#i also spoiled snk to him because he told me he was up to date with everything
maitanii · 1 year
Instagram reminded me that in this day, five years ago, by some reason I ended up sitting next to the new guy in high school during the first day of school
five years later I have the pleasure of calling him my boyfriend
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sharky-bishaw · 7 years
Yoooooo gimme Erejearmin and LeviFar headcanons *grabby hands* 👀
Wait so you just want a list of them? Aight
As soon as you asked this I forgot half of my headcanons, so some of these are ones I thought of today
Levi is sorta uncomfortable in relationships and still needs his space, so Farlan respects that and isn’t too touchy or anything, but eventually Levi misses it and becomes incredibly clingy. Farlan takes full advantage of these moods with lots of cuddling and kissing (this is also usually when they would have sex)
(This is less LeviFar and more them just being kind souls together) When they were thugs/underground, if they ever had any sheets/clothes they didn’t have a use for anymore, they would go around and give them to homeless children on the streets, for them to wear/sleep under.
They would keep a small amount of the money they earned to themselves, so they could use it to buy gifts for birthdays. This idea mainly came about from Farlan’s need to spoil his boyfriend, and even though Levi though it was kinda pointless he slowly gave in to Farlan’s begging. Farlan always knew perfect gifts for Levi, and even though Levi wasn’t that good at it, Farlan still loved everything he got.
When Isabel joined they made it a smaller cut so they could afford for her to join in as well.
Farlan has a habit of walking around the house half-naked after showers because he can’t be bothered to get dressed yet. Although Levi got used to this eventually, it would’ve shocked him at first to see his new (suddenly very hot) roommate/partner in crime sitting naked in the kitchen, first thing in the morning.
Levi is most talkative at night and often will ramble on to himself about nothing because he’s too busy to notice Farlan fell asleep. Personally, Farlan loves to listen to Levi spewing nonsense as he drifts off to sleep, but everyone who in the same barracks as them hates it.
When Farlan and Levi got engaged (*coughcough* self-promotion) because they couldn’t afford rings or anything, they tied a thin coloured ribbon around the handle of their knives. Levi still has the knife with its ribbon during the current time of the snk universe, Hanji is probably the only who knows why he has it and when someone asks he doesn’t explain.
The ribbon things were from the one Farlan sometimes wore in the manga, which is on Levi’s knife, and Farlan’s knife has some of Kuchel’s shirt tied to it. They chose these because they both were very dear to them (Farlan’s ribbon was from his mum or something too idk).
They were both incredibly protective of each other (Isa too but not in a relationship way), mainly when it came to Erwin and Mike.
Farlan was always lowkey salty that Hanji forgot his name that one time, and would occasionally bring it up when they said his name like “Farlan? Who’s that? I don’t know a guy named Farlan. Weird name, huh?” *proceeds to ignore Hanji*. (but seriously Hanji wow, the only one to put effort into a salute and you forget his name? Wooooow rude much?)
In a modern au, Farlan would be the one to come up with impulsive ideas that they neither can or should do, and Levi is always the one who has to say no. These are the rare occasions where Isabel sides with Farlan, and it in no way helps Levi
“Levi, we should go to every Universal Studios around the world, and compare them!” “Farlan, no! We had to go to McDonald’s the other day, just to steal the ketchup packets because we can’t waste money on a whole bottle!”
Farlan had a slight crush on Levi before they had formally met, he’d always found him incredibly attractive but more importantly he looked up to him in a way, and found his personality very interesting. Then from moment they met he started falling for him further. 
Handholding during sex!
Before the three of them got together, Armin was a fucking nerd who wanted his to guy best friends (so excluding Mikasa, I haven’t just forgotten her) to get together. After a while of failed attempts, he went to Connie and Sasha for help, and they told him to fake love letters from each other. So Armin wrote them in the way Eren and Jean would, but they didn’t pick up on the style of writing and instead they both recognised Armin’s handwriting. He ended up with them both chasing after him, but he managed to work a compromise of “Let’s all just date each other then”
I can’t imagine them getting together in a non-messy way for some reason
When they found out about the whole titan shifters die after 13 years, there was not only an erejearmin cuddling/crying session, but also a 104th and Mikasa and Jean session.
