to normal as soon as possible," he smiled.
He saw her give a sigh of relief at that. Her legs were restless on the sofa, not knowing whether they wanted to squeeze together to satisfy her, or spread apart and let her sensitive area have a chance to cool. Her hips were twisting too, like she couldn’t find a position that was comfortable — which, on that antique piece of furniture, was just as likely. But more tellingly, beneath her school shirt, he could see the hint of hard little peaks pressing so tightly against the white material that he could almost guess their colour.
Adara waited patiently while his eyes scanned her body, but just as he was drinking in the sight of her legs encased up to the knee in her black socks he heard her mewl and whimper and whisper with the little courage that she had, "Professor? Please…?"
He looked at her face once more and gave her a cold smile, then moved slightly lower, bending his legs in a comfortable position on the floor.
"Now, for your treatment..." Tom whispered, his eyes calm and dark.
"C-could you — ?"
"What?" he asked tensely.
"Erm… could you… not look?"
He glared at her. "Do you trust I have your best interest at heart, Miss Gaunt?"
She whimpered and bit her lip and said nothing, squirming as the Ardour Fly ate away at her resolve.
"If this is going to work, you will have to trust me not only with your problems — and the trouble you get yourself into — but with the most intimate parts of your body. Is that understood?"
She began to breathe heavily when she saw that he was actually waiting for an answer, and all the while she was in pain, her heart nearly beating out of her chest like she was in danger.
"Yes, Professor," she said, almost too quickly. "I trust you."
"Good girl," said Tom with quiet satisfaction. "Now, you lift your skirt again. Can you do that for me?"
"Yes, Sir," she answered breathlessly, and obeyed.
Her trembling hands grabbed hold of the hem of her skirt and clumsily pulled it up, and away.
He shifted in his pose on the hard floor, becoming aware of something very uncomfortable happening to him… He grunted to himself at how weak his body was, how easily tempted. Not now, he thought ruefully toward his petulant, touch-starved, yearning member. It plumped up at the mere sight of her, pressing against his trousers, pointing up and forward and toward her, reaching for that small part of her that she had just revealed. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself, but all he could breathe in was the scent of her, and it made everything worse. His manhood throbbed, cried, ached in his confines, but he decided to ignore it, as he often did on the rare occasions that it acted up this way.
With one cold hand, Professor Riddle pressed her squirming legs flat on the sofa so that he could have a better look at her. She let go of the shirt at the sudden motion, letting it gather on her stomach, and clung to the cushions.
He could see it throbbing, her mound, the folds that plumped beneath it, could see it moving enticingly — torturously, no doubt, for her — to a rhythm he suspected was the beating of her heart. It seemed in every way a hungry mouth looking for something, anything, to suckle on. Around the edges of her modest black panties, wetness made her skin glow in the low candlelight. Her upper thighs and even the part where her legs met her torso were soppy with clear, sticky secretions. And he could smell it, her lust, could smell it more strongly now than ever before, salty and sweet and warm and fleshy and fresh... It filled his lungs, it made his mouth water, it made him dizzy.
He heard her whimper again in that bratty fashion, and finally he tore his eyes away from this tender part of her body for the sake of focusing on something more practical...
He took his wand out of his pocket and with a wordless incantation he made his heavy professor robes disappear from his body to a clothes hanger in his bedroom. Then, he undid the cuff on his right arm and folded them back a couple of times. He expected this could get a little messy…
"Be good, now. And don’t make a fuss," Tom said as kindly but firmly as he could. His eyes slid to her face to find it quite red, her eyes looking miserably sad, and her lip bitten nearly bloody.
He thought he might start slow… He placed the tips of his fingers on the inside of her knee and stroked from there, up her inner thigh, up to where she was hurting — and she was so soft, so warm, feeling warmer as he got closer to her aching mound, feverish and damp… But that, of course, was the wrong approach, because it only teased her.
"Sirrr!" she whined, her back arching.
Tom coughed awkwardly, feeling guilty for the intimately slow caress — which teased not only her, but himself as well. He was made to feel something a little different at hearing her high-pitched cry… Perhaps it was pity. Yes, that’s what it was… He took a deep breath, decided on his next actions, and firmly settled his fingers where they were needed — at her core.
She nearly jumped off the sofa and released a deep moan, half-pain half-pleasure. "There!" she said, once she could finally speak.
Tom just held his fingers against her, his eyes betraying nothing. Adara looked down at her body, her hands clinging to the cushions by her thighs.
"It... it aches, Sir, it hurts..." she complained, biting her lip in shame and desire.
"It's alright," he whispered, his voice calm and distant, almost professional, but a hint of something else lingered behind. "I will make it all better for you."
She whimpered impatiently, her desperate gaze fixated on where her Professor’s wrist disappeared behind the clump of her skirt, between her thighs. Her knees began to fiddle nervously.
"Just keep your eyes on me, Adara," he said quietly, looking at her blushing face. "And breathe deeply, alright? Deep breaths for me. Can you do that? Just concentrate on me, on my eyes, on my touch..."
His cold, elegant fingers began to make circles over her clothed folds, a slow, gentle movement, his eyes staring into her own.
"Deep breaths, Adara, like you mean it. Like you need it."
"Yes, Professor," she moaned, her head resting sapless on its side as she looked at him.
As he requested, she kept her eyes on him, taking deep, deep breaths, in and out and in and out, while his fingers went up and down and up and down. What he was doing to her soothed her somewhat, like gentling a wild animal.
His hands continued to move slowly over her pulsing mound and lower, feeling his way around, his eyes staring deep into hers, almost piercing her with his gaze. His eyes were burning with a mix of emotions, worry and care, but still that hint of something unwanted behind them — the faintest shadow of greed.
"That's it, you're doing well," he whispered, slowly moving his hand faster and faster. "Keep looking at me."
Yes... That's it... That's it...
Her panties sloshed over her womanhood as he moved his fingers faster, her wetness soaking his skin clean through the cotton as if it wasn’t even there. And he could feel, in that little hollowing where her slit was — a fresh release of something sweet. Then, he trailed his middle finger right between where her folds were, teasing her panties into the divot, then trailed his digit upward, pressing down hard, until he found it, her little nub. She winced in pain again, and Tom thought he knew why. The Ardour Fly had been blown up her skirt, she said… That must have meant her underwear was covered in it, and pressing it against her must have made it worse.
He pressed down harder.
"Professor!" she gasped, her arms coming up to hide her face. She felt warmer and warmer as he rubbed the remnants of the aphrodisiac into her lips, between them, against that rebelliously hard nub…
"I know, sweet girl," he whispered, his cold hand starting to circle that hard little point in the most barely-there touch that only gave it something to strain towards, to reach for, to harden more. "I know..."
"Aaaaah!" she screamed when he switched from gentle strokes to cruelly rubbing it with the edge of his nail.
Adara squirmed on the sofa and her legs spread wider. She whimpered in humiliation as she felt more wetness seep out of her, a warm little dollop bubbling out, wetting her panties more.
The bastard smiled at her reaction and she could hear a throaty chuckle — and did he sound a little smug?
She bit her lip and closed her eyes tightly, and turned her head away toward the back of the sofa. Across her thighs, she could feel her Professor’s hand bracing against her flesh to access her better, now that her legs were spread.
She peeked briefly to look at him — his eyes were already waiting for her, fixed on her face, but his head was leaning slightly over her, right in front of her, right in front of where she was exposed. He licked his lips when he saw her looking back, his mouth tilted in a smile. Then, as she watched him, he shamelessly looked down between her legs. Gently, he put a bit more pressure on his elbow, as if steadying himself — it forced her legs to spread even more for him.
"Would you look at that…" he whispered in an appraising tone. He could feel his shaft twitch angrily in his trousers and grunted at the slight rub it gave itself.
The heat of his dark eyes conflicted with his gentle, slow touching, his patient torturous playing with her over her soaked panties. He was giving her the time that she needed, the space to let herself become vulnerable for him, to give him control over her body.
His fingers focused on that dip between her folds where he found her hole, two fingers pressing against it, moving the cotton in such a way that it scraped over her whole womanhood and rubbed her in every sensitive place. Wetness spilt over the edges, dripping down her thighs, and lower…
"Sir, please," she begged, her head still turned away in shame — because she didn't know if she could say this if she was looking at him — "it still hurts, Sir, it hurts so much, it burns, it hurts... please..."
"What do you want?" he whispered, his voice still so soft and tender. "What do you need from me?"
"You know!" she cried. "Please, I... I need it..."
He could tell. Her folds pulsed with her heartbeat, throbbing, swollen as if bruised. They moved against his finger with every pulse as if kissing his digits, coaxing them inside. With a shudder, he felt his manhood twitch in sympathy, feeling hot and heavy between his legs, wetting him slightly with either his seeping juices or perhaps just sweat, and what wasn’t absorbed by the rough cotton made his skin feel damp and disgusting.
"It hurts, does it? Your traitorous flesh," he whispered softly as he looked up at her from the corner of his eyes, speaking in a way to both her and himself. He breathed in deeply, trying to relax his body as much as hers, trying to be a point of stability through this process. But beneath it all, there was... a worry, concern that told her he wanted nothing more than to hold her and keep her safe and take care of her.
He took his fingers away for one second, then returned to place his index horizontally, across her folds, and traced it from the very base of her swollen parts all the way up where her pearl peeked out between them, hard and yearning for affection. Then, he moved his finger back down, and then back up, over and over… It was as if he was petting her, but all it did was drive her mad. And every time she peeked out to look, she found him there, looking at her, waiting for her gaze, focused entirely on her.
He ended this part of the ‘treatment’ with a quick and rough rub of her pearl using his middle finger again, bullying it just a bit, playing with it meanly. Just for a few seconds, just enough to make her whole body shiver and her lips part in a moan and her back to arch in pleading for him to stop stop stop… And then he did stop, and his hands went on either side of her hips.
"I hope you remember what you promised me earlier," he said in a voice that sounded warm and close, although he was all the way down at her hips. She looked blearily up at him, her lips parted dumbly as she took heavy breaths. Tom kept his dark eyes on hers, so sharp in comparison but shadowed with his own mixed feelings. "You told me you trust me, remember?"
She whimpered.
"With every part of you..."
Slowly, like a caress, like an accidental brushing of his hands down her hips, he started tugging her panties down. Her knees bent up to aid him.
"No matter how… small…"
They were pulled from her waist, tugged with a couple of stronger pulls from beneath her behind, and then glided slowly, smoothly, under his control.
"No matter how…"
Away from her mound and out from between the folds that held the material loosely between the lips, slivers of wetness trailed behind like dribble before breaking off and sticking in transparent threads all the way down her thighs.
He let her panties fall somewhere behind him on the floor as he took in the sight before him. His eyes drank her in with interest and a strange hunger, a need that came suddenly and from so deep inside it muddled his senses for a second. He leaned a bit further back to catch a better glimpse of… what he had to work with. He even put his ostensible professionalism aside to grip her bent legs gently and lift the a bit on the sofa, spreading her knees just a touch, opening her up.
Against his will, his lips parted in a breathless gasp. Her mound was covered in dark curls, but they were matted with wetness between her thighs. Her folds were so swollen he couldn’t see anything between them, but he could see them continue to throb hungrily, the delicate muscles there working hard beneath the skin. Above, he could just see the hint of where her pearl was. And slathered all over her were trails of white translucent seepings tempering the dark-red colour of her excited flesh, sticky and fragrant and copious. He could almost taste her on his tongue.
"S-sir?" she asked with a tremulous little rasp.
His gaze trailed calmly to hers, but otherwise, he didn’t move a muscle — except to lick his lips. Her eyes widened at that, and he smirked at what he saw inside her head.
"Are you ready for your treatment?" he asked sweetly.
She whimpered, her hands folded nicely at the base of her ribs. To his surprise, she nodded excitedly.
Tom chuckled and leaned back to where he was before, and pressed her legs back down onto the sofa, only this time keeping them a little more apart. He looked coldly into her eyes, seemingly disinterested in what he was doing, while his fingers drew circles around her right inner thigh, as if he were thinking…
Beneath his wandering fingers, he felt her twitch, her muscles jumping with pain or excitement — or perhaps it was just the Ardour Fly working on her… Yes, that must be the reason.
It was about time he kept his word, and treated her.
Tom sighed, gripped by his own feelings of anxiety. He slid one hand surreptitiously down to his waist to settle his member more comfortably, then, in one straight stroke upwards, he brought his fingers straight up against her naked womanhood.
Her body convulsed in satisfaction and he could hear her moan little shards of Yes yes yes! while her legs struggled against his grip to try to spread wider for him.
"Be good now," he said with a tone of warning, the same tone he’d used in class so many times before. "Stay still for me."
"Professor, I can’t…" she complained.
He ignored her petulance save for a disapproving side glance, then focused once more on tending to her. He leaned back slightly for a better view.
She was leaking fresh dollops of her feminine juices all down her plush folds and her thighs and between her cheeks and down onto his sofa. His middle finger rested where he thought her hole would be, and he pressed between those full and hungry lips, moving slightly up and down, searching her, until he found it. He heard her wince uncomfortably when his finger touched the entrance to her body.
"Oh hush," he whispered dismissively. "Don’t tell me you’ve never played with this."
She said nothing to that, but from the corner of his vision, he saw her hide her head away again between her folded arms.
Tom gave her little hole a bit of attention, circling it, introducing himself to it… It made her begin to pulse and clench, leaking with want. He let his finger rest right against it, and it only took a few hungry twitches for her hole to nearly pull him in all on its own, like it was looking for something to nurse on.
He smirked, and moved higher. Her downy hair tickled the sides of his finger as he stroked her slit before it rested on her little nub, flesh on flesh.
She really jumped at that.
"Aaaahhh! Sir, please! That’s…!"
"Is this it then, my dear?" he asked with a mockingly academic tone. "Is this your most sensitive part? This little thing right here?"
His middle finger rubbed it from the base, around its raw head, then up to the soft hood that covered it.
"It’s…! Aahhh…. Aahhh…."
She was beside herself, nonsensical. Tom chuckled, but to his own surprise the sound was not one of mockery this time — it was almost fond.
He found it hard to keep tending to her in that state, she was so swollen, so engorged with blood from the effects of the aphrodisiac… So he moved his ring and index finger to her folds and kept them apart, exposing her, and with his thumb braced against her little hood, preventing it from protecting her sensitive pearl, he put his middle finger back to work, pleasuring her.
She was slippery wet, and the little thing was so hard it was almost sharp, truly the smallest point on her body — yet so, so delicate, so sensitive, so powerful it made her whole body move, would have if he didn’t move his arm from her legs to her waist to hold her down, his heavy cold palm pressed down on her tense stomach.
And as much as she arched her back and screamed and canted her hips into his strokes or away from them, his hand between her legs didn’t budge, it stayed on her, followed her, forcing her lower lips open and relentlessly flicking her nub.
"PLEASE!" she cried, her hands coming down to grip the sofa cushions again. "Please please please…"
His finger moved in broader strokes now, going down to her hole to gather more slick before licking a path back to her nub to tease it a bit, then tease it harder, then flick it loosely as if he tested how erect it was, how stiff — and then going down again to rest his finger at her entrance, just letting it know he’s there, letting it know he hadn’t forgotten about it, trying to soothe it.
"There you go," he praised, surprising himself by smiling fondly as he looked at her flushed face. Her cheeks were damp with tears and strands of her hair stuck sweetly to her skin. "My favourite student... my prettiest girl..." he praised. Where did that come from? he asked himself — but it didn’t matter. It didn’t feel like a lie when he said it. She reminded him too much of himself in her darkness, in her frustrated need, in her sullenness, for him to dislike her… especially now.
Adara smiled with a mix of shyness and pride, as if she could never have expected to hear such a thing. She knew she was good in his class, and that Professor Riddle thought highly of her, but she never dared hope that she was his favourite.
"Am I, Sir?" she asked, looking into his eyes and managing a small, warm smile. Her hips started moving at steeper but slower angles until she could almost trick his fingers into penetrating her, her movement and his gentle motions uniting to almost bring her finger into her most intimate hole. "You're my favourite professor, you know" she confessed, looking at him with admiration and surrender and deep, deep affection.
He smirked at that, feeling unapologetically pleased.
"That’s right, you're my favourite student, Adara..." he whispered, his voice deep and warm but with an unspoken need hiding behind it.
He went slower, than faster, his moving in unpredictable patterns. He wanted to savour the moment... wanted to savour her.
She smiled tightly and sadly at him, not even the pleasure of his fingers enough to distract her.
"Am I really?" she whispered, in between the moans caused by his soft, gentle touches that stroked her pain away. "Irma Burke is far better than me, and — oh, right there, Sir — and Juniper Flint and — aaaahhh P-professor, so good, please please please…"
"Shhh... shhh..." he gentled her as his fingers continued their movement, their caressing and their touching, right there, right where she needed it.
