#[dwarven ramblings]
zundely · 4 months
Solas and Cadash relationship feels so deeply tragic for me. Like especially with a dwarf who experienced being castless- they know the look someone gives them when they don't recognize them as a person.
And I think that here on the outside they also go it, sometimes from humans sometimes other dwarves- but the last place they would expect it would be from elves. No, there is an unspoken trust and understanding there...
And then they meet this a bit odd elven guy. Maybe a first person ever to really explain the Fade to them, to make that knowledge normally inaccessible to dwarves seem within reach... but sometimes they can feel his eyes upon them. And the look in his eyes has something very painfully familiar to it.
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papermonkeyism · 4 months
Been pondering the Arcanth setting, and turns out keeping fantasy races... well, existing, is surprisingly hard if you remove "Wizard Did It" method of worldbuilding.
I'm trying to steer away from DnD style worldbuilding. While magic is a thing in the setting, in a way, it's more of a force of nature, and less a flashy effect show one performs by casting spells, and I refuse to have any sort of One True Religion in any of my settings (hate it. So bad.) so there won't be a "these gods created these races" excuse to it either, and it's proving surprisingly hard to justify keeping different races distinct considering people tend to people.
Considering real life people and our history of interbreeding (I know I have few percent Neanderthal in me courtesy of being European). Like how do you prevent love stories from happening enough to keep things separate?
Arcanth's people and goblins can stay separate by being very distinctly different species far enough removed to not belong to same clades as hominids. Well and good enough...
(Arcanth's people come in three different flavours, one of which got separated enough to be a distinct species in another continent and the other two being separated by basically humans into different ends of a larger continent, though still with enough gene flow between to keep them technically same species. Goblins used to come in myriad of different localised flavours, but they travel a lot and have no issues with mingling with each other so goblins can be basically whatever within the goblin parameters wherever they happen to pop up in.)
Dwarves I guess just have hard time crossing with the other people. Like dwarf/elf crosses CAN happen, but it's more like horse/donkey kind of deal. I can see dwarf/human setup being more likely to function beyond the first generation.
Orcs are technically just human/elf mix people with some magical background radiation enhancement to give them distinct flavour. (They are a people with relatively recent history of basically a bunch of human and elf sailors discovering an uninhabited Iceland island, habiting it for a millenium or few and several generations later are now their own thing.)
But I didn't make my elves eternal and immortal, and they're more distinct from humans by being naturally nocturnal and having harder time tolerating extreme cold and extreme hot environments compared to humans, but they're still hominids. There's nothing really stopping them from mixing with humans wherever they coexist, and why wouldn't they coexist? I'm not really into having large scale eugenics programs in my headworlds either.
I guess 100% "pure" human and 100% "pure" elf are just extremely rare things to happen and most people are just varying degrees of mixed in between?
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monabee-draws · 2 months
Coming down with a bad case of 'wanting to smooch Lace Harding' -itis.
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crows-of-buckets · 22 days
For some reason whenever I brainstorm for my eventual solasmance Lavellan I always imagine her leaving on bad terms with him and swearing to stop him no matter what it takes. However. Just had the idea of Lavellan solas and Varric being in a weird love triangle. during inquisiton only Solas and Lavellan would happen, then They break up and Lavellan is with Varric within a year. Queen of moving on or whatever. Cole gets dropped right in the middle of whatever the fuck they've got going on. Rest of the inquisiton is immensely intrigued by them
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tathrin · 7 months
This may not quite be the most explicit thing I've ever written, but I think it is definitely the smuttiest. Also, torture! And deception and manipulation and Sauron playing games of his own over Celebrimbor's head and definitely not having any feelings of his own in the process oh no this is all going very much according to plan thank you. All the things that make silvergifting a sweet, wholesome, family-friendly ship, right?
Anyway if you enjoy ridiculously unnecessary amounts of world building and don't mind a little bit of smut and torture in between info-dumps, please do go check out my submission for this year's My Slashy Valentines fic-exchange.
@Harp_of_Gold I am so sorry for all the info-dumping.
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aimless-passerby · 5 months
When I complain about some headcanons, ships, 'x oc' and 'reader' in the hobbit fandom, it is not with intent to make people feel bad about it. Some of fans unlike me are here since movies came out and of course they think of new and new concepts to entertain themselves.
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
can’t tell you how tempted i am to be absolutely silly and bring more fantasy oc’s onto this blog and create a whole world
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I've watched 4 of 5 new Witcher episodes now and I gotta say I am delighted by how gay people are being
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fauxintellectual · 2 years
I'm so mad that no matter what you do, Orzammar is on the brink of annihilation and you want me to care what's happens on the surface??? Orzammar and (probably) Kal-Sharok have been dealing with darkspawn forever!!! I WANT TO HELP THEM!!!
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kihaku-gato · 9 days
It's probably a good thing I struggle to draw lore-proportional Dwarves cause if I got too into the niche of Dwarven women I probably would struggle to go back to anything else.
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thestuffedalligator · 3 months
The wizards said the orangutan would be able to lead them back to the dungeon in a couple days.
What a sentence, Chilchuck thought. It seemed to him that he’d been saying a lot of things with full sincerity that weeks ago would’ve been total gibbering nonsense.
The others had wandered off into the city like tourists. Laios was spending the day in some kind of pet shelter for dragons. Senshi had mentioned bringing Izutsumi to check out the local dwarven cooking. Rats were apparently involved, to his total lack of surprise.
He had decided to hole up in the nearest bar that would accept a fistful of foreign coins. He was at the stage of buzz that felt as though someone was wrapping a woollen blanket around his head, and it was loosening his tongue.
“And he’s a good kid,” he was saying. “He’s a good kid, he’s even a good fighter, but he’s got all the social skills of a dead donkey. This is a guy who hears that he has to eat part of his sister, and the first thing he says is-”
He paused mid-ramble and blinked stickily at the stranger seated next to him. “Sorry?”