Idk if the Jean’s mum owning some sort bakery/cafe is a popular hc in the fandom, or I’ve just happened to see it a lot, but we’re going with that for this one. Jean often takes Eren and Armin to see his mother, and then they will go to the cafe as a date.
 Eren and Jean will have little competitions over who loves Armin more, and even though Armin tries to stop them getting to into it, he loves the attention they give him. Eren will often have nightmares and night terrors that wake him up in the middle of the night. He used to either pace around the room or go down stairs, until he woke Jean up by accident. Before Jean had the chance to moan at him he noticed Eren was still shaken up, and after he explained Jean invited him to sleep in bed with him. They spoke with Armin in the morning, so now Eren alternates between them, rather than waking just one of them all the time. 
When sharing beds, Eren always has to snuggle into his boyfriend’s chest
Jean likes drawing Eren and Armin, and when they found out they put their money together to buy him some nice quality colours. Since he’s started using then he’s had a habit of accentuating their eyes.
When they started dating, Mikasa ran Jean through trials and tests to prove he was worthy to date her family. 
Eren was surprised to see how sensitive Jean actually when he got closer to him. 
One time when they went to help Historia at the care home, Jean got really attached to one of the children and spent the entire journey back to the barracks trying to convince Eren and Armin to adopt her. He cried when Historia told him she’d been adopted. 
If they’re sat together in the evening, Armin will take full advantage of being small and having two boyfriends, by laying his whole body across them, taking up as much of the space as he can. 
NSFW Headcanons
They’re comfortable enough with each other that they try out new kinks and stuff, but Levi is always the one a little more reluctant about things. 
Levi has a thing for making clean surfaces “dirty” which Farlan loves, but he doesn’t enjoy the thorough cleaning they have to do again afterwards.
Farlan loves to pleasure Levi, and will more than often put his entire focus on during sex. 
He also thinks that the Levi looks during and after sex is equal parts hot and cute.
Levi tends to swear and say I love you a lot whenever he bottoms (which is the majority of the time), whereas Farlan will normally say Levi’s name a lot.
Farlan always makes sure to start off very gently, to make sure it isn’t too much for Levi
Levi likes to keep going after he’s come, even if Farlan is done he loves it when he then either sucks him off or eats him out afterwards. 
Farlan makes sure to kiss Levi all over when they’re having sex, and he repeatedly tells him how beautiful he thinks he is
Farlan is especially good at eating Levi’s ass, and Levi is surprisingly good giving blow jobs. 
Levi’s skill however is from researching through dodgy books because he was nervous about his first time. 
|At first Levi would get embarrassed about cumming
One of Farlan’s favourite times was when he convinced Levi to ride him whilst wearing a skirt. 
His all time favourite is their first time though, as he remembers how great it felt to finally touch Levi in those ways he’d wanted to for so long. 
Farlan once managed to convince Levi to have a threesome, which they had with Jan. 
All three of them love frotting, not only because of how they feel but also because it’s one of the few things they can do where they know what the others are feeling at that time
Jean and Eren are generally quite vanilla, Armin, however, is pretty much the complete opposite. They’re both open to try pretty much anything, but some of the things Armin suggest can be quite intimidating. The two only really draw the line when it comes to hurting each other (further than spanking and choking) 
Armin likes to tease Eren and Jean a lot, but will often put in rules such as “you can only touch yourselves” or “you can only touch each other, but you have to watch me”
If he had the right pole, Armin would 100% know how to pole dance. 
Armin and Jean would probably want to make a sex tape
All three of them love the feeling of being wrecked, but Eren is the best at taking two at once 
They fucked by the ocean
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