"They might be talented too," he whispered, his voice softer still as he continued to move, his eyes still locked with hers. "But they're not as good as you."
His fingers were moving deliberately, ever so gently, ever so carefully, a little bit faster now…
She bit her lip to shut herself up and looked into his eyes with longing, so grateful to him for his sweet words, his praises, his attention… He was giving her everything she ever needed, that she never got anywhere else... He made her feel so safe, so cared for that she could have fallen in love...
As his tending to her brought Adara closer to the height of her pleasure, she gasped and arched her back in a hungry chase after his touch. Smirking at her efforts, Tom pressed his hand down harder on her lower stomach, and let his fingers rest at her entrance again. Just resting there...
She whined and winced and moved her hips the little that she could, then gasped.
The greedy little twitches of her hole began to draw him in, and slowly, through the greed of her own body, the tip of his middle finger finally penetrated her. Tom groaned — she was feverishly hot inside, worrying so. A sloppy puddle was waiting just inside her hole and was pushed out by his presence. It slid around his finger, licking its way down it to his knuckles, his palm, an adventurous little trail of it making it all he way down to his wrist.
"Shhh… That’s it, good girl..." he whispered in a tender, comforting voice... but with that darkness and hunger and need still lurking in the depths of his eyes, a need as great as hers.
He let his finger be drawn inside by her hungry little womanhood, pulled in with each tensing throb. It managed to do so only down to the first knuckle, and then he had to push.
His length throbbed in jealousy, and he could feel from his tip the bubbling of a little tear of longing. The sensation was so intense, so rare, that it almost hurt. His whole loins were in pain, in fact, and the hard floor was doing no favours to his sac that churned with its unspilled desire for her, for the vulnerable young girl that was under his care.
"Sir, you’re… y—"
"Yes, I’m inside you now, aren’t I?" he whispered teasingly, his dark gaze holding her wide, humiliated eyes. His middle finger and his index kept her folds parted, forcing her tenderest parts to be exposed, but his thumb began to rub soothing circles on the hood above her nub. "Isn’t that better, hmm? Are you liking your treatment?"
She moaned senselessly with each little bit of his finger that he squeezed through her tight hole, but she had the presence of mind to nod as she looked into his eyes.
"So beautiful... so vulnerable... so... pretty..." he whispered as his fingers continued to move around her sensitive little parts, to caress her...
His dark eyes drank her in — the most darling sight in the world to him at this point... his prettiest girl, his best girl... right there. Her channel kept throbbing more strongly, fighting back against an invasion that got thicker as he worked his way to the second knuckle and more. He curled it slightly against that spongy spot above. She mewled and started hyperventilating, her thighs suddenly clenching, feet scrambling against the sofa. If she weren’t so wet, he might have had trouble shoving even one finger in, he noted with surprise. He might have been a man, but until then he’d thought his fingers were quite slender…
He growled when he felt her channel try to stop him in a firm, tight clench, and he moved his thumb back to her nub, beginning to rub it harshly now, pressing into it without mercy while holding her squirming waist down, ignoring her excited cries. He bullied that little pearl while he kept his finger still. Slowly, gently, imperceptively, he let her own squirms and cantings of her hips pull his middle finger deeper, work her down onto him.
Eventually, he could feel he reached the end of her. He realised with wonder that he was touching the mouth to her womb. The girl cried out at the intimate feeling.
"Aaahhh! Professor!"
The room was filled with the wet sounds of his thumb slicking up and down her button while the finger in her hole began to thrust. He kept it slightly curled, greedy for that soft spot, eager to press into it, to tease it, to caress it, hungry for the sounds she made whenever he did so — throaty moans, pleading whines, and the senseless gasps of pleasure with her head tilted back and her eyes lazily looking at him and her legs a bit bent and spread… She was a vision.
"Does it hurt, Adara?" he whispered, his voice soft and tender.
"It hurts so much, Sir," she whined, tears coming to her eyes again. "It hurts me… It hurts me it hurts me it hurts me," she moaned, her body shaking. "Please, Sir, help me, please make it stop, make it stop..."
His eyes went wide as he heard her, as he saw the tears forming in her eyes. It made things happen to his body, not only his loins but his entire skin and his heart and his lungs, that he never thought possible… To reward her, his hands moved just a little faster and he started to take her closer, closer to the ultimate release that would bring her some relief. She was in pain... pain she didn't deserve... he had to fix that, fix her... make her feel better.
"Calm down," he said in a gentle, caring voice as his hands kept their movement, still tending, still caressing, but a little bit faster still, a little more urgently.
His hand pressed down on her lower stomach to try to control her frantic body, but it only made her moan louder, her legs spread wider…
"What’s this here?" he whispered gently as he looked down at his flat palm. "Hmm? You like it here? Is there something good here?"
"My… my…"
"Your womb, that’s right…" he whispered hotly, licking his lips as he looked into her eyes.
He pressed down deliberately on it now while his finger worked heatedly into the channel that led up into it, torturing her pleasure spot from both sides, giving it no escape, no mercy, no choice but to give her the release she needed.
"Aaaaahhh! Aaaahhhh there," she whined needily. "There, there…!"
His motioned pulled dollops of her seeping juices out with each outward slide, and then his finger thrust straight up to tickle the entrance to her womb with each push, before retreating and curling almost aggressively into that tender spongy spot again and again and again. His thumb kept rubbing harshly at her nub, occasionally letting his short nail scratch just the surface of it, just to see her cry a bit.
"It pains you, doesn’t it?" he whispered sympathetically, so at odds with his rough tending to her. "This little womb… Don’t you want to make it happy? Don’t you want to give it some release?"
She closed her eyes shut tightly in shame and anxiety and nodded.
"Come on, my darling girl, give in to it… Give in to me…" he coaxed.
His whole hand was soaked from her, his fingers so wet they were starting to prune, and his manhood was so stiff and swollen he felt sure it was about to rip a seam. But none of that mattered; he had to take care of her.
"Professor," she whined loudly, arching her back in pleasure as he started to tend to her faster. "Professor Riddle... Sir... So good..."
Her hips moved up and down as she began to rub herself against his fingers and he began to move in harmony with her. She teased her little pearl against his thumb now, worked her pulsing channel down his middle finger, letting him help bring her closer to the end of her treatment.
"Good girl," he whispered as his eyes widened in delight. "My best girl…”
His fingers moved faster still, his movements growing more deliberate, building her up higher, and higher, and higher, getting closer and closer to the ultimate release, that moment of pure ecstacy... of satisfaction... of relief...
"What does my good girl need?" he whispered, looking at her with a mix of pity and desire, with a genuine need to see her brought to satisfaction.
"More," she begged, looking deep into his eyes, pleading with him. "More, please Professor... More... I need more... I need you," she finally confessed, breaking her gaze away and biting her lip. "I need you..."
She began to leak profusely against his fingers almost as if she were wetting herself, soiling him down to his wrist with her girlish juices. He felt her begin to pulse in a strong, clenching way, her hips stuttering, her back arching, her legs spreading wider, and...
She screamed and her body shivered, her legs trembling on either side of his arm, her intimate parts throbbing stronger, her hole opening and closing as if was swallowing him down... Dollops of wetness bubbled out of her pulsating entrance, filling the air with that sweet and fleshy scent that he was addicted to by now. It slid between his fingers that kept moving, kept tending to her.
"Yes... yes... you need me... you need your Professor, don’t you, my favourite girl...?" his voice was deep and husky with lust and love and pride — and more of that pesky underlying need, that hunger, that desire to possess her, to possess all of her for himself, to keep her for himself, as all of this came together into this sensitive, fragile release.
He was proud. Proud of her, proud of what he had done, proud of her need... her desire... her dependence on him.
She whimpered as she began to relax, her body shaking with occasional twitches of after-pleasure. It caused her to moan deliciously. Slowly, her hips relaxed and settled. Tom kept his finger inside of her little hole, but let her folds go. They closed around his finger in a grateful kiss.
She bit her lip and looked at Professor Riddle, her eyes foggy with pleasure and in disbelief at what had just happened, what he had done to her.
"Good girl..." he whispered. He smiled fondly down at her as his thumb caressed the hood above her nub in soothing, consoling circles. "You feel better now? No more pain?"
His voice was soft and caring, and his eyes shone with delight after all that had happened. He wasn’t half as breathless as she was, but he was far from unaffected. His heart had nearly pounded out of his chest when he saw her and felt her and heard her reach her pleasure as he worked her little body with just two fingers.
Her eyes were half-lidded and her hands were curled up into loose fists over her chest, moving up and down with her deep breaths. Tom smiled and leaned down over her to give her another little kiss, like a prince in a fairy tale waking the princess from eternal sleep.
"Do you feel better?" he asked again softly.
She moaned into his kiss, leaning up into it, chasing his mouth. She was still so needy for him... Her thighs closed around his wrist, not wanting him to part from her, desperate to keep him close to her.
"Feels a bit better," she whispered as their lips parted. His gentle strokes made her shiver, made pleasure bloom in her even after her devastatingly strong peak, and she rubbed herself tiredly against his finger. "But... it's still... there's still an ache, Sir..." she blushed, looking down. "I'm sorry..."
So the pain was still there...
"An ache?" he whispered with genuine concern. This wasn't right. She shouldn't be in any pain right now. He had to fix this…
"Where?" he asked with a frown. "Why does it — Oh."
He was to blame. He’d rubbed her panties against her folds at first, rubbed more of that Ardour fly onto her like a second dose. And now, she was feeling the consequences…
He shushed her as she whined, his fingers doing what they could to soothe her tender little parts. Her eyes were drowsy and so pained that they nearly broke his heart...
His voice was soft and caring and concerned, even while it was filled with his own neediness beneath, as he informed her of what he had to do to her next.
"I’m going to clean you up, my good girl," he said, looking fondly and even apologetically down at her. "And I can think of only one way to do it that would convey how contrite I am for the pain you’re in."
He let her hole nurse on his finger while he took the other palm off her tense stomach and began to undo his tie.
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artisiumstudios · 1 month
Okay so Stan pre portal is still hopeful about being able to reconnect with his family. The only people he really ever contacts after he is kicked out are his mom and Shermie (also for the sake of it I’m making shermie a bit older) but even that’s sparse. Like every couple of weeks to every couple of months.Right anyways once ford tells him to go to gravity fall he calls his mom to tell him he won’t be able to talk for a while, he doesn’t tell her she’s meeting ford because he doesn’t want to get her (and his) hopes up in case it goes wrong.
once he gets to ford and they start fighting and Stan gets burned and punches ford he grabs the journal (this also where it’s different from the original scene) he walks past ford to the portal and turns to ford and tells him “I always defend and stood up for you no matter what! Whether it was pa or those dumb bullies i stood up and fought for you but the one time i needed you you abandoned me! You’re the most selfish person i know!”
And ford gets pissed and says something alongs the lines of “you did this to yourself when you betrayed me and sabotaged MY future!” And pushes Stan which causes Stan to fall into the portal!
Now for the aftermath for Ford:
At first he’s numb and in disbelief, he’s practically in shock for a good few minutes and then once it settles in he start to hyperventilate and tries turning the portal back on except he doesn’t have any fuel. So for the next few days he’s focusing on staying awake, making changes to the portal so that when he does open it leads him to only Stanley and not bill, and to get more fuel. But by day three he falls asleep and he sees Bill and they have a “conversation”. And Ford tries not to think of Stanley because he doesn’t want to have that be used as leverage against him but Bill already knew so he makes a small comment that Stan managed to escape the nightmare realm to which ford is relieved about. Eventually he wakes up and while he is happy about Stan being alive he now has a dilemma.
Is bill telling the truth? And if so why? But what if he’s not?
He’s now spiraling. On one hand Stan could be alive and in a different universe! Meaning less of a chance of Bill being able to come through. But the cons to that is Ford would need to know where Stan is to be able to use the portal and not accidentally open it randomly to another dimension and Bill could be tracking him. But on the other hand Bill could just be lying period. Stan might be dead. Or worse, he has been captured by Bill in the Nightmare Realm and is being tortured and Bill is just waiting for the portal to open up again.
Ford eventually decides to slowly work on the portal while he tries to find a way to communicate with Stan or locate him at least. He goes back to the cave and tries to find more about other demons or gods or anything to find Stanley. Months go by and eventually he receives a call. His mom asking if he’s heard from Stanley. Finally it sets in. Stan has been gone for way too long. It’s been close to a year now with little to no progress in a different dimension. He might not be alive. He breaks down on his mom saying things like “it’s my fault” “I pushed him away” “I did this” his mom assumes the worst and think Stan committed.
After that call Ford gives up. He feels helpless. He lost his brother twice to his own ego but now it was forever. Permanently. Bill hasn’t shown up either, which makes him believe even more in the fact that Stan might be dead. If he were alive Bill will be using him as leverage as a way to get ford to open the portal. Ford starts to disassemble the portal. With how busy he was researching a way to bring Stan back he forgot about everything. His house is a mess crawling with bugs and rodents, his fridge is growing an ecosystem and worst of all, bills are starting to pile up and with no research or anything to show he won’t be able to continue using his grant, and worse of all. The stanmobile is sitting outside his house untouched for almost a year. He start cleaning his house trying to come up with a game plan. He eventually finishes his house and alone with his thoughts.
Finally he get the courage to clean the stanmobile. It was mostly filled with old food containers, bloody (Stanley what happened???) wrappings and shirts, lottery tickets and other trash. But then there it was. A notebook with a picture clipped on the front of him and Stan when they were little. Inside were notes and small drawings along with failed scams and other items Stan has tried to sell during the last ten years. On the last page there is was. On the top a drawing of a sign. “The murder hut” on the side and in smaller writing”mystery shack ?” The middles was a bunch of drawings of phoney “mystical” and “paranormal “ creatures and sticky note. “Could make into a museum, have tours and sell merchandise. Make it paranormal theme” crossed out was “ford would love it”
Okay well I have yet to brainstorm everything properly and I haven’t even gotten to Stan yet BUT I have a lot also I’m tired and sleepy so yeah okay anyways enjoy but good byeeee
Edit: btw I’m writing the fic now and I’m 4 chapters in lol…
Im still figuring out to use tumblr so i can link my other posts but when i figure it out I swear ill put on here uhhh you always look on my other posts for the link to ao3 but the fic is called:
You make hell tolerable.
Anyways goodnight lol
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jameui · 2 years
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PAIRING: Choi Soobin x M!Reader
GENRE: Smut/Angst/Fluff
WARNINGS: soobin being a lil bit of a jerk, dub-con, huge height difference, size kink
SUMMARY: You mustered all of your courage to confess to your crush, only for it to go downhill once Soobin decided to tell his friends all about it.
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"You're doing that face again." Taehyun deadpanned as he let himself witness another sight of you staring at your crush from afar with a smile riding on your lips, head rested on your palm. He had just finished encoding important details for his report tomorrow and he was to ask you supposedly a question, but when he lifted his eyes away from the computer screen, there you were eyeing Soobin as though your life depended wholly on it. "Can you stop doing that? We have an important reporting tomorrow and here you are ogling your eyes over an athlete who probably smells bad." Taehyun lets out angrily as you let out a sigh.
You smiled, averting your attention back to Taehyun. "You just don't get it, Taehyun. It just... it feels so good when you see a crush. You know?" You told him, yet Taehyun could only roll his eyes at your statement, taking his take out iced cappuccino and drank right from the bottle. "Also, I confessed to him last night through a chat." You said all in less than a second, causing Taehyun to choke on his coffee due to the revelation, spurting some of it through his nose which literally burned as hell, sending you laughing, while Taehyun tried to calm his burning nostrils.
"Fuck you. You should have given me a heads up." Hearing you laugh made it hard for Taehyun not to reciprocate your happiness. Well, to be fair he's half crying and half laughing. The pain was unbearable.
"Sorry, sorry, I—"
"Hey, Y/N. Didn't take you for a guy who like athletes." You heard a person from behind you, as he sat himself down on the seat next to you, your brows furrowing in question. "Soobin said you loved to chat him even though he doesn't want to speak to you." Yeonjun, the team captain of the volleyball team where Soobin is in, added as your eyes grew wide in shock, standing up from your chair. "You okay, bud?"
You shook your head, before moving to find Soobin in the midst of the ocean of students. Considering that Soobin stood out among all the students, his tall stature and how his head poked out above the rest that was how you were able to find him in a flash, the male athlete talking with his friends. You frowned at the thought that he might be talking about it a different angle when all you ever really wanted was to become his friend. You went up to them tapping one of his friend's shoulder, you smiling warmly at him. "Oh, excuse me? Hi, Y/N L/N from the Department of Entrepreneurship. Can I borrow Senior Soobin for a moment? It's something urgent." You asked them who only looked at Soobin, hoping they wouldn't mind. "I may want to speak to him in private." You added, them nodding their heads as you bowed to thank them.