He blinked again. “It’s for,” he tried. “You know. So you can eat the egg and bacon at the same time.”
“Right — right! The idea is if we take away the half of Falin that’s a dragon, we can resurrect the human half of her.”
He screwed an eye shut and tried to make out the face of the stranger through the three images swirling in the hot, lightheaded haze. It looked like a very skinny face.
“I’m starting to lose the food metaphor,” he mumbled. “My point is, the further we go to fix this problem, the worse it gets. And it’s not that i have a problem with resurrection — have you ever been resurrected?”
“Some people are weird about it. Senshi’s weird about it too, but he’s the one who suggested it. Anyways, it’s not that I have a problem with resurrection, I just don’t like the idea of eating an old coworker.”
Another sentence that would have been nonsense barely a week ago. He tried to shrug and missed. “I guess they say, ‘Eat to live, don’t live to eat.’”
He was beginning to feel a slight headache. “No, it means, like — treat food as a fuel, a necessity, don’t get fussy about the experience of eating it.”
THEY ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. The stranger plucked a paper umbrella out of their drink. They twirled it thoughtfully between very skinny fingers. I WOULD RECOMMEND A CURRY, they said. I’VE ALWAYS BEEN FOND OF A CURRY.
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greenlaut · 15 days
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the four hunters 🗡🌿
extras + rambles below cut
yipeee i finally finished this illustration 🎉🎉
this is my personal take on the hunters gang (we will ignore that boromir died). honestly, i had a lot of fun thinking of the designs.
had to bring back my aragorn with his silly braid and blue hair ribbon. he's a ranger for most of his life, so he'd definitely go for practicality and what he's already familiar with—so no armour nor gambeson. he probably had a small fight with elrond before they left for the quest; where elrond tried to make him swap his gear for better, newer ones and aragorn just adamantly refusing because he's a lot more familiar (and more comfortable) with his own. which is why he's wearing tattered and worn rags. his red tunic is the only new thing he allowed elrond to swap to a new one. boromir definitely got exhasperated and somewhere down the line, he loaned aragorn his pair of arm bracers.
boromir (and faramir's (not featured here)) design changed a lot since the past years. it's a mash-up of both movie!boromir and lore accurate book!boromir. his hair is a lot darker and he has more of a storm blue-grey eyes as a nod towards his elendil ancestry. his clothing is heavily based off the movie. as for his cloak; since he's The son of gondor and denethor's favourite, i think he'd definitely get the fortune of wearing a fur cloak. the clasp has the white tree engraved on it.
gimli is by far my favourite. i always wanted to draw my take of gimli in his regalia. as a dwarven royalty, i think he'd groom his hair and beard really well, and he would've put on a lot of accessories to show his status. but since he's on a quest, he's not fully decked out in jewelries—wearing very practical clothing: gambeson with chainmail underneath. also, i like the dwarven fighting style they did in the hobbit movie where they go around and knock people off with melee. so gimli got hefty arm bracers and knuckle weights to really punch the shit out of some orcs.
for legolas; i think despite being an elf, he has the factors of being (1) mirkwood elf and (2) lowkey autistic coded. so he doesn't dress "like an elf"—not that the company would've known, with how limited their interactions with elves in general already. this meant that he dressed too casually despite going on a life-or-death quest. very light leather armour to support his speed and agility. he's not even wearing boots; just a pair of tree-climbing canvas shoes that he wrapped tightly. god knows how he survived this far. he's mostly a right handed archer—but since he lived for quite a long while, he taught himself to shoot with left hand too for emergencies. since his left hand isn't as stable as his right hand, he has a left-shoulder-pad.
THEY ALL HAVE SCARS because who doesn't get scars when you're literal warriors be fr. legolas' are more faded out though, because he's old as fuck.
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chradi · 2 years
crying in the club. Im so fucking sorry Varric
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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Thanks to getting off work a lil early yesterday, I was able to get to the post office before they closed and pick up my stuff from @emedeme (plus a bonus Alistair, bc eme’s a sweetheart 😘) so woohoo! 🥳💕
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elspethdekarios · 4 months
Places in Waterdeep
According to this reddit comment, Gale’s tower is most likely in the Dock Ward on the corner of Sea Lion and Sail Street. Assuming Gale and Tav spend most of their time in Waterdeep either at home or at Blackstaff (well, depending on what your tav does for a living! I imagine mine works nearby), here are some possible locations for all your fanfic needs. I’m using this map and the descriptions it gives for the locations. This is not an exhaustive list–just the ones I thought might be the most useful to writers.
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- Near Gale’s Tower (Dock Ward) -
Taverns and Inns:
The Quaffing Quaggoth
Tavern. A favorite among sailors, merchants, and young nobles, this dwarven owned and operated establishment is known for its own specialty brew – the Quaggoth, a thick house-brewed stout mixed with a shot of a house secret liquor.
The Sailors' Own
Tavern. The place is low-beamed and crowded, with weary sailors slumped on benches playing at board games, cards, or merely getting thoroughly drunk. This place is just what its name implies. It belongs to the sailors, and they don't really want anyone else here. The proprietor is Guthlakh 'Hands' Imyiir. (so, maybe not likely for them to frequent this one, but who knows!)
The Pickled Fisherman
The Soaring Pegasus
Bard inn
A cozy inn owned by a family of past adventurers, it appears to have been fixed up recently. Most of its visitors are sailors, but it has been known to house meetings between gangs in order to keep the peace. In the basement is a hidden underground fighting ring.
The Angry Coxswain
The tavern contains a one-way portal connecting with a prison cell in the slave market in the Mulhorandi city of Skuld.
The Yawning Portal
Inn. Built in 1306 DR on the ruins of Halaster Blackcloak's old tower, the Yawning Portal gained most of its renown for being the primary open route to the Undermountain. The Portal's innkeeper, Durnan, is a former adventurer of great power and renown.
