#[I'M WATCHING YOU] Eyes Answers
emdotcom · 3 days
🎃 You get brownie points if you give me details ...
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lavenoon · 1 year
bh!Eclipse "asked to reach the top shelf" meets "can't reach the lowest cupboards without folding like a paperclip" - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
Yeah, I mean, there's a reason SI is laughing here after Eclipse "gets on his level" - man's too tall, he'd need to lie down to get close
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But shenanigans are so very fun, so:
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It's called symbiosis <3
bloodstain fool by naffeclipse and og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
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rocketbirdie · 10 hours
#hey y'all mind if i [HORRIFIC GUTTERAL SNARLING NOISES] real quick about something utterly inconsequential#ok! so:#listen i know this is gonna be a VERY controversial opinion but. generally i think macOS is a good operating system#and that apple's proprietary software is high quality and intuitive to use. never had any issues with 99.9% of my experiences.#that being said#FUCK imovie. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK were they fucking thinking with imovie.#every time i open this application it makes me want to gouge my eyes out and scream and rip something in half like a whiny toddler.#there are so many extremely simple problems with ZERO FUCKING SOLUTION WHATSOEVER#it's straight up impossible to use. every tiny thing you want to do you have to search it up in their horribly organized guidebook#and then the guidebook is outdated and useless which means you have to google search whatever it is you're trying to do#and the results are full of people with the same fucking problem with NO answers.#i just spent the past hour trying to figure out how to add a single PLAIN TEXT BOX to a video. that's how unusably bad imovie is.#and then there's people in the forums who are like. 'why would you want to add text lol videos are for watching not for reading. idiot'#SUBTITLES MOTHERFUCKER?????????????????? EVER CONSIDERED THAT??? NO OF COURSE YOU HAVEN'T. DIP SHITT#[FOAMING AT THE MOUTH WITH RAGE]#i've never had worse displeasure working with any other program in my entire life. godawful. why is it like this. FUCK#*DEEP BREATH*#ok i'm fine i just had to scream into the void for a moment lmao#you know how it is~👉👈🥺#back to your regularly scheduled blond man mockery
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andromaqves · 7 months
which fictional character was Emma Mountebank's gay awakening?
I was sitting here looking at this for like ten seconds and then my answer entered stage left at light speed and hit me like a brick to the face: she def didn't REALIZE it at the time but like, in hindsight... Emma's Gay Awakening was Lara Croft circa 2001. The Angelina Jolie!Lara era.
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Honorable mention to Evie's sai fight in The Mummy Returns (also 2001)
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I know most people who watched Inside latched onto Welcome to the Internet and That Funny Feeling, and i get it those songs are good, but Jesus Christ I feel like no one appreciates White Woman's Instagram to the degree that I do. There are only a few songs that make me deeply emotional, and FUCK that is one of them.
Like people listen and go "Haha song making fun of silly white women! So true!" And then tune it out and move on without even trying to consider why that song would even be part of the movie.
Like... fuck, I'm gonna be inflamatory here for a moment (lmao what else is new) and say that actually, if you don't understand the point of White Woman's Instagram, then you don't understand anything about the movie as a whole or ANY of the songs. The themes of White Woman's Instagram ARE the themes of Inside as a whole, but Bo Burnham presents them through the lense of someone else who isn't an internet celebrity and suddenly people find the ideas incomprehensible.
White Womans Instagram is about parasocial relationships, and how they arent always about "This person online who doesnt even know me is my friend!" but also about how "I've seen a very small lense of this person's life fit into a stereotype, so I have decided this stereotype is all they are as a person."
Its a song about how the systems you live in shape your perception of others and turn them into targets that you will feel no remorse for because they are stripped of their humanity in your eyes.
Its a song about a woman losing her parents and struggling with depression for the next ten years as she tries to cling onto and remember the nice little things in her life. About trying to live up to her parents expectations even after their deaths. About trying to find love in other places and finally succeeding in that.
Its a song about a very genuinely real struggle that MOST people will go through in their lives actually! About how deeply human that is, and just how easy it is to strip that humanity away from someone because of your preconceived notions.
There is a REASON that song was included in the movie while so many others were cut.
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several-ravens · 4 months
I LIED i'm actually back between episodes 79 and 80 hehe
things are going south and i live for it
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samijey · 10 months
What does it say that Jey has been consistently attacked by Drew but hadn't really retaliated except in the ring. He probably feels in a way he deserves it. But when Drew attacks Sami, Jey is now ready not to play so nicely anymore. HOW ARE WE NOT SUPPOSED TO THINK THEIR NOT IN LOVE WHEN YOU DO THIS SHIT HHH.