You pulled Soobin by the wrist, while the latter felt somewhat nervous, since he knew the news reached to you already. He may or may not have told a few ears about your confession and probably didn't intend for it to spread in your department like wildfire. Although, it was entirely his fault. No other soul was to blame, except for him. What he heard and what he saw should have stayed between you two. After all, you two were complete strangers, he did not exactly know how you act, so he speculated you were being suspicious with your actions and that you had a motive behind every words you told him.
You two arrived at a quiet gymnasium, your hand leaving Soobin as you placed yourself down on a well hidden place behind a post where no one will be able to hear the conversation between you two. You looked up at the taller male when you saw him just standing idly in his place. You smiled warmly up towards him, patting the space beside you. "Don't worry. I'm not mad... well, a little, but it's nothing too big." You told him, Soobin pursing his lips, hesitatntly sitting down beside you.
Then, the place broke into a moment of silence as neither of you decided to speak. One being nervous, the other finding the right words to say. After a few minutes, you decided to tear off the defeaning silence between you two. "...I'm sorry." You stated, eyes unable to meet Soobin's.
Hearing those words obviously took Soobin aback. He didn't expect to hear you apologize, not when he thought he was the one who owed you an apology. He wanted to speak to tell you that it wasn't you who's supposed to apologize, rather him. But, you decided to cut him off before he could even speak. "I know you must have felt uncomfortable talking with me. Especially through chats." You said, sighing. "I said words I regretted ever telling you. I should have left it at ease. I genuinely wanted to be your friend, but the out of the blue confession was... uh, well, unnecessary and destroyed everything before anything even started." You laughed softly, head hanging low still unable to look at Soobin.
"No.. I.. it's my fault. I've put meanings in every actions you made." He admitted, fiddling with his fingers. He felt so bad his thoughts towards you made you think that your feelings weren't necessary at all. It wasn't his intention to hurt you. He just didn't want to seem insensitive. "Guess... it was just me feeding my ego to make me feel better about myself. I should be the one apologizing, Y/N. Not you."
He hears a chuckle from you, before a sigh moves past your lips. "I didn't need to hear an apology from you, Soobin. It's alright. Besides, this will most probably be the last time we'll talk with each other." You smiled bitterly, Soobin snapping his head down towards you with his eyes wide wondering why you were deciding this meeting to be the last. He felt his chest tighten when the thought of no more you who would talk to him at night and hear his complains, support his decisions and no more exchange of jokes daily would be lost. Yeah, total strangers. But, he couldn't say anything. "Let's forget about this whole ordeal and start again." You let out finally finding the courage to face Soobin. "This feels embarrassing, but Y/N. My name's Y/N."
Soobin could only watch. Unable to even speak. "I guess this will only be the time where we talk with each other. Hello and uh, goodbye?" You said, taking Soobin's hand and shook them with a smile on your face. Afterwards, you decided to stand up and thinking that Soobin needed space to think, you started making your way out of the gymnasium, but before you could take one more step you were held back by a hand on your forearm. You looked back at him, turning around. "Is there—"
"I want to see you everyday, Y/N. So, please don't leave." Soobin breaks you off through your words, this time you were the one left speechless watching as Soobin's expression turns into a frown of desperation, looking so sincere about his words. You smiled at him, gently pushing his hand away from you.
"You can see me everyday. We won't just be exchanging words like usual." You laughed it off, but Soobin vigorously shook his head, not really wanting to lose a friend. Especially in such a tight situation.
"No.. I don't want that." Soobin replied to you, being stubborn about all of it. Infact, he didn't even want you to leave right now, he still wanted to talk to you, it's just that his fear and nervousness was taking over.
"Soobin, listen. I—" You wanted to tell him off and get angry, but you just couldn't, especially when Soobin beat you to it.
"No. Stop, I won't listen. I'll see you and TALK to you tomorrow. Don't find any excuses." Soobin stubbornly replied, covering his ears before he departed from the place leaving you dumbfounded, scoffing in disbelief. Wasn't he the one who told everyone he didn't like speaking with you? So, what's his point?
You thought it would have just stopped at that and that Soobin would think nothing of his words, until you ran into him the next morning by the school's entrance gate. "Y/N! Hey, remember when you were helping me in the past with my school works? In exchange for that I've finished your homeworks for you." Soobin takes his bag from his shoulder and pulls out the papers that was safe inside a folder. "Oh, and I have snacks. Would you want some? I'd love to share with you."
Your eyes widened, noticing the attention he was gaining, you pulled him to the side while Soobin still had a smile on his face, his deeply carved dimples making an appearance.
"Soobin, what are you doing?!" You whisper-shouted, in total disbelief that he would go out of his way and do you favors you never even asked him to. It's almost as if he's making you think your indebted to him.
Soobin laughs a little before he faces you and showed you his million dollar smile. "I'm doing you a favor, Y/N. As a friend" Soobin winks at you, your brows only knitting together. A little bit angry at Soobin for whatever motive he has behind his actions when you already made it clear that you were fine not talking to him. Is it because the talk yesterday hurt his ego? Either way, you could care less. You just can't bare the sight of yourself breaking apart again.
"No. Soobin, just stop, please. I don't want to see myself break my heart, again. Can you please do this one thing for me and just... don't talk to me, again?" You sighed, rubbing your temples in an attempt to calm yourself down. It seemed to you that Soobin was fixed on whatever he had planned to do.
Hearing your words, Soobin pouts, his lower lip sticking out a little. "I... why? Oh, wait. I remembered. You always get cranky when you're hungry. I know what you want. Ice cream!" Soobin's face lit up with joy, giggling in the process as he ran to the cafeteria without getting your answer at all.
"Soobin, wait, WAIT!" You yelled out to him, but Soobin was already too far to even hear you or he was just pretending to act deaf so he could make an excuse to buy you ice cream. Although, normally you would never say no to a free ice cream, but it just didn't feel right as of the moment it felt like you were taking advantage of Soobin and you were certain you didn't want that.
Soobin comes back after a few minutes, you sat down on a bench, looking over to Soobin who had four different flavors of ice cream in his hands, your eyes widening in surprise. "Sorry, I got every flavor they have. Didn't know what you want." Soobin chuckled awkwardly, you shaking your head.
"You... I swear to the heavens..." You let out almost like a whisper, audible enough for Soobin to hear who let out a chuckle before jogging the rest of the way to you, almost dropping one of the ice cream cones he held in his hands.
He smiles at you, perking his brows at you. "Come on~ I know you want them." Soobin played with his brows, raising them up and down, nudging your arm a little, you side-eyeing him a small smile forming on your lips.
You let out a breathe, giving in to his offer taking the cookies and cream flavored one. "...Fine, I'll eat them all, and that's it. No more." You told him, pointing a finger at him with an authoritative tone on your voice as though to tell him you were serious about your words and you are.
"Okay." Soobin smiles at you, unknowingly the lie behind those lips.
Although he said that, he still came to school with an extra drink in his hand which was actually going to be for you and every day he just keeps giving you even more expensive things, like the bag you are currently hitching over your shoulder which Soobin promised that if you'd accept, he would stop from giving you gifts or doing you unexpected favors. It had already been a month since this has been happening and yet Soobin never gave up and always arrived with extra money for you as though he was your personal bank. "Soobin..." You sighed out, yet the said male still seemed unfazed no matter how much you told him.
Soobin gives you a heavenly smile, reaching from ear to ear. "What? I was on my way when I saw the drink you loved to talk about and how much you craved for them."
The words that fell out from Soobin mouths garnered you attention that made you feel u comfortable on your feet. Your brows furrowed, frowning. "Soobin, they're thinking of this as something. Can you just not? It's making my head spin. I don't know whether—"
"I don't know what I'm feeling, Y/N. I'm not able to describe it through words, but what I'm certain of is that I don't want to be apart from you. I want to stay by your side." Soobin cuts you off through your words, your brows even knitting more together at what he was saying. It sounded like pure nonsense to you.
"No, no, no. You're doing it again. Making me fall in love with you all over again." You shook your head, racking your brains out for the right words to tell him, but all of these was making you feel so confused. Soobin was sending signals that was making you assume something behind his actions.
Soobin puts a hand on your shoulder, rubbing your blades with his thumb to soothe you down. "You can do anything to me, Y/N. Just please don't push me away from your side." Soobin ruffles your hair and sends a wink your way, making you blush a deep red color, causing the taller male to let out a soft chuckle at your reaction. It was cute.
part 2
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tfp-enthusiast · 1 year
Tfp cons reaction to gn cybertonian reader who's the definition of quiet and introverted but when you're close to them? They don't have any filter atp. (Scenerios)
"Hey (con name) did you know there's a thing called ovipositi-" yes, they will give bits of information that are honestly jaw dropping. Does not care that they will be shocked about that shit since the two are close anyway.
"It's interesting how a decent amount of humans are into 'monsters'. Tentacles and werewolves are the most popular one's." "How do you know that?" "...internet."
Shockwave, Soundwave x GN!Bot!Reader who introverted but doesn't have a filter
[I'm in a phase where I just love writing for thoses both, idk why]
[I made some headcanons, just a few, too because I thought it would be nice]
[Btw. I'm actually that kind of friend irl XD]
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Shockwave secretly loves that you trust him enough to be so different from your normal self
He prefers it normally if it's quiet but somehow he doesn't find it annoying when you tell him all those facts that you learned
If it's something about earth then the chances are high that he didn't know it, but if it's something about cybertron and/or cybertronians then he most likely knows it already
But he won't tell you that unless you already told him that fact
Another cycle in the lab with Shockwave, while most found his presence cold and a little unsettling even you think that that's just because they don't know him as good as you.
You loved it in the lab, especially when Shockwave was there, and it seems like a safe place for you to talk.
Sometimes Predaking or Knockout or some other Con would interrupted your conversations but other than that it was pretty relaxing for you there.
It seems like Shockwave enjoyed you being with him too because he never interrupts your little fun facts and talks a much more than with others.
"..Shockwave, did you know that there is a thing called Ovipositor that helps to breed? From what I learned the spike retreats and the Ovipositor helps so the eggs won't slip out while being moved into the carrier. I find that very interesting."
You sometimes get a nod and/or a answer that encourages you to research more or he tells you what you want to know but most times you switch topics very fast because of how busy it can be in the lab.
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You both are the perfect duo
Soundwave is, while not very introverted, very quiet and keeps his thoughts to himself a lot too
So you both have a lot in common
But I think he knows a lot of what you tell him already considering he is always searching through some databanks
You let out a sigh after you hear Megatron leave after he, yet again, beat the scrap out of Starscream and left you and Soundwave on the bridge alone.
Some vehicons where normally with you but this cycle the bridge was empty, only you and Soundwave, and that is when you where most comfortable talking.
Sometimes you where humming to some melody you heard somewhere on earth, talking to Soundwave about a mission, or like most times you told him just facts that you just learned or pop up in your processor.
"Hey Sound', did you know that there are many humans that have a preference for murders? Somehow the fact that they are capable of killing makes them seem 'hot' or attractive to them."
He most likely knew what you just said, but never interrupts you or tells you that, he just nods or gives you an emotion to show you he understands.
(You told him something about 'hentai' one time and Knockout was still in the room, the next few cycles where very interesting you couldn't tell if he was disgusted or something else with the looks he was giving you)
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cherienymphe · 2 years
Amnesiac X (Rafe Cameron x Reader x JJ Maybank)
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WARNINGS: eventual NON-CON, mentions of abuse, mentions of past assault, drunk driving, mentions of loss of virginity, underage drinking, drug use, non canon ages, kook!reader
➥ banner by @maysdigitalarts​​​ | divider by @firefly-graphics​
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Here is the much anticipated Ch. 10!
➥ series masterlist
summary: “There’s something wrong with your love story, baby…”
After a surfing accident leaves you with little to no memory of everything that happened before that day, you start to wonder if the blond in what little memories you do have is the same one who claims to be your boyfriend.
“Um…this is the best I’ve got.”
JJ was very awkward around you, offering the oversized t-shirt to you, lips pressed together. Your skin was still damp from your shower, practically scrubbed raw. You had spent over an hour in the shower, dragging your nails and the cloth over your body, paying no mind to the blood you drew. Even now, you could still feel Rafe on you, and under the spray of water, you had only wanted to get him off.
You shuddered, and you knew it had nothing to do with your damp skin and the cool air.
“Thanks,” you whispered, taking it from him.
He clearly didn’t know what else to say, and so he left you alone to get dressed. You glanced around, never having been to JJ’s house before. He’d made an offhanded comment that his dad wasn’t home, and you had been relieved about that for more reasons than one. You’d heard enough about JJ’s dad to know that was a man you never wanted to meet.
When you came out of his room, JJ had a small glass of water, and he cleared his throat.
You didn’t think you were that thirsty until you swallowed it all in one go. JJ didn’t hesitate to get you another, and you sank down onto the couch.
“Are you okay?” he wondered, standing over you.
“My best friend tried to rape me,” you dryly said, taking a sip. “What do you think?”
JJ nodded to himself, running his hands through his hair.
“Yeah, that was a stupid question.”
“No, it’s…it’s fine. I doubt you’ve been put in this position before,” you sighed. “Leave it to me to associate with horrible people.”
JJ made a noise in the back of his throat, and you looked up.
“This isn’t your fault.”
You looked back down, tightening your hand around the glass. You felt differently. Rafe was always an asshole, always so cruel to whoever he deemed worthy of it, and you had just accepted it as who he was instead of recognizing it as the very concerning personality flaw it was. Even still, all this time, you thought that Rafe was your friend.
“Thank you, by the way,” you told him.
JJ frowned at you before hesitantly sitting beside you.
“You don’t…you don’t have to thank me for that,” he said with a shake of his head.
“I mean…I know I’m not your favorite person.”
Rafe’s words still left you bitter, and you swallowed.
“So that means I’m supposed to let you get hurt?”
You ignored how JJ didn’t refute your statement, and you blinked back more tears.
“No,” you sighed. “That’s not what I’m saying. Just…thank you.”
JJ didn’t respond, and you watched him as he stood.
He reminded you of Rafe in so many ways, but nicer, and you wanted to laugh to yourself. So many times, you had imagined being alone with JJ, doing the most mundane things and just talking to him. You couldn’t even rejoice in this because of the circumstances, and you drank the rest of your water, looking around.
“I know it’s not what you’re used to on Figure 8, but you can sleep in my room.”
His words had you frowning at him, and you looked away, those final words from Rafe making more tears fall.
“I’m not some spoiled Kook princess!”
JJ seemed shocked by your outburst, and he raised his hands, mouth opening, but you continued.
“I’ve never been anything but nice to you and everyone else is perfectly fine with me, but every time I’ve tried to be your friend, you made it clear that you want no parts.”
“I didn’t-.”
“I know you think I’m this spoiled rich bitch who looks down on people from The Cut,” you said, standing now. “I know what you think of me.”
JJ shoved his hands into his pockets, preferring to let you finish.
“I long accepted it, but God do you really think I’d have the nerve to judge anything about you after what you did for me? You really think I’m that…terrible?”
As the silence stretched, it became clear to JJ that you wanted an actual answer. He at least had the decency to look shameful as he sighed.
“You’re right.”
You looked away.
“I was just trying to lighten the mood, but you’re right. That was unnecessary.”
“I’m a good person, JJ.”
He frowned at the way your voice cracked, and he stepped towards you.
“I know you are.”
“…but you treat me like I’m not.”
He looked like he wanted to say more but thought better of it.
“I’ll uh…I’ll take the couch,” was all he said, and you felt disappointed for some reason.
When it became clear that nothing else was going to be said, you made your way to his room. It smelled just like JJ, and for some reason, that made you cry again. You had thrown up everything in your stomach earlier, but when you thought about Rafe, you wanted to be sick all over again. You had been saved by the last person you ever expected, and you cried yourself to sleep in his bed.
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You heard someone gently calling your name, and you blinked.
The figure before you was blurry and familiar, and when the colors finally separated to paint a clear picture, you rubbed your eyes. Sarah stood in front of you with a deep frown, looking over you with a look you couldn’t place.
“I went by your house, and your mom said you hadn’t been by in a while.”
A while.
You wondered how many mothers would describe their daughter’s weeks long absence like that?
“Have you been here the whole time?”
You struggled to sit up, the alcohol in your system making for the perfect nap before Sarah woke you up. Sarah looked between you and JJ, the other blond leaning against his wall with his arms crossed over his chest. You supposed it was kind of a lie. You had been by your house to get some things, but seeing as you didn’t want to run into Rafe, you’d been hiding out here. Your mom just had no knowledge if it.
