The due date’s not until next week! - continuation starter with Shay and Zaria.
Zaria placed a hand against her stomach as another contraction took hold. She sucked in a breath, waited for it to pass, and looked towards her husband. "I know but it looks like our child has other ideas."
Luckily, she still wasn't anywhere near the actual birth. The contractions were still mild and quite a distance apart. Her water hadn't even broke yet. They had plenty of time to get a few things packed and get to the midwife before anything happened.
"We still have some time. There's no reason to panic."
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Victor, after a mission goes horribly wrong: *sighs* Just... just go make sure your dumbass teammates are okay.
Alden, grabbing his bag: Fine, but I'm using the big needle.
Victor, putting a hand on Alden's shoulder: Do what you must.
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Roman, giving the others a speech: Some of you may die.
Roman: But that's a sacrifice I am willing to make.
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*Getting to Know the Mun*
Name: Allie
Nickname: Allison (it’s my full name, but my best friend is the only one who uses it. XD) 
Faceclaim: N/A
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5′10″ 
Birthday: May 5th
Your Aesthetic: Floppy paperbacks and pages turning, wind blowing through the trees, the clicking of computer keys, cursive writing, soft instrumentals while studying, the beat of pointe shoes on a dance floor, writing in the corner of a coffee shop, the feel of piano keys, reading by the fireplace, candles glowing in the dark, soft voices in the library.
Last Song Listened To: My Boy by Billie Eilish (I've been bingeing Billie Eilish for two days XD)
Fave Muse(s) Written: Dustfinger, Sammi, and Sylvie
*Getting to Know the Account*
What inspired you to take on these muses?
I started off with Dustfinger because my best friend introduced me to the magic of Inkheart and I fell in love with his character and his story. Sammi is the oldest muse of the three that I listed; I’ve been obsessed with the Percy Jackson series since I was 13 and I eventually had the idea of a fanfiction about the children of the main characters. At first Sammi was my favorite just because she was Leo’s, but eventually she became my favorite for so many more reasons. As for Sylvie, she’s my newest muse, but I can’t help but already love her. I was inspired for this one when my best friend and I came up with the idea of Erik taking in a sick child and because we have no self-control, a thread (or two) was born! XD
Fave Aspects of Current Muse(s):
Well, with Dustfinger, I basically love everything about him. XD I love his love for his family (both family by blood and his friends) and his quest for forgiveness for leaving them. I even love his cowardice and the fact that he learns to overcome it when it really matters. As for Sammi and Sylvie, one of my favorite things about them is kind of similar. A big part of both Sammi and Sylvie’s stories is loss and their journey of living with it, as Sammi lost her mother and Sylvie both of her parents. That journey is something that I’ve recently had to face and writing them gives me someone to connect to and portray my own feelings through, Sammi especially as she relies so much on her father and best friend, just as I do. 
What’s your biggest inspo when it comes to writing:
I get inspiration from so many things. XD Books and music are definitely my main inspirations though. I definitely believe reading helps me with my writing immensely. The different writing styles, the world building and plots. It always has some bit of influence that slips into my writing. Music also has a huge influence on my writing. A lot of my muses have playlists that I’ve made to listen to while I write, and they always seem to help me write faster and get into my characters’ heads more than when I try to write with Netflix or some other kind of background noise. 
Fave types of threads?
Angst. Fluff. Angst and fluff. XD Honestly, all of the emotions. I love drama and feels galore! XD 
Biggest struggles in regards to your current muse(s)?
Sometimes I definitely have problems with getting into my muses’ heads when faced with difficult situations. In difficult situations, there are times when it takes me a while to figure out how they would respond. When I first started out especially, I would tend to stay in the same mindset for almost all of them, but now that I’ve been writing for a few years, it’s gotten much easier to write with their different personalities in mind. 
Tagged by: @withinkandquill
Tagging: @all-the-muses, @aerin-lavellan, @shaymaverickobsidian, and anyone else who wants to do it! 
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Until You Get A Clue
Starter for @son-of-ice-and-lycanthropy @all-the-muses @fiery-little-dusty-dork @shaymaverickobsidian @romankalinroxorius
Enya woke in a strange room, in an actual bed, acutely aware that it was not morning. The dim lighting in the room told her that. The clock on the wall opposite her only confirmed it.