The Gray Griffon
Darth's Dolphyntyde
Selune's Smile
Azuth's Mug
The Rearing Hippocampus
Inn. Probably the classiest inn in Dock Ward. Favored by many caravan masters and merchants who want a good, secure place to sleep, and regular visitors to the city who have business near the harbor.
The Splintered Stair
Inn. The entry hall of this room rises up three floors, overlooked by interior balconies linked by elegantly spiraling stairs.
The Blackstar Inn
This dignified, even haughty inn is like a fortress on the outside, with barred windows, stone walls, and a slate roof. Its lobby has two armed guards, and the four hostlers in the locked stables are also armed. Fees are high, but in return, guests get almost soundproof rooms. Each room has a hip-bath, a double bed, water and wine provided for drinking and various pamphlets and chapbooks provided for light reading. Each room also has its own fireplace, albeit with a miserly supply of firewood, and the patrons tend to keep to themselves. A good place to get a long soundsleep. Asiyra Boldwinter is the proprietress of this inn. Her manner is one of uppercrust, noble dignity.
The Empty Keg
The Empty Keg is a rowdy beer-hall. Later at night, it sees visits from workers from Mother Salinka's next door to reinvigorate business there.
The Red-Eyed Owl
This is the closest thing Waterdeep has to a comfortable, unimpressive, welcoming gathering place for the neighborhood. It is the kind of place where friends will come in and hail each other across the room. The food and drink are pleasant, if unspectacular, and you'll be allowed to sit in peace. It is a rambling old wooden building that looks as if it's about to fall into the street. Balarg 'Twofists' Dathen, a man with long, red hair, owns and runs the tavern.
The Sleepy Sylph
Tavern. Locals in the neighborhood come here for a single drink, to enjoy the music and to watch the waitresses (wearing diaphanous robe), and then go to the Owl, just steps away to eat and drink at about a third the price. The owner is Callanter Rollingshoulder, a tall man dressed in dark silken robes with a magnificent mustache.
The Bloody Fist
Tavern. Bullies and angry people come here to pick fights, and a room upstairs is retained for a succession of novice priests of Tempus who dress broken bones and perform minor healing magics in return for donations to the war god. Members of the Bull Elk Tribe can usually be found drinking here. Proprietor: Uglukh Vorl, a half-orc.
The Sleeping Snake
Tavern. This rowdy place is roughly furnished in hastily mended furniture. Members of the Black Boar Tribe can usually be found drinking here.
Festhalls and Entertainment:
From the Forgotten Realms wiki: “A festhall was an establishment combining the services of brothels, casinos, and private clubs. Festhalls provided a variety of adult-themed leisure activities and entertainment, including sex work, gambling, day spas, dining, exotic dancing, companionship, role-play, and other specialized interests.”
The Mermaid's Arms
Festhall. Elegant dining lounges, in which one dines or just drinks with an attractive host or hostess (or alone). Increasingly, the Arms is being used by single gentlefolk for a night of love. In other words, patrons are going there to meet each other, not to hire a host or hostess for the night. The Arms is large, well-lit, always busy, and can be quite expensive.
The Hanging Lantern
Festhall. The Lantern, an escort service known for the stunning beauty of its workers, and for the skill of its matchmakers, is famous up and down the Sword Coast.
Blushing Nymph
Festhall. The long stair links the oubliette of the Blushing Nymph festhall with Undermountain's first level.
Mother Salinka's House of Pleasures
This is a dingy low-coin festhall owned by halflings and frequented by those who are there for a 'brief visit', or can't afford or are turned away from the Yawning Portal.
Three Pearls Nightclub
Festhall. Pearls, as it is called, is a popular evening destination for Waterdhavians, offering stand-up comics, trained animal acts, illusionists' recitals, bards, orators, and exotic dancing. It has a low ceiling and is usually hot and smoky. The manager, Xandos Waeverym, is known as 'the Dandy'.
Seven Masks Theater
The theater caters to a lower-class clientele, and ship captains and sailors are admitted for free. The owner of the theater is a burly and jovial Shou man with a braided goatee named Rongquan Mystere.
The Purple Palace
Festhall. This is the closest thing Waterdeep has to a Calishite silks-boudoir. Its lavender silk draperies and gauzy hangings are heavily perfumed. Everything is cushions, soft carpets, music, and purple-tinted, spiced wine. Companionship is expensive and very good.
The Smiling Succubus
Festhall. Not exactly the pride of Wharf Street, but one of its most popular destinations.
Businesses and Shopping:
Whistling Blades
Business. Weapons.
The Fishscale Smithy
Adventuring gear
Talnu's Ropeworks
Adventuring gear
The Old Xoblob Shop
This curiosity shop is filled with lots of battle trophies and souvenirs from Undermountain. Worth a look to see the stuffed beholder for which the shop is named. The shopkeeper is a deep gnome.
House of Pride Perfumes
Business. The House of Pride is crammed with a forest of glass bottles of all sizes, shapes, and hues. It is protected by a special enchantment that prevents glass from breaking. The shop is run by two sisters and is guarded by trained hunting dogs.
Khostal Hannass, Fine Nuts
Business. Food.
Felhaur's Fine Fish
Business. Food.
Mirt's Mansion
Villa. Mirt is a friend of Durnan (see The Yawning Portal). Both used magic to extend their lives.
House of Two Hands
Monastery. Order of the Even-Handed.
Harborwatch Tower
City building
The Griffon
The walking statue called the Griffon is shaped like the beast for which it is named. Though it stands on all four legs, its back is fully twenty feet off the ground, making it a mount fit for a storm giant. Although it has shown itself to be capable of flight, with the granite feathers of its wings spreading like a bird's, the Griffon now merely stands in a regal pose near Peaktop Aerie atop Mount Waterdeep, looking to the southeast over the Dock Ward. Newcomers sometimes assume it to be a monument to Waterdeep's Griffon Cavalry, but Waterdavians know better.