The answer is you're supposed to think that's exactly what they are 😌 and honestly? Have been for quite a long time now.
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yurislilygarden · 5 months
WHY THIS SOUND SO ACCURATE ??!?! -> https://youtu.be/_lvPnB86s7A?si=NrhXtDkFEVSGrrTG
It's sound so accurate between Watcher!Reader and the Hazbin characters
HELP??? Why does it actually do😭
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p5x-theories · 8 months
I mean, how many characters have models that you haven’t posted yet? Bc I would like to see all of the models but if there’s a ton then I wouldn’t ask that of you
To be clear, literally every character in the game has one or more 3D models. Every single NPC, those faceless people that you walk by/through while walking through the city, every playable character (and every outfit they have; every single one of Wonder's outfit options), every shadow, every Persona, etc. The game's all 3D models (with 2D images over them making up the UI and portraits), and the files are where those 3D models and 2D images are stored, so quite literally, anything you see in the game is somewhere in the files, and something I could theoretically extract for you.
There's also a ton of stuff in the files that doesn't show up in the game (yet?), like 3D models and portraits for a bunch of the Confidants and Palace rulers in P5. Even stuff you only see for a few seconds, like the table and tea set that appears for Noir during her AOA finisher in the split second before it swaps to the 2D image people usually think of for her AOA, have their own 3D models.
So I appreciate that you're not asking me for all of them, haha!
I just focus on posting the interesting things and the new stuff; new portraits for main characters, 3D models for civilian outfits of the Phantom Idols that we haven't really gotten to see, characters indicated as future Phantom Thieves/Idols, stuff like that. And then if anyone asks me for specific stuff outside of that, I don't mind going back for it, because I noted down where everything is in the (massively disorganized) files, so it theoretically shouldn't take me too long to hunt down the pieces for any given character and put them together to post.
All that to say, I try to post the things that I know myself and others are probably most interested in seeing. You're not really missing much in the rest of the files, unless, for instance, there's a sidequest NPC or something you have a particular interest in and want to see the full portraits/model for.
#anonymous#I think the only models I grabbed just because *I* thought they were fun and wasn't going to bother posting#are the nameless kokatsu students that play instruments in the background with wonder during the music minigame#they are quite literally nameless. their files don't even have a name or nickname for them they're just student_drum and etc#posting the portraits and models is also kind of tedious though not difficult#because the portraits are broken up into a head base + a bunch of eyes + a bunch of mouths + a mask where applicable#so I have to put those files back together and layer them correctly to give you a complete portrait#and 3d models need 2d textures to show up as anything but featureless grey#so for those I have to hunt down all the 3d model pieces (hair face eyes body. usually) and then match up all their textures to them#it's a lot of work haha!#but I don't mind it too much because I know most people don't really know how to get into the files and do it themselves#in fact I learned *for* the sake of datamining p5x!#I basically haven't done anything but sort through files. watch gameplay. and put things together to post. since the beta started haha#my life sort of goes on hold (as much as possible) each beta until I'm done with the files so I can get them posted asap!#but this is partially because *I* want to see them as bad as you guys do haha#so uh. yeah! that's probably way more of an answer than you wanted but that's the true reality of the work going into this behind the scene
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hunter-sylvester · 8 months
hey sorry for sending an ask out of nowhere but since you’re into into metal lords and deathgasm you should check out heavy trip if you haven’t seen it already!
Don't be sorry, you're all good. Inbox is there for a reason ^-^
I figured rather than answering with a slightly dull "oh I've been meaning to watch that actually, just haven't gotten to it yet" I should just go and fucking watch it already. So thank you for providing that last little push, it's really good! I enjoyed it a lot.
And and aaaand I FINALLY got to see a metalhead character kiss another man on screen 🤘
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Even if it was as a "fuck you" I'll fucking take it. (I couldn't find a gif of the moment so I just quickly made one lol)
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theinfinitedivides · 4 days
can't believe i'm saying this but in the current Bollywood economy this absolute trainwreck/komèss of a fucking film that is Fighter (2024) could have been worse. like 'Kashmir Files' level worse. that being said the only way i am watching this all the way through ever again is if i transfer the file to my computer to try and make some fucking gifs and even that's not guaranteed
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dyrewrites · 28 days
It's important that, should you miss important details because you were too busy staring at your husband, to admit it.
There's a lot of, "I wasn't looking, so I can't say," in this book.
Because Ludovico's mind is on a single track and its name is Lucient.