She sat up slowly, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. The last thing she remembered, she was stealing lunch for her, Kári, and the kids. She didn't remember anyone attacking her. She didn't even remember getting caught.
Sliding out of bed and standing on the cool wood floors beneath her feet, she found herself dressed in pajamas. They weren't even her own and they certainly didn't look like any pajamas she had seen before. Not like she had actually seen a lot.
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Her eyes caught the dress draped over the back of the vanity chair next. "Oh, hell no..." She said aloud. Enya didn't do dresses. She had tried one once but found it restricted her movement and the shoes she had to wear with them in order to not gain unwanted attention were too impractical for out running an evil government facility hell-bent on destroying the lives of super powered children. A quick search of the room told her there were no other clothes. No weapons either. Luckily, Enya didn't need weapons to kill.
Reluctantly, Enya changed into the dress but Drew the line at the high heeled shoes. She could never run or fight in those. She wasn't even going to try. A quick turn of the doorknob told her she hadn't been locked in this room and she quickly stepped out into a long hallway. She needed to find a way out. Luckily, Kári had previously taken the children elsewhere. She had been alone and no one but her knew where they were hiding. They had taken Enya alone.
Honestly, it made what she had to do easier. If she had to fight, she could do so with her full focus on her opponent and if she had to kill...well...Kári and the kids never had to know.
Keeping her steps silent, she made her way down the hallway and a spiral staircase leading down to the ground floor. She found herself in a large central room, seemingly used for nothing except being a means to get to one of the rooms surrounding them. There were no exits from here either. Whatever. She would find one.
She made her way to the first door she saw, one leading to a room right across from the staircase and pushed the doors open. Immediately, the all too familiar smell of blood filled her nostrils. The ballroom was littered with bodies, their blood spilled across the marble floors.
"What the hell?" The words were out of her mouth before she even had a chance to process. Why would someone kidnap her? Why would they have a room full of bodies? Her last question was one she really hoped wasn't true. Had she done this? No. She would have remembered.
Lifting her dress, she walked forward, bare feet careful not to step through the blood. Her eyes scanned each face as she walked but found them all unfamiliar. An older man, a teenage girl with hair redder than her own, a woman whose blonde hair mingled with the blood around her. They all wore the strange clothing she had found waiting for her.
She stopped as she reached the end of the room, her heart shattering instantly. No...no no no no....it couldn't be....
Kári lay slumped against the wall dressed in the same style of clothes though they'd let him keep his signature blue in his shirt. His signature blue sailed in the red of his own blood.
"Kári..." The word came breathlessly as she ran the rest of the way to his side. She dropped to her knees before she had even stopped moving, uncaring of the state of her dress now. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, blurring her vision. "Kári!"
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He was gone. There was no mistakening that. And her sorrow, her fear, quickly turned to anger. The type of anger that had made her kill six children and four scientists all those years ago. No. This was worse.
Her fingers ran through his hair, trailing down his cheeks. "No..."
He was the only one to keep her grounded, to keep her good. Kári was the only one she had ever loved this way.
She whipped around when she heard the door once more, a single tear slipping down flushed red cheeks as fire lit up the palms of her hands. Her narrowed eyes focused on the distant form as she slowly got to her feet. Enya would make them pay. They would pay for the pain Kári endured, for the pain that was actively crushing her, and hell...she was going to enjoy it....she would savor the moment the life left their eyes, knowing they felt the same way - no, worse - that Kári obviously had.
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I’m pregnant…and it’s yours. - Zaria to Shay
Zaria hadn't told anyone that she was pregnant despite the feeling of anxiety the thought had given her. She hadn't even told Shay yet, wanting to be absolutely sure it was true before she spoke it into existence. It wasn't that she didn't want kids, she did. One day. When she felt ready. But right now, she didn't.
Zaria had always been the youngest, the baby. She never had any experience raising a child. Even when her baby brother was born, she was too young to do anything. It had left her completely unprepared for a child of her own. Still, she had to tell him.
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"Shay..." she said, walking up beside him. A smile graced her lips but it was a nervous one, the sight of it fleeting. How did one tell their significant other they were pregnant with a kid they didn't feel ready for. She decided on quickly. Like ripping off a bandage. "Shay...I'm pregnant...and it's yours..."