Peaktop Aerie
City building
Castle Waterdeep
Thick-walled stronghold that broods over Castle Ward from the flanks of Mount Waterdeep. Pennants and banners are often hung and flown from its battlements to signal the arrival of diplomats or the commencement of ceremonies.
Starry Cradles orphanage
The Starry Cradles orphanage is a Dock Ward orphanage run by Matron Griselda Hoppletun, a halfling care-taker, and funded by the House of the Moon and the Selûnite clergy thereof.
- Near Blackstaff Tower (Castle Ward) -
Taverns and Inns:
Sapphire House
Expensive rooming house on Swords Street. The inn is a five-story building.
Tavern of the Flagon Dragon
Tavern. Three Stories high, stone dragons at the base of the walls are all gouting fire, two dragon helmed guards at the door. Caters more to the less-than-noble class.
The Singing Sword
Tavern. Three floors of busy diners enjoy one of the largest menus in Waterdeep. They are entertained by the high-voiced ballads of the wondrous magical blade for which the tavern is named. Gothmorgan Ilibuld, the proprietor, is a polite host.
Wyrmbones Inn
The Pampered Traveler
Inn. This inn stands like an exotic castle. There is inside a library filled with books and a reading table with a glass top, under which can be seen a map of the known Realms as far west as the Moonshaes, as far east as Thay, and as far south as the Shaar. All in all, a quietly luxurious place to stay. This is undoubtedly the wealthy scholar's choice of hostel. The inn is run by Brathan Zilmer, guildmaster of the Fellowship of Innkeepers.
Dauntlyn's Doors
Luxury Inn
The Elfstone Tavern
Tavern. This old, dimly lit tavern caters to elves. By night, dancing lights spells bathe the place in soft, floating, blue motes of light. Gentle harp, pipe, flute, and choral music is performed and service is fast and graceful. Dwarves and half-orcs will be driven away; humans and halflings are tolerated in small parties; half-elves are just accepted. Yaereene Ilbaereth is the tavern's proprietress.
The Blue Jack
Tavern. The tavern specializes in low prices and fast service, and it's a success. Immithar the Glove, the tavern's proprietor, is quick with a joke or to mimic the speech of other.
The Jade Jug
Inn. Waterdeep's plushest inn. Guests are attended by a personal servant for the duration of their stay and their every need is attended to. The charming, beautiful, one-armed hostess is Amaratha Ruendarr. She notices every detail.
The Dragon's Head Tavern
Tavern. This modest place is aimed at those who like to sit quietly and chat over their drinks. The proprietor is Vorn Laskadarr.
The Asp's Strike
Festhalls and Entertainment:
Jhural's Dance
The Smiling Siren
Festhall. Nightclub & Theater. Home to a company of popular local actors who can perform everything from rowdy comedy to high tragedy. Nobles often hire the place for an evening for exclusive performances. The Siren is also home to traveling troupes of vaudeville jugglers, comedians, and nearly nude dancers or burlesque dancers. Before and between performances, the place is used for drinking and dancing to live music, sometimes with show dancers on the stage. The mage Perendel Wintamer runs this nightclub.
Lightsinger Theater
Business. Entertainers.
Mother Tathlorn's House of Pleasure
Festhall. Entertainers. The most famous house of pleasure in Waterdeep is a large, five-floored building with two additional levels of dungeons below ground. Mother Tathlorn's has on staff several priests of Sune. The most popular service performed at Mother Tathlorn's is massage and bathing, but all of this luxury and pleasure doesn't come cheaply.
Businesses and Shopping:
The Market
Open marketplace. Largest open space in the city surrounded by stone buildings that enclose the maze of temporary stalls and carts that appear here day and night.
Blackwell's Fine Books and Good Tomes
Blackwell's Fine Books and Good Tomes is a posh retail shop, located in the shadow of the God Catcher statue. Owned and operated by the Blackwell family, Blackwell's Fine Books and Good Tomes specializes in rare and antique manuscripts. The shop is especially known, among the noble set, for its restoration, document preservation, as well as transcription services. Mr Blackwell's son, Aldous, has been known to keep an eye on any ancient texts which spend time in the family's shoppe.
The Bookstore occupies the bottom of a three story building. The upper two stories are the Blackwell's lavish townhome apartment.
Paethier's Pipeweed
Eilean's Maztican Delights
Sharkroar - Harth Shalark's Broadsheets
Sorynth's Silverware
The Curious Past
Business is run by Bronwyn Caradoon, dealing in exotic items while also being a front for Harper Activity.
Diloontier's Apothecary
Assassins. Drugs. Poisons. Potions. Now renamed to 'Diloontier's & Sons Apothecary'.
This upscale store catered to the elite of Waterdhavian society. Those who had the right credentials and money for it could quietly purchase poisons and more nefarious potions from the proprietor.
Balthorr's Rare & Wondrous Treasures
Business. Magic items. Balthorr 'the Bold' Olaskos will fence stolen items for 40% market value.
Old Knot Shop
Adventuring gear
Rebeleigh's Elegant Headwear
Business. Clothing.
Halls of Hilmer, Master Armorer
Armor. Hilmer, a tall, strong, and soft-spoken man, with shoulders as wide as most doors, only makes plate, but he's known as the best, or among the best, in all the Sword Coast lands. He's a master craftsman.
Halambar Lutes & Harps
Business. Entertainers. This shop sells all sorts of stringed musical instruments. Kriios Halambar, guildmaster of the Council of Musicians, Instrument-Makers, and Choristers owns and runs this shop.
The Golden Key Locksmiths
Business. The proprietor, Ansilver, makes custom locks to order, and guarantees that he's never sold a key that will open the lock you buy from him to anyone else.
Phalantar's Philtres & Components
Business. Drugs. Poisons. Potions. Here you can buy medicines, herbs, and rare substances used in the making of perfumes, scented oils, poisons, and as material components in the casting of spells. Phalantar Orivan will fence stolen goods for 40% market value. He is said to be fabulously rich.