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miyamoratsumuu · 2 months
POSTEDDD skipped the queue hitoshi needs to be seen NEOW
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lunaetis · 9 months
@apocryphis asked :
vehicled races is not exactly something the scribe is all too familiar with, but there are two things he has already concluded from his observations. firstly, those flying vehicles go dangerously fast. secondly, eden... well. something about the standard equipment of a pilot looks inexplicably, ridiculously good on her. "looking like a professional already." he teases, without making much effort to hide the fact that he cannot quite take his eyes off her as he cradles her face between his hands. "do me a favour, try not to run into a wall. run the others into the walls." and al-haitham to lean and steal one kiss from his racer - for good luck.
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「エデン」─  it was new. this feeling, the RUSH of adrenaline when you were behind the controls. eden wondered if this was what the pilots upon xianzhou luofu felt when they were flying the starskiffs across the vast sky. the SPEED these spacecraft could achieve was much more than one could imagine. she didn't know what she was expecting when she signed up. and it didn't take her long to understand the MECHANICS and the system. being upon the astral express and traveling from world to world was entirely different from actually controlling the spacecraft movement with her own fingertips.
                there was a rush, a sense of danger, the risk, and the THRILL as she watched her own craft ripped through the sky, hearing the whipping of the non-existent wind within the SPACE itself. her competitiveness was flaring, too. she wanted to go faster, higher.
                as she geared up in preparation for the NEXT RACE, the familiar figure of someone immediately caught her attention. golden hues instinctively softened at the sight of him, expression mellowed as a smile stretched across her face while her feet closed the distance between them. auric met rustic emerald. something about the way his eyes followed her made her HEART race, as well as a hint of pride to well up deep from within. she couldn't explain it. to know that he was looking at her brought a sense of calmness and delight. a sense of joy bubbling up to the surface.
                " can't be looking less than my best if you're looking my way. " cheeky, but nothing less than the truth. the TRAILBLAZER didn't wear any other outfit than her standard one all that often. it was a nice change of pace. and the fact that her beloved approved of it ? that was a nice little bonus if anything. his advice earned a quiet LAUGH from the trailblazing racer. run the others into the walls, he said.
                " don't let mister welt hear you say that. he'd accuse you of being an enabler for my chaotic ways. " her head tilted slightly as the words left her lips, head craning to accept the soft kiss placed to her lips while her gloved digits curled over his hand that was on her cheek a little tighter. a kiss to seal her victory, she felt. this was all the encouragement she needed. free hand placed over his chest, tugging at his clothes a little to prolong the kiss. could you blame her for not wanting it to end too soon ? if it weren't for the announcement on the sound system for the racers to get into position, she wouldn't have pulled back.
                their lips finally parted, and she finally took a step back. there was a renewed gleam in those AMBER HUES of hers. a sense of determination. eden was never the type who was hungry for recognition, however, she was someone who took pride in being worthy of him.
                " won't you give me another kiss when i win ? " not if. when. she can't lose. she wouldn't. not when he is watching.
                " keep your eyes on me — "
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                " — i'll bring you that victory, altair. "
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maitanii · 1 year
Instagram reminded me that in this day, five years ago, by some reason I ended up sitting next to the new guy in high school during the first day of school
five years later I have the pleasure of calling him my boyfriend
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apollos-boyfriend · 7 months
i've been thinking a LOTTTT about clockwork/natalie's dynamic within the mansion. which has surprised me because i was never like. a huge clockwork fan back in the day. but now i look at her and cannot stop thinking about the Possibilities. the Dynamics......
i've mentioned this briefly but i've taken Some creative liberties with her backstory, largely when it comes to her final transformation because i think the transformation aspects in most creepypastas are. bad. especially ones that don't deal with supernatural elements in any way and suddenly throw something in out of left field. so for my purposes, natalie always had green eyes and they do not somehow gain the ability to glow in the dark post her surgery. i'm unsure quite what i want to do with her vision, but she is half-blind due to missing her left eye. i'm debating between making her right eye have cataracts, visual snow syndrome, or be partially blind in a way, but either way her vision was left in a Pretty Bad State after the fact.
so obviously she has. pretty bad medical trauma because of the botched surgery, on Top of everything else that happened to her. which creates an interesting issue when placed in the mansion. she's super hostile and aggressive to jeff, jack, and ben specifically, overly protective towards nina and sally (esp sally), and overall just needs a lot more time to unpack and settle down compared to everyone else. it's only really with the help of tim that she even begins to start opening up (tim can sympathize with her trauma when it comes to the mental health field), but even then it still takes a Long while and multiple physical altercations. idk why i've imprinted onto natalie so much all of a sudden but she is like a scared animal 2 me now. she doesn't mean to bite she just doesn't know any other way, yknow?
[send me a "👀" and i'll ramble about an au]
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