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“All I want for Christmas is you.” - Shay to Zaria
A quiet laugh bubbled up from inside her as Zaria shook her head. The statement was rather clichéd but she found it endearing nonetheless. Her eyes turned to him as she placed the finishing touch - a bright red bow - on the gift she was wrapping for Lucas. It was quickly moved to the floor beside her, placed on top of several other gifts for their son.
"Well then," she said, the teasing tone of her voice made quite obvious, "I guess you're going to be disappointed. Or should I just take the really amazing gift I bought you back?"
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💕 - Shay and Zaria
There was a moment, a single moment, after Shay had grabbed her, pulling her close, that Zaria's laughter rang through the little house. It was quickly silenced, however, when he pressed his lips to hers and she melted into the feeling of bliss the simple gesture brought about in here. Her body matched the curve of his as she pressed herself closer, her hands lingering at her sides for only a moment before coming up to rest against his own.
When she broke away, she offered another bright smile, her hands moving up to cup his jaw and pull him back into her. Her eyes fluttered shut the moment they were brought together again, hands sliding from his face to his chest. Whatever had been on her mind before seemed to suddenly vanish, replaced by only him and the space shared between them.
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☕ – Shay and Lucas
Hot chocolate for breakfast was a very rare treat, one reserved only for holiday seasons when Zaria left the boys home alone to do her holiday shopping. It was always an all-day affair, which meant that the boys were left to their own devices, unhindered by the rules she put in place. And, as they say, when the cat's away the mice will play.
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Lucas was still in his night clothes, blue footie pajamas with the face of a monster on the front, and his giggling permeated the air as he toddled around his father's feet. As soon as they were in the kitchen, he climbed one of the chairs at the bar, standing and leaning across the counter to watch his father's every move.
"I want marshmallows and whipped cream and cinnamon and peppermint!" he announced, his excitement clear even in his voice.
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“Aw, you didn’t have to get me anything.” - Victor to Finley
A light blush crept into Finley's face, her eyes narrowing in responce to her obvious embarrassment. Over the last year, this place really had begun to feel like home, the people here like the family she knew really had...and never really wanted. She hadn't celebrated Christmas since she was just a little girl, she barely even remembered it, but if the team was celebrating it, she supposed she would too. Besides, she couldn't deny the fact that when she walked through stores now, her eyes immediately found the things she knew her teammates would like.
"Yeah, but everyone else is doing it. I might as well," she said, holding the box out to him again. "Besides, knowing you everyone's got a present somewhere and I wasn't going to be the only one who didn't return the favor."
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❄ – Shay and Audrey
Audrey had been really hoping they would find their way back home before the holidays. Christmas was always a family affair. Her entire extended family always met up at their house for the day, some for the whole week, and even Damien deemed it important enough to emerge from the dark recesses of his bedroom, however reluctantly. But now, as she watched the first snowflakes fall from the sky, she knew that wouldn't happen.
The cold chill of the weather hadn't even seemed to affect Audrey's perpetually jovial mood, even when it sunk cold enough that she was forced to rely on the fire and magic for warmth in place of her incredibly inadequate clothing. However, it seemed the moment the snow began to fall, any hope or joy she had been holding onto seemed to disappear. As another violent shiver coursed through her, and she moved a little closer to the fire, it seemed as though she might even start to cry.
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Roman: Don't screw this up.
Shay: and I Immediately screwed it up for like the billionth time.
Roman: Well that's not my problem I told you not to.
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Shay, after Tae tries to join a battle: Okay. Tae your job is protecting Audrey, the angelic little bean. My job is incinerating everything else. Kay? Cool.
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Roman, fighting with Shay again: You're about to be as dead as Tae!
Charlie: So... undead...?
Roman: No, more dead than Tae! Just the dead part! Only the dead part!
Tae, pouting: I have feelings you know...
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Shay: I'm trying to be funny!
Roman: The only thing that was even slightly funny was how pathetic your attempt was.
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Roman, completely hammered: Is there a mystical fountain of chickens somewhere? Where is the mystical fountain of chickens? That sounds like a very delicious afternoon. It's out there and I'm gonna find this mystical fountain of chickens. We all need to find this mystical fountain of chickens. That's the only way we'll succeed.
Shay: Say mystical fountain of chickens one more time Roman I swear-
Roman: Mystical fountain of chickens.
Shay, running at Roman while summoning fire: *inhuman shrieking*
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