“Uh…yeah,” you sighed. “Things aren’t the best at home, so…”
You knew what Sarah was thinking as her nose scrunched. Why didn’t you crash at her place? Or Kie’s? Or even Pope’s? JJ’s indifferent attitude towards you was no secret, so for her to find you on his couch of all places was definitely odd.
“Wait, what?” Sarah knelt before you, worried. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t really want to talk about it.”
She blinked at that, glancing at JJ again.
“Are you sure…?”
The hurt in Sarah’s voice was evident, and you understood why. She was your best friend, and while she didn’t know what it was, it was clear to her that something was very wrong if you were sleeping on JJ’s couch. You slowly blinked, nodding.
At that, Sarah leaned in, looking at you more closely.
“Are you drunk? JJ is she drunk?”
“Sarah, I’m fine. I just had a few beers…”
It was more than a few.
Sarah looked like she wanted to say something else, but instead she left you, jerking her head at JJ as she went. He reluctantly followed, and with difficulty, you stood, moving closer to the door.
“She’s not okay. What’s going on?”
JJ was quiet for a while, and you worried that he’d tell her what you made him promise not to tell anyone.
“Home stuff. That’s all I know.”
“You’re lying,” she accused. “Even if it was just home stuff…Y/N’s never been much of a drinker. Never, and now she’s passed out drunk in the middle of the day?”
JJ sighed.
“Whatever’s wrong with her, that’s not going to help,” she hissed.
“I can’t make her do anything she doesn’t want to do,” he told her.
“Enabling bad coping mechanisms isn’t any better.”
Her voice was cold, and as the silence stretched, you knew that she had left on her bike.
You looked down as you thought about Sarah’s words, swallowing. The past few weeks were more of a blur than you wanted to admit, filled with more alcohol than you’d ever had in your lifetime. And JJ. Oddly enough, the blond had become something like a friend.
His dad was rarely home, something that both relieved and saddened you. He never pushed you to talk in detail about what happened, but sometimes you’d catch him throwing worried glances towards you. He talked to you more than he ever had, and part of you hated it because you knew it was only because he pitied you. On the other hand, the pathetic part of you didn’t care what the reason was.
“She’s mad at me,” you told him when he came back inside. “We tell each other everything…”
“She’s not-.”
“She is,” you slurred with a nod. “…but how can I tell her that her own brother tried to rape me?”
It was the first time you’d brought it up since that night, and JJ’s gaze was on you. You didn’t know if you just needed to cry after not doing so for weeks, or if it was the alcohol, but your eyes watered.
“Hey…” JJ moved closer, clearly seeing the emotion on your face. “You’re okay.”
You frowned, staring at the floor.
“He was my best friend,” you murmured to yourself. “…and when I didn’t like him back, he tried to rape me.”
JJ softly called your name, and you sniffed.
“…but I always knew he was an asshole. Why did I think I was so different?”
JJ was quiet for a moment before finally speaking.
“You thought he was your friend. That’s not your fault,” he told you.
“We grew up together. We literally grew up together, and did everything together,” you were rambling. “…and at the end of the day, I wasn’t his friend. I was just something else that belonged to him.”
You pressed your hands to the sides of your head, vision blurring and chest tightening.
“Why wasn’t it enough?”
JJ knelt before you now, trying to take your hands. He was calling your name again, but you ignored him, deep in your own head as insecurities you didn’t even realize you had started to surface.
“Maybe…maybe that’s all I’m good for.”
“I’m not very smart, and I’m clearly a poor judge of character-.”
“Y/N,” JJ interrupted, moving to sit beside you.
“I’m a spoiled Kook who grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth, and I’m going to end up just like my mom…”
“Okay, stop it,” JJ took your face into his hands, a deep frown on his face.
“I am,” you sobbed. “That’s all I seem to be good for. To be on some asshole’s arm like a trophy, going to stuffy parties, and-.”
“Shut up,” JJ snapped, shaking you. “Rafe’s shitty, and just because he didn’t value you as a friend, it doesn’t mean he was right to.”
“…but…you didn’t value me as a friend either.”
JJ’s face fell at your words, and you shrugged.
“You barely liked me as a person,” you whispered.
JJ’s shoulders heaved, and he looked sheepish.
“I was judge-y…and you were a Kook.”
“I’m still a Kook,” you reminded him.
JJ chuckled.
“You’ve been slumming it with me for weeks,” he said. “I wouldn’t exactly call you a Kook anymore.”
That made you chuckle too, and JJ licked his lips.
“…and I was wrong for doing that,” he admitted, and you eyed him. “I always thought you wouldn’t stick around and go back to your side of the island for good.”
You played with your fingers.
“I don’t think I ever want to go back to my side of the island,” you told him.
You both knew that wasn’t possible, but you could dream. You felt JJ brush your face, wiping your tears away, and your heart skipped a beat.
“You should really tell someone what Rafe did. You should go to Shoupe.”
“Ward is the reason Shoupe has the job he does now,” you confessed, glancing up. “Nothing happens to guys like Rafe.”
“They’ll just say I was drunk, or I lead him on or…because nothing sexual actually took place, what is there to prove?”
JJ looked sad for you, and you let out a bitter laugh.
“He gets to go on living his life while I’m stuck trying to heal mine.”
Your head fell to JJ’s shoulder, and you laughed again. He smelled so much like the ocean water to you, and as much as you hated Rafe for what he did, it had brought you closer to JJ, had made him your friend, something you had long given up on.
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For the first time in what felt like a while, you were actually sober.
And you were beyond grateful too.
JJ’s hand was on the back of your neck, holding you to him as he moved his lips against yours. His other hand was on your lower back, fingers brushing your skin as you sat in his lap. You used to dream about this, and just when you made peace with only ever being friends with JJ, thankful for even that, he’d said something that you thought you’d never hear.
“You’re too pretty to cry over assholes like Rafe.”
The words had shocked you, and the smile that he’d given you made your heart race. You hadn’t even meant to kiss him, your body taking on a mind of it’s own, but whatever worries you had melted away when he didn’t push you away.
“Are you sure?” he’d murmured against your lips.
You knew why he was asking, and to prove to him that you were okay, you wrapped your arms around his neck. Kissing JJ was exactly like what you thought it’d be. His lips were soft and sweet from his juul pen, and when you decided that you hated the way he was kissing you like you’d break, you pushed him towards the couch. His fingers kneaded into your skin, making you shudder, and he sighed into your mouth.
Your bliss was cut short when you both heard a noise outside, and it took you a moment to remember where you were. You were off of JJ and fixing your shirt just as Pope and John B. made themselves known, striding inside like they lived there.
“Sarah said you’d probably be here,” Pope commented, plopping down beside JJ. “I like killing two birds with one stone.”
“We’re chillin’ in the cat’s ass tonight,” John B said, lightly slapping JJ’s arm. “We rarely see both of you these days.”
Guilt ate at you, and you looked down. JJ was their friend first, and you were keeping him away because of your own bullshit. It felt so selfish once you were confronted with it, and you spoke up before JJ did.
“That’s my fault,” you laughed. “Stupid family drama, but yeah, I could use a night in a hot tub.”
You could feel JJ’s worried gaze on you, but you ignored it. Your life had to get back to normal at some point, and nothing seemed better to you than hanging out at the Chateau with your friends. Your real friends. You didn’t have a bathing suit with you, but you texted Kie because you knew she’d have an extra one.
“Are you sure about this?” JJ asked, sliding up beside you while Pope and John B. were talking.
“Yeah,” you said with a nod. “I can’t hide away from the rest of our friends forever.”
“You don’t have to force yourself,” he told you.
You knew that JJ was just worried, and you appreciated it.
“I promise. I’m okay.”
Your reassurance wasn’t in vain.
Being around the rest of your friends did make you feel better. They were filling you in on things you’d missed, Pope laughing as he recounted the first time he got high. You weren’t going to lie, you did hate that you missed that. You were perfectly okay…until Sarah brought up the one person you never wanted to talk about again.
“I swear to God, it’s like him and our dad are constantly at each other’s throats these days,” she said. “I mean, they regularly argue, but not like this.”
Your gaze was focused on the water, and you felt JJ’s fingers graze yours below the surface.
“Rafe is drinking more, partying more, and I’m afraid to think of how much money he’s wasted on coke.”
“Sounds like classic Rafe to me,” JJ mumbled, trying to dismiss the subject.
“Something’s definitely wrong with him,” she said, taking a sip of her drink. “I know you haven’t talked to him in a while, but if anyone would know, it’d be you.”
She was looking at you now, and all you could offer was a shrug.
“Rafe and I aren’t friends anymore, so I wouldn’t know anything about his life, right now.”
You said it so casually, and you ignored the way Sarah’s eyes widened, a frown on her face.
“What?” she said, a chorus of echoes going around the hot tub as everyone else had the same thought.
“You and Rafe not being friends is something that doesn’t make sense,” Kie said. “Although, I’m not going to pretend to be upset about it.”
She laughed, but Sarah didn’t join in.
“When did this happen, and why?”
You were beyond uncomfortable, and you didn’t really know what to say, but JJ spoke up for you.
“Who cares? Cutting Rafe off doesn’t sound like a big loss to me,” he mumbled.
Everyone else agreed, but Sarah was silent, looking between you and JJ with a small frown. Uncomfortable and wanting to let the subject go, you stood in the water.
“Does anyone else want another beer?”
Everyone raised their hands, albeit Sarah did lazily, and JJ offered to go with you.
His shoulder brushed yours as you both walked into the house. The air between you was tense for so many reasons, and you avoided his eye.
“She’ll let it go,” he promised you.
You grabbed the beers, and JJ grabbed a few from you, his fingers brushing against yours. You weren’t surprised to find his gaze on you when you glanced up, and you didn’t move away when he brushed his lips against the corner of your mouth.
Whatever this was between you and JJ was so new, and you didn’t know what it meant. You thought about JJ seeing you in this way almost since you first met, so you weren’t going to suggest stopping, but at the same time, so many factors were involved.
What if this became something that didn’t work out? How would it affect the friendship that had only just been formed? Not to mention what it could do for the entire group. Then there was the biggest problem of Rafe. Thoughts of him made you shudder, and you knew that if whatever was going on with you and JJ become public knowledge, your former best friend wouldn’t hesitate to let it be known how he felt about it.
“You okay?”
JJ pulled you from your thoughts, and you nodded at him.
“Just in my own head.”
His smile made you smile, and he briefly pressed the cold beer to your cheek.
“You should stop doing that so much,” he chuckled.
He guided you out with a hand on the small of your back, but when you neared the hot tub, it fell away, and you swallowed down a sigh of relief.
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You struggled to open your eyes, a splitting pain in your head that made you wince. Colors danced behind your eyes, and there was a roaring in your ears. The faint smell of smoke reached your nose, and you scrunched it, groaning to yourself as you struggled to lift your head. Your vision fully returned the same time your hearing did, and the sound of your name reached your ears.
You both heard and felt a door opening, and that was when you realized that you were in a car. Your forehead was resting on the steering wheel, and a hand slid in between them, gently pushing your head back. The voices around you were mixing together to the point where none of them were distinguishable. A hand was on your face, and lips were at your ear, calling your name.
“Get her out!”
The loud shrieking voice was so familiar, and as you blinked, you recognized it as Sarah.
“No, no, no, something might be broken.”
A finger opened your eyes one at a time, and you groaned.
“Y/N, can you hear me? Does anything feel broken?”
You shook your head and winced at the action. Nothing felt broken, but something definitely felt sore.
“Okay,” the voice breathed. “Hang on.”
A hand unbuckled your seatbelt, and you had trouble sitting up as they pulled you out of the seat. As soon as your feet touched the ground, you crumbled, and you would’ve hit it completely if it weren’t for familiar arms. JJ’s worried face hovered above yours, blue eyes wide as he leaned you against the car.
“Get her keys out,” Kie told someone.
You reached up and touched your head, frowning at the wetness you felt.
“We need to call an ambulance or something,” Sarah shakily said.
“…so she can spend a night in jail for a DUI?” JJ wondered.
“We don’t have to say she was driving,” she argued. “She could have a concussion.”
“Shoupe’s not stupid,” John B. whispered. “…but someone does need to make sure she’s okay.”
You wanted to tell them to stop talking about you like you weren’t there, but you couldn’t get your lips to move. You couldn’t get your head to stay up, and it lolled, grazing JJ’s shoulder. While the other four argued amongst themselves, JJ lightly tapped your face.
“You have to stay awake,” he whispered. “Baby, you have to stay awake.”
You thought you said something, but it came out an incoherent mess.
“Your cousin!”
JJ paused before you felt him relax.
“Yeah, we can take her to Ricky,” he said, the relief in his voice evident.
JJ sat you down, and you finally kept your eyes open. You realized that you were at John B.’s house, and you turned your head to stare at your car against a tree. Your eyes watered, and past the alcohol buzzed brain, you remembered climbing into the car crying and panicked. A tear escaped just as JJ took your chin into his hand.
“What is wrong with you?” he demanded, the others none the wiser to this conversation as they were by Kie’s car by now. “You could’ve killed someone.”
You swallowed.
“You could’ve killed yourself.”
You didn’t remember ever seeing JJ so angry, and more tears fell.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled.
His eyebrows rose.
“You’re so drunk you can barely walk, and you’re sorry? I thought you might’ve been dead.”
You blinked, looking past him.
Today had been a good day, surprise filling you at the desire to go home. It definitely wasn’t to see your parents, but to get some more things. Everything had been fine. Your parents hadn’t even been home, and it was so easy to get in and out without incident.
Then you’d walked outside and came face to face with a familiar truck.
You hadn’t even asked Rafe how he knew you were home. You didn’t want to know the answer. His apologies had fallen on deaf ears as you hurried to just get to your car.
“Stop and talk to me,” Rafe had screamed, grabbing your arm.
You had screamed back, shoving him away.
“Don’t you get that I want nothing to do with you? Leave me alone.”
“Your mom said you’ve barely been home in months,” he sneered as you put your stuff in your car. “Down on The Cut?”
“That is none of your business,” you threw over your shoulder.
“Are you with JJ, now? Hmm?”
You ignored him, getting into your car, but Rafe had prevented you from closing your door. You had yanked on it with tearful eyes, and Rafe glared at you.
“The only reason I’m not dragging you into my truck, right now is because of all your lovely neighbors,” he had told you, leaning in. “…but do not think for one second that you’re done with me.”
He had slammed your door closed for you, almost taking your hand off, and you sat in the car when he drove away. You couldn’t even remember how long you had sat in your car, crying and hating him for making you feel so helpless and scared once again.
You had consumed so much from your dad’s bar that you didn’t even remember getting behind the wheel. Let alone driving to The Cut.
After Ricky had looked you over and decided that you only had a small concussion, you had leaned against JJ in the back of Kie’s car. He hadn’t said much to you since he chewed you out, and you supposed that you couldn’t blame him. Sarah and Pope had helped you inside, keeping your body upright and guiding you.
When Sarah settled you down on John B.’s bed, she sighed.
“What’s going on with you?” she quietly wondered.
“Nothing,” you lied with a shrug. “I just had too much to drink.”
She was frowning, and you spoke again.
“Where’s JJ?”
Sarah’s face fell, and she bit her lip.
“You know that you can talk to me too…”
Her voice was quiet, and you swallowed, looking towards the ceiling.
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
You felt bad, but you didn’t think you’d ever be able to tell her what Rafe did. He was her brother, after all, and even though their relationship was rocky, she still loved him. He still meant something to her, and you didn’t know if you could muster the courage to be the one to break that.
Sarah stared at you for a while before nodding. She squeezed your arm before walking out. You could hear her talking to JJ, and when he walked in, your eyes were apologetic. By the look on his face, he was still mad at you, but he still came to sit beside you.
“I ran into Rafe when I went home,” you told him.
His entire visage shifted, and he shuffled closer, hand resting on your forehead.
“What?” he breathed.
“He…he’s never going to leave me alone, and… I can’t hide out here forever,” you whispered.
JJ leaned over you, stroking your face. He looked angry enough for the both of you, and more tears fell.
“Did he touch you?”
Your silence was answer enough, and you watched JJ’s jaw clench.
“I hate him,” you cried, and JJ pulled your head into his lap. “I hate him so much.”
JJ’s fingers danced over your face, and your eyes rested on the necklace around his neck, fighting to stay awake.
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“I told my mom that I’ve been staying at Kie’s,” you told him, smiling into the kiss.
Your legs were wrapped around him, chest arching up into his. His skin was warm against yours, your shirts tossed somewhere you didn’t even care to remember. Months of stolen kisses and hidden moments had finally led to the inevitable, and you were eager to feel him inside of you.
“I doubt she believes you.”
You pulled back, frowning at him, and there was a small smirk on his pink lips.