Olmhazan's Jewels
Business. All the gems one can think of, except very rare or magical sorts. Jhauntar Olmhazan, Gentleman Speaker for the Jewelers' Guild, owns and runs this shop.
Font of Knowledge
Temple of Oghma. Largest public library in the city.
Halls of Justice
Temple of Tyr. Holy Order of the Knights of Samular.
Spires of the Morning
Temple of Lathander. Order of the Aster.
Temple of the Seldarine
Temple of all elven deities.
Melody Mount Walk
A magically lit tunnel that runs west up to the cliffs on which the New Olamn barding college is situated. The tunnel contains a little-known portal between Waterdeep and the keep in Rassalantar. The tunnel continuously resounds with music due to an ongoing concert known as the Neverending String of Pearls that is performed by bardic students from New Olamn in a small alcove in the tunnel.
Syndra Wands' Tower
Wizard's domicile.
The Lady Dreaming
One of the eight enormous statues called the Walking Statues of Waterdeep, scattered throughout Waterdeep to defend the city in times of great peril. This statue has the appearance of a titanic sculpture of a noble lady asleep in her garden.
The Great Drunkard
One of the eight enormous statues called the Walking Statues of Waterdeep, scattered throughout Waterdeep to defend the city in times of great peril. The unconscious pose of the statue and the tavern in its lap made the name of the Great Drunkard a natural fit.
Duir's Alley
This busy, winding passage is often the scene of spell demonstrations and practice, as patrons or staff spill out of the rear of the Elfstone Tavern and unleash magic down the alley.
Cat Alley
Recently, a masked, rapier-wielding, quietly chuckling assailant has made this a dangerous place for women after dark.
The God Catcher
One of the eight enormous statues called the Walking Statues of Waterdeep, scattered throughout Waterdeep to defend the city in times of great peril. This is perhaps the most famous walking statue in the city, thanks to its dramatic pose : a well-muscled but impassive male human with a sphere of stone floating above its right hand raised skyward.
Piergeiron's Palace
White marble Palace and main office location for many city officials, the majority of which are dedicated to the administration of city services, such as the Watch, the Guard, city clerks, and the Loyal Order of Street Laborers. The ruler of the city - the Open Lord of Waterdeep - resides and works here.
Tower of the Order
Guildhall. Magic items. Scrolls. Watchful Order of Magists & Protectors.
House of the Fine Carvers
Guildhall. Guild of Fine Carvers.
The Map House
Guildhall. Surveyors', Map & Chart-makers' Guild.
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thisisnotthenerd · 5 months
The Legend Lore Database
This is another use of the Legend Lore spell. All information herein is only that of legendary importance.
[a more complete database. i took some artistic liberties. see here for the updating document]
Legendary Individuals
Deities / Deific Entities
Infernal Deity of Fire, Rage and Conquest
Formerly the Giant Deity of Summer, Justice and the Harvest, Patron of the Giantkin of the Mountains of Chaos
Sister to Ruvina, Giant Deity of Winter and Sorrow
Spouse of Cassandra, Sylvan Deity of Mystery, Magic, and the Night
Cassandra / Nightmare King
Sylvan Deity of Mystery, Magic, and the Night, Patron of the Tribes of Sylvaire
Formerly the Nightmare King, the King of the Dark Dreaming, Rí Aisling Olc
Raised from their Undead form by the Blessed Saint Kristen Applebees
Sibling of Galicaea, Elven Goddess of the Moon, and Sol, Human God of the Sun
Spouse of Ankarna, Infernal Deity of Fire, Rage and Conquest
Stark Father of Baron from the Baronies
Seven Sisters, Elemental Spirits of the Universe and Hands of the Gods
From Eldest to Youngest
Chronoa, Eidolon of Time, of the Astral and Ethereal Planes
Terra, Eidolon of Earth, of the Elemental Plane of Earth
Pyrria, Eidolon of Fire, of the Elemental Plane of Fire
Nera, Eidolon of Water, of the Elemental Plane of Water
Zefira, Eidolon of Air, of the Elemental Plane of Air
Anima, Eidolon of Life, the Beginning of All Things
Talura, Eidolon of Death, the Ending of All Things
Trapped in Enchanted Mirrors created by Logran Soulforger, of which the only way out was Infinity
Galicaea / Lida
Elven Deity of the Moon, Patron of the Elves of Fallinel
Patron of Lycanthropes in her aspect as Lida
Sister of Sol, Human God of the Sun, and Cassandra, Sylvan Deity of Mystery, Magic, and the Night
Struck her Sister from memory by way of the Sylvarian Heresy
Human God of Corn
Son of Sol, Human God of the Sun, and a mortal woman
Followed by the Cult of the Harvestmen, who sought the Apocalypse through perditional contradoxy
Jane Wren
Pirate Goddess of New Horizons, Freedom, and Adventure
She who stands atop the Ramble, overlooking the City of Leviathan
The Storm King, the Wrathful Primordial of Storms
Perpetually in search of his lost Daughter
Logran Soulforger
Dwarven God of the Forge, He who Makes the World
Created the Enchanted Mirrors to capture the Eidolons in Finite Form, While Leaving Escape in Infinity
Did not Commune with his Followers after the Capture of the Eidolons, until Ostentatia Wallace, Prophet of the Forge, Joined him in his Workshop
Night Yorb
Speak Not of the Night Yorb
The Manta Ray of Darkness, they who would herald an age of darkness through a slow apocalypse
Currently Sealed by the Solar Lasso in the Hangvan
Rad Dwarven God of Shredding, Patron of Skateboarders
Giant Deity of Winter and Sorrow, Patron of the Giantkin of the Mountains of Chaos
Sister of Ankarna, Infernal Deity of Fire, Rage, and Conquest
Human God of the Sun, Patron of the Humans of Highcourt and Solace
Father of Helio, Human God of Corn
Once ousted from his position by Arthur Aguefort, who proceeded to never leave his office and shit in a corner
Goddess of the Deep Sea, Patron of that which lies in the briny depths
Punisher of Sinners who Enter Her Waters
Prohibits artifacts which control the weather
Aelwyn Abernant
She who assassinated the first Elven Oracle, Eleminthindriel
She who sank the Harpy, Flagship of the Fleet of Kalvaxus
She who determined the second Elven Oracle, Adaine Abernant
Caused the initiation of war between the nations of Solace and Fallinel
She who dispelled the Nightmare King’s Plague of the Shadow Cat
