straining at bonds in my code
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Ash | it/they/he/she take your pick | queer | making noises at fictional characters | I try to tag consistently but I'm forgetful. if you need sth specific tagged though let me know! | fic/art sideblog hesitantly at @caricature-of-fic-and-art
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caricature-of-a-witch · 2 hours ago
guess who
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caricature-of-a-witch · 5 hours ago
nimble, a border collie-papillon mix, wins the 12” class in the 2024 masters agility championship. the first time a mixed breed has won at westminster ever.
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caricature-of-a-witch · 8 hours ago
people laugh at me for always asking a baby's permission before picking them up but let me tell you when my nephew was seven months old I picked him up off the floor without checking first and he was absolutely outraged and reproached me with terrible wails. just because a person is very small doesn't mean it's not scary and upsetting to be scooped up out of nowhere by a much larger person. quite the contrary. obviously if a baby is in danger or the situation is otherwise pressing you can temporarily suspend the rules of polite behavior and just grab them up, much like you are allowed to violently shove a grownup if a speeding car is bearing down on them. but that doesn't mean you just go around shoving people as a matter of routine. show some consideration to our latest arrivals on this horrible planet. they are better at communicating than you think
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caricature-of-a-witch · 11 hours ago
Least fun parts of thrift shopping:
This thrift shop used to have jeans for like $3 and now everything is priced like it's new
Hear about a cool new thrift shop in town and you check it out and it's actually "vintage upcycling and consignment" so the shredded jorts are $250 on sale
This place used to get cool stuff but the tiktok haul resale people found it and now anything decent is snapped up and immediately resold for like $500 online
"Ooh this is cute" and then you check and it's shein
"Ooh this is cute" and then you check and it's Harry P*tter
The jacket of your dreams is in your price range but it's 3 sizes too small
Your absolute FAVOURITE thrifted item finally wears out beyond salvation and when you do research to maybe find a replacement it's been discontinued since 1983
Check the pockets and find used kleenex
This was exactly what I was looking for but I can't get the weed remnants out
"This is obviously broken but I know how to fix it" (never fixes it)
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caricature-of-a-witch · 13 hours ago
Got called a weirdo irl for the way I write my fics sooo
I am the “writes in document tabs” if anyone’s wondering
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caricature-of-a-witch · 14 hours ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer | “Wrecked”
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caricature-of-a-witch · 17 hours ago
primadonna girl……………………………………………………………………………………….
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caricature-of-a-witch · 20 hours ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer – 2.08: The Dark Age
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caricature-of-a-witch · 1 day ago
Reread wicked again. I love the musical with all my heart but the book has something really special to it. It goes against the whole chosen-one trope and instead details the lives of children, students, adults moving through the world while facism rises around them. And like regardless of what their views are- they’re pretty powerless to stop it. They can only experience it.
I understand that this may make the plot seem slow or oddly paced but it’s not really about the hero’s journey, it’s about ordinary people’s lives. Elphaba is NOT the hero, or even the anti-hero. We might agree with her morals over other characters but she actually accomplishes very little. Almost every moral crusade she undertakes fails. She dies as just one of the many symbols of the resistance. The most productive rebellion we hear about comes from the Vinkus allyships and that happens in the background.
Wicked isn’t a book about good saving the day, or about compassion unifying the country.
At the end of the book, Elphaba and Glinda are divided by morals, Fiyero died for a cause he was never that much a part of, and Boq and the others have retreated into the background to protect their own. The wizard leaves yes, but he leaves behind a society in political turmoil. Munchkinland is facing re-annexation, the Vinkus is under attack, the Animals and the Quadlings have been shoved almost out of existence. The wizard can’t even be called the true Villain because his leaving does miraculously turn society back to “good”.
Wicked is about radicalism and facism can very quickly become the norm for a society through a series of tiny and almost ignorable steps for those not directly affected. It’s about waking up and realizing that all of a sudden you can’t remember the last time you saw an Animal walking free through the city.
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caricature-of-a-witch · 1 day ago
my toxic trait is i expect people to have common sense and i get mad when they don’t.
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caricature-of-a-witch · 1 day ago
Hot take but I really do think that some of y’all need to consider how/why/when/how often you’re making fun of straight people for being straight
I do it too, I’m not going to pretend I don’t make jokes about the hets, or the down with cis bus, or whatever
But I recently befriended a cis, straight dude and I have watched him be dismissed, degraded, and unambiguously insulted for the perceived “crime” of being straight — all in queer environments where he is allegedly “completely welcome” and surrounded by “friends”
This guy is not a toxic person! But I have seen him be made to feel so small and like his comfort and safety in those spaces are conditional on his silence and acceptance of being treated like a human dunk zone, and I think that some of y’all have had so much shit from straight/cis people that the second you feel like you’ve got an inch, you want to luxuriate in the perceived catharsis of bullying someone who— actually —doesn’t deserve it
And until he very, very carefully mentioned to me in private that it makes him feel bad, I didn’t even clock that I was involved in doing that, that it had become so instinctive for me to make casual jokes like that, and that— well meaning or otherwise ��I had been contributing to an environment that made someone I really really like feel like shit
So, I dunno, I think maybe some of y’all should think about that too
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caricature-of-a-witch · 1 day ago
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caricature-of-a-witch · 2 days ago
Anyway if you see this you have to reblog and tag with a delight from ur day -- even the littlest thing counts
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caricature-of-a-witch · 2 days ago
are people becoming more annoying or am I becoming more angry
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caricature-of-a-witch · 2 days ago
This is the funniest shit I have ever seen in my life I am CRYING
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caricature-of-a-witch · 2 days ago
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caricature-of-a-witch · 2 days ago
"Oh, so should I care about not hurting men's feelings?" You should care about not hurting anyone's feelings. That's like pre-k shit. You're an adult, you should know that
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