“First of all, you’re the worst liar,” JJ laughed. “…and…I’m pretty sure she hears me sneaking in your window.”
You pressed your lips together. JJ reached up to play with the necklace around your neck, brushing over the shark tooth.
“She definitely knows its me you come to see.”
With your life getting somewhat back to normal, JJ didn’t like you being on Figure 8 without him much. He spent more days in your room than you’d care to admit, and the time you used to spend getting drunk were spent hanging out with JJ. If you weren’t talking then you were helping him work on his bike or he was pressing the most delicate kisses over your face.
At some point, it became clear between the both of you that this wasn’t some casual fling. Your feelings for him had never been casual to begin with, but you’d been prepared to get any part of him that you could. You had accepted that this whole thing might not amount to anything, and as much as it hurt to think about, it was better than not having JJ, at all.
Somewhere along the way though, JJ stopped acting like a friend who you’d occasionally kiss sometimes and more like a boyfriend. He started sleeping in his bed with you instead of on the couch. He’d stand behind you, arms around you as you attempted to make something to eat. Sometimes you’d just catch him staring at you, not saying anything at all, and when you’d ask him what was wrong, he’d just shake his head.
If you had any doubt before, it was gone the day he took off his black shark tooth necklace and put it on you instead.
“You’re always staring at it,” he’d told you when you asked why. “So, I want you to have it instead.”
“Thanks,” you had murmured, unsure of what else to say as you touched it. “…but you don’t have to. It’s yours. You’re always wearing it, so it means a lot and-.”
“…and you mean a lot to me.”
You swallowed the rest of your words at that, eyes widening.
“And I want you to wear it.”
He hadn’t said it in plain words then, but it was clear between you both what you were to him. Even if no one else knew.
As he kissed along your throat, you thought about just being open about your relationship. You knew your friends would support you both, and it would make everything so much easier. No more sneaking around, no more lies, and no more fear of being found out. However, you were a coward.
You tried to call it anything but what it was, but it was the truth.
Rafe terrified you beyond belief, and he was so unhinged that you didn’t know what he’d do if he found out you and JJ were dating. Not to mention, your mom’s disapproval was always enough to make you shrink in on yourself. Your parents would be furious, and despite the fact that you were eighteen, you just didn’t have what it took to stand up to her.
Goosebumps erupted over your flesh as JJ’s fingers ghosted over you, and you sighed when he nipped at your skin. You’d been too drunk to even remember your first time, and it was something you always regretted, but was relieved about in the same breath. Not remembering made it easier to pretend like JJ was your first. You would rather it had been him anyway.
He hummed, climbing back up your body. He kissed you, touching his lips to your chin as you spoke.
“I told you that I wasn’t a virgin…”
His eyes met yours, and his expression softened.
“If you are, it’s okay. You didn’t have to-.”
“I didn’t lie,” you told him. “…but I don’t really remember it.”
He looked worried, now.
“It was with some Kook, and we were both really drunk,” you admitted. “Sometimes I wish that I had waited, but sometimes I’m glad that I can’t really remember.”
JJ touched your face, a comforting smile on his lips.
“Well…I’ll make sure you remember this time.”
You returned his smile, kissing him.
Sex with JJ was fun. It wasn’t that you thought you wouldn’t enjoy it, but you didn’t expect it to be so fun. Sometimes you’d find yourself laughing at the way his fingers danced over your sides, but then you’d immediately whimper at the feel of him thrusting into you. He held you so tight that it was a wonder you didn’t break, and he loved to watch you squirm, thumb brushing over you while stretching you out.
His breathing was heavy in your ear, blond hair brushing your skin, and he held you against him. Your legs were wrapped around his waist, ankles hooked behind his back, and your nails scraped along his sheets. You both had just come back from a swim, and the salt of the ocean rested on his skin whenever you tasted him.
Time didn’t mean anything to either of you, finding yourself in his lap and pushing yourself down onto him. He kept his lips at your throat, kissing you and trailing his hands over your back. You were so hot, but you didn’t even care, just wanting to be as close to him as possible. The shark tooth was cool against your skin, and you twisted your hand into JJ’s fair locks.
When you came around him for a second time, your face was buried into the crook of his neck. You shook in his arms, holding onto him tight as you told him how much you loved him. JJ shuddered in your arms at the sound, pulling you into a kiss as he told you the same.
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You were startled by a tap on your window, whipping around and holding your towel to you tight. You visibly relaxed when you faced JJ, and you hurried to slide your window up, helping him inside. As you did, something caught your attention, and your throat went dry at the sight of the ugly bruising on his arm.
Your voice was small, and JJ’s gaze followed yours before he casually waved you off. He pulled you into a kiss before you could say anything else, your face in his hands. When he pulled away, he brushed past you, and you worriedly eyed him.
“I had to see you,” he told you.
His voice sounded off, and you slowly approached him.
“You know you can come by and see me anytime.”
He nodded, sitting on your bed. You both were quiet for a while, you watching him and JJ watching his feet.
“My dad found some of your clothes,” he finally admitted. “He knows you’ve been staying over a lot.”
You knew all about JJ’s dad, and you had a sinking feeling in your stomach at his words.
“Was he mad?”
Your boyfriend chuckled to himself, and it lacked humor.
“You could say that.”
Your chest heaved a bit, and you swallowed before finally kneeling before him.
“Let me see,” you said, reaching for his shirt.
“Y/N, no, it’s fine,” he argued, stopping you.
Your eyes met his, and yours were tearful. His were pleading.
“Why won’t you let me see?”
JJ sighed, taking your hands into his.
“…because I don’t want you to see that.”
Your heart broke, and as much as you wanted to fight him on it, you also wanted to respect his decision.
“You can stay here,” you said, changing the subject as you stood. “You have some things here anyway.”
You went to one of your drawers, pulling out a t-shirt he’d left over. You looked around, certain that there were some boxer shorts too.
“You should take a shower,” you told him, handing him his clothes.
He quietly took them, but before you could step away, he wrapped his arms around you, resting his head against your stomach. He was so quiet, and you ran your fingers through his hair.
“Come with me?” he mumbled.
You were literally still in your towel from your own shower, but you knew that he didn’t just want you in there with him. He needed you at his side, right now. You pulled him to his feet, walking him to your bathroom. You made sure that your bedroom door was locked before finally joining him in the shower.
When he faced you, you paused, sharply inhaling at the sight of fresh bruises on his torso. Your mouth parted, and your eyes watered, and JJ was the one trying to comfort you.
“I’m okay,” he reassured you. “Nothing I haven’t delt with before.”
“That doesn’t make it okay,” you choked out.
You had never had the urge to kill before, the closest thing being Rafe, but in this moment, you were sure you could dump JJ’s dad’s body in the ocean and not even blink. JJ pressed his lips to yours, and you weakly kissed him back.
You were sure that JJ’s favorite thing to do with you was shower together. He’d drunkenly told you once that he thought it was more intimate than sex. Then you had laughed at JJ saying the word ‘intimate’. He liked cleaning you and rubbing soap into your skin and drying you off like a cat afterwards. As you gently brushed soap over his bruised skin, you couldn’t pull your eyes away.
Before he could stop you, you leaned in and pressed your lips to the bruises. JJ flinched, but when you started to pull away, afraid that you had hurt him, he stopped you. You looked up, smiling at him as he touched your hair. When you were both done, JJ grabbed a towel that was big enough to be wrapped around both of you, giggling into his skin as he shuffled you both into your room.
You pulled on one of your old shirts, stopping him before he could do the same.
“I should put something on that,” you told him.
JJ quietly protested, but you ignored him. The smile he gave you was sweet, and he rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath and only wincing a bit when you rubbed some cream into his skin.
“I’ll kill him if you ask me to,” you murmured, glancing up at him.
“I would never ask you to,” he replied. “Just like I know you’d never ask me to kill Rafe.”
You pursed your lips at that, loathed to admit it. When JJ put his shirt on, you climbed into bed with him, turning off your lamp. You were cautious about laying on him, opting to face him instead. You always felt so much safer when JJ was around, paranoid that with him absent, Rafe would just climb through your window one night. You had no doubt that he would if he ever found out about you and JJ.
As if he read your mind, JJ finally spoke in the darkness.
“When are we going to tell everyone?”
It was a topic that had been brought up before, and it made your chest ache every time. JJ wanted to tell the world that you were his, and while you definitely wanted the same, he didn’t know that Rafe had threatened him and whatever relationship you had with him. You weren’t strong enough to stand up to your former best friend.
Nor your parents.
You knew they wouldn’t approve of JJ, and until you grew the balls to tell your mom to go fuck herself, you didn’t see the point in putting JJ through that.
“JJ…we’ve talked about that.”
He knew about some of your concerns coupled with a few lies.
“They won’t care,” he reassured you.
“I know they won’t,” you told him, referring to your friends. “…but I’m just really scared about making things weird.”
“Kie and Pope are dating.”
“…but we all saw that coming from a mile away. A year ago, everyone was convinced that you hated me.”
JJ chuckled at that, but it was the truth. Even John B. had commented on how JJ hadn’t quite taken to you, and you had never imagined a day where JJ would actually be your friend, let alone your boyfriend. JJ was a great boyfriend, and you didn’t want to lose him. Whether that be through your own inability to stand up to your parents…or Rafe.
“I’m happy with how things are, right now.”
It wasn’t the whole truth, and on some level, you were sure that JJ sensed that.
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Your chest was heavy as you trekked across the beach, your surfboard under your arm. The wind was picking up around you, but you paid it no mind, too focused on JJ and your last conversation with him. Your vision was blurry from your tears, and seeing as JJ made it clear he didn’t want to talk to you, you took it upon yourself to get your mind off of it.
It wasn’t like you had anyone to blame but yourself.
JJ was perfectly reasonable in asking to tell everyone about you two…and he was just as reasonable in not putting faith into your excuses.
“If you care about me as much as you say you do, then you’d believe that nothing about us could make anything weird with the group.”
It hurt to hear him say that, but he wasn’t wrong.
“You’re right,” you had told him. “You are, but…that’s not the only reason I’m not ready yet.”
Your parents had left on a cruise only a day ago, and you should’ve known that something was up when JJ didn’t even want to come inside, preferring to talk on your steps.
“What? Is it Rafe?”
You didn’t respond, and he continued.
“Did he say something else to you? Is he threatening you?” he demanded, and you could tell by the look on his face that if you confirmed that, he wouldn’t hesitate to track the asshole down.
You wanted both you and JJ to stay as far away from Rafe as possible. You didn’t want to give him a reason to get into another fight with your former friend.
“No,” you lied. “I-.”
“Then what?”
You pressed your lips together.
“Is it your parents?”
“Are you ashamed of me?”
The question took you by surprise, and you blinked.
“What? No!”
“Are you sure that’s not it?”
“Why would you even think that?”
Now you found yourself getting more angry than sad, hurt that JJ would even think that of you. He spread his arms out, expectantly looking at you.
“What else am I supposed to think? Seeing each other in secret was fun at first when we didn’t even know what this was yet, but I love you, and you don’t even wanna tell our friends about us.”
You didn’t want it getting back to Rafe.
“I just need more time,” you weakly said, and JJ frowned.
“It’s been months…almost a year,” he quietly argued.
“I know that, but-.”
“But what? I have a girlfriend that I can even act like a boyfriend with in public,” he said more to himself.
The chuckle he let out lacked humor, and you stepped closer to him.
“Was I wrong about you?”
Your heart dropped.
“I thought you were one of us,” he said. “…and I thought you thought that too, but maybe you still see yourself as that Kook princess who really does belong on this side of the island with a boyfriend that her parents will approve of.”
You didn’t know how to respond to that, and you looked away, blinking back tears.
“Is that what you think of me?”
Your eyes had met his again, and you couldn’t tell what JJ was really thinking.
“I don’t know what to think, and you’re giving me nothing to go on, right now. Nada.”
“That’s not true…”
“Then what’s stopping you? Why am I standing here and begging my girlfriend to not sneak around with me anymore?”
When you didn’t answer, JJ shook his head, rolling his eyes. He shoved his hands into his pocket, and you walked towards him as he back up.
“When you are ready to tell people about us, whenever that is, let me know.”
“JJ,” you sighed, tilting your head, but he ignored you.
“Until then…”
Your face fell when he turned his back on you, and you followed him, calling his name. He didn’t turn around once, and with Rafe in the back of your mind, you knew you couldn’t give him the answer he wanted, right now. You watched JJ walk away, and as much as you wanted to force him to stay, his hurt had been obvious. Deciding to give him time to cool off, and give yourself time to really think about things, you had forced yourself to go back inside.
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
The way he makes you smile (Rúben Dias x Reader, ft Mason Mount)
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**Hi! I got this request a couple of weeks ago and there was some conversation about it. I was also made aware that this idea has been done before but I haven't read any of those stories so take this just as my spin on the premise. And enjoy reading! ❤️**
Word count: 2556
Everyone loved love stories like yours. The childhood friends that separated only to meet again and become a couple. And you loved it too…until you didn’t.
Mason was the love of your life. You’ve known him since you were a baby, really. And probably fell in love with him when you were only 5. But there were a lot of moments in your life where you had to separate because he moved to London, and then he went to The Netherlands for a year, …and it was tough to see him leave you behind but you understood. Everyone just expected you to get over your crush and move on at some point. But you didn’t. And one time when he came back home to visit his family, he finally confessed he felt the same way about you.
That had been 2 years ago. 24 months of happiness by your soulmate’s side…or so people thought. Because after the first year, the cracks in your relationship started to show.
“Are you even happy?”, asked you one of your friends when you confessed to her that you and Mason had been having problems.
“Of course. I couldn’t ask for anything better. I have a good job, family is healthy and I’m dating the best guy”.
“Tell that to your fake smile. Honey…I’m not looking forward to you two breaking up knowing how that would break your heart but you aren’t happy. You’re arguing all the time, even in front of people. You look so sad and I want you to go back to how you used to be. I know it’s hard to let go of your first love but sometimes it’s for the best”.
“I know. Just think about it. Think about the pros and cons. And try and take the best decision for you. Because that’s who matters, you. You always put everyone else before you and it needs to stop”.
And she was right, of course she was. So that was why after another big fight over the stupidest thing, you finally put yourself first.
“We can’t do this anymore, Mason”.
“What do you mean?”
“This. Us. It’s destroying us. We are always fighting and we barely see each other so…how is that living? I feel like if maybe we stop now, we could at least save our friendship. Maybe even try this out again in the future. When we’re in different places in our lives”.
His look was of pure shock, mixed with anger. He really wasn’t used to being told something like this.
“Do you not love me?”
“I love you too much, Mason. Too much to force you, and to force me, to stay in this toxic relationship. We’re hurting each other”.
“Is there someone else?”
He had to be kidding.
“No! There is no one else! See? We can’t even talk without you turning everything into a fight!”
“Because you’re giving up on me. On us”.
“Someone has to. Before we destroy each other”.
And with those final words, you left him there. It broke your heart, but you knew you were doing the right thing.
What you needed in that moment was a fresh start and your job provided you with one. Most people couldn’t believe that you were willing to move from London to Manchester. To a smaller office and a smaller position in the company. But you just couldn’t stay in London anymore. Manchester wasn’t that far away but…it was better. The distance helped.
And the city also had something else waiting for you to help mend your broken heart. Well, not a something but a someone.
“Sorry”, you heard someone say in the middle of Sainsbury’s. “I know this sounds weird but I’ve seen you here shopping a few times and it’s driving me insane not knowing where I know you from”.
You looked up at the man talking to you and he looked familiar too. And when you looked at him properly, you knew exactly why he thought he knew you.
                        6 months earlier
“Who’s that looking at us? He looks familiar”.
Mason turned to see who you meant and rolled his eyes. “Rúben Dias. He plays for City and I met him once at an F1 GP”.
You remembered that GP. Because you were supposed to attend with him but a big fight a few days prior made you stay home. Another plan ruined by your fights.
The man, Rúben, approached you to say hello to your boyfriend.
“Hi Mason, how are you?”
“Good, thanks. We need to go. See you later”.
Rúben’s confusion at Mason’s behaviour mirrored yours.
“Why were you so rude to him?”
“How could I not be? He’s been staring at you the whole time”.
“Mason”, you said with a sigh. “He doesn’t know me. If anything, he would have been staring at you”.
“I’m not the one wearing that dress”.
“I thought you liked this dress. You bought it for me”.
“I like it. I don’t like guys drooling around you when you wear it”.
You were tired. Too tired. And not ready for another argument in front of so many people. So you just let the comment slide…there would be time to fight about it once you two were back home.
“You’re Rúben, right?”
“So you know me too?”, he laughed. “Now I’m even more confused. But also intrigued. Please put me out of my misery”.
You laughed as well. “We saw each other at an event months ago. I was there with Mason Mount”.