Acting Mistress of the Compass Points Library, in lieu of Ayda Aguefort
Arthur Aguefort
Founder and Principal of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy
He who caused the Sun to Fall
Paramour of the Last Phoenix
Former Paramour of the previous Elven Oracle, Eleminthindriel
Founder of the School of Chronomancy
Father of Ayda Aguefort
Asha Hammerheart
Saint and Cleric of Logran Soulforger
One of the Three Pilgrims to the Temple to the Earth Defiant
Ayda Aguefort
The Mistress of the Compass Points LIbrary, Quartermaster of the Knowledge of Leviathan
Paramour of Figueroth the Infaethable, the Archdevil of Rebellion, the Dark Mistress of the Bottomless Pit
Creator of Adaine’s Furious Fist
Bakur / Athenriel
Infernal Servant of Ankarna, the Deity of Fire, Rage, and Conquest
Formerly Athenriel of the Faeth Lineage
Former Owner of the Armor of Pride
Cathilda “The Black” Ceili
Legendary Pirate, the Widow in Black, whose daggers flash with death and destruction
Crewmember aboard the Hangman
Elder of the Ramble, who defended Leviathan amidst the wrath of the Storm King
Chungledown Bim
Legendary Mouth-Shitter
Archnemesis of Fabian Aramais Seacaster
Survivor of Captain James Whitclaw's attack on the Cult of Bill Seacaster
Braved the Forest of the Nightmare King alone and escaped unscathed
Highest-level Warlock of the Cult of Bill Seacaster
Court of Elders
Leaders of the Tribes of Sylvaire and the Great Unicorn
Destroyed the Name of the Goddess of Mystery in the Sylvarian Heresy, in league with clerics of Galicaea
The First Elven Oracle, succeeded by Adaine Abernant
Member of the First Council of Chosen
She who prophesied the second rise and fall of Kalvaxus
Garthy O’Brien
Prodigious Descendant of Zajiri Celestials
Impresario of the Gold Gardens, Leviathan’s hub for pleasure and sanctuary 
The Curse Breaker who fought the effects of the King of the Dark Dreaming
Child of Ayda Aguefort
Guardian of Ayda Aguefort
Name contains an anagram for the Night Yorb
Gilear Faeth
The Chosen One
Current eldest male descendant of the lineage of Athenriel
Penultimate Inheritor of the Curse of the Armor of Pride
He who stopped three Apocalypses with wishes from a Puppy
Gorthalax the Insatiable
Prince of the Nine Hells and former ruler of the Bottomless Pit
Formerly Gorthiel, the Seraph of Eating the Right Amount of Food / Temperance
Father of Figueroth the Infaethable, Archdevil of Rebellion and Dark Mistress of the Bottomless Pit
Grafmy Rootdrinker
The Druidic Leader who pushed back the Curse of the Nightmare King on the Forest of Sylvaire
Hallariel Seacaster née Lomenelda 
The Greatest Fencer to Ever Live
Daughter of Telemaine Lomenelda, Heir to Kei Lumennura
Widow of William “Old Bill” Seacaster, the Scourge of the Nine Hells
Jamina Joy
The Bosun of Leviathan
She who keeps the City afloat
She who contains a Wish for the Welfare of Leviathan
The Shadow Cat
Right Hand of the Nightmare King
Familiar of Cassandra
The Cursed Plague of the King of the Dark Dreaming
Former Emperor of the Red Waste
Allied with the Nightmare King and the Undead of the Necronomikron
Prophesied to rise once more at the word of Elven Oracle Eleminthindriel
When Kalvaxus once again beholds his glittering treasure And seven maidens once more are chained at the mouth of his lair When war befalls the realm And a king and queen are crowned anew in Solace Then will the Emperor of the Red Waste be released from bondage His destruction will know no bounds The sun shall fall from the Heavens And the world as we know it shall perish forever
Former Vice Principal of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy
Currently the Goldenrod, the Infernal Vessel of William “Old Bill” Seacaster
Karl Cleaver
Legendary Adventurer and Member of the Pact of Kyburus
Of the Cleaver lineage of Adventurers
Kora Ironbrow
Saint and Cleric of Logran Soulforger
One of the Three Pilgrims to the Temple to the Earth Defiant
Lydia Barkrock
She who sealed Bakur in her body with rage and rage alone
The Curse of the Armor of Pride was used to excise Bakur from her body
The Awakened Familiar of Grafmy Rootdrinker
Leader of the Town of Arborly and Protector of the Border of Sylvaire
Octavio Costello Gainglynn
He who sailed off the edge of the World and into the Heavens
Paramour of the Solar Zarael
Pok Gukgak
Premier Agent of the Lower Planar Reconnaissance Task Force of the Plane of Bytopia
He who brought the Plague of the Shadow Cat to the nation of Solace
The first Solesian to be slayed by Kalvaxus personally in centuries
Father of Riz Gukgak, Slayer of Kalvaxus
Telemaine Lomenelda
The Greatest Elven Swordsmith, who forged Fandrangor and the Sword of Sight
Lord of Kei Lumennura, the Guardian of Elven Teens
Tectonya Karkovnya
Superintendent of the Larger Solesian School District
Legendary Wizard and Scholar of the Eidolons
She who stole the Legendarium Extrordia
Tracker O’Shaughnessy
She who dispelled the Nightmare King’s Curse on Sylvaire, the Forest of the Nightmare King
She who dispelled the Nightmare King’s Tree
Reformer of the Faith of Galicaea, Leader of Wolfsong, the Lupine Cleric of Lida
The Vulture King
Father to all Vultures, King of the Vulture Dimension
He whose body became the Royal Artifacts of the Vulture Dimension
William “Old Bill” Seacaster
He who struck down the Pirate King and Hung his Head in Gibbety Square
Captain of the Hangman
Married to Hallariel Lomenelda, the Greatest Fencer to Ever Live
Current Captain of the Infernal Wastes, Scourge of the Nine Hells
Captain of the Goldenrod, the Infernal Vessel carved from the body of Kalvaxus, Emperor of the Red Waste
Yvonna of the Sundering Hills
Saint and Cleric of Logran Soulforger
One of the Three Pilgrims to the Temple to the Earth Defiant
Spirit of Endless Sky Towards Late Afternoon on a Day at the Beach with Your Feet in the Warm Sand, Just Being Chill as Hell
The Possessing Spirit of the Hangvan
Adaine Abernant:
The Second Elven Oracle, preceded by Eleminthindriel
Established the right of the Elven Oracle to be paid, via dance battle
Patron of the Oracle of Dance Fabian Aramais Seacaster
Current wielder of the Sword of Sight, Sword of the Elven Oracle
She who invoked the name of Ankarna and broke Obliviati Mori
She who sealed Bakur with the power of the Curse of the Armor of Pride
Creator of Ayda’s Comprehend Subtext
Kristen Applebees:
The Chosen of Helio, God of Corn
The Creator of Yes!/Yes?