“Oh”, you could tell the moment when it all clicked. “I remember now”.
“We aren’t together anymore”.
His words surprised you. Why would he say that?
“I mean. I only know the guy from playing against him and partying together once but when I saw him with you…no one deserves to be treated like that”.
“I know. That’s why I left”.
The way he smiled at you reminded you of how your friend had when you told her about leaving Mason. They both looked proud of you.
After that chat in the supermarket, you promised to meet again. It would be good for you to have a friend in Manchester that wasn’t just someone from your office.
Rúben ended up being someone you could talk to, someone who could help you, someone who understood you like no one had before. So falling for him was just something inevitable.
And everything was perfect but still…you worried. Rúben had to play against Mason. And, even if he respected your wish to be private, one day you’d have to tell the world you were together. And the reaction from Mason worried you. But also, what about his family? His fans? Even random people just judging you for dating two football players…facing everyone’s opinions terrified you.
“You need to stop”, mumbled Rúben.
“What do I need to stop? I thought you were sleeping”.
“I was, but the light from your screen woke me up. You’re addicted, my love. Wait until you leave the bed to check social media”.
You laughed at his complaint. He was right and you knew it but it was hard to change some habits.
It was when you were about to block your phone to enjoy your boyfriend’s kisses that you saw it.
Mason Mount agrees personal terms with Manchester United.
The phone fell from your hands and that caught Rúben’s attention. “So clumsy. See? Another reason to not be on your phone in bed”, he laughed. “We don’t want it to fall on your pretty face”.
“Mason is going to sign for United”.
You showed the article to him.
“It’s ok”, he tried to reassure you.
“It just complicates things more…”.
“It doesn’t if we don’t allow it to. Your ex is moving to this city, big deal. It’s big enough for the three of us, I swear”.
“But he’ll play for United…”.
“It’s not as if he’s signing for City. That would be a bit trickier, not gonna lie. But I’ve played against him this season and it was fine”.
“Ok, I’ll believe you. But I have a bad feeling about this”.
The feeling never left you but…nothing happened. Mason moved to Manchester and didn’t even try to contact you. He was living his own life while you lived yours.
That was…until things changed.
On a Wednesday off with no matches, you and Rúben made your way to Bruno Fernandes’ house. The Portuguese players sometimes hosted a little get-together to catch up, even if they played for rival teams. You were literally the only non-Portuguese there but they still made you feel like one of them.
But people didn’t get they could be friends and rivals at the same time, so you kept those meetings private. Private like Bruno’s private Instagram account where he posted a story where you were seating next to Rúben. His arm was around your shoulder to bring you closer to him and the smiles on your faces couldn’t be bigger.
Bruno didn’t have many followers on that private account because that way he could make sure no one leaked anything private to the press. But he let his teammates follow him. And that meant that Mason was now following his account. So on that Wednesday night, when he was scrolling on Instagram totally bored, he saw the story. He saw you and Rúben together. And no one could see that photo and not know you two were a couple.
However, he didn’t call you to ask for an explanation. He didn’t tell Bruno about it either, to try and get information from his teammate. He waited until he had to meet Rúben at the Manchester derby to do something.
“Are you the reason she broke up with me?”, he said when the players were about to go out to warm up.
“I don’t know how you’ve found out but leave her alone”.
“Answer my question”.
“I didn’t know her then so no, I wasn’t the reason why she left you. It was all your doing”.
“What do you know about our private life?”
“Enough to want to smash your face against a wall but I won’t do it because it’s not worth it. And now she is with someone who treats her the way she deserves to be treated. That’s all that matters to me”.
Mason didn’t like that answer. At all. And so he spent the whole match trying to provoke Rúben to get a reaction from him but found none. The only thing he found was his way to the bench in the second half, after being told off by his coach for not focusing on the match.
“Shaw needs to do the post-match interviews”, said one of the media people.
“He’s injured and receiving treatment. Send someone else”.
“I’ll do it”, said Mason and no one thought much of it.
The Sky Sports reporter asked him all the same boring questions he was so used to answering. But she also asked the one he was waiting for.
“We also saw you seemed to have some issues with Rúben Dias. It almost seemed personal”, she laughed.
“It was. He stole my girl after all”.
The reporter’s jaw almost hit the floor but Mason didn’t allow her to recover and ask more questions before leaving.
When you saw the clip on social media, you felt like you were going to faint. Rúben saw it too and tried to get back home as fast as possible. For once, you weren’t in the stadium with him. Now he was happy you were nowhere near your ex.
“I can’t believe he did that”, was all you said when he got home.
And he knew words meant nothing at that point, so he just hugged you while you cried. Waiting for you to let all the tears out.
“What do you want to do?”, he finally said.
“What do you mean?”
“Do you want us to respond? I could get my team to write everything before we publish it to make sure it’s well written. Or we could not say anything. He doesn’t get to change how we handle our relationship”.
“You should probably deny what he said. Your reputation…”.
“You think I care about my reputation right now?”, asked Rúben. And you had never seen him looking so serious. “I promised he would never make you cry again and look at you right now”.
“You can’t protect me from everything, Rúben”.
That finally made you laugh. “Because that’s how life is. And it’s not your fault. It’s only his”.
After debating what was the best strategy to follow, you decided to make your relationship public. Well, it already was thanks to Mason. But you were now able to tell your side of the story.
It was a long post where you mentioned breaking up with Mason before moving to Manchester, where you met Rúben. You made it clear there had been no cheating involved, which was very important for you. Cheaters made you sick so being compared to one was the worst feeling. And you just basically made it clear that you and Rúben still planned to keep a low profile and asked for people not to invade your privacy.
Even after that post, you expected to get a lot of abuse on social media. But what you didn’t expect was to get a message from Mason.
[Mason]: I’m sorry about what I did. Can we please talk? No tricks. I just need to talk to you.
“Rúben? You need to see this”.
You showed him the text and he frowned while reading it. “Do you want me to go with you if you meet him?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea”.
“But you going alone…”.
“I think I need to do this. I don’t know how to explain it but I just do”.
“I trust your instinct. Do whatever feels right to you”.
So over a year after leaving Mason, you were in front of him again. There was your friend, your first love, the person you thought you were going to spend your life with…and now he felt like a stranger.
“I’m sorry”, he said and you nodded. “I went crazy when I saw you with someone else. And the fact that it was another player…it’s irrational but it hurt more for some reason”.
“I guess I can understand that. But it’s not like I did it on purpose. My life would be a lot easier dating an average Joe, you know?”
“Easier maybe, but not better, right? I saw how happy you looked with him. You never looked that happy with me”.
“I was happy…”, you tried to defend yourself but he lifted a hand to stop you.
“But not that happy. And I’m glad you are. I’m glad you found someone who can make you smile like that”.
“Then why did you try and shame me in front of millions of people?”
“Because I felt shame myself. Shame about how it all ended for us. Shame that it wasn’t me who made you happy. But I’ve made my peace. Next time I talk to the media I’ll tell them I lied. You deserve to keep smiling the way he makes you smile instead of all the tears I caused”.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Let Your Fingers Do the Talking
Jake Lockley X Villain Reader
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Not Beta Read - Requested By @lunalockley
Kinks - Finger Fucking + Enemies to Lovers (I know E2L isn't a kink but that's what the generator came up with so here we are)
You're a lesser known villain who got "caught" by the infamous Moon Knight. Your specialty is a toxic violet gas that makes your victim obey your every command. How will Jake Lockley respond when he's not the one in control? - Sort of a prequel to a mini-series I have loosely planned for the far future.
NSFW, dub-con (reader committing dub con), fingering, finger fucking, enemies to lovers, mind control for sex, mind control drug, reader is a villain, Jake is MK
Word Count: 1.2k
“Get up!”
You jumped awake and after realizing where you were, a smirk crept over your face slowly. You’d heard about the secret hideout that Moon Knight would sometimes take lesser known, and less dangerous, villains to in order to get information out of them. You’d wondered when it would be your turn to be interrogated…guess that day is today. Out of the shadows stepped a man, well dressed in a white button down that was tucked into a pair of black slacks. He had a tie around his neck to match. You bit your lip and spread your legs out, making sure your pantiless cunt was easy for him to see.
“Jake Lockley,” you said seductively.
“Don’t start this bullshit. You’re going to tell me where Harrow is, or I’m going to make you talk.” He stepped closer to you, narrowing his eyes in warning.
“I don’t know where Harrow is, handsome, but if you untie me I might be able to give you…something else I think you’ll like,” you raised your eyebrows in hopes that he might give in to your flirtatious invitation.
Of course you knew where Harrow was. He was going to make sure no man had the opportunity to hurt another innocent woman again, and that was why you were helping him. Jake gave you a smug grin. Always so cocky, that one. You supposed that was part of what you liked about him. Overconfident, with the looks and fighting skills to back it up. He stepped closer, putting a hand on either side of your head and getting close to your face. He smelled good too.
“I’m not going to fall into that trap, not like those other men you lure in and then–”
“No, I don’t expect you to, you’re too clever for that aren’t you Jakey?” you asked, breaking the capsule you had hidden in your mouth and blowing your signature violet particles in Jake’s face.
“What the f–what is this?” He stepped back, wiping over his mouth and spitting on the floor. When the shock subsided, the anger kicked in. He lunged forward, gripping your throat tightly, “what the hell did you do to me puta?” He asked through clenched teeth
“You’re okay. In fact, you might even like it,” you managed to choke out.
“This is the stuff you poison your victims with, hm? So what…now I’m under your spell? Is that it?”
“Let go of me.”
His face was filled with surprise as he stepped back, releasing your throat from his firm grasp. You snickered to yourself, knowing that the normally calm and collected Jake Lockley was feeling out of his element, and completely under your control. Even the toughest and most clever men were no match for you. 
“Untie me.” You demanded, watching as he immediately went behind you and undid your restraints. You rubbed your wrists where the rope had been chafing just a little too harshly. “You know, I’m no different than you. I find guys who have either already hurt women, or who intend to, and I make them suffer. Get on your knees.”
He scowled at you and did as he was told, “you’re not like me, I put them out of their misery quickly and quietly. You torture them and then watch them bleed out. We’re not the same.”
You walked up to him, pulling up your skirt and exposing your uncovered cunt, right at his eye level.
“Oops, forgot my panties.”
“Something is wrong with you,” his tone was dark, “is this what you do to the other men too? You–”
“Why don’t you stop running that pretty mouth, and let your fingers do the talking hm?” You raised your eyebrows.
With a strong and firm hand, Jake grabbed your hip and used the other hand to start rubbing his fingers between your pussy lips. You moaned, grabbing a fistful of his dark curls and leaning into his touch. Even though you were expecting it, you gasped when you felt two of his thick digits slide into your wet channel so easily. In truth, you’d fantasized about getting the handsome Moon Knight to take you one of these days, you’d just never had the opportunity. He started pumping his fingers in and out faster.
“There you go baby, feels good,” you cooed.
He looked at you with such scorn, but you could tell he liked it too. His eyes sparkled like you’d never seen them before, like he was glad to give you what you asked for. Your special drug, the one you’d blown in his face, only served to make them obey, but they were still free within the confines of their mind. He could hate you and shout curses all he wanted, but his body was yours.
Jake’s digits were fucking you hard, punching in and out of your cunt with ease thanks to the slick juices he’d drawn out of you. You were so wet you noticed the glistening around his wrist as you soaked him. He still looked so angry, and something about that alone made your walls flutter around his dexterous fingers.
“You make the other guys you put under your spell do this too? Isn’t this the kind of thing that you kill them for?” His voice sounded angry still, but there was a slight undertone of unmistakable arousal.
“Only the good looking ones,” you said, biting your lip. “I just want them to get a taste of their own medicine, being forced to do something against their will.”
He reached his free hand up to grab your shirt and push you to the ground before climbing over you and pistoning his fingers into you harder. You grabbed onto his arms for stability, relishing in the way his muscles rippled under his skin. He moaned, which isn’t something that men normally did in this position.
“Don’t you want to–oh shit–don’t you wanna kiss me Mr. Lockley?”
With a growl he went in, fingering you roughly still while melting his mouth into yours passionately. He curled his digits in a way that pushed against that spot deep inside that made you reel from the wave of pleasure that possessed your body. You grabbed his collar tight and bit his lip so hard he started to bleed as your cunt squeezed in a vice grip around his fingers. Your deep, guttural moans filled the room until you were fully satisfied in a panting mess on the floor.
“If it’s any consolation,” you were still trying to catch your breath as you stood from the floor, “I’d put you in the top five of all the men I’ve seduced.”
“You’re disgusting, you know that?” He wiped his hand on his shirt while you readjusted your skirt and walked toward the door.
“Am I?” You giggled in the open doorway. “Oh sweet Mr. Lockley…that was such a low dose of my toxin, the effects should’ve only lasted a couple of minutes…max.”
He stood there staring at you in awe. If what you said was true, the majority of the time he’d spent with his fingers inside you was…all his own doing. Jake Lockley had never felt so played.
Jake Lockley Masterlist
Moon Knight Masterlist
Melody's 1k Celebration Masterlist
Melody's 1k Celebration Post
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candywife333 · 11 months
Champagne Confetti
PART 3 of Just Want to See you Like That
This series is based on Jungkook's 3D and is probably going to have close to 6-7 parts, depending on where the storyline takes me. I'm feeling a bit dramatic, so expect a lot of angst. Tumblr is going to be referenced in this fic under a different name, Bumblr (I know, totally goofy name).
Summary: Y/N, an overworked employee at HYBE , only ever posted on Bumblr when she was feeling cornered. It was truly her escape. She didn't really do insta or even twitter. Most people would look at her and think this glass wearing quiet girl would most probably be posting pics of flowers and cute animals. But no, looks could be deceiving. Y/N's posts were far from innocent. In fact , they were borderline risque. She didn't expect anybody but a few horny people to come across these pics; people who would view and compliment in the best case scenario. What she didn't expect was that a certain star would be a regular consumer of her material. A star that technically had no business simping after her like that.
Disclaimer: This work is not representative of the real Jungkook's personality and behavior. It is merely fiction and please treat it as such.
Trigger Warning: voyeurism, exhibitionism, may or may not have dub-con later on
Please don't read the fic if any of these themes are disturbing or offensive to you.
Taglist is open
I couldn't believe how freeing it felt to quit that damn job. I had loved interacting with the kind staff and organizing things; something I was a pro at. However, the constant verbal abuse and condescension I had suffered at the hands of the administration had gone on long enough. Since I don't drink, I grabbed a huge bottle of apple cider from the store and headed back home to pop this bottle open and pour the golden liquid into a glass delicate pink wine goblet I had purchased last month.
I decided to have an apple themed party for myself. So I got home, showered with apple and cinnamon shower gel, put on a vintage flare dress with a pattern of green and red apples littered all over, and sat down with my cider and a decadent apple fritter that had been embellished with a wonderful berry compote.
Just as I popped open the bottle, giggling in glee, kicking my bare feet in the air on my comfy couch, my phone started blowing up. I stared at it frozen, rather confounded at what the reason for this cacophony could be. BANG PD?!!?! What the hell?! I never talked to the man. The only time I had even come across him was when I had accidentally bumped into his plush frame in a hallway. I would exaggerate and say that the tiny bump sent me flailing off onto the ground, but that would be a bit dramatic. I had lost my sense of balance and went crashing into a bucket of dirty cleaning water, clearly a great alternative to my extra imagination.
I was blushing in mortification reminiscing about that incident, as I came back to the present. I picked up my phone and was met with the gravelly steady voice of Bang PD as he drawled out , "Hello Y/N. How are you doing? Hope you are having a great evening". I felt paralyzed in awkwardness as I responded back timidly, "Of course PD-nim. I am doing great. Is there anything I can help you with?"
I heard a heavy sigh on the other end as PD groaned out in what seemed to be exasperation, "I am so sorry for what happened with our admin personnel this morning. My secretary informed about the incident and I am ashamed for her behavior. Please understand that I would never want any of my staff treated that miserably". Feeling shocked at his apology, I squeaked out, " Oh, please don't apologize PD. I know that her actions are not a reflection of HYBE's attitude towards employees. However, I find that my service isn't that valued at HYBE and I think maybe I am not a good fit anymore."
Strangely enough I could hear mumbled cursing on the other end of the phone as PD loudly exclaimed, "Of course you are a perfect fit for HYBE. Don't ever doubt that. I knew from the day I hired you, seeing you in your training period, how meticulous you are with running the maintenance of the place --even though we don't pay you to run management. Your dedication and management skills are invaluable to us. You may think I don't keep an eye on our maintenance staff, but I do. And everyone I have talked to from stylists to artists only have great things to say about you. In essence, what you do for us irreplaceable work".