She who Resurrected Herself
She who dispelled the Nightmare King’s Coin
She who destroyed the Crown of the Nightmare King
The Blessed Saint of Cassandra, Deity of Mystery, Night and Magic
Figueroth Faeth:
Mortal daughter of Gorthalax the Insatiable, Prince of the Nine Hells and former ruler of the Bottomless Pit
Current Archdevil of Rebellion, Figueroth the Infaethable, the Dark Mistress of the Bottomless Pit
Paramour of Ayda Aguefort, the Mistress of the Compass Points Library
Last of the Faeth Lineage to bear the Curse of the Armor of Pride
Currently holds dominion over the infernal domain of Ankarna, Goddess of Fire, Rage, and Conquest, due to the creation of Dawn of Justice, a song so metal it could claim an infernal domain
Riz Gukgak:
Fifth of the World of Spyre to summon the Night Yorb to the Material Plane
He who slayed the Dragon Kalvaxus, Emperor of the Red Waste
First living member of the Lower Planar Reconnaissance Task Force
The Investigator who Found the Prophesied Seven Maidens
Fabian Aramais Seacaster:
Mortal son of William "Old Bill" Seacaster, Legendary Pirate and the Current Captain of the Infernal Wastes, Scourge of the Nine Hells and Hallariel Lomenelda, the Greatest Fencer to Ever Live
Grandson of Telemaine Lomenelda, Swordsmith of the Elven Kings
He who killed William "Old Bill" Seacaster
Current wielder of Fandrangor, Sword of the North Star
Dance Champion of the Elven Oracle, the Oracle of Dance
Maximum Legend at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy
Gorgug Thistlespring:
He who discovered the Plague of the Shadow Cat
Creator of the Solar Lasso used to seal the Night Yorb into his personal vehicle, the Hangvan
Creator of the Barbificer Specialty, the first in the World of Spyre to combine barbarian rage and artificer spellcasting
The Greatest Wizard of Our Age, as titled by Ayda Aguefort, Mistress of the Compass Points Library
Danielle Barkstock:
Blessed of Anima, Eidolon of Life
She who assumed the form and gave voice to the Empress Anima, Eidolon of Life
One of Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Katja Cleaver
Blessed of Terra, Eidolon of Earth
Daughter of Karl Cleaver, of the Cleaver lineage of adventurers
Friend to Horses, Rider of Cinnamon
Slayer of Jana Cleaver
One of Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Zelda Donovan
Blessed of Zefira, Eidolon of Air
Battle Dancer of the Donovan Lineage, who was possessed by the god of wine and ecstasy in bacchanal
One of Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Antiope Jones
Blessed of Chronoa, Eidolon of Time
She who killed Charity Blythe
Daughter of Athena and Hector Jones, of the Jones lineage of adventurers
Leader of the Reform of the Ministry of Adventure
One of Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Penny Luckstone
Blessed of Nera, Eidolon of Water
She who revealed the Society of Shadows one of
Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Sam Nightingale:
Blessed of Talura, Eidolon of Death, the Ending of All Things
She who released Talura upon Spyre for the first time in millennia
She who guided Talura to infinite form
One of Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Ostentatia Wallace:
The first forge cleric to Commune with Logran Soulforger in millennia
Prophet of Logran Soulforger
Designer for the Gods
Blessed of Pyrria, Eidolon of Fire
One of Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Barbarella Sasparilla Gainglynn
The Goddess of the Gold Gardens
Daughter of Octavio Costello Gainglynn and Zarael
She who struck down the Storm-Druid Alamaria
Myrtle (the Bitch)
The Priestess of Storms, Devout of Umberlee, the Sinker of Ships and Collector of the Treasures of the Deep
Jack Brakkow
Unlucky Jack, he who escaped the Bilge only to sink in the depths of betrayal
The Captain of the Late Bloomer, whose crew haunts the mast kept at his side always
Legendary Adventuring Parties
The Bad Kids (Adventuring Party):
Members: Adaine Abernant, Kristen Applebees, Figueroth Faeth, Riz Gukgak, Fabian Aramais Seacaster, Gorgug Thistlespring
Slayed Daybreak, leader of the Harvestmen, and averted the apocalypse of perditional contradoxy
Defeated Kalvaxus, Emperor of the Red Waste
Defeated Occularia, Queen of Sight
Defeated Captain James Whitclaw, the archnemesis of William “Old Bill” Seacaster and prevented the crowning of a new Pirate King
Demolished the Elven prison, Calethriel Tower
Defeated the Nightmare King, the King of the Dark Dreaming
Defeated the Cult of the Night Yorb
Defeated the Night Yorb
The Sole Survivors of the Sundering of the Synod of Spyre
The first adventuring party in living memory to survive the Last Stand-ard Exam
The Buccaneer Buddies (Adventuring Party)
Members: Sunny Biscotto, Jack Brakkow, Barbarella Sasparilla Gainglynn, Cheese Stormcrank, Marcid the Typhoon, Myrtle the Bitch
Prevented the Summoning of William Seacaster for the destruction of Leviathan
Saved Leviathan from Destruction at the hands of Langley Sheffield-Harrington, Clive Mardres, the Storm-Druid Alamaria, and the Crescent Moon Trading Company