I sat there on the couch with crumbs and sticky glaze all over my lips, as he continued, "Please come back to your job. But this time we will hire you as one of our administration managers. You are clearly overqualified for the position. Jennifer has been fired so you won't have to deal with her. And your pay will be hiked up to thrice what we used to pay you."
I almost choked on my own spit as I scrambled to tremulously say, "I am pleased to come back Sir. I won't disappoint you". He resumed speaking in a cheery voice, "Wonderful. I expect to see you back tomorrow at 9 AM. Your pay for the month has been wired to you". He hung up as I sat there in a daze before I got up from my seat and whooped loudly in the air yelling in mirth, "Take that you scumbags. Can't fuck with me and my bag". I couldn't wait to go back and show those bitches what I was made of. My luck was on the rise.
I skipped into office the next morning, elated at the upgrade in position. Walking inside the cubicle, I saw one of the nicer admin staff. Her name was Stacy Lee. She smiled a wide smile that you could only see in a toothpaste ad as she ran to me excited, "Hello!!! You must be Y/N. It is great to meet you. I've seen how hard you worked to carry the whole building for months on end. It is a pleasure to finally actually get to work with you."
Her warm aura encompassed me as I shook her hand and smiled at her, "I think we will get along just fine". Stacy briefed me in on all the work I was supposed to do. As I slowly finished my tasks throughout the day, mostly responding to phone calls and typing reports, I caught the sight of a certain black haired buff man walking through the doors of the lobby accompanied by Taehyung, the ever kind angel of HYBE. He was one of the nicest people to staff. Never spoke down to them or belittled them. He would even go as far as to thank them for all the tiny tasks they did for him, and invite staff to parties and dinners along with the rest of the members.
I knew him pretty well from a very interesting incident that happened a few months ago. He had been hungover, reeking of alcohol, heading into his private office to clearly mask his situation. He had stumbled into the lobby, knocking over the cleaning supplies that had been placed there in the morning. I had seen him haphazardly stumbling around and happened to grab him by his shoulders, escorting him into his office before he could lose all dignity and make a fool of himself.
I had handed him some coffee, soup from the cafeteria, and 2 ibuprofen pills to quell his hangover. He had started vomiting, so I had held his hair away from his face sticky with sweat, steadying him as he vomited. Wiping his forehead with a wet cloth, I had placed him on the spacious sofa in his office and told him to sleep for a bit. After that ordeal, he had been super kind to me. Sometimes he had followed me around like a little puppy dog as I completed my tasks. When I asked him why (rather startled at this rich idol's devotion), he responded in a jubilant voice , hugging me as he jumped up and down, shrieking with joy, "You are a wonderful person. And I want to be your friend".
I couldn't resist his puppy like dark eyes which stared innocently at me. We became really good friends, meeting each other up for dinner occasionally when he wasn't super busy. As Taehyung walked in, he walked over to me with an ecstatic grin on his face ," How you doing Y/N, my fluffy little cupcake?", as he came around the counter to squeeze me around the waist , engulfing me in his too warm embrace.
I snickered at him, "What's up Tae? You seem rather busy these days?" He flirted back shamelessly, "I'm never too busy for you my buttercup". I cringed internally and groaned , "Don't do this Tae. My heart can't take this level of sugar, I'll get diabetes".
As we were conversing, I felt a dark set of doe eyes piercing my frame, burning holes into my chest. I hadn't really gone over the top with the clothes today; a high waisted black business pant with a lacy pink top that showed just a tiny bit of cleavage. Wonder why the creep was staring. Last time I checked, I hadn't been the one desperately, vulgarly, pounding into any staff in a closet.
As I pondered all this, Tae whined, "Please come outside tonight to celebrate with us. It'll be just the boys, TXT, and our managers". Apparently it was his birthday, and he had been hyping it up beyond measure, trying to convince me to show up for close to a month now. He continued, "Come on Y/N. There will be champagne confetti. I know you don't drink, but you will love the confetti popping into the air. You are such a baby, but I love that about you. I will force you to come if you don't agree. Am not even above threatening you."
I stared at his dead pan expression. I sighed, "Okay Tae, I will join you this once only. You know how awkward I get with new people." He jauntily shook his head up and down, running away screaming, "Hyung, I finally got Y/N to come out of her shell. Get ready to get wasted guys". I scoffed. Tae himself hated drinking. Dude was more likely to consume 10 cupcakes rather than even a shot of soju. I guess both of us would have a sugar high tonight.
Even though Tae left, the black eyed black haired devil hadn't left the room. He seemed oddly stunned, his face contorted onto an "O" shape, his round eyes unblinking, mouth open completely as he stuttered out incredulously, " Are you by chance....cherrybomb123 on Bumblr"?
WTF?!!!! I was panicking internally. How would he know? He couldn't possibly recognize the pale pink lace bra barely peeking out of my top? And if he recognized me, who the hell was he? My brain was screeching out with the answer as I stared at him in shock. I was royally screwed, and not in a good way.
Taglist : @sporadicarcadebanana , @darkuni63, @jessicalynn85, @mint--yoongs, @fortunecookiesworld
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Having a bit of a rough day today
Could I be able to get a rocket headcanon about him standing up for his best friend.
It’ll make me feel a bit better
I hope you feel better soon 🤒
Rocket x Gn!reader
When it Matters
Word Count: 725
Warnings: talks of drinking, shouting, bullying, someone gets tazed, spelling mistakes,
Summary: Rocket finally shows you how much your friendship means to him
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It never bothered you before.
You'd often get glares or strange stares when walking around streets. Since school you were able to simply tune it out and pretend they weren't there.
You'd been an outcast, always walking the sidelines and sticking to the shadows. When you met the Guardians your world turned upside down, you'd never had a family quite like this.
And because of the "good" deeds you all did for different planets, people started to see you all in different lights.
There were still stares and comments but they lessened and you became almost like a hero.
But in the outer reaches of space on a dirty and mangy planet like this, you were a freak and the people had no problem reminding you.
You and Rocket had been sent out to do recon while the others stayed back at the ship to discuss a plan.
You and Rocket hit it off from the first night you met -granted there were many drinks involved- but you'd both clicked and became inseparable ever since.
There was a particular group of people, leaning on the corner of a large stone building, drinks in hand and hard glares of their blue faces, that would not shut up.
"Hey human! You here to 'save' us like you did all those other planets?!" One woman shouted, earning harsh laughter from the others.
You rolled your eyes, pulling on your jacket and quickening your pace. For some reason, having Rocket there with you sent a spike of anxiety and embarrassment down your spine.
"Oh come on, where you going Humie? We just wanna talk!" Another drunk shouted.
"Guess the freak is too busy saving the world to acknowledge us normal citizens," A woman slurred, throwing her empty bottle at you. It crashed into the building to your left, the glass shattered, spraying all over the ground.
It had just missed your head.
"Alright, that's it," Rocket grumbled, unhooking his stun gun from his back and cocking it.
"Oh what's the rodent-" The man did finish his sentence as Rocket pulled the trigger and shot him. A tag hit him in the center of his chest, sending electric shooks up his arms and down his legs. He groaned and sputtered before falling to the ground unconscious.
"Let's make something clear!" Rocket yelled, taking a step closer to the group, who were now wide eyed and taking cautious steps back. "You mess with them, you mess with me! They've done more for your planet in 6 months than you sorry jackasses have done in your whole lives. Try learning some respect, then maybe you wouldn't be day drinking after being fired!"
You stared wide eyed, you'd never heard Rocket so upset.
"Now, apologize to my friend," Even thought his back was to you, you could tell from his tone that Rocket was smirking as he said this.
"Ha!" One of the drunk women, stepped forward, pointing an angry finger. "As if we'd ever do something like-"
Rocket cocked the gun, the motor starting, the sound echoing off the street.
The women stopped, swallowed hard and sighed. "We're sorry," She turned back to the group, nodding to the other end of the road. "Let's go,"
They prompty left, leaving you panting alone with Rocket.
"Jerks," Rocket mumbled under his breath, turning off the gun and hooking it to his back. Turning back to you, he stared up at your shocked face. "Ya alright? The bottle didn't hit you right?"
You shook your head, feeling your chest tighten. "No....no it didn't."
"Then what's wrong?"
You took a deep breath. "I just didn't expect you to stand up for me like that, normally my friends would just walk me away from them,"
Rocket scoffed. "Those weren't your friends then," He calmly started walking back down the street to continue your recon. You followed after him, head feeling fuzzy.
"And we are?"
"Of course, you're my best friend," He stared forward, not meeting your eyes. He spoke like it was a fact, not something emotional but a known thing. "Well second only to Groot, but you're high on the list of people I like,"
"Thanks, Rocket," You wrap your arms around your chest, speeding up to walk beside him.
"Anytime," He nudged your leg, walking as close to you as he could without tripping.
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disasterofastory · 10 months
The pretty little actress of Rogers - Part 10 (Steve Rogers x Reader)
The pretty little actress of Rogers Part 10 - Change of minds // The pretty little actress of Rogers Masterlist Steve Rogers x Reader Mafia AU Warnings: none
Summary: Your husband tries to mend things between you but maybe it’s too late.
A/N: A really short chapter, so in a min I will post the next part. Enjoy!
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"I'm home." Your voice is loud and clear in your apartment. You can hear the TV in the living room. "I'm here," Kent shouts back. Dropping your bag at the entrance, you make your way to the couch. Kent sits there, changing the channels every few seconds before his eyes land on you. "How was your weekend?" He asks. "Good." Your answer is curt, but that was your agreement from the beginning. "Yours?" "Good." "Good."
The next morning you are ready to go to work when Kent stops you at the last moment. Your hand is already on the doorknob. "Do you have a moment?" He asks. "Can we talk?" "Now?" You ask, looking at the door, then back at your husband. "Sure. What is it?" "I thought about this agreement between us." Your stomach drops at the strange feeling. Fear. Worry. "Yeah? And?" You exhale. You don't know what you wait from him. "I... I want to stop." Silence. Your stomach turns. "What?" "I think we should go back from all of this. It does nothing good with our marriage. Maybe a therapist..." "Can we talk tonight?" You cut in. "I really have to go." Surprise washes over his face when you don't jump into his arms with utter happiness and relief. He needs a few seconds to nod at your request. "Sure. Have a nice day."
"He wants what now?" Nakia scoffs. You are still in shock. Kent's change of mind came out of nowhere, and now, you have no idea what you should feel about it. You wanted this, right? You waited and waited for him to come back to you. A chance to make your marriage better. "Yeah," you hum, staring into the air. Your mind is so full of thought it feels empty and numb. "And how do you feel about it?" Wanda asks. You shake your head. "I don't know." "Well," Nakia says. "You should think about it before you do something you will regret later."
Your doubts keep you in a daze the whole day. You can't focus on anything. "Y/N," one of your co-workers says with worry. "Are you okay? Are you sick?" "No," you hum, shaking your head. "I'm just tired."
Your mind swirls around the pros and cons constantly. You know Kent like the back of your hand. You can see what kind of future you could have with him. You are already married. In a few years, maybe you will have kids. A bigger house. With Steve? You would have to divorce. Could you marry another man? And what if it's not that serious? What if he doesn't want a future with you?
Is ending up alone still better than being with Kent?
Could you trust Kent after all of this? And he could trust you?
And what about a therapist? Is it not too late? Does all of this worth another try?
By the time you get home, you feel tired, and your head throbs in pain, but Kent already waits for you, and you can't escape. "Did you think about what I said?" He asks after dinner. You close your eyes as you lean on your elbows on the table. "Yes." You did nothing else all day. "And what do you think?" "I don't know." Your answer surprises him again. "What?" "You heard me." "What do you mean you don't know? You didn't even want any of this." "And did you care about it?" His accusing words make your blood boil in your veins as you look at him with a burning offense. "I told you we should go to therapy instead." "And we still can do that." "I don't know," you groan again. Kent scoffs. "What you don't know about it? I'm asking my wife not to fuck with other men!" "Kent..." "No," he says. "I need an answer." "Why now?" You ask. "What changed?" He shrugs. "I just... You look so different nowadays." You noticed it too. You are happy and confident. Steve brought out a side of you you didn't see for a long time. "And? What about your dates?" You ask. He shrugs again but says nothing about it. "I have to think about it, Kent," you tell him, standing up from the table to end the conversation. You can't do this right now. "Do you love him? That's why?" Kent asks, following your movements. You can hear the anger in his tone that he tries to hold back. Your husband knows it's his fault. He was the one who wanted to have sex with others. For some reason, he never thought you would too. You want to say no. It's on the tip of your tongue, but the word dies on your lips. You stay silent.
Is it true? Do you love Steve?
"I have to go," you say instead. You have to leave. Now. "Where are you going? Do you go to him?"
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" "Can I stay for the night?" Your shoulders feel heavy, but not because of the bag. It's something else that weighs you down. "Of course," Wanda replies, stepping away from the door to let you in.
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valyalyon · 3 months
6 Chromatic Residue
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SEA Master List or #LYONSEA
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CW: so much actually, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, laced drugs lead to overdose, non con/dub con smut. MDNI. 3.6K Words.
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The couple had only been there two days and Ember had noticed a lot of bizarre behavior from Arthur and Cain.
Ember stayed inside the room that Cain had given them, and she hadn’t left it without Arthur. Cain’s penthouse was large, so Ember worried she’d get lost and that something might happen to her.
The odd behavior keeping her in the room was vague, but she felt as if they were energized at strange times. Other times, Arthur would be more sleepy but it just wasn’t right.
Besides that, she also noticed that Arthur’s pupils would often be dilated and he looked more tired than before.
She didn’t want to assume anything, but it made her nervous. So, she stayed in their room, reading through a book.
Ember was in the middle of a sentence when she heard the door opening.
She sat up in bed, noticing how dark it was outside, and seeing Arthur coming into the light, “Apollo… where were you?”
The man closed the door behind him and walked further into the room towards the bed.
His blonde hair was a mess, his pupils dilated, and a tired hollowness in his pale skin, “I was talking to Cain about rent.”
“What do you mean?” Ember’s eyebrows furrowed together, but she reached up to touch Arthur’s thinning cheeks, “how much does he want to charge?”
“Well, he doesn’t want to charge me any money, but I used to buy pot from him when we had just gotten out of high school and well… That left me with a pretty big debt to him so he says he has to charge us something.”
“So if he doesn’t want to charge any money, how are you going to pay him?” Ember pulled her hands away, feeling her heart beginning to race inside her chest.
“Why don’t you spend some time alone with Cain?” Arthur’s voice was so casual, but his pupils were dilated and his eyes… they were so different since the fire, “he wants to get to know you.”
Shock fell over Ember suddenly, feeling as if she was having an ice bucket thrown over her head, “I’ll spend time with him and get to know him, but I’m not sleeping with him and I want to know that you’re okay with us being alone.”
His eyes widened slightly, then his eyebrows furrowed, his hands moved up to her soft face and stopped on her cheeks, “I’m doing this because I have no other choice. I wouldn’t want you alone with him under normal conditions.”
“Have you fallen out of love with me?” Ember asked in a voice so broken, her breath shaky as she looked into Arthur’s eyes, “have you, Apollo?”
He kissed her without thinking, holding her face and searing his burning desire for her onto her lips, “never, Calliope. I need you to do this. You don’t know who Cain Rey is, you don’t know what he’s capable of. We’re at his mercy.”
She nodded her head and looked up on his face, noticing that the red dot was beginning to fade slowly, “I’m not sleeping with him, but I’ll spend time with him.”
With that, Ember got off the bed quickly and started to get dressed. She was wearing her pj’s and she wanted to be decent, but Arthur grabbed her hand, stopping her.
“Your pj’s are probably the best. If Cain asks to fuck you, I’m giving you permission to have sex with him,” the man said it plainly, then added, “more like I’m begging you to go along with whatever he does. That man will hurt us if we step out of line. So if he asks, give it to him.”
“Are you fucking insane?” Ember pulled her hand away in a panic, walking away from Arthur entirely, “I am not going out there to sleep with him! What is wrong with you? I’m not a whore for you to pimp out.”
“I know you’re not! I’m trying to tell you that I don’t want this, but this is what we have to do,” he replied heatedly, going towards the room’s vanity, collecting paper’s off it, “here. I have his STD/STI results. He tested this morning.”
Ember took the papers in her hands, she barely glanced at the name of Cain Rey and started to tear the papers to shreds, “fuck you.”
Arthur sighed in irritation, “fuck me. It’s always fuck me isn’t it? What the fuck do you want me to do? I don’t have anything anymore. I’m asking you to do one thing for me so I can keep us here and so that we won’t die, and you can’t do that!”
“Fuck you,” Ember replied again, her eyes were swelling with tears, but she sat on the floor staring up at Apollo.