Averted the Wrath of the Storm King by disrupting the ritual of Alamaria and returning the Daughter of Storms to the briny depths
The Seven / The Maidens (Adventuring Party)
Members: Danielle Barkstock, Katja Cleaver, Zelda Donovan, Antiope Jones, Penny Luckstone, Sam Nightingale, Ostentatia Wallace
The Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Eliminated the Cult of Kalvaxus as vengeance for their capture
Cleansed the Temple of the Earth Defiant of the mutated monstrosities
Commandeered the Rombosa, the Pleasure Barge of Talcidimir Tallbreeze and kidnapped hundreds of nobles from the Baronies
Averted Project Reset, an effort by the Ministry of Adventure to cause world-ending disasters
Defeated Talura, Eidolon of Death, the Ending of All Things, by channeling the spirits of the Eidolons
Legendary Items
Sword of Sight
The Sword of the Elven Oracle, forged by the legendary swordsmith Telemaine Lomenelda
Currently owned by the Elven Oracle Adaine Abernant
The Sword of the North Star, forged by the legendary swordsmith Telemaine Lomenelda and gifted to the Elven King Thristwin Eversong
Currently owned by Fabian Aramais Seacaster
The Armors of Sin
Seven Suits of Infernal Armor, each forged by a different Infernal Being and associated with the Sins assigned to them by name
Armor of Gluttony - Armor Carved of White Bone, armed with a massive spiked net. Chosen Armor of Gorthalax the Insatiable. 
Armor of Pride - Armor of Gleaming gold, armed with a Golden Halberd
Armor gifted from Ankarna to her follower Athenriel. After Athenriel took on the form of Bakur, the armor passed through his lineage patrilineally until it was gifted to Gorthalax the Insatiable. 
The curse of the armor transferred to the eldest male descendants of the lineage with the death of each previous holder of the curse. The most recent of these was Gilear Faeth. Upon reunification with the line of Athenriel, the curse was left in a flux state, until it was taken on by the Dark Mistress and Archdevil of the Bottomless Pit, Figueroth the Infaethable. 
The Curse was broken and sealed in the Sword of Sight, and later used to remove the containment of Bakur from the body of Lydia Barkrock
Armor of Lust - Armor of Jet Black Leather, stitched together with a zipper over the mouth.
Armor of Envy - Armor formed of Pure Mirror
Armor of Wrath - Armor of Bleeding Iron, armed with two double-sided flails/scourges.
Armor of Greed
Armor of Sloth
Owned by Gorthalax the Insatiable and kept in the Bottomless Pit until stolen by the Scourge of the Nine Hells, Bill Seacaster.
The Transubstantiations of the Nightmare King
Four symbols of the Unnamed Goddess’ power, converted into four curses which spread the power of the King of the Dark Dreaming
The Coin, a curse placed on the hoard of Kalvaxus that allowed the Nightmare King to possess those who had knowledge of their wealth’s origin (Dragon Madness). This curse came from the trans-substantiation of the spellbook of the Unnamed Goddess, now known as Cassandra. DIspelled by the Blessed Saint Kristen Applebees.
The Plague, a curse placed on the familiar of the Unnamed Goddess, Kalina the Shadow Cat. This curse converted Kalina into a plague that manifested as various illusionary powers, with additional strength within the borders of Sylvaire. Dispelled by Aelwyn Abernant.
The Curse, a curse that bound celestials who attempted to enter the Nightmare King’s Forest and utilized their energies to power the mycelium web of trans-substantiations. This curse originated from the cottage of the Unnamed Goddess. Dispelled by Tracker O’Shaughnessy.
The Tree, a curse on the arcane focus of the Unnamed Goddess, a broomstick which became the Tree at the center of Sylvaire. This curse altered the shape of the Forest to suit the fears of those who entered–the more confident a traveler was in their path, the further they traveled from the center of the Forest. Dispelled by Tracker O’Shaughnessy.
The Crown of the Nightmare King
The last remnant of the Nightmare King after the Fall of Kalvaxus
A talisman capable of anchoring an extraplanar being to a world as if they were native to that plane
The Source of a great deal of power for the other trans-substantiations
Powerfully Cursed for mortal beings. Singular Curse broken by Garthy O’Brien
Dispelled by the Blessed Saint Kristen Applebees, through her Honest Worship of Doubt and her Resurrection of the Goddess Cassandra
The Daughter of Storms
Marble Relief that contains the soul of the daughter of Kahaerin, the Storm King, who calls the wrath of storms when it is brought above the surface of the deep sea
The Legendarium Extrordia
Divinatory Artifact that tracks the classification and progression of quests in the world of Spyre
Watches and Wards
Protective Ward created by the Elven Oracle Eleminthindriel, that prevents harmful summonings and conjurations on the grounds of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy
Only removable from the Aguefort Adventuring Academy Library by Arthur Aguefort and the Elven Oracle. Removed by Elven Oracle Adaine Abernant
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