He knelt down so that he was still above her, and Arthur grabbed her by the waist to pull her in for another kiss, “I love you, Calliope… We have to pay Cain in someway.”
She was broken down by the moment and wanted to just return to loving Arthur.
So, Ember closed her eyes and leaned into the kiss. She sunk into it, and when she swam up, she walked to the door, “I love you, Apollo.”
When she stepped out of the bedroom, she came down a long corridor to return to the living area.
She tiptoed past so many different doors, passing Dandelion as the woman disappeared into the darkness and as Ember entered the light in the living area.
Immediately, she thought it was bizarre that Cain had turned the lights on. Ember had seen him and Arthur smoking pot for hours in the dark living area, but now that Ember was coming out scantly clad the lights were on.
Besides that, though, Cain wanted to seduce her and he felt the best way was to make sure she was comfortable. He noticed that Ember wasn’t as trusting in the dark, and for sex, he needed her relaxed so he made sure she could see him.
Cain stood up from the couch to greet Ember. He was a handsome man, there wasn’t any denying that, but there was something so dark and scary about him, “Ember… thank you for joining me.”
She knew none of this was right, but she tried to study Cain more in that moment. Ember felt the serious urgency of Arthur’s panic earlier, so she looked into the man’s deep blue eyes for an answer, “of course.”
Cain smiled at the girl. His eyes ran over her curvy figure with lust, but his smile still seemed sweet, “come sit with me, Ember.”
Her night gown was short, just barely covering her beautiful ass, and her breasts were pressed tight to the top. Hearing her name, she moved to his side on the couch.
His arm was on the back of the couch, and Ember sat a foot or two away, “you’re gorgeous, Ember. I’ve been thinking about you a lot, lately…”
She dropped her green eyes to look down at her hands, then she ran her eyes from his feet up to his face, “this isn’t fair to Arthur.”
He was wearing an unbuckled, unzipped pair of business pants, and his bulge was showing. He wore no shirt, each muscle on display in the lit room, his cross necklace still around his neck.
“Look at me,” Cain’s voice broke out, and when Ember met his eyes she noticed how handsome his confident face truly was, “if I lived my life thinking about what’s fair for other people, I’d be nowhere.”
His brown hair was a mess, but it looked so natural, effortless. His deep blue eyes were whirlpools to Hell, where sin was necessary for survival.
Arthur Marlowe was right, Cain Rey was terrifying.
In that moment, Ember felt this:
Almost like I was hypnotized, but he didn’t do anything except look me in the eye. It was so bizarre.
He moved closer to the woman, and she stayed in place staring up at his eyes. His fingers touched her arm and then moved down to her waist, “I know that you want me, Ember.”
“How do you know?” Her question was serious, but her green eyes followed his deep blue eyes as he drew her even closer to him, “I haven’t thought about you in that way.”
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you in that way, so I know,” he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, parting her mouth with his tongue, then continuing to speak, “you won’t regret this.”
We could just have fun, we’re only young ones…
She didn’t feel as if she had any control, she felt as if she was floating out to sea. Her hands reached up to touch his arms as his hands pinned her down to the couch.
Cain’s lips went from her neck down to her breasts, his hands pulled her night gown up, and groped her ass tightly, “your body is beautiful.”
“I know,” Ember’s reply was nonchalant, and Cain found it coy, so he laughed.
“Want to smoke some pot so you can relax into sex?” the man asked her, pulling her night gown off over her head.
She nodded her head, and covered her breasts from the man, “yes please.”
“Don’t hide them, they’re gorgeous and I want to be able to stare at them,” Cain commented, but he got off the couch and went to the kitchen, grabbing a blunt.
He lit the blunt and walked over to Ember as he took a hit, noticing the girl was still covering herself, he spoke with a chuckle, “what did I say? Show them off, Ember.”
She looked him in the eye as he spoke, and she felt the trance like feeling come over her as her hands fell to her sides. Ember stared up at him, reaching up for the blunt, “not fair for you to hit it by yourself.”
Cain agreed and gave it to her. While she smoked, the man took her panties off, smelling her scent and smiling, “you even smell amazing.”
Ember took one hit, and as she inhaled the smoke she noticed that Cain was stuffing her thong in his pocket. When she exhaled, he spread her legs open and went directly to her clit, sucking on it with hunger.
The 19 year old closed her eyes, dissolving into the feelings for a second and moaning.
When she caught herself enjoying his mouth, she took another hit of the blunt. During the inhale, Ember felt Cain reaching between them, and pulling out his ten inch cock. As she exhaled, she felt his tip pressing against her opening.
Cain chuckled as he looked at her, “you relaxed enough to take such a big cock? Your pussy looks so small…”
“Lube, maybe, but I’ll take another hit,” Ember started to inhale, but she felt as if the first hit was catching up to her now… and something was wrong.
She didn’t mention anything, immediately, and Cain slid his cock in as she moaned slightly, still inhaling smoke. Ember realized the room was starting to spin, so she started exhaling the weed, “this weed is strong.”
“Yeah,” Cain replied, but he was moving his cock faster. The thrusts were hard and ruthless, as his hungry eyes looked down at the girl, “you’ve got the best pussy I’ve ever been in.”
The world kept spinning, a feeling of nausea coming over Ember, followed by patchiness in her vision. She blinked repeatedly, but the black dots were quickly filling her vision, “Cain, what’s happening?”
“We’re fucking,” he responded as he continued, not noticing the girl’s panic or deteriorating state.
You know you can’t leave now.
Her heart beat was racing out of control, and her vision blackening as she cried out, “Arthur!”
When the paramedics arrived, it was a team of three men.
Arthur and Cain recognized two of the men as friends from school, but Arthur was too stressed by Ember’s overdosing state to acknowledge them just yet, instead saying, “she used too much heroin, she won’t respond to us.”
Even in a moment where honesty was needed, Arthur refused to get himself in trouble. He led the paramedics to Ember.
She was laying unconscious on the floor in the living room. At first, the school friends of Arthur didn’t move, but the third paramedic was in charge of the call.
When everyone froze, the unknown medic went to her side to administer aide.
The man had black hair with blue eyes, and was the one in charge of the call, asking Arthur more questions as he started to administer the Narcan on Ember, “how long has she been unconscious like this?”
Arthur was about to answer, but Cain interrupted him, “we don’t know. We weren’t here. We don’t do drugs.”
The medic looked up from the woman for a second, looking at the four high school friends as they pathetically attempted to show the united front of a gang. Cain was their ring leader, but the medic wasn’t afraid.
“I don’t care what you do. I’m only here to take care of her and ensure she gets medical treatment. What’s her name?” the medic started checking all her vitals.
The men stupidly waited for Cain to respond, but he didn’t, so Arthur spoke up, “her name is Ember Conrad. Who are you?”
At hearing the name “Conrad”, the man’s eyebrows lifted slightly, but he didn’t turn his attention away from the girl as he responded, “Beau Emerson. Where is she from?”
“Uh… the last place she said she lived was Sunwoods,” Arthur responded, then caught himself and said, “wait a minute, why is that relevant?”
Beau nodded his head of dark hair, “okay, I’m assuming you’ll be honest on the stand if something happens to her. Why not be honest now so I can actually help her? How long was she unconscious for before you called the paramedics?”
Arthur kept his mouth shut.
Beau just let out an annoyed chuckle, and started to report in great detail on the woman’s condition to their dispatcher, “lot of cyanosis, around her mouth, fingers, some on arms.”
“Her pulse is low, and she is in a comatose state. Initial dosage of Narcan deployed. No aide from the men that drugged her, so I can’t give her another dose of Narcan yet.”
“Beau, are you and the guys going to take her to a hospital?” the dispatch radio chirped back, startling the other two medics as their radios began to buzz.
“You can’t do that without my permission! She’s my wife,” Arthur’s protests were loud enough that Beau’s radio picked it up.
Beau shook his head, and started doing chest compressions on the girl, desperately trying to get her heart rate up as he noticed it was decreasing even more, “heart rate falling, doing chest compressions. Would love to take her to the hospital but… you heard.”
The other medics answered their radios to two different screaming dispatchers, both angry about the absence of information from the men, suggesting they were trying to keep something quiet from dispatch or police.
“Why the hell is Beau the only one reporting anything about this woman?” and “Are you two not even asking the witnesses for more information?” were two of the many questions the angry dispatchers were asking.
The world went quiet for Beau as the woman’s eyes fluttered open.
Ember’s green eyes met those of the blue eyed paramedic, and she tried to move off the ground.
Seeing that she was struggling, the paramedic lifted her, and sat her on the couch, kneeling at her feet and looking up at her, “hi, I’m Beau Emerson. These guys called us because you were overdosing on heroin. How do you feel right now?”
Ember looked up at Beau, recognizing him as the hard working paramedic from the fire, but the man was displeased to see how small her pupils were. She muttered with a trembling voice, “heroin…”
Arthur came to her side, pulling Ember into his arms so the girl would be trapped, and he spoke her, “she looks fine again, I think your help is no longer needed.”
“What’s your name, ma’am?” the man’s blue eyes were still watching the woman, especially now that she was under the grasp of Arthur.
“Ember Conrad,” the girl mumbled loud enough for Beau to hear.
“Do you want me to take you to the hospital, Miss Conrad?” the paramedic asked her, trying to make eye contact with her.
“She doesn’t,” Arthur responded quickly, kissing Ember’s head, “She has a lot of medical anxiety and you’re making it worse.”
The girl knew she should stand up for herself, but she feared that the love she had for Arthur was toxic and that neither of them could ever change anything about it.
Ember was caught in the promises he made when they were just naked lovers covered in paint in his studio. Even now, she could see that the world had changed so much, but… she didn’t want to leave yet another man.
“No hospital…” she trailed off, her eyes not even able to really focus.
Beau sighed, and looked around at the men, then turning his attention back to the girl, “absolutely positive, Miss Conrad? Just got to tell me yes, and I’ll take you there.”
Ember appreciated the man’s kindness, but she thought there wasn’t much left to live for these days anyway, “I’m okay, sir… thank you for helping me.”
The man stood up, gathering his things to leave. As he walked out, he told dispatch, “leaving scene. Patient woke up and denied hospital transportation, might have to do with patient’s husband denying it for her first.”
The other two medics left the scene shortly after, bro-hugging Arthur and Cain before they left.
When Beau Emerson got off work, he got a call from a number he didn’t recognize. He stared at the screen for a minute before he answered the call, “hello?”
The voice of his older brother came out the other line, “Beau, it’s Lael. Are you still in Carcos?”
“Yup. Hold on,” he started turning his car on, and connected Lael to his speakers. He took his car out of park, driving as he spoke, “what do you need?”
“Beau… Stop treating me like I’m your enemy. What are you doing in Carcos?” Lael’s voice was tired, strained.
Tell me how the fuck you feel, I know you ain’t the type to heal.
“I’m a paramedic. Saving lives. Last call I had lead to me meeting Ember Conrad… from Sunwoods,” Beau’s voice was raised a bit, as he tried preventing memories from coming back, “what the fuck is a Conrad doing out here?”
“Same thing we are: hiding. Just leave her alone, she’s been through a lot,” Lael sounded defensive, less concerned with his brother’s mental state.
The younger brother scoffed, nodding his head as he made a turn, “I figured she was traumatized. She saw me kill Jasper.”
“Are you fucking serious?”
“100%. It was her out there with Jasper the night that I killed him,” Beau answered, tracing his memories back to that night.
He stood in the darkness and he watched Ember come out to check on Jasper, followed by her sweet voice, “please, leave him alone.”
Then Jasper spoke, and Beau felt hatred when he heard the man speak so all he heard was Jasper call him a coward.
That was enough to pull the trigger, over and over into the man.
Even as the poor, gorgeous girl screamed and cried, Beau didn’t stop until the gun’s clip was completely unloaded. He tossed the gun aside and left in the dark, but he never stopped hearing those devastated screams.
In his nightmares, even now, he remembered how she screamed.
“Beau!” Lael’s voice called him out of the immersion, “you need to leave Carcos. If she recognizes you for killing Jasper, I’m positive she’ll call the Feds.”
“Do you know the girl?” Beau asked, his mind beginning to wander again to the sound of her voice begging for Jasper’s life, “I can’t stop thinking about her, Lael.”
“Well, stop. I know that she was pregnant with Jasper’s kid. You made her miscarry. When she finds out you killed him, she’ll think you’re a criminal,” Lael explained in a firm tone.
“Yeah, maybe I’ll head west, then… Get some West Coast waves under my toes,” Beau thought out loud, his mind fixing on the image of Mableshore, a town a few miles south of Laguna Hills.
He knew he’d be happier surfing out there, with their beach being a perfect place for the water sport.
It was quiet and Ember Conrad wasn’t there to tempt him.
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omfggg... so maybe might be able to tell by the way I worded the poll that I will stand for no Beau slander in this house.
So, Beau is actually the first character I ever came up with from this story. My poems about this very specific "blue-eyed boy" go back as early as 2015.
This is NOT his formal intro, but I just...
I'm so excited to share him with everyone.
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Boris by Lo-Fang
I Know You by Steinza, Matt Maeson
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brandwhorestarscream · 9 months
Lets begin with this.
Your earthspark-morph AU is amazing. It flows so well with Dotties character and the whole idea that we never really get told why she's missing her leg; just that it was lost in battle. Also? Megs 100% would offer her a spot in the hive after that. Like, she saved 2 of his kids. The least he can do is offer her protection against the autobots, who are now undoubtedly going to kill her if she returns from the hive.
Also? I feel like the first thing that would happen after Dot and Megs negotiations would be Dot asking for Megs side of the war story. Cause she's definitely heard the Autobots side (Cons wanna take over the planet; they're all evil scum; experiment on bots for fun; yadda yadda.) She's seen all the propaganda. But she's military; she knows that's what it is. So she wants to know the other sides version. Something she would never be able to ask if not for the unique circumstances.
She learns the horrors of how morphs are treated; how the Autobots intended genocide is what kickstarted the war in the first place.
Shes shook.
Hey I'm glad you liked it!
The bots aren't gonna kill Dot tho. Why would they? It's not like they know she tried to stop the eggs from being smashed, and getting kidnapped by cybermorphs isn't exactly a crime
She is eventually gonna want to return to the surface. She has her whole life up there, family that she loves and friends she adores and a dream job as a park ranger to someday get to
She is with the hive for awhile, tho. The medical team stabilizes her, and manages to perform a proper amputation surgery to minimize the damage. It takes them awhile to make her an acceptable prosthetic: the perfect blend of cybertronian tech and cloned material harvested from her, allowing her to experience a sense of touch in her replacement limb. It moves with such precision the individual toes can wiggle. It's an engineering marvel, but ofc takes a bit of time to be fine tuned and ready for continuous use
While she's down there, she gets to know the morphs. They're... frighteningly familiar. They're so much like the autobots, so much like people, it's a wonder she had ever thought of them as monsters. They're... just people that look different. That's literally it. They laugh and have inside jokes and are actually rather affectionate with each other. They all have their place in their massive family, and the hivemind is a marvel. They don't even need to talk to each other to communicate! They treat her very well, grateful that she protected their unhatched siblings.
Speaking of said siblings! Megatron's jealously guarding them in the throne room, tucked safely in two honeycomb-like shells under constant watch from the praetorians and the queen himself. Dot is given permission to see them when she speaks with Megatron, who's also a lot more... docile, almost? Than she would have expected. Previously she'd only seen him in battle, where he was downright savage and acted entirely without mercy. But when he's comfortably at home in his hive, watching over his two eggs... he's much more quiet than she ever could have imagined. It's strange to think of him as peaceful, but that's all that really comes to mind seeing him relaxed in his throne and gently stroking the precious eggshells.
He agrees to let her return home once her leg has been fixed up. He's not keen on just letting a strange alien join his hive, though for now she is a welcome guest. He has no interest in keeping her as a pet or a companion or an unwilling prisoner. But in the days before she's ready to leave, they visit often. They talk. He tells her about his children, both living and dead. She confides in him about how she'd like to have children of her own someday but worries she never will. She asks about the war, eventually, why it started, and is shocked and horrified to hear about how awful Cybertron was for the less fortunate. Slavery isn't exactly that far away in humanity's past, and there's still inequalities based around something as trivial as "frame type" and "skin color". She can barely wrao her head around the idea of the good and honest autobots being slave drivers. She can't imagine the morphs living their entire lives in quarantine because they were considered dangerous and dirty. And then hearing that the fighting started because of an unprovoked bombing in sn attempt to genocide them--it's all too much. She's sick to her stomach, hearing all of that--those are the kinds of people she's been working with? That the government and humans as a whole were so happy to back and support?
Needless to say, when she leaves, she has every intention to resign from working with the bots, but only after giving them a piece of her mind (and maybe also blowing the whistle on them, idk I'm just rambling at